IG BUSINESS OPIORTU2f IT1ES 20 IContlnaed) Flour and feed mill, machinery, alt . lectrlcalfr driven. -cheap , power, good locauon. no competition; a this w an - excellent opportunity for - who .understand the puaines. price and terras apply to Prairto Power Cornnanr. Prairie City. Or. -a See our big frge Ht ot stores, xnanu ' facturing propositions, hotels, rooming; "ad apt houses; ' ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO, Oldest Firm Largest Listings. - ' 618-19 Yeon bldg. i.LWrj' AVKit for wale, Newberr En terprise, 14th year publication. Job office, Newberff. 3000 population. 26 miles from Portland, v Write tor de scriptlve printed matter. Term if de sired. Address i Enterprise. Nswberft Oregon.' i'OB SALE An up to date cont, cigar and tobacco store in one of the best towns In the valley, doing a good bus!- ness: will give i trial; this, la a good ' buy. Address P. J R.. box 604. Dallas, Or. "'".' ' " r - Movingi Picture drheatre II SEATING 600; VAUDEVILLE STAGE; $1500 WILL. ? HANDLE. APPLY 64 - BROADWAY,'' A BIO snap, . Delicatessen, bakery and restaurant 'for sale. Doing good business. Must sell on account of sickness. $125 If taken at once Ap ply 362 : Yamnin si. SNAP Hotel if or lease or -sale, fur- , nished complete, rooms, ornce, dining room and kitchen. For further particulars address C. T. Bennett. Montr. ur. A CHANCE to take half interest in a. thriving cash business, mostly office work; small Investment, secured; make $125 per month. 619 Lumber Exchange. y -- , - - : - - - TAILORS AND CLEANERS. Positively no ; reasonable offer re fused for the best cleaning. - pressing establishment in, city. 127 12th. Pal ace hotel bldg. - FOR SALE -At Seaside, first class - restaurant, well equipped, In run ning order. Fine location. -Bargain If taken before, season opens. W. It wood , Seaside, u r. CIQAR STAND. Depot location, fixtures cost $800, stock $160; has $60 cash upon lease, light included in rent; on account of leaving city, will give away all for 1Y5, aee Meiers. id xm. qui st. ' WANT a man to take interest in good ; business; will pay $25 cash salary and give share of profits. If you are a live wire and raise $200 call at 619 Lumber Exchange. ----- - - RESTAURANT and delicatessen, own er unable to work. Will sacrifice for ; $250. Excellent bargain. 619 Lumber Exchange, h. . . . . PARTNER wanted in up-to-date gar age that is making good,- one with mechanical experience, good proposi tion to right party. D-447. Journal. GROCERY and confectionery, a rare bargain.' low rent, good location, cash business; snap at $500. 519 Lum ber Exchange. . - - ! MOXKT TO LOAX 27 HEAL ESTATE ' V n - -i -1 ,-! -I l-l.l I. I- - LOANS on improve! city property or for building purposes; advance made as building progresses; liberal repay i ir.ent privileges;, no commission. J. P. ' Lipscomb, 242 Stark St. Main 4420. Mortgage Loans I. L. WHITE, ' 701 Selling bldg. BUILDING loan on city and aubur- ban property; money advanced as work progresses. W. Q. Beck. 316 Fail- fnr Hlte- Vl.ln 9AnV , Wiii have money to loan on your J real ' estate; iirst mortgages only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 42? Chamber of Commerce. . We have on hand $100, $225. $450. $1200 $3000 " On Real Estate. BOID REALTY CO., Lewis bldg. $100 TO ! 60u0 at. reasonable rates On Real Estate. "BOID REALTY CO.. Lewis WAg. CASH paid -for mortgages, notes, con tracts; mortgage loans; reasonable rates. ijtwis or jo a Lewia blog, $100.00 on mortgages, city and farm property, fire Insurance. McKenzls MONEV to loan in amounts ot luif to $500J on city property. A. H. Bell. Gerllntrer blag. MONKY to loan. $600 to $5000. Low in- terest. prompt action.' R. W. Hagood, ,311 Journal bldg.. -MORTGAGE loans at current rates. Real estate security. Apply room 202 Stock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill. $200, $350. $600. $900, $1200, $1800. Fred W German Co, 914 Cham, of Com. $41.00" OK LESS. EAR KINGTON. m n H, Koara or Trade bidg. MONEY to loan 6 to 8. W. id. tieiu & Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. $500 to (60UO PRIVATE MUMmy. u 831. Journal. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7. Louis Salomon & Co., 300 Oak st.. near 6th. $750 UP AT 7 PER CENT Dorr E. Keasey fr Co.. Cham, of Com. $2600 to loan, 7, improved Irvingtou - property , preferred. 711 Pittock blk. $1600 or more to loan on Union ave. ' property. Apply 246 y, Wash, st. - MONEY TO LOAN . CHATTELS, SALARIES 07 . ' IMMEDIATH LOANS -A ON DIAMONDS AND - JEWELRY AT EASTERN RATES. , "f We have one of the finest retail . Jewelry stores in the -city. A loan de partment it conducted in connection with same, making business STRICT LY CONFIDENTIAL. Absolutely no .signs designating loan "'business dis played ia front of oar store. All mer chandise Pledged Is held for . - of twelve months; whether or not in terest is paid when due. We are u t censed and have been established since 1899. No connection with any other ' loan establishment in this city A. & MVbDELOVAGE. JEWELERS. 824 Washington st. SALARY LOANS SALARY LOANS; f Being salary loan broker excluslve vj ly. we are enabled to assure satiafac - tion and give the , quickest possible service. , ? - Business strictly confidential. ' REMEMBER,' n are licensed, ana merelors RELIABLE. ,; . STATE SECURITY CO v railing oiog. - , Loans at Legal Rates --.' We loan money on diamonds, pianoa livestock, storage receipts,, plain notea on furniture, or anything of value. You can get It today. h Fortland Loan Co., Licensed -. Licensed by State, 1 811 Dekum BlcL. Third and Washington ' Diamonds, Watches. Musical Instrum'ts Separate dept. for ladie. . ELBY CO. (Licensed.) fO ' Lumoer Ex. tTdg.. 8d and Stark LOANS WANTED LOANS "wanted. $1000, $2000 and $6000, on- improved Inside property worth in today's - market five times amount wanted; money to be used in Improvements; v principals only; no agents. K-814." Journal. ' $5000 or, $6000, 7H, 5 years, on 223 - acres, value ? $18,000. - close in. E. Magee. 