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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1915)
THE OHEGOH DAILY JOURNAL,; PORTLAND, TUESDAY, JUNE 8, , 1315. I wnat vVocietv is Doing IffSgl jr-"WO Social function of .pecUl , I 7 Interest wera given today. Mrs. 1 GeoTrTWUltt, entertained about 100 guest at a-smart reception, for Mlw Sumyan, th much feted house guest of Mrs. Wheelwright, and Mrs. Thomaa STreltlne gave a small and Informal tea. ' i: ;;;"' Mr. and Mrs-fcelgti Hackley Smit (Jeanette Thomai) will make their de parture this i avaalns; for Muekegron, Mloh., where -.'--they wlU visit Mr. Smith's relatives before golnsp on to New York. 0 Yesterday Mrs. Donald Spencer gave a prettily appointed tea for1 Mrs. 8mlth, when a dosen or so of the most intimate friends of the honor guest called to bid her adieu. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Honored ' At Reception. ' -Mr. and Mrs.- O. M- Clark were honor quests at a large reception last plght at, the-Oregon i building at the exposition in San Francisco. M. Clark Is president 'of the Oregon commission at the fair, and with Ms wife, w: 11 re turn borne the latter part of this week, after passing six weeks j there. The Oregon Agricultural college , band, composed of 35 students, furnished the muslo at the reception. : . Miss Ennis Honored. The Misses Margaret ' and Agnes Sullivan, seniors of St. Mary's acad emy, entertained at their home Thurs day evening for the pleasure of Miss Al'ee Ennls of Walla Walla. An en joyable evening of music and dancing v?as spent. Those present , were: Misses Alice Emits, Mary Deggendor fer, V Catherine Meagher, Bessie Mc Gowan, OUberta Allehof f. Agnes. Sul livan and Margaret Sullivan, and Messrs. Hose McKenna. Allen Ducher, Buben Smith, Leo Hlnkel, E. Barthol emew, A. MattUeson, E. Mil er and J. Brown. - - . Artisans Dance. , v Dance will be given "by-United Arti sans Friday, June .18, at Baker hall, corner Killingsworth and Alblna ave nues. y-; Baseball Boys Entertained. The Holy Grail baseball team and .f anettes" of the Highland Congrega tional . church were entertained at the home of Mr. and ' Mrs. Thomas Jen sen, 427 Prescott street, Friday even ing. Games and singing provided the amusement of the evening. Light re freshments were served. Those at tending ; were- Ralph Halvorsen, Har low, Sheldon, Phil Nonken, Gene Doen eka Arthur Akerson. Alfred Akerson, Don Par khurst, Byron De Young; Q. Allison, I Claude Roland, Arthur Van Demarf. Edward Kenyon. Harold Gross, Mr. Jensen. Mrs. Jensen, Marie Jensen, Irene Jensen, Mrs. Angel. Mil dred Scobee, Vlda Spauldmg, velma "White, Minnie Nyland, Helen Danger field, Edna Murray, Ethel Murray, Jennie Magulre, Thelma Hicks. Ruth Halvorsen, Esther Halvorsen, Bernlce White, Bernita Moody, Florence Svade, Florence Hill and Alice BalUnger. " J Skating Party Enjoyed. A skating party was given by the Trlangies,' of the Third Presbyterian church at the Glide rink. Alberta street and Union avenue, on Friday. Those acting as patrons and & patron esses were: Mr. and Mrs. Muir. Mr. and Mrs. Hofer ' and Mr. and Mrs. Tuckar Tha commute . of . arrange ments was Wallace Hofer, "Mac Dun- lway and Hugh Vinton. Alameda Tuesday Club Meets. - The Alameda Tuesday club held a delightful session? at the home of Mrs. Seeberger, Twenty-sixth and Hamlet streets, last Tuesday afternoon. .. For mality wss laid aside and every mem ber of the club contributed something toward i the entertainment. Thera were some surprises, which were thor oughly n joyed. ; The next meeting will be held at tho home of Mrs. G. Rosa, 758. East Twenty-seventh street. - Manjsblp-Bertschy .Marriage. Albert A. Manshlp and Miss Ines Dutton i Bertschy were united In mar riage at noon, June 1. at the New Thought Temple of Truth office by Rev. -Perry Joseph -.Green. . ', i. , Miscellaneous Shower for Bride. A "miscellaneous" shower was given In honor of Mrs. James Hurlbut (Flor ence Beserdahl)' at the home of Miss Delia Smidell, 468 East Thirty-fourth street, last Thursday evening. Misses Delia and Faith Smidell were the host esses. : The rooms were prettily deco rated In roses and dainty refreshments were served. The : bride was the re cipient! of many beautiful gifts. Luncheon Hostess. Mrs. .Godfrey P. Schurz- was hostess at a luncheon Thursday In honor of Mrs. J. C Horrigan, who -Is leaving Cor a six months', travel In the' middle west and east. "'::',;!'