12 THE OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY,' JUNE 7, Jl915. f ! HKLJf WAJtYSD FEMALE 2 WHEN yoj aimwtsr these Want -Ads. mention Th Journal. VVAKTKD 3HXE - FEMALE 2 MEN and women to learn the barber trade, wages paid while learning; tuition reduced, positions ecu red. The only -chain of schools in the .world. Send for free catalogue, Moler Barber .College. H. 48 N. 2d st. Oregon Barber college will teach you 'the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tui tion redueed this term. ' 233 Madison. UAKUEKS AJfl) SUPPLIES till Barbers' Supplies LOWEST PRICES FOR STANDARD GOODS. Witch Hazel. 11.10 gal.- Bay Sura Compound, 12.60 gal. "Micro" Tonic; $4 gaL; 1.?5 IV, Henkle Scissors. l. etc. Dept. 6, Clarke-Woodward Drug Co., Woodlark blag-. Alder at West Park, i Portland. Or. Elevator to 5th floor. bA VE money on barber supplies. , rxitt Cut. & Barb. Sun Co.. 88 6th. SITUATIONS -MALE PAINTING, paperhanging and kalsom- best. Call Main 6176 and I will do thefE ?om. wiSh kitchenette, - complete- rest Johnson. Skilled Carpenters 'Furnished on short notio. Mar. 7K6 MARRIED man, on child, wants ranch work; separate house. Phone Broadway 1665. Gilliam. CAKPENTER wants work, contract or day's job work 0c per hour, screens made 7c per foot. Sellwood 5241. BAKER Good all round man job, good references. 361 Halsey st. MAN with heavy learn wants work. ' Tabor 3769. WANTED Excavatin and team -work. Phone East 4804. C-1477. '. ALL ROUND blacksmith and horse- Hhoer wants work. 808 Buxton st. KAL80MINO. painting, room $1.50 up. Paperhanglffg reaf-onable. Alain 252;. WANTED Stenographic position by refined lady just but of business col lege. Experience more of an object than 'salary. E-802. Journal. LACE curtain draperies hand laun dered: 25c up. Called for; experts. pen wood leas. DINNERS, teas, parties, weddings. planned, prepared, served. Refer ' 'ces. Bellwood 1696. STENOGRA PH t'R Some law experi- ence wants orrice wotk of any kind. Marshall 4991. WOMAN wishes work ol any kind; will do housework. Phone Main 8136. LIGHT family work; middle aged lady. - Main 7439. . LIGHT family work. Main 7439. SUtATlONa WANTED MALE ANFlIALE " 23 MAN and wife. Scotch, with boy 10 i years old. want to take care of place. X-S!8, Journal.. Df tESSMA Ki NG 40 DRESSMAKING. The best in the west. Fashionable and stylish. 648 Division st. M. Lane, NUItSES CO MIDWIFE (Graduate) Received ma ternity cases from $10 weekly. Mar shall 4538. MIDDUBAOED practical nursa; any kind of cases. Woodlawn 2515. .FIT WISHED KOOMS Newly re furnished. Pa p e r t- d 4th and Alder ana reno vated enlarged lobby all modern conveniences. Rooms, with private bath, $1 per day up; without, 75c up. Because the rates are low don't thinK the service is poor. Special rates by week or month. Several rooms with wall beds, making them - practically . suites. Hotel Franklin New Management; Central Location. WASHINGTON AND 13TH. PHONE, HOT AND COLD WATER, SHOWER AND TUB BATHS FREE, 60c DAY UP, $10 MONTH UP. LARGE, LIGHT ROOMS. PHONES MAIN 3859. A-6021. ETHELTON HOTEL. 105 12th st. near Wash., clean, quiet, modern conveniences-, summer rates; $3 week, up; transient solicited. Marshall 2790. -.YOUNG, men may consults without charge register if furnished rooms at Y. M. C A., listing several hundred in ail parts of the city, also those in the ASscolatlon huilding. WANTED i Room mate to reduce rooming expense. Fireproof build, lng, shower baths, individual beds. Call or address Y. M..C. A. business office. Buckingham Hotelmi50 court rms.. $2.50 up.- Day, 50c. 75c, $1. ii52 Washington.' THE ALBION HOTEL, .' 212 3d and Salmon. Rooms $1.75 week up; steam heat, hot and cold warer. free bath, phone. a. ... ANSON1A HOTEL, ;124 14th st.. cor. Wash, desirable lo cation, strictly modern, private bath. phone. $3 up. Rates to tourists. M. 1443 Madras Hotel .J- j-ooms, $2.50 up. By day 50c. 75c, $1; oor. 12th and Washington sts. A WU1ET PLACE FOR QUIET PEOPLE HOTEL CLIFFORD. vEast Morrison st, near Grand ave. CleanHnews and comfort, $3 per wk. up .THE RANDOLPH 252 Columbia; nici, clean rooms, bath, phone, hot water. Rooms $1.25 week up. CLEAN, light rooms; tree phones and bath, steam heat, $2 up. 445 Coluru ; M. Main 7410. A-3973 , Nicely lurnlsntd 228H Wash. st. AB BOTTsiVo up .NICELY furnished outside room, $6 per mo. 187 17tp. near Yamhill. ROOMS and apartments in modern ho ' te'- $2.50 -week and up. 455 Alder. $2 -WEEK up, clean.warm, modern fur. rooms, central. The King. 309 Jef. HOMii comforts, large airy rooms, rea sonable. East 1552. , FURNISHED KOOMS PRIVATE PAjaXXY TO HAVE - two or three rooms with use -. of kitchen and sitting room for 3 or 4 respectable, girls; price extremely reasonable, Hawthorne ave. car to 28th ave.. west 3 blks. S857 S8th st. S. E. ..NEATLY furnished front room in prl- v.ts family; walking distance. 166 NICE large front room. $12 mouth. ' ' ' 38S 6th. .- . g ., LARGE front outside rooms. 212 Broadway, cor. Salmon. VNFUKNISirED ROOMS IP s E.W oohis, water, gas, $6 month. 188j Market near Front. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 PARKVIEW HOTEL, 3 86 Monlsomery st. at West Park, family hotel; all tnodera conveniences; rates for regular . and transient guests. ' , THE DORMER. 238 13th t., cor, Jef ferson, room and board $5.50 a week find .tip; home cooking. ; ' THE HASSEIj, cor. Sd and Montgoraerv. - Fine furnished rooms r.nd board, $5 v.p: BtPam heat, hot baths; free phone. Room and -board, young women $4 wk. up; "Anna Lewis" Hall. 510 Flanders. FIRST class board and roo-ja, best cookinsr, $5 up. $16 CoUege Jt. - j Stop at Rooiis axi 5joajki IS Con tinned) - - - TUB VERANDA Room and - board $4.50 per week and up; Use of music, pool and billiard rooms; also shower Dams; oest Home coo King. eat . ,ast Madison.