.. ... ' s TENIPAGES FASHION'S AND K KKOLETVORK FRATEBIiAIi NOTES. SECTION FOUR: , SOCIETY, CliUBS, MT7SIO PARENT.TEACHEB NEWS .44 a4"- ( PORTINDOREGOlJCSUNP AVMORNING JUNE? 6i 1915. .1 - giniified (Eosimplgtte; Moms m mm C': . . . 1 . .. - ? . i Ammmm Afr'T ' ' ''?v''SSS f W , ' s " " - Y M ,i v i J ' ',;'(4 ', , ' ? II -a ., ? -r 'Zt:?-i,-' - ' 'tit - v I Mrs. Oliver K. Jeffery," one of the most enthusiastic of the. patronesses working for the success of the floral parade at the Rp&e Festival. Mrs. Jeffery has an especial geniu in planning artistic ! cars. New, for publication in the Sunday society pages must b in The Journal office by Friday ' afternoon. - , s By Nona Lawler. OCIETY may talk about many things of many interests, may officially back, and be com pletely Immersed m many good causes, philanthropic, civic and what not, but if somehow, just to re 1'evs the deadly monotony of the eter nal "causes" clothes, do not enter ipto the figuring somewhere, well, half the fun is lost. And Just here one could note that hendsome gowns were a distinctive feature of the recent Mid-Biennial ccuncil of the General Federation. But the Rose Festival floral pa rade Js the ."cause", of the moment at . 'thi: time, and clothes and pretty cos- -tumes have taken center stage in the ' arrangements now that the neighbor ;. hood committees have been formed and are canvassing entries. Many people Bave pledged to enter vehicles but - not nearly enough as yet and the wo- jttea will receive entries up to the ry.last. - . That this event shall be heralded the vorld over by the many Portland vis- Itors in the fclty this year, the worrfen- - we working hard1' for an unprecedent ed success of , this one of the most I typically "rosy"- events of the Rose r estivai. Ana wnai is a prettily aec orated car or rig .without a . prettily costumed driver? '. To dress': the. part of a flower when sitting amidst the rarest of Portland's rose glory Is the . secret of the prize winning cars. The whole ensemble must be attractive. v'Did you ever see a vehicle decked In wonderful roses and doves floating on high, and a 'man driving it with 'a - brown business suit, a slouch hat and a- cigar . la his mouth? ' There are to be no slouch bats this yearj, the-women , have seen ;to that. The men and women drivers and their guests are- all planning to costume and --deck the people In the cars as Well as the Cars themselves. : . White flannels, white r sailor hats with; white ribbon bands- are as much as the masculine timidity of fine ft athers. has conceded, but the wo men are reveling in gay costumes of dainty Ungerie, tarltan trimming, para- acls and picture hats, It is always meat-, effective -. to i see all the . occu ' pants of a car gowned alike In some prettyrcolor scheme in keeping with tne decorations and this will, be the keynote of most" of the entries. . ? N"amre- should- be sent ' into the f 1 1 iij .a ggggegggai 'l 1 Iflllllll Engraving? ; See Us , : SECOND FLOOR v (Bill's . IKE J. CIIX CO., S4 Aldtf. illllBllllI! liiili. lowing district or neighborhood work ers who include: Rivera, Mrs. A. C. Kmmnna. Mr. A. E. "Rocker, Mrs. W. M. I.aild and Mnt. Ir Powers; lrrlngton. Mrs. R. L. Sabin. Mrs. W. T,. Woodwiird. Mrs. I.. C. Gilraan and Mrs.) A. It. Porter; Willamette Heights, Mrs. C. F. Swlert. Mrs. Alfred Tacker, Mrs. Thomas Burke and Mrs. George KlehJer; Portland Heights, Mrs. -E. I. Thompson, Miss Cornelia Oook, Mrs. Jay Smith and Mrs. John Keeting: OEircgo district. Mrs. A. King Wilson; West over district, Mrs. Inis Tarpley: Ioh IU11 district, Mrs. A. C. Mesrs. Mrs. George Mir shall and Mrs. W. I. Wheelrlght; Keed col lege. Mrs. Torry; Mt. Tabor, Mrs. Harrison riatt;LaurelhtirBt, Mrs. H. R. Albee. Mrs. OHerK. Jeffries and