TIH Or.IZGOri DAILY JOUftNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1315. niI'UL-IJ JAJL bl.Vl blC3& winner: HE "council of tb Portland ' 1 Fff0 " Teacher associations . H met yesterday In Central library with a good attend ance and Mrs. Alva Lea Stephens pre siding. A new constitution was adopted. ; Toe following' Volunteeredrto cooperate with Mra. J. C. Elliott Kins in furnishing rest rooms for ths moth er ana babies during the Rosa festi val: Mra. P. E. 'Julian. Mrs. A." J. Hoover and Mrs. Helen . Frfese. irbja vuinwKS UI WW WUn IBS LOB' trees or Motners. a committee was alsd appointed to serve coffee at the Chautauqua assembly July 1 3, 'that be ing Congress of Mothers' day The A President's Club OraanizAd. ; A presidents' club, including presi dents and past presidents of federated ; clubs,? was formed yesterday upon the - Vlo ha.VA served nn thA flna n mjitee of the General Federation cc-un- . cil and the objects are mutual fellow- ship and closer relationship1 between ciuds, officers selected were: Presi dent. Mrs: A. H. lirevinan: VfC xrexl. dent; Mrs. C. F. Clark; secretary-treas urer. Mrs. 9. F. Ball. Past jSfeaiifents may. become members upon invitation. Washington Resident Visits Van- couver. Mrs. Buth MeKee. president of the M. TVashlngtOh' Federation ' Ipf "VSTpmen'S clips 'as the' honor guest apd speaker .atM a' meeting of the Vancouver Woman' club Monday. " The women's clubs of Washington have' spent ,1Q,- 000 in beautifying parks and in other .public movements, Mrs. MKee saia,' ln her address, at the home "of Captain and Mrfc. ft. C. Gibner," ghe was Wm pllmented with a receptJpn during the , aftern'odif aiid-Vas cftnjstah'tly feted during fier brief visit here. VoUowing Mfs. SfcXee's' address' light 'refresh! me)iUr wer served. -T' '.'"PsychoIOpy Circle Meetsi The monthly meeting p "the Nartb . IrVington Circle or the Psychology clyb at the home of Mrs". T. W. Jbhn- sorr, 831 East Eleventh streeJ north, on Wednesday, was led by Mrs.' John A. Brehm, Who g&ve an able and in structive paper on the value of con centration, how to achieve that state at will and the resultant benefits in character building. - Discussion f pl loed, after" which" JO ' hiinutes was , giyen over- to witticisms, honors 'bein abpjut equal. . The last meeting of the club year will be in the nature of a motor boat picnic. -Those who were present were Mrs. George Dexter, Mrs. 'George CoUfnar Mrs." pearl Tinker, Mrs . John Brehni,' Mrs," Roy Gee, Mrs. I. "VSy. Jpfcnson, Mr. .G. flphrnan. ft Thompson Association Election Mrs. K. Ogden was yesterday reelected president, ox me j. corncson - J?af ent-TCf ctief1 a6sociation. Otbef - fleers cpyeen werpi...--vvice. preiueui., ' I I ' . .. ' 77 II tc 1 ourna Galend 1 TTTT T 1 w Oiri.an s June & i9i5 June - ta. a ixr sum2 Dy VELLA WINNER MARKETING Eyery hUD- , r.?.z dreds of house- I wintri supply of jelly until it Is too ranis than any other fruit or herry for the I re&snn ths I la cnann " : nr shot- These deljcious little "Jelly pos sibllties are i)ow in marfct and next week' shpuTd see the Jelly making p'ri cesa at;'tta height.' Y SUGAR IS OOIMrt TTT fn tn I beayy demands made . by European TKX WXATHIB Jota liiSni yeiiTal Good WUer oter Clb. "We're aU right so far." ITMftlrf pjop-vf. ' So many : organdy ' collars ate