The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 07, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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    the Oregon daily t journal, Portland, Monday, : june' 7, 1915.
-5 1
138tb PAT Or 1915.
HEIMG Broadway at Taylor. . Curtain at
2:19 and 8:14. ftlatio neomrojMu
Saturday. - Cbaoocey Uleoct la "Tba Heart
of Hiddr Wlutk."
PANTAUiud- Broadway at Alder. VasderlUe,
2.30. 7:ao and :io. -
Bill' BESS Broadway at Tamhra. VanOe-
Kk dy. , OouUnuona 1 t U l
f rUn? . ...
1A tUC ToortB at Stark. Yaudevllla. Con-
tiaaoaa 1 ta ll n. a
OKl'Uh-tiM Broadway at Stark. ; Motion pUs
tnres, li a. aa. to 11 p. nu 4t; --
IHK OAKS Amusement park. -
HlOK1Ii West r ram auo Aer, i wiuu"
v niftnriM It a-- m ta 11 n. Cl- v
SA11UAL Park and west fark at Stark.
lUi t ln Dictum. Vi m. to it p. in. -
JaAJEsilO-- Waaklostott at Park. kloUoo pic
ture. 11 . tn. tu 11 p. m. " w, -8L.N&.X
Waeblutun aod Broadway. Motion
Dictore. 11 a. Jii. to ii i. m.
81 Alt Washington and Park. Motion pic
tore. 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. -COLUMBIA
Sixth, between Washington and
stars.- moiku ymum, jl a. w i.
AKX MUSkiUJi sifts and Taylor. Hoar 9 U
weak oaf a, km a ouuaajs. irw
ooona of Xueaday, Xnoraday, lfrWay. Satur
day ud Kuuilaf,
Today's Events.
' fM,- .lMtl.HI Jtltt 7
i ..... ur.t. li...rr Rakera' association at
latiUaouian liotel Job 7. o, 9. ,
Coming events.
Dai... rinh i.iincbetm it BeDHW Hotel
June 8. - - " ' "
Uo. Festival June a-iu-ll. txnree aajsi.
a m m Kcmift . H. A. N. V . trap
ebuntlng tturuaout, Portland Gun club.
eua. fetation. June o.
V a. ni. Ttitru day S. A. N. W. trap-
abootiag tournament, t-ortiaud Gun club,
Jenne station, June 9. '. ' I- .
2 p. m. Annual Pacific northwest,-track
ad flfld euauiplviiaatpa. Multnoinaa field.
"l'p.m.- Golf match. Bug-en. Country clnb
a. Portland olt club. Portland tol club
courae. June 12. . .. . ' ' ,v
s I'rogreaaive Business siena iuucdwbi si iu
aiultuumaa hotel Juue io.
Trauaportatlon club luucheon at Multnomah
liotel June It. ' ''
bealtir Board luucueon at commercial ciuu.
Jnne 11. . ' :. . . .. ., ..
: Jovian league ana ciecincai xunsioeeis
Inbcbeon at MultoiHn.b uwtel. June 11
' - iirvimn civic-leaaua iuud.evn at Multnomah
hotel June 12. .
Liberty Ben will J arrive uere Juiy
aeaaun will be en June 3u, at .Waehlnctoa Park.
Central Library Meetings.
Oregon Civic leaaue lecture every Thuraday
rvroiug. ;-..
i'acixic oaivereiix ew
W eaueaday evealns.
. fnw Infnrmvtlnn SnnnliCfl.
''S.fMiti.Hmi rirrifnv thla nort mar be ob
taiad fioto tbe Portland Chamber vf O-ta
ueree. tM all in atreeU Xeieyowue alaln 9U
Itt - A-lUo.
Fire and Police.
rire : depertment-r-Maia 77 OO. A-1223.
Police (lepartiueot Main 71tt. A-07SI.
Huniiiu , Saeletv. Siti Belmont t-
Fbouea Kt la. A-il5.
I 1
Today's Forecast. :
Pra-tianii inH vii'lnlfv Fair! tonlzht and
aneaaay; noriovm ,wuiu. s
Oregon and waaningioa rair unugoi ana
aveauay; norinwesx winus.
k.i fthnwra . nti i nn1prsLorma tonight:
2ueaaay pcvmauiy iau-.
j t Weather Conditions. .
