THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, - PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY. JUNE P. 1915. FETCH : O'BRIEN AND. " : FRANK TROEH SHOOT : . HIGH IN TRAP MATCH Drop" but'Two Birds 1n ,150 BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManu Copjrrlgfct.' 1913. tatorsstlonal Sarrte. 0 VE HOtlCp IT FOKTHE LAVT: two oats -rve .SENT FOR A be HEJfcc TOO NUST;tt : I'VE ECEN CRUEUTO Jl-JOVTEEHcS - HE LOOKt AFTCR MT sat-ooc: VILU TOO POLL, THAT. ON MY VFE MEVTVEEK? "r hOW TMACT bo -SPEAK OF IT-1 OO FEEL. V TO THE. COUNTRY vrELLObc-dirssu- - . : - WW ,rW l 91.,- W v ! HOPS' . HnTf away yrm IT! IMMEDIATELY toJrE. rrowt 1M FACT YOO FOR ARREST KKHT-DOC- wtLFHRE. I DO HOPE. H ltHT L-ONE.tiOME'l DC-TT LOOK 10 ;TOU-rSRE. Iri A THESE 1 - J VERT tiERVOUa V T 6a-ji;;s-ifi LOtE. TOrHCHT- HOW VOU HALK - DO LOOK BAD'- r VTrVTE. -tOO Movrde. LEFT ALONE! ATCRRtBLE. CHARGE OU FOR TRAJM' "THAT CALL' Targets at Jenne Station v - ' S3. Traps. HELSON,,WINS 2ND .TIME .t Capture .-. ZadlTf dual ' Championship :, After Two Baootoff s Kolofcaa : BtMkt Twenty-fire. 10 Hi 1 T-V . J TWft; DttM I ' - V, . ' I i The sensational shooting which fea tured the opening-''day's program of the thirty-first annual trapshooting tournament of the Sportsmen Asso v elation of the Northwest, now being -- held at the Jenne station traps of the -' Portland Gun club, was In evidence gain yesterday. Peter H. O'Brien of , Portland - and Frank Troeh of Van- - - couver. Wash., were tied for high hon ors in the regular 150-bird events with scores of 148. P. P. Nelson of Tacolt, T Wash," Dennis Holohan of . Burley, 2sXdaho, and J. P. Dodds of San Diego, : Cal., were yesterday's trophy winners. Nelson won the northwest-individual championship for the second consecu tive time, after two shootoffs. Eigh teen traproen, including two profes sionals, were tied for first honors in the regular event, and in the. shootof f between the 16 amateurs, the two pro fessionals being ineligible, five shoot " ers again tied with 20 straight. In the second sbootoff, P. P.' Nelson, J. A. Troeh, Frank Troeh, Dennis Holohan '. and Percy Knight took their places at the pegs. Everybody on the. grounds, , except those participating in another trophy event, witnessed the shooting 1 la this tie everft. '. ' ; " Torm la Wonderful. t The- form displayed by this quintet : was wonderful. ' Everybody went straight for severalTlrds. Then Frank Troeh, Percy Knight and J. A. Troeh dropped one bird. Holohan and Nelson . remained In the race at the half way mart 'with id straight. Holohan then dropped a bird and Nelson was the only One in the race, but the strain .' was-too much and -he dropped one, Troeh,'; the i other- . shooters having "I dropped another "clay bird." -J. A. Troeh faltered on the. last target '. thrown and shot under It, thereby giv ing Nelson the championship. Dennis Holohan -von the Smails cup event, this being the only event of the -program in which there has been no . shoot-off i for first honors. His score . was . 25 straight out of a possible 25. E. J. Chlngren, P. J. Holohan (profes sional) and C. E. McKelvey each made the scores of 24 in this event. In the , "Multnomah medal -shoot, J. F. Dodds V and P. P. Nelson tied for honors, Dodds - winning the shoot-off by breaking 19 - out of 20 birds, while Nelson dropped three 7 v ! : The weather conditions were in di rect contfast to those of the opening day, but despite this and a slight wind - - that was blowing during a greater part of the day. the scores were as good. as those of : the previous day. O'Brien Is the leader. P. H. O'Brien