THE OREGON SUNDAY. JOURNAL,"; PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 13, 1915. luYCIT A NGE HULL, ESTATE 21 (CestlBued) 40 ACRE IMPROVED FARM. .Close to Canbv, Or, all rich , sandy loam, no waste, comfortable bid?., soma stock and implements; $7060; -will trade equity of 94300 for good city or coun try property. 0 Ablngton Wdg. Maln 4841. WI1I trade my strictly modern-'7 room horns, nice lawn, corner lot, furnace, full concrete: basement, dou ble constructed, - everything modern; will take mortgage note, clear lot or anything an - first payment; balance like rent. See J. H. Nash, 723 Cham ber of Commerce bldg.. or 474 E. 89th, 108 -'ACRE3?5c round trip fare from Portland; fine creek and springs; good house -and bam. 9 cows, bull. 15 bogs; 10 sheep, chickens, farm, imple ments. Price $100 per acre. Will take some trade. Must have some caalf, - RALPH ACKLET LAND CO v:.. . 204 Falling Bldg. ' HAVE - 4500 acre New Mexico stock ranch, fully equipped ; also 7090 acre stock ranch and .10,000 acre irrigated farm la Wyoming. - Trade for income property. - All "snaps." Room 301, Lumbef Exchasge, d and 3tark. $66.W , TO $le,00 City income. acreage and lots for farm and stock. Willamette valley preferred. Or will divide for smaller farm. -., THOMA8SEN 104 Sherlock bldg. ISO ACRES, lies fine, spring, running wuu i- nQ cieaiu iuulCi ici ephone line. Price $35 per acre. Will take small payment down and part 4 f , ...... .1 - "ll... L. 1 . .. L Room 16. - IDAHO FA RMS . ' " ' Of various sizes, $3000' to $100,000, stock, alfalfa, wheat, general, ex change for Portland or vicinity. is.. B. Mnii-niAfiK g, irv i-n i : - R07 Toaa blriV i $5000 4 ACRES. 6 room house, on -the Mt. Beott carline; will take clear bouse and lot up to $2190 or $3000, some cash, time on the' balance. 'A. J. -Farmer. 407 Stock Exchange. ' -SO ACRE, well located, diversified farm, bouse, team, harness, i imple ments, tools, for Portland residence worth $6600; unincumbered. N-291, Journal. - Roonraog ROOMING IIOU8ES 53 WANTED, from 15 to 25 rooms of good furniture. Want, dining room and kitchen outfit. Must be good. Want S pool tables, ice cream and con fectionery outfit. X have 40acres in Union county. Or.. Klein orchards lands, 92500. 40 acres near Vale, Malheur county, $1200. Two 10 -acre tracts. Riverside, county. Cel., miles from the town of Riverside, unimproved. Price $160 per acre. t 20 - acres, 9 miles from Prosser, Waeh., unimproved. $150 per acre; un der government ditch, but o water right, -and a number of clear lots about Seattle at different prices, can put In --to match deals. L. MEAD OR, Chehalls hotel, Ohehalis, Wash. J40TEXJ3, ROOMING AND APART . . MENT HOUSES - '- For Sale or Excfaanee. 29 rooms, rent $ 60; price ...... .$ 900 99 room, rent $ 75; price ivo 50 2600 4000 fi rooms, rent f io; price 0 roosu, rent 1200: price 75 rooms, rent $230; price bo rooms, rent 4uu; price Terms can be arranged for. RI TTER, LOWE & DE FOREST 20B-30T Board of Trade Bldg. HOTEL PROPOSITION. $1503. 99 rooms, 2 buildings, 4 store rooms, leased untir 1918 at $125 per month and taxes. The buildings are as sessed at 9350i and Will become thj Sroperty of the lessee at the expira on of the lease. This is a splendid proposition, close in, down town, and the price It la offered at merits your investigation. Fred Wi .German Co., 914 Chamber of Commeree.- - FOR SALE Lease" and Furniture o - large strictly modern, 3 -and 4 room apartment bouse. Electric elevator service. Large, shady, private grounds. Catering to exclusive patrenage. Rent very reasonable, good inceme. Other business makes it Imperative that I ell. Worth $6000; price $3600, , part trade. Marshall 2031. 10 ROOMS, H. K. and transient- all full; rent $30; dears $40; snap, $275. - 9$ .- roomed apartment house, near ljth and Jefferson, - elegantly fur nished, fully modern; always full; showing now $lo0 month net profit; $999 cash, balance easy. THE LOCATORS, - 382 Chamber of Commerce. A RARE bargain: 18 rooms, ail H. K., all rented, waiting list, $75 mo. clear Profit; must be sold at once; ail newly furnished; fine furniture; good carpets. Don't overlook this snap. Come, make an offer. Going to sell a.t best offer; $280 cash required. See this- early. Particulars. 88 10th, near Stark. 14 Rooms, Snap, $275 Rent $29. White Temple district. New, clean.- Easy terms. Price $275, Nice bos ana living. 602 Couch bldg. ROOMING house; mostly housekeeping rooms, jvery little work to run it. Making rood money on the investment. This will please you. Only $650 terms to the right party. $250 cash, balance 916 month. Call 519 Lumber Exchange bldg.f 2nd and Stark sts. SPLENDID 30 room rooming house, al most full; owner wants party to take Vi interest and manage place on salary ; price of this is $750; cash; see this. 519 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark. 24 Rooms, $260 One Mock of P. O, some H. K. All en one floor, cheap rent. Well worth $S00. Price today for ail $260. terms. Peters. 16 N. 5th St. ROOMING bouse, centrally located, 25 - rooms, low rent. Money maker, for Hght party; terms. $750. Call 619 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2nd and Stark streets. 37 H. K. and sleeDine- rooms, rent 170: tine Alder street location, furnace heat and 'modem conveniences; always full; unusually well furnished; price $1600; trade for lot. Yates, 249 4th st. 40 Rooms, Trade ' Money maker, fine location. Want real estate $1500. 602 Couch bldg. NINE room H. K. bouse, rent $22-50, cleared $150 over expenses this year. $276.00; lovely yard. Walking distance. E. 9174.. - - -. - - ----- - $350 TAKES neat little ' corner room ing house in the vigbt location. See this. Call 619 Lumber Exchange bldg.. ina ana eiara streeis. BOARDING house for " sale. 45 f ur nished rooms, price $300 if taken at once. 545 Hood st, bet. Harrison and Lincoln. - - 1 25 ROOMS Clearing $125, P. O. loca tion, mil full, elegant furniture; snap at $850, easy terms. THE LOCATORS. 