16 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1915. .as s I HELP, WANTED MISC. ::;.-. V8E your spare Una to nulld up a ' mall order business - of your own. W Ivslp you . start for a share-In profits; I? opportunities; particulars ire. Opportunities Kxchanga, Buf falo. N. Y - - --- -lLL WHEN you answer these Wsat Ada. mention The'JournaL ----- - -.. HEia ? WANTED FEMALE 2 "CHANCE FOR LADY" ALONE. An s .exceptional opportunity is of fered;, a woman who Is capable of run ning a rooming house and has $409 cash to invest for. half interest In 40 rooms. Salary allowed and investment fully secured. A-972, Journal. GIRLS wanted. Good hustlers with ' the "Get Up and Go." -Good money. : 421 Stark st IOUNG lady under pressor wanted. Atlantic Cleaning. 123 N. 21st St. A. WOMAN cook on ranch, $1 a dayj room and board. Call Broadway 2339. WHEN . yea answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. . HELP WANTEDMALE AND FEMALE . 29 SlKNand women to learn the barber trade, wages paid while learning: tuition reduced, positions secured. The only chain of schools In the world. Bend for free catalogue. - Moler Barber (.Allege, m. 48 iv. go st. Oregon Barber College will teach you - the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed ; pay while learning; tui tion reduced this term. 233 Madison. SALESWOMEN and salesmen wanted at once. Apply 207 Railway Ex change Bldg. . BARBERS AND SUPPLIES 60 GAVE money on barber supplies. Port. Cut. & Barb. Sup Co.. 86 th. WANTED AGENTS AGENTS wanted for Kimo products -and up-to-date specialties; cata logues - free. Write J. W. Bollard, 421 K 49th N., Portland, Or. . SITUATIONS MALE SEpRIENCEDenTirurnTsmT shoe salesman; no objection to leav ing city; best references. 360 East 48th. Tabor 1879. Skilled Carpenters Furnished on sl.ort notice. Mar. 11. MARRIED man, one child, wants ranch work; separate house. Phone Broadway 1665. Gilliam. tYOUNG man, 21 years, wants place on farm; no milking experience. East f A A J OA T IT! n , ,3 ...... Btftt. OVA XA AJ O Bfc. MAN with heavy team wants work. Tabor 3769. i VaNTED Excavating and team work. Phone East 4804. C-1477. 'FOR VACANT lot mowing, phone East 7084. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 23 I - veara old. want " to taka ear at ranch. X-898, Journal. - - YOUNG lady will care for children In your own home; references. Tabor "243. WIDOW, with 6-year-old boy,, wants place on farm; best references; fair T CAfll OA . Til , WOMAN wants day- work; experienced. iast ovi. RELIABLE woman wants day work washing and cleaning Main o583. LIGHT family work.; middle aged lady. Main 7489. WANTED, worlc by hour or day; reli- ' able references. Tabor 632. WANTED Washing, ironing, cleaning or plain sewing. Phone East 4060. VANT day work; good - laundress; reference. East 6634. DRESSMAKING 40 EXPERT dressmaker, repairing. Mrs. Black. 689 Washington. NURSES 60 MIDWIFE (graduate) and maternity nurses by the hour, day or week, reasonable. Marshall 4538. 468 Taylor. FITINISUED ROOMS 9 Stop at Newiy re furnished, papered 4th and Aider UU . CUV vated enlarged lobby all modern conveniences. Rooms, with private bath, $1 per day up; without, voc up. Because the rates are low don't thiiuc the service Is poor. Special rates by week or month. Several rooms with wall beds, making them practically Bultes. Hotel Franklin New Management; Central Location. WASHINGTON AND 13TH. PHONE, HOT AND COLD WATER, SHOWER AND TUB BATHS FREE. 60c DAY UP, $10 MONTH UP. LARGE, LIGHT ROOMS. PHONES MAIN 3859. A-6021. HOTEL ROW LAN L AND ANNEX, zuii-zuaji xt. MUUHiAN FIRE PROOF BUILDING, CENTRALLY LO CATED. SUMMER RATES NOW ON. ' ROOMS $10 AND UP- BRING THIS, au. J.j Afflux si OJN xIRST MONTH'S RENT. ' Rooms single and en suite, "all tmod rn"; transient 60c and up. $2.50 week and up, 410 M Morrison st. Hotel Minooklilntoma sgement. Strictly modern, 3 blockB postoffice, quiet, homelike; 60o day up, 10 month up. - $2.50 wk. Rooms 30 wlc Hotel Garland, 1st class outside. g& Trinity St., cor. Wash., bet. 19th, 20th. ETHELTON HOTEL. , I i06i4 12th St.. .near Was a., .clean, . quiet, modern conveniences, summer rates; $3 week, up; transient solicited. Marshall 2790. TOUNG men may consult without charge register of furnished rooms at Y. M. C. A., listing several hundred In all parts of the city, also those in 'g vwpiHumiun puiiuing, WANTED Hnnm mot- . rooming expense Fireprcof bulld- Buuwer uains, maiviauai beds. Call or address Y. M. C. A. business office. RlllSnrrhom U4nlSuitea IS. OuL. .uv,rvui&. IV-.CIslderms.,3 " P- ay. 60c. 76c. $L tt w jums, tun. THE ALBION-HOTELl " . 7j " uuu oeuuion. . JRooms $1.75 week up; steam heat, hot and cold water, -free bath, phone! l 14th st. cor. Wash desirable lo cation, stricUy modern, private bath. phone, $3 up. Rates to tourists. M. 1443 Madras HoteU ltA rooms, $2.60 up. By day 50o. 76c, $1; cor. 12th and .Washington sts. A QUIET PLACE FOR QUIET PEOPLE HOTEL. CLIFFORD. .East Morrison sL, near Grand are. Cleanliness and comfort. $3 per wk. up. THE RANDOLPH. 253 Columbia. Nice - clean rooms, bath, phone, hot water $1.25 week up. r. . . . CLEAN, light rooms: tree phones and bath, steam beat. $2 up. 445 Colum- ....... 1 it.v. 4 qiq. - . - . v - - Nicely furnished A pPflTT 25a day up. 238 Wash, st. A DDU t Ijl.50wk.up nis. wain nm. A-3SY3 .ROOMS and apartments to-modern ho. tel. 3S.6Q week and op. 45 & Alder. $2 WEEK up, dean, warm, modem fur. rooxus, central. Tna King, 303 : Jef, fan 2 FORXISnED '' ROOMS . ; 70 FBtTATB TAXXXmT CLEAN, well furnished rooms, - low rates, near Rose Festival center. 388 SCEN IC view . of the carnival at our elegantly furnished front rooms. zt aiorason, cor, otn. INK view of. ail carnival n.rad.ss at 291 Morrison st, cor. 6 th; reserved seats on sale loaay. 475 MORRISON Unobstructed view of all parades; newly furnished, con venient rooms. Lakojv front outside rooms. 