THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1915. Ill FACE OF TERM RRE ITALIAN FORCES CROSS ISONZO RIVER Reach Opposite Bank at Va " rious Points and Attack Trieste Railroad. BOMBARDED BY AUSTRIANS X JUtraatl&f TcntOM Dostroy Bridga a&d strike at Snmn Voatooa ' From XUl Hear By. Rome, Juns . U. P.) Th battle o Isonzci has uegun. Protected by heavy artillery fire, the Italians have crossed th Isonoo river at several points, and today are striking U ihi railway leading: to Trieste. Austrian batteries, mounted in defenses running from Tolmlno toward the sea, p bom barding; the Italian lines along the river with the utmost vigor. Two bersaglierl regiments succeeded In crossing the river on the outskirts of Oradisca after a two days' baitle. The retreating Auetrlana destroyed the bridge south of Oradisca and from a hill on the east bank shelled the pon toons thrown across by the Italians. Uevsral military bridges were wrecked by thfi Austrian guns, and attempts to rebuild them under fire were aban doned temporarily. During the night, however, Italian cavalry crossed the Isonzo south of Oradisca and attacked the Austrians from the rear. Mean- ' while tht bersaglierl regiments again threw their pontoons aero s and gained the opposite shore. This ad vane great ly imperils the Austrian positions at Oradisca. SVlim ImlnA A 1 . . ...... t 1 . II - " .W1H.4UV iv liio vera., luutmiB have moved up to banks of the Isonzo .- preliminary to an attempt to force a crossing. Aviators have reported the presence of great masses of Austrian infantry behind the cliffs on the east bank of the Isonso, and an engagement of great proportions is expected when the order for a general advance is given. Artillery engagements in the Adlge Valley and around Roveredo have been renewed, although heavy mists are Seriously Interfering with operations. As the advance of the land forces is developing the aerial army of Italy's war machine also . continues to strike With success, reports declared today. At the ministry of marine it was said mere was reason to believe the mili tary works at Pola had been damaged by a Second raid of an Italian dirig ible Sunday night. Several bombs are declared to have exploded at points ui a military cnaracter. BRYAN SAID TO BE DETERMINED ON ARBITRATION (Continued From Page One.) States to be on record as favoring arbi tration. If this be so then he con siders It mockery to forward a re joinder which he considers to. be an ultimatum. Although a tnajorlty of the cabinet 1 understood to be against Bryan, he carried his fight of persuasion from the cabinet room to the University -club, where all of the members lunched together. The position taken by the secretary of state came as a complete surprise to the president. He was known to favor arbitration, but heretofore has Stopped short in his fight for this prin ciple when a majority of the cabinet disagreed with him. The president expected, his action to be the same In the present Instance. As a matter of fact. President Wilson told callers before the session of . the cabinet that the cabinet members were unanimous in their approval of the 'new note to Berlin. The delay of Bryan in arriving for the meeting was the first intimation that there was disagreement as to the position this government Should take - in meeting Germany's answer to the Lusltania note. Ambassador Sees Jja&si&jr. - The r presence of Ambassador Von 'Btrnstorff at, the state department caused various rumors, but hie busi ness was with Counsellor Robert Lan sing. It was then rumored that Bryan t had notified ,th president flatly that he would not stand for the rejoinder as now framed. At the White House It Was merely said the secretary was working upon an important paper, and would be late, touring this time he was closeted In , his private office, and his messenger : refused to Interrupt Kim There was manifest