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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1915)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL," PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 6, 191ft 11 61 -- (Continued) Xn the 6wU Part of ' ROSE CITT PARK I'. and only - - $2800.' Brand new 5 rooms and attic, fur nace, shades, fixture. - hardwood door a, built-in 'buffet, shower bath, biff light kitchen; SO foot lot. florlous view, doors open today. Go see t. 1415 Wistaria ave., get off R.-C-car at 54th St., go north to Wistaria. Sd house west from 64th, faces south. Terms f 40ft cash,-balance $26, include lng all Interest, per month. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. . - 'Lofc'lS0xi00 Feet. " ' PARKROflE 3 block to - car. 14 mail fruit trees, nice fir trees, lots of rosea, sidewalks, water, electric lights, telephone, good chicken house, 6 fine rooms, dandy arrangement, good bath, basement - With -" cement floor,; good kitchen, modern laundry, tray tinder drain board, fireplace, paneled dining roonv 'dandy - front and side porch. Wilt make terms of $200 down and $35 per month tshtil paid,. Phone Tabor 65?. 3. ' Special By owner., corner ' lot with new 7 mwsle room and full cement basement with furnace, shades, fixtures, lawn I seeded, oak floors in living room, din-' ins; room and music room; balance of j noora mapie. t ma Dungaiow win stand the closest inspection. If look ing for a bargain see this at once., cor. E. 46th N. and Siskiyou. , Beaumont car. Owner next door. Phone Ta bor BB4. We, will build in any : . part or city HOMES Coating from 12000 to $23,000. Also apart ments and flats. We have money to loan. ?11 and see plans. W F. BOWMAN - i.- A CO.. Commercial Club -bid?. - BEAUTIFUL -BUNGALOW. Large rooms, sleeping porch, attic and - breakfast room; large basement, furnace, firenlace. fixtures and shades. built in. conveniences, hardwood floors, ) double plated mirror doors; beautiful location; finest and most complete in Rose City Park. 630 K. 68th at, N., 1 block from car. Price $3500; terms. Main 6456. East $461. -A1EAL Brnmrn i4 rooms".' plastered house, nice par-? dn. Price only $540. Terms, $350 j cash, balance $5 per month. This is a snap. Williams Realty Co., Grays i Crossing. Take Mt. Scott car. Phone Tabor 493. $2000 .. $2000 : Beat buy in Portland. New five rooms, bath, sleeping porch, floored attic, ement basement, street im provements paid; insured for three years;, electric . fixtures, hardwooii floors; Hawthorne district: muet aeil this week; terms. D-4 53, Journal A DANDY new 5 room bungalow, oak floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, all kinds built-in work; small payment down, bai. like rrfnt, Hawthorne car to 60th and Di vision, wesC to 58th, south to 261J. Owner. Best Buy in Portland - i Two .houses on lot ,50x100, block from baseball park, fine location for f1t T-a-fttuuH tttrtftA fuwH Ur-if day $3,760;. tirms. Call 1010 Yeon j HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $2150. New 5 looms, full basement, shades and fixtures. A Real Bargain. I Karnopp. Ky. Exch. bldg. $700 SACRIFICE. ' $1800, 5 room bungalow, double con-; traction. Dutch kitchen, full base-1 hnentjwith ' concrete floor, Lot 60x ! $500 down, jisoo mortgage, ic ocv uuiiaiunr: j uaok u low IPhone B-127&. N-8T7," Journal. : BIG BARGAIN Modern 5 room bun galow, 60 by 140 lot, lawn, roses, fruit and shade trees, garden, berries, j henhouse and yard; payment down, j Muuice fi tx uiuiiiri, luciuuing inter est- wose city car to estn, go z biKs. south, 1 east. FIRLAND STATION. Dear little cozy home nestled in aj grove tn 724- boulevard, 100 ft. front, ' iraaueed to issou for quick sale, c Uiewey, 269 Stark st. near 4th. at GET OUR "HOMK" BOOh.Ui'1'. Tells how we can build "guaranteed" home en your lot or ours. Save you big money. You pay like rent THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS. 1330 Northwestern Bank bids. IF you wish a beautiful 6 room bunga low exceptionally well arranged and finished throughout call at lu20 Ore gon su, Laurelhurst; just completed. Don't pass this up. Phone owner. twoodiawn 2151. I , FOR SALE BY OWNER. I Best house in city for least money; w room bungalow, new and up to date; jin Piedmont. 1197:Haisht ave. Phone fWoodl awn 702. . VCANS" $6 PLANS $5 LET US PLAN YOUR BUNGALOW. LET US BUILD YOU A BUNGALOW, EASY TERMS.' PAY LIKE KENT iH. A. WILLIAMS. 6B9 McKAYBLDG. irAKE'gt. Johns car to 1480 Knowles at. Or phone WQOdlawn 412S for par ticulars of this fine house for sale, ex- jhanae or rant; no agents. A. A. Lar- rabee, FERY attractive bungalow in Rose City.' five rooms and sleenlna norch. i.lli modern built in effects. J Bargain riee en small payments, '678 East Jisty-third north. Fhone C-2293, ffiVE room bungalow la Rose City Park district Price $2400; $200 Uowni fireplace, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, cement basement and our ret. ynone owner, xaoor cao. BNAP iiiao : 5 room modern bunea I low. 68th st. S. E. White enameled. puteh kitchen, electric fixtures, large l:orner lot, basement. Take lot as first ayment. owner. Tabor oOSO. IDEAL home on beautiful wooded I bluff overlooking Columbia) river at iSti Helens, Or. ; house new.' modern. ite pnoro, a vomcii disc, mam BZB5 1 -t J- L ' J' I in Jin i it i i f tfOUSEBGATLiva on the river; vo taxes, no street Improvements:'- no mti iu Duy. 's-usi oio, sen i or ztau. upt tj. a 1 1 g mgmmiMu ryqu, near ierry. FOR SALE 4 room modern cottage, I trees, roses efid walks; terms rea sonable this will pay to investigattb. K-413. Journal. i f4UST sacrifice hew strictly modern I room bungalow m restricted dis L -i a 1 .T . ti - A A at A a n rict. value $3o00. for $2600. Owner. rI .--Wnnlavn Kilt C- v SACRIFICE SALE. " Leaving city; must sell my splendid ere home at once, fine orcb-ard. mod ern TQomt bungalow. F-669, Journal. 5 ROOM modern bungalow, corner lot, 12 blocks ear, 80 minutes' out; only I00, terms. Phone East 5823. klOO DOWN New bungalow, large let. I I rblock north Hawthorne at 42nd. It. raoor bozs. 3500 EQUITY in SS500 I Tabor residence at bargain or trade for small residence. Marehall 4194. FOR SALE Nice 8 room house. Im- -proved 43x200: Fruit trees. Easy frerms -Owner. Phone Tabor 726 CCRE of. ground and 4 room cottage, 30 minutes out; only $750, terms. R- i.Bifiivui"ai. x? T e t it i j L..1 .'