389 N. 19th. Marshall 1 556. r FOTAJfCIAli 51 FIRST and second mortgages, also sel lers" interest in contracts, purchased Oregon and Washington. H. E. Noble SALESMEN wanted. Outfit free, -cash weekly. - Address Capital City Nurs ery Co. Salem. Or. - ; - . : HEIi" WANTED MALE - 'Contlnnsdi ' WANTED All around sash and door man. Call room 805 uregonian Piag, W A A 'i'El Ttui nd coffee soiiutora. Call before 20 Salmon. EMPLOYMENT ' department- Y. M. ..C A' Service' free to memoers. 1LELI 5 WANTED MISC. 49 ;Y. M. C. A-,x Autcmobilj School , Day and night instruction In repair ing, driving selling and machine work. Including forge, lathe, shaper. . drill press, etc .Moderate charges. Fair dealing and expert training. 'Aim un limited. r Before enrolling elsewhere call at educational office. Y. M. C A. bldg., and secure pass entitling you to in- spect our enops ana nietnoon. hnvii aotriil nDenimii tor estab- - llshment of i.idependent mail order business. Energy, good habit and onrul ludement more Important than capital. Spare time at first. Partlcu-J lars - tree. upporiuniue, ji.vMur, Buffalo. 'N. Y4 ; 'ute hi your s;ar time- to duuu up a mall order business - of . your own. We aalp too start for a share In rroflts; 2? opportunities; particulars ree. Opportunltle Exchange.. Buf falo. N. Y. ? zi - LEARN AUTOMOBILE, repairing and driving at the BEST- EQUIPPED, most UP TO DATE and only PRAC TICAL AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL In Portland. I & M. Auto Repair Co.. 869 Hawthorne ave. WANTED Names of men. 18 or over, wishing government Jo Da .$66 mo. OX-i". Journal. ' ' COOK iieuliuarter Calirornia Wise DeoOt.- t Yamhill.' Near 6th. UNCALLED for tailor maue suits $. up. Taylor, the Tailor. 28fH Burwside. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. - mention Th JournaL HE Li WANTED -31ALE AND . MEN and women to larc the barber trade, wages paid" while learning; tuition reduced, positions secured. The only chain of schools . in the world. Send for free catalogue, . Moler Barber College. H, 48 N. 2d st. Oregon Barber College will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; Bcalp and face massage specialty; tool free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tui tion reduced this term.' 233 Madison. WAITED AGENTS I nHlPQ Experience not necessary LaUlCO with ou line; Just show them; salary and commission. Mr. Young. Minook hotel, 4th and salmon. Hours z to- b and to s p. m. HAKUEUSAND SUPPLIES 09 SAVE money on barber supplle. Port. Cut. & Barb. Sup Co.. 86 6th. blXUATlONS MALE EXPERT thresher, .engine man, five seasons : wiin one man in Kansas. Address A. J. Kellogg, care of Mrs. Viola Tate, Oregon City, Or. Pacific phone 188-M. YOUNG man wants a position as a sistant bookkeeper in wholesale house or corporation; references; fi delity bond.- if required: salary not necessary. Y-339, Journal. Skilled Carpenters Furnished on sl.ort notice. Mar. 7C5. YOUNG man. 21 years, wants . place on farm; no milking experience. East 6024 841 E. Flanders st. MAN with heavy team wants work. Tabor 3769. WANTED Excavating and team worn.- irnone Hast 4SU4, c-1477. FOR VACANT lot Blowing, phone East 7084. 1 SITUATIONS-FEMALS2 YOUNG lady will 'care f on chUdren in your own , nome: rererences. . Tabor 6243. WIDOW, with 6-year-old boy, wants place on farmr best references: fair wages. East &0Z4. 841 E. inanders. WOMAN wants day work.; experienced. .East 0UZ4. RELIABLE i woman wants day work wasmng ana cleaning. Main r53. WANTED, work by hour or day; reli- apie rererences. -iapor 63Z. WANTED Washing, ironing, cleaning or piain sewing, rnone East 400. WANT day work; good laundress; reierence. f East t34. SWEDISH girt wants house work. 18S riaisey. - i DRESSMAKING 40 EXPERT dressmaker, . repairing. Mrs. ciacK, a3 wasnington. NUHSES 60 MIDWIFE (graduate) and maternity reasonable. Marshall :4538. 468 Taylor. FITINISIIED ROOMS Stop, at Newiy re- furnished papered 4th and Aider ana reno vated enlarged -' lobby all modern conveniences. -Rooms, with private bath, $1 per day up; without, Voc up. Because the rates are low don't thinx the service is poor. Special rates by week or month. Several rooms with wall beds, i making them practically suites. - ... v . - Rooms single and en suite, "all mod ern"; transient 60c and up. $2,50 week and up. - 4 10 hi Morrison st. Hotel Minookiainton.4tVmcan: agement. Strictly modern 3 blocks pos toff ice, quiet, homelike; 60c day up, i muiiin up. ETHEr.TflN HflTKI. 105 - 12th i c, near Wash., clean, quiet, modern conveniences, summer rates; $3 . week up; transient solicited. Marshall 2790. - YOUNG men may consult without , charge register of furnished rooms at Y.-M. C. A., listing several hundred in all parts of ttm city, also (fcese in tue Aumicmion PUllQing, WANTED , Room mate to reduce rooming expense. Fireprcof build. Ing, shower baths, individual beds. Call or aaoress m. u. a. EBusiness office. Buckingham Hotelml60: P.Iay, 60c. 76c. $1. v v ocuiiig tun, v THE ALBION HOTEL- - 7'wi uia oilman, -. Rooms ; $1.'.5 week - up; .. steam heat, hot - and cold water, - free bath.- phone! i!;t14tnBV,cor- a6b- desirable lo caUon,, strictly, modern, private bath. -" "y. wiiCT to tourists. M. 1443 Madras Hotel SS rooms,t$3.50 up. By day 60c. 768, 11; vv.. m wningwn BtS. A QUIET JPLACE FOR3ULET PEOPLE L , HOTEL CLIFFORD. , -, -East Morrison st., near Grand ave. Cleanliness and comfort, $3 per M-k. up. Modern equip- An li r; V 50c day up. , .. ments. i $2 50 . ! : ..... OOfklZ -as--. i V "W MF THE RANDOLPH 252 Columbia Nice tA'a rooms, bath, phone, hot water. FISAf,il88t ms: Ir Phones and M.-"u.D.',Srat,l coium- ROfiMf?SdJlpirtmSs in modern ho. tck. na UP. 455 Alder. $2 WEEK up. clean. Warm, mnrlarn I - rooms, central. The King, 309 Jet FURNISHED ROOMS PBrTATB r AMTJ.Y - ONE week free rent to permanent ' roomer, neautiiui zurnisnea room, s ler, Deautiiul zurnisned room. 3 nn, electricity, phone, -bath, bet 110 and $12 month. 