The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 11, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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I CECIL, queen of the Irvlngfcon
I - children' parad. is the center
hi vhiUm1 hi event -in: that Dretty
Suburban ' district tomorrow. -The tiny
.hr5-y ear-old queen will reign in
titat seated on a float not much bigger
than beraelf. ' Irrlngton'a best toloa
homi will deck every conceivable kind
bf a go-cart, push cart, .velocipede, tri
cycle, bicycle, roller . coasters and
fevers- sort of wagon taat roiui ior xne
:hlldren. The parade -will , move at
' clock with a short inarch of abont
ight blocks and promiees to be one of
iie most unique events of the' festival.
pride-Elect and ' Visitors
Entertained. . i !;s W
Miss 4 Bess Lloyd, bride-elect of
Charles Bobbins; Mrs. Frederick Bur-
ows and Miss Stone of Chicago shared
Lonors Saturday, when Mra. F. J. Leon
ard entertained with a matinee to see
Miss BllHe Burke. Other guests were
ra. 3. H. Bobbins of Pendleton. Mrs.
h e. Colt, Mrs. A, 3. Wolff, Mrs. E.
II. Keller. Mrs. rercy Aiien, Mrs.
M.' Lacey. Mrs. B. "M. C Whittaker,
Mn-B. Haines (Geraldlne Whltta-
L.tu.- txf Q 1 , or TllxtrAV "M rm T f! '
bam all, Mrs. G. Jennings and Miss
(rermiulon. Tea followed at tne ien-on.
Exposition News Notes
The after-dinner joy sone party has
aken its plaice as a fixed daily social
brent with hosts and guests in the ex
position city. The American beauty
lining room of the Hotel Plaza In San
'ran Cisco is noted" for its many merry
Sinner parties who -spend the evening
bn the zone, and. particularly von the
Klghts when Art SmitftftaV illuminated
biplane loops many loops, leaving a
ran or iireworas ueumu it a, ii Ki
cking meteor.
Among the notable guests of the
lotel Plaza from Portland who have
nioyed this beautiful spectacle are M.
rheW, Mrs. M. C. Eliner. P. M. Kirsch,
Mra'M. Gourman, Theo M. Kundow,
4rt. E. H. Wheeler, a A. Zander, Theo
rV.C Anderson, M. P. Merrill, Mr. and
Mrs. F. L. Knight, Mr. and Mrs. W.
W.VGlos. G. L. Parrish and mother,
rheo M. Knudson and R. B. Wolcotta
X-W, It. y& N. Employes'
Ttub Hosts.
; Arriving In the city this morning,
t gala time has been planned for the
'oung women, guests of the O-W. R.
k N,f company, who have been chosen
'rom various places in the Pacific
i or t fewest to be. guests of the O-W. B.
fe ;Jt Employes' club today and to
norfow in Portland.
They participated in the company's
II vision of the military, civic, frater
i at and Industrial parade this morn
ng, and this afternoon are guests at
ea of Mrs. J. D. Farrel at her home
n North Nineteenth street.
This , evening . they will view the
lectrical parade, and .tomorrow morn
ng;at 10, a sight seeing trip has been
arranged to view tho city by auto
aobll. One of the big events of their visit
fill be the reception and luncheon to
morrow noon aboard the S. S.Bear, the
eception being at 12 o'clock and the
uncheon at 1 .o'clock. .
At 2:39 o'clock, they will be taken
o .see the Irvlngton children's parade
n 4 will make their departure tomor
owr evening. The visitors include:
Imperial hotel Mrs. J. Dahl. chap
ron; Mrs. Dell Bartholomew, Milton,
)r.; Mrs. . Laura E. Ferg, Dayton,
Vash.; Mrs. Blanche Walters, Prescott,
Vash; Miss Dorothy Dllworth. Spo
ne; Miss Maude Bentley.Col fax;
vtlss Irm Martin, La Grande; Miss
fTellie Keaaeds, La Grande.
Oregon hotel Miss Iva Henderson,
haperon; Miss Ada ZHirkee, North
'akima: Miss Fay-Belle Bryan, Grana
ry Wash. : Miss Beulah Monnet, Ken
ewick; Miss Gertrude Stone, Tekoa:
Ilss Shirley Puckett, Wallace? Miss
Lda Guernsey, Kellogg-Ward ner, Idaho.