. . mium.Lt ixwurwe, large .lot. - rine .lawn and shade, school and car close. -faov,- teriu, ; - van vvpoaiawn 1591.. .vVANT ash for my equity in 2 flats, I always rented, good residence loca-tlon;-no agents. " Tabor 1523. FOR SALE 3 room cottage, $7C0; $-00 ( cash, balance- $5 per month. " 646 fiignianq. wopqiawn 3S09. iM ALL house and lot for sale; must eeiKjrmwg east, T37 E. 77th st. N. 5EAUTIFCL new modem 5 room bun galow cheap; cash, or terms. Ta. 1404. ron SATE-iHorsrs, ! FOR SALEHOUSES - 61 l Continued) (BiTIWMK ttUKGAUOW I ALL' Fireplace, full cement -Basement, large attic I Ait 50x100. Beautiful buffet. Pane dining room, hardwood floors. booKcaKes. seats. furnace, fixtures, I linoleums .and -sbaoeg, Houm la Just , completed. Cpme out to 664 Kant 6 1st i wt. N. or phone Tabor 680. j N. O. EKLUND, l , Owner and Builder. ; 111 Cast fllst st. N. ' I own some 20 jots In Rose City 1 Park, Irvingtori and , Laurelhurst, ou ', which I will build to suit tenant. JUMP AT THIS CHANCE. IT'S A RARE OPPORTUNITY, Five rooms of solid comfort and con venience in these two brand new five district. $10 1 price of bungalow, i No. 1388 E. Sherman St.. and $2160 fori one, ino. i3Si is. urant St., near East 60th. ' A few dollars down, then $25 per month, including int., will buy them. Fireplace; oak floors, built in bookcases and buffet; beaming and paneling; fine porcelain plumbing; dutch kitchen has cooler; Ironing board, woodlift, etc. Cement basement has laundry trays. All interior decorations and finish harmonious and beautiful. Houses open 1:80 to 6 p. n. today. Take Hawthorne ave. ear or jitney to E. 60th, and walk south to Grant St., or take Mt Scott car to E. Sherman, PORTLAND REALTY & TRUST CO.. 214 Ry. Exch. Bldg. (Owner) Main 2129. mmrouND -wieiusbts MAKE ME AN OFFER AS IT . STANDS for my house and lot at . 699 Ford Street drive (just across Jefferson i Street bridge), which was damaged by 1 fire. House can be "repaired cheaply as au xounoations, lire places ana three walls are in fine shape. Am leaving town. Will accept best offer made by Saturday, June 12, at 6 p. m. Call of write W, F. Scott, Carlton notei, city. A Big Bargain Just completed, modern ,6 room House, iiaruwoua iioors, sleeping; porcn, full 7 ft. concrete basement with ce ment floor, electric fixtures, beamed ceiling;, fireplace, built-in bookcases and buffet; Dutch kitchen, built-in ef fects, paneled dining- room; bedrooms, kitchen and bath in white enamel. Elegantly finished and painted. Must be seen .to be appreciated. Deal direct with owner. Key at 809 Patton ave, in Overlook. Phone Woodlawn 3252. Special By owner, corner lot with new , 7 room bungalow, has breakfast room, music room and full cement basement with furnace, shades, fixtures, lawn seeded, oak floors in living room, din ing room and musio room; balance of floors, maple. This bungalow will stand the. closest inspection. If look ing for a bargain see this' at once; cor. E. 45th N. and Siskiyou, Beaumont oar; owner next door. Phone Tabor 8994. ; ; MUST sell my beautiful mw Home at I43i AiDina, l diock nortn or mn. sula Park. 6 rooms, sleeping porch, bath, den, sewing room, breakfast ; room, reception hall, cement base ment, hard wood floors, electric fix-; turesj shades, every built-in con-! venience, paved street, beautiful view. : Any reasonable down payment, bal ance terms. See me at 128 Albina. j -Bring deposit. No agents. $750 Small house, extra large corner lot, 55x100 feet. Small payment down, bal ance on easy terms. Take Rose City Park car to 72d st, . See Austin, Gregory Investment Company. $1350W6st Side Modern 3 room home, electric lignts, city water, fine view, 17 minutes from heart of city. Take S. P. elec tric to Doljes etation. Man on prop erty Sunday-; easv terms. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, 212 Selling Brag. SIX room house, lot 60x100; full ce ment basement, furnace, 2 toilets, bath. Dutch kitchen; house cost $3500; now for sale at $2100; small payment down, eav terms. KIMBALL & READEN. 207 Railway Exchange Building, Main 4297. INSTEAD o$ hunting all over and then having to come to us after all, save yourself the trouble and let us show yoi the greatest bargains in Rose City Park from $2500 to $5000. on easy terms. -Realty Dept. of HARTMAN & THOMPSON 4tn ana stark. " BIGGEST SNAP YET. 5 rooms and floored attic, built for home, all built-lns. beamed ceilings, fireplace, large porches, basement with trays, large lot, restricted district, near car. Get busy. Price $1500, terms. Apple, 823 Henry bldg. WHY pay rent when we will build you a 3 room bungalow with a beautiful view tract, 75x100, on the West Side, 15 min car ride, 6c fare,- city water, for $350; $100 down, $10 a month. The best value In Portland. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett Bldg. N Extra Valge Extra Value Fine bungalow of 7 rooms, $2200, $20 per month. Hawthorne ave, car line. ILA. Williams, 609 McKay Diog. jvjarsnaii auu, WEST SLOPE MOUNT TABOR. A 6 room modern bungalow, in fine re&idence district, close to two car lines: worth $3600, but will . sacrifice for $2800. J. B. Ruley Co., 828 Gham ber of Commerce. MODERN 7 room house near carline. full basement, lot 50x100, in Wood stock; worth $3500; will sell for $2000 if taken at once; $1600 cash handles it. See Geo. C. Watson. 58th ave. and 41st nt. S. E. Real estate office. HAWTHORNE LOT. Second mortgage privilege. Pric 11050. RITTER. LOWE & DE FOREST. 205-207 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE cheap New, modern six room bungalow, free of incum brance.. Will take lot or smaller house In good location as first payment. Ow ner. 1770 Sandy blvd. STRICTLY modern 6 room house, close to ear; take lot, auto truck or piano as part payment; give terms; $3600. Rooms 801-2 Lumber Ex change, 8d and Stark. , ; MODERN 7 room house, lot 80x1067 near Arleta school, 1H blocks to car. $700 below cost- Best buy la city, COMPLETELY furnished 4 room house, improved lot, block of sta tion, u if, wr, tiegins, iirmi. Main 3741. loOxlOO with ' 3 room bungalow and sleeping porcn; wonaertui view; only $650, $100 cash, $10 per month. 705 xsortnwestern -Panic oiag. HALF acre, fruit, garden cow, 5 room bungalow nearly finished. Bargain. See it. . Terms to right party. 70S iufinweetern cam Diog FOR SALE,- a small bouse and lot, close In; near oarline. $1100 cash. uan mm 009. FOR bargains in modern homes n easy, terms. , See M. J. Mahony, also iane cieor mis. laoor eoss. $1150 FOR 60x100 lot, 6 room house. t. vv ill give warranty 5 deed and ab Ptract. L.' W. Miller. 