Is the leading amateur fcr the two-day's shooting with the score of 295, out of possible 800. Frank Troeh is jtwo birds behind the local expert and A. . G. Flickenger of Val ltjo, Cal-, Is third, one behind Troeh's Go Get B.V.De and Get Cool 'HEN your legs feel slow as tugboats hauling a coal barge, and you seek the friendly shade of awnings to dodge the heat, look for B.V. D. in the nearest store-window. Wear B.V. D. under a Tropical -Weignt Suit, and you re doubly cool, r Firmly insist upon seeing the B.V.D. Red Woven Label, and firmly refuse r ,. to take any Athletic Underwear with out it. Then youll get properly cut,, . correctly made, long-service underwear. On ererv B.V.D. Undergarment ia sewed 1 This Red Woven Ltdel MArrORTHEl f Tra Mi JUT. P. i t. Qfu4 ftnipt Cmnrud B.V.D;CWed Crotch Union Suit (Pat: UrS;-A--i-4-'30-07 9-1 S-14) $1.00 and upward t he Suit. . B. V.D. 'Coat Cut Undershirts and Knee Length - Drawers, .50c and upward the garment. tIhe B.V.D. Company, : . - ; New York. A el irtQiMTMPi? Wholesale Distributors B. V. D, UNDERWEAR mark. L. H. Reid of Seattle leads the professional shooters. The feature of the shoot, "The Rose Festival Event;" will be staged today. From Indications at the traps yester day more than one shooter will, par ticipate In this" shoot. Three other trophies. Including the three-man team cup, will be contested for today. Scores of 1510 bird event: Target Shot at. Broke. Name. Town. F. H. O'Brien. Portland lfW V. 11. Troeh, Vaucourer. Wadb...l50 148 P. J. Holohan. Portland ..114ft 14 F. ' A. Dryden, Spokane 150 14 L. H. Ield, Seattle 150 146 O. N. Ford, Sam Joae, Cal 150 145 3. F. Poflda, San Diego, Cal 150 143 A. R. Garkow, Spokane ISO 143 A. O. Flickenger, Vallejo, Cal... 150 143 C. E. McKelrey, Seattle ..150 142 F. C. Blehl, Taeoma 150 141 H. E. Poaton, Ban Franclaco. . . .150 141 E. J. Chingren, Spokane 150 140 James E. Peck. Portland 150 140 Loo Rayburn. Portland 150 140 H. M. Williams, Bremerton 150 140 C. E. Owena. Weaatchee 150 140 Claude Mickey. Grande 150 1S9 J. A. Dague, Taeoma. ........... .150 1K9 G. C. Greitory, Spokane 150 188 E. H. Keller, Portland 150 138 I R. Barkley, Puyallnp, Wash.. 150 138 Cbarlea Leith, Woodburn 150 137 G. Effbera, Pasco. Wash 150 137 Dennis Holohan, Burley, Idaho. ..150 130 C. W. McKean, Portland 150 136 W. J. Houser. Pomeror. Wash. ..lftO IM Lee Matlock. Pomeroy, Wash. ...150 133 A. Blair, Portland 150 135 Frank Templetou, Portland 150 135 J. Adams, Leavenworth, Wash.... 150 135 J. P. Bull, Portland ...150 134 Frank Van Atta.. Portland... 150 "132 M. Grossman, Seattle 150 132 M. McCorniack, Eupene 150 132 P. P. Nelson, Tacolt, Wash 150 132 E. B. Van Arnam. Portland 150 131 Mark Rickard, Corvallia 150 131 Mark Siddall, Salem 150 131 H. Fleming, Seattle 150 131 C. D. Ellis. Harrington, Wash... 150 131 Fred Butler, Lewiston. Idaho 150 131 E. B. Morria, Portland 150 130 Dr. E. R. Seeley, Medford 150 129 J. E. Reid, Portland 150 120 F. K. Burham, Martinea, CaL ..150 129 Al Segnln. Portland. 150 128 C. A. O'Connor, 'Spokane 150 128 Badd Kompp, Eugene ...150 128 John Kienast, Belllngham .......150 128 J. C. Jensen, Taeoma 150 128 Jamea Seavey, Eugene 150 12A A. Riehl. Tacoma .....150 128 Con flllgers. Portland 150 123 Sam McDonald, Harrington 150 126 William Bates, Medford 150 125 H. M. Gnthrle, Corrsllls 160 124 C harles E. Fellm:. Hubbard, Or. .150 124 W. H. Dalrrtnple, Salem., 150 121 B. J- Bell. Yacolt fc 150 121 MAvrr "-jr.-m A D. W. Fleet, Monteaano, Wash., .150 120 Mrs. C. A. O'Connor, Spokane. . ..150 116 A. W. Strowger, PortUnd ..150 116 J. J. Fenton. Independence .1....150 120 L. C Dunlson, Saiem ........ ...150 110 Alt Zierotf, Junction City ... i .. 150 106 A. O. Wilkes, San Francisco. .150 102 Charles Gates. Oregon City, 106 89 O, B. Long, Oregon City. . 105 85 Mrs. J. N. Dolpb, Portland 135 73 M. Abraham-, Portland 160 88 Mrs. F. A. Dry den, Spokane 105 63 Mrs. A. G. Wilkes, San Francisco. 90 ,51 F. O. Joy, Portland 00 "SB D. Reid, Seattle 90 67 R. A. Miles, Spokane 150 112 Mrs. P. H. O'Brien. Portland.... 90 43 H. R. Ererdlng. Portland 45 81 Edward Long, Portland 45 39 The score In the 20-bird handicap for the Multnomah medal: . J. F. Dodds, San Diego, Cal., . 20; P. V. Nelson. Tacolt, Wash.. 20; F. C. Riehl, Ta coma, Wash., IB; Claude Mackey, la .Grande, 19; Frank Templeton. Portland. 19; C. K. McKelrey, Seattle, 19; Percy Knight, Port land, 19; A. Riehl, Tacoma, 19; P. J. ' Holo han, Portland, 19; Frank M. Troeh. Vancon wer, 19; Dennis Holohan, Barley, ? Idaho. 19; Jamea E. Peck. Portland. 10; W. J. Houser, Pomeroy, Wash., 19; F. K. Burnham, Mar tines. Cal.. 18:-C. W. McKean, Portland, 18; L. H. Reid, Seattle, IS; C. D. Ellis, Harring ton. 18; W. H. Dalrymple. Salem, 18; M. Abraham. Portland. 18; E. B. Morris, Port land, 18; C. E. Owens, Wenatchee, 18;-H. M. Williams. Bremerton. 18; Loo Rayburn,: Port land. 18; J. A. Troeh, Vancouver, Wash.. 18; Don Donaldson, Portland, 17; E. H. Keller, Portland, 17; Mark Siddall, Salem, 17; J. A. Dague, Tacoma. 17; G. Egbers, Pasco, Wash., 17; E. J. Chingren, Spokane, 17; C A. O'Con nor, spoaane. 17; von lingers, Portland, IT; Frank Van Atta, Portland, 17; J. E. Reid, Portland. 16; H. E. Poaton, San Francisco, 16; G. C. Gregory, Spokane, 16; Fred Bntler, Iewistnn. 16: L. R. Barkley. Puyallup, 16; A. G. Flickenger. Vallejo, Cal., 16; P. H. O'Brien, Portland. 16; Mark Rickard, Cor wallis, 16; J. Adams, Learenworth, 16; B. J. Bell, Tacolt, 15; James Seavey, Engene. 15; D. W. Fleet. Mantesano, 15; Sam McDonald, Harrington, 15; A. R. Garkow, Spokane, 15; Lee Matlock, Pomeroy, 15; Dr. E. R. Seeley, Medford, 14; A. W. Strowger, Portland, 14; A. G. Wilkes, San Francisco, 13; W. Honey man, Portland, 12; R. W. Steyens, Port land, 9. - ' The results of 20-b'lrd handicap for the individual championship of the northwest: J. A. Troeh, Vancouver, 20; E. H. Keller, Portland, 20;' Mark Siddall, Salem, 20; James Seavey, Engene, 20; P. P. Nelson, Tacolt, 20; Percy Knight. Portland, 20; A. Riehl. Ta coma, 20; P. J. Holohan, Portland, 20; D. W. Fleet, Monteaano, 20; Frank M. Troeh, Vancouver, 20; Sam McDonald, Harrington, 20; G. C. Gregory, Spokane, 20; Con Hilgera. Portland, 20; Dennis Holohan, Burley, Idaho 20; L. H. Reid, Seattle, 20; Frank Van Atta, Portland, 20; W. J. Honser, Pomeroy Wash., 20; Lee Matlock, Pomeroy, Wash., 20; James E. Peck, Portland, 19; H. E. Poaton, San Francisco, 19; F. K. Barnham, San Fraii daco, 19; C. A. O'Connor, Spokane. -19; A. B. Garkow, Spokane, IB; E. J. Chingren. Spo kane. 19; J, F. Doddst San Diego, CaL, 19; G. Egbers, Pasco, 19; F. A. Dryden, Spokane. 19; M. Abraham, Portland, 19; C, E. Owens, Wenatchee. 19; J. Adams, Leavenworth IB ; Q. E. McKelvey. SeatUe. 19; H. W, William. Bremerton, l; Tan lempiewn, 19; M. A. Rickard, Salem. 19; 'F.-C. Riehl. Tacoma, 19; W. Honeyman. Portland, 18; A. W. Strowger. Portland, 18; Lou Rayburn, Portland, 18; C. D. Ellis, Harrington, 18; C. W. McKean, Portland, 18; P- H- BS?nJ ia J K! Rl1 Portland. 18: Fred Butler, Lewiston. 17; B. B. Morris. Portland, 17; CUude Macitey, s ae, Dague, Tacoma. 17; Don Donaldson, Portland. 17; Dr. E. R. Seeley, Medford, 16; B. 3. Bell, Tacolt. 16; L. R. Barkley. Pnyallup. 