123 N. 23d. winaowB, water. ROSE CARNIVAL visitor can . find epleudid rooms.,, See all parades, 29 6th St.. opp. courthouse. 475 .MORRISON Unobstructed view of all parades; newly furnished, con venient rooms. . ' t i -i DOUBLE, and single .rooms. Phone, bath, hot and cold water. 221 13th. LARGE front ; outside rooma. 212 Broadway; cor. Salmon, ' ... ROOMS AND BOARD 15 PARKVIEW HOTEL. 386 Montgomery st. a West Park. - Family hotel; all modern, conveniences; rate for regular and transient guests. ! THE DORMER.- 283 .13th St., cor. Jef - ferson, room and board $5.60 a week snd up; home cooklnn. . . THE HAZEL, cor. 3d and Montgomery. Fine furnished rooms r.nd board, $5 up; steam heat, hot baths; free-phone. CASA ROSA; 300 JEFFERSON. BOARD AND ROOM. $25 UP. Room and board, young .women $4 wk tip: "Anns Lewis" file Flu ndera. FIRST class board - and rooai, best cooking, $5 up. . 346 College ROOMS AfO BOARD 72 ntXVATB FAMTIiT NICE comfortable room with dinner in the evening, home privileges, $3 per week. . 730 4th st., walking . dis tance. BEST board, clean rooms, walking o.ia ROOM and board. 47 K. tsth N. E. 4786. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 ONE room with kitchenette, complete ly . furnished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone In every room; 7 blocks from 6th and Morrison sis.; $12 and up. -1 Columbia St., corner 6th st.'- -:; - - - $1 to $2.50 week, furnished H. K. MAmxa iro m fraa liaot aenn'v hath Phone East 6031; 203 Stanton. U car. eu.iM anq single 11. j. rooms, i.iv week up. Also modem rooma. Mer- VALLAMONT This way! Cheap - housekeeping 1 and transient rooms. 37$ Yamhill. HOUSEKEEPING rooms in 2 suites; also dandy rooms for bachelors. The Ross house. 2134 1st. - 1 - - GEM APTS., 1, 2, 3 room suites, free bath, phone; $1 wk. up. 401 1st st. G1LMAN hotel, 1st and Alder. Fur- nished H. K. rms., cheap.-$1.50 wk. up. Cambridge bldg., furnished H. K, rooms. - central. -cheap. 165 3d. cor. Mor n, TWO and J room suites, new monage- ment, reasonable. - 410 Jefferpon. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 - TBITATE PAKI1T - $102 clean, , completely furnished rooms, bath, laundry, phone, large yard, east side, walking distance. 312 cnerry. THREE housekeeping rooms and kitcn enette, on ground .floor, well fur nished, clean, close in, fine location. 314 Columbia. - - - 1, 2 AND 3 modern H. - K. rooms, - cleanest and best in the city for the money. 4Z Mam $6 BASEMENT H. K. , room, pleasant for eentlemaA. 694 Everett." Main 3306. THREE, unfurnished H. K. rooms at oargain.- lapor aaaz. TWO large rooms, bath, . sink, range ror ramiiy, $2.50 weeK. 88 lutn. TWO furnished H. K- rooms, la pn- vate ramny. - .591 wasnington. TWO H. K. rooms, furnished. 212 Broadway, cor. Salmon. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, $2 per weeks. 241 6tU st. DESIRABLE H. K. rooms; adults. 655 xammu. Main 4it. . ROOMS where you see the big electric paraae pass. 1&1 - I7tn-Morrison. - FOR RENT HOUSES .12 S ROOM modern houBe for rent rea sonable, at 695 Marshall st. Has nice shady yard with roses. Apply 00 1 Marsnaii st. LOVELY 5 room modern bungalow. garden. On carllne. Phone Sell. 1844. FOR RENT. Modern" 6 ' room house, near Jeffer son high school.- Woodlawn 1274. teiUAU'ii UL 6 and 8 . room cottage, cheap by owner. Main 6976. A-4361. 6 ROOM modern hojise, Wdln. 3526. FURNITURE FOR SALE 32 HOUSES FOR RENT ADS of furniture for sale are pub lished in the Household Goods classi fication .when house is not for rent. FURNISHED HOUSES 36 $20, COMPLETELY furnished modern 4 room bungalow; rose, trees,- lawn. 248 K. 31st. Tabor 3586. 2 BLOCKS south of Hawthorne, com pletely 'furnished 5 room bungalow, whole or part for rent. 349 E. 48th. MODERN 3 room cottage, well fur nished, nice yard. Adults. ' 351 Sac- ramento sL C-I160. : ; $45 PER month, furnished modern 8 room ' house, Irvington,.: choice loca- 7 ROOM furnished houso. East 312!, per montii ror is montns. FIVE room furnished cottage for rent. Seaside. East 2725. - PART of furnished house. Adults. 655 Yamhill. Main 4415. - f NICE 7 room Irvingtou. East 273. W. H. Herd man. v FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ' APARTMENTS 43 BROADWAY -s CENTRAL BLOCK ' Rooms and apartments, modern, new, up-to-date furn. elaborately 3 blks. a Bdwy. bridge. Summer rates. E. 6663. . THE - DEZENDORP. J 20$ 1-6TH ST. Marshall 2316. " :u Nice 6 room furn. and unfurn. apts.; also 3 and 4 room ' (urn. 1 apartments. THE SHEFFIELD 270 Broadway, , south. 3 and 4 rooms, well arranged, easy walking distance.-tat verv ra. Bonable rent; best of service. M. 2506. i AMER1CAN-MARLBUKOUGH. , - Highest class apts. in the city, 4.' 6 and 6 rooms, walking distance, reason- ROSENFELD (brick, 14th & E. Stark! Modern 3 and 4 r furnished or un-i aoie. Mar; 336.: Main -7516. A-2676 fur. Private phones, reasonable rates, RENT BARGAINS. 9 o ri v 'A. rm m alaanln v nrrriaa hesrl. -v ea-uu aauu.1 vvv(iug yv vuvo uai wood firs., refs. Portnomah, 200 E. 13th TWO room apta, newly furnished; . raoaera. sawyer Apta z . ittttt t. Phone A-2238. - PENINSULA APTS.. concrete bldg.. 2 and 3 rooms, hot and cold - water, baths, st.- neat, phone. 313 up. C-l 1 7 0. WINSTON. and 3 rooms, private bath modern brick; special rates SIS and up; 14th and Market. Main 1739. EVELYN APARTMENT." 267 N. 21st at.; 3 room s furnished apartment ; summer rates. Marsball 1323. ----- DOWN town, modern apts., S 15 month! ..l- uoai, a.m, viv. WM Annex, 3564 Morrison. - - : ' - . DRICKSTON 448 11th St.; modern it 3 room fur, apta, $i0 to 339; walking distance: excellent service. Mar. 57. 6 ROOM unfurnished apts steam heat, hot and cold-water. Janitor service. Phon Marshall 2706. 123 N. 17th. ALBhRMARLK Apts modern, neatly - furnished apta.-: Summer rates. East 4193. 383 William ave.. near Broadway. Ardmav Terrace, ,896 12tn St. Large 2 roomfar.apts. Mrs John Cran. mgr. LUXOR APTS, 324 k 13th. neaUy f ur nished apts day, week or-month. MEREOITH 3 & 4 rm. apta. reason- able. 7iz wasnington.