seen that miles' of that material must have been used, j ' ' Panning season is opening up. It if likelX "that it will mivanna fvn far. jvjre. a. wmKiepiecK; secretary. .Mrs. ' Jamea;' treasurer. ' Mrs. Blapk. He vlrious departments of the asspia tfori'a "activities were " reported '1 and showed excellent5 work done. Mr. Weiss gave a splendJd report ; of t'rfg Congress bf. Mothers meeting. It was - decided to change J.he meeting day to the first Tuesday in eacji mopth, 1 ; . - ; Wopoen to Tisit Wpfyet : A special invitation is extended to both visltfng' antl ' local women !to visit the children's market In Alberta tomor row morning between the hpurs of 8 and 10. Take Alberta car to Twenty-third,- street. "The" children will be ' In their booths for business and heri will be Informal speaking by some ot . me canaiaates ior commissioner. . M t if .' r Pernwood Elects' Officers. - ; - The Ferpwood Parent-Teacher asso- j elation at Its annual meeting held5 re cently erected the followWg officers 1 or tog ensuing year: "President1 Mra C. B." iJoyf vice 'presidehtT'lffs. C ' Hogue; "secretary, Airs. H. C. Jordan; . treasurer,' "Mrs. . George H. Wardn.er: '''" Chapter E AIeeta. ; Chapter E of the P. E. O. Sisterhood met yesterday afternoon with Mrs. y?. O. McCaw, 638, Cole- street."' After the business of ; the' afternoon, ! Mrs, McCaw gave an excellent report of ' the recenf convention held at Forest Grove. AX miislcal program" was fol lowe$ by aervjng of refreshments. The chapter will hold its (annual picnic at the Oaks," June 11. - This will close the season' activities. FRATERNAL. NOTES! Upia'Bebekh IxxlgV Elec Qt ficerf foi- tho Ner TgrmJ "OCnclsJ Reception Given. : ' Thursday nfgfit. May 2 ""Utopia Re bekah lodge elected the following of JiceJ: Bluh!. noble grand ', Mrs. I. Faulkner. vice grandf Jessie 1 Hen derson, secretary; Mrs: Anna Currier, treasurer. " The lodge ' received i offi cially, MW. feose Palmerpresident of the' state assembly. Among the di tinguifhed " "visifors yef e ' Henf y v the t O. Q. F. grahd' lddge-'Eobert Andrews, jrrand patriarch; E. E. ghar- on, "grand secretaty; , Mrs. ' Charlotte Woodman, past president, and w I "Wheeler, past srapd r4ster.v TTwo cafi , didites were given tb$ 'full ritualistic work, v Refreshments served tb the members and guests closed the pro- J Moos Sacral t Marchers. torflacd I-odse Kol t4Wd$a.l -Order of Moose, is sending out a circular letter to its 8000 members urging' them to be in line in the fraternal parade of the Rose Festival. The Moose band of Oregon pity and about 800' members from' that xify" "are" "expected to head the parade. Every member who ex pect to -takea-ft isaiig.ed fb"trder wWtf hat. cne, flg foi $ of the secretary as soon as possible. All in tDa- clty?bav peei' supplied ah4 bother prdet has been focarded. ' ; t, toopea ta ilqo mei? will be in line. "A big Ingetiag ik tp-he '?iel4 het Wfdpesfly, whlc all Mopge t tUl W.y? '??? layfte'd tp at- : "' , A. q. tr. -y. Meeting. The memkf'rJ ' of tfti A . it tt tut of Porand; are urged Attend a :very jjuporwn meeting in their hall at 128 Sourt&-$te'eC 'Friday night, June 4. M. Dixon, grand secretary, declares it to be necessary ' that" every meuji ber be there. : f t - ' Maccabees Sleet Officers. The Knights of the Maccabees, Mount Hood tent, No. 