822 Chamber Com. 13 BOOMS $175, CASH DOWN. Rent $30. center of rooming house district, a bargain. Price $250. Call 38 10th. near Stark. Rooming House for Trade All sises, all prices. Wei can place VOU. CJoridard'u 502 fViufh V1rti- 42 ROOM APARTMENT HOIISR Big snap, can clear $150 per month. rten oniy iz Viranq avenue. IS ROOMS, money maker, -for small house ana lot. atlAHsky bldg. CORNER bouse, near 1 in. well f ur- ntsneq; wilt traae. . Z9 Jefferson. S6 ROOM- bouse, neatly furnished, price reasonable. - 2134 1st st. : ROOMING bouse, . close in. to ex, change, part cash. f 247 th st. ROOMING houses for sale or trade. vvnarow ec wrr, ii Henry Diagt 9150 -buys furniture of 20-room apait menta, nearly full: 272 Montgomery. feliLL or trade, .80 rooms, close inj good ftusuluret, H-337. Journal. EXCII ANG E HEAL. ESTATE 24 (Coaefsaed) . THK ' r'KAX'K A. MUCK RANCH 120 ACRES -59 norfu 1 rr-i sra i with a. nsld wsfr right. This 21 acres is needed to wheat, t timothy and cloved Place has 44 A. more cniuvatea ana in rye ana nay. Balance is pasture land. -Location: 2 miles to Laidlaw Ore gon, 6 rrrttes to Bend. There are 4 rawul tare-e horses. farm wagon, harness and implements. The buildings are old but in fair condition. lias a 4 room house: barn about 40x60, "with sheds, , chicken j bouse and pig pens. .- The land produces alfalfa, clover. potatoes and vegetables abundantly, Almost adjoining this place is un limited iasture from the government. 4-- Air. Muck Kot - rich on this place and has retired to the city. Be did ft when the railroad station was ever 100 mties away- now It is only miles to the station, and a town of 180. Will exchange for a house and lot tn town or western Oregon farm of same valiue. . ' . - 7 .JPrice 60. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO. 204 Failing Bldg. REAGAN'S EXCHANGES. ' 12 acres, - all cleared; orchard, old bouse, running water, near Milwafikie, Or,,- for farm or city property, r . 6 acres, good '7 room bouse, ' barn, chicken bousen, all , cleared, set to fruit, 1 mile of city limits, close to ear, for farm property. ' - 40 acres, - all cleared, excellent soil, for city property. - 85x100, income city property. : well locate!, west aide, tor acreage- or farm. Marshall 6370. 332 Chamber of Commerce. I WILL take email suburban homes as "first payment on larger homes closer in. f have a or 6 to "elect from just completed, at East 4 let. and Ii vision stmjf , and others in different parts of the cHy for sale on small payments, your cote or any security as first pay ment. See owner. J. ;H Nash, at 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg., or res. 474 fj. asm si. BK INDEPENDENT Why 'live from paper sacks and tin cans? Trade what you have for small ranch, ready to- move on. i where you can make a living. Don't worry about a job. Ap ple. 323 Henry bids. i - Homses Bosnoess Opportooiti ', ' A Diversified List of Business Opportunities KOOJSjyG HOUSES Matla,ad3 v - 53 THREE lots at HHlman. bankable note for $110 iiiHi some cash for a room ing houae. Call Main 8277. BUSINESS OPPOBTUJflTIES 20 GOOD general merchandise buiries, clean, up to date stock, invoice about $10,000; butcher shop business in cluded. Store buildings and property containing 13 acres and 6 best lots, $10,000. Owner will sell buildings and real estate -without mdse. if desired, on easy terms, by making about $3000 cash payment. Property has been rented for nearly 4 years at ic inter est on $10,000. The only store in town of about SO0 population. Forty min utes' ride on electric car from Port-, land. If you want a first class busi ness or investment here is your op portunity. Investigate. K-436, Jour nal. ': GREENHOUSE and florist store, clearing $160 month, includes K acre land; rent $40, with Xiving rooouc. $175 buys Int in good paying Co. Can draw $100 month. Salesman pre ferred. Confectionery and ice cream, in voices $60o, besides 2 living rooms, west side; rent only $10: making good living. Snap., $360, with easy terms. THK LiOCATORg. 922 Chamber Of Com. GOOD butchershop located in good town surrounded by a good farming territory, where you can buy and ship, equipment up to date, power sausage grinder, cash register, scales, etc. Will sell at invoice, somewhere near $250: $150 cash, bal.. on time. This is a good opportunity for a good butcher. For further particulars address Lock Bo 103, Toledo, Wash.. Lewis County. LOOK If you want the best buy in the city investigate this The busiest and most up to date confectionery on the one prominent street in city, mak ing bir money and will be better from now on. Must leave city, account poor health. Pries $600. Time on part. You'll always regret it if you don't get this. Owner. Y-349, Journal. Wanted Ideas Write for list of inventions wanted by manufacturers and prizes .offered Tor inventions. Our four books sent free. Patents secured or fee leturned. VICTOR J. EVANS ft CO.. 69 Ninth, Washington, D. C. . $20,000 WILL buy a half interest in one of the finest places on the Wil lamette river. Man who is familiar with amusement proposition - wanted; one who could devote his time nd attention. Address owner for farther particulars. W-916. Journal. HONEST man wanted to travel with two girls in show act. Must run spot light machine. 'Can learn in few hours. Half interest for small amount cash. This pays $150 per month Par ticulars, 619 Lumber Exchange bids., 2nd and Htark sts. NOTICE. If you are looking for a small, well secured investment that carries m good steady position with it, we have if for you. DO IT NOW. 418 Lumber Ex change bldg. INSURANCE company stock wanted: will give clear Irvington lots as all or part payment; give particulars- B 540, Journal.- - CONFECTIONERY store, 3 rooms in connecting; fixtures, furniture and stock; all for $600; terms to reliable party. Low rent. Cleans $4 to $5 per day. Call 519 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. PARTNER wanted iu office business; some outside work; must be satis fied with $25 per week t start, : be honest and willing to work; small in vestment, secured. Call 619" . Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. YOUNG man to attend office ; plain work, answer phone, etc; active man can make $100 per month. Small capi tal required. Call 519 Lumber Kx- change bldg., 2d and Stark sts. GROCERY store, doing nice business, welt located; will invoice more than the price asked. Owner leaving city. Price $500 for quiek sale. Call ,619 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark. WANTED- -5 shares Coin Machine Mfg. Co. etock; give, lowest eash price. B-639. Journal. -. . -?- NEW MANAGEMENT WANTED. To double the -output of a- well equipped laundry in -a prosperous val ley town with splendid farm homes in yiclntty. C-1010. 618 Yeon bldg. I AM leaving the city and will sell my interest in a well established business. This is O. K. and will make $125 a month clean all cash; $250 for quick sale. B-632, Journal. DANDY small grocery, about $500; this is a good buy; cheap rent, good location; can live in rear; 1519 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark.' FIRST class picture show, seats 850, . furniture all in ready to starts Witt rent very cheap to right party. - :, See J. H. Nash. 723 Chamber of Commerce. PARTNER wanted in up-to-date gar age that Is making good, one with mechanical experience, good proposi tion to right party. P-447, .Journal.