212 Broadway; cor. Salmon. ' -. LARGE, well .furnished room at 211 6th st. Close to Carnival. FOUR sleeping rooms in ' cottage; meals if desired.. 327 Broadway S. , ROOMS AND BOARD 15 PARKVIEW HOTEL, 386 Montgomery st. at West Park. Family hotel; all modern conveniences,--rates for regular THE DORMER, 283 13th st, cor. Jef ferson, room ana board fa. &v a wees ana up; nome cooKing THE irLAZKL, cor. 3d and Montgomery. Fine furnished rooms r.nd board, $5 up; steam heat, hot baths; ree phone. CASA ROSA, 300 JEFFERSON. BOARD AND ROOM, $25 UP. Room and board, young women $4 wit up: -Anna Lewis' Hall. BIO Flanders. FIRST class - board - and roooi, best cooking, $5 p. 846 College t. ROOMS AND BOARD 72 CLEAN room : and" board, trees, ham mock. $5 . and up. Cor. E. 3d and Multnomah. East 6016. FOR RENT. Modern 6 room house, near Jeffer son high school. Woodlawn 1274. BEST board, clean rooms, walking dis tance. $5 up. 655 Washington. ROOM and board. 47 E. Uth N. E. 4786. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 ONE room with kitchenette, complete ly furnished, steam heat, running hot and coid water, phone In every room: 7 blocks from 6th and Morrison sts.; $12 and up. -91 Columbia st.,' corner otn st. NICE, furnished Z and 4 room House keeping suites at 244 H Killings worth ave.; low rent. Phone Wood- lawn 680. C-18B7 $1 o 1 2.50 week, furnished H. IC rooms: gas, tree neat, launary. Dam. Phone East 6039; zt3 Stanton, u car. SUITES and single H. K. rooms, 91.50 week up. Also modern rooms. Mer- ROYCREST 175 12th; cool, comfort able rooms, complete for H. K., close In. , VALLAMONT This way! Cheap housekeeping and transient rooms. 876 Yamhill. ' HOUSEKEEPING rooms in 2 suites; also dandy rooms for bachelors. The Roas house. 213 Vt 1st. - GliiAl APT S., 1, 2, 3 room suites, free bath, phone; $1 k. up. 101 1st st. OILMAN hotel, 1st and Alder. Fur. nlshed H. K. rms., cheap. tl-.&O wk. up. Cambridge bldg., furnished H. K rooms, central, cheap. 16a 3d. cor. Mor n. TWO housekeeping rooms; $11 per mo. 645 Washington st.. near 16th. TWO furnished housekeeping suites, close to grandstand. 327 Salmon et. TWO and 3 room suites, new manage ment, reasonable. 410 Jefferpon. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 PBXVATB FAMILY COMPLETELY furnished 3 rooms, sewing machine, e-as and electricity; also two single housekeeping, on car line, 3 blocks from steel bridge. 346 Oregon st. FURNISHED sleeping room and kitch en, neat and clean, centrally located. 292 Russell St., $1.50 per day; extra room $1 per day. Phone East 5467. HOUSEKEEPING single rooms, $1.50 to $2.50 per week; free bath and phone. 460 Yamhill between 12th and 13th. 1, 2, AND 3 modern H. K. rooms, cleanest and best In the city for the money. 429 Main. ROSE CARNIVAL visitors can find splendid rooms. See all parades, 229 5th St., opp. court house. 361 TAYLOR Suites and single H. K. rooms, free light, bath, phone, laun dry. 3 ROOMS with sleeping porch, gas, electric light, bath and phone, 604 E. uag st. $6 BASEMENT H. K. room, pleasant for gentleman. 694 Everett. Main 3306. TWO large rooms, bath, sink, range for family, $2.50 week. 88 10th. TWO furnished H. K. rooms, in pri vate family. 691 Washington. TWO H. K. rooms, furnished. 212 Broadway, cor. Salmon. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, i per weeKs. Z41 etu st. DESIRABLE housekeeping looms, adults. 555 Yamhill st. Main 4415. ROOMS where you see the bijj electric parade pass. 151 1 7th-Mornson. FOR RENT HOUSES" 12 MEIER & FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. . Tenth Floor, Temporary Annex. Complete and reliable list o all va cant houses, flats, apartments and bungalows In the city; make use of this service when you desire; this does not obligate you in any manner to this store. Yoj will find us willing and ready at all times t aelp you in locating. Newcomers in Portlsnd will find this service- especially valuable. Real estate men and owners of private property ere invited to list their un occupied apartments, flats and houses at Meier & Frank's free rental bureau. BEAUTIFUL, modern, 6 room resi dence in Laurelhurst. Finished - in mahogany and furnished with fine ma hogany furniture. Rent $40 per month. Adults- only and -references required. OTIS. C BECK. 301-302 Railway Exchange bldg. ELEGANT -9 room dwelling, 331 Broadway, west; 10 tnUiutes' walk to Washington st; 2 fireplaces, elec tricity, gas, furnace, cement basement; all modern plumbing; yard. Rent $35. ' -r. o. imams, ta 1st St. 8 ROOM mnd.rn hnna. fnr mnt r . sonable. at 695 Marshall st. Has nice shady yard with roses. Apply 581 Marshall st. : FOR attractive houses to rent use Clark Rental Service. 2d floor Title HOUSE for rent,! 6 room and bath, all modern .with garage. 345 E. 61st N. inquire at aa etn St. FIVE room cottage for rent at El- BlsiAcTll'UL 5 and 8 room .ottaee. vnqp UJ wr. main nam, A-4S61. 6 ROOM modern house. Wdln. 3526 FURNITURE FOR SALE 32 HOUSES FOR RENT ADS of furniture for sale are pub lished In the Household Goods classi flcatien when house Is not for rent. FURNISHED HOUSES S $20, COMPLETELY furnished modern , room, bungalow; rose, trees, lawn. n jiu laoor aaso. FURNISHED house, 6 rooms, modi 'rh.Plno, garage, water rent paid. $26. Tabor 967. 2 BLOCKS south of Hawthorne, on" pletely furnished 5 room bungalow. whole or part for rent. 349 E. 48th. $46 PER month, furnished modern 5 t room -house, Irvington. ' choice Iocs- iivn MHO. Bl O O t 4b PART of furnished bouse, adults. 655 bv - wain-44lo NICE 7 room Irvington. " East 273. WT a uiuaii. $184, room house,, piano,- sewing ma- "e. gaa range. Woodlawn 31S1. 