THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, FRIDAY.- JUNE 11,' 1915. iMIU.SiRE II J OBVIATES WAR PERIL ' '"" ff 'sir rv -Jbi ii iSni i tfr i.iiiV " ': " Forecasts-of Reply Agree It '; Will Prove Friendly to Con tentions Of U. Sr SUBMARINES' END IS SEEN JT Declaration ' ot IVondoa 1 sised by Bxitian Tlwrt JUI B ' Ko SCors Ocmu Violations. ' By Lowell SfeUett. - Washington,' June 11. (U. P.)- Whether the latest note to Berlin was sufficient to cause a break between President .Wilson and "Secretary Bryan, It is not, sufficient to cause a break between r Germany and the United States. "--'' This Is hot the language, but is the sense of expressions of German offi cials 'today, following the publication of the president's rejoinder, which re sulted in the American cabinet crisis and the withdrawal of Bryan as pre mier. 't Upon the principles exprested by the president peace may surely be pre served, It was declared in German offi cial circles. Ambassador - von ' Bernstorff smiling: and cordial -upon receiving vis itors at the embassy ' today, but re mained nbncommunicative. ' . Quesses as to Jteply. In German circles it was predicted that Berlin's reply, to , the rejoinder iwlli: - Discuss the subject of humane war fare at length. - ;,. ,,.---;'- I Waive further controversy f as to whether the-Lusitania was armed or kin armed and reiterate that Germany Si ruling t make full reparation for rthe. loss. of , American Uvea or ship ping. ' ... f AsA'urV'the safety -f Americans at sea, so far as, possible. -.-.v-:-1 Declare that" vassengers will not be subjected to the gangers of submarine attack unless it is known the vessel which they are aboard is an armed merchantman, and ' Accept President Wilson sugges tion t seoept the good offices of the United States in an "attempt to come to an understanding with Great Britain by which the character .and conditions of the .war upon the sea may be changed. . ' With these declarations, Germany is sx pec ted "to say in effect:' Would Kad Submarine War. "These things we do for'the United States, but we are willing to- extend khe principle to Include our enemies if the united states win nring about k return by England to the rules Of Ct dMiuitian f lndnn- , the declaration of London. Thin, it was pointed out by German sympathizers, . would" mean the end of Lhe submarine war upon commerce ha ore- than, the united states is asking. They asserted it means even a greater tep the beginnings of negotiations between J; ; Germany , and; Kntcland. through rho i United States,; leading to Lne -end oxjm war.- : - -" 4;- ThereJSi-no question tnat, there is Mi .easier ..reeling in German circles since -the' text of the rejolnedr was pub- isheo.NXt is frankly admitted that an ultimatum was anticipated. - . . .' . ;' tf-i Pays Peace Is Assnrod. - - Those 'Olose to f the embassy, how- ver aectarea. mat not- only as peace kssured v but . that restoration- of the bordiai relations between the United states and Germany may be . expected They: embhasiged, that in the issue, re garding the submarine. warfare as - it &ffects Americans, th first- note of Ihe -Unltaa titates impression hat President Wilson demanded that Ml submarine activities cease. I Ifls known, they declared, that Ger many is ready to accept the American Official statement regarding the Lusi- tania, I Also secret ' intimations--have con stantly been reaching the United States that. Germany desires the co operation of .thia-1 government in" the aispute as to the rights Of neutrals on the seas and to cause the United f-'tates to feel that England is the com- non -antagonist, 'fi - - ; - - Sryan. Besignatlon Xavorable. Meager reports. from Berlin indicate hat the resignation of Secretary liryan waa a favorable development in the situation, its principal effect being to work toward a peaceful settlement bf the points -et issue. As the father n-lawof, British soldier,; the father and, saw' Bryan only, in the light of a haiurai enemy, uermany, therefore, tees chieflyther- retirement Of a some- Chat pro-English secretary of state. -It was explained today that the .reman government . must consider ublic opinion In responding to the -nitedi States. -It has been, only by maintaining public confidence and al ost unanimous support i that- GerT nany"s successes have been" won. -The ;eparture of a man regarded by the )U feUc, though' wrongly, as the f ather aad's enemy. Is expected to make it -aster for the government to do , the hlng it la most anxious to do ob- aln the sympathy- of America In its .ght against England's policy of star 's tion. .;. ' : ' .