Mrs. H. C. McCutcben; Ladd addition, Mra. Gale: Twenty-fifth and Lovejoy. Mrs. Van Schnyrer; Snnnyside. Mrs. Stanhope Pier; Mllwaukle. Mrs. Warren Knight: Rose City Park. Mrs.1 T. T. Geer; Woodlawn, Mrs. W. W. Wllllsms: Beaumont, Mrs. F. C. Barns ; lrrlngton Park, Mrs. Ed ward Baker, and Walnut, Park, Mrs. W. Klll lligsworth. -1 Supplementary names to those pre viously published of the definite en tries for the floral parade includ-: Mrs. L. Allen Lewis, Visiting Nurse Association, Guy Talbot, Rosweil Dosch, J. R. Prigmore, Mr. Manges, R. E. Brlstow, F. 8. Doernbecker, Oregon Laily-Journal, Hugo F. Krieger, Misa Pauline Hermer. Miss Pauline Haller, Oscar Huber, Mrs. Oscar Huber, Oscar Menefee, Lewis Jones, Mrs. Frieden thal, - Complete in every detail of its ar rangements, the t reception Monday night at Multnomah hotel for the offi cers. and directors. of the General Fed eration of Women's Clubs, who were in the city in attendance at the mid biennial council, was a brilliant affair, long- to be' remembered by the throngs of men and women in attendance. Mrs. Frederick ETggert, who had the affair in" charge, is to be particularly ; con gratulated for the, finesse with .which she and4. her corps of. workers 'arrted out and managed, the evening's enter taining. There was something.. typically Oregon, in Jhe decorative scheme, and it was thoroughly beautiful. - .The ball room andl assembly room with,' the long north "i tea 'room,- which : connectsthese two hails Were all' a veritable spring forest of delicate green and. red tinted vine maple leaves : and peeping -out from the wealth of beautiful foliage were countless doaens of huge white and pink! peonies. The setting was ideal for the many handsome toilettes worn by 'the women." General' Federa tion council social committee included Mrs. Frederick Eggert, chairman; Mrs. Solomon -Hlrach, vice chairman: 'Mrs. Sarah A.' Evans, president of the Oregon- Federations; honorary members: Mraw James i Withycombe, Mrs. Henry Russell xAlbee, Mrs. J. S. McKee, presi dent of , the : Washington Federation, and Mrs. John P. Vollmer, - president of the Idaho Federation, and. the- fol lowing assistant vice chairmen- of the committee-- . Mrs. . P. J. Mann, ' Mrs. . P. L. Campbell, Mrs. Julia Marquam, Mrs.' C. sr. Jackson, Mrs. Charles J Smith, Mrs. A. H. Breyman, Mrs. R. MTuttle Mrs. W. J. Kerr,, Mrs. J.'H.i'Cook, Mrs. Edgar B. Piper, Mrs. John Manning, Mrs.' William T. Foster. Mrs E. E. Coovert, Mra. John B.. Carroll, 'Mrs. ' K.' M. Baker. " u An amusing sidelight : on the-social activities of ;the council- was- a con versation; between a group of the visit ing ladies one morning last week as they were going down in the elevator at the-Multnomah hotel, bound for the council meeting.- -, i.. J ' .(.'-."Thev reception ,was wonderfully smarViasald t,;r one chicly gowned matron, - . .-". . ;, - .--7 "Indeed,"; said' another; 'the? whole convention,, has been wonderful. :. the Oregon women have left nothing un done to entertain us." J "Just one tiling wrong," ' said the first woman, struggling with a truant lock of hair, "there are no mirrors in the elevators; Isn't it a frightful bore?" - Mrs. John Burgard gave the first big garden party of the season at her home in Ainsworth ave., Thursday after neon, when 800 guests called, enjoying tea and Ices in the garden under the shelter of cherry laden trees. The af fair was one of the prettiest of the season. Japanese parasols formed shelters -for the tea table and the; punch table and artistic hickory set- tees and chairs were arranged about the yard. Rugs were spread on the grass and pretty hanging baskets filled with gray, red and white geran iums and vines hung from the trees. Wind bells tinkled thir pretty musts from every