THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL," PORTLAND, TUESDAY,7 JUNE 8, 1915. BRIEF INFORMATION (109th DAT OF 1919.) AMUSEMENTS HBILIO- Broadway at Taylor. Curtain Vt 2:15 and 8:13. Matinees WedwsdaT ana , Saturday, Channcey Oicott is Tb Heart ' of faddy Wbark." BAKKH Broadway CBd Sixth at Morrison. - CurtaJna K:2U . ul :2G. Tuesday matinee. hrluwt. PANTAOK3 Broadway at Alder. Vauderllto, 2.80. 7:30 and :10. EUPBESS Broadway at, TarahllU Vaude ville. Continuous 1:30 to 6:3; T:30 and 0'Ji week days, OonUntous 1-to 11 8nn- day IA KiC FourtU at Stark. Vaudeville. Coa- tlnaoos 1 to 11 p. m. OKPHKL'M Broadway al Stark. , Motion ple- - - turea, 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. THB OAKS Amusement park.' lEOPLES Wet Park and Alder. Motion r picture. 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. KATIOXAL Park and Weal Park at Btark. Motion pictures. 12 m. ta 11 p. m. MAJBdf lO-Waaningtoa at Park. Alotlon pic tures, 11 a. ra. to 11 p. m, SUNSET Waablngton and Broadway. Motion pictures, 11 a. ui. to 11 p. m. - BTAtt Washington andPark. Motion Pic ture,, li oi. to 11 p. m. : COLUMBIA Sixth, between Washington and mark. Motion picture, 11 t. . to 11 p. m. AKT MUSEUM fifth and Taylor. -Hour 8 to 6 week daya, 2 to 3 Sundays. Free after noons of Tuesday, Thursday. Friday, Sator- day and otuday. - -. f Today's Event. Oregon Bute Maater Bakers association at ; aluluwaiah bote! Jons 7. B. V. Coming Events. , "Boa Festival Jan 9-10-11. (Three days). - 9 a. ru. (second duy 8. A. N. W. trap bootlng tournament, Portland Gun club, Jenne fetation, June 8. ' '. tt a. m. Third day S. A. N. W. trap ' shooting tournament, Portland Gun club, Jeune btaUou. Jaue 0. a p. in. Annual Pacific northwest track and field champlonaulps, Multnomau field, June 11. , t 1 p. m. Golf match, Eugene Country club ts. Portland Uoll elub, Portland Golf club course, June 12. Progressive Business Men's loach eon at the Multnomah hotel June iu. ; ' Transportation club luucheon at Multnomah ' hotel June 11. Healty Board luncheon at Commercial club, Jon 11. 1 Jovian league and Electrical Engineers' luncheon at Multnoint.b notel, June 11. ' Oregon Civic league luucUeon at Multnomah hotel June 12. - Liberty Bell will arrive hers July IS. at C a.m. Municipal band concert. ' rirst concert cf Season will be on June 30, at Waanlngton Park. Central Library Meetings. Oregon Civic league lectures every Thursday awning. Pacific university extension lectures every Wednesday evening. Port Information Supplied. , - Information regarding 1 this port may be ob tlad fiom the Portland Chamber of C m inerce, OS Fifth, street. Telepnona Main 9 or A-1203. Fire and Police. , Fire department Malu 7700. A-1323. Police department Main 7181. A-o751. Oregon Humane Society, 674 Belmont at. Phones East 1423, : A -2315. Today's Forecast. Portland and ' vicinity Fair tonight and Wednesday: northwesterly winds. ' Oregon ifa I r tonight and Wednesday; north Westerly winds. Washington Fair tonight and Wednesday; reterly winds. Idaho Fair tonight and Wednesday. Weather Conditions. Weather conditions are more or less unset tled over the southwest and the northern por tion of the country from the Kocky nioun . tains eastward. The pressure has increased en the north Pacific coast and high pressure continues over the central portion of the couutry. Kalus have 'alien in British Colum bia. Alberts, Monitoba, northeastren Wash ington, Montana, Wyoming, Minnesota, the Lake region, St. Lawrence valley and Tennes see. The weuthtr is cooler from the north Pacific coast northeastward to Saskatchewan and in the lower Mississippi and Ohio valleys. Lake region and St. Lawrence Taller; in general the weather is warmer in other sec tions of, the country. s The conditions are favorable for generally fair wea tiler in this district for the next 86 to 48 hours. . No marked temperature