THE ; OREGON . DAILY TOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY, v JUNE 10, 1915.- BRITISH. PRESS DOES IT Credit, Given Former Secre tary of State fonBelieving : Course Right One. V- NOT WAR PARTY VICTORY "wood American t and Confirmed Pa etflclsV Comments 'Sally Brews'; rufcUo Opinion Still Behind WUion. London. Juris 10. -N. S.)--Most of today' morning newspapers print editorials concerning "W. J. Brian's resignation. The Time The resignation Iwlniucti more a personal than a political event. It is a dramatic incident in a highly dramatic career, but It la not the turn ing point or even a milestone in the national policy. 1 It would argue a profound mis understanding of current American conditions to ascribe Bryan's resigna tion one tithe of the Importance the world would naturally attach to tb resignation of Sir Edward Grey.' It may affect the fortunes of American -Democrats. Assuredly it will not af fect the situation that "has arisen be tween the United States and Germany. It is not to be regarded as a victory for the war party or a defeat for the peace party, or. as indicating any break In the solid. mass of popular opinion which Is steadfastly arrayed behind the president prepared to support whatever course he decided to pursue. Bryan's resignation is the result of views peculiarly his own. It may be fittaHmAH that ' k ( rwA Rrvan cita tne that' since Bryan cites CRUIZE BRYAN RESIGNATION HARSHLY United States note as one reason foreshows true neutrality and forbids the his resignation, there is in it no aban- donment or whittling down of the de- j mands specifically put forward by the j United States three weeks ago. j The Daily News Mr. Bryan's resig- i muon : is a ly ivreKeo cwu quence t of the dispute between the United Instates and Germany. In the German press it was a legend that Bryan was a bitter enemy of Germany and a strong partisan of the allies, yet he is resigning from his office rather than put his signature on a diplomatic document wbicb he fears may lead to war with Germany. The truth of course Is he never was anti-German or pro-English, but al ways a good American and a confirmed pacificist. The Germans have very strong mo tives for ; - avoiding conflict. Their diptomatic methods may seem to have i been extremely contemptuous of Amer- J lea and America's' pride, and their press has written as though war with tha United States would be welcome rather than deplored, but the rulers of Germany can be under no Illusions as to the .magnitude of the disaster a con flict with the United States would mean. Tha i United States Includes . the greatest manufacturing plants in the world, the largest population of first - rata recruiting ' materials. ' Germany-: Misunderstands v- . i The German government-trifled with the United States because it had two - Illusions that under no circumstances would , the United States government defend its rights by ' the sword, and that the Gefmaii-American element would prevent the American govern ment i taking -strong action by the menace of civil war. There is no longer room for either. The Dally Telegraph The president has clearly taken his stand on hiah ground and, having made up his mind, ! chooses to adhere to his resolution as the likeliest means for gaining his end. Mr. Bryan equally thought it his duty to be consistent with his. past policy and refused to desert the prfn-: ciplcs which he holds to be sacred. c As to the probable result of Mr. Bryan's resignation, , it does not look at present as if it would seriously af fect the American policy. Those who sympathise with Germany in the' United States may try to' make capital j wui vi it un ma gtuuna initi me iats secretary has a large, following in the country and therefore represents a: solid body of opinion favorable to Bryan. But there is nothing in Bryan's letter of resignation to sup-, port such a contention. Th Dally Telegraph The Incident" . is in keeping with Mr.