16; A. G. Wilkes, Ban Francisco, 13- - The scores of the as-blra handicap ior ma Smails cup: " . T Dennis Holohan, Burley, Idaho, 25; E. J. Chlngrerf, Spokane, 24; P. J. Holohan, Port land, 24; C. E. McKelvey. Seattle, 24; J. A. McKelvey, Seattle, 24; J. A. Troeh, Vancou ver. 23; F. C. Riehl, Tacoma, 23; C. E. Owena, Wenatchee. 23; Percy Knight, Port lend, 23; G. Egbera. Paaco, 23; Charles Leith, Woodburn, 23; J. F. Dodds. San Diego. 23; Fred Butler. Lewiston, 23; G. C. Gregory. Spokane, 23; H. E. Poaton, San Francisco. 23- J. B. Reid, Portland. 23; Frank Van Atta. Portland. 22, -L. H. Reid. Seattl 22; Charles E. FeUer, Hubbard. . 22j A. Riehl. Tacoma, 22; Frank M. Troeh. Vancouver. 22; E. B. Morris, t-oruano, "J"Y," Mark SiddaU. Salem. 22; E.H. Keller, .Port land. 20; E. u. maiinewB, rurumu, Rayburn, Portland. 21; Frank Templetoti, Portland. 21; L. B. Barkley. IPny a up. 21; M. Abraham, Portland, 21; C. D. Ellis, Har-Hna-ton 21: CS A. O'Connor, Spokane, 41; . Burnham, Martines, Cal.. 21;P. H. O Brien, ,. -I. .i 9i- w J Hnnser Pomeroy. 21; James K. Peck, Portland, 20; Dr. E. B, See ley, Medford. 19; Mark Rickard, Salem, 19; J. Adams, Lewiston, 19; D. W. Fleet Mon- tMisno 19: A. at. uariov, opu.uc, Hrk. Porftand, 19; C.'w. McKe, Port UBd, .19; Lee MaUock, Pomeroy, 18-.W. Heneyroan.. Portland, 18; Don Donaldson. Port land, 17; A. W. Strowger. PortUnd. 17; B. J. Bell. Tacolt. 17 j 'Fred Dryden, Spokane. 17- J. A. Dague, Tacoma, 15; Earl tt. Good win, Portland. 12; B, W. Stevens, Port land.. io. ; Professionals. AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES At Boston R. H. E. Chicago - 4 S t Boston . . . - - S 11 4 Batteries Benx, Scott and Schalk; Mays and Thomas At Washington R. H. E. Cleveland . . . .. - ....2 8 3 Washington '. . . i 3 ' 0 Batteries .Coumbe, Jones and O'Neill; Ayres and Henry At New York R. H. E. Detroit ... 1 8 1 New York , . . . ...4 7 0 Batteries Dubuc and McKee; Cald well and Sweeney.; NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES At Pittsburg i--r R.H.E. iirooKiyn . . . ..4.. 4 11 3 Pittsburg h. . ............ J.. 3 7 1 .. 4 11 3 - Batteries-j-Smltb. and McCarty; Mc Quillan -and' Gibson ' At St Louis , R. H. E. Philadelphia,; . 6 3 2 St. Louis . ............... 4 8 0 BatteriesMayer and Burns; Griner and Snyder ! At Cincinnati - , " v ' R.H.E. Boston . . ............ ... .. 4 6 2 Cincinnati . . ... . .......... . . 3 7 0 Batteries Rudolph and Whaling, Gowdy; Schneider and Clark - At Chicago f " K. H. E. New York .. ,...'.... 12 2 Chicago I ... . . ,t . . 3 9 2 Batteries - Marquard -and Meyers. Smith ;" Lavender, Standridge - and Archee f ' ' . ' HAREY KRATJSE IS 4 TO 2 VICTOR OVER SALT LAKE Beavers Take Firstx6ame of Series Off Redskinned La Roy. Harry Krausa had the Salt Lakers on his hip yesterday, so to speak. It was one of the southpaw's good after noons and he made the most of it, as a 4 to 2 score will testify. If it hadn't been for the activity with the bludgeon of his old mate Buddy Ryan, the Bees might have Deen completely blanked. But Buddy liked the Krause krooks, getting a three bagger in the second inning and a home run over the right field fence In the sixth. In winning the Beavers hopped on Flathead LaRoy for three runs In the second and chased him from the- box in the fourth. Johnny Williams finished up the game and although the locals cracked him for five hits there were no runs to be had. Ryan opened the second inning with a triple to center field and the way the old boy went around the cushions demonstrated that McCredie's eyesight is bad in Judging a man's underpin ning. Harry tightened and fanned both Zacher