- BOOMS AND IXJARD FSI7ATE ' FAMTXT " 72 nnmn-anil rnnm in tniwlcrn home TilfHMBrrf RHrronnrilnes emoloved people- only.-, rice reasonable. T099 CarfleTd ave. Woodlawn 2025. Ai'iKACUVtf room aw board if de sired, in private family, close in, $ blocks east of Broadway bridge. Tele phone East 5344. . WANTED Children , to room ' and board ; mothers? care. 608 JB. Stepli ens. - Mrs. Ohlendorf. ROOM and board for ne or two gen tlemen with home comforts. - 64 N 18th st-, cor. Davis. KIND lady wishes to . board children, IZ.50 week. S85 6th. AIRY rooms, good board. 2a4 E.2d N. East 6016. BEdT board, ciun rooms, walking dis tance. a up. ai wasmngion, MT. TABOR HEIGHTS Room and board. Phone Tabor 3973. " UOL SEKEEPI A G KOOMS ly furnished, steam heat - running hot and cold water, phone in ever room; 1 blocks from 5th. and Morrison sts.; $12 and up. -91 Columbia St.. corner 6th st. . .. LARGE front room, $2.50; front rooms with kitchenette, $3; 3 room suite at S3.0; gas for cooking; electric light and hath free. Four minutes walk to business center. 306 4th st. 21.50 UP, clean, furnished housekeep ing rooms, free elce. lights, water, telephone, centrally located. 264 Jef- u-rson, cor. -a at, $1 o $2.60 week, furnished H. K. rooms; gas. tree heat, laundry, bath. Plu.ne East 6039; 203 Stanton, U car. tociiTcS and single H. K, rooms, $1.50 week up. Also modern rooms. Mer ceces. 20th and Morrison. ' SINGLE H. K. apt., walking distance, (8 per mo. 187 17th, near Yamhill. GMI 'APTS., I, 2, 3 room suites, free bath, phone; $1 wk. up. 401 1st st. OILMAN- hotel, 1st and Alder, Fur nished H. K. rms., cheap. $1.50 wk. up. NICE -2 room apartment, Hawthorne district. 349 E. 42d st. WELL furnished rooms, close in; nice front room. 391 Yamhill. TWO room apt., free bath, light, phone. Cheap rent. 408 Jefferson. Cambridge bldg., furnished H. K. rooms, central, cheap. 1S 3d. cor. Mor n. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 PRIVATE PAMTT.Y ROOMS with excellent board in pri vate home, i every modern conven ience; close to Jefferson high school, library and Peninsula park. Piedmont district. 1205 Commercial st. Phone Woodlawn 2992. THREE . housekeeping , rooms, lights. water, heat, phone and bath. 294 Eugene St., near Broadway and Wil liams eve. Phone East 2F,1'5. $10 5 furnished housekeeping rooms. wrater and woodshea, nalr diock Hawthorne car; 49th st., city. no children. 231 E. $12.00 TWO clean, completely fur nished rooms, bath, laundry, phone, large yard, east side, walking dis tance. 312 Cherry. NICE H. K. room with kitchenette. 2d floor, flowers, lawn, porches, $12 a month. 249 13th st. Marshall 897. TWO lovely front downstairs H. K. rooms. Free lights. Phone. $10 month. 448 E. Oak. LARGE rooms, kitchenette, piano, cheap; nice room $4 month; close in. 129 13th near Washington. SLEEPING rooms and H. K. . rooms. $1.50 pr. wk. 530 Davis. 2 blks from Washington st. b PEK month for 3 large rooms, east side, close in; including water. 361 E. 7th street. 3 ROOMS with sleeping porch, gas, electric light, bath and phone, 504 E. Oak st. TWO and 3 cool connecting rooma, modern, near Broadway bridge. 384) E. 1st st. TWO- H. K. rooms, furnished. 212 Broadway, cor. Salmon. CASA ROSA, 300 JEFFERSON. BOARD AND ROOM. $25 UP. TWO large rooms, bath, sink, range, beds, $2.50 week. 88 10th. i61 Taylor, single housetceeping rooma. Free light, phone bath, launory. FURNISHED housekeeping suites, per month. 555 6th st. $10 SINGLE, double, furnished bousekeep- ing rooms. 71 E. 11th st. N. LARGE housekeeping room, 1st floor. 149 ISth st., near Morrison. FOR RENT HOUSES 12 MODERN up-to-date 4 room bunga low, with built-in beds, buffets, bookcases, window seats and coolers, also self lighting gas ranges, water heaters, linoleum in kitchen and bath rooms, full attic with electric lights, full basement With wash trays, gas and electricity, fine lawn, windows fully screened. Webster and Sumner sts., 1 block north of Alberta car, near E. 13th. Blanchard & Clemson. 702-3 Selling blag. Phone Sunday or even ings C-1287. ELEGANT 9 room dwelling, 331 Broadway, west; 10 minutes' walk to Washington St.; 2 fireplaces, elec tricity, gas, furnace, cement basement; all modern plumbing; yard. Rent $35. Fred F. S. Williams, 92 1st st. COZY 8 room modern house, newly painted and tinted throughout, full basement. special good plumbing, Dutch kitchen, etc., desirable and l.leasant surroundings and good loca tion. 968 Schuyler st.; reasonable rent. Call for ke-v 966 Schuvler st. 564 GAN TENBEIN ave., 1 block from Russell st., 2 blocks from Williams ave.. a modem 5 room bungalow, bath, gas and electricity. Inquire at 666 Gantenbein ave. - HOUSE, 6 rooms, walking distance, 2 bath rooms, gas range, water heater, yard, fruit,, roses, sleeping porch, rea sonable rent." 630 E. Madison st. 8 ROOM modern house for rent rea sonable, at 595 Marshall st. Has nice shady yard with roses. Apply 681 Marshall st. v" 5 ROOM cottage with large porches, inside just overhauled; Kara go sDac If desired. Marshall 4431. ' FOR attractive houses to rent use Clark. Rental Service. 2d floor Title Trnt bide. MODERN 6 room house, 782 Kelly st. Reasonable to right party. Marshall MONTH'S rent free; 8 rooms, bath, CaUEltn'34,li;O0; 5' r00mS' batV '10. FOR RENT New modern 6 room house. 925 Wiedler st. Key next aoor, or phone owner. Main 7273. 5 ROOM modern bungalow, riear car line hard surfaced st, builtin con venlences. Phone Sellwood 93. FOR RENT Modern 7 room house, near 11 V. car line. Inquire 1620 E. Davl st. MODERN .6 room bungalow with fur - face; easyj walking distance; west side. 267 Chapman. A 7 ROOM and a 16 room house7 for rent. Third st, near Grant Low rent. 313 Chamber of Commfr MODERN i 7 room houae, $16. 935 mwumfQ ave. rnone Kenwood 1551, FOR RENT, a modern 6 room house. $18 5 roomfmodern bungalow. 