The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 06, 1915, Page 32, Image 32

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Heads of Union and of the
Steamship Line to Meet in
Seattle Tomorrow, - . :
Demands of This , Port lor guilty
'; With Paget Bound Brian About .
' Representatives of the waterfront
employers and employes from points
all along- the coast will meet this
'. Week to attempt to frame a new
scale of wages for which freight
can be handled. .
If 'this city is given the ' leave to
enjoy its natural advantages through
equitable freight costs a winning
fight for the commerce of the Pacific
- ocean can be started here.
T. V. O'Connor, president of the
International Longshoremen's associ
ation; J. A.. Madsen, secretary-treasurer
of the association, and John
Kean, president of , the Pacific coast
division of that body, are to be in
Seattle , tomorrow morning- to com
mence the long series of negotia
tions which it .is hoped will bring
about this desired end. .
To consult with them team ship
representatives from all parts of the
coast are headed towards Seattle.
Later on sesrlons ' will be held here
and probably at San Francisco.
Yesterday the Chamber of Com
merce was the dining place of a num.
mer of these men. Captain J. H.
Bennett, vice president of the Yale
Harvard line; K. C. Ward, general
manager of the Pacific Coast Steam
ship ; company; Captain J. S. Gibson,
head ' of the International Stevedor
ing company, with branches all
through the northwest; C. W. Cooke,
head of the American-Hawaiian
(Steamship company on -the Pacific
eoast; C. W. Maglll of Seattle and
C? 0. Kennedy of Portland, agents for
the ; American-Hawaiian Steamship
company, and W. D. Wells, agent for
' the San Francisco & Portland Steam
ship company, made up the party.
- Different rphases of the situation
confronting the employers were dis
cussed, i
Within the past year organizations
ef both employers and employes have
been perfected just for such an emer
gency. Representatives of each as
sociation will be empowered to act.
Due to this fact both sides expect
to be able to reach a decision Quickly
and without trouble.
When O'Connor, the president of
the International, was here three
months ago, he told the representa
tive of the Chamber of Commerce
who waited on him that he realised
that conditions in the north Pacific
were not Just . "
"There is a feeling of unrest among
both mon and shippers which shows
that something is wrong," he said.
"I am coming back with the inten
tion of removing this feeling and
leaving in its place one of quiet and
"Conditions have changed all over
the country and people look at things
like this in an altogether different
light," said one steamship man yes
terday. "The labor interests are go
ing to find that we are just In our
contentions and that we are asking
the relinquishment of nothing that
they have gained in the pest. W
only ask fair treatment.". ,
Steamer Unable to Stem Current,
' So Will Make Kennewick Only.
The steamer J. N. Teal may have
made her last trip to Lewiston. She
is bound up the Columbia today for
Kennewick and way points only, and at
the' upper river town her freight for
Lewiston will be transferred to the
steamer Inland Empire.
'-.' The big steamer, one of the best
freight and passenger carriers on the
lower rivers, has been found hardly
suitable Sfor the upper rlver and Us
ewlf t , water. Her engines are not
-heavy enough, and on her last trip It
was necessary to discharge part of her
cargo so that she could stem the
:-' If the present plans of The Dalles
Columbia line carry, the steamer In-
- land Kmplre will either remain above
Kennewick altogether or else .she and
the steamer Twin Cities will alternate
on the Portland-Lewlston run. The
''Teal will then care for middle and up
per river freights as far as Kenne
wick. The Teal will bring down Tuesday
and Wednesday a big party of Lewis
ton people bound for the Rose Festival.
They are starting from Lewiston on
the steamer, Inland Empire and will
transfer at Kennewick. The Inland
Kmplre will return to. Lewiston after
& cargo of livestock and wheat.
The steamer Twin Cities has had ad
ditional passenger cabins, built and oil
burners installed and will soon be
ready for service. The Inland Empire
will undergo the same changes later
- on.
Trip of Six Months and 10 Days
to Guayaquil Described.'
- San Francisco, June 6. (P. N. S.)
The perils and hardships of a six
months and -16 days' storm' scourged
voyage of the San Francisco owned
schooner Ethel Zane between Seattle
and Guayaquil. Ecuador, are recounted
In a letter from the skipper, Captain
Thomas P. Dorrls, received here today
by his, wife, Mrs. Catherine Dorris.
The vessel arrived In the southern
port;; recently, three months overdue,
after -Mrs. Dorris and Lloyds agency
bad given tip hope of its survival of
the "buffeting gales which tried the
souls of captain and crew.
Ourv stores, were damaged, the men
were worn with the constant fighting
with the sea. and the vessel was racked
from bowsprit. to stern from the atrug
gift with ' the heavy surges, and sails
had split and broken like toy balloons
in the winds." -
Bi Band Ships on Steamer - Dalles
City for. Central Oregon. -
The steamer Dalles City, bound for
' The Dalles, -carried the- most' motley
crowd yesterday that - has left Port
land by steamer In many months. It
was a Gypsy band and numbered tin
all over 40 people, 37 horses, 25 ; dogs
- and 13, wagons. The band Is migrating
from "Willamette valley points to cen-
-tral Oregon- .
The band arrived before supper "Fri
day evening, j They -pitched camp on
the dock and the leader . commenced
' , t , - .inn I -I" " A.
1 1 - v ;.'. :-. .' ' ' " ' -- ' " -' r. r ;
'i'J',',' -' 5 J I " i ii " ' ' ,
,', ' '" ' t i - n-rn" - --"" "K'W'rtX.::ss.
'v' '' '' ' ' '& J,' " v?' '
( - I?
1 s ? ' s )Wftaw-l --
. Norwegian
But for the activities of the German
commerce raiders the 1914-15 grain
fleet would so far have gone through
with the record of but one missing
ship, the Norwegian, bark Birtha. The
haggling with the officers over terms.
Negotiations were under way till near
ly midnight
Students Of Lincoln high school,
bound- on. their annual class boating
party on - the steamer Bailey Gatzert,
added to the excitement, finding their
way through-the camp to-their steam
er, which lay Just outside the Dalles
Chinook's Spring Work Believed
Successful; Dredger Busy.
, Astoria, Or., June 5. Having put In
a ery successful week at the mouth
trf ithe river, government dredge Chi
r.oj6.k came into harbor this evening
to lay up over Sunday. During the
four days that the digger worked she
removed 8000 cubic yards of material.
Captain Marino is- highly pleased with
tlie manner In which the dredge is
now working and is expecting great
results from the present operations.
United States engineers left for the
mouth, of the river yesterday morning
On, board the George H. Mendel! to
complete the annual June survey of
the channel.'
It is expected that the investiga
tions will show a big ipcrease In the
deptaiof water over last September.
The-information will be made public
within the nex few days.
Burned Steamer' Repaired Quickly;
Kenkon Maru No. 11 Sails.
Two steamers sailed for Portland,
one from San Francisco and the other
from Seattle, last nisj'at in which l'oit
land firms are grsi--.v intero!t-;d
The . American steamer Alackinaw,
which, a week ago was afire and drift
ing helplessly In the Pacific off the
Golden Gate, has been repaired and
sailed from-ithe Bay City. She will
load, a oargo of wheat here for Aus
traliu delivery.
