Tlin OREGQil DAILY VJOURIJAL, .t PORTLAND. . THURSDAY, JUIIIi : C, Xv r BRIEF INFORMATION , , (Uta pas or 1815.) , it : - AMUSEMENTS 13 EIUO Broadway at Taj-V. .Curtain 2: IB , and 8:15, alias BUUe Burke la 'err' :. ? Saturday nutluee', . .: FaMAG. Broadwsr u luit, Vaudeville, - ii:30, 7:U0 Bad 0.10. - -' . tklPBli Brodw at VamhlB. Vevde , viHe. CoatiOmitt 1:80 to T:0 a ad ;le -' wi dif Uontlnuons 1 In 11 Hun da;, lAKlOiourfn at atari-. Vaudeville. Con ? tluuous 1 to 11 p. in. v CKl'HUUM iiruatfwar at Stark, ktotlos.plc- ... , . , .. ... , I tiiuPLtS Went . Pars and Alder. .... koUpa - picture. H i. at? Ce 11 p. m. ...... -j - -Nation AlPark nd Wm l'rk at Stark. liAJKsi'ltrWMliiugtou at Far, Uotloo plc- t tare. 11 a. xa. t. 11 p. m. -. j . BUNSEf Waalaiigtou aid Broadway.; atetkm iilcturM, ) 1 a. mK to U v. : to. " 6TAK -WasliiuKlou unti Par It. Uotfcw ptc tares. 11 ill. to 11 . m. : - 4 IXI.LMBIA tfiath, . between Waaalst-toa ' and Htark, Motien i.icfurca. 11 a.- In. to 11 IS ftf. AKT MUSaXM r'iUta and Taylor. Hour to ; ft : wl Saya," It U Saiidajs. ' tree ef Cer- ixxiue of luetxlajrj Thursday, t rlUay. 4iur- j day sua Sanaa. , . ' Coming EventsC . , Progrel Boelneaa Men' luncheon at Mult-. in ah hotel, June e. , ' : I'lrausiivriatiua eiuD IttOebeou St UalLnataaa . hotel juu 4. - . Realty. Board lancheoif at Cofiiniercist, club beudlUK jane 4. : Jovian league aad electrical Engrneers ItlnnhiMin at ItMiifMfk hittel ami .- f .. Oregon. Civic league laucUeOB at MaltSOiaag hotel June 6. .. . ' - i FeUrated Gefman aocleriea. alntli (antral late contention at Grma UotUe, Jau 6-8 . I'.ifv mi ft Ltn Jllu 7. . i. . ;. v ' ' j tat Kld iiualuexo Men' lapclieou Jam. 7. ' Oregon State Uaater Bakera' aauoctaoom t iialtnomaU hotel June 7. a aV- ,. Rotary Club Laocaeoa. at Jtenaou ' Hotel 'Jane 8, . - .--s' -.i Rota reatlval Jrrna 6-10-11. fTbre dart). ,4 Municipal band fco&cert. PLrai concert of ' kusm will tu nu Jim 'M. at Waahinirtou Park. . ; Liberty Ball will arrive tUre iulj IS, at Central lAbttij-MeeU.iii'i:4 ' Bationallat aooUty, every 8utiday erenW. Ureson CItIc laagu lecturse Trj THuratUy avtliiiflr. : ' . ; I'aclfie uDtreralty extenaloa lecturea every odneaoajr mftaqpf . Ssv ,: . " : t H Port Information Supplied, f j r Information retarding thU part' may be o - UiBd - fiom the Portland Chamber of - C"ta, fUth iaa liad .o Coubt 'bniltUni, luurta and balaifi. Art museum. Fifth near XamhilL, Central library, leoth and i'amhiii. Cualou-aouee, Broadway and laia. t ' Worthy of Woflce Skifloiore5 fountaiiL rifet ltd liitmr,' by OUa- U. ' Warren," freaenteij by Steves t kid more; Tltcmpaoa (ountain. I'la- block. Fourth and Kaliuoa. Modern hlch and grade .achoola, achool sardeoa and roae nedjea. UDUiatoam oo Aorth rourta and sec ond atreeta. t Columbia river hiaBwav Anierfca'a rndat Wendtrfal tcenid road for vehiclee. Along it one aeea. ma ay waterfalls, the KOrae of the voiniDDia. vueonta gorge, - Bnepncnn a ceu, nxniutalna, Meclddliig Uuod. tirade does not exceed $ per centum. -; Iaforuiaiat as te "what to see" la Port triad'a envlfooroeot from Uotel Portland. io pfrlal, uregin, Multuumxh and from The Jour nal a ttmrui i ravel tiareao. Phones A-WJOt. Uala Ilia: ttr from Torat AzeBcz ka A Travel -Buro, Marahatt 167. A w f , '- , rot . mrormatioau regarding recreation or feealth rettofta aee page Tuesday's and Tnura. eay a. Journal and aectlon 4 of the goiidag Dlarce, Hit Fltth atreet. A-12U3. i . TeleplKiU Mala M .. - fire Ana rouce ; rire department Mala 7700." A-1323. Police department Main T1S1. A-6751. . 