920 s. Phone C-1905 ;J - . , Tibbit 7 ROOM house, west side, 330 lath stl - near Market. Sellwood 1799 9 room house. , E. 33d and Sal mon, nearly new. Phone Tabor 119 JVJ3.VV modern 7 rooms. $20 K. 39th. Richmond car. ' No. S41, $25-Modern 8 room hntiMa wix, tinted. 611 E. Conch st. B-3058 a. MODERN 6 room house. -fruit anri flowers. SI'S. Woodlawn ITfl"" UX i ROOM modern house. Wdln. 8526. FURNITURE FOU SALE 33 f ----- nuLatiS run iWAi - nlture far sale; good, proposition, , Journal. ' ; t. ' A HQ A v I .. as-a t W lished In the Household Goods classi- flcation When house ii not for rent. -- , , . . , , - FURNISHED HOUSES Sal ATTRACTIVE bedroonv private sit- - ung rwro, who pjano,' use ui Mining room and kitchen, beautiful yard", fruit, vegetables, -etc.;- very reasonable to reiinea coupie- or aauita. u.' e. -.pre- f erred. Or will ! give board. 80 E. 20th N.. Rose City car. FOR RENT 6 room furnished cot- r. lane, nice yaru, io oi nower; close , to - carllne; cheap -' if : taken at or.ee. Woodlawn 1569. ITJRNISHED 7 room cottage; walking I distance. Phone East 6336. MICE 7 room Irvlngton. East 273. W tl. iieriman. 6 ROOM, house, partly furnished; block to car. 1206 Burrar st. 6 ROOM furnished eottage, lights, wa- ter. $12. East 1502. TWO room cottage furnished, $10 per month. 65& btn st FURNISHED -AND UNFLUAl&liEl APARTMENTS 43 Wellesley Court EAST 15TH AND BELMONT, STS. Furnished and unfurnished. Mgr. East 3469, References. . BALBOA APARTMENTS. 4 2 9, Harrison, near 12th st. Extra large Z room furnished apts., unfurnished, modern, reasonable rent; phone: good service. Marshall 2900. References. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apts Walking distance. References. BUCK -HARTFORD. APARTMENTS. 107 N. 21 ST ST. 3 and -4 rooms, furnished or unfur nished! sleeping porches and balconies; walking distance; reduced rent. THE CODY, cor. E. 7 th and Taylor sts.. nas been remodeled with nnvate baths, new furniture and carpets. 2 and 3 rooms; light and phone free; rent very reasonable. Call East 44. THE IRIS APTS. 3d and Mill St. JULIETTE APTS. 2d and Montgom ery. Modern 2. 3 and 4 room aDts.. furnished or unfurnished, $17 month up. No charge for cooking pas. MONTGOMERY APTS. COR. 3RD- MONTGOMERY STS. Strictly , modern, all outside fur nished 2 room ants., elect elevator. best service, close in, $18 to $25. Free nents. wain 9466. NICE outside unfurnished apartment, 5 rooms, steam heat and Janitor service. 123 N. 17th 6t Phone Mar. 2706. Portland. Or. LHE MORTON, cor. King and Wash., Hpw ma n'ff 2 n n .1 4 rnomn fur anil unt'ur. ants., reasonable rent Pacific n avta. Main 1082. A-5749. tnu.v v. i x CJr.JN i. tlAL. BLOCK Rooms and apartments, modern, new. up-to-date turn, elaborately. 3 blks. e. Bdwy. bridge. Summer rates. E. -6663. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16TH ST. Marshall 2316. Nice 5 room furn. and unfurn. att. : also 3 and 4 room furn. apartments. THE SHEFFIELD 270 Broadway, south. 3 and 4 rooms, well arranged. easy walking distance, at very rea sonable' rent; best of service. M. 2506. COMPLETELY furnished, 2 room apartment easy walking distance: $16 per month, including lights, etc 187 17th st.. near YamhilL JEFFERSON I AN APARTMENTS. Corner 16th and Jefferson. 2 and 3 room furnished apartments, 2 beds, $12 and $16. AMERICAN-MARLBOROUGH. Highest class apts. in the city, 4, 5 and 6 rooms, walking distance, reason able. Mar. 3360. Main 7516. A-Z676. ROSENFELD (brick), 14th & E. Stark. Modern 3 and 4 ., furnished or un fur. 'Private phones, reasonable- rates. RENT BARGAINS. 3 and 4 rms., sleeping porches, hard vood firs., ref s. Fortnomah, 200 E. 13th TWO room apts.. newly furnished: modern. Sawyer Apta.. 82 N. 10th st. Phone A-2238. 4 . PENINSULA APTS., concrete bldg.. i and 3 rooms, hot and cold water, hnths, st heat, phone. $12 up. C-1170. THE DEL MONTE. H. TC apts., prices very reasonable. 20th and Morrison. , Marshall 4464. WINSTON. 2 and 3 rooms, private bath, modern brick; special rates $15 and up; 14th and Market. Main 1739. EVELYN APXRTMENT. 267 N. 21st st.; 3 room furnished apartment; summer rates. Marshall 1323. DOWN town, modern apts., $15 month up, including heat, light, etc Royal Annex, 350 Morrison. DKICKSTON 448 11th st; modern 2. 3 room .fur. apts.. $20 to $30; walking ALBERMARLE Apts., modern, neatly furnished apts. Summer rates. East 4193. 383 William ave.. near Broadway. Arumav Terrace, 395 12th St. Large 2 room fur, ants. Mrs John Cran. mgr. LUXOR APTS.. 324 13th, neatly fur nished apts day, week or month. MEREDITH 3 & 4 rm. apts., reason able. 712 Washington. Opp.22d. M.7134 PAGE APTS. Excellent outside apta. Rates very reasonable. East 3566. KEELER APTS, 14tb and Ciay ii am 4 room nnfurnUhtd: references. THE LAURETTE 3 room furnished apts.; private bath, phone. 229 11th. FURNISHED and unfurnished apart ments. $10 to $20. 109 N. 18th. THE LUZERNE 2 room? fur. apts., indrn brick. $20 tn. u. Mar. 4-SiJi. FOR RENT FLATS 13 FLAT, 4 rooms; bath, sleeping porch, gas range, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors, linoleum on kitchen and bath. 268H East SOth. Tabor 2236. COMPLETELY furnished H. K.; 3 con necting, everything furnished; also 2 single J. K.; on 6 carlines; jitney ser vice. 346 Oregon st. VERY modern 5 room flat, E. 13 th and Tillamook, in two family bldg, cheap; Phone Broadway ; 2332. 6 AND 6 room flat for rent, new and modern, reasonable, . West ' sidec A-4798. Marshall 2534. FOR RENT 5 room modern flat. 266 E. 24th : st, near Hawthorne, rent reasonable. BEAUTIFUL 2, room flat, newly tint ed, very; reasonable, 706 Vancouver avenue. FURNISHED FIATS 50 5 ROOM well furnished flat, clean, " healthy, light all around; gas, bath; desirable. -Walking distance or 2 car lines and best jitney service. 772 E. Tavlor East 5260. $16 Cozy 4 room flat, lawn, walking distance. 450 Rodney t ave; East 4866.; - . -' " TWO 3 room flats, furnished and un furnished. Adults. 