tension' at the White House. Inquiries regarding the secretary of state were ignored after the first announcement that he would toe late. At noon, an hour after the cabinet meeting was scheduled, Bryan left his orfice. His face was flushed. Hir firm mouth was drawn tight in a straight Una. Iris features were set and colck Bryan Oaly Shakes Bead. r To all inquiries he responded with nothing more than a negative shake of his head. As the secretary hastened toward the White House, he walked with that determined stride with which he mounted the platform at Baltimore to deliver the anti-Tammany speech that broke Champ Clark. For , more than an hour the doors to the cabinet room were closed be hind him. The president's messen ger screened the corridor that the curious might be kept at a distance. Not a murmur of .the discussion go ing on about the cabinettable could :. ue nrara, , At last the-door opened with a bang. Secretaries MftAdoo and Redfield were the first to emerge. ,tipbn being quea- If You Have a Float in the Fibral Parade Thursday Be) sure to pose for on of the Rote Festival of f iciaL photog raphers. Woodruff & Raymond ROSE CARNIVAL OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS . Veteren Sectoin ; of; Parade 'Will ; Be Considered - a , Attention of G. A, R. - 1 called to the following: ."All Post Commanders, presi- dents of Women's Relief Corps,' m presidents of Ladles of Q. A. - R. circles, and other auxiliaries ; and their- representatives,, ara ; requested to meet Tuesday ave- ft nlng at 7:30 o'clock at (3. A. . R. hall, in the courthouse,, to take action concerning the vet- . r eran section of the Rose Fes- tival parade on June 11, ISIS. M "This ie very Important and it mean YOU. . I "T. H. STEVENS, , "Chairman Veteran Section. .. . , tloned they referred all inquirers to the president. He refused to say a word. After an Daniels and Wilson came out, then "At torney General Gregory, and bringing up In the rear was Bryan, The pre mier's face was still set His collar was wilted and damp, his face per spiring. - Bryan Iterates to talk. "Was the note completed r Bryan was asked. "I cannot discuss what -transpired during the cabinet meeting," he an swered, sharply. - Bryan joined Secretary Lane, Who then appeared, and then entered Lane's carriage to drive to the University club for luncheon. Ordinarily Bryan goes irom tne caDinet meetings DacK to his office for a glass of milk and a sand wich. It is understood that Bryan pre sented to the cabinet a memorandum justifying his Views that the rejoinder as now framed is not of the character that the United States should send. By executing arbitration treaties with a majority of the countries of the world, the United States-has . taken the direct position of being agafhst war, he held. The secretary asked what was to bo gained by considering arbitration re garding matters of dollars and cents. War does not follow disputes affecting-only property rights, was the posi tion he took. Arbitration Only Bexuedy, Claim. But in great questions Involving national honor and making for open rupture and warfare, his stand was that arbitration is the real and only remedy. Bryan is understood to have urged that the United States could stand firmly on its rights and still not close the door to any explanation Germany might make. He took the position that this government should avoid putting Germany In a position where she could not explain, arid meet the United States half way in remedy ing the conditions complained of. Secretary Bryan pointed out that Germany had accepted the principles of the arbitration treaties of this gov ernment and had failed to execute such an agreement only because of the out break of the European war. The allied powers have such treaties, and Bryan insisted that Germany should not be denied the same advantages and rights. It was also rumored that