- WANTED Partner for moving picture circuit; have complete outfit. Ex perience unnecessary. Must have $409 cas n. - ts-o z. journal. LADY who. wants a business paying - $100 per month and up, with small investment. w rite n75, journal. WANTEDA small grocery and de licatessen business for cash. B-641, Journal. - EXCHANGE HEAL. ESTATE 24 a - Co--" -t 235 ACRES , - -. 40 acres under cultivation, IS or 20 acres slashed and seeded; 160 acres pasture, 2 acres strawberries, land aid Joining is open range, 3 dwellings .5 aad 4 rooaiM. barn 60x10, water piped to bouse and buildings, living water and pasture. - situated O 4 :. miles ' from Vancouver, 2 miles from" country store and; cheese factory. Personal property consists of 16 cows, 5 heifers, 1 registered bull. 4 hoes. 2 brood sows, wagons, truck, ; back, 4 - sets - harness, plows, harness cultivator, stump puller, bay chopper, : root" grinder. ; bay fork, cream separator and 60 chickens. The price is $17,000. Will consider ex change for smaller ranch or good city property up to 98000; mortgage of $900 can be assumed. This Is a first class dairy aad stock ranch. (;. - v - XZQ - ACRES ' ' . i 80 acres under cultivation, some tim ber, all lays level, fenced and cross fenced, good 7 room house, barn. 12x82, situated 7 miles from Vancouver, with 150 rods frontage on -Columbia river. Personal property consists of 2 cows. 1 bull. 4 yearling heifers. 4 horses, 50 hogs, chickens, cream tevsLraf or Usui all farm machinery, Will eonsider ex change up to $7500. Sioxtgage of 16000 can be assumed. . : THOMPSON Sc. SWAN. ! -tl! Main tt Vancouver. Wash. FOR SAUB or trade, one new S room . bouse, lot 60x100, Alberta; now rent ed for $1$ per mo. Price J3S0O. One modern 6 room bouse, Rose City, rented for $16 per fiao. Price 4ii6. One modern 5 room house, just com pleted. Price $2250. Located $tth aad Hawthonre. ' : . -- -. if ; . One six room house, 4 lots, located on Ellis ave close to ear shops;- lots of bearing- fruit; price $4500. : - Four elear corner lots; price $3000. - Five acre tract ln cultivation, six room house; good orchard; price $1500. We wUl trade any of the above prop erties for good farm land, vacant lots or grocery store.. . . . - McKenzte & Co., SI 5 Gerllnger btdg. - SO ACRE BARGAIN. $2750 is the price for qwick sale, 85 acres cultivated, part In erop, fine trout trem on place and springs; good set build ings. orchard ; 1 miles from town and railroad station, south east of Albany. JACOB liAAS, Gerlmger bldgi Is Continually Offered in These Columns BUSINESS OPPOKTUJflTlES SO t BUSINESS OPPORTUNTTrES 2d (Co,tlM,4) v l . - -t - -i ' -, Comtijt,I ., Cini. -. -' "FOR SALEOR? EXCaiANGEj BARGAINS IN STOCKS, ALL KINDS. I Meat narket, cash business, price $450 SMALL- AND LARGE. SEE JORDAN, i Confectionery and notions, price $600 .., A -few for exchange. - 1 Grocery store, cash business, price $750 $1300 -Cigar -stand, west aide, rent Grocery, staple line, price. ...... $1000 $50. including heat and light. Country store, near Portland, price fine fixtures, main .business ... $2500 corner and doing business. General merchandise buainetw, want $300 cash, balance trade. price ....... ., .T$8We $1500 Hardware and grocery, east. Feed and grain business, price $1809 side, cheap rent, splendid lo Manufacturing, sales $60,000 anun-- cation, doing business, will ex ally, price ......$25,000 change for clear property. Mineral springs resort, price, . ,$30,000 $1000 Pool hall and confectionery, Terms can be arranged. : " west side, large room, rent $30. BITTER. LOWE & DB FOREST. will take part cash, balance 205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. , trade. 1 i i i ! 35500 Grocery stock, east side, good ' 'HAVE CASH BUYERS FOR SMALL business, 8 living room above PLACES OF BUSINESS FROM y etore. splendid location. wiU $209 TO $1000. PHONE MJ3 OR SEE trade for city or farm property. ME TMqNDAY. AGIViNGDERIP- WB HAVE MANY OTHERS. CALL ! TION ANDt LOCATION. MY CLIENTS AND LET US SHOW YOU ABOUND.! MEAN BUSINESS IP YOUR PRICE W. JOKDANth and Storltts-. 'i IS RIGHT. JORDAN, 6th and Stark. 301-2 Lumbermen a bldg. 1 Lumbermeas bldg. Phone Broadway " yoUR OPPORTUNITY 2?v. ,u . ., . , 1 1 1 To become your own independent man-, THE SWELLEST SHOP IN THE ufacturer of an article in great Ue- STATE. . mand; no competition west of Chicago; Outside of this city, own Ice cream only some little mechanical experience and candy factory, with a business needed, and a. small amount of cah running to $20,000 last year and hold- will handle, the deaL See CX039 at 619 ing its own this year. Owner has made Yeon bldg. good and wants to retire. See C1008, at Qnrn Asgociated. Inveetment Co, 18 Yeon. Ulgal OlOiO PARTNER with $175. commercial Depot location, solid oak fixtures; brokerage company good for $100 stock will invoice $175; lease. Well month individually; will stand strictest worth $809. Price today for all $176. investigation. . Peters, 15 N. 5 th st. Confectionery doing $25-$30 day. In- ; StOrCi Snai $500 voices $800, rent $20; snap at $600. 1 - v v' -'-!L'. ..-T! v. - THE LOCATOItS, 823 Chamber of Com. Grocery, confectionery, etc. vr- tti y'nV.lwiiii o, tci nished living rooms, rent $14. Stock T?k jgS? btfJTLuJ H aKne worth the money. Goddard. 903 per month and board furnished, ex- Cmmh hide perieneed in the handling of saddle Vt a . r5 X : V' i . t : and pack horses and have $1200 to lOR SALE--An up to data conf cigar invest in the half interest of a busi- and tobacco store In one of the best ness with big opportunities, address towns in the valley, doing a good bui- N-293, Journal ' x ness; will give trial; this ia a good MEN S CLOTHiNO & SH6E STORE. Address P. J. box 694, Dallas. A clean paying business in a good . ,. , , , .', , .. western Oregon town. Will trade for YOUNG man with college education, j good practical farm not to exceed $15,- desires to trade equity in residence; 000. . Full particulars at lots for working interest in good man-! 303 Stock Exchange bld& ufacturlng proposition. Best of ref- Portland. Or. erences given and expected, Ii-60, WlLL equipped salmon canary, traps, JournaL ; : ! ' boats, everything complete, about SOMETHING new, selling like hot 12..000 cases during eeason, sell con- cakes at the fair In San Francisco, troling interest to party who can take Want a partner who can put 9500, int management of plant, $8000 required, the business with me. Direct N-2 8 7. Neal Brown. 