- - v. M Salmon Big and Fat. 1 Astoria, Or, -June 11. "The fish aught this season are the largest and inest I have ever seen," said a -well nown packer In referring to the local ltuatlon. "Fully 80 per cent of them till average over 2? pounds, and all re of line Quality. Under normal con itiona thw amount , of pickled salmon Vould be enormous, but the European -ar: will prevent much, of rtho catch oing in cold storage." .' NEW SERVICE TO GRAYS HARBOR Ti in connection with1 The SHASTA LIMITED leaves Union Depot 2 it 0 pan, Arrives Centralia . ,5t 13 p m. leaves Centralia . .5:20 p.m. Vrrive Aberdeen. .7:40 pun. Vrrivea Hoquiam . .8:00 p.m. Returning: .eaves Hoquiam 9 :00 a.m. avei Aberdeen . .9:15 a.m. Arrives Portland . . ; 3 s30 p.m. i lCKets, information, etc. at 7 O-WR. & N. CITY TICKET OFFICE . Washington at Third -read way 4500 A-6121 GER CO RDEf REIQIIIDER ACTING HEAD OF ITALY ' WHILE WAR IS ON r ' w - J i ' ' f LV " ' ' J J " . ' The Duke of Genoa, uncle of the king of Italy, has been appointed by him to just in his stead during the war. The king issued a proclamation on assuming , command of the Army and navy in action. It read as follows; We, victor Emmanuel, on the re port of the president of the cabinet and after hearing the advice of the council of ministers, have appointed our most beloved uncle, TOmoaso. of Savoy, Duke of Genoa, oar lieutenant- general during our absence from the capital. - t r- v .-i; ; ' : On the advice : of v the responMble minister h Will transact aU matters of ordinary administration and every other matter having the character of urgency. . "H will sign f all royal decrees. which win be ' counter-signed in the usual form." . ' U. S. Troops WiU y Not Leave Border irinth and Fifth Cavalries and Twen ty-seventh Infantry Hem sin STear XCexieo at Reoest of Punstoa. . Washington, June 11. (U. P.) Orders for the ninth and fifth caval ries and the twenty-seventh infantry, on the Mexican border, to relieve the seventh and eighth 'cavalries and the I lw-w uaslr ' 18 jrallv fpines were suspended toaay. j- f -The action was said to : have ' been taken - at "the 1 request of Major Gen .cral Funstpn because of the present situation in- Mexico., i '- '. ; .. Newspaper .men . were 4old tha sus pension 'of the order was temporary, but"itls -understood- that, as trans mitted to Texas, the order provides for an indefinite delay in the transfer of- thotroojp There .jvill Jba-oiQ cnange on the border, for the present it waa'atated'i vi ' ?i)k - Under . tha , original plan; the border force would have been weakened dur ing, the . transfer. U It was explained that the order - was Issued contingent upon the -conditions on the border, but no. reason. wasJ eyen..ror the. change. . - Nobleman In Suicide Fact. , New , York, June ll.d. N'S.) Frederick Hussenius, a, Swedish, noble man. and' Annie . Malinquist, member of a --wealthy Brooklyn' family, went to their, deaths- in a suicide pact in Central Park . here, today. r ' Nose Damaged ' In Fight. . Bert . Ross, carpenter, was taken to the emergency i hospital at 8:30 last night by Officer Mallan, after a part of his nose was knocked off by an as sailant with a beer bottle in a saloon row. .He is. -58 years old. v Guilty 'of Having Opinm. George Keebaugh, alias - "Diamond Tooth- Casey, today pleaded "guilty to having opium, in his possession, and was fined $50 by Federal. Judge Bean. r : ;t Peace iPrize for Pope. Rome. June' 11. (I. N. S.) That the Nobel peace prize will 'be conferred upon Pope Benedict , became t,anownJ here today.' ? -. .i .'....-.-.. - ii iSrtheS oftlseGaast M. A. Conat Or Co.. Innrnnir nmi nriTO - UKtbUH iiAIH DtAlO' 'HOT AIR' ONE GETS IN CHYOFVASHItlGTON '- ': 'ijC. f:'-J MMMsasswMsssaM-w r j-- -i;. ---'-'. So Senator Harry ,Lane Tells Pioneers and Their Friends - at Brownsville. ;'L- " BIG PICNIC IS IN SESSION gpeakar Decries ;(War and Plsada for -, . : r ' :' VaUon of Xrovsr of - .ri Bj Fred Iiockltj. " Brownsville, Or, Jane ll.- On ac count . of rain, todays formal, program of the annual pioneers picnic is being carried on at the tabernacle in place of Ooshow's grove. ; At 19 o'clock this morning Unlted'states Senator Harry Lane and B. T. Irvine, -editor lof . The Oregon Daily Journal, speakers of the day, were escorted by the Brownsville band to the tabernacle. j . : : Cfae of the liveliest elements of th procession was the delegation, of Leb-. anon business men, members of Straw- berrians. who are here to .help adver tise the Lebanon Chautauqua, n;- - After .; an Invocation by i Rev. Mr. Jamieeon. . the Lebanon quartet: sang and responded to an encore.v Senator Harry Lane was Introduced by . the president of the - Linn County Pioneers' . f asoociation, , ; William "T. Cochran, and received an, enthusiastic ovation as he spoke, to part as fol lows:; k"' . i': ' ' ;;:A Senator Xfkes Xain. i ; "We may feel aggrieved that the rain has put a damper on the pioneer k' picnic, but if yon had lived in Wash ington, D. C.. as I have, for the last two years, you would not feel like complaining: You would, be - grateful for the cool weather. Back there yon suffer from the bumid heat, and if I had my way about it we would move the national capital out to Oregon so congress could carry on Its work with tome comfort When you add to the weather the continued speech staking one has to listen to, it certainly is relief to sit back home among one a old friends and neighbors. . - : ; I i "In Washington I find Oregon is looked upon with' great respect. They know! that ! here in Oregon the voter does his own thinking and 1 votes his convictions. They know . we are not afraid to make precedents in place of following them. .wi . - Some of these days we will discover that the tariff should be settled out side of politics. It has kept us apart, and has been a cause of mutual dis trust, and what we are all working or is the good of the -whole country, iot'' any part of the country or any party, at the , expense of the nation. "You of Oregon do not realise how much you have to be grateful for that our fathers and mothers endured the hardships of coming across the plains to come to such - a favored land as Oregon. . :- i "Here In Oregon we are at peace. 1 We lie down, at night Without fear, j In Europe the-mothers with babes at! idc preast xor wnpm tney nave, no milk, hunt through the soldiers' camps to find empty condensed milk cans. to scrape out a little milk for their starv ing babie- The men, shell-torn and desperately wounded, lie between the trenches and die deathffLpf slow tor ture. . ' ; ' ' "If I had my -way. not a pound of powder, nor a shell nor a bayonet would be sent ' from our country .- to kill and mutilate our fellow men in Ihiropei . v Have tost Sense. " "They have lost their senses - and are on a bloodthirsty rampage of death and destruction. I would send them food, not shot and shell. Do you know why money la scarce and bard to bor row?! It is because our menied In terests are lending to the countries that are fighting in place of sending it out feere. where it would be used in building up industry, not tearing it dewn and destroying civilization. Thank God, we have a man as president who does not i want our country to , become Involved in the universal holocaust. SI hate . to think that we as a nation are ' profiting from f blood-money .from the sale 1 of munitions of war.: I wish we could bring the slaughter to an end In place of helping to prolong , 1C ; : j." t -Senator Lane' paid an eloquent tri bute ! to the pioneers. He spoke of his birth at Marysville, almost 60 years ago. -and Of the . loye and rever-. ence we owe to those who pioneered "llliiSiilPll iaiiiiimniiiiiiiiiiiiiiini TT has taken 25 years of "good groring'. western weather 5 to ' derelop the Gen'l; Arthur Cigar from an unknown stranger .. to the biggest selling k ten . center . on the Coast. The Genl ArthuzjCigar in- i vite all frietuii, old , and . - new, to) enjoy the hospi- ?t tality of his "Exposition J r lome i tho M. A, Guntt ; & Co, Inc. Building on thm 'L "ZoTte". r ..... . CIGAR cto ; hi Alto 3 for a quarter she . 4A & lne. 0itrltora the way. In concluding, be said: "We owe It to them to preserve unblemished the " heritage . they have left us, for the time is coming wben uncounted thousands will find happy, prosperous and peaceful homes In -our well-loved Oregon." - . '.,' Germans Admit a h- Small FrencH Gain i -m . .. l Blight. Severse at Ssrramally Aoalted la SszUa Statsmantj' Xlsewhare At- taoks At Sepolsed, Zs Claim. . - . .-, Berlin. Jane 11: (I. S.; by Wire less to Say ville.) Repulse of French and Russian attacks in both the east ern and western theatres was claimed in an official statement Issued from t the war office today.9-Attempts of the French to advance in the Lorette hills j and at Hebuterne were frustrated with J heavy JossaaL,"iW5'--;;-",:.--"--i'f " The statement admitted. ' however; that a small French gain has been reg istered at Berremaliy, but claimed that attempts of j vthe allies to : retake trenches ' In the Champagne- district Wednesday failed with heavy losses "Russian t attacks. continued ; the statement, "along the Duhissa river have been repulsed and 300 prisoners taken. No changes have occurred in Galicia." Frencb Take German Trenches. Paris, June 1LL N. B.)