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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1915)
9 J - THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, . PORTLAND, TUESDAY; JUNE 8, 191!?. 1 i . - i - i i 1 i BIDS FOR PAVING OF COUNTY ROADS TO BE T( OPENED MORROW Letting Contracts Will Not Take Place for Several Days However. WILL TRY WOOD BLOCKS fast Will B Kad or Zrfcal Product Wita View of Mor Oanaral TXse in Tatars. Bids will be opened at 11 a. m. to morrow by the board of county com mlssloners for the kardsurfacing- of 70 odd miles of county highways as pro vided for by the recent 91.250.000 bond Issue. If the regular order is followed tha bids will be referred to the county roadmaster for tabulation and com parison and It is probable that the commissioners will not make the awards for several days. , The roads have been, divided Into 27 different sections and contractors will either bid on a part or the whole. The St. Helens or Linnton road. which sustains the heaviest traffic, has been divided into 13 sections for the purpose of affording an opportunity of laying the different types of pave ment in order to make a comparative test under the same traffic conditions of wearing qualities. . ;", Wood Blocks to Be Triad. On the heavv grades and shart'"turns ii Is planned to lay either basalt blocks or vitrified brick. For this reason the Columbia river highway has been cut up Into five sections. The Canyon road has been divided into two sections for ' similar reason, as has the Sandy road. On the. Base Line road it is planned to lay a section of wood blocks in order" to test this material, with a view of more general use In the future. The Slavln, Powell Valley and Foster roads have not been sectlonized and will be bid on as wholes. The indications are that there will be a lively competition and that very favorable bids will be received. The ro&dmaster's office has given, out 25 sets of plans and specifications to con tractors. These, in addition to local men, include representatives of Seattle, Salt Lake and California firms. Maintenance Bids Also. Besides receiving bids for construc tion, the commissioners will also re ceive bids for maintenance for a period of 10 years. This is to guarantee that tha roads will outlive the term of the bond issue, 15 years. After the bids are opened it is with- ltt the province of the county commis sioners to select the one which in their Judgment will give the best value, tak ing into consideration also the person ality of the contractor and his ability to do the 'work and give the necessary financial guarantee. Concrete. Hot Pavored. "After an investigation of several weeks the committee appointed by the Chamber of Commerce has recommend ed that the "Warrenite' or bitullthic tyoa of pavement be selected for the most of the highways, but that on grades and sharp curves basalt blocks or vit rified brick be used.- The committee also recommends that a Bection of wood block be laid, pro viding the cost is not prohibitive, in order to encourage a local industry. As to concrete, the committee is of the opinion that it should not be used for a wearing surface but only as a base. An active promotion is being carried ons by a lobby representing the West ern Washington cement manufacturers In behalf of the use of concrete for a wearing surface. Autof Bandit Shoots, Robs Pedestrians Sends Bullet Into Body of On Victim irh.o Batista Attack; Took $35 Txom Conple. , ' '" ' Los tAngclesj. June 8. fP. N. S.)