-opp.22d. M.7134 paOE -AAek Excellent - outside apta. rtates very reasonapie. feiaat 8588. KEELR APTS, 14th and Clay and . 4 room -unfurnished; refereneea - THE LUiiifiKNE X room fur. apt s indrn brick, 120 m. u. Mar. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED . - - APARTMENTS . 43 VVellesIey Court EA ST 1 5TH AND BELMONT STS. Furnished .and unfurnished. - , - . . . -: Mfr. East. 3469." References. ,. ; Villa st.4 clara, - . 12th and Taylor. - Modern." completely furnished apt. Walking-distance. References. THE CODY. cor. K. 1th and 'Aayior sts4 has been remodeled with private baths, new -furniture and carpets. 2 and 3 - rooms; light and 'phone - free: rent very reasonable. Cat! East 44. - THE IRIS-API'S. 3d and Miil St. JULIKTTE APTS. -2d and- Montgom-f furnished or-unfurnished. $17 month up. No charge for cooking gas, v , ' MONTGOMERY Apts.,- cor. -ad-Montgomery. Strictly mod., all outside fur. 2- rm. apts,, elect ele.-, best ; service, close In. $18 to $26. Free lights. M. 946S. THE MORTON, coiv King and Wash.. -. new man'g.; a and 4 rooms, fur.; and unfur. apts reasonable-rent. Pacific phone in aots. .Main 1082. A-5749. FOR JUSNT -FLATS 13 NEW CLARK. 61$ Petty grove, 2 room furnished apartments.' large kitchen, disappearing: beds, heat, ' phone, light free; $14 to $18.50 nothing higher. CHOICE 6 room lower - corner flat. walking distance; newly . tinted, cor. E. 14th ind Madison. Phone East 7066. - - - 1 . 5 , AND 6 room Jiat tor rent, new and 1 modern, reasonable. West sidK J A-47S8. Marshall 2534. - - A SIX room flat with bath on Alberta car line. Call 39 Alberta st. FURNISHED FLATS 50 5 ROOMv well . furnished, flat,- clean, healthy, light all around; gas, bath; desirable. - Walking distance or 2 car lines and best jitney service. 772 K. Taylor. East 6260. - -' SIGHTLY ; 4 room flat, furnished, sleeping porch, piano and basement. 105 Fremont. - - -. -, - TWO 3 room flats, furnished and. un furnished. Adults. 604 E. 2 2d st. S. STORES AUD OFFICES 11 BRICK warehouse In South Portland - for rent, trackage,- light - ana airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal Publishing Co.. Broadway and Yamhill. SHOP. 271. Hawthorne ave; east end of bridge. If. N. Burpee. M. 3330. HOTEJJ9 C4 EXCELLENT Yur nished rooms, strict - ly modern, $2 50 wk. ' Hotel Savoy. 125 6th betw: Wash, and Alder. SUMMER RESORTS SO TWO "room house, - furnished, close in, comfortable, convenient, $5 a week, $50 - season. Address P. O. Box 403. Seaside, Or. - J HORSES. VELOCUhX ETC- IS FOR SALE "From, the " well known Morgan ranch in i. Washington j" 17 head of nice smooth mares and geld ings, weights 1050 to 1300 lbs.tAll good lookers, single and double. .1 span of small mules, mares, ages 5 and o. Splendid 'roadsters. $160 buys , this team. 1 gray mare, -some hauler, $65. Almost new Studebaker wagon, 1, steel ax. X Studebaker wagon. 2 & , al most new. . Several sets of used harness.- Take Rose City car.' . 61st and Thompson, Rose City Speedway. Race track. - : - - - BROWN gelding, sound and true, work single or douMe, weighing .1100 lbs $50. Black mare, free of blemishes, good worker,-weighing 1350 lbs., $40. Also brown mare 4 years old, well broken, weighing 1250 lbs., $100. 295 Davis st. - - - i .- Commission Auction Of horses, vehicles, harness,; wag ons, every Monday and Thursday,' at 2 p. m. Columbia stables; 303 Front st. I WILL be at the Model Stables, 6th - and Davis, Saturday, June 12, to In spect war horses weighing from 1100 to 1500 lbs. J. D. Huston. DEAD - horses and animals - hauled away free.- Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Ca. - 1400 lb. horse for sale, or will traae for small -saddle or driving horse. Phone Colu mbia 8 2. - - : GOOD, sound - team, - wagon and bar eness : for sale cheap. All -fixed for traveling. Call at 327 N. 14th st. HORSES for sale or trade. Call Wood- - lawn; 20. - DEAD horses and cattle taken free. Tabor 4203. " GOOD work horse, 1100 lbs-, harness and buggy. $55. 1208 E. Stark st. GRAY ; horsef 1030 lbs., for sale. In - quire 325 Everett st. . LIVESTOCK 35 25 HEAD of high grade dairy cows, all fresh from 1 to 4 weeks. 16 Jer sey and Guernsey, 10 big Durham cows, giving 4 to 6 gals, per day; all good young cows. Take , Woodstock car to 59th ave., walk 3 blocks west. FOUR good cows for sale.- For infor mation see T.DeLano-at booth No. 365. Yamhill public market, or come to ureenberg on Oregon Electric. 3 -GOOD cows, Jersey and Ayrshire, - for. sale cheap if sold immediately. 720 E. 23rd. TWO fresh cows, big milkers, $45 and $60. - Gresbam ear. - Gilbert t sta. North to brick house.- Boncutter. - TWO fresh young Jersey, cows very cheap. : 794 Tacoma ave. : - POULTRY AND PIGEONS 37 OREGON Poultry and Pet Stock Co, 65 ! 6th St., Portland. Or, 3 kicds of chickens, eeca $2 per 16 bv parcel nost. iDucks. v geese, turkeys, pearl guineaa. pigeons, raoDits, aogs, peaiowL canary birds, . poultry rood and remedies, in cubators and brooders. A. J. Krueger. manager. - " CARNEAUX White - Mathes homers. White Kings, Swiss Mondain, Hun gaiians, 75c per pair. 200 selL 1127 E. 2Sth at. N. A car. - CHICKS S. C- White - Leghorns, 10c; the well known laying strain. Jubi lee Hatchery. D. M. Hoi brook, 415 Jes sup St., Portland, Or. Phone C-31S3. v BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS. Pedigreed breeders, all for sale, 200 hens; 20 cocks; bargain nric-es. Ladd tVlT VS'K FOR SALE 6 .White Leghorn hens and ,ooa;?t' including two setting LAYING pullets, Barred Rocks. R. Reds and Buff Orpington. Phona Main 8392. " - DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 46 FOR SALE Lewellen pups 12 weeks old. price 38. Call 1016 E. 32d St. N., or phone Woodlawn 2431. AUTOMOBIIJUACCKSi!OKIES -14 BARGAINS IN USED CARS. '""" ' - Large stock, prices 8300 to S750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO- Studebaker bldg. ' Comer Chapman and Alder : FOR SALE A bargain,' one late model r light delivery car ln A-l cot.oition ; also 1 flight S passenger car, rep-in ted and overhauled. Owner, phone Wood lawn 3936, ' -ii - . GENERAL auto and truck repairing -Reo truck ; sprockets a specialty Forging. Good work, square prices. Try us. E. L. Taylor ft Co.. 71 1st st i Written guar ' antes with every spring. 