THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY, JUNE ,8, 191S.. t (Continued) "rITNr mnn 21. wants farm work, no I milking experience. East 6024. 841 TR VI a nH,r V, T! JCAUSOMING. painting, room $1.60 up. Paperhanging reatopablt. Maui 2S2s. -WANTED Stenographic position by refined lady just out of business coir leg. Experience more of an object than salary. E-802, Journal. LACE curtain draperies hand laun- deied:!25c up. Called for; expert Pell wood' 1696 DIN NEK 3. teas. parties. weddings, planned, prepared, served. et:ce. Sellwood 1698. Refer- hXiiKUUKAl'HEil Home law experi- ence. wants office work of any kind. , Marshall 4991. ; WIDOW with S-year-old boy wants nlac In country: eood rerrence. Call East 6024. 841 E. Flanders st. YOUNG lady will care for children in your own home; references. Tabor 6243. - EXPERIENCED child's nurse wishes to care for one or two in country home. Call East 5200. RELIABLE woman, wants day work . wanning and cleaning. Main 6583. WOMAN wishes work of any kind; will do housework. Phone Main 8136. LIGHT family work; middle aged lady. Aiain 119. LIGHT family work. Main 7439. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AXD FEMALE 23 MAN and wife. Scotch, with hoy 10 years 1 old, want to take care of ranch. X-898, Journal. DRESSMAKING 40 DRESSMAKING. The Ust in the west. Fashionable and stylish. 648 Division st. M. Lane. NURSES MIDDLKAGKD practical nurse: any kind of cases. Wood lawn 2515. FU IN1SH ED ROOMS Newly re furnished, papered 4th and Alder and reno vated enlarged lobby all modern conveniences. Rooms, with ' private bath, Jl.per day up; without. Vac up. Because the rates are low don't thinK the service is poor. Special rates by week or month. Several rooms with wall beds, making them practically suites. Hotel Franklin New Management; . Centlal Location. WASHINGTON AND 13TH. PHONEk HOT AND COLD WATER, SHOWER AND TUB BATHS FREE, 60c DAY UP. $10. MONTH UP. LARGE, LIGHT ROOMS. PHONES MAIN 3859. A-6021. HOTEL ROWLAND AND ANNEX, 207 -209 14 4X11. MODERN FIRE PROOF BUILDING. CENTRALLY LO CATED. SUMMER RACES NOW ON. V VI 2 tUi A Via I ' l UJrTl 'Ptl I tL AD. ' TO APPLY $1 ON FIRST t MONTH'S RENT. ' HhPl MlnnnU 2llVi 4th.t.. cor. tiwiui :iiiiiiuuisalmon. xsew man- steementi Strictly modern. 3 blocks postofjice, quiet, homelike; 50c day up, ! $10 month up. ' $2.60 WEEK. Rooms $3.00 WEEK. Hotel Garland, first class outside. 25 Trinity st., cor.'Wash., bet. 19th, 2frtli. ETHELTON HOTEL. 105 Hr 12th sc. near Wash., clean, quiet, modern conveniences, summer rates; $3 week up; transient solicited. -bftiarsnaii zau. YOUNG men muy consult without j Charge register of furnished roomi at Y, M, C. A., listing several hundred in all parts of the city, also tr.ose in the Association building. WANTED Room mate to reduce rooming expense. Fireproof build, lng, shower baths, individual beds. Call or address Y. M. C. A. business office ' THE ALBION HOTEL, 212 3d and Salmon. Rooms $1.75 week up; steam heat, ! hot and cord water, free bath, phone. ANSONIA HOTEL. ; 124 14th St.. cor. Wash., desirable lo- 1 cation, strictly modern, private bath, phone, $3 up. Rates to tourists. M. 1443 Matiras Hotel f- ui:: 9 r-v i i , , ....... Z7z and mou at nil t(mp to nf n vmi in , DLICKineham Hntfi r"iles- yut- locating. Newcomers in Portisnd will KEELER APTS.. 14 . . ,-. - , "p- find this bervice especially valuable. ! 4 room unfuriiife w-i.hirr; P' ' c' '&c- 1- ! Keal estate men and owners of private , the LA U RETT E 652 Washington. property are invited to list their un-i i"lrw; ,7t rooms. 12 SO i in," Rr ilav F.n tV. i.I564 GANTENBEIN ave., tor. 12th and Washington sts.' ' ' A QUIET PLACE Foil OIJIKT PKoPt.R HOTEL CLIFFORD. PTaKt Mnprlcnn el . , n - t , . Cleanliness and comfort. $3 re- wk up" ! .RAN. lifht rnnm.. , .... .7 ' bath, steam heat. S2 un. 445 Cninm. bin. Main 7410. A-3973. Nicely furnished A DDHTT 25c dav up. rtDPUl l,50 wfc. Up NICELY furnished outside room, $6 per mo. 187 17th, near Yamhill. ROOMS and apartments in modern ho- tel. $2.50 week and up. 455 Aider. $2 iWEEK up, clean, warm, modern fur rooms, central. The King. 309 Jef. HOME comforts, large airy rooms, rea- sonable. East 1552. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMHiY 70 NEATLY furnished room, $1.26 per week or $4 per month. Main 8029. 366 12th st. , CLEAN, well furnished rooms, low rates, near Rose Festival center. 388 Salmon. SCENIC view of th carnivni nt , " ! elegaUy furnishedCarrontX i 291 H; Morrison, cor. 6th. 1 LARGE front outside rooms Broadway, cor. Salmon. 212 LARGE, .well furnished room at 211 : '6th st. Close to Carnival ! fOUK : sleeping rooms In I cottage; j meais if desired. 327 Broadway S. UNFURNISHED ROOMS . .. u 2 if W x,ooms; waer. gas. $5 month. 188 Market near Front. ROOMS AND HOARD 15 PARKVIEW HOTEL. 386ldoriimery st. at West Park. Family hotel; all modern conveniences; rates for regular and transient guests. THE DORMER, 283 13th St.. cor Jef lerson, room and board $5.50 a week nd up; home cooking THE HAZEL, cor. 3d and Montgomery Fine furnished rooms r.nd board $5 t:p; steam heat, hot baths: free phone. CA8A ROSA, 300 JEFFERSON ' BOARD AND ROOM, $25 UP. Room and board, young women $4 wkT np;Y"Anna Lewis" Hall. 510 Flandert FIRST class board and roon, best cooking. $5 up. 346 College t. ROOMS ANL HOARD PRIVATE riMHY 72 .BOARD and room in modern home, .. pleasant surroundings, employed people 1 only, price reasonable. 1099 Garfield ave. Woodlawn 2025. WANTED Children io ?o7 and board; mothers' care. 508 E Steoh , ens. Mrs. Ohlendorf. ROOM and board for one or two gen tlemen with home comforts. 54 m 16th sr.; cor. Davis. CLEAN room and board, trees ham - mock, $ 5 and up. Cor. e. 3d and Multnomah. East 6016. AIRT rooms, good board. 