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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1915)
A .It - -. '. '"-; THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL',- PORTLAND, THURSDAY. ! JUNE 3, 1915. MAYOR ALBE JOINS 1 MULTITUDE WORKING FOR MOUNTAIN TRAIL Chief . Executive Says Be "Glad to Sell Blue Penr cils on Pencil Day, , Mayor Albe will , sell blua pencils Saturday for the Larch mountain trail. The mayor will be one of a host of Portland people who plan to help Ala pose of the 28.000 blue pencils which : will make the completion of the last link of the bis; six -mile trail possible. Mayor Albee telephoned this morn Ins; to 3; 11. Dundore, president of the , Progressive Business) Men's club, which was . the first organization to iret behind the trail.- . "T will buy blue pencils, sell blue pencils or do anything; you want-" The city's executive has already placed a substantial order for his per sonal use, and Chairman Hayek or tne , jLarch mountain trail committee plans to deliver another gross to the mayor . to dispose of around the city hall. Advance orders for the blue lead pencils are' pouring in. Two of the largest hotels in Portland mailed this - morning . to the headquarters of our committee, 41$ Corbett building, orders for a gross of pencils each, which they will present " to . their guests on a Saturday, Blue Peacil day. Pencils may be obtained in bulk at f 10 per gross, $5 per half gross and SI per dozen, although the street sala will be at 10 cents per. pencil. Farnam Witnesses . , ; WW Be Watched Court Orders Them Kept la Custody 6T Bailiff of Court Until After They Save Testified. Roseburg, Or., June 3. That the witnesses In the trial of Roy Farnam, who Is accused of murdering bis la year-old sweetheart and-burning her hn1ir In ft ham. Rhftif h tn nhnrcrft of a -bailiff during the process of the trial and shall not be admitted to the court room -until after they have tes tilled, are the instructions issued by Judge Skipworth in the circuit court .here. He also instructed that the Jury 'be placed In charge of a bailiff dur ; ing the trial and that the members should not read the newspapers or Italic about the case to outsiders. ' Attorney Cardwell, in his opening statement to the Jury, said he would Introduce evidence showing that Edna Morgan was very friendly with men other than Farnam, one of whom wan committed to the Insane asylum a ! short time after the disappearance of the' Morgan girl. He also said he t WmiTd .hnni fiw m nntr that ITAmatn was at home on tne nignt nana Mor gan disappeared a'nd the Beamer barn was .burned, . District Attorney ' Neuner in his statement, said the theory of the pros ecution is that Roy Farnam was re sponsible for the physical condition of the Morgan girl and that, in at temptlag to relieve her, he caused her death. - To conceal her condition, the state contends, the body, was burned 'byi Farnam. ' . A - The first witness .introduced was R. M. Morgan, father of the dead girl. Among other things he testified that his daughter received a letter from Roy Farnam on the day preceding the tragedy, the contents of which, were unknowns He last saw his daughter about 10i o'clock, on the night of the tragedy, he ' said, and the next morn ing found that she had not spent the night at home. As she frequently spent the night with neighbors he said, he thought nothing of her being absent until told that her charred body had been found in the ashes of a barn. Among -other witnesses was Esther Morgan, younger sister of Edna. X Contributiona to Charities Fund , . Coming In ; Fast Previously reported ....$483-66 W. T.'J. 10.00, Mrs. I JT. Ransom... .. 5.00 Arthur I. Moulton 8.25 Charles A. Buckley, - Grass Valley, Or. .. 5.00 Sherman R. Hall ....... . 15.00 Tom Blunden. . ......... 1.00 From a friend ......... - .60 R. M. B. .............. . ., 4.00 Bridal Veil Lumber Co.. 10.00 t . B. Hagedorn, v ........ , . 10.00 Total $560.30 m m Medicos' Banquet vTo Be Held Tonight ' The annual banquet, of the Alumni association of the medical department of the University of Oregon-will b held at :S0 o'clock tonight a,t the Benson .hotel, when officers for the : ensuing year will be elected. The Alumni association, together with the iffembers of the senior class of the medical department, will have charge of the graduation exercises of the school, which will be held; tomorrow night at the First Presbyterian church. Sessions of members of the asso ciation who are holding their annual meeting here are at the school build ing at Twenty-third and Lovejoy streets. A session was held last night another " will . be held this afternoon, and the last tomorrow. COUNTY COURT NEWS . Authority was given County Treas urer Lewis to ' employ l extra help in registering the road bonds. He . has