The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 07, 1915, Page 11, Image 11

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Steam and Electric Lines An-
, nounce Schedules' of the
- Various Runs,
Wnere Xxtrn Train Ars Hot VhA
Extra rquipment Will Be Added
(or Travelers' Comfort..
1 Throngs coming to Portland this
week to attend the Bote Festival will
bo cared for bjr the railroads with
special train service. Extra trains
have been: announced by the Oregon
Electric and Southern Pacific, and the
other roads will either run extra, train
or supplement present service with
extra equipment,..
. The Southern Pacific will Yun an
extra train Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday from McMlnnville, leaving; that
-point via the east side line at 6:20
p. m., starting back at 10:45 p. m.
from the Union depot.
Extra service will bo run from For
est Grove, via west side line, leaving
Forest Grove at 8:05 a. m. on the-three,
For the handling; of the state militia,
special Southern Pacific steam trains
will be run from- Corvallis,
Dallas and Salem. Friday morn-
In a -special train will take
. the guardsmen : home after the
night parades, leaving Union depot at
11 o'clock. Extra, cars or additional
sections will be run to take the gen
eral public on this train also. 'The
McMlnnville company will return on a
Special leaving at 10:45.
The Oregon Electric' extra service
will be for the return of visitors to
their homes Thursday and Friday. For
passengers between Garden Home and
Portland, an extra traiiFWtll leave Jef
ferson street depot at 10:60t p. in.; for
tkose between Forest Grove and Gar-
,den Home; 10:10; hetween Forest Grove
and Woodburn, 11:45. While parades
are in progress, regular trains will not
arrive or depart at the North Bank
station, but will have Second and Sal
mon an terminus.
An extra S., P. & S. train will leave
at 11:45 p. m, on Friday for Rainier.
Grand Stand
Nearing Completion
The Rose Festival grandstand on the
Morrison street side of the postofflce
block. Is rapidly nearing completion.
Tickets for seats are being sold at
the Baker theatre. All funds in ex
cess of the cost of erecting the grand
stand will Co to the association.
The use of the land is "domatsd free
of charge by th .government, aa. its
contribution to the festival.
The only provision attached to its
use is a guarantee that the stand shall
be removed and the grounds restored
to. their original condition at the con
clusion of the festival.
"The Whole World Knows the Port
land kom," oraelal song of the Port
land Rose Festival, is now on sale
throughout Portland and this state, and
it Is expected that byHhe timer of the
Fiesta, everybody'!! be singing It, danc
ing it and playing it. t
It may be had at any1 music store,
the department stores and shops for
15 cents, and everything indicates that
it is going to be the one. melody of
Ross Festival week.
4 Tickets Put on Sale.
1 : Tickets for the Grand avenue stands
by which the Human Rosebud parade
Of the Rose Festival will pass, were
put on sale this morning. They may
be had on the east side at the J an eke
Drue company, 2S0 Grand avenue; Pa
cific Outfitting company, Grand ave
nue ahd East Stark street; Wall's
Sweet shop, 117 Grand avenue; and the
Love Drug company. Grand avenue ana
Kast Burnside 'street.. Oh the west
side they will be sold only st the
Baker theatre. Tickets will be sold
only to the limit of the stands' ca
pacity. Streets to Be Closed.
Washington street from Fifth to
Broadway will be' closed to vehicle
traffic from T o'clock until UiSO
o'clock each night df Roe Festival,
while streets abutting the festival cen
ter on the south park blocks will be
closed to vehicles While the festivities
are in progress,
Twenty State Represented.
Headquarter of the Oregon Federa
tion of State Societies wu b on the
second floor of the new Meier & Fr&hk
building, adjoining the Rose society
exhibit. Twenty state wilt be repre
sented. Everybody is Welcome. Come
and see who are 'registered from your
home state,
Will Ask Billie
Burke to Remain
-'''Uf'-j'-'r' - V ... V "
San Francisco,-June 7. (P.-N. S.)
With the agreements of Maud Adams
and jonn Drew that they win stand by
their verbal contracts with - the lato
Charles Frohman, Alfred- Hayman,
manager of the late impresario's en
terprises, is negotiating today with
Miss Billie Burke Ad attain the same
object .
: Hay man arrived here yesterday, and,
without any trouble, he says, persuad
ed Miss Adams and Drew to remain
with the Frohman interests. ' tie t,x
pects that , Miss Burke will make a
similar agreement. Miss Burke opens
in- "Jerry" tonight at a local theatre.
Lieutenant Shofner
: Is Sick at Sonoma
Lieutenant J." C. Shofner. u. s. A.,
retired, until four years ago stationed
at Vancouver as an officer of the
Twenty-first regiment,- Is . reported to
be critically ill at -Sonoma, Cal., from
an ailment of the heart. lieutenant
Shofner was at Vancouver for a ngm
ber of years and has- many friends In
Portland. Relatives residing in Port
land are preparing to leave for hie
Bedside a-t once in case, of furthet
adverse reports of his . condition.
If 1 -'' .-'-So
Robert MY Martin
Robert M.- Martin, well known 'resi
dent of Portland, died suddenly of
heart failure the evening of June 3 at
his home. Mr. Martin was born in
Jersey Shore. Pa., October 8, 1835. He
engaged in mercantile business for
many years, first moving to Illinois,
later to Iowa and then to Nebraska.
In ltd he married Miss Cornella-M
Sherman. Three children were born
of this union, Henry, who died in in
fancy; Robert M., who lives in Los
Angeles, and : Mrs, Mabel Jones of
About 20 years ago he retired from
active business, and a year later he
and bis wife moved to Portland, mak
ing their home with their daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
C. Jones, at 209 Bain street.
Four grandchildren are living, two
young men In Portland and two girls
In Los Angeles.
A simple funeral ceremony was held
Saturday afternoon at the residence.
Sunday Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Jones
Uft with the body to bis last resting
place in Elgin, 111.
Mr. Martin was one of the most
lovable of -men. His kindly heart
made him an ideal husband, - father
and grandfather. He had a keen
mind, a wide experience and much
travel had ripened his powers and
made him a delightful and interesting
conversationalist. He was gifted with
a keen wit. His friends declare that
no one ever heard a rude, discourteous
or unkind word from him.