504 E. 22d st S. MODERN 4 room upper furnished flat $16: 734 Milwaukie st. - STORES AZilf OFFICES 11 BRICK CORNER STORE 4 On Killingsworth ave., near car barns, floor space 50x86; will divide to suit tenant. ; If you intend changing your location or entering into - mercantile business, see this fine, modern, up to date, corner with steam heat and over 100 feet of plate glass centrally lo cated. : -- i - : . . j BLANCHARD & CLEMSON. - -70Z-7Q3 veiling Dldg, BRICK warehois- in - South Portland for rent, ' trackage, light and airy. On paved street -reasonable: Journal PubHshl-ng Co.. Broadway and Tamhlll. SHOP. 271 Hawthorne ave., east end of bridge. H- N. Burpee. M. 3330. HOTEI3 S4 EIXCELLENT furnished, rooms, etrict ly modern, $2.50 wk. Hotel Savoy. 125 6th. betw. .Wash, and Alder. sa jpiTRVTswrn a rnnm mttacn Ocean Park. Wash- 140 season. iL B. V- f " 2- Milwaukie, Or.. Route 1. HEASIDK cottage for rent. Main 4191. - ; HORSES, VEHICLES, KTC. IS . SPAN of areldines. weiehinr 2253 lbs- sound and extra, good workers, with $126. Also block y Percheron4 mare, 4 ; yrs. oia. sound and true, weigmng iu ; lbs. $100. At Model Stables, 6th ,and Davis - - -' -v BIG team of - horses for sale, cheap, 4 year . olds. 1600 weleht each, no f difference in ages, gentle, city broke, -rtrut sound. Inuuire E. P. Elliott. 7th , true, sound, 'inquire E. P. Elliott, ana Main, Oregon City, or. , ? yr ! ; : Z. T- CommiSSlOn AUCtlOn , ons, every Monday and Thursday, at a p. in. woinmoia aaowm. am r rvni 1600 lb. team ponies-with long bodied buggy and harness, conaplete. : This is an exceptional good . outfit for camping or berry farm. 233 N. 14th. FOR SALE Burro, pack or work; gentle for children: 125. Box 283 J Gladstone ave. r Phone - 447-M, via uregon vi ty. ! TWO ton gooseneck wagon, with top. in (rood order. For sale.-cheap. 960 Macadam st. - MILK or buttermilk wagon; strong, light running, a bargain; HH0 Front et Main 157 1. - - - FOR SALE, cheap; smalt team, wagorv and harness; just the thing: for a camping trip. Foot Main at. GOOD matched team. all around chunks, harness. ' spring wagon, sad dle. single buggv. 85.00 1661 E. Ash. GOOD cheap mare and light wagon: must be sold at once. 1029 E. Yam hill, WANTED, cheap horse, suitable for farm work; state price. 0-353 Jour nal. DEAD horses and animals haul mi away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Ca FOR SALE Ranch horse, good work er. $25 takes him. 1967 E. Stark. PEAD horses and cattle taken free. Tabor 4203. ONE mare pony, saddle and bridle, $30. One 1100 lb. horse, $50. Tabor 6028. HORSES for sale or trade. Call Wood lawn 20- LIVESTOCK 33 SIX milch cows. 5 and 6 gallon milk ers, fresh and cominjr fresh soon; one registered Durham bull 3 years old, two fine heifers, yearlings; also one Chester White . brood sow. third litter June 16. - J. Schmauder. 39th and V sts., near carbarns. Vancouver. Wp-ph.' Phone RP9-R. FINE 4-year-old Jersey-Holstein cow, just fresh, heifer calf 3 weeks old, riving- 4 gallons per day, tests over , Will sell with or without calf. A fine cow for family use. Take Sell wood car to Tolman ave., walk 3 blocks east and one block south to 1316 E. 20th st. 25 HEAD of high grade dairy cows, all fresh from 1 to 4 weeks, 15 Jer sey and Guernsey. 10 big . Durham cows, giving 4 to 6 gals, per day. all good young cows. Take Woodstock car to 69th ave., walk 3 blocks west. 15 TJAIR cows, Jersey, Guernsey and Holstein, fresh and springers, $55 nn. 30 -v-ftflrliriir h1f,r, PTrhlRtoln unit 'Jersey. blocks north, 1 west Kenton nanK. wain. 4026. GOOD dairy and family cows. Am leaving state. Gresham car .to GU- I bert sta., north to brick house. Bou i cutter. ' HOGS and brood sows for sale or trade or will rent place complete, close in. X-891. Journal. 2 GOOD cows, Jersey and Ayrshire, for sale cheap if sold immediately. 720 E. 23rd. - 60 PIGS ior Eale or exchange for beef or milk cow. H. Grebe. Tigard. Or. FRESH cow and 45 chicks. 6 to 10 weeks old, cheap. 80 E 79th st. N. CHOICE of 3 fresh cows. A-l, 5 gallons i milk. 1584 Division st. .POULTRY AND PIGEONS 37 Celling cheap. " " 100 Whit T.K-hnrn nnllots .Ton . I Feb., March hatch, 3 doz. liens, to- getuer, ooc eacn. Poland China sow. 6 ptgs, $22.50. Duroc Jersey boar, $10. Burro, pack animal, $25. ' Box 263. Gladstone. Or. Phone 447-M.. via Oregon City. OREGON Poultry and Pet Stock Co., 65 6th St.. Portland. Or.. 34 kinds of chickens. eggs $2 per 15 by parcel post. Ducks, geese, turkeys, pearl guineas, pigeons, rabbits, dogs, peafowl, canary birds, poultry food and remedies, in cubators and brooders. A. J. Krueger, manager. BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS. Pedigreed breeders, all for sale. 200 hens, 20 cocks; bargain prices. Ladd & Bauer, Panama bldg.. Portland. DOGS AD HOUSEHOLD PETS 46 FOR SALE Thoroughbred Pitt Bull pup, 4 months' old. Call 35 Mont gomery st ONE- pair of blue-eyed W'hlte Angora cats, - thoroughbred, pedigreed stock; a eacriflce. Phone Mar. 2053. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 PORTABLE GARAGES AND HOUSES T.. I, A. - ' , innLci i2ia, ar tistic designs. Erected complete, lock i ... t i ey- J3 up. .Portable houses. $125 up. immediate delivery. ... TAKE DOWN MFG. CO.. 648 Water st. nr. Harrison. Main 1167. OREGON VULCANflZlNG CO. "TTi Tlr, 9tint 550 Washington st. at 18th. TIMES ftiarsnaii 3 s. BEST TIRE REPAIRING. xraae new tires lor oij ones. . iMPROVEn pnnTi h i i- Ant- See my. 10x16 portable garage at $32. Erected on trnir Inf wimrlt Get my price--on other garages or ! kAtiaAU T3 rrt AIT ..n - u ,l ... 1191 East Salmon. Tabor 194. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. Large stock, prices $300 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR 'CO- Studebaker bldg. Corner Chapman and Alder OVERLAND 6 pass., fore door; well equipped; tires: practically new; extra tubes, tools and chains, $285. 