Portland, hotel Miss Margaret Mac
Kinnon, chaperon; Miss Minnie Wilson.
Valla Walla; Miss Florence Heintz,
tar buck; Miss Nellie Blake Pomeroy;
liss Ethel McAnlnch, Waitsburg; Miss
Kathryn Ji Kerin. Lewlston; Miss Mary
V: Henley, Moscow; Miss Elsie Den
on. Pullman.
Multiomah hotel Miss Amy Klum,
haperon; Miss Margaret Smith, Cos
lopolls; Miss Abby Murray, Ford,
Vash.; Mrs. Grace, James. The Dalles;
Irs. J. E. Starn. Wasco. Or.; Miss
frudence Hauser, Pleasant Valley, Or.; rNeine x eager, iinierpnse; juiss
La Verne Wissler, Pendleton; Miss Opal
Bryant, Echo; Miss Agnes Pennington,
tone; Mia s Maude Baxnsford, Bonne-
uie. .
Benson hotel- Miss Ethel TTart.
haperon; Miss Hazel C Wright, Se
ttle; MiS9 Edna Flyhn, Seattle; Miss
rene Lovelace, Seattle; Miss Faith
:iarlc Seattle: Miss Kenneth J. Hawk.
facoma; Miss Helen Dougherty, Baker;
illss Elf rieda M. Enberg, Baker; Miss
katie Shlnners, Huntington.
vii: .. ; ' ' '
ihicago Visitors Entertained.
Many . Informal parties are . being
liven for th-e pleasure of Mrs. Freder-
kt Burrows and Miss Stone of Chi-
kgo, who are guests of Mr. and Mrs.
dwln G Yeasey
ocitj Notes. ' , -
Miss Leona Barker has gone to Cali-
braia for the summer. She will visit
lacrajpoento, San Francisco and Los
nsoies, staying with relatives until
bout August.7 ... , v- -
Mrs. William Henry Davis., an at-
hactive young matron of Albany,; Is
tie nouse guest of Mr. and Mrs. Andre
Wolff of jrvington. - . .
Mrs. William Buckler- has just, re
timed from a 4vo, months' vacation in
lalif ornia visiting - with her . son.
Jeorge, and, family, who-are located in
named a, sne was given several very
njoyaoie "entertainments by friends
bring her stay, also paid several vis-
a to the Panama-Pacific exposition.
Dr. and 'Mrs. Gesilbracht. Mrs.
omer A. Kelson. Mrs. Anna Hunt and
Irs. D. O. Woodworth of Albany mo-
It V-V --s -yiS J faV
W( L x: & rr
IIP t-'- '"TTX 1
If H i J4 ;CiOT ? ;s
i -r- AfC'" 7 (SXh If
I -J
him Until. it crashed Into a telenhnna
pole, a block away.: -
Secretary Harry Walton of the Seals
announced today that Bay Corhan.
shortstop," would' assume the duties of
Manager Harry Wolverton. 1 1 Corhan
has acted as field captain this season.
Conflicting reports regarding Wol-!
verton's condition were heard todays
According to the club doctor, Wolver
ton i resting easily. , "It was stated
at St. Luke's hospital that "he is suf
fering considerably, and that an opera,
tlon may be necessary. h .
' It is - feared that the ;. accident will
close Wolverton's career a an active
player. - -
Spies are - reported ' to have taken
photographs of the American coast de
fenses in the Pu get sound. It would
seem to be a waste of effort when
they could buy picture postcards " of
'em for a penny apiece. - tt . -
Seattle Mayor and .
IFire Chief .Visitors
wmiam Oszr Surprised to
of sound OUy slarrJilng in
William Carr, battalion chief of the
Seattle fire' department, was a happy
man yesterday, " He was. in Portland
visiting , old i friends . in ( the Portland
fire troreau and viewing, the Bos Fes
tival parade. !- '
Chief -Carr stood onj Fourth street
applauding and' sayins; he had never
seen 'anything like Itj before, when a
lot of men dressed- ixf white uniforms
passed him. ' H noj Iced ! one of the
men aook at him 'rather strangely, but
continued applauding the pretty girls
and floats. (
Suddenly he recognised th man
looking at him.