He retained his mental and physical
activity to the last. He took deep
pleasure in the interests of the youth
about him and was a sincere and earn
est Christian, and for many years was
an officer of the Highland Congrega
tional onurcn.
Hindenberg Return
Shocks Old Rome
Buddea Xteeppearance of Counsellor
of German XHabassy trot Understood
By Italian XMplomats.
Rome, June 7. Counsellor Hinden-
erg of the German embassy, who de
parted from Rome with Ambassador
von Buelow, following Italy's declara
tion or war, unexpectedly returns here
The arrival of the counsellor creat
ed a sensation in diplomatic circles.
Germany has as yet failed to declare
war formally upon Italy. This has
caused Italy considerable embarrass
ment, and the mission of Counsellor
Hindenberg to Rome at the present
time is a mystery.
"Come and Fight,"
Wires Italy's Fleet
Austria SeeivO Iffefckag-s, but Side
step Xa-ral fingas'sftient-.Kaiser
Arrives in Vienna.
Geneva, June 7. t. N. 8.) The
kaiser's sudden arrival at Vienna by
motor car, it was announced officially,
wu to congratulate Arch Duke Fred'
erick on the fall of Prsemysl. but the
real object was to arrange a better
plan of campaign against the Italians,
as the Get-mas general staff was com
plaining of Austria's lack of success.
The Italian fleet off Pela sent the
following wireless message Saturday:
"Come out and fight."
The Austrian did not reply.
Veterans Gritioize
Milwaukie Citizen
- 1
Oregon Cit, Jane 7. Prdfessof Rob
ert GoeU, principal Of the Milwaukie
schools, is criticised for his show ef
lack of patriotism, and the sohool au
thorities of that city are asked to in
vestigate his fitness for the position
he holds, in a set of resolutions which
were prepared by Mead Post, Grand
Army of the Jiepublic at this city Sat
urday evening'.
Following is an extraet from the
"Whereas, since the last meeting
of the P6t. the Post and Relief Corps
have) vlstte4 1J schools in Oregon City
and vicinity and everywhere met with
a spontaneous, fdyai and loyal recep
tion, with the single exception of the
School at Milwaukie, where there Was
an utter lack of both civility and
patriotism on the part of the superin
tendent. He neither welcomed us nor
bid Us goodbye. He was conspicuous
by his absence during our entire visit
at the. school. There were bo patriotic
emblems on the Walla of the sehool
rooms to Indicate that they were with
in the boundaries of the United States
and It Was painfully apparent that the
pupils were lacking in receiving patri
otic Instruction1 from those in au
thority. iK-; ; - '
"Th'e high school was dismissed Just
previous to eur arrival, thus adding
insult not only to tfTe Grand Army of
the Republic and the Relief Corps, but
to the flag of the country Which the
Post carried at the head of the com
mand. ..-
. Volcano Ctetti Idxxy.
Seward, Alaska, JuheT T.(P. N. 9.)
Vol canic activities in the Aleutian
Islands and along the Alaska peninsula
Is practically negligible,. 1 according .to
reports brought to Seward by the mail
steamship Sana Ana, arsived from
Dutch Harbor. A thin wisp of smoke
emanating from the crater of Mount
Katmai is the only volcanic manifes
tation to be seen. ' s liliamni Volcano,'
ifter two eruptions during the past 10
days, has apparently subsided. .
: When writing vt Caning on adver- i
tisers, you will eonfejr a favor by ne ;
tloning. The Journal. (Adv. .
i ... ;. ;;.'-.-.....,
Miss Grace De Graff Reviews
Work of Women in Effort
to End Great War.
Heoesslty for Official Body Heprosent
1&4" Jfeutral HaUons Trged as
an Important Tactor.
Miss Grace De Graff, principal of
Kenton school, who represented the
League of Teacher Associations of
America, of which she Is president,
at The Hague conference, held by the
Women's Peace party, returned to her
home in this city yesterday.
"The most dramatic moment of the
conference was when Mme. Schrimmer
of Austria, asked the delegates to
stand in, silent prayer before she
talked obi a resolution asking -for a
truce. She said we were not there to
beg but to ask and demand what was
right, declaring that it is riht that
this horrible slaughter should stop.
'and that the . convention carry the
resolution to the neutral governments
of the world, asking them to call a
conference at Th Hague to make pro
posals of peace simultaneously and
continuously to the warring nations
until tney snail accept one.
Zaon Determined to Win.
"When , they receive these proposals
they will have to stop and think a
moment a.t least, and that la more
than they are doing now, except to
dwell upon the hatred and fear they
have for their neighbors, f,
"One of the most awful things con
nected with the war, and one oil the
things that make is hardest to make
any impression toward peace. Is the
r act that each separate nation con
scientiously believes that this war Is
the only means of keeping them and
their nation from utter ruin. From
my reading and observation, the people
seem to be in a state of wild exulta
tion such as they were before the cru
sades. The people feel that It is their
personal duty to leave nothing jndone
toward preserving1 their honor and
their country, and each battle' that is
entered into makes them that much
more determined to win.
"The French women sent urgent re
quests to the French women living in
uoiiand to attend the conference and
do what they - could to bring about
peace, but no French women came from
Francs. They felt that every woman
and every cent was needed at home
in the great struggle to retain the
honor and independence of their coun
try. This congress and the Dutch
Anti-War Council believe there should
be a peace conference at The Hague,
consisting of delegates from neutral
nations,' this "to be an official body to
speak for all the peace loving people
of the world. The necessity- for such
a body was brought home when we
stopped to consider that the great ma
jority of women at the conference have
no official standing.
, Belief Wcnk braised.
"The relief work In Belgium under
the American Relief committee is said
to be the most wonderfully managed
enterprise of its kind that the world
haB ever known. Not a crust is wasted.
in Antwerp, SB,ooo people are fed dally
from the lunch rooms of the schools.
The boys are being taught the art of
lace making, and the plan is ro have
the children make lace to snd to
every American contributor.
"The American women left the con
ference with a great feeling of respon
sibility, as the foreign women look to
us for inspiration in their great effort
for peace. President Wilson is making
a profound impression on the Euro
peans, as well as upon our own people.
