THD OREGONDAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY, JUNE 10. 1915. 13 THOUSANDS CHEER, AS CRUISER DROPS ANCHOR STREAM South Dabta Make Run Up , River in Average. Steam boat Time.. SALUTES ARE SOUNDED &a? Admiral Charles T. Foad, Com. inudM of Vacdflo Xesarve CTeet, Xeeds XJst of Of floors oa Board. "-it :rh ox Dakota. .-. What she Is U. 6'. ;, cruiser . of ,13,680 : tons displacement: length,' 802 feet; beam. 9.6 feet; draft, $7 feet. Where she la Off Victoria tt- dolphin just below the Broads way bridge and near the east .bank of the river - - How- to ; get there - Take f launches from foot of Madison. v. Salmon, i Morrison, . Stark or . Burneide ' streets; . rowboats ; from the shore Broadway bridge. : under the When- t go--Between the hours of 10 a. m.- and noon; or l and 6 p. m. . mm At 7:35 o'clock last night the cruiser South ,, Dakota dropped anchor below the Broadway "bridge. Thousands ' of people lined the bridge, the east bank of ths river, the docks on both sides of the river or swarmed about her in launches and rowbosts, to welcome the big war craft ''-- , The run up the river by the big cruiser, was made In eight hours and 20 minutes, as good time as the ordi nary coasting vessel, make, , She 'was brought Into the - river by Captain Ounderson, dean of the bar pilots, and from Astoria to Portland by Captain Archie Pease, dean of the river pilots. She . was moored by Captain Jacob 'Speier, harbormaster. - . - ' The vessel was met off the 8t. Johns bridge by the launch pea Otter carry ing Mayor II. R . Albee, United States Senator Harry Lane, J.r Fred Larson, O. C. Colt, TX C O'Reilly, Joe Day, lieutenant R. R. smith, u s. N.; J. C. Alns worth, Frank C. Biggs, Dean Vincent and Emery Olmstead, the wel coming committer the 'harbor launches Marie and .Virginia and "a host of smaller craft. From ' the - time she passed the Clark & Wilson mill till she dropped anchor her Whlstleswas re peating the three long blasts, the deep sea salute, in answer to whistles from shore and river; r ..". V. . - All greeting's Aclowwieaged, From the 'largest, the steamer Geo, W.' Elder," which ahe passed at the lower end of Mock's Bend, to the shrill whistle on the small crane on- the dock of the Willamette Iron & Steel works, her captain graciously answered them all. She dipped her colors in response' to a like courtesy . from the British 1 steamer Epsonv-theonly foreign ves sel past which she sailed. "She gave a salute of seven ; guns in ' answer- to the IS gun - salute fired for her by the cruiser Boston. , v The .welcoming committee went tc the cruiser armed with several bas kets of roses and an invitation to Ad miral Pond and .his staff to have din ner at the" Chamber of Commerce and both were ' delivered and acceptedHlvi officers accompanying, the committed on tfie Sea Otter to Stark street, land ing, where several automobiles were in waiting. " .' '. i - W1H emala Tin Sunday. ' ' The South Dakota is manned by the following officers and carries in addi tion' 855 men: ' ' r - Rear Admiral Charles I". Pond, com mander In chief, Pacific reserve fleet; Lieutenant John H. Blackburn, aid. and llag secretary; r Lieutenant. Arthur K. Atkins, aid. and' fleet ordnance Lieu tenant (J. - G. George L.- Weyler, aid and flag 'lieutenant; Lieutenant Com mander Charles M. Toser. commanding South - Dakota; - Lieutenant James J. mranniner j Lieutenant Earl R- Shinn Lieutenant Harry W. Hosford, Ensign Raymond E. Kerr, Surgeon Clarence F. Ely and Paymaster John R. Horn berger. . . ..v.- warrant officers Boatswain James Roberts, Chief Gunner James H. Bell, Chief Gunner "William O. King, Chlet Machinist Francis G. Randall, Machin ist Frederick R. Kalde and Carpenter Ftank Welch. ;. ; The cruiser is to be here till Sun day morning, .when she will return to Bremerton, ' t FLOWER BEDECKED VEHICLES EXCEL IN . - BEAUTY AND DESIGN ' (Continued From Page One.) 5 sides, with crowds lining every foot of the. way. k - v. At the head of the parade rode Grand Marshal S. Benson noted for his local benefaotions. Hls aides were . Rear. .Admiral Pond of the Pacific squadron, who brought his flagship. thet South Dakota, to Portland for the festival; President C O. Colt ot the-Chamber of y Commerce, . John B. Yeon,. road JmJlder, and H. L. Pittock. fi: Following the ' officials came Queen Sybil and --the. women of her court, nodding and smiling-to left and right, graciously accepting the roses tossed into thetr car and tossing roses in re turn. X The parade was the work," so far as r SEND THE "ROSE FESTIVAL WEEK" JOURNAL TO YOUR FRIENDS . 