""Hello, there, Mayor!" :-.e shouted,
v "Hello, chief. Are you her toot" ,
"Yep, was the battalion chief's re
Ply. - '
Tb man he had spoken ta wai 111"
Gill, mayor of Seattle.
Chief Carr was formerly a, resident
of Portland. .
Top, left to right Queen Elizabeth Cecil, of the Irvington Chil
dren's parade and Teddy Leiter: "She" Loves - Me, She Loves
Me Not." : .
Bottom, left to rightQueen Elizabeth's courtiers: John Sinnott and
- Teddy Leiter, and the Queen. - -
Save he Baby
Use the rellablo
Malted Milk
bpbuJlds vcry pan of the body effic
iciana. Mothers and Nurses the world
bver for more than a quarter of a century,
j Convenient, no cooking nor additional
mOk required. Simply dissolve in water.
(Agrees when other foods often M.
-"7N Snbetitute Is "Just s Good"
MORLICR'S, thx Ortgiaal"
tored down to the city to attend the
Rosa Festival and to visit friends.
Mrs. Ada B. MlUIcan, from Millican.
central Oregon, who has been attend
ing the General Federation of Wom
en's clubs, Is visiting her cousin, Mrs.
Di W,.Holden, a.t 420 Cook avenue. ,
Picnic Flans Kearly Complete.
Portland Canton No. 1 has about
completed the arrangements for the
Odd Fellows' picnic on -Monday, July
5. Special cars will come from New
berg, Sherwood and Tualatin and con
nect with the special train from
Portland to the grounds at Bonne
ville. The Newberg band will furnish the
music The Hassalo Hyenas, man
aged by Henry S. Westbrook, deputy
grand master, will play the Orient
Patricians, Robert Andrews, grand
patriarch, manager, in a game of
baseball. The Sherwood Greyhounds
will play, against the Sanitarium
Groundhogs, and perhaps the Hood
River Whoopers. Grounds are free
to all Odd Fellows and friends.
Big Chief Fooled Ober.
George Cl Qber. manager of the
Portland hotel, was taken Into the
Blackfoot tribe of Indians from
Glacier Park last night in the lobby
of the Portland by the group of Black
toots now in the city attending the
Rose Festival. . Several hundred per
sons witnessed the ceremony. Mr.
Ober understood that his Indian name
was to be Eagle Tall Feathers but the
master of ceremonies, , possessing! a
sense of humor, fooled ' him by dub
bing him Bald Headed Eagle.
Milton Postmaster Goes Home.
Bruce Shangle, postmaster at Mil
ton, who was in Portland for the post
masters convention, left for his home
last night.' He is editor of the paper
at Milton.
A.. Chesire Mitchell, who has seen
every Rose Festival . since - they began.
except the one last year, Is here for
the Rose Festival. He is the manager
of Hotel Butler in Seattle and is well
known in Portland-,
' William Coverly and wife of Brook
lyn. N. T are guests at the Portland.
C. G. Polk Is a Corvallls visitor at
the Nortonia.
F. Stuckert, & school principal of
Woodland, Wash, is at tho Imperial.
C H. Mayer, a Seattle rubber man.
Is a guest at the Multnomah,
J. P. Rogers, a Salem banker, and
family, are tX the Oregon.
Judge A, L. Clark and wife of Rai
nier are at the Cornelius.
Z. M. Agre is a Roseburg visitor at
the Portland. s '.t.,';.
. F. W. Varrelman and wife of Gardi
ner are at tho Nortonia.
William Curtis and wife are Kelso
visitors at the Cornelius.
Charles H. Fisher, a Salem publisher.
Is at the Imperial.
B. L. Bogart and wife are Eugene
visitors at tho Oregon.
H. L. Fenton and wife of Dallas are
at the Nortonia. ,
F. Elevenhusen, , an Altoona, Waslu,
salmon, man, is at the Multnomah.
E. C. Kirk pa trick, mayor of Dallas,
is at the Imperial.