A- low ?reaure area, central over Ariatma
overlie that atate and California ;depreaioDe
are alao central over aontnern Aineria ana
Ibe Lake ivalon. retwcuvetr. lllcn pressure
obtain on tbe north I'uclflc coast aud over
t b4- Basin. Plateau ' and Plain atatea. Light
ralsa have fallen In nort be rn Idaho, north
aatern Waaulugtun. Montana, western C Da-
da. Colorado, the central ana aoutnern riaui
atates, - Tennessee and on the north Atlantic
enut. rb vMther . cooler In northwestern
Montana, western Oregon, western Washing
ton and northern: Nevada: In general it 1
warmer In other obrttons of the Pacific elope
hmnmtnm are lo dezreea or more below
normal in tne i-iareau ana nam ata auo
upper Mtssloslppl valley. - ;
' The conditiona are favorable lor generally
fair Weather daring the neat 24 to 36 hoars
In. Oregon and Washington aod for abowera
and thunderstorms in Idaho tonight, probably
followed by fair weather jLuesaay. . .tempera
ture change will not be Important. Notthwet
rind -will continue. ; .
; j Acting District Forecaster
sola dlstrica ai St. Johns.' affording eacelieat
viewa ot city, ladoatrtes and barbor. ,
Typical koBBo eectiona -- Portland Heights,
Hob Hill, Irvjogton, Mi4 Tabor. . -
Harbor faatnr. Wwt aide poMle dock. Coot
A . . .a . i." Kid. nnhili! doHL.'
toot of tfast Stark, public motor boat land
ing, foot f 6tark street llauucneo call here
(or rivet tours. - Boat booses near Uorrlaoa a ad
Uawtborne bridgva.) ;A!pplug. Modara Ulugee
Broadway. Baiiroad, Hawtaerne. .
SHiMla tnatltntlona Citv hall aod Historical
exhibit, fifth and Maduoa. Oeanty boilolag.
foarth and balnui. Art, nB.iB. rifth ner Central Ifbrsr. Tenth and XaBoaull.
Custom bouae. Broadway and Bavla. - -
Worthy i notice Sk'-dmore fonntalav rirat
and Aakeny. by Ollai W Wrarren, preaeniea
by Steve skMmore; -xnunpsos iwiuus,
sa block. Poarth and rialmwo. Modern bisk
and grade achoola. school gardena . and roae
bedcea. Chinatown u. Surth koiirtk and Sev
end atreetat : . '
rvinmhta -river - hlrhwav America '. most
rondcrfnl scenic road for vehicle. Along lt
a aee soany waterraia. .the gorge oi ue
Colombia. Oueonta gorge, f: todepberd a - oeii.
Btountalna. inciuoins zxvoa, mt ac imi aw
exceed o per eentnox. : j !.
Infocmanofi aa to wnai ra see-- i
lend'a enviroument from Hotel Portland. Inv
mh,i nniMi tlaltnocnan and from The Joor-
aal'a Tenrut Trtwl bomv Mweei A-W61.
Main 7173; or rrom loyni ageueir auu
Bureau. Maranau tun. -;
Vnr i.rirm.tkia imHIm rerreitteii or
health reaorts aee page 2 Tueada'a and Thurs
day 'a , Journal and section 4 of U Sunday
Jovrnal. , ii ."- ,j- : : i-
& .'Wlllard.:- yeadingr clerk; James -. I.
McCown, aer e; eant-at-arms; : Frank:
Viereck.- do6rkepr. ' Th proposed
measure to have school books printed
la Oregon : wsus . Indorsed : unanimously.
Arthur Brock,' pant i president o tbe
anion, set forth figures claiming; that
the work could be done in Oregon for
half the price now paid outside pub
lishers. -,'.! . '
vlTo lecture oa "Wti Bride Ir .
C H. Chapman will lecture in library
hall ' tomorrow - evening on ; ; W ar
Brtdes:- This thrilling play was per
formed In New York last winter in one
of the leading theatres.
East Sixth and East Alder street last
night were attended bjr several hiw-
dred men and women. , The - must-;
cal program, ' was well; rendered.
SpatcdaJTrearUTaa Panclag. AdTnlaslrra
lOe. Tonight and all week, 'new car
nival features Cool ball, special -orchestra.
Admission : iOc . Randai
Temple, Second and Morrison, AdT.) ;
will bring out some of its most sig
nificant features . that show how war
iends to degrade and dishonor woman
kind. The meeting is public r
son Miss "A HlaTAt la ValxTlanaV" i
2d floor Plttock block, every afternoon ,
and evening. June 7th to 12th. (Adv.) i-
ltICarrar. Bates ft Idvsly Fire.