- Detectives are searching for a bandit, who, masked and - riding in a small I automobile, robbed a man and a worn- i an and .shot another man who failed to obey his command to "throw up your hands." were walking In Loma dive when the robber drove to the curb and, at the point of a gun, rifled the pockets of , t ran kiln and the purse of his com i pa'nion, securing almost $35. Thirty minutes later the same rob ber. In the same machine ordered Oscar Hiitbrandt to stop and submit to search. Hiitbrandt did not stop, and the highwayman, putting on full speed, turned in hid seat and shot, flllt brandU according to the physicians, will recover. CHAUNCEY OLCOTF IN HIS NEWEST BIT OF AT STORIES OF STREET AND TOWN i ; ' A Bird In the Hand, k A CANARY to a canary alvays vill x- come in!" Thus graphically does Sam Wester- Znan set forth the motif of the great canary mystery staged in the past few days in the upper Washington street shop where he takes wrinkles out of clothes and puts them In the kini's English. " Saturday a male canary made its way to Westerman's shop and Joined the few birds already caged there, for ba it known, Sam is a canary breeder on the side. 1 seen him sitting on a telenhon wire outside my vindow, da sonufa run!" ho says, "and I opened de vin dow and in she comes. She t n beauty, all yellow, vidout a spot she lss up dere singing now. XJf course I glf her up if somevun claims her, bud I von't gif her up to anyvun dat comes unless day. can descripe her." iere Is novay to leave a mark on a-.canary,? ho adds craftily. Thieves "Clean" Barber Shop. Los Angeles. CaL. June 8 tn t t "When O. C Biggins, a Boyle Heights u&ruer, arnvea at ms s nop today he found nothing but the bare walls, ac cording to his report to tha police. Thieves literally cleaned out the place. : They spared nothing, not even tha broom, removing the loot in a moving van. SHUR-QNS Look Well -Wear Better THOMPSON OPTICAL INSTITUTE " 809-10-11 Corbett Building-, Pifth and Morrison. Portland's Oldest and- Z,argsst v Exclusive Optical House. Maharajah Seeks American Wife Indian Prince Bays She Xut Ba Toon and Beautiful, With Blue Eyes and Pair Kalr. Pasadena. CaL. June 8. (P. Jf. S.) Fearing thieves may be stationed along his line of travel, the Maharajah of Kapurtbala, who, with his sixth wife. Princess Dujon. is resting here before going to the two California ex positions, today stated he would pay a reward for the capture of Lorenzo Von Armin," who robbed him of pass ports, money and valuable papers in Salt Lake City. The maharajah. his wife and retinue of servants will leave today for San: Diego. The princess was frankly shocked at tha bathing suits worn by girls and women at the resorts in southern Cal ifornia, while the prince declared him self disappointed because there were not more very young girls disporting themselves on . the sands yesterday when they were at -Long Beach. The maharajah may add an American girl to his list of wives. "1 may marry an American girl," he said. "She doesn't have to be an heir ess, either. She must be young and beautiful, though, and have blue eyes and fair hair"' Turks Kill Enemy By the Wholesale Constantinople, June 8. (I. N. S.) The allies were so severely defeated Sunday in the southwestern arena of the Gallipoll peninsula that they have not dared to renew the fighting, ac cording to a statement Issued from the war office here today. "The bat ye, said the statement, "was the most serious setback the allies have met, and the arena was black with their dead and wounded." The official statement adds that the Turkish artillery has destroyed positions of the allies at Avi Burnu and a number of their trenches north of Sed-Kl-Bahr. The Turks; have taken 17 machine guns in recent fighting, according to today's official report. Thousands of British Dead. Constantinople, VJ Berlin, June 8. (U. P.) All dispatches, reaching here indicate the allied losses in the recent attempts to storm the Gallipoli de fenses were much heavier than first reported. Several thousand British dead are declared to have been found on the field in front of the Turkish positions. The Turks also captured 17 machine guns and munitions. " a Trench Warfare Resorted To. Athens. June 8. (I. N. S.) Main taining the offensive begun along the entire line last Friday, the allies are reported in today's dispatches from Tenedos as effecting further gains of from 600 to 600 yards, in the fighting on the Gallipoli peninsula. - The movement for the control of the Dardanelles, the key to Constantinople, has now Bet tied down to regulation trench warfare, and the Turks are offering desperate resistance to every foot of advance. Typhoid Killing