Their confidence in him seems to be
"The best part of the trip was the
home coming,- of course. I v-ill .resume
my duties at the Kenton school tomor
row, as I was called to Salem on busi
ness today."
Former European Manager of
the United Gretas.
New Tfork, June .The return of
Counsellor Htnaensnrg to Rome today
suggests that after authorising semi
official announcement of a state of
war existing between Italy and Ger
many, Berlin has hot yet officially
sent a declaration to the Italian gov
It seems that Germany has changed
her mind and decided for the, present
at least to remain technically at peace
with Italy. Turks? and Italy are also
formally at peace. Austria, therefore.
seems to -be Italy's Only official enemy.
Diplomatic relations between Germany
and Italy have been severed, but this
is not an act in Itself. There is thus
precedent for recalling an ambassador
without war following.
Turkey and Germany ' are Possibly
deliberately hesitating ' proclaiming
war against Italy so that Italian
troops will not be sent to the Dar
danelles and to France. By refusing to
send German" troops against Italy.
Berlin may also be punishing Austria
for not making sufficient concessions
to prevent Italy entering the war on
the side of the allies. -
Tacoma Officer
Take Air Eoute
.: - -- -'
Taoema, Wash.. June T. P. N. 8.)
-Following a long1 distance call over
the telephone telling of the serious ill
nes of his wife at their summer home
on VashOn island, and knowing that
the hext boat did net leave for several
hours. Mounted Officer Claude c How
ard ot the Tacoma ponce-department
Secured the services of Ic-cai Aviator
Strbmet" and made th distance of 10
miles in an aeroplane in SO minutes.
Howard promises to become an enthu
siast at the flying game. .
Two Hot in Jitney, -
RaJLttl. Jfflrta r- SI S-lj A '
Conradl and Thomas Singer are In the
uiy nospiuu woay suriering srom se
ver Injuries sustained When a lltney
bus driven by Conradl collided with
an automobile driven by Sergeant Ed
ward Herald of the police department.
Knapp Goes to Navjr Vaurd.
Washington. ' June 7, (I. NV 8.1
Captain John Jt Knapp, recently In
command or th battleship Connecti
cut, lias been appointed commander Of
the navy yard at Philadelphia. . :
Fire Bureau in
Need of Roses j
I For Decorations
Ht . Millions of roses are wanted rV
t by- the fire bureau that : the I
fire apparatus may be decc -,
t rated for the floral v. parade
4 Thursday afternoon. ' v
Fire Chief Dowell and his
4 assistants are urging the peov
pie to give all of the ibses they
4t can epare to the - bureau.
Chief Dowell is asking that the ,
if- school children bring rosea to 4
r school that they may be col-
lected and taken to the differ-
tr ent stations. . -
sfrr About 14 pieces of apparatus
4s are to have a part in. the pa-
rade. Nearly a million roses .
are needed for the big auto-
4 mobile fire truck alone. Mem-
bers of engine company No.
4r S say they rveed a million roses He ,
for their engine and the other
4t companies want as many as 4t
they can get. (
Chief Dowell asks that those
jfr who are unable to send the
r roses to the nearest fire eta-
ifc- tion telephone the fire bureau
and they will be collected. He
it says this should be done imme-
diately. v
Referendum League
Files Its Petitions
Seattle Association Confident of Plac
ing Seven Legislative Measures Up
to Vote of People; Xiawa Are Blocked.
Seattle, June (U. P.) With the
filing of 400 petitions today with the
city registration office, the Referen
dum League of Washington is confi
dent that it has secured enough signa
tures to place seven legislative meas
ures up to a referendum vote of the
people In November, 1916. In the
meantime the measures cannot go into
effect. It required 19,108 signatures
to Invoke the referendum on each
measure, and enough names were ob
tained in Seattle alone on some xt the
The measure against which popular
protest was the strongest was the ort
which aimed to cripple the initiative
and referendum.
Two More British
Vessels Torpedoed
Bark Sunliffht and Steamer Star of the
West Seat to Bottom, but Crews of
Both Vessels Are Sescaed.
London, June 7. (1. N. S.) Two
more British vessels have succumbed
to Kaiser Wilhelm's diver warfare, ac
cording to advices received here today.
The British bark Sunlight, en route
from Liverpool - to Queenatown, was
torpedoed off the Irish coast last
night,, and British steamship Star of
the West was sent to the bottom off
Peterhead, Scotland, yesterday. The
crews of both vessels Were saved.
Trawler" Is Torpedoed.
Peterhead, Scotland, June 7. (I. N.
8.) News of the sinking of the Brit
ish trawler Dromio by a German sub
marine off Buchan. Ness, Scotland, was
received here today. The Dromio'a
crew wag saved.
Patrick Clark Dies
Suddenly, Spokane
Spokane, Wash., June 7. Patrick
Clark, millionaire Spokane mining man.
died suddenly at his home here about
1 o clock this morning. Apoplexy is
believed to have been the cause of
death. Mr. Clark was 64 years old. He
was born in County Clare, Ireland. He
formerly was a mining operator at
Butte. He came to Spokane a number
of years ago and made a large fortune
in the Tiger Poorman mine.
Recommendation Slay Favor Frank.
Atlanta, 0., June 7. (U. P.) The
state board of pardons is expected to
make a recommendation to Governor
Stayton today or tomorrow -that Led
Frank, sentenced to death on the
charge ' of killing Mary Phagan, be
commuted toJife imprisonment. ' Pros
ecutor Dorsey announced that if such
recommendation is mad ho will ap
pear before the governor and oppose
The sale advertised for Wed
nesday at 33 North 17th St.
i$ canceled.
The atoodi Will be sold at our sales
rooms. 168-168 park Bt.. on Thursday
neat at 10 A. M.
Beautiful aault plash or dfs est
hroadoloth casket, Jfl aV
b aiming, rotifcii do,t l
hearse, two limousines and I J
seryioes for. , . , ,
Mor reasonable funerals if de
sired for $20, $40, $60. Higher
price funerals in proportion. We
make our own caskets. Lady as
sistant. Private funeral chapel.
Xadepeaaeat anmerai Direotors.
Washington and Ella Streets,
Phone Main 2691, A7&$S.
Is effect dcieber U ML
Dally ot kimdajr. f ;
lf, cent per word per l&Bertton.