1 - Each sue of The Journal from CTuesday,, Jon-.8th,- to-Simday ' Jpne 13th inclusive, will, contain splendid illustrations and new "in detail of tha Portland Rose Festival. , . ', , ' , . , ; - . Six Issues (Including Postage) 15c A; The Journal t -1 Enclosed find . . .-,-. - ' .NAME CITY ' STATE , iyj-.'A-ffrl." '.y::. ;';.?Ji'..-':.;. !A-j. l--:t i . .. . ?. . -.'-.; y-t "X -.-r ; I. .j . . .. - v ,.-'..':'-,'.-'.,.i.;-"i,.,i-.'i',:.f : . ' ' .. ; "--''- - --j-" J-iiZ- -.a. "j-"J. . i ' "' T . - : " .. ." , ' win innasaixiass , ' . ' "- . - -v.-. ,' Woodmen of World -Expect to Have 500 Members in Parade Woodmeft -of the World are' at , making : preparations to lorn .out : in ; force tomorrow - mora- ing in the civic military' and : fraternal parade and It Is ex- pected about 500 men wlll be in 41ne. . - , All members re .requested v to. be , present tonight : at the Woodmen Temple, 128 Eleventh. street, la order that they may be provided with uniforms. .- - It. is also requested that all t members who can, furnish "red or white roses have them sent . to the Temple as , , s&ry i to . have these roses to . decorate ; the float. Any mem- ' bers who are not able to send them to the Temple are asked to cat) ' up Marshall 4100. and ask for Mr. Bar bur. or Main 1022 and an automobile will be- sent to bring them in. " the , great, task of planning and; ar i scgement was concerned, of the board of patronesses of the Rose Festival, of which Mrs. Helenv Ladd : Corbett is chairman. Miss H. Failing vies chair man and Miss Valentine Prichard sec retary, i The constant counsel of the parronesse f , prevented many from adopting impractical schemes of deco ration, and the results of their advice as to color selection and arrangement mere apparent in the artistic harmony with which nearlyvery car and float was decorated. - Although it ho decorated automobiles were many and of great -beauty, the firemen's entry, as in former years, more than held its own.. Seeorations Are Tasteful. ' t . Fifty-eight feet of roses and green ery, tastefully covering the great hook t l.fltfl.. . . .t. J , ill I tailboard such was f one : ofe the fire men's offerings. The ladders were ouv lined in pink roses, and the body of the truck was covered with ferns and pur ple lupin. The three headlights were circled with-pink roses, -and the hood was .covered with ; lupin. The wheels were solid circles of crimson ramblers. TJie truck ; and its erew 'were1 in charge of Captain A. W. Dolson, with Harry: Watts and Henry Van Lom at the- steering wheels, fore and" aft; ! The representation from, the various districts l the ;city -was particularly representative. . The patronesses dis tricted the city and iurged the people of each, district to make these entries, ; ' The Riviera district was represented by five handsome ears and one child's float. The Portland Women's club, the work under the supervision of Mrs. R. D. ' Inman, had five, entries. The Lavender club,- under the lead of Mrs. Maud Burley, provided four decorated cars. ... ' One of the float designs that touched the popular heart was that of the WaverJy baby home, with its healthy infants either booing or cry ing, as. the excitement chanced to af fect them, ' The J. K. Gill company had a squad of decorated motorcycles that was much admired. ; , The Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage float was one of the ."live wire" entries, which was prepared in a manner to leave no' one in, the crowd in ignorance ?of the purpose of ithe organization, to carry the votes-for-women questiojo; in. the. Jarty; .cajris, School ' SectioaCleTsr,' ' -. The schjool section was full of sur prises.. Th floats were jat great varie ty and some of them prdvided keen comment on current events. A unique float, was that of the Kilo watt club, which was in charge of J Mrs. H. Cowan. The uses or electricity were shown in. striking manner. r . . r"" T i - 1 Tbo Sunday school floats, sorne " or them, , exemplified tha peace, senti ments of the young people. The Mount Tabor campfire girls gave an Idea of their outdoor Ideals With their float,, .: --..: -. .'