." .., rfi Banquet at Hazelwood. The members of ' the Twnntv-fmirfh Oregon class of Thirty-second degree Masons gathered' from different parts of the state Saturday, June 5, at a banquet at the Haslewood. Interest- '.'', ,','' " It:,. A I V ,"ni A i? x - '-- -f . 4-- ' ' 1 Miss lone Jackson a much feted visitor in the city, log talks were mad by B. F. Dowell' on "Traditions," an E. G. Jones on "Masonic ideals," . with various speeches by other. ; members of the fraternity. Those present were: B. F. Dowell, Frederick L. Carlton. A. P. Oliver, E,. G. Jones. Andy Frits, Dr. A J. .Vial, F. C Griffin, T. H. New stead. M. A. Rlchter, John David Jones. M. H. Temmer and James T. Schuyler. - Society Notes. Guy Willis of Portland, is spending a few days in New York city and Is topping at the Wolcott hotel. Mr. and Mrs. M. Gross of 98S East Fourteenth street north, and the let ter's sister, Theresa Arno, have re turned from an enjoyable three weeks' trip to California, visiting the fair. Mrs. Carlyle has returned to Sea side after spending' the winter at Berkeley. CaL, with A. C. Stevens, her brother. She Will open sew Docksley Hall, - for the , sunmar., 2, Mr. and Mrs. William C. Knighton of salem are at the Seward for the Rose Festival. a- New Arrival. Mr. and Mrs. Welrose R. Kaser Mary Otten) are receiving congratu latlons from their friends on the ar rival Saturday morning of a little daughter. CARNATION ; L COFFEE , 30 c Lb. 3 Lbs. 85c Better than all other r 30c coffees better than many higher priced coffees. Steel cut- Ask Any Good Grocer FRATERNAL NOTES Judge Bioomfleld Was Probably Oldest Odd Fellow. Member for Almost 70 Tears. Judge J. T. Bioomfleld of Rose- burg, who recently died in that city. Was probably the oldest Odd Fellow In the world. He was over 90 years of age, and joined the order when a very young man. about 1846, it Is be lieved. In 1866 he was grand mas ter In Oregon. He came to this state in 1855. He attended the recent ses sion of the grand lodge at Newport. . ... ' - rromlaeat Ken to Be Present. Frank S. ; Grant of this city, past grand chancellor of the Knights of Pythias, is- working with other prom inent Knights of Pythias officials in Oregon to make a success of the big initiation at Crater Lake August 17, 18 and 19. Hundreds of the most prominent members t of the order throughout the country wm d pres ent at this unique gathering. The visitors will Include men of nation wide renown. BrlUlag Degree Team. Captain L. F. Knowlton has been drilling the degree team of Fram as sembly. United Artisans. This Is one of the teams to go to San Francisco next July to .enter the contest. Cap tain Knowlton Is alsd in command of the degree team- of the Loyal Order of Moose. '; - '.',',', , TteQnceCVer BY HEX IAMPMAN THE other daydown ' at Eugene I ; saw - the wide , paved streets and Allen Eaton's book store and the dear old : university with Its , campus which isn't fenced and buildings- and many strong, bare-headed "young men and : sweet ? dear girls and other- points of interest. - ; U ,s . -and everything was ' peaceful with nothing much to break the still nessbut the silver - laughter of the girls and tho guttural tones ofthe young i men asking each other how long tm meal time. : -and X bad lunch with 24 X count ed them of the sweetest and dearest at the Kappa Alpha Theta house and dinner with almost as many of the strongest at : the Iota Chi a f rat house who ate with a right good will Also using the left to good advan tage. -, -.