FOUR FINDS FOR FILMS A LIBERT CHEVALIBR, the well XX known Kniflish - character, actor makes his screen debut at the JSa. tional today-in a Metro feature, "The Middleman," by Henry. Arthur Jones. The story Is laid in Ehffland and has to do with a lovabla oW inventor whose lit e interest haa been centered in hi daughter and hla work- Ju .when success mtm) Ma, he loaea everything- only to be the richer in the end. ' A Paths comedy completes the bill with Inez Weatey, soprano, and Carney and Diamond at the organ and piano. MART F.ICKFORD haa been given many delightful roles on the screen, but It is doubtful if she has ever had a more sympathetic one than Glad in "The Dawn of a Tomorrow." the Peoples attraction.' The raesed little girl of the London slums, whose message of faith brings its reward, will give Little Mary wonderful op portunities. Paramount Travel pic tures will also toe shown. . - rHB Baker Joins the ranks of pic . A ture theatres today when it begins a week's engagement of Lyman ti. Howe s big spectacle, "The U. S. Navy of 1915." Among other interesting features will be the Philippines of yes terday and today, and the development from barbarism, to civiim ; - i lnees will be given daily at 3.15 and evening performance at 8.15. TJ IS OBLIGATION:- and 'His su ITl perficial Wife" are the leading features on. the Sunset's bill. The for mer deals with a son of wealth who takes advantage of a country girl and the latter with the butterfly wife of a broker. Both are two-part dramas. A Keystone comedy, a one-reel drama and the Mutual Weekly will complete the bill, . A rdTHKR opportunity win oe gven A patrons at the Star to e George Beban la the production of "Th Ital ian." "The film created a profound im pression when it was first shown and is well worth seeing again. Mr. Beban Is noted for. his Italian portrayals on th dramatic stage. . BT popular request the Columbia is holding over until Tuesday ''Her Shattered Idol," the satire on hero worship with Mae Marsh and Robert Herron playing the leads. Other di versified reels will complete the bill. Tuesday the offering will be Janet Beecber in "Fine Feathers.' ... . . fcT,HB Juggernaut." the much ber A aided railroad production of the Vltagraph company, . will occupy the ..-.n nf.-tho Oroheum for the entire week beginning today. The film de rives Its title from the wreck of an express train on a bridge. The wreck e alone Is credited with costing $25,000 and critics have hailed it as ne or tne mouv wwm",, -The story is woven about the son of a railroad president. The east includes .Earl Williams, Anita Stewart and Julia Swayn Gordon. . A NOTfeER Vitagraph production. A "The Esterbrook Case," is the big ff.rinr at th Maiestlc. Rogers Lyt- Tiiita. fivfflvne Gordon, ? Cissy .mM 7na Km( and Garry Mc r..r,v ma the cast. The story has to do with a social crook who becomes -involved in a quarrel.' at a "k end party, with the nance oi a, wuuw. young debutante. The outcome is a fierce quarrel and the crook is later v accused of murdering the fiance. , .1 A is ; , V ., 4 ''.'2' ''' ; " ' . '' i 1 ' J i . ' j -w-- 1 ' ' & 1 : i ; -fin v 'iU"t- -" ' - i r ' " . .." r;-...... - .167. 