-.:- The' Chamber of Commerce " had an elaborate float, showing the .activities of that, body for the advancement of Portland and Oregon. .. .. Anothnr antfv nf marlt. wn, thst Of the .Visiting Nurse association,' with Its suggestion of help to the suffering. J The Women's Catholic" Order of! Foresters had two beautifully deco rated cars.' . . Two of the most striking sections of the parade were- those of the Portland Hunt club and ' the' Ladies' Eit and Spur club. . i The Hunt club ..appeared with 60. horsemen and, women in general charge of Ambrose M. Cronin, master of the hounds,- and President James II. Mur phy arid other Of ficials at the head. The Hunt club 'members "were to ride four abreast," two. men and two worn en. The horses wore collars of roses and .roses at their bridles. The men wore riding boots, 'white knee breeches and red coats. The women wore black; huntipg habits. . Both men and women wore black, silk hats. Multnomah county was represented by a decorated oacin which rode four little girls. - The business floats were of great number" and Ingenuity, many of tnem being of a humorous turn. Will HearyFrank's Petition Saturday - Atlanta, Ga., June 10. (L"N S.)- Governor Slaton today set 9. o'clock Saturday morning as the time for'flnai bearing of Leo- Frank's petition or ifuiuwuiakiun v uiwi sentence imposed for " the ' murder of .Mary Phagan. - , 1 , " Following the state board of par done' action yesterday in - denying clemency, Frank today refused all callers. Ordinarily always willing to talk of the ease, , Frank suddenly has turned : taciturn-la the extreme. - for which please send six issues of PASTE TH IS IN: YOU R HAT v ; Festival L Parades Lines of . March -j . - i Koute ot Floral Parade Todayt'Jon8 JO,,3. p. m. , ' Begins on Fourteenth street. Fourteenth . to Morritoii, : Morrl- : son i to Tenth, Tenth to "Washington,- Washington to ; Broadway,' Broadway to Taylor,-Taylor to West. Park, West Park to Jefferson," 'Jefferson, to Park, Park to Salmon Salmon tov Sixth, Sixth .to Mor- rlson, Morrison - to "! Fourth. Fourth -to Taylor, Taylor r to ThlrdN' Third to Oak, Oak to Fifth Fifth to" Alder, Alder, to Sixth, Sixth ' to Stark, Stark to Broadway, ; Broadway to-Pine, r Pine to First. , First to.Burnside, Burnslde to Grand avenue, Grand avenue to- - East Madison, Bast Madison to East Sixth, East Sixth to East Main. East, Main to Grand avenue. Grand avenue to .Burnside, where dec orated vehicles will disband. - Horse and pony division, escorted by txUce hand and police, will cross ' tqr west- side and disband - near festival center,- " .. " J v ' xf - Route of Fraternal, ; Industrial, Ovlc, mrjje arid Ulitery " Parade, Friday, Jane li; 10:3O . m. v. t , . Form 'A on Fourteenth ; street, south of Salmon.' Fourteenth to Morrison, Morrison ; to Tenth, Tenth to Alder.S. Alder to Broadway, Broadway - to " Taylor, Taylor to West Park, West - Park to - Jefferson, i Jefferson to Pa'rk, Park to Salmon, Salmon ; to, Sixth, .Sixth to Morrison, Morrison to Fourth,; Fourth to Tay lor, Taylor to Third, Third to Pine, Pine to Fourth," Fourth to " Alder, Alder to . Sixth; Sixth to Washington. Washington to Fifth, Fifth to Pine. Pine to Broadway. Broadway to Washing-' ton, Washington to - Tenth, Tenth street to Stark- and Thirteenth streets and disband,5 . a Ilonte of Five-mile JIarathon, Friday,1 Jnno:'ll, 3 p. qi. . Start at Multnomah Field, to Salmon, Salmon to Chapman, . Chapman to TayIorr (Taylor io West Park, -West Park to Jackson, f Jackson to Flftti. Fifth to Caruthers, Caruthers to ! Second, Second , to Hall, Halt to West Park, West Park to Taylor, Taylor to Chap man, Chapman to Salmon, Salmon to Multnomah Field. . ' " '.' 'Itonte of Electrical Pageant, Friday, Jane 11 O p. m. : Start Twenty-third f and Washington, Washington Jo Nine teenth, Nineteenth td Morrison, Morrison to Third, Third to Glisah, Glisan to Fifth, Fifth to: Washington, Washington to Twenty-third. ROSE FESTIVAL IS IN FULL SWING HERE IS ' ; TODAY'S AND TOMORROW'S PROGRAM -' Thun4r Aftcnieoa, June 10. 1 T , 1:00 FMtival center, sooth Par bloeks. Park sod Wut Park (tracts, Balmon to Mio treets. UplTermlty tf OresoaV girls' glee clnb. .. Ralph -H. Xjatan. conductor; re cant ooff and cl)Otuse, "Alrae Mater Song." Bendameer'a Stream,' "When a Maid Corner Knock lnpr," "Aonta te'nrfe." Fry Lollabr,'' "From the Lead ef tha-Sky Blue Water'i-Spriusr boog. " "Tb i,ir at the BprisS," . quartet, '-Sctnberfa "Serenade," 'Barcarolle," medley, "loga of My Oreoa. " i :00 rutiTal center, Reedt college ehornS, Howard Barlow, conductor; eonoert of aalact aiceUaiur. r i:00 to 5:00 rJnlted. States atrip Boston opes to general public, 2:00 to 5 :0O iBaceptioa os beard cruiser Sooth Dakota. ' 2 ;0O Floral parade, notor-drlTen aat borae drawn vehicles. "Parade da Luie," '-under the auparrUios of Ira F. Powera, director of floral participation; 8. Benacm, grand mar ahal: O. JC Jeffrey, marebal of formaUos. 