17, elected the f Qllowtng of iCers, Wednesday night, J tin 2: j; p;. ' iJtheflaid. Tcommah dr; - .M. Micbaeispj-, -.leutnant com mander; A s. Groce, finance " keeper; W. Bi fcTelson, chaplain; Xloyd Ken nedy, sergeant; G'Bailiett Jr.. master tt arpJIJfw-.'R, Flint first master of gnardsf W. E. Roberts, second mas ter of, guards r Edward Bush, sentlnfcl; A. C Beal. DlCltet. A tlnu rvf tltr. new mimbjrf 'JnQate4. ' ?r PJcnlo,et Snnday. The Knights of tha Mcc9h. o to ejijoyr-a pictfic next Tffahdl'jra't Cane ISkS -f? "" team teftl' pla!y theMdes tnit. r.-.MrhI Pity. Harry Lance and J. "WaCker.de- ciare they have ordered a larea annrifv of unshine for the occasion. r', ' 1 WiO. etl-r- Monday. r P. E. Martin, deburv hn mnani 'i:W5ma of tUf Wpria for thi hbrthlveSt is in th Buget sound count ty.Tmlins' lptal fcarhg ah'd expects! to p jn his office in Portland asaln , Class of Kovlates Expected. Al Kader temrl nf i'tha nrvtt Shilne, announces a ceremonial ses Bim for Saturday, -June' ' ' whenira latge class r nbytcs afe expected. : "Woodmen Mampria) I p-Way. Multnomah' cahib. Wrfod'm.vri ' th. R? "JJ!1 'tt? memorial serrl fees next Sundaf night inlts hall at East ''Sixth and "East Aldr ut-rh,' The program win be made pp of appro priate music arid readings.' " MaX SrWd Becords.'i There are E44 memberninf ths' Tnia. - Order' of Qd r Fellpys wpd ther. X7T rtTTO 11! IT " v 1 .... . ..... I Ki fit future; accordias to those wlseln market" matrerA, Th uliimA In-jj-beat wfU. bring about tbli decline 9 Veil a the fact Uat, if is exceed inglx difricuVt' to secure e'itbeiVeteam fers ' or sailing " vegsels ' 0 carry tne flour ??ff fo 3Hfppf. - ASPARAGUS IS PLENTIFUL and the demand "is only r fair. ? Evidently people have at last had their fill o this succulent ytigetabler However;" th prices remain rather high. j ' ; ' GREEN PEAS the Oregon crop are cpmlpg int6"market n good auan ptJfSs QSi" d44 rferdaijjsrso STPt tbat the prfces are still high. ' UreQ -"sugar, half a cup of com syrupy half cup boiling water; have the white Of twtr esrcTs 'tieaten stiff -thin TM into it the boiling mixture; add 'on teaspoonf ul of Vanilla and one cupful or chopped, nuts J beat 'until ,har'd-Ian creamy;; then. dr'Op on buttered plate.'' THE SHOPPER " yu bv een 7 J 7. ' J 'f brava enough to ynpt cntil iwrf t0-purch9.se yQiir 'sum mer wardrobe, you will be able to save many - dollar. J saw such a splendid array of bargains in suits and ..coats rn that Sixth street shop whigb. special liek'pn'ready roacde things. They are all tbls season"- rpdeir apd 'glnnino rAnapa.1 at the pricef asked, ona is always able $ pickup 'in tm shop a ' bargain from f k sftmple fine Or" a proKen oe, pence jt is a good . place Jo th.c?ud$ lh $)jf'g rpupd ftf-tb shbp. A1'9 Att, ALBU CARRIED in great Jriurribr'f ' thi safje hol& and X as tdld tat! the' verV last Word if and - Leghorn an leghorn 'and satin, th' ysivit fnd satin being black. Jt b of color is Introduced by means of f andy-embToidf eC Sages dbne in wool en yarn--doesn't sound so very attrac tiev, but they, really are very nifty. VT&Xt&U WASH'FRCKS are also shown in this shop in an aj m?st epdjess variety pi color cpmbina ponf.kind$ of matertar and styles of making.' The prettiesf orfes" are" priced at less than 10 while there are those SwYf & and tractive that may be'fcad tor less tan 45. INTENSIVE pARpE NING ''.. 