THE. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1915. 1C VANCOUVER TACKLES -FIGHT OF REGAINING ITS WATERFRONTAGE Council Orders Action Taken to Cancel Lease on Levee : Held by Northern ' Pacific, LEGAL ADIVCE IS TAKEN Kind of Councilman M.ade TTj la Ef- fort to Oast Present Solder . of the Xaand. By Marshall Dana. For nor than a quarter of a Century Vancouver' city council leased water- front without compensation. lands until a railroad dock and a street car ferry slip were the only means of access the people of the town bad to the river. - ver at a meeting Monday night turned square about. ; T. n.orn V. o atv 1.a ...... Ihtf twn R ft VAiai Udim nnAn lh IjtflA foot Public levee held by the Northern Pacific railroad. - It ordered that the Pittock & Lead better Lumber company be ousted from Street ends which the corporation aas OCCUDled unless, within 80 rinva nrmra. tlon of the mill, which has long been Idle. Is resumed. ? j . .,. Conned! Takes Action. . W.t V-11VI1 TV DID kILIVCU IQ V ftU- couver city council , with a unanimity, aulcknesx and decisiveness that indi cated minds resolved to do all for Van couver that a city council may do to recover control of waterfront and open the war to such nort and wa for rrmf. nl development, such industrial quick ening, and trade center expansion as ; Vancouver must have to realize on her unusual opportunity. The Vancouver city council did not set without advice. - Two rinlnlonji th nlt nf rfnl Investigation which he was riirortad a month &KO to make, were submitted hv - . ' n t ... . . - ueorge a. eimpBon, city attorney. The third lease, granted to the Pit lock A Leadbetter company for the purpose of constructing- a boom, and uw juurui, grantea to tne North ern. Pacific and affecting the fore shore In front of .the levee, were held to be good by the Vancouver city at torney. .,; , , general conclusion was: "I would advise the council that the two 60-year leases are invalid and of no effect and that the other leases to the shore la nrta am valf4 ond that all property the railroad com pany can keep and use is the shore lands 'and then only use them until November 10, 1916." Viiy lMirnj Uives UpUUOB. ;r:ThA'lMA r., m l 1 C Q t f in me opinion ox the city attorney, because given when Washington was yet a territory and when there was no statutory autnority to make such leBHft Or. to UfiA thA rlfv attnmva words: : "After a careful search and exarair nation I am unable to find In those laws anything that would give the city the right to dispose of or leael jrauuc prupeny ior any .lime at an. devoted to a public use cannot be' sold or leased except -by special stat utory authority ' and a municipality has only those powers and rights granted to It by the legislature and such, other powers and rights neces sary to carry out the purpose of a municipality. Municipal corporations hold alt property in which the public has Interests, such as streets, alleys. public squares, commons and wharves. ; The. lease granted In 1898, the city .attorney declares, cannot be devoted to a use Inconsistent with its dedica tion, and he holds that while Esther Short , (who could not write) did not deed the levee ; to the city, the re corded, plat and long possession es tablish the city's rights. Keening of Law. "Therefore I believe it the settled law that If the owner of private property offers to donate it for a specific pub lic use and the offer is accepted, and the property devoted to such use, the state or city cannot change the use and apply the property to some other use inconsistent with the dedica- ..1 l UttH. There is no evidence of disposition either on the part of the Vancouver city council or of the special commit- . ! .. a 1 . v. tr j-- merclal club to make of this a war against the railroads, but rather to make such assertion of municipal rights as will serve all interests most. There Is evidently entire willingness to-. permit the Northern Pacific to keep In use that portion of the levee which ' It is now using, a narrow frontage occupied by a structure used Jointly by the railroads as a ware house and a dock. The special com mercial club committee consists of W. J. Kinney, Henry Crass, and Mayor Milton Evans, i. ..These leases, however,, expire Novem ber 10, 1916, and if Vancouver proceeds with a public water terminal plan, in cluding docks and water and rail con nections, with some approach toward the development of an industrial cen ter, little time will be lost on this ac count. . ; City Attorney Simpson found that the Pittock & Leadbetter Lumber company had occupied the foot of Grant street with a large lumber shed and for a dumping ground without any other right than that the city made no ob jection. -: . Harney and Ingalls streets he found ; occupied by i the company, apparently under authority ; granted by ordinance in 1906, which ordinance the city attor ney advised is contrary to the "Wash ington law, and gives the lumber com fpany no rights. All members of the-water terminal committee appointed by the Vancouver Commercial club were present at the council meeting last night. W. J. Kln nev. chairman Of the committee, said that two letters to the Pittock & Lead better company still remain unan swered. " - The city council's meeting was held In a basement room under the United States National bank. There were pres ent Mayor Evans, presiding. Council men Mackay. Percival, ingleman. Pad den, Steele. Absent, Councilmen Wine berg and Smith. f. L There sas also present-a very small . audience, the. members of which were principally concerned a bo tit the right of exclusive by the Woman's Belief corps and the G. A. R. of a room In the public library. - --: .nut .;. reqiurea . no particular imagi nation to believe that If the action or dered by - the 'Vancouver city council last night is courageously, and unfal teringly carried on, and if the city as serts itself in its own interest, there will be a much wider audience ".of bene ficiaries,"' Including even ; the ' greater population of . the Important city of Vancouver may become. - i Cows and Horses, -" Win at'Estacada Eetacada, Or June . Eighty-five per cent of: the registered voters of the city, who voted at Monday's election, ex nressed themselves In favor of con tinuing to permit horses and cattle to ! roam about the streets of this other 1 wise up-to-date city, and the stock may go on Its way unmolested. 