and Tennant, but after a long sprint Doane just managed to touch Faye's fly and it was written down as a two bagger. Bates opened the prolific second for the locals vwith a blow to Center and Hillyard walked. When he wasn't do ing this he was whiffing. Fisher sac rificed and Lober lined to Gedeon, who aimost aouDiea Hillyard off second. T - - J - , : . . . . ; 1 uenverea a aouoie down the third base line and cleared the sacks. Krause hit the ball back atLaRoy like one of those French three Inch shells. The ball hit the copper colored kid on the thigh and knocked him down. He made no effort to field the ball. Krause started a steal of second and Doane bluffed toward home. Rohrers throw went into" center field and Doane tal lied, Krause pulling up at third. The Indian tightened and fanned Davis. ine fourth run fell In- the fourth Inning when Fisher- doubled to center and scored ,on Loberfs long single to the same territory. When cirr Krause's ' grounder, - Lober was caught between third and home and run down after half a dozen Bees took part. xtyan rooe tne ball out of the lot at the start of the sixth and Zacher fol lowed with a scratch hit to Stumpf, but the next three were easy outs. Two pinch hitters- were snuffed out in the mmn Dy j&rause. Score: SALT LAKE n.i-- ' . ' ' AB. R. H. PO. A. E. 2lnl. rf a 0 O 2 0 0 V ea 4 o 1 3 1 i Gedeon, 2b. .. Ryan. If. ... Zf.cher, cf.... Tennant, lb. . ..... 4 O 0 2 8 0 4 2 2 2 0 0 3 0 1 0 O O 4 0 0 8 2 0 raye, 8b, 4 0 12 2 0 0 5 2 1 itonrer, c f. g I P : 1 O 0 0 2 O !i- rtuuama, p.. z o 1 0 3 O -riauman 1 0 0 0 0 0 Hannah 1 0 0 0 0 0 Total ......34 '2 1 24 15 1 PORTLAND . AB. K. H. PO A. E. DaTis. ss..... 4 0 2 2 2 1 Derrick, lb. 4 0 1 12 0 0 Stumpf. 2b. 4 0 1 1 4 0 ?.."' S- .' -.4 1 2 1 o 0 Hillyard. cf. 8 i 0 2 O 0 5UJ,ep,i-e- 2 1 2 6 0 O Lober. If. 3 0 1 1 0 0 Doane, rf. , 4 11 2 0 0 Krause, p. 4 0 1 0 2 0 Total 32 4 11 27 Batted for Rohrer In ninth. Batted for J. Williams In ninth. SCORE BY INNINGS Salt Lake o 1 O O 0 1 0 O 0 2 Hits O 2 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 6 Portland 0 3 0 1 000 0 4 Hits .1 3 0 2 2 0 2 1 11 SUMMARY Struck out Br Kranse 5. by La Rot 2, by 3. Williams 3. Bares on balls Off Kranse 2, La Roy 1. J. Williams 1. Two base hits Fay. Doaae, Fisher. Three base hits liyan. Home ran Ryan. Sacrifice hits Fisher, Lo ber. Stolen bases Doane, Krause. Hit by pitched ball Zacher. -Iusinga pitcbedV-By La Roy 3 1-3. Runs responsible for Krause 2, La Roy 4. Bass hits Off Ls Roy 6, Tuns 4, at bat 15. Charge defeat to La Koy. Time of game 2:00. Umpires Held and Guthrie. NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE Spokane, Wash., June 9, V-ctoria hit in the pinches on Callahan and succeeded in winning yesterday's game, 8 to 5. In addition to CallahaflL two other former Portland pitchers worked in the gameT Leonard and Hanson. Score: : ; . ,R.H. E Victoria . : 3 A 2 Spokane .............. ........ 5 10 3 Batteries - Leonard. Hanson and Hoffman: Callahan and Brennexan. Tacoma, Wash., June 8. Hogan's single, Btokke s sacrifice and -' Sterens hit gave. Tacoma a 4 to I victory over Seattle yesterday. Score: ! R. H.E. Seattle ..,...S 11 8 lacvuia .................... i ,xx . Batteries -Lota and Cadman; House and Stevens. - - - ' Vancouver, B. C, June : ward's fumble of - Blinker's ' grounder 5 with bases full and two down allowed Van couver to win in the last half of the ninth Inning yesterday. Scores R. H.E. Aberdeen ...r.i.l 11 4 Vancouver. . . . . . ... ..... . 