26 N.- 16th at. RECOVERING - auto tops, $18.60 - up. Auto painting, 320 op; rJl work guar anteed. United Painting & Auto Top Co.. 16th and Washington. Mars '946. TEN passenger auto body - with top, electric lights, cheap for cash: Add. v. lm, xnsn, J3QX cm. jents. HIGHEST prices paid for old rubber, - metals. J. Leve. 186 Columbia. M. 6198 EXPERT : auto - repairing, reasonable charges. -J, J. Zimmer. 123 N. 5th st. AUTOMOUILES-ACCESSOR1ES 44 ! CCOBUBnel ; .On'EASYPAYBSEIHT. 1915 OVERLAND. 35 , H. P, i - . pass., run only 1200 miles, as v ; demonstrator, V original , price ' 1 $1200. now $975 1913 CADILLAC. 4 passengea, .- : Delco Electric - starter.' etc.- re- - cently overhauled and repainted $650 AMERICAN, underslung' roadster, , ?j; 80 H, P., all good tires and: in good mechanical- condition . . ... $350 1914 OVERLAND . 6 , passenger, - . electric lights, ' with generator. 1 "? - Just -overhauled throughout. . .- $600 OVERLAND, 1813, 1 5 passenger, : absolutely- perfect mecnanically $450 OVERLAND, light 6 passenger, new tires and thoroughly over hauled -.$350 OVERLAND., 1812, '5 passenger. . . . overhauled... repainted, new tires -all around. . . ................. $450 1913 COLE, Just thoroughly over hauled -and renovated. Deleo starter and lights ........... .$825 "DELIVER ; CARS - OVERLAND, panel top delivery: late model; just thoroughly overhauled and repainted; new -tires ai: around. .............. . $600 MAXWELL light delivery. Just : overhauled and refinisbed; in finest condition throughout . . .$37S 1915 OVERLAND, panel top deliv- : ery; electric starter and lights; ' brand- new i , -. ..-, .5 ... ......... $875 J. W. LEAvl TTf' & SUHiFAKlV USED CAR DEPT. J2l . 527 - Washington st. NEW LOCATION AFTER- JULY 1ST,: COR. BROADWAY AND DAVIS STS. GET THE MOST OUT OF LIFE. flA good automobile will help you Cadfllac. 1914 and 1913 models, de pendable cars, at attractive prices. v Cole, 1913. Delco electric starting and lighting system, -j Price low. An Overland -and a: Cadillac at only $225. Both are very serviceable cars. $226. . t - , ' - . Studebaker roadster1, new tire's, good condition, $375. , . WE ALSO HAVE TWO ELECTRICS. BEAUTIFULLY UPHOLSTERED AND FINISHED. BARGAIN PRICES. Peerless, 7 pass, repainted, new top, motor overhauled. ALSO OTHER USED CARS NOT LISTED. Inspection Invited VISIT OUR SALESROOMS AT 21 st and Washington. OlfFJ T THE CADILLAC EIGHT '.AND ' DODGE BROS. MOTOR CARS. 21st and Washington Sts. Used Auto Snap LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. We are closing' out all "of our used cars this month at big aacrifice. Here are a few for your approval. COLE 5 pass-iO h. p., 375. MICHIGAN 5 pass., 33 h p, $450. CHALMERS 6 pass., 30 h. p.. $400. ' INTERSTATE: 4 pass., 40 fa. p.. $375. MAXWELL delivery. 30 h. p., $350. STUDEBAKER roadster, 30 h. p., $500. REO 5 pass, 30 , h. p., electric lights -and starter, $600. APPERSON 5 pass.. 40 h. p., $600. REO TRUCK. 2 ton. with van body. $1000. - -- - . ' Northwest Auto Co. - BROADWAY AND COUCH ST. ' Broadway 887. A-49S9. Fords 1 Buicks ' Overiands 1914 Ford roadster, practically new, $350. ' ,v - ir 1913 Ford, 5 passenger, $350. IIJI Eordf 6.passengeri-$326. 1913 Buick. 2i roadster. $660. ;1912 Buick.. 25. roadster, like new. Overland 35r roadster, electric lights and starter, practically brand new, original cost $1260, price $675. ,1914 Overland 85, 5 passenger, elec tric lights and starter, finest condition, original cost $1260. price $650. IH verlan.d, 5C Passenger. $395. 1913 Hupmobile 32, 5 passenger, $595. Francis Motor Car Ex. . East 1199. E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. PORTABLE GARAGES ' AND HOUSES dMlg?fi Erected complete lock ,f- 72 uiV V Portable houses. 1125 . up. . .Immediate delivery. ... DOW MFG. CO.. 64 S Water et. nr. Harrison. Main 1167. OREGON VULCANIZING CO. pf . . e oaP' 550 Washington st.. at ; 18th- TIRES! BEST TIRE : REPAIRING. Trade new tires for old ones. 1MPROVET1 POBT A tlT I.- e a u . r" af ynyl 1 0x16 portable garage at g mJpee 2n hergarag Guaranteed ?n- . Springs . .. . v-. for all popular makes car- 5; Hardware- and ' Stgl Co.. 30-34 l2d St.' SLnii ix used tires, largest stock In Portland. 13 to SIS -' vfnl KJtr ing. - Ta. Suonlt A'ai?.?1' AUTOMOBILES WANTED 7g WdaCaTlFbSUt08to "t"by" Wr5D'Ktdlator 'or Overland auZ tomoblle. N-269. JonmaiTr1 AVTOH FOR TORE car, careful driver. Main 537s" " MOTORCYCLESBICTCLES 53 'Pope motorcycles and bt'- and used.- Supplies, etc F. p, Keenan Co, 190 4th HJ lsr iAm IW IWi ITm U U MM -TOE MOTORCYCLES-BICYCLES 63 : f Con tinned 1 - . CLEAN-UP- SALE - -Of MERKEL motorcycles at less than our cost, 1912 and 1914 models, all new, easy : .terms. - Phon Broad way 485.'. ' . . " MOTOR OAR SUPPLY' CCC ' ; . $1-33 Broadway North. .- , , WE are offering some special bargains in exchanged motorcycles this week. Cur stock of machines is. one of .the largest in the city and our prices are the lowest considerine the condition of machines; all prices. Come in and ln4 vesugate. Dayton Cycle Co.. Z10 Broad way. Marshall 6638. -' : USKD MACHINES OF ALL MAKES FROM $25 UP-ON-EAST TERMS. -' EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., .i v.-. '.-.. 44, Grand ove.- - s,V Arencv.for the Frying Merkel. HARLEY DAVIDSON. . 1914, twin, .2 speed, perfect running condition, to exchange on auto or reasonable' for cash. Phone Vancouver . J88 R. 2.19 West 80th st. . - C YCLE-CA R, , run Mi miles, in good order. ' Top and full, equipment. For cash offer.- N-270. Journal.