--The cap ture of more German trenches south of Arras ami along the Arras-Lille highway was announced In today's offi cial communique. - . ,. - . LAWMAKER DISAPPEARS Oakland, CaL, June 11P. K. S.) Assemblyman Edward Stanton Ellis, of Merced, has been mlstsins: f rom his tem porary home In Oakland since May 22. Ellis had Intended to go to Sacramento May 23, but dlsapepared the day -previous, having in his possession 1125. He had been in poor health. - ri-':- 1 . f Winegrowers Quiz Congressmen. Fresno, Cal June ML (F. N. S.) The congressional party today left Ma dero for the Yosemite Valley, going by metr car via.Wawona. Before the de parture from Madero at 8:20 a. nx, a delegation of Fresno wine gioweig and merchant conferred with the congress men regarding certain -phases of the federal tax on brandy. THE HAIR SHOP ISO BT, OPP. Tomorrow lhej Last Day- One Big- Day bf Wonderful Hair Bargains! Hair, tiair Way Dowi -One : Big Day More ! Hundreds of fine shades to pick from. . Greys Switches, Orey Transfor mations, Ions; and short Switchesany color. S0V SJ-inch, 8 separate stem i HWKcnea vsuue at . B3.Xi SBO-r-30-lnch. 3 senarate stem Switches value 88.00, at. 2.45 ZZ7 ! 8-inch, 3 separate stem .. Switches value 87.60, at. 81.98 240 24-lnch. S separate stem - Switches value $6.00, at. SI. 19 185 Transformations, 22 V . ins. long. 20-ln. hair, wavy, '" all shades. Value 16.00 with any purchase of Salr Saturday w eloso for good. THE HAIR SHOP ISO ST, OFF. Inauguration OF Exposition Special A New, Train Between Portland and San Francisco Daily on and after Jane 15 Leave Portland daily 12:30 P. M. One Night to Pullman and Tourist Sleepin : Cars and S30 - Return Limit, SO Days ' $32.50 Ninety -Day Ticket $52.50 to San Diego and Back Return Limit, 40 Day Stopovers in either direction Summer Excursions East ' - - ,- , . ' . Round-trip tickets to Eastern destinations via . .California, with stopovers in either direction to ; visit the Expositions, on sale daily from all points. Exposition and California Booklets CA3XFOSHZJL ARB ITS TWO WOBLD EXFOSXTXOsTS A 18 pegs " illustrated folder the trip to .the expositions at Kan -Francisco and San . Diego, . the outlna places of California. "WATSlSB arOTBSJ. SHASTA aOtrrE" A SS page handBome ill us treted folder describins; in detail every point of interest from - Seattle and Portland to San Francisco, population,, elevation, etc., f of towns, and short descriptive, articles on scenic points en route. CAllTOairU mSACJC SESOBTfr A 4 page Illustrated folder describing: fully the many attractive outina places in the Golden - - State; . - - . v : - j All these Books and many others are on hand and free on ' k . . application to any agent. . . , " i Call at City Ticket Office, SO Sixth Street, - f : - . Corner Oak, Union Depot or East Morrison r .; ; . Street Cor full information, tickets, reserva , , r, tions and literature' on : the Expositions. . Southern - v ' : -" - " ' " - ' ... ' '- : ... John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent Eains Do Damage in ; j Missouri anfltTexas! Banks of Xaw filver Broken and sCnch ; Lud TTadtr Water-yeople Kome ; less Vear ?ort Worth. ; ' Kansas Cltjr, Mo June. 1 1. (L N. S. Continued heavy rains today ? were again bringing serious results in the line of floods and , the weather bureau predicts , even worse conditions than obtained ' two weeks ago unless there is a letup shortly. Five Inches of rain have fallen in the last z nours. The Kaw river has broken its banks af several points, and thousands , of acres of land are under, water? ... - " ' " ? ' Great Bridge in Danger. Fort .Worth Texas, June 1L L N. S- High water in the Trinity river continued today and it is feared that Fort - Worth's 1,000,000 bridge sys tem may be completely wrecked. More than 2000 persons ere homeless as a result of yesterday's floods and chari table -organisations here today were taking care of mere than half. Jim George Trial r Opens at Klamath ' Klamath Falls. Or- June 11 Though Oregon abolished capital punishment. Jim George, Klamath Indian, charged with killing Pete Brown, another In-; dlan, is on trial. here for his life In the federal court, before Judge ,Wolverton, ' ef Portland. - Brown's body was found on the reservation over a year ago, and 1 circumstances pointed strongly toward f George as his murderer. Talesmen i were selected yesterday, and glvingaof ( testimony was started today.' Two hundred -Indians, are attending the trial. To prevent boot-legging by transients, saloonmen last night prom ised Federal Attorney. Reames not to sell bottled liquor while court is in ses sion, thus cutting off the flask supply. CAR MEN BENT ON STRIKE Chicago, Jane 11. (TJ. P.) A strike may be called on the-Chicago Elevated railroads tomorrow following the con ference of representatives of the em ployes and officials of the Amalga mated Street Railways. Taking- chsrae of the itua-ttos today for the em ployes, "W. D Mahpn. International stXXBB ft "while they last . i V . . . .