0 ii Oregon Ilumaue . Rocletyi ,.74. .Belmutit at. . IVlMmea East laa, A-K.16. ! Today's ;Forecat. '-' - ' Portland and 4. vicinity fail "tenlghtf . frli Aky fair and warmer; uorthweat wlnca 1 Oregon Fair tvulght; Friday fair, war inert porthweat winds. - ,' . ; ' . Waahington Pair tonight; fTIday fifr, wanuer except Mat th coaat; Westerly wlnda. . Idaho fair tonight; Friday fair, warmer.' . ' i 1 Weather CondiUoiui. ', THIgh preaxure atlll ovcrllea "the pacific -aeruiweat ana me. Dortneaaiero atates; ? ids iireasure eontinoaa low over the - Interior of ' the country with two centers of 1 depresalen. -fcoe over southwestern Colorado and the other over central Texi Raiiia have- fallen In lu " terlor northern WaMngton,' Idaho, Utah, the ' iiorthern Rocky- moantain and flateaa states, Plains states, middle Atlantic states and In- terior.weatarn Canada.. Xwentvour -hour rata- full of cue Inch or. mote were Reported' from Sdmotitonv;, Kheridan. tid- Wi A thunderstorm occurred during iiie nigUt-at Phoenix, Aria. The weather la pooler u in. ' tarior- wesmrij Washington,. Coiorade and the toiddl Atlantic states; it Is cbrfespondlhgly warmer on the central California coaat aud In Ut souioern t iaiua iaiea. , t . ; . , 4 The eouaitlona are favorattle for fU weatU fcf In this district during the next 38 to 48 ttoota. It will be warmer Friday except near the Washington coast. Weat to . .northwest 1 winds will continue. - . ; .' , -THBODOJlB.r, ftrtAJKE, ; Acting Clatfict forecaster. ITAT10NI Baker, Or.; I 42 j X Eoeton. Maa...l 48 I 4 Chicago, ,MH.i 58 .? Heaver, voio... 44 f Des Moloe. Iowa 2 Dulttth. Winn... I 54 . Eureka, Cal. ...ii 0O Oalveaton, Texaai 78 Havre, Motkt,. .f 54 JaekaonTille. fla. 79 Kansas City. Mo.l 60 Kuoiville, . teha.I 9 I aviator Idaho. I C4 Los ADaelea, Cal 60 Marahtield, Or.,. 42 Montreal., tjua. M Ktw-OrleaiM, tm. liew iork, n.X. . 4 It. Bead, .Wash. 62 ; N. Yakim. Wn. 4(1 Portland. Or.4.. 48 Hoaebura. I Or.i.l 4t) Buaeburg, Or.. V.I 4 fit: Lonia. Mo.'...l 68 . Salt Lake, - Utah) 42 S. rrancico,Cal.f 88 Seattle, Wash.,.l 48 Sitka, Alaska.. Spokane Wash.. Tacoma, Wash. . Wall "Walla.Wn. .W'aahihgtua, U.U.I . Wlnniuear. Man. i Afternoon report o . ' . Temperature ii o 0 0 2 ll 53 zi 10, 60 4t 60 62 60 a W 62 64 88 7 64 6S 82 66 n 78 V. 72 62 It 9 66 69 6f i68 l! 80 6a 'hi' 03 64 84 44 St 60 43 60 4 0 8i C8 40 60 '4 62 46 a. 46 4 42 60 4& . i 48 46 44 DO 60 50 a 5" TOWN : TOPICS a. ' BpasiglMB.mencAjki 8ocltf a XtMtr- l"h -Hi spano-American Society of Or on will meet in llaU Il t the Cen tral ' library toairtht ati.S o'cldcht, A feature of the meeting will be' 'a mutually - deliyfred .- addreeg In Spanish and Kngrlishon the subject of the 'Panama Jiat." A letter ad dreased to JTehri Barrett, director sen eraKot t))e -Pan-Ainerlcan Union at Washington, and signed by authority of the aocJety, tendering It good of fices, will be Vead and submitted for approraL f Ail. intereated ia, the, Bpan isb language and in the betterment" of conditions 'exngna "between met Unttd State, and the Booth, and 'i Centfal Ameripan republics are cordially in vited .to Mtefaa."- ' ; . " . .. Bcbooi Caraiyal ToznorrowAt' the Franklin ' hign school' tomorrow riikht a school f Carnlmtf wilt be- gtven urrder the ueploes-o the, Franklin bmtnatlb club, , One of the features JwU be a short ' play, "A Case of Snspension." In tha casfewju vb issToaaiDSfini Melba Webster, Fern Kief f er, .George Glliard, Ionalt -MaeWfl tosh Everett Earbur.-.s Claeenc llWiar SteUar Staf ford, Marrel Landers ' nd Jact art son.: Noyei tfe ures willla"pre6rjted by the various school clubs, The pro ceeds, are to go to the athletio aeeocla tion, .: si t " " : - - " ,v . . . ; ? t a - - j n ' '"if.- ru.' 5 Bepotts'oA PeasoA lw-e-;r wo year ago today, the law- granting pensions to widows went- lhto Tfect - Du-ritig the two yeare .