Turks. Athens, June 8. (I. N. S.) Typhoid fever is raging in the Turkish army and among the civilians of Asia .Minor, according tot reports received here to day from Turkish sources, and 75 physicians alone have succumbed to the scourge at one concentration camp. It is stated that the sultan will flee from Constantinople, on the advice of German military authorities, using a pilgrimage to Konish as a pretext for his departure, in order to avoid alarming tha populace. France Joins Blockade. Washington, June 8. (I. X. S.) Ambassador Sharp notified the state department today that France had Joined England in establishing a block ade about Asia Minor. Mt. Angel College Reunion Planned Monday night an enthusiastic gath ering of members of the Mount Angel Alumni association met at . the residence of Father Gregory, O. S. B., to generate Interest in the annual re union to be held at Mount Angel col lege the evening of June 16. Rev. Ambrose Walsh, secretary, 'and Rev. Gregory Roblft vice president, were present.- , TJmbert Da Martini was selected as toastmaster for the banquet. An en tertainment committee was appointed, which includes Carl Herhrinar. ct Massay, Rev. John Cost ell o and Rev. John Cummlsky. Andrew Weber was authorized to arrange for a special car on tha elec tric line to leave Portland Jiuu i. about 4 p. nij and arrive at Mount Angel about 6 o'clock. Mora iefinite information will be available shortly umoert xml Martini, Rev. Grerorv Roble and Charles Mau were appointed as a publicity committee. Tha enter. tainment committee will meet tomor row night at Gregory hall. Widow Gets Big Estate, - San Francisco, June 8. P. K. S.) Mrs. Rosa C. HaUer, widow of Joseph P- Haller, former manager of tha North Alaska Salmon company, who died here on May 31, today filed Hol ler's will for probata. Mrs. Haller is named as tha sola hair to tha estate, which is valued at between 1200,000 and 1250.000. . AJf XXCBTiTiTMTT HIQKTCAF Korsford's Add Phosphate .1 ""J teespoenftrt ia half glass of water ea re tula Insures sound, restful sleea. CAav. HEAVEN HE1LIG Charming Comedy Romance of Old Erin and New Songs Make Hit With Audience, "A Little Bit of Heaven" sings Chauncey Olcott of the Emerald Isle. Ha is back again at the Heilig with his newest bit of that heaven, called "The Heart of Paddy Whack.' If there is one person more than an other who has made it seem a heaven and has kept alive the traditions and romance of old Ireland and re vealed them in all their charm to the American people that one is surely Chauncey Olcott. ' , Each year he returns with a new play and each year the theatre-going public knows in advance that it will be sweet and lovely, like a breath of the fragrant outdoors with no taint of the noxious weeds of problems and moral' lessons. "Th Heart of Paddy Whack" is no exceptions From the pen of Rachel Crothers, it is a charming comedy romance with tha appealing minor strain- like that which enriches Irish music. ' Mr. Olcott has abandoned 'the gay swashbucklng blade and is a bachelor whose temples are touched with gray. He has a ward whom he loves and whom he Js supplying with funds mak ing her think it is her own money, that s&e may feel independent. He will not speak his love and she almost marries another but of course she does not. That is the plot nucleus with many delightful byways of development- t Tha two characters 'that "take first rank with , Mr. , Olcott are Jennie La mont and little7 Stephen Davis, one an Irish : Bridget the -other a, ragged, lit tle boy with a penchant for dreams. Each is flawless in characterisation. Edith Luckett is Mr. Olcotfs leading woman of great charm and the re mainder of his cast is more than ade quate. The new songs this year are "Irish Eyes of Love," "A Broth of a Boy," "A Little Bit of Heaven" and "Who Knows. Of course he comes before the curtain after the second act for his usual delightful chat with his audi ence and to sing them "My Wild Irish, Rose," and this time "Mother Macree" ror aaaea measure. Mr. uicott wui do at the Heilig all weSk with Wednesday and Saturday matinees. Stanfield