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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1915)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY, JUKE 3 1315. E SUIT IS THE ; SEQUEL TO DECISION ON FREIGHT RATES ; Firm Demands $4053 From v"- Railroads for Overcharges ! on Motorcycles In Car Lofs Irollowin the recent decision of the fnterstat Comrrierc eommIlon de- DALE darlnf unreasonable the rate n triof-. - orcyci in carload Jots from Armory, Mtift," id Portland, Ballon '& Wright today; filed Ite the United States die trlct court a-damage suit against noma 20 railroad demanding reparation of HOSXT?, which they allege, to,, Be the amount of overcharge of several ship ments. :. :' -'" : 1 ' , ' The suit was filed througli Attorney W. If. Bard, ' These alleged OVerfljargeS represent the difference between the regular first irtass rate of the published, tariff and " the special fate of he and ene-half times the first class fate which waa the basis of the negotialons. before the "Interstate commission. Among the railroads Included in the j salt are the 0Wt It. A U.t Oregon Short Jlfie, Denver & Rio Grande, and hian? eastern lines. 1. TO BE GIVEN MORE WATER Gregary Heights will get larger wa ter mains'. Residents of the district some time ago appointed Henry Groth - to sea Commissioner Daly in regard to larger water mains and affire hydrant, which: was badly needed. Mr. Groth . has now received 5 the answer from Mr. Ialy that the water department will install an eight Inch main and a fire hydrant to replace the old four Inch wooden main, which was Installed by the Gregory Investment company many years ago. Mr. Groth says that with an eight inch main and if meters are Installed in every house, the dis trict will have good service for many years-to come. '' Funeral of Hlllas II. Gentry. - The funeral of HiUas H. Gentry, aged II. who died at Good Bamari tan hos pital Monday as the result of bums received when n ateam pipe burst last week at the Wind River Lumber com pany plant aV Cascade Locks, will he beld Sunday from Iliff Memorial Methodist church at Melrose. Or. The - , remains are at the Carlson undertak ing establishment. Gresham. Inter ment will be In Douglass cemetery. He Is survived by the widow, Mrs. lta Wood Gentry, and a 3-year-old son, Russell: hi patents. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gentry, of Norhian, Neb.; three sisters, Grace and Bertha Gentry, and Mrs. Arthur Emal of Norman, Neb., r and a. brother, Oliver O. Gentry, of Alliance, Neb. Attorney iteame lleturiia. -' United Slates Attorney Reames has returned .from Vancouver, B. C, where he appeared as a witness for the crown In Its criminal cases against Taylor and Lewis, alleged fake land locators Who were operating m O. & C. grant ' lands among Canadians. , Bigelow and Baker Speakers. Commissioner Blgeiow and George ' I Baker will make campaign addresses at a meeting to be held at Gevtirtt hall, Profit and Glbb streets, temor row night. Street VHh Society Meeting. There wllf be a, meeting of the Ore gon Sweet Pea society at a p. m. to morrow, at Hotel Oregon, for the pur pose of hearing reports and to arranga for the sixth annual exhibit. It Is de sirable that all interested in sweet pea growing be present. The postal savings bank at the close : of May business showed Jl.008,779 on .deposit and 7315 depositor. The to tal deposit aggregated 1186,807 with 494 depositors at the end of busi ness May 81, i9t, according to a statement issued by . Postmaster Myers .today 1 ( ) Are SERVICE IN T CLOTHES tt the lowest possible price at which good service can be tendered when you - order your suit from us. .DO YOU WANT a snappy,. up-to-date suit, Jhoroughly dependable in fabric and workmanship?. : "-, - WE WILL MAKE that kind of a suit for ybti. It will look right and it will feel right. ORDER your Suit from us NOW. - -$20.00 $22.50 $25.00 382 Washington Street, Near West; Parle Hardware Employe Charged With the Stealing Of Kate -Joseph Newton; an employe of the Marshall Well Hard- - ware company, fiO years old, was arrested by City Detec- tlves ewennes and Moloney : yesterday.