THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY, JUNE 3. 1915. nr. inn J mi- nrrrvrr. iUUIIIUHAL t to OF DECORATED CARS PARADE WANTED FOR r Management of Rose Festi- 5 val Hopes to - Have 100 Autos . In Bfg Procession. INTEREST IS STIMULATED Bxnibltloa of Blid.s et Becorsted Cm . . ortla BSitel Tltt(Ur .-. is a Beetnre. ... More entries ot decorated auto mobllea are wanted for the floral pa rade 6f feose Festival. Some to cara nav been entered already In this event exclusive of fire apparatu. but It is : aimed. to bare at least 100 beflorfed . machines In the procession. , Every, thing possible la being done to stimu late .Interest in this event, - including the exhibition of Stereopticorf slides of decorated car at rth Portland hotel J yesterday afternoon and the display of photographs In the window of Sherman, Clay & Co. '.- ; r ' With 100 cara or more, decorated fire apparaias, the Portland Hunt club n a large horse- and pony section " this year's -floral parad promises to , be the best In Rose Festival history. ; Rose Festival authorities are an ; loua to receive entries as soon as pos sible, however, that they make aa full : arrangements as possible for handling the procession. Many persona who would ftJiter cars at- holding bacftV it . Is said.,. because they believe enovgB entries have already been received. Additional entries are wanted, how- . : . ver, ! and jthey . may , be made at any . time. . H II II m' 6I0W OF FESTIVAL COMES , rWorlc on Construction of Postofflce Grandstand Starta. - The first Veal tangible signs of the . eomlng Rose Festival Made their ap pearance In the beginning of the con struction on the grandstand in front of the pbstoffice. The sound of ham , mcr am saw all day lohg la acting aa .. a reminder to .all whe pass that the great less than a week away. Painters have been painting the lamp post on Broadway for the past week aa part of a surprise In decora tions and from now on work will be rushed on grandstands, the festival center In the park blocks and other - festival features. - - 1 - - . OFticiAIi CHAPERONE PICKED airs' Fred Spoerl, wife of the mana ger of. the Pacific Telephone & Tele s', graph company; is td be the Official t chaperons or the queen of the R6s Festival and her suite. , . As chaperone she will accompany Queen Sybil and her princesses and maids of honor on all their royal pil grimages anj excursions during the v fiesta. - ' . T. Mra.JBpOeri is the mother of AlAriOn . Ros Spoerl, One of Queen Sybil's princesses. What Ordinaricef"1fo?Mean S WThe ordrnanc? gives ? the " council power to fix the terms of a contract n wiin toe woman society, ana S not fc viaii iu surrenaer revenues, out . sure nuinane treatment 13 vote no yes. LEGAL OPINION HOLDS GARMAN, ' ,. CHARGE FAULTY - 5 f Continued From Page One.) to in- of -animals. CAdv.) to show that guns were mounted , on the Lusltanla and that explosives -chiefly guncotion were bidden aboard the vessel, 'will be considered. Th legal experts of the stats department take the View.' however; that these claims are disponed of by a report ft DudUy Field Maione. collector of the port of ttew York. M reported that inspectors had examined the JLusitani very carefully, ': even her bold, -. and found no such weapons. - " ays icanirest Was ralsiflftd. The charge that the ' Lusltania' manifest was falsified, to conceal th explosives, even If tme