1 :y v . ' y - r - . , Is . :-"- "is: -:'X :. f5: .AmSKStSf...?; "sV..jS:'. i .i-Sli. I 'i: . i . ' " TTfi sS s la to have his novel, "The Man Who i Forgot." dramatised for production next season. Primarily the book Is 1 a romance of Washington life, yet it contains so strong an argument for nation wide prohibition that it Is being. seised upon by many of the tem- T7LSIE FERGUSON, one of America's I perance organizations in the United mm miuit nruuanc voudk mmb, - i wvi.. at the HelUg all this week beginning tomorrow, night. Her' vehicle, "Out cast. Is the work of Hubert Henry Davies and is presented in uie name w the late Charles Frohman and vKlaw and Erlanger, which speaks for tn quality to be expected, aside from the star. : 'Outcast" renews a cetiim phase of contemporary London life and is a study of the attitude toward life of a woman ready to accept the care of, a man who does fnot offer mar riage. Eastern critics- nave ron have been made bv Wflliam F. Connor unanimous in ineir iinuw . 1 - m . w-i-fc-i .k iruaon's work, acclaiming it as the real J Snl?a ' 5rI??r?T,,r.h?r-e M3 distinction of the production. A bar- I """r",L. w". " C.!d. "!,,Tii rfon I sterdam theatre, September 20. Fin Htv5. Ishlng there she will make a tour of Too. Left to rlsrhJt Julia Dean and Helen Ware: bottom, Jeftto right, ; Wilton Lackaye and Marie . Cahill; , four' prominent : dra matic : stars,, captured by the Universal for Ita regular program. iMevilie A T the Globe daily changes of pro XX gram will be made as usual. Each bill is headed by a feature and com pleted with comedies and vaudeville. At the. Circle aidally change is also BAN'S who are deprived of J. Warren Kerrigan on,-the screen must be patient for a time as the popular 1 young .actor Is recovering from the ef fects -of a' minor operation which proved to be more serious than was an ticipated. It was thought that he would be at work in a couple of weeks but that is now out of the question. HELEN HOLMES, ,the railroad girl in "'The Hasards of Helen" series is now an author, actress and director, ksa ha lost the ; services of her dl- mctnr. J. p. McGowan, who has Joined - the -producing force of the Lasky com pany and in the future will be at the thmtti of the Hazards engine. Asso ciated with her will be Jim Davis Mifls Holmes is one of the youngest dl motors and one of the few women who can both-act and direct, to say nothing of writing. ' A MERICAN representatives of the ; XX Pasauali company of Turin, Italy, have secured the American rights to ; The Challenge of Barletta." It is a huge spectacle-and foreign critics say It is In the same class wrtn .-uaoiria, . It will be seen first on Broadway. CALENDAR OF THIS WEEK'S ATTRACTIONS LEAH COHEN, native born Portland girl, Is the extra added attraction at the Empress for this week begin ning at tomorrow's - matinee. : Miss Cohen wiH sing and will feature The Kiss Waltz-and "The Sparrows. She is a member of the- Multnomah, Mac Dowell and 'Madrigal clubs. The reg uTar beadliner Is "The Master Move," playlet, presented by Beresford Lovett and Mabel' Florence who were at the Empress last ; year In . ""The ..Tamer." The bill is completed witn xew veiis, monologue ' and saxophone; Grannis and Grannis, . Italian operatic .stars; Elmina, trapeze feats; The Two Bry ants, European pantomtmists. Arizona Joe and hla band of ' 'cow punchers in. "Pastimes of .the plains," " i iS - J ' - - 1 . 