changes are Indicated. Winds will be mostly westerly. - THEODORE F. DRAKE. ' Acting District Forecaster. Observations. - 'tvwivmtnr . i : . , ' m - STATIONS 3 -S - " W iS 5m i c - i 2. - : I 6 a iss" Baker, Or 42 lu Tz 35 5 o Bostoo, Mass... 2 4- 62 52 4 0 Chicago, III 54 12 60 51 6 .30 Denver, Colo 43 ' 8 74 46 6 0 Eureka, Cal 43 2 56 4 4 0 Galveston, Texas 78 2 86 78 4 O Hiivre, Mont 40 12 64 40 4 .16 Jacksonville, Fla. 7ft t 0 84 74 10 0 Kamloops, B. C. 64 1 ft 74 4 0 .01 i Knox vi lie, Tenn. 66 0 84 6tf 4 .88 los Angeles, Cal. 58 t 8 78 58 4 0 . Marshfield. Or.. 50 j 0 58 48 4 0 Montreal, Que.. 00 r 12 84 0 28 .12 , New Orleans, La. 78 .. 0 92 76 4 0 f; ew York, N . V. 60 2 76 68 0 N. Hesd. Wash. 52 2 54 52 - 24 0 i N.i Yakima. Wn. 646 SO 62 14 0 Portland, Or 49 I 4 71 4 3 0 , Koseburg, Or.... 46 1 6 78 48 0 0 Bt. Louis, Mo... 66 114 74 54 8 O gait Lake. Utah. 2 '12 76 58 4 0 8. Francisco, Cal. 52 O 64 62 8 0 Seattle, Wrash... 50 4 64 SO 8 0 Sitka, Alaska.. 62 i 4 44 4 Spokane, Wash. 62 1 4 74 52 14 O Tacoma, Wab.. 60 2 66 50 4 0 Tatoosb -I., Wn. .' 52' I otr 50 20 0 v V aide. Alaska. 64 i 4 , 44 06 .i Walla WalU.Wn. 64 j 80 64 4 0 Waahington, D.C. 72 2 84 66 12 0 Winnipeg, Man. ) ! 4 50 84 16 . 8fl Aftexnooa report of preceding day. 1 What Can Be Seen Around Portland Council Crest (1100 feet) View unequalled. Columbia and Willamette rivers, Tualatin val ley, Willamette valley. Cascade and Coast - ranges. live snow-capped mountains (north to ; east on clear days), Mt. Rainier, 14.408: Mt. tit. Helena, 0697; Mt. Adams, 12,307; lit. Hood, r, lL22a; Mt. JeUarson. 10.622. Washington Park, at bead of Washington I street, t lowers, shrubs and trees. Children's ' model playgrounds. Noteworthy pieces of sculp ture; ''Coming of the White Man." by Her man Atkins McNeill, presented by heirs of D. , 1 Thompson; Sacsjawea" (Indian girl, guide OC Lwia v ,wiiwb i auvw Mwpvr E resented by Baca jawea Statue association' asa ienry Altmaa. Ten minutes walk. ' bunken rose garaens m reamsuia rare. eon. talntng more than uu varieuea or. UacTear. left untouched in wild natural bean. - ty. Big trees. Just the woods "where rolls the Oregon." Forestry building Lewis A Clark exposition grounds, west. Hours 6 a. m. to 6 p. m. Built of specimen zrsmmoth Oregon Or lags. Contains l.uoO.uuO feet lumber. Attrsctlve views from- King's and Willi m ette Heigbu and Westover Terraces. Terwilllger boulevard, south of city, above Willamette, on weft sine. , Skyline, west from Council Crest. Road . imud sour Derween ioodcu cresi and wiiiam. i ette' river offers fine views. j Columbia , and W Ilia mette Encircle Penin suU district and St.- Johns, affording excellent views of city, industries said harbor. - Typical homo sections Portland Heights, Kob Hill, Irvmgton, Mi. Tabor. Harbor features West side public dock, foot Eeventeenth street. Emt Side public dock, foot of ast Stark. Public motor boat land ing, foot of Stark street (launches call here tcr rrver tours. Boat houses near Morrison and Hawthorne bridges'.) . .hipping. -- Modern bridges liroadwar. Railroad. Hawthorne. ?tiMI- inHtnt1m Tltv hsll sn1 ftlntorlrsl ;UNION : DENTISTS .Cdtser of Second and Morrison. Look -for the big Union sign. All work guar. -.:., ntecL Full Set Teeth, that fit . . $5.00 Gold Crown, 22-k . . .$3.50 Bridge Teeth, 22-k . , . . . $3.50 Painless Extraction . . . . . 