'I. D. Wright, cashier of the Esta- j uiiUA' oieiiai a-n&usa wo "O c:v v u.v Mrs. J. M. Bartlett was elected treas urer without opposition. C. W. De Vore, attorney, was elected recorder; and councilmen were chosen - as fol lows: First ward, Fred Jorg, meat market proprietor; : second, S. E. Wooster, real estate; third, P. i M. Wagner, retired farner; fourth, J. M. Lovelace, retired merchant; fifth, R. M. Stapdlsh, publisher of the Estacada Progress." - The proposed tav tor a library measure was : defeated. OFGECE STABBED BY QUEEN, IS ' VERSION OF ILLNESS , ..... . Sister of Kaiser Reported to Have Wounded Him During- Altercation Over War, Paris, June 9. (I. N. 8.) The ill ness from which King Constantine of Greeee is now suffering, according to a statement made today by a diplo matic personage of a neutral power, who has the best means' of knowing the truth and the accuracy of the statement as vouched for, is due to a dramatic episode, which occurred In April, during a heated dlsoussion be tween the king and his wife. Queen Sophia, who is a sister of Kaiser Wil helm, and who, despite her conversion to the Orthodox Greek religion upon her marriage, remains passionately de voted to the policy of her imperial brother and to the cause of Germany. A very animated conversation took place in the king's library in the eve ning which developed into a : violent quarrel during whieh Queen Sophia, whose occasional outbursts of impetu ous temper are well known to all about her, seized a sharp pointed me taUic paper knife and, scarcely realiz ing what she was about to do, being carried away by her hot temper, plunged the paper cutter at her hus band's side. The blade pierced the plura, and grazed the lower lobe of the king's lung. Queen Sophia .instantly expressed the deepest sorrow at the consequence of her impetuousity. The king, after this episode, earnestly desired that the queen, return to her own family. The truth Was hushed up and the king gallantly attributed pleurisy that-set in owing to the wound to a result of influenza. This dramatic explanation of King Constantino's malady, from wnich he now is happily convalescing, is declared by the personage who communicated the above statement to be absolutely accurate. King Shows Improvement. Athens, June 8. (U. P.) King Con stantino showed marked improvement today, it was officially announced. His majesty is not yet out of danger, but attending physicians are now hopeful of his recovery. Queeia Establishes Royal Apartment Queen Sybil has established royal apartments in two parlors at the Port land on the Yamhill street side, Just east of the entrance and adjoining the main parlor. Here the regal robes will be donned and doffed. The apartments will not 'only be made more beautiful by the pvesence of the queen and her princesses and maids, but the choicest roses will be brought for royalty to wear and to add to the beauty of, its transient abode. Ernest Stroud Is Division Foreman Ernest Btroud has been promoted from engineer to division engine fore man of the Southern Pacific. He has been with the -company more than 30 years, starting in the shops in Brook lyn at the age of 18. His father, George M. StroudL was conductor on the first train the old Oregon & California ran in Oregon. Mr. Stroud succeeds Rich ard C. Morris, who has resigned the foremanship to return to bis engine. : Auto Snaps Every Day. Mr. Auto Seeker There is nothing more worthy of your careful attention than the "want ads' in the automobile columns of The Journal. In this classi fication there is listed today many splendid auto opportunities. Today some one may be offering the car you want at a price that suit a Turn to mis page ngni now ana see II what you want Is offered. (Adv.) Paris has Issued a map showing where, within its limits, the tango may and may not be danced. : FUNERALS Beautiful adult plush or frmm mm broadcloth casket, em- JS L b aiming, rough feo,r i hearse,, two limousines and I V services for Mor reasonable funerals If de sired for $20, $40, $60. Higher price funerals In proportion. We make our own caskets. Lady as sistant. Private funeral chapeL ' g TJaACTOT, Independent Funeral Directors, Washington and Ella Streets. Phone Main 2691. A-78S5. WANT AD RATES In effect October 1, 1914". f ALL PRKVIOCS RATES CANCELLED CHARGED ADVERTISEMENTS . Daily or fcunday. ; 14 cents per word per Insertion. This charge Is for all classifications, ex cepting "For Bent la Private Family," "Room and Board In Private ramlly, '"Situation Waa6V and Wasted to Bent" sda. which are 154 cents per-word per insertion. No ad charred for less tbaa 15 cents. i . CASH ADVERTISEMENTS ; 1 cents per word, - for all classifications, excepting "For Bent In Private ramily." "Boom and Board in Private ramily." "Situa tion Wanted 'and' "Wsnted ta Rent ads, which are H4 cents per word. Consecutive insertion of cash want ads: . . 8 lasertiona for ths price of 2. . . . T lasertiona fur the price of 5. KING WAS HUlsboro Will Celebrate. Hlllsboro, , Or, June -The , cele bration committee of Hlllsboro has secured one! of the best aviators in the United States to sire 'J flying ex hibitions on July 3, 4 and 6. . This, with an automobile race nd ; many other attraotlons, will furnish ' the best celebration Hlllsboro has . ever had. - Hearty co-operation and enthu siastic support is being given by busi ness men and the community at large for a big celebration. , ' - MEETIXq NOTICES 4.1 tOOcM REGULAR meeting this s2!f (Wednesday evening. East Sixth ; and Alder streets. Visitors cor dially invited. W. W. TERRY, Secretary. IMPORTANT NOTICK TO ALL W. O. W. All members are requested to appear at W, O. W. temple, 1 11th St., Thursday night. June 10. Final preparation for Hose Festival parade will be made. Be sure and be there. Ufa Statistics marriages. Birtbs. Deaths. . ' MARKIAtig LICENSES Artmr W. Rurndorft, Salem, Or., 22, and Mildred J. Gilbert, 048 Borthwick at., . Hans Olaen. 78 1V4 WaahloftoB at, legal, and Marie Ireraen, 7 15 W ashing ton at., legal. George E. Howa, 961 K. Kmeraoa at., 85, and L. Zaun Callen, t)61 K. Emeraon at., 30. Koy Paul Halae, Moro, Or.. 84, and Mary Jcae Taylor, lie E. ttOtb-at. M., 81. liay U. Bobertaon, 70 E. 6th at. N.. legal, and Alice (J. LoTell. 