209 Panama bldg. Journal. Call Monday Main 19&5. A- FOR SALE or trade. U. S. patents on 511: -J . ; V " ., I hydraulic ram of proved efficiency. SNAP Hotel for lease or sale, f ur- i In big demand for Irrigation. . What nished complete, 21 rooms, office, , have you? Would consider selling dining room and kitchen. For further part Interest for $2500 working cap- particulars . address C. Bennett. ftal. K-f46. Journal.. - - Mosier. Or. r - IF looking for a business call and see TAILORS AND CLEANERS. " me. Have hotels, rooming houses. Positively no reasonable offer re ' restaurants. confectionery and gro- fused for the best cleaning, pressing ceries, also general stock Is outside establishment in city. 12T 12th. Pal town, for &l4 orexchangev Neal ace hotel bldg. " FREE 6 months. Investing for Profit. I Have Sure Customer TA.fiaoiS rnh For. email store. Newcomer has clear eHlh2Wi.4?,?ifi0hili??i b0i? rttr-lot and some cash. List yours blvd.. Chicago. T SMALL BUT GOOD TRADE. toipTvirp , , . jl; In a well located confectionery, dose PARTNER wanted to attend office tn ih mest nnmilur nj-lc or tUL and look after stock In established LitUe Soney 1U buf th i 1 ft 2 business. Duties easily learned; $100 Yeon blTi? y UU'- CX63t per month to active man, with - in- v.t:? " , r . ' , crease later. Requires small Invest- MEAT jmarket, good business; will ment. Call 519 Lumber Exchange bldg trade for liorse, wagon and cattle, 2d and Stark sts. Address K-777, Journal .Office, Van- FOR SALEA bargain,- a complete coaler. Wash. . vulcanizing plant for auto tire re- FOR RENT Meat market up-to-date, pairing, and the business- Have also good trade, cheap rent, 65 miles from a good 4 passenger auto that can be Portland. If you want to rent address used for other purposes. N-279, Jour- owner. N-271. Journal. naL - -'- j- - ' -; : ESTABLISHED electric fixture wir- RESTAURANT. fine location, doing a ing business; stock fixtures. $1250, nice steady business; rent only $20, will take $700 if sold next five days, including 1 living room. If you- want See owner. - E-8 10, Journal. r fh ,"SnU Dt s nV nU' R i af fT,r, $300 takes the best little home bakery I 'J IXaP oU ,v and restaurant in town. McGuire & change brag., 2d and Stark sts. Capes, East 6407 ' FOR SALE- A good bakery at Coburg. 7T 1 cnA Bimiwsii cc Or., doing a lice business. Can be JaOOO CARDS 55C bougnt very cheap; terms to suit. In- ?fp " ,2 . quire at The-Fleischmann Company, J Roe City yrlntery. 3d st Taylor 249 Jefferson. St. ; ; , - WOOD YARD, teams and wagons for SECOND hand store, well established, .f or for farm. , K-919. Jour- carryiiig lines of watches and Jewel ,rr:,:, ' - " ' clothing, etc, for sale? good location! . - 1 000 Business Cards 75c cheap rent. W-914. Journal. -; Kvf ft' Co.: H W. cor. 3d Morrtnon OFFICE business, owner wants a reli- . LIVE . GROCERY. $2000 able partner; be wUl guarantee good West side, doing $25fo month caush wages besides large profits to. ener- miinesst no delivery. 602 Couch bldg I Sent. CaYr SSSnfSS b"df . FLOUR ANt FEED, klLLg" , room az Morgan oiag: , sale or trade. ' For particulars caU 1 SOLID business, partner wanted to or write. ; Box g. Qervals, Or. alnronritUresBa tn'erwuHr 72 Morg-abld.8 U rm-829 tioCTtragjourt SMALL grocery, ha 8 living rooms SmLtJtj iSlL&S1 and is clearing over $150 month. rf!J,T,9J?Ai00iX Sickness is what compels owner to reasons to sell. Call Sellwood 445. saerifice. Call room 829 Morgan bldg. WANTEDA moving picture tBeatre. , CIGARS, magazines. tc. one of the -Jjt wo tVref i best, locations in city; have another with view to buying. N-256, Journal, business and will sell cheap. Call room THREE chair barber shop cheap, or 329 Morgan bldg. part interest to good man; chance $225 TAKES cigar stand, -west side. foy right man; call 54 3d st, corPine. - good corner, consider some trade. FOR SALE- Wood business; sickness Room 301. Lumber Exchange. t2ad and in family ; must sell. Z-343. Jour- - Stark. .. - - - ? - nal. . ' - -- .- - ' $100 BUYS an established inside busl. IF you want to move or start grocery! ness paying $15 per week above llv- - ftore In best locatidn on - wesi side, j Ing expenses for one. Experience not cult A-Ta4. Marshall 3945. j Jny equipped ,BUS1NISwOPPNITIESm with light room. . nicely furnished. . - WAJIX1SP -.-- OS I reiort NV-2S8injoual f I HAVE smaU tract of UndJn wet. Z L rn Klickiut Co which I wSald like WANT a party who has $1000 to in- to trade for stock of merchandise, jrro- , vest; wUlarantee inveetment and eeries preferred. & T. Vincent i Co, give employment; salary and commie- 18 chamber of Commerce. tVSJ ' Journal. r y WANT 6 pass, auto, late model; have BAKERYT grocery and confectionery; $1500 equity $ rm. house and lot., or invoice over $600; sacrifice $2o0; In- 40 acres timber or 10 acres clear, or vestlgate. Y-612. JournaL horsea. J-881, Journal.' , 3 S1 pe5r fal?, chaD- HAVE some cash , and unincumbered P. E. B. a Co.. 86 6th st. N. - - , city lots for small store. . from $750 UP AT 7 PER CENT. owner. Z-417. Journal. lrr E. Keasey & Co.. Cham, of Com. WANTED Small - paying rooming SAVE money oa barber supplies. Pert. bouse, grocery or restaurant. , H- CaC & Barb. Sup Ca, 96 9th, 913 Journal. . j . : - '" - ' ' - - " - ' r -- - .- '. - ' EXCIIAAGE iiKAI, ESTATE 24 1 (ComUaed filX. room bouse, Hermiston. modern. ' price $3500; also 3 acres same city. C S. . government Irrigation project, eastern Oregon, Would make great sacrifice : for caah. Also have 40 or 60 acres alfalfa land near that city, at less than bakf price, for cash or would trade. Also bave California; acreage and San. Jose lots: my -avn iproperty Submit, offers. Marshall 426. 2i7 Columbia St. -. - .:-' Ai-s SOO ACRES near Lyle, Wash.: 1M acres cleared, . balance light Uraoer, 35 acres -bearing fruit.' 4 acres -wheat, 7 acres' alfalfa: all lays en - banks of Klickitat river. A 'good 7 room bouse, plenty -outbldgB.. all necessary tools and machinery; $75per acre Trade for city property. Yates. 24 4th gt. CO ACRES close to good town, 1 room house, 2' barns, 6 cows, team, pigs. rream separator and all farm -tool a Price $6000. Want good modern home to same value. - RALPH ACKLET LAND CO - 204 Failing Bldg. ' WHAT bave you that is clear jo trade or . choice suburban acreage. 