50c lf yon find this number joa won't get hart, - Sr. Wbetstoa. BXT. ' exhibit. Fifth and ' Maduoa." County t ail ding. Fvnrth and balsaoa. Art museuni. Fifth ner Yt, nihil). Central library. Tenth and XamaUL Custom boase,. Broadway and Lavia. Worthy of notice Kkidmore tonntain. First and Ankeny. by Olln t Warren, presented by Steven tSkidmore; Thompson fountain, Pla a block. Fourth and fialmon. Modern high and grade schools, . school gardens and rose hedges. Chinatown on jiortk fourth and bec end etreeta. r Columbia river highway America's most wonderful scenic road for vehicles. Along it one sees many - waterfalls, the gorge of the Columbia, Oneonta gorge, v Shepherd's deli, mountains, including Hcod. ' Oratle does sot exceed 5 per centum. Information as to "what to see" In Port land s environment from liotels Portland. Im perial, Oregon, Multnomah and from The Jour nal's Tourist Travel bureau. Phones A-005L. Main 7173; or from Tourist Agency end TraveL ttorean, Msrsnsii iwr. . For Information -- regarding recreation 1 or health resorts see page 2 Tuesday's and Thnrs dsy'e Journal and aection 4 of the Sunday Journal... . , TOWN TOPICS Sepaty 1m TiavxiltfuJL- Deputy Sheriff Beckman is . tliankf uL Early yester day with Deputies Phillips, Ford and Flaherty, he apprehended four youths near Multnomah station, on a charge of taking a car. belonging -to H. V. Adams,' 553 Everett street. Ford and Beckman ptlsd into the car and ordered that it be turned about and headed for town. The youthful driver first bumped the machine into a bank, then nearly -backed off an egibanknapnt. Things were too strenuous for. Ford and he jumped. Beckman was unable to, so he yelled and in the nick of time the car stopped. The lads arrested are Lester Kedeker. Archie Da via, Lawrence Oberaer and Tom Clyde, each about 16 years of age. 'Their cases will come up in the JuVenlla court today. Cannot Kememher Hotel. Gertrude Larson, an Oregon City girl, came to Portland Tuesday evening to secure a position as a domestic. She went to a hotel on Second street and registered to stay all night. Afterwards she went out for a few minutes, and not being used to the city, loBt herself completely. About $ o'clock Tuesday night she gave herself up to a police man, who turned her over to Mrs. Baldwin, head of the department of public safety for women. She was able to find the place where she was to work yesterday morning, but her umbrella, suitcase and coat is at the hotel. She took two officers with her yesterday in an effort to find the rooming house, but was unsuccessful. She was registered under her own name and is 18 years old. She remem bers only that the hotel had a blue sigan on either side of the door. frai J. Smlta Dead Paul J. Smith, who died June 7 at his home, 163 Columbia boulevard, was a black smith by occupation and a native of Nebraska. He was 38 years of age and came to Oregon with his parents 34 years ago. He is survived by a widow, Mrs. Marie Smith three sons. Ronald. Clarence, and Kenneth G. Smith; his father, Jacob Smith: a sister, Mrs. Adam Greene; and Five brothers; G. L.. l. C. S. G., J. K. and T. J. Smith, all of Portland. Funeral services will be held tomorrow (Wed nesday), at 9 a m. at St. Mary's church, Williams avenue and Stanton street. Remains are at the establish ment of R. T. Byrnes. Interment will be in Mt. Calvary cemeterv. Hew Indictments Returned. Indict ments charging conspiracy to suborn perjury were returned yesterday by the Federal grand Jury against Attor ney Frank A'. Alley, of Roseburg, and Charles L. Byron, of Seattle, a tim ber locater. The defendants are al leged to have conspired to induce land locate tn swear tViit vol timber claims desired were but $425 each, when in reality the values were over $3000 each. -The men were in- oictea last eoruary on the same charges, but the indictments were held faulty recently by Judge Bean. Portland Art Association. In addi tion to the regular free hours of the Museum of Art. the Art association invites visitors at all limes duririjr the Rose Festival days, Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday, at the Museum, corner of Fifth and Taylor streets. A special loan exhibition of paintings and an ex hibition by the Art3 and Crafts society, of Portland, are now open. In addition, during the Festival a few beautiful arrangements of flowers will be shown in the small upstairs