70 K. 6tn t. N.. legal. John Morrcoo, 414 E. 48th at., 58, aad Ua rla Gluaeppa Pints, 414 E. 48th at. N., 46. W. G. Smith & Co. tlng'ca"; Third floor. Morgan bldg. DRK.Stj suits for rent, all sizes. Unique TaUoriiix Co.. 309 Stark st. BIRTHS KIKTLAND To Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Klrt land. 411 4th at.. May T, a daughter. BIGGINS To Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Big gins, 20S6 K. Taylor, May 29. a son. ' 1016 Ellaworth, May 23, a soil. LORENZ To Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Lorens, ! 745 Mfasouri are.. May 26, n daughter. H4 I8H6JI to Mr, and Mrs. uasimir natsnen, 622 Hoi Kate at.. May 6, a aoa. WHITE To Mr. and Mrs. Charier White. 181 H Bnaaell at.. Mar 6. a daughter. SCHULZ To Mr, and Mra. Frank A. Scbuls, 487 Clatsop ava.. May 21, a daughter. O'KELLBV To Mr. and Mrs. Bobert N. O' Keller. 1724 E. 11th. Mar 31, a aon. DUNCAN--To Mr. and Mra. . Boy Duncan, 685 E. 9th at., May 28, a eon. HIRSCH To Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Hlrsch, ixfs viuara aye., April zu, a aangnter. GOLDTHWAITB To Mr. and Mra. John O. Goldthwaite. 278 Ainsworth at.. May 21, a aon. I.AM PERT To Mr. and Mra. Charles Lam lert. Barnea, Or., Mar 22, a daughter, f BALI-To Mr. and Mra. Edward 1. Ball, 132S E. Gllaan at.. Mar 2S, a daughter. PARROTT To Mr. and Mrs. Henfian E. 1 Parrott, 44 E. 80th N., Mar 30. a son. ST5WABT To Mr. and Mra Robert A. Stew . art. 745 E. Ash at., May 27. a son. j ALLEN To Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Allen, 729 E. Yamhill. May 28, a daughter. ; LEGG To Mr. and Mrs. 1-eB.oy L. Legs, I 1457 Union are., N., May 27, a daughter. J DOUGLASS To Mr. and Mrs. Luther E. i Douglass, 8 W. Willamette boulevard. May ' 23. a son. , DEATHS AN1 "FUXEIiALH 75 ANDERSON June 8, at the family residence, ! 777 Vaughn St., John A. Anderson, aged 58 years, beloved husband of Mrs, Ida Anderson and father of Dr. Edgar H.. Dr. W. R-, Dr. Elmer E., Eather, Mildred, Arthur and Sanford Anderson. Funeral announcement later. Re mains at A. B. Zelter company's parlors, 692 Williams are. HASSEL The funeral aerrlcea iof Fred Bas sel, beloved husband of Mrs. S. Hassel, father of Adolph Albtn and He una Hassel and Mrs. K. J. Redmond, will be held at A. R. Zeller company's parlors. 592 Williams aye.. Thursday, June 10, at 2 p. m. Friends ln ylted.' ' Interment Rose City Park cemetery. YERGEN The funeral scryices of the late ' Henry F. Yergen will be held at the real- ! t denee of J. B. Swan, 845 East 18th St., to- ! j morrow (Thursday), June 10, at S a. m. In- ; terment at Butteville. Friends inrlted. ! I BUYNGELSON The" funeral services of the j I lata Mra. Clara Bryngelaon i will be held : from A. R. Zeller Co. parlors,1 584 Williams ' avenue, tomorrow, June 9, at p. m. Friends j Invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. i POfE In this city, June 0, Captain William ; ; H. Pope, aged 74 years, late of 411 W. : Park st. 'The remains are at the residence: establishment of i. p. Unley a son. i ADLER In this city, June 8. Isaac Adler, n 73 years. Funeral from the family resi dence. eOQ 6th St., Wednesday, June B. at 4 o'clock p. Pi. ' SCHAID June 9, at 151 Russell St., John Schaid, aged 58 years. Funeral announce ment later. Remains at A. R. Zeller com pany's parlors, 592 WllHams ave. DEWITT In this city, Edward DeWitt, aged 19 years. Remains at P. L. Lerch under taking parlors. East 11th aad play ata. Fu- neral notice later. SPILLER- Martin A. Spiller. 106 East 30th N., June 6, 70 years; senility DAY Alden K. Day, 1222 Graham, June 5, 80 years; struck by train.. M' NELLY Laura McNeUy. 1022 Vernon ave., "-Jane 5, 28 years; tubercoloels. KEKNAN Florence Kernan, 1023 Kerby at., June 6, 2 years; pneumonia.! FERAT0NI Louis I'eratunl. Multnomah hos- nlf.l Ubv Q1 SO vaapb f.vmntiA urmm. FOO heiii Gle Foo, Good Samaritan hospital, June 4. 67 yeara; organic heart disease. SCHNEIDER Kasmar Schneider, 326 N. 21st, June 6, 3 yeara; purpura hemorrraciea. MANNING Fred J. Manning. 1035 Multnomah hospital, June 4th, 45 yeara; pneumonia and heart failure. BU.YNGELSON Clara Bryngelson, St. Vin cent's hospital, June 8, U4 years; cholecys titis. MoORSHKAD Charlotte Watson Moonhead, 174 Stoat St., June 4, 66 years; apoplexy. WELLMAN Martha Wellraan, Good Samarl taa hospital. June 4. 80 ears; appendicitis. MARTIN FORBES CCf.. florists. 14 7 Wash- Mala IS9, A-12S9. Flowers for all occaFlons artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists, 287 Morrison st. Main or A-1805. Fine flowers and floral designs. No branch stores. FUNERAIi DIRECTORS A splendid residence undertaking es tablishment, with private driveway. J. P. FINLEY & SON, - Montgomery at Fifth. MB. EDWARD HOLMAN. the leadina funeral director, 220 3d St., corner Salmon. Lady assistant, Phones A 15U. Mala 607. , Dunning & McEnteeSonin every detail. Broadway and Pine sts. Eroadway 430, A-4568. Lady assistant. Chambers Co&'S lawn. 33D6. C-1188. Lady embalmer. A R 7PAr pn 692 Williams sva rtt lit aCCIIOI .VUi East 1088, C-1088. Lady attendant. Day and night sewriee. MILLER oc TRACY. Independent fu neral directors. Prices low as $80. $40, $60, Wash, and Ella. M. 2SL A-78S5 A. D. KENWORTHY & CO, Calls promptly answered In all parts of city. I. O. O. F bldg.. Lents. Tabor 5267; Walter C. Kenworthy - 4582-1634 E. 18 th. Sell wood tl. B-1122. Horn! tnn BOth and Glisan. Fu nailHiLUii neral services. T,abor4313. RTr Rvrrm winiamsj and Knott. 1 I t.DyUip East 1115k C-1948. DCARCfiW Undertakers. East 1080 1 i-vn 369-371 Russell st. ERICSON RESIDENCE UND. PLS. M. 6133.A-2235. 445 Mor. QlPWFQ UilrUkinc Ca Main 4152 OAC.VVL.O A-SS21. Cor. 8d and Clay. BREEZE & Snook. B-1252, T. 1258. 