4:00 to 0 :X)Coocert, featiTal caster. Me Ebroy'a baad. ; - 4:00 to 6:00 Cooeert, Broadway aad Yaro bili, Brown' a band. :00 to 5:00 Concert, Sixth sad Oak, Port land Lad lea' band. 4:00 to 5 :00 Concert, Flrat and Alder, Camp bell's American band, - 4.-00 to 6:00 Concert, Eaat Sixth and East Alder, Perrydala band. - 6:00 FeatiTal center, J. William Balchera women'! ehorua! eelect program. : , 5:00 p. tn. -Spectacular rowing race on 'the rtyer batwaea picked ercwa from tbe ateam ahlp Koae City of the Han rrmnelaco A Port land Steamship company and the United States ,!rutsr BoetOn.- Tha conrso will be between the O-W. B. N. bridsa and tba, BroadwayS Drtdge. Aoe two racea wut eacn cover one mile and. -a balf. Cawe of - thetw -boats Wmm Mlaad for orlaas. beaiiiaa. a, jmtt.dn. sated tT the employes of the ateamatrfp com- j pany. I'eopia aaairing to wjinesa toe ooai races will be admitted to tbe steamship Rose City nd tho- wharf building, i Tbe races may also be seen from tbe bridges.. Picked erew from the G, S. cruiaer South Dakota will ab0 participate is racea. . .. . , , 6:00 At principal hotels, J Ad club stale quartet - : : 1 - ' "ThnartAey .jncht, Jaae- 10. . S-.OO to 8:00 i). m. Portland hotel court rer- aooa. wrcneatra, mieraparaea iwitn vocai aetee- urm by students of Mr. SdwtaM. A Men Beale, anda. Orchestra, 'lntenparaed with vocal aelee- T:00 p. m.-Broadway and Xajoblli. Anabel eated . firla' Vtholr. 60 Toici, Ella Hoberg Tripp, director. Program 'of choruses, soloa end dnete. Mlsa Floreuce Uarsid and Mrs. George Perratt, accompanlataj - 7:ao- Festtral .center, Willamette nnirerstty combined glee clubs and chorus, ; 75 voices, 3. MeaUenhaU, director; select choral con cert. . ' - ' .-' - - 7 430 t 8:30 Broadway and TamhiU. Albany College firls' glee club. An. Adsa Bmlth . yjo, d J: actor,' choice varied program: ''Tbe Swal few," "The Wind Fairies,"' "How it Hap pened,' "AU TbJongn the Nla-ht." "Lullaby1 ."Tba Moths,' solo, aelectoo. "The Call." 'The Elephant and tha. Cbtmpansea," "The 'Ell and tbe Teakettle. 8:15 to 9:15Coccert Tenlnula : Park,. Mc Elroy'a band', j , 8:SO to 9 :30 Featlral center, grand com munity eing, under ausplees of Monday Mo alcel club, Mrs. Chester Peertns. committee; William H.V Boy err conductor; .4 Caanpbeli's American band., aeoompaniat. ' - . :0O--t'lreworka st the Oaks. - : ' 10:OO 110 Dancing on Park, Columbia and West Park ' under direction of Professor Mose Cbriunen. McElroy'ai and Caropbell'a band. v;. - .-. . 4j-.. . 9:30 to U:30 Tribal ceremonies ana daae. 5ng by Blackfoot Indiana from GUdat -National park, j i - . 1 : - 10 .00 -to 11:00 Ceneart, Broad way sad Tarn bill. Perry dale baod, - . -I ... 10:00. to 11 :00 Concert, Uatb. and Oak. Brown' a' band. . 1 - 10:00 to 11:00 Concert. Eaat Sixth and Eaat Alder, Portland Ladies' baud; .. ,f - . Friday Kerning, Jnne 11. .. Oregon and rorfland day. Legal holiday by proclamation ot UoTcmor Withycembe and Mayor Albee. - 8:30 to 8:30 Concert, at featlral center, Brown's band. . 9:00 to 10:00 Concert, Broad war and 7am bill, Camr-beil' American band. ' 9:00 i 10:00 Concert. Sixth and Oak,' Per rydala band. v 9:O0 vo 10:00 .Concert,, Ttrat asd Alder, Portland Ladies', baud. i -0:00 to lO:0. Concert, Saat 81a th sad Kat Alder. MeBlroy'a band.- i . 8.30 KeitUal canter, Jefferaos high school J- joy girls' glee emb, William H. Boyer. director: varied program. vwt, 10:80 Fraternal. IndbatrUl, avie. Con Bercial and Military parade, headed by J.mcf N lth combe, gorernor ot Oregon. George L Baker, director, of abora participation. AdJu tent General George White, grand marshal 12:00. noon At principal botala. Ad clnb male quartet. . .;; Friday Afternoon, 3mam IX, : J OJudging ftoral exhibits at : yeatiral n flxt,l nd Oak, ' Beawos eSoral elnb T. W. Zimmerman, director, choral .election.: i;:tt EaatStxth; and Bast Alder, Lotna gtrla Slejubj. AVKnley. conducW;SB2a 2:00 8 :00 Reception to Governor Witbr ecmbe, and ths Queen and her court on board United Btatea ahlp Boston. , DOra 2:00 Pacific northwest amateur