456 Lexington v. FOR SALE. 56 room modern bungalow, by owre-. Woodlawn 800; v F1VE room 'house, lot and furniture! , $2199; terme. ,664-Vancouver ave. . COfitlRiLJETE FOB FOB SALE HOUSES - - 61 fContlnned)' ' ' ' 1 .. HAWTHM .. DISTRICT TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED- TO ' - " . SUIT." , 7- E&ST -43D ST. Sewers, Hard Surface and ; -Walks All in and Included in Price Double Constructed Through out JUST COMPLETED, NEW s AND STRICTLY MODERN 6 ROOM BUN GALOW, HARDWOOD FLOORS, SLEEPING PORCH, FULL-FLOORED ATTIC, BEAMED CEILING, DUTCH KITCHEN, PANELED DINING ROOM. ELECTRIC FIXTURES, FULL" 7 FT. CONCRETE BASEMENT WITH CEMENT FLOOR. BATHROOM, BED ROOMS AND KITCHEN ALL, IN WHITE ENAMEL. BUILT-IN EF S ECTS, WOODLIFT, LIGHT AND AIRY ROOMS. BEST PLAN YOU EVE R SAW.; BETWEEN HAW THORNE AND RICHMOND -CAR-LI N E S. NICE NEIGHBORHOOD. SCHOOL AND STORES CLOSE ' BY. TAKE HAWTHORNE CAR TO 43D. THEN GO SOUTH TO 427, OR TAKE JITNEY TO 43D AND DIVISION. OWNER THERE 11 TO 5 DAILY TILL SOLD, OR.PHONB EAST 6465 AFTikR 5;30 P. M, FOR APPOINTMENT. NOTICE DO YOU REALIZE THAT THE STREET - WORK BEING ALL PAID YOU HAVE NO FUTURE FOR SALE AT BARGAIN. New 6 room 2 atory house, built for my home with all modern conven iences, built in effects, full concrete basement, electric fixtures, gas and electricity Installed. - - COSTS. Lot , '..$1200 Construction of house .... 2200 Electric fixtures 40 Screen doors and windows 35 Inlaid linoleum B. R. and klt'n.. . 4J Carpet for stairs and hall 80 Duplex shades on all windows . . 22 50 rose bushes and young .fruit. 35 $3602 SALE $3000. Must sell at once so offer all in cluded in above , list for $2000. Will accept small cash payment and balance on easy terms. Phone owner, Tabor 5844 and save agent's fees. Rose City Park Modem 5 room bungalow. Oak floors. Buffet and bookcases. Light tixtures and shades. Full mirror doors.' Wardrobe and linen closets. Furnace, water heater connected; screened porch. - Lot 50x100. Hardsurfaced street. Two blocks from carllne. This is a good buy for any one , looking for a home. Will deduct the price of furnace If same is not desired. Phone Tabor. 2769. t'O XI SALE LOTS 16 FOR SALE ORTRADE forfurnU ture, lot 50x100 feet. Price $573. All fenced in, ground all planted with fruit treeSj strawberries, celery, po tatoes and other vegetables, etc.; chicken coop and yard all fenced in; 2 room cottage and bad; fine place for bachelor, lady or gentleman. Mt. Hood -car to station, then north over O. R. 6i N. track. Hazeldell addition. 2156 Clackamaa St. Owner on the place. FOR SALE 2 lots 30x113 feet each. in Erie county, N. Y. state, 1 miles from Depew depot, electric railway from Buffalo to Lancaster and Depew, 200 feet from lots, fare to Niagara Falls and return 70 cents. Taxes all paid and clear abstract. $300 cash. James Smith, 1890 Wayland street. ortiano, or, REED COLLEGE district. 100x100. fine grova of trees, lawn, fine gar den, plenty berries, chicken bouse anl park, all fenced, 3 Dlocks from College boulevard, walking distance to college. Paved streets to corner of lot. This will make beautiful home and sell cheap for cash or terms. Sellwood 2358. 13 LOTS PORTLAND HEIGHTS $500(1 16 minutes out, splendid trees, bond ed assessments, $2975; owner refused to consider $104000 4 years ago, and is now in California, and needs the tponey. -J"BEP W. GERMAN CO. 914 Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY PARK, N. E. CORNER 46TH AND WISTERIA. LOT 12, BLOCK 19. Easy 2d mtg. ; terms; nice fir trees, good location, being about 3 blks N. of carllne. Go see R- A. II. Hickman. raoor 5538. WE have 2 good corner lota In West moreland, which have cost the owner over $1800 oasn, which he will sell for $700, or will sell either lot for $350. Yes, will trade for auto. E. . Cook & Co.. 605 Corbett bldg. MUST SELL 4 LOTS Best beach on the western coast. If taken at once; price ranges $35 per lot to $260. If you have $10 I can turn you over a contract. X-997, Journal. ALAMEDA "PARK LOT. Only 2 blocks from car; evel lot, surrounded by fine bouses. Will eac? rlfice for $700 cash. J. B, Reiley Co.. ezs gnamoer x commerce. MUST SELL "50x100 level lot, clear, on improved St., JN. w. slope ml Tabor, Make me a cash offer. T-914, Journal. 50X100 FEET. 11 blocks east of Alta mead carllne; 6 bAooks south of Russellville school; $160; terms. N 4 54. Journal. , TWO beautiful view lots. 20 minute ride, west side, best of soil; no roclu. Only $375, $25 cash, $5 per mo. 705 Northwestern Bank bldg. $300 FOR ?600 lot. good. location, fir ' trees, near car and new Franklin high school; nothing against it. Phone owner, xapor 84Z EASTMORELAND lot. value $1250. to settle an estate . will sell $850 equity for $600 cash. Inquire N-262, journal. $1200 Fine view lot, west slope Mt. Tabor, 62xl60,- frontage north on Stark and south on Scott ave. - A J. Farmer, 407 Stock Exchange. SALE, cheap, or will trade 2 view lots on Council Crest. Tabor 3?S1. BEST lot it Rockaway Beach and some cash1 to exchange for auto or acreage. After 5 f. 2a.. woodlawn 2459 $50 CASH, no more, will buy 10 tots valued by county- assessor at $20 eacn; gcxwl title; PreKe. Q-436, journaL CHEAPEST lot in Portland, 60x100, near 81st and Mill, $185, all cash. m-6 , journal. BUILD YOUR OWN HOME HERE $0 xlOO, Improvements in, E 36th st. $1100, terms. East 5823. TWO lots, all- improved. Rose City park. Reasonable tar cash. J-882, Journal. TWO good lots for sale at a sacri fice. W. A. Thompson. 317 Tourney Piqg., znq ana iiyior. SOME ; beautiful lota In the beautiful Tremont district. $5 down, $9 month. Tremont Realty Co., Tabor 8QZ9 FOR SALE Loi1 at a sacrifice, terri ble sacrifice. Apply at 1068 E. Alder. $500 EQUITY la three lots for sale or traoe. wbh nave your? xaoor 4235. OSWEGO LAKE shore lot at a br- gain, w-859, journaL' - BEACH FROERTY FOB SAUS oTNNOjf BEACH lot, 60xlOoT$2S- $20 cash: $5r monthly; rfo interest; no taxea ; 820 Chamber xf Comtneree. Owner. East 3607. -S--- . LOTS Menton .and -Tioga - station. 111 1 ' j. w'i -. 1 T uong jseacn, wasn., five, wail Ast 6038 or 423 Eugene w - i. ' 5T RICH, DEEP SOIL. -- Land within - 6 to 12 miles from Aberdeen and Iloquiam, two prosper ous cities, can be bought at $15 to $40 per, acre, on easy terms; the soil is free from rocks and gravel and pro duces enormous crops, - with unlimited market right here on GRAYS HAR BOR; there are many settlers, schools, stores on the land now; . no " underbrush;- many streams of water running through land; we are owners, conse quently you deal direct with lis; no sandy or swampy soil here. For fur? ther Information write at once. WASHINGTON STATE COLONIZA- - -r T ION, CO., ABERDEEN, WASH. - at Station Good House, 13-4 Acres $2200; $500 cash. All chicken fenced, chicken houses, barn, and other build ings.;. Small fruit, berries and young orchard; garden, eto. Every foot In cultivation. Land joins station, Oregon Electric, lie fare. An unusualy attractive place and the very place for - a man who works in city. J. G. RAINEY. 904 Yeon Bldg. Marshall 3177. O V w $10 down and $5 s month buys 5 acres Jogged off land, between Port land and Centralis, on main line of 3 railroads, 1 miles from town of 800 population; sawmills, shingle mills, and other , Industries. Some of these tracts are' partly cleared and 'have a spring or rnnning stream on them. Price from $35 to $75 per acre. Many tracts of different sizes to choose from. Good soil. Ilea well, fine loca tion, perfect title. BELL REAL ESTATE CO., 318 Railway Exchange, rr i t" T.