$1.38 85 First Quality Orey-Trans--. formations these are,-a r- wonderful Bargain. Value 120 at w.. 86.98 76 Beautiful First Quality, i separate - stem Switches, short . stem, . ' silk -loops, wavy. Sold regularly at 820 --to $35. wonderfully low price - S7.45 . sate Goods we will give 84 Mlkr XTets. . Tomorrow the last day KEZEB ft rSAJnCS THE San Francisco . Cars, Free Reclining Chair Diner. , to SAN FRANCISCO AND BACK Pacific president of the union, declared there will be no . arbitration and that the men will walk, out if their demands for higher - wages are not granted: - " "We will either .get our demands or every car on; the elevated railways of Chi cago will stop , running." said Mahon today;' ' i;- -y''l ".vs . Boat and ' Stone Blnk. Port Said. June 11. (L K S.) An Italian boat laden 'with stone' sank In the harbor here after colliding with a British, ship. .' . , , There is one thing to be said In favor of the egotist; he never gets lonesome. GRRfVrESlT Cigarette FUNERALS Beautiful adult plmsn ot frmmm broadcloth casket, . em- !S L ktlmia g, rough bos, r g M hearse, two limousines and ? ' C w services for. . .......... . ' -. . .. More reasonable funerals r if de sired for $20, $40, $60. Higher price funerals In proportion. We make our own caskets. Lady as-, sist&nt. Private funeral chapel. "MTT.T.KU ft TBAC3TY, .. Xndopendeat Funeral Slrectdrs, , Washington and Klla Streets. r Pbon, Mala S6S1. A-7885. NEW TODAY Ctabi r- o Jeweled YaunEnzs I WANT AD RATES la effect October t, 1214. AIX PREVIOUS HAITCS CANOETAiD CHAJiGED aDVBXISIMlUXa ' Dally or Sanda. -1 V eeats per word per laaerttoa, " Ttu charge is for all elaaalflcatloos, . eeptlns "For Rant ia Prirato Familf." "Rooai and Board in Prirato raroliy," VSltsatkm Wasted,'.' ao4 "Wanted o Reot" ada, wulcS arr 1 ceota per -word per Insertion. No ad cbarced for !-M than IS cents. , - ' Caia ADVERTISEMENTS 1 aU ear word for aU claaalfleatloos, excpthK "For Rent In Prirate FnmilrV "Room and Board ia Pwrmt VamUr, eitua tlon Wanted' . and "Wanted to - Rent" ada. which are IK cent per word. ' ConaecntiTe insertion of caah want ads: -w a Inaerttona for the price of 2. . . -I InsertkMia for' tbe price of &. BIECTIXa ' NOTICES OREGON LODGE NO." 101. A. F. & A. M. Special communication . tomorrow (Saturday) evening; at 7 o'clock. Work in the E. A. and UL M. deerees. Visit- lne brethren cordialty , invited. By iruer 01 1110 w. bo.. . LESLIE 8. PARB3BR, SK;retary. : ALBERT PIKE LODGE, U". tit D.. A. F. & A. M. Stated communication tonitrht at 7:80 o'clock. M. M. de gree' visitors welcome By E. R. I VIE, Secretary. WW Statistics jnarriages,Birtbs. leatbk marriage: lkknses Gottlieb Wolth, Foater. Or., SO, - and Oer tmde Johnaon. Barr hotel 27. I. H. Ttaaratoo, Sotpt, Or., If raj, and Mary! Deacon, 123 . loth at., legal.. ,! om auuer, vv ana waiia, WWu, Zl. and Katherim Knlaa, toil Kerby at., 21. MelTtlle R. Dlmood, 167 Taylor stv 24. and Bra O. Oteen, 487 Taylor at., 18.' Roy Schiller, . WrUamina, Or., legal, and Georaii Anderaon. 80 E. Morrison mt i.pai-. . Charles H. Robbins, North Yakima, Wash les-ai, ana bch w. uojo, on a, uui St. N legal. -" - : - o rred Laoer, 83 K. loth st, 24. and Gkldie B. Abbott, 63 E. 10th as., 19, " Charles W. Daosle, Salt Lake City, TJtan, legal, and Belle. Brldweli Dauaie, . 353 Harrison U, 28. ..-i. .' . r George " WUlIamaon, - Clorerdale, " B.- C., 28, W. Smith & C.n t-. w.edd I wi wmiui w wvi YUiuag cards. xniro iioor. Morgan oidar. XJRJbiSS suits for rent, ail size. Ulijue laiiuiuiK .t ovj r carjs gJIV iiiiinis IANNIS To Mr. and atrs. Oarar Drnnis ' B". 3d sod Belmont, May 8, a daarhter. . PAULl.t- To Hz. and Mrs. Gregory . C. Pn- Un. 1186 BoW St., May 22, a daughter. -DINDIA To Mr. and Mrs. John Dindla. S6B Iron at.. May 24, , a daughter" """"V PAQL'ETTE To Mr. and Mr a. Joseph A. Pa ' quette. SUO DlTiaioo. May 12. a son. EAILKY To Mr. and Mrs. loaepb B. Bailer 1749 W.Tolaey, Jane 6, a son. - ,T' WAUL8TEED To Mr. and Mn. Ceoree Wall. ateed, M3 68U at.. June 7, daiLbter. K1CHOLSON To Mr. and Mrs. Roy ANicbol. son. 2-JS E. 78th at., June 8. a aon. SAHUN -To Mr. and Mrs, Gust A. eahlln, 346 ALLEN To Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur W. Allen, 1 SIN EI To Mr .and Mm. Kdgar L. Slner. 220 - ft. 12th,- June 5, danghter. Kr f KEMPBR To Mr and Mra.. Joseph C Km- per. 61S SV 11th St., June 8, a son. BRANDE8 To Mr. and Mrs. Heury .Brande. 