Secretaries Daniels and Wilson took the position that every possible concession should be made to keep the United States out of the war. Wilson has received many letters urging that the government take no position which would result in conflict, and stating that organised labor Is on record as opposed to war unless our territory is invaded. Wilson Xamaias rirm. Although Secretary Bryan Will con tinue his fight for arbitration those close to President Wilson declared it will he unavailing. They declared the president had decided the safest course was for the United States to remain firm and demand Its Interna tional rights. There was much speculation as to whether Bryan would, sign the re Joinder if transmitted In its present form. He refused to discuss such a possibility. If he should not sigh It. his retirement as secretary of state would be certain. Those close to him, however, believed he would be content with a protest and bow to the will of his chief. Istivai Lures Bostonian. Osmond D. Hunt of Boston, secre tary to the president Of the Chamber of commerce of the United States, arrived this morning to see the Rose Festival. He Is accompanied by George 13. Mayall, or musicia and composer, who will make a study of the musical features of the festival. Contin uous From 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. Show Starts Promptly 11 a. tn. every day Special Music by " SIR WALTER SCO ITS NOVEL, BEAUTIFULLY PORTRAYED COMING NEXT SUNDAY Vitagraph's Five-Part Blue-Ribbon Feature THE JUGGERNAUT . The Most Stupendous : Motion Picture Production Ever Brought to Portland WAR DECLARED ON INSANITARY SHOPS BY MASTER BAKERS Resolutions Denounce Care less and Uncleanly Manner vot Handling Bread, 8 CENT DOUGHNUT HIT Asaociatton x.uaohs, , Than. Starts on Trip on Soenio Colombia Sttrsr Highway, J- m m Bakers Bleot Offlaara. ; The association yesterday In elected the following officers: r President, H. H. , Rlttman, 4 Portland; first vice president, H. H. Haynes, Portland; sec- t ond vice president, Harry Korn, K Eugene; third vice president, John Schneider, Mllwaukle; m fourth vlco president, . XX- Braun, Dallas; treasurer. A, A. t Hoover, Portland; executive committee, H. Stein, C. XL Fos- ter, J. A. Wright.. A. Sanden, $ Bert Frans and A. Meager, IK Portland. it The bakers went to the Em- m press theatre In a body last night. This afternoon, they Hr boarded automobiles tor a trip 0 over the Columbia highway t with a dinner at Chanticleer Inn In prospect. 4t 4fc in prospect. War on the insanitary bakeahop was declared this morning by the Oregon State Master Bakers' association, through the unanimous adoption of a resolution condemning careless, and un cleanly handling of bread. The morn ing session was spirited, the entire period having been devoted to the reading and discussion of only two papers. A. A. Hoover, touted as the "dough nut king," spoke on doughnuts. "We've got to compete with the housewife in cake baking as well as bread baking." said Mr. Hoover. "But what loglo ,1S there in producing an inferior doughnut or - cake and hope to get anybody to eat them?" Some bakers. Mr. Hoover contended, bake cakes on the side just to have the name of being all round bakers, when they would not put these ar ticles on their own tables or allow their children to "piece" on them. '"If you can't bake an eatable cake, stay out of the business and don't dis credit the whole bakery business and spoil the trade of a baker who does put out first rate goods." President H. F. Rlttrnann read a pa per on the giving of souvenirs, show cases and outside bread . boxes for grocers. The discussion developed the fact that bakers put themselves to heavy expense because of this prac tice. David Ackertnan of Spokane made the suggestion that instead of furnishing showcases free,' they be sold to grocers on the installment plan $1 or BO cents a week. , The