254 E N. East 6016 3d BEST board, clean rooms, walking dis" tancev $5 up. 65 Washington. MT. TABOR HEIGHTS Room SHd board. Phone Tabor 3972. 72 FURNISHED rooms and table board. 3 ' hi of If M fnim nn.f 1. . SIS tV. at UUUSKJvKKPIXO UOOMS 8 Rooms singie and en tuite. 'all mod ern"; transient -60c and up. $2.60 week ana up. 410 H Morrison st. ON; room with kitchenette, complete hot' aid ldwiphMln r, ly iurmmeo, steam heat, running room: 7 blocks from 6th and Morrison 1 tg.; $12 and up. -91 Columbia su. t corner 6 th st. $1 to ti.&Q week, furnished H. K. rcoms; gas, free heat, laundry, bath, 1 East 603; 03 Stanton, XT car. bUiXbs and single H. K. rooms, $1.50 j week up. Also modern rooms. Mer- 'iiZfi.""' "" muhwu. ! KOi CREST 175 12th; cool, comfort- V. I Y ,... t r T. i In. ' HOUSEKEEPING rooms, in 2 suites;, also dandy rooms for bachelors. The Rons house. 213 fr 1st. SINGLE H. K. apt., walking distance, per mo. 187 17th. near Yamhill. GKM AJPTS., 1, 2, 3 room suites, free bath, phone; $1 wk. up. 101 let St. OILMAN hotel, 1st and Alder. Fur nished H. K. rms., cheap. J 1.50 wk. up. NICE 2 room apartment, Hawthorne district. 349 E. 42d st. WELL furnished rooms, ciose in; nice front room; 891 Yamhill. Cambridge bldg.. furnished H. K- rooms, central, cneap. I6a 3d. cor. Morn, j TWO housekeeping rooms, $11 per mo. i &45 Washington st., near 16th. j TWO furnished- housekeeping suites, close to grandstand. 3 27 Salmon st. TWO and 3 room suites new manage- j asonable. 410 Jefferpon. ment, rea ZIt HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS PRIVATE ?AMUY rooms, ' COMPLETELY furnished sewing machine, gas and electricity; also two single housekeeping, on 'car line, 3 blocks from steel bridge. 346 Oregon st. FURNISHED sleeping room and kitch en, neat and clean, centrally located, 292 Russell st., $1.50 per day; extra room $1 per day. Phone East 5467. HOUSEKEEPING single rooms. $1.50 to $2.50 per week; free bath and phone. 450 Yamhill between 12th and 13th. $12.00 TWO clean, completely fur nished rooms, bath laundry, phone, large yard, east side, walking dis tances SLEEPING rooms and H. K. rooms, "$1.50 pr. wk. 630 Davis. 2 blks from Washington st. 6 PER month for 3 large rooms, east rlnsiu in inrluriini? w,it-r 3fit i ROOMS AND EOARD TBIVATB TAXXX.TC Continued t E 7ti itreft . 1 ROSENFELD (brick), 14th & E. Stark. TWO i-nnnfrtin? room-- for hoiiwkfen- Modern 3 and 4 r., furnished or un 1 ing, Targe an! ai ? t t 50 ! 5P3 fur. Private phones reasonable rates. Chapman. Marshall 3938. 1 RENT BARGAINS. tit rr a v 1 ok -liitP.- inri KingiA H k ! 3 and 4 rms- -sleeping porches, hard- Ji; f, t V:'-, i wood firs., refs. Portnomah. 200 E. 13th dry. S KUUfflS wun Bleeping porcn, gas, i , ficfnp lipht nath ntifl nhnnf nflA 1... Oak St. TWO and 3 cool connecting room.-i, modern, near Broadway bridge. 3 SO E. 1st st. TWO H. K. Uroadway. rooms, furnished, tor. Salmon. 212 j i6l, Taylor single houseKeeping roouia. l1 ree light, phone bath, launary. (NICELY iurmsnea nousexeepinK rooms. $2 per week. 211 6th st. j FURNISHED housekeeping suites. $10 per montn. too ttn st. SINGLE, double, furnished housekeep- ing rooms. 71 E. 11th st. N. ARGE housekeeping room, Is 149 13th st., near Morrison. DESIRABLE housekeeping rooms. adults. 555 Yamhill Ft. Main 4415. FOR RENT HOUSES 12 MEIER & FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. Tenth Floor, Temporary Annex. Complete and reliable list' of all va cant houses, flatsp apartments and. bungalows Sn the city; make use of this service when you desire; this does not obligate you in any manner to this store. Yoj will find us w illing occupied apartments, flats and houses at Meier Frank s free rental bureau. ELEGANT 9 room dwelling, 331 I Broadway west; 10 minutes walk FLAT, 4 rooms; bath, sleeping porch, to Washington st.; 2 fireplaces, elec-: gas range, furnace, fireplace, hard trlcity, gas. furnace, cement basement; wood floors, linoleum on kitchen and all modern plumbing; yard. Rent $3o. : t ath. 268 East 30th. Tabor 2236. tied !. S. Williams, 92 ? 1st st, ; ,,PT o 1" 1 block from . : . ' Russell st.. 2 blocks from Williams " i""u'."..."""1 K""tlvwl gas and electricity. Inquire at 566 Uantenbem ave. HOUSE, 6 rooms, walking distance, 2 ' . "a-ic! ncaici , yard, fruit, roses, sleeping porch, rea- ! sonable rent. 630 E. Madison st. 3 j ; 1 o i uiuuei ii uuuse lur x eiiL rea sonable, at 595 Marshall st. Has nice shady yard with roses. Apply 581 Marshall st. $6 6 room house, full basement, 2 j ' porches, gas range, partly lurnished Fhone Tabor 5505. 47 22 79th st., S. E. Mt. Scott car. Firland station. I 6 ROOM cottage with large porches, ! inside just overhauled; garage spaca If desired. Marshall 4431. FOR attractive houses to rent use 1 Clark Rental Service, 2d floor Title j Trust bldg. a ! MODERN 6 room house. 782 Kelly st., i TWO 3 room flats, furnished and un reasonable to right party. Marshall furnished. Adults. 504 E. 22d st. S. 1013. ' vi , , . .- l.. -.- ; . . . .. & , zi t MONTH'S rent free: 8 rooms, hath CanTas'si!1!2 501 5 r0mS' bath' 10' i F9R REsiT New modern 6 room ,??, Wedler , at.: Key next or ,pnon8 owner, jvialn .273. HdliKK tor vpnf . i rnnrr o n 1 V...1, n modern with garage. 345 E. 51s't N. ! inquire ax es bin sta7 k pf,n.. r , r-1 r 6 "lodei bungalow, near car- line, uaiu suriacea sr., ouiltin con- veniences. Phone Sellwood 93. MODERN i room hou.; sT! HouQwarq ave. ynone Sellwood 1551. fFfYR r uvt 2 2 rr i - - uivuciu v twin uouse. 325 Wasco st. riiune cast $18 5 room modern bungalow. Tibbits. Phone C-1905 920 $20 9 room house. E. 33d and Sal Phone Tabor 119. mon; nearly new. NEW modern 7 rooms. $20. No. 541. 3tn, wichmond car. $25 Modern 8 room house newly tinted. 611 E. Couch st. B-305S. A. MODERN 6 room house, fruit and flowers. $15. Woodlawn 1799. FIVE room cottage for rent at El moro Park Beach. Marshall 451. 