1024 fi. 13tb 4t. w Jane 1. a son.' , 7 FEHKENBACHER Mr. and Mrs John rehrenbacher, 40 Braaea. Jane 2, a daugb- DEATHS AND FUNERALS 73 BTATTON iy, this ; eity, Jim 11, at the ttstlly reswenca, 191 Cherry St.. Wtlliasi u otayton, son ot capt. uenry F- stay ton. tKemains ere at - the residence estabiiabBient . . . a. , ll I . . . . pi .r-. iuwj m dob,- nontgoiserx:. at sta. i'OPE Tbe funeral aerricea of the late Caut. William T-J font arilt it a. . t Z- Jane 12, at 11 o'clock s. m., at tbejreaidence www. Micm w . . .uk; j oun, MMAJUl gotnery at 6th. Friends larlted. Intermeat st Rtrer Tiew cemetery, r - . , ," - . WHITMAN In thlM city, Jane 8, JS. N, Whit man, aged 8 years.' Remains it P. t. Ierch onder taking parlors. East '11th and Clay. Funeral aerricea today Friday), Jane -11. at 8:30 p. m, Intermeat to be made in Mount Bcotx iars eemeosry. SMITH Paul J.- Smith, 153 Colombia blTiLt . Jnne 7, 88 yeara; cerebral paralyais. 'i CARLSON Elmer Carlson, ood 6am. hospital. Jane A, 28 yeara; necrosis, of frontal bone. ADLJSR Isaae Adler. 029 13. Conch, Jane & 78 years; endocarditis. - - . ANTHONY- Thomas . Anthony, St." Vincent's Jane 9. 61 years; imlmonary, abacewn. SKYMOCR Renard Ellery Seymoar, St. Vlo ; cent, : Jtme ft. SS dtj.,rMimWoiii. ' - WHITMAN Kdwta M. Whitman, rv-ifland ' unitarian, Jane S 63 yr; acuta dilata tion ot heart. - ; - " -- -' . , . 1" ERG EN Henry F.-Tergen,' 233 E. lStn, June . 6, 44 jearai cancer of stomach. .,- . j i DEATHS AND FUNERALS 73 f Con tinned! f il'CBOSKKV la tbi city. June 10; 1915. at ' TO4 IS.- 334 8., Xemoel Mccrouey. acva TS . years. B stooUw. Taerml senricea ' wul take plaee frota tbe E. T. Byrnes faaeral par. lorn, WilUams . end Knott Street, urdy. Jau 12. at 10 a.m. intttrment Uv M-Ttr eemetwy. FHenOi iOTltea to atowio. ANTIIO-Ni In this city June , Tbuoiaa ,1 - An thou t - srvA si vara U montba M days ftttm- nf R Antlsoov. Tha - funeral aorv- icea-Will bm held at th eonaerratory cltapet of F. aV OuaolD,-Ine.. Kat Stda funeral direo Friday ), June 11. Friends Urttad. latermeat atonnt scott cemetery, UALtr In tblx city. June 10, at her late reml- deaca, S3 .North Ktnth au, iycua jiau. agra 33 years. -'The funeral aM-ricea will be held Saturday, Jan 1 at 2.30 o'clock p. m., at tbe residence eatabUahment of 1. P. Flnley A Son, Uootgomery at Kii'cb. Friend larlteo. iinvi went . v juw sti-vi. . . I'iCBATONlA Tba remalna of tU lata Loui Keratonla wut De incinerated at me aionnt Scott .Para cemetery crematorium today yi day). Jane- 11. St 10 a. m. Rfrrioga priyare. VIA KTIN s tOKiilia CO. Xlorista. Wash. Main SS9, A-186. Flowers Xer all occasions artistieany arrapgeo. XARKE BltOS florists, 187 Morrison st. '-Main or- A-1805. Fine flowers ana iioru omignn. nv mmnu n vw - FTJKERAli DnuSCTORS -V A splendid residence undertaking es- tabliahment. rivat driveway. . J. P. FINLBY SON, ,y Montgomery at Fifth. MR. EDWARD KOLMAN. the leadlo - funeral director, .220 Xd st corner 1 U4UI1. A-tcaU y . eK9aaVM ba A UVUQs; -1511, Main eOZ. - , . Dunning &McEntee iTndertAiLera, Modern In every detail., Broadway and Pine sta, Broadway 480. A-4668. Lady assistant. .. F. S. Dunning, 'Inc. - East Side - Funeral directors, , 414 East Alder st. mast ta. -xoZ6. PUmhoro On KUUngsworth ave vi i ai 1 1 v y i vv i and Kerby. Wood lawnr 8806. C-1188." Lady embalrneR ti Tit .Olier OUi East 108S, C-10SS. Lady attendant. 3ay and night sewvleev. MILLK & TRACY, Independent fu neral directors. Prices low as f 20. It 0, 0 Wash, and Ella, ax. Zbl. A-7SS6. D. i KENWOKTHY . & CO. Calls . promptly answered in all parts of city. sj. O.X. F bldg., Lents. Tabor Mt7. alter GT Kenworthv lS8i-l684 EvUtty Sellwood fl, B-lf&J I I '. U E. 80th arid Cilisan. Fu PdMUllUILneral services. Tabor 4StS RT Pvrna wllUams and K I oyrne East ms, c-i s Knott. DCADCHM Undertakers. Bast 1080. I i-rvivowit S69-371 Russell st. ERICS0N RESIDENCE UNI. PLS. M. 133; A-S235. 44S Mor. QKCUICQ Undertaking Co. Alain 412 Orr V CO A-Jlll. Cor. Sd and Clav. - . O-HSSat SU Ssual - X-f SSJf BREEZE & Snook, B-1268, T. 1208. 1021 Belmont, at 84th. Lady attendant. P. L. LERCH, leadinr east side under- . ; -. - chanen-Blair Co.. ; MARBLE '. AND GRANITE., WORKS. - 'j . . : - :. ..,' ....... . , , , - Larsest stock of - fine marble and rrardte in Portland. Beautiful aranlts i ram our ureiTon quarry. . z&l uaw thorne.ave. East-5544. -- ' blaesinG 6an!TEC0 U 26r'5BP.3fCQH.MAOlSONr PORTLAND MARBLE WK8.. 