(-.- . and some who expected to grad uate said their fathers expected them to go to work. and there was silence. and In the afternoon I was taken to the Sigma Nu another rat house and on the porch sitting uneasily in some easy chairs were a number ox the strong young men who looked -very tired. - . - - . and every little while one of there would yawn like a nelican and ! pretty soon another tired-looking young man moved "up and collapsed into a chair and yawned like a hippo and asked anybody tto write a Latin thesis for him because he was too busy. and no one else had time either. and there were some girls swim, ming In the millrace back of the house but the young men yawned all together and said that happened every day. and they showed me and ex plained how they had always Intended but had neglected to build a steel chute t the millrace from the back sleeping porch on the second floor so that it wouldn't be such hard work to duck freshmen. and no one moved again until dinner time! and I made a speech which was what X went for before the college of journalism where Professor Erio Al len and Professor Colin Dyment are turning out managing editors and journalists and special writers every June tailor-made. - ' and I tried my best to warn- thoseboys-and girls against ltahd not to take anything X said seriously because I was only a reporter. and X guess they didn't for they laughed hard every time X tried to be funny and twice when I didn't. and X felt I had made a hit and Mrs. Mabel . Holmes Parsons who teaches English and Professor Allen and Professor Dyment and every body said It was a good speech. and I had visions of ending the European war with a few well chosen words. and then one of the young men who looked If anything tlreder than - before I spoke took me over back of Villard hall and looked serious and whispered loudly: i . "LISTEN your speech was all right and I like you but Professor Allen" always, tells us before a speaker, comes If he tries to spring anything unny to laugh as hard as we can." v THEATRE CAPSULES MAKE FOR HEALTH AND HAPPINESS TOO Poets Fancy Stirred by Va ried Assortment of Joy Pills .Dispensed at Empress. of, hie wrath at having- the big Idea copied. "If X don't get my copyright. l-J"1! Mr Clark a full apology. Maybe he hit on the same Idea the same time I did. X thought I was first, though, and It makes ma- feel amall." - ; - ; - ' " Others besides Mr." Clark; however. had made use of the jitney transfer Joke before this. It Is said that vau deville artists have sprung the clothes pin as being -good on any line. One eastern public service correction l likewise said to have used' the tr i to conduct a derisive fight on the Jit ney bus, -' ;-' J By Rex Lampman. ' ;r Would you giggle till you wriggle; would .you grip your seat In fearf Would you see the chorus girlies, pleasing both to eye and earT. Would you find a show for-father, and a show for mother, too; a show to please the kidlets, and a show for Sister Sue? If a' show like this you're after, we'll tell you what to do. r . ' Climb a street ear,, grab a Jitney, having first put out the cat. Scoot your limousine to Broadway wait, we'll tell 'you where It's at. A well wrought ''sketch and powerful Is olayed with strength and skill by Dr. Martin Somers and Mr. William Gill, in one tense act, the third one of the Empress vaudeville MIL ; v ' See a sketch that goes like clock" work, and see acting true arS'keen. Never mind the plot nor moral here' a sketch, that's what we mean. Then the Smith boys. Jack and Edward, dance and sing and Josh away, just as when the program tells us they were kicking up the hay in that fa mous lobster