branch -and from the ver-i anda the music of an orchestra found Its way down to the guests, i j The tea table was centered with a f green basket of pink snap Gragons and ' huckle&erxy and within the house beau-. tiful clusters of -roses artistically ar ranged in French baskets, decorated the rooms. ' - -I Mrs. Burgard's mother-in-law, Mra Elizabeth Burgard received with her and assisting In receiving were Mrs. Fred A. Burgard, Mrs. William E. Clarke, Mrs. Wendell Poulsen and Mrs. 1 August Hoffman. ! Two; dainty little 1 girls, the Misses Dorothy and Elizabeth : Anne Burgard took the cards at the ' foot of the stairs. They wore white lingerie frocks , with big pink tulle bows. -. 1 .Mrs. Burgard was gowned in a hand- f some imported batiste and lace robe fashioned over old rose- satin and Mrs. Elizabeth Bugard " wore black char meuse with lace trimming. j Presiding at the tea. table were Mrs.! Theodore Nlcolal, Mrs. - Felix Isher-1 wood. Mrs. George . H. Kelly and Mrs. Daniel Kellaher, Mrs. Charles W. King. Mrs. Theodore Stoppenbach. Mrs. Wil- , (Continued on '. Following Page) Tie New Jaunty Fez Animal Scarfs for Smart Wear , FURS Scientifically Stored and Cared for daring the Warm - Snmnst Months . in rXBSFBOOV VATTTiTS at a TEHYX3ATTJSB Of 13 flegts bslcw TKESXE2TO iatd.1 W4 :0 y - v XAxroTACTTrsrjrcr - Snmraer Schedule on Afl Fur Work: - Messenger at T11: Service. ;. : rim' Btros f; MOtrirri to '' ';Tir;'TO5; OIOEB.. - : ' V'.3:'. P. Plagemann, Mgr. - " : 2SSE!orns8aStBet.4& iSb Lit i i .-V ... in When you payout rent money for a furnished apartment, you pay for some thing: that 'never really "belongs to ypu-unldss at .exorbitant co, ,and. themore ybu pay out the more you lose. You can 'never "catchuft,M 4ihc:. ( ) cause the payments never end. We furnish three,, four, " five and .si ,'ropm V apaTtments on dignified terms of 'credit a whole house if you twant us.to- and on easy: terms of payment. ; Each one 'brings you nearer to owning the ( furniture outright. Wnv not droo in and? see iust-what we can do for you? V Use Your Credit For This Splendid . " Chamber Suite in Quartered Oak If vou were to shop for days you could not equal it in beauty, construction or value. 'It is a suite that is made purposely for us and it is fin-ished-in every, detail. These three pieces will practically furnish your entire chamber, and the low price, coupled with the unusual credit terms places it within reach of everyone. , Terms $6.50 Cash Then! $1. SO iaiWeek This Five Piece Dining Room Outfit . ) -rr-7 -r- -L Q $595 $3.99 Spring- Seat Arm Rocker in . Quartered Oak. 1 Hand-Woven Rattan ; Hour Class Chair. $23.00 Selected Quartered Oaik Iabntry JaUe I oi- Only .55 Unusually fine Q u a rtrd stocK is useq m its construc tion. It is 42 Inches In length, has large : shelf : and : massive posts Pay $2.50 Cash-Then $1.00 Weekly Examine the illustration carefuflyv It showa you exactly the-quality and 1 lgn of the suite. Every piece is nullt In good Proportion and very well fin ished. It is one of the many Powers', room outfits that has made this store so popular to. home furnishers. Come in and nee It on our floor, you will be more than pleased with the slxe and appearance. $ CO Worth of Furniture $ .00 Cub 1,00 Week S 75 Worth of FumltUTe t 7.50 Cah $10 Week $100 Worth or Furniture $10.00 Cash $2.00 Week $125 Worth of Furniture f 12.80 Cah $2.25 Week $150 Worth of Furniture $15.00 Caah $2.50 Week $200 Worth of Furniture $20.00 Cath $3.00 Week Fine in a Variety of Wanted Col- 5 1HCh ors and Patterns -7 Special Cp JLj If you are in need of a good. Rug, do not hesi tate a moment to have . one of these fine Axmin sters delivered to your home. .The terms of pay ment are decidedly unusual, and offers any one with a rug