-and silver plate yal- ud at Tnore than fieo. - which -"he is ateeosed of taking to give as presents to hi mother and a giri to Whdm Tie i ngaged, i was recovered In his home near Bell wood ferry. Newton had been employed by the hardware - firm since 1 ill. The rirst ar- tides were taken in 1814, the hardware people Say, and the ' thefts have ' been systematic since then. Rasors and other hardware s implement were taken in Addition to the ell- verwere. Newton said to have made a confession. ' Tax Extension Law Does Not Apply Now State Commission Yolfii Chit BAt Beq.tUrement This Tear i Wot Itttyii : cally Poeslble ) Otoer frsAtture. ; Salem, dr., J June 8. The state tax commission today; Instructed ta col lectors that chapter, 389, law of lilo. Insofar as it relate to; the carrying forward of delinquent iaxe to the current ta roll floe hot apply to the ta roll of 1914. The commission point out that eomplianci would M impossible this year. The talc collector is now directed ta carry forward to the current tax roll, in AAtolutnn provided for that purpose, the amounts of all delinquent taxes of former years, notwithstanding the fact that the "current tax roll," which as a, blank assessment foil was pro cured by the assessor on or before the first Monday of March, 1914. con tains no Such column and in fact no space at all for the entry of such de linquent taxes. "It Is reasonable to presume that the legislature did not intend to im pose on tax collector a duty impossi ble for them to perform," ay the commission. The requirement that the tax col lector shall indorse on the face of each tax 'receipt & memorandum of all de linquent taxes against the property therein described, should be complied with this year, being possible, says the commission. Salesman Heavily Fined for Speeding William Hilflebrant, salesman for the Buick Automobile Co., pleaded guilty in the municipal court this morning to a charge of speeding, arid was fined $45. This is the heaviest penalty that Judge Stevenson has meted out under his $1 pr mile schedule for speeders. He was arrested by Patrolman Ervih on Milwaukee street. Other speeders fined today were A, A. Behtbh. $20; A. Rupert, $25: N. E. Bradley. $20 A. B. Manley, $20; Joseph Hurley, $3S; 8. C. Hewgton, $20; R. Stinne. $20 and C. V. Gamble. $20. Earl Oliver, jitney driver, wa fined lio for reckless driving. ASKS $35,000 DAMAGES Mrs. Edna McDonald or Marshfield AM.. tt.9 MR ft HA A a A saiitt against th Smith-Powers ' Lumber i company in the federal cdurt. She' alleges negligence -of the company in the operation of its logging train a t year ago resulted in her loss of a. leg under a train. Give the Dumb Brute a Chance - If you love dog's, horses, cats and all dumb anlmalSj- and want them treated in a humane way, vote 110 Tea. Leave' it to the ttumarle Society they will treat them right. , Vote 110 Yes. (Adv.) of voes IS CALLED A GOOD COMMISSI Meaning Is Declared to Be . Bigelow and Brewster Have .Given! Satisfaction;; - "This . 