1 - m - - HEIL1G Broadway at Tay lor. Elsie Ferguson in "Out cast." for "the week beginning Monday, with Wednesday end Saturday- matinees. , BAKER Broadway , and Sixth at Morrison. Lyman H. Howe's U. S. Navy, 1915," spectacle, for the week begin ning this afternoon. Daily mat inees. ' - PANTAGES Broadway at Alder. Vaudeville. Feature. "Pastimes of the Plains." EMPRESS Broadway and Yamhill. Vaudeville. Feature. The Master Move." - LTRIC Fourth at Stark. . Vaudeville and motion pictures. ORPHEUM Broadway . a t Stark. Motion pictures. PEOPLES West Park at Alder. - Motion pictures. . ' NATIONAL -Park and Stark. Motion pictures. SUNSET Washington at Broadway. : Motion pictures. STAR Washington and Park. Motion pictures. COLUMBIA Sixth, between Washington and Stark. Motion picturea . GLOBE Eleventh and Wash ington. Motion picturea - MAJESTIC Washington and Park. ' Motion picturea CIRCLE Fourth at "Wash ington. Motion pictures. OAKS Amusement park." Bernhardt Will Be Seen in Repertoire ; Conxmeadag at Vew Amsterdam The atre . at . Haw Xork Bne , WU1 Make ' a Tonr of Country. , News York, Jane 12. Arrangements LStu.a,V' ...1- '.-rMr. 1 the other large cities of United States. , i-Wirtam n.rnhort wilt .(v. (. xr-w York early in September with 4C mem and evening. DANIEL FROHMAN is preparing "e,.OITnr company wunr os biolraphy orWsbrother. the-late !."f I?-- Charlea Frohman. and a history of the I " 1 v ' " B Mi tjs at Is the stenar attraction at PantageaC Some of the features are Adele Von OhL high school rider; - Art Boden." roping expert; Broncho Bob, champion bucking horse rider: 'cowboy singers; Klddo, . high school broncho; Wampus, 1 outlaw bucking broncho. Supporting j acts on the biU are Miss venita uouia, 15 minutes with stars; Leonard, An derson Cov "When Caesar C'a Her i" Erna Northlane and Jack Ward, im promptu duo; Three Rianos, "A-September Morn In Africa," , and Mutual Weekly, '. ., . '-sl: Regular vaodeviUe combined- with, motion pictures makes tip the popular priced t offerings -.of the Lyric where the bills are proving as popular as the prices of admission. . The bills , are changed twice a week on Sunday and Wednesday and run continuously every day from 1 to 11 p. mi , , . ; A wonder- lasts nie -days-bwt; a woman's ufioaity goes on .forever, Z . mt, .. - rr win h a. I piays in wnico sne .nas never Deen seen f"ruJrr" 7IZ i.:.em. hera They are "Jeanne Dore." by m ""V r, " TZrZJZZ rrd Tristan Bernard; "La Mort de Tints- w ,ww., w. T" " .. 9f1a Kw , ITartvUa oafaft'nAV . m-rxA .KKif -a.ri rlll 'vabrsi 1r ha ffTflWTn I aj mm was . .K,--;Va T th. m.nv stars I "Resurrection," by Bataille. - who were under the control or xne Empire manager. The work will be first oublisned'as a magazine serial, Frohman will have the assistance of Isaac F. - Marco nan, a magazine writer. A N unusually ambitious vaudeville x. act Is Planned for next ' week at h, 'in Nnr York, . where a Gil bert ; and Sullivan revne, .which i wilt hold the stage for an hour, and employ some 60 singers,' will "have Its first BArfnrmanc. -The music -will bei drawn from the scores ' of "Pinaf ore," The Mikado," The Pirates of Penzance." and "The' Gondoliers." i t T urw i'(3REETS : oastoral company. JD t presentixiff Shakespeare's plays al i frMon atvi.: will be New York's next 1 outdoor entertainment. Rupert Har vey Has been engaged to lead tne nana mthnitMta. Mr. Harvey will be re membered as having played the lead in vrnfltonta" at the : Heme ana hav ing ' addressed the Portland branch of I the Drama League or America. ,.. -m iwttw olav b-r . John . Galsworthy r -ha. Kain . nrodnced ' in.. London at I the Birmingham Repertory- theatre,, its title Is "The Little Man" ano it s oet i ci-tbed as ? "a . whlmsey in tnree scenes. The action takes place on an Austrian railway. """LARA BLANDICK claims tne ais- 1 VjI tinctlon of being the only Ameri can' actress to be born In-the Flowery Kingdom of China. Sh is the daugh ter of Maine parents wno were ravins the seas at the time