The Japanese steamer Kenkon Maru
No. 11 sailed from Seattle with a car
go of 2200 tons of sulphur, which she
will discharge ' at Municipal Dock No.
I. She will be the first steamer to
dok at that new structure. The Ken
kon Maru is under charter to Hind,
Rolph & Co. for a cargo of lumber to
Bombay or Negapatan from this port.
$180,000 Paid for Japanese Steam
er Offered Year Ago for $60,000.
. Seattle, . June 6. (I. N. S.) Frank
WaterhOuse "and company today char
tered the Japanese, Gishun Maru, a
Vessel of,000 tjms dead weight capa
city, and at one of the highest rates
ever . written on this coast. The rate
is 10 shillings 3 pence per diem per
dead height ton, or $15,000 a month.
orJlSO.OO for one year, the time of
the charter.. This vessel was offered
a year ago at $60,000 a year. The
Gishun Maru is to be placed in the
Seattle-Vladivostok trade and will be
, PORTLAND . s. '
Name. Flag and Rtg. !
Francals d'Amboise, Fr. . bk .
KUmallle. Br. bk ....... i
Noeml. Fr- bk... .. ...........
Hfbperos, Kor. stri.. ........ . ..
Ajuulree. . Br. bk
Andre Theodore. Fr. sh. ......... .
Berengere, - Fr. h
Bell. Nor bk
Cornil ' Bart . Fr. bk
John Ena, Am. bk. ....... .......
Jules Gommes, Fr. sb
Lang dale, Br, sh....
Llndfield. Br. bk
Le- Peller, Fr. ba.
Mackinaw. Am. atr., C...
Galgate, Br. sh
Inverlyon,' Br. bk
151 (-
... 19
.. 27
299 H
29 2
Iiiverneas-sblre. Br. bk. 2147
Yowry, rior. OK
r Miscellaneous to Arrive in Portland.
Name. Flag and Big. Tons. From ? Sailed..
W. U. Marston,' Am. act..... llio East .London. .Jan. -it
Kncore. Am. scb ......................... 572 S. F, ..... .
Kenkoa Mars No. 11. lap. str 21S4 Seattle . June 5
. . .Panama Canal Service.
Name, Flag and Big. 7
Hawaiian, Am. atr., A.-H.. ............
iiaoolu.aii. A.m. atr.. A.-H ...............
low an. Am. str., A.-H.... ..............
Meotanan, Am. str.. A.-H. ...... ..........
Minnesotaa. Am. str.. A.-H... ...........
tHrieaa. A.u. r.. All... ......... .......
Oregouian. Am. atr.. A.-H..
Sunt Clara, Am. str, A. as P..
Santa Cecelia.' Am. str.. A. & P.
A it era do, ' A m. atr, McCormlck ...........
Eureka, Am. str., C-W. ......... .
St, Heless. Am. str,. McCormlck.........
Tampiou. Am., atr.. C-W. ................
Feunsjrlvania. am. str., a.-u
West Coast. Service
Name, Flag. Rlr and Line. v
Cuaco, Nar. sir., Grace.........
Wm. Chatham. Jm. str., Grace.
.. . .
Name, 'Flar," and Line". ' "
Ghroeffer, Br. str., U. M. S. P.
Glenroy, r. str.. K. JO, H. r.......
Glengyle, Br., atr., B. M. 8. P
Kron, Margarets. Swed, m. a., Johnson
Pacific. Swed. m, a.Joansoa...,....,..,.
Suecia. bwea. a. a., aunnava
Abbreviations A. P.i: Atlantic Pacific
AmertcaB-HawallaB-B'eubir Ce.1 Grace. W
Steam i Packet Line, Frank Waterboo; 4 Cn, agents; Johnson Ho. W. R. - Grace ' Co.
agentst B..P-. Boston-Pacific Steamafalp C, Statter St Co., agents; AteCarasick Ckaa. nCL
McCormlc Lumber Co.; C-W, Croaaett-Weatent Lumber Co. , "
t 'V ' rv
Photo by Werner Eckhardt.
bark Birtha.
Birtha was wrecked just above the
eastern entrance to the ' Panama, canal
from which she had only a few days
before made her way. The .Birtha was
dispatched from Portland by the
Northern Grain & Warehouse.
taken over by the charterers in Japan
early. in August. . .-
The Japanese steamer Kagesbun Ma
ru, recently chartered by Waterhouse
& Co. for the same trade, will be de
livered to the company at Murovan the
latter part of next week. At Murovan
she will, take a cargo of coal for Hon
olulu, thence proceeding to . Seattle to
load, for Vladivostok.
Blue Funnel Liner Will Bring Raw
Sugar Cargo to Puget Sound.
TacOma,Wash., June 6. (I. N. S.) . '
Diverted from the regular course of the
Blue Funnel steamships plying from
the United Kingdom to the north Pa
cific coast by way of Panama, the Blue
Funnel liner Jason, which' sailed from
Birkenhead on May 28 for Puget sound,
has been ordered to touch at Batancas,
Cuba, to load a large consignment of
raw sugar for north Pacific con
signees i- .....-...;'. .-.
The dispatch of the Jason to Ma
tan z as marks a new departure for Blue
Funnel steamers. Lack of United King
dom freight is believed to have brought
about the change.
Previous steamers In this service
have been coming here direct from Liv
erpool via Kingston. Jamaica and Pan
ama ports As the Cuban port Is prac
tically in the direct line of Steamers
coming out of the United Kingdom via
Panama, there Is eevry reason to be
lieve that the Blue Funnel line plans to
engage in the sugar trade on an exten
sive scale, as there is a large demand
for the raw product on this coaaf,
The steamer Bear of the Big Thre
fleet is to become a river excursion
She has been chartered by the. Ore
gon Eastern Star for a trip- down the
Willamette and Columbia, rivers on the
night of September 14. A permit for
the carrying of as many passengers as
the steamboat inspectors will allow
will ' be taken out as soon as she
reaches port. j-J
Wednesday, June 16. she will sail
again for San Francisco and Los An
geles. Out of Yukon June 20.
Seattle, Wash., June 5. (I. N.-S.)
Today's cable advices to local shipping
men as to the opening of the upper
Tukon and the resumption of ' steam
boat navigation this season indicate
that the first arrivals from the Klon
dike and other Interior districts will
reach Seattle by June 20, also that
passengers departing from Seattle to
day and tomorrow should make Daw
son by the 20th ff thig month.
Heavy Fog Off Coos Bay.
Marshfield, Or., jjune 5. -(I. N. S.)
TheTe is a "heavy ; fog on "the bar and
off shore today requiring the constant
signalling of the fog warning.
,- Steamer Nann Smith sailed from
Marshfield this afternoon and will
probably cross out tonight. The small
From . .
Sailed . Memo
....... A r. Honolulu May 31
cargo afire.
Sd. .Neacasile Feb if
S. P.i....;.
Taltar ......
Guayaquil , .
Rotterdam ..
Falmouth .
Kobe .i.
Montevideo .
ou. newrastie May 31
.At. gaj, Francisco.