6 ROOM! modern house. Wdln. 3526. FURNITURE FOR SALE 33 , HOUSES FOR RENT AD.S. of furniture for sale are pub lis tied In the Household Goods class! flcatlon when house Is not for rent. FURNISHED HOUSES SO BEAUTIFUL modern furnlBhed cot rt.sfi 5 roma. .Bleeping tent, gar den, fine shade, $17 month. June 15 to Sept. 30. 1000 E. Tavlor. FURNISHED house.6 rooms, mod .trn'plano' parage, water rent paid, $25. Tabor 967. PART of furnished house, adults. 6 Yamhill st. Main 4415. BURNISHED 7 room, cottage; walking -oiautu. x-none h,ast 0330. NICE 7 room Irvington. East 273. W. H. Herdman. 5 ROOM furnished cottage, lights, wa ter. $12. East 1502. TWO room cottage furnished, $10 per ao otn st- ' ' ' 18r7 room house, piano, sewing ma chine, gaa range. Woodlawn 3161. FURNISILED AXD UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS 43 Wellesley Court. EAST T5TII AND BELMONT STS. Furnished and unfurnished, Mgr. East S 469. References. .: BALBOA APARTMENTS. ' 429 Harrison, near 12th st Extra large 2 room furnished apts, unfurnished,, modern, reasonable ? 55iJ Pho"; good service. MarshaU VILLA. ST. CLARA. 12 th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apts. Walking distance. References. ; ; s BUCK - HARTFORD . APARTMENTS. 107 N. 21 ST ST. 3 and 4 rooms, furnished or unfur nished! sleeping porches and balconies; walking distance; reduced rent. THE CODY, cor. E. 7th and Taylor sts., has been remodeled with private baths, new furniture and carpets, 2 and 3 rooms; light and phone free; rent very reasonable. Call East 44. THE IRIS APTti. 3i.l and Mill St. JULIETTE APTS. 2d and Montgom ery. Modern 2. 3 and 4 room apts.. furnished .or unfurnished. $17 month i up. No charge for cooking gas. MONTGOMERY APTS. COR. 3RD MONTGOMERY STS. Strictly modern, ail outside fur nished 2 room apts., elect. elevator, best service, close in. $18 to $25. Free lights. Main 9466. outside unfurnished apartment. 5 oova't?xn heat and janitor Ifolrtnnl'"1 'i'li L' I birr, v; ...... i." . . . . . . . , i . new man-g.f 3 and' 4 fur, a3 Unf ur. apts., reasonable rent. Pacific phone In apts. Main 1082, A-5749. iii.ouvvAi CfcNTHAii BLOCK up-to-date f urn. elaborately.. 3 bl'ks. e.' Bdwy. bridge. Summer rates. E. 6663. 1 HE UEZENDORF. 208 16TH ST. Marshall 2316. Nice 5 room furn. and unf urn. apts.; also 3 and 4 room turn, apartments. THE SHEFFIELD 270 Broadway, south, 3 and 4 rooms, well arranged, easy walking distance, at very rea sonable rent: best of service. M. 256. COMPLETELY furnished, 2 room apartment, easy walking aistance; $16 per month, including lights, etc. 187 17th st., near YamhilL JEFFERSON IAN APARTMENTS, j Corner 16th and Jefferson, 2 and 3 I room furnished apartments, 2 beds, $12 and $16. AMERIC AN-M A RLBO KO U G H. Highest class apts. in the cify. 4. 5 ! and 6 rooms, walking distance, reason- aDie. Mar. 33tu. .1a1n iois. a-266. THE ALAMO 494 Market St.; nicely lurnisnea apts., Dy week or month. Ti'nrch-ill 4KRfi zz x w ruuui iipui., uewiy furnished: modern. Sawyer Apts.. 82 N. 10th Bt. Phone A-223S. PENINSULA APTS.. concrete bldg., i baths, st. heat' phone. $12 up. C-117o! and J rooms, not and cola water, THE DEL MONTE. H. K. apts., prices very reasonable. 20th and Morrison. Marshall 4464. wi jost- . . -n,i u i-nnma nH-t bath, modern brick; special rates $15 and up; 14th ana AlarKet. Main 1739. :-jsLYN APARTMENT 267 N. 21st St.; 3 room furnished apartment; summer rates. Marshall 1323. DOWN town, modern apts., $15 month up, including heat, light, etc. Royal Annex, 3 50 Morrison. DRICKSTON 448 11th St.: modern 2. 3 room tur. apts., $20 to $30; walking distance; excellent service. Mar. 57. ALBERMARLE Apts., modern, neatly furnished apts. Summer rates. East 413. 383 William ave.. near roadway. Ardmav Terrace. 395 12th st. Large 2 room tur. apts. Airs John (Jran. mgr. LUXOR APTS.. 324 13th, neatly fur nished apts.. day, week or month. MEREDITH 3 & 4 rm. apts.. reason able. 712 Washington, opp.22d. M. 7134 PAGE. APTS.- Excellent outside apta. Kates very reasonable. .fc.ast 3566. th and Clay 3 aol htd: references. 3 room furnished bath, phone. 229 11th. THE LUZERNE 2 room fur. apta., mdrn brick. $20 m. u. Mar. 4637. FOR RENT FLATS 13 t,w.uriJii.jiJi iiionvu Ji. x-. . o necting. everything furnished: also 2 single H.'k.; on 5 carlines; jitney ser- vice. 346 Oregon st. i VERY modern 5 room flat. E. 13th I and Tillamook, In two family bldg., ; cheap. Phone Broadway 2332. A in o b room riat ior rent, new ana . m-i(ierni, r1as,?n?i1 vvst siae. A-4798. Marshall 2534. FOR RENT 5 room modern flat. 266 E. 24 th St.. near Hawthorne, rent reasonable. FURNISHED FLATS 50 5 ROOM well furnished flat, clean, healthy, light-all around; gas, bath; desirable. Walking distance or 2 car lines and best jitney service. 772 E. Taylor. East 5260. $16 Cozy 4 room flat, lawn, walking distance. 450 Rodney ave. East 4866 jivuiu iuuiii uppei luruisiieu iiat. id iViiiwauKie st. WELL furnished upper flatfine lawn and shade. Phone Sellwood 1943. STORES Ar.I OFFICES 11 FOR RENT. BRICK CORNER STORE On KUlingsworth ave., near car barns, floor space 50x86; will divide to suit tenant. If you intend changing your location or entering into mercantile business, see this fine, modern, up 10 date corner with steam heat and over 100 feet of plate glass centrally lo cated. BLANCHARD & CLEMSON. 702-703 Selling bldg. BRICK warehouse m South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal Publishing Co.. Broadway and Yamhill. FIRST class office in a thickly settled neighborhood; best opportunity for right man. Inquire at World Drug Co., 621 1st st., cor. Caruthers st. SHOP, 271 Hawthorne ave., east end of bridge. H. N. Burpee. M. 3330. HOTELS 54 EXCELLENT furnished rooms, strict ly modern, $2.50 wk. Hotel Savoy. 