1 . 1 . AS & gardVn PlOt 'carS ilave fcoHstant attention, there Is no fgaaoa trhv much Of t 'should Iieaidle- :6etTRea spflhif and, f ros- "i The experts have worked put a plan .tnaf 43 scpeeded. ' pd experiment. ' 1 ' . " . , Yee'eta'blea nlntiteil in mwa i... two feet apart la the small garden are cultivated by band." The wheel !S worlf ho'fol- ff faPa cultivator, mak easy, knd ftraight lines ShOul lowed : in- all . th nlanlln , ' intensive culture, " the, succession' t vagetabien fajfcpears:, as Xpppwar:' , Lettuce, radishes, followed by celery. OnPRf and parsnips, followed by Crrota and beets, followed by kale. T Krl7" FHriea. followed by fall cabbage. . Peatc lata vnrlntlso fn11..j 7 . r ' 7r-n rr"irwi vvwv wjt Mill cabbage.' .... - ... - . ftrt caonagft, followed by fall po tatoes, i '- . . v Beans fnTlns7u . pHf lower, Vobi-rabi. followed by fail potatoes. Topiatoest followed by spinach. Eggplant., ceutjers llavt-Ai s,. nni- ach. . v.ucumoers, rpupwed by turnips. MUSKDielans or snusnh AirAmU v-. turnips. ! wv. v Early potatoes, fpliowed by ' fall oweey corn, followed by fan peas. HOUSEHOLD HELPS vemso 1 ...... 1 .... - ; V, - Top -Mrg. JW- K. Pgden, vbo- was yesterday reelected 5 president ol Thompson fcirent-Tpachei: Asso?i ottorn By. ilenry Lawrgntj qnpnwicg: of 8tQf wiq .jj, reading ''Otnello; this 'afternoon under the u pfeja of i(ffjb?g "uiu ouas.espeare uud. IN MODISH ARRAY On- black - - . 1 .'.'.' , and white eheeked-auita pelt's pt1 black "patent Jeatber f re to be seen.- . " 01y1lie alia blacf iXritn white makes a chaffing" ItombMattonV - " ?'S i Wftbf some 'tailored' suits cravats resjenibline thoe'e 6t our grandfathers af-e worn - -' '"' f . '' tXY lFf44 PfSH 99 patin and silk blouses as bindings and trim mings; " Fltrely pleated organdy frills are excelleht as "heck and sleeve finish to dark dresses. mm " W J JQ( A -2L"S.2i SP04s bad been -packed ' for h centerpieces and dOUis which Were ernbYoldted la 'colors had turried yeljov. How to bleach them without fading was "a 'problem. Upon advice 6R6 soaked them in hntfonnni. .ii Uiey iarpe but good as new:. " ; wut vif mo panas $na save the up per CartS Of Vdlir lnrr lr?t i "5? fithfct iii making ppera bags when they are of delicate colofs-or1 for n6l isfcicf? harrots; cut glas, tc. 1 : Bars foi- n'u It. ,1J; .. should be lined with bI161o,th;Tas this if more sanitary than any kind "of cloth aid w u7 hZJir fira ' 01 any r tije articles mentioned in this care of Sovhua. 5TOMOIW W8 MEETINGS. 11 a. m. CARRIE JACOBS BOND MUSICAL CLUB with . Marv a. ?Arb'T8l 5H PffMuf street. St tog; "pl?S8n 4 WiUess "njejt- ??TS:runcheon OREGON CIVIC LEAGUE ahd Chamber of Com merce at Chamber" of Commerce rooms. Dr. David' Starr Jordan honor guest and speaker. - 3 iITe.clprocii 47 of the PORT hf YOUXSS CL9 at Lincoln Hlgp school. Dr. Henry Lawrence - Sduthwick wiir read "The Rivals." I it NEIGHBORHOOD 5 b COUNCIL-or JEWISH WOMEN FOR visiting and lpcal wopeu interested."' (' - r , jetton may not always bring ftaBPiflPSSt but (heye is no happi ness without actionv- Disraeli. ' y wanted to go up the Lone Little Path, and Bumpy ' wanted tQ ; crpss it and keep on 'ther there was no path at all. So very foolishly they JU t quarreling. ' - ' ' ri'm the biggest, so .of ..course I'm the ' leader, and you have to do as $ say," said 'Grumpy rather crbssly. ' iNo such thlngt" declared XVunapy. Tm the smartest, and the Smartest always is the leader. We'll go down fhe Lrfne' UUle' Path. - V "Neltber" "of you can lead roe.' an nounced 'liunlpy. .""T'ou ought to kn6"w that Iwbere ther Is a path there" wll sUl-ely be peopl to Use It, "Wnefher we go Op or dowrfv 1 wjf 'will,' Be 'sjl m'dst sure lb meet some' n, and it will be! as likely to "be an 'enemy as hot id. Sa we'll keep straight 6a where thefe' is pd patUr 8 r ''Oh. c we will. wftl ' '' wef! s snapped Grumpy. - Well. '-we won't do " any t the last meeting of the city council asking tor f. io year franchise to tarn ' pish lif ht tft certain parts of the city. They declared' their 't-atfes would be SO per tent "less than those how askejl ' by the calliornla-Or'e toil 1owr rtVns. piny. ;T4' matte? was taken under idvfsement an 'referred 6 lbs P.'roprf committee.' i .'.' ' ' ,--:' .' thing of the klljd.'" It l vry much, eastfr "trat'efipijf in a patn. v Besia 4 path must Ieaij jdmewhere, and it ik to be l5t 'part' ot erpatl " ?,f 8?- ?? -But 'to "this Frumnv and Bumnv wouldn't agree, and fa wi three fo'Olr islj )rtUe Possum sat In 'ths' middle of the 'Lone Littler Path and - Quarreled! ;beir 'temper thev fored.rvtKlT? life, Tbcsf forgot that' Key Were PoW out m the Pfearwdrid'witli dan ouJ f-?'d'8" 5lr?vfrw4 And this is how it happened that eld Granny Ep, n bee way down thi Lone Little "Path ckme yecy. yefy' near to breakfasting "o Vender young P6s' stira. , She bad ' been"' rotting along Mth noth-in'ib partIculF n mind. DUt WatchlTur nut av.ni mlnnd as she always does,, when right ahead Kt Pr? w V"Fe - HWS Jrossums. r;w iugviHy, an : net eye feast 'indeed. She looked thi way an w&y on an sides to make sur that ; old Mrs. Possum was nowher near- Whsp she was sure of this sh vfn Preep forward' very, very fiRWir i frPd . pafefullyr . putting each foot dpw$ witb. the. greatest tare so as ,Pt to :s.o much a? rustle a leaf. fbe waa alnjosj; JVitbin spHnglngr dls tjancy ??hgn Sumpy Just Happened to turn and look up the Lone Little Path. g neyer lad seen OranpX Ep befor, Puf ?J?eiJ!Sre4v wfcat fefo motUer c04.?!? in? ab9f Ijc red coat, and ,e didnj wait fer another look." Wltb a Farpmg cry be-scrapabled uO a tree i me root pi whico they bad: feeh -quarreling, and without looking to see what the trouble yaa thp Others" fof P.w?4 blra. - Tbpu from the ' fet branctifs they ppked down at 3raany branny Fox Is Very laj;s $1450,0C3 "for , Lot. San Francisco. June (P. N. S.) Anse M. Eaefpn," feurilngam car;lial Ist, is the owner 'today of the property formerly locOupled by "Hale Bros.' store on the south el4 of Market street near Sixth, havjng p4 l."9.000 for the n 9 n - : ; 9 P a tr B 9 S IT M U a 0 a D n uJn nlnTir n" n u p "tTn ri n ; ri then, a pair of JCausjerb The difference-- - mavQ ijou -iiaiu thejre are more Kauserr f ..Ue j pnlij ppU ridpny pure oob, Jljnsp uoi lenuitHise, fiirninsiae out and lau Hot P $"0 JI P b P B o o n o p a a a i n n a; n a a a n t1 n v 0 0 a ' 0 S ' D : d - 0 - D D M M P P a a a Next story: Pleasant.' PP OF 5DLOI5TS AT LINCOLN HIGH SCHOOL forDedtinie VBOROES3 avp receivea ipe veteran's badge prfej fclnfed all bo VaVe" 6eed embeS n fiontinuops good standing for