palace known as Kactor'a cabaret. A most clever little capsule is called "The Dairy Maids,' full of tunes and quips, and dresses full of dainty little jades. , And the cutest thins; about it but that's too much for we for there's nine, and each and avery one Is as cute as she can be. We pass the buck.; dear reader, and that's diplo macy. Then there's a Belgian juggler who may be a refugee. If he Is. he's more than welcome, for his stuff is good to see. Harry Jenkins , and Grave Covert at being married play. They provide a real nut sundae, good for any other day and so's the whole blamed program. Is what we mean to say. Man Who Turned . Crown Down Dies Berkeley. Cal., June 8. (U. P.) Charles R. Bishop, vice president of the Bank of California, Who once refused the crown of Hawaii. Is dead. He will be burled here tomorrow. Bishop was 93 years old and head of the Hawaiian ministry following his marriage to the Princess Bernlce Pauahl Paki. After the death of King Kamehameha he was offered the throne, but declined. On the death, of the princess Bishop in herited an estate of $8,000,000. It Was Good Joke But It Was Ancient Richard P. O'Connor is an inventor of funny things. He makes it a pas time to capitalise peculiar thoughts. His latest Is what he calls his "Jitney transfer. . y- Now Mr. O'Connor who has a tobac co shop near, the North Bank depot, has been . resting in the peaceful thought- that h' had 'Copyrighted too clothespin as a "jitney transfer which Is good on any line." Get it? Clothes pin clothesline jitney Jitney route Interchange. We knew you'd see the point in time. He had sent prints of it to the prop er federal official at Washington. He had Just prepared himself to receive letters copyright when he saw in The Journal where A. G. Clark had beaten him to it. ' Mr'Clark had sent out spring clothespins attached to tags, which he mailed to friends. He labeled the pin "good on any line." Mr. O'Connor bad some similar pins, labeled "jitney transfer; the "good on any lino" feature was to be the "sell' on the man who should ask "now what's that for?" Mr. O'Connor- wrote Mr. Clark a real sad note today. ' He told him he might hear from him later through legal channels." 'But I'm not hostile,- Mr. O'Connor explained to inquirers who had heard Take Your Own Rose Festival Pictures With an Eastman Kodak If you need instruction concerning the use of your Kodak well give it free. Headquarters and Distributors v ' Full Line of Eastman Kodaks Developing and Printing by our own expert on premises 1 . Prompt Service Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO. 145 SIXTH ST.. BET. ALDER AND MORRISON. Y 'If , 'I T1A- ".-it. l...ri ' Free Stamjps . IH Yauxihiu fublie Mar- ii M i - - i 1 1 f leet u neipaa taocsancU I 1 of faxxxilies to exxt down I I the hxgfa cost of lrriiij. I Wednesday; in addition to V&ZA the low prices, those who present this ad when making purchase cf COe c ores, at any one stall, wiBLcet 10 extra SL & Rj Green TrarTrng Stamps FREE, nrsidrs rejxlaT STB nips. i.rii;iacrir corner second; and yarihill sts. ' - ' , - - .r7""-".i'.. i 1 1 ; -2 Jane White Sale In Progress Every White Article Reduced Except Restricted Lines Heacrqaartem lor Flaps Bantings,-itose Festival; Post Cards, Portland Views, Etc 25c Neckwear AllOc Basement Women's dainty New Neckwear at less than half price. 100 dozen pieces in this great special purchase. Scores of styles. J Reg -ular 25c grade, lA on sale now at XUl (D)1W 'Mirtiai- S Ife Reliable Merckctndto RetiabU Methods Pacific Phone Marshall 4S0O Home Phone A-C231 65c Lcaq Gloves At 20C Basement Women's Long U!e Gloves in black, white, tan and gray. Extra fine qual ity and full line of all sizes. 16-button lenffth. Reg. 65c Gloves, on sale now at 29c ILJim(iei?pipSee . SQ(D)I?