amounted only to a, fraud, conspiracy against 3" the United States, making the vessel sub Ject to seisura, but not to destruction the legal opinion will say. The carrrlna of small irmi. ammu nition by the Lusltanla, it will be stated was m accoraanc wiui taw ana in exact statute will be cited as proof. Explainlhg former denials that affl davits .relating td the Lusltania had been received, it waa stated today thai they were submitted to a minor Of ft clai of the state department at a time wneir Secretary Bryan and Counsellor Lansing ware busily engaged on an other matter. "W'hert the denial from Bryan 'was Issued the official hade not yet been able td nana the affidavits to the secretary; ' : , .; i -y iniaom Workl 6a ftcjoindir. President i Wilson was Secluded in his study in the White lious, wherk he has about completed his rejolhdef to tn imperial gftvSrntnenfs (reply td thS American note pretesting against the 'slaking of . the Lusitania and de manding cessation of the submarine warfare. Councillor Lansing of tht state departmehU an expert oh : Inter national law, will viae the president's hew notr. After this, only such change as the cabinet may suggest will be made. Because of the optimism ef Ambas SadOr voh BernstOrff fbllowing hi, conference with President Wilson yes tef day. many believed the crisis in the relations between the United States and Germany had! passed. Other, however thought this view erroneous. They cited : the fact that Von Bern, storffs optimism following the fori warding of the Original note did not bring a favorable reply from hliAgov ernment. If the next German reply is more favorable than that received Monday, they declared, it will be be Cause the United States stood f irmly on its original position and Hot becauee it consented td the discussion of basis principals gf the demands, Sop for a Settlement President Wilsons closest friend have told him . that weakness wuuld now involve the United States in 4 diplomat! break with Germany at least. . By "standing pat on the main issues, and modifying minor - point; however, they believe Germany will make necessary concession and an amicable Settlement can be reached. Germahv does net wunt thk rlnan cial resources of thi united State launched against her. Big financiers of Berlin are known to be unanimous in declaring that a break with the United States at this time would be a grave mistake. it u the militarists wbo insist that another enemy more of less does hat matter.1 The hope in Washington is that the financiers and bthers will prevail bvtef the Jingoes. Better Late than fet&r. Elltfene. Of.. June rFrtf s ft6bert orifrtn,-' or Cottage tsrov -ha f aa i nrst euisenship bapefS but hdt Until yesterday was he made a fullfledged eltlsena ,f th Ubited States, although he has voted ever sides he filed his petition for natural iMtion, and fought In the Civil war OUTLlitEOF: GERMAfl nnnt rittii i ES REPORTED GIVEN TO PRESIDENT Von Bernstorff Said to Have , Told Wilson He. Could Se cure ; Many Cohcesslortsv. ... Providence, ft, X4 une K. S.J The Providence Journal today prints the following alleged "details of the statement made ' by the " Ambassador Vbn fiernstorf f to President Wilson yesterday": . After descHblng the difficulties be bad encountered in trying td commu nicate with the German ' government, he added that if it had Act been for those conditions, the , German