rlnmni.n. abip track and field meet on MnltnomihIB& under tbe auspices of the Multnomah AmatmT; Athletic club and tbioaa FeaU?al aSi' tion; Charles Y. Berg, directcir athlatlcaf 2:30 Featlral canter, Harmony choral eii.s and Sellwood chbral elih combuiedli. h berg Tripp, conductor; Eva Benson, accomp nist. - Choruses and apecialtlea. - - 8:00 FlTe-mlle marathon through tba etiwate ot the city, flniah on Mnltaomib iid 8:00 to 4:00 United Sta tea shin Boston open to general public , p Bwton 8:30 FeatiTal center, -O; A H. Teterans quartet, and ehorua. Interspersed nambers b Campbell's- American band. - , ' bi.dnTr, ana T.m- ' SMO to 4 K)0 Concert Raat si,tk. ..x v . Alder, McKlwy'B band. 4:30 reatival center, Funnyslda M. K.senioa and Junior chorus, Jaaper iaaa MacrailTdT rector; rchoral concert. :30 Broadway ana ymbUl, Amphlou ehor ua, Charles Sweason, director. Jden'a oart aonga. :00 Prinl boteta. Ad club mala onartat. Friday Kight, una. 11, . :00; to 8:00 p. m. Portland hotel court Veranda. Orchestra interspersed with vocal se lect loos bjr atudenia of Mrs. Edward Aides .4:30. to. .70 Concert, FeaUvsl center. Brown a band. ; - , ' 8:80 tst T:30 Concert. Broadway. and Yam biU. Campbell's American band, t 7:00 to 8J0 -Coooart, Sixth and Oak. Me Elroy'a band. .,: . , 7jT to :j0 Concert, First and Aider, poet Isnd Ladies band. - 7:80 to 8:30 FeerWal , center. Portland Ora torio aoclety, Joseph A. Fialey, , conductor : concert selections. . . - . 7:30 Broadway abd' TambllLr St. yames' Ecalieh- Lutheran choir. Mrs. j, Harvey John son, director, aalsted by Miss Oertrude Hoe bar and Miss Gail Meyers,, rloiiulaU; W. K. LIt tngaton, cornet; - Miss Pauline - Bohoaon and Boy Hobberger, accompaniau. Program. "Hail t-j the Beautiful Morning in May." ''Sweet. beart,"-"Sleh No More," "The Mica in Coui CIV A fwilight KeTel". cornet aote; leeted. 'Bridal Chorua,' "Ro." MAidca' "Gypsy Ufa," "O Hush Tbae My Babii:'' "Sanctua." ' . ' 7. -00 te 8:30 Ceaeerte st the principal Be tels. Perrydala band. - w T:30 Public library ball. Dr. Clement B Shaw In -a scenic and dramatic presentation of "Nlbehingea King," by Ktchard Warner. 9:00 Grand electrical pageant under super vision of I. W. Hlld, director of transports-! tkm and electrical parade. Thia srll-iae feature the active participation of the Port land Jovian league and. the electrical men of tbe eity in a sariaa ot electrical surprises, spectacular .features - and- float a symbolising the- pursuits ot the Jbvlans. This will be in addition to the electrical float depicting tbe resources of tbe etate in aa array ef wonder ful and daxaling creations. . . S:30-to 11:80 Tribal ceremonies and dancing by Blackfoot Indiana from Glacier National park.. m . 10 .-00 te 11:00 Concert, Broadway sod Tarn, bill, Perrydale band. . , 10 to 11 Concerts at all principal hotels, Crmpbell'a American band. 10:00 to 11 ,00 Street dancing on Park, Co lumbia and West Park under direction Pro fessor 'Mom' Chris tenses.' Brown'a and Mc El roy'a bands.,,.. f. Takes p6ssession of our THOUSANDS ATTEND 23RD ANNUAL OF ROSE SOCIETY BloQms on .Exhibitioii at the f Meier & Frank Store U n- usually- Beautiful-'.. . The second floor of Meier Frank's new - building at Fifth and. Morrison was themecca for huge crowds of festival visitors and rose fanciers last night and today, where the twenty third annual show of : the Portland Rose society is being staged. Through out the afternoon and evening -the place vwas Jammed to the dofcrs, ' The snow win end lonignt. CQ admission is charged. The display this year is one of un usual beauty and some blooms never shown heretofore are on exhibition. Rosebud Lassies ) LuncHeon Guests . The 2S0 girls who marthed at the head of the rosebud parade yesterday were entertained . at luncheon . at; t he Trade school following the parade, as guests or the: Rose Festival assocla tion. The .large auditorium of the school was used" for serving.. Twenty gin pupils or tbe domestic science de partment prepared the meal, which consisted of ham sandwiches, potatoj saiaq. straw Derry snortcaice ana choco late. Mis? Alevla Alexander; teacher ox cooKing at tne schools was in charge when the girls had been served about 60 Kose Festival and newspaper people were served. The decorations were attractive.:. Those ! who could find no place at tne tables were served on trays. - .. -. , u' . Copy of Mortgage Filed for Record A copy, of the $10,000,000 trust