Prospers Says Jim M. Kyle Mayor of i: astern Oregon Town Reg-rets Xaabllity to Stay for tha Bose Festival. "Jim M. Kyle, heavyweight mayor of Stanfield, was in town yesterday worrying because he couldn't stay fof the Rose FestivaL "It keeps ma so busy boosting for Stanfield back home that I can't stay over," he mourned. "We're cutting hay now and there's lots to do. But you can count on a good bunch from our county here this week, even if the al falfa goes uncut. Mr. Kyle declared that hard times are unknown at Stanfield. More people, he said, are finding homes in that sec tion than ever. There is a good move ment in real estate and crop prospect-i never were better. "Stanfield will have the Umatilla county fair this fall," he said. "Pendle ton always has had it. We expect to show them some things In agriculture. "The government recently made tests at the F. A. Baker place to find out whether it is economical to raise al- red caoro pry S Fill gasoline tank and crank case at ftan&ard Service Siaiions You get real gasoline reliable oil -service without going out of your wa without getting out of your car Standard oa Company (California) Portland Now We Hear of Saddle Sat In By Paul Revere ! Tacoma, Waslw June 8. (P. -N, S.) Among the f relics of- -At fered the Tacoma Carnival as- sociation for tsaging "Colonial Days," a "Made in; America" & Fourth of July spectacle, is a t saddle said to be tha one used by Paul' Revere in his famous ride to arouse the colonists. The -J saddle is now in the j possession 4t m of a descendant of (the Rever family near Olympla. After 2 the celebration it will be pre- t sented to the Washington His- torlcal society. ! I - Robbers Raid Lunch Rooms. Los Angeles, CaL, June 8. (U. P.) Cream puffs, potato salads and ham sandwiches were missing from a chain of dairy luncheon rooms here today as a result of a midnight tour by a pair of armed, masked bandits. At every dairy lunch visited by the pair the attendants were held up and backed into the kitchen while tha high waymen scooped up the choicest del icacies on tha marble counter and strolled away. falfa and feed it to dairy cows. Tha result showed that dairying is cheaper in our section than in Tillamook coun ty, where they have grass tSe year round. That has already been a big boost for Umatilla county." SPECIALPRICES IN DENTISTRY FOB THE HXXT ZEROLEME tneSt-mrlaTfl Oil 6r Motor QrS TKXX.TT OATS. SB. E. O. ATTSFXmrS, XgT. Xo matter where you live, it will pay you to come to?; Portland and let us fix your teeth.' Our reputa tion and guarantee stands back of all our work. It means the very BEST DENTISTBY at prices that will astonish you. Examination and Estimate of Work Cheerfully Given Free. Flesh Colored Plato f 10.00 Good Plates $5.00 Porcelain Crown ............. .13.60 Gold Fillings $1.00 22-k. Gold Crowns $3.50 22-k. Gold Brti-e .$3.50 Painless Extracting- 50e Wa Oiva a 15-Tear Written Guar, antes. ofek Evsamros. Xdy Attendant. . We are always busy, because onr suc cess is due to the fact that we do the Tery jest -ork at ery lowest prices. Electro-Painless Dentists In the Two-Story Building Corner Sixth and Washington Streets Portland, Or. Juttme Clearance Sale Wonderful Values in Pianos , and Player Pianos At Portland's Pioneer Music House Read carefully this partial list. Every instrument is positively in "stock and ac companied by the Graves Music Co. guarantee and exchange agreement. I 11 f This strictly high-grade Player Piano reduced to $335. Xo. Wood. 8403 ' X aaog-any 45904 Hon. Ash 83970 Mahogany 33777 Miss Oak 63501 Mahogany 90779 Walnut 75157 EboaiMd 31699 Oak 7409S Walnut 21854 Mahogany 65493 Kahogaay ; 4237 Mahogany 114636 Mahogany S6941 Oak 4803 Oak 92761 Oak 61566 Mahogany 25108 Walnut 68551 Oak 42834 Mahogany 53280 Cir. Wal 76397 Mahogany 12951 Mahogany 83163 ; Walnut 74087 Mahogany 61151 Mahogany 11035 Mahogany 114381 Mahogany - 60594 : Mahogany 33548 Eoonixea tTsnsJ ITiea Irall ...SSOO.OO Hard m an 500.00 Vosa 350.00 Price & Taapla 475.00 Gerhard 375.00 Vcsa 350.00 Chickerlng 650.00 Stainhach as Srahar - Armstrong Kroager Prlmatona, Flayer. . . . OoUard Collaxd Ptscher (lrg. slse) . . .. Universal Player Wailsr Playar WUlarfl Bnrmelstar Jacob Soil Universal Playar . .... It rail Auto Orand PI. . Kranich Bach Or... Krnff Chlckaring Bros. Cable nelson Armstrong Draper Bros. Player... Praseott Orand Gayiord Cambiidga ........... Bmarson 375 .OO . 