(2 SALES Double Trading Stamps Given Tomorrow With Basement Casli ParcliaTOQ ' IN THE BASEMENT 7 ' $1.50 CorseSs at 79c Royal Worcester Model No. 220 Basement Hundreds of women will take advantage of this remarkable Corset offer ing and buy 2 or 3 pairs for the" Summ0. Model exactly like this cut, made by the Royal Worcester Corset Co. whose products always give very best of .satisfaction. Styled on latest lines to give natural figure no hips or waist style and comfort in every, line. Made from fine '""grade coutil, richly trimmed with laces and has 6 good hose supporters attached. Note the graceful cutaway front and the beautiful con tour of figure lines. These were purchased especially for our June White Sale and are unquestionably the most re markable bargain in high grade Corsets ever offered in Portland. Don' fail to come and see these. Shown in all SPECIAL Nsao diVe5 5fC " rif- 1 1 . IN THE BASEMENT UNDERPRICE STORE Grades Worth Up to $4, Pafr Our Shoe Buyer has jtist returned from the 'Eastern markets, and he says this is one of the best bargains he has ever encountered. A little over 8000 pairs all told in 'the lot, and by far the greater part of tbejm are Shoes which would ordinarily sell at $3.50 and $4.00, and are excellent values) at these prices. All smart, new Spring and Summer styles in patent and gunmetal calf orvict kid. v Great -many models are shown with the papular cloth toppings. Nearly every style toe and lowj high or medium, heels a! variety so large that every woman is sure ta find, just what she wants. Extra, salespeople' to "see that you are waited upon-" promptly, but come in the 2"f AO morning if you can. All sizes. $4 Shoes at J5X,S0 vlL IN THE BASEMENT- 35c Embroideries for 9c Basement Immense special; purchase direct from the manufacturer of mill strips of fine embroideries, at about Y regular prices. Scores of dainty patterns in edges and insertions. Narrow, medium and wide. 'All are of unusually fine grade materials and exquisite embroidery- work. Don't, neglect; this splendid, chance Qv to buy Embroideries worth up to 35c at, the yard ei- fN THE" BASEMENT. UNDERPRICE STORE" Coatts, Smiitts Presses 400 Garments ' In This Lot Selling Formerly Up to 15, Choice Now mm T Early morning shoppers will, ol course, have the advantage of first choos ing. The ridiculously low pnee we have pqt upon these garments assures rapid disposal. In the assortment afe Women's and Misses' Tailored Suits, Dresses, Linen Coats, Raincoats and Dusters, Odd lines, to be sure, but just what. you need far outing and vacation wear. Good colors and materials, and we have nearjy all sizes in the assortment. When you stop to consider that an ordinary cotton, dress j would cost you the sale price of any garment in this lot, you will begin to! realize the unusualness of this phenomenal offef. No telephone or mail orders will be filled for this special, and none will be sent C Oi D. or exchanged.. Plan your thopping to attend this 6ale. Coats, ISuits, Raincoats, ; Linen -Dusters (selling formerly up QO (Q to $15.00: Offered for tomorrow's aelling at onjy......... ...... tPAUa7 Double Stamps With All Basement Cash Purchases Tomorrow BASEMENT 3.50 Walots Basement Rose Festival Sale of 500 Women's Waists at a substantial saving. Made of fine grade Silk -Crepe de Chine or Jap Silks. Fashion ably modeled and beautifully trimmed with dainty laces, tucks, frills, etc Great many attractive styles in this show ing, and- all are5 right new.' If you plan to btfy a new waist for Festival events, here's your oportunity Splendid $3.50 grades, on dJO A Q sale this week, at Vae0 'BASEMENT UNDERPRICE STORE Boys SuMtls all $3,415 Extra Pair Pants FREE! Baaement 150 Boys Norfolk Suhs to be sold tomorrow at the aboxe price which is, by the way, much less than they are really worth. Tailored from smart new brown, gray and blue mix-tures--splendid, serviceable fabrics that will give satisfactory wear and look