H. B, Snyder and wife of Cazadero
are at th Cornelius. . ' - -.
George B. von der HeHen Is regis
tered at the Portland 'from Roseburg.
- Rev. B. 0Callaghan is a Hermiston
visitor at the Multnomah. -
. H. J. . Schulderman of Salem, state
corporation commissioner, la at the
Imperial.' - ' v
Dean H. Hayes and wife of Eugene
are guests at the Portland.
F. S. Deckebach and family are
Salem visitors at the Oregon. .
F. C. Bonner and wife are Philadel
phia visitors at "the Portland.'
-Will J. -Hayner, editor of the Suther-
tsac v wi A erf m QnthnrHn
in Portalnd for the postmasters con
vention and the Rose Festival.
William Calvert and family are reg
istered at the Multnomah from Seattle.
B. W. jHayward, a Eugene attor
ney. Is at the Imperial.
Minnesota to Sail
Under Alien Flag
Bnaoi Says Great ZTortharn j Twiner
, Will Be Sold to Other Interests on
Account of ZTew Seamen's Lav.
Seattle, Wash., June 1L (P. N. S.)
Although unconfirmed by - official
announcement, rumors are . prevalent
in shipping circles here that the Great
Northern Steamship company's liper
Minnesota will change Its regis try and
sail under the flag of some country;
otner man tne united states wnen
the new seaman's law goes into effect
bn November L Such action would
remove from the American merchant
marine its greatest carrier.
The provision of the seamen's law,
which requires 411 members of a ship's
crew '.to speak the language of its offi
cers, is the one held responsible ' for
the rumored intention of the owners
of the Minnesota. To replace the Chi
nese and : other orientals now employed
on tne Minnesota would, it Is stated, j
increase the operating expenses. of the!
snip Dy at least 9132,000 per year.
Rumor states that the Minnesota, to
avoid this added expense, will trans
fer her registry to the British flag
or will be sold to other interests.
The Minnesota, - according to word'
received here, will leave drydock at
Nagasaki, where she has been for sev
eral weeks following her grounding off
the coast of Japan today, and is ex
pected in port here on July 5.
Agnes Patch Takes
First Money in Pace
San Francisco, June 11. Pacing two
heats in time close to the 2:21 mark,
Agnes Patch, with Macey up, captured
the S-year-old pace vent of yester
day's Panama-Pacific International
Exposition program. Oro Lou took sec
ond money and Rodney Patchen was
third. f ;
' Bon Gres. coming back .strong , in
the second ' and ! third heats won the
2:25 trot. Baron Todd was second.
Agnes Carter, won the" 2:20 Driving
club trot,: ' ,. s
; The summary: ...
Three-year-old pace, 2 out of 3 heats,
purse $3009:, .Agnes Patch (Macey),
1. 1, first; Oro Lou (Blackwall), 2, 2,
second; Rodney Patchen CDryder) 3, S,
third; Sheldon B. (Quinn). 4, 4, fourth.
Time,? 2:2114, 2:20. I r
2:25 trot, purse $2000: Bon Cres
(F. Chadbourne), .2, 1, 1, first; Baron
Todd (Lon McDonald), 1. 3, 2, second;
Robert Bingen (Harry DowUng). 3, "3,
3, thirdL. : Times, 2:21, 2:23.i2:l?4. -
2:20 Driving club trot purse 31000:
Agnes Carter (Ot linger), 3. 1, 1, first;
Columbia T. (SUva),ci, 3, 2, second;
Graham Bellini (Machido), 7,- 6, 3,
third. Times, 2:17)4, 2:15, 2:16.
Harry; Wolvef ton Is
; Hurt Cranking Car
. . MMMgnNHMM' .t i ft.. i.
' San . Francisco. 4 CaL. June 11 fll.