125 6th. betw. Wash, and Alder. SUMMER RESORTS 50 FURNISHED cottage, Rockaway Beach, view of ocean, July and Au gust, $60. Tabor 97, FURNISHED 3 room cottage, Ocean Park. Wash., $40 season. H. B. V., Box 224. Milwaukle, Or.. Route 1. SEASIDE cottage for rent. Main 4191. WANTED TO; RENT WAN-TED TO RENT Strictly mod ern high class unfurnished 6 or 7 room house, Irvington or good dis trict, for family of 3; best references. S-817. Journal, j, EORSES. iVEJICEi. ETC. 18 FOR SALE -Ranch horse, good work er. $25 takes him. 1967 E. Stark. DEAD horses and cattle taken free. Tabor 4203. ONE mare pony, saddle and bridle, $30. One 1100 lb, horse. $50 Tabor 028. y HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC IS -'VY"". - (Continued) - ' SPAN of geldings, weighing 2259 lbs., sound and extra geod workers, with set of good double breeching - harness, $15. Also biocky Percheron mare, 4 yrs. old, sound and true, weighing 1200 lbs., $100. At Model Stables, 6 th and Davis. - . ' HORSE, harness and buggy for sale; horse gentle and good saddler: gentle for a lady to drive. Call at Anderson Boarding Stable, Anderson Bros liv- ery. Fhone Main 831. BIG team of horaea for sale, cheap. 4 year bids, 1600 weight each, ao difference in ages, gentle, city broke, true, sound. Inquire E. P. Elliott, 7th and Main. Oregon City, or. Commission Auction Of horses, vehicles, harness, wag ons, every Monday and Tnursday, at 2 p. m. Columbia Stables. 302 Front st. 1600 lb. team ponies with long bodied buggy and harness, complete. This 1 an exceptional good outfit for camping or berry farm. 233 N. 14th. A BARGAIN My splendidly matched work team. 2300 lbs., new Studebaker wagon and harness, $300 cash. Phone Main 7337. Mrs. Abbott. GOOD all around mare, top buggy, harness. 155.- SDrintr wagon, zzo. J. Suhr. Gresham. Box 178. MILK or buttermilk wagon; strong, light running, a bargain: 3s0 Front fit. Main 1571. FOR SALE, cheap; smalt team, wagon and harness; just the. thing for a camping trip. Foot Main st. . GOOD matched team. all around chunks, harness, soring wagon, sad dle, single buggy.. $5.00. 1561 E. Ash. GOOD cheap, mare and light wagon; must be sold at once. 1029 Hi. lam- hill. V ANTED, cheap horse, suitable for farm work; state price. 0-359 Jour nal. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call Wood lawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. HORSES for sale or trade. Call Wood- lawn 20. LIVESTOCK 35 SIX milch cows. 5 and 6 gallon milk ers, fresh and coming iresh soon: one registered Durham bull 3 years old, two fine heifers, yearlings: also one Chester White brood sow. third litter June 15. J. Schmauder. 39th and V sts., near carbarns. Vancouver, vvasn. pnone 899-R FINE 4-year-old Jersey-Holstein cow, just fresh, heifer calf 3 weeks old, giving. 4 gallons per day, tests over 5. Will ..sell with or without calf. A fine cow for family use. Take Sell wood car to Tolman ave., ' walk 3 blocks east and one block south to 1316 E. 20th st. 25 HEAD of high grade dairy cows, all fresh from 1 to 4 weeks, 15 Jer sey and Guernsey, 10 big Durham cows, giving 4 to 6 gals, per day, all good young cows. , Take Woodstock car to 59th ave., walk 3 blocks west. 15 DAIR cows, Jersey, Guernsey and Holstein. fresh and springers, $55 up. 30 yearling heifers. Holstein and Jersey. 3 blocks north, 1 west Kenton Bank. Wdln. 4026. 2 GOOD cows, Jersey and Ayrshire, for sale cheap if sold immediately. 720 E. 23rd. 50 PIGS ior sale or exchange for beef or milk cow. H. Grebe, Tigard. Or. CHOICE of 3 fresh cows, A-l, 5 gallons milk. 1594 Division St. iyULTRY AND PIGEONS 37 SELLING CHEAP. 100 White Leghorn pullets, Jan.. Feb., March hatch, 8 doz. hens, to gether, 50c each. Poland China sow. 5 pigs, $22.50. Duroc Jersey boar, $10. Burro, pack animal, $25. Box 263. Gladstone. Or. Phone 447-M.. via Oregon City. KEUON Poultry and Pet Stock Co., 65 6th St., Portland, Or., 34 kinds of iiickena. eggs $2 per 15 by parcel post. Ducks, geese, turkeys, pearl guineas, pigeons, rabbits, dogs, peafowl, canary birds, poultry rood and remedies, in cubators and brooders. A. J. Krueger, manager. CARNEAUX White Mathes homers. White Kings, Swiss Mondains, Hun garians, 75c per "pair. 200 tj selL 1127 t-j. 2&tn st. in. A car. U A It ft W J t PT.VMflllTU D-.CL-0 Pedigreed breeders, all for sale. 200 hens, 20 cocks; bargain prices. Ladd & Bauer. Panama bldg.. Portland DOGS A3D HOUSEHOLD PETS 46 ONE pair of blue-eyed White Angora cats, thoroughbred, pedigreed stock; a sacrifice. Phone Mar. 2053. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 Used Auto Snap LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. We are closing out all of our used cars .this month at big sacrifice; f ree j service given witn each car; several cars to select from. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway and Couch sts Broadway 887. A-4959. PORTABLE GARAGES AND HOUSES Built of best materials, ar tistic designs. Erected complete, lock Sn- key- 32 UP- Portable houses. $12o up. Immediate delivery. r, TAKE DOWN MFG. CO., 548 water st. nr. Harrison. Main 1167. WILL exchange 160 acres of home stead, patented, or 80 acres of fine timber land, or improved business property, with two houses in a good Douglas county town, for a standard make of car. late model. G-184. Jour nal. OREGON VULCANUZLNG CO. "The Tire Shop." 550 Washington st.. at 18th. Marshall 379. BEST TIRE REPAIRING. Trade new tires for old ones. TIKES IMPROVED PORTABLE GARAGE. See my 10x16 portable garage at $32. Erected on your lot complete. Get my price on other garages or houses. B. T. Allyn, Garage Specialist, 1191 East Salmon. Tabor 194. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. Large stock, prices $300 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO, Studebaker bldg. Corner Chapman and Alder OVERLAND 5 pass., fore door; well equipped; tires practically new; extra tubes, tools and chains, $283. 