- Bryan's spec tacular career, but Its importance may easily -he overestimated. It must be remembered that. In accord with Amer ican precedent, he became secretary of ; state automatically, not In recognition . cf a profound knowledge of Interna tional politics but' solely because he was Mr. Wilson's competitor for the : - presidency. BERLIN PAPERS CLAIM : BRYAN WAS STRONGLY FAVORABLE TO FOES Berlin. June 10. (I. N. B.) Via The Hague Secretary Bryan's resig nation was the day's sensation here. It was heavily headlined in the papers which print columns of edi torials and reviews of Mr. Bryan's career. The Germans always have regarded him as largely responsible for the alleged pro-British policy, at ; Washington. The Lokal Anzeiger urges a suspen-i sion of judgment until the facts are known, and scouts the Reuter report j that the cabinet break was caused by j Mr. Bryan's greater inclination f or a ! peaceful compromise of the Lusjtania : case. ! It says: - ' "To be sure, .by reason of his paci ficist views and fondness for arbitra tion ideas, Mr. Bryan may justly be regarded as the exponent of a softer answer te Germany, but nevertheless we are Inclined to doubt whether Bryan . represented a mere peaceful, direction only because of his love for Qermany. - There ware personal bonds that' chained him to England. ' It concludes by expressing the be lief - that the break - between Wilson and Bryan, was ever the means rather than the end. . The Vossiehe Zeltung says In parti i - Jaryaa .Oat of riaee. j t The ; moment ef the resignation ' lends some significance to it. Of I ; course. It fs only too apparent' (and everybody ia Air-erica knew it long j ago) i that la a time which demands as mucn expert tcnowieage of diplo " mats as It imposes responsibilities on them, a man like Bryan 1 had to go from the post of directing foreign af fairs. , m "lt was natural that as the "world war made itself more and mere felt In America. President Wilson should take the matters of foreign artaars into his own hands. The president considered to be the author of the yartoua - American notes, harsh ones to German, t weak ones to Eng land. - Bryan's resignation - indicates serious differences with the president over the note to be sent- to Germany and presumably 'to Kngland. - Moreover, the postponement of the note to Germany, the contents of which. , probably 'disseminated- by Bryan, have already been printed in the Bnglish papers, pointed to, differ ences at Washington. Editorial , Xs Deleted, i "One does not go far wrong In as suming that -: the theorlsh t Wilson clashed with Bryan 1 because Wilson did not see in the Lueitattla Sinking an incident, but saw In it the whole question , of ' submarine : warfare ,and (deleted by censor). The Berlin Tageblart. whose .edi torial judgment is usually sound and sane, cautions against - jumping: at" hasty, obvious conclusions -regarding Secretary i. Bryan's resignation, but ad da: :...-: ." "It is no secret that Mr. Bryan, whose pacificist inclinations are well known, did not belong among those in the ; American government. , who wanted.: -t'. bring about a break: in diplomatic relations as a result of the Lusiltania case. Although one cannot accuse ; him of , pro-German tendencies . and, oa the contrary, al though he has appeared a mora - un friendly figure than tha philosophical president,; It, never appears that his practical experience In statesmanship caused him to take his stand against that policy, the. consequences of which are hardly to be estimated." Bryan's Bole Important. The KetalBiscne Zeltung says: "It woiuld be ; natural to connect the event with the diplomatic inter change of views proceeding between the United States and Germany re garding the sinking of the Lusitania But it were well first to await con firmation: of this from Washington. "It can be assumed that the cause of the resignation must lie substan tially in the differences of opinion between President Wilson and Mr. Bryan, perhaps in the dominion of foreign politics. It must not be for gotten, however, that Mr. Bryan plays an important role In the Democratic politics of America. "The wishes of German-Americans will b fulfilled If henceforth America export of munitions. They would then have achieved splendid success." s Friendly Suit to Settle Controversy Question Arises With Consolidation of Highway and Btati Engtaesris P partment as to Z.ewls' Power. Salem. Or, , June 10. Governor Withyconibe and State Treasurer Kay have signified their willingness to In stitute a friendly suit in the courts to determine questions arising over the consoldation of the highway depart ment with the office of the state en- gineer. This course was suggested In a letter nigh from LeW,s to the members of the wtate highway com mission. Lewis recommended a suit unless the board would accept At torney General Brown's ruling that the statei engineer, under the new law, was the head of the highway depart ment as well and had