association lunched at the Mult nomah hotel at noon, and started at 1 o'clock on an automobile trip over the Columbia highway. Dinner at Chan ticleer Inn was the schedule for early evening, and the party expects to re turn soon after 6 o'clock. MissFrazer to Appear in Recital This evening Miss Genevieve Fraser, daughter of the late Judge Arthur I Fraser, will give th.e first piano re cital since her return from abroad. Miss Fraser was studying in Vienna when war broke out, and hurried home. The recital will be complimentary, and will b given in Christensen's halt Miss Frazer studied for five years with J. Hutchison before going abroad to complete her education along musi. cal lines. Gets Thlrtjn Days in Jail. Convicted of driving an automobile while Intoxicated, S. R. Smith 'was (ft a1 in Photo PWs Todfiy Largest and Grandest Theatre on Pacific Coast A Thriller in 5 Reels 5 PEERLESS ORPHEUM ORCHESTRA Record Breaking ; Crowds Expected To See Festival m All previous Rosa Festival crowds will be overshadowed by tha crowds that will ba in 4 Portland Wednesday, Thurs- day and Friday. , . Thia prediction is made by local transportation men,- who 0 t bass it on the incoming traffic yesterday and today. ;1 It is almost a case of every- body coming in and nobody 4 going out, they say. ; n. II. Croxier, - assistant gen- tit ral passenger agent of the S., P. & 8., reports that th steam' ship Northern Pacific from San 4 Francisco yesterday had nearly BOO passengers, or 100 more r than either she or the Great He . Northern had carried previous- ly on tha up trip. The passen- ger list to San Francisco this e morning was light. Trains from Willamette val- tit ley points were weU filled this tit morning, and word come from 4 eastern, central and southern Oregon that more people than t sver are buying tickets to the 4 festival. Royal Rosarians , Program Announced . v". Orders relating to Royal Rosarians' participation in Ross Festival events were issued yesterday by Dean Vin cent, prime minister, and Frank C. Riggs, lord high . chancellor, as fol lows: " Wednesday, June : :80 o'clock Assemble at the stations assigned by Captain Krohn for the purpose of as sisting the children's parade. Those not definitely assigned will report to Captain Krohn for assignment. Re main with respective children's divis ions until they are safely on board cars and cars dispatched. It will be necessary to hurry for your lunch in order to be on time for the coronation ceremony. 1:16 o'clock Assemble at the Com mercial club building for formation in 0.ueen coronation ceremony. Thursday, June 10: 7 o'clock- As sembles at Commercial club - building for the purpose of meeting the Tilll kums at the Union depot. 16 o'clock Luncheon f6r the Tllli kums at Chamber of Commerce. 1:15 o'clock Assemble at Commer cial club building for formation to lead floral parade. Friday, June 10: 9:1B o'clock As semble at Commercial club building to meet Cherrlans, Radiators and Pheasants at Union depot, and from there directly to the point of forma tion of the civic and fraternal bodies. This parade will form en Fourteenth street, near Yamhill. Please note that we go directly from tram to this point and do not return to the Commercial club building. Immediately after this parade, assemble at the .Commercial club building for luncheon given to all visiting delegations. 