369 Hawthorne. GENERAL auto and truck repairing. Reo truck sprockets a specialty. Forging. Good work, square prices Try uo. rj. xj. x ay ior ec wo., n 1ST St. CAHtRSPRW&CO, i Written guar antee with every (spring. 26 N. 15th st. RECOVERING auto tops, $48.50 up. Auto painting, $20 up; r.ll work guar anteed. United Painting & Auto Top Co.. 15th and Washington. Mars 945. A BARGAIN in Ford, Studebaker and Michigan, all held for bill. East 6495-. SLIGHTLY used tires, largest stock in Portland. $3 to $15. Fine repair- ing. ine supply jo., 207 Madison. HAVE equity in seven passenger Win ton six that I will sell cheap or will traoe. j-i(p. journal LIGHT 5 pass, late 10 or 11, cheap for cash, or terms to suit. 644 Morri son. Marshall 429. FORD New 1915 runabout bodies. T? . a A j .... . . . uwiip x. -v., r um ageun, n AJner st, ROADSTER Good car, cheap-up-keep: niuntor pnceg paid for old rubber. mowia. j, ve. m uoiumoia. M. 5198 EXPERT auto repairing, reasonable cnsruw. j. j. dimmer, iss n. fith t AUTO truck for sale with Job: easy FIVE pass. Regal, $250. y. E. Esben shade, 214 Front. . . , j o AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 (Continued) MB TM1 IT THE GREATEST CUT PRICE SALE EVER HELD IS ON RIGHT NOW. RIGHT HERB IN PORT LAND. AT THE W1NTON BRANCH. WE HAVE BEEN OR DERED BY HEADQUARTERS TO SELL EVERY USED CAR AT FROM $100 TO $500 LOWER THAN THE LOWEST PRICE Dealer on the coast, its A WONDERFUL CHANCE FOR YOU TO REALIZE YOUR DESIRE TO OWN A HIGH GRADE CAR. IE IDS ee ra mm im Tin eh NAME YOUR OWN PRICE FROM $100 UP. WRITE YOUR OWN GUARANTEE. x BETTER LOOK THESE CARS OVER TODAY; JUST THE CAR YOU WANT MAY BE GONE BY TOMORROW. HTM 23d and Washington Sts, - Open Evenings. GUARANTEED. USED CARS. ON EASY TERMS. 1915 OVERLAND, 35 H. P., 6 pass., run only 1200 miles, as demonstrator, original price $1200, now $975 1912 CADILLAC. 4 passenger. Delco Electric starter, etc., re cently overhauled and repainted $650 1914 OVERLAND roadster. Gray & Davis, electric equipment, like new in every respect $650 1914 OVERLAND 5 passenger, electric lights, with .generator, just overhauled throughout. . . $600 OVERLAND. 1913. 5 passenger, absolutely perfect mechanically $450 OVERLAND. 1912. 5 passenger, overhauled, repainted, new tires all around $450 OVERLAND. 1912. 40 H. P.. won derful hill climber, new tires all around $300 1913 COLE, just thoroughly over hauled and renovated, Delco starter and lights 825 DELIVERY CARS OVERLAND, panel top delivery: late model; just thoroughly overhauled and repainted; new tires all around $600 MAXWELL light delivery, just overhauled and refinished; in finest condition throughout $375 1915 OVERLAND, panel top deliv ery; electric starter and lights; run few hundred miles as demonstrator $900 4. W. IEAVITT & ffiflWAKIY USED CAR DEPT. 527 Washington st, NEW LOCATION AFTER JULY 1ST, COR. BROADWAY AND DAVIS STS. Used Cars We have several good cars at bar gain prices. Look them over. COLE. 1913. DeTco electric starting and lighting system, easy riding, good condition. CADILLAC, 1914, 5 pass., repainted, tires good, motor perfect. Price low. CADILLAC, 1913. This car la in the best of condition. $950. OVERLAND; 4 pass., a very service able car. only zts. CADILLAC. 1912. repainted, com plete equipment, $750. STUDEBAKER roadster, late model, at $400. Covey Motor Car Co, 2 1ST AND WASHINGTON STS. Ford! Fordil Fordill We have several bargains in Uoed FORD runabouts and touring cars. CASH OR TERMS. Benj. E, Boone & Co, Ford Agents, 614 Alder st, Portland, Or. AUTOMOBILES WAATEi) 78 320 ACRES, no incumbrance, 280 acres fenced, good well, 40 acres in crop, for auto; must be good. 80 acres, no Incumbrance, trade for Ford- Rooms 301 and 2 Lumber Ex change, cor. 2nd and Stark. au loiiUBILE wanted. Have 28 ft. motor boat fully equipped, good as new. Boat and house cost $1200; will trade boat for light roadster in good condition. Address N-869. Journal A NICE "Bay ocean lot near Hotel Bay ocean to exchange for automobile. Phone Tabor 4627. CLEAR Rose City Park, lot for auto. Tabor 5953. FIVE year old horse cheap; good saddler and driver. 246 Clackamas. AUTOS FOR HIRE AUTOS FOR HIRE. Up to date cars. ' Careful and experienced Drivers. Scenic and touring trips. Special rate i by hour. Stand. 255 Wash., cor. 3rd. Main 2965. CONTRACT for year with 1 ton truck: guaranteed good .service. N-466, Journal MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES 65 NOTICES For salo cheap, motorcycle in good repair, or trade for good horse. Make offer. 5228 43d st, S. E. A TWIN Excelsior motorcycle for sale, cheap, in good condition. Call 1018 Hancock St.. near 33d. - ;" POSITIVE bargain. 1 h,.p. Indian, ful ly equipped, perfeot condition, $90. R-833, Journal. " 8 H. P. twin motorcycle cheap; cash or . terms; Tabor 1404. TOE LipES 1 TOE MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES 55 t Continued) CLEAN-UP SALE Of MERKEL motorcycles" at less than our cost,- 1912 and 1914 models, all new, 485. - easy .- terms. Phone Broadway MOTOR CAR SUPPLY" CO.. 31-33 Broadway North. USED MACHINES OF ALL MAKES KUM $25 UP ON EASY TERMS. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO, 44 Grand ave. Agency for the Flying Merfcel Pope motorcycles and bi cycles cash or terms. New and used, supplies, etc. F. P. Keenan Co., 190 4th LAUNCHES AND BOATS 04 EVINRUDE Motor Co, now located Front and Morrison: 100 EvJnrude rowboat and canoe motors In stock $58 to $83. Gasoline engines, motor- boat equipment, paddles, cunions. sporting goods, rowboats and ranoes, HAVE 23 ft.. 7 H. P. motorboat to trade for good motorcycle. Phone Madison, A-3890 SELL cheap, launch 25x4 Vi. 20 IL P almost new. Phone iain PLNOS, ORGANS AND 34 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS $10 BUYS $30 Edison phonograph, 30 records. 