'apathy' among the voters Is good sign for the two city com mis-" sioners seeking"' reelection, declared an observer today. "It mean that the citizen of Portland fe satisfied With the service given them by Commission ers Brewster, and Bigelow. : Yoii-may' depend Upon it. if the people Wr4 dis satisfied With them, they would let th fact be known The apparent lack1 of interest on the part of the public in the present city campaign is causing comment - on all sides. It is doubtful if Portland has ever taken such an attitude in a cit election campaign before, Some of the lack of interest may be attributed to the absorbing world-wide - war he that Is engrossing the attention of everyone; but the observer quoted con tends that most of . lt is due to th fact that the voter are satisfied With the present commissioners and refuse to get 'excited over the campaign, r The election will b held Monday. Two commissioner ' and one auditor are to be elected. - Ten measures are to be voted on, n .addition to the question of annexing. St. Johns and Linnton. The merger questions will be submitted on separate ballots. Candidate Adam Speaks. William Adams, candidate for city commissioner, spoke last night at the Mount Tabor Presbyterian church. East fifty-first and Belmont streets. Yesterday afternoon i he addressed a gathering bf wdmen at the home of Mrs. Lm - Lundquist, 41 East Thirty seventh street. Tuesday night: he ad dressed a meeting at Artisan nalL in Sellwood. . , Indian May Not Be Tried: at Klamath Special session Of the federal .court may not be held at Klamath rail to try Jim George, alleged Indian mur derer, for the reason that the Klam ath Falls city officials have suddenly decided not to lease the City hall to the government for. use as a , court room. GARBAGE PLAN OPPOSED Arguing that it could hbt present a favorable report on the proposition of free garbage collection, to be votei.on at the coming election, a special com mittee composed of Dr. E. A. Pierce, Dr. C. 3. Smith and C. 8. Crawford rec ommended to the membership council Of the Chamber of Commerce yester day that It be cautious about indors ing the plan. The report set forth that adequate information could not be se cured from the city commissioners. The council thereupon Voted td oppose the measure. The council indorsed the jitney regulatory ordinance. ' APATHY SIGN FOR ONERS f R.AIL 1VIVER SL STAOlt KOtTTEfl Cond.a.ed laforwation tegadlhgeAalarf outlnif lace and principal side trips mud isaffe line;. Th northwest, wln lis great natural eeenio ana dims tie attraction afford unusual advantages o seekara Of health blr reore atioa. xafennatlea regarding resort or aide trips can he ohtainsd from X& Journal Travel Bureau, Phone A 605l MAia i73; t from Tourist Ag-ency and al 6ai, MarhaU 1T9.- MOUNTAIN RESORTS AT THS TOOT OT XT. HOOD. Wadarfnl view of Mt. Hood sad 6th W pMU. CUmbiaa; of Hood etarta from on plaoaV Seat of accom modation. Dasnrpaaaod ftshiBg and hunting-. Saddle boxwa. C-aidos for th. climb vt Mt. Hood. Kates M A T And at. 0X aV all. MOAB, Tnf.i Howe V. P., Or. , On JfoTiat Hoed Aat Sue aoftd, tT miles from Portias, tdeal monntaiS xaaort, A day. Weakly I1S.M, Bpaoiai seta for families. Badale korsaa, laws, iaaais, erouot. Good fUa ins, huatinr. Pnoaa, olectrio ligkt. Daily auto it. Won tator 294ft for ttag . Emit rraa tti. Pto., aewe, Or. FOR MT. HOOD RESORTS Atoaat Hood Ante terviee Co.