gallery. and lecturer, - will : speak Thursday night at Chriatensen'a ball, at Elev enth and Tamhlll. at 8 o'clock on the subjeet. The- Battle of Armageddon.'" He is making a tour of the country, and has Just come from San : Fran cisco. From here he will go to Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane and then east. This will be his only lecture In Portland. Pastor Russell la the head of the In ternational. Bible Students associa tion, and has been following' the pres ent war closely. He believes It will last a long time) yet,, at least until all the nations engaged are greatly weak ened, , He sees in it the fulfillment of Bible prophecies.- The lecture tonight Is open to the public,' and no collection will be taken, these stipulations being made by Pastor Russell. "? Will Sold ConTwntloa The depart men of Oregon, United Spanish War Veterans, will hold their seventh an nual convention In Portland, June 9, 10 and 11. Headquarters have been es tabU shed at the Carleton hotel, and all the camps of the state will be represented. , The business- ses sion of the convention- will be held at Room A of the Central library. Wed day night at 9- p. tn. the Military Order of the Serpent will parade through the principal streets of the city. Friday the veterans will have a uniform division in the parade, also a section of Filipinos and Igorotes. The ladles of the Auxiliary of the Veterans will entertain all visiting ladies throughout the convention. The election of department commander and department officers for the en suing year will be held. Up to the present time Carl Abrams of Salem and Roy K. Kesl of Portland, are the favorite candidates for commander. All veterans are Invited to participate in the proceedings of the. encampment. Full details can be secured at the information bureau at the Carleton hotel. Supplies Are Donated C. O. Jenks, vice president and general manager ol the Great Northern Pacific Steamship company, has made -a donation on the part of his company of a generous sup ply of provisions to assist the Asso ciated Charities in their work of meet ing present calls for relief. Under Mr. Jenks direction, stewards " of the steamer Northern Pacific, arriving at Flavel yesterday noon, prepared the sup ply of food stuffs consisting of boiled hams, bread, butter, tea, coffee, dough nuts and pies, and despatched them to Portland on the "steamer" express train, which arrived at 5 p. m. Other supplies were assembled by the com missary department and delivered to General Secretary Manning of the As sociated Charities this morning. rifty Candidates Initiated. Gul Reazee Grotto, Order of the Veiled Prophets, . met last night in the Ma sonic Temple. A class of 50 candi dates was received and a large number of petitions for membership present ed. This organization now numbers 156 though it is less than three weeks since its organization. It is a Ma sonic fraternity limited to Master Ma sons. George E. Higginsjwas entrust ed with the responsibility of organiz ing a band, and Arthur Detsch was authorized to organize a patrol. A spe cial ceremonial will be held as soon as A. A. Bailey, monarch, returns from the supreme convocation at Buffalo, N. Y. Slower Mission ay. Portland Cen tral W. C. T. U. will observe Flower Mission Day at their regular meeting to be held at their headquarters. No. 171 Eleventh street, tomorrow af ternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. M. L. T. Hidden will be the leader. All mem bers and friends are requested to bring flowers. Light refreshments will be served. Pastor Jftossell to Speak. Pastor Russell of London and Brooklyn taber nacles, and well known as an author Injured In Collision In a 'collision between a Mount Scott car and a jit ney hue at Woodstock avenue and Ninety-second street, southeast, yes terday evening about 6:15, the driver of the Jitney, George Puttkamer, and