-a Lents Snap 10 Acres $1650 2H miles S. E. of Lents on .Mt. Scott. Practically all level, no gravel; lays good, south and east exposure. Timber will help pay for clearing. Land in this section sells $500 per acre but must sacrifice this. $400 cash; no trade. J. G. RAINEY. 904 Yeon bldg. Marshall 3177. 3-18 ACRES of elegant suburban home property all in cultivation and fine view property, has the be?t of -water, good house small barn, fine fruit, five minute walk of electric line 3 miles east Of Milwaukie. Price $2400; will take one or two lota located near Milwaukie as first payment. Milwau kie & Suburban Realty Co., Milwaukie, Oregon. 10 or more acres of fine, level ground, good soil, no rock or gravel, on county road, close to school; this round will grow anything that can ts grown in this climate. Price $30 per acre, $5 per acre cash. Will give terms on balance that- any industrious man can meet. No Interest, F. L. Gordon, Clatskanie; Or. - ACREAGE HOME SACRIFICED. 10 acres, practically all cultivated. Good 7 room house, good outbuildings, orchard, spring creek, station on elec tric line almost at door, 1 hour's ride from. Portland-Gresham district. Price $3500. Terms and details at 303 Stock Exchange bldg. Marshall 2832, 45 Acres,. 8 Miles From City All in cultivation on fine road, 35 acres, fine for onions, celery, cabbage; anything in the garden line. Will take $3000 worth city property freo from incumbrance and little cash as first payment. Price $250 ier acre. Own terms on balance. 411 Henry Bldg. 5 ACRES. A REAL BARGAIN, 11 miles from Morrison st. bridge, absolutely choice land, right on rock road, only $250 per acre; will take 20ct down and balance to suit you. This offer is unequaled. OWNER, 406 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG, . THIS IS A SNAP. WTe have 10 acres, 12 mites west of Portland, on Red Electric, all in cul tivation, with all rural conveniences, at a prtce or quick sale that will In terest you. , HOSTETLER A ANDERSON, 725 Chamber of Commerce. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port land; Gresham district, electrlo sta tion hi mile. New subdivision. Sun shine valley orchard tracts; best soil, frea wood; elegant location. Prices only $75 to $150 per acre in small tracts; easy terms. Frank McFarland Realty Co., 809 Yeon bid.. Portland. Or. "" "GlLf EDGE INVESTMENT - Your expenses paid if you do not find it a genuine bargain, 9 acres t Aloha station, only 12 miles out; all cleared, finest soil, good well; price $2500; terms. Lueddernamv Co., 913 Chamber of Commerce. OSWEGO LAKE RIGHT AT STATION Acre tract, fine gsvve of trees, boat ing, fishing, bathing, commuters fare; an exceptional buy. S-63S, Jour- nal. " THE wise man will invest in one or more of our small beautiful home sites Just outside city limits, on own terms, save city taxes, ete. Let us help you get a start. R. W. Cary. 826 Elec tric bldg. WILL sell 6 acres near Multnomah station, on straight monthly pay ments, or will take, good city lot as part payments all in cultivation; price $1780. Smith-Wagoner Co.. Stock Ex change; FARM FOR ACREAGE. 20 acre improved farm in Clarke county, $5000, to trade for 3 or 4 acres, well improved, and close In. Hostetler & Anderson. 725 Chamber of Commerce. STOP that rent and buy a half-acre tract in city . limits, level, cleared. Bull Run water, gas. 60 carfare: $10 down, $5 per saonth. Whltmer-Kelly Co.. 711 FlttOCK diock. HERE'S your chance. 12 beautiful acres cheap; my equity $362, bal ance $434 at $10 per month; 2 springs within 3 miles; 9 sawmills. E-671, Journal. 10 ACRES at bargain, close in, near Mt Scott electrlo and Base Line; high and sightly; small house, well, fruit trees, eto. Owner, X-SttS. Jour nal. . , 13 ACRES rich bottom land, M mile of electric line, 1 hours from Port land; $140 an acre. Some terms. Mrs. IX. k. laugniin, xamnni, or., owner. 5., ACRES in high state of cultivation, between O, E. and 6. P. electric line. All plowed and ready to plant. Phone Main 6846. ; . ; TEN acres good soil, half mile to elec trio car, only 20 miles out, in Tuala tin valley, $100 to $125 per acre; terms. Write owner, K-816. Journal. BARGAIN 2 V acres in cultivation, with house, near Vancouver, Wash. Cash or terms. McDonald, 403 Swet land bldg. 3 ACRES near Troutdale on splendid road, fine soil, all improved, old house, fair barn, $1000 if taken quick. u-4o. journal. WILL sell or trade 76 acres of TuaJa- - tin valley land 16 mites west of city for city property. Call, Monday. Woodlawn 684.- - -;- - TEN acres orchard, near The Dalles. Or. 6-year-old apple trees. Part cash and - trade. 115 Washington st Vancouver, t Wash. The owner. CRANBERRY ACRE Select,-minutely mnrovd. nnincumbcred : distressing illness forces sacrifice. Owner, 533 : Alberta. Woodlawn 1786. 20 ACRES. CowliU county, for $1000; little down; balance easy. No trades. 8-658. Journal. 240 ACRES, good soil, ,6,000,tl00 ft. timber, 35 mllea out, " near R. R. Prtce $8200. Tabor 4767. 8 ACRES choicest soil, mile east-Milwaukie; cheapest in neighborhood. Owner. L-825. Journal. - -- , SUBURBAN ACREAGE 76 BEAUTIFUL river frontage property ,t RrUrvnM ltlnn R r 1 . Oswego train on 4th st.), $-6 acre, 4 room house, electric lights, phone, gas, water, -za minutes nae, oc tare; sta tion 506 feet from house; bathing and boating; $3600; terms. Come and see it. C. S. Fryer. ' ----- ACREAGE "70 ' FIVE acres, witha new 8 room mod ern house, and : barn, clote to City limits. West Side. 3 acres cleared. 2 acres In second growth fir, dogwood and maple, fin stream, water piped to house, bath, toilet, etc., on fine automobile road, about 15 min. from Sostoffice. Pries $7000. : This Is eautiful place and the bt buy around ' Portland. W, J. DavU, 605 Corbett Bldg. 8 u acres in Gladstone near carllne, first class beavsrdam land. 6 room house, large barn, good chicken house, well and city water, 40 young ducks, 26 old chickens, 25 young chickens, I cords wood in shed; price $5000, will take part in trade, some cash, balance easy terms. H. N. box, 411, Gladstone, Or. Phone 41 3-R. SUBURBAN home bargain, 1U acres, all in fruits. L834, Journal. FOR SALE F.'OIMS " 17 ?3 acres in culUvation, 2 acres fam K orch&rA, 19 acres has been slashed. 2, million, ft. of fir timber. $0 acres of good tillable land. New i room house, barn, chicken house. 1 mile from electric carllne. School on the prop erty. This is a bargain at $4000, $2000 cash, balance on time. -- L Dillman &. Howland Cor. 8th and Main mt, Oregon City, Or. SACRIFICE for quick sale, 102 aerest a r- balance pasture and timber; 30 ra. from Portland. 