now employed all that he needs, v O. W. -T. Muelhaupt, agent for the Svea Insurance company, submitted a check for $8.96, return of premium on Insurance' on the bridges, which has been cancelled. The check was made payable to both city and county, and Auditor Martin was directed to arrange with the city for proper distribution of the amount. State Veterinarian W. , BL Lytle of fered the service of his office to the county in making tuberculin tests and stamping- out tuberculosis among cat tle. Foreman John Denison, of Mult nomah farm, was directed to call upon that office whenever necessary.: -4 FUR STORAGE H. Liebes & Co. EgTABT.THTTED 1864 The care of . Furs during the , moth breeding season requires proper treatment, only at-' tained by practical knowledge. Phones M. 24, A-2440 Messenger at Tour Service. L Fur Work for Less During Summer Months 288 MORRISON ST. Between Fourth and Fifth - - " - J- P. piagemsnn. Mgr. ; Contributions should be sent to V. R. Manning, secretary, 411 Commercial block, or R. S. Howard, treasurer Associated Charities, Ladd & Tton bank. Contributions , to ' the . fund being ; raised by the .Associated Charities passed the $500 mark vejiterdav and PrMidnt T N. - Flelscaner is hopeful that the entire $5000 needed to continue the society's activities until Oc tober 31 may be raised by the end of the month, '.i Oifta other than cash which came yesterday were, clothing from C. A. MacKensle and The odore Kohnj also an Invitation from 3. D. "Williams of Rachel, Or for some boy of 12 years to spend a few weeks with him on his farm. Although the 'fresh air kid's", campaign will not be carried this year, Chester A. Lyon of Lebanon, Or., will take 12 of the society's wards for a two week's outing on his farm. Over 40 applicants . came to. the office yesterday asking- for food, clothing, ' fuel, rent "or medical aid. ! OSTEOPATHS PLAN FOR BIG CONVENTION IN PORTLAND; AUG. 1 Between 1000 and ;1500 Members . of Profession Expected! to Be Here. ' Plans for the1 meeting of the Ameri can Osteopathic association, which will be held in Portland from August 1 to 6. are being gon over today by Dr.-Roberta Wlraer-Fjird of Seattle, vice presi dent of the association and chairman of 'the program committee, and Dr. 'K. E. Moore, chairman of the local gen eral arrangement committee, , - Dr. Wimer-Fard is a delegate to the Federated Council of women's clubs and Is taking advantage' of . her .visit here to go into the arrangements for the annual gathering of the osteopaths who will come from all parts of the United. States. ' Between 1000 and 1600 osteopaths are expected to attend ; the national gathering. Among them will be the foremost men and women in their pro fession. About half of the osteopathic practitioners t in the country , are women. " . 1 - Dr. Wlmer-Ford expressed great pleasure over the work that has been done by the local committee on arrangements. Headquarters have been secured at the Multnomah,' where all the sessions will be held except two large meetings to be held in one of the theares. ' .'' When writing . or calling on adver tisers.' you will confer a favor by men tioning The Journal. (Adv.) "A.:B." Library at . Council, Alaska Is -1 Destroyed by; Fire ' -When the half-year winter I s night sets In and the miners . , I above the Arctic circle mope- - around and grouch, - what more 4t I delightful pastime than a pe- rusal of a lively book? Cltl- m l m sens of council. Alaska, are thinking of this ruefully as they contemplate the ruins of 4t their only library building. - . The library was maintained IK by the Arctic Brotherhood. 4ft- The Brotherhood's club rooms 4t 4 - was the social center of ' the settlement, outside of the ' sa- 10 loona But Its library Is gone and with; It all the literature of "the community. 4tF 40 The Portland Chamber of 4t Commerce received tidings of 4ft 4ft the fire today through Allen & 4ft 4ft Lewis, it at once decided that 4ft 4ft it would help. An appeal is 4ft i 4ft therefore made for more books, 4ft 4ft fiction, "history, science, art. 4ft 4ft philosophy, magazines or any- 4ft 4ft thing that contains printed 4ft 4ft pages. If Portland people will 4ft 4ft look Into their book cases and 4ft 4ft select a few volumes they; can 4ft 4ft spare, the chamber will under- 4ft 4ft : take to have them forwarded to 4ft 4ft the town of Council to help 4ft 4ft the miners through tne winter. 4ft 4ft If ; It Is more convenient, 4ft 4ft books may be sent to The Jour- 4ft 4ft nal which will deliver them to 4ft 4ft the chamber for transmission 4ft 4ft to the north. 