Mrs. Puttkamer, who was riding wittt him, were slightly injured by flying glass. Neither vehicleT'sustalned much damage. . Boy Bit by Auto. An automobile driven by J. S. Pearson of 1333 Den ver avetiue struck a boy named Sam Tressler of 683 Third street at Fifth and Washington streets about 6 O'clock last night. The boy was only slightly injured, according to the re port of Patrolman Van Valkenburgh. Sand to Give Picnic Mayor Albee yesterday gave the Portland police band permission to hold an all day picnic at the Estacada park on either July 11 or July 18. R. S. Flack, a member of the band, was appointed a committee of one to transact neces sary arrangements and secure the sanction of the city officials. Don't Porget that we will make you' a suit to order for $10 down and the balance $5 a month. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark, betwen 5th and 6th. We give scrip. (AdV.) Ad Meeting Dispensed With. On account of the Rose Festival the regu lar Wednesday noon meeting of the Ad elub will pot be held. Domestic Science Exhibit. The do. mestic science and domestic art classes of Franklin high school and of (I PAVLOVA CHARMS AUDIENCE BY HER : DIPS AND WHIRLS Russian Dancer Pirouttes in Magic Jashion to Edifica- : tion of Hundreds. By 'Rex I-nipman. Like a wind that romps through April That flouts you and deceives: Like a wind that tosses May buds, j Or stirs June's heavy leaves; That brings the small of clover Or autumn's wind that grieves. Lo, like a swallow skimming. Or like a breeze-blown rose; Or like a goldfish swimming; Or like a brook that flows; Oh past all pencil's limning, s Flit thy enchanted, toes. Oh, eloquent as music To touch the dreaming heart: To show as in a sorcerer's glass Life's moving counterpart; Lo. all the muses have conspired In thy embracing art. Oh. like a meadow waving With all her fragrant plumes; - Or like a mockblrd raving Sweet madness' near old tombs' Or like a rare engraving That hangs in stately rooms. See, like a cloud she nestles. Or like a cloud' she flees: Lo, then like sculptured music She stands so still at ease: Then like a cloud or foam-flake She drifts as light as these. Oh. futile speech must falter To say the wonder right; , With phrases who would palter To tell Aurora's light? No, words cannot exalt her Pavlowa danced last night! Creston and ' Woodstock schools are today holding the annual exhibit of their work at the Creston schooL The teachers to whom special Credit is due for the arrangement of the exhibit are: Gertrude Blackmar, Miss Louise Twining and Miss Lillian Tingle. Special Festival Dancing, Admission 10c. Tonight and all week, new car nival features Cool hall, special or chestra. Admission ioc. Randall Temple, Second and Morrison. (Adv.) Flowers Wanted to decorate Humane society vehicle entered in parade. Blue, white and yellow colors. Bring flow ers to St. Charles hotel. Front and Morrison. (Adv.) Worth Portland Club. There will be a general business meeting of the North Portland Commercial club at 8 GOING TO GRAYS HARBOR? Use the new service connect ing with the Shasta Limited at Centralia. Leaves Union Deput 2:10 p.m. Centralia 5:20 p. m.; arrives Aberdeen 7:40, Hoquiam 8 p. m. Returning, leaves Hoquiam 9 a. m., Aberdeen 9:15; arrives Portland 3:30 p. m. : Information and Tickets at the 0-W. R. & N. City Ticket Office, Washington at Third Broadway 4500 A-6121 WHOLESALE Dry Goods, . Furnishing Goods, Notions Portland saleroom, room 113 Sher lock Bid?., 3d st cor. Oak. L, DINKELSPIEL CO. San Pranclseov CaL Double Stamps TODAY on First Three Floors Yonr Films De veloped & Print ed the Same Day Yoa Bring Them in. Quick and Good Service, BATHING CAP DISPLAY See West Park Window. Choice Ar- tides at Low Prices. Rose Toilet Soap Something- new Prite, cake, 10 3 for. ... . . 25 50c Pond's Extract Cold Cream. .40 50c Dr. Charles' Flesh Food..... 33 25c Woodbury's Face Powder ...19 25c Colgate's Tooth Powder . i , . . 