369 Hawthorne. . A PARK HARllllN (-.., Electric runabout in fl overhauled, repainted and new Phila. batteries. N-457, Journal. GENERAL auto and truck respiring Reo truck sprockets a specialty Forging. Good work, square Drn.es Trv lug. E. L, Taylor-& Co.. 71 lt st. '-AM LP. SPRMO COOj WritteA. guar- w i i n every,, spring. 26 N. 15thst RECOVERING auto tops. $18.50 up. Auto painting, $20 up; til work guar anteed. United Painting & Auto Too ij.. join miq w agmngton. Aiars. 94 . FOR SALE 1914 Ford, equipped witu Bosch magneto, $350 cash.- Call A 3410 Sunday. Main 214 or A-l 266 Mon- CONTRACT for year with 1 ton truck; . BUWWKW KWU eel Trie, -. . XN-4ttj, Journal. ' t - SLIGHTLY used Urea, largest stock in Portland. $3 to $15. Fine repair ing, ine ouppiy jo., z7 Madison. LIGHT a pass, late Id or 11, cheap for cash, or terms to suit, 644 Morri son. 1 Marshall 429.- v v - HIGHEST prices paid , for old rubber, metals. J. Leve. 186 Columbia. M. 5198 EXPERT auto repairing, . reasonable cnarnea. j; J. dimmer, izs N. Btn st- 6 PASS. body. 1913 model, like new, $50. Marshall 4751. AUTO truck for sale with. job;, easy terms; call East 7039 or B-1144. FJ VE pass. Regal, $250. F. E. Esben shade, 214 Front ... SUMMER RESORTS I AUTOMOBLLES-ACCESSORIES 44 . uBnaat4t - mm PCTifaf8- MAiNAGER' SELL EVERY USED CAR ,YOU OWN AT $100 TO $500 LOWER THAN THE LOWEST PRICE QUOTED BY ANY OTHER DEALER ON THE COAST. MAKE THIS SALE THE CHANCE OF A LIFE TIME FOR PORTLAND PEO PLE TO GET HIGH i GRADE CARS AT ABSOLUTES ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. ( THE WINTON COMPANY. , CLEVELAND, JUNE ,5. 1915. This Telegram Has; Started the Greates Automobile Cut ! Price ever held anywhere. See these cars today. Try themL Name your own price. Be a high grade car owner NOW. Save hundreds of dollars. i - - j 23rd and Washington Sts. OPEN EVENINGS. GUARANTEED. USED CARS, i ON EASY TERMS. 1915 OVERLAND, 35 H. P..' 6 pass., run only 1200 miles, as demonstrator, original price $1200, now I $975 1912 CADILLAC, 4 passenger. Delco Electric starter, etc., re tentiy overhauled and repainted $650 1914 OVERLAND roadster. Gray & Davis, electric equipment like new in every respect. .! $650 1914- OVERLAND 5 ' passenger, electric lights, with generator, just overhauled throughout $600 OVERLAND, 1813. 5 passenger, absolutely perfect mechanically $150 OVERLAND. 1912. 5 passenger, overhauled, repainted, new tires all around I . $450 OVERLAND, 1912, 40 H. P.. won derful hill climber, new- tires all around j $300 1913 COLE, just thoroughly over hauled and renovated., Delco starter, and lights . ... 825 DELIVERY CARS OVERLAND, panel top delivery; late model; just thoroughly overhauled and -repainted; new tires all around , i $600 MAXWELL light delivery, just overhauled and refinished; In finest condition throughout ...$375 1915 OVERLAND, panel top deliv ery; electric starter and lights; run few hundred miles- as demonstrator $900 J. W. LEAVITT & iMW USED CAR DEPT. 627 Washington st. NEW LOCATION AFTER JULY 1ST, COR. BROADWAY AND ; DAVIS STS. Used Cars We have several good j cars at bar gain prices. Look them -over. COLE, 1913, Delco electric starting and lighting system, easy riding, good condition. j CADILLAC, 1914, 6 pass., repainted, tires good, motor perfect Price low. CADILLAC, 1913v This; car is in the best of condition. 950. i OVERLAND, 4 pa ss a; very service able car. Only $25. j CADILLAC. 1912; repainted, com plete equipment, $750. j STUDEBAKER roadster, late model, at $400. j Covey Motor Car Co, 21ST AND WASHINGTON STS. Ford! Fordll HFord!!! We have several bargains In used FORD runabouts and touring cars. CASH OR TERMS. Benj. E. Boone) & Co. Ford Agentsl 614 Alder st ! Portland. Or. Used Auto Snap LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. We are closing out all of . our used cars this month at big sacrifice? free service given with each car; several cars to select from. NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. Broadway and Couch sts. Broadway 887. , A-4959. AUTOMOEILS VA:VIEk 78 320 ACRES, no incumbrance. 280 acres fenced, good wejl, 40; acres In crop, for auto; must be good.) . - 80 acres, no incumbrance, trade for Ford. Rooms 301 and 12 Lumber Ex change. cor. 2nd and Stark. AU'iuMOtiluU wanted.; Have 28 ft motor boat fully equipped, good as new. Boat and house cost $1200; will trade boat for light roadster in good condition. Address N-869.- Journal - A NICE Bayocean lot near. Hotel Bay ocean to exchange for . automobile. Phone Tabor 4627. I - AUTOS FOR HIRE . AUTOS FOR HIRE. Up to date cars.' - Careful and experienced Drivers. 4 Scenic and touring trips. Special rate by hour. Stand. 255 -Wash., cor, rd. Main 296S. MOTORCTCaS-ICYOuES 55 NOTICE For sale cheap, motorcycle -In good repair, or trade for , good 8 H. P. twin motorcycle cheap; cash or teriiis: iDr Mm. FOR SALE. 1914- two speed Dayton . motorcycle, $185. Tabor 3152 -j, -v I i - TME WIT! MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES &5 (Continued) CLEAN-UP SALE Of MERKEL motorcycles at less than our ost 1912 - and 1914 models,! all new, easy terms. Phone ' Broadway MOTOR CAR SUPPLY CO.. INDIAN motorcycle, 1914, single I cyL model, recently overhauled and in good condition, lamp, rear seat, good "T- new. chain, etc; can b seen week days at 34 N. 6th.. bet 8 s, m. and o p- m. " - " ; USp;l MACHINES OF ALL MAKES FROM- $25 UP ON EASY TERMS. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO-. 44 Grand ave. L Agency for the Flying MerkelJ 1914 MODEL twin, chain drive, equip ped, tandem, Prest-O-Lite, ietc in A-l - condition: has not had much usage. Call at' 861 East Morrisonj Pope motorcycles and bi cycles cash or terms. New and used. Supplies, etc. F. P. Keenan Co., 190 4th MOTORCYCLE Presto tank. $7. - R. H. Blocker. 