note Would have gone more thoroughly into th questions at issue. Bat he had been unable td properly acquaint his government with the real sentiment of thi country before the hot was en 4ie expressed hi conviction that if Urns permuted .before the presidents reply fid would be able to secure from the imperial German government thi following ; : -vr - "First thit dertHithy i willing 0 discontinue it fenbmaride fan vessels ort board which it is knbwh there are cittsens ef th United State if the United stte tovemment en the other hind will suggest td th clti lens of th United State that 1a the future when asking foi1 passage tor Europe they should travel only en hips as are known not to be carrying Contraband of war. "Second That the Imperial German government will not attack merchant Vessels of any country with subiHa 1 - - ' - u 11 rlneis unless Such vessels are postlTve iy known -to-'b (tarrying contraband of war. - t " - ' ': . rThird. That Germany's course will be made touch7 easier la this direction if the president will issoe proclama tion that ship bf totUtgtfeftt nation carrying contraband of vrar must not accept. United States fciUsen as pas sengers. In that event GermanwiU be able ts ewndset Her ibmrUiS war fare in the future without coming into any conflict wltVt&a United States. ' agree providing the United States gov ernmeht Brought about th condition outlined above hot to attack by sub marine any merchant vessel whatever, belligerent or otherwise, traveling th high seas, with passengersj ; whether carrying, contraband of - war or not, without first glvinlt bassengera , and crew an bbp'oHuHlty of seeking safety id boats and tatts . ,V;..ii 'f ' :i 1 s Special Train for Berlin Americans i Ambassator Gerard " Promised Safe Transport b All Who Wiib. to teiv ta Cad of rak. . j ArhSterdim, June :(U. P.) Am balsado'r Gerard J has already j arranged to Safeguard Americana in BerUn in c&se bf . unfofeseen events.! it . wai learned here tddih 1 ;Sv ' ."- .-.j - Thi kmbasadOr has "asked the for litH office tfdr ahrances thai a spe cial train wilt hi lurnishid imemberl bf th embassy ltff, theii- families artd bthe American in thlch they may ieavi Betlin in evertt'of a .breach; idembet of th American - Red Cross; Polish. rllf i workers aftd American htwspaper men would - ie&V on , thi Sam tralh Under this hfrahgethent. , Fbreitn Minister, von Jagow assured Gerard tttll prbtfectlbh would hi given ail American. ' Election Officials to ftlefet. 4 That all information jjQssJblS can he given the officials o? the city elec- "ft.. Qoody Clean Wholesome td thi palate and katisfyiiiitta the appetite, served ever 87 at thi Imperial Grill lunch HiSO toi 406, BOc Dinner 5:30 to 9 Sdc,fSc Music During: DihAit New Grill Eiilr&nck from & to ad way Are You rife - (LnOltl BROADWAY the E . V ' a . is . f . ' SSL lg to S .. . .. . ;-.V.: . " : .-"k t '. " - - ' V 1 ' " "- " 1 Friday and Saturday? MOST ASSUREDLY! 