$5.7463 hag been paid out tin peesions to ,23S women, . who were awarded 'jJehsions of the 4Sl'who, applied. ! Mine -of the applicmtionaj are pending; - Thirteen 6f -those who . were awarded pensions have since carried and 'lost their pensions. Two pensions wer endd with .th death -.of' the women.: ? Sixteen widows who were awarded, pensions have ' left the - state or county.- Is MSI 3M which means for but ;slx months, .as pensions began in June, the feniOuht paid was ?11, 802.50. For the entire year Of 1914, pensions -totalled .3p,482.93. ; So far; this year, the .total is i6,U0X0. . . . , . the United Elates, iSUJuO , book in fill 1 Civic league, in the main dintnff frtom being sent. Pennsylvania has notified I of Chamber of Commerce.1 ;Wi T, Fos the chamber that the Almanac will be J ter, presidne - Of - Reed college, will used as a text booK for eight by grade ! preside. , Jordan's subject will be TRe- stuaeotf ic a, suiiicienc copies can be secured. number f J cent Aspect of the War.' 1 . r hi -'- r ."- .: la. -i ia L.ilf Orra Jteeital eev-The last oraan Will be Jbeld; in ;tae, assembly room ot J Fital f ort scliooif cMIdf eft, ' tacher Central jUbrary Battirdajr nigat at-i parents of - the series fidW -being o'cloeit, to adopt resolutions of - frotst against the execution of Leo- FraAK Dr. Ci it Chapman, Rev, John tL' Han son, Rev. JBDn M. Bkinner, Alios Weisi- grlven 4y ,4th Oregon chapter of the AmeriasB Guild -of Organists, Will lake piaoe attne Columbia theatre, sixth streets-- Baturday morning, - Jong -fi, at tar, John A. Jeffrey. .Jtev. W,j G. Mo i:3,- -- -Agronp of organ, solos 1 4 I lO S3 18 8 it .,-4 16 4 4 4 a . 8 4 .... -4 0 o i20 0 0 8 ;6S ve 0 9 9 O 0 04 S1 .02 0 .30 1.74 o preceding day. What Can Be Seen Around Portland ' Council Crest tllOO feet) View nneasalied -' Columbia aa3 W&lameUe rivers, ToalaUn val- ley. W'lllaniette-iXft CaocaC and Coaat raogea, five anow-capped mountain (north to east on clear dajri). ut. Bawyer- aii. ' Bt. Helena, e87 : MU Adams.. 1307 Ut, Hood, Batair. 14.408: Mt, lL&Ue; iiu, JaXferaoa, - Waahlhetbn""ParS. at " head -of kWah!nrtes street.- ITlowei-a, abrube- nod trees. Chtidrcm's model ouygrouuda. MoteworthJ pieces of acuia ture; . ''Coming of the White Mau."eby Her- lean Atatna MCneiu. preaeuiea u oeirs ox u, V Tbompaont aacajawea" U"d" U1 gpid of Lewi V Clara expoaitloh by. Aliee Uoopert I ereaeated by Sacajawea Statue a so elation and ' Henry Altmaiu . ?Xen wtuntea walk. . , . . - Bunkea rose gardens in. Wuihaula Park, cod tainins tnrt than 700 varieties of rosea. ; : UacTeay; left ' untouched in wild natural beau ty. ' Bur trees, -just the" Wooda . "waese aulla the "Oregon." ' ' '- -" ' ' , - Foresuy beildlBg lewlr ft Clark axpoalttoa ground, west Hours S S. m. to ft p. xo. built et specimen nsawpioth. Ocegan dr . ksgs. Contains l.OOO.ooO feet lun.ber. - Attractive view fma..a.iua'-aad- WUlaot tie Heights and tt'estover Xeuucea, -1 TerwilK boulevard aoata of city, above ' illuialte on Wet aide. - i - -j v r - bkyiio, weat front ColmtrH Creet. Road - 4buuJ spur between Council and WlUam . t.tB Mver 4tfere fine views. f-- - - ' Columbia sad, sWlllamette Kncfrcle. Tenla vu'.n alnitrict. a&d lit. Johns, taffociiiug ritual teat u - t'ity, luduatrie aoid. haraur, ., A ... . liom aeotiona Portland JHaighU, .. -Mil, Irvtughjn, Mi. " Tabor. - - -aiujr jfeature--Wet aide public docki foot - ..avtijreetiLb atreet.' Mat - Side -public dock, tiot's'sa -aaluwhle-to best Laaaa. log, foot of Btark street (launch call here fr river tours."' Boat' houses near Morrison aud Uawthorue briil(rea. shipping, Moderu. briilgea t-Broday, fcailroad, UawihofBei . r . I S Public inatUotlosa City, hall and Hlatorical " AVarniiig! "'fcvery""yeavmny' oul vfownp e o p e gf -aadly bilked cn glaasea auriof .Ro .