276 Taylor, cor. 4th st LAlDfCHES AND BOATS 4 EVINRUDE Motor -Co how i oca ted Front and Morrison; 100 Evinrude rowboat and canoe motors . In. stock; $58 to $83. Gasoline engines, motor boat equipment, paddles, cushions, snortine xooti, rowboat and anoes. HAVE 23 ft. 7 H. P. motorboat to trade for good motorcycle. Phone A-3890. - : SELL cheap, launch 25x4. Vfe. 20 H. H., almost new. Phone Main 4287. j PIANOS. ORC.ANS AN1 I MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 31 OF interest to phonograph dealers:. We have for sale two Columbia machines and about 100 records, all new . and in perfect condition; will close out tne lot at a big sacrifice. If interested, phone East 6900. C-1415. ; $10 BUYS $30 Edison phonograph, 30 records. 127 W. Wygant. Take St. Johns car to Denver ave. PIANO wanted in exenange for Rose City Park lot. C-1457. EXCHANGE $500 player piano for piano or organ. E-804, Journal. PIANO for sale very cheap if taken at once, yob Vancouver ave. 1 TYPEWRITERS GILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Underwoods. - Remingtons. L. C. Smith, Oliver. Smjth-Premier. Royal, etc., $15 and up; terms. Agents for the "Corona" folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables and chairs. - The J. K. Gill Co.. 3d and Alder sts. ! WE save you from 50 to 76 per cent ou all makes of tvnewritera. Send for cur illustrated folder; retail depart ment. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER Co.. 321 Washington st TYPEWRITERS for rent. 3 months for $5 and up; 6 months'' rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington NEV , rebuilt. 2d hand, rentals, cut rates, i'. it. o. uo., Z3i star, jm.. iov. HOUSEHOLD XJOODS for SALE fl5 FURNITURE for 6 room house for $80; house rents for $12.50. ; Call jMonaay. tio oaq st. a. tu. I NEED all klnda. ot 2d hand j good used furniture. Will pay hlgnest cash price. Call Marshall 687. CALL Bell Auction Co. and get ; good price for your furniture. Mar. is3. FURNITURE -4 rooms, piece, or all cheap. 59' coiumma; leaving town, FURNITURE for sale, very cheap if La ri ai pure. oo v aiifju vr svg. ton SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 Beautiful Roses Fine, long stemmed buds, freshly picked, furnished in large or Ismail quantities to .hotels, restaurants; etc., at lowest prices; samples shown on application. D-455, Journal. 1 SPECIAL FOR THE ROSE FESTIVAL Camp chairs, 23c. ! Tents, 8x10. $5.25. I Tents, 10x10, $6.25. ' Also all sizes below factory prices. Tents to rent; FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO.. 88-90-94 Grand ave. Phone Ej 3051. SEWING machine. Km porium sells for less: no agents employed, all makes of new and second hand machines. - Sold n terms. Machines I guar anteed and rented. $2 per month. 199 q, near rayior. Mam 9431. A-36ZB. Electric Motors' Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnside, cor. 10th. Main or A-6674. MOTION PICTURE SUPPLIES. Used machines and carts for all standards makes. Machines rented for private exhibitions. SERVICE FILM CO., - 64-66 Broadway. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." 1'Type w Titers" and "Household Goods" are separate j classifications. All advertisements- of these goods are published under their respective . classifications. Look them over.- ' BILLIARDS New and second hand carom and pocket billiard tables, bowling alleys and accessories, easy payments. Tables for residences. The otn su ir-none main 4970. FOR horses and vehicles, dogs and I nousenom pets or poultry, vena tne ads., under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other mediums in these classifications. I GOOSEBERRIES, currants, raspber ries, pick them 1 Vie to 3c box. Hawthorne car to 71st, 3 blks. south to 1824 Division. E. L. Brown. . j AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be round under these different headings; I FOR SALE Pie cherries. 4c lb., off the tree, at 1839 Peninsula ave.. St Johns line or phone Woodlawn 2359. FOR SALE or trade, heating plant suitable for 5 room house. 8-525, Journal. - j MIMEOGRAPHS, supplies, circular let- ! ters, Elliott addressing machines and ! supplies. W. E. Flnzer & Co.. 2ti3 Stark, i HALL SAFE, Edison moving picture1 outfit. Kimball organ, incubator. Z12 First DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made i' Oregon, $i.5 gallo.t. -ort- jn(i rami ow rruni. ii a r. it'!, FOR SALE One 14 ft counter. 34d sanayciva. $12.60 DROPHEAD sewing machine with attachments. 152 Grand ave. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 212 3d. Main 797. WE buy and sell used machinery. Northwest Lead & Machy. Co COMBINATION v billiard and . pool lame, mse aiiuiii cast to?. $45 GAS range, with water lied.ter. $2S Call 391 Yamhill. .if DIAilOND ring: cot $250i sell for $160. Sellwood 2358. ' j BUTCHER fixtures . for sale. JournaL - SWAP COLCTSE? 25 TRADE for furniture; 700 equity in 12 acres, -not far from- Portland, -on Columbia, bal, $700, .easy verms. . a-x soil and,: Improved. . B-1971. ' ; $100 EQUITY In $450 lot in Gregory Heights 4m Rose City line; for any thing I can use. What have you? N-456. Journal. ; -, : TWO seated buggy and harness; trade - Jur-Tvvra. norw.. tjeuig noi o 1. wagner, i inert sta t ton. WANTED -Ford auto for choice beach ii. vitiff I4UV. j auifr znn bMALL house or vacant lot for auto. WA3TI2DMISCEUiANEOUS S "WE WANT THE OOODS. WANTEDS ranges, atovea. rugs, rockers, d raecr a, tables, couches, chairs Davenport We vay the pries Try us. Northwest Kurt Kuchange. East 6. WANTED.- store and ofttco fixtures. household goods, safes, vcaies. elec tric fans, to chests, and all kinds of merchandise. Phone Tabor $468. J12 tVANTED Ths peopla of Portland to know I pay highest cash price for household goods. . Prom nt! attention I East $707. N- M. Seater. 