P.) Seriously injured and with a pos
sible . puncture of the lungs, Harry
S. Wolvertbn, manager s of i the San
Francisco baseball club. Is confined
to St. 'Luke's hospital; today where
he was taken following "an automobi le
accident ' in which he - reoel ved - three
fractured ribs, a broken clavicle and
a number of deep, gashes. Wolverton
attempted to crank his automobile
when it started down a steep incline,
catching - his clothing and - dragging
The Only Retail Store West ot Chicago Occupying an Entire aty Block I - Perfect Day Ilph t on All Sides t
Soda Foantain and Ice Cream Parlors In the Basement Trunks, Suit Cases and Bags on Fourth Floor
4 ill Floor
Come and enjoy
Luncheon in pur
cool, restful Tea
Room on the" Fourth
Floor. -Meet your
..Friends Here! ,
lis, Wniliiiaii :&
mm m
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Method's
Pacific Phone Marshall 4800
Home Phone A231
Rest Rooms
; 2nd Floor
Every modern con
venience at your dis
posal, and it js our
desire that you make
free use of them at
all times. -
Tine Msmmi EwMCDiiiie3 imme I WDiiufle SMesS
Every White Article Reduced Except A Very Few Restricted Lines!
Eetlnipe SttocM oil Memi's CflOuttiifiimgi Kealniiced
Snlts Under $20 Now 31250
Men's S3S.00 Suits at $26.25
Main Floor Our entire stock of Men's and
Young Men's Suits (this includes several of
the best known makes on the market) in the
June Sale at substantial savings. Smart mix
tures, fancy worsteds, cheviots, etc, in splen
did patterns. Bines and blacks included.
All Suits selling under $20.00 now $12.50
Men's and Young Men's $20 Suits j 11485
Men's and Young Men's $25 Suits J i 1877 5
Men's and Young Men's $30 Suits 2122.50
Men's and Young Men's $35 Suits $26.25
Wool Sweaters Ife Price
$4.00 Grades Now 32.00
$8.50 Grades Now $4.25
Main Floor Vacation Days zrp near better
come tomorrow and choose that Sweater
and save Half. Popular ruffnck style with
knit-in side pockets, close-ribbed cuffs and
large pearl buttons. Shown in cardinal and
gray. Heavy weight good range of sizes.
Men's $4.00 Wool Sweaters now at $2.00
Men's $5.00 Wool Sweaters now at i E2.50
Men's $7.00 Wool Sweaters how at J 3.50
Men's $7.50 Wool Sweaters tiow at 113.75
Men's $8.50 Wool Sweaters now at $4.25
showing of new 1915 styles in plain Colors
and fancy stripes. Also school colors.
Prices range from ....... .$1.00 to $5.00
Men's White Shirts at W Price
Men's 81.50 Shirts . for 51.15
Main Floor Famous "E. & W."
White Shirts in plaited and plain
styles. Excellent -quality mate
rials, cut full and roomy. Broken
lines in sizes 14, 16, 164, 17 and
17H only $1.50, $2.00,1 111
$3 and $3.50 Shirts at V3 V"
Mcd 25c Lisle Hose 19c Pair
Men's 35c Silk Hose 29e Pair
Maia Floor Men's Soft Cuff
Shirts in madras, crepes, per
cales, etc . Great variety of neat
patterns to choose from. Regu
lar $L50 Shirts .sizes 14 to 16.
' Buy these ; Saturday CI "I K
your choice, only VXsXtl
Main Floor Men's fine cotton
and lisle Hose broken lines of
various colors sizes 94 to llyi,
but not all sizes in each color.
Regular 25c Hose, 6 prs. Q
for $1 or bv the oair AU
' Main Floor Men's light weight
Silk Hose with lisle foot and
tops. . Various colors in broken ,
line of -sizes. Our regular 35c
Hose, offered at, 4 pairs OQv
for $1 or bv the oair
Men's aAthletic Undemear Shirts iand lrawnharment 45c
All Boysy Straw Hs Price
All Men's Straw Hats Reduced
Main Floor Entire stock Boys'
Straw Hats included in this
Half-Price sale.- Panamas, Leg
horns, Milans, etc Latest shapes
Boys' $1.00 Straw Hats at 50c
Boys' $10 Straw Hats at 75c
Boys' $5.00 Straw Hats $2.50
Main Floor $7.50 Bankoks $5
Men's $70 Panamas at $4.95
Men's $5.00 Panamas at J 4.15
Men's $2.00 Straw Hats i 11.50
Men's $2JQ Straw Hats ill. 75
Men's $3.50 Straw . Hats i 12.65
Men's $5.00 Straw Hats $3.75
Child's Wear Reduced I
Department on the Second Floor
of Ginghams, Chambrays, Linens
and Crepes. Ages )fff
6 to 14, choice now Vfll
Second Floor Children's Summer-Coats
in all the newest mod
els and wanted materials ages 2
to 6 years. For the June White
Sale, now offered at 20 OFF
ana ail colors, ranging in price
from V--1" up to
$21.50, now on sale
ALL HEAVY COATS for girls 6
to it very aesiraDie tor Deacn
and outing wear.