127 W. wygant. aaice at, Johns car to Denver ave. EXCHANGE $500 player piano for piano or organ. journal. GRAPHOPHONE and records, for sale. 611 Columbia bldg. PIANO for sale very cheap if taken once. 706 Vancouver ave. at TYPEWRITERS GILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS ITnrirwnorI.j Rwminetons. L. C Smith. Oliver. Smith-Premier. RoyaL etc., $15 and up: terms. Agents for the "Corona'" folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables and cnairs. une J. K. Gill Co., 3d and Alder sts. WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of. typewriters. Send for cur Illustrated folder; retail depart ment. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER Co.. 321 Washington st TYPEWRITERS for rent, 3 months for $5 and ud: 6 months rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington Typewriter .Co.. 86 Broadway. NEV, rebuilt, 2d hand, rentals, cut rates. P. u. j. Co.. 231 starK. -m. 10 WANTED L. C. Smith Typewriter, for cash. Call 191 4 th st. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 05 FURNITURE for 5 room house for $80; house rents for $12.50. Call Monday. 4616 63d st. S. E. I NEED all kinds, ot 2d hand good used furniture. Will pay hlghes cash price. Call Marshall 587. CALL Bell Auction Co. and get good price for your furniture. Alar. 4 783. FURNITURE 4 rooms, piece, or all cheap. 59yfe Columbia; leaving town FURNITURE for sale very cheap if takenvat once. 706 Vancouver ave. 11 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 1 Beautiful Roses Fine, long stemmed buds, freshly picked, furmshed in large or small quantities to hotels, restaurants, etc., at lowest prices; samples shown on application. D-455, Journal. SPECIAL FOR THE ROSE FESTIVAL Camp chairs, 23c. Tents, 8x10, $5.25. Tents. 10x10, $6.25. Also all sizes below factory prices. Tents to rent. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO., 88-90-94 Grand ave. Phone E. 1051 SEWING machine, iciu norium sells -Tor lesw no agents employed, all makes of new and second hand machines. Sold on terms. Machines guar anteed and rented. $2 per month. 190 go. near Taylor. Main 43i. A-3626. Electric Motors , Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnside, cor. lutn. Aiain or A-064. MOTION PICTURE SUPPLIES. Used machines and parts for all standards makes. . Machines rented for private exhibitions. SERVICE FILM CO., 64-66 Broadway. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." -Type writers and "Household Goods are separate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective classifications. l,ooK tnem over. BILLIARDS New and second hand carom and pocket billiard tables. bowling alleys and accessories, easy payments. Tables for residences. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., . 46 -4a 6th st. Phone Main 4970. FOR horses and vehicles, dogs and household pets or poultry, read the ads., under tnese respective headings. The Journal leads all other mediums In these classifications. GOOSEBERRIES, currants, raspber ries, pick them lc to 3Vsc box. Hawthorne car to 71st, 3 blks. north to 1824 Division. E. L. Brown. FOR billiard and pool tables, see W. J. Quigley. 203 3d st., near Taylor; lowest prices and easy payments. Phone Main 5399. AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications A large listing can be found under these dlirerent neaaings. FOR SALE: Pie cherries. 4c lb., off the tree, at 1839 Peninsula ave., St. Johns line or pnone Woodlawn 2359. FOR SALE or trade, heating plant suitable for 5 room house. S-525, Journal. MIMEOGRAPHS, supplies, circular let ters, Elliott addressing machines and supplies. W. K. Flnzer & Co.. 268 Stark. HALL SAFE, Edison moving picture outfit, Kimball organ, incubator. 212 Firt. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made in Oregon, $1.65 gallo.i. Port land Paint Co., 230 front. r.iar. .00 FOR SALE One 14 ft. counter. 846 Sandy blvd. $12.50 DROPHEAD sewing machine with attachments. 152 Grand ave. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co., 212 3d. Main 797. WE buy and sell used machinery- Northwest lead & Macny. Co. COMBINATION billiard ami pool table, size 3x6. Call East 1549. . $45 GAS range, with water heater, $25. Call 391 Yamhill. DIAMOND ring; cost $250; sell for $160. Sellwood 2358. BUTCHER fixtures for sale. Journal. J-877, CHERRIES, on trees, 3c and 4a lb. call Tabor 3364. SWAP COLCJCf 25 TRADE for furniture; 700 equity In 1 2 acres, not far from Portland, on Columbia, baL $700, easy terms. A-x soil and Improved. B-1971. SMALL house or vacant lot for auto. 311 Allskv bldg. WANTKD MISCELLANEOUS 5 WANTED The people of Portland to know I pay highest cash price for household goods. Prompt attention. East 6707. N. M. Seater. 143 Rnwlli:. WANTED A second hand wheel chair. Phone Woodlawn 4011. Call Monday. J. MEYER, .the tailor, pays highen prices for 2d hand clothing, shoe. We call promptly. 7573. 229 Madison OWL FURN. CO. pays best prices tor furniture. 231 1st. Main 4627. SECOND hand clothing and everything. Highest prices. Main 2080.; 28& Is PHONOGRAPH and records, bought, ' sold, rented and exchanged 212 1st, WAATMMISC!ElJkAKEOUS 5 1 f Costumed) - 'WE AVANT, XHa 'GOODS." . WANTED; ranges. ! stoves, rug, rockers, dressers, table, couches, chair a Davenporti We ay the; price Try us. i.u. ui,ri r ut-zi. y.-xcnange. Kant -- - v.; V... 14 V . A, - J AAAVUtO, -household goods, safes, acaies. elec tric fans. Ice chests, and all kinds of merchandise. Phone Tabor 848. xia First, j LOST AND FOUND 21 FOLLOWING ARTICLES were found t ,n tn of the Portland Railway, Light &i Power company, and owners thereof may claim same at the First and Alder .street station, phone Broad way 5100,1 A-6131: J une 4--3 um brellas. 8 packages of shoes. 