she was Dorn in tb barber of Hongkong. Incidentally many of the best parts she has played have 'been oT- tne orient, among mera "Madame Butterfly." T" LAW & ERLANGER are -planning IV an American production next sea son of "Miss Rabbit Foot." the latest 1 ooeretta -1 by - Emmerich -Kalman, the composer .of "SarL" "Miss Rabbit Foot" has already seored a brilliant success In Budapest and Is said to be the beat work of the composer. Vf TASHINGTON news' brings ,; word I W .that. Jamas Hay Jr-, son of the chairman of the military affairs com mittee in the house of representatives, I Fox Films Will " Be New Feature sw Change la VoUey Will Xnio Actual 3Bffse Brmday, Juna 80, by. Star Theatre. k Fox films have been secured for th Star theatre. - . - This is quite the biggest and portant change of policy announced by the management or me uiev ju-; long tlma The first of the films rill be shown Sunday. June 20, and . will run for the entire week ' as will , all those to follow. . "" - William Fox Is recognized as one ot the most artistic makers of features In the picture world today. - His sub jects, generally .bordering on the ex sational. are exceedingly pop ular and are the sign, as a rule, of packed . houses. Portland has already seen ''The Celebrated .Scandal." "The NiMw." "Krentxer Soeata." "The Cle- menceau Case' and some others. Ammfl the stars - controlled by Mr Fox are Nance O'Neil. Betty Nansen. Theda Bara. William Farnym, William sbav Claire- Whitney, Dorothy Don- .iw .n AthM .. known, - -' The fimt Fox feature for the Star-wili be KTamoA n'Nciil In "The Princess Roman aft based, on Sardoa'S "Fedora." -That wiU be foMowed by "The Plunderer THEATRE fSU Broadway and Storrlaon. Oee. I. baker, Mr. WEEK BTEAUTOrO tmirPAT HATOCEB. JTHtB 13. TOP AT. -TWO TTMTOnXJLKCSn XJAttT 4KATU JBH, SilB; STXVZO. aflS. ; BnirnnyTr.Min STUPGNDOUQ EXCLUSIVE NAVAU SPECTACLE -TH TLT.S. QP, 1915 NiWY THE PHIUPPItlES STNfSSSg native un,cuanroajom2nmr FROM SAVAGES TO CIVILIZATION MAKING A MTOAfALCnSff REGfTZK rwmrw r OTHERS with William Farnum, and that In turn will, be sueceeded by "Wormwood." lth" a Portland favorite. John Sain-: polls, in. .the lead. The next on the calendar is -"The Two Orphans," with! Theda Bara. CHIT-CHAT The Sellr Jungle Zoo now baa a cafeteria with 'home cooking for the animals or human actors Is not stated. Mona Limerick has returned to Lon don carrying with her the war sketehj "War Babies." which she is to produce in London- Later she will return ta the United States. Id private life Teddy Sampson. Sterling, wife of the Keystorie fun maker, and what is more, she wants everybooy to know it. "3 n, of Myrtle Stedman will be seen playing opposite ' Cyril Mande when the fat mous English actor appears on th- screen for Morosco. - Miss Ktedman l-i now playing with George Fawcett. The Theatre Royal, Drury Ijane, London, was built in 1163 and the! noted Lincoln's Inn theatre was erected I to 1072. I , " "Iole," one of the popular muttlca.1 plays of a couple of seasons ago is to : be revived for an early run. Ferns Rogers, lately of the Drury Lane, re turns tSI play the title role. ': r Bertram Bracken Is again with the ( Balboa company, for the third time, , and is directing Jackie Saunders in "A ' Bolt From the Skies." The last time ! he was with the Balboa he directed Henry Walthall in "Beulah." 