-eaal. .The ouly safe course Is Vo erwsult none Hut : a rllahlu ; " fitfndreds of t'oetla nrt 'a- ; t leading citizeha Will -vouch for. Dayton court JHis. pa .TaxationsIt Is not dbuble taxation to tax lands and con tract of, sale, against the same lands, according, to .a decision; by; Circuit Judge icavah&ugh. , Judge , Kavanaugh ordered the appeal 'of the ' Isaiah Bnplfman stat frornJ tbes rallna; ,ot tha board of equalization dismissed. The estate . asked that an , assessment, of $29,6r tor.ttbney, -metes and accounts be cancelled on the ground that , it represented a contract of sale of prop erty, to W. H.: Mall As the : contract provided that Mali should' bay the real property , tax. Judge KaVanaugh bald that the.-estate shad, to tar only the tax against the contract and . was thus taxed but once. ; Commissioner SUokle CnJolaed. - State Dairy and . Food Commissioner J, IX Mickle has been enjoined tempo rarily frorb seizing chocolate , candies flavoreorwita brandy and rum put out by H. R. Hoefler,; of Astoria. Cir cuit Judge Davis allowed the injunc tion. 1 This restrainlng-rder; will hold until the case' comes to trial and the question of the permaneht injunction asked by Hoefler is deter mined. Hoef ler asserts that he Is . not -violating the9 law with the amount of alcoholic liquor he uses and that the liquor la included only te flavor, thecandies. - : ifOTiaaa jxttet TbttforrowPossibn Itles of electrical vehicles will ibe dis cussed tomorrow noon at the . Weekly luncheon of the Portland Jovian, league at the Benson hotel. Will Spalding will be ehalrmah"of thedayr and talks will be made by L. B.' Reese, A. N. Stanton' and E. A. West.3, At Its lunch eon last week the Jovtans adopted res ol"tttions urging the passage of" the jit ney bus ordinance next week. Tomor row's - lunch . will be featured v by ? a guessing contest for a prise. - Sose'city 'pars; 'W. C.- T. Tf The Rose City Part W, C. T.- V. will meet with Mrs. Pierce, 4 ft East; Fifty-ninth street, tomorrow at 2:30 o'fcloclc.i - - pregon aimsaae MaiUd Five . thou sand packages -. containing copies of the Oregon Atmanaq were mailed ys tefday frem the Chamber of Commerce to; libraries and colleges thrdughout ai l linn a. m, i i i n , Laren, Judge W, N. GaUnsi Judge John H. Stevenson. Rev, Perry Joseph Green, : John F. Logan, R. R- Giltnr, Rev.'J. Di-Cerby and-ethers wlIL'spegK. ,- i la"" ' - f a .a.', , J-'a--i . ,'4 Civil. War Veteran Bnriedve-J W. AfitrtM,? yhdrwar furled yeaterflay t Kstacada, was -a veteran Of the CIVU -war, serving two separate enlistments Iii Glila resflmfflitsV 'ile.wss 7S.f ears of age and bad resided In Oreifn tor masy years He was not amembir.-df the G. A it. but-hlat ikMiil Was At tended by a number of comrades. Ha is. survived by a. wtdow naugater ana granddatrgh,ter -'-'J --fi ' ' . t ' . Business Z Oood at ribs 'Brownsville Woolen- Mill, i tore f Our removal salt, with rices cut lower than good cloth ing has ever been sold. Is bringing buyers from all over this state, getter take advantage while a good first class suit, ess be had ter .$10. Summer; un derwear, shirts of all -kinds, ; bats and kail goods Are belnrcl0sed out at great ly reduced prices..Brownsviiie woo ion Mill StorTMrd and SUrlc stii. (Adv Utadanta jemem - a Press 1 Clubv Madame Jeanhe jamelll, - prima donea, who is testing; a week in Portland before continuing tier engagements :vn the Smpressvaudsvllle circuit, Wiil entertain ,Prss '. Club members : and their' ffierids t with a,: special program at .the club lUncheo tomorrow noOa. . Antd Speeders Piaedv H. F.; Parker, arrested after running down a horse on the Vaxiciaver trestle several days ago, , was. lned t by District Judge Bellt yesterday fr: speeding, i H. i-F. Cdrbett and It fcynen ;were each fined $10 by District sludge Bell foj: sped ing on county reads.: - i. : i . Oregon Hty stfvs JSxcnrsion Sun day trips, leave Taylor Street docK B a. m4 12:80 and :30 p. m. Boat stops at Oak Grove,. .Cedar Island, ' Magonea Park, picnlo grounds. Leave r Oregon City. 10:3t a.' m.i 4 p. m.; S:tw P- - Round, trip,, 40 ctA none M. W (Ady.p fij. -r ii- - ' - k'i .Bound OVer to trrand Jaryw J. fSf Miller. . arrested Saturday on a charge) of larceny, of furniture by bailee. Was bound over to the grand Jury? by Dis trict 'Judge Dayton When he waived exarninatlon. .;.'