-Leate Meier A rrank ator, rirtn- atreei eniranee, aauy. tot barticalar and roaervatwaa JL :eie A Frank Sporting Ooodg pept.. of phone Tabor 4284. WILHOIT SPRINGS 4ia : aMtttna taa Caaoada taottatalna. t miles from Portlan. A ideal resort for keaitk and raoreatioa. EzoaUoat hotel and fine cam Dins rroondi. xaata ano oonaroa for rent, Our apeeiairy la our oaiuraay nvn wu Sunday noon chicken dinner, Bun out for you weak knA holiday. Tor fuU intimation write or phone. T. W. McI.F.BF.H, WUhott, Or., or aak anyiB. P. agent. . ... ' TROUT LAKE At 1 POO bt htT, AOAKB. Th bl apheklod Watiaa ao waatios. toiaatoh Ulaij f ihm funotts nA io Head- 4. aaalMSi VAtirt. UU watama wmwhivv ya 1? ttirWIiu amuaemant hall Aaar hotaL Hotel rate. W.M woek. Address Shipherd's MMm its pxAce folt tow A reaort for health and recreation. , Beautiful walks tktoush the woods, saddle horaea, fiah ma awimKnf pool, a.ttoit, taaais eoart, oro- Bowlinf alley. Amarioan and European plan. Summer cottaroa and etap uropa v Bhipherd. CaMoa. WaaS. Jevett'c Farm Home t at Whit Salmon n the Columbia river i sow ready ts roeeiv ruMta. Its homehk ataoa f pheM, anlandid ouiaino, and the Jw?. of ! S Natural summnainss make - tt aa ldtal i resort to apand a few reatful days or weeks. For further information or re.ert,nn addreM aawaxx, two.. - THE OREGON JOURNAL r --.a hk kMfl r- rrn I t A aa th lur jctis w.. 0.- - leading tndium for resort adverti- ing. - Rates on application. , , GovernmentCampHotel Portland Man :To Share Fortune iaward Seller WU1 tet rt of r $300,000 , zstat &f by Kt other, wietlxu of Ocean Disaster. " " Sail Franelsco, "jurte X.-P; N. 6.1 Almost eight years after Mr. George A Keller, wife of the former president of the Great Western Racing circuit, and , her three - daughters ' went down With the Steainer " Columbia when it "was run into ' and sunk by the "San Pedro near Shelter Gove, 50 miles north of. Ban Francisco,, she waa today de clared legally dead by Judge J. XL He Coy in the Macon county court ; at Decatur, I1L, according to advice re ceived her. - Her estate, Valued at $200,000. will be turned over to her husband, who Is known to horsemen inall parti of the country. A son, Edward Kellr, living at Portland, Or., will also share in the estate. ' Edward Keller, WHO will receive a share of the . $100,000 estate ' left by his mother, Mr. George A. Keller, is proprietor of the Oregon, Hardware. Company, located in the Worcester building. His home is at 417 East Seventeenth street north. He has lived in Portland six years. . lie 1 the only son, and eight years ago When bis mother and three sisters started on a tour of the west h ex; pec ted to join them a little later. Their home wag at Decatur, 111. They were on their way from San Francisco to Portland on the steamer Columbia, when it was sunk by the San Pedro, a lumber carrier, all : three being drowned. .'-' Police Prepare for Annual Inspection L The annual police Inspection will be held at the Armory at iv:iv next Sat urday morning. The battalion, headed by the band, will assemble at 10:80, in charge of Senior Captain Moore. The officers Will be In full ohlforin. With complete equipment, and Sergeant Crate will have- hia mounted squad lined up on Tenth street. During the inspection all the special officers of the city in plain ! clothes will do special patrol duty. ; THese men will -report at 9 o'clock j for in struction from Captain Inskeep. 'Following the inspection, the bat talion will parade through the princi pal .street to headquarters. .Mayor Albee and- the commissioners will aiiend the inspection. GOVERNOR LISTER HERE . Governor and Mrs. Ernest Lister arrived In- Portland last night from Olympia and are guests at the Mult nomah. Governor Lister is on the pro gram td addresi the General Federa tion of Women's club thl afternoon on "Prison Reform in the State of Washington." Traffic Will Be Discussed. 