14$ Rmtell st. WANTED A second hand wheel Chair. , PhAn U nnrllum, . 1A11 - i -Monday. . ., , - i ... ., -. ... . ; j. MEYER, i the tailor t v. m.k, Prices . for 2rt hnnt ,lnihi C.. I son. OWL FURNf CO. ?ay. heat prices furniture. ; 231 1st Main 4627. for fcU-COND hand clotninar and evervthlnc. Hlgnest prices. Main 2080. 286 1st HOaNOGRAPH ana records, bought, sold, rented and exchanged. 21$ 1st LOST AND FOUND 21 LOST Lady's gold watch, bet St. Johns and Whit wood Court, letter on back N. R ihntl .hin - .a w i guard. Leave at Journal office and re- LOST, on 1st or Front street, between Main and; Alder.- in Oregon City, check book j containing .71 $20 gold! gecesXX896. Journal. $20 regard LOST Y. E; O. pin. Arietta Eastman T?57ve.0n in: ttnder leave at Journal office; reward. 1 LOST -Auto? crnk handle Friday last. . at,horn bridge; return to Jour nal office. . i LOST Lady's fob. small gold buckle, charm attached, between 1st and 6thl jvcniu, iJLin -3.11;) I LOST Crescent shaped brooch, set PeH,s:-Bma11 diamond in center. Main 4922. ; Reward. T LOST At Peninsula park. Sunday evening, a bracelet engraved B. M amethyst setting. Woodlawn 3387. LOST Sunday, Laurelhurst park, red silk parasol. Phone Woodlawn 206. L9.SJL it?'rse-Jjr.aaa Overland head light. Phone Tabor 1925J j PERSONAL unjuuimosmu, manicuring, sea Rothchnde"dg3Xt,erv : HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum. Manhall lint - lAULXfts Best massage, hair dress, manicuren shampoo lni city. 25c! Room 505 Columbia bldg. i MM-,,HA'r' medium and healer: 170 2d, I cor. Yamhill, i 4th floor, apt. 9. Marshall 2497. I ' yPERFLUOUS hair, moles, wartsT ete., destroyed forever; cur guaran teed. Mile. Do Kri4 arA,inn.i LESSONS in phrenology and card read lngs. 235 6th st. Phon Main 7648. LaWVer Consultation free. Main uavyyoi 4993. 708 seinng bldg. CHIROPRACTIC doctor. Painless ad-justments-; 31 treatments 815. 1214th. HA RTNES8, leading feather workers, wholesale, retail. Cor, Park. Yamhill. Professional and ACCORDION PiEATIMO ACCORDION. KNlTk ANy BOX PLkATINO. PICOTING, 1 UEUSTI1CBING, BBAIDlNO. EMBKOIUKUIKG. E AU V H tt N NOVKLTZ KKO. CO.. Kr Mb ST.. WEAR OAK. K. STUPHAN UemsUtcUlog.isceordloa. aide and sunburnt pleating: btttoua covered, goods sponred. Hf IU.pl ok. 883 Alder. M-P37X. I- ATTORtrEYS liALJ. at UK UN 11 It, lawyers; consultation free. 208-1) Klledner bldg. Mar.!8f)0T. BLANK BOOK tUXBJ Davis hulman, luc. itw;2d st Blank book manufacturers: agents !for-Joaes Ins proved Loose Leaf Ledsera. See the saw Ku-r-ka fat. A-3183. Main 183. --.- -. BEAS8 AND MACHIME WORM UAlll'tH a Urasa Works. Brass casllnas and machine worka. 106 N. 6th st Mala TO CARPET CLEAHIIO JU1C1 Uwuti., Electric Cleaulng i Worka. carpels cleaned and laid, refitting oar! specialty, i&ast 44o. B-1063. 204 10th St. N.I - - - CARPET WZAVIHQ NuUlUWbSi' U. U. CO., rags from old car pets, rac rasa, "carpet cleanirg. MS K. feUl. Work called tor. East 8560. B-ia80. - - I'Il.m.vblLAU Kui Works Baa rue sad car. pet weaving: 151S Pit ton ave Woodlawi rn 20 Hfl CHIHOPRACTIO HY8IC1AK l;tt. UcuAnUN, llliiUl st Cnroclo diseases requiring extended 'lime-. 81 treatments (13. lm. POULtSOK. specialist lu paralysis, nervous, chronic diseases. 85Q Plttock blfc. B'wsy Wi. CrRODtATrHO LIBRARirg Metapbyalel circulating. Broaday and Main COAL AND WOOD NEER&FARP. and inside block wood, 4 foot er sawed to order. Telephone HO A I Main 4S06. A-4547. i , vw -tilllk drjr box wood and . rilwood, 4 feel ot saweu. Summer prices. Standard Wood Ce. Knt 21S, B-1005. Charcoal If. 1. liV Kit TS. MAIN 8761. root or cuasy strekt a'L'LTO.. WOOU CO., - VSWJ Macadam. Dealers slnbwuod. Hox wood $2.25 :toed. M. 7890. COLLECTION AOEHCTEg 1 BUY sctouuis, bills, iMle and Jndgmanu of every name and- nature anywhere, for qalck results answer M-W8. Journal. DRAWING AND PAINTING UrtAvVliW uuU painting taught by CbriaUajk Pool, 88S Hth st. Phone Marshall 4183. - ELECTRIC MOTOXa AND DYNAMOS AlOluUS. geueiators bought, aula, rented stad repaired. We do all a tads of repairing and rewinding. - AU work guaranteed. H. M. U. Klectrtc Co., 31 N. lgt St. Phone Broadway 03, WK buy. sell, runt aud eacnauge new and M hand motors; repair work specialty. WEST EKN ELECT RIO WKS.y 2.8 6th st Mar. nm. ELECTRO PHTSICIAir DO. COKINNE - JOHNSTONE Nervous and rheomatic dlseaser; cleetro-magnsUe ma sage. 7I Deknm. " ) - - EYERYTHINO ELECTRICAL. TfBBS Electrical Co.. 6th and Pine ete. EYE. EAR. NOSE. IHEOal, LPNOS tipecUllsu Mode-rate prices. Ulaasea fitted. Or. r. f. Casedsy. 617 Deknm bldc.Sd It Wash. EDUCATIONAL. : DANCINO ( HEATHS SCHOOL Lessons dally, class FrL - eve., tt to JO. Allsky bldg., :3d end Morrison sta.. Leawms: 25c. Main MOIS. - Manufacturers , JoLbers, ArVkolesalers DRY GOODS r WHOLESALE Fleischner, Mayer & Go, FARM IMPLEMENTS AND YEKICXEB -R. M. WADE CO-. aai-aa, Hawthorne ave. XEADIPX. WOOL.: MACHINERY .NORTHWEST LEAD MACHINE It V C4. 1 Main 5402 LEATHERS AND FINDINGS CHAS. L. MAKTICK A CO.. 74 front Leather of every description: finding. . INFORMATION COUPON If you want the name of a reliable business bouse dealing In any line of merchandise, or information regarding resorts, hotels, railroads, steam ship lines, etc.. address Oregon Journal Information Bureau. Information desired: .' ; . -. .ne. , i . . .. 'f-, ---oif-ii.' 1 Address. . y. . PERSONAL Oontiand OO A FIGHT on hleh prices. Why pay $5 to 810 for - ciasiies. When I can fit your eyes with first Quality lenses In a gold-filled frame as law as $1.60? C. W. Goodman. 209 Morrison st. Main 2124. Mall orders promptly filled. Write for particular. INDIAN herbal baths nature gift, marvelous for rheumatism, paraly sis, blood and skin purifier, etc.; better than hot springs. Herbal Sanitarium. 