Dr. Cbaoman I naitv and automobile insurance. Toon
bldg. Telephone Main 168.
' ColombU Kignway Trips, 70 miles
auto ride.$3.5& each. . Tabor 51T-Ad-
. VT. JL Wise will bs at his Fort-i
The Brotherhood meeting of Atkinson ;J"d office all this week. Adv.)
Memorial Con gregational chu rcn.
which was to have been held; tonight,
has been '- postponed to next Monday
niajht, on account Of tbe city election
today. " . - -
school Presents : Diplomas. Com
mencement exercises for the Gillespie
School ot Expression were held Sut-
urday In the auditorium or ijinco.n
high school, diplomas being presented
to two first course and one second
course graduates. Each of the grad
uates gave dramatic Interpretations.
The graduates were' Mrs. Katherino
Hayek Boyersmith, Miss Blanche lit
tle and Miss Edna Bertsch. Clifford's
orchestra furnished the music and Dr.
T. tt.' Eliot pronounced the benediction.
Interpretations rendered were Charles
Rand Kennedy's "The Terrible Meek"
by special permission of the author.
Charles Luther Long's "Madame But
terfly," and Kate" Langley Bosher s
"How It Happened." -
wzlntlaar Berries. Xaowsst
F. W. Baltes & Co. Main 165, A-11SS. Ad.
E Tm'nMn Annotunca1 TY a. TT c
Civil Service Commission announces! r. Z. C Brown, Xye, Bar. Mohawk
an. examination to be held on June 22, . Mdg. v ; tAdv.
ror men only, ror a position as metal
lurglcal chemist at the ? Navy t Yard,
Washington, D. ,C at a salary
$2500 per annum. Complete Informs
tlon and application blanks may be ob
tained from T. V. Hutehlns, local sec
retary, Fostof fioe building, r
Final afeatlng of Season Following
the lead of tbe parent body, the taTa
tion department of : the Oregon Civic
league will hold its final meeting of
the present series, Tuesday, June 8. at
the usual place, the College room of
the Hazelwood. Adjournment will be
had until after vacation. The meet
ing June 8 will be called to order at
12:16 and the members of the league
and others interested are cordially in
vited" to help make this one of the best
of a successful series. Senator Lane
will speak and those who attend will
be assured of an interesting and en
tertaining talk.
Thief Comes to Grief. Whoever
broke into the garage of George J.
Hartman at 448 Jessup street, Friday
night and stole hs motorcycle evident
ly paid for: his joy ride. Bent and
twisted and covered with blood the ma
chine was found at East Eighty-sec
ond and Pine streets yesterday by the
police. The curbing was ripped for 20
feet and, there was every indication
that the rider had a nasty spill. He
left no clue to his identity. Mr. Hart
man sent an' expressman out for the
wreckage but believes the motorcycle
Is damaged beyond repair.
' Temperatura
STATIONS a" - k . -3
-: -C mS e Se 3. ijt
o 1 a j a
Baker. Or ...t 52 i 0 76 50 T O
Boise, Idaho 52 I 2 7 62 4 O
Boston, Mass... 64 60 64 4 .44
Chicago. Ill . 66 88 66 6. .04
Denver, Colo 4u 48 86 12 .54
IKMige . Kan..... 46 74 40 lu .14
Ouluth. Minn... 42 64 42 26 0
fcureka. Cal &o O 56 60 4 O
halves ton. Texas SO ..... 84 78 4 0
Havre. Mont.... 52 62 42 12 .04
Jacksonville, Fla 76 ..... 82 7 IO O
Kansas City, Mo. 62 80 52 16 .42
Knox vllie. Tenn. 06 74 64 O .18
toe Angeles, Cal. SO 2 T4 68 4 O
Mcrthlield, Or... 50 4 . 68 H 4 .02
Montreal, Qua.. T2 ..... 80 62 12 O
hew Orleans. La. 78 ..... 82 74 4 O
Hew York, N. X. 62 72 60 4 .08
N. Head, Wash. 54 O 68 62 24 O
ti. Yakima. Wll. 60 2 86 60 16 O
Portland. Or.... 63 6 86 63 1 O
Boaeborg, Or.... 52 r 2 tK 62 4 O
Bt Loula, Mo.... 70 ..... 88 66 4
Bait Lake, Utah BO 64 46 4 0
8. Fraacisco.Cal. 62 3 62 62 4 O
Seattle, Wash... 64 4 SO 62 0
Bitka, Alaska.. 48 4 .... 46 .... O
Spokane, Wash.. 56 4 78 64 4 .02
Tacoma, Wash.. 02 4 82- 62 6 O
Valdes, Alaska. 50 4 .... 44 .... .14
Walla WalU.Wn. 60 0 82 60 4.0
P, asfalagton, B.C. 70 ..... 74 68 O
Wlnuipeg, Man. 36 46 30 4 0
Afternoon report of preceding day.