3 m. from car. i4 ni from school, church and store, on rural route, cream route, auto stage, telephone, rock road, plenty of run ning water and fruit of all kinda; 18 head of cattle, 10 sheep, 18 hogs, S horses, wagons and all Implements; fJvy-, For Particulars- write CHEAPRB than n 1. . mt . - acres, house, wood house, large barn Vii -i -fy' Prin' 12 acres partly .Iaa3 fllle outrange. If you have 3800 in cash and small Portland prop erty, free of incumbrance, you can. get this, or for all cash very cheap or terms on part. This snap is on account wQ. rtuoe' T- McDermott, Kelso. PARADISF! HTT.T. nivrili TnTTn 20 acres. 14 under culUvaUon, 4 acres bearinsr nnr nrnlio.j a . assorted, apple, cherries, pl'um, peach- I f H 9 aT.a rn ,r ....... . ' .. f . . vw mm ciover, strawberries, pond for ducks f"d ?"? 4 room house, back -build-n. miles from town, $960 cash, balance 3 to 4 years. Fred W. . M....-.1. vn.. jji unamoer or com. and wln oa Texas gulf coast ,'ffi - A benny postcard will bring a once, by paying- $7760. firat monthly payment. Raise strawberries ?a.n,gneftsn an vtables. and makS to $1000 per acre. Two and three crops R ifXf CSu,t Development Co R-1217. No. 115 Broadway, New York! 20 Acre Suburban Home Kll-iundtr cultivation, new 8 room PgLow &OUm? Snd new barn, 1 mile out from Harrisbursvon main linS of H. P. and O. E. R. R.. including ail VZZ?1 Property. Price $5600. Write if-ne? Hr5t' no commission to paj JOHN J, CRAMER. Harrisburr. Or. FARM 20 acres; Just what you are looking for; stock, crop, farming lm- , water; general purpose farm; near s- ' 1 o eiectric trains; you. buy direct from owner: no commission; no trade: have other Interests and must sell. For terms ad dress, EX-673. Journal 1 -SSWfe; "J1 dJnAin roa'J . r f"" irom station. 10 Z110, tram dai2y P thm door 40 nrhZA ' j ' Darn, zamuy orchard, good spring, some stock, team, implements, $90 per acre. Will take r u a property. Magoon Realty Co., Yamhill. Or. yv., iiiiqi vjt. - SALE or trade. 160 aerea, H " vuiu,uuu, in grain. 20 acres ready for the plow, fair 3 room house, barn and outbuildings, family orchard. 5 miles southwest of culver, Jefferson county, Oregon; wa ter piped from Opal springs, inquire ... --..v.v, qi 1 w , W 1 , REAL estate bargains Come to New. berg, the best town in the-valley, and buy a farm on your own terms. ' for, .th rnan with the cash Good electrlo service; best valley In Oregon: some Jtrades: block east of depot. White & Co.. Newberg. Or. " ARE you looking for a stock ranch T I have two of the best places in Oregon at a very attractive price, 1-3 cash, bal. long time, at 4 per cent. If you are looking; for a stock ranch It roffrUrB W.J. Parte. 280 ACRES, WASHINGTON Co! Nea, Buxton, all tillable. This ought te cet your attention; the value is mVi wlu to Investigate thia Price $28 an acre; easy terms. ; JACOB HAAS Gerlinger Bldg. IDEAL FOR COUNTRY HOME"" 25 acres, with all buildings, some bottom land, finest stream,' lovely drive, macadam road, bargain. $2000 HJ!S?Cn.JpopMty- N- M- Ple. 8 ?3 J 1"US 40 ArH-R.aVJiT! "" mpIoved- Stock and crops. Rail road town close. Outrange ifor stock Terms" mIle 'rn Portland. $2500 A. K. HILL. 419' Henry Bldg. WILL sell our farm. 236 acres, very wS3!a!2nfcbU 130 SIeared. 1 miU west Willamette river. 21 miles south from fgerwd. oTrU WnCr- Rotrt gro' dairy Land! ' 500 acres at $70. Buy not without In vestigating this. D. M. Rohrbough, 269 Stark near 4th, at - H Art J MAN & THOMPSON1- FOR SALE 160 acres in Lincoln county. Or., close to railroad station and stores; mile to school: 7 acres cleared; price $1000. H. Snoff, Uma tnia.Or. GENUINE bargain from owner, 18 acres improved, good buildings, crops in. Price less than cost of im provements; part cash. bal. long time. Address P. O. Box 152. Vancouver, Wn. 43 ACRES, stocked, dairy. $3060;"i5 acres on Oregon Electric, dandy $3000; 70 acres near Woodburn, $1500 down- lots of other real bargains. Gill & Dufur. 812 Abington bldg. FOR SALE 4 acres, with" goo3 house, barn, fruit trees, on Oregon City car line, near Courtney sta. ; great bargain; easy terms. Address Emil Tercholke. Sumner, Iowa,, 68 ACRES Va mile west of Elmonica sta., with crop, stock, implements; $12,000; easy terms. Owner, WingTen, oeay.non, ur. jrt. z. 320 ACRE improved grain raneh. 2 miles town, $25 par acre; small pay ment, balance long time. Box 191, Madras, or, FARM for sale, 51 acres, all in cul tivation necessary buildings, spring -rater. 1 miles from Forest Grove. Call Wdln. 1689. FOR SALE at a sacrifioe, five acres of walnuts and cherries coming into bearing this year. I For particulars write, Herman Hansen.' Oneida. Wash. FOR SALE Nearly 3$ acres, 5 miles west of Sherwood and '1 mile west of Middleton; priee $2300 cash. Cbas. Wetxel, Sherwood, Or. . -- FOR '6ALJ3 20 acres, well improved, 12 miles from Portland, in Clark- pn. Wn,; some cash, balance time, R. R. No. 1. Vancouver, Wash.. Box 144 IF you are looking for good buys or ex- cnanges 01 eastern ura. wneat land do not fall to see Keller & Deal. Suite 314. Lumber Ex. bldg.. Portland. Or. 117 acres, . near Oregon City, dairy farm and splendidly stocked; re duced to $20,000; jart exchange. Smith-Wagoner Co.. Stock Exchange. NICE H. K. room with kitchenette. 2nH : floor, flowers, lawn, porches, $12 a montn. ats lgtn st. Marsnaii g7 FOR SALE, by owner. A No. 1 dairy rfJ BtoS.4 Journal CB' 1 terms. KA-4S, journal. - . jyDRSALE or trade forsmaller farm in Clackamas county. 25 acres stock and building. Call 286 Eugene st. ARE you looking for good farm bar gain near Portland? Answer quick. N-S72. Journal, . - SUBURBAN ACREAGE L FOR SALE FARMS , 17 l-t!i- h n - - - -Pttaaa) ' X WILL anil my f iret class chicken t ranch for price, because 1 have ' no one to run it for me. It has l'i acres, a nie spring brook right 'through the center, new 6 room bouse, : bath, sprinar water Dined in the nouso, modern barn, chicken houses, granary, brood bouse, duck house, hog house and all new and modera; water in alt pens: old orchards, garden all in, house furnished, 8 hogs, 168 hens, 17 ducks, and some little chickens, new 350 egg capacity incubator. 70 cords wood, all cut; 2 acres standing timber, the bal ance is all cultivated; enile from station, school and store, 18 miles N. W. of Vancouver on Yacolt Ry.. See J. H. Nash,. 723 Chamber of Commerce, or res. 474 E. 39th at. I will trade for clear Portland residence, good rooming- house or apartments; lots, or oairy stoen ror my rancn. 15 ACRES 3760. 