1028 - Belmont, at 34th. Lady attendant. FUXERAJj DIRECTORS (penanaoo) F. S Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral Directors. le East Alder st. East g. B-3525. P. L. LERCH. leading east side under. taker. E. 11th & Clay. B. 1888, E. 781. MOXTMKSTS " JSchanen-Blair Co. MARBLE AND, ; GRANITE : WORKS. Largest stock of fine marble and granite in Portland. Beautiful granite from our Oregon quarry. $$1 Haw thorne ave. East" 6586. BLAESINGGAANlTECOi Li' 26T-3WP gT COO. MADISON. PORTLAND MARBLE. WKS.. 2S4-26S 4th Bt.. opp. city hall. M. 8564. A-1516 FOR SALEHOUSES Ul "'""'"FbR" SALE ATlROAIN.'VI,lJrV New 6 room 2 story house, built for my home with all modern- conven iences, built In effects, full - concrete basement, electric fixtures, gas and electricity Installed. ' " COSTS. Lot, $1200; -construction of house, $2200; electric fixtures, $40; screen doors and windows, $35: inlaid lino leum B. K. and kitchen, $40; carpet for Stairs and hall, $30; Duplex shades on all windows. $22; 50 rose bushes and youhST fruit. $35. Total, $802. SALE $3000. Must sell at once so offer all In cluded in above list for $3000. Will accept small cash payment and balance on easy terms. Phone owner. Tabor, ps44 ana save agent s rees. I WILL sel a good 6 room modern cot tage all furnished, ready to move Into, for $1250. Now, you snap hunters, look. First clasd shrubbery, lawn, roses, fruit trees, & block to car, hard surface road, fulllot- Must be $1250 cash. See. J. H. Nash at 723 Chamber of Commerce or res., 474 E. 39th St. 4 ROOMS AND A GARAGE. Neat little 4 room modern bunga low with fireplace, nice garage. Price 91800. 1 50 down and $15 monthly. Fred W. German Co.. 914 Chamber of i Commerce. SUBURBAN home, 8 room bungalow, , 100 by 100, fruit of all kinds, he car ; fare, city water, electric light, 1 block zrom scnooi. jersey cow, cnicaens. bees. A snap if taken at once. Mar shall 8335. 4 ROOMS AND A GARAGE. Neat little 4 room modern bungalow with fireplace, nice garage, price $1830. $50 down. $15 monthly. FRED GERMAN CO.. 814 Chamber of Commerce. GET OUR PREK "HOME" BOOK.LJ3T. Tells how we can build "guaranteed home on your lot or ours. Save you big money. You pay like rent, , THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS. - 1830 Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER. N Best house In city for least money; 9 room bungalow, new and up to date: in Piedmont. 1197 Haight aye. Phone Woodlawn 702. PLANS to PLANS S i LET US PLAN TOUR BUNGALOW. LET US BUILD TOU A BUNGALOW. EASY TERMS. PAY LIKE RENT. H. A. WILLIAMS. 609 McKAY BLDG I LEAVING city, 5 room home, W. S., i . Front near Hamilton. Take $1100. Worth double. No agents. T-918, Jour- nal. i MY ii room house, a bargain," only $1900; practically new, good location, i owner. Tabor 1618. FOR SALE Modern 5 room bungalow. hard surfaced sjfc, rirepiace. furnace; terms. Phone Seirwood 98. BEAUTIFUL new modern 5 room bun- galow cheap; cash or terms, Ta. 1404. ROSE City Park bungalow, bargain, cash or trade. Tabor 3555. FOK SALE LOTS 16 13 LOTS PORTLAND HEIGHTS $5000 16 minutes out, splendid trees, bond ed assessments, $2975; owner refused to consider $10,000 4 years ago, and is now In California and needs the idoney, FRED W. GERMAN CO, 91 Chamber of Commerce. MUST sell two Coos Bay lots, $76 cash. L-833, Journal. ACREAGE 57 6 ACRES, $250. $10 down and $5 a month buys 6 acres logged off land, between Port land and Centralia, on main line of 3 railroads, Vt miles from town of 800 population; sawmills, shingle mills, and other industries. Some of these tracts are partly cleared and have a spring or running stream on them. Price from $35 to -$75 per acre. Many tracts of different sizes to choose from. Good soil, lies well.' fine loca tion, perfect title. BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 318 Railway Exchange. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port land; Gresham district, electric sta tion i mile. New subdivision. Sun shine valley orchard tracts; best soil, free wood; elecant location. Prices only $78 to $150 per acre in small tracts; easy terms. Frank McFarland Realty Co., 809 Yeon bldg.. Portland, Or. ON THE CAR LINE. 5 acre tract, nearly all in cultiva tion, just east of Lents Junction, $600 per acre; surrounding land held at $1000 per acre. Will divide to suit; easy terms. Fred W. German Co., 914 Chamber of Commerce. ' TEN ACRES. Near Newberg, all cleared and under cultivation; fine well and spring, beau tiful view, mile from Fourth street electric; an ideal tract for fruit, chick ens or. country home. For full Infor mation call at 317 Railway Exchange. FOR SALE 1 acre fruit trees, berries, chicken parks and buildings, for 200 chickens; good small house with out door sleeping room, on good county road. mile from O. E 5c fare. Phone Main 5099. FOR SALE AVi acres, with good house, barn, fruit trees, on Oregon City carline, near uourtney station; neat oargain, easy terms. Adaress iron 'rucnome, aumner, xowa. TIGARD, 3 acres, $850; cash $450, balance $15 per month, all under cul tivation, level, small tenthouse; a bar- fain. (B) Dorr E. Keasey & Co., 2d loor Chamber of Commerce. 10 ACRES at bargain, close in, near ML Hood electric and. Base Line; high and sightly; small house, well, fruit trees, etc Owner, X-998. Jour nal. , STOP that rent and buy a half-acre tract in city ' limits, level, cleared. Bull Run water, gas. 5c carfare: $10 down. $6 per month. Whitmer-Kelly Co.. 711 Pittock block. - 5 ACRES-Level. good soiL 5 year fruit, 4 miles from Willamlna, 8. P. Ry., $360. Terms, $100 down, $1,9 mo.. 6 per cent. H-830. Journal. FOR SALE cheap, nice 2Vi acre home in a big country town. Good schools and churches. 20 miles from Portland. Owner. 2324 Washington st. Rm. 18. j FOR 8 ALE-RARAtg 17 FOR SALE 44 acres, with good house, barn, fruit trees, on Oregon iiy cm- use, owif v-ouriney sta.; gre great il oargain. . easy verms. Address Tercholke. Sumner, Iowa. Jf'OR SALE Well improved 6 acres, good farm house and crop, on county road. I offer the place to the highest bidder. Put in your bid, $2400. Owner. A. Yanskey, Hlllsboro, Or., Route g. 80 acres waeat iana, ii in summer fallow, barn. house; for only $800. No incumbrances. T firms but no trade. G. H. Roush, - Goldendale, Wash. ' - - ' FOR SALE Nearly 28 acres, 3 mile - from Sherwood and 1 mile from Mid dleton., Price $2300 cash. Chas. Wet sel. Sherwood. Or. t IF you are looking for good buys or ex changes of eastern Ore. wheat land do not fail to see Keller & Deal. Suite SI 4. Lumber Ex. bldg.. Portland. Or. 165 acres, Lincoln - county, sacrificed. Some improvements. $10 per acre. j. Nelson. 4 Lumcer mxenange. UP-TO-DATE poultry ranch, close in. win be sacrizicea. : Koniana.. utr- linger bldg. - - ' I FOR F,VRMS 17 - - (Con tinned) " - FOR SALE 46 acre farm, 3tt mjles from boat and railroad station. 