- v - LAUNCHES AND BOATS 4 MOTORBOAT A snap, 2 cylinder, 12 H. P. engine, 20 foot eastern oak hull, fully -. equipped, ; electric - horn, lights and cushions. $100. - Engine In abso lutely first class condition, alone worth double the , price. 'Atkinson, Sellwood 200. . ' , . - EVINRUDE . Motor Co.. now iocated Front" and Morrison: 100 EvJnrude rowboat and canoe motors in stock; $58 to $83. G.tsoline engine; motor boat equipment,- paddles. . cushions, porting x voods. rowbontg and anoea " PIANOS," ORGANS AND 31 MUSICAL. INSTRUMENTS HIGH grade upright piano, like new, perfect condition. Big bargain for cash. Marshall 792. GET my certificate and pay . $266 on your. piano; come quick, time limited. Marsnaii iezs, HALLET & DAVIS grand piano, -$ 7 5 installments. Main 35Z4.- WILL sell my almost new Vlctrola, cheap. R-838. Journal. ' TYPEWRITERS 77 GILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Underwoods,- Remingtons.; L. , C. Smith, Oliver, Smith-Premier, Royal, etc., 15 and up; terms. Agents for the "Corona" -folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables and chairs. The iv. Mn co. a a ana Aiaer sts WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for cur illustrated - folder; retail depart ment. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER Co.. 821 Washington it TYPEWRITERS for rent.. 3 monehs for $5 and up; 6 months' rental ap plied " on purchase price. Remington Typewriter Co., 86 Broadway. rebuilt. 2d hand, rentals, cut rates. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407.' HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 65 CASH. , , . CASH. ; CASH. Paid for ; good used furniture, carpets ana stoves, can uevurta, Marsnau 687. FURNITURE for sale. Will sell all or part. Must be sold at once.' Call 4616 63d S. K. ' ' CALL, Bell Auction Co. and get good price for your furniture. Mar 4783. FOR SALE -MISCELLANEOUS 19 SEW1NQ machine. Em- porlum sell for less; nc agents employed, all makes of new and second hand machines. Sold on terms. Machines euar. anteed and rented. $2 per month. 190 3d, near Taylor,- Main 9431 A-3626. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented ' and repaired. Walker Electric Work. 413 Burnside. cor. 10th. Main or A-5674. " -- -r WATrnu pinTtiU r.V en el r i v.a Used machines and; parts for all standards makes. Machines rented tor private exhibitions. SERVICE FILM CO-' - - 64-66 Broadway. : " ' , -MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." -Typewriters' and "Household Goods" are separate classifications. All adver tisements of, these goods are published under their respective classifications. Look them over. BILLIARDS New and second hand carom and pocket billiard tables, bowling' alleys and accessories. - easy payments. Tables for residences. The Urunswick-Balke-Collender Co 46-48 otn l rnone aiain 470. FOR horses - and - vehicles, doff s and household pets or poultry, rtad the ads., under these respective headlnga The Journal leads all other mediums in these classifications. - FOR SALE Power ,; batch i concrete mixer and hoist- ; Steel ; hoppers, wheelbarrows,- shovels. all complete. For particulars address V, L. Irish, FOR SALE 810O saie. 35;. $75 Toledo -computing scale, 820; counters, shelving, snowcases very cheap; de livery free in Portland. "E. R. Sully, St. Johns. CoL 668.- ' . GOOSEBERRIES, currants, raspber- ries, pick them to io box. Hawthorne car to 71st, 3 blks. .north to 1824 EMvlsion. E. L. Brown. - - AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found under these different headings. - - J,AmjL.LN Hi wooduaw in good order, cheap for cash. Call 429 Hawthorne ave." - " e--j. a- .. . . . ..; 10 it. P. vertical boiler for sale cheap. East Side Boiler . Works, E. Water ana Main, L B. COOK piano, almost new. at a bargain; also a good - dropbead ma- -. , . . n n n . . . i . cmne vai i jow nawinorne ave. MIMEOGRAPHS, supplies, circular let ters, Elliott addressing machines and supplies. W. E. Finzer & Co.. 268 Stark. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; - made m Oregon, $1.65 gallo.i. . Port land Paint Co.. 230 Eront. Mar, leg. " GETmv certificate and pay iiit on your piano; come quick, time limited. Marshall 1618. $lf.50 DROPUEAD sewing machine with attachments. 152 Grand ave. PLTTMBING supplies, wholesale prices. Stark-Pavls Co., 212 3d. Main 797. WE buy and sell used i-achinery. Northwest Lead Mactiv. Co, BUTCHER fixtures for sale. --; J-877, . Journal.' ' ' - OAS water heater, practically new, at - a bargain. Main 2247.- - - ' .. - SWAP CObCSO RESIDENCE property valued 31200, rents 310 to $12 month. Unincum bered. Trade for 5 pass. Ford and some cash, v Address P. O. box 12. Tumalo. central ' tjregon. EXCHANGE new $500 Grafonoia for , - auto, i- - New instrument and can't be bought for less. 431 Washington st; TEAM, harness and wagon for sale or trade for cow.; Owner. N-Z74, Journal.- 5 - ..- '- - --. - ' "".-' WANTED MlJSC K LLA 1 EU L t 3 "WE WANT THE GOODS." WANTED; - ranges, stoves. " rugs, rockers, dressers, tables, couches, chairs Davenport, We nay , the price Try - ua Northwest Kiirn.-. Kxcnange. kbsi WANTED The people of Portland to - muv w A -. c - -e v household ' goods, v Prompt -attention. East 6707. N. M. Seater, 143 Ruwll st. J. MEYER, tne tailor, pays bighet prices for 2d -hand clothing, shoe. we can arompilv,: M. 77S. zz waunn WANTED, 4 logs about 3 ft. long; suitable, -,f or ; bouseoat. . - R-30. Journal. ' - - OWL FURN. CO., paya best prl-s tot furniture. 231 1st, Main 465". gt.COM hand clothing and everything. Highest prices. Main 2080. 285 1st. - - - A. ' WANTEDMISCELLANEOUS 5 : " V j ; -- fOoatlnwed) ' 1 - GOLD BU YER Almost every family -has some old gold, silver or plati num Jewelry, broken or out of style. Bring It to me - and ' 1 will give you cash for iu '., F. A.- Sennet. Sl N. W. bldg., 8274 Wash, st, assayer, re finer. gold buyer, pre bought. PHONOGRAPH and records, bought. sold, rented and exchanged. 