1 8c fare; t equity $2500, mortgage $1400, long- time? Will give the best of the deal for dear property I can, use. Own er. f0. Box 377. ' - - - - i GREAT REDUCTION. $1750 cash takes 40 acres finest al falfa land near HermiiWn. famous government irrigation project: worth three times this amount. Marshall 4266, 27 Columbia. . 120 ACRES, stock and dairy ranch. near coast. Good outrange, "7 cows, good bouse and barn. -: Value 95000. V. Perry. 64 iq 3ist. near EtarK. 40 ACRES land for an equity in house. or small busmess. B-54. journal. WANTET TCEAIi ESTATE 31 FLAT building or apartment bouse, value up to f 10.006. .Will trade Wil lamette valley fawn, close to electric station. Geo. X. Moore Co, 318 Abing- ton bid g. ' WANTED 40 acres or more on lower Columbia rivers must be some water front. Apply at -245 Washington st. WANTED One acre or more oa 5c to 12c fare; must be good soil and a bargain.- N-2 9 4. Journal. WANTED KEA ESTATE 31 (Continued) FACTORY SITE WANTED , , !' We want vacant factory eite en -5 year lease with purchasing option, l0x 160 feet. Must be convenient to rail road and water shipping and reason ably close to business section of Portland.- A- T. Kahlke. 515 Jefferson St. Lot Wanted Will pay cash for good residence lot. not over 50 minutes' car ride from center of city; must be ebeajp. 401 Railway Exchange bldg. ' WANTED UNIMPROVED ACREAGE Within 15 cent carfare, for modern f room bouse and lot. Also 30 or 40 acres within 2 miles qX Gresham, N. or a. E. Some improvements. Cash. 245 ii Wash, street.'-"'-''"-- . - MONET TO LOAX - 27 J-' ILEAL ESTATE PRIVATE ON HAND TO" LOAN?"" $10,000 at 7?. . $5000 at 1 ; - 4.D00 at 1 2500 at 7 909 at 8 . 200O at 8 M'KEN'ZIE & CO, 615 Oerlinger bldg. LOANS on improve! city property or ior nuiming purposes; aovance maue aa building progresses; liberal repayment- privileges; no commission. J. P. LJpeeombv 242 Stark tt. Main 4420. Mortgage Loans - T. L WHITE, 701 Selling bldg. BUILDING leans on city and subur ban property; -. money advanced - as work progresses. W. G. Beck; 315 Kail lng bldg. Main 3407. - - - Wfcl have money to loan on your real estate; first mortgages . only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. - 428 Chamber of Commerce. - CASH paid for mortgages, notes, eon tracts; mortgage loans; ' reasonable rates. F. H. Liewis st Co.. 8 Lwis bldg flGO, $250, $400, $1250. $2000 ON real estate.- BOID REALTY CO., V Lewis Bldg. $10000 on mortgages, city and iarm property, fire insurance. McKenzle & Co.. Gerlinger btdsr 2d end Alder. MONEY to loan in amounts of tlOO to $500 J OO S01 Oerlinger to $500 J on eity property. A, H. Bell, DlQg. MONEY to loan. $500 to $5000. Low in terest, prompt action, R. W. Hagood, $11 Journal bldg. - - MORTGAGE loans at current ratee. - Real estate security. Apply room 03 Stock Exihange, 3d and Yamhill. $200, $350. $600. $900, $1200, $1804. Fred W German Co, 914 Cham, of Com. f 4J,0H1 OR LESS. FAKRiNGTONs , $0 4th st, Board of Trade bldg. MONEY to loan 6 to 8. W. ii. tieits Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. $50U to $6000 PRIVATE MONEV. O 831, Journal. MORTGAGE LOANS. C and 7.. Louis Salomon A Co.. 300 Oak St., near 6 th. $250, $500, $1000, $2000. 7 and 8. WARD. 407 Spalding bldg. $1600 or more to loan on Union ave. property. Apply 245 Wash, st. $500, $1000 TO $1600 to loan. Call 923 tienry Piag. $300, $500, $100 to loan, easy terms. B.' Evans. 208 Gerllnger bldg. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES 67 IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND 3 EWELRI AT EASTERN RATES. We have one of the finest retail Jewelry stores in the -city. A loan de partment 1m conducted in connection with same, making business STRICT LY CONFIDENTIAL. Absolutely no signs designating loaa business dis played la front of our store. All mer chandise pledged is held for a period of twelve months, whether or sot in terest is paid -when due. We are it. censed and have been established since 1&99. No connection with any ether loaa establishment in this city. A. & M. DELOVXOE. JEWELERS, 9st iiuiij;mn w SALARY IjOANS SALARY LOAN SI Being salary loan brokers exclusive. Iy. ws are enabled to assure satisfac tion and give . the quickest possible service, ' '- -.-; ..... . -.. .- business strlotly confidential. ' REMEMBER, We are licensed, and therefore RELIABLE. BTATH RECX7RITT CO 309 Failing bldg. Loans at Legal Rates , We loan money on diamonds, pianos, livestock, storage receipts, plain notes, oa furniture, or anything of value. You can get it today. .- Portland Loan Co., Licensed Licensed by State, 811.Dekum Bid, , Third and Washington. : MONEY AT ONCE. ' .' ' ' Diamonds, Watches, Musical Instruaa'ts Separate dept. for ladies. ELBY CO. (Licensed.) - 320 Lwmber Ex. bldg.. 2d and Stark LOANS, $50 up. Write details. Box . 364, Lents. : LOANS WANTEl SO WANTED ON A-l SECURITY. $30,000 at value $90,009 $1500 at 7, value 84600 . 87000 at 8. value $60,000 ' $2200 at 8. value S6O00. . - : $1609 at , value $4800 $800 at 8. value 31200, city - at 070, Ttiu tiaw. exy MTCENZJE 9k CO, 615 Gerlinger bldg. LOANS wanted. $1000. $2000 and $6000, on improved inside property worth in today's market five times amount wanted; money to be jised in improvements; principals only; no $30008 PER cent, improved city. BOID REALTY CO.. Lewis Bldg. WANT $300 for one year at 10 per cent on 120 acres in Tillamook county. B-644, Journal. - - . $6000 or $6000, 7, 5 years, oa 223 acres, value 918.000. close In. E. Magee, 8 n. lata. Marshall 1668. FROM private party. 82500 on Im proved suburban, value 86509. N-472, Journal. $15,000, $5000, $8000, $6000, 6 and 7. 246 Washington st! I WANT loan of" $1200 from private party; gooq security, xaoor 3987. WANTED To borrow $1050 on 32250 house; phone East 871. Monday. FINANCIAL 51 FIRST and second mortgages, also sel lers Interest tn contracts, purchased. Oregon and Washington. H. . Noble. Lumbermen bldg. : - WILL buy good mortgage on Portland property, due or almost due, at a discount. Private funds. H-81L Jour nal. - ."I,., .... - ; STOCKS AND BONDS S3 XjnivVrsTty club 6 per 'cent $109 bond, . Make : an offer, j-739. Journal. : j HEIJ VAXTED--IAEE y 1 WANTVd A good real estate sales man to go on the road; either fealary and commission or . partnership. . N 470. Journal. - -. - ADVERTISING -solicitors, quick cash commission.! Clyde Agency,.. 207 Stock Exchange."; .. .- - . . WANT RENTAL man on commission. , BITTER. LOWM & UE FOREST, zva-zvi txiara 01 raae 13 lag. WANTED Coffee and tea . solicitors; call Monday, between 6-and 6 p. m at 14 12th U - - - -. ---- .