19 acres bottom land; fair T room bouse and barn: Price $1000." Victor Collier, 212 Washington sU Room 1. Port- iana, ur. 4.0 ACRES, with - fine improvements. stock, buildings, eta, account or sick. ness will sell at a real sacrifice: make me an offer, no reasonable offer re fused. F) Door E. Keasey Co.. 233 Chamber of Commerce. GENUINE bargain from owner, 10 acres Improved, good buildings. croDS In. Price less than cost of lm- provementsf part cash, vbaL long time. ! FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY 88 WANTED. 5 to 15 acres of land, with! bouse, barn and chicken runs: run- ' ning water; will rent a for term of years; close to carline. Address let ters Xo 65 6th st., Portland. Or. HOMESTEADS 47 320 A. HOMESTEAD relinquishment for sale; chance to make some money. Call Woodlawn 4048 between 7 and a. m. EXCHANGE llKAL ESTATE 24 V A FEW BARGAINS. " " 1 ' - 6 acres, all tfood, level, rich land, under hgh state of cultivation, good ranch buildings, running water, or chard, etc Price $3500; $100& mort gage; want city home for equity. 12 acres, fine' buildings, miming water, all dandy land, close to ountry town. $6500; will exchange for good city .home up to $4900 and balance can stand. " I, , 40 acres, 28 acres under cultivation, new barn, good house and outbuildings, fine orchard and all small fruits. Price $8500; wilj take equity of $500Q in good clear home. 15 acres, II acres under cultivation. sovo puiiumgs, running water, close : to school and country town; only $3259, j uiuiiSo.s iuu. win caae gooq noma ierencetU?" UP t0 B9 1104 py dif " THOMPSON & SWAN. 512 Main st. Vancouver. Wash. by acres, about 45 to 50 acres in .uiuvauuu, rest umoer ana brush pasture: 8 room house built years ago. fairly good barn,- good' granary, crops, clover, wheat, oats. V4 mile or less to school, of a mile to Hltsman tation on Mt. Angel Electric R. R., 22 miles from Oregon City, 82 miles from Portland. 10 miles to Aurora. Price for cash. $150 per acre; trade $175 acre; mtg. $3000, 6 per cent. Trade for small flat in Portland. STEPHEN BOG. LAND DEPT., ivo Hani pgr ui iwjimerce U ACRES well improved. lA miles Tigard. $5000. Take $2000 cottage. some cash; bal. terms. 9 acres, mile electric station, new buildings, 8 acres 12 year old orchard. $6000. Take $3500 residence, some cash; bal. terms. X r r iX mil. .!..,.(. .n.flnH $4000, improvements and stock. Take ; residence; some cash. bsJ, of! CHAS. W. CARIU 219 Board of Trade Bldg. GOOD STOCK. RANCHES. From 32Q to 8000 acres; some well improved and stocked and ranging in price from $6000 to $125,000; on 11 of tbese I ean take some trade, and on some of them all trade, if Income prop erty. Call or write for particulars, Neal Brown, 209 Panama bldg.. Port land, Or. 160 ACRE Irrigated farm, best of aolL water right for all, fenced hog tight, on good rock road, 5 miles from coun ty seat; 100 acres oats, 46 wheat, bal. alfalfa, good buildings, all crop and implements with place, for $75 per acre. Take home In Portland to $3500. FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY - To sell or exchange. Hundreds of listings In all parts of Oregon and $5 other states. Bring us your trades. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO.. Members Portland Realty Board. 618-19 Yeon bldg, - ' -HAVE 20 acres irrigated land closa to Hermiston, Or. Will trade for gro-4 eery in .roriiana. iv acres. 14 miles from Yoncalla. Qr.; trade for city prop erty up to $3000. Stephen Society Land Dept., 1051 Chamber of Com merce. 6 ACREST All In cultivation, fenced, good, build ings. 1 mile west of Oswego. Price $3000, clear. Sell or exchange for home In Portland, same price. Luedde mann Co., 9 13 Chamber of Commerce. TRADE for lot, $900 equity in $4600 E. Irvington bungalow modern cor ner lot, 7 rooms, cement carage. Own er. G-18!. Journal. WANTED From 2 to 6 acres close in for 5 room house and 2 lots. 88 W. Prescott st. TEN acre farm home, fine location, im proved, equipped, what havexyou to exchange? Phone evenings. T'abor 2168. HAVE 40 acres of fine timber, $3000 equity; want house or automobile. G-188. Journal. IF YOU have any property for sale or exchange it will pay you to see Mc Kenzle & Co.. 615 Gerltnger bldg. 10 acres l miles from city limits of Vancouver; fine home in Portland. Cbance, 1424 2d st. 20 acres good wheat land in Kansas for property here. Chance, 1424 2d. ROOMING HOUSES 53 42 BOOM APARTMENT HOUSE. - In good location, every room fur pished. $400 handles it. HERE'S ' A LITTLE BEAUTY. 50 room apartment house, partly new, beautifully furnished, all in t room apartmenta Strictly modern. Price $2500; part trade. 75 ROOM HOTEL, NO MONEY. The owner will take good real es tate in exchange for this Splendid hotel. Well furnished and od the best business street in Portland. 80 ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. Most modern In every respect, loca tion can't be beat, furnishings cost over $10,000. Owner ill and-will sac rifice for $4000, part trade. R1TTER, LOWE & DB FOREST. zoo-au noarq or rraoe jijg. 42 ROOMS on 2 flora, right In the center of business, kood clean, airy rooms, house well filled, good tran sient business, nets at least $160. $000 buys it. Must have $1200 cash, i;c trade. Neal Brown, 209 Panama bldg, 26 ROOMS. : $2 75. i All on ope floor, rent only $60. One block from P, O., location where rooms are always full. Price, today for all. $276. Peters. 16 N- 6th St. ; HOTEL, 26 rooms for rent furnished at $35 month, good district. East 914. ' : Phone WOMAN! A living and wages. 30 rooms, heart of city. Other business. Sell or trad. A-62I, Journal. &MALL rooming house, chickens and pigeons, cheap , rent, good Income; make offer. 185 N. 12th st. NICE rooming house.) 10 700ms. very central. 391 Yamhill st. BUSINESS OPPORTTJNITIEa 20 WILL sell established retail lumber and building material business in good growing town, about $4000 cash to ranaie. ckx.-i.8z. journal. cor ECTIONERY Owner going east; fine place, 3 living rooms, bs; terms; snap, 19; Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark sts. MAN for office in paint establishment as partner; pay you $180 month; will bear investigattonj . 619 Lumber Ex -ehansre. ' 1 ' FOR SALE Blacksmith shop cheap. 