1- Agnes Vernon, Universal leading , woman, who recently changed her mind about getting married, was born in Oregon on December 27, 1$9R. ! "Brownie" la her nickname at the stu- ' Idlo. . Tt tuns rTsnlwrs. a5c. 3Se.80ci Jftotlaees aso, SSe. All Seata meserved. Unequalled Vaudeville Broadway at Alder Week Beginning Monday Matinee. June 14 ARIZONA JJOE The Ben-Hyr of VaadeviUeBuckixig; Horses -Cowboys and Cowgirls- Bull Dogging Lasso Throwing The Act Stupendous. , Venila Goulc" The Peerless Impersonator Northlane c Ward Late Musical Comedy Stars The Thre Rainos The Mutual Weekly "September Mom in Africa" Latest Pictorial Wat News The laughing Hit of Two Continents f "WHEN CAESAR CS HER" A Cyclonic Travesty ' on "Julius Caesar, Presented by Leonard, Anderson & Co. Note Today Only,. First Sunday Evening Performance, 6:30 Boxes and Wxs Bow Balcony Seats Beserved by yhoae lit. 4638, A-2233 IB''"-. 9lf Attractions of the past week: HEILIO Chauncey Olcott-tn The Heart of. Paddy 'Whack." - BAKER Pavlowa. . EMPRESS Vaudeville. ' - PANTAGES Vaudeville. ' LTRICf Vaudeville, and mo tion pictures. - ' PEOPLES. ORPHEUM, MA JESTIC, STAR, CIRCLE, SUN- BET, NATIONAL. COLUMBIA,, GLOBE JJotion picturea -Tt m m m x m HEILIO THEATRE B BO AS WAT AT TaTlOS Phones: Main 1 and A-1132 6 SJf TOMORROW Bargain lriceL Matinee .Weanestlay, 2:15.1, Special Price Matinee Saturday, 2:15 -CHARLES FROHMAN - KLAW & ERLANGER Present OUTCA IN A VITAL, THROBBING, HUMAN PLAY : Ezcxx-UEurr cast aaAaarrPicxarr fboxwctxob. Evenings Floor, 11. rows 82," 7 rows $1.50; balcony, 5 rows $1. 4.rowa 76c, In rear 60c; gallery reservations and at door 60c Bargain price Wed. Mat.- Floor, $1: balcony, -75c, 60c; gallery, 36c 2 fcc Special price Bat. Mat. Jbloor, il&o, si; oaicony, si, toc; gauery. tuc - ( , TaUL OBOBBS BSCBTTX BOX OPPlUJi BAT.K OVEB ' ', ' Matinee WEDNESDAY MONDAY, JUNE 21 CHARLES FROHMAN Presents MAUDE ADAMS IN A COMEDY IN FOUR ACTS v " EQUALITY STREET 3 BY T. M. BARRIE,; Author of "The Little Minister, "Peter Pan." Etc. MAIL ORDERS RECEIVED NOW VBXCBS BOTE SVBHXBOS ABO VE9. ICAT.i Lower floor, except last 3 rows, $2: last t rows, $1.60; balcony, 5 rows, $1.50; 4 rows, )1; 6 rows, 75c; S rows, 50c; gal. res. and admission, 60c BOX OOTCB BALX OPEHS BBXSAX.- JTTHB 18' HEILIG 4 KSSUNDAY, JUNE ZlSStiSS HENRY W. SAVAGE OFFERS THE OPERETTA TRIUMPH . '- - - WITH Mizzi Hajbs - and the ffreat "SARJ" cast and production SAM. i Prices -Evening, orchestra, 11 rows at $2, 7 II rows $L 4 rows at 75c, in rear at 60c; tralle MAIL ORDERS RECEIVED NOW il iOc. H t V 1 1 QCDtjodifi&i nmlOQtnn rut! & I Prices Wed. Hat,. 11 rows $1.50; 7i rows $1; Bal $1. 7ac, 60c; gallery 60c U rows at $1.50: balcony. nl , i ii ir.MHi rrftYiir.W f 00 il O(i0)iiiI ip,ij(c0 if if & i; (yi if. ipGOTrawrn EARLE WILLIAMS , and ANITA : STEWART m The Greatest Realistic Sensation Ever Brought to Portland .. ----- ?--- -y -- - - -" - ' ---f - - " ... - , .. iJ.,MMMMMM,eeBaajeaesassesssss cw t n x r ! n - ZS;,V'''' - ; ' " 'l - - 7 The Thrill of a Lifetime in the Greatest of All Railroad Dramas Throughout ihis; story of today clutches; your heart and grips your nerves while the scene of Ithe train wreck fairly lifts , you out of . your seat. ' - . You see the great throbbing locomo- ' tive, like a thing of life, go crashing down into the dark swirling pools, of the river far below. !-. ; , i . : '. You see the passenger cars crumple up like paste-board toys. -You see the passengers themselves fighting .for their very lives. ' - ' -Yet'this is but one dramatic incident in a five-part story that fairly teems with exciting incidents. See tne JUGGERNAUT, a Blue Ribbon Feature Straight from the Vitagraph Theatre, One Solid Week Starting Tday i v