What Can Be Seen Aroond Portland
: nonnell CreaC ( 110O f eetl View nneaaatted.
Columbia and Wlilamette rivers, Tualatin va
lev.: Willamette valley. Caeca Ca and Coast
rungea, live snow-capped countslna (north ta
taat aa Clear amy, ail- nauncr, if.we: ail.
It. Helena. S7i KU Adam. 10.307 i MU Hood,
11,22a; MU Jefierson, 10,622. v
Washlnxton Park, at bead of Washington
(treet. (lowers, shrubs and trees. Children's
model nlaygrouttdai Noteworthy pieces of scalp
tare: rConiing of - the White Man." by Her
man Atkins McNeill, presented by heirs of IK
l Thompson; "Sacajawea" (Indian girl, guide
f Lewia Clark si position by Alice Cooper,
resented by Sacaiawea Statue association and
i-nrv Alttuan. Ten miautes1 walk.'
Sunken roae garoena in rcauuuu rare, con
taining more than 700 vsrletlea of roae.
slacieay, icii umouueu iu who naiunu Deaa-
ry. : v Big trees, juai , us woooa wears . roue
in. Orrfoo.
Porestry nouaing Lewis tJiarx ex position
rrounds, west, iiours b a. m. to 6 p. oa.
Hiilt at specimen, mammoth Oregon Or kvga.
wouiaina l.ouO.ooO feet lumber. -
attractive views from - King's and Wills sv-
ttte Heights ana weaiover jierracea. .
Terwllliirer boulevard, soutk of eltv above
IVIllametUs, on wear awe.
Skrlino.- west rrom council creac Road
trnund spur between Council Crest snd Wilis la-
titn tlTtr oners tine views, v ;. ;
Columbia and Willamette Encircle Peals-
Sun Glare
is I very Injurious
to One's -eyes and
is responsible for
summer- head
acnes. . we spe
cialize in this
class of cases and
can give your eyes
A ' - i
" 4 1
Fifth and Washington Streets'
08-509 Swetland "Bids.
Woman's Clnb to Meet. The "Wom
en's Folitical Science club will meet
tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 in room H
Central library, for the transaction of
business. At 3 p. m. Miss Virginia
Arnold of the Congressional union
will speak on "The Organization of
Voting Women in Its Relation to
Their .National Political Freedom.
sad Mrs. Millie R. Trumbull of the
child labor commission will explain
the child labor law. The meeting- is
IiSCture on West Africa. Onruirtim.
ities to aeveion tne American tijm
tnrougn eaucation and training and re
iisnon were nointea ant riv fcT 11 1 .
Thompson in an address at the Y. M.
C. A. yesterday. Thomoson is caitAd
the. "Boone v T. Washington nf wRt
Africa. He said white Americans
have a great responsibility , in this
work. Ha Zolrl what n
' vu .U1H
plished in West Africa through the
worn. 01 missionaries ana explorers.
Bis; Chorus Will Behesrse. The
nose f estival cnorus, J. H. Cowen
conductor will hold a special rehear
sal at the regular meatins' rilana
row morning at 9:45, to rehearse with
uic wuicauv. ii. is important tnat mem
bers attend.! TH rhnrna will
the hall at 7:30 ahnrn -tVwlDrl
fing for final Instructions before go-
i"s iv me nesuvai uenter for the con
cert. .
Hisslonary Hers rrom China. Mrs.
Alice topes KeUogg, homo from a
furlough after six vmk nf B.nri.
China as representative of the mis-
socaety 01 tne lrst Congre
gational church, will speak before the
soelety at a meeting called for tomor
row afternoon at 2 o'clock. A busi
ness meeting will precede the address.