8 o'clock Assemble at Commercial club building to form for participation in electrla parade. sentenced to 80' days in Jail by Munici pal Judge Stevenson today. This is the heaviest sentence that Judge Stevenson has ever dealt In a charge of this Specific nature. Smith's conviction came as a result of the collision of his automobile with a depot and Morrison Street car at Twenty-eighth and Thurman Streets at 2 o'clock Sunday morning. William A. Pettigrove, who Was with Smith at the time of the collision, was fined $10. Attorney E. Plowden Stott. representing Smith, served notice of appeal to the circuit court, and bail was fixed at $500. Portland Milk to Compete. More than 550 Quarts of milk were shipped to San Francisco this morn ing by the local health bureau to be used in the National Milk contest to be 'held at tha Panama-Pacific ex position. City Health Officer Marcel lus accompanies the milk and will have charge of Portland's exhibit. For Eczema a liquid nsed externally for 16 years the standard skin remedy in stant relief from all kinds of itch. D.D. D.&onvsLZP2Ui the skin always clean and healthy. Ad. Any Seat 10 CENTS 7 PICKED OARSMEN ; FROr1 STEAMER AND CRUISER TOLL RACE Men From U, S. S. Boston and Stamship Rose City to Meet' on Willamette, r Picked crews from the cruiser Bos ton and the steamship Rose City will hare two races on the Willamette Thursday, the first to begin at a point between the O-W. n. N. and Broad waybridfe at 5 j. nj.j Both nrta will K. n mlU arr.4 half. One will be with cutters and the viuer wun wnueooats. xne cream or the steamer's crew and the best oars men of the Oregon naval militia will make up the contpetinir crews. A silver cup from employes of the San Francisco & Portland Steamship company sJtd $200 prifte money will be given. The money was raised by the crews of the two shlpa, 1100 each. The San Francisco 4b Portland Steam ship company's dock twill be open to the public, and the Rose City, moored alongside, will be open for inspection. Month Old Baby Cries Itself to Death I Awakened about 1:20 o'clock this morning: the month-old infant of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel. tann of 870 East Fourteenth street north, literally cried itself to death. The baby, Theodore Lee Dann by name, was crying when reached by its parents. It then stopped crying and died. Deputy Coroner Smith conducted an autopsy this morn ing and determined j that the infant died as a result of cerebral hemorrhage brought on by crying.! No Inquest will be held. Miss Barentecher. Reported las Better Mlsa Viola Barenstecher, whose serious illntsa at th Rt Vliuwtit' sanitarium ha been the occasion of much concern to her many friends, wag reported verv much imnroveii thia morning. ; - j When writing or calling on adver tisers, you will confer a favor by men tionlng The Journal. (Adv.) AMUSEMENTS HEILIG feroadway at Taylor Main 1, A-1M3 TOBTQHT, t:lt AIX WEEK fifcE1 Mat. Tomorrow CHAUNCEY OLCOTT In the New Comedy-Drama "THE HEART OF PADDY WHACK" Hear Mr. Oleott'a Kew Song. e. and Sat. Mat. rioor (11 fowa) $1.60; 7 at tl; bal. II, T6c-60c. Gat. 85-23c. Tomorrow's Mat.. 1, 73c. 60c, 35c BAKERSa1adt3wrt" TONIGHT 8:15 tigESt WOBiD'S OBEATMT . SAXOEB ANNA PAYLOWA Complete Bustlaa SaUet nd Symphonjr Orchestra In fa tuous ew Ballets, "A&ta- rilla" "Choplniana" and direrrlssmenta. Prices: Floor, 2.0O. 93; Bal.. 12.00, fl.BO, $1.00. Oallerr, reserved, rows, 75c. Ad- aiission &u cents. ; s. ., - i .i. J aSMa v4 lIATOilX DAILY 30 Tfc Setuatioa of Two Oontlnsnta lluil T Th Male Fattk ' OTXEB SIB-TIME AOT8 3 Bosss sad first - row Baloony reserved Vv paone. Main 4634. A-22S6. m OAKS Fettlaad Oraateit I Aatueaent Park . TODAY'S PROGRAMME 8:30 F. X. prohastral Coaesits aad Prim Zkxifta Bo ton Xreakaaenre la "The Oirl From Vaia.' $:80 V. SC. Coaoert by XTason and His Band. Or caestral Con carta aad; Prima Doana-Boston Troutadffurs. . Fireworks Tnnrtda? Saturday Slurwt IFrse . Admlaaion t Park 10o fisprsss. Cars, First sad Alder, Launches, Merrissa Bridfe, iOo. ft I Vmisii s tmw i U- 4tI1 i TODAY, WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY j " Otters ' DOUBL.E BILL l7 awcett-Lomax "The WRONG WOMAN" All-iStar Ethel Clayton IN "DARKNESS BEFORE DAWN" j . By Shannon Fife r" "THE SUBSTITUTE" I Side-SpUttinc Comedy. Featurint -- BILLY REEVES AND HtS ENTIRE COMPANY ! Held Over by Popular Demand . .COMING FRIDAY. "THE ESTERfiOOK CASE