overra quarter pf a, century;' -v i - A new knife for' narln & voi'.tnw bas removable' bladea otf the principle fiiv 9eiy razor. P'JMOO i 4 v - , I ' "'-My. r- 1 1 If "v 1 1 (Cotv'risit.'l9ia. Granny Fox. Bumpy. Grumpy and Frumpy, the I three' Htfle Possumswho eTe out"1 1 eee the Great ! World, had fcsrso awy 1 from the old hollow tree where. they were born-for 'so long that they felt quite - as - if they had been out in Hie ureal hviiu awcbre. Auia vto- their V'thlfc-d "dky;T arid' three days" In strange places can . seem like a very long time'; to 'little folks, you know-. Bumpy Tas still very iipre from the bU'niprf he"nad 'got Vheri he fell' from i the tree in which he had mistaken ' Prickly "Porky "the Porcupine for a.ri"oid nest:""He' was" vraulet aa he tmdeea along 'oehlno. "the qthera. "dmenVir the ' Irigtits that 'FrumpY "and Grumpy had tiad wneii they poked th'efr"'heaas into holl6W"'trfees. a'nffXoft'd" other! there 'befoife them dfdh-'t seem "funny ataTl now. Before ii own' fright" he I had phupkled and ' cbuckled eyenr time lb had thought o.f;b0w they; had run. Ndwthey' wSre' chuCKlInlat hfin. 'ana b'e",co!uld't, kee ap.yfhlrif fUrm? 1 iri 'It at all. ." . .-l ' ' " ygfaeoHy fhey came o " the Loni? . ."".. ' . UN Wi. a. liord-i -?""- '". ' ims uown At the National Lg n unio nerseir Alone." first ; of f-Z 2 --wn nas a three part drama that proves to be ef excentior.nl iat&Tf f- fit first, importance is the casi beaded by beautiful Ruth Roland and handsome Henry King. The "two ar mftrri inan roA-lnvi u-. talented actors who'play difficult T-oles wim xinisnea tiau ana fine effect. There is not a member Of fhe cast who fa not equally good In lesser 'roles. r' Tbe plot la woved aroupd a young foansweif for himself the question of who pays, the ' rebel. ther wife or the, busbapd? Thp picture Is well set aha well drec.ted. wth some especially ef fective water seenea The bill Is com. plfted wit$ a Pathe colored scenic" and a very funny comedy.' "The" House pf a Thousand Relations," with Rosemafy Theby an " Harry Myrs. '. Porothv Daphne Lewis delighted with her sing "fft oiilf Diamond, at the organ, Sfff tp tone dowq the f ccbfnpnjment. ... . . . . . Tbey locked down on Granny Fox- Little Path-" Frumpy wanfed .p go dpYn tbfj Lone Littl Path, Sruptify Segjire Pgitions ' WlJdgley RpfS, " "a" 'WJtobet 6t tbe present graduating class of Reed col lege, has received" ai assistantshlp in physics "at the. trpiVecslt' of Caitfor Pla, and Arthur HaucR.' also a member pt the gfaduaticg cass. tas K been ap pointed principal of one of the gram mar schecisinHe.Tdaiijo." 0 iQliqepLta'PB "'-J" ' 'j.:-i'". V aiedford. Or,, Jijne J. An effort t local women ' to secure a -police ma- trpn for the city failed at a meeting of the city council Tuesday night. AtS tor hit BT Fl MMlkey t presented the women's case declaring ; that a great need existed for such 'an -officerr but the council dpclaroH "that mnilltlnii it9, not' "jtfstrf if 'iiicreaing the' pbuce v force at att eafpene of IJo" aeekv' ? H' POratjod q QQlqHill jClled a'. bid at 1 K vMM:h III f . .- '. :.