4 , 7 1 - Batteries Clara and Vance; and Cheek. ' When writlnsr or calllne on adver tisers, you will confer a favor by men. i tlonlng The Journal. j Adv.) . OAKLAND WINS IN NINTH San Francisco, Cal., June 8. Oak land made the seventh and winning run from San .Francisco in the ninth inning yesterday, , when i Ml.idleton walked, was sent to third on Johnston's single, and scored on Gardner's sacri fice fly. Harry Heilmann got a home run In the eighth Inning, scoring Me loafl, Schaller and Bodie ahead of him. Score: - . , - SAM FRANCISCO AH, R. B. PO. A. E. Metoan, rf. S 1 1 1 0 0 Schaller, If. 4 11 2 O 0 Bodie, cf 4 1 2 2 O 0 Heilmann, lb 4 2 1 3 13 3 0 Downs, 2b... 4 1 2 2 4 0 C'orhan, as. S 0 1 1 2 0 Jones. 3b 4 0 1 0 1 t Schmidt, c 8 0 0 5 1 0 Dent, p 2 0 O O 3 1 iteUlgL p 2 O O 0 0 0 Fanning, p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 33 ft 11 28 14 2 OAKLAND - AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Marcan. 2b 4 1 1 1 9 0 Mlddleton, cf... o 2 2 1 0 0 Johnston, If 3 12 1 0 0 Ness, lb 4 0 2 12 0 0 Gardner, rf. 4 O 1 3 1 0 Elliott, c 4 Oil 6 2 1 Uceat. sa 4 2 1 4 O u LitschL 3b 4 1 2 0 4 0 Prough, p. ... 4 0 0 0 1 0 Total 34 7 12 27-15 1 Two' out when winning run' scored. SCORE BY INNINGS San Francisco 0 2OO0004 0 6 "Hits 0 3 1 2 0 2 O 8 0 11 Oakland 0 O 1' 2 2 1 0 0 1 7 - Hits 0123 13 10 112 SUMMARY Five runs, 7 hits off Dent, 18 at bst ia 4 1-3 Innings; out in fifth, 1 on,; 1 out; 2 runs, 5 hits off Reisigl, 16 at bat in 4 innings; out in ninth, 2 on, 1 out; charge defeat to IieisigL Home run Heilmann. Two base hits Lltschl, Ness, Guest, Johnston. Sacrifice hits Corhan, Mlddleton. Johnston. Sacrifice fly Gardner. First base on called balls Off Dent 3. Prouxb 1. Relabel 1. Fanning 1. Struck out By Dent 1, Prough 3, Reisigl 3. Stolen base Jones. Runs responsible for Dent 3, Reisigl A Prough 0. Lett on bases San Francisco 3, Oakland 8. Time of game 1:53. umpires iodu ana r-ayje. STANDING OF THE TEAMS Faoifla Coast League. Won. 35 S3 f 36 ,.81 28 -.23 National League, .....24 , .24 ,.22 ..'.22 22 20 Lost. 25 28 34 36 31 35 18 10 20 21 22 22 21 23 17 18 17 21 20 24 25 23 10 10 20 21 22 22 2 28 16 20 20 21 22 22 25 27 14 13 18 16 17 20 21 21 20 22 22 25 27 29 Pet. .583 .541 .614 .463 .456 .444 ,.671 .558 .524 .512 .500 .476 .447 .425 .630 .625 .653 .488 .487 .429 .419 .349 .587 .568 .545 .623 .511 .511 .409 .381 .652 -650 .535 .523 .511 .450 .419 .341 San Francisco Salt 'Lake Los Angeles . . . Oakland ...... Portland Venice Chicago Philadelphia . Boston Brooklyn .... St. Lonis .... Pittsburg New lork ... .17 Cincinnati 17 American T warns. Chicago 29 Detroit 30 Boston 21 New York .....20 W ashington 1 Cleveland .... .....18 18 15 Federal League. 27 25 St. Lonis .... Philadelphia . Kansas City . Pittsburg . . . Brooklyn .... Newark St. Louis 24 .23 ....23 23 18 ,...18 American Association. ...1....80 25 Chicago ..... Buffalo Baltimore ' Indianapolis Milwaukee St. Psul .. Ksnsas City Louisville . . Cleveland . . Columbus Minneapolis Des Moines. Omaha Topeks Denver .... Lincoln . St. Joseph Sioux City . 23 23 23 18 18 14 Western League. .777:.. 23 , 21 .622 .568 .550 .515 22 17 ....17 15 ...15 10 Northwestern League. .600 .429 .417 Wichita .323 Victoria 27 Tacoma 27 Spokane 25 Vancouver 23 Aberdeen ...23 Seattle t .574 .531 .632 .479 .460 .396 Iiangford Beats Johnson. New York. June .T(U. P.) In eight out of " ten rounds of their bout in Brooklyn last night Sam Lmgford had tbe better of Jim Johnson of Philadelphia, In nearly j every round after the third Langford punished Johnson severely. Langford weighed 192 pounds, Johnson 220. Smokers of Turkish Irophtcs ' Cigarettes) fifteen years ago . are amokera of Turkish Trophies ; Cisaret tea today 1 M&mtfJhtffifiett OoJcTjotisf, , PORTLAND FANS THINK STEEN IS . GETTING CHANCE Sale by Cleveland to, Detroit Is Looked Upon With Favor. - j Tnrt1nnrl hnseba.ll fans art Of the belief that Bill Steen will become one of the best pitchers In the American league, now that he is with the De troit club, which is a pennant possi bility. Steen, as announced In la-t night's Green, was sold yesterday afternoon by Cleveland to the Detroit Americans. .'