- WANTED Collector to work on ,sal. ary basis. Must have his own motor evfle. W-933, Jonmal. - SALESMEN Wanted, outfit free, cash weekly. Address Capital City Nura- erv Co-- Salem. Or. - - CARPENTER wanted; will pay you in real estate; Swank, 691 Northwest bldg. - - .- ' - - WANTED Tea and coifee solicitora Call before . 209 Salmon. EMPLOYMENT department Y. M. "51 1 Service free to members. t MEN with automobile or motorcycle. 9909 72nd st-. S. E. IIEXP, WANTED MAJLE (pemtroO) A LEADING automobile house has - opening for clean "cut young man, 25 to SO, as cashier and accountant. Mast be thoroughly competent, quick and Ac curate. Bond required. . Reply in own handwriting with full details, and ref- crenccs. f--e7Q. journal POSTOFF1CE examicaion at Portland . soon. prepare - now . under former f ovemment examiner. Booklet ? S-30 ree. Write today. Patterson Civil Service School. Rochester. N.- T. WANTED at once, several live sales men, those w4io can leave eity; 815 te $25 per wk. Call on furniture store, Monday a. to. 412 Hawthorne ave. Ask CARPENTER wanted to take contract put on- spruce siding, s Union man. Francis ave between 37th and 39th sts. Woodstock car. Vam ii,u. collector to work oa a sal ary basis; must bave his own motor cycle. N-286. Journal. WAN TED Man for farm work, with , 9300. J-740, Journal. - tUsMtr UAXIKU LUC ccoattnosd) - SALESMEN wanted Top notchers.- Exceptional money making oppois tunity for high class men to sell mem berships in big national organization of automobile owners. . .Permanent po sitions. miss ions. A chance to make $3000 to $i00 or more per rear. .Your sale efforts backed- by 60.049 advertising campaign in lead ing magaziaes. Experience selling au tomobiles and supplies or insurance and stocks and bonds valuable but not necessary, - Unlimited field. Every au tomobile owner a live nrosDect.: No competition. Slate fully your ex peri - cuhi . ttuu (iuain.ico.uons. nrwn nusi lers, not "chair warmers. Territory going fast. Write at ence t or full de taila J. L. W Room 70ft. 827 S. La pajie st., voicago. v m r A. S u iu v rw l Autcmobila School 'Day and night instruction in repair ing, drivinir selling and machine work, including forge, lathe, shaper, : drill press, etc. ; Moderate chargea Fair dealing and expert trainiz. Time un limited. ... - . - . ; -, Ufore enrolling elsewhere call at educational pfflce. Y. M. C. A. bidg and secure pass entitling you to gpect our shops and methods. . y SALESMEN; pocket- side line, new live proposition, all merchants r in towns - of 100,000 and under want ii Pays $5 com ml union on each sale. No collecting, no Tisk to merchant. We take back, unsold goods.' . Easiest, biggest paying side line ever offered. Canfield Mfg. Cew 28 gigel sc., Chi- GOVERNMENT positions In postof- fics, railway mail and other branches are good. Prepare 'for 'exams' under former U. S. - Civil Service secretary-examiner. Booklet f ree.. Writ today. Patterson Civil Service School, Rochester. N. Y. SALESMAN, for general mercantile osition of merit. Vacancy now; at- t.4 w.. uvc cvnuuuisioa contract. 3s weekly for expenses. Miles F. Bixler Co. wholesale Jewelers, 227-24 Carlin Bldg.. Cleveland, Ohio. -WANTED Two high grade "specialty salesmen or capable ex-merchants t .u . ' ' . oow, oiapie una Liberal weekly advances. Protected territory. Old establish luni.. . a i. Kline. 275 24 Crafts bldg. Oeveland, Ohio. x - WE have several. ODeninea for eatAh. lishment of independent mail order bUSinesa Fnera-v. mnA h.M. sound judgment more important than. cpare tune at rirst. rartlcu , OPPortUBlUes Exchanse, 16,000 GOVERNMENT jobs Open te Common -eduatlon sufficient. Portland examinations soon. Write immediately for free sample questions and full de AMntiAn T7u nl.ll.. . ai 1KUWU. Ml M sVIWft lAri 1 MPUlUiA . mHL 4I T nk r,e 1VT V " " WATCHMAKING. engravin. ' 'optieal . school, day and night classes, few TnAnrh. lcawnlr,w anteed. - Agreeable, btbady. profitable wuia. ii touuuwuweaiiA Diag tin and Ankeny. WE want men and women, in .every wmiuumiy ia jniruauce OUT- sign grade specialty. -Positive necessity: Sells to everybody. Write today. Rod dan Supply Co.. Walla, WaUs, vv wii SALESMAN, experienced in any line! w ow mw uue tn r'acuie ter ritory. Unexcelled specialty propesi Uon. Commission contract. $26 weekly f?r expenses. Continental Jewelry Co 76---24 Continental bldg., Cleveland. O VA,V , . u PA , i m a . A k . . . I J . r. i " viuw wuiuess ox your own. We balpyott start for a share in profits; 27 opportunities; particulars free. Opportunities Exchange, liui TWO salesmen for our line of '"As. greases and specialties; exceptional opportunity for .men of abUity. Pre vious experience unnecessary. West Coa. a t Ref nJC. Fmn c is co, Cal, MARSHALL'S Auto and Gas Tractor School Up-to-date methods, practL eal instruction, day and evening class es: wa marantM : ranU. Qr 11 WANTED The care pf a small childT good home, no other children. $12 per m,."tb, girl preferred, Phone Tabor 5428. - - - v. . ,. WANTED At once. 2 men to learn automobUe repairing and driving. Call at Hawthorne Garage. 445 Haw WR.ITR matlnn " each; experience unnecessary 1 isus sent iree to Deglnners. Produc- erxr league, aoe wainwngnt. Ht. Louis. FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel; demonstrate and sell dealers. 825 to $50 per week. Railroad fare paid. Good- u xjruK ucpl umana, rveo GOVERNMENT positions are eay to get. my tree DOOKjet x-ass tells now. Write today NOW. Earl Hopkins, Wtshliten. D. C. r . . ." WANTED Organizers to obtain mera bers and establish lodges on com mission. The Owls, South Bend, lad. WATCHES cleaned. 76e; mainspring, 75c: work guaranteed. 218 Cotbsim, weaun oing., m ana Attwny, wishing government Jobs. 3(6 zno! t3X-16. JournaL COOK headquarters California. Wis reivt. ?! Yamhill. Near 6th. UNCALLfiCD for tailor made suits $6.s up. Taylor, the Tailor. 2t 14 Burnnlde A MONEY maker, samples 26c, contest manager, 141 18th st, Portland. 0r. WANTED Woman with business ex- pertenee capable of taking charge of office, also able to teach English elaes. Call Sunday, l to 4 p. or Monday - .11-, UH.U.. J IJ 1 IJ I5 . WANTED Young girl for care of , vtuiuicu an. nousewora; answer giving telephone number; will " ngwer iimnay, ier-sva, journal. MIDDLE-AGED German, woman " to KJ.p TV W . V48wT , -. ' f - - - -. - WANTED Tenor singer for trio, must be competent and clean habits. Con sidering vaudeville act. Phone Wdin, 342. bet. 12 and t, today. Sunday. WANTED Ladies to demonstrate rs- idential work; ;$2 day up. 605 -lumbia bldg. - ,-:-., '--., - EXPERIENCED cook wasted for sub urban.