2l let. LOST 'AND FOUND FOLLOWING articles were found on the car of the Portland Railway, Light AiPower Co, nd owner there of, may claim same at .the 1st and Al der st. station, Broadway 6100, A-6131: June B 5 " campstools, 3 purses, 1 gocart, 1 man's hat, -7 umbrellas," 2 packages, 1, basket, 1 grip, 1 bottle medlcineL 1 purse ($1.55), I medicine case-2 bunches- keys, 1 pr. gloves,; 1 aey, ,i sacK ana contents, 1 suitcase. FOLLOWING articles were found . on , tne ; cars ' of ho Portland Railway, Light &! Power Co. and owner there of may Claim same at the 1st and Al der st, station, Broadway 5100, A-6131: June 8 8 umbrellas, I corset, 1 pr. shoes, l-pin,-1 typewriter stand, 1 fish basket. 2 packages. 1 bdi. sacks. 1 book, 1 watch -pin. 2 grips, 1 glove, 1 bag of figs. 1 purse; 'l lunohbox. LOST, brown Jersey cow, about 4 years old, weight about 900; medium length horns, medium height, fresh. Lost somewhere in Sellwood or Woodstock or between Sellwood and Oregon City. Finder notify j. L. MayberTy, 1316 Ji. 20th st.,; or phone Sellwood 747. -Lib- ea i rnaiu. LOST Small handbag .containing money; gold watch and chain and ring belonging to dead son. Valued as keepsake. Liberal reward. Phone Sell- Irsws4 Kfii a. ...... ,1 - way . bridge, gent' white ' saphire ring. . Initial "V. O. to H. U" Tif fany setting. ' Liberal reward offered. Calr 807, Crosby sr. Phone East 6483. opal , set ring, surrounded with chip rubies and diamonds; Address 213 E. 82d st. or phone Tabor 1816 for reward, LOST on Canyon Road, last Thursiav - night, long haired Spitz, named Dad. Liberal reward. Main 9046. ? W-999, Journal. ' - - ; - ENGLISH setter, black and white spots, 1 female license ' on collar. Phone Woodlawn 1 209, pr Broadway 6588.-- Liberal reward. LOST Lady's small gold watch, inl- tlal A.i C. on back of case. Reward. Woodlawn 2673. LOST, Wednesday noon, white bull - terrier: pup, on Ladd avenue. Llber al reward -for return. 661 Ladd ave. LOST Ln Forester's bldg., purse con tainlnsr money and Jewelry. Reward. Main 8231. LOST Diamond set in Jet; liberal re . ward. Alice Fleming,, Multnomah hotel, ! - -r -., LOST, . Wednesday noon, white bull terrien pup, on Ladd avenue. Liber al reward for return. 661 Ladd ave. LOST. Eastern Star pin, between Knott st. and 1st and Alder; reward. Finder please call East 3986. PERSON Alt SPIRITUAL card reader. 495 st. Phone Marshall 644$. Davis AOCOHDIOM PLEATIKO ACCOHKION. KMt'K ANv HOX. fUKATlNU. PICOTING. UKWaTllCDING, BRAIDING. rUBBOIOKRINU. K A 3 V B B N MFO. CO.i 86 Wh ST.. NEAR OAK. - ; K. tSTKfRAN Hemstltcoing, aceordioo, atoa and atLDburst plea tin: bcttoua covered, goods ponced. Scallopins. 883 Alder. M-SB7S. - v"-'::":' ''-'-- ATTOKirEYg - "'-' liALL . k'LlKlnN.ii, lawiera; .conaultaUua frea. 208-4 Flledner Mdg. Mar. 85Q7. - VLAmC BOOK SCAXER3 DA Vis UULMAM, Inc.. 10U 2d au iiiauk book nanafactarera: asanta ' tor Joaaa laa proTed Lome l-at Ladirera. tie tna aawr Ku reka Leaf. A-81S3. Main 133. - - - BR ABB AMD MACHIKB W0KK8 HARPER'S- Braaa Worka. Braaa caatinfra and machine: worlca. - 106 6th at. Bdway '2AVi. CARPET OLEAHIMO 0O a U8 4tauS. biectxle Cleaulug Worka. carpaia eteaued and laid, refitting our apadalty. Eat 440. B-1S3. 204 ifl. lth at. N. CARPET WHTIMO NulllUWUl' a. vi, CO., ruga from l car peta, rag ruga, carpet cleaning, la U. StS. Work calhfd for. Eaat 85S0. B-180. 'h.rirBjt-Aa Rug worka iUg rug and car. pet weaving: 1613 Fattoit ava Wmwilaws 2lh6 ChAopRACTIO rHYBlClAH UH. McAIAMUN. 11 4 in at. C'nroDl Staaaaea reqairlfiy e tended time. 81 treatmenta 18, Ittt. fOVlMOS, aperlalSK-Ir. paralyala, aarTOiia. chronic dicasea. 85Q Pittock bU. B'way 2U CIRCULATIMQr LIBRARIES Metaptiyaicai eu-eulatlag. Broadway and alaln COAL AND WOOD NEER & FARR and Inside block wood. 4 foot or iaa wad to order. Telephone Pf)AI Main 4588. A-4547. .v .-" --- ---- - VVril- Bark Blockwood Portland "Slabwood Co. M. 8119. A-7O01. liiCU dry box - wood and ijrdwuod, 4 feet ot aawed. Summer pricea. Standard Wood Co.. Eaf-r 2Xl, B-l5. --'-" 'Wnfliftol " fcVKBla, . MAIN h. OnSrOOai KOOT Or1 CUUBX BTRSKT ULXO., ; WOUD CO.. JiWtJ Macadam. iealera alabwood. Ho wool-2.25 tea!. M. 7WK. COLLECTION AGENCIES 1 BUY. acewuuts. . blila. uuXtf anU Jndgiaeaw of arery nama and nature anywhere. - for qoR-h : reiita anawer M-6. Jonrnal. - DRAWING AND PAINTINO DBAVlNi and paiutiug taught by Clirlua . "i'ool. 3i8 ilth at. Phone Marabail 418a. - EXECTRIQ KOTQR8 AND DYNAMOS -AiO'iOKS. geueraiora bought, aold, rentait and . repaired. We do all cinda of repairing and rewinding. All work gnar-'nteed. U. U. H. Electric Vo., HI N. let at. Pbone Broadway D39. WL buy. Mil, rant and. cxebanga naw anil 1 band motora ;' repair work a apaciaUjr. WEST ERN ELECTRIC WKB.. 8 Oth at. Mar. SWS. i ELECTRO PHYSICIAN IW COBINNK JOHNSTONE Nerroas and rheumatic dlaeaai; clac-uo-magnaUe uaa aaae.. 71 Dehnm.- '- '-'-- . -- - - " - - - EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL -liTTTBBS' Electrical Co.. 6th apd Una ata. EYE. EAR. KOBE, IHBQaT. tlTBfrl iMieclaliit. liudurala urtcea. Uihhi fitted, ut. r. r. Caaeday. -Ctf Deknra bldg.. 3d A Waah. ESVCATICHAX, DANCINO HUATU'H SCHOOL Letaona dally, elaaa Kri. ere., 8 to 10, Allaky Udg., 3d and Morriaua ata. Leaaona 2Sc Mala SOlft. , , , - lfanufacturcrfl- DRY GOODS WHOLESALE Fleischnet, Mayer &; Co. rASaa IMTXEKENTg AJH VEHI0XE9 ' K. M. WADE A CO.. 822-328 Hawthorne n, : leap prrg. woor,. kachhtert' - NOUTHWKUT s LEAD A UACHLNEUY CO. 80n311 Fronf, Mala B4Q2 1EATHER AND rnrPftTOS CHAS. 14 MASTICK A CO.. 74 Frost. Leather of eaery deaeriptKn; flndlnga. - ' .-- Professional and INFORMATION COUPON If yoti want the name of a reliable business house dealing In s of merchandise, or information regarding resorts, hotels, railroads. ship jlnes. ate aaaress vregoa veurna. loiuruiauuu uurcaa 'Information desiredt a a ' a a a a I . 'i ' Nam '-' aaaxa, PERSONAL (Cos tinned) A FIGHT on hi i prices. Why pay ii to 810 for Kiaoses. whon I! can lit your i eyes with first quality (lenses in a gold-filled frame a law as $1.60T C. W. Goodman. 