7 ROOM furnished house.. Ku ai -a $25 per month for 3 monthaTi v'l FURNISHED AN1 UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS - 43 - WeJIesIeY Court - : EAST 15TH AND BELMONT' STS. xurmsnea and unfurnished. : Mgr. East 8469. . References. - VILLA ST. CLARA. iztn ana Tyor. Modern, completely furnished apt. Walking distance. References. BUCK - HARTFORD. APARTMENTS, - - ;1VI JN. 2JST X. -3 ana 4 roami. fnrntahAil n, nnfnn nished! sleeping porches and balconies; wanting oistance; reduced rent. THE CODY, cor. K. Vth and Taylor sts., has been remodeled with private baths. 'new furniture and carpets. 3 and 3 rooms; light and phone free; rent yery rengonauie. uai I bast 44. THE IRIS API'S. 3d and Mill St JULIETTE APTS. 2d and Montgom ery, .modern z, i and 4 room apts furnished or unfurnished. $17 monb " V. o cnarsq xor cooKiny gag. MONTGOMERY Apts.. cor. 3d-Mont- gomery. strictly mod., all outside xur. 2 rm. apts elect, ele.. best service. close In. $18 to $25. Free lights. M. 9466, THE MORTON, cor. King and Wash., new man' r.: 3 and 4 rooms, fur. and unf ur. apts.,- reasonable rent. Pacific rnnnn in ants. Main 1052. A-5749. t4ittAiVAX -CENTRAL BLOCK Kooms and apartments, modern, new. up-to-date f urn.- elaborately. 3 blks. a Bdwy. bridge. Summer rates. E. 6663. THE DEZENDORF, 208 16TH ST. Marshall 2316. Nice 5 room fur . and unf urn aota.: also 3 and 4 room f urn, apartments. THE SHEFFIELD 270 Broadway. . south. 3 and 4 rooms, well arranged. easy walking distance, at - very rea sonable rent: best of service. M. 2506. AMERICAN -MARLBORO UGH. Highest class apts. In the city. 4. 6 and 6 rooms, walking distance, reason able. Mar. 3860. Main 7516. A-267.6. ROSENFELD (brick, 14th & E. Stark. Modern 3 and 4 r., furnished or on fur. Private phones, reasonable rates. RENT BARGAINS. S and 4 rms.. sleeping porches, hard- wood firs., refs. Portnomah. 200 E. 13th THE ALAMO 494 Market et,; nicely furnished apts., by . week or month. Marshall 4666. ; TWO. room apts., newly furnished; modern, sawyer APta a N. iota st. Phone A-2238. PENINSULA APTS., concrete bldg., i and 3 rooms, hot and cold water, baths, st. neat, phone. $12 up. C-1170. ph WINSTON. 2 and 3 rooms, private bath. modern brick: special rates $16 and .up; 14th and Market. Main 1739. EVELYN APARTMENT, 267 N. 21st st,: 3 room furnished apartment: summer rates. Marshall 1323. DOWN Ttown, modern apts., $16 month up, including heat, light, etc Royal Annex. 350 fe Morrison. DR1CKSTON 448 11th St.; modern 2. 3 room fur. apts.. zo to 30: walking distance: excellent service. Alar. 67. 6 ROOM unfurnished apts., steam heat, hot and cold water, janitor service. pnone aiargnan zvot. iza n. 17th. ALBERMARLE Apts.. modern, neatly xuruisiieu apta. oumur rates, tuast aa wiuiaui ave.. near proao way. Artlmay Terrace, 395 12th at. Large 3 room rur. atts. jars jonn cran, mgr. LUXOR APTS.. 324 13th, neatly fur- nisned apts.. aay. week or month. MEREDITH 3 & 4 rm. apts., reason- able. 712 Washington. opp.22d. M.7134 PACiE APTS. Excellent outside apt. i-tates very reasonaDie. .ast 35btt. KEELER APTS.. 14th and Clay 3 ana 4 room unrurnisra: rererences. THE LAURETTE 3 room furnished apts.; private bath, phone. 229 11th. THE LUZERNE 2 room fur. apts.. morn otick. in. us- Mar. 4rdv. FOR RENT FLATS 13 CHOICE 6 room lower corner flat- walking distance: newly tinted. cor. E. 14th and Madison. Phone n:ast 1060. - VERY modern 6 room flat. E. 13th and Tillamook, in two family bldg cneap. fnone Broadway 2332. THREE new, large, modern rooms, in cluding disappearing Deo, turnisnea or unfurnished. Woodlawn 167. 6 AND 6 room fiat for rent, new and modern. reasonable. west slda. A-4798. Marshall 2534. FURNISHED FLATS 50 5 ROOM well furnished flat, clean, healthy, light-all around; gas, bath; desirable. Walking distance or 2 car lines and best jitney service. 772 E. Taylor. East. 6260. TWO 3 room flats, furnished and un- rurnisneo. Adults. 604 E. 22d st. S. WELL furnished upper flat, fine lawn ana shade. Phone Seilwood 1943. STORES AT?1 OFFICES 11 BRICK warehouse In South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street, reasonable..' Journal Publishing Co.. Broadway and Yamhill, FIRST class office in a thickly settled neignDornoaa; oest opportunity for right man. Inquire at World Drug Co.. o-i ist et., cor. jarutners st SHOP, 271 Hawthorne ave., east end of bridge. H. N. Burpee. M. 3330. HOTELS 54 EXCELLENT furnished, rooms, strict ly modern. $2.50 wk, 1 Hotel Savoy. 125 6th. betw. Wash, and Alder. SUMMER RESORTS 50 FURNISHED cottage, Rockaway Beach, view of ocean, July and Au gust. 460. Tabor 967. WANTED TO KENT WANTED TO RENT, Strictly mod ern high class unfurnished 6 or 7 room house, Irvington or good dis trict. for family of 3; best references. S-817, Journal. EOif SES. V K qt LKrv El'C. IS SPAN of geldings, weighing 2250 lbs., sound and extra good workers, with set of good double breeching harness, $125. Also blocky Percheron mare, 4 yrs. old. sound and true, weighing 1200 lbs., $100. At Model Stables, 6th and Davis. HORSE, harness and buggy for sale; horse gentle and good saddler: gentle for a lady to drive. Call at Anderson's Boarding Stable, Anderson Bros.' llv- ery. pnone Main 331. Commission Auction , Of horses, vehicles, harness. ' wag ons, every Monday and Thursday, at 2 p. m. uommoia ataDies. 303 Front st. A BARGAIN My splendidly matched work team, 2300 lbs., new Studebaker wagon and harness, $300 cash, i Phone Main 7337: Mrs. Abbott. ! I WILL be at the Model Stables. 6ta 'and Davis, Saturday, June 12,. to in spect war horses weighing from H00 to 1500 lbs. J. D. Huston. -, DEAD horses, and animals - hauled away free. Call . Woodlawn 20. -ortiana Kenaenne FOR SALE 1050 In. .bay mare. 5717 box 82a. 45th and Simpson st Al berta car. 1400 lb. horse for sale, or .will trade for small saddle or driving horse. Phone Columbia 82. - i HORSES for sale or trade. Call Wood lawn 20. - -. ' - - , - DEAD horses - and cattle taken free. Tabor 4203. - , - - GOOD work horse, 1100 lbs., harness and buggy. $55. 