The meeting will be open to all who
ucsirv w near jars. J&euogg.
Alblna W. ' a. T tt wrtn wu. : .
bina W. C T. IT . will mr .1 th. - i .
home. Thirty-third street and Sandy
road, Tuesday, June 8, at 2:30 in the
afternoon. A program of music and
recitation will be given. -
Sr. X S. Snback, eyesight special
ist, sixth floor Selling building. Adv.
SiKiUed on Way to
Downs Soisr Well. Mrs. O.
R. Downs, whose leg was broken last
Tuesday morning when she slipped
and fell. Is at St. Vincent's hospital,
and is doing well: It is hot known
definitely yet when she will be able
to leave the hospital. - Her children.
Mrs. L. D. Dobson, of Athens, Oregon,
and Guy L, Downs, from Hood -River,
are with her..
To r,sase. On WillametlL Heiehts
beautiful bungalow, extra fflne finish
In every detail.. 1090 Vaughn, neatL32d.
Inquire on premises. A-1425. T.. J. Mc
pherson. (Adv.)
Boss Carnival ' Duces, Cotillion
hall. Tues., Wed, Thurs., Sat. eve.
Spirit of carnival will prevail. Direc
tion of Prof. Ringler. (Adv.)
Steamer Jesse - ifarWne for Camaa
Washougal and way landings, dally ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
dock at 2 p. m. (Adv.)
Dantlsrt, moved to
Marshall SOS. Ad.
Dr. J. K
614 Oregonian bldg.
Many Attend Esrvices. Memorial
services held by Multnomah Camp,
Woodmen: of the World at its hall at
Visit His Brother
The CrobKed Iambs
Ever since be wa able to
walk 3 . year old ' James Mills
has been decidedly bow legged ,4
and it was with difficulty that
he could' get around. -c "
James is a llttla colored boy.
Now he is at -the Good Sama-
ri tan hospital . and ' when be -
gets out he'll, have straight 4k
. little legs and be able to walk 4
Just as well as other - people, 4jt
Thursday bis legs were toroaV 4t
ten and then clamped in a plan- 4
ter cast. Now ' he lies in a v
snow white cot- staring at the ,r 4tr
'. ceiling and wondering what he ; 4k
i did that made them put him 4k
to bed. The nurses say. how-
, ever. , when hy, explain that , 4k
he is to have straight legs, his 4k
4k white teeth show and he smiles 4k
broadly. - ' 'V1 " 4k
4k 'ir-4k
E. Day of Cartland. ' Neb., who
killed a short, distance east of
the St.t Johns Northern Pacific bridge
by the Northern . Pacific train from
Seattle about 10 i o'clock Saturday
night, was on his way to visit his
brother, S. H. Day. at 1222 Gresham
avenue, and was killed after he lost
his way and felt down the, steep
railroad embankment in the path of
the train.
8, H. Day told-Deputy Coroner
Smith yesterday that he knew his
brother was coming, but failed to meet
him at he train. ... The victim was
given directions . how to reach his
brother's home, and started out to
reach it. For., two hours he wandered
about the northern part of the city.
Within; a stone's throw of his broth
er's home, he came to the edge of the
railroad cut and plunged over. His
suitcase was found at the top of the
trade, and a tan -raincoat halfway
down the embankment. .The fireman
of the train saw the man rising off
the track. He had evidently Just
fallen. Tbe train could not be
stopped in time, and Mr. Day's neck
was broken.
The victim was 81 years old. The
Portland - relatives , Were prostrated
with grief over the affair. The body
lias been turned over to the Cham
bers undertaking establishment at St.
Johns, and is being prepared for ship
ment to his home for; burial. No in
quest will be held.-
- Burglar Steals Dress Coat.
Tne Fischer Bros.' cleaning and
pressing shop at - 688 East Broadway
was broken into , early yesterday
morning and a . dress coat, two suits
and two pairs of trousers were stolen.
according to a report filed with- the
police. . ( : .V-".
Ready money with which to take
advantage of opportunities as
presented is necessary to finan
cial success.
Liberal Rate of Interest Paid on Savings by
The United States National Bank
Capital and Surplus, $2,000,000.00
exclude the
, stronger light
and heat rays,
while admit
ting ordinary
light as free
ly as white
f g 1 a e-s..