May 12
May IS
At Rotterdam Apr. 23
Ar. Ipswich May 12
Sd; Phila. May 1
Ar. April 4
Ed. Penarth April 1
Ar. . May 7. .
Ar. April IS. .
Ar: Callao Apr. 23
Put back. fire.
Ar. May 16 ,
Ar. Apr.. 80
June. 1
Bahia Blance
Algoa Bay
Callao ....i...'....
Queeustown. .......
Buenos Aires. ......
Fremahtle' ...Msy
Fremahtle ...May 23
At S. r. April l.
r rora Balled. j Memn
New York .......... Ar. v
Boston & N. Y.Mar. 24 Ar. N. Y. May 31
t. " u. canai u b June 3
New York ...May 19 Pd canal WB
canal WB May 28
New York
lr- !,? M- L- A- J B June 3
..Apr. 21 fed. S.- F B B Mar 23
V" A- X-a.r U -
Boston ...
New York...
New Ycrk
New York
New York ;.
' May, 29 .
..Apr. S Sd. Saa Pedre E. B.
May i 24
..May 20 Pd. canal WB May 2?
..Mir -l. ... .......
W alieroo
N. .Y. May 16 Pd.canal ,W" B May 27
N. Y. .............. on Puget Sound
N;.Y. ... ?. .. .April 2S Pd. canal C.B.May 29
From Sailed. ; '. Mam -.
Valparaiso' .......... :. Ar. CMr-m vi.v
Saa Frandaco. .Apr. 1 1 Pd. canal C B Ma v 29
"Service. . . -
Froas-i. - - galled...-'- 'waW.'""
Londoa A Orient... At LBdon May 1 t
London UrU.Oct. t Ashore Fartodaa shoal
L'doo A, orl.. Nov. S3. ArtShangbat Ma 14
Gothenburg ..April . T Pd. canal May 27
Gothenburg Ar. Chrlstianla May 4
Gothenburg 4. . Pd. canal E.BJlar 26
line, owned b W. B. Grace Ce.; A.-H..
R. .Grace Co. 5 R. M. n. f Rnnl
a mi f
' f t New Craft Launched.
: AtnHa. 'Or .Tiitim E. Th eaaoline I
iuT&hrStlKSr f
rardslXyf n was'soiedt ;
,rVteewlmmedrauuiyand wIU- "j
It Is to be used in gathering ifp the ,
refuse . from the various canneries in
the city. w
' The new boat is 49.6' feet In length,
11.9 in breadth and is equipped with a
4 horsepower . standard , gas' engine.
Talbot Makes Port.
Port Townsend, June 5. (I. N. S.
Forty-eight days from i Callao, , the
schooner W. H. Talbot passed In at i
Cape Flattery this morning. She will j
load lumber at Port Angeles for the'
9i3&9. i;vuu
arrivals Juae i. j
F. Herrtn, American steamer. Captain j
Enesll. bulk oil from Gariuta. Associated Oil
CUOipauy. . .
Atudan, American tteemer. Captain Knlgbt,
freight trom Boston and New VoVk, i Call -
fomla porta, Americaa-UawaUaQ Steaawblp
ccmpaoy. -
Separtoroa 7un B.
El Seanndo. American steamer. CSDtaln Mo -
Kellar, water ballast for San Francisco.- StauO-
a4 Oil company.
Marin Almanac.
Weather at Eivsr's Month.
North Head, Wash:, June 5. Condition of
the mouth of the river at 0 p. m., smooth;
wind, north. IS miles; weather, clear.
Sun and Xidas. una 7.
Sua rises, 4:21 a. m. dun sets. 73:9 p. m.
. Tides at Astoria. -
High water. Low water.
9:20 . m.. 6.1 feet, t S:37 a. m..- 1.3 feet.
:2 p. m., 8.4 feet. J 3:14 p. m., 2.C feet.
. Daily. River Readings.
i s
j i
ttC4 I i
53J 3J5
Engene .v
Albany -
0. 2:0. CO
0.3 O.Oo
H.: 0.3 0.00
( ) railing.
Riyer Forecast.
The Willamette rlrer at Portland will fall
slowly for the next two or three days.
Steamships to Arrive.
trots Date
.8. P. and war... Jane 6
How City
Geo. W. Elder...
Santa Clara
KovtlMrfb ' Pacific
K. A. Kllbnrn ..
Great Northern .
. S. D. and war Jim A I
. S. r., tj. C. B....Jaoe 7
.Coos Bay..;. ......June 7
. of I' ..June 7
.S. P. and way.... June 11
. S. ,C. St. a E. Jane 12
. S. V. nii way ..Jane 13
.8. P. and- war.. June 16
.8. J ............June 27
Steamers Due to Depart.
Kama trom . Date
BeSTSr 8. P. and way... Jane 6
Northern Pacific ...8. t" June S
Gea. W. Elder 8. D, and way.. .June U
Santa Clara S. C, B...Juoe 9
Breakwater Coos Bay Jane 10
Hose. City Coos Bay June 11
r. A. KUbnrn C. B., K., S. F...June 14
Rosooke .-. 8. D. and way.. Jane 18
Bear....."-.'- "-- and way. ..Jane 10
Uieat Northern..... &. v.. ..June 2t
steamers learlng Portland for San Francisco
July eonnevt with the ateamera Yale and Har
vard leaTlBii San Irancisco. Monday, Wednea
Jay, Friday and Saturday for Lot AcKeloa and
feac Uieico.
Vessels in Port.
K ame iurh
Beaver, Am. atr a A Ids worth
Lioo, sr. air
LawbUl. Una. bk
Kacsanita, U. tj. L. H.
Keradaa, Am. atr,
Wm. f. Herrln, Am. atr.
Multnomah, Am. atr
i. l.ur. co.
. Astoria
.Municipal No. 1
I.. ,'..At Neighboring Ports. '
.r Astoria, dr.. June ..- Sailed at 1 a. m.,
Stssmer CelHo, lor San TeUro, -rta Sau Frm
clacai at a a. m., tteamer PennsylTauian. for
New York, via way porta; at 8:30 a. m.,
steamer P. A. Kilbu-n. for San Francisco,
via Coos Bay, and Eureka.- Arrlred at 8 and
left np at fl a. m., steamer Neradao, fl-om
New Xork, Tla way poits. . Sailed at 13:30
S. m., ateamer --basts, for San Pedro; at
:45 p. m., steamer El Segundo, for San
Francisco.. Arrired at S p. m., steamer Mult,
nomah, from Saa Fraocist-e.
Fort Bragg, Jane 4. Arrived, ateamer Johan
Poulsen, from San Francisco, for Portland.
Bedondo, June 4. Called, steamer Shoshone,
from Portland, for San iedro.
Slcilly. June 8 Pasted, Norwegian ahip
Hero, from Portland, for Qneenstown.
Astoria. June 4. Arrived at 6 and left up
at. T:80-. p.- m., steamer W, F. Herrln. from
Uarlota. Sailed at-8:30 p. m., ateamer Cat
aala, for Port Sau Late.
Seattle, Jane 3. Sailed Steamers Humboldt.