This rbarkt ia tot aU laif leaf lane, s-
ceptlBf " ror amx id rrirate amuj,'- --KOOd
and Board la Prirate FaaUr.
Wasted." and "Wanted t Hnt" a4, wkicb
are iw bio iwr- w per nucrwa.
Ke ad charsed for h than 18 eeata. :
ib eenta jper word for all la.lflcatIons,
escepttogi "fot. Beat itt t'Hrate Family."
"Room and Board iu Private Famllr." "Situa
tion Wanted", and, "Wanted 'to Bent" ads,
wblcb are lH eenta per word. Conseco Ure
iimertias or casn wioi tm: I
9 luaertlona for the prloe of 8. ' I
T lnserttosa tor t be price ef a, . j
167, A. F. A A. M. Stated
communication tomorrow
(Tuesday) evening at 8.
Work in M. M. degree.
Vlsitora : Welcome. Order
ED C - DICK. Secretary.
3 BoKer & Co
W. M.
ZJitef Statistics
lUarrUgesBirtbs. Deaths
Meyer Colin, Sfte Twelftk street, 80. and
CUra &ym 1135 East Twenty-tblrd stteer.
North. 20. .
tteorce Foss,' city, 24. aa4 Amanda -Helsle,
City. 21.
Krwla W. Koch, 872 VncooTer sventie,
UuU and Nora U Cuey, 1074 Kast Waati
lotftoa street, legal. I -
cloyd I. Botnl uio. Seattle. Wart, leical.
ad Margaret M. MaedoaaidJ 21 North Twco-ty-aecmu
atreet. legal. I
Bobert Bora Powell. 409 IWeat Park street,
legal, sad Oertrada M. Jeuliart. Laeille Apart
menta.. legal. j :
B. H. Conner. Sell wood j legal, and Era
Bnmbold, (Ui Clatsop -street. lexl.
Uroaat F. Mullbacx, 70S ! Boose Telt street,
28, and Blenda C. auatalaeo. 70S Roosevelt
Cart H. Oswald. Angela I hotel, legal, and
Caroline lspa, Angela hotel, legal. ,
Lec Jobnson. 746 Borth wick atreet, legal,
and Anna Wickmao. 736 Seat Ninth street,
Korth. legal. . i .
Cnetr E. NtcboJa. 574 Bnral street. and
EUia 8. Colnson. 574 Rural atreet, 21.
Arthur Schmidt. 86 Fourth street, 23,
and Ml n Din McCUne. MO Carl treat. 21. -
Ray Freeruaa Col. 41 CUnton street. 28,
and Sarah Bell Burke, 51 J Morrison atreet,
23. 1
Edward Francis Monical. S24 North Twenty
fourta atreet, S5, and Celtil A. KewDjan.
403 AlxmwortU avenne, 2S. ' .
William H. Harlow. ,363 lvt Firt stjeet.
North, 2. and NeU . 'II ay, 882 East First
street, North. 26. - i . .
John A. Hierache, 281 Eaat Seventy-eighth,
treet, 23. and Mary Veroftlca Blgham, 1071
Willow atreet. 20. ! '
Karle Barnard, 424 Clay street, legal,
and Shirley Ftoka, 824 Eat forty-aeeat
treet, legal. ( .
Harry W. Pal. 484 Caaon atreet, 23. and
Josephine Clem. 999 Bast pilaetecntk treat,
jowphloa Holmes Nswtoe, 1712 Macadam
treet, 20, and Mary MelTlna Webb, 02
Tborman aoreet, 17. j ,.
Frederick Gny Hatoes. 1483 Eat Tenth
street. North, legal, and Mr. Cajaie tSmitn.
4tHI Kat Mntn ttreet. wortn.
VV.U Smith & Co. $XcJZt
Third floor. Morgan bldg.
RESd suits tor rent, all aiseav L-alQUe
IBimiuiK vv. evr u
SMITH Jane 7, 11, at 18 Columbia blvd..
Paul J. Smith, aged 88 rear S moathi r lO
day, belered bwtband ot Marie 8ml th. father
ot Clarence, Boaald A. and KMneth O. Smith;
brother of Mrs. Adam Greaa of Independence,
Or.; T. Jy J. N., F. O., jU C. and O. l
Smith of Portland, end son ot Jacob Smith of
Portland. Bemat&s at K. T. Byrne' funeral
psrlora, WUUama va. and Knott at. Funeral
announcement later
&TILLE Br At her heme. 108 B. 80th JJ., iune
, Mr. MarthaA. Stllleri wife of T. J. l.
6tlUer and mother of Mr. N. I. HoghM,
Mr. J. S. Jewell, C. K. and . Wi SUU,
U ot Portland. Friends tort ted to attend fu
neral errlcea, which will he held at the M.
K. church. MontaTlUa. Tnftidar, June 8, at
10 a. m. interment Koae city rars cemeiery.
Ktvinirn in thu Ht, Jime S. Banard El
lery, infant child of Mrj and Mra. H. B.
Seymour. rnnersi Mrvices private. Intev
ment at Rose City cemetery i The remalnii are
at the retdeac establlahmest of J. P. Finley
Ar Son, Montgomery at otBj
KE&NAN The runeral aervlcea of Florence
Kernan, aged Z years, beloved daughter of
Mr. and Mr. George KerntfDj will be held from
the family residence, 1028 Kirby u. Toe
day, June 8. at a. m. Friends are iaflted.
interment me, irj (.-.uiriri
LA WALL In this city, Samuel F. La Wall.
aged 8t years. runeril Mrvices will be
held at P. I. Larch undertaking parlor. East
11th and Clay ata., Xueday Tnlng,-at 8
n tn rrlratlf Invited. i
CAKLS6N In this city, June 8, Elmer Carl
aon, age 27 years. Announcement of fu
neral later. - Remain In care of Erleson TJa-
dertahlng partora,
MARTIN b FORBES CO., florists. 847
Wash. Main 269, A-1282. Flowers to
all occasions arusttcaity arrangeo.
CLARKE BROS., florists, 287 Morrison
st. Main or A-1806J Fine flowers
and floral designs. No branch stores.
A Splendid residence undertaking es
tablishment, with private driveway.
Montgomery, at Fifth.