..-. t- - t f . . w ? How to Own Tour Job. W. ij. Smith and C. B Clement will explain How to Own Your Own Jon and Get 4 a Day for Eight .Hours' Work, in lecture -at th libraryFrlday at 8 p. m. - Faperhanglng, Painting or uphol- 1 stering, work-, needed badly by expert V... ,...i '......''.a i , 1 -v. orxman ' navixtST large xaamy mj ibp" i. port. 'i sanxera, Marshall auBev -Aavtj J-- N ' 4 allow 1 v JZJ? tu.Ui '. 4V Staasaer ffteae fTarfctasfo Camaa. Washougal ana way lasdings. daily ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington: street dues; at ,i3: P. p fj w , j Adv.J Kotel Moore, Beaslde, ' 04 Has opened for the spring and summer sea son. .For reservations address Dan J. . . ' . .... . . . ik a will be played ty. Mrs. Anhette "Stod- aara, and the story of the Opera of ,"WiUim Tett" Will TeT shown in ve rls of filrn.: Frederick CI fichoIU or ganist of th theatre;' Will play muslo from the opera, upon the organ during the. presentation of th plctoroat. Any interested . person twill ' be . welcome to this recital. . .." Br. JT. B. Bnbaok, eyesight Spetial lst, sixth floor Selling building. Adv. , BThlnherd's Kot ( Spitxtgsa---jr good time to go. E. L. SHIPHKKU, Mgd. Ad t ColrmbU BJfiwayTripav-P'70wsnlles of auto ride. -$3.60 each. Tabor 4817. ; Baiy,' tav iidress SagiaSD-Sity Comml8xdon4r-William H. Daly Will address .the tOregoa :. society of "Engt heefS afils 'evening at t:6 O'clork lit room B . of. the Publie library. , The subject iWill .be rWatec Meters."! Tb earlyTiaor .is'neeeasary socentnt of a later" - engagement -' Which Mr. :Daly most keep;-And ,to provide sufficient time for th discussion which will fol low 40a addresA, ' .;-.. . ; risW. Grays' HaAor Train." Motor t train t service bet weep Cen tralis and Orays Harbor points, makeg connection at Centralta Vwlth the fa mous Shasta Limited to and from Portland. No extra fare. Lay over for meals at centraiiev at time, conve Unt- schednU. . Ask 5. W", R. 4 N. el tickets office, "'Washington at Tfali about this nevf services - - (Adv.) IDWE :BPJ)SS L ' At cri ;-rtAnt iArt'iriM niirpc Aiwr. .otnu ) a-aAaWV UUW WaS A lUlt; Ull A U Ml llaf a 1 U Vn i .'t! I, ' Al 1 rtrt rvntvrrli r-a iimwt.i a. e a-. - a.v . :t trrT i i?cq Ar'TAi7ri7i none t - r.,:. .. Y.j-.s . t Via aaa-W Ta a yrU4ULalV ;J1 r rices Lovest ; m rliotory uuA -' Do ybu,knoW that Jaegef Bros.; leading, rlms is latijei" Bros first sacrifice salfc in jcwcicispere going io niuvc ll idi-iM-. tuci-: enure career . i nc . uuim r iuj;4i Sixth sl. ground -floor. ..OFjTHE PEOPLE. IN' THIS .,Oreg:aiiian;, Bldg;.,. abont ESTABLISHMENT, I COU- T ' July- 1st f . aJO, .Y,0 U, TLEU Willi. I A.EXr-E K. s-KNOW TH AT VTHEY- i OUALIT-Ya AND THE LOW. are now reduciiigfirir stocksMh S'dREATi ;f:E REMOVAL SALEjjThe sale nowupoo.tJMa its third, week. The-crowd's andthcothus- tnust buy the.weddino; gifts'for iasm v increases I daily as the 'news' of - th - th6 Julie bride 'now. Diamonds, saie 1 spreaas.- 1 riusii c u y UN Lx , akc,, silverware. , watcnes;. are sen- t --.