1 package cloth, 2 books of car tickets. YL, breastpin. 1 .paiL 1 .uitcase. 2 packages, 1 box drawing outfit, 1 purse toe). 40c cash. June o-l baby cab, 1 demijohn, 1 purse (40c). 1 strap. 1 can paint. 8 packages,, 1 purse. 3 pairs gloves, 1 cS?iJ.lruIt, 1 book 1 P"rse (25c). 1 child s Buikey. 1 tie pin. 1 necklace, 1 purse (4c). 1 spirit level. 1 "Back of groceries,; 2 lunch boxes, 1 man's hat, i umbrellas, 1 ladies' coat, 1 child's sweater. 1 hammer. i,watchfobl pin. 1 pocketbpok. 3 bunches of keysri pair of spectacles. . , Juno 64 packages. 3 hand grips. 1 suitcase.-!l picture. 1 purse (7c), 1 barrette, I Bible; 2 suitcases. 1 go-cart. 1 ball bats, 2 umbrellas. 1 fish basket, l leather grip, 1 straw grip. 1 cap. 1 brooch. 4. purses ($8.06. 65c. 88c, 00c). LOST rGold pin, diamond in center, on Main between Broadway and 12th, 12th to Columbia -jtnr... - - . v w. .jr t cii.llii, valued a. keepsake; liberal reward of- irit-u.. $1 uroaaway s. EpST, on 1st or Front street, between a.iiu mucr, in Oregon Cltv. check book containing 7 120 gold pi,?2- -IXX-896, Journal. $2o reward win uq gi ven. LOST Spip cover for automobile top, lost probably between Portland and Oregon City. Reward. 810 Board of LOST, attout May 31. Fox Terrier dag; child's" pet; license No. 3089-1915. Phone Main 5120, manager Dayton ho- k.. miu ay I VJ I . SOME lady left pocketbook in ped lers ddx Saturday. June 5, contain ing 11 Senta. Call for same at 528 Morrison LOsl Sunday, between the White Tempi and 10th and Hall, a gold bracelet, initials A. E. Reward, Phone I L2S T Cne diamond solitare ring, at U. 2lfy a!ld Kearney sts., Sunday, June o. eiuiiii Bajne to Airs. u. a. Renfro. 669 Kearney Bt. Main 9059. Reward. LOST P. E. O. pin. Arietta Eastman engraved, on pin; finder leave at "jT'i'ti ii-p; re warn. LOsT--Auto crank handle Friday last. Hawthorne bridge; return to Jour nal office. LOST,- Saturday, lady's handbag, near Beavertoo nursery. 1179 Halght av".- LOST - Large, brass Overland kead llght. Phone Tabor 1925. PERSONAL CHIROPRACfTIC doctor. Painless ad-justmt-nts: 31 treatments $1 6. 121 4th: HARTNESS,- leading feather workers. U.HnlflO'.lA n.nll 1 I I . . . . . " 1 1rL.u1.-v.ur. rm h, lamnui. BALM of Figs, remedy tor diseases Af nmr-i am C fl A Tn . . I A. W - , v. w O'UCH. Owl JLCLVia 51, JViain ZjJJ, Professional and ACCOHDION PLEATINO ACCOHDION. KNIKE'ANk BOX PLKATINU, PICOT1NG; HEMSTITCHING. BBAIDISO. EM BUOI BERING. E13VIISN NOVELTX MKO. CK. M Cth ST.. NEAR OAK. K. ii'llifHAS lleinetltcnlng, accordion, aide and'auabnrst pleating; buttons covered, gooda erwnged. . 8callodng. :ifn Alder. M-9373. ATTORNEYS 11 ALL & ILlKDNtli. lawyer; consultation rrwe. tnt- f iieuner mag. Mar. BLANK BOOK XAXERJ, DAV la UULMAN, inc.. low 2ii ml. ttlauk book manufacturer: airent for Jonas Im proved Loose Leaf Ledgers. 8e the new Ku rcka Leaf. A-3183. Main 183. BRAS8 AND MACHINE WORKS HAKl'EifS Brass Works. Bras casUngs and macDine works. iw qui st. na way awa. CARPET CLEAHIKO SuSL t. iWiOS. Llectrlc- Cleaulug Works, carpvie cleaned and lalil, relltuug our specialty. Jtat 440. U-1M3. 204 JS 18tb St. N. CARPET WEAVING fv.UKlUvYfc.6t U. U. CO., ruga trom old car pets, ate rugs, carpet cleaning, lu fc. eta. Work calleO f.r. East 3fX0. B-12HO. , 1 li.xl.N&i.LAU Kug Works Rax rug and car pet weaving: lait fatten ave woodlawn zuno CHIROPRACTIO PHYSICIAN UK. Mi MAjJON. m Ha st. Ciiroulc dlaeae requiring extnidi-d time. 81 treatments $15. UR. t'Ulj'L.SU.N, spe-lalit iu paralysis, uervoiiH, ccronic oiseane. nao rittoc oik. i way yxt CIRCULATING LIBRARIES Metaphysical .circulating.' Broadway and Main COAL AND WOOD jNER.&-FARR and inside block wood. 4 foot or sawed to order. Telephone (.OA I Main 4398. A-4547. " ww. . w Nlti tlry boa wood and t .rdwood, 4 reel of sawed.' Kuaimer prices. Standard Wood. Co.. Ettl. I1-1W5. fhrj rnnl - J. EVEJITtt. MAIN 67M7. UllaivUdl foot or cuurv street I LLTO.i WOOD CO.. VMj Macadam. Dealera slabwood. Box wood ?..& load. M. 7M90. COLLECTION AGENCIES 1 BUV accounts, bills. Lotes and Judgmenta of every name and nature anywhere. rot ptiick riwult answer M-ftSfl. Jonmal. DRAWING AND PAINTING lillAWi.M, and painting taught by :brltin l-'ool, an lljn at. fhone Marshall 413. ELECTRIC MOTORS AND DYNAMOS VlO'lOlCii. generators bought, sold, reutod and repaired. We do all a lads of repairing and rewinding. All work guaranteed. H. M. H. ElectriivCor, 31 K. lwt St. Phone Broadway 9311. Wk, buji, seU, rent and exchange new and 2d bend mo torn: repair work a specialty. WEST ERN ELECTRIC WK8-. 2 3 6b at. Mar. l6. ELECTRO PHYSICIAN UK. COK1NNE J'OHNSTONB Nervous and rneamntic cnaeaner; etecuo-magnetic saas- i EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL PTrp.nS Electrical Cos.. 6tb and Pine sts. EYE, EAR. NOSE, IHBOaT, LUNGS bpeclailat. Moderate ynitj. Olaases fitted, lir. r. k. caseday. on Iwlmm iid.,3d A wash. EDUCATIONAL DANCING HEATH'S SCHOOL Lecaooa dally, class Frl. eve., 8 to 10. Allxky bldg., 8d end Atoniaon sts. Lesns 25c. Main 801S. Manufacturers Johhs DRY GOODS WHOLESALE Fieischnerf Mayer &, Co. EARM IMPLEMENTg AND VEHICLES R. M. WADE ic. CO.. 22-82 Hawthorne ave. LEAD1 PIPE. WOOL, MACHINERY . NORTHWEST- LEAD A MACU1NEKY CO. Main B4&2 .V4V-311 Front.: JJ LEATHERS AND FINDINGS CHAS. 1. MASTICK aV CO.. 74 Front. Leather of every dwrlption; findings. V INFORMATION COUPON If von want the name of a reliable ef merchandise, or Information regarding resorts, hotels, railroads, steam ship lines, etc.. address Oregon Journal Information JUureau. . I ...... i : ., it.. ' . ' , ; Information desired: ! l-'"'""m'" ... . 1 ! Kme. Vaa ! - Address. PERSONAL (Oontieaed) A FIGHT on hlh prices. Why pay 5 lo 110 for claHSes. wien I can fit your eyes with first quality IctiHes in a gold-filled frame as law as 1.60T C. W. Goudman. 