- Steen went to, Cleveland from Port', land in the -spring of 1912. Out here be was recognised as the fox among all the , pitchers In the league, and there has been .no , right ' nan ler sine who ."could . hold men on bases like Steen. There has been no pitcher who pulled as much trick stuff in the bo as the slender spitballist. Hi came to Portland by draft from Blooming ton of the. Thre-I league, and before that had served a year with Toledo in the American association. Up in the big show Steen has. been a suc cessful, though hard luck pitcher. Two successive years he has suffered broken wrists as the result of being hit by pitched balls at the start of the season. Detroit figured that If It can get another good pitcher it has a pennant chance and picked on Steen as the man. It was a straight cale. -'a faint between Port land and Salt Lake will be in the nature of a benefit for the Associated Charities, the gate receipts over and above expenses going into the main tenance fund which the Charities ia now engaged in raising. Tiekets ' for the game are to De-soia on me sirci tti a ,- m.mhH nf :- the Junior league, which - has ' volunteered ;to as sist the charities. Lou Barbour, the Salt Lake third i n-r, a aiiffiHTia from otomalnes picked up in Los Angeles, ! the chemi cally pure Cliy. caroour mu ably not b in the game for a few days until his stomach is given a rest. His pinch hitting Is needed on the dub. A quick witted fan in the grand stand got the ear of the crowd when Elmer Zacher. was hit a" glancing blow on the head yesterday, the ball bound, ing high in the air. . , "Oo-o-o! Right on the kizzosclss, was the fan's sympathetic , observation-.- rr , A.ZTD TBCX8 WBEE RECREATION PARK Corner' Vaughn and 24th SALT LAKE Game Starts 3 p. m. Weekdays, 2:30 p. m. Sundays. Reserved boa ats for sale at KICK'S OZOAJt STAND. . 6th, and Washington. Ladies' Days Wednesday and Friday CHESTERFIELD six- ' Worm Drive ' v v - ' . , ' ' Frank C Riggi Company B3A aaA Waaaiagtoa Stsv Basebau TdDY PORTLAND NINE RUNS MADE IN 9TH Lo Angeles. CaL, June' 9. Venice managed to win yesterday's game in the ninth Inning, when startling bat ting rallies were staged by both teams. Venice made three run's in the 'eighth and four in the ninth, which brought the total up? to nin tallies, offsetting the five runs the Angels made In the ninth. It was the most uproarious Inning played here In years. Score: LOS ANGELES i ; AB. B, H. PO. A. at Ksggert, cf...... ...... 2 2 0 5 1 0 Beatty, lb ....... 4 1 2 5 0 0 Wolter rf. 4 0 1 2 0 1 McMullen, 2b. 5 0 .1 4 8 0 Buemuler. If. J. 4 0 0 1 0 0 Terry, ss. ,.4......... 8 2 2 1 4 -1 Brooks, c. . . , 4 2 2 ft 1 0 Metsger, 3b. 4 1 3 3 0 0 Sooggins, p. ........... S 0 0 12 0 Love, p. 0 0 0 1 , 0 uyaa 1010 V Hughes, p. .... , 0-O 0 O 0.1 -Total ......!. .84 - . VENICB V ! AB. R. Csrllsle, If. ........... 5 Berger, ss. . . 4 3 Kane, ef. 4 Baylest, rf.. 3 Purtell, 2b. .i... 4 Hetllng, 3b. ........... 2 Riaberg, lb. . 5 fpencer, -c, ,.'S llitt. p. 0 Plerrey, p. !,,' 2- Mltse .....i. ........ 1 Wllhoit, rf...j.......,,.'l Johnson, p. O tWhlte v 1 Total .....i 36' 9 2 27 17 Betted forfLove in ninth. Batted for Johnson in ninth.' , JBatted for Bayleaa in eighth. Two out when winning run scored. , 8C0BB BY INNINGS Los Angeles. j... ........ 