MR. ' EDWARD HOLMAN. the leading
funeral director, 220 $3 st., corner
Salmon. Lady assistant. Phones A
1511. Main 607. j
F, S, Dunning, Inc.
East SiM Funeral j Directors, 414
bast Aioer it. i, p-it.
every detail. Broaawayand pine sts.
Broadway 480. A-4668. JLady assistant.
Chambers Co and; Kerby. Wood-
lawn. 8806, C-l 188. Lady ambAlmer,
A. R.Zeller Co East 1088, C-l 08 8.
Lady attendant Day and night service.
MILLER 4b i'HAcY, independent fu-
nerai aireetora r-rices low aa 2U. 940,
$80.' Wash, and Ella. M. 2681. A-7S5.
city- X. O. O. F bldg.. Lenta. Tabor 6267e
Walter C. Kenworthy
1632-1584 K. 18th, .SeUWoOd 71, B-1H2.
Uirvllrtn E- 8,tn ani1 Olisan, Fu
ndi I llllUII nefal services, Tabor 4118.
RT RJrrio ""Wtiliaina "and' Knott.
1 1 Dyrne East ui6, c-lsts.
Undertakers. East 1080.
388-871 Russell St.
M. 8133, A-2335. 448 MOr.
C 1 C VA CO Undertaking Co.' Main 4153
uiiuiiuwA.2121. t;or. aa and Clay.
BREEZE as Snook. B-135i. T. 1358. 108$
Belmont, at 34th. Lady attendant.
P. L. LERCH, leading east side under
taker. E. 11th ft C.iay. B. E. 781.
Schanen-Blair Co,
franlte in Portland. Beautiful granite
rtmi mir Ofrran rtlia err. 187 lla-
1 th6rne.ave.. : East.BM!-! : . 1 A
BL A'fel 51 MS a hJ IT
4th St.. Opp. city hall.iM. 8584. A-1818
WANTED 300,000,000 I-to . 600.000,000,
choice accessible tlipber on R. R,
from Owner only. A. C, Kriger. 1298
E, salmon st. J - .
tfbSSALB-U' fooffl hiodtrn1 cottage
trees, roses and Walks; terms rea
sonable: this will pay to lnvcsUgatte.
K.-ia. iimrnai.
k3o "eUitx ln IsSoo
swell' hit.
Tabor residenc at bargain or tr
for small residence. j Marshall 4184 or trado
a O uian a vuiuy"vw jrra ouaii Xvl.
ITOr AJLK Modern .5 room bunjratowt
hard surfAce st., fifeplaee, Xarimce;
B.MH nknn 4XA1 1 tAv4 Aw
FOR i?ADE--Hic room bouse, lm
proved 48x200. Fruit trees. Easy
ICIIli. rjiaif ajaavvvvva w -
FOR SAtS, a small 'house and lot,
; close in; near carllne, $1109 cash.
cau East PB4S
FOR BALE, 5 room modern burgalowi
. , oy owner. w wniawn w. - -,
BEAUTIFUL new modern 5 room bun
aaJow cheap; cash or term a Ta. 1404.
New room 2 story house, built for
my home with all modern conven-
lences, built In effects, full - concrete
Dasement, electric fixtures., gaa ana
electricity , installed. . .. , , : if
costs. -;
Lot. - $1200; construction of . abuse,
22200; electrlo fixtures, $40; screen
doors and windows, $35; inlaid lino
leum B. It. and kitchen, $40; carpet for
stairs and hall, ISO; Duplex shades on
all windows. $22; (0 rose bushes and
young fruit. $35. Total. $3602.
-W- SALE $3000 .
- Must sell ' at one so offer, all in
cluded in above i list for $2000. Will
accept small cash payment and balance
bn easv terms, i phone owner. Tabor
6S44 and save agent's fees. :
WHI Dav rent when you can bar a 8
- room bungalow ready to move Into
for, $563, $100 cash, balance $10 per
month, located on the west slde, only
16 minutes' car ride? ' Best value in
Portland. M. E. Lee, SOB Corbett bldg.
. Talis how we can build "guaranteed2
noma on your lot or ours, i Save you
big money. You pay like rent.
1130 Northwestern Bank bldg. ' '
IF you wish a beautiful 6 room bunga
low, exceptionally well arranged and
finished throughout, call at 1020 Ore
gon st, Laurelhurst; just completed.
Don't pass - this up. Phone owner.
wooqiawn xibi
Best - house in city for least money;
9 room bunealow. new and ud to date:
In piedmont. 1197 Halght ave. Phone
wooaiawn 70Z.
PLANS $6 PLAN t $6
w ijbAxio, rAi - ujuh - nmii,
STRICTLY modern room house,
close to car; take lot, auto truck or
piano as part payment; give terms;
$"600. Rooms 801-2 Lumber . Ex
change, 2d and Stark.
REED COLLEGE district, 100x100,
fine grove of trees, lawn, fine gar
den, plenty berries, chicken house an J
ark, all fenced, $ blocks from College
oulevard, walking distance to college.
Paved streets to corner of lot. This
will make beautiful home and sell
cheap for cash or -terms. tiellwood
BEAUTIFUL view horn eel te for only
$360. $10 down, $5 a month. This is
on the west sidel only 16 minutes' car
ride, 6c fare. At. E. Lee. 605 Cor-
pett Diog.
MUST sell two Coos Bay lots, $75
casn, , i-aa, journal.
10 acres, practically all ..cultivated.
Good 7 room house, good outbuildings,
orchard, spring creek, station on elec-
I trie line almost-at door. 1 hour's ride
iruta roruana-uresnsffl a.) strict, xrice
$3500. Terms and details at
303 mock Exchange bldg.
Marshall 2833.
CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port
land; Greeham district, electrlo sta
tion H mile. New subdivision. Sun
shine valley orchard tracts; best sotL
free wood; elerant location. Prices
only $76 to $160 per acre in small'
tracts; easy terms. Prank McFarland
Realty Co., 308 Yeon bldg., Portland, Or.
10 ACRES at bargain, close in, near
Mt, Hood electrlo and Base Line;
high and sightly; small house, -well,
fruit trees, etc Owner, X-888, Jour
nal. .
STOP that rent and buy a half aero
tract in city limits, level, cleared.