full 'responsi bility and control. Lewis, in his letter, said there was some discussion at a recent highway meeting as to carrying on the work In a manner different from that pre scribed, by the attorney general, but that he felt it would be impossible for shim to do it. particularly in view of the two bonds he has been required to file. Secretary of State Olcott said last evening that Attorney General Brown was the legal adviser of all state of ficers and he saw no reason for tak ing the question into the courts. He was willing to follow the law as in terpreted by the attorney general. it is expected that the suit will be brought at an early date. In , another letter to the commission. Engineer Lewis - refused to delay in signing highway department vouchers because Governor Withycombe would not approve them without, the signa ture of Deputy Cantlne, although Lewis had signed them. Lewis points out that this might mean undue de lay, as Cantine would be away on field work for prolonged periods. Autos on Hand Early. In order to secure idvMtirmua places from which to view the Rose Festival parades, automobile ownra have been placing their machines in position along the parade streets as early as midnight before the day for the parade. A Contin uous From 11 a. m, to 11 p. m. Show Start : Promptly 11 a m. every day . Largeit fiA. DaogMer of tlhe. Nile" A Thrilling, : 3 OTHER BIG FEATURES 2 . . - til I . LI I .. SZ , ,, , , COMING SUNDAY - j- THE JUGGERNAUT i VITAGRAPH'S FIVE-PART BLUE RIBBON FEATURE The Thrill of a Lifetime in the Greatest of All Railroad Dramas. Nothing Shown on - a Screen Has Ever Equaled the Sight of the Great Locomotive Speeding to. Wreck, Ruin and Destruction. NO DAMAGES ASKED TOR INJURED FEELINGS v IN NEW COMPLAINT i- -C' ' - n - , , , - -- - ' ''j l , r.v Plaintiff Takes Non-Suit in ; Breach of Promise ; Suit; ",New Action Filed. Alfred P. Olsen yesterday took - a non-suit In Circuit Judge Gantenbeln's court In his suit against Mrs Moltie M. Patton-Saxton for breach of prom ts damages ; and almost immediately filed a new action against her with one section of the first suit eliminated. Olsen alleged - that six years ago he loaned 1600 to Mrs. Saxton and that the notes were , destroyed on Christ ma day, 1913, when she promised to marry him. She denied the premise and refused to marry him ; : and he sought to recover 11694 on the notes, which had been destroyed, and $1000 for injured feelings. On Judge Gan tenbeln's suggestion the first suit was withdrawn. In the new suit no dam ages are asked for the injured feel ings. . ;?"': Excess Alcohol Alleged. Answering the Injunction suit of H. R, Hoefler, an - Astoria candy manu facturer. State Dairy and Food Com missioner J. D. Mickle asserted that he seized 47 boxes of Centennial choce lates, Mr. Hoefler' s brand,: because they contained over 1.05 per cent of al cohol and were not labeled to show presence of IV . Hoefler was granted a .temporary injunction last week against Mickle 3 to prevent the latter from Interfering with the sale of the candies until the matter Is threshed out in court. Ballot Printing Suit Filed. As a result of a dispute over print ing last October, which ended with the taking away from Bushong & Co, of the contract for furnishing of bal lots for the November election, the printing company, sued the county yesterday for $36.50 alleged to have been expended In preparation for the fulfillment of the contract and for $150 alleged to have been lost as profit On the job. . Inheritance Tax Levied. Augusta A. McRobert and Emma P. Case were ordered by County Judge Cleeton to pay $177.14 each on Inheri tances of. $22,714.10 which each -receives from the estate of their mother. Mrs. Eva Stemrae, who" died ' October' 7, 1914. The estate Is valued at 115, 428.20 and the state will be enriched $354.28 from the taxes. Get $630 Damages. R. B. Hanson was awarded $638.43 damages yesterday by a Jury la Circuit Judge Morrow's court In a suit brought by the city to condemn a 1Z foot trip of land from six lots at Bast Forty-sixth and Broadway needed for street widening purposes, t Hanson asked 11000 and the city offered $480, Woman He Hoped With Sues i Him 1 MrsVXvy auy Banry. Wife of Seattle Bank Clerk, Mea to SeooTer 97370 Tram M. roster XeOy, San Francisco, June 10. (P. N. S.) S. Foster Kelly, former cashier of the Seattle National bank, who eloped' to this city five years ago with Mrs. Ivy May Henry, wife, of a clerk in