209 Morrison -Ht. Main J124. Mail orders promptly filled. Write for particulars. LOUISE NETZEU trained nurse and masseuse, gives treatment for rheu, matism, lumbago,1 neuralgia, etc., tuo baths, massage acid electric blankets; Invalid work a specialty. 256 11th et. jimrwiiMu owj,. p-n nuntiayw. SPIRITUALISM Medium. Rev. Vir ginia Rowe. Readings, healing dally; circles Tuesday and Friday evenings, 8 o'clock. 231 6th et. Phone A-7116. MRS. STEVENS. 21 year, Portland's renowned palmist nd clairvoyant, has her book, ."Palmistry Made Easy," on sale. Removed to 875 Ta Mor st. DR. O. V. KKTCHUM Women' inula. dies and acute diseases of men. Wash, bid.. 4th St Wash. Rm. 41. Ml. 4 U S SPIRITUALISM RiV. M. A. Price, clr cles. lues. 2 p. m.: Wed., Sun. 8 p. in. Readings daily. 603 6t hs t. Mar. 3960. HAIR switches made from your comb lngs while you wait. S. F. Pierce. ;oi imiiaaay, c-2341. ATIDRNPY fe reasonable. Canon IvUhUlO settled without nolo, rlety. Ail cases treated with courtesy. 3)3 Buchanan bldg. Marshall 4368. SPIRITUALISM Medium. Rev. Vir ginia Rowe, Readings, healing dally; icles Tuesday and Friday . eventnKB, cii 8 o'clock .zsi otn si. Phone A-7116. MAN1CU RING and scalp H t-a tinen 1 m : 363 M Yamhill st, room 1?, second rioor. open Sundays. liAiKUHhsbi.SO, manicuring, scalp treatment; expert operator. 417 HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 4QQ pekum. Marshnll 1702. LADIES Best massage, - hair dtess, manleurer. shampoo in city,, 25c. Room 505 Columbia bide. MRS.. HA MOT,' medium, and healer. 170 2d, cor, Yamhill. 4th floor, apt. 9. Marshall 24i7. bLPERl' LLOUS liair, moles, warts, etc., destroyed forever; cure guaran teed. Mile. De Lonsr. so Swiiiin.i 1,1,1 LESSONS In phrenology and card read? lngs. 235 6th st. Phone Main 754S. I aVAVPr Consultation free. Main uavv yri , 4933 70g gnng bldg. , MRS. SCHAPPE tenches spiritual card readings. C88 3d st. Mar. 3885. NOTICES BHALED proponalit In triplicate will be r ceived by lUe quartertiiHMter gi-ni-rnl ifth army. WshIi.; I). C, until 2 o'clock p. ni.. eastern time July 6, 1!)15, for furnlLlii( hardware ami toula, tor delivery diulnit tb fiscal year 1010, at depot ot the quart.vrma. ter corps litfd In liedule. Wi-ln-dulea fur. ulahed upon application to (iinrtcriuuter ut'ii erul, IT. S. army, WaaliliiKtou, D. C, Or by qnarrermaaier. forming, w. yl AHTKllM ASi KH S oflice, 1'ortluud, Ortuou, May 18. 1U15. .Sealed propoHals, lu triplicate, will be received bera uutll U o'i lock a. id.. Pacific time. June -lo. (or furnlNhlne at Khlp'a tackle. I'ortlaud, tlr., or F. O. H. litino lulu.. H. T.. 12.(KHI barrela of lortland et-airnt. Further Information fumlabed ou application quartermaster, U. 8. rmy, Portland, Or. IOUT STtVENS, OH., ilajr 11, 101... Sealed prupoaala, in triplicate, will be received bere until 2 p. m., June 10, 191Q. aud ttu-n opened for coiiKlrucllnit atoreh'ju here. Information Curnlibed ou application ' to nuarttruianter. Business Directory KUBIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHEH8 LCU1S A. CUU11Z ieaciier ot vioiiu. ciitrmnn. cornt-r nrsf. Marshall Xiiid. s5. Till t LHOUN, vlohu tiaclier, pupil bevik. l.KJt i. I'.l.l . t ( IifiMtlM,, t'.-.l :im. In. -r " i ior pupil., i-noni- aiaranall 4IH;t. FOPCXAR MUSIC on piano guaranteed brgiuuris la iv lessons. rictura playing. rree .iemoq- riMin. ree hooklwt. ftul Eller bldg. INSURANCE oiHy Oreicui 111 e'lnnutance tvimpany. MAlTRESaLB uauicmu alAiiaa,u tu.. uia m.i u..-.. made new wltli our Hglcul- procsas. iu4 r. i?nwn. .-:,tl, ri-nwnj. VATUR0PA1UIC afHYSICIANS L'R. I'lllLLll'b laralyKij, nervoua anil cbrou ic qieai-, wt-a oregonlan til'lg. AI. M4. PAINllNto. yAPKilHAMGiMQ AND TINTINO a"AAIi,AJiU, fcalauiuitiii.g, pupvrnabglug, aU gunriiiiirou. I'nune wuontawn iiOB.! fe, beat woik lu paiullug. f-F1". JOIA, A lif 11 in sc. l'Aliilf,U. tlutliig, papet baoguig. - Jk. 1. -"', 1 iv una ri. iinin k:izl. PAVINO COMPANIES 11111. LiAUum.ti A&t'ilAti I'AVIAU tJ., A'urt land oft)i-e U2H- lierl.Kk bldg. PAINTING. RUBBER bTAtol-b AN1 1ALS AAAVI aleuLiut, lade cnecka, bras sigua, PAClklC CtJfcX Bl'AUr WOKK waisuingion ax. no, A-ilO. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES BEUNKE-WALkEU TitLEUUA I'll bCUOOL IU OA., At.AU MOU11180.N Sl'ttlAL ttA'lt.3 TO liiiJSiC ENI4ULL1NG BEaouk JLMi 15TH Hti: MAIN 6U0 O it A-15UH bCitEr.ji AmOAta Aau wutpuws OLU' K1LLU. tuakcr 01 llv ktwui. couatruetlun. -Lnlou at Broadway. U dlwn. lona SHEET MEXAL WORES Uk.t'AlUliNU, tin ami grart-1 loots. . Jacue mail gi rirst at. rnotie Main 1424. THAN BEER AND BT0Ri.GE C. u. A-1CU. IrWaplet t tuiig Co. oflice and rtt.i i,in.l iim a a . tur v 1 r . ir w . .,... . . . wiin epi.rai IrvuVruouia and fireproof vault 101 vaiuuOlea, c. W, coiner Ml aud 1'lu sis. Pianoa and - furniture moved anil packed for sLipplug. Special rate luada on goods la Mam .jUii, A- IUUH. Oregon Transfer Co. Eatabllantd l7v Xranafcr and tor warding agents, .bturage, Itw "..acaage. Offlcs aud eloiage 474 Gliaan St. 18th and Giiaau. M. n t9. A-I1S9. OUh.V-ltOli TUARskER CO. New fireproof warehouse with umm. rooms. We move aud pack household goods iw pianos aou,uip at reuucea ratea. Auto vans aau teams jnovmg. sorwardlrig and distributing ageuta. -free truckage. Office and warhone lutn snd' Ilnyt. Main 0-17, A-224. BAGGAGE AUA.S.SiEll feEUVlCl-' CO., 11.13 Bl. WAlJ A-IM.i. WALL X'APEB MO KUAN WALL, YO. tli gd st.. uaaf - feialUMio. , WINDOW CLEANING EXPERT WINDOW CI. KANE 113 A-47(M, Main 6327. 812 Ilenrt bldg. - Wholesal rs- esaiers 0- PAINT. OIL AND GLASS ttASMUMSKN CO., "UigT, Htandard' paint. N. E. Cot. 2d ancf TayL.r. M. 1771. A-H.-.S1 PIPE WOOD PIPE IOKILAM) WOOD Pll'fc CO. Eactory and ofice near 24th and York ata. Main H4. PLVMBING PIPE STEAM SUPPLIES M. L, KLINE FRONT STREET ROPE AND BINDER TWINE Portland Cordage Co, business house leal in bt In inr 1lna t