1208 E. Stark st. - GRAY horse.,-1030 lbs., for sale. In quire 325 EVerett st. ' LIVESTOCK 85 25 HEAD of high grade dairy cows, all fresh from 1 to 4 weeks. 16 Jer sey and Guernsey, 10 ,big Durham cows, giving 4 to $ gals, per day; all good young cows. Take Woodstock car to fctrt ave., wane 3- Mocks west S GOOD cowb. Jersey and Ayrshire, for sale cheap If sold immediately. 720 E. 23rd. t ' POULTRY AND PIGEONS V 37 OREGON Poultry and Pet Stock Co., 65 6th strt .Portland. Or. St kinds of chickens, eggs $2 per 15 by parcel post. Ducks.,- geese, turkeys, pearl guineas, pigeons, rabbits, dogs, peafowl, canary birds, poultry food and remedies, In cubators and brooders. A. J. Krueger. manager. "' - -- --?- ' - - CARNEAUX White Mathes . homers. White Kings, 8wlss :Mondaln, Hun garians,. 75c er pair. ,-200 t- sell. .1127 E. 26th St. N. A car. BARRED - PLYMOUTH ROCKS. Pedigreed breeders, all for sale 200 hens, 20 cocks; bargain prices. Ladd & Bauer. -Panama -bid.. Portland. DOGS AND' HOUSEHOLD PETS 40 FOR SALE-Lewellen pups 12 weeks oia, price $8. can iois E. 3Zd st. n., or phone Woodlawn 2431. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 HTEASYPAVi 1915 OVERLAND. 35 H. P.. 6 pass. run only 1200 jtuiles. as , demonstrator, original price $1200.- now .......... ... ...... 1975 112 CADILLAC 4 passenger. ueico Electric starter etc, re cently overhauled and repainted $650 AMERICAN, underslung roadster. au rx. f., ail gooa tires ana in good mechanical condition ..... $350 1914 OVERLAND, 6 passenger. oiKiriv uguis, wilu leiientiur. Just overhauled throughout $600 OVERLAND, 1913, 6 passenger, absolutely perfect mechanically $450 OVERLAND, light 6 passenger. new tires ana tnorougniy over hauled , . . .$350 OVERLAND. 1912, 6 passenger. overnauiea, repaintea, new tires all around . . $450 1913 COLE, just thoroughly over hauled and renovated, ueico aUrter and lights $825 DELIVERY -r CARS OVERLAND, panel JJtop delivery; late moaei; usx tnorougniy overhauled and repainted; new tires all around $600 MAXWELL light delivery. Just overhauled and refinisned; , in finest condition throughout . . .$375 1915 OVERLAND, panel top deliv ery; electric starter and lights; brand new ;.. ..$875 J. W. LEAVnT- GOMPABOY USED CAR DEPT. 627 Washington st. NEW LOCATION AFTER JULY 1ST. COR. BROADWAY AND DAVIS STS. GET THE MOST OUT OF LIFE. A good automobile will heln vou do it. Cadillac. 1914 and 1913 models, de pendable cars, at attractive prices. Cole, 1913, Delco electric starting and lighting system. Price low. An overland and a Cadillac at only $225. Both are very serviceable cars. $225. ' Studebaker roadster, new tires, srood condition, $375. WIS ALSO HAVE TWO ELECTRICS. BEAUTIFULLY UPHOLSTERED AND FINISHED. BARGAIN PRICES. Peerless. 7 pass., repainted, new top. motor overhauled. ALSO OTHER USED CARS NOT r LISTED. Inspection Invited VISIT OUR SALESROOMS AT 21st and Washington. THE CADILLAC EIGHT AND DODGE BROS.' MOTOR CARS. 21st and Washington Sts. PORTABLE GARAGES AND HOUSES Built of best tistic designs. Erected complete, lock and key. $32 up. Portable houses. $125 up. , Immediate delivery. rAtrP Tii"ir-KT f.-A- 548 Water St. nr. Harrison. Main 1167 WILL exchange 160 acrea of horne stead, patented, or 80 acres of fine timber land, or improved business property, with two houses in a good Douglas county town, for a standard make of car. late model. G-184. Jour nal. ; OREGON VULCANI1Z1NG CO. "Th. Tire Khan " 550 Washington su. at 18th. TIKES! juarenaii 879. BEST TIRE REPAIRING. Trade new tires for old ones. IMPROVED PORTABLE GAKAGK ' See my 10x16 portable garage at $32. Erected on your lot complete Get my price ! on other garages or houses. - B. T. Allyn, Garage Specialise, 1191 East Sainton. Tabor 194. Guaranteed ffi-J for all popular maKes car- Hardware and Stel Co., 30-34 2d St. BARGAINS IN USED O.ahm" Large stock, prices 3u0 io 750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. . . Studebaker bldg. Corner Chapman and Alder FOR SALE A bargain, one lato model light delivery car' in A-l condition; also .1 light 5 passenger car, repainted and overhauled. Owner, phone Wood- lawn 8936. - LOOK. $600 buys 7 passenger Wlnton Six in best of condition. Going awav GENERAL auto and truck repairing Reo truck sprockets a, specialty Forging. Good work, square prices. Try US. E. L. Taylor & Co.. 71 ir t JLAtiZR CO. Written iriiar'. antee with every spring. 26 N. 15th st. RECOVERING- auto tops, $0.8.50 up. Auto pain ting. $20 up; til work guar- , . a. ..uum M AULO XOU Co.. 15th and Washington. Mars. 945. FORD New, 1915 runabout bodies, $26; touring bodies, $76. . Ben. E. Boone & Co.. Ford agents. 614 Alder et. - - j. - ... . v.u. UI.UVUO.CK CiltU - Michigan, all i held for bill. East SLIGHTLY used Urea, , largest stock In Portland. $3 to $15. Fine repair lng. The Supply Co -207 Madison - HIGHEST prices paid for old rubber, metals. J. Leve. 186 Columbia. M. 6198 EXPERT ;auto repairing, reasonable charges. J. J. Zlmmer. 123 N. Bth st. ROADSTER. 1914. dandy, $197.60. Need money. Evenings. 42 S Hoyt st. CSUABAWTBEa-'' ' ; ; Susie mm. ' MOOTS mm FniESE oh mm ilTll r3 i AUTOMOBII--S-ACCESSORIES' 44 ' Continued) You can save hundreds of dollars and be the 'owner of a first class, high grade car if you buy one of our great value bargains, ' OUR HOME) OFFICE HAS ORDERED US TO SLASH PRICES AND WE'RE DOING IT TO A FINISH. WE WERE TOLD TO UNDERSELL THE LOWEST PACIFIC COAST QUOTATIONS $100 TO $500 PER CAR. WE'LL DO EVEN MORE THAN. , THAT. PICK OUT-A CAR THAT JUST SUITS YOU AND NAME YOUR OWN PRICE. YOU MAY EVEN WRITE YOUR OWN GUARAN TEE, IF YOU WANT TO. COME IN TODAY; THE CAR YOU WANTED MAY BE GONE BY TOMORROW. TIH 23d and Washington Sts. Open Evenings. Fords Buicks Overlands 1914 Ford roadster, practically new, .1913 Ford, 5 passenger, $350. i ' 1913 Ford, 5 passenger. $325. 