'The traffic and transportation bu reau of the Chamber of Commerce will meet-at luncheon at the chamber to morrow noon for a discussion of cur rent transportation topics. Congress man Joshua W. Alexander of Missouri will be the chief speaker, hi subject being the general transportation situ ation, with especial reference to water traffic MOUNTAIN RESORTS SlOJTEEla KTi HOOD XOUirfAtSr aEfibat. Pnro ice sold moaotain water, airy and com fortAle bungalow, a;ood euiaine, huntinf, fiih tng, kora haek Hdutg. Bate It ftaV, 10 waek. W. E. WELCH, Prop., Welch's Poatoffie. Of. XBTXXBTOH OAILA6 A AVXO CQ.'. jL litk And" Broadway. Skoae aat 14 Rehancd Mt.Hood Auto Stages Xeavea daily, at A ft. Bound trio Arrah Wannah, Wolok'a, Tawney'i, Bhododendroa, S3. Bpeoial week end including board and lodging on day, $S.N. Sound tri Governmant Camp, $7.60, Spooial dunking trip, incladlnr kotot xpanao and ruida fees to aummit, 13. Tick ets, reservations , abd lnformatibn at KOUI LEbGE SEED a FXOBAl, CO., 169 Sd St., eat. ktorriaon and TamAUl, Main 695, A-8ll. CASCADIA. . Hera b oaa kav A nit and refttfnl ae ina; by the aid of th. famous Caaeadia Mineral Bpring-a. , Ton eaa hunt, f iak, play tonnia, en joy hot or oold mineral oatht. Toa can tent a tent or a cottage bt board' at the hotel, rooeive your mail daily and hare an idaal vacation at a minimum ezpenae. For full in formation address GEO. H. OEIShJ0a.'j,.' Omacadia. Or. WOLFER'S MEDICAL MINERAL SPRINGS Of proved 'value for stomach and kidney trou bles. Helpful in many cue for rheumatism. Campins priTilosea in beautiful fir and cedar arroT. near the medical aprinsa, $3.60 a week. Free wood and free mineral water. laeai. reatf nl and healthful vacation. For anmirsil of water and full information address OEOJLCt 1. WOUUt, Hubbard, or. ESTACADMNalWal SCENIC PARK 4 Kfi.ES FSOH POBTLAHD. Excellent pio- First class hotel at a rounds. Bate. S a. dir. ULJ. KUH tA8.K A natural nark SB mile. from Portland, fin place for fishing, camp. : inr picnics, excursions And amateur ahotog SPECIAL BtfTtfiAY ZCVBSIOH BATS to . either of these narks 7So round, trip. Trains leare Firat anof Alder. CAXEMAH PAJU--Cool. eomfertAblS oatiag spot, 10 miles from Portland, orariookina the beautiful and pictureiau Falls. Cats IsAvS lint and Alder. Bound trip 40 cents. ' WIiXAKXIIE FAIXB Tak. Ore ron City ear at First and Alder. Bound trip AO cent. TAHCOTJTXB BABBAGX lake VauoottTet ear, Second and Washington, . Bound trip SO oenti." '; ., , CABY'&V HOT SPBIHOS A group bt the hot- teat curative tpringt in the world, at the , foe thills of the Cascades. For inf ormatioa . call Marshall 8054 or Marshall 6100. -XTSHbiO BTHEAMB Tipper Clackamas river. Bearing Creek, Esjle Creek and Seep Creek. Take cat at First and Alder, oa Estacada Caza&are line, low ' round trip rates and early " special trains oa Sunday. . . z 8AKOY BIVEB ASS , BUlt Ktnt BrVEa Take.traina at First , and Alder, Bull Bua line. tow. round trip xates and early Sunday JO HUSO'S C&EEKTaka train at Tirit and Al- - der, get off at Zrrol, Bell, Lents Junction, Brcamore, I.ianemann, Gresham, - Hoc an or Haiev, , . . FOB AODrtlOHAX. XJTFQBKATIOH call Ticket . Agent, Firat and Alder, Marshall 6100 or . .A-olSl, . . - v - Portland Ry. Lt 5c P. Co. - "Be liable Service,"" ; - , Welch's Hotel ADVEilTIST IffltlG ; CONTINUES TO DRAW HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE Men of i National Importance ia, Denomination Are : Upon Program Each Day. i -: -The Seventh' Day Adventlst cam meeting now Iff progress at the tent city' near Qreston, on the Mount Scott railway, continue to attract hundred of visitor With its full program and array of national figure in the i Sev enth Day Adventlst denomination;1 rw; -Last nlgfit W. 7M.f Healey, religious liberty advocate, of l San Diego, spoke on "The United