- home; references. requird. Inquire 654 Everett st. Phone M. 7738. GIRL General housework, small fan, ily, state references, salary expected. XM-iJSTw, journal. WANTED 15 lady solicitors. If you are not live wires do not apply. Call Monqay a. - 9ia tsroaaway Pldg, WANTED Girl, high school age, to Beip in nousewora ana care of cbll drert. N-471. Journal. MIDDLE-AGED lady; home and small salary for light services. 7 Buchtel ave.. near E. 30th and frtark. -t WANTED Experienced skirt - and waist nnisner. zu uoiumma bldg WANTED Girl for general house. worn- jyyiy aj xu. aun jy. A GIRL to help in bakery aad restau rant.. 262 Yamhill. IEELP WAELWTE3IALIi 3 fContlanegj WANTEDJaan and - wife -to take ' charge of apartment house for the use . of landlady's apartment, refer enr-es.. 95"4 North 18th. Marshall s68. -- - - - -m BOOKKEE1ER and stenographer for - lobbing bouse. . Apply tn own band writing, stating experience; and refer -enoea. Salary $75 tart with. Address H-81 2, Journal. - '--" - ----- - ": HELP WAITIa--4ttAJLK AND UK.N and women te iMre tbe barber . trade, .wages, paid -while .learning; tuition reduoed, positions cared. The only chain': of schools In the world. Send for free catalogue. Moler Barber College. H. 48 N. 2d nt. ' -- ' - - - - Oregon Barber College .will teach you -the trade in "8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free 5 positions guaranteed; pay - while learning; tui tlon reduced this term. 238 Madison. WILL "give $5 per mo. to mUWle ad woman for light housework, for man and 7-yr. son for summer. K.- 23, Journal.- - - '-"- ; - - ' ' : - - VA:TEI AGENTS WE start you in .business, furnishing ".everything, men and women. 430 to $200 weekly operating-our "New Sys tem Specialty Candy Factories" home, anywhere; ino canvassing. Opportu nity life time; booklet free. Ragsdale Co., Box z, -ijist orange, k. j, ATTENTION Butter 4e a pound, won derful patent machine which merges one pint of milk into one pound of butter making two- pounds) in two minutes. 150 per cent to agents. Write for Information. Family Butter Merger Co.. Washington. D. C. W E ' HAVE several openings for es tabUsrtment of independent mail or der business; energy, good habits and sound judgment more important than capital: spare time at first; partic ulars free.. Opportunities - Exchange, Buffalo. NJ Y. y AGENTS Salary or commission. - Greatest seller yet. - Every user- pen and ink buys on sight. 200 to 500 per cent profit., One agent's sales $62.0 in six days; another $32 in two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co.. X-244, La Crosse, WUl --i -:-: . - - RESIONSIELiJ masufactHirer desires placing valuable ageney. sure re peater, permanent income, business builder, easy, no competition, protected territory guaranteed. Perfection Com- XIVE agents, men or women, wanted 10 iniruuuc sign uoumu specialties;: big profits; write today. Ashland Agency Co., P. O. box 96, Ash- 1 - w. i JlfJlPC- Experience not necessary IdUlCO -rith our lln- luat shnw them: salary and: commission. - Mr. Touns, ill nook hotel, 4th and Salmon. Hours 2 to 6 and 7 to 8 p. m. , , AGENT8 make 590 percent profit selling "Novelty Sign-tards.,. Mer chants buy- 10 to 104 oa eight. 800 varlatl., -f Osjfalnliui f r. . KiiTI iv n c:o., 134 yan jtturen st umcato, in SPECIAL agents wanted; make $18 to $40 weekly. CaU 8 to 12 p. m. B, 206 Macleay bid. 2&S Waaatagton st- Besjrnompson, LARGEST seller out, absolutely new; 100 profits, repeats: particulars free.. Wm. C. Beam guar iLv New Ply mouth, Idaho. J ., WANTED-i-Ladies. house to bouse so- lidtors, to handle household neces sity. Big profit, good seller. Apply jxt zrva sxreet. FAST seller to auto met. $5 to $10 per . day comrnl4ka. G. E. Dye 4k Co 44H Washington. Portland. Oregon. BARBERS AND SUPPLIES 60 AGENTS Call On best , people. Fast seller, setting you 91.2a on every ssXaT d. Hi Dye Coi Washisg- ton sr.. FertJano. or. SITUATIONS JklALK EXPERIENCED, honest, sober and re . liable middle age man of good ad dress would "like to find position as janitor or porter or work of some kind, moderate wages, best references. Ad dress P. Pasteuc Newhutd: hotel, .8064 First st, city. EiXPERT tbreaher, engine, saan, five seasons ' with one man In, Kansas. Address A. J. Kellogg, cars -of Mrs. VloU Tate, Oregon City,. Or, Pacific pnone iss-st. YOUNG man wants a position as as? sis taut ' bookkeeper in wholesale house or corporation; references; ti deli ty ' bond, if required ; salary not accessary.-; Y-339, Journal. YOUNG raao. with technical college , education, oestreA- permanent posi tion with firm- of ferine: opportunities for advancement, 0-343, Journal. CARPENTER gointr soon to Tillamook Beach to build a few cottages, would like a few more contracts. N.26ti, journal. WHO needs a good, -careful auto driver? -.Want good machine; am eld enough to know what to do. N-282, journal. w ; - WANTED Janitor work; will care for furnace land do all repair. East SALESMAN making central Oregon wants aids line tot sellr E-678, Jour nal. IINTIX, ' kalsornining; rooms' up; paper- hanging, whltswasjaiag, feasonable. Main 35;. PAINTER Good aU-round hand; mar . ried; wants work. $8 : a day; refer- ences. R-843, Journal ' - YOUNG man, stenographer, good typ--. 1st, .8 years experience; references. N-281. Journal. UNO man. careful driver and seed repairer, wants work. Call or ad- qres sn ant orin. SITUATION wanted High school boy - would like position during vacation. Has wheel. K-447, Journal, East 8144. YOUNG man stenographer wants per- manent position. Room 340, Hotel Frarifclin. phone Main 417, FIKfiT class, oainter. Mv refersoes ; "are my guarantee. Phone Tabor 48S3. - '- - - - PAINTING, paper hanging or tinting; guaranteed wora at nara : umes prices. rices. lu. 6487. LET ME do your mowing and raking. a N. Me teal f. 4825 36th ave.- S. 13. Phone Tabor 36S2. - Skilled Carpenters ' Furnished, en sirt notice. Mar. 766. YOUNG man, 21 years, wants . plac on farm; so milking experieaee. East PAINTER, with family, must have v work; can turnisn tooas ana refer ences. Phone East 2892. YOUNG man wants pouitios as usher or . helper in cbeatre. Phone East WHEN you want a carpenter for any Kind or wore, prions fcast aits, ng . work. -Phone Eat 4804. C-1477. WANTED to contract-large acreage of Cranberries to weed; white help only. 8ITUATlQNa--lriaiAli, 4 LADY, 90 1 years old, work as house keeper in rooming; bouse or hotel Marshall 3787.- '.--.