---j4 AMAZED AT- THE VALUES THEY ing rapidly.. YOU HAD BETTER PLACE" TELL THEIR FRIENDS. - ' - ' . YOUR.ORDHR. We will hold ir until. de-v livery is -desired. ' , . ' " - rV - i aW- 1 .L-aW i KINGS AKJaON SALE, j Solid Gold Ring VIN ' STERLING SILVERWARE THE el . that dld at, $5 to $7 are "now. goin LEADING - PATTERNS ."ARp HTO S.BE , co itn a J . - u-..a:r..t oi u a tti Tm ttt"txt- ' l. pv.U(.UU .0.1 UCdULUUl OUllUlirc I IT I VfllTTji 1 j1' ! '4si Diamond. Ring - can -be had. for $65 " Carrael, 4 Vashingtori, .dJZr Crawfish to the Queen's Taste, Srly ders, 1st and Madisonr special Thurs. and Friday, 35c doa. Mais 8783;. (Adv.) -7 -' fielding, the Jeweler, moved to 883 xCast Morrison East 3o0l, -j (Adv. ' . 3L. Pox, optician. trournal,bldg. Ad, - Br. Jordan to Bpeai -David ' Starr Jordan will be the speaker before) the Saturday, noon, luncheon of the Oregon luevreiouriaV .-,1 W a. . - CjrW Tdu n db just as yd like abouti taking- darl'ot Ahem.; -j Thsre are many good reasons. how ever, why you ihottld not neglect, the dellcttte or gans, bti US care 'for. your .eye needs. We ; fair and . honorable with '. you. Anv- amifiation costs - you nothing, f , If- 1 a VntELERflPIiCAL f 0. 5TX iPBOoxt, oBBaoxrxaJtr aioa. Ai A It ll vr yj . Tambour xight"-iay - Clocks' are 1 Paul Revere, 'Fairfa3cra5, v;' selling at $6 and up;r$15.S0. 4-tHece Lafayettei. , Somerset, T Coffee Sets are, now $8 Gold ;Peh ,MadisohfMarr Chiltori, Bridal kose.Orahge ! dants are as low as $2.75; and - Solid BlossOrrr, and , many others. -; ALL TR.E- -a i SitverJVanities ta-n be Had for $6.i0 ; j DUCED. - Tht stock of Diamonds is one of. - ; 25e buv8ii5y5c and 6li-Collar Pinsas the lartrest on the Coast, and. thevtooa are ' well is $i io -S2 Silver Hat Pins:'. ' all rtiduceda:: 14-karat Gold Locket- set with Genuine Corals Necklaces are -also 6 full cut diamonds. 3 sabohires. retrular , i U fvoingat se each. -REMEMBERl iSS how $9.S0; j$50 'Cold L6cke S .dia-1 r THAT THESE ARE PRICE EXAMPLES : imbhds nbw 3S : $150 .Diamond, Sunburst;' l.t ; -AND 1 THAT' ALL ' 1 LINES ' ARE -.RE- ' - now $100, ' : The$e facamples7 giye ybu aa f DUCEO IN,PROEORTION , " ' r.; . 1; jdea bf the reductions.. Lv - No Matter Vyiiat Ybu Wiuit In JEWELRY It's HERE FOR LESS it f JAECEk it a 266 Moiwon, FourlalilSli. 4. ml isai SB. !i, ,1,. HI est. -aaaaiii i rartl e 1 Tlo pajii IT. f . 1 1 f 1 ssT - ew ' - r r l - Inr the racejdr btisiftess many firm bay rj6e WhJcfi LOOK LIKV;- hifll-ride hos,. .eddying .the' lastsi tjrles,Htte.; d that to the average citizen tlrey X-OOK vIiris-otily.aftetCitheyi are wfetn: that, the di0etrnc'M aiBK9vereaf loreucn ,nios-oon lose. their shape, Ana often cau$c burning achins; feet.u - J Many of these $hori-artrjStitchd on"-tne inside gndL Double Stamps and Coupon rf-, .V 4V-;. !W.r( ay. V VftiTTtl v va i ;::i7UJeiw;-waJc 1 ' - ! , IN OUR ,BASEMENT, , Pay 3a Bill- .."-.V; -Bay Ppgugej Stamps t f' Buy Money Orders ; .'. n Bay Street Caf.TlCatetg; : Boy Horltinir arid Fl.hiojt Li censes. . , i.. f , . ( .This, finn-win not Jseil uch .sJioes. . Doiv hiffh-orraae i ;-FvA.CriOJv- in every sense qf, the. word-arid pur estabf C , BBST' SHOES MAD& for the money, -,,-.JJ " ' 'We" mafn-ufn 'that the mfcA ED rlAWAN f SHOE' i THB CHEAPEST "SHOE ANY,MAN Ot? AVUMAJN AD r"UbSlBl,Y ,BUy.-alth6ugh-the-f!rst cost-is higher thar mahy mh'ers,. They have stood- ther 1 1 . tell, lor- pvet rtty, years, k ry. a pain. i t J z. , ' 1 kaKaJI Ask the man or woman who Mttut'thttavr-Hff- ''U 4"- . t - , . -.- ' 1 1 1 ..w a .... ; - '" rv "'-"'tM If . . f -- rr Special Tliursfiay and Friday Only I N AiltoSOToli One Hun4reL8.-Tfir H. Grem Trading Stamps with ' ' ,i , i ach purchase f $4.00 and tip. ;7 Fifth and Washinsrton Streets a aev .t- , EOS ENTHlli'S f . Portland's Best Shoe Store" '. : 12D 1 Otb St., bet, Wiuhinton and JUdsr J J e rt- a 1 "- asm -j W -,bsj i ':"T'' " ' l-srl M M sS-9 A-ft t.T,: -. ' Keepcleaii: ttair : Bmslte, eich f i . 