4 acres in cultivation, most all clear, some timber, all good land, no waste land, macadam road V4 mile to tract, part fenced; . $50 down, $50 every six montbs, Yamhill County, 4 ml lee north of Willamina, 39.2 acres IH miles to Amity, Yam hill County, all fine rich bottom land. H in clover, all in cultivation. R. F. I. milk route, and macadam road; fenced; Srice $4500. Small payment down, long ime on balance, -7.86 acres 2 miles to Amity, some clear, some timber, all good rich soil; fine running;, water, $690, $50 down, balance long time, F. E. Sea- chrest, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON - (4th and Stark), ' RIDGEFIELD'S FAMOUS SOIL. 40 acres, stocked, 22 acres in cult. Price $4000: half cash; no trades. - 40 acres. 4 acres cult., 8-miles out, mall and cream route, some buildings; sacrifice for $2800, half cash, ' . 54 acres, stocked, 13 acres cult., 4 Mi miles out on good county road. Price $6000, some trade. 40 acres. 30 cult., stocked. Fine place. Price $5000; terms. 40 acres, stocked; 30 acres cult., 3 miles out on county road. Price $6500. Might take some trade. If you want a farm,N atate . ybur wants. Have some good buy. H. B. APPERSON, t Rldgefleld. Wash. 7 acres in cultivation, 1 acre in tim ber, balance pasture. V at re 1n orchard and berries.' New S room house, barn 20x28, root house, chicken house; 1 cow and some chickens. 3 miles from our or rice, on a good macadamized road. $2300, $700 cash, $600 in trade, bal. long time. Dillman & Howland j Cor gth and Main St. Oregon City, Or. 30 acres in cultivation, 4 acres in orchard, mostly prunes. 70 acres of good tillable land, easily cleared, 6 room house, good spring, 3 miles to electric carllne. Price $4500. $1500 cash, bal. yearly payments. " Dillman & Howland Cor. 8th and Main st., Oregon City. Or. 40 ACRE DAIRY STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. - 1U miles from good town, all lies good and fenced, about half under cul tivation, good house, large : barn, two wells, 2 springs, family orchard, fine team, 6 milk cows, 4 heifers. 1 brood sow. chickens, wagon; hack and every thing needed to run place; price $4760; $800 can stand 10 years at 6; terms on balance. Lueddemann Co., .913 Chamber of Commerce. Tuscon, Arizona, Farms Delightful climate, crops grow ! all the year. 12,000 acres Irrigated land, all in cultivation, divided into 40 acre tracts or less and sold with crop, easy payment plan, '10 cash, balance over 8 years; interest 6. For free literature call or write 724 Chamber of Commerce bldg., Portland. Or. tsnn nnww 11 a. near Hubbard, Or., 26 miles south of Portland; house, barn, chick en house and pig pens; plenty of ber ries and frqit; good soil; no rock or gravel. Price $3000; $$00 down. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO., ! 204 Failing bldg. 1(0 ACRES, 4 miles from McMinnville, 40 acres In cultivation, new 7 room house, new barn, 2 acres family or chard, balanco good pasture and sec ond growth Umber; $100 per Mj.mllk route goes with place: price" $60 per acre; half cash, balance Portland property. Peters, 15 N. 6th st. i60 ACRES, 100 acres in crops, on R. F. D.. 50 acres fine river bottom. good bouse and barn, family orchard, young prune orchard, good spring and well $66 per acre. Will take $1000 cash, the bal. long time at 6 or will take trade. Magoon Realty Co., Yamhill, Or. HOME investment. 24' acres, mile Milwaukie, best auto road; berries and fruit of all kinds; most pictur esque site in Oregon; will sell cheap for cash. Come see It. Phone East 8607. Call 820 Chamber of Commerce, 8 to 10 a. m. A FARM of 120 acres, 88 acres under plow, 30 acres in timber and meadow lands, 2 acres in assorted garden truck, ample water supply, new barn and oth er buildings, 4 miles from modern -city, 8H miles from railroad station. Those Interested address EX-663, JournaL $8600 90 acres, 30 acres under culti vation 7 room, house. 2 barns and outbHiildlngs, good orchard, running water, team; harness and wagon terms to suit, $ per cent; 2 miles from Brush Prairie. Wash. John Staley, owner. 170 ACRES of good land, 3 miles from Yamhill, on good rock road, R. F, D. and telephone; 100 acres in crope, food house, barn and family orchard. 75 per acre. Will take some trade. Magoon Realty Co., yamMH, Or. - 144 acres in Illinois valley, partly im proved, on line of new railroad now building through, best of climate, un limited outside range, price $4000, i by owner, Ij. b, Morrison, Placer, ur. 40 ACRES. 16 acres fine bottom land. V near Carrolls. Wash., $400 cash. Dome quick, j apor o. FOR RENT FARMS 14 A BARGAIN Lease for sale of 9 acre poultry ranch equipped for business, 40 pullets, 60 chicks,' thoroughbred White Leghorns; tools and interest Id cropa; 1 room bouse with bath; pleasantly-situated in city -of Vancouver; lawn and fruit; lease 1 years to run; rent has been paid in advance with privilege of renewal; - all for . $400. Owner leaving U. 8. Address A. E. Baker, route 2, box 34, Fourth Plain ave., Vancouver, wasn. WISHING to leave tow will rent reasonable my acre with good house. Prefer party who. can buy my furni ture, ehiclcena and garden crop. Mr. Neureia, ients junction. FOR SALE or rent, choice 100 acre dairy rancn, 76 acrecrop, 65 acres In corn, only 35' minutes out on. Capital highway, all personal, prdperty for Bmc '1 eee -wner. n. urene, iigarn 40 acres. 35 month, year in advance: 6 acres under cultivation, Wyman, 306 First st. - SMALL farm for rent; stock for sale-; a bargain. 746 Milwaukie st. FARMS WANTED RENT WRBIIY . HAVE several people with clear property to exchange , for farms and will assume if stocked. Keller Deal, suite 314 Lumber Exchange Diog.. f ortianq,-yr. WANTED to hear from owner of good ; farm for sale. Send cash price and description. D, F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn, - ' - 4 - - - .- - : -' WANTED Smalt . place near electric line; state price and-particulars In first letter; must be bargain. Ad dress 3626 E. 49th st. ' f WANTED-r-Improved farm- or stock ranch ; Write full description. Y 399. JournaL- , ' WANTED To hear from owner of farm or fruit ranch for sale, - O.' O. Mavttson, Minneapolie, Minn. - . . - - , 1 FARMS WANTED - RENT OR BUY 1 - fCoBtianed) 88 WANTED To rent a farm 20 acres .up, 15 acres or more In cultivation, withhv 20 miles of Portland; with op tion of buying preferred. X-898.Jour-pal --'( I ' " HOMESTEADS 47 HOMESTEAD. 16 acres. Tillamook ( county! SVs miles for mail and sup plifs; old road to: place, fine soil, fine 1 water, no rock, j some timbers price J&o. :-j .- 1 - -. - - '- 80 acre homestead, Tillamook coun ty, -close elghbofcs, ereek, fine out range ' handv to get to: price $150. i 411 Henry bldg. ! . ;- . -- - - -! MOMlTTSjfDWtta WANTED. " I Have 10 i fine 320 acre homesteads in oldest and successful dry farming f section.; About 80 - miles' from Vale. Good eon and good water. Leave vale with party June 15. Be here on time. Johnson &Tregaskls, Vale. Of. " , 320 ACRE' homesteads located where things grow, location - fee reasona ble.' Information and map sent for $1. Address Drylakej atore, Drylake. Or. 80 ACRK Tillamook homestead, all imaoie, 1 lr-nce - o, . tiatt ; traoe. K-4S6, Journal. DO you want a $10,Ooa 7 timber claim for. $1007 "See Farrin,- room 214 Palace hot-el, bet. 9 and 12,- Monday. TIMBER 8 DO you want $10,000 timoer claim for $100? See Farrin. -room 21 Palace hotel, bet. 9 to 12, Monoay. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 21 PARTY owning 160 acres of fine wheat land must have cash; ' land has all - been farmed; surrounding lands held: from $15 to $26 per acre; this land for $8.26 per acre; no trade. 640 acres unimproved wheat land,-on crop payments; $16 per acre, ' 28 acre valley farm, $11,000; con sider unincumbered property to $6500, even if vacant. Improved Alberta farm, $12,000. Con sider any" good property to $10,000,' 1600 acre wheat farm, well Im proved, some li crop. Price $40,000. Consider other good property to $30, 000. L. K. Moore, 817 Board of Trade. 320 ACRES logged off land, between Portland and, Astoria, railroad through it, fine creek, fine auto road to it, fine for liqg, stoek or bee ranch: plenty of outrange. 2 large logging camps close to sell produoe to; over 200 acres good agricultural land; trade for Portland or Seattle. Price $17.60 J per acre. ' ' t5tAL.Lt HIDAIj ,SlATa CO., .y 818 Railway Exchange bldg. I ' WILL take small suburban homes as first payment on j larger homes closer in. I have 6 or 6 to select from, just completed, at K ilit anl Division sts.. and others in different parts of the city, for sale en small payments ; your note or any security i firat payment. See owner, J. H. Nash, at 723 Chamber of Commerce, or rr-n. 44 fJ. atn st. - r.rmn Tncw RANCHES., From 320 "to 8000 acres; some well improved and stocked and ranging in price from $6000 to $125,000; n all of these I can take some trade, and ,on some of them all trade, If income prop erty. Call or wrlte-for particulars, Neal Brown. 209 Panama bldg,, Port land, Oregon; ' y . 11 4 ACRE improved valley farm, 30 miles south of Portland, Vt mila from, electrlo line, on Paclflo High way, Consider clear city property as part exchange. Inquire 976 Vancouver ave. Phone Woodlawn ' 2056. Mr. Pfeifer. Owners only. Price $125 per acre; crops all in. h-szh, journal. I WILL trade my strictly modern 7 room home, nice lawn, corner lot, furnace, full concrete basement, dou ble constructed, everything modern. Will take mortgage,note, clear lot or anvthinar an - first payment. - Balance like rent. Bee j. li. xsasn, vz cnam- 1 ber Of Commerce, or 474 E. 89th St. 160 ACRE iri gated farm, best of soil. water right for, all, fenced hog tight, on good rock road, 6 miles from county seat. 100 acres oats. 40 wheat, bal. al falfa, good buildings, all crop and tfn plements withipiace, for $76 per acre. Take home In Portland to $3600. Neal Brown. 200 Panama bldg. COAL mine, fully, equipped, near Leth bridge. Alberta, with Capacity from 75 to 100 tons per day, including all equipment and 101 acres of coal right, several steel cars, eteel rails, engines, blacksmith shop,' tools, and everything to step in and take possession. Will exchange for Oregon property. M. 297' FINE farm 206 acres, 60 miles Port land; 5 room bungalow, fine new large barn, new implements and stock; milch cows, team, hogs, chickens. Trade tor clean city property, some cash, or mortgages. Owner, W-927, Jou rnal. " 1.65 ACRES near. Fern Ridge on Ore gon City carline for auto, clear lots or acreage, 1 acre In potatoes, 11 bear ing fruit trees, berries, etc.. valug $1600, $100-due in 6 months, $a00 in 3 years at 6 per cent. Address X, Jour- nal, oregorr yity, ur. WILL trade $1200 equity in nice S room bungalow corner near Jeffer son high, nice lawn -and roses. 1 block east L car. for mortgage acreage or lots; bal. like rent, McEdwarde, 1024 tjortnwica ;st. FOR EXCHANGE Fine southern Ore gon stock ranch. 260 acres, 186 acise in crop, ample water and range, good improvements, $26,000 iclear, for In come city or kood acreage, , Clara FOR TRADE or. sale: One pool hall. 4 tables, nice clean stock candy and tobacco, show cases and fixtures, good location. What have you. Give full description in first letUr. Addreja, 873. Journal. ; ' A $1200 EQUITY in six and eight room houses at Richmond for lots or- au tomobile. ICall 406 McKay bldg. Main oa. 1 ! WILL exchange my equity of $8000 in fine $5,000. home near- Laurelhurst for acreage near Portland- on carllne. Owner. K-437. Journal. 60 ACRE farm. V.' in crop, buildings. leans, eawa, iwgat-cmcuu., tuut im plements. ! Will take home to 44000 in exchange. I Call at 828 E. lOth St. Af.fin ACliE stock ranch in New Mexi co for city property i or farm land near. This is a fsnap.' Rooms 301-2 liumoer micnangt, iro ana omr,. EXCHANGE for; grocery, confection ery, or some good business, 10 acres in Oregon, 10 acres in Washington. E. '1. Xllllll'O, l.llivwyvu iyi, ill' YOU have any property for sale -or . exchange It will pay you to tea lie Kengle- A Co.. 618 Gerlinger bldg. IF you have any good property to trade. we will match you. Ay res SmilA, 601 Northweat bldg.- Main 7266. HAVE lot i Vancouver, Waah, $860". and $200 cash for small home or store. Woodlawn; 2682. IflVE jicres of onion land at Hubbard, value $1300, mtg. $600. equity for auto or iota. 406 jncnay Diag. WHAT have you got to trade - for couple lots in Hill man, Crook county. E-vvt, journal. ...... m ..... . a V11 Ih - a. . ' iAAAA BldgrT orchard,! res., for bal. very 1 MINNESOTA- 160 acres, value $3000, j for something here, same value. Box I uove jrenara, yr, $ 1 T 1 1' P iitUArfll - trttht li n 11 u i 11 trail. for farm, with -or without stock. S EE PAGE. 186 W. PARK ST. HAVE good houses, some mortagegs, etc., to trade for what have you. HUE GAGE, 186 W. PARK ST. IF you have anything anywhere, any time, to sell or trade, for results. ' SEE GAGE. 186 W. PARK ST. $3090 EQUITY in an Irvlngton home to trade for smaller home or good va- rani iota. jr-qoy.; jtiurni. HOUSE, and store. .6 rooms, on car- ' line, uui. u tab ; mvay ,! 20 AC. cloae-to. Portland, $1500 mort gage and , some, cash for residence from $2500 -to. $4000. Tabor 4328. I HAVE some trading properties. What have yioii got? i Tremont Realty Co. Phone Tabor 802. , , UNIMPRQVED-Iand for, city property, oil Aii.Ky oiug,- 4 ROOM cottage for 7 room house; will assume. 