Bull Run water, gaa, Be carfare; $10
down, $8 per month. ; Wbitmer-KeUy
VO., Ill rittOCK DIOCK.
AN Ideal home, cheap. 10 acres of the
- finest onion or celery land, half mile
of town, close to Portland. Terms to
suit. . Cobb A White, 603 Pekum bldg.
8 ACRES in high state of cultivation,
between O. E. and a. P. electric line.
All plowed and ready to plant. - Phone
Mam 624.
BARGAIN 2 acres in cultivation,
with house, near Vancouver, Wash.
Cash or terms. McDonald, 402 Swet-
20 ACRES. Cowilta county, for $1000;
little down; balance easy. No trades.
S-658, Journal.
3 U acres in Gladstone near carllne,
first class beaverdam land, 6 room
house, large barn, good chicken house,
well and city water, 40 young ducks,
25 old cnickens. 26 young chickens, 8
cords wood in shed; price $5000, wilt
take part in trade, some oash. balance
easy terms. H. J. box 41L Gladstone.
Or. Phone 418-R.
Tuscon, Arizona Farms
Delightful climate, erops grow - all
the year, 18,000 acres Irrigated land,
all In. cultivation, divided into 40 acre
tracts or less and sold with crop, easy
payment plan, 10 cash, balance
over 8 years; interest 6, Fnr free
literature call or write 724 Chamber
of Commerce bldg., Portland, Or.
163 acres. 4 miles from McMlnnville,
40 acres in cultivation, new 7 room
house, new barn, 2 acres-family or
chard, balance good pasture arid sec
ond growth timber: $100 per M.; milk
rout goes with place; price $50 per
acre; half cash, balance Portland prop
erty. Peters, 18 N. 8th St.-
GENUINE bargain, from owner. 10
acres Improved. good -' buildings,
crops in. Price less than cost of Im
provements; part cash, bal. long time.
Address P. O. Box 152, -Vancouver, Wn.
FOR - SALE 4 Vt acres, with good
house, barn, fiiiit trees, on Oregon
City car line, near Courtney sta. t great
bargain, easy terms. Address Ernll
TercnoiKe, Humnerj jpwa,
80 acres wheat land, 25 in summer-
fallow, barn, house, for only
8800. No incumbrances. - Terms but
no trade. O. IL Roush, Ooldendale,
820 ACRE improved grain ranch, 2
miles town, $25 per acre; small pay
ment, balance long time. Box 181,
Madras, ur.
yOH SALE 20 acres, well improved,
12 miles from Portland, in Clark Co.,
Wn.; some casn, balance time. R, R.
ro, i. Vancouver, yvasn., nox 144,
IF you ar looking for food buys or ex-
changes of eastern Ore. wheat land
do not fail to see Keller & Deal. Suits
Lumber rex, pwr, Portland. Or.
ONE of the fineat improved farms in
the valley for sale at a bargain. M. E.
Le. 815 Corbett bldg. ,
40 acres, $5 month, year in advance;
$ acres under cultivation. : iVfytaan,
B-yyr7 . 'rst .st.
SMALL farm for rent; stock for sale;
a bargain. 746 Mi.waukis mi
320 A. HOMESTEAD rellnaulshment
for sale; chance to make some
money. Call Woodlawn 4048 i between
7 fthd 9 a. m. ... -:
CHOICE income property " $5500,' for
; Improved -farrr Also acreage and
lots for farms, ThoJtaassen, owner, 104
rjneriocn oiog.
10 ACRES, 1 lA miles from Yoncalla,
urc, traoe xor city property- up to
$8000. Stephen Society Land Depu,
MY utauttv In modern room biin,
low, 31600 mortgage, for lot. What
have you to trade t j-83. journal.
WILL trade acre tract close in, near
Spokane, Worth $800, for" equity on
email nounehr imvvravtv.
WANTED, .a farm 80 to 50 acres, to
traae ior ciear. income city property.
HOUSE and store, 6 rooms, i on car
line; trade for acreage. 206 ft, Jef
freon .st, j : -j. - ...
20 AC. close to Portland, $1500 mort
gage ana some casn for residence
rom $8500. to. $4000, Tabor 6572.
NIMPROVED land for city property.
311 AUSKy. DIOg. '. A ...
I tB-rnTAVr3T7!TtirAf. raTATR &&
FOR EXCHANGE By ' owner, l$t
acres first class land near Eugene,
130 acres planted to peaches and cher
ries. 1 ft acres aoDles. for good, mort-
fage or Wheat ranch to the value ot
25,000 or $30,000; orchard value $40,
000, Will exchange all or part, or sell
on easy i terms. Here is a fin or
chard cheap. - If you want such, ln-
vesugaie. , u-iso. joufnai. j t j
320 acres, all aood tillable rich land.
; Ito under cultivation, more easily
tiearta; iu . acres green umotr, place
. fenced and cross fenced, 10 . room, 2
-story house with fireplace, barns, stone
uuiry uis ouiDuiiainn. 2 orcnarQi. - x
. fine trout itraama. niac hiy all rural
. advantages, 12 miles out on good auto
; road year, round. Will trade for wheat
ranch or; good flat bldar. Price onlv
$150 per acre. Thompson V Kwan, th
ana Mtia' sta.. Vancouver, wain.
TO TRADE Close in nrooerty in Van
for a farm to the value of 1 12.00O; muni
be clear of incumbrance; would like
stock and implements. When reply,
woo iuu -particulars. , ;is.-z, .journal.
WHAT will you offer me in trade for
a modern business building con
sisting of 6 stores and flat in a good
K i ,i oa me jui. oevii tine.
s-rtKm- uu, mori. s2uu. win con
sider anything of value for equity. J
75x148 with - room . modern bouse;
street Caved: in mile circle of Sdob
ane; 81500 mortgage and $500 street
assessments on tnis. win trade equity
of $1000; for automobile or anything
or valuer woodlawn 1095
HOUSE and lot in Monta villa, $2300.
$700 mortgage, long time; will take
small acreage close to Portland for
equity or would take automobile - for
part; a good business wduld' be Cou
mwrw. w-w, journal. T
w 1 '. i 1 r ; u i1
x iiAva .city vacant and income prop
erty; also acreage to $33,700. I will
trade all or part lor a good equipped
wneai nuicn or vaiiey larm, uwneri
oniy. it-2. journal.