664 Jefferson st.wInqur before 10 o'clock. - : " 1 - . ' 1000 Business Cards 75c Rydr Ptt,. C. S. W. cir. d Morrison $209 grocery andconfectionery,. fix tures cost $175. Falling health. Must sell. 6056 Foster road. IF you want to move or start grocery store in oesi -.ocanon on wu, siae, II A-1R48. Marshall 3948. es BUSINESS ARm WW V CAR17 . .. WWW .UVJ Rose Cltv Prlntew. 84 at Tavlof. PARTNER with $500, guarantee $100 per weeJcv V-913, JournaL -- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 2i - (Oeatfcsaes j' GENERAL STORE. , About 20 miles from Portland. A-1 business.- stock about $2600. i will in voice. :. ' - ; ... CASH GROCERY FOR $750. ! Sales $20 per day, no credit, rent $$5, including living room. CONFECTIONERY AND GROCERY. Will Invoice $1000. our price for all $600; hurry. - " CASH MEAT MARKET. " -. Big sacrifice, only $460. worth double."- . HITTER, LOWE & DE FOREST, 205-7 Board of Trade bldg. GRANDEST OPPORTUNITY Offered, if you have a few thousand dollars to Invest. I will sell you half share of $60,000 bearing orchard, with lovely home, cow; ohickens, garden, all. free, and $1200 salary and guar antes that the crop will pay balance due in less than 10 years. M. A. Loeho, 469 Stark, near 4th st. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. &nn fl A i 13. Flour and feed mills, machinery, all practically new and of latest design, electrically driven, cheap power, a good location, no competition; tbie Is an excellent opportunity for a man who understands the business. For price ana terms apply to rrainf rM Company. Prairie City. Or. - SOMETHING new. selling "like-hot cakes" in San Francisco. I want a working partner with $509. man or woman. Will give real estate security for the $500 and invest It all in the business, giving half Interest In busi ness to Investor. Main 1985, A-6315. W-100, Journal. RARE opportunity for man to take In terest in a thriving well established cash business; $200 will handle in vestment secured; , duties easily learned if you can meet the public in an office; large profits., 513 Lumber Kxcnange. ad ana wtaric RESTAURANT in lively county seat - on 2 electric car lines, for sale. Place is fixed up-to-date, doing excel lent profitable business. Rent for store, including living apartments, very cheap." " No agents need answer. particulars at xm-?4. journal. fcEALED bids will be received up to 12 o'clock noon, June 10, 1915, at the offices of Cobb & White, 603 Dek um, for a stock of goods in vole ng to the amount of $1240, stock and fix tures consisting -principally of cigars, tobacco, confectionery; store may be inspected at ZU3 jnrst st, DO YOU WANT A BUSINESS? See our big tree list' of stores, manu facturing propositions, hotels, rooming and apt. houses. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO., Oldest Firm Largest Listings. 618-19 Yeon bldg. NEWSPAPER for sale. Newberg En terprlse, 14th year publication, job office. Newberg. -3000 population, 26 miles from Portland, write for de scriptive printed matter. Terms if de sired. Address Enterprise, Newberg, Oregon. - CIGAR STAND. Depot location; fixtures cost $800, stock $180; has .60 cash upon leas.?, light included in rent; on account of eaving city win give away ail xor x . ee fetors, id rv. -tn st. WNER leaving will sacrifice half In- terest in a wen estaoiisnea Dusiness. This is an opportunity to make good money, and will bear investigation. Only $200 required, which Is secured. X-218, Journal. Moving Picture ' Theatre BEATING 500; VAUDEVILLE STAGE: $1500 WILL HANDLE. APPLY 84 BROADWAY. A BIG snap. Delicatessen, bakery and restaurant for sale. Doing good business. Must sell on account of sickness. $125 if taken at once. Ap ply 362 Yamhill st. noon bavlne araneral stars in coun try town, about $4000 for, stock and building; take part trade. investi gate this. Neal Brown, 209 Panama bldg. LOOKING for a business t I have gen eral stocks, groceries, confectionery stores, restaurants and rooming houses for sale. - Neal Brown,- 209 Panama bldg. TAILORS AND CLEANERS. Positively ' no reasonable offer re fused for the best cleaning, pressing establishment in city. 127 12th. Pal ace hotel bldg. FOR SALE-At Seaside, first class restaurant, well equipped in run ning order. Fine location- Bargain if taken before season opens. W. H. woofl, tseasiae, ur WANTED Good man in steady little business, now making wages for two; 4 share for $125, fully secured. Apply quicn, gzz unamper or commerce. . a ' T3 rrit A 13 DTVf ITWT U Alice ' Big snap, rent $100, can clear $laO per month. Taylor-Grand Apartments, 1924 Grand ave. J MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 " PRIVATiJ I on HAND 'WwAR $10,000 at 7 ' $5000 at 7 4,000 at 7 2500 at 7 900 at 8 2000 at 8 M'KENZIE & CO., 515 Gerllnger bldg. LOANS on improved city property or for building purposes; advanee made as building progresses; liberal repay ment privileges; no commission. J. P. Lipscomb, 342 Stark st. Main 4420. Mortgage - Loans J. L. WHITE. 701 Selling bldg. BUILDING loans on city and subur baa property; money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck, 316 FaU- ng Diag. Main nut. w. E have money to loan on your real estate; zirst mortgages omy. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, '" 423 Chamber of Commerce. We have on hand $100, $226, $450, $1200,- $300Q On Real Estate. BOID REALTY CO.. Lewis bldg. $100 TO , $6000 at reasonable rates un rteai iusiate. BOID REALTY CO.. Lewis bdg. CASH paid "for mortgages, notes, con- tracts; mortgage loans: reasonable rates, ir. it. Ltwn et so., bewi a oiay 8100.300 on mortgages, city and farm property," fire insurance. McKensle Be. CO., ueranger niag.. aa ana Aicer MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 to 500 on city property. A, k. Belt, 01 Oerimrer Diag. terest. prompt action. R. W. Ifagpod. Ill Journal bldg. . - MORTGAGE loans a; current rates. Real estate security. Apply room 202 Stock Exchange, 8d and Yamhill. $200, $350, $600. $900. $1200. $1800. Fred W German Co , 914 Oham. of Com $41,000 OK LESS. FAKRINGTON. 80 4tn st. Board or iraae Diag. MONEY to loan to 8. W. H. Salts & Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. I250-$500, iff. $1600-$2000. 