1 purchutd several article at their forcetit tale and toittidered the value better thatt anything 1 ha ever purthaied, ; - DAYS MORE ; The Broadway Store Closes or Gotd ! THE TlME-9 a. m., Friday. THE PLACE Btoadway Stotfc, Sixth and Aldfct. THE GIRL Young and old, they will all be at the most sensatlotial . sale in years. PWCE, QUAUTV and STYLES tell why. w6 have the ci-dwdi. , Come Before It Is Too Late! IT NOW and Save TEN S Motel SUITS tna Jisti. Is -ana lav Daws displaced at 4Sj6o to eoowoo ana vea more Oarmeats that reflect th yery higaest gtade of tailoring thai ar atade of Oi eaoa's oholoest materials, $23.95 to 534.95 'g. $30 SuiU $8.95 Kase it Km point to See these Suits. They are ; ideal for general wear. Vhey are tailored and semi tailored in plata and fancy weaves, sea rta Pique collars sad enff. la aavy and blaek; also shepherd oheeas. tnr alitnrii. mm. oaV:..8.9EK MILLINERY id AABAli:S . BS9QOXS SO 86e "Earlier la ths iiiiia they wf e lrtit ti it wr earlier la, the season they Would still be and ieiilag very well. 3 at It - lent - earlier season ana the may f o at b .me ALL MILLINERY trimmed - and un- low half the pfidfi J vrii rannnr ir"- . j e - ca a fordJ6 rniss it! $30 CoaU $3.95 fiverything lovely- verythlag th hat la eoits money can bny- bettsi than it usually bayS--bt see fer your self the coati w ari of v xerlng at $S.9S Chinchilla CoaU An -trooi chiaohktl Coats la plaia white, fall Aire Wks. patch poek f ets, 3 inches long, $,10.9S w i' M WH r '-Ss immi0 $30 Coats Our Windowt Tell the Story 6t - SenaaUonal . Bargains. ' . Ci - '-rSTWa 'ill'il-A nlsB -ClW-rVna V A i iiL. : ixusii vlv cuiuai W cut 11' y livUii vj M No :. Exchanges .No -C. O. .D. AilGoods Must Be Disposed Of Uofvl meeting " tfii chairmen oi tfie various election boards tS' to-be held Saturday hight ui tn Wbodmeo. of. the World hall. Eleventh and 'Alder streets. Pinal .instructions will Mvvli itor BaryW and ofaelaJ. nmltthi eteellonT Originally, It til JJUhbed t -hold the- meeting in the city hall; but. oWlng to Ihe bumber df chalrmertt the Jslah wis firOjiped and an attlpbk made to tet one of the library halls. Thi was unsuccessful, .an th Wi o. Wi hall was finally selected. I h i i m 1 i i In nati.1 t NplSClotr Bpeafca ToCxj. ""d'A,' BlgetoWj commissioner-. f finance ' ihd ciridldate ' for reelection, speaks this afternoon at the home of Mra J. ' Allen Hifrlsori, i Thlrly-nlnth avenui ana Jj&st ITifty-fourtK street, at i 'clock and to women of tne Sunny- Bids district at the boms bf Mrs. 'Ira Routledge, - 870 Belmont . street, at 3 o'cldck.'. He wlli ekplain- hn tnarktt policy ahd . how the department i f finance handled it Last h!ht lie spoke 'to members-of the Presbyterian church it East Flftyithlrd ahd Cel moht itreeks. jj liiltMMXi lllllil lCT;'ttLEm ' c ; y ntfefe bELlVEftV to ALL EAftfs oP THE city l - r r, I J V fit . I i ; EVERY ITEM denoting a remarkable saving and offering suck a wide variety a$ to bprhtahdea td come to "The Owl Fridays and aUply th&f immediate i br future drug and other heeds. ' Look over this list fcatefully-mphey is s&yerl By buying these specials. Seadhahle Items Patent Medicines njid Toilet ArfiVl 17c 39c fa I SJSlllSJSii as sit jar Bob Taiiahl fowar . . ?; i a.: i ; . vi : "Especially nrepired from me Jr-ortiana koik - . 500 os- Portland Boss fix tract. ; . i . ; ; ; . . . ; ; . ; i 'S6w- your loyalty by , using this- delightful I edori"' - - i-r- , . 1 s&e Owl. Skla CHaai, Q Priday Special .f.:.;.;;i OOC all iJiat Owl 4eroldi, - :.?dayfSeil 1 aSo sise xeda Toilet lioen, 4 . Bos, or yldleV CleaiU glove. perHetl. iSi Aii fir sor ft, 4 fe , rlday special ....,,.;; lOC 4dd,si daaiial iodr ; -u ' V-.wij--'1 i ! u i i i . i '.'.u ; ! OJO add aisi ttliaoo, irlda ips- . , atai at . lbC i06 feUe ttalt&a ' traUii - Hq, .'