States in Prophecy," claiming that this country would play a irreat part in the ; settling of peace among the warring " nations, dividing honors with th papacy. Pop Bene dict XV. be predicted, would head the Mnternatlonal peace" conference. . asserted, the United States would en act h. number of religious laws that would result in s revival of religious persecution in this country. ' In tni connection he attacked, the1 Sunday closing ordinance that 1 to be voted ppon in Portland Mbnday. C. C. Chap man of the Oregon Yoter followed Mr. Healey, speaking in favor of religion liberty. I- ' " .. i - George F. Enoch will give an lllus trated lecture on India tonight, j PR2EMYSL RETAKEN i PROM THEi RUSSIANS ; Bt AUSTRO-QERMANS tContlnued From Page One.J elans made the final stand at Prsemysl Realizing that the fall of the fortress was inevitable, train loads of troop , Were hurried out of the besiegedclty i to the trenches which had been. pre' pared further east throughout yester day. Only enough men to man tb guns and resist a flanking attack were in Prsemysl " when the . final assault Was made by the Austrians and at-i tans, according to unofficial reports. Thn briaonera taken kMiinrf ,J StrtH noW ntimiber 12,175 men and .(0 offi cers. Fourteen cannon and 38 machine gun have also, been taken. - RUSSIANS WITHOUT " AMMUNITION IN LAST STAGES OF FIGHTING Berlln.i via the Hague, June j; -ttj. P.) General von Matkenien'! Au- tro German--, army hai" Fecaptured ! PrzemysL This official announcement ; saCOLUMBIAje TODAY ..TUl? PAIl MOT" a a a a a r a aa w ax a four Act Xutual KatterSiftare alt Vietare bt WiUatoett fieigats Ja vaaile Koae Xara4, aa a Comaay, NEWPORT ieaWiwSA-Waaw.l I Sea Crest Cottages BIOHT OH , THB BFACHCoWpUUly far : nianed 8 and 4, room oottajres. tag has a aplekdid riew elthe. Water, electrla iisrhta afiS ttaall savaa eft- , can, cty . ldewalha,' eloa to etSMl Sn nafkisrittin. Safara aecld- ing ; where 4o spend your semmec Vacation tern iot raiee ana - oxne uuormauon CHBlS ABXS, Hswport, Or. - Tak-itezy Tavern ; HOMS COHFOBT AW HOitX v cooxnro. i Eay walking distance -ef Jfye Creek Beach. Bates raasonable. Writ for terms or make reserratiena. Address hULLEB & AjTOEBSOV, Sewport, Or. TENT CITY Newport, Oregon Fifty clean, airy, furnished teata had- cot tages at rates ranging from 04 te T a week. Located in grove, in riew of can. sidawalka, electric lishts and city water. Three blocks from beach. - For - ra serrations address A. f. VAH WASSEHH0VE. Bdk.5, Hawport,! Or. M I N T H O R Ni' S HOT SEA BATHS OVEBLOOKTN0 TSUt OOSAlf ' .v AT NYE BEACH. - f :t - Hot salt water, Turkish, Bussth and slac trio light bathe. , Massage by a rradokte of Portland Sanitarium. Tea roosna for- light housekeepings Beaaonabie rates. -For reaeria ilons or further information address SB, to. CAB CBOC&BB, Hewport. Oh i BEST -OF ALL " - - - AGATE BEACH AND AGATE BEACH INN Write 'M Mrs. Katherine George for rites 004 fesertations and to Agate Beach Land Co. fct Agate Beach, Or.; for other iaformstion. The Ino will be epen early la June. - i - NORTH BANK ROAD OUTING RESORTS CLATfeOF - BEACH Paoafia OeeAa." Oregea - ooaat, 4 hours -from Portland. Tak Vorth Bank trains, loth and Hoyt, te Oearhark or Seaside. Barf and natatortum bathing, IS miles of ocean strand, S3 week-end trips. BHIFHEBS'B HOT BPBIIO S At Canon, Wash., SVi hours from Portland. Auto meets ' trains. Mineral waters lit I. Meaateia leea ry. I - - GOVEBVKEVT KZHEBAZ. 