mort gage given by the Northwestern Elec tric company to the Harris- Trust - & Savings bank of Chicago, as trustee. and Howard W. - Fenton of Chicago as co-trustee, , to secure the issuance of first mostgage 23 .'year - sinking fund gold bonds bearing 6 per cent interest in that amount was filed today with Coutity Clerk Coffey for record. The original mortgage bears $1600 in, revenue stamps and was filed in Chicago. But $3,000,000 of the bonds ar,e to be Issued at present. The mort gage. covers the entire property of the company Including leases, franchises and al other rights. i Dance at Armory Will Form Climax TV'ith music by the navy band from tha cruiser. South Dakota, flagship of the Pacific .reserve fleet, ; a compli mentary ball Will be-feiven at the Arm- ory Saturday - night, according to ar rangements mads this morning by the Chamber of Commetce. , ..." - . ' ; The affair will be free to-the public Attending will be the officers and sailors from the ship, in - full dress uniforms. The chamber has arranged this s th climax of I the Rose Fes tival before the- departure of Rear Admiral Pond and his sea fighting craft. . .-. GREAT CROWD SEES CROWNING OF QUEEN OF ROSE FESTIVAL (Continued From Page One.V '..'".. block directly in front of the school. That was air there was to it. " But f ollowrng . the coronation Pro fessor Krohn had prepared a treat In Queen Sybil's honor and that was a series of dances by groups of publls school pupils. - r - ' -I On the pavement before the dias him favorite 260 rose girls danced a dance of the rose. Then a bevy of shepherd esses from the Fern wood school danced with shepherd crooks, i ' ,- i - . ; Ihessed as Japanese and bearing lan terns Kose City, Park girls danced a lantern dance.- From Hawthorne school came a score -of geishas. Ladd school girls danced a sailor's horn pipe. - .; . I4ttle boys and, girls from the Shat tuck school appeared in! what was prob ably the most novel dance of the af ternoon, a tandem dance with the girls as horseg and the boys in jockey caps and whips as the drivers. And in conclusion SO rosebuds tripped a dainty, fascinating rose ma surka that seemed fairly to breathe the spirit of the rose. - The dancing, over Queen Sybil ' de scended from her throne, little fairies from tbe vFalllng and K Davis . schools strewed rose petals in her path and the coronation festivities were over. minds SHOW FIESTA SNAPSHOTS All the girls of Olds, . Wortmao A King's , .store . brought . armfuls -. of roses yesterday; and when they stood ready to take their posts of duty they formed a ' solid phalanx : of laughing lace and ; beauteous blossoms. The roses were tastefully . arranged throughout the big store. , r Some of- the principals, of .'schools led their, children in the parade yes? terday.-v-X-A Reed, of Clinton Kelly school, was one ofthese. His school was headed, by a big banner and a t-,n,M A ... rr-1 ui i J. .... UJJ IB ' Ui "UUl V - ' ' A W VUI1U4SII .UH - rled little arches ot yellow roses and cedar, , which they used , to good effect In- Xhm drills and dances.. The -girls were 'dressed in r'whlte - and-' ' yellow. The- boys wore -yllow .caps. Their waists were white, with green . ties. FIESTA GAIETY : ' ' 'KEEPS CROWDS BUSY ALL DAY (Continued From Pare One.) over the crowds' will , suppress their ans " and - turn to " the many enter tainment features provided" for their benefit. & r- .:-.. Ai- t Vr-' v Immediately after the patfeant' there will be a boat race -on the river be tween picked crews from the United States , cruiser Boston, the 'Oregon Naval Militia training : ship. . and the steamer Rose City of. the San Fran cisco & Portland line, tiow in port. " s Sundreds to Bee Contest. 5 . " This event Is scheduled to taker place at 6 o'clock between the - fiteel : and Broadway-bridges, and it Is expected that hundreds will line these two struc tures to watch the contest, while the docks and heights on either 1 side ot the river will also offer points " of vantage. - And Just below the' race course, north of the Broadway bridge, lies the cost liest feature of the whole . festival the United States cruiser : South, Dakota, j . t Both 'the Boston and the South Da kota are to be thrown open each day for the inspection of visitors, that all may see what a man-o'-war is Ilk.' ' There; will be music throughout the evening at .various places, but I the bis event of tonight is to be the "fireworks I . . . . t - i . . . . . . . . aw t me waa, - cxunai eas - ox jaoiiars worth or the latest pyrotechnics are to be shown, and Queen Sybil . and . her court will be present to witness the exhibition. .. v.