THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY . MORNING, JUNE 13, 1915. k-tit -f r !UT03IOIllU:S.ACCr:SSOIlIE3 44 . . fOotin4 . '.. :t 4 . . : : ; 4 V te . ' & !: .. -: The big' sale of New. St debaker Branch rneansjh cars taken in exchange . . We can't allow them to clog u much money tied up In used cars, th must be offered to sell them. i BELOW AyS LISTED A F STUD-BAKER " "T touring, . 1912 STU DEBAKER "SIX touring oa overhauled and repainted STUDEBAKER mtZ" touring car, l painted ...... ........ j,. OVERLAND, roadster; electric, star repainted tHALMERS touring ear, go MAXWELL, touring ear, 5 pass, o STUDEBAKER "2Q" touring ear, 1 JACKSON, 6 pass, touring ear.'..' ELMORE. 5 pass, touring ear . . . Remember that we are willing a Bible buyers. Remember that ever ble price and without profit, and i wtua offered for sale. . DISTRIBUTORS WE001 1(D) STUDEBAKE CORNER CHAPMA PHONE MAI V " . kUTOMOBILE PARTS PARTS P. We carry parts for 20 different Wakes of cars, slightly used but as ,,'Ood aa new; bring in yonr- broken arts ahd let us match them up at educed prices; we nave the largest issortment o parts on the coast. 3acific Tire and Supply, Co, . ' " , 325-327 Burnsido St. 3. N.' Smith. Mgr. Marshall - 8238. oIX cylinder. large 6 passenger auto; il .tin 9fti " rrillan. runs and looks ike new, extra 'tire,' in perfect eondi ion every way, a' swell looker sell irood first mortgage paper. Owner, G. VH have four roadsters from $100 to S375 ana lour jipni loumin -. torn $225 to $360. 'rnese are the bar- ains Ot tne season. -r ACME AUTO CO., t ;oM 31 Alder. - Main 8775. A-7827. Written guar antee with every ppring. 26 N. iSth nt. IRST class roadster, fine appearance, .ir,tr4 licrhta onrt horn., t ine car for lalesman. SHjur pew tires. $3?5. Mai 75, A-827. UNDERSLUNG.: roadster. excellent condition, una car iw aium .uui ess or pleasure. Good tires. Phone lain 8775. A-78T25 913 PEERLESS 6-48, 7 pass., elec trle self starter and lights, a qual- ty car . at . one-third original cost, e rms. iroaaway &4oa. t s i i c. . . . vnin mfioH urt ra ong frame.-.!- Fine for j hauling wood. iroaaway oti a :tKCOVERINGuto tops. $18.60 up. JL.UIO. PtliriUIlS, f WW, .t..J ITallul Palntin Jtr A litr. TnD 'o.,lBtrt and Washington. Mars. , 945. V.irtl .i mlrli ,VI i Al B fl Lyour auto p&inieu. x t..o.,v a Auto Painting Co.. 2d and Thurman. k-5282. Main 943., . tiAVB 6 passenger Carte rear to ex change lor-tlgni Z uasen((ei , uru referred; will pay cash difference. H- L-rm rat.h 1250. or trade for launch. i'.8 5, journal '13 S5luaewWLer iUuovcj , ucmyuuta.- le rims, Presto-ute; s aeor; can jsmsi 87 alter IISO p. ra. , asi ior ,uoouey. rORD 1914 runabout, good condition; win sell ior s casn. ; v- mvur- al jrEN passenger auto body with, top, electric ugnts. cnesp xur hwu,. , - lrisn, ox tu (. ; .jmema, rHAt.MKRS "3(,fc"TORPEDO. iftctrlis; liar his. self starter, one-third kriKinal -eosM fully eouipped. : Broad- tvay Ba. tHALMERS "30" 5 pass. Tho fam l Mvl.i W Viirv rorxlr all -mi r- ose oar; bargain. Broadway 63&S. - 818 HUP, electric lights and self starter, guaranteed in A 1 Condition, 565. Main 1463. . ' ' ANTED Ford automobile r roadster ttf delivery; not later, man ? ji; 160 down, bal. $25 monthly. Win. 11. tA"VB cyCIe car to -exchange for 3 or & . passenger -auto; j oro preierreo. aan difference. v R-844, Journal. SLIGHTLY , used tires, largest stock I in Portland. $3 to 815. Fins repair- ing, The' B-ippty co.( .ZQT Jdaaison. iVANTED -4of 6 passenger auto front S309 to 1376 tu aown ana 3 per hiontn. Beuwooo t H. P., 1913 BUICK roadster,, in first class- condition, terms to responsible harty. call Maift 8824. 1AXWELL runabout, fine condition, $176 cash, or will trade for good Motorcycle. : Main 8114. PASS, auto In first class condition. Must be sold at once. 6 rrscott St. illiii-iKtSi prices paia ior oia ruooer. nni. j. tieTei too u.jiunioia. aa. aio LASSY j speeder fojL-aaleZ Bargain, 8 cnapman St. iOADSTBR, 1914. dandy, lit7.50. Need money, iiiveninps. - tinyt ttt, . OADSTER, forpdoor, 4 .-cylinder. f. terms, pan iraoe. Aiain ill P. ""starter, lights,' fete.";- $550, terms. Caft Main 1463 today, Jjtl'KRT - auto repairing, reasonable Charges. J. J. Zimmw, iSS N.thL L-1910 -5 p&ss. Chalmers car for $2 I van. w Meivay Diag. -. 1VB paes. auto for pale or trade for smaller car; ' 1280 K. Salmon s. O EXCHANGE Lot ?and residence, 1582 Siskiyou, for Federal or Reo 2 n truck. Must be In good condition. 2SHV. .TINTED Good aUto,e first pay- rnnt on new room house. Phone . oodlaWu 4196. - . : . , -; ISEi rwi AUTOMOBILE S-ACCESSOIUE3 44 4j Cos tinned ). udebaker Car? at the Sfu- at literally dozens of used I r I :v . v- .' p our, space. We eannot keep-too' eref ore every reasonable inducement -ALL'IMlAGtl EW OF OUR BARGAINS. model .$S7S r, electric starter and lights, ' ...600 913 model, overhauled and re-' . 1475 ter. and lights; overhauled and . .,.......5oa od condition .,.........,...a00 verhauled and repainted ......$350 fb fine condition ..............1350 . .....i.4..'...;.....'w2S0t ....$100 nd able to extend credit te respon y car is sold at the lowest -possi-t la In perfect mechanical condition LOCAL DISTRIBUTORS R ' BUILDING, N AND ALDER 8TS- N 9402, A-7666. : AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 ' Con tinned t TRUST Co stock worth over 100 cents on the dollar to exchahge for up-to-date auto In lst-class condition. E-679, Journal . . . WANTED Late model, standard make 6 passenger automobile. Must be a bargain for ath. Give make, power, mileage, condiUon first letters. Box 173, Salenl, Qr. ; - - FORTY acres , unimproved. BOO cords wood; atampage. 