8PanrOSAt Car son. Wash. Mountain resort, 1 mile up Wind river. Scenie views., aaatia, fishing, trail elimbing. ; - i-. . JBWBTT'S FABM White Salmon, Wash., gu hours from Portland. IndiTidas.1 etta.a rA J' beaatUal groundi. Mountain air, magnif i 1 cent soenery of CMoadai and Columbia river gorge. - mx MT. ADAMS AND ICS CAVES Take Vorth Bank trains to White Salmon; auto stage to; .. Trout Lake, where guides and eutfita far I mountain climbing may be had. - j SBSCHTJIXS . BIVEB TlSHiBO BfcSOftTS ! aeduoad weesna lares, -raia ioavos T:lt p. m.t returns- t:10 S m. McKXNZIZ BXVXB BESCBTS Tike Oregoa : Eieetno By, to Eugene,- Foley Hot Spring and hotel aad McKeane Bridge hotel J auto tag ' - - i from the Austrian headquarters on the i eastern front was -telegraphed here i UilH afternoon, - - - Three separate siege of PreemysL which have been in progress with put Blight intermission. sine the outbreak , of th wan-have made the grear fort- j ress one of the tnost memorable cen ter of the conflict. v, r s PrsSmysl was first besieged by th Russians. Begafded as an Impregna ble Austrian -stronghold, the outer forts were fifst. under bombardment jl on . September 18. Tb bombardment ra'ffiJ.SS reiniorcea . ana tne xtussians v were forced to move northward, abandoning their siege for the time being. Before the last of October, the Bum slan Were again in front of PraemysL Meanwhile the city had been well stocked With food and ammunition and all preparation made for art extended siege. The Russian besieging army numbered between 121.600 and $00,000, while- other ' SlA forces pressed the Austre-Germans southward to the Car pathlah mountain. - - : ? ; Several attempts were "made to re lleve Pfsemysl, but all failed. After enduring the greatest hardship and being- reduced almost to the point of starvation the Frsemysl garrison sur rendered on March 22. . There wer reports that the garrlaort was in such desperate straight that mutiny broke out. Subordinate offi cer and men refused to -continue the fight in Wbieh ultimate Surrender or death appeared inevitable. The Rus sian announced that more than 117, Toe The Sins of a Dissolute 7 Father Visited on the Son 'is the central Idea, in that world-famous masterpiece of romantic fiction From the pen of -the famous literary geniusi Henrik Ibsen. This powerful dramatic story made into a five-part film play--will positively be shown at this theatre by. an all-star cast,' headed by Hdnry B." Walthall and Thoma Jefferon. You will be held spellbound from start to finish. See it at the STM 1MATRE Today, Friday and , Saturday , 10c MMHb n - - - - - - . -. - - ... . . - . 1 1 it iimiu 11 1 f 1 m j I M mm . SaVBaSaA I M , . mmL. MM M I Si If' SM BBassaaaaakMSBfeaaBaal s U t VI tu tt.. ru At y - n M VI II I l Open Dotty Noon to It M. " Today-Fiiday- Saturday Unreasoning Desire Self ish Interest and 'inability to Pierce' the Future,' Retalt Caute a forgetfulness of THOU SHALT NOT Who Pays? 3-Act' tfama, Pathe-Balboa Cornpany Features, a Vital Problertfof Life - L The first of a series (not serial). Each complete; arid featuring Ruth ' Roland, Henry , King, and - star cast, 1 1 . -' A House of aThousand Relations S-Act Comedy different: theme- -and better plot. Onford to Windsor Pathe Color Trip on Beautiful and Historic - . River Thames. Miss Dorothy Daphne Lewis Popular 36ng Review. - . - Caraey-Dimond-Mdster Musicians SUNDAY SATAN SANDERSON From Hallie. Erminie. Rives' great : ndvel Another Metro , Sensation, Orrin Johnson. Star , f . ' N- 5 , ,: 1110c PEOPLES - WEST PARK AND ALDER ' Portland's Popular Photo-Play Hou TODAY AND BALANCE OF WEEK Tilt Youngest and Most Beautiful Broadway Star . IN A CLAIRE ; In th FaBcinating Comedy Success -"- z - The Wild Goose Chase u. A Pieturination of the Famous Romantic Comedy- -r - , By Wm., C De Mille ' ' A SUPPORTING CAST