10- p. iu. for aouthcastern Alaska; Admiral
Watson, p. m., for OooV Inlet; Kedondo, 4 a.
a.V for Prince of Wales-Island ports. Arrived
Steamer Congress, 1:20 a. m.' from San Fran
cisco; Jefferson. 10:3O a. m.. and steamer
Spokane, 5 p. m., from southeastern Alaska.
Port Gamble, June S. Arrived Steamer
Davenport. San Francisco, via Vancouver.
Everett, -June 6 (I. N. S.) Arrived
Steamer Wapama, San Francisco.
. Seward, June 6. ailed Steamer Admiral
Evans, 8 a. m.. Seattle.
Valdea, June 6. Sailed Steamer Alameda,
3 p. m., Cordova and Cook Inlet.
Ketebikan, June 8. Sailed Steamer City
o' Seattle. 10 a. m., Skagway.
SaQta Barbara, June 5. Sailed Daisy Free
man, a
D. m.
Vancouver. B. C June 6. Arrived 1 m
Zrr. A2?J?C! ti!' 'n,?l2'uCPt,n Su?f-I
2?L?!tiJfi' .8".Ur1'. ? "'J80
Kteamer Wlahimiue. Japtalu Vint, from Union
Bay. - -
'tacoma. Wash.. Jane 5. Arrived Steam
ers Admisnl Schley, Saa Franclseo, 6 a. m.;
Congress, San f ranclseo, 5:30 p. m. Sailed
Admiral Schley, Seattle, 4 p. m.
Saa Francisco, June f. Arrived, steamer
Roanoke, Portland, via Astoria. 2:20 a. m.;
Danish motor ship Jutlsndla, Genoa, via
Balboa. 3:10 a, m.; tug Priscllla, ,pirt Sau
Luis. 6:06 a. m.i stealers Tamalpals, Be
dondo, 6:30 a. m.; Avalou, Wi Uapa Harbor,
at 7:50 a. m.; Bruaawick, Fort Bragg, 8
a. m.; Helen P.. Drew, San Pedro. 8;3o a.
m.; Santa Barbara. Kan Pedro, 8:45 a. m. :
Harvard. San Pedro, 9.35 a. m.; Admiral
Dewey, Seattle. 9:40 a. m.; barge Erskine
M. Phelpa, Port San Ltls, In tow tug Sea
Rover, 9:45 s. ni. ; . Northland. Port Angeles, 170 7o5 Hawthorne, cor. 2oth. atore. -3:1a
p. m.; Hardy, Uxw jBuy ports; 3:20 p. 1 J71 S81 Belmont St.. cor. 29th St.
m.; 4ug Defianc-e.v . an Pearo. with barge 1T2 875 E. Stark St.. cor. 29th flt.
Olln tow, 4:15 p. m.; Northern Pacitlc. I 173 1013 E. Belmont bet. 34th and 33d, store.
Asforis. d:5a p. m.; Washtenaw. Port San ! 174 lOOS Belmont, bct 83d and 34th.
Luis. 6:55 p. m. ; Captala A. F. Lueas, Port
Wells, 6:45 p. m., viib . barge 93 in:, tow.
Sailed, ateamera F. J. Loop, Seattle, with
WUWUl , T , V. 111 IWW, I L .OO J,, H J ..
yeaterday; Wm. 11. Hurphy. Eureka, 9:55
a. m. ; rair-Oas. centlssma Bock. 10:10 a.
.Bear,- Sas Pedro. 11:25 a. m. ; Santa
Clara, Eureka. Coos Say and Portland.' 11:30
a. m.; City of Topeka, Eureka, 11:55 a.
in. ; ' President, Victoria and Puget" sound
porta, 12:30 p. m.; panes steamer Nippon
Afarn, Hongkong, via ports, 1 :30. p. ui. ;
Avalon. San Pelro. 40 p. m.; Saiita Bar
bara. Asturla and Portland. l:oO p. m. ;
Tamalpals, Grays Harutv. 1 :55. p. m. ; En
terprise," HDo, 2:10 p. m.; Del Norte, Cres
font rihr a -2.1 n m- TT St rvoo
Manila, via ports, 4;1) p. m. ; Harvard. San
pedro and San Mego. 4:15 p.-m.; Nortafolk.
Eureka. 4:45 p.
(ackinaw. Columbia
river.- 6:16 B. m
Hardy. San Pedro. 7:0
p.- m. ; - tieone, Kieeaie Kook. 7:40 p. n
I Northland, san Pedro. O.Z. p. m..
jtm- .' Angeles Harbor. . June S. Arrived,
' British steamer Student. Liverpool. 6 .a. m. :
i Anvericaa steamers Wi'lamelte, Portland. 6
a. ra. ; Arolfne. San Kranclsco, 6 a. in.;
Shoshone, Redondo;- 'ale, San Francisco. 10
I a. m.j -Joeen, , Seattle. 7:15 p. m. Sailed:
I Steamers ArgylL Saa DI-o Yale. San, Diego,
i 8 :30 D. m. : Carlos; - IHntet sound. 6 a. m.:
Yoeemit,: Portland, 6 -p. m.; Shoshone', San
Diego 6 p. m.; Britisl steamers Student.
Man Frinclsco, 7 . m. : ' TJ 8. S. Iris and
submarines KJ, . K-4, K 7 and K-8 for San
Francisoov. Jane e. Not previously report
ed. i - fit . ' - '
San Diego. . uue S. Arrived. 9.30 a." ni.,
ell steamer ; Argyll, fror- P rtTand. . 8:30 p.
m. "aieamer Yafe, . San I rancisee.-
Victoria B. C. June 5. Arrired. Jspanese
steetner Sado Maru..: YoSihama, 6 p.-- m. and
sailed fcr Seattle Mt midnight. - ' " ;
" Port Townsend, "Jnae Arrived."' 2 aC:m.,
steamer - Davenport irom Sun Francisco J. via
Vancouver, proceeded Everett? 8:20 a. m..
ateamer' Jefferson- -from Skagway. proceeded
t- Setttle; 8:40 u: n.. ateamer Spokane from
Skagway. proceeded to Seattle. Sailed, 4
a. - " steamer - Bee tor San Francisco. - -
Florence. Or., June 3. Garaline schooner
PatBy.sayed for. Portland. ,8. a.
' V'1-'. - ' "...,T
The 'Journal ; Furnishes Its R eaders With Location of Pol!-.
ing Places in the City .Where Balloting for Com- .
missiohers and Auditor Takes Place.
. .
Precinct ' Location r Poll.
1 it, Tbormaa at.. 4et. 321 and Rugby.
2 Grocery 8. W. ear. 28th and Xbornian aU.
a 830 Upshur at.
4 8 Ttaarman et. -
8 24th and Nleelal at-
52 N. 23d at.
T IWT-Wllaoa at. - s
8 655 Thorman at.
5t 307 N. 17tb at.
i 10 feo n Broadway.
11 Ddge Mfa. Co.. lith and Lorcjoy.
Jfz p?: j1,,',11
j4 Heime'ra Grocery. 21at and Nortbrup at.
, juarsuaii w .
lt fc.DK. Uouae 17. 24tb and Johnson its.
IT 171 N. 21at at.. Columbia Tailors.
18 14U N. 23d at;
19 2ad at. bet. Urine and Uoyt.