4ft 4ft' 411 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft Don't Be Mislead I 4 If you vote 110 yes, it will give the council power to fix the terms of a contract, and is not a plan to surren der revenues, but to. insure humane treatment of animals. Does this meet with your approval? If so, vote 110 Tea. (Adv.) SmokerHse of the Coast On? it it vV 5, 1 nnHREE cigara lie on a smolcer's teay. Their family name is "Havana." i Cigar No. 1, a big, Black feUow says,. " I'm tne best because tbe boss saves - me for after dinner. " Ggars 2 and 3 Genl Arthurs' reply, "We're the best because . the boss won't go to bed till he smokes us." (Both were right The man who understands how to -smoke, reserves his heawHavanasfor immediately after dinner. Bnt for his : U uicmuvuauucvcuutgvjiguiuiovvu a Arthurs give his smoker'a appetite a , satisfying, somewhat milder repast. The Gen'l Arthur Cigar in-' vites all friends, old and new, to enjoy the hospiudit ofhis "Exposition home1 in the M.A.Gunst&Co.,Infi.Build' ', ing on the "Zone". ti i (Serf ( , v TEN CENTS T H Also a 3 for a quarter size 0 mm June Wkite and Clearance Sales M. A- Gunst & Co., Inc., Distributors Throughout the Store InTvl A T7TR mi m mi v ,m ? vvJrM www mm-. and Longclotn uowns ivc Fancy crepe gowns in white, pink and bine or dainty fig ures. In round neck, slip-over style, lace and embroidery edged, or yokes o contrasting crepe. Lomgcloth gowns square and round yokes, trimmed with laceu and embroid eries and net, drawn with ribbon. 75c Fanqy Crepe Slip-Over Gowns 49c bf fancy figured and flowered crepes, made with kimono sleeves, lace finish at neck and seleves. 5 500 Silk T Taffeta Skirts New Models Just Reecived Selling Regularly at $6.65, $7.25, $7.75 June White Sale $5.45 Smart styles of taffeta silk, peau de soi, and silk poplin, in black and white stripes, hair line stripes, small medium and checkerboard checks, also all-black, featuring the new shirred and corded yoke effects, the six-section models, and box pleated styles with yoke top. Sue of these most attractive and popular skirts are shown in the illustration. Third Floor 75c and $1 Longcloth and Crepe Gowns 59c High or V-neck styles, with long sleeves or round, square and V neck in slip-over style. . Embroidery edging and wide banding, yokes of lace and embroidery .trimming. 75c Outing Flannel Gowns at 49c Just the thing for outing and beach wear. Made of fancy suiped flannelette, with turn-down collar, double yoke back and front. Full length and width. .,:. 35c to 50c Longcloth Corset Covers 29c Excellent quality material, trimmed with embroidery and lace, some with deep yokes. Sizes 36 to 44. $1 Waisted Style Combinations 79c In two styles, with deep yoke of embroidery and lace, trimmed with edgings. Flat or knickerbocker drawers, trimmed to match. All sizes. - . Basement $1.50 to $1.75 Long Crepe Kimonos 98c Of plain colored crepe, fancy figured crepe and genuine Japanese -figured crepe. Made in regulation Japanese style, with li.rge sleeves and sash, or in empire style, with elastic at waistline, with self shirrings or fancy figured crepes with raglan sleeves, card trimmed. Extraordinary kimonos af thia price. Basement DRUG and Toilet Goods SALE all this week Cut Rate Prices Tint Floor. Pacific Phone Marshall 5000 Home Phone A -665 McrcKondioo'oi cJ Merit Only" Mail and Telephone Orders Filled by Expert Shoppers cumtui Fiber SQk Outing Sweaters June White Sale $5.95 A New Shipment Just Received The fiber silk sweaters are becoming much more popular than the all-silk garments they have the same identical ap pearance they wear much better and the price is just about half. This particular style is the correct thing for golfing, tennis, motoring and all sports wear, made in V-neck style, patch pockets and belted back. Made extra long and ample. In two-tone combinations of black and white, black and green, black and gold, and olain colors, rose, emerald, gold and azure blue. Very Special at $5.95. 3d Floor $3.50 Real Crepe de Chine Blouses June White Sale $1.95 New models, just received for this sale, in an ex cellent quality crepe de chine, also daintily trimmed voile blouses, made in the latest styles, with the pop alar two-in-one collars worn low or high-buttoned, also with fancy effects. Made with long -or short sleeves, trimmed to match the collars, some finished with hemstitching, TMrd. noor. Just Received by Express the Popular - ' , Middy House DressAp'ns 59c 75c if Sold at the Regular Price Made of plain colors, blue, pink, ca det and navy, also in light figured per cales. With sailor collar, V-neck, laced front, belted all around, finished with white pipings- In style exactly as illustrated. j 75c New Regulation ; Coverall Aprons 59c Made ' with kimono sleeves, round neck. L.1. V.atr nivlrrfi finichl with whitf. piping. Made of percale in plain colors, checks and stripes. Fourth Floor Continuing June Sale of Undergarments New Specials Added Every Day FrenchUndermushns that are a work of art-deli-cate yet durable, beautiful