400.00 . 375M . 650.00 . 325 .OO . 425,00 . 75O.0O . 550K .1 35O.0O . 875.00 . 375.00 . 75O.0O . 900.00 . 8SO.OO . 300.00 . 500X0 . 375X . 400.00 . 750.00 . 600.00 . 375.00 . 350.00 . 400.00 Wow, - Sown. Month,1 $245.00 S25.0O . S 8JJO 2GO.0O 35.00 8.0O 188.00 10.00 6.0O 225.00 -15.00 8.00 175.00 10.00 6.00 166.00 15.00 BS9 315.00 15.00 7J30 335.00 , SS.OO 8.0O 365.00 25.00 10.0O 185.00 15.00 7.00 395.00 35.00 10.00 87 .OO 7.00 5.00 365.00 35.00 8.0O 4650)0 35.00 12.00 338.00 28.00 1O.0O 215.00 .15.00 7,0O 102.00 10.00 5.00 190.00 IOjOQ 6.00 465.00 6O.0O 15.00 435jOO 35 .OO 12.00 595)8 75K 15X 165.00 15. OO SjOO I 365.00 25 .OO - . 10JJO 275.00 25.00 10.O0 S65.00 85.00 8.00 435.00 asxto lOJOO 365.00 350)0 1SJ0O 165.00 10.00 e.oo j 175.00 10J 7.00 1SQJ0O lOXM 6.00 There is no fudging on this list. Every number in the ad corresponds with the nttmber on the Piano. Every Piano advertised in this list is now on our floors and can be seen. In th instrument and terras ; firms have advertised bargains in Pianos that they did not have andever had bad. Out-of-town buyers can safely buy by mail. We will send description of instri for out-of-town delivery. Now is the time to buy your Piano or Player Piano. Never were prices so low and terms soeasy GRAVES MUSIC CO 151 Fourth Sfc . -' f Store Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings - - J A Wonderful Assortment of Sport Hats From 50c, 75c, 51, to C5 Little Wonder Records. 10c Kaw salections, inelndlnr Ut tle Grey Boos in tha Wast; Xn on My Way to Bnblln Bay; Kee-Haw Pox Trot; on the 6:15; Bevarly Xnnt; Meadow, brook Pox Trot; Whan Z Bream of Old Erin; Some Baby; Boat Take My Darling Boy Away and many other titles. Basemant Pacific Phone Mttrahatl 6000 Horn Phonm A-6691 e'McrcKand.'so ofcJ Merit Only" Mail and Telephone Orders Filled by Expert Shoppers June White and Clearance Sales We arc very busy. The main reason- a reason that carries more weight with women than anything else could positively mean ECONOMY singles 'out this June White and Clear ance Sale as the one event for Portland women to take advantage of. , Not only Merchandise of Merit not only variety not only style but REAL ECONOMYrthat cannot be equaled, is the dominant factor and magnet that is drawing unparalleled response day after day. - AWindfall-BeautifiilSilkPongeeCoats $13 .95 A Maker's Sample. Regularly $25 to $40 V Three New Model Silk Petticoats To Wear With Flare Skirts Regular Price $5.00 $3.23 Silk Jersey top, with mes saline silk flounce, or entirely of messaline. They are made in the newest full flaring cir cular flounce style, -trimmed with ruffles, of knife and ac cordion pleating, in the new section tier style, as well as tailored, tucked, gathered and ruffled effects. All with fitted elastic tops, aid silk under ruffles ColoiV black, navy, emerald, Copen, Belgian, Rus sian green, light blue, pink, lavender, white, maize, and changeable effects. Third Floor New mid -Summer styles and riot only the new styles, but so many different models that one may be sure of finding the style most be coming., Smart ' coats, made of cool, lightweight pongee, in a beauti ful quality and finish. All-silk . lined and made in : the - latest belted and flare effects in fash ions for every, occasion. Full length pongee silk auto coats, indispensable for motoring. And in addition to the pongee coats, you will find . novelty cheviot, serge and covert coats, featuring all that is newest and most dis tinctive for summer wear. - This is the lowest price at which we have ever sold coats of this kind. Third JTloor. A 1M1' i Including Our Smartest r-V IVllillllCiy VlCcll dllC 1 Mid-Summer Models Hats sold regularly to nfZ .fV ef Hats sold retailor I y to($Ch ; CffKf $15.00, Clearance. . . &J.7yrj $7 0, Clearance ... .0mZjJ It will be a record sale, embracing as it does a collection of the newest most up-to-date styles that will be worn this Summer. Large, medium and small shapes, in models for -every occasion in styles becoming to every type. j Real Milan Leghorns Panamas -Hemps Hand-Made Hats Cleverly trimmed by our own millinery artists, in the widest diversity of styles now in greatest vogue. Come tomorrow there is a hat here for you. - Second Floor Boys Wash Suits Sixes 2x to 8 Years. Suits Selling to $2.75 $1.59 Oliver, Middy & Mead owhrook styles, in a largek assortment of new models, in poplins, galateas, percales, ginghams, in plain colors, fancy stripes and combina tions. Only the best mate rials found in these suits. Suits Selling to $2.50 98c Oliver, Middy, Balkan and Russian styles, of gala- tea, linene, gingham and poplin, in all-white, plain col ors and stripes, in the great est variety of combinations and trimmings. 4th Floor SOME OF THE NEWEST TUB FABRICS f For Summery Waists and Dresses $1.00 Embroidered Crepe de Chine, 75c A beautiful silk mixed fine crepe in white grounds, with dainty embroidered figures in green, black, maize, lavender. Especially pretty for waists. Full 36 inches wide. 40c Printed Mercerized Organdie, 29c Entirely new weave, with mercerized finish, white grounds, with dainty printed figures. 38 inches wide. 25c Dainty Printed Crepes at 15c In light and medium grounds, also in new Dresden patterns. ' Very popular for waists and dresses. " j Coronation Messaline, Very Special 35c Closely resembles the all-silk foulard. Comes in light and dark grounds, in stripes and figures, jn all the newest shades. Full 36 inches wide. 50c All-White Rice Cloth 35c Much used for; graduation dresses. In a voile weave, with small white flecks, in dainty effect. . T 50c Printed Rice Cloth for 39c One of the newest weaves, in white grounds with colored cVta and figures.: 38 inches wide. , , 25c Fine, Sheer Figured Voile, 19c In new stripes and figures on white grounds, 38 inches wid. smant Stunning Ganopy Stripe Dresses Special $8.95 Styles for Misses and Small Women They are entirely just in by express and shown for the first time Wednesday. The girl or woman who wishes the smartest thing in frocks will be delighted with these models of poplin in light blue, cadet, or new' pink combined with wide white stripes, in the new "canopy stripe effect. A ' Made in style as illus trated, with collar and cuffs of sheer hemstitched organdie, trimmed with pearl buttons.- ith FL Selling V regularly from 75c to $1.00 59 Gowns Envelope Chemise Corset Covers Camisoles Drawers Crepe Bloomers ' Cut on new lines, well made and finished mroughout, trimmed with fine laces, em broideries, insertions, headings, ribbons, me dallions. Gowns of long cloth, square, round, V-necks, slip-over and open front, ki mono sleeves. Envelope chemise with ribbon drawn embroidery. Corset Covers of long cloth, cross-bar dimity and , Secco silk, with or without sleeves. Drawers flat leg style, open or closed, in ' longcloth and crepe. Bloomers of plisse crepe, elastic at waist and knee. Fourth Floor SI v t -.i T There has never been anything' quite like this sale before. Monday, the first day of our Men's Week, brought wonderful results men came from all over the city they bought their entire Summer's furrushmgs-4-all day long the aisles in our Men's Section were crowded to the utmost. And no wonder for this is a real sale, where the bargains are genuine. Tomorrow extra salespeople will be on hand, so there will be no delay in getting waited upon. Come tomorrow while the; assortments are still complete. Read carefully through these specials it will be well worth your while, 79c for $1.00 Summer Shirts $3.85 for $5.00 Silk Shirts'! $1.19 for $1.50 to $2.00 Shirts 59c for $1.00 Newest Neckwear 35c for 5Qc Tub, Silk Ties 79c for $1.00-$1.50 Silk Soxl 25c for Silk Fibre Hosiery $139 for $2.00 Fine Pajamas $1.15 for $1.50 Fancy Pajamas $1.65 for $2 Lisle Union Suits 9c for $1.00 Athletic Suits $1.15 for Summer Union Salts Store, Tost eff WaeoJagtoa-SV Entrance. Tlrss Xloo