244-264 . W a. a. a a a aar ara , r - BU. pp, CUT mil. M. BDIH. FOR" SAXEr HOUSES 61 New 4 room 3 story house, built for my home with air modern v conven iences, t built in effects, full concrete aasement, electric fixtures, . sas and electricity installed. i ' - COSTS. ' Lot, j H200; construction of bonse, $2200; i electric fixtures, $40; screen doors and windows, $85; i inlaid lino leum B. K. and kitchen $40 carpet for Biturs ua nan, uupiex enaaes on all windows. $22;, 60 rose bushes and yovuig u-uit, IS6. ... xotai, 436ttZ, 5 RAX .v. gaond ' Must sell at once o offer all in cluded In above list for $3000. Will accept small cash payment and balance on easy terms. - Phone owner, I'aiwr ana nave agent s rees. $8500 HOWE T-V(M ISAOf) . , - Strictly mod ferii ri'sf l 'nwMn Yai n o'ti low near car line, arranged so can add 3 rooms second floor; full basement, beamed celling, oak floors, r fireplace, built in buffet, bookcase, writing dKk. Duteh. kitchen, bathroom, 2 stoves and some furniture Included; lot 50x100. 4uiaown, oaianoe szb per month, in terest 4 per cent. 6808 44th St. S. E Woodstock. For -particulars see H. Klaetsrth, 4305 Woodstock eve., Port land, .Or. ' -' ' ).: . - We will build -in any s... "part of city ' f OAIES Costing Xrom $2000 to $20,030. . Also- apart ments i and ; flats. - We have money - to ' loan. call ana see plane v.-.. V.. E.t BOWMAN & CO.. -Commgrcial Club 'bid. ' N LAURKLHURST.- ; : Exceptionally charming: 4 room bun galow, everything complete; main rooms finished in hardwood; hardwood floor throubout:f a -distinct departure from 'the ordinary home; .workman 8hlp.'0f the.highest order. ' lO2O Ore- gon st; Fhone owner, woodiawn 2161 A oi..NUiwK bargain byowner, 100 ft. - corner, first class. 10 room modem house, barn, etc., sightly and central; price low; $2000 cash, balance to suit. 489 Commercial st., cor. Page. - Take nr. j,.u.-tt,-e. or u cars. BUBURIiAN home, 8 room bungalow. 100 by 100, fruit of all kinds, lo qar fare, city - water,, electric light, 1 block from fSchoot aersey. cow,- chickens, bees. - A snap' if , taken at once Mar shall -:..:- - OKT OUR-.VHKB "HOME" BOOA-Lii T. Tells bow we can -build, "guaranteed" borne on your lot or eurs. ' Save you big money. -You pay like rent. THB -OREGON MOM BUILDSRS -HH Northwestern Bank bldg. Four'room house. Price $850; term's, $10, down,. $10 per month. Williams Itquty rtwog lawr FOR SALE BY OWfiER. ' Best bouse in city for least money; 9r roomi bungalosr, new and np to date; in piedmont. U97 Hal ght ave. Phone Woodiawp voz. PLANS $6 ' t'lLNH $S LET US PLAN -YOUR BUNOALOW. LET US BU1LOTTOU A BUNGALOW, EAST TERilS. PAY LIKE RENT. H. A.-WILLIAMS. 409 McKAT B LDO. I4AAA tlAlff .4AAA Small payment down, snap. Owner, 84 Union. ave. Room 1$. - Phone B- 19U NEAT 'S room bungalow, west side. 6 cent fare, for $50; $100 down. $5 a montbr best home value In tbe city. M. E. Lee. 60& Corbttt bldg i k w km! mm BEAUTIFUL new modern 6 room bun galow cheap; cash or terms. Ta. 1404. SOR SALE Modern new 4 room house, lot SOxlQO. '1737 Woofley st. ROSE City Park bungalow, bargain, caa -or -trade. Tabor 3 5 55. - FOR, SALE LOTS LARGE, btaivutlful' view homesite, west sido. 16 minutes' ride, 6 ct-nt f;u. City water, big future; price only $j: 110 down, $6 a month. M. E. Lee, buj Corbett b)dg. , t iOR SALE -3 beauty lota ou h.t.. thorns car line; easy terms. laUar i480. BEAUTIFUL lot on Division st. chr-y. Owner. ?ank O'Neill, 10S0 Cllri'.n, ACREAGE w o7 8-18 ACRES located 3 mUes a. K. Mil waukie, less than 6 minutes' walK to electric station, all in high state ci cultivation, i 60 fruit trees and all kinds of small fruit, good well, good house and barn., a beautiful location for high class suburban home l'ri'- $2400; will consider small cottage in Or near Portland up to $1200 as first payment; terms to suit on balance. Call or write Milwaukie & Suburban Realty Coi, Mllwaukle,' Or, CHICKEN and fruit rancuea tu t Porti land; Ores ham district, electric sta tion ft mile New subdivision. Eun shind valley orchard tracts; best s&U. free wood; element location. Prices, only $76 to $150 per acre in small tracts; easy terma Frank McFarlAmi; y tjo., av9 ieon ti(ir i-ortunn. t)r. FROM 4 to. 10 acres. 17 mlla out; no rocks, black loam, near Electric at.;, $20 down, $10 per mouth.1 N. Kies, Hillsboro. R.l. vn 10 ACRES at bargain. cloce in, near Mt. Hood electric and Base Lin; high and sightly; small house, well, fruit trees. tc. Owner. X-V98. journal. FOR SALE cheap, nice H acre homo in a big country town. Good schools and churches. 20 miles from Portland. Owner. 28 2 H Washington ft. Km. l. V SUBURBAN ACRE AGE 70 FOR BALE by owner. 