well to the -end. Complete range of all size fqr boys 7 tojlS years of age. Very desirable for boys' vacation wear. EXTRA PAIR OF PANTS free with : each of these gO suits, priced special at only ePOwTCtJ Double Stamps) with Cash "Purchases -BASEMENT UNDERPRICE STORE 85c Enaimiel Ware att 63c Bine and White Kitchen Utensils Basement-i-Choice of any of the following articles: lq-uart Dish Pan 6-quart Berlin Sauce Pan, " enameled cover 6-quart Berlin Kettle and cover 3-quart Coffee Pot, enameled cover 7-quart Tea Kettle, enameled cover 2-quart inset Double Boiler, enam Qp eled cover 14-quart Preserve Pan 85c articles, choice at " Basement Sale Wizard Mops, Polish Wizard Mops remove dirt nd save time and labor. . Buy now. Regular $L50 Wizard QOp Mnns oriced soecial at aOiK r w - - r . Regular 75e 5 Wizard CQA Mop, ' priced vpecial at OU Regular 50c Wizard OQp Mod. oriced soecial at Oa7U Wizard Polish Cleans Floors and Furniture Removes Scratches BASEMENT 50c Union Salts 39c Women's Summer . ...Union Suits in high or low neck, sleeveless, tight or loose, lace trimmed knee. All sizes and regular 50c quality, on QQ salet now for. only OIC ' BASEMENT ' BASEMENT" 75c SSMig 5000 Yards in This Special Oiler Basement We expect to sell every yard of these at this price practically what you have to pay for. cotton mate rials of good quality. Dozens of patterns for waists, dresses, petticoats, linings, etc. In cluded are 36-inch fancy bro caded Pongoro and 26-inch all silk Pongee two ; very desir able fabrics for Summer wear. Shown in all the wanted colors. It's well-worth your while to investigate this offering. Reg ular 50c and 75c Silks OP now on sale for. only wuC Silk Lis ie Hose 15c Women's fine Silk Lisle Hose null seconds of the Xamous "Everlasting'', make. Linen soles, heels and toes. All sizes. Black only. Reg-"f t alar- 25c quality, for JLtJL "BASEMENT UNDERPRICE STORE 1 02.48 IHIatt SEnapss Sof 98c I S1.98 Hat Shapes, 49c Basement HSpecial one-day sale Basement Untrimmed Hats of of Hat Shapes. Large sailors. Hemp and Fancy Braids.; .Also tricornea, tarbans, etc, of Hemp, some of satin.-; Soft crowns, Milans and 'Fancy Braids. Great fancy crowns, narrow brims and variety to select from, in black, straight effects. All good styles, white,,; sand and other vhadesi and variety of;- colors. Shapes Shapes forth up to $2.48, QQ selling ; formerly up to QQ on sale now f at only e7pU $1.98. on sale now at only OaC I J ' BASEMENT Sale ot Beddlnp Bleached Sheets, 63x90. A Q Heavy grade. Special i7i Pillow Cases, 38x42 or OA 38x45, fuU bleached, at C Bad Spreads, full size Qfr Heavy- grade at,: each aeJC BASEMENT- 18c Wash Goods :Atioe ; :. ; Basement 50GJ yards New Wash Goods ofTered for a rousing special tomorrow. Ginghams, percales, silk finish foulards,1 white r goods, lawns, etc dainty . weaves and pat terns for Summer Dresses and waists. Great many different designs to select from. Wash Goods worth up to 18c, "l A on sale at, the yard XUC 'BASEMENT' SI Cotton Clanltets ' 69caPalr . -- - - : Basement Fine j quality Cot ton Blankets in white, with pink or blue border. Size 50x72 inches, Regn- ?0 lar $1.00 ; grade, pair OUC BASEMENT "ZAn-V O'Cedar ; Polish Mops . Third' Floor New "2-ln-n O'Cedar .Mops one for pol ishing floors, other for wood work, linoleum, etc Order yours at this store Q-f nfi tomorrow. Price wXtO BASEMENT ' WenandDogc rSpeclals : . -, UNION SUITS for Men Fine grade gauze and balbrig gan. Loagcpr short sleeves, closed crotch. Regular QQn 125 grade, Ton sale at OaC M E N'S UNDERWEAR Shirts and drawers of balbrig gan or gauze. Perfect fitting. All sizes. Regular 50c QQ grade, on sale now at OOU BOYS' WAISTS 29c Usually 50c. Dark, medium and light colors. Taxless models. Sizes 5 to 14. Regular 50c OQ Waists, on sale now st-weC BOYS UNION SUITS Ages 6 to-14 years. - Spe- clal sale now at only Ol l