JA. ' I " J I
WANT to exchange 8 acre tract on
Base Line for timber, yellow pine
preferred. . J. W, Allen; $07 Lumber
mens - Diar. .
$2800. . FIRST real estate, mortgage.
iww, J-- a- irauo igr name acre.
Must be clear. Juelson. 427 . Lumber
4500 ACRE stock ranch In New Mexi-
eo xor i city property or farm land
near. This Is a "snap. ' Rooms 801-2
ijumner Exchange, znd and Btark.
4 ROOM cottage for 7 room .house;
win assume, ill Aiisny mog.
WANT residence in Portland,- $2500 to
$4000; have some cash; $1600 mort
gage and 20 ac. close to Portland. Will
assume small mortgage. Tabor 5573.
2 ROOMS. 8375.
All on ona floor, rent only 8S0. 1
block from p. O., location where rooms
s re always full. Price today for all
io, ireters. 10 jn. btn st. "
SNAP 16 room house for rant, 10
rooms ait rurmsned nouseKeeping, 10
minutes walk to P. Ow, all rented.
fnone Marshall 1043.
ROOMING house for sal by owner. 18
rooms 'with kitchenette; must leave
city oy the ith; win sell at low price,
gooq location. rm utn at.
FOR SALE Cheap, part of furniture
.M..41 t - . V. n . t . J
house for rent, close to factories and
rooming house, chickens an
pigeons, -cheap rent, good income';
mane oner, iga lztn st.
20 ROOM house, all light housekeep-
ing. aiarsnan pa. io agents.
NICE rooming house, 10 'rooms, , very
; central, i xamniii st.
OOOD renersl merchandisa business.
. clean, up to date stock, invoice about
$10,000; 1 butcher shop business in
cluded. Store buildings and" property
vuuuuning 10 acres ana e oast lots,
$10,000. Owner will sell buildings and
real estate without mdse. if desired,
on easy terms, by tnaklnc about 830uu
cash paymehtr Property has -been
reniea or neany year at inter
est on 810.000. The onlv ator. In Awr
of about- 800 population. Forty min
utes' ride on electrlo car from Port
land. If you want a first class busi
ness or investment nera is your op-
iiw twrnufi Aavestigata, jk-tst, jour
naL . - - -;-.- .H .
Flour snd feed mills, machinery, all
practically new and of latest design,
electrically driven, cheap power, a
good location, ho comnetitloni this la
an -- excellent opportunity for a man
who understands the business. For
pries and terms apply to Prairie Power
winpany, . yraine CTty,- jr,
ibEALED bids will be received up. to
12 o'clock noon, June 10, 1616. at
the offices of Cobb A White, 503 Dek
tim, for.t a stock-of -goods lnvolofng
to the amount of $1340, stock and fix
tures consisting principally of. cigars,
VSse&Av&zspsej: -itot fay b
NisiWSPAPER for sale. Newberg En.
J?rpri?f 1 t4tlv yr nuWicaUoiw - Job
Office, .Newberg, 8000 population, 2
miles from Portland. I Write for de
scriptive printed matter. Terms if de
sired. Address Enterprise, Nsw&erg,
iroUNO man wanted, pleasant, steady
position. Duties to attend office and
keep. up stock. Will pay $120 per mo.;
small investment required .for inter
est in the business. Call 818 Lumber
Exchange bhig. End and Ktark stw.
HONEST man wanted i to travel with
4 rirla in snow act- I Duties to run
spotlight machine. Can learn in few
hours. Requires small amount Of Cash
for half interest.- Call $19 Lumber
Mxenange tiag,t tna anq mark ts,
FOR SALE -oen, merchandise store)
'stock and fixtures; also living-rooms
with all modern conveniences. This is
an exceptional Opportunity for man
and wife; will sell -very cheap for
rasn; no agents. rv-aayt journal
WANXlwU -A man witn some ready
cash to help introduce a very valu
able patent, something 1 that will he a
ready teller throughout the U. S.
Canada and South America: onlv am 1 1
tarn required. 6-860. Journal,
Depot location. Futures cost $800.
stock $160; has $60 cash upon lease,
light - included in rent I on account of
leaving city will give away all for $17$.
wee meters, n w. etn at,
On best transient street in city; cheap
rent; doing good business; fixtures;
wilt Invoice $800. Price today for all.
alto, retcrs. i n. ia m.
TWEES . J80 JTO i JIOOO; , 1A.
FOR SALE Tailoring and cleaning.
pressing shop; good West Side loca
tion; goad reason, positively no Agents,
T 11. .Jurnl. . -
FOR JBALE By owner Billiard par-
- ior, cigars - ana coniecuonery; gooa
business; fine - location cheap r en U
K-41B. journal
1 000 Business Cards 75c
Rydy Ptw. Co.. fi. W. coif. 84 eir Mwrrimti
IF you want to move Or start grocery
- Store In best location on west side,
Call AOS4. Mare hit I) $4tv - -
bcr1 ; r 55C
(VI - : ri Hatrv S4 st Taviof
FOR SALE-Van A tta'a combination
.grill room. and cafeteria. v40$ Mala
St., vanouvcr.Wssh. .
vvv onm vkii ervtnj, vneap rent,
leaving: city, - Balance easy or clear
lot. : 34f. ft1. th. AQ $18.
PARTNER With o5o, '"guarantee 1165
-:Pey.weck,'-- V-81 8, Journal.
FORSALE CHEAP--4maU V'grocery;
821 N, 17th. . -
; ; iXVAXTii - n
WILL invest several hundred In pic
ture show that can use first cnn
pianist and trap drummer; ei ptrleiu t
manager. Out of -town preferred.
tJiacurorti, 814 uoiumnta. Mar. 107.
CLEAR income property lor grocery
or general store from $3500 to Jiuuj;
no agents. 873 4th. A-1513.
I.1 , , n. , r , , , , 1
LOANS on improved city property or
- for building purposes; advance made
as building progresses; liberal repay
ment privileges; no commission. J. P.
Lipscomb, 242 Stark st. Main 4430.