15? 50c Hinds' Honey and Almond Cream . . ............. . . . .35 " Robertine . , . : ............ .39tjl Universal Lunch -Kit, complete v with Vacuum Bottle .... $2.25 A complete line of Ansqnia Clocks this week at 25per cent discount. ? Tourist Special A Genuine COWHIDE Traveling, Bag in black and tan, leather lined, good locks and catches. This ? is an other shipment! just received of the same bag specialized several ;weeks ago. -They don't last long at this price. Regular $7.00, special : . . . $4.95 SPECIALS TOMORROW DRUGS," PATENTS AND PERFUMES 10c Glycerine and Rose Water.. T 10c Chloride Lime 8 10c Dutch Cleanser 7? 25c Boric Acid .19- $1 Hood's .Sarsaparilla ...75 $1 Swamp Root .79 50c Pond's Extract . . 35e 25c Tiz :. .K -18 Peroxide Foot Powder .... . . a5 Crystal Corn Remedy ....... 25 50c Pozzoni's Face Powder 27 50c Elcaya Creme ......... ....39 50c Luxus Rouge ,29 SPECIALS IN RUBBER GOODS FOR TOMORROW $2.00 Hot Water Bottle, special $1.47 o'clock' tonight in the North Portland library at Commercial street and KU I in eb worth avenue.- - " Toniglit. M ill ta ry dance; admission 10 cents. Bandall Temple, Second. and Morrison. Carnival features; free military hats tonight. Introduce swell music; big time; cool dancing. (Adv.) Ho Dancer-Cotillion hall Wednes day by Myrtle Rose. Moved Christen sen's ball. Rose Festival dance Wed nesday. , : CAdT.): Carnival Damoes. Cotillion halL ' Tuesw, Wed.; Thnrs., Sat. u eve. Spirit of carnival will prevail. Direc tion of prof. Ringler. (Adv.) v Steamer 9 esse sTartlms for Camas. Washougal and war landinas. dally ax. cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street AAIk . n hi ' A .1 (Adv.) 9ost Kiss -A Hignt ta PalrTlandy 2d floor Pittock (block, every afternoon and evening, June 7th; to 12th. (Adv.) Central Location at Satrnxban Prices. Rooms 94 week up. fl month up. Hotel Lenox 3d and Main. (Adv.) Xr. 3. K. Millar, Sentist, moved to C14 Oregonian bldg. .Marshall 109. Ad. Colombia Xlffbway Trips. 70 miles auto ride, J2.50 each. Tabor 4517. Ad. Architects Plan " i ScliolarsliipFuiid; Sr. W. A. Wise will; be at his Port land office all this week. (Alv.) .) . Cotillion Kail Dancing Party tonight. Cotillion club; delightfully cooL (Adv.) X- Vox, optician, apurnal blJa. Ad. TO FESTIVAL VISITORS ' Gentlemen! See the wonderful $20 and $25 values in ready-to-wear suits I am selling at $14.75. Jimmy Dunn. 315-16-17 Oregonian building. Klevator to third floor. Adv.) i Zalsg-tss to Convention at Ban Praa- ; cdsco Arrant-iii to Send Student Abroad Sana Tear for Study. San. Francisco, CaL. June (TJ. P.) Plans for raising a permanent schol arship fund to send a student of archi-1 tecture abroad , each year to complete his education are being perfected to day at the convention of the Architec tural League of the Pacific Coast, in session at the civlo auditorium. : The task, of amending the present confu tation of the . league, which represents about 1(00 architects of Washington. Oregon and California, Is one of the main subjects of discussion. The delegates attending represent the following seven affiliated organi sations: Washington State Chapter of Architects; Oregon State Chapter of Architects. Architectural ' League of Sacramento, Architectural Association of the University of California, , San Francisco Society of Architects, Sax. Francisco Architectural club and the Southern California Chapter of Archi tects. Officers will be elected Wednes day.' ' ' Oregon Officers Invtted. Lewiston, Idaho, is to be host to the Idaho grand lodge, ; Knights of Pythias, June IS to IS, Inclusive. The grand officers of Oregon have been Invited. , V Leaves for Home. John, W. Brown, grand commander of the Knights of the Maccabees . of Wisconsin, has continued his 'trip to ward home after visiting relatives in Portland. He