-- - -'- - - - EXPERIENCED - stenographer, gea era! office work, wants position. Phone Tabor 1376. NEAT girl wants to assist small fam , .ily, west side, $2.50 per week. N-283, JournaL - - - - - WILL do washing or: housecleaning. : 81.59 per day and carfare. Tabor DINNERS. - teas, parties, weddings, . planned, prepared, served, best ref erences. - Sellwood 1696. ' ' - R.ESPONSD3LE woman wants plain sewing or light housework, 122 H Tjnion ave, room 4. - YOUNG . t lady stenographsr, exper ienced, wishes . position, moderate salary to begin. Main 3172. REFINED middleaged womaa will take charge of home, neat. - economical. reasonable wage; references. E. 6347. A PLACE to work two hours In the 'morning and three evenings a week for room .ana dinner. k-zz. jonraai. WOMAN wants day work; experieacedl v. KAa ... TABOR 6720 Wanted-by experienced ; woman, day work. 4 EXPERIENCED woman cook, all line, of cooking, delicatessen work ei.ef ially, now employed, wants to gt-t po sition during summer at beach o would consider position in citv. Cu.a give referentvw. N-K67. Journul, 9CXPER1ENCKD womu dvHireo ' ployment in Portland; rooiniiig b.-- - , RUUlaKMiuat fOQkinc i f,t- .iith n r , t . , .lines. Daughter of l to support. I'-uoi t ' ; i.-k . . .. ..... .. Kiniu vovv, .tiu Linrni a j . runady ci Monday, or write K-s 13, Journal. A YOUNG woiuan would like ui 1 housekeeper, city or cuntry. 4i Davis st. Marshall-64-13. Miodle k-.I woman wishes work. Ham ad.j rpK. EASTERN lady, good cook, fioi'ii"."., eeper, wishes position in niM iu-. aged couple's home, or widower's Iauv" ily. Marshall 87. ; POSITION e JiouHfkeeper by thor oughly . -experienced woman. ' -f" 1 rook and first class references. 12i KlVkitat nt, REFINED widow, 22-f-v CIHties poNltiori as houske4;per. No tri flers nel swer. Phone Woodlawn 1630 or addren 748 Horthwick t- YOUNO lady -with 8 ye.r traiiiinu in household scienos desires work i, home or. apartment; .prefers to fclet i at homeJ Kant 6046. EXPERIENCED Swedish girl wii-n cooking or general housework, wages 985. Phone Woodlawn 2441. 4 81 Webster st YOUNG lady will aasist eveiuiiRa -an-i Sundays for room, iboar1 uni goni home. Neat, aellom out evenings; ret erences. Main 6267. REFINED, capable lady, 3y, dtu-irt'4 position as housekeeper. Phone iar. 2080.- , VvlDOW. with 5-yar-oTd boy, wait3 place- on farm; best references; fair wages. Jaet 604. 841 K. Klanle. IlOUSE, kitchen, chuinUor "work, eldiiT ly jady; Ma in 74 3 0. SWEDISH girl, wants house woik. Halsey. '-3 . mTUAT10Ne WANTED 3IALI1 AND FICMAIilO I I WANTED r0 Loganberry pUskers, 9 miles east of Brooks. Good i-amp ground. Write or apply to Joe Kiley, Brooks, Or. VVANTED Position by mn and W as ianitor tvnd lanitress; not afraid Of work. Address O. C, (H CI intoii. i and wife want position JauI-' 2 tor; do any kind of work, ilaia 9491. A-1675. v EXPERIKNCICD man and wife wm.u work on farm. N-288, Journn I. ; DKEHS.VLULIXtJ 40 eUlTB $3, skirts $2, waits $1 up, modeling a specialty. -288 JeUrsort, room 8. ' iRESS M AK1 bi G and children's sew-.-ing done at reasonable prices, iiii. N. 20th st. . EXPERIENCED engagements; references. Phone fceil wood 93. .. DRESS MAKING or plain- aewiuTI Marshall 6463. Ask for apt. 11. STUIWilOS 1 COTTAGE hospital, matsmity, medi cal, convalescent patients received., Trained nurses only. Congenial sur rounding. Terms, & to $16 per week. 1334 K. Morrison, eer. 42d. Tabor 27, WANTED To buy grocery on east side, with living rooms, Ross City preferred, about $1400. K-4i0, - Jour pal. ' . MIDWIFE (graduate) and maternity nurses by the hour, day or week, reasonable. Marsha 4538. 468 Taylor. . PRACTICAL nurse, 20 years' experi ence, maternity cases a specialty. Tabor 2874. FURNISHED ROOMS . n 4s9sasitsssyBSi toe mtei -."mm At 11th and Stark els.. Is clean, modern, centrally located with hot ao.i. cold water, steam heat, elevator, pbou in each room, .private bath, t yvui ' baths on each Tlooti, large ground fior"t .. looby, all outside, roooi. Per f,i 38 up; per inonth, 91$ up.. -Quiet any, -horn el i ke. -'' - - , mm 1 COR. THIRD AND MAIN BCS. , 'Thoroughly modem and clean, ana; eondueted as a first- lass hotel, unuo. the persons! supervision of the own-' ers; special rates ly the week of month, to desirable parties. - WTEL ELEVENTH' J3T. ' BETWEEN " MORRISON AND YAMHILL DESIRABLE DOWNTOWN LOCATION RESPECTABLE AND STRICTLY MODERN. RATES. 91 PER DAY, $4 PER WKU WITH PRIVATE BATH $1.6 PER DAY, 5.6 Pi:H VVET''. . A-2974. Main 1883. TBflE.IPALDfflEB WlM: OP. PAN TAG ES. Special reus to the theatrical pro t fesston.- Prop. Billy Broad, llpuso- -keeping rooms complete, - - Hotel 129 13th St, fi. IS. Cor. Washington.: Large, 'ciean, front rooms, with ad modern conveniences, hot and -cold wa ter and private phone in every room; vacuum cleaner service. Rates $4,0 a week tip. Transient trade solicited. Hotel Everett Broadway at Everett. Everything new. Weil furnished, hot and col.i wa ter, modern, new, fireproof buiidinsr. Rooms 92.80 per week and up, and '$io per month And up. Bring this ad t apply $1 on first month's rent. BTHKl.TuM HOTEL. 1HU Utta st, near Waak, clenn. quiet, modern conveniences, sum m-r . rates; $3 week up: transient solicitt-0. Marshall 270. YOUNG men may consult witnuut ' charge register of furnished roorm at Y. M, C. A-. listing several hundre i in all parts of the city, also those in tee Association pnuoing. WANTED Room mate to redoes room lag expense. Fireproof burn ing, shower baths, individual beds, t -i.l or address Y. M. C. A. busine of f .-. Buckingham Hotel. court rms., $2.60 up. Day. 6O0. 7ic, 1 i. 663 Washington. c , . THE ALBION HOTEJU 212 H 8d and Salmon. - Rooms $1.75 week up; steam beat, hoT arid, cold water, free bath. phfn ANSONIA HOTEL, 124 14th it. cor. Wash, desirable lo cation, strictly modern, private bs t -i, phone. $3 up. Rates to tourists. M. 144 '1 . Mo-4ri Urtol Suites $5. Outs,.. ifittuiao.-iiwi&i rooms $2 up. court rooms, $2.50 up. By day 60c. 75c, $1; cor. 12th and wsshingtori sts. Arminius Rooms single and en suite, all moA em, $2.50 week up. 410'4 Wcti-t.. A QUIET PLACE FOR Q LI ET i'kui . , HOTEL CLIFFORD. ' East Morrison st, near Grand sv. Cleanliness ana comrort, j per v PLEASANT,, comfortable roiu w4. kitchenette if desired, vnodern, m-f.- ing distance, very reasonable, 370 CLEAN, light rooms; tree pnow ... bath, steam heat. $2 up. 44a Coius ,: bla. Main 7410. A-8878. Nksely furnind A RRHTT S"av t 228 k Wash, st, nDOU I Ili9k.i ROOMS and apartments in mouorn i.w. tel. 32.60 week and up. 4f5 .M i f. $2 WEEK up. cleanwar;n, moueru f rooms, central. The King. 30 J Mod. equipm't. npil CV 66cuayi. . 290Vi Morrison UU,XLL $2.B0wv. v iCoatinosd 01 Laat eiTUATIOXS-ILLLi: tCnstlsne1 I ' f .