6 miles from town. fiood road as; part payment, on 1 U on truck, Must be lh th best of edn" " 1 "-"lias, OUB USUI lot 40x100 ; half block f r&m Alberta ar: no incumbrance: win trA tnr ate model tonrimr n. "xfTfl r,,. ucu. iF you have a good roadster or light u-lulbb. vttr io : sen tnat is ngnt in price and mechanical condition, call main o i i o. TRADE 40 acres land, 6 iniles' from lisiaraaa, ior ; a z or 5 passenger kuto; may pay seme. cash. 1 H-318. Journal. . . -v-. WANTED 2d . hand Ford; wtll pay cash; not particular about body hut engine must be good. Phone 373. Ore- ifuii vity, gr wres8 BOX TWIN Excelsior motorcycle like new. rrero igot, taaaem, tsar lignt. Trade for Ford auto. Will assume. 249 estara si. WANT to buy for cagh 5 passenger , oului iiiuaL Be a r oargaiBf Jordan. Bth and Btarkt Lumbermen bldg. WILL trade , clear lot. . Laurelhurst; cost $1430, for good auto; K-824, Journal, - ' BUY or rent auto bus, also small light - touring car, also light delivery auto. i9 aiectne DiQgv ROSE CITY lot or equity in 7 room 'house, lot 80x100, near Arleta school. for.gQQI .auto. Tabor 5988. ... :.. . WILL trade acreage or city lots for auto, Ford - preferred. - Call Wdln. 154,1 TRADE Parkross acre for late model . auto. Z-416, Journal. ' , WANTEDr-Riiatpr f dvefla&d au .totnobile. . N-269, . JoufnaJL ; . WANT, the best ear" $300 to $850 cash win puy.. xaoor isus . room , tottiin. cloaa In for auto; 811 Alisky. bldjf. HAVE clear lot exchange for auto; Ford chaaala preferred. Wood. 3768. IF your auto la worth"$100 call 811 WANTED Ford, pass., 1914 or 191a model. Cash. Marshall 792. WANTEDr-Ford touring car body. late moapi, li-itbs. GOOD lot or. land for Ford ,aiito. v; nance, ii za St. NEED light car; will payo down, . $25 per month.,. Main 892. . AUTOS rolt HtftK FORD auto for hire Sunday, June 13; rates reasonaDie; - Taoor szz MOTOIuA'OLfiSBlCCtiKS 55 1313 TWin xAi-jrj, equipped $1501913, ; two speed INDIAN, equipped. -' 86 1913 9 K. P. DELUXE EAGLE. - , we aiso nave others. . JEFFERSON1 CYCLE CO., " Mafrt 6139. " . gg7 Srd st HAftLKY DAVIDSON 1 fit 4. twin 2 - speed, Jjerfect running cohdllion, - to exchange on ahto or reasons We' for cash, rnonei Vancouver 768 it. -.. 219 West SOtb 'st. . - Pope motorcycles and bi cycles cash or terms. New and used. Supplies, etc. - F. P. Keenan Co., 190 4th. SACR1FICM 7 h r, IKrfAN rV.llv - eanipped with speedometer, perfect vyiBimuii, . i on. van wees wgBU. 13 Hi. OZa. TSDOf 331U. SPLENDID twin Ind ian motorcycle, 2 speed, .practically new tires. Tice $83; $35 down. $13 monthly. E. B. iiyaty gov Aiaer. ..' .: FOR SALE, cheap, i914. 2 speed Ih- dian. rilllv MlolniM. fnnrlttinn vnop- uian, iuujr equppea conaiuon WILL exchange lst-class talkins- ma. chine for good bicycle. Hyatt Talkv my wacnine yp sou Aiqer. TO EXCHANGE 1913 Harley, good con dition, tor 1914 JIariey. WilV pay differeno. 0-8S8. Journal. - .HARLEY DAVIDSON motorcycle, f ir&i fiosa vtnwuuu. rnc- ij, ia j Marguerite ave., city. INDIAN 1914 2 speed, fully equipped; . a bargain. - East 3361. . . il3 .TWIN Indian, fully equipped. yfiure a bargain.' Tabor 3807. f EIGHT H. P. Twin motorcycle, cheap; oash or terms; Tabor 1404. GOOD Used bicycles, J.7 and up. R, H. Blocker. 276 Taylor, cor. 4th. ., , - . - - ,- , . , . 1 f u SIOTOKCYCLES BICYCLES 05 r fCouae r i . i ii -j.-., We have a large stock of motorcy cles which have been exchanged foe NEW -1915- MPEED DAtTONS. These machines-are not worn out, but chines, .thoroughly overhauled and -put In first clajwi condition., Below la a partial list of the many bargains we have to offer. Many others, all prices. 1918 MERKEL, thoroughly over- ; hauled .v. .............. ....... . 75 f WIS, EXCELS FOR ... $125 isi daiton. two speed, equip ped. A-l haDe . .v.:..V:. ,7.1225 Single EXCELSIOR, equipped, a .snap .,... 75 Fire h.p. Twin THOR .,...,,.... 19 191S Twin READING STANDARD- 13S 1913 Twin 9 H. P. DAYTON..,...$185 1911 Twin INDIAN Al-..,......$135 LIBERAL TERMS OIVRN. Your old machine . taken In ' on a . NEW. DAYTON. -S . ' AYTON CYCLE CO. , Broadway Marshall : 5S33. ' StoprrLook-rrL'sten A High Grade Bicycle for $10 You can get a HIGH GRADE 135 Bf- CYCLE for a deposit of $10 and the bal ance as rent at i per weea. until paid for. CAN YOU AFFORD -TO BE WITHOUT-A BICYCLE? NOl ..Scovell's Cyclery . 10t 18TH T COR. WASH; , 1914 Two Speed UARLEY DAVID SON, fully equipped, $210. 8IDE CAR DELIVERY VAN, $50. v Single THOR, $40. 1913 DAYTON, h. p fully equip ped, $150. - 191. 4 h. p. Single EXCELSIOR, fully equipped. $85. 1911 Twin EXCELSIOR $80. i 1911 Single EXCELSIOR, $60. ' 1913 EXCELSiOR, luUy . equipped, $126. : .-- ' ; . ! - .- . Terms given. . Gasoline filling station, oils and ac cessories. ' MOTORCYCLE AND ' BICYCLE -REPAIRING -. -; MotofcycleiRepair Shop $9 North Broadway. '?- Broadway 4467. CLEAN-UP SALE : -1, :'f -Of MERKEL motorcycles at less than our cost. " 1912 .and 1914 models, all hew," easy terms. Phone Broadway $s, V . . ' .- MOTOR CAR SUPPLT CO 31-33 Broadway North, SOME BARGAINS IN MOTORCYCLES ' ' Better Investigate. $85 oV 7 JI- Mekel. rebuilt moto. l9lB 9 H. P. Dayton, electrically eqeippeJ; good as new, $285. . 1918 7 H. P. Indian, - good condi tion: new tires. Presto, tandem and lamps, $110. ! " 1919 Excelsior, good condltlOh. Pres to largo lamps, speedometer., exhaust Whistle, horn, tandem: $185. NeW 1918 Indian models on display. H. LYSTUL, "The Motorcycle Man," B07 " Union ave. VN. . . ? E. 69 77V USED MOTORCYCLES ON HAND. 4 H. P. THOR, $85. . . , " .Second hand bicycles, $10 up.- 1914 EXCELSIOR, fully ? sqilpped, $150. - . ' : i' . equipped, $160. APEX BICYCLE CO.. 124-126 12th st. 1914 - READING STANDARD, single t'yunaer, B9. 1912 Twin INDIAN, $100. YALE, single cylinder. $35. Motorcycle presto tank, $1. R. H. BLOCHER. 