252 Monroe st; Williams ave. car. fnone v-1967, Woodlawn 276. LOUISE NETZEL, trained nurse and masseuse, gives treatment for rheu matism, lumbago, neuralgia, etc.. tub baths, massage and electric blankets; Invalid work a specialty, 256 litfc at Marshall 6033. Open Sundays. SPIRITUALISM Medium. Rev. Vlr- MRS. STEVENS. 21 years Portland renowned palmist end clairvoyant has her book. "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale. Removed to 375 Ta-'lor st. DR. O. V. KETCHUM Women's mala dtss and acute diseases of men. Wash, bid., 4th & Wash. Rm. 41. Ml. 4S8 fcPIQ PTl . i f luki t .... & a r . . .. . - - cles. lues. 2 p. m.; Wed.. Sun. 8 p .n. Readings daily. 603 6th st Mar. $980. MADAME MUNZELLA teaches palm istry and card reading. 422 Vi Morri son, omce j. HAIR switches made from your comb ines wniie you wait a, t- fierce. ivi tiouaaay. v-34i. Klnia Rowe. Keadinra. hnulin-j- dnllv circles Tuesday and Friday evenings, 8 o'clock. 231 Cth st. Phone A-71I. A Tl fl R MpVQ fee reasoaable. Caes rMIVJiiliCIO settled without noto riety. Ail cases treated with courtesy. aia micnnnan niag. - Mar snail 4368. MANICURING and scalp treatments; 363H Yamhill at, room 15, second floor. Open Sundays. BALM of Figs, remedy tor diseaee of women. 604 Davis st. Main 2393 NOTICES SKALKU proposals la triplicate will l re ceived by tbe quartersnsHter gensrsl of Uia srmy, WMhiuutou, I), v.. until 2 ocloik n. Ok., eastern time. June 20, lttlft, tar furutih. injr leatber and harness hardware for delivery Curiun the fiscal year tvtO, at depots of tlie quartfrmatter corps listed in soheUule. Molted. ttlea furnished upon application to quartermas ter general, Washington, D. C, or the nuar- feEAI.El proposals In triplicate will be re ceived by ibe quartermaster (nnral of the army. Wash., P. C, until 2 o'clock p. 10.. eaatera time Jul; 8, 1U15, for furulshhi hardware ami ' toola, for delivery during the fiscal year 1910, at depots of the quarterns, ter corps listed in schedule. - Uchedulea fur. lilshed upon uppliuatlun to quartermaster grn eml, U. S. aruiy. Washington, 1, C, or by quartermaster.. Portland. Or. UUAH'i'KMM AH'i'KU'fl OKKICK, Portlaud. Or.. May 8, 1615. (Sealed proposals in triplicate will be received here until 11 o'clock a. n., June 8, 1915, for furnishing at Pucet sound points accessible to vessels of deep draft, or at Manila, P. I., WiO.000 feet B. M. Oreruu pine lumber for Pblllpi'lne Islands. Inforuia-. tlun furnished ou application. Quartermaster. Portland. Or. - QUAKTEHM AST Kll'tJ office, Portlaud, Oregon. May is, 101.-.. Mealed proposals. In (rlpllcsle. will be received here until 0 o'clock a, m.. Pacific time, June 10. 1015, for furulshlne at ship's tackle, Portland, Or., or F. O. B. llouo lulu. II. T., 12.0O0 barrels of Portland cement, further information furulalied on application qcarterroaster, II. s. army, . Portland, tir, TO Whom It Muy Cmctrn: 1 will not pay auy bills contrsctea by Carrie Murchisou known as Mrs. - Woj. . 11. MurrhiKon, after June 6, 1015. iWXl. it MUUCH180N. MUSIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS a. Liii,iix lesL-uer ut vk.iiu. 211 Bhermsn. corner rirst. Msrsball ifcHB. THIELUORN, violin tescber. pupil hevci, S07 Kletdner hldg. A -ft CO. Msrsbsll VIOLONCELLO Cbrlsliau Pool. On ilta su. Open for pupils. Phone Marahsll 413. POPUXAg MUSIC BAUl'lMit, ua piano guurauleod oeyiusvrs tn le"c.- Picture playing. Kree ueuoa at ra riot. Free hookler. 60I Kllers bldg. IMbURAMC PACjyiU SlAAiU 'Ba. lASbUAAC c, . only Oregon f fire Insuonce compahy. WATTREBBES UVuijcio JlAHBiSS -CO., old u.tu'.' Russell, cor, bnlon. C-S21I. K-6883. NATUROPATHIC PHYBICXAMS DU. 1'UiLlIPo -i'aralyU. uervoua aud vhrou. lc diseases. 604-6 Oiegor.lait bl.lg. . MI4. PAINTINQ. PAPER HANOiNO AND TINTING PA1N11NU, kalsouuuii, ' u,pei nsugiug, work guaranteed. Phone WiHHllswn 000. eU'ACLia'a. A. UlAtM. heat work to uaiuiiuev ta. lot. tll. yat IMP St. rainiinu, tuiuug. paiei-naiigiiiA-. Crane. 170 loth rl. Uahi PAVING COMPANIES AUK hAKnitt AtJl'UALl t'AUAIi CO- k'uti land office 'U eherfaick bldg. ' PAINTING. RUBBER STAMPS AND Pi. A LB .AAJho sieuciia, trade checks, brae slaua. , PACiyiJ COAetX STAMP WOltKS 231 Wssblnguw St. etln TIP, A-710. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES BKUKK.K-WALK.JbU TfcLKUUArll ScSoOL 4th ST.. NEAR MOUH1UON SPECIAL BATES To TUOUB ; BNROLL1NU BKk'ORh. JUNE 15TH PHONe:; MAIN Mn OK A-15W1 SCREEN DOORS AaD WINDOWS OLOfc U.1LLU, uiaker ol lly screens, utortlse constroctloii. tutou at Broadway. Wdlwn.ltKia SHEET MET At. Ur.BVS UEPA1R1NU, tilt aiitl gravel roofs, Jsc-v Losll gio First st. Phupe Msln 14Z4. TRANSFER AND STORAGE C. 0. Pic irsusler storage v. oi(iu and eomiDOdloua 4 story brick warebouae with separate IroB rooma and llreprouf vault for valuables, N. W. corner XA and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture uort-d aud packed tut aLlppiug. - Special rates made on goods la thrwugb cars to all domestic and foreign wlata. Oregon Transfer Co. JCstabllah4.d 1870 i Trans fer and forwarding agents. ! Storage, Era '.rvackage. Office and kitoraga 474 Uliaaa St 13th and Gllsan. - Msln 00. A-l It). 1 l'UAMI(l( CO. New fireproof wsrebouse with separate rooms. We move and pack household goods and pianos and ship ut reduced rates. Auto van and teams for joovlng. forwarding and distributing agents. Free truckage. Office and warehouse lBtn and Hoyt. Main 617. A -224. . . . ...... u 1 1. BAUtjAuS XUANSIr'KK fcfc.UVlcl- CO.. FIN !t ST. MAIN i!i0. A-108. WALL PAPER UUHUA.N WALt, PAPKR '.'O. 'ii M St., twst Sslmon. WINDOW CLEANING KXPEKT WINDOW CI.KANEUi vMsln 327. 212 Uearv bl.Jg. A-47IU. PAINT, OIL AND GLASS EASMU8HEN- A CO.. "High Htaodard" pslnt. N. B. Cor. 2d and Taylor. M. 1771, A-W1 PIPE WOOD PIPE POBTLAND WOOD P1PK CO. t sctory ai.d oflee near 24th and York ata. Main fuv. PLUKBINO PIPE 8TEAM SUPPLIES M. L; KLINE v FRONT STREET KOPE AND BINDER TWINE Portland Cordage Co. ' ............ ................. Business Directory