209 Morrison st. Main 2124. Mail ordsr promptly filled. Write for partlculara. LOUISE NETZEL, trained nurse and - masseuse, give treatment for rheu matism, lumbago, neuralgia, et '., tub baths, massage and electric blankets, -invalid work a specialty. 266 11th eu Marshall 6033. Open ' Sundays SPIRITUALISM -Medium. Rev. Vir ginia Rowe. Readings, healing daily; circle Tuesday and Friday . evei'ings, 8 o'clock. 2S1 6th st. iPhone A-716. MRS. STEVENS. 21 years Portland renowned palmist snd clairvoyant, has her took, "Palmistry Mad Easy," on sale.!' Removed to 375 Ta 'lor nt. DR. G. V. KtiTCHUM Wom.n'i niala . dies and acute diseases of men. Wash, bid., 4th A Wash. Rm. 41. Ml. 4 SPIRITUALISM Rev. M. A. Price, cir cles. lues. 2 p. m.; Wed., Sun. 8 p. .n. rteaatnga dally. 603 Bth st. Mar. 3360, HAIR swrtches made from your couib -- ings wnne you wait. S. F. Pierce, 267 Holladay. C-2341. ATTORNEYS fee reasonable. Cases rlety. All cases treated with courtesy. 813 Buchanan bldg. Marshall 4368. MRS HAMOT. medium and healer, j 170H 2d. cor. Yamhill. 4th floor, i apt, v. j Marshall 2487. MANICURING and scalp tatment: 3534 Yamhill st, room 15, second Tioor. jpen sunaaya. HAVE your hair permanently waved, in teed to last. ; Sanitary. Beauty , 400 Dekum. Marshall 1702. Guars yarloraL SUPERFLUOUS r hair, moles, warta, etc., destroyed forever;cure guaran teed. Mile. De Long. 604 Swetland bid. LESSONS in phrenology and cari read-' ings.j 235 6th st. Phone Main' 7548. ! I flWVPr Consultation free. Main 1A Y Jf Ul 4933. 7Qg SeinnK bldg. WHY be bald or gray headed? Seo -Kauffman, 417 Rothchlld bldg. CHIROPRACTIC doctor. I'alnlens ad- Justrnenta; 31 treatments $16. 121 4th. HARTNESS, leading leather workers. : wnoiesaie. retail, cor. farKti amhilL, BALM i of Figs, remedy lor disease; of women. 6U4 Davis st. Msln 23!3 i USE Barsett's Native Herbs for rheu-j matiam: aO tablets 25c. All drurirliita. I MISS JOHNSON, manlcurlnic; facial, ! soalp treatment. 417 Rothonlld. 1 NOTICES 20 SEALED propoaala in trlplloats will be r. ' ceived! by tba quartermanter ireneral of the army, Washington, l. C., uutll 2 o'i-lH-k ' p. m., eamern - time, J'liw 22,, 1015, for fur.f niabing liroo, ateel, brnia, ctiprH-r, fbret tin, wire, txjlla aoj toTf i)l(c, tor dllery dnrtn ! the flacal year 1010 at dfpota of tbe quarter master nrpa Hated in acbedula. Hohednlea fur- niahed Bpou appliuatluu tu qiiartruHili-r B"n. ral, IJ. 8. army, i Wa.lilnKtun, U. C, or tf tha qnrt-rmaler. PortlatiiT. )r.- NGTICR la hrety glveo lUat lb und.-rlk-u"l . baa tiled with tbe atala bauklnir lxari of Oregon, ! application for I Ire use lo cneaxe in ' the bualiieaa of maklns loana of moiipy or personal cn-dlt. or in tint pawn-brokeraee luii Ineaa, ander the- provision uf Chapter 210, ucoerai utri ot tre3n, rir iiio. (1 Lnwi t liAKn.NM.K. 81Vj N. 3d at. ' Business Directory MP81C SCHOOLS AMD TfcACHEKg LC'blS A, Ittal'il ivaclivr l n...iu, n, Sherman. euniM-Klraf . Maratiull . TUlKHlottN, violin Icaclier, pupil in. m aieioner niHr. a-41M .Mrhili i'Mll. I11U t. ))eni for pupllH. i'honc lnrhl 41: POPULAR MV8IC MAU'llMa uu pluuu guataiiiead Oraiuavra ta ' 10 laaauna, Plcturo playing. 'ie ilauioiv atrattoi. traa, booltlei. flol ;lier lililg. J-- INSURANCE VAKiiklM elilun -Ua i.va....A.t 4.H.. ; only Oregon lire Irwnnuiie ciuipuny. MATTBEgtfEB ilatillbMU AlAl'iaa.J. CO., wd tu-it. . , --made new with uur Bglfnl- prmtM, iuyi ' EnaaelU ror. Union. C-H'Jll. K-iiSH. jtATWROPAlKIC frHTSIClAMg i-'lt. Ulll-Lll'li -f aralyiij. ucrvuna uJ turuu- lo dlaeaaea. flH-f tti-eyimlan lllg. AI. ll4i. ' ' ' i PAINTING. PAPFRHANCMO AND TINTINO ' i"AliAA.NU, Katauuiiuit.g. ' pi.tei uamt, ' wort' gnaraiiteuU. I'lioiia Wxliiw .iMAi. ! L'iJiMa, a aut.u, uei Hiua ju papering, at. a-;-;j. I'.-H I uu . t'AlAXiau, uutlug, neruaiigiiij, jk, 4, Crauf. J?o -iwib rl. Main KM. PAVTirO C0MPAVIE8 '4tl IIHlilllll Abl-lJALl rillAU (.U. land 'office 223 ftherlrx:a bldg. j PAINTINO, aUbuiA SXAairS AK1 Pa-Ai-B Aiu i u ucli, Uaua cuecM, hiaa u u. v - I'AClaiC COAar BiAMf WuiiKS til Waablngtvr St. ji.in TIP, A-271U. , 8CB.00L AND COLLLQLB BkU.VKii-WAl.KKit 'i kJ.KU U A I'U atUUUL , I 4(h til., SKAli JuouutaoN ; I til-KCiAL UA1K.B iu 1 ENUoi.Ll.SO BKUKb! JUMli 14 Til , FHONiJ: MAIN bwo OK A-15U0 kCa.Lk.tt Duoaa AJi WlhOOWH OLO a ILIA, Uixavr iC ti avreuua, iuutiim - eonalructlou. t linn: tt Broadway. Wdlwn.Hmj j aHEET tt t, i ai. wo&aa tt.-llllAU. 'lilt buu 'a ravel Iwl,. j .i u Loali ;)iO airot at. l-uoi Main t424. ! XRANSfER AND 8TOKi.OI u. A'ctA irauaiM at. auraaa uiiu. and I ewkiiuodtuua atury LikV warauuua wiih aepuraio irou rwuiua and tirepruof rauit tui vatuablw, J, W, suraer 2d and i'me at, i'iaooai and (nrultui tuwved and packad for fcLippnig. Kpoc-ui iatei atada uu guutia la thluugb car a to all UotuaatlC and fwralgu pumu. mm tim, A-lMtoo. i Oregon I ranster Co. EatabllaULa 1s7j jYrauafer and litfwaruiug f genta. - J Storage, raa iV.i-atkage. - ' Off Its ana oturaga 74 UlUao St. 13th and UHaan. 1 Malu u. A-llir v .' OLtSk.'.-lloli XUAKtatt CU. New! , fireproof waretauuaa with aeparata j rootua.1 W wore and pack bt-uahoUl gwnla and pianoa and ablp- l reduced ratea. Aul ; vans and tea ma for aiorjug. Eorwardlng aud diatrl bntlng ageota. ?rea trackage. Office and '; warehouse 16th and Hoyt. Main 617. A-224. ' bauuAiia ARAAta,ii ikcuiii.r MN Mf. MAIN 120. A-liO. WALL PAPER MUKUAN WALL, fii'iu VU 2IJ 2d at., uaf - Kalmon. I WINDOW CLEANING EXPERT WINDOW CLliAKkUS A-47fei. Main am. 212 Henr-r Mrig. WUENayoir auawer tueaa Wauta Ada. nivnUva Tbe JourcaJ. . i XX 71 t 1 rs- - W noleflalers 1 ; PAINT. OIL AND 0LAB8 RAHMLSHKN A CO.. "High !andiirU,? paint, N. E. Cot. 2d atid Taylor. M. 1771. A-,' il TTPT WOOD PIPE fOKTl.ANIl WOOD fU'lJ CO. Kaitory aii.i , ofice near 24th and York .. Main i PHTMBINO PIPE 6TEAM 8tTPPLir! M. L, KLINE. K4Vi-7-MI l EBONX STREET ROPE AND BINDER TWINE Portland Cordage Co. ny line steam- naitll a..,,..-,...,,...,,.