276 Taylor, cor. 4th. USED MACHINES - OF ALL MAKES FROM $25 UP ON EASY, TERMS; YOUR OLD MACHINE ; tfAKEN IN - ' ' ON TRADE. - - - l EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., ---- -44 Grand ave. - -- ", Agency for tne F(yi,ng Merkfel. . ' TWIN EXCELSIOR rhotdrcyele, fully ; equipped. Presto head and tall lights. Speedometer, whistle,, air cushion tandem and new tires. In first class condition - .For -kilIa ehean. or- will trade on light roadster. 1514 Division st... near 60th. itl4, TrfOR, twin, at a bargain. F- , a, journal.'- . lUNCHJfcS AXD ; BOATS 64 FOR BALE Cash or terms. Columbia river -flsn boat, equipped with 6 horse heavy duty engine. In good run ning oruer; at i (t.- 1 1 root . reterDoro canoe. Balls leeboards. Paddles, lan tern and lasy backs, al for $36.- : .- - tern and rug. $30. J6S foot launch, all equipped. 7 hbrse F. MT.-engine, new Gise clutch, storage battery and tank cons ann nousebea-t, aii ior. zz. - f a vorite Boatbpuse, foot of Morrison st. Main 6402.- . BRAND new it ft., pas. boat and neiB. llt0: hra.nd nAr 4fi ft a naaa. boat and engine, $138; . ohi canoe equippea witn air taiuif. -ETinruae en gine installed. $126. ' These boats are special models. "The most beautiful of their kind ever ehdwn in Portland.' When ybu see these boats now nn dis play at Our new etore Front and Mor rison, you will be astonished at the bargain prices. Einruda ; Motor Co., f . v. jKipton. manager. MOTQRBOATA snap, , 2 cyllneer, 12 H, P. eftgine SO foot eastern ja hull, fully equipped, electric ; horn, s lights an.d -cushions. ; $100. Engine in abso-1 lutely first class condition, alone worth double . the price. Atkinson. Seilwood zuu. .VbottDm, raised d-ck cruiser. $8 ft. By 9 ft. i in.i 40 H. P.. 4 cyf. ' 4 cycle, fully - equipped, high tension magneto, toilet, etc., new last June; price $900; will accept auto as part or alt P. O. box A, Rainier, Or. EViNRUDE Motor Co dow 'located Front and MOrrisout 100 Etlnrude -Owhoat - and moot mtrtbr le i stack; '$58 to $83. Gasoline engines, motor- ooai equipment, paoaies, cushions. Sporting goods. rtwboetw-Swd -anees. 4ft TT"T rKClaEll t. ATTKTH - 17. mile boat, equipped for camp-Inf.-' cyl. Van Blerck . motor ' with self starter, to.i at one third -cost, ia- cmaintr noatnonae. . roaqway 5geg. HOUSEBOAT for eale or trade for a tsvmjLf team, wagsn - ana naJBesx, s I rooms, electric ; iignisj ctty - water, chicken orrel, hew barn, near electric station; F.' Wilson. Milwaukie. Or?on. fOR SALE 26 foot motorboat. 5 H Good condition, -cheap; r will trade for twin; motorcyelev Phone C-307S or Tabor 2993. v w' v A SNAP Power boat, 60 ft., 5 it. p 8 eyL; like new; worth i$160; only $75i Call -Oregon Boathouse, Columbia sipugn. alter iz- m.. stmaay, A BARGAIN Launch 22-ft, 10 it P. ' 4Canopy top; .boathouse; for. price of engine; terms; v Seilwood 651. J38 FOR SALE 26 ft. launch, '12 h.; p., 4 cylinder 4 cycle, fully ' equipped. Phftne Seilwood 814. ' EXCHXNG-E Portland clear lots for houseboat. -George Morse, Jennings Lodge, Or. . ' - ' . -: :: . j. : - LAUXCIIES AX1 BOATS 64 . Qatlnasd BARGAIN 1 ft P. family launch, folly equipped. . Phone Mar shall 212. v - - PIANOS, OBGAKS AND -31 i -i MUSICAI, IXSTHUilENTS V FIRE SALE , " f ' ''. A -l: ' oy : - -, " v -l IT PIAJTOS. The plane ordered for 5 . our opening-sals were) on ".-- thq--steamer Pennsylvan- j; - . " ian, 'which' had a serious fire In its hold, while pass- w - r -ing through the Harbor of . .r: -Balboa; Panama. , - - -, ftSomrot the pianos. were i - " - tiadly, damaged, ethers only -, -i psTtially so, and still oth- ' , era are in perfect condi- j-tlon. but all of these pi-- . ..anos are'- to be sold' at ' " about "total loss prices, as- ... thev- Insurance adjusters I have made a uniform set-. -y tlement on each piano, -re-' -' gardless of Individual dam age done. . . ; Included with this list of instruments we have , t Steinway, Fischer. Vose, ' Shoninger, and Weber pi -anos. You will -actually save . ' from $109 to $200 on the . purchase price - of any ' piano or, player piano In, r this sale. - - --,.- - . It will pay yon to in vestigate. . .' Note the location. " GILBERT'S PIANO HOUSE. 272 .'Morrison st, Opp. Beo Selling's. $5 CASH, with double credit for $10, buys new : 8350 - niano at $?85. ' $7.60 monthly. without interest charged else where, ' manes total -saving ita.xs to you. Bchwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th st. FOR SALE Upright piano cheap; must be sold; party leaving city. 7f)K Vtnnninp ,va. yn Hons Woodlawn WILL exchango fin new talking ma- cnine outni tor piano, uatt a Malt ing Machine Co., 80 Aider. WANTED Use of piano for storage. Own nice home. No children. F 7 4 4, Jon rnal. ' - ' r ' : ' . $145- CASH today will buy 8375 Davis A Sons' piano. Security Storage Co., 109 4th st. - .-: -; - - -- . - $50 BUYS $300 Marshall & Wendell - piano. Seeurtty Storage Co.j 109 4th at. Couch bldg. - $1 MONTHLY stores your piano. Se curity Storage Co 109 4th st. . Main $95 CASH buys $350 Pease upright. Security Storage Co.. 109 4th st. WILL pay cash for piano. Must be real pargam, ci-DD, journm. WILL store piano and uay drayage one way. Adults. Call 301 E." 11th Bt. TYPEWRITERS 77 LAItGEST SELECTION. - I LOWEST PRICES. ;T , - EASIEST TERMS, MACHINES RENTED 4 .MONTHS FOR $5 AND ' TIP. CALL AND IN SPECT OUR STOCK OR SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED PRICE .filST. RE TAIL DEPARTMENT WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER COMPANY, Ine - 321 Washinirton st.. Portland, or. GILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITER 8. Underwoods, , Remingtons. . L. C Smith, Oliver, Smith-Premier, RoyaL etc, $15 and up: terms. Agents for the "Corona'7 folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables and chairs. The J. k. ..M'il JQ-- Q .ana Aiaer . WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent oa all makes of typewriters. Send for cur Illustrated folder; retail depart ment. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER Co,. 321 Washington at. FINE . visible Smitk Premier type wHter, cost $100. Price -$3 7.80. $5 down, 82,xnonthlyi Hyatt Talking Ma- chine yo.. 850 Aiaer. FINE comptometer adds, multiplies, subtracts. Cost $260, Price $80, $10 down, J5 monthly. Hyatt Talking Ma- cnine uo., sou Aiaer. TYPEWRITERS for rent. 3 months :for $s and up: months" rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington Typewriter jo., p ttroaqway. KEV, rebuilt, 2d hand, rentals, cut rates, v. U- uo.i.Z3 1 atara. m. hvi HOL 3EliOLD GOODS tor SALE 65 EDWARDS7 exchange" department eon tlnued in new store at 6th and Oak sts., bigger than ever. One entire floor 6f exchange bargains. Old goods taken as part payment on new. Your, credit is good.- ' - - -'i.i- FURNITURE. ' 4 idtchea chalra, 25c eaehj 1 ' oak dining chairs, 90e eaeht : $40 buffet, $17.50; $60 sideboard; $16; office arm chaif, $1.50 3 only polished 6ak dinins chairs. $1.85 each; z only leather seat diners, regular $3.60, $1.50 each t $12.60 weathered oak rocker, leather seat and back. 5; $36 black leather rocker for $14.50; $90 mahogany arlor set, blight-, ly used. -$37.50; $11, mahogany finish arm chair,-$4.75; $10.50 mahogany fin ish arm chair, $3.95 860 mahogany 8 piece parlor set,: $26i" $13.80 mahogany finish arm chair, 8.90i $105 i piece mahogany parlor set,-$37.50. . CARPETS AND RUGS. '.' t 6x9 Jrellow rag riig, $2.60; Sxld-6 Brussels rugfc $7.75: 4 ft x8-9 Brussels tug for, $3.75; yards tile lineloum, fiSo yard; one 8x9 green wool fibre rug, 63.25: 9x10-6 reversible tU. $2.95: 7HX 9 reversible rug, $3-25; 9x12 Napier mat tnr ruc.-ftl 1 ftfl vnrHM T,rv h.t grade two toned green Axmihster car pet, slightly used, at 85e per yard; 50 yard whittaii's body Brussels in A-l ondition at 75e per yard. REFRIGERATORS AND STOVES. ' Large ehte white enamel, lined refrig erator, $11; white enamel -lined fefrig erator,.$ll,75t $7.50 2 burner gasoline stove. 83 JS5: three burher alcohol stovn $5.75; Fame feteel cbftk stove, large size, like new,- $1;- "$6.50 sras plate. $2.75; 18 Inch oven, large cook stove, with ' reserveir, $16; hble Stewart steel' range slightly used, $27.50; two $27.50 gas Attachments witn oven --tot Monarchy Malleable , ranges, - $18, 3 con nected. , . v. .. , . EDWARDS COMPANY- t - ' ' v . Bth and Oak sts,. - A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE. i00'1 STANDARD " washer. , This washing machine is ball bearin and eUsiiy Operated; guaranteed: sen ree 'nlar fdr $12; our price one-half,. $6, Mish Furniture Co.. 184' 1st St. . $65 COMBINATION card and dininct table, removable top, solid oak. early English finish, new. Have no use foi , thifeiuxury. What.: hive you to trade; Y-gft; jolimi. 500 "YARDS of heavy printed linoleum'. - assorted -patterns , to select rrom. Regular 75e quality, on sale Monday at , 48c square yard, Mish Furniture Co.. 184 3st st. - FURNITURE repaired and ref inished, mattresses renovated and made to Order. ; Main 77?2. 411 1st-. FURNITURE for pale. Will sell all or part. Must be sold at once. Call 416 3d S, E, "THIS week, icebox, gas range, heaterj 4 bed, snrings, rug; rocker, library ta M. Call evenings. 198 E. 47th S". - 1IWHGRADR furniture for sale (oak), r" Must be taken at .one'e; cbetp, ' Own er going east. . 506 E 39th St.. N, HANDSOME . folding bed. like . new, Tiheap. V ill exchange. 361 Halsey st. CALL- Bell Auction Co-, and get good price for your furniture Mar.- 4783., MX FURNITURE . 4 rooms, . Piece, or all rhesp, ft09V Columbia; 'eavinir town. MUST, sell furniture, rooms, all or , In part. Calt Monday.: 16H "E. S9tb.t SEWING machine, good as new, cheap: . 51 E. 24th st. N. today, ... - - - - - , S -. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 65 C Con tinned) AILvSA ' The Gevurtz Furniture Co. - - '. fjarmefly'at 208 1st st, is new located in the building formerly occupied by The Edwards Co-. atc485 and 187 1st at. A bigger and better stock of sew and second band furniture, stoves, ranges, rugs, carpets, ete will be carried in our new store, and the same policy of fair dealing, low prices and courteous service will prevail. ' In order to prop erly shape up the stock for. the new store, heavy price reductions have been made. We can list only a few of the bargains .-offered, v; If you need furniture., see us. SECOND HAND RANGES. $85.00 6-hole - Leader range. ...$! 2. B0 40.oo -boi laurel range.. ....fiT.ow 375.00 e-hole Majestlo range.'; 847.50 6-hole Popular Universal "lissa fi;-!l!?5 Ige. $28.60 865.00 C-bola. Premier MaL ran re $37.00 6-hole NaUonal range..... $100 " . USED? FURNITURE. $23.50 Oak cnlna closet. , . . . . .. ;$13.C $27.60 oak Princess dresser, .....$11.75 $35M) oak sideboard. .......... .8 10.00 $65Too bed davenp't and mat'rss. $37.80 875.00 mahogany, folding bed.. -. .$16.50 $ 3.00 iron beds, full slse. ...,.$ .96 $ 2.60 woven wire springs. .....$ .75 MISCELLANEOUS. ; i $13J0 refrigerator .'. .....$ $.75 4$c new straw matting, pr. yd.. 19c $1.25 ihlaid linoleum, pr. yd... 9c $15.00 brass bed ............... .$ $.75 $27.50 drop head sewing machine. $12.50 $35.00 roll-top dsk.... .$15.00 - Gevurtz - . - 185-187 1ST ST. J Ij.t " . A ' ' X,iv,fu. xf, sewing machine. mv All makes, vv wu Hani ijr new. lietits $2 per mo. Kent applied on purchase rtKlna a?wlk - t ivo, j tv aus$ moui lUQ i:liia.nA. 2E1 TamntM. Kata.n . end 8rd. f , . . SALE. I4ARGAIN r; 150,000 ft. new lumber; Rose Festival grandstands will be old June 14. Apply, , A. W. KUTSCHE, Contractor. Main 6013. . Yeon bldg. ANTIQUES Mahogany Napoleon bed room set, English card table, sewing table, 2 chairs, $45 mission oak din ing table $16. odd chairs, beaverboard for tent, new r gas plate, solid curtaiu rods and fixtures, Economy, jars. Main $267. - ' - - . CASH". Cab ShT CASIL Paid for g6od used furniture (wrnpn and stoves. Call Qevurts, Marshall 687. FOR 8 Al MISCELLANEOUS 19 Electric Motors ; Bought sold, rented and repaired. . Walker Eleotrie Work. 411 Burnside, - eor. 10th. Maln or A-6674. NATIONAL cash register, modern and up-to-date. New price. $530. ' For quick sale will take less than one third original cost. Machine used tees than S months,': Mr. Shambrook. 