that institution, faces a jail sentence for contempt of court rf he does not ap pear ' before Notary Public Harry F. Sullivan this afternoon - jto give his deposition in a suit brought against him by Mrs. Henry. Superior Judge Murasky today Issued the order for Kelly to appear, - Mrs. Henry Is suing Kelly for $7275, alleged due as a bal ance on a note for $10,000. Kelly has refused to obey a subpena in connec tion with the deposition.!' Cleaning Out Pickpockets. Strict orders have been given by Chief of Police Clark for officers of the detective bureau to clean up the town of pickpockets, and numerous ar rests have been made during the week, while others have been escorted out of town. Leads in fk sk m i a a m !- I 1 ,'... I . 11 ft ft V ft. ft. T ft m I , Broadway at Stark and Grandest Theatre on Pacific Coast II" IN Mysterious Story of the Land SPECIAL MUSIC BY COMPLETE ORPHEUM ORCHESTRA Fight Over Fair 4 ; ' : Millions Eenewed Bephews and HI see, Wao Ware Oa Off by Win of California axaa Killed ta Trance, Keopen Case. Wew York, June 10U. P.) The fight for the millions of the' late Charles U Fair, California multimil lionaire,' was renewed in the .New York supreme court today. George, Edward an Theodore Lef ler. nephews, and Mabel B. Towle, niece of Fair, who did not share In the estate when the will was probated in California, filed a motion that a date be set for trial of their suit for a part of the-millions. The court-late yes terday refused the application of Mrs. Virginia Fair i Vanderbilt and .Mrs. Theresa Fair Oelrichs that the suit be dismissed. ' - , Fair tend his wife were killed while an tomobiling in France and subse quent Investigations never proved which one of then died first. - The whole case hinges on this point, inas much as, if Fair died first his wife s relatives would share in the estate, whereas, if bis wife died first, f they would, not. COLONEL HOUSE HAS LErT FOR HOME; BE BRYAN SUCCESSOR Unofficial Agent of President ' Wilson in Europe Departs Suddenly for U. S. . V London. June 10. (I. N. S.) Ameri cans here today were , discussing the possibility of Colonel Bf M. House be coming secretary of state. , Colonel House, wno bad not intended to leave so soon, left In a great hurry and with some secrecy. . Until today the American embassy carefully re frained from making any announce roent of his departure. . Colonel House recently returned from tha continent, where . he visited Germany and France, seeing high offi cials in both countries. After his re turn he settled dewn for an extended stay. and. as the unofficial agent of President Wilson, saw Sir Edward Grey. Premier . Asquith and virtually all other men of importance in the government. : It is thought certain here that Colo nel House has been recalled on account of the Bryan resignation. If this is so, the president foreaaw last week what would happen. Gridiron Club's Warning. ' . Washington. D. C June 10. Edgar C Snyder, president of the Gridiron club, of this city, in view of the con tinued operations of a gang of swind lers, who are engaged In selling asso ciate memberships in the club to prominent persons- throughout the country, warns the public against these irnpostora and calls upon the vic tims or1 these clever crooks ' to assist the club In bringing them to justice. "The Gridiron club is In all essen tials a dining club," .said Mr- Snyder. "It has never efeotempiated building a clubhouse nor has It at any, time considered the enlargenent of its as sociate membership list. Under the constitution of the Gridiron club its active membership Is limited to 50. The associated membership, list is made up solely of active members who have removed from Washington." Assailant Not Located. The police have failed to locate the man who attacked Ingeborg Nelson, the three and one half year old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs A, F. Kelson, 250 Killlngswortb avenue, about noon, while the child was playing la some brush near the Jefferson' high school yesterday. One suspect was ar rested by Detectives Coleman and Snow, but later he was released. The child was not badly injured. Postoffice CI oses' Tomorrdw. -In order to give the postoffice car riers an opportunity to participate in tomorrow's Indujuial rrade the post office will be closed all day Friday and no deliveries will be made either in the business or residential sections. TODAY FRIDAY AND Photo Plays of the Pharaohs 37 U V V Any Scat 10 ClNTS '7 TT CARRANZA VILL NOT MEET FACTIONS TO DISCUSS PEACE PLAN Report Says HlsiNote to Wil son Will Ask Assistance for Himself, , wants Villa eliminated datter, ia ttmply to Fresldant's Appeal for Paaoa. Suggests Confer- Galveston. Texas, dne 10. (IT N. S.) Oeneral Carransa will not con fer with General Villa or any other leader of Mexican factions in efforts to secure peace, according to authentic advices received here. He is prepar ing; a-"note" to President Wilson, in which he will: ask that he be assisted in restoring peace in Mexico and eliminate Villa and others from fur ther contests. Reports here are that Carransa will attempt to take Mexico City before the United States steps in and re quests a cessation .of fighting. He declares he has been selected "first chief and is the man who can ltsure peace and harmony if given a chance. . Villa Suggests Conference. El Paso. Texas. June 10. (U. P.) That another embargo on the shipment of American arms and ammunition into Mexico will be declared June IS was the opinion expressed today by Mexican officials at Juarez. It may be postponed as the result. of the visit to Washington of Manuel BonlUa,' representative , of , Francisco AMUSEMENTS HEILIG Breaewsy at Taylor JUia 1,'A.UM TONIGHT8:lS AH Tais Waek XATZXXS BATUaDAT t:ll CHAUNCEY OLCOTT la the Comedy-Dram "TEX EEA&X 07 7ASST -WKACa? Hear Mr. Olcorfa New Boa. Bvoa. and Sat. Mat. floor (11 rows) U60; T at 1; baL $U TBe. 50c. CaL 50c. 6?1Skz Next Monday BARGAIN PBICB Mat! WHTDNESOAY SPECIAI- PBICB MAT. SATURDAY Tha Cbarmisg Aeneaa ELSIE FERGUSON la the Vital Haaaaa Play "OUTCABy Brenian 11 rows. S3. T at Sl.SO BaL, $1, TBe, Me. OaL. EOe. Bargais Wedneaday mqiMf si, toc. ooe. zae. SAT aAXX OPEHB TOMOXBOW Tium Maim t. A ' Qee, ! BaSar.Mga l All seat week, starting next Sandey Lyman H. Howe Prostata bia atepeaddba exelosive Kaval spectacle, tha U. S. Navy of 1915 The Plulippiaes of yesterday aad today. Na tive lite, customs, porta, focttrltlea, etc. From Savages to OMliaa&on. Kaldiis a National Caah Brlatar Maay Prtt Breniora. SSe, S6e, Wc. afatiaeea 35c, 85c. SEATS VOW SXLXXjro IUTINEE DAILY 230 The Benaatifm ef Xwe Goatisoats r ST tT A BT -The Bale Tatti. 1 OTEZB BIGhTUU A0T8 Bosaa aad "ftrat row saleoay taaarvaS Vy phone. Xaia , A-SSSS. efegtlval Bin (The) Day of . Reckoning Featuring TTVTABT BXCH in a great 2 -set society drama. (The) Six Cent Loaf fid yon ever realise what a rise of one eeat a loaf means to thousands? See Florence La Bad Jo, Helen Bad gel y and Ice land fienham in this great 2- act - story, (.,(' -. i . f Another 96Ur, Vproarlous - Keystone : Comedy With Mabel Normand and Big . Ambrose, , The Molly Coddle Ed Coxes and 'Winnlfred Green wood la a delightful comedy drama. - Sunset Theatre aahlagton at Broadway. OAICS FIREWORKS TODAY : i and Saturday At 9;00 P. M. SUNSETl: THEATRE Ccmmencirig: Today I I Big Soew Villa, who passed through here yes terday with Villa's reply to President Wilson's note urging Mexican leaders to -set , together.-: The answer : will be made known when it is read by the president. Villa, suggests a conference at Washington, between factional leaders or their representatives. Bonllla would represent Villa at such a meeting. To Mot Against Mexico City. . , Galveston, Texas, June 10. (L N. S.) --General Obregon. following his de cisive victory . against the Villlstas south of Iveon, has started north for Juarez, according to official r dis patches received here today from Vera Cms. Reports that Obregon lost an arm during the battle ; at Leon were confirmed. It is stated that the move ment against Mexico City will be made shortly. , - " American Kills v Mexican. , . . Washington, - June - 10. U. P.) Two Mexicans were shot and killed Tuesday night at Mexico City by W. P. Moats,- an American, j according to advices received today by the state department. The Mexicans were at tempting to . break into Moats' residence.