THAT CANNOT BE EXCELLED 10c 11:30 A. M. V- 008 prisoners were UReh Wha the fortress surrendered. - The Russians released by the fall of Prsemysl were . rushed to th; Car pathians where an ihvaBlon, of Hun gary was attempted. The .fort of Prxemysl 'were repaired by the Rus sians in the meantime and a strong garrison wa prepared to defend ' the position. i ' " The Russian attempt to invade Ituh gary fatiedrand with the "Russian de feated in the Carpatntans, General von i Mackensen drove the Slav reeling from western Galicta . early, in May, Two week later hi army wa before Prsemy si and the -fortres was again besieged. . - ' ; :.- , Genetal "toh, itaCkenaen' .left ''winif crossed the San river and menaced Prsemysl from - th north, f til right j wing , then seised the railroad running , irom rraemjrii 10 , jemoerg, r orty tiro centimeter gun battered the west ern fortB, and Berlin announced Tuea day - thit three fort had - been cap tured. TWO or Were anhouficed a captured Veswrday,' and ; the - fail of Prsemysl wa then regarded as prac tically certain, the Russians evidently being wlthdut ammunition., : The capture of the fambua fortress after the sensational - rush - across Galtcla and tierce bomhasdment of the outer fortification wa - announced from Vienna in Just fodr -worda The dispatch from the field headquarter forwarded to the Berlin foreign office read: i r . -v-r-v - We have captured Prsemysl." " Ih the face of an admission from 10c itiil SB. THEATRE TO 11:30 P. M. 10c 1. ; .- :. ssssassBs L U 10c xui; ' IT. Petrosrad of the shortage cf iramuJ. tion, von Mackensen apparently has an inexhaustible supply. AMUSEMENTS HEILIG Roadway at T,l 3 Be Tonifiht G:1S SPKClil, R1CK MAtlhKS g.VTOBUAY Cnarlet Frohjjjn i'rueuti . Billie Buirlie '1 '4- to Hr Nw Comedjf iaeeeM floor li rwg, $2, T t ft SO. ! eobt. 11.00, WJ, BA? taiiisri roe. st. kit. I'loor, n kw, fi.80. I at $1. Baicoar i. ; BAII MOW IILLIKO aost rcitttat vitx 6 fiS5 ; Mod. June 7 Matinee Wed. TiTorlte actor-Hlugfr CHA0NCEY 0LC0TT is His Hw Comedy Tlie Hcartof Paddy Whach Her fr. plcott'P Hw Bong. EBbig end Rt. Mat. rkr, il 'mm $1.50: T rows fl. Uai. l, Td. Out., H'-c. VS. Btfgatd Wed. Mat., $1, Tfte, bv6, ic. iiitt oiozti now feoxornca balm rltiiJAY, junh 4 ' SUNSET THEATRE Commencing Today if All-Jrtur Bin rtil n I .a 1 rt t inc teiesimi toas A Vivid J-Act tJama bf the Secret Service, a ratriotio Oirl And, a Forelan Military Sty. r eaiunng . tren Hunt, ueorge Walsh and Harry James. the Right to Happi ness Ttrlaa loh,K Je Oalhralt Jack sUehaxdsoa And Zouis IHW in a lieart-drioflng l Act Story of a Wife's bavotion. The Guiding Ushf How theLlghthouse Keeper and His Wife Kot the lireiit Lamp Burning; id Coken and Wlnni f red jSreen wood in a Ite markable Drama. And Another iparkling. Brsesy Keystone Comedy Sunset Theatre WAshiagtoa at Broadway, ' Ff1 ITTT Ti1 mm ' Kslins 1 M ' f ' St:80 P. at. If A) JMthhowi is. i 7:80, t:10 vm SECOND' SHOW SAC Including Profe c BAICER SCATS NOV TB Tei Thshtrleal tlvsat . ' ANNA Russian feallet And tohonv Orchestra 1 motin nair Ballets Special . Divertisementa ioe tiJO to soe. Baker, June 7-0 ) . -r -. BICHABD THE OBXAT - The sfoafc WM Made A Mas of Httnss'.f. IWOTHZB BIO-TXXX ACTS . Boaes and first row baicohr rassrved Vy phoae. Maia 468. A-1238. The OaL Pftrtlaad'l Sreatert Amtmmsut 7uh 0 Acres ef 1 TOSAX'S PB0AAh( Orehastral Concerts Bd"prlma Ef . - Boetoa Treabadours ia Kusioal 1. :( P. K. Coneart f Kasoa art His Be 3 rvr. cheatral Coneerts snd Frima va Trouaadoure ia I 'itoal ..- ree, - Admission-te ra 10c. k. r , ,ri. tint ana AlAv. . Sa. t-r. hiorrUoa Bridge, luc. - i SBAMMM Tryoufc PAVLOWA? and , ' 1