xecteahon V RAtLl RIVERlm gTAGE ROUTES OeAdenes imX emaUos regardlaf; teaaiag outimg laaa aad pzladpal stde txtpe and stare lines. The northwest, itv ia rraat natural aoeale aad eHmatla attraotiona affords uananal advaataces to seekers of aaalth or veoe aUoL informaUoa !tni iMM Or aide trtye earn fte obtained tutm Che Journal Travel Bazeaa, rhonee A. Waia T1T3J er from Tonxist Aganoy and Travel Bazeaa, Marshall Xt7t. BEACH RESORTS "(VI ly iVlC OsIEj rUa'seares andost popt .. . .... !T tT-- 7 i alar ooeaat resort. - Hotel Moor overlooking the ocean offers to the tourist and traveler pleas ures Seldom If ever combined at any one resort Surf bathing, Hot Salt Wa ter Baths. Natatorium for indoor swimming, i Canoeing on the Necanicum. river. Good auto roads. . . r . J" I AU automobiles leave from Hotel ISoore for Xlk Creek aad Oanaoa feeaon OST Tn 1 nniTf KAflffF nit I Iffaava Pri, THM! BOtntB Colomsl Hotel scKSSSaS1 chAxso mamaJs?- THE W ARREN CemslaUly remodeled, Good i loeatiea, ' eae OVEBXoOJCIlfft THE OOZAJT nnfegitr Wk ""VS. Sa food, a BpeoTaltr. Write F. P. LXaTDSUT, Prey. for rates. M. B. Warren. Proprietor. . ?iM MM1 Bar View Hotel FACZsTO THE OCEAX SEASIDE, OHEOOS - Finest dimming tank . ha Mortk Fa- ffi",?,. -" i0".t.-,t t'AX.'rSra'natl HOTEL W$ 60IlHtDAT j"1 erPrif,M)A 5VJ raraisbad Housekeepui, Teats. $1.00 per Day, 2S?f. ?i.rr Si Si.'cf- Owtoik afid Operated br W. A. Wlse 210-Sli HATFI IMF A DQ THE SHELBURNE I 11 I I I I I VI I 1 M I kl BHTLBOTnun STATIOH-HOkTK BEACH i I LL III sVefTm I J AU medsra imprvvameats. One of the laxrstt i . . ' fci hotels en Verta Beaoh. We raise our owl CEMENT BVELDtlrO Broadway at 7tk St. poulferr. Reasonable rates. Bpsoial rates by Twe mtont. fronibeacli ad depot. Eeotrio Tft'iOXL iml 1" , Ufbted. rooms sinsH or en salt. Buy tickets to Bhelpourne, Station, Trains BATES $1.00 A SAT AND TTP. stop rlht at doer. Address Seaview, Wash, Seaside, Oret-oa. J0B3T MEABB, Prop. e ' i t." 1. HOABE, Frcp. V. BREAKERS HOTEL THE BEACH Billiards, peel, bowlln, tennis, gU fresis Sad salt water fisaiar, boatlnr, ridina- and antes. We have -ear own livery stable and autoet tl miles of unbroken beach for auto mn. Oar table is lupyUed from ear own dairy, vegetable gardens Sad poultry yards. Postoff ice, lont distaao phone and teiecraph station la the hotel, 0-W. B, A H, station on tha croands. Write for term, and reseryatlons to- -, . f ' THIS BBBAXXBS HOTMIV ssPeaBers. Wash. R1E DRIFTWOOD pJlp. OPEN AIX YEA ' . IS Now The Only House of Its Kind ia-be World i M "-. Hot and Oold Salt Water Baths la Ceanectioa. i 0PE FOE THE BEAS0S TABUS BOABDA SPECIALTY ! " vritk all modem impfevemeats. For rate LOMO BEAOH. WASH. wriU or wire. BEATIEW, WABH. NEWPORT Sea Crest Cottages BIGHT OS THE BEACH Completely fur nished B. 8 and 4 room osttafes. Each eW taae has a spUadid view of tha eeeaa, otty water, eUotrio lishto .and . toed sidewalks, oloee to stores aad natatorium. Bar ore dec id inw where to spend your summer vacation write for rates and . other InformaUoa to CHBIS ABM a, Kswport, Or. TAK-IT-EZY Boarding' House HOME OOMFOBT HOME COOKTHO Easy waikina- eistaneo of Myo Crook Beaoh, Bates reaaonablo. WriU for termsor mako reeorvations. Address MTT.Lr.B AJTDEBSON , Mewport, Or. TNT CITY Newport. Oregon Fifty, clean; airy famished tents sat oet tacas at rates tancin from $i to 7 a week. tooaUd la trove, in view of eeeaa, sidewalks, electrio lishts and city water. Throe blocks from beach. For reservations address A. 7. VAN WABSEKHOTE, Boa , Howport. Or. , MI NT HO R N S HOT SEA BATHS OVttLOOKO TMCXAH Hot salt water, TnrkiahTKusslan aad elee trie liaht oaths. Msasajre by a traduabs of Portland Sanitarium. : Tea ' rooms for tight housekeepinc. Beasonable rabss, Fsr jreserra- lions or further information address SB. ED OA CBOCKEB, Newport, Or. BEST Of. ALL AGATE BEACH AND AGATE BEACH INN Write to Mrs. Katharine Ceotke for