1913 Buick, 2d roadster, $660. ,1912 Buick. 25. roadster, like new. $395. 1914 Overland 35, roadster, electric lights and starter, practically brand new, original cost $1250, price $675. 1914 Overland 35, 5 passenger, elec tric lights and starter, finest condition, original cost $1250,: price $650. 1912 Overland 80, 5 passenger, $395. 1913 Hupmobile 32. 5 passenger, $596. Francis Motor Car Ex. East 1199. E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. Used Auto Snap LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. We are closing out all of our used cars this month at big sacrifice. Here are a few for your approval. COLE 6 pass. 30 h. p $375., MICHIGAN 5 pass., 33 h p $450. ' CHALMERS-5 pass.. 30 h. p. $400 INTERSTATE 4 pass.. 40 h. p.. $376. MAXWELL delivery, 30 h. p., $350. STUDEBAKER roadster. 30 h. p., $500. REO 5 pass, 30 h., p., electrio lights and starter, $600. APPERSON 5 pass., 40 h. p.. $600. . REO TRUCK. 2 ton. with van body, $1000. Northwest Auto Co. BROADWAY AND COUCH ST. Broadway 887. A-4969. "CHALMERS FORTY." Touring. Like new. A bargain. Must be seen to be appreciated. At KEATS AUTy CO. MAKE me an offer on my 1911 7 pass. Pierce Arrow. X-900, Journal. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 WANTED Radiator for Overland au tomoblle. N-269, Journal. WILL trade city lot or acre for auto, Ford preferred. Woodlawn 1240. CLEAR Rose City Park lot for auto. Tahor 5953. AUTOS FOR HIRE CONTRACT for year with 1 ton truck; guaranteed good service. N-466. Journal. FOR hire, cheap, new 8 pass. Hudson car; careful driver. Main 5378. MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES 53 CLEAN-UP SALE Of MERKEL motorcycles at less than our cost. 1912 and 1914 models, all new, easy terms. :, Phone Broadway 485. MOTOR CAR SUPPLY CO.. 31-33 Broadway. North. WE are offering some special bargains in exchanged motorcycles this week. Our stock of machines is one of the largest in the city and our prices are the lowest' considering the condition of machines; all prices. Come In and In vestigate. Day ton Cycle Co, 210 Broad- wav. inargnau &&3S. USED MACHINES OF ALL MAKES FROM $25 UP ON EASY TERMS. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44 Grand ave. Arencv for the Flvlng Merkel, ' t-Pope motorcycles aod bl- mrrla. MW -KT., J.flV7SJ5, TV - f " ' a v.voii vt ici lust w a,,u uocu. Duypurs, OIL.. F. P. Keenan Co- 190 4th CYCLE-CAR, run 800 miles, in good order. Top and full equipment. For caeh offer. N-Z70, Journal. - POSITIVE bargain. 7 h. p. Indian, ful ly equipped, perfect condition, $90. R-833. Journal. -1 ; -i 1914 single R. S. motorcycle. $65. R. H. Blocker, 276 Taylor, cor. 4th. LAUNCHES AND BOATS tt4 BVINRUDE Motor Co, now located Front and- Morrison; 100 Evlnrud rowboat and canoe motors la stock; $58 to- $83. Gasoline engines, motor boat equipment, paddles, cushions, sporting goods, rowboat a and fanoes. PIANOS, ORGANS AND 34 5IUSICAL INSTRUMENTS HGH - grade upright piano, like new. peiiBtt cunaiuon, . Big. oargain -lor cash. Marshall 792. -; - -r HALLET & DAVIS grand piano. $75 installments. Main 3924. - " WILL sell my almost- new , Vlctrola, . :TaLp. rv-oa a, journal. f GRAPHOPHONE . . and records, for Boi a a xvmmma mug, --- TYPEWRITERS ? 77 TYPEWRITERS --f or - rent. 3 months for : $5 and up; 6 months' rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington Typewriter Co, 86 Broadway, . 1 77 GILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS, Underwoods, Remingtons.' L. C. Smith, Oliver, Smith-Premier. Royal, etc., (15 and up: terms. Agents tot the "Corona" folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables and chairs. The J. K. Gill Co.. d and Aioer sts. WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for cur illustrated folder; retail depart ment. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER Co.. 321 Washington st. KEV, rebuilt. 2d hand, rentals, cut rates. P. l. C. Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407 HOUSEHOLD GOODS W SALE 65 FURNITURE of 4 rooms. Must be sold this week. Leaving city. 4702 62d st S. E.- Laurelwood station. CASH. CASH. , CASH. Paid for good used furniture, carpets and stoves.-Call Gevurtz, Marshall 687. ELEGANT folding bed, as new, cheap for quick sale, or exchange. 361 tiaisey st. CALL Bell Auction Co. and get good price for your furniture. Mar. 4783. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 SEWING MACHINES. " 60 slightly used machines. Singer, drop heads .$10 and up Wheeler & Wilson d'pheadsllS and up New Home, dropheads. . . . .$15 and up Domestic, dropheads ......$15 and up New Royal, dropheads. . .. . tlO and up Willamette, dropheads. ....$10 and up some Stencil machines, dropheads $ T and up Box top ...... ,.. .......$ 3 and up All makes of machines for rent. $2 per month. ' - ' Two Stores: : THE WHITE SEWING MACHINES. 3 S3 Alder st. 243 Alder st. Phone Main 2183, A-4699, Maln 2978. A-S559. 8. S. Sigel. Agent. ; SEWING machine, Em porium sells for less: no agents employed, all makes of new and second band machines; Sold n terms. - Machines sruar. arrteed and rented. $2 per month. 190 3d, near Taylor. Main 8431. A-8626. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electrio . Works. 413 Burnside. csr. -10th. Main or A-6674. MOTION PICTURE SUPPLIES. Used machines and parts for all standards makes. Machines rented for private exhibitions. SERVICE FILM CO., f 64-66 Broadway., "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." "Type writers" and "Household Goods" are separate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective classifications. Look them over. , BILLIARDS New and second hand carom and pocket billiard tables, bowling alleys and accessories, easy payments. Tables for residences. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.. 