Crookes are so
slightly tinted
as to be barely
noticeable. We
them for the
c o m 1 nar Sum-
mer days. A
vacation or a
. Sunday out is
made doubly
' enjoyable by a
' pair of Crookes
Jl YbuhgMen,s Suit
All Bbys' Suit
Are Now Offered: at Reducer! Prices in a
Last week's buying was heavy
this week I propose to increase it.
. Note these reductions on the best
clothes made, bearing in mind
. that every advertised reduction is
genuine. There's no flirting with
"values" at this store, tl- ,
Young Men's $30 Suits Q QEy
Young Men's $25 SuiU 85
r! . $14e85
Every Suit This Season's Make. .
Reductions Include Blues and Blacks, ;
; Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits h
Boys' $15.00 Knicker JA PC
SuiU Now ......... S i.OO
Boys' $10.00 Knicker "7 Ofi
SuiU Now
Boys' $8.50 Knicker C OC
SuiU Now .......... PO.OO
Boys' (6.50 Knicker ft A QC
SuiU Now ......... V
A Pair of Extra Knickers Free
With Each Suit
Including Oliver Twists, Middys,
Russians and Sailor Suits
$1.50 Wash SuiU... .....$1.15
$2.00 Wash SuiU. . . . . .$1.50
$2.50 Wash SuiU $1.95
$3.00 Wash SuiU ... $2.25
$3.50 Wash SuiU. $2.65
$4.00 Wash SuiU .$2)5
$5.00 Wash SuiU . .$3.95
THE ONE STORE IN PORTLAND which permits no
exaggeration or misleading . statement in its ads.
i :A Rubber Ckctiri Tread built on a Powerful Modern Tire "
! ' ' ' .. ' "
w -a v sr. a
Officers Are Installed. The Typo
graphical Union met yesterday after
noon and installed the following ' of
ficers: Charles P. Howard, president;
Fred DuRette, vice president i D. O.
Gallup, secretary-treasurer; - George.
Im a Tailor
Now on the, ground floor with
new stock fully assorted
Hi Class Suits $35
and upwards
3fi6 Stark St., Bet. 3d and 4th.
ItaUway Bxohaags Bldg.
Corner of Second and -Morrison. Look
for the; big Union sign. All work guar
7 1-: - anteed. .
Full Set Teeth, that fit . . $5.00
Gold Crown, 22-k 7 .IT . .$3.50
Bridge Teeth, 22-k. . . . .$3-50
Painless Extraction 50c
"It ros find this nsmber yes won't get bort.'
-i - Bt, Whststoae, asgr. .
.. rvwTs7?TTT-.mT
Protect - you against slipping,
and ; gives your step the safe
buoyant lightness of the trained
athlete. 7 ? A
- . . "' t ;-
You set more than safety for your
money when
you buy Cat's
Paw Heels. .
more afraid of asp- 1
jxrrr sidewalk titan of a pair
of flying spikes. So I Wear
Cat'a PawftubberHeels wnh
the Fosses Friction Plug.
'OUcet com
fortthe extra
quality of rub
ber gives greater resiliency 7 makes
your step as easy as the cat's own.
You get durah2ity-!he Foster Fridasi
Hug not only prevents slipping, but males
them wear longer, . because the plug is put
.where the jar and wear comes 'give that
crisp little click to your step which keeps you
out 01 nc gum snoe
And there are no holes
'to track mud and dirt-
yet they cost "no more
than the ordinary kmds
50c attached all
dealers and repair men
black and tan. ;
Get' a pair of Cat's Paw
Heels today. They wul
I pay you daily orndeads ot.
- aatTdscrico all aununec " :
Do yon have areas ancSes t - i
Then yon need the Foster
Orthopedic Heal which
gives that extra auupuit
: i ?!ded. Especillv
. y" poUramm, mo- ;
I FOSTER RUBBER CO. isandwhorTe-
10"i Fjju -1. 1 'h-nt y s great oear. zoc ;
- - Boston. Mass. . t eraeat DOStrjaid mm'fa. '
4vrmmtor m4 tMrtemtea Oa rotter dptoi BOc. and cnulizal of
rnew rtmg mate seas far mpptac
I - We Use Catspaw Heels ' - '
Armishaw Bros. Shoe Co.
Largest, Quickest and Neatest Shoe Repairers on Coast.
367 STARK ST. 128 BROADWAY . ' .
- Z I : ' ,7
N55ft r s - :
i-- - ' - ' -- " " - "
.... MfllT-'-ll"'1
- a a-
mm .
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