6 H acres, all In cultivation, 1 mile, from Oregon City, 84 bearing fruit trees, five room house, barn, chicken bouses and farm tools;, $2300 If taken this week, t-; fa owner : at I Larson's i grocery, Oregon City, Or. f : . - FOR SAJjE-F-'OWIS 17 FOR SALE Fine home. 18 acres, ail clear, fine location, land lies nlcr, springs, running water, paved road, i miles from Oregon City. V4 mile elec-, trie road, stores, - churches, on mail,, cream and phone route; fair improve ments, old orchard, 3 acres now com mencing to bear all kinds small fruit, teem. 3 cows, 200 thoroughbred chick ens, . wagon, hack, new harness, all farm, small tools, grain, wood, po- route S, Oregon City take Willamette Valley- Southern to Beaver Creek and see place. I - LITTLE FARMS. ''-' t ' ' Improved little farms, 26 to $0 mlln out, on good auto road and electrio line, foe $100 per acre. Why should a man have to hawk such bargains? 1 Anyone knows that the owner must have money. Anyone knows that such land Is worth $00. Cheap stock ranches, big tracts from $4 to $20 per acre. Some blir trades. . GEO. E. WAOOONEIt, . . , . 1 . 805 Yeon bldg. GET a start now: 160 acres, splendid road, rural mall delivery, school, 80 acres under plow, ready, for fall seed ing, buildings, in best farming section; 1000 acres free pasture Price tlSOft; $600 cash, i balance crop payments. C. Cole, Condon, Or. j FOR SALE 45 ac;re farm, miles. from boat and railroad station. 10 acres bottom land, fair 7 room house and barn. I Price $3000. Victor Collier., 22 Washington st. Room 13. Port land, Or. ! . FOR SALE 4tt acres, with good, huiu. turn fnttt: trti rtn rr(rAn City carline, near Cc-urtney station;' t p,IA u a 1, wmtt . t. A A v . m , Emil Tucholke, Bumner, lows. 90R SALE 484 acre Willamette val- 1 -v farm 1n nickuilaa count v. fir . 88 H In cultivation, good buildings;! rtrlce 7 uuu; terms; snap. wnas. t. Wolfer. Ri FD. 2. Aurora, Or. GENUINE bargain j from owner, 10 - acres Improved, I good buildings, crops in. Price less: than cost of im provements; part cash, baL long tlne. Address P. O. Bor 162. Vancouver, Wn. FOR BALE Nearly 28 af-res, 8 mile from Kherwood and 1 mile from Mid- dleton. Price $2300 cash. Chas. Wet- eel, Sherwood, Or. ' - IF you are looking for good buys or chanaras of eastern Ore. wheat land do not fail to see .Keller A Leal. Butte 314. Lumber kx. niag.. r-ortmng. ur. 166 acres, Lincoln county, sacrifice!. Some improvements., am per acre. J. Nelson; 427 Lumber Kxchan ge. . FOR RENT -P AR51S 14 40 ACRES, $5 month, year in advance; 4- acres under cultivation. Wyinaa, . 0q 1st st. ! , , 40 ACRE farm for- rent, stock end ma chinery for sale A'Eimon, box Route L Colton, Or. a FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY S3 WANTED. 6 to 16 acres of land, with house barn and chicken runs; run ning water; will rent for term of rears; close to canine aootoi ici ers to s& stn st-, yortiana, kjt. WANT 80 to 200 acres improved; have cash, owcar Aidcrton, it4 n, sutn. EXCHANGE REAL. ESTATE $ FARMS AND CITr PROPERTY. m To -sell! or exchange.. Hundreds of ilatlna-a in all narts of Oregon and 3 other states.. Bring' us your trades. ASSOCIATED lNV'tbTMLlM L' Members Portland Realty Board. 618-10 Yeon bldg. " FINE COUNTRY HOME. Walnut and aoole orchard. YamhllL Or nu. acres. 6 years old. for land r modern bouse; $2400; owner only, K- 428. Journal. ROOMING house to trade for acreaK ' or lots, part cann. rini (iaw. jm ' full. 14 1 rooms H. K. $50J. Y-838, Journal. I HAVE 40 acres of fine timber, $30ui equity;i want house or automobile Q-188. journal. 40 acres miles from city limits of Vancouver; line nome in jroruana. Chance, 142 V 8d st. WANTED Fine home In exchange foi - one of the best farms In th valley.. 3. L. BoMnron, 605 rtett mug. 20 acres good wheat land in Kanai for property here, unance, ia Jjh ZION CITY, 111., lots to trade. What have you? K-s. -journal. ROOSIINa HOUSES C3 i .-mm' tinoua te Alf m' rirsr nt-il, X Af fin block from P. O., location where rooms ate always 'full. Price today for .ail. 4275. Peters. 18 N. btn st. NICE, clean, 14 rooms housekeeping - in White Temple district. Alwayt foil, 'money maker. :i I must sell t once $350 takes the place, part ch. Phone Marsnai ii&, x-6i, journal. BAHGAIN1 Up-to-date rooming house for aala. Part cash, balance in In stallments, 16 rooms, 10 furnished. For Information call at 82" H. 4th st. &MALL rooming house, chickens ani - Pigeons, cheap rent, gooa income. make offer. 1S5 N. 12th st. BUSINESS OlPORTCXITIES 2 J 1000 Business Cards, 75c Rydr Ptk."Co.. B. W. cor. 3d ft Mrrltf n $300 takes the best little homebukery ' end restaurant ln town, ,-ilcCiuire &. Capes, East 6407, $200 grocery and confectionery, fu tures cost u. tuuiui uwiii. sell. 6056 Foster road. DUVJ. CARPS www Rocg City Frintery. Sd st T"- IF you want "to mova or start ru- -store in best location on wti: a. V-ail A-164X. Kiarxhwll 3i45 , tConUnaed on Li-s -