665 Thoinp- DAVIS & claAkl ENGINEERS. ' We do winding and repairing of mo tors and generators, . Call on us for any work in this line. Motors on -hand. Ask us for what you need. East 146, aywat enq oi Morrison oriage. -MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," -Type separate - classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published tinder - their " respective classifications. W sT-akMa hkm wxa uciu i Wi, BILLIARDS New and second band oarom - and pocket billiard tables, bowling alleys and adcessories, , easy payments. , Tables for residences. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender - Co 46-48 Bth st. Phone-Main 4970.- FOR horses and vehicles, dogs and household pets or poultry, read. the ads tinder 'these reSnectiva headinn. -The Journal .leads all other mediums in tneee classifications. PRINTING outfit, 10x15 Gordon press, 130 lbs.: new 8 ejjd 10 pt. Roman and iv ids. uiusueuttnevus tyetw;iin c liases. alleys, etc. jB or.casn, Call. roon 19 l to 6 p tn., 1 FOR SALE -Power batch . concrete - mixer - and : hoist. Steel hoppers. Wheelbarrows, - shovels, all complete. For particulars address V. L. Irish, tsox eojijents. FOR SAL 1U0 safe. 3S; $75 Toledo comnatinir .-- ealn, 120 fminUm $20; counters. sneiving, snewcases livery , free in Forth verv ehean i - da- . free in Portland. E. R. Bully. Bt Johns. Col. 668 GOOSEBERRIES,- eurrartts, L raspber- , :ries, pica- mem me to Sfte box. HawthOrbe car to 71et. 3 blks. Aerth to iZ4 i-nvision; fs. j jprown.. WE buy, : sell and exchange desks. chairs, safes, showcases, counters, everything in the store and office line. N. & N. Wrecking Co.i 65 1st st AUTOMOBILES, motoreyclea, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found under these different, . headings. . - -- - 55 JEW laWnmewers of different - makes and siseS at wholesale fac tory prices; Aet quick. Call 430 E. Burnside. - - - auto lights, head lights, gas d tail - combination oil - and electric 855 Wheeler, East 471 FOR SALE Fine second hand scale. IT- Repairing and recbartiiig. 466. S. mon. i . ,. 10 H. P. vertical boiler for sale cheap: East Side Boiler Works, E. Water and Main. . . . FOR SALE- One 4 "horse power Gray marine engine- com Die te. Call Wood- lawn ivev alter. 1 P. m. 5x7 GRAFLEX camera Price $35, $10 down. 15 ;xnonthly. E. B. Hyatt,- i50 Alder. A 75 CRATE . raspberry and currant patch tor sale cheap. F. D. Newell, Jennings Lodge. HUL.1JJ mahogany office lesk, stock Tlo! Kx- worth new. 8120. , 207 change. MafSKail,.2l79. SmeCQKAPhSt supplies, circular let . ter 9. Elliott addressing- machines and supplies. W. B. Klnger A Co.. 2d 9 Stark, XTtTW iliCAHi XAttrirtO trxttx K i naa rm $2 per pionth, -Free delivery; $82 Morrison et . Marshall 721, AMOND house saints, strictly burS mad to..Oreson.,.flA5..calIo.i.' ,rort )acd Paint Co-., 230 Front, , Mar.gO,. IKIPUlfiHMfl-v-"slnP UUUaUUUVi UJ ,,T 'i;m,.,-' ' ' ' sn;v KittAij iMationai casn reaisters. GOOD range, electrie lamp, .Eastman WUI bay cash to eet sultabia ma kodak. Hi-eo baby Jumper, all like S -S..0 ifl. "uAlaDle a vv jl litttv uumi wvr. . v- VOR SALK- Ideal incubator, used once. ?0e Vancouver ave. Woodlawn 1AL 1 : TWO oak roll top sanitary desks and eomplete office dutllt. cheap. 618 ioca xcuane oiog.- PIANO sacrifice, 365 range $29. 18x40 . plate : glass J 4, - seeing machibe $8, Taylor apts. Apt. 9. - ' . $12.50 DROP1IKAD sewing machlDe wtiH llvjiiiiciilp. - vrranu ave. - PLUMBING supplies, -wholesale prices. tstarar-uavis jo., ; zi.s d, aiain 797. WJ3 buy and sell used. -achiery. ivDrinwaei Loa s MacoTi o. DUMBER at $9. Maih 8541. 20th and t 1 ia- A $45 Acme 3 oven gas range for $20. Call Main 834 or 406 McKay bldg, CALL Tabor 2 7 8 5 or aU kinds of berries. 165 91st st. N. FOUR dollars buys a first class baby carriage. Seilwood 1261. ' 1 - - COKB1N Brown speedometer and Pre-' L to light. $5 each. Tabor 8540. NEW lumber for sale cheap.-. 4x4. 212. 38, 13. E. 6174.. ' jxiLDINQ baby; buggy, leather, ItMl z ti. 1 ayiorf - cori - rraia. J2 SIDWAY baby fcUgsry and Oriole basket Cheap. Tabor air. $35 BU.IS exceptionaiiy good-diamond ring. Mrs. Jameson, 125 6th st. - FOB SAXK AUSCELLAKOUS 10 7 ,'Contlaaedl "be wino "machin i5r 60 aliehtlv uicd machines. Finger, dropheads .........110 and up Wheeler A Wilson d'pheads $15 and vp New Home, dropheads i .... $ 15 and up Domestic, dropheads ..,...$15 and up New-RoyaL dropheads. ....$10 and up Willamette, dropheads..... $10 and up Some Stencil machines. ..- dropheads ,........,....$ 7. and vp Box top ..................$ 3 and up All makes of machines for rent, per month. - . ' -Two Stores: -THE WHITE SEWING MACHINES. $83 Alder st. $43 Alder st. Phone Main 218$. A-4599. Main i978. - A-$559. 8. 8. Slgel. Agent. - 8-A EASTMAN postcard kodak. $13.50; Goers Dagor lens. F-e-8 and shutter, $76; Kolois camera, SV4x8V4. $40; Con ley 5x7 camera and carrying ease and plate holders and tripods $20; Conn cor. net, B flat, $16.50; Buescher alto and case. $27.60: Conn trombone. $17-50; Buffet A Selmer clarinets. U P., $27.50 each; Remington . typewriter, $26; 'Leopold A $125; uno lM-fc.r c-n. Bauscn A Lomb microscope,; Voelpel transit ana level. binocular glass. 10 power, and leather case, $22.60; L. C. Smith. 12 bore hammerless. $17.60; Remington 85 automatic, $12.60; Winchester 12 bore take down pump, $15. PIONEKR EXCHANGE. 13 N. 3d st. ' - SEWING MACHINE BARGAINS, $20 White ....,........