'Mortgage Loans-
1 T. L. WHITE.
701 Celling bldg.
BUILDING! loans on city snd subur
ban property; money advanced as
work progresses. W. CJ, Beck. 316 Fail-
ln. KMir tf.ln lAt1
WE have money to loan on your real
estate; iirst woriuasei vniy. ,
423 Chamber of Commerce,
CASH paia for mortgages, notes, con--tracts;
mortgage leans; reasonable
rates. F. H. Lewis A Co., 3 Lewis bki.
$100. J00 on mortgages, city ana farm
- property, fire insurance. McKenle
ugriniRrr trim jtiurr.
AlOiSKV to loan in atnoutus oC iuii
to $6000 on city property. A, H. Bell,
201 tiernnger Diog.
MONKY to loan, $600 to $5000. Low iu
terest, prompt action. It. W. HagooU.'
311 Journal bldg. -
MORTGAGE loans at current rates.
Real estate security. Apply room 2U3
Stock Exahange, 8d snd Yamhill.
$200, $350, $800. SU0. 31300, $18UU. Frtd
W German Co, W14 Cham, of Com.
80 4th at. Board of Trade bi.i.
MONK IT to loan 0 to 6. VV. H. ii4
& Co.. 310 Spalding bldg.
$260-1500, 8; - 5l600-$20u0. 7; no
com. Ward, 407 Ppaldng bldg.
$500 to $6000 PRIVATE AlUtsb.. O- -.
gay journal.
MORTGAGE LOANS, tf and 7. Louis
Salomon He Co., 800 Oak st., near 6 1 h. ,
LOANS ;$ 50 up. Write details. Box
84. Lents.
8760 UP AT 7 PER CENT. "
Dorr E. Keasey & Co., Cham, of Com,
$500 TO loan on first-class real estate.
Call 623 Henry bldg.
We have one of the finest retail
jewelry stores in the -ilty. A loan de
partment Is conducted in connection
with same, making business STRICT
LY CONFIDENTIAL. Absolutely no
signs designating loan business dis
played in front of our store. All mer
chandise pledged Is held for a period
of seven months, whether or not in-
terest Is paid when due. We are li
censed and have been established since
1888. No connection with any other'
loan establishment in this city.
824 Washington st.
Being salary loan brokers exclusive
ly, we are enabled to assure satisfac
tion - and give the : Quickest posibl
service. .
Business strictly confidential.
We are licensed, and therefore
gun f ailing uiog.
Loans at Legal Rates
We loan money on diamonds, pianos.
livestock, storage receipts, plain notes. '
on furniture, or anything of value.
You can get it today.
Portland Loan Co., Licensed
Licensed by fitate.
. 811 Dekurn Bid..
Third and Wawriina-ton,
Diamonds, Watches. Musical instrum'ta
Separate dept. for ladies.
ELBY CO. (Llccbaed.k
820 Lumber Ex. bldjr-. 2d snd fltark.
I WANT $1800 for i yra.; security;
$5000: will pay 7 and no conimU-:
Bion, i6-i, Journal,
WILL pay liberal bonus for $lGo.O loan '
. secured by $6000 worth of gilt edge J
property. Farrln, 4 64 rTttocK.
WANT loan of $50u on JJmk wwl ,
Of property, yarrin, 4B4 i--KtocK.
NTED Building loan f'or house id i
aurflhurst. Phone Woodlftwn 24. ;
f ,XVO& aLUVJ ww.WM- v-w. .BnS , -
lersT Interest in contract, purchased,
Oregon and Washington, 1L E. Nolie,
uumnermens pins.
POSTOFFICE examlnalon at Portland j
soon. rrebare now. unoer loriner i
jeovernment citaminer. Booklet H-3 ,
free. Write today.' Patterson Civil'
Service school, Rochester, n. x.
PALNTEit With reterences, to paint
house in exchanae for dental work.
W-23; Journal.
WANTED- Tea and coffee aoiicluis.
Call before t. 309 Baimon.
EMPLOYMENT department Y. M. C
A. HervJce Tree to me-mners.
BOTTLER wanted, Mt, llood faotU
.7-1... 4- i i '' . .' ' I . ' I '
Works, 848 lid.
HELP WANTIfil -W180. 4't
Y. M. C. A.
. Automobilu School
a iKKiixintlnti in rinolr.
lng, driviha. sellina and machine work,
including forge, latho. shaper, drill
dealing and expert training. Time un
limited. .
Before ' enrolling elsewhere call at
-.j.. rt V i i a V. 1
and secure pass entitling you to lo
spect our shops and methods.
h.vai Heverai uDtinnsi for estab-
lshmcbt of indeuendent ma.ll order
business. Energy, good habits and
sound Judgment more important than
capital, fcpare time at 11 ret. Particu
lars free. Opportunities - Exchange,
Burrs io. rs. y.
LEARN AtJTOMOBiLK repairing and
driving at the BEiiT EQUiFPEI),
most UP TO DATE -and only PRAC
Portland. U s M. Auto Repair Co.,
869 Hawthorne ave.
UfeE your spare time to buna up a.
mail order business of your own.
We you start for a share la
fro fits; 27 vpportunlties; parUulars
ree. Opportunitle" Exchange. Buf
falo, n. y.
AN experienced teacher wants private
tutoring; will go to the home lr nc-
esBary. ' v-io, journal
WAMXaD .Niuiti ul men. Is or cr,
wishing government JoUa 6i tua.
OX -1 6 K i om rnal. ' :
COOK besauuarters California Wine
Depot, 2W1 Yamhill, wear tn.
UNCALLED for tailor utaoe suits Io.6j
up. Taylor, lae l a nor. zp nurrmm.
lHl Baosett'ii Native-Herbs for rhea-
.-mstim:6a tablets 26c. All drurirlt.
VvilKN you answer tltes Want Atie.
mention Th Journal.
WANT "gtrir"to work for romTtiZh
tnf,arl. rood hom. imall salary. Z10
fralmon... Msrwlisll 33'3. .
WANT ladles to ueriiohstrate rt-bitif n
tlal worki $2 per day and up. bvi
Colutnbiabld. - .
Wanted a gni t wMMint in
j bouse work. so3 Hal;y t. -
A GIRL for gtnecal housework. 6J
&7th St. ?.
tCoatlnued on Heat Zfagej