75c io $t Vukahlaed Hafr Brashes; 75:Value -'S4c $3.00 Pyraliri Ivory Back Hair Brus&l.SO -23e Tooth Brash .".Is. .a. ;t.l0o S0e Hard Rtibber Cfcmb .t -va.''v.;37c tl'PyriHn-lVpry Phff BOx V. f ir ,i.ViS9e 5 and SOc Hand Brashes; fchbiccJ .'ZSc Alabister .Novelties '(beautiful g0od)-i ; '..":-. i I r at 50 Per .Cent Off :J- 41150 JuhUJn"Sytirtfi:es. 3-flUarta .'.97t 'CIoria'I-Ladie Douche-. Syringes, $1.39 U. B. L.: Cascadd Booklets.Ask : for .ne) Genuine Cowliicle Suit sGi-os Goods ;$Isf .Values, now 'tilj Saturday ;n!ghli;i'?, Spedal'at; eachru,r?''tJ.r-:;--. r.'S.TS Ja ..y ..'..'jvakaMaa ; aar vvwiiyiiV,i Gillette Raior for removiri; nMfroh. 'the arm pits. Just in.pgrice, each, . -$3.00. ;i andPerfumeop i 4JLaa3LalCLlIl f i;2S Fountaih Syrlngs,'2 tJtiirts.V. t i '.9e r&rim?!f VegetableOompound ...59c f 25d bounds Epsom Salts ? . . . ... ........ 85c ; 25c Compound Licorice Powder-. ...... 18c "104 Boric Add Powder .a .a , ... ? .j 7e . 2Sc "iSpiriti Camphor . .'. i . i , ;.; , 1 9c sParowax. (pure refined Paraffine), lb.-l0c - SOc Carter's K. & B. Tea ... . . . . . .. . . . .33c i SOc Sloan's Liniment . .', . t v a29c 35c Fletcher's Astoria,.. 18c 25cL'axattVe Bromo Quinine, 2 for r. .25c 50c pduhd Log Cabin; and Elite" Rolls., , A'-.very de-' ' lldous'soft center Chocolate . Candyvrolled in nuis.- So- .'f iai; peuad' . s .f . . . ' .p'.33c -r,. 3 1.,1. Til'-i-st i "ri f'T (r-'-hi nrj .f- j .i BaceBhilGooas?: souaaBzniAAao . Bf In this c6upori arid j 1 1 t fo extra "tf. & iK 1 1 'rradlng ' Stamps - OH -5- - IITour- first l iLafsraJ f Prchasa and -aoubl4 .JvZZZS stamps, on the bal anoe ef purehass. Good r on first three floors Friday and Saturday. Jud A and t. ' '!T- J "jV C 4 TO" CLOSE OtJT f Y 4 , , , Catchers,'. Mitts, .Values f6.0OSpcial'a,V..$l.e3 ;.Masks yaluesjo $3.00-Special. . - 03e tJloyes, values to $2.Q0--Special .-i.-. 89c r Bats, values, Jo Jl.OOSpecial I f " Bklls "One-Half Price4 'jf rJ'. - 'MAal -ait -TVifc VDt4a-ritityta4C. lifc-U'lL ---. av T. i A.7.-rfl-'-r,1.vl:Ai uiyiidq t .. . die SuoblieG Large Soft Sponges, each . . i . i . . j: . . a ... v . i t $ 1 .50 Largre Sof t Chamois, each-i . . i-s.-i s.',- t: . Si-.50 ' Large, Feather Duster, each,.'.' V:;i .'151.00 ""' Flaatoap (Linseed Oil Soap), 2-lb. cans, each ,t35c Auto Paint and Enamels; y plats .-i.3.i,.;-i.3ScI.- Waxine Polish. Y gallon -....t.'iJ....V.C0c. i- SOc 1 LavOriS U . . . . .; v. . . A . ; . . . .33c J'-Xjny.MilkMa(ekia'plntf ......29c : $ 1.00 'Danderine ..V.a..... -59c 50c Glover'i Mange' Remedy...... 33c j..50e Xascarets ... .:. . .' . . ,29c ' (Right to; Limit Quantities Reserved) 5 .41JD0 PinkiLadyriuTjM., 50c' Sterlinjr Silver Depojit Smellisg Salts v I Jars, each f......-.33cv' 60c and 75e '50c Hind's Honey Almond Cttitn' W : 25c Jerfcen'a Benzoin ahd-AJmOnd-Lot'n.lCc ;tSt 'Satin Skin Face Fqwder u. ,14c ; , 50a C 'H.: Berry FrejfkU.Crc.n4 . . . .33e ' : 25c Luster.te Rose TiatJJJf;....al4o . ,25o JRogets et Gallet's Pomade "Rose". . 15c - " roadVay BathSdajpl Riibbei Wash i:loth7..i25c Combined" value ...... 1 40c To Introduce Soap f Special; j)oth for.... AUU - . . . . ... , All 15c per ' can Spices, 'eich '.. 1 c " - oy,: Sulphur- . . 1. 0c. PtLiifA6 and VarnisKbs a r, V loorlaj;, ,a durable water-prbof finish for -loor. - weight beautiful., colorav. -Sisee, M pint -35c -gallon " . ' y$ Pint Permanent;,Oreen .Paint fd -rarfien ; 1 stakes 30; j r t i-n- -t . .j, 1 w I - - . ' . j.' -i n") 1 1 ,s. Ml a ... a fc-v . - v -. ,. A man can smoiie J 1 vrtlirhiiffK all His -4. -a- a'av4a a-I ---- I B ii-. a --.'i if ; y: Phbtonrabliic Brinsr as your FlLLrs .this rnomia?! and" -liave them back -this evening Quick Serv. I . ice jLaXperts oo ui ' - w . ALD2R.AT p WEST PARI ' ' .'J- v - 'l -JBkasL BLari" ' 1 ' ' AaaaBaau. " -V S--, -TJi l4' il' ;i v??Jk i . f.T. , ! f at - 'I 0. , AAavaiia-f all. llariiar-ppfiiisn m1 t i- i Sit 't-lWicr a Quarter ttml liir' fcM 1 - -A-1 duast 6 do., lnca, DiitriLutors - ""a X . a J 1 'a ' ?eO r --r,. v ; tJ li:-sa sfcaj L 1 '-ri i eai -h r : 1H af g.