7; no com. Ward. 407 Spalding bldg. $600 to f 6009 PRIVATE MONEL O- si. jsurnai. MORTGAGE LOANS, and 1. Louis Salomon Be Co., 800 Oak St.. near 6th. $760 UP AT 1 PER CENT. boryE. Keasey t Co., Cham, of Com. $2500 to loan 7. improved Irvingtou property preferred. 711 Pittock blk. 1 MONEY TO LOAN " CHATTELS,' SALARIES C7 IMMEDIATE LOANS -ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY - AT EASTERN RATES. We -have one of -the finest retail jewelry stores In the vlty. A loan de partment is conducted in connection with same, making business STRICT LY CONFIDENTIAL. - Absolutely no signs designating loan business dis played In front of our store- All mer chandise pledged is held for a period of twelve months, whether or not In terest is said when due. We are li censed andrhave been established since S99, Kb connection with any otbar loan establishment In this city. -A, V M. DELOVAGB. JEWELERS, - - 384 "Washington st. - . MONEY - AT ONCE. Diamonds, Watches, Musical Instrum'ts Separate dept. for ladles. - EL3Y CO. (Ucensed.) 320 Lumber Ex, feldg 2d and : Stark. 67 tHATTKLS, SALARIES . OontineO " SALARY LOANSSALARY LOANS. Being salary loan brokers exclusive ly, we are enabled to assure satisfac tion and i sive the quickest possible service. .!'....' ' 1 . --- i . z: -jfeTi,;' -"'"i''",'.WH ., Business strictly confidential, v-.;.;.--.....-t '-'-. --..'-;- i REMEMBER, , We are licensed, and therefor . j , RELIABLE, STATE SECURITY Cd . , j 3flr Falling bldg. t Loans at; Legal Rates We loan money on diamonds, pianos, livestock,! storage receipts, plain notes, on furniture, or anything of value, You can get it today. Portland Loan Co., Licensed .! Licensed by State. . . t in Dekura Bld Third and Washington. i LOANS WANTED SO WANTED ON A-l SECURITY." su.vve at o4 7o. value u,ouo $1500 at T. .value - $4600. -$7,000 at , value 1 60, ooo at 8i, vaiue buuo ' -l100 flu $4800 - $3oe s.t 8, value $1200. city - 1200 a.t 8" vilIiia 4250(1 iltv M'KENZIE & CO., pis Gerllnger bldg. LOANS j wanted. $1000, $2000 and $60001 on Improved inside - property worth in today's market five times amount wanteds money to be used in InTprovetnents;. principals only; no a-scnis. ; jv-ait, journal 12000 on $6000 home. Just beina fin- . lahed,!and $4000 on new brlpk store building: will pay 7 per cent. See J. H. Nash; at 723 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Building loan for house in , Laurelhurst. Phone Woodlawn 294. FINANCIAL 81 FIRST and second mortgages, also sel lers Interest ln'contracts. purohaaod. Oregon and Washington. - tL E. Noble. Lurribermena bldg. - - HELP WANTKDMALiil ; 1 I'OSTOFFICe' examlnaioa at "Portland soon. ? prepare now under former government examiner, Booklet S-30 free. Write today. Patterson Civil Service; School, Rochester, N. Y.' WIDE awake man who will take in terest in of f ice. - Pleasant duties easily learned. If satisfied vwith $85 weekly,; call 519 Lumber Exchange. SALESMEN wanted. -outfit free, cash Weekly. Address Capital City Nurs- ery Co.; Salem. Or. WANTED, carpenter finisher that ean hustle, that is willing to work rea sonable. K-818, Journal.' ' . WANTED Tea and coffee solid tor a Call before 9, 209 Salmon." EMPLOYMENT department Y. M, C A. Service free to members. ILKLP WANTED MISC. 4t Y. M, C. A, Automobilu School Day and night instruction in repair ing, driving selling and machine work, including forge, lathe, shaper, - drill press, etc. Moderate charges. Fair dealing and expert, training. Time un limited. - , Before enrolling elsewhere call at educational office. Y, M. C. A. bldg., and secure pass' entitling you to iu spect eur shops and methods. . ' WE have several openings for estab lishment of Independent mail order business.- Energy, good habits and sound judgment more Important than capital. Spars time at first, Particu lars free.- Opportunities Exchange. aurrato in. x. LEARN AUTOMOBILE repairing and driving at the BEST EQUIPPED, most UP TO DATE and only PRAC TICAL AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL in Portland. L. dV M. Auto Repair Co., s Hswtnprns ave. USE your . spare time to . ouiid up a mail order business of your own. We help a you . start for a share , in profits: 27 opportunities; particulars free, i Opportunitlen Exchange. But- GOVERN MENT positions are ' esy to sew iy irso nuonei a-sss tens now. Write today NOW. JJarl Hopkins. Washti .rton. D. C. MAN for office and some outside work. Duties not difficult. Take interest in business. Good pay. 619 AUHIWCTftAUIlUIISB, PARTNER Business ability. good business; $126 required, which will be secured. See this. 822 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Names of men. 18 or over, wishing government Jobs. $66 mo. gx-isi(. journal. COOK headquarters California Wins Denot, t9( Yamhill. Near th. - UNCALLED for tailor made suits $. up. -iayior, ine iauor. Burniwa USE Bassett's Native Herbs for rheu. mstlsm; 60 tablets 25c. All druggists. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. HELP WANTED FEMALE ! a WANTED, woman to help with geneiv al housework: must be able. to get meal 1 unaided If necessary; steady place,' consisting of man and wife and 1 to 4 boarders. ' Stats wages wanted. WANT girl to do manicuring and halr dressing. Call at Portland Hotel Hairdressing Parlors, Portland hotel court. YOUNG lady under presser wanted. Atlantic Cleaning, 123 N. 21st St. WHE.N yea answer these Want Ads, mervtiorteTh Journal. HELi W ATJED- -MALE AND FEMAJjE 29 MEnI and women to learn the barber trade, wages paid while learning; tuition reduced, positions secured. The only chain of " schools In the world. Send for free catalogue.- Moler Barber Lonegt n. so .in. 2a sc. Oregeo Barber College will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tui tion redured this term. 233 M axil son. WANTEn am.rianp.,1 damnnalranr. no; selling: .salary and commission! 824 Morgan bldg. - ; . BARBERS AND SUPPLIES 68 BARBERS -looking: for good buy, 3 chairs shop, cheap, or part . interest at 4 rnirq st.. cor, fine. SAVE money on barber 'suppiiea. Pvrb cut. uaro. bud lo, tb. 1 - SITUATIONS MALE 3 EXPERIENCED gents furnishing and shoe salesman; no objection to leav ing city; best references. 350 East 4bthJ Tabor 1879. ' " Skilled Carpenters Furnished on short notice. Mar. TC8 MARRIED man, one child,. - wants ranch work; separate bouse. Phone Kroaaway two. uiuiam, YOUNG ladywlli care for children in your own home; references. Tabor $243; - ';---.'