-, v;; 'i ' For those who -don't car to journey across the river to the Oaks and who are fond of the old, old songs, such as "Suwanee River" and "Old Black; Joe." there is going to be a great jcommu nity sing at the festival center:- Everybody, is expected to sing and es tbe park, blocks will accommodate thousands a chorus such as Portland has never beard before is expected. V. H. Boyef will lead the singers ; and Caropbell'avAmerlcan bind Will: furnish the music. --i-. "1 ! It is planned to make this one- of the most pleasurable events of the, fiesta. Another Street Dance Tonight. 1 And when you get through I singing all one has to do is to walk a block or so at the ' Festival Center . to- dance. Two band will play for a full hour while couples dance on the streets in real Masdl Qras fashion. -. - Street dancing is an innovation tot this year's festival and its success last night assures that it will be a per manent feature in the future, i Ixuis Hill's Blackfoot Indians who are in ths city , on their way to the Panama-Pacific exposition from their home In Glacier , National park, will perform their strange tribal ceremonies and dance in 'the . festival center until 11:30. o'clock.. v'..--5---v?v.- j-t-- v tf; Since' their arrival in Portland yes terday they have been followed - by fascinating throngs who have watched their every move. ,. - j...',:' -'"' Broadway will be kept clear '9 of traffic this evening as the main thor oughfare to the festival center and as a promenade for pleasure seekers. - San Franciaco Wanta '; Bryan, San ' Francisco, June, 10,--F. N. S.) William Jennings Bryan, former sec retary of state, baa been asked to come to San Francisco and deliver the July 4 oration at the Panama-Pacific expo sition. No reply; has been received as yet, but officials of the exposition say thsy are hopeful . that Bryan may ac cept the invitation. - Take Borsford's Aoid Phosphate ' Half a teasooonful in water before meala will aid and prevent distress after eating.Adr . . . . . . .:-: A Pleasant Shopping Center 4Bk A Store with II assV m m mm mm w a asi sea Double Stamps apd Couifon ' Tomorroyr and Saturday : I; mm M .IB WIZARD POLISH 1 SPECIAL IN RUB " Use on polish mops, fuml-j tiir autn-mnhlUi' and all Var-1. nished surfaces. Regular 25c sise'. , Begular soe size. ....... Regular $1.00 slse,... Alakes DOlished surfaces look like new. SPECIALS 26c Lyon's Tooth Powder. 15 6 B0o Possonl's Powder U7a 50c D. A R. Cold Crram...-iO 25c Kolynos Tooth Paste. 20e ' ' SOe. Veda Rose Rouge. . , ,29e 60c StillroanTFreekJe Cream ... .i.....t-.29s5 75o. Vulcanised H'r Brush S9 60o Scrub Brushes-r, 297 -26o Klean-Rlte Cloth . - S5c Tooth" Brush, with TTolrfpr .u... ........... Whislc Brooms in fancy CelTu-j lold holders, "big value" 399 BOc fcal Hepatlca ....... -38CS TSo Jad-Baits Sl.OO Newbro' 11. 00 Pond' Kx tract..... 7S $1.00. Hood's Sarsaparllla. 7561 . $1.00 D. u., D.JSczema- - - f Remedy . i ........,. .80 $1,011 Glycothymallne . ...79i $1.00 Nau's Dyspepsia i Remedy ,..,;,,,.,.T5i 60o California Byrop Pigs 35ci , ."fug.!?-!.0. -?. .404 ; LAWN MOWERS 25e. Pisos Cough Remedy, 19er ? r 60a Mexican Mustang , Lini- V 51 y,rmon t UZw.'ti - meat . .Oa " "ebes. speo.. 83.95 lOo oda- Bft;arbonat04 . i ,7e- Lawn Mower harpeners.25s ...loo renna - r..ric 10c. Plaster Paris T. U . . . . . 7 a. 10c Cream Tar taf .'. - - && 60o Bay Rum (compound) 29 25q Castor Oil . i ........ 19 250 Spirit of Nitre.. ..... 19c- Parowan (pure paraffin), 1 pound ... ,- , . lOdj FIESTA JOY CLIMAX COTViES TOMORROW ":HrBIGli)E Day Has Been Proclaimed a - Legal Holiday i - Electrical J. Paracfe- iri Evening. " , , ! , Proclaimed a legal holiday by -proclamation; of both Governor' Withy combe and Mayor Albee and named oft t icially Oregon ' and Portland day, to morrow, the last day of ths Ross Fes tival, will be the biggest of tha three that make up the fiesta. ' - It will haya. for its chief event the 'tremendons annual fraternal, ? Indus trisiJ, olvlo and military parade in tlje morning and the spectacular electrical parade la the evening. . ' - Ths -nomIng ; procession - will bs beaded by Governor Withy combe, rep resenting the state; Adjutant-General White and George I Baker. It will start