-i-i 7...aj:,.axsaa f vilV v 1 - -, '. i ' f Sou may see perfectly and yet "' need glasses; If yon eyes tire r ache that Is nritof th ss ealltns "Jfori help -or'xelfat. -V ,.i .... ... ..ia-.-.V45t'J- ' Vi 'tr-'' H(t ? TV -Vttv: awn rrtvvem - w wa awwaaa, aw w .f t - find tha trouble ;fr yfctbtt WiH 1 ' cost you nbthing. It you do heed I ' glasses We will give you th best;!' ta.i ,a. a . nj.a : f Xense -Sphlrlln- rtuiaiva U'i I ' frame Va.a-.ii.r'a.,,,.,,..!! Zaenses Bpaard la i Aluminum f frame V-Ti..a,.i.l! kaaa rfai I S a a. di 0 v-., f trefieis SpherO in Oold-FilUJ frame) '.,..$3.50 Lenses Sphero (curved) In G. E. Glaaa Mtg..:..i tS.OO Xryptek Teases... ...S3X3 to f 13.03 PLACE YOUR NEXT ORDER WHEltE YOU AXIZ ZVllZ .TO BE SATISFIED. i''Ar. THE STOkEtOP". QUALITY" , r 1 . "1 'Portland's 'elusive Handlers. of, Everything' Good to Eat" te8Td Stel U4432 Main 04G.'; For Thursday i Friday ani Saturctay we offer Regular Stothed Groceries tit a $ tight reduction: ' , -IWlieW ini Cfs4e"ck:Bickill; ilsTttalae; re 30c J?r. .7 -t ?.4rt6 Jmborted "Micaronl, rit, 2Sc pkr4 no t, 3 pkgs. for , , . -- Pimentos, Sweet fipanlsli ; Pepprt,w 2 for ...L..; ,s Tobasco Peceer 8auce fMellhefiv's fcot! ' . . .... . ... . . a. - - , J , . mr a w ..,,.,......- !- l?C5f?aiBaUl,ift',PPMb6,4 rirf.M"..f.V.-.i.e...a. ....... : . U hltfSi Pi'j4uart ... - .VHie Srapo -4Btce 'c Per now ir,.(..,..,..r yjhlte Crape Juicev refc; 35c per pint, now . .;...r.....l..;.: . z I t All tocaliBeerf,faieaaf... Brewery Pric: i i Oregon HothotiM riTornatoesB .:.....;., . French. Camembert. ,in wood, each . ... ... s l , x , McFarlanev & Lange's Water Blscttlts.'iV:''v-r-vv.v-.'.,- j--,.... - 'V S6.-?,1?!; Herkimer New York Cheese, lb. . ,ReaI Budded jumbo Walnuts, lb.;. - VISIT OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT before iC.i cn , that Excursion or Picnic T ; Yours for .Prompt Ser'vico , and r Efficient arid . Personal Attention - "You Can Do Better, for Lett on 7iird Sf rcz :." Yacht Club ri Salad . .large' bottle "Special ' '40c -n Groce :-YACT!rrr CLUB ..Satad-! Dressing, ' . medium . ? iiie-Toti' sasUtv' n ' i-lvft.' Or; V I 1 J if rion G: 'Friiariiy tnd Saturday Sr:c! b Mushroonil,' f Ine Barton bran d. I r vttlar 13.25 br ioten. Special -Mushroom, fine Barton brand, l -g-, ular 30c per tin. Special, tin Lc HEINZ AT'VARIETi: ' t'1' SUITABLE FOU I1C AZZ HfelN2' SWEET QHEliiai.'. KegUlaf 2Jc--Specll, ; . - - ; ".cHch;va-...V;;. - . Z 'HEiiiz sour ciieriiinl:-.- Regular 20c-i-Speciul, cacU....'- I w HEINZ' CHOW CHOW ; 0 Regular 20c Special, each. ,7. iuL ftlH-K Carnation, ".large tins, 4 : ;Vcn I in rata .n.riil e-i "?i - - s " ww.w.c v.. mo. a..& . - ppctiai, per uozen ....... - - Coffee 'Juno Dlcnd Creaxxl of the Ccffes Vc !. ; Rich In" BodyRegular price :40c lb. Special price, per lb...i i w w,r.. ..:3LB3. F0UCJ1 5;i TPFtiinn: t?i nun A TRIAL COSTS NOTHING .Tf Surlr ,4r - - - v n we u s w t v am '.Sav. we . " SF not prove itseix to oe just as superior and just as economical as. we. ny it. is. We simply make the flat statement that SUPERIOR FLOUR is su- OeHor in ntialitv.tQ inv nfrir ftnttr am ka a,.,La, -x J - V . ..vm. . ' v inn rvi, vjOURiOJfFBIWTry a. lack .of Superior Flour, It v- - aiaaaavaa A SB-C JTUU TV ,1 JVU StflC not satisfied that it is better than any other flour , von eHIX Titl voili' rr-rlw ,111 . SUPERIOR FLOUR Special price f (A J 'per barrel ....... ,.;... T;! it. . VU.4U per sack OltUU 208-213 THIRD GT BET. SALMON AND TAVLCn : Wholesalers to Private Families Restaurant tr, II- -Trecitl J!:l Crf?r Cervic . - -'. . : '