46-45 tin l jrnone -Main 4 o. FOR horses and vehicles, dogs and household pets or poultry, read the ads., under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other mediums in these classifications. FOR SALE $100 safe. $5; $75 Toledo computing scale, $20; counters. oucAvxue, BvnuasB wi j cneap, ue livery free in Portia!. E. R. Sully, GOOSEBERRIES, currants, raspber ries, nick them lUc to 2 Mo box. Hawthorne car to ?lajt. 3 blks. north to 18Z4 uivision. K. La. Brown. FOR billiard and pool tables, see W. J. Quigley. 203 3d it,, near Taylor; lowest prices and easy payments. Phone Main 6399. AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launches or boats are separata classifications A large listing; can be found under tnese auiereni neaaings. GASOLINE wood saw in good ordr. cuw xur caau. waai sa nawmorna ave. B'OR SALE at once, baby's $15 bed'and mattress.1 in gooa conaiuon, price $5. wati iz aiorris sr 1 H. P. vertical boiler foe sale cheap. East Side Boiler Works. K. Water and Main. .- t L B. COOK piano, almost new, at a bargain; also a good dropbead. ma- enme can 3 so nawtnorne ave. MIMEOGRAPHS, supplies, circular let ters, Elliott addressing machines and supplies; Wi E. Flnser &-Co.. 268 Stark. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made in Oregon, $1.65 gallon. Port- land Paint Co.. Z3Q Kront. Mar. 100. $12.50 DROPHEAD sewing machine with attachments. 162 Grand ave. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices, Stark-Davis Co.. 212 3d. Main 797. WE buy and sell used machinery. Northwest Lead & Machy. Co. COMBINATION billiard and pool table, sine 3x6. Call East 1649. BUTCHER fixtures for sale. J-877. Journal. GAS water heater, practically new, at a bargain. Main 2247. SWAP COLCMSr 25 EXCHANGE new $500 Grafonola for auto. New instrument and ! can't be bought for less. 431 Washington st. RESIDENCE property valued $12d0, rents $10 to $12 month. Unincum bered. Trade for 6 pass. Ford and sonie cash. Address P.- O. box 12, 'Tumalo, Central Oregon. WAMa U MISCELLANfeO U S S "WE want thk nnnns." WANTED: ranges, stoves, rugs, rockers, drassers. tables, couches, chairs Davenport. W pay the price Try us. Northwest Fura. Exchange. East H 86. WANTED The people of Portland to , know I pay highest cash pric for household goods. Prompt attentions East 6707. N. M. Seater. 143 Russell st. SEE us , about your office and store fixtures. We buy, sell- and exchange at the best values. N. & N. Wrecking Co., 65 1st st. J. MEYEK. ,the tailor, pays highet prices for 2d hand clothing, shoe a wei.Biinruiiipny, m. ioi. zz Masiaon, WANTED. 4 logs about 36 ft. long; suitable for houseoat. . R-300. Journal. I - OWL FURN. CO. u&ya best prices tor furniture. 231 1st. Main 4637. s4JoND band clothing and everything. Highest prices. -Main, 2080. 28C 1st. PHONOGRAPH and records, bought, sold, rented and exchanged. 2li nt. LOST AND FOUND 3 A LOST, brown Jersey cow, about 4 years old, weight about 900; medium length horns, medium height, frenh. Lost somewhere in Seilwood or Woodstock or between Seilwood and Oregon City Finder notify J. L. Mayberry, 1316 E. 20th St., or phone Seilwood 747. Lib eral reward. ; - POUND Ao auto tire. Owner may receive same at my- home, 3 miles east of Trouidale, paying cost an 1 trouble advertising. C A. Buson, Trout- dala : . - ---, LOST Gold pin, diamond in center, on Main between Broadwav and 12th, 12th to Columbia, Saturday: evening. Valued as keepsake: liberal reward" of fered. 227 Broadway S - I LOST, about May 31, Fox Terrier dog; child's pet: license No. 3089-1916. Phone Main 5120, manager Dayton ho tel. 1st and Taylor. LOST on Canyon Road, last Thursday night, long haired Spitz, named Dad. Liberal reward. - Main9046, . W-999, Journal- - -'- , ENGLISH setter,, black , and white spots, female license on collar. Phone Woodlawn 1209, or Broadway 6688. Liberal reward. - . LOST Diamond set in Jet; liberal re ward. Alice Fleming, Multnomah notel. STRAYED, dark gray, long - haired . 1 . ... . . . r iT. . A . , . . - ousny till 1 cm cat, irom vu cj. loin su - . T:- . , . fi . .. . p.- mem mat a 1 1 1, imiaiu. LOST. Wednesday noon, white bull - terrier pup, on Ladd avenue. Liber al reward for return. 661 Ladd ave. LOST Eastern Star pin, -between Knott st. and 1st and Alder; reward. Finder please call East 3986. ... TYPEWRITERS CCont lotted) LOST AND FOUND 2t FOLLOWING articles were found on - the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. and owners there of may claim .same at the 1st and Al der st. station, Broadway 6100. A-6131: .June,-f-8 umbrellas. 1 corset, 1 pr, shoes, 1 pin. 1 typewriter stand, 1 fish basket, 2 oackages, 1 bdl. sacks. 1 book, !iwat$b Pin. 2 grips, 1 glove, l.bag of figs, 1 purse, f unchbox. LOST Tuesday, on or near Broad way -. bridge, gent's white sap hi re ring. Initials "V. .O. to 11. L." Tif Jany ""iS- Liberal reward offered. Call 307 Crosby st. Phone East 6483. PEItSONAL 22 F1QHT on high hlfk pay $J I as sea prices. Why pi to $lo for glasses. When 1 can tit your eves with first ouaiity lenses In a gold-filled frame as law as $1.50? C. W. Goodman, 209 Morrison 1st. Main 2124. : Mail orders promptly mud. Writs for particulars. LOUISE NETZEL. trained nurse, and masseuse, gives treatment for rheu matism, lumbago, neuralgia, etc., tub baths, massage ana- electrio blankets; Invalid work a specialty. 266 11th su a-aranau auaa.- open - Sunday. SPIRITUALISM Medium, Rev. Vir ginia Rowe.' Readings, healing dally; circles Tuesday and Friday evenings. a oviocg- i tit em st.- pnone A-711B. MRS. STEVENS. 21 years Portland's renowned palmist and clairvoyant, has her book. "Palmistry Mad Easy,'' mits. ngnwvrq -ip .19 'Ift 'lOf St. DR. G. V. KETCHUM Women's mala dies and acute diseases of men. Wash, bid- 4th k Wash. Rm. 41. ML 488 SPIRITUALISM Rev. M. A. Price, cir. cles. Tues. 2 p. m.; Wed.. Sun. 1p.m. Readings dally. 