yet serviceable; all at the most extraordinary sale prices, so that any - woman may have this exquisite lin gerie and really afford it. Children's French 1 under wears : too, t wonderfully low priced ; for instance, , French waists, $1.19 and $139; Princess slips, $4.59 to v $6J79 r skirts, 98c , to $2.98; gowns, $1.49 to $539 ; 1 French guimpes, $2.49 to $335, AmericanUn'muslins CORSET COVERS Regularly 50c, 75c to 85c SALE, 39c AND 59c Of lingerie doth, crossbar nainsook and secco silk, trimmed with lace and embroidery inser tion, edging , and- beading, with and without sleeves. A - great : variety, to choose from.' DRAWERS, 39c AND 596 Regular Prices 50c & 75c Knicker or flat-leg style, open or closed, of longcloth and crepe, lace and embroidery trim'd. Extra quality garments. - ronrta Tloox. : New Sport Hats $2.95 REGULARLY FROM $3J7S TO $4.50 Entirely new first shown at the, Lipman-Wolfe store. In the greatest collection of jaunty roodels,: in felt and split straw combi nationsrow and row Jstyle soft, pliable hemps all "with the lat est facings of hemp, in delicate Summer colorings, and finished in sports style wim grosgrain bands. . Women, misses and, girls alike are wearing them mis season, for they are most charming and becoming. . -1 Second Floor fSALE 25c NewNeckwr' ; A SAMPLE LINE of stylet, sold regularly at' 35c, 50c, 75c. SJ Including collars, guimpes, vestees, collar and cuff sets, in all the latest shapes. BmgT)t. 95 Black and White Untrim'd Sailors Sold Reg. $1.25. $1.50 to $2.25 J .VC. The most popular hats for present land midsummer wear, in large, medium and small shapes, in black and white, extra fine genuine Milan hemp. Extraordinary at 95c The Newest Trimming Flowers ROSES ' 95c Roses 50c 35c Roses . ; . . . ,19c Y At 50c, .large single silk roses, with glossy foliage. At lc. clus ter roses. 12 tiny moss roses in each bunch, with moss rose foliage. They come in geranium, rose, amaranthe and the new shade of yellow. Basement $2 New Model Front Lace Corsets $1.29 r-Just receivedr these Summer models, of batiste, with me dium bustline, long hips and back. Neatly finished with embroidery, and two pairs supporters attached. The first ; time we have ever been able to offer a front-lace corset at f anywhere near, this price. Sizes 20 to 28. -$2 New Hesh Tint Summer Corsets $1.19 These corsets are 'ivell known for their extreme wearing qualities and comfort. ! Shown in the new flesh tint, so popular this Spring. In low-bust, long-hip and back style, with elastic gore to give ease in sitting. Finished at top with embroidery, and two pairs supporters. Sizes 19 to 23. - EXTRA r New Shipment Brassieres 25c V Excellent quality materials, finished with embroidery edging, i Hook-front and cross-back styles, fully reinforced under arm. Sizes 34 to 46. , - Basement 75c Gingham House Dresses 59c Striped and checked dresses, with round collars, short sleeves, trimmed with pipings. Plain skirts, with piped waistlines. Sizes 36 to 44. t - 75c Coverall Aprons, New Styles, 50c Open front or back styles, or buttoned down entire side front. Trimmed with wide bands and pipings. In light and dark percales, in figures and dots. -Smmmi Women's and Children's Summer Hosiery Women's Filer Boot Stockings, Special, 25c Extra fine grade of hosiery, in black and white and the new Sum mer colors. Made with cotton top and fiber silk boot, elastic and lully reinforced. .. " - . Women's Seamless Lisle Stockings, Special, 18c Blatk or white, extra elastic garter top. seamless, double heel and toe." - Durable Summer stockings. - ' . EXTRA I Children's New Summer Sox, 18c Smart new sox, in the latest fancy-colored tops and checked bor ders. Sizes'4. to 9.'.iv v . : 25c Boys' and Girls' Ribbed Stockings, 17c - " r Special, Three Pairs for 50c Extra durable stockings, seamless, with double heel and toe. made for hard wear. In black and white, all sizes. : : Basement 75c Middy Blouses Three New Styles 59c One with laced front, the others deep V-neck, with square or V-collars. piped or braid trimmed. In white, with cadet, navy, red collars, or all white. Sixes 6 to 20 years. $1.25 Middy Blouses for Outing Wear 89c Attractive styles lace front or finished with tie. In white or white with red, cadet or navy collars, white braid trimmed. Pockets and cuffs trimmed to match. Sizes from 8 years to 20 years BMmnt. Boys' Newest Style Wash Suits 50c Splendid little suits for boys 2 to 8 years, Ihpopular Oliver ' style, with white blouses and cadet, navy and tan pants, or striped and plain combinations, also all plain color, pearl buttons and cord trimming. ,' - . . , - . Boys' Percale,Ginjham,Chamb. Blouses 25c - In light and dark colors, in plain colors, stripes, made with pointed collars, yoke backs and open cuf f s. tapeless style. Sizes 6 to 14 yrs.