20 Hartford Apta.. 21st and Flandera.
21 Oarage. 21st. bat. Kearney and UeJoy.
22 Westonia ApU., 6tiU GUaan St., base-
m stwvj r-thi.
I 24 N. W. oor. 15th .nrt irraT.
: 23125 N letb st ltwo.n ciiun
! nZyt, Bt ' toctween wl"B
1 "8 Shop iifh and Glisaa sts.
J 27 I N. Broadway.
j 8 83 N 2d st
i v tin '.
! 30 4ia nnrnftirio .
i 30 13 Burnslde st.
I 3127 N. 10th st.
ox hpeedwell Motor Co.
33 007 Washington St.
14 th and Couch.
34 833 Washington St.
85 Sg N. 28d st.
36 Scotts Garage. 529 Cornell Road.
87 443 Washington St. Madras HoteL
SU 412 Stark St.
39 62 6th st.
40 Eiyr. House. 2d and Oak at:
41 tJ2 5th St. -
42 20T Alder st.
43 128 Psrk St.;
44 135 10th St.
43 542 Washington St.
4rt Covey Motor Co.. 21at and Washington
47 609 Jefferson st.
i .3 too w asninjrion si.
40 Garaire. 16th bet. Yamhill and Taylor.
w iit iitn st.
CI Masonic Temple. W. Park and Yamhill.
52 Y. M. C. A 6th and Taylor.
53 Eng. House. 4th and YamhilL
54 224V4 3d at.
55 East Entrance Court Hons.
56 334 Taylor, downstairs.
57 434 Salmon St., cor. 12th St., basement.
5 209 14th st.
! Empire Oarage. 270 12th st.
02 City Hall, east entrance.
03 Lenox Hotel. 3d and Main."
64 312 2d st.
65 347 1st t. bet. Mill and Market.
06 293 3d bet. Jefferson and Columbia.
t!7 315 4th St.. N. W. cor. Clay and 4th.
68 Corbet t Garage, cor. Broadway and Co
lumbia. 09 S. W. cor. Jefferson and Park, basement
of church.
70 N. W. cor. 12th and Market, basement.
71 Campbell Garage, Jefferson bet. 13th and
72 188 Mill St., near 14th.
73 552 Jefferson St.
74 i-S. ' W. cor. Jefferson and Chapman.
75 Eng. Honse 16. Lownsdale and Montgom
ery. 76 395 10th St.. cor. Harrison St.
77 N. W. cor. 6th and Hall.
78 429 5th st. Gars Re.
79 Eng. House 4, 4th and Montgomery.
50 365 First st.
81 410 First st. bet. Harrison and Hall.
51 Cottel drug atore. 1st and 'Sherman.
83 554 6th St., cor. Lincoln St.
84 43T. W. Park garage.
85 323 Lincoln St.
66 648 Vista ave.
87 Eng. House 15. 20th and Spring.
88 549 TalBot at.. Pattona House.
89 667 First st-
90 Fairing school.
91 4th and Hooker. K. W. cor.. basement
92 475' Gibbs. cor. 11th.
93 815 Front, cor. Whittaker.
94 663 Corbet t st.
Holman school.
96 Corbett and Seymore, Si E. cor.
97 Fnlton Park school. 3d and Miles.
98 1435 Macadam Boad, cor. Dakota St.
99 1687 E. 13th St.. near Umatilla Ave. .
1QU E. 17th and Clatsop Ave.
101 1663 E. 13th st.
102 566 Umatilla ave.
103 Sellwood Y. M. C- A.
104 549 Spokane Ave.
105 Knapp ave. and Mllwaukle at.
1O0 Midway Hose House.
107 1136 Mllwaukle St. Garage.
108 Club House. Charles and Shelby.
109 4424 60th ave., S. E.
110 M. B. church. 44th t. and Woodstock
111 S. W. cor. E. 41st and Holgate.
112 5010 41st St.. S. E.
113 5626 OOth are.. S. E.
114 R515 72d St.. S. E.
115 Wood mere Station. Mt. Scott car.
Ua noth ave. bet, 73d and 74th, ararage.
117 3548 74th St.. 8. E.
118 Grays Crossing Land Co.
119 3d ave. and 89tU at.. Lents.
120 Coffman s garage, S. Main at.. Lenta.
121 I. O. O. F. Hall, Main St.. Lenta.
122 Grange Hall. Lents.
123 Eng. House 31. 67th st. and 45th ave.
124 3Sth ave. and 70th at.
125 W. O. W. Hall. 4517 65th St." S. E.
126 M, E. church. 4727 63d st.. 8. E.
127 Old So.. Mt. Tabor school.
128 1606 Division st.
129 5533 Foster Road, near 56th st.
ISO 6020 Poster Road, Stewart Station.
131 4533 62d st.- bet. 45th and 40th ave.
132 Creston school. Powell Valley, near 48th.
133 3421 50th st.. nesr Powell Valley.
134 Hall. S. W. cor. E. 43d and Division.
135 Richmond garage. 37th and Division.
136 :Eng. House 25. Greenwood and Frances.
137 005 Gladstone Ave., bet. 2th and 30th
1S8 653 21st. near Powell. .
139 Clinton Kelly school. E. 26th and Powell.
140 102O Clinton St., cor. E. 34th St.
141 807 Clinton St.. bet. 25th and 26th Sts.
142 713 Clinton, bet. 20th and 21st.
143 Brooklyn School. Mllwaukle St,
144 694 MUwaukie st,. cor. Rhine.
145 --773 Mllwaukle at. '
146 Brooklyn hotel. Grand are. and Division.
147 405.JS. 6th bet, Lincoln and Grant.
148 Eng. Hue 23. E. 17th.. bet. Stephens
and Harrison.
149 327 Grand STe bet. Market and Mill.
150 Evangelical church. E. 16th and Poplar.
i ,m H.-: i,. .. utt.
152 293 E. 32d at., near Hawthorne.
! 153 1024, llawthorne ave.. bat. 84th and-35th.
154 K. 39th and Lincoln st.
153 s. W. cor. Hawthorne and 39th at.
VHi 1254 Hilwthorne Ave.
157 1400 Hawtbona. bet. SCth and Slat.
158 27H4 Grand ave.. Sargent Hotel.
159 Vacant atore, cor. - Belmont and Grand
Are. -.--
160 104 Grand Ave., cor. Stark St.
161 78 Grand ave.. bet. Stark and B. Oak.
162 St. Francia Church Hall, cor. 11th and
E. Pine Sts.
163 East Side Library. E. 11th and Alder.
364561 Hawthorne ave.. cor. 13th.
165 41 E. Madison, cor. 17th.. basement.
166 Garage, E. 14th and E. Morrison.
167 Washina-tou Hizh school.
1G8 95 E." Morrison St., cor. 20th St.
1fS 79 Malnuint. St.. hot. 21at aiwt 224 Sra.
175 920 E. Main St.. cor. 31st St.
176 261 E. 37th cor. Madison, rtorel
177 Eng. bouse. F.. 3th and Belmont.
17S 1039 E. Belmont, bet. 84th and 35th, store.
179 144 E. 39th St.. bet. Belmont and Mor
rison Sts.