603 6th at. Mar. 3960. HAIR switches- made from your comb- InKS while you wait. S, F, Pierce, joinoiianay, j-Z94l. ATTnRNFY fe reasonable. Cass ni I UIImL I O settled without noto riety. AH! cases treated with courtesy. aia nncnanan Piog. Aiarsnail 4368, MRS HAMOT. - medium and healer. 170 2d. cor. YamhilL 4th floor. yu 9. marsnau - Z4g f. MANICURING and scalp treatments; ;$53H Tamhlll st, room 15, second iiwi. 'jp.en sunaays. HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty j . ijffnum. xviarsnan 1703. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, wartsj .etc. dratmvM fnnvv. teed. Mile. De Long, 604 Bwetland bid. LESSONS in pi'renoloo-v an4 mp.1 r-mA. iuks. gap otn et. Phone Main 7648. I aWVfil Consultation free. Main lawjrp 4993. 708 Selling bldg. WHY be I bald or- gray headed? 6o Kauff man. 417 Rothchlld bldg. MRS. ; SCHAPPE teaches spiritual card readings. f 688 3d st. Mar. 3886. CHIROPRACTIC doctor. Painless ad justments; 31 treatments $16. 121 4th. HARTNESS. leading feather workers, wholesale, retail. Cor. Park. Yamhill. BALM of Figs, remedy for diseases of women. 504 Davis st. Main 2398. MISS JOHNSON, manicuring; facial. -gi-aip treatment. .11 KOlMnliq, SPIRITUAL- card reader. 45. Davis st. Phone Marshall. 64 48. ACCORDIOM P-EATCTQ V ACCORDION. KNIKE ANf BOX PLEATING. PICOTINO. HSMSTITCBINO, BBAIDINO, KMBBOIDKRINQ. SISV'EBK NOVTX MFG. CO.. 85 5th ST.. NEAR OAK. K. STKPHAN Uaniatltchlnar. accordion, side and aunbnrst pleating: bet tons covered, gooda sponged. Bcalloplng. P3 Alder. M-B373. 1 ATTOHK-Yg HALL A FLiEDNe.it. lawyers; consultation free. 208- - Flledner bldg. Mar. 8507. B Unf BOOK HA3CESJ DAVIS A UOLMAN, Inc.. 100 3d aC Blank book mannfactnrera: agents for Jonas Im proved Loose Leaf Ledgers. Be the saw Eu reka Leaf. A-8183. Main 188. - " ' BRASS AND MACHIH- WORKS - HARPER'S Brass Worka. Brass castings and machine works. 106 5th St. Bdwsy 2342. CARPET CLE AMI 'O auiCK BROS, tlecirlc Cleaulng Worka. carpet cleaned and laid,' refitting our specialty. East 440. B-1963; 204 S ltb at. N. i CARPET WXAVIMO NORlHWfciSr B. (i. CO.. rugs from old ear pets, rag ruga, carpet cleanlr.g. 188 E. fits. Work called for. East 8580. B-1280. j INSULAR Bug Works Baar rug and ear. pet weaving? 1613.Patton ave Woodlawn 86X5 CHIROPRACTIO rHYBICIAsT DR. McUAHON. 121 4U at. Cnroni diaaaaea requiring entendud timer 81 treatments H5. DR. POL'LSON, specialist in paralysis, nervous, chronic diseases. 850 Plttook blk. B'way 8H2 CtRCULATINO LIBRARIES Metaphysical circulating. Broadway and Main COAL ASP WOOD NEER Sl FARR and Inside block wood. 4 foot or sawed to order. Telaphon Pf)A I Bark Blockwood ltSxDw88 Portland Blab wood Co. M. 8118, A-7001. KICK dry bos wood-and urdwood. 4 feet o sawed. Sam mer price. Standard Wood C., Eaft 2315. B-1685. J UnrnAol f. 1. KVKBTS. MAIN S78T. uharCOai foot or cubby street rCLTOw WOOD t'Ai., 1260 Macsdaas. Dsalera alabwpod. Pot wood 12.25 load. M. 7890. COLLECTION AOEKCTES I BOY accouuta, bills, botes and Judgments of every name and Dstur snywhera. r rot rntck r-nlta anawer M-5S8. JoarnaL DRAWIMd AKD PAIinTBIO DRAWINU and painting taught by Christ is Pool. 3 lltb st. Phone Marahall 418a - ELECTRIC MOTORS AKP DYNAMOS MOI'OKS. generatora bought, sold, rented and - repaired.' Ws do all alnda of repairing sad rewinding.; All work guaranteed. H. M. H. Electric Co.. 81 1st at. Phone Broadway S89. WK bar. sell, rent and eachange. new and ltd hand motors; repair work a specialty. WEST ERN ELECTRIC WK8 2-3 6th at. Mar, eaft. i ELECTRO PHYBICIAg DR. - CORINNK JOHNSTONIO Nervous and rheomatie diseases; dectro-OMgaetle saa sage. Tim Dekum. , " EVERYTHINO ELECTRICAL PTTjBBS electrical-Co.. th-and Jlie sts. EYE, EAR. NQgE. THEO-T. LTJlfOI niieclallst Moderate-prloea. Glasses fitted, lit '. r.. K. Cnsgdar. 6lf Deknm bld..d A Wash. - EOTTCATXG AX. DAKCIMO HEATH S SCHOOL Ijeasona dally, class Tr. evs. 8 to 10, Allaky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. Lessons 25c. Mala S018. - - Professional and Business Directory Manufacturers -----Jotljsrs rVllolcsalers PRY POOPS WHOLESALE Fleischner, Mayer & Co. FARM IMPLEMENTS AND VEgICLE B. M. WADE A CO., 3-i-326 Hawtiiorue ave. "LEAD PTPE WOOL, MACHINERY ' KORTHWKSt LEAD 309-81 1 Front. MACHINERY CO. Main 6402 LEATHERS AND FINDINGS CHAR. L, MAHTICK A CO, 74 Front. Leather of every r description: findings. INFORMATION COUPON ' If you want th name of a reliable business house deallnsr in any Una of merchandise, or Information regarding resorts, hotels, railroads, steam ship . flint., etc.. address Oregon Journal Information Bureau. 'Information deslredf - - . .. ....J jr j'' l'"-t'- ' .- - ' j'f .1.-1 -. Address. TEIUSO.AL fCoBtlnd TO WHOM it may concern: I will not be responsible for' any debtM foil tracted by my" wife, Anna Martell, after the date of this ad having lelt my bed and board. C. MARTELL. XOT1CES -0 IN the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, In tod for the Oouotr of Multnomah. Al MeJ5 I Ulnt,rf' Mritret-V. Jrnntuk- and P. 4. Jeuuing. (her hunlanl, aud Mrs. A O. Stalford, iMtrndants Summons. To Margaret V. Jennlur aud V. i. Jannluga, her haaband, above oamed dtfendaiita; In tlie name of the Slate ot Oregon rnu, and each of you, are berchr required to nr pf aud aoawer Ihm romplalot filed agliit you la tha a bora eutitird ult, on r tr..ra . expiration ot aix n-n-ko from the 7iU dr of May. 1I5, belnjr the data of th flrat publication of tlrla aumiuona, to-wlt. tlia 8th day.ot July, 4913, aud W yoa fail o to appear or anawer said totuplalut. for want thereof, plaintiff will lake Judgou-nt and do ere. aKaiaat you. and each of j-ou. aa follow,- tl) Kof xh aum of $7.uoiil. tuvtbrr with lntareat thereon at the rata :of wvrg per veut pen annum from and after January 1, 113; and the further aam of $15HS.o3 for taxea pa Id by plaintiff upon the preaiiaea deacrlbrd tu the