- :. ' .. - Transport, to Take Refugees. Washington, June 10. (I. N. S.) . Major General Bliss, acting secretary of war, today cabled orders to the Recreation RAIL. RIVER gt . STAGE ROUTES Condensed information regarding leading outing plaees and prlnolpal tide trips and stage liaea. The northwest, with its great natnral soeale and ettmatlo -attraotloas affords unusual . advantages to seekers of health or reere atloa. XnformaUoa regarding resorta or side trips oan be obtained from The Journal Travel Bureau, Phones A 6051, Staia T173j or from Tourist A geaey and Travel Bureau, Marshall 197S. BEACH RESORTS IJ'I'L'I IV f at"'af"uWIr Seaside. Clatsop Beaon. Oregon. g M VL ,.aT Si . lVIt J a. M a Hotel Moore overlooking the ocean offers to the toWlst and traveler pleas tires seldom if ever combined at any one resort. Surf bathing. Hot Bait Wa ter Baths. Natatorium for Indoor swimming. Canoeing on the Necanicum river. Good auto roads. ! All automobiles leave from Sotel. Moo re for Elk Creek ana Cannon Beach glcffS oc,. HOTEL BOOEE, Dii J. tbore. Prop. ?SS2SZZS&. Colonial Hotel CIAT80P BEACH gBAaTDE, Ox. BATES SXASOHABXX Oampletaly MiaedeUd. Good looatten, ene stock from eeaea. ExoeUeat aiaiag seem, area bus avaoti ail trains. V. S, ISJCXLET, Trap, Gates Natatorium TAcnro thz ocaur trrnnmz, oxeoox Itaost awtemiog tank es the Worth Pa oifio Ooaat. Salt water ploar 40x100 hot or ooU aalt baths. ' Uaaar diroct aiaaa- SMBt or I. . oetoa, owier. r-ret. n a. m- wig, inatnetor. Opos day aad sigat. t Baatida for a phage ia salt water.. HOTEL (VICARS CZXZJTI BX7ILDOla Broadway at Tia St. Two saiaatas frem seaeb sad Sopot. XHaetria lightoe, rooma aiasle or oa aaito. BATES tLOO A SAT AVS XTT, Soaaiae, Oregea. . OXX XBAXS. Trap. THE SHELBURNE - SHEXBOTTaSS TAXIOB KOATH BXACR All modem improvoaaoata. Oae of the largoat aotola ea Xorta Baaoh. We saiae evr ewa poultry. BeaiosahVa rataa. Special rata ay the wash for families, Phone ia aetal. Bay ticksU te SaelVaerse, Statioa. Trains step right' at door. Addreaa Saaview, Waaa, T. f. HOABJt, Prop. BREAKERS Billiards, pool, riding aadT an( BewUaa-. teasia. solf. an too. We have ear owe akroki veeatable gardeas end poultry yards. n sasNBi ana- smaaaaw lauo wsaa taiograpa atauoa ia tae mom. u - Write for termj and .reservations aiana THE DRIFTWOOD BBS. at. Z.TVOT OPEV ALL TSAB The Only Hooao ef Ita Kind is the World Hot aad Cold Salt Water Batba ia Connection. TABLE BOARD A 8PECIALTT UVO BEACH. WASH. NEWPORT Sea Crest Cottages BIGHT OH THE BEACH Completely for iaaed t, S and 4 room eottarea. Eas ooU tago haa a aplendid view ef tao, oeeaa. city water, owdm ."r" m . t-.t1 cloao to atorea sad aetsteneav Before deeid- ins where to apend year aunt mar vaoauea write for ratoe aad ether iafonaattoa te CHBIS ARalS. Vewpert. Or. - TAR -IT-! Boarding House HOKE OOBTOBT STOBE COOXZBO . Eaay valhiaa- diataace of Bye Creak Be oh. Bataa reaaoaahla. Writj , tm raor make reaervattoaa. Addreaa MTT.T.FB ABTJEKSOB, Bewport, Or. CITY ' Newport Oregon - Fifty dean, airy fsraiahed teats and oot tagee at rates raariag from S to 17 a week. Leee.ted ia eva, in view of. ocean, aieewaika, electric Ughta and city water. Three aloeka from keaoh. ' Tor luaaiiaWeas addreaa A. 3. TAB WASSEJIB0TE. Boa . Bewport. Or. M I N T H OU N ' S HOT SEA BATHS OVXBXOOKTBO THE OCEAB AT BTE BEACB. Hot aalt water, TuAieh. Bnaaiaa aad aleo trio UsUt bataa. Xaaaasa ky a sradaase of Portland Sanitarium. Ten eeo8 tor UsU heoaekeeeinc. Beeaonmkle re tea. For itoan tiuaa or further ic format ion aiidreae Za. - ZO' OAS. CBOCXEB, Bewport, Or. BEST OS T T- AGATE BEACH AND AGATE BEACH INN Write ta Ur. Katberina George far rates sad reaervatlona and te Agate Bak Land Aat Agate Beach, Or., for other Id forma lion. The Ina wUi he open enrir ia Juae, MOUNTAIN RESORTS WOLFER'S MEDICAL MINERAL SPRINGS Of proved vaJee fas ateaaaak and kidney tnm blea. Hajpf ni is many eeaea for rheumatism, Carapiag pnTileaej i U.keaatifal fh and eedar rrove aeaa the medical apringa, M.M a week. Free wood1 aad free mineral water. As ideal, restful aad koaltaral vacation. Far aaelyeia of water aad fall Inf ormation addmaa vSOaG WQUUi Hlilaid. Or. transport Buf ord at Vera Cms to take aboard the 481 American and European refugees whom Consul General Shank ling is sbringing from Mexico City, if space permits.! . Four Indicted for , Bobbing the Stage Baker. Or June 10. True bills of indictment were returned yesterday by the grand Jury against Joe Carlson, Mrs. Mollis Burget and William ("Sour Dough ) Bill") Haider, charged with holding up and robbing5 the Rainbow mine-Durkee stage several months ago, securing $7000 in gold bullion, which was subsequently recovered by Sheriff Anderson. There was another indict ment in this case, but the man is not in custody end a ' bench warrant for his arrest was Issued 'last evening. It is said, that the fourth- man is the one who actually held the stage up. that his, whereabouts are known, and that he , will be arrested shortly . In its final report the grand