0 210000058 Hits ......L ..1 8 0 1 0 00 2 612 Venice ....0 0 1 0 1 00 8 4 Hits ...........2 1 1 0 2 0 0 3 812 . - SUMMARY Home run Bestty. Three base hit Ber ger, Wllbott, . Sacrifice hits Beatty. Wolter, ISerger, Kane, i Struck oat By Hitt 1, Tlercey 2, Sooggins 2. Love 1. Bare , pn bails Off Hitt 1, Piercey 1,- Sooggins' 8. l Runs respon. slble. for Hitt 2, 8coggius 3, Love 1, Piercey 2. Johnson 3. Four hits, 8 runs, 9 st slit off Hitt In 2 innings; -bits, 4 runs, 25 st bat off Scogglns in 7 innings; S hits, 1 ran, 4 st ; HOTEL , SAN FRANCISCO SCMVICC, COMFORT, WMIXegttCO CUI- ta, Rsasonaacc paves, closc vo TMravsE. er ano sink stoscs. I DID YOU FIND WHAT 1 ( BETTCrX THAN THAT J yOU WERE AFTEMf -Ll FOUND THE REAL V- " . (tobacco CHEW, f Q THE ftOOP JUPQ6 MEETS THE SUCCESSFUL. PETECTWE 3 FTER you use a pouch, you too 4 jfTaJ will know you have found tobacco satisfaction. . : Just tuck it away and let the rich, .... satisfying tobacco taste come to you steady and naturally. 'Right-Cut" is the Real Tobacco Chew and you'll, know it all right and like it better than the , old kind. Pure, rich, mellow tobaccoseasoned and sweetened just enough, v tobacco taste comes, bow it satisfies without grinding, how . much less yon have to spit, bow few chews you' take to be tobacco satisfied. That why it is Tk Rtat Tooacc -Chew. That's why it coats teat la the end. '; It is a rss4r ehew, eat fine and short stirs d v thst yea won't btv ss griiMi ea it with yomr Meth. . Criadiag ea ordiasry ssaaisd tobsoo BBskas roa spit toe asaea..!'!.' . o; -The tssts at para, rich tobaoso 4 on . Beorisei Notice how the Mil briags oat tna nea tobasoo tasta im sot-Cot. j One small chew takes the place of .two big 'chews of. the old kind. WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY JlJt-' SO Union Square, Now York ; . , (CUY FROM DEALER OR bat off Lots in 1 inning; 8 hits, 2 mm, at bat off Piercer in 3 innings; 3 hits,'1 A runs, 3 at bat off Johnson iu 1 inning. Charge defeat to Uughea. Credit victory to Johnson. Double plays McMullen to Maggsrt to Terry to Metsger; Putttll to Riaberg j Purtoll to Berger to Riaberg to Berger. Hit by pitched haU Maggert by Piercey. Wtld pitch Pier cey. Sooggins 2. Time of game 2; 2.1. Uin plres Williams and ' Finney, ' Stanford in Pinal Work. ' Stanford University, Cal., June 0. (TJ.i P.) -In .preparation for their de parture on June. 14 for the Pouahkeep sle regatta, final ; workouts ari being engaged In by- the, Stanford crew on the bay near Redwood City. The men are. in splendid physical trim. ?4 XV 8 12 26 12 81 ' A f H. PO. 1. E. ' 1 -Zi T I ,! 2 .W -r 0 1 2 .0 0 1 - 1 -1-3.4 0 - ;. VvWl'-. ?7" 0 0 1 8 0' '-S? 0 2 15 1 0 JtSw -'''" I,' " '' 1 ; 1 , 3 10 Pv - - jfj 0 O 6 0 .0 - ligsjB 1 : 0 0 8 0 A -Xi. -STT 0 0 0 0 0 jt; iS. . 1 11 ' 0 l' 0 y V: CK.' '- f o ! o ' o 0 0 - r V"" ' vi k. 0 :0 0 0 0 fffl.t,.A ..v Cortland A glance at this smart model and you'll be cap tivated by its elegance.. It's new. It's becoming. It's comfortable. You'll like it. is are d!e cat, insuring absolute uruionnity in size. That is why they always fit perfectly and are so comfortable. ess. P. Ids Cs Makers, Tray, a. T. Jem Silver Teke a very amall ehew less than ono-nrter the old size; It will b mora satUrying tbsa a mouthful of ordinary tobacco. Just nibble on it until you find the ttrenitb chew that tuitt you. Tuck it sway. Then let it rest.1 See how easily and evenly the real aot aosd to bo oovsrad ap with sboIssm. aadi SEND lOSTAMPSTO US t -