..ftUar-siutsi JiUi;a4lfC 6i ilk Cocdaaat Oil flthl. iti . sifi.d) js . ; t i , .". ii . .-,', OVC Bo iiti . aa& Cream iBl sits fcaiocld, ;iiaafr A ' .irpedial at ...v.... : 1C not Seer, Om s 85o else Hire's ft . yridar special 3 aekagi Envelopes, m- 1 fl . day- sseclal . i ti . i . ; ; W 7a Idas zainld Arvo&i ri ' dy ' sneblal , ; .. , t ; ; aSo sis owl Tiolet Amino' f a i-.ti ; x 3 c Perfumes and softens .. . toe wateiv . i ?. and , VtUlty Kits, Tti day - iealU.i' 'An tineigeucjf ueyeaeiiy rouaa . 49c 17c 6c r rfa- vvfivuvj Two-la-One Baa Xnaay special .... tSO BU SKtBaaWtIti i bcll at k;;,ii.:i;Mi no iu imathoaa tyi ri. iay pelal ,OC tit il 0t tTi Hi v 4 v ai.i H , ilr -a. . - - . bc sits xaian mat yi Irriaay spiciai . , ... t8 i fcarbiaa, Friday 8o tiki" Owl ftoai Cold 66 Itlliii tH falldfl), n Hj-I oar. special .-iv..uu, (Egg preaerver.) 18 ioc aisi tlold iledal ttaiiia ' on eapsul OOC BOc slse Bansae, - Idayeclal, I;.... , iV OOC boo siss Doan-s ltldaiy lli,ti ;" rldilr speeial -. . . . s : 5C tea ftli Sieohahi' sMils, 4 rttday rpiclal IOC soo sis Stuart's Xyippi r- TahiMi, i ii.-iit '.. aoo ise atturteroi. fHday v polal-.'.v; i-.'. . i-:-. . . ; t I1.0O sis KyomoV Pridiy i special :. 0 Ble Barhd Odhifldnaa, Friday speeial n rj ,? i j ; ; aso als Koadon's Catarrh Wily .: i5b U Oraageins Powder, rdar lpoial ......... $i li iaimwert Tablets, hi alii apra's Bop; Cakes', rnaay speoui sp lis wuiB,sy Water, OQ - M4ay spsolal . .... . ... &SJC lb lii Blapepsia, Trlday Oft ;,iplal .... . . . . . ... fclTC $1 ii Pinsham's Compuna,6 tj,rtay special . .;. . . OOC Mo sise BesihOl Ol&miatt J rndar special .... .. .:. C 11,00 sise Banatogen, rrlday .special -v 69c 33c 16c 16c 68c 19c 73c thelkbdali toicturs bf tbday. bf the feoii aid thi Boui foiili at iuiii iajoyahi triel iai dating Is th tirtsvda thi tlvlr, f thi rpoiUoh ahd thi Boii fii alt will grew id tfitifsit iviry year. . Cdln id thi Owl an git ahnalnta trlia dttr edik Mai! h will ilaUt yen. aatiii ytd ihd torrtei yod in UKiag rood pittntBi Seiali fdi Ybu Friday Vrihtiaa- Outfits lU-lb. bi Atraa-ilttMir ra. IOC OS mm S mtr7li.eo,' special G9c 29c 93c 25c aSh ii,Sr8waata, ri- 4 day Sneelsi . . . . ; 1 C 800 sise leg had alpha on .Bat Bresslag 1UC LOO sis Beiateh. rtiddf - Btasa4ssi - soo Bis Kind' BOhty and aiiMHIi4 nu.kl.j . li.OO ilia Oriintal 'Criaht,'' rnaay special ; ; . t . : BOo else aimpri Oiovlni, rriday speeial . t n . ; s . i T86 nisi Kixolltii tidiy At pMai ; . . i . . j i . . . . , rr. , C ,l2UJ2t.;..ff. 70e fiuthyntol Tooth Vaite, rl- aso StieV' ii&::'YdA- special ...... .-....,...,4 a,"C Biveris Talcnm Vowier, Tri-t o day. . ; . . . , ,i , .i 4 , ... , AaC SO U Cimllini, jrtiasy1 onA spial a . .;..; s ..: i . OUC aso Ms Bsimetla, Friday 4 7 -sptclal. i . ; ; t . . i i . . ) a iC 900 lit iahtiltpti totion, 0bM . Friday poiir JSJ'C ac-.'ffHff..?:;. ldc 6O0 sise Caplllaris, Vrldiy rjf speeial ....ti. ioo , its fcavorist Inday "Irl- special .ii.i.ij.ii.iiii, UC 60 Site Bay Bam. -rriday AQ .special (uncertain ...... ntC tr 1 i SfAiiayih aaornlOtts but. put ana bnrehaslar novit of friia it lw.ftJoV- ia-ea. rowdered ana -;;Sr. 10c li is. iinio,:-ifl rriday special. . 1 V.C 16 oss. Epsom 1 f Salts IW ie oss.. 8ssafrei ofil, .. ark . . . .r OOC 3 bk. Stan kvis -i fi . ? f idtal n't. VC ffi5g5 1 - o Otaaat - grt -To.a!5s? i iii. 10 10c IS ess. Blears. Soda ........ IS. fiodd BhOi; ; ; ; 1. os. Xlcorici ilAiili oMi ..1 4UC " s. ZBt 3 ots, 10 ll olii. ICerck' Hi ;ngar -Kiih i . . S)C li ' os. rehcn -i fi ronaik 1UC 16 ess. Precipl--tad Chalh ;i. alOC 4 oss. lOjk ejChaih aad it 54i. "lorai" rtiday special., li oss. traitla ,. Mdli anadl. 1 16 oss. Kyposul- hiti shit Soda . 18 osi. aeldUt Pdwder . ..,; 10c 106 10c St 2Sc tdlerti1 Medicines Ccnfd l.Oo aisi JHirsi'i rresorip- rM tlda is:.f. bC loo its jTiyaVi tarmlfngi. oo p,ridir ' ipscial r . t ; . . 1 . . . .OC 35a aisi oastorlat Brlaay On. -r ipiolai i i,:..; : . sSUC soyrdf iritli FHday Hq , pcial i, i i, ; s ... . i - doo sis B. B.S4 riday i!o!iotor iiiitvi Sx BoJWoaMi doe la Cnlictira 6iattnnV' jr? arldt Piel .... i , ; , OOC fi.oo sis rftearn'i Hrln Oed it- boo aisi aal Kepitic, tri- . . day ipelit ..- &VC 80 iia wilUaias fiak 4A j Villi ; . Atj ' . . . , : i . 0 1 C loo alii , roiey coudk, : rldr ipiai 77. , oUC i80 site Bromo Siltiir, ivli. rriday special l.C SOo ls Cram ancay, irru O-, oay apeeiai a-v dickeys Oram di Byi, rti iu day ; . 1 ; . rv. . . 1 . . , . , . ; , . o v boo iui tfaV fici fowder, c- rriday ipediai aioC 5o ait riaiad'i Vifitdl, Hr- rridiy iyeciai .-. OOC JOo aili Ohirles' Biesh rood,ihM rtldsy special mCOC Bo size Sheffir.'k Hair Bye, tttJ 'rtdijr pQli . . . , . Oil C IBo ie Bshaoua, rrld 4 spaciar ; rr. .7 . . . . . . . . , 1 1 C oOo aist tagrahi' Mllkwiid bHM Baymond Odnlpiaioa Criahl,i t sUl;..tri-....:i..... J&OC 8So else 7 Owl Shampoo, tf . iMM.a -u.iiiki . ... - rn. it f 10 Sift tarpieide, Bndiy lrtii speial ' . i . ; i . 1 . . i r. . , UOC Soo sis road' vanishing ntL Crsam. . . , , 4 , f. k- , , , , i4 f OC SOAPS lOo kit yhiiioiaas' and n orgeon'....... ...... 4 UC as is rear' soap ruia 1a, 11) )ostd ...i...i 1C a So else Packer's Tar, Brl- Hj4 day ipeciai -.". n ., C 100 i Ckai, rriday apeoial 3Bo si fiynol Soap,' rriday '4 - neclal ........ :! MbC lOo sise California Medicated,' rriday sneolsl 1 : OC lOo slse Crsam roam ioap, for ......; 1.. s.j. vC r: 1 1 4 a 1 i 1. 1 1: l A m LI 1 I o 1 . .s .1 uracney For BiUdustiess Frit indicetiori For Conatipaiidh Bugar-COated Bills, pleas ant to take and active in ef fect. They put the system in order aad do not produce "..5; t any Hi sffeetsi - . fio rif 40 Piilil i . I . S B3a for 63c;- ' - - - - I . Ki &6ck. liteat Cotdr ana Bfcaigna, fopulatfy Priced it 25 e 50 tt Z5t and Si Candy Special Peanut Brittle Lb.. IOC i Lb. Fftih 4lSAliafAelibft ill fetfertr fransactlOll' TVyNTV-ONE 5t01tS ON THE PACIFIC COAST WASHINQf 0M At BROAdWAYi rORTliAND, OREGON i Li 1.. i I-1 Li I I LI 1 I i TTT. til liiiu TT TT mini all ' ar Dentistry V'-SO LESS . ; Than'TRbST DENtlSTS Cbrge r" v ebrBlr bat iito isttftsV.; Bl;ser Of tic Ber fitiainea. Better Method Belter yi teittj More PBtletita More Seienlifte Thati Anj trmt DeMisl tti Oregon We examlrieVour teeth (hot your pdfcketfeobk) free of thdrge Paft bf iT'ry dotlaf ybtl givt at Trost Dintist pe to feel keep tit the rst jti Oregon. Cari you afford to pit U for 51 ortn bj oid-styife dt& Usti-y just to helfr ihe dehtal. combine crush competition f . , j : sixth' and Wathington Sts;j PortUnd, Or. Lol Angeles. San Diego, San FrandscC.daaii.nd, ilakcf fefialdi tjOoilyn. !i.V. CLAT PLAN SOP BEAGM : VACATIONS mi WEEK-END SPECIAL, 2 P. Mi EVERY ' ; ,"- ' ': SATURDAY ASTORIA SEASIDE GEARHART Special Returns Sunday Evening I NOltW DANK StATION lOtk ind1 Hoyt ; tlCIIETS end Parlor Car ttftiervit.c.ia Cth and t.rk