ISO 1239 Hawthorne, cor. 43d. store.
181 E. Madison sod 45th sts.
182 1291- Belmont, tor. 45th, store.
183 Garage back of honse, 263 E. 52T St.,
j cor. Madison. ;
b 64 1599 Belmont St. -985
1781 E. Belmont, (or. B. 69th. store.
186 1986 E. Stark and 79th, atore.
1872022 E. Stark, cor: 81st St., real estate.
1X Eng. house E. 82d, E. Burnside.
1891991 E. Stark St.
190 S. W, cormr 80tb acd E. Gliaan. atore.
J191 1883 S. Glisan St.. cor. 74th 1st.
1W 329 E. S2d St.. cvr. Ilalsey St.
I ilia K. 7M at. and Raslv lilvn.
194 Jenk real etate ofliee. 67 Sandy "bird.
1!V 138o E. Glisan St., near E. knh St. .
ly S. E. cor. E. 09th, Glissn. store. -1U7
1582 E. Glisan "et. tjoth and 6lst, store.
198 1454 B. Flanders, cor. 63d st.
1!.)9 N. W. cor. E. 52d aud Glisan. store.
200 Eng. house, E. i,etu and Sandy.
201 1236 Sandy Blvd., bet. 4 2d and 43d Sts.
2fW Laurelhurst Office. . E. 39th and Glisan
.Sts. "' . -.
203- -204 E. 28tb N-, cor. Sandy blvd.
204 12 E. 2Sth N.. bet. E. Conch and Davis,
205 E. 28th N.. bet. Ankeny and Bnraside.
206- -Kearns school. E. 27th and Conch. -
2l7 7424) E. Ankeny St. Garage In back of
20t Raaeraent, 08O E. Everett St. '
9 574 E. Coach, Sv W. cor. 14th.
210 80 E. 12th st. N bet. Everett and Flan.
. ders. ' ".f.
211 5ti5 E. Bnmslde net. 10th and 11th sts.
212 ii9 E. Burnslde bet. 6th and Grand eve.
213 33 Grand ave. bet. E. Pin and Ash sts.
214 49- Union ave. N- opstsirs.
215 j-Garsge, N. E. ' cor. 22d and Oregon sts.
216 Finley & - Fish . garage.. Clackamsa and
. Wasco' srs.; E. '24th.
217 Nk-olal garage bet. K. ta and 10th. Has
salo. .... - .. ... ... . . .
218 Eng. house,-Grand ave. ad Malt nomah.
219324 Holladay Ave., bet.
E. 1st and 2d
eta. Stcre. .
220 243 . Holladay . ava,. jear Larrabee . at..
. store.
221 158 Broauway. Store building.
222 434 Larraoee St.. cor. Dupont. basement.
43 Broadway Central . apts.. bat. Broadway
and Flint. , ,
224 333 Union, ear. Weidler at. N.
225 Irvingtoo Garage, E. 14th and Broadway.
E. 17 th bet. Schuyler and Hancock, gar.
age. ' .
27 Garage. 094 Broadway nesr E. 18th st.
22t 741 Tillsmook St.. tor. 22d st.
229 Eng. bouse IS E. 24th bet. Thompson
and Tillamook.
230 Garage. 12U9 Sanly blvd , 41st and 42 d.
231 596 E. 67th St. ff. Store building.
232 1421 Sandy Blvd.. ear. E. 61st St.
Roal estate office..
233 S. W. cor.. 41st and Knott St.
234 Heal estate office. N. E. cor. E. 24th and
Knott. : .
235 674 Knott St.. cer. 19th St.. Garage.
230 lrrington school basement.
237 578 Union ave. cor. Graham.
238 S. W, rcor. E. -0th and Vhompson sts..
garage.: i
269 90 Lflon Ave. N.. nesr Sacramento Bt
240v 447 Union ave.. bet., Eugene and Tllla
" piook. i
241 30S Ruraell bet. WHUama and Rodney.
242 53 Williams ave. N., bet. Graham and
243 702 WfUlams Ave. No.
244 723 Williams ave.
245 649 WiiUaing Ave. No., bet. Morris and
Monroe Sts.
246 232 Russell bet.Tltnt and Gsntenbeln.
247 122 RusseU St., bet. Mississippi Ave. and
Alblna Ave. -
248 137 Russell at., bet. Borthwlck and 'Al
blna. 249 681 Mississippi bet, 'Cook and Mason.
250 861 Maryland ave. '-:.
251 150 Willamette blvd.
252 84 Kllllngaworth Ave. E. ;
253 111 Skidmore at., real estate office.
254 783 Mississippi Ave.
255 "14 Mississippi Ave. .
25h 809 Williams ave
257-929 Williams ave.
258 1043 Gsntenbeln ava.
259 826 Williams Ave.
2o 949 Union Ave. N.
261 1035 Union ave. N.
262 808 Union ave. N.
263 883 E. loth St. N.. corner Mson St.
264 998 Union sve. N. i
265 Magulre real estate. 15th and Preacott.
2I6 672 Alberta St.
267 714 Alberta St. t
iob Real etate offlje. E. 29th bet.. Mason
and Duntley. ,
269 33d and Alberta. lrlffltb garage.
270 N. E. corner Alberta and 2th sts.
271 Cor. lth snd KUUngsworth Ave.
272 691 Alberta St.. M. E. oorutsr lota.
273 555 Alberta st. -
274 385 Alberta St.
275 402 Church St. ...
'i 6--444 Dekum eve.
277657 Dekum Ave. E. -
218427 Durham ave.
279 Wood lawn school. Union anj Dekum.
280 -1185 Redney ava., garage.
281 145 Kllllngaworth Ave. E.
282 111 KUUngsworth ave.
2S3 Kenton School Honse, Lombard St.
284 Kenwood hotel, Kenton.
2M Arbor lodge fire ball. Arbor Lodge ata.
286 143 Weat KUUngsworth ave.
287 J 291 Greeley St. N.
268 1587 Peninsula St., bet. Lombard and
2S0 463 Lombard St.
290 church, cor. Flak and Lombard.
91680 Lombard st.
292 1622 Portsmouth Ava. Real estate office.
203 815 Lombard St. Real estate office.
Pensions Would Hot
a "Burden Taxpayers
The adoption tomorrow of the char
ter amendment allowing small pen
sions to W, H. Whitcomb and C. D,
Shane,, incapacitated members Of the
fire bureau, will not increase the bur
den of the taxpayers.
Both of these men are in need and
yet the firemen are unable to help
them as they should be helped.
The adoption of ballot measure IK
will allow a pension of $62.60 a month
for Whitcomb and $45 a month for
Shane, and provide that temporary
firemen shall pay into the relief fund
as do the regular firemen. ;
Whitcomb was formerly master of
the flreboat George H. Williams.
Through exposure at fires he con
tracted .rheumatism and now is af
flicted with a complication of ail
ments. Shane was a Member of Engine
company No. 3. He caught a severe
cold at a fire and contracted tuber
culosis. At the time he was paying
for . home for bis aged mother. He
loet that home, however, . being un
able to keep up payments on being
taken ill.