attended the supreme tent sessions in San Francisco. The Portland has been chosen . as the headquarters of Queen Sybil and her Court. This great hotel, with its spa cious rooms, its setting of trail- ing vines and flowers, is a fit- : i ting abode for the Queen of the Roses. You, too, iare invited to share in the hospitality which we ex tend to all who enter our doors. Club Luncheon 12 to 2 Afternoon Tea 3 :30 to 6 A la Carte Service in the Grill Noon to 1 A. M. ; Music Every Evening GEO. C. OBER, Manager L i WA- -fAVjcr-YUN wjbii iu can your M attention to our famous del- ; II H m Jcaey "The Quelle Crawfish" of their SEASON.' -These are the celebrated "Yamhill Crawfish" which - are acknowledged jto be the very-best of the product. ; iotbrku Quelle : Phone Main 919. A-5238Sixth and "Alder Sts, i -t In a Building of Its Own To see how Ghirardelli's Chocolate and .Cocoa products are made visit the Ghirardelli Buuiline at the P. P. L E. In this model plant you will marvel at power fat trnchines in orWatk)rr--the absolute clean liness observed and the purity of ingredients used in the mating of these famous products. Hot Chocolate made , from Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate is served day and evening. Don't fail to try a cup. D. GHIRARDELLI CO. as Sam FiaiMraaca j, --T-V--.V. I I SSM s I I II I Ml II I" I II !! I i s?tF'- jjTiTllTlTnslWsjsssr BSFsSS'-pesBss J :. mniiiiuniumal Eternal ....,,,. The directors of this bank are in con stant touch with general financial con ditions throughout the country and apply their knowledge to the personal j man agement of this bank's affairs. Patrons and bank profit alike by such vigilance. Become . a depositor. Your affairs will be in competent hands here- Commer cial and savings accounts. Four Per Cent Interest j Paid on Time Deposits. I LADD & TILT0N BANK Oldest in the Northwest , Washington and Third Capital and Surplus Two Million Dollars M mmniiMiinj l 97? 59 .490 $1.47 $1.50 Fountain Syringe $1.25 2-qt. Fountain Syringe. $1.00 Bulb Syringe ......... $1.00 Miller Reliable Rubber Gloves $2.00 2-qt. Hot Water. Bottle, two-year guarantee. .. $2.00 2-qt. Fountain Syrinsre. two-year guarantee . .. $1.47 $1.50 2-qt. Moulded Hot Wa- ' ; 5 ter Bottles ".....'.$1.00 1)1 HOT ! TIRED ! THIRSTY! The "Wood-Lark"" Tea Room offers just the coolne$s, rest and the delicious thirst quenchers your ? palate seeks. "Wood-Lark" Soda, Ice Cream, Water Ices. Tasty Lunches. No wonder our trade grows. ; Woodard, Clarke & Co., Alder St. at y7est Park Frye's Cascade Market THIRD AND YA1V1HILL Big Mid-Week Money Saving Sale of Prime Quality Meats at the Following LOW PRICES for WEDNESDAY " Choice Steer Shoulder Steak Extra Quality Pot Koast . ; Mutton Chops . . . . 1 1 c 15c Anchor Bacon . Veal Chops ....... Choice Boiling Beef 10c 15c 9c Also Extra Specials in Other Departments THE NAME FRYE MEANS QUALITY : . : k i 4 TsV t 9 B BL- S : 1 IJU i "1 T- ... . V -ST' . .1 I s"l -i This Trademaiic Moans: Foods . ..: ! f Thertf s full measure of quality in Supreme Food Products. There's care and constant watchfulness. There's order and cleanliness i and quality of purpose in every motion in the great Morris kitch- v . ens. No detail is small -enough i to neglect. That's the spirit that's - s instilled into every : Jack and every Jill who has a part in pre paring all , - . . -- , . - ... . You can place reliance in any : Supreme package it comes to you tried, tested andproved right. , ' ; Look for the ' Supreme trade 7 mark. Find the Supreme dealer. He's a good merchant , to know. Ask for Supreme Ham. Supreme v Boiled Ham. Supreme Bacon and Supreme Lard. Get to know. . .Supreme- Butter and Supreme ' Eggs Supreme Canned Meats ' ' and Supreme Chipped Beef . every Supreme product is de- - pendable, and of unvarying goodness. - . T ' "It's Always Safe - to Say Supreme. ; ' Morris & Compeovy re ft V