Your choice now
o r -
13 Off
12 Oft
TUB DRESSES for girls 2 to 6
in neat stripes and checks. Now.
on sale at, special 89c to $3.25
TUB DRESSES of Ginghams,
Percales. Chambrays, latest mod
els. Special $1.29 and JS 1.98.
We give S. & H. Green Trading
Stamps Don't fail jto get yours.
$5 gffi SHioes $2.95
Shoe Dept, Main Floor Another special
sale of Women's High Grade Shoes for to
morrow. Several hundred pairs to choose
from. High Shoes in lace and button ef
fects, with black and fancy cloth toppings,
all style toes and heels, patent or dull calf
leathers. Low' shoes in "Colonials," "Peg
gy" and various other styles, including mod
els with tailored bow, high or low heels, etc
No matter what you have in mind, you are
sure to find a style to suit you in this im-'
mense lot. A complete assortment of all sizes and all fl0 OCT
widths. The standard $4 and $5 grades, on sale at
Men's $5.50-$ 6.00 Shoes, Saturday at 54.85
Extra Special!
Glenwood Butter
Grocery Dept. 4th 'Floor Glen
wood Butter is made especially
for this store and is always uni
form in quality. Delivered only
with other purchases. FOp
Priced special, 2-lb. square wOv
4th Floor Martin's genuine New
York Cheese the best on the
market for welch rarebit.
Priced at, the pound...
4th. Floor Choice Eastern Sugar-
Cured Boiled Ham,1 on sale QK
the pound - v
Saturday ! at,
Yes, we give
S. & H. Stamp
O'Cedar Pfillsh Mops
.2 lor J 1.25
Third Floor Special eombi-.
nation 2 O'Cedar 'Mops fori
' the usual price of one. One'
for hardwood floors,- other
for linoleum, etc, Cf OK
Both for .. ; . pl.iO
All Table I Linens
Main Floor If you want to
please the bride-to-be, give her a
set of Richardson's Fine Table
Linens the world's finest. En
tire stock now on sale at reduced
prices for the June White Sale,
Basement rYfrllllnery
Tomorrow ,
4.98 nnsiius
Attractive New Large Sailors of
Hemp, Java, Chip land Leghorn.
i.Very much in vogue for present
wear. Beautifully trimmed with
flowers, fruit, ribbon streamers
etc Shown in black, white' and
all the wanted colors. - We have
an even hundred of - these,'- and
"they will go quickly, so be prompt.
.Hats made to sell up to ?" QQ
Woniei's 025 : Smuifls
Second Floor 188 Women's and
Misses' Suits comprise this lot we
place on sale tomorrow, and at the
price we pronounce them the best bar
gain of the season. Many of them are
in the much-wanted belted styles with
high waistline and full skirts. Also
box coat models' and fancy cuts in
good assortment. Trimmings of fancy
collars and cuffs, braids, buttons, etc.
All popular materials. C"l Q f7Q
Suits worth to $25:00. at V-l-O. I V
025.00 Goats
Second Floor Smart new .
length, styles with' belted back,;
fancy collars and cuffs, patch pock
ets 4-length styles . in loose box
backs with raglan sleeves, and nov
elty . cuts in splendid 'assortment. "
Coats suitable for wear on all oc
casions. Materials include golfine,
coverts, velours, cheviots, etc.
Checks, plaids, stripes ' and ' plain
colors. Coats worth Q fCk
up to $25.00, at only tyJLO. I V ,
Toilet Weeds
and Drugs ;
5 bars of Ivory Soap, i 1 1 O
bar of Lurline Soap atluC
Limit, six cakes to a customer.