Jury returned nine true bills and one not true bill . of indictment. included In the list were indictments against John Matil,.ja restaurant proprietor, and Earl Lunsford. his cook, who are charged with' arson in setting tire to Matil'a restaurant- last January, when half a business block on Center street wis destroyed. . - IHealtl) Jiiiig Resorts BEACH RESORTS w rortlaad'a aeaxest and most pop- i . mar mu reaon, ' CANNON BEACH TBX BCEKIC BEACH OF OHEOOM ; THE WARREN V ovxaxooKzaro tee oceah Flae fiahisg, haatfair, surf-batliiiig and nor. t ntUf. oa food a Specialty. Write f or raiaa. M. S. Warren. Proprietor. . Bar View Hotel ABB roBBTSBXD BOUBJSXSZPXiro TEXTS j ITader Bow Xaaaeameat . , . . . XOTEXi BATES 91 PZX, PAT ABB TTF I Honsohoopjas Tosta, SI. 00 par Day, by wV A. WiM. SaO-riSyaUinr bide, itai Bar View, Tillamook County, Opaxmted mi wumi na juua aw, i THE OREGON JOL -1NAL for years bat been recognized as the leading medium for resort advertis ing. Rates on application. j HOTEL RIGHT ON THE BEACH freak and aalt water ftaklae. boaflna?. livery atable sad antes ? Si aailee of was HIV -mm AVaduesaa UV(H eaaasi asrwaa earn UV7 . Poatoffioa, loss diaauioo paone and w. a, . stanoa ea We greuada, ta ! r- I " ' ' , "K '' I I i i iii 1 1 1 ?w '"'i .-..j auxsii, jb res revs, irun. v THE HACKNEY j COTTAGE f -J , U Row,-:- joFEB rOB TKB SEASOH - .. With ail modara iraprovomaata. For ratal write or wire. SAATIZW. WASH. MOUNTAIN RESORTS ESTACADA Natural I SCENIC PARK St BXLEg EB0X VOBTZAVn. Zzoalleat pio ale SToanda. eseuyaioa ream t aad f iahina. First claaa hotel at greeada. Batee IS a dar. BULL BUM FtUffS natural park SO miles ftma Jfortland. a iae pleee for twhina-, oamp ing. picaioa, aaousaiess aad amatear photoc repay. I SFSUIAX. SUBDAT ZXCTTBSIOB BATES ' te , eitaer of theae parka 7 be round trip. Xiaina leave Firat aad Aider. CAMKaTAg PAJUt Cool, eemfortakle - oa ttne a pot, IS milea from Fortiaaa, everlookina; tse keamtif al and, pieturaeaue Wiilemetw . Falls. Can leaTe iixot and Alder, Besnd trip 40 cents. . . . WlI.i.AMKTTa. FAZXa Take Orayoa City ear at rtrat and Alder. Boned trie e oaata. : TABQOUTaJt BAB HACKS lake Vancouver ear, Siana aad Waaaiagtes. Aound trip eu ' oaata. CAB Y S X0T SFantaS-A grenp ef the hot. test naative apvinpa la tae world, at the foothill of the Caaoaaea. For Information mul kUrahall WH er MarehaU loo. naaJXO . STB t a Opper CUokamaa river, aoariar Creek. asU Creek Sad Seep Creeki xas ears et rust ana aioer, ea Ms Casadere line. Lew round trip sates aad early apodal trains 'aa Sunday, SAND BJVaOt AJkii MvUL BtTB BXVTR--Take taaiaa at First end Aide. Ball Bus Use. tew round trip fates aad early Sunday J0U.M SOB CBEEX Take train at First aad Al der, get si as uvea, jmu, imu Junction, Byoemore, l.innerasnn, Oreaham, Hogan or liaiey.' FOaADDTTIOBAX rjrFOBXATIOS eell Tleket Agent, iliist aad Alder. XarskaU SlgQ or Portland Ry. Lt & P, Co. "Beliaale Servioa.- v NORTH BANK ROAD OUTING RESORTS CXATSOB BEACH Faolfie Oeaaa, Oregea ooast, hours from Fortiaad. Take Wertk ' Baaatraina, littk aad Beyt, te ttearkart a Seasides Surf aad, natatorium beUiag. U mkee ef eoeaa auand.M week-end Uipa. SUirttEAD-S HOX SFBIBOS At Oarees, Waah., keara froea Fortiaad. Ants meets tsauaa. Xuieial water 11T F, Moastais aeaa, aoEBBXEBT XTHEBAX. SFBUraS At Car son, Waaa. Xeeatata reeevt, 1 milea up v Wind rivw. S seals views, havntUg, fiaaing, - trail eltmbing. nwW' FAAX WklU Saea, Weak., t keara frets FerUaad. IndiVMual oettagas and keaatirur grounds. Mountain air, magnii- ' sent aeeneiy ef Caaeades aad Caltambm rive M?rT5)AXS ABlCBCAtES-TaJm Mnk Beak fauis to White gauaesi aste stage te ' Trout lake, where guides aad eatftu f meuatata iimbuMr jaay be bad, DksottUiES atvaB tissujia besobts aenaeed wesa end fares, -reia ieavet f;SS a. aa. i returns :lt S. m. . UcX2&-a4YxBiAOTS--Tskg Oregoa aaeetrse nvy. "1 ieiey giex Epnagt end ketel aad XcAaasi Bridge betel; Tease ' TM9a lBwwBslgTwl: FIFTB Aa 12 6 XAJuiC Americans Eeporfxi Killed in Tampic Six, laclaalng Captain r. ,Q. VamZsz, , rormer Was Volas Cade and-XToEi tnens la Texas, Are VtoUms. Houston. Texas, June 10.