want a splendid opportunity to own one at once. There are six splendid patterns in floral, Oriental and small effects, colorings to suit every taste. $ 1 .OO Down-$ 1 .OO Week 1 1 ii &sssmm. .JMsLMm .. i f- -S '"?ssMaM,tMsWilaaTii I in afe' vmtai - " . You Can Do Better for i L,ess on 1 mra street , TV BED DAVENRORTS Read This List $19.90 $27.65 $31.80 $39.75 $49.75 (28.00 Teloor Bed Baveaport with, slat ends, tufted seat and back, covered In block Velour, now $35.00 Oak Frame Bed DaTenport, a Unifold design, covered in Chase . Leather, fitted with fine spring $39.75 Chase leather ' Bed, Baveaport, has very heavy Oak frame, Unlfold construction, finely made $48.50 Colonial Bed Bavenport, see illustration above, covered in Spanish Chase Leather, excellent - construction and finish : $80.00 leather Bed ' Bavenport. Karpen . make. Fumed : frame, . genuine - leather - upholstering, slightly damaged' ; . . Rode Ftsstiyal Visitors WELCOME! V Rose Festival visitors ate especially Invited to make-4ne Powers store their headquarters while in Portland. Come in and - rest. Meet your, friends. Take advantage of all the comforts this big store hasi provided for you. If you are interested In home furnishings stroll through the six great floors there are many things that will greatly interest you. Make yourself entirely at home.,- We will be greatly pleased to have your with us. , - ' , ' ' I. - . 42-Inch Slat - End Library Table $4.95 An Inexpensive, well made, well appearing Library Table, finished golden. . J- $6.50 Drop - Side Iron .. Crib : , Has continuous pouts and' close filler rods, guaranteed Apriog. Rubber - Tired Sidewalk . Sulkies ,32.15 Light " weight. ' collapsible Sulkies at a decidedly special price. - ' $2.75 Solid Oak Dining -. yChairs . j . . $1.49 Long post construction, f panel" back, saddle shaped wood seat- Learn to ' Wait for - Powers' - Lowered Prices on Dining Tables $15.75 Oak Bluing Table, with QC round pedestal,, speal , , . , . ,Va7.04 $22.50 Quartered Oak Blnlng Table, large top. for. , . . i 'i. N 7."' $S1.50 Plank Top,' 48-lnch ffOQ Alt Quartered Bluing Table ; for fa40.?0 $23l00 Quartered BUlng' Ta d Q QP ble. massive base, for. if .;J V liv.OiJ $1.50 : 48-inch Plaik,5 T99 OQ ti BoroU Base Table for ..... ?a6S7.00 Oirapcsiry Specials ,rA You; Save Largely in So Doing ' SS-CEVT BOBOEBZS ; TOtU, "excellent bordered '--Voile, 16 1 Q inches wide, in White, "Ivory or Arabian color. . special, yard 7C 20-CXXTT BOBJEJtEBs TOXLT, ' an excellent quality, tn narrow" 1 A or wide, drawn work ;borders. full widths all colors, the .yard - ItC 15-CBHT SWISS, White Dotted Swiss, with small, medium ; or large, dots,, width .38 Inches, yard -. .-. ... e: . .ii.. . . . . . t00"S041OUB,' Plain , colored vSundoui In fMylberry," Cfreen, rsiue ana itrown. ou incne wiae.jura ..... . lie 69c r- ' ' STOTSIAT BATBaT TOtT MCWET. ' .. .- :' i Z; Brass Bed Sale Brass Bed That Are Insured Against Tarnish Reduced in ; Cost - Colonial Beslrn, with ' 2-lnch' Q7 QC posts and 10 fillers, special... H 50 $21.50 Brass Bad, Very heavy, l Q OC 10 1-lnch filler rods. now. , . i if 10.00 $24.50 Braas Bed. continuous ' post-pattern, 14 filler roda ClJ OA now ...i.., ,. ylUiSU $28.75 Bran Bod, 1-ln. up rights, large continuous 61Q QC posts, now , . . .' ,. . y 187.75 'Braes Bed, excellent i design, 14 large 1-ln. fillers, . PjO OC now .- . . . .. . ,p4iTr.Oi $19,73 Brass Bsd. continuous post pattern,., large filler C19 DC rods,; now ....... .......... if Jkjj Linoleum Sale 80c Fine Printed Linoleums Wide' range1 of patterns to choose from, extra good Quality, laid on your floor. yard , - . t ,(SOc v $1.50; Extra Quality Inlaid In parquet, wood floor snl snnsll efforts, f-olor through to the back; laid on your floor '