No delivery of Soap except with
other purchases made !. in the
Drug Department tomorrow.
25c Packer's Tar Soap how 14 c
Regular toe Hand or j KitcheAi
Sapolio, sale tomorrow, 'cake 6c
i 5c Pears' Unscented Soap at 9c
15c 47tt White Rosd Soap l2c
50c Pebeco Tooth Paste at 31c
25c Graves' Tooth Powder at 15c
Dora Face Powd., all shades 39e
25c imperial Talcum, special 12e
Regular SOc Hinds' Honey and
Almond Cream on sale at 29c
$1 Listerine, large size, at 59c
50c Lavoris Mouth Wash - this
is the large-size bottle for 40c
50c Pinaud's Eau de Quinine 33c
35c bottle Witch Hazels regular
t6-6unce size, special now at 21c
5oc Bay Rum, 16-oz. sizer'at 35c
25c. Lino Salve on sale at 19c
Hedden's 50c Cold Cream! at 28c
Hedden's 1.40 Toilet Water $1
Whetzel's Hair Tonic, large size,
on special sale tomorrow at $1
15c Tooth Brushes, special, 10c
11.00 Hair Brashes, special, 85c
showing of 'all the latest styles
and colors. Priced at 25 to 75c
Palmollve Special
for Tomorrow
Main Floor Special combination
offer of ' Palm Olive Soap and
Shampoo at less than half usual -prices.
Combination, consists of
3 10c cakes Palm Olive Soap and
one 50c Palm Olive Sharrrpoo
total value 80c buy! all QO
articles on Saturday Oil i.
Toilet Goods
Main Floor Retain, your youth-'
4ul appearance and (soft, velvety
skin with the aid df "Maurtne.
Hundreds of Portland wom'n
who have used "Maurine" prep
arations pronounce them far Su
perior to others. jTest the mer
its of "Maurine" visit-the Rest
Room, on Second Floor, and re
ceive a full treatment free of
charge. Also special demonstra
tion near Main Stairway on the
First Floor. All Maurine Prep
arations are absolutely free from
injurious substances.1 , .
(Sreaitl MgBBffimegy Cleaupaipeg.-2:
;S 9.75 Mail5;a3.00 i
S1.75- IHIafis 05.00
Millinery Salonv 2d Floor;
In this remarkable sale of
Trim'd Hats we have-grouped
about 200 models. Very latest
effects for mid-summer wear..
Sailors,. Turbans and various"
other shapes in black, white,'
and all the wanted colors.:
. Beautifully trimmed with flow-:
ers, velvet ribbons, ostrich fan-:
cies, wines, etc. Hats - selling
heretofore to $9.75. JQ flfl
it vu.uu
Offered Saturday
Millinery Salons, 2d Floor
This assortment is made up of
exquisite Trimmed Hats from:
our regular lines in addition to
a hundred smart models just
receiveL-Very newest styles
for present wear. Large, small
or medium shapes, with trim
mings of ostrich ; pompons,
wings, , ribbons, flowers, etc.
Black, - white and splendid
range colors. Hats QK Ofl
worth to $1475, at VU.V U
S7.75 Hat Shapes at S1.9S
Black' and Wanted Colors
J Second Floor An unequaled '' opportunity to
buy an Untrimmed ' Hat -at Jess than regular -price
of making.' In this" assortment are large,
medium and small styles in very latest modes.'
Milans,' Milan Hemps, and Fancy, Straws in
black and all the most desirable colors. 'Shapes:
selling heretofore up, to $7.75, priced P1 ?QPC -for
tomorrow's selling at-inly.'.J..i.-V-atJ.-.
Girls' Q2.75 Hats lor Sl,45
- Pozens ol Pretty Styles
Second Floor-TePractically half price to close
out 200 Children's Trimmed Hats tomorrow I
Great variety of pretty styles, trinimed with rib
bons, small flowers, buds,- etc r Also some in
lace-trimmed effects. Mothers with girls to buy
"for should take quick advantage of Q" A fT
'this offer. Regular, values to: $2.75