(1. It RJ -Captain V. G, Fowler, former West Point cadet and well Known in Texas, with five other Americans, has been killed i at Tanrpico, according t a statement ' made here - today by T. 11. Dubuque, a refugee from Mexico. Fowler was a nephew of the late General John Ragan. Suspect Identified As Dynamite Buyer ';,;;;.;, : - ; . . .. ; Positive identification of Fred Love as the man . who purchased dyramlte, fuses and caps from a powder sales man at Hlllsboro. under the ptetanae that he was going to blast some stumps, was made by the saletman at the city Jaili yesterday. Ixve, with William Burnlck, a . barber, was ar rested by the police early yesterday, and both are charged with burglary In the blowing of the safe in the Tauscher saloon at 149 Second street. MOUNTAIN RESORTS PIOXXEB HT. HOOD XOUBTATV BES0BT. Bare tea oold moastam water, airy and ras. fortable knnsalowa, aeod onialne, knnttes, flab iar, hone back riding-. Bates as ray. 10 week. W. E. WELCH, Fro p.. Weloh'a Fostoffioa, Or. GovernmentCampIIotd AT THE FOOT OF XT. XO0S. wonderfal view of Mt. Hood aad other peaks. Climbing f Hood atarts frcm oor plaea. Best of aooem modatisna. tTaiurpaased fishing aad h anting. Saddle i horses. Cuidaa for the climb ef Kt. Hood. Bates M a day and ep. FOX XOKE, Frope., Rowe F. O., Or.' - FOR MT. HOOD RESORTS Xonnt Hood Ante Servioa CoTeaves Meier Sc (rank atnre. Sth at. entrance, daily : IS a. m. For particulars and reaervattoaa Jfsier j Frank Sporting Uooda Dept., or pUono Tabor dXtt. Tavern Oa Mount Hood Ante Stage Bead, Vt miles from rorUand. Ideal mountala resort, $3 dsy. Weekly 1AM, lfi. Special rates for families. Saddle horaea, lawn tennia, sroqaet. Good fiah iag. hunting, Fkona, el4trle light. Daily auto stage, Fhone Xaia ft6S or East SSS. Emil Fmoaetti. Prop., Bows, Or. ZBJZBQTOV OABAOB ATTO CO.'S Clno.) E. 14th aad Broadway, Fhone Eaat lit Reliance ML, Hood Auto Stages Leaves daily at I a. m. Booad trip Arrah Waanaa, Walohra, Tawney'a, Bhododeadran, Special week end iaeludina; board and lodging on day, $.0. Bound trip Oevernmont Camp, 97.M. Special olimbiag trip, inoiading hotel ecpenae and ruida fees te summit. Hi. Tic a eta rpaervatCma and in for mat Ion at- HOUi X.EDOR SEED a FLOBAI. OO., 169 Ad St., bet. Morriaoa and Yamhill; Xaia Sbd, A-tll. A a rf a i mm MOV NT AIM RZSOHT. Hera yoa have a euiet aad reatnl eut- lag br the side of the famous Caaoadia Mineral Snrinra In ean hunt. fiah. nlav teaaia. iw Joy hot at oold miaeral baths, foe oaa real a teat e a oettage or board at the hotel, receive your mail daily and have aa ideal vacation at a minimum expense. For full In formation addreaa OEO. X. GAUSkaxK,... Caacadia. Or. WILHOIT SPRINGS Za the foothills of the Caaoade aaeuntains, 17 milea from Portland. Aa Ideal reeort for health and reereatiea. EaoeUoat hotel and fine camping grounds. Teats aad cottages for rent. Our specialty is eur Saturday aight and Sunday noon chicken dinner. Bun out for your week end holiday. For full Information write er pkoae F. W. XolEBUT, WUhoit, Oh, or ask any S. F. agent. TROUT LAKE AT THE FOOT 01 XT. ADAMS. Tha big speckled beauties are waiting te match their wits againat youre. Eaay walking distance ef the famewe lava eavea and ioe eaves. Ueed quarters for mountain elimhera for the aaoeet ef Mb Adsma. it-gk-claaa amusemeat bail sear hotel. Hotel rates, 19. uo a weak. Adorees OUIEB K0TIX. euler. Weak. Shipherd s MJm& THE FXACE ton Y0VJ A reeort for health aad recreation. Beantifnl walks through the woods, saddle horses, fish ing, swimming peel, ensits, tennis deurt, cro quet gronnda, bowling alley. American and jLuropeaa plan. Bummer cottages and camp ing. Addreaa E. L. Shipkerd. Carsea, Waah. Jewett-s fdxmEmz at White Salmon ea the Columbia river is sew reedy! receive guests, its homelike atmos phere, .splendid cuisine, aad ths beauty of ita natural eusveamdiage make of it aa ideal reeort to spend a few restful days er weeks. For further information or reservations addreas IEVHa JEWETT, WHITE AAXMOaT, WAaH. RIVER STEAMERS. STEAMER GEORGIANA Leavea dailF excect Monday for MTOm aI9 way ZAvonras. Laavte feet ef .Washington 8U T evniL. returning p. m. DALLES-COLUMBIA LltfZ Steamer State of Washington .,, tesvee Taylor St. Dock It p. m. dally, eveep Sundaya, . for lbe Imllee aad war laou.n. Btereraleg leaves The Dalles IS ooen daiy eept Uuudajr, Freight and paasenrers. Fare ?.tiO, lierth SOe. Pboae Male Sid. sionc OBEOOB CRT B1TZB EXCTJXSIOB Bun.' day tripa, leave Tartar St. doek S a. m., aad S:S0 f at. . Beat stops at Oak Cieva, Oedag Island. Xageaaa Fark. pisnie gTouu .'i. Leave Oregon City. aOiSO a. at., y, mtt 6:S0 p. m. Baaad trip. SOe. Fhone X. 43. When wHtTng r calling on adver tisers, yeu will confer a fvpr ty in s tioDlng The Journal. (Aiv l Welch's lite! River 1-1 lixcur t