-,!.. .1 m' ; ... m WhJMW Vest papking and I to bacfc j e; T!oanfJtj; po5r'for - (firi"'",i Are You Oanprqnsly or WM. Vscomfprtafely SfpUT? If? B 1 inH; THINNER -. " y If t U. Yn" HEALTHIER 'irL inn 01 a i j....nu 11 i., - ' v 1 II 'T-u, 7T-gT.: : Department lor Men and Womtn 1 I CC I I Richard Montgomery, Cglllst. A musical i event looked forward' to by manyis the Lincoln High comrminl lr t1.? asd concert; wbich'tirin be heid tonigb$ at the school ayditgrlpm. tr f fT-f ipe!'scnooi- gave r:, wv una . nature. Which PrPVfd a greaf Success. 'An ad. inisslon Of 10centria-,t6':be-charged 4 ? pnwtfon Corrective and o4omt Corrects and relieves extreme Pcrsclration of ? the armpits, feeCbindi or neck, without affec- I !nir1iMm.:n(;y.. t.". .ttl.l .r. VK-.r V - 3 - 1; .? . 1 t EErWPSR? EseF !W keep Jheje pars j imfortably and naturallv drv anH aWTittol ' odorless. Daily bath do not lessen the effect. ' Women who nse ODO-RO-NO need never ! bother Vwth' dress ihldJliy tictmtnV tuarj. : len findit particularly useful for damp, perspiring Ui and hands and to prevent yted collars.' 'Unscented, harmless, easily applied. 3 j Get your, bottle pt ODO-RO-NQ today. See how ? quickly it does away, wits attperspiratloa troubles. 53d, l' 50c and tl.00. Six times as much for $1.00 as for 25c. At all department and drag 'stores 5 y man postpaid. ' ; ' ; THE pppRONO COMPANY". 11 00l' Blair AveT " - Cincinnati, Ohio' Iff X I . , -""y"K vfiue wno win appear SS solo 1 J str aff 'Ritbird -'MoTftgomery cel- Jist; Alice Greene,' iyjolipistf . FaVe 1 BaUey, , soprano; Ruttf ' Pfaenaer, V I Prsno. and Tom- Frazer, VaritpMe. I I addmorr fo tbe soloists, there wiji I fc? ?ut?t bi the Boya" tJI'ee clufe.-the j pirts chorus .nd the orchestra. f Q 9 u 6 Kg&t HQUse:3?ale . Best on Program The Guiding lughC'' is thebest (picture at the Sunset . Vi I Only 'godd tqr the- 'setting" hi itJ ; ff ords.' , Ttis a HgntAo'Use talei and 1 iwcio Bome oeautirui marine scenes Winnifred Greenwood, Ed5 Coxen and 1 George Field play the leads. Mr. Coxen has some reailsfie ofcenes In. th I :!Ef8?.i? rocks. , a Keystone that la florat ( first but whirlwind- "kt' the finish is ' "For Betted hn- w- m f.t fombbiles and street cars hfelp th fun RXht t0"l?9PP-'is to "part American drama of iair-im-teresf "Tlj (pelestial tbde Is a.nota. CrFv F'-j'i f1 roreisn spies: and secret codes -with clever1 girt T:tie heroine, who' "thwarts 'the ; vmaiay? MflTTIkltF C J-1 ?77J 14.380 3Pet into th Ethereal Bine is visible for IrJf -LJf 4 JfJ- p 2 T. nnadreds' Of nmes from th cr rlsdows oft the Scenic Shasta Route ow Sonnd-Trlp Pares Are Available 10 f California arid Its Tvo World Exppitjpns afety - Scenery Satisfactiojtj , ' StOP-Overs at Shasta Spring .. ' .- - J .... ::'....,; s - " : .'.,..- Traip with fyery rnodern convenience protected py . . "'automaticjrbloclc safety signal;. X: Illu' Tickets, literature and full information . rfl- - " CJtT Ticket Office. 80 Sixth Sa. Cor. I v "-"---- Qak, Uplon Depot br iny" S.r P. Ageat. C( - ... K is ' 1 UJ'-rrfrtSr':lCfJ'' - , f - p Q O O O O O OOQO Q e O Q O . ef Next Door q pibin 1 sH V V - -Li -sssaW . 0 0 a 6 0 e 0 u Q fc-efsmti ft i 1 1 1 1 AVLNUL '. I i J H-rOrie Block frpw Brpadwayrrr .. f tromCIiicaoradfjtomS Lines mt Into this terminal, takipz passengers through ot fiew York without changing j. jf rVf J- ' car. . For fytU particular! 0 vatini. 'y"fi J.S. Or address . CAMPBELL, Aztt Railway Exxhangt Bldg., TtUpHomt '" fQ&TLA&a, OJiS. evst--t- . " l"e airf a,la i4 caned upon to do some irood -ef f y i