atortgaa; mentioned and deaorlbed in plain tlfr fu-at cauae of ault ia hla complaint herein, toa-ether with intereat Ibmrnn r ti, rate of aeven per cent it annum from and after March El. 1018; and tha further turn of $488.71 for atreet aaaeaameiita piiid by tlila plaintiff and which .were a lien against tha prrperty deacrlbad in .the mortgage mentioned and described in plaintiff flrat caiue of auit in bla complaint herein; and auch further auin aa the court may allow aa attorney', tn here in for forecloaihg the uiortgaKe aet out In plalntiff'a first cauae of ault in an Id complaint. (2) For the farther aum of WM2.M, uKether With Interest thereon at the rate of aereu per cent per annum from and after Junuary 1, 1013, and auch further turn aa tha court may allow aa attoruey'a feea for forecloatng tha mortgage deaeribed In plalntiff'a aecond cau of ault in aaid complaint, and fur hla coats aud dtahtirsementa incurred herein. (3) And will take decree against you and each of yon, foreclosing each bf plalntiff'a aaid mortgage described in aald complaint, and directing the sale of the mortgaged prein. Ire deaeribed aa: Lot 1, Block: IhU, in the City of Portland, "Or., according to the duly recorded plat of said City of JrUand on file in tha office of the comity clerk of Multno. ir.ah county, Oregon, In the manner provided by law; and for the application of the pro eceds of ao.cn aale to tlis payiunt of tha coats and disbursements of 1 this i suit, to the Kyment of mch sunia as s may be decropd to due to plaintiff herein as principal, inter est, money advanced, and attorney's tees, and barring and foracloalng you and each of ym, and all persons claiming under you or either ot you, from all right, title, intereat and claim in and to aald mortgaged premlaea. . This aummona la served upou yon by pub lication thereof for six consecutive weeks. In The Oregon "Journal, pursuant to an order of Honorable v Henry K. UrClnn, a Judge of tha above entitled court, made and anterad herein, oa tha 20th day of May, 1915. JOSKi'H A HANEY. Attorneys for Plaintiff, DCtt-12 Oorbett bldg., Portland, Or. i : Date of flrat publication May 2T, 1015. Pate of Jaat publication July 8. 1015. SEALED proposals will be received st the of fice of the lllfhthouae Inspector, Portland, Or., until 2 o'clock p. m.. June 21, 1013. and then opened, for fur nit hi rig all labor aud ma terial, for docking, cleaning, painting and re. pairing the lighthouse tender ''Manaaulta." Blank proposals and particulars may lie ob tained by addressing the Iigbtbouae inspector, t-ortiand, or. IfCHT WOBDEN, WASH. May 13, 111 lft. Healed proposals, In triplicate, for constructing cnn. ereta storehouse here, will- be received uutil 11 a. m June 11, 1015, i and then opened. Information upon application- to constructing qGartermaster. . i- MTJBIO SCHOOLS AKP TEACHERS LOUIS A. CHl'l. leainer ..r violin. :it Sherman, corner Klrt. Marahall 22t3 . TH1ELHOHN," violin tinchar, pupil M-i-a. aaji risionor ning. A-.KV. Marahall VIOLOXCELLo Chrlliau i pool, hah II -h Open for pnolla. Phonal Marahall 41H f OPPXAH MUSIC BAuriMK on piano guurauleed bealuuwia is 10 lessons. Picture playing. Krea demnn strstion. Free booklet. BOl l:iler- bldg - INSFHAJfCE PACIFIO SlATK i-'Uk t INHL'KAM b. only Oregon tire insurance cinpnur. VATTEESSE8 HfOlKMC MATlU.a CO.. old ui.itrs.. made new with our Higlnnt- procats, :iM Ruaaell. cor. l!nlnn. C.r,2ll. K-rt. HATUHOPAIHTC PHYSICIANS CK; PHILLIPS ParalylJ nervoua uixl chrm.--le dlaeaaea. MI4-6 Orernnlnn hl'lc M HH3. PAnfTIWO. PAPVllHAWOlMO AKP TIWTINO Painting. kiniiiiii.a. ouoemai-uiiiK. - sii work guarantee)), l'hone Woodhiwn h'OU SU'lCLlrkk at liLIKD. bt Wul-g iu p-miiu. papering. M. 72. A 1211 1 Hh t. PA1M1NU. tiutlog. palrbanglii. ' a 'l.' Crane. 170 10th t. Main 2.VAA. PATIlfO) COMPANIES ' K RAH HhC ki A.41(l,lf 1' a h. v . l land office 2Xi ttherlock bldg. - PA1NTIKO, - - RUBBER STAMPS AND PEALS ALSO stencils, trade t-becka, braa algua. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS 331 Washington St. 4iln 710. A-2710. SCHOOLS AMD COLLEOE8 BEUKKE-WALKIOt Tk77EoraPII SCIIOOL, 4th ST., NL'AU MORRI8UN 81'KtlAL RAltS lO 'l IKlbB BNROLLINU liEKOitE JUMC I5TH ' PIIONlS: MAIN bin OR A-15tt SCREEM DOOB8 Akil WINDOWS OLOs' KXLLO, maker of tiy acraeua. uiorluis eonatrwctloti. Union at Broadway. Wdlwn. ltto.l SHEET METAL WORKS BKPAlAtlAG, tin uud grsvvl roofs. J,u Loall 10 rlrat at. Phone Main Mi. ( TBAHSrEB AKP STORAGE C O. i'lL irau.lar evtorage Co. Ulrica - and commodious 4 story brick wsratiouss with separata iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables, N. W. corner 2d and Pios sis. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for abipplng. Special ratas i made on goods 'in tsruugb ears to all domestic aud foreLu ooiots. Mi Ml. A-ltMI. i Oregon Transfer Co. Eetabllahid 1S70 -Transfer and forwarding agents. Storage, Pre ;?vsckage. Office and Storage 474 Gllsan St, 18th and Ultasn. Main 09. A-llft!). OLSEN-ROE T1UNU CO. -New fireproof warehouse with sepsrat tooma. W move 'aud pack household goods and pianos aud ship at : reduced rstes. Aulo vans and tea ma for moving, forwarding smi diatributing agenta. Free i Uackage. Office and wargnonsg iota anq noyt. aisin oT, &AGGAGK I'UA.NXIi's'H ! toiC K V I c-' LU." ITT - PINS ST. MAIN I'M, A-1203. WALL TAPER MtlKGAN WALL PAPEU; 2U M St., na.r Salmon. ' WINDOW CLEANING EXPERT WINDOW CLEANERU A-7tid. wain o.r. giit nenrr UKig. WHEN you anawer tbes Wauts Ads. mention Tn JonrnaL - FAINT, OIL AND OLAES BAfcJoX'BHEN tx CO., "High Mtaniiard" paint. N. E. Cot. 2d and Taylor. M. 1771. A-l?.:tl PIPE WOOD PIPE PORTLAND WOOll PIPB CO. Kactor an.l of ice near 24 th and York ata. Main M'.'. FLTJMBIN& PIPE STEAM BOTFLIES M, L, KLINE 4-Ml -hl-Hi . FBtJNT STREET ROPE AND BINDER TWINE Portland Cordage Co, 1 ; t ' - ' " ' ',- ' " j ' - - ' '