$17.60 $22 Singer-'... .$19.46 $10 Queen .................... ..114.76 321 New Home .............. . .$18.50 $18 Wheeler A Wilson 31 6.60 $20 Davis ................... ..$17. 85 $12 Webfoot ..................$10.85 $10 Demerest ......... . ..$ 8.25 $19 Stellito .$18.25 Also 60 machines not yet nncrated at a great- discount. Guaranteed perfect stitchers or money refunded. -Terms. Sewing Machine Emporium, 190 8d, near Taylor. Main 9431. A-3626. SEWING machine. Km - poriam sells for less: no agents employed, all makes of new and second hand machines. Sold on rted and rented. $2 per month. 1 fid, near Taylor. Main 9481. A-3626. terms. Machines guar- 1VW TO MAKE -more room we will dispose of a lot of used sewing-machines.. This sale Is only for-this week. Drop head machines. Singers, New Homes, $12.50 each. B. F.. your pick for 85 each. No phone orders. All guaran teed. 349 Morrison st SEWING machine sale, all makes at . give-away prices, to make room for new stock. Come .early , and . get the pick of "the bunoh. 362 Morrison st. Marshall 721. - - - SWAP COLOIIT 23 WILL exchange a 4 cylinder 30 h. p. delivery car In good condition, val ued at about $300 for an equal amount of carpenter work (house remodeling). Call 1249 Greeley st- Sunday p. m. or call Marshall ,5538 next weeK. WANT some carpenter work as part payment for new piano. : Must have work done this week as am Just open ing new store.- GILBERT'S PIANO HOUSE. 272 Morrison- St., opp. Ben Selling's. I WILL trade my new 4 room cottage - - on 65th ave., .for good team of horses, wagon and harness. !ee J, H. Nash, 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Or ree. 474 E 39th st. : FOR SALE or trade, complete thresh ing outfit, practically new. : Gaar Scott separator, Buffalo Pitts engine. No incumbrance. 401 10th. What have you? - :- ----- - ..,------: RESIDENCE . propef ty valued $1200. rents $10 to $12 .month. Unincum bered. Trade for 6 pass. Ford and some easb. Address P. O. box 12. Tumalo, Central Oregon. . , . . 220 ACRE homestead relinquishment - to trade for typewriter, phonograph or what have you? Johnson, 309, Clay pi, ix ea-i Diioii !, OLIVER No. 6 at $30; Oliver No.-7 at $40; Royal No. g at $30 cash, or will trade. What have . you. : -804, Jour nal. - .-v - - St. warsnaii zuo, FURNITURE or piano wanted in ex change for $450 equity in 60x100 lot I blocks from car,. Incumbrance $150. B-638, Journal. ' ; . ; WANT painting and tinting this week as part payment for new piano, Gil bert's Piano House, 278 Morrison st,, opp. Ben Selling's. WANT good diamond as part payment for nvp ttlxtnntt by established - re-. liable, pland house. F-672. Journal. FOR TRADE Bufua Red hares, Fierh ! ish Giant ' for groceries; sell cheap. Y-342, Journal. S3 ACRES in Washington, on Columbia, to swap for small auto, or what have you? X-308, Journal. - : TEAM, harness and wagon for sale or trade for cow. Owner N-274, Jour- tnu. TRADE thoroughbred toy fox terrier : for anything, or will sell Very cheap. Marshall 2921. $eO0 EQUITY in. Alberta bungalow for ' lot. piano, or beach property. 674 Dekum ave. LATE model Oliver and -Royal type writer. Will swap for anything.. L 448, Journal.. WILL swap. 120 lb. work horse for cow, motorcycle or piano. n-m, Journs U ...'. . . . . WANTED Bicycle U, ltxrk. Buy 2 or trade electrical, stuff. H-54, journal, -;- :':-..'':: SMALL platform scales, for boy's bi- Cycle. Tabor 1889t - ' WlLL' trade lsbclaaa painting and tinting for.'. furniture. -..- Tabor. 4683. WILL exchange new graphaphone for piano. 481 wasn. st. MOTORC Y CLE to trade ior stop watch. p-8, journal. CABIN launch to trade for automobile. .T-1000. Journal. . wan r: ij-MisctaxA xkous a GOLD BUYER Almost . every family 'baa some old gold, silver of piaU fium jewelry, broken or out of style. Brings it to me and 1 will , give . you fcaeh for it, F. A. Sennets 610 N. W bldg4 $2?Vs ; Wash. : st, assayer,-refiner, gold beyer. , Ores bought. U '-wis Want this Gouud"- ' .WANTED; ranges, stoves, rugs, rockers, dreisers, tables, couches, chairs Davenport We tn price Try u. iMorinwest rTim. .".xcpange Kast WANTED The people of Portland. to , nuww V-3 li.evoh wlbw li Itf lur household goods. - Prompt attention. r;aai afvi. jn. m. geater, i4it ttus-teii st. WANTED Underwood typewriter No, &, good condition, .cheap. K-44. Journal. -v- ; Vl.7 , , - . ..f .... V cash. V. L Wenarer SSO Alder. VAJi and typewriter desks, safes, scales, general store and of fice fixtures, 65 1st at : OWB air compressor with or without . motor kttacfied, suitable for garage Ofl.machlneghop. Y-0fr. Journal. -. J, M-YKK, tne tailor, pave ftinet-t prices for Sd hind clothing, shoe,. We call rrrtl; M. 7B73. 3'J M":!,on OWL FURN. CO. i.c.ys best prloes tot furniture. ,.831 1st. Main 4827. ' b'ONli hand eiothing and evervthing. . Hlarhest prifew. Main goso. ?gt. lac WANTKD To v buy woodsaw. ..... Call 1834 8d'"St..--- , -. -'' WANTED- To buy some furniture and stoves, any condition. Phone K 141 1T j WANTED First class bath tub. Stated price. K-808, Journal. PHONOGRAPH and . records, bought, sold, rented and exchanged. 312 1st. Js1 LOST tient's watch fob, near Alberta-s or -J5ast Slst st, . Reward. Call ; Kant 4638. ; j LOST, on iiawthorna car, or betweeri' - 1st and Madison, bundle oi - baby j clothes. Call Tabor 636". ' i LOST Pointer d.og, 1 yr. old. color, liver and white, license N tti'l. Reward. Sell. 700. - - ' - : . , LOST Klk tooth pin. Oaks uark C3 titudebaker. Main 5969. - Keward. . IvOSTI AND FOUND - 2i ' ' lOoattngrdK j FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the ; Portland Railway, Light & Power Co.i and owners there of may claim same at the First and Alder st. station.. ,, Broadway 5100, A 6131: , - June 10 Four packages, 1 Jug, 1 ho and shovel, 0 umbrellas. 