311 Alisky bldg.. EXraANGE- REAL. ESTATE 21. - - - . (Contlnan A FEW ICXflllMU:!! - 9)8 acres all In bearing prunes an4 walnuts only 4 miles from Vancouver n good auta- road: modern 7 room house, fins T ton dryer, barn and a 1 well that cost $1600; water piped to all the buildings. This place will pav for ! itself in a few years. Will take Port land or Vancouver residence up to $6000, and the balance 19 years' time; Price $18,000. , 74 acres; SO acres 'in cultivation and crop, fair buildings, good water, fam ily orchard on good main road to Seat-') tie, 1 miles from Rldgefleld. Personal : property: 6 rows, S head young stork. , good team, hogs and chickens. Will trade for Portland . property. .Price $7000. " - 120 acres, 4S in crops, running water and well, good 9 room house, 2 barns, family orchard and all farm tools, 4 miles from Washougat, 4 mile to school,' R. F. D. and 'tel. and cream routed 10 head cows, 4 mules, 1 brood mare, 3 sows and pigs, all fenced and cross fenced. Will take Portland or Vancouver property 'or equity." Price $12,000, mortgage $2500. ' Wanted, some good timber for 740 acre stock ranch In Clarke county. Wash.; 200 acres cultivation, 65 cows, 2 seta buildings, running water, on Lewis river: valued at $65,000, mort gage $16,500. Will trade equity for good timber or income property, ; or smaller farm, . ATKINSON h. NICHOLS. " 611 Main st., Vancouver, Wah. i NEWBERG FARM . - I 68 acres, good dark loam soil. 28 miles from Portland; 30 acres In crops. , family orchard and smalt fruit, 5 room house, barn and outbuildings, spring water piped to bid gs.; phone, mall and , mllkroute, mile to school; good gravel road to Newberg; team, 4 rows, t 8 heifers, will be fresh next winter. Jersey bun. a caires, 1 nroou sows, shoats, ft pigs, 40 chickens and all the farm implements; pricev$7600; - will trade for eloas in acreacaN or clear City property up to $4500; long time on bal ance. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO. , '-j 804 Failing Bldg,. , $6000 SNAP. . ' ! 8 acres and strictly modem $ room bouse, tine barn, good well with 660 gal. tank and water under pressure in every room In house and all outbuild ings. This is the finest soil In the state, all in crop, about 70 fruit trees all in bearing. , Will trade my equity of $4000 for farm land, improved or unimproved, if good land and well lo cated. This is high class suburban home property and the prU'e is right. Milwaukie & Suburban Realty Co., Milwaukie, Or. ' FOR EXCHANGE By owner. 1$7 4 . acres first cUta land near Eugene, 130 acres planted to peaches and cher ries, 10 acres apples, lor good mort- j rage , or wheat ranch to the value of 25.000 or $30,000; orchard value $40. 000. Will exchange all or part, or sell en easy terms. Here is a fine ; or- vnai u vn.ii. . i jy - waui .uuu, - in vestigate. G-180, Journal.' , I .1 ..1 ts ...... . .... I . . , I HAVE equity of 1908.60 in 6 acre ot SPPle ; land 7 mllea east of Oregon City, about 3 miles south of Clackamas -river: balance due $591.50 can be paid $12.60 per month. No interest. Would trade for house and lot on the east side. W'ould prefer 6 or 6 room house. Phone East 25 17, Sunday, June 6, beween 2 ana p. m. WILL -TRADE HOME FOR AUTO-'" ' MOBILE f Have ) a $5000 house near Laurel hurst on fine paved street. Shrubbery", lawn, full basement, furnace, 8 rooms, strictly modern; will. trade my equity of $3000 for fine late model car. Uw ner. K-438, Journal. TO TRADE Close in property in Van couver, Wash with some income, for a farm to the value of $12,000; must be clear of incumbrance; would like stock and implements. When reply, send full . particulars, K-29. Journal, Vancouver, wasn WHEAT AND STOCK RANCHES. With or without equipment - and stock. Exclusive list or. firat class properties any si.e, many of them pr sonally inspected by us. Call or write , : U. S. MORTGAGE r. INV, CO.. j 607 yeon oiag. EVEN TRADE ' 60 acres, stock and implements, IH miles to good town; price $6000; will trade even for modern house and lot to same value. a RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO. WHAT will you ffer"iiie 1 ti trade for a modern businesa building con sisting of 6 stores andflat in a good business district on the Mt, Scott line. Price $8600, mort. I420O. Will . con sider anything of value for equity. J. singer, g i,umper rJicnange Dln- MODERN 6 room 'bungalow, furnace, all built-in conveniences; nice lawn; no incumbrance; $3600; can be, rent-d for 1 year $26 per month, for small larra on acreage, part in cultivation, in Willamette valley. Owners only, H. B. Taylor. 452 Church St., Portland, Or. 10O ACRES dyked bottom land. $1 - mllea from I'ortland, adjoining dep'it, , river and new Columbia highway, with demand for house lots, $13,000. Will take Portland property.; Owner, N 263, Journal. BUSINESS corner on east side, store . and 2 flats, val. $7000; will exchange equity of $4300 for improved acreage cloae to electric, within 20c fare of Portland. Aro not an agent and want to oeai airect. iN-zio, journal. 76x142 with 6 room modern house; '- atreet pavedr in mile circle of Spok ane; $1600 mortgage and $600 atreet aasesaments on this. Will trade equity of $1000 for automobile or anything of value. Woodlawn 1095, V A BEAUTIFUL STORE. - Dry goods, notions, - dishes. Will aell for $1250 or trade for clear lota, or good equity In house. - See owner at store. ML Scott car. 6144 Fos- terroaa. IDAHO FARMS. ' Of various sizes, $3000- to $100,000; stock, alfalfa, wheat, general, ex change for Portland or vicinity. , U. S, MORTGAGE INV, CO., 07 yeon Piog. CALIFORNIA WANTED. City or country, for similar proper ties in Oregon. jWe also have good list ings of Calif, properties. U. S. MORTGAGE INV. CO., 607 Yeon bldg. ' MEAT market, well established bust - ness, low rent and lease, price I100O, will trade for unincumbered lots or acreage; owner haa another business; This lea snap, R-294. Journal. t HAVE city vacant and Income "prop erty; also acreage to $83,700. I will trade all or part' lor a good equipped wheat ranch or valley farm. Owners only. R-298, Journal. WANT to exchange 6 acre tract on Base Line for timber, yellow pine preferred. J. W. Allen, 207 Lumber mena bldg. . TWO nicely located improved farms In Minnesota and N. p.. consider de sirable acreage or residence, bal. easy. Owner, N-254, Journal. $2300. FIRST real estate inortga, 10. A-i trade for home here. Must be clear. Juelson. 427 Lumber I Exchange. . : - - - PORTLAND FOR SEATTLE Have some nice homes and some va cant lots to exchange for Seattle property. 8-656, Journal. SIX room cottage, nice fruit, for -change for auto. Owner. 391 Haw- ' thorne. - - " DENVER FOR PORTLAND. Equity in bungalow for Portland lot or equity. Air, uasweu, wain it'M. I HAVE 2 citv lots value $2000. to ex change for small farm or acreage. R-832, Journal -MICHIGAN (Detroit or Saginaw) property wanted for 6 room bung- low in yprtianq. journal, WILL trade acre tract close in, near Spokane, worth $800, for equity on small house. Tabor 3926. 6 ROOM house, 2 lots, tnig. $!2uo; trade equity for unimproved land. K 433, Journal. "VHAT have you to trade for a good i lot and some cashT Box 864, I'n;. 4 ROOM house to exchange for auto or truck. Tabor 74. TO TRADE-14 rooms, liouaekeeiii, for acreage. J-885. Journa 1. CCoatlaaed oa 3ffext ag)