at 30:80 o'clock and will cover an extended roots through ths down town west side. . The electrical parade with a number of symbolto; electrical ; floats and nu merous surprise "electric features pre pared byH the Order of Jovians, will start at 9 o'clock in the evening. F. W, Hlld will be- at its head. , In the afternoon from 2 to 3 o'clock there- will bo a reception On board the cruiser.: Boston to- Governor , Wlthy combo and Queen Sybil and her court, v. For lovers " of track sports Mult nomah -field will be the scene of ths pacif lo Northwest Amateur Champion ship Track and Field meet starting at 2 o'clock; Officers of tbe - cruiser . Your Home Against Bread of Un certain Cleanliness and Purity KOXtSUM gives you a distinctive, easily remembered "Order word" that prevents your grocer from delivering to you bread made by uncleanly hands or amid uncleanly surroundin gs. 1 puts In every wbman'g hands a weapon of protection against the product! of unsanitary bakeries and against Indiscriminate contact with human' hands both in baking and on the way from the bakery to you. KOlaSOX is madeby sanitary machinery, with scarcely a touch of hands. And in order that you may receive St as pure and clean as we make it, we seal it in a germ-proof, dust-proof wrapper. . : j Aslc for HOZiSUn Bread the Bread That Is . Made Clean Sold Clean Delivered Clean , CTT' Log Service, Quality and Prices. BER GOODS r $2.00 Ladles' Douche ' 18cH Syringe , ...,..11.47 fz.oo a-quart jrountain Byrins a tiffi ,' tz.oo a-ouart jrountain syringe. v.. iS4ejjl two-year guarsntee ..11,47 looKi i.ov nupoer, uioves, . ... tn " T. B..T. Cascade. Ask fog jsoouess. SUIT CASE i- .29 aeanlae Oowhlds. axtrs heavy. ;;.v::IIl :tViigiS GARDEN HOSE $8.60 Oregon. 7-pljr black Rub : ber .Garden . I lose, H-inrh si se special ...... ,,t4,90 tl.26 Whirling eprinklers 98e Pabco . Taps Hose Mendef,25 WHISK BROOMS First" grade OfWhiak Broonisr full lbre, prices 254 to 709 8mall. soft Dusters for : shoes, -y autos, porch furniture, etc., .v each 4 .. 25c , ALDER AT WEST PAUIC South Dakota and the several u re formed marching organizations tht are to ; participate in the mornlns: parade wilt- have a small procession all their own In the afternoon from the Commercial club j to the field. Taking part will be the Cherrlans and Rosarlaos bands, the Ronarians, Ch r rians. of Salem, Tilllcums of Seattle, Eugene Radiators. Albany Pheasanta, the queen and her : attendants and tha officers from the South Dakota. There will be the usual musical and other entertainment features during the entire day. - ! ; ' , n -mi .ResinoiTapIo itching eczema Retinol Ointment, with Resinol Soaprosually tops itching instantly. It quickly and easily heals the most , distressing' cases of eczema, rash, ringworm or similar tormenting skin or scalp eruption, when other treat ments have proven only a waste o( time and money, 1 , Fbyaldana have prescribed the Reslnnl trjS mast for 20 years. Raslnol Ointment is an Idea 1 household remedy for aorea. burnt, cut a, cha I. . ins, etc. Every drutsiat sella Resinol CHnU nwnt and Kesinol Soap, Contain no barsh or , lalurioua drasa. Gucrclo Pbuble Sixe, 1 Oc , . csbssn Jr., 6e vaDin oaianrj iwO. n Conrrlrbt lM ' Z J 331 COUPON! - 80 XZTSA-30 Bring this coupon and get 20 extra "8. & l.' Trading ftamn on your first SI cash purchase and double stamps on the bal ance of purchase. Good on first thrre floors tomorrow and Saturday, : - . , CANDY CORNER S5 lb. French Peanut . Brittle . ..,...,... ,..,tQ6 40c Lime and Lemon . , Dropa .,...,.,....,, . . 27 - . . . A hRW FXTRA - -" -- . SPECIALS . 11 .8S plvmoutlj Giu. Orttlnit ... Pry din 61.17 tl.oo Imported Spanish Port . ,.R7 $t.25 Guckenheimer ' Rye..t fl.26 Sunnybrool Hye..1.0j 1.60 Dewar's Xtra, Special - 8fot'.h ........ , 81.27 11,25 Jol B. rrazier, mx'" bonded . ........ . . H1.03 $1.00 Hherry Wine, a fine Quality 87 Jl. 86 Gordon's Dry lu81,or 5e Pluto Water ...... i'Zc $1.00 Vermouth, rrench or Italian 70 6 GINGER ALE Aliquot, ths standard of ll - riiq, pj case or 2 dozen 83.00 I LIME JUICE Highly reeommendil for the .treatment of Rheumatism. A very pleasant a n d cooling drink, . t-Rose's Imported , . T. . . .GOJ STATIONERY $1.40 Quarter Ream, 120 sheets suede finish paper, special at .... ...... .T $1.40 Knvelopes to match. i, - $1.00 Gavotte or Hanover .Ui, sude finish paper, ' special at . ........... . m . $1.00 Envelopes to match. cat? T. T