rates aad reservations and to Agate Beach Land Co. st Ast Beach, Or., for other information. Die Ian will bo open early ia June. MOUNTAIN RESORTS WOLFER'S MEDICAL MINERAL SPRINGS Of proved value for Stomach and k Idas? tria ble. Helpful ia many eases for rheumatism. Camplns" privileges ia beautiful fir 4nd eeda a-rovo near tne meaisai sprints, SX.oO e woes, rree wood aad free mineral water. Aa ideal, restful aad healthful vaoatioa. Fsr anaiyili 51 water ana f au lnf ermattea aaaross QEOAwS . WOLfEB, Habbard. Or. : Famous Play .; Cast Joseph Kaufman Utealt JPlsing Resorts BEACH RESORTS MOUNTAINRESORTS ESTACADA Natural 1 SCENIC PsARK M MILES FB0M P0BIIAMO, ExceUent pie. Bio arounds, .exoursion resort and fiahinc ixb cum bvhi imntUi ii a I OS lULi &VM FAAKA aatural park irst tlass hotel at f rounds. Bates ft a ds 0 mili i. si em Pi . jU nhv. from FortlasA, Fiao olaoe for iiehinr. mmh Ii pvcnics, oxoursMaa ana amateur photos- SF&OIAX. BunSAT SZOITBEXOH BATE . to . altasr of these parks 75e round trip. Zraiss leave. First aad Aider. .. .. CAMEMAH PARK Cool, comfortable satins spot, U miles frjom Portland, eveflookiae the teaatiful aad picturesque WUlamott" Fails. . Cars leave lirst aad Alder. Mound trio dv cants. , WIlXdMEf tjs FALLS Take Orotsa City oar M AXM BUHK, AiUSri MUOIM1 VTIB ( Mat, YAJtCOUVEA SABBACJta lake Vanoeuvor ear, Second aad Washiastoa. Sound trip BO CABTnI HO BFSDras-iA rroap.rfit the hot. test eurative spring-s fa the world, at the foothills of the Cascades. For infermetiea oil Marshall 04 or Marshall ftloo. riBHUia BIBBAMB Upper Cleokamae river, Boarine Creek. Easle Creek and Soon Creek. Take oars at Tint and Alder, sa Estaceda- esadare uae. Low round trip rates aad early snealal trains on Bandar. SAVDY- BIVa AKD IUXL BtTW BMVIR Take trains at First and Alder, Bull Baa line. Xew round trip rates and early Sunday ' traiaa, ...... ... fOHMSav CBEXX--Taks train at First end Al. dar. Set off at Errol. Boil, Lento Junotiaa, Broamoro, Linnemann, Oresham, Hoaan or Haley, -- i"-.: f0& ACDrrlOBAL XBTOAMAIIOV eall Tlskst Acsnt. First aad Alder. Marshall 6i0 or A-elAl, . j Portland Ry. Lt & P. Co. j "SoUabl Servieo." NORTH BANK ROAD OUTING RESOR CLATSOP BEACH Paoiflo Ooeaa, Orea-oa coast, , 4 hoars from Portland, lake Vorth Bank. tralBSr Wta and Hoyt, to woarhart or Beasido, Surf aad natatorium bathinc. SS mile of ooeaa strand, wosa-ond trips. iMIPHEAD'S HOT BFltFO B At Carsoa, wu..v H,wiia, jkuuj meets traiaa. Mineral waters 117 F. Mountain soon ory. . I - ooTMiTMXirr MiirtEAL BPfenros-dt can son. Wash. Mountain resort, la stiles so Wind river, Boenie views, huatiac, flahiaa:' trail 'Olimblair. WITT'S rABJt--mito Salmoa, Wasn., fU tua fnn sBrtland. Xnil(li1uai mt.I 1 boaatifal r found... Mountain air, marnifuJ oe mm wvauJBSta nvov MT. ASAJU AHD ICB JCyES Take Morth Bank trains to White Salmoa ( ante a tare te Troatl. wWe slides and sutfita for DESCHUTES BIYIB FISHlMO B.EBOBTS Reduced week-end feres) .lata leaves p. m.t returns t:la a. m. , " KcB2irtIZ BJVEB- BESOBTS take Oreee. Eleetrto ay. to aurena. roley Xot Borii.. and hotel and JfaSoasie BtliU eMfasfS Park, Wtt Park, I Open Noon to Totiighi Prize Balloons Every night, beginning tonight. Prize Balloons will be re leased from the top of the National Theatre. Each balloon will contain order for $1.00 cash and tickets for theatre. Over 500 will be released. Begins tonight 8:30 to 9:30. Balloons will be lighted. , V.MHS i is H. i ii H is ins Today and Five Acts ' 200 Scenes SATAN SAMDEM I ' The Most Dramatic Feature Ever Shown in Portland h Orrin I Johnson, Irene Warfield, and other stars. I Picturesque, Intense, Vital, Compelling, Sensational j Also ?The VanUhing Cinderella" and Other vKf MiS Great Features r ' 10c Any Seat Ten Cents 10c 7 r I . THURSDAY "The Price of lame" in Who Pays? ' !. . . SUNDAY "The Middleman" Five-Act Metro. , v MOUNTAIN RESORTS Welch's HcSs3 