.' Weather Conditions.,
. The pressure is high on the north Padfle
coast, over interior western Canada and the
northern , Rocky . mountain states, tfae middle
and north Atlantic states. The pressure is
kw In other sections. Rains', generally light,
have fallen in the . baaln, Rocky mountain
and plains states, upper Mississippi vslley,
Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Thunderstorms
were reported-from Pocstello. Oklahoma Cltr.
North Platte. Minneapolis, Duluth, and St
Louis. The weather is warmer in me oasis
states, Kansas, western Missouri, the lake
region and eastward to the Atlantic eoast,
and northern Alberta; it Is cooler .in the
northern Rocky mountain aud northern plains
states and Manitoba.
. Although conditions are somewhat unsettled
over, the Pacific northwest they are favor
able" for generally fair and continued warm
weather In this district , Sunday, with light
variable winds over the interior and light
northwest winds near the coast. t
'Portland and vicinity: Sunday fair and
continued warm; northwest winds.
Oregon and Washington: Sunday fait,
warmer .extreme east - portion; northwest
Idaho: Sunday generally fair and warmer.
Acting District . Forecaster,
Local Recotds.
- Portlsnd, Or.. Jant 5. Maximum tempera
ture 86.0 degrees. Minimum temperature
56.3 degrees. River reading, 8 a. ra.. J1.6 ft.
Change , in last 2 hours, 0.3 ft. Total
rainfall (5 p. m. to S p. m.V O inches. Total
rainfall since September 1. 1914. 28.68 lnchea.
Normal rainfall since- September I. 42.46
Inches. lefideney of rainfall since Septem
ber 1, , 1914,, 13.78 Inches. Total aunotalue 15
hours, "6- minute. Poaalble sunshine 15
hours. ' 30 minutes. Barometer (reduced to
sen level! : S p. m.. 29.07 Inebes. . ,
United ! States Weather Bulletin.
Observstlcns taken at & p. n.. Pacific time,
May 29. 19151
e ..-
9 c Wind 5
a.t- a . ,
Statlo.. t 5 . g
at El - :
Baker .....
Boston . . ...
Chicago ....
Colfax . .....
lies Moines v
Duluth .... .
Kureka . ...
Helena ....
Kansas City
Pt. Cloudy
Pt. Cloudy
Cloudy '
Clondy ".
Clesr "':
Pt. Clondy
Clear i.
C.foedy -Pt.
Clear .
Cloudy ...
Clear .
Rale -Clear
a ,: ,
fleer '
Cloudy 'v: ,
Pt. Cloudy
Cleat .
Clear ' -Clear
. -Clear
v -
1 O
0 -O
o ;
. o
o fsw
14 1 ; M
loa - Angeles
Marshfield "J. 68
4l W
10 l 8
.4 INK
11 I N
4 KW
12 E
lO I N
4 vvr
20 4
in . 8
16 I W
101 NW
et -
10 N
io : s
8 N
8 JP!
20 (NW
Montreal .
N. Orleans
New York
N. Takima
Pendlton -v
Pocatelto - .
Portland i ,
Rosebnrg . .
St. Louis
Sstt .'sir .
86. Ol
San Fran...)
Seattle .
Spokane ....
1 aroma
Tatooah -Is...
Walla Walla.
,' .
- O
Washington ,!
I Winnipeg ..I 70
) Clondy
Gypsy Paid' : His .
Debt i by Giving
r -Back Stolen Rope
, J. B. Gross, bill clerk; of The
4 Dalles. Portland ! & Astoria 41
". Navigation company, " made a
friend of the king of the band
V of gypsies who Went to The
Dalles on the steamer: Dalles
' City yesterday. , -
4t -: Shortly before the steamer 0
sailed -the gypsy leader cams . f
M ", into the office of the line and ' K
m asked for a doctor. - ' 4
"My -youngest kid. he sick."
said the gypsy, -Ostium doc."
After, much I teiephonlne
' Gross finally-resorted to the
police station and Dostor Rice,'
4IC- emergency hospital interne, re-
w sponded. j The . baby was re- 4
lieved. and the 'Tamer's fears
were allayed. ; 7 4
V Jast befora the, steamer
sailed the gypsy came into the 4
W. office, carrying a:, fine coir of
rope' which had been hanging 4
outside the office, but whlcB
one of the tribe had stolen. 4jf
VToU my friend; No lettum
gypsy steal 'epi." he said.
San Francisco Hotel
Rates Are Not High
awBusvss w woman wave at Btaging
Effort to Correct raise Xeport;
ralaoe Charges 9X60 to 96.
San Francisco hotels are advertising
their normal rates. Since the big ex
position opened , there -has been con
siderable complaint concerning the
charg. of some hostelrles by return
ing travelers, and finally echoes of
their protests have j been heard by
boni faces of the .Golden Gate and
they- are making effort to counter
act the adverse effect of such re
ports. j
High rates,; however, are -not being
charged by the highest class hotels
of San Francisco. From the first
they, have, stood for the protection of
the visitor and despite the strong
temptation to take advantage of the
situation, have from the first main
tained the normal rate that obtained
before . the exposition opened. -
For example. Inquiry at the Palace
hotel in San Francisco shows that Its
rates now are the same It maintained
prior to the fair. It has 100 rooms
at $2.50, ISO at $3, 150-at 'JS. 50. 100
at $4, 100 at $5 and $100 at 16, while
suites range from' 7j per day upward..
Reports reaching here are to the
effect that the Fairmont likewise
has not . raised its rate.
War to Be Waged
Upon Smut Evil
While the crops are growing. "Far
mer" C. I Smith of the O-W. R. & N.
company Is planning to start out over
the. company lines In Washington, Ida
ho and "Oregon to see what can be done
to stamp out the smut evil In wheat.
Incidentally, he will demonstrate gear
era! agricultural methods, dairying,
hog raising and general diversified
farming. ";,'' -l
His itinerary has been made up only
f0r Washington and Idaho and which
states, he will visit first. Plans for
the Oregon lines wlU be worked out
later. It probable, that he win be
accompanied by the j agricultural ex
perts from Pullman college and the
federal agricultural agent.
Hia first stop will be made at Oakes
dale. Wash., June 14 and his Itinerary
Is complete up to July 5, when he will
be at Lewiston. I .
City of Chicago Enjoined.
Chicago, Ills., Junei 6y(I. N. S.)
By court order the city of Chicago to
day was enjoined from Interfering
with the film production "Birth of the
Nation." - I f
Kecommendajions of tHe Taxpayers' Leagus
CITy"ELECTION, JUNE 7lli, 1915. . ,
In accordance with its custom, of many Tears, the Taxpayers' league
has carefully considered the measures on the ballot at this election, and
presents herewith its recommendation to voters. j; s ! - .j,
I wins CBTa5. ' 100-101. An or
dinance authorising the purchase -of
6000 witer meters. Water should be
paid for by the user, according to the
amount used,' This natter has b'ien
considered by the League on three oc
casions. and 1 he - League has always
reEolved In favor of the meter sys
tem. Those In charge of the water de
partment, including! the chief en
gineer, who has had22 years' exper
ience In the department, believe this
measure necessary and expedient.