-- MAN with heavy team wants work. WANTED Excavating and team work. Phone. East 4804. C-1477. - FOR VACANT lot mowing, phone East 7084. . . - RELIABLE woman wants day work -washing snd cleaning.- Main 683. LIGHT family work; middle aged lady. Main 7439, . -' - - -- - - - - ' 6Ttu AITONS-, WANTED MALE - AND .FEMALE 23 MAN and wife. Scotch, with boy 10 years old, want- to take .care - of ranch.- X-898, Journal. I SITUATIONS FOLLE WANTED, work by hour or day; rell- WANT, day work; good laundress; -S IT' d. A r M A IMOlCUO. . - iHiiWfc.- Ovsl. , ja MONEY TO LOAN 40 EXPERT dressmaker, repairing. Mrs. Black, 689 Waahtnjrton. , I NURSES MIDWIFE (graduate) and - maternity nurses by the hour, day or "week, reasonable. Marshall 4588. 468 Tny lor. FU INISUED ROOMS Stop at Newly re furnished. papered 4th sad Alder ana reno vatedenlarged lobby ell modern conveniences. Rooms, with private bath, $1 per day up; without, "5c up. Because the rates are low don't thins; the service is poor. Special rates by week or month, several rooms with wail beds, making them practically suites. - - I Hotel Franklin New Management; Central Location. WASHINGTON AND 1STH. PHONE, HOT AND COLD WATER, SHOWER AND TUB BATHS FREE, 60c DAY UP. $10 MONTH UP, i LARGE, LIGHT ROOMS. PHONES MAIN 8859. A-6021. HOTEL ROWLAND AND ANNEX. 207H-E09H 4TH. MODERN FIRfc.' PROOp1 BUILDING. CENTRALLY LO CATED. SUMMER RATES NOW ON. ROOMS $itf AND UP. BRING THIS AD. TO APPLY $1 ON . FIRST MONTH'S RENT. - Hotel MinookSi!4 V-i-'niVJf; sgement. Strictly modern, 3 blocks postoffice, quiet, homelike; 60o day up, yio month vp-. $2.50 WK. Rooms $3.00 WK. Hotel Garland, 1st class outside. 26 Trinity at., cor. Wash., bet. 19th, 2pth THKLTON HOTEL"" I05V4 12th st. near Wash-, clean, quiet, modern conveniences, summer rates: $3 week upj transient solicited, Marshall 2790. YOUNG, men may consult without charge register of furnished rooms at Y, M, C. A., listing Beveral hundred, in all parts of the city, also those la tne Association bunding. WANTED Room mate to reduce rooming expense. Fireproof build ing, shower baths, Individual beds. Call or address Y. M. C. A. business office. Buckinghamliotel."-, court rms., $2.60 up. Day, 60c. 7$c, $1. 652 Washington. i T THE ALBION HOTEL, " 212V4 3d and Salmon. Booms $1.75 week up; steam heat, hot and cold water, free bath, phone. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th st.. cor.. Wash,, desirable lo cation, strictly modern, private bath, phone, 33 up. Rates to tourists. M. 1443. Madras Hotel MisSA rooms, $3.60 up. By day 60o. 75c, $ll cor, iztn ana wasningion sts. A QUIET PLACE FOR QUIET PEOPLE! 1 HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison st.. near Grand ivt. Cleanlinenn and comfort. $3 per wk. us. tHE RANDOLPH, 262 Columbia. Nice ciean rooms, tatn. tinone, not water. 9t.ji weea up, CLEAN, light rooms; Iree phones and bath, steam heat. $2 up. 446 Colum- Pta. Main 7410, A-897S. Nicely f urnisht-d A D Df.TT day up. t2M Wash. st. MDDU I I $1.50 wk. up ttOOMH and apartments in modern ha. ' tel. $2.60 week and up. 465 Aider. 18 WEEK up, clean,warm, modern fur.' rooms, central. -The King, 809 Jef. FURNISHED ROOMS 70 lrVATD JPAMTXY Rooms single and en suite, '"all mod ern"; transient BOc anqV up. $2.60 week ana up. tm worrnon St. PLEAN, well furnished rooms, low rates, near Rose Festival center. 388 Salmon, SCENIC view of the carnival at our Alaffnntlv rnrnlahari rrnnft. wnnmm Morrison, cor, frtn. FRONT spare room for, gentleman, with private family, close In, reason able. 361 Halsey st. LARGE front outside rooms. 212 Broadway, cor, Salmon. LARGE, well -furnished room at 211 6th st. Close to Carnival. SOUK sleeping rooms in cottage; meals rf desired. 327 Broadway H. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 PARKVIEW HOTEL, 88 'ltdontgomery st. at West Park. Family hotel; all modern conveniences; rates for regular and transient guests. THE DORMER, 288 18th St., cor. Jef ferson, room and board $6.60 a wek snq up; nome coomns. tHK HAZEL, cor. 3d and Montgomery. Fine furnished rooms red board, $S cp; steam- heat, hot baths; free phone. L V .7 V U , WW. uu , i.lV.IVl,, BOARD AND ROOM, $25 UP. loom and board, young women $4 wiT up: "Anns Lewis" Hall. 610 Plunders FIRST class board and rooai, best cooking, $5 up. 846 College t. ROOMS AND BOARD 73 NICELY furnished rooms and break fast, in private home for young men. home comforts, close in. Phone East inns. BOARD and room in modern home. - pleasant surroundings, employe 1 beople only, price reasonable. J0 Garfield ave. woodlawn zo?. CLEAN room and board, trees, ham mock, $5 and up. Cor. E. 3d and Multnomah. Kast 11B. 'BEST board, clean rooms, walking dis tance. up. am wasnington. FUHNlWHED rooms and table board, 8 blocks from postoffice. 245 6th tt. BOU8EKEEPINQ ROOMS ' H ONE room , with kitchenette, comnletn- ly furnished, steam heat, runnlnaj hot and cold water, phene in every room; 7 blocks from 6th and Morrlsxm sts.; $13, and up. S91 Columbia St., corner etn st. $1 to $2.60 week, furnished IL 1. rooms' gas, free neat, laundry, bath. Phr-ne East 8039 ; 203 Stanton, U car. buiifte and single H. K. rooms. $1.59 weett up. aiso mooern rooms. Mer eedes, 20th and Morrison. ROYCREST 176 12th; cool, comfort able rooms, complete for It. K., close In. VALLAMONT This - way!. ' Cheap housekeeping and transient rooms. 176 x am run. HOUSEKEEPING rooms in 2 suites; also dandy rooms for bachelors. The Ross house. 213 1st. (ik.M APTS.. I,' 2,. 3 room suites, free bath, phone; $1 wk. up. 401 1st st. G1LMANT hotel, 1st and Alder, b ur- nlshed H. K rms.. cheap. $1-60 wk. u p. NICE 2 room apartment, Hawthorne WKLL furnished rooms, ciose innlce front room. $91 Yamhill. Cambridge bldg., furnished It. K. rooms. Central, cneap. laat ta. cor, nor n. TWO housekeeping rooms, $11 per mo. 643. Washington st.. near lftth. TWO furnished housekeeping suite, close to grandstand. 327 Salmon tt, TWO and 8 room suite, new manage ment, reasonaoie. tin .nFnm. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 FstTATJ" FAWILT L 8 AND 3 modern H. K, roor-n, ol.anut and hut In the cltv for t-a money. t aia.ui. t Continued oa Isiext aVage) DRESSMAKINO V &