PIOsTEEB MT. HOOD MOTVTAIX BEB0BT. Pure too oold mounts la water, airy and enm. fortable kunalows, food ouUlae, hantlnf , fUh. Ins-, horse book rldinf, Bstss M f ar, He week. W. E, WELCH, Prop.. Welch's PoitofHoe, Or. GoTernmentCampIIotcl AT THI FOOT OF Mt. HOOD. Wonderful view of Mt. Hood aad other peaks." Climb ins; of Hood starts from euf plac. Best of accom modations. Unsurpassed fishing and hunting. Saddle horses, laldse for tho ellmb of tit. Hood. Bates SB a dr and up. FOX tBlSE. M0BE. Preps Bowe F. O.. Or. FOR MT. HOOD RESORTS Mount Hood Auto Bervloe Co. I.ssves Meier Prank store, tin st, entranre, dull fl:15 s. in. Kor psrticulsrs and resurvstlons Meier h Frank BporUoa Uoods lept., or phone 'iabor 44. Rhododendron Tavern On Mount Hood Auto State Bond, 1 miles from Portland. Ideal mountain resort, SI day. Weeklr $18.60, $li. Special ratea for famlliee. Saddle horses, laws tsnnis. oresuat. Ooed fish, inr. hustlnt. Phono, el w trio Hint. Sally auto stays. Phone Tabor 8941 for state. SaU Fran, settl, Prop,, Bows, -Or, 1BVINGT0M OAlaQX A AtTTO GO'S fTna.) E. 14th and Broadway. Phono East 13b Reliance Mt.Hood Auto Stages Leaves dally . at a m. Bound trio Arnth Wannah, Welch's. Tewner's, Bhededendroa. ka. Beecial week end incluthn; board and lodtlnt end day, l.0. Bsand trip Oovernmoat Camp. 7.0. Special slimbins trip, insludmf hotel expense and ruide feei to summit, III. Tick ets, reservations snl informatlnn at BOUT LEDGE 8 BED U FLORAL CO., 169 Sd St., bet. Moniaoa and Yamhill. Main 59t6. A-stll. CASCADIA AB IDEAL MOV SI AIM Here you oan have a quiet and restful out las by the side of tho famous Caicadia Mineral Sprincs. You can hunt, full, play tennis, so joy set or sold mineral baths. Yu ean rent a tent or a cottage or board at the hotel, receive your moil dally and have aa loVal vacation at a minimum eapense. For full In formation address Qk.O, M. i;lii..i)k ..-.. Casoadia. Or. - WILHOIT SPRINGS la the 'foothills of the Ossoade mountains, 7 miles from Portland. I An ideal resort for health aad recreation, Aaeelleat hotel and fine eampins; . grounds. Tents and oottegeS for rent. Our specialty la oust Saturday nlsht and Sunday noon chicken dinnsr. Bun out for your Week end helldsy. For full inf ormstion Write or phons F. W. MoLEBLN, WUhoit, Or,, or ask any S. P. asrsnt. - . -- t TROUT LAKE AT THE FOOT OF MT. ADAM8. The bis; speckled beauties r wait lnf to mstch their wits asraUst yours. Easy walkiae distanoe of tho femons lava eaves ond tee eaves. Head sjuartsrs fe mountain olimbers for the ascent of Mt, Adams. Uia;hlat amusement .hall Sekf hotel. Hotel ratae, 19.00 a week. Address OULZa HOTEL. Oulsf. Wash, Shipherd's MMB THE PtACB fOB Y0V A resort for health and reersstion. Beautiful walks tarouah the woods, saddle horsea. flth. ins, swimming pool, quoits, tsnnis court, ero Quel grounds, Dewling alley. Ameriena and uroaeaa plan. Bummer eottsgne and camp. ing. Addresa 1. Im Shipkerd, Carson, Waak. Jewett's Farm IIcniD at1 White Salmon oa tho Columbia rlt ii now ready U. reoeivo gueiti. Its homelike atmos phere, splendid euialne, and she beauty of Its natural ssrroundings make ft It aa ideal resort to spend a few restful days or weeks. For further, inf ormstion or retsrvstioni i'-s jWETT. WHltll SAXM0B, Wli... " ?.?-.'.. "if-a RIVER STEAMERS. STEAMER GEORGIATA f tatvia rfaltw avrar. Mnnffi fa AITOBIA AVTt WAT ZiABT&nff&X Laavlds foot of Washlnftoa St.T a.m.. returnlnsT 9. . DALLES-COLUMBIA LINE Steamer, State of Wahinsrtcn Lestee Tslot St. Dock 11 p. m. daily, ewcept Bandsys, for The belles end, way lanainr. Ueturuiug leaves TbS Dalles 11 nous oaiiy eept Monday, rrelgbt and psssessers. f are HMO. Uerth oOe. Vboae kUia CIA THE OREGON JOURNAL tot years bat been recognized as the leading medium for resort advertio iiift. Kates on application. Near Wash. 11 P. M. sassssssasaaaenanisss iweasi , Wednesday Five Acts 200 Scenes