The amount required ; to purchase nd
install these meters will not exceed
$40,000." and will be paid from water
revenues. Constant i enlargement ' of
mains made necessar. by waste of
water muet be paid for by bond Is
sues, thus. Increasing fixed charges
and making reductions In rates impos
sible Ue of water will not be cur
tailed. Waste will be. The measure
promotes private thrift and economy
in public affairs. '
Voters are advised to vote Tes.H
ordinance prohibiting the opening of
shops, stores and groceries on Sun
days. This has nothing to .do with
taxation. It fa a simple question
which Is well understood and the
League does not feel that a recom
mendation from it 1s, necessary.
Ho reoontinendatle. " :
Cmi SXatVlCJ i r-sVMBirXlCBWT.
104-105-A charter amendment relat
ing to reappointment in the classified
civil service. Corrects an error in the
present charter by providing thar the
fast man .discharged shall ! the first
reinstated, and accordingly gives P ref
er e nee to the more- ableyemjloys and
those who have a longer record of ser
vice with the city. j X
Voters are advised 9 vote "Yes.
" j ' " ' 1 i ' '"- 't'-'
TXOJi 10S-107 -This provides, am on a
other things, for the free collection uf
garbage, . and entails an expense of
probably $150,000 a jyearr necesnttst
Ing also a new-site and the building
of a new Incinerator. ' This is a large
addlt'lons! expense which. Is not neces
sary at' present. '!
Voter are advised te vote
sivxicnrATxosr or oab cxoss.
XX OB 108-109. A charter amendment
tc provide In one proceeding for the
elimination of grade crossings on twp
or' more streets. The cHy should pos
sess thi power. " It, would reduce x
pennes - by permitting the proceedings
for several street crossings on . the
same railroad to be Joined, in one pro
ceeding. - - ' - -
-VrUr are advised to vote Tfeg.'
--T.' i
rotrn MAjrAOzravrrarr. 110-111
A" charter amendment authorizing te
Steamers for Carrying of Re
cent Lumber Order Given
by Admiralty. ;
J: ::.V'--y j "r '
rir Cargoes Will Mors to ioadon, ort
XTsUoa and ew York j Nlarara '" -
ta 7rom Australia.
' !! ,...!'''.'"
Vancouver, B. C., June 6. (I. N. S.)
Bound for New York by way of the
Panama canal, the British steamer
Rolton Castle, which came here from
the far east to replenish her bunkers
at Comox, passed out to sea yesterday
from the Vancouver Island coal port.
., The American steamer Kenton, laden
with a cargo of steel' and general mer
chandise,, was scheduled to leave New
York on Wednesday for Vancouver via
the Panama canal. Bhe Is expected to
arrival her tawanl tha lntti nart rt f
' tne present month. :
In the Dominion service the. British
Bbvckmci xjvuivy Ljuue io arrive
at Victoria from Halifax on Tuesday
next for orders, and will shift from
this port to the Fraser river to take on
a fulf cargo of lumber for the construc
tion of terminals at Port Nelson, the
terminal of the Hudson Bay railway.
The lumber will be ; shipped at the
Fraser river mills.
Tne steamer Spectator has been sub
stituted for the Chancellor to take the
July sailing from the United Kingdom
for this port, according to. advices de
ceived from the Harrison line, and she
is scheduled to Clear on July 10 from
London. The steamer Crown of Seville
will precede the Spectator, sailing from
London probably on June 10; ,V
British steamer Trevlne, now on gov
ernment service, is dally expected at
Esquimault. She will-report at the
naval station . before- going . to Che-
malnus and coming to Vancouver to
load .the first of the 10.000,000 feet
lumber order for the admiralty. She
in now on thai Tai!flf! rnaat at an un.
known, or, gather, unpublished port. '
A full cargo Is awaiting shipment on
day and will nail next week for Aus
tralia. The cargo Includes automobiles,
sewing ' machines, cash ' registers,
canned salmon, wagon wheels and fruit.
The British steamer Wellington has
been , chartered to carry lumber from
Genoa Bay, B. C, to New. York. - She Is
at Victoria, and will load at once.
'., ;,..,..':,' , .., ' ;
. Bsdo Maru Arrives. .
' The Japanese steamer Had Maru
will, arrive here tomorrow from Yoko
hama with 4000 tons of freight and
46 passengers. She passed lit at Cape
Flattery this morning and proceeded
to Victoria to discharge 800 ton.
Portland Park Band
Will Give Concert
Next Thursday night the Portland
Park band will play a special concert
at Peninsula park, the program be
ginning promptly at .7 :30 o'clock and
opening with a march "Rose Festival."
composed by the conductor, W. K. Ms
Elroy. Then will follow "Morning-,
Noon and Night," (Suppe); waits, "Un
requited - Love," (Lincke); selections
from "The Firefly.' (Friml);. medley,
"Itemick's Hits," (Lamps); duet for
cornet - and baritone. Berceuse frqm
"Jocelyn." fOodard); suite, "Ameri
cana," tThurban), "Star Spangled Ban
ner." . ' ..",.; ,' -v " ' ; ' :
By L. Goldsmith, Secretary. -s
pouna worn o oe conirscua uui avu
delegating to the contractor -rie;esary
police power. The conduct of the
found Is a proper municipal function.
the pound Is not being properly con
ducted now, such Improvements ss
are necessary should be adopted. The
sble only on a strong showing of neces
sity. No necessity appears for dele
gating this work to private parties.
Voters are advised to vote- "So," '
"JITaJSxa. lia-113. An , ordlnne
licensing and regulating the operation
of "Jitneys." Some regulation of puu
llo carriers Is essential. It is .milder
and less restrictive than most. lt will
mean a 'great .Improvement jon the
present trafflo conditions. Being an
ordinance, defects which -appear can
easily be corrected ly the. council.
Voters are advised to vote "J
BOMDXirO ACT CSAV0X9.' 114-115,
-This amendment reduces the mini
mum that -may be bonded to $S. pro
vides for a better metltod of sale on
delinquency ; and for semiannual in
terest payments, to enable the city to
meet the semi-annual Interest on its
bonds. At present a lartfe amount of
money " must be advanced from the
general fund to carry, delinquent and
deferred payments due from property
owners. This would 'help correct that
expensive defect, ' ' -
ratsatzH'S narsiow tvvtj. n-
117 I'his . provides for a contribution
from temporary firemen to the pen
sion fund. It also extends relief from
that., fund' to two disabled, firemen
whose injuries were received shortly
before the law became effective. Tin
1 entirely equitable and Just.
Voters are advised to vote "Tea."
Hots WAZ.X.S. 118-11S. A charter
amendment authorizing- condemnation
of land for the erection of fire stopa,
nd assessment of the cost' against the
rtoperty benefited. Recent destruc
tive dock fires have made need -for
fire stops particularly apparent. The
measure seems well designed and the
property, benefited should stand the
expense. . .
Votsrg are advised to vote "Yes."
measure to Include- SU Johns In the
city of Portland. Ct. Johns has as.
ets t; offset its Obligations. Geo
graphically it fits In. Its proportion of
taxes na id will meet its share of the
city expense... It is a proper extension
of the ity. ' ; ,
Voters are advised to vote Tts."
Is an inopoorttine time.
Voters are advised to vet TTo.
i -