1-pln, 2 bas kets, 2 camp stools, 3 purses, S books, 1 bank book, -1 valise, 1 small grip, 2 lunch boxes, 2 picture, -1 string of beads, 1 pair overshoes.. 1 baby's shoe, 1 hat, 1 liand grip, ' June 11 One hat box, 17 umbrellas, 1- book, 1 suitcase,. 2 - pairs gloves. 1 purse ; ($14.59), 1 purse ($11.96). 1 purse (27c), a grips. 1 bucket, 1 packages,- 1 guid book, 1 boy's hat, .2 gioves, i cost, i vanse, l watcn. LOST Near Flanders and 22d sts.. - Scotch terrier dog. name Jock: li cense on collar. Liberal reward. Com municate with G. ' F. Russell. Benson hotel. - Telephone Marshall 6090. LOST Small handbag . containing money, gold - watch and' chain and ring belonging - to dead eon. Valued aa keepsake. Liberal reward. Phone Sell wood 881. LOST Handbag containing money, glasses, near Journal building or in Empress theatre. Thursday evening. Reward, phona Woodlawn 1074. LOST Friday night, lady's gold wrist watch, gold face, key wlgd. Return to county auditor's office, courthouse, and receive reward. Keepsake. LOST Scotch collie,, 4 white feet, collar and chain on dog. An swers to. name of. Teddy. Dr. J.-.W. Lrfivman, nenwooa Kwara, FOUND A Shetland pony, brown with white spots;. owner may have same by. paying for ad and damages; call uw v-tLy atieroyay. ; vr-na, journal LOST Kodak at Meier & Frank's Thursday; reward; phone Woodlawn 1148. - LOST UmbreUa with hand -carved brown handle, liberal j-sward, valued as gift. 'Woodlawn 167. LOST4, Wednesday noon, white bull terrier pup, on Xiadd avenue, Liber al reward for return. 661 Ladd ave. LOST In : Forester's bldg purse con taining money and Jewelry,- Reward. Main 8231. . , . LOST Coral cameo pin, between fes tlval center and ' 2d and Morrison, Phone Tabor 8249, Reward. LOS T Taken from Oregon Electria arriving 11:30 a. m June 10. a kodak and case. Call East 1687 for reward. LOST White Spits named Dad. Lib eral reward. Main 9046,? or W-999, Joumal. . LOST Eastern ' Star .. pin, - between Knott st, and 1st and Aider reward. Finder please -call East 3986. PERSONAL S3 HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum. Marshall 1702. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles.. warts eto destroyed forever; cure guaran teed. Mile. De Long, 604 Swetland bid. LESSONS in Phrenology and card read ings. 236 th at. Phone Main 7548. I 'OUfuHr Consultation - -- free. Mala LaVYVOi 499. 7Q8 Selling bldgr CJllROPRACTlO doctor. Painless ad jMBtmentai 81 treatments 616. 1914th. WHY be bald or gray headed f See KanfTman, 417 Bothering bldg. HARTNESS. : leading feather workers, wholesale, retail. Cor. Park, Yamhill. Professional! and? - Aocoaoroii gi.BaTatt ACCORDION. KKU'Jff AN, BOX jjLKATIKU, PICOTINO. HEM8T11CHINO. BBAIDIMJ. RMBROIDKBINQ. K A U V B M ROVBtXI MFG. CO Sg 6th ST... NKAB OAK, . k. STBf HaN UcmaUtcoing, accordion, aula anfl tob buret eleatlog; bcttooa eoveree, feeoa tpnattae. Sralloping. 89 Aldaft M-087S. . .. 1UU, 4 fUEUNKH, lwer; ooniiultuUou free. 2Q8-9 Fltednar Vidg, Mt. 8nOT. . i : - B1A BOOir litAttM f."; 1AV1S it UOtaMAM, lae.. 1 M St. lilaak - book maaufacrareri: agasta fo Jose Ia arevctt Loeae Leaf Ladsara. Be tB aw Bs reka Leaf. . A-S1S3., Main. 183. . . . . - ; BRASS AifD HAOftUTB 0i HAttrr.u a eriH irr, n i . i ... i . Bra caatlar aa foat-blne work. 106 MB at. Bdway ZtM3. carpet Ctxtstad "; ::" iolCE BtwS. tiectrle Cleaalas Wka. earpate - cleaned anl laid, refltUiif our aMUitr. Kaal 440. B-HHSH. 204 3- 19th at. U. 1 ..; CAEPIT WZAVrifCl NOltlUWiLbl U U. CO., tug Uam 1 car ueta, ra ruga, carpet cVaaaicS' Is m. atib Work called for, gaat SSHOi B-lgtjQ.. CHIkOPBACTIO tHYBICIAM UK. kitUAliUN. liil 4tS at. Uofoaie aMuei requiring etenaeq nw, at in-wiim-m, UK. fOULSON. apaclaUat ia paralyala, aarii. J cbronie dlaeaaa. 850 Plttock blk. B'way 808. xMetaptiyalrai cireaiating, Broadj and Mala CO At AKDWOOP; N EER dt FAR R ai Jwmoi 4 foot or aawee te 4ar? Telapaoa COAL Main 4596. A-494T. ' ,XJI?T ALL. A-l - fir wood, 41 .bO per cord, C O. D., diauao limltfea. All etaef kind of wood In lor a. Segiien Weed Co., IStS sad TaucUo. Mela. o3v-0,;A-2415. . ,-. - Bark Blockwood 15UA WUUir - t'ortlahd . Slar?wood Co. Jilt it dr box tnwi tut urdwooj, Jl leet.o aawed. Buaiinef prlcaav SUulard Wood fia. 215. -!. - . rCharcdal v. j. KVEBlrt, MAIK 1t. fOUT W CUKBX STtUC-T a-itt 'ft... wiittn I2vj klacadaai Biera ' afabwoed. Box wonj tl, Tseo. roLtcrio AOEjrcntu I BtTK aeeouuU, blua, Lotea a-4 lnigoM of eery saa aud nature anywber. On, ft renuita anawer ai-owa. joanm. EUCTEIO -tOTQkS. AjtQ PYMAMOS M'10t, genera tora boaebr, sold, rot4 sod repaired. Wa do all sioda ( rapairins aad rewindlug. Alt work guar.oUed. u, M. , H. glectrte Ce.. 81. t. lt t, 1'Bone Bfaawlr WK buj. sail, teat and elcbaug faeW hud Bj band motor; repair work a apacialtT. Wicfif HN Br.CTBIO WKS., 2 StS at. Mar. eie. IK - ElECTaq -gTBIClAlT , tR. -CORlNSB JOHNSTON Ef Karroos rheumatic diaeaaeci -ciactre-sucaatl : har are. s7is Oefcam. . . - , - VBTTSO Z.CT1CA STPBBS Eteetrtcal tH and Fla t. BYE. EAB. KQ8-, 1B0aT. t-VG9 , , .i-vclalwU Mwlurate oricea, tilaei filled. lr. , r. V. Caaadaf . BIT Dp-um blilc .M A Waab. W'IKN twu auawe taeae WaaUt Ads, atiua , xb Journal. Manufacture! -Jot. DBY O00DS-WH0tiE8Atg. Fleischner, Mayer-& Co. : f TABM Dgft-WTyTB AB VEnn.t R. M. M'Aliti it CO.. Ml-HM Hawtuame ae, -SAP BI?E . WOOI KACHI1TEBT NOBTHV. KH1: , l.Ai -St AlAC 1M-.KK -0. :K1-31 J Frt)t; Main R4J tEATKEBt Akp mrflnrog CHAs. u'maktiOk'a co., 74 Ytobu LeatSar Of erery oerlptla: - finding. . , j INFORMATION COUOM ' If yoo i want ih name 1 4 reliable" business hhose dealing in any Ufa ef merchandise, or information regarding resort, howl, railroads, stew ship tines, etc address Oregon .Jeiir&-t larorii.aUon Bureau. Information desired: mm . B- . m mm a a a4 mmim mm ..Nathe . .,., ,4,,m, Address. . . . PERSONAL fCoatiseed . Stop Sufferin rr From pyorrhea, loose teeth; frj bleeding, pus discharging gums, i breath, bad taste or any other moul , affection. , Don't permit such nllmeni-, to trouble you another day. our t .i f OX Home treatment is a tried and Froven net free from drugs or otlier' njurious properties. Send for our express prepaid, test treatment, prt- $1. Let it prove to you that you mouth and gums may be relieved of' disease and teeth paved. Consultation free. The Eman Mfg. Co 14S6 CurU ft., Denver. Colo. A -FIGHT on l.iv prices. Why ray J to $10 for glaMMes.i. When X can fit your eyes with first , quality lenses in a gold-filled fram . as law as $1,601 C, w. Goodman, koi' Merrison st. Main $124. Mail orders promptly filled. Write for particular. ; 13 PHIZ Ks valued at A simple Contest in tuae or verse. Send five cents in stamps for parties ulars. songs, ete. Address Content Manager, universal Flag of Peave, ill 13th st Portland. Or. , LuUlSE NETZEL, trained nurse and " masseuse, gives treatment for rheu matism, . lumbago, neuralgia, ete., tub baths, massage and electric blanket; invalid work a specialty. 256 11th st. ! Marshall 0$S Oprti Sundays. ONE treatment, free. More wrm.: removed in one month's treatment than 1$ of massage. Guaranteed. If not as represented return and get your money back. 288 Jefferson. Room 3. 'ATT'SdM C VQ fee reasonable. Case1 All wiiht I O settled without noto riety. All cases treated with courtesy. . $13 Bochenan bldg. Marshall 4368. SPIRITUALISM Aledium, Rev. Vir- mw4 Kl. n t .nill. ti ee linir A ra t 1 V ' l HI Sej XW Aaaa,iiaiH-9 wMa - , circles Tuesday and Friday eveninBb, 6 o'clock. 231 6th st. Phone A-7116. FAT ladies under 50 years. 1 pox- ', - itively can reduce any extra fat on -your body or your weight, fast or slow. Lorena Cttwey,Tphone Tabor 86 l; t QUKSTION meetiUK TueuUays and Thursdays; readlnrfs dally and , by appointment at 881 Zamhill st. Mrs., Mabel Harber. ynpne Mam z4, - URK. tiTEVENi. 2L years Portlana renowned palmist sid clairvoyant, has her book, "Palmistry Made Easy, on sale. Removed to 375 Ta 'lor st. DR. O. V. KETCHUM Women' naia-" dies and acute diseases of met. Wash, bid,. 4th A Wash. Bin. 41. Ml.- 44 ; BFIRIfLALlSM Rev. M. A. i'l'loe. cir- oles, Tues. I p. m.: Wed.. Hun. 8 d, m.--Readings dally. 83 Bth t. Mar. 8360. MANICURING and otaTo "treatmenif ; - 368 W Yamhill Stn rwnn 16, second ' floor. Open Sundays 10:30 to 8 p. m. LADIES only, liairdr essi n g. ins nio vi r- - ing, shampooing, facial masMaKe Sue. Summer rat. 605 Columbia bldg, - - MRS HA MOT. mdiuin and halr. 170 2d, cor, YamhUL 4th floor. , pt. 9. Msrshalt 2497. ; JjK, EATON. paJniess clilropodist, open;. -Sundays, 10 to 12. Swetland bldg., : 6th and . Wash. Main 3314. BALM of Fi gs, remedy lor" tllse;ei .. of women. 604 pavis st. Main 2(9t USti Bassett's Native Herbs for rheu mat lm; 0 tablets KKc. All 1riii?(l. KOTiCES 2- WIIX, sot be reaponalhle fr snr debt cou. traeted bT Ore Uarmaa arter data. iEt'T CARMAN. Business Directory DUC A Tl C SAL 'a DAKC1MO aofia dnil, elaaa 1 1. -., 8 to 10. Allskr bula., ad aad Uorrlana ata, ..Leaa oea K.V-. Mln 01 . . . MCSIO SCHOOLS AND TFACHEHS 0 plauo ieawwa, 76c, Tw vornl il. ipe--rlcsced teaebar. Telepbous Woodlawn 'ibi raorulnga. Aak for tnnalo teacher. Lt-'UIS A. C U -1 1 '1 Sc a a r iitn. "si 4 ' Sherman, eofner Flrar, Maralmlt t - T TIUJal.HOHN, violla teaeber. puuVl 4j-:ia. 07 Fleldnei' bldg. A-tl(0. Marhnll 1' kmUUMH U plaao Muurautees' tiHyiuiivia 1a ' ... 1 1 , , . . . , , , a mv . rmun yinjirrt ate qinov trafioT, tree Ixieklet. Vil Rliert bl.l. - . - - IKSPBAWCB a-ACii'iU hlAia-H 'Ma 1biU1M, .only Oragnp fire tnanranca onirrif. hlAia-H BATt?aopAi'Hic mtsiciAna bk. Clilf.Lil 'a larayl:i uer'oiia and eiu . 1 dtaeaaea, 6Q4-S Oreirnrtlan fil-iy M, M.', fAlMTIXO. f APKHHAMOiHO ABO VAiSlitM, kaUuluiulLg Worif uufaotaad. flwui VVwidlawn h. ' a-ll.ll''. A 1KU, beat wuik iu 4-jui,u. : paperlns. M. iHIH. A-Wu. llta at. l'AJMINU, UuUaa, V br nan e. a. i. VTane, 178 lots fl.'iMnfn Vii-tl, : ; , AVISO COMPAKI-g . Ill- AB4t HtiAH i-AV ,.." I ana arriee e:erl hlilf. BPB-B bTAA.fg Alil r.Atf . aieucija, ii ada vuavaa, braa ,u.. tiirWaablnetoB St. -lIu A 2710, rALinv, iUAoi eiAui wuuKi lonaois AMD COI.LJ OF UNlt-W LkH 'lt,MtittA'U bCitoot. , 4tb MX., NEAK UUKIS.N BNHol.i.lNU BbKunB JUNK 15TH fHOMC:. MAIN 61X1 OK A-1S1MJ acraeiM, inuri,a puuairqciiuu vnwu t ruiay, yflm n 1,1..,', B4lrAlUl&U, tiU HUH Krmtil fwim. , nm y,nf rTWt, at. fii.inu ia;a I4z. ' , -BAKBf-H AMP iTOB-OE Oi 1'lv.a. 1 rili- aUM'b,, LAi. . ,,,,,, aad. eoruiuodiuua trilll arb&tat iioo auu-f Jrick warauou, rovuja aoa iirei iirepruot (( ior TaiuaDiaa. r,. nr , curser mi -a all l'iua ;. riauoa aud filruinu iuowd and pcd I t ' skipping. Special rate, Biad ciu SooOa 1 Utruttgli ear t aii Uu:Wa sud f cm l.u buini. Mulu uWJ. A-)wvm. , Oregon Transfer Co. . . ,.katabtiatitI 1873, - ' V- : Xranafe and, forwarding aceot. . ;.:- --.-..... btorage, krwr ?.vacKta. ,9fflt a Oil Stcn-atc 474 (iilaas Bt. gta.u4 Ollaan. Main Oft. k-WPA. VLHKS-H.OU Tlti,.itLd : I rW fireproof . -wramuie wltli aaparat roorni. - W luufe aud park butoold '.,, ' sod plaeos aad ahlp at raddeed rato. Auro vans as4 tasau tot iug, turwarding aud distributing agesta, Pre trackage. Offu aud wargrwua I5tb and Hoyt. Mala !47. A-i'24, .AUAOk' AkA.M.SkKH SfaUVior CU.. HNS St, U Al X 1 20, A-1 M. - r WAt 1'AfEH - M(IIjA,N VVAt-U f-Al-te ;'U,--1I tl ai.. ber sa ifn'iff, j. , Window cieakino EXFERT WJNUOW CLEAN US A-a,M. tlatfl S3J7. 218 tlnrv tildg. "Wholesalcrs er- . PAINT, OTt AND 6tA KAMUhiKN CH)., "HigU tand.inl" f,, N.B Cot. 3d SUd TayKir; t. 17T1. A- t PIPE WOOD riPE PuBTtfANO WOOU Pli'M CO. tf'-tr ' flee near S4tli and York ata. JMio 3t- 1 PLVBIH PIPE--8TEjM M, L, KLINE f RUXT ST It K FT kope aw Biimta. TVIE Portland Cordage Co. aa,,4.