Tiin onnGoii daily jouriJaI, poPvTlaiid, Thursday, juiie s, .icis. WHdiv?ociety JVFs R3. LOUIS RUSSELIand her-, daughter. Mis Cather- e Russell, have arrived lb th city and -are guest at the Hotel Portland. For the past three years they have resided ill New Tork where Miss Catherine ha been : at the Finch school. They, plan to pass . Jthe summer here. rtraing east In the all when Miaa Russell will nter gmtth college. Since their arrival .Monday., there has- been a. round of lrr rmal luncheons -and - tea welcoming them home, Tuesday Miss Margaret Mearsbad a few guests for luncheon In honor ot Miss Russell, and Saturday ' Miss Malsie MacMsster will give a small luncheon at the Waverly Coun try clue- for her. . :i V v " . . Mr. and. Mrs. Gfltner at "Edge wood Lodge. 1 ' ' l tiitk Mrs. E.,jb. -GHtner left yes terday for their .' farm Edgewc-QO I.Tge," near Deer - island, where they will pasa Jthe, summer. They motored down yesterday afternoon. The farm 1s located a few miles below St. Helens, in easy motoring distance of the city. Mrs. Shea Home-Prom Extended Trip. V - After an absence of four months from the cltyMrs. John Francis Shea returned home last - week. She left with Mr. Rhea the middle of January Tor New York to visit her son Frank lin Shea, who is gaining marked suc cess In .the theatrical fields there. . Later they went to Chicago where Mn. Bhea . was playing " after which they visited their daughter, Mrs. William ' Castleman at Louisville, Ky. Mr. Shea returned 'after' two months and Mrs. Shea remained enJAylng a visit at Day--' ton, Ohio, with her husband's sisters. She came -west by way of California passing soma time in. Los Angeles and at the fean Francisco exposition. Her daughter Miss Ivalou Shea who is , In school at Mcnlo 'Park joined her In viewing the San Francisco exposi tion, returning to school for ,the remainder of the school year, on her -mother departure for Portland., 1 , I Miss Milan, Portland Visitor. Miss A. B. Milan who is at the head of the department of domestic science ' at the Oregon Agricultural college was ' among the women in . attendance-at . the, Mid-Biennial council of the Gen eral Federation of Women's . clubs In session here. . She will return to Cor vallis today. . , - Mrs. Hurst and Mrs. Herren V Guests in City. - r. " i Mrs. A. E. Hurst of New Tdrit e-ity and Mrs. Lizzie Herron of Salem, Or., are house guests of their brothers and . sister-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. R. w. - Holraan of 789"1 East Taylor street. Mrs. Philip Blumauer will entertain v at tea Saturday afternoon . at the Jap anese tea room on the mezzanine floor . of the Hotel Multnomah- In compli ment of Mrs. Hurst. Mrs. Fechhelmer Home ': From California. ; t ... ' . " ' ." v v ; Mrs, William Fechhelmer has re turned borne . from -a short visit at Kan Francisco where she went to the Chicago Symphony concerts, i i ' "-. .- ; For Bride-Elect. - '", Honoring 1 Miss Myrtle " Hunt; i bride s elecy Jiss Mame Boboskey was hose he,-rerarwere decorated ith rssesr the color -.scheme in the -dining foom bPing yellow and white. Covers, were .'laid ior 12. - - v,.. . . ' - . A '-"; Gnests' of -Miss Yonng. - - U'- I ' ;- Miss ipolly Young entertained ia few guests at . ber home 'at Vancouver Barracks over last, week end Including from Portland, Miss Violet JErslcine, irederick.vForster, and Harry Reed. j; ' ,v . - - - - ; ? Society1' Xotes. .'... " r" Mr;-and Mrs; Frank Rothschild have . left fo Gearhart , Park, where they have opened, their summer cottage tor .the season. - . i-S'-".-'.:-'i -"V-j . . . . . Jdrs. James Johns, Sr., of Pendleton - arrived from that place the first of the week to attend the council of the Gen eral Federation of Women's clubs. She V will go le Eugene from here, xo visrt : : her daughters who are at the univer- ' " - ' v . - - - . Miss Agnes McBrlde- has gone to '' .Seattle to be present' at the Dawson- , Cunningham wedding.- . . NATIONAL GUARD MOTES Experienced Aeronauts Wanted V . - in Oregon Naval Malltia , - - To rorm Corps Here. s v -. Captain Blair of the Oregon Naval Militia would, like to meet any exper- - ienced "'aeronauts ' at his headquarters In the Morgan building. , The "war de- - partment , has under consideration the formation ' of an aeronautio corps In . Oregon, and has authorized Captain Blair, td make Inquiries and receive suggestions. At present those not having had experience -either as me chanics or 'actual aeronauts - are not Soughti their turn will come later: p Uedlcal lixamlnstloas. ; Tbe medical examinations of the re " i suits for the three new National Guard - companies being formed in this city . will -be-, held next Monday night. May at "the Armory, beginning at ;30. There will be the Machine Gun com pany, supply company and headquart ;'ers company. These, are new forma tions provided - for under the regula tions of the war department to be part of the ' formation' of every -Infantry regiment. - , - " Third Begtmeni to ' It Is expected - that every eompajiy - of the Third regiment will -be at ths Rose Festival1 parade June . 11. They are not ordered out but allowed to participate 1 with uniform and , . arms, , , and. every cojoipany has officially or , otherwise signified Its intention, to be in line. .A dinner; will- be served in A . CARNATIQIsr , CQgFEE I fTI. 1 a- . ; i . . .... , . Ti til i 11 is Doing , ' ,v t i. " v - S ' ' - ' - j ' , . , ? . . i j i- - .v. . . - - i - i " . v , , ' I ill" - - - - J 1 1 - vf .-U- t 111 - Ir I - - . - U 'i s ' - - -Ml II "i," - ' t'" ? 'til 1 , , 'x- t 's ' ' - "III I I p '1f till II'' --' ' -'yt mi , if ;r-v UiO v- v f-u , ttjj , ' . v' . - , - v .: . , "Photograph by ButhnelL Miss Helen Klrschner, danh'ter ot Mrs.. Florence Kirschner, who cel ebrated her fourteenth .birthday anniversary last .weelf. the Armory-to all O. N. pating in the parade. G. men parties! travlgatlon Course CMvea, Lieutenant R. R. Smith, United States navy, has been giving a class of officers of thai-Oregon Naval mill- Ua a- orghs ga For three months the class has been. delving Into the practical problems of higher, mathematics In connection with theoretical navigation.- During the cruise next July and August he ex pects to add some of the practical" ex perience ; of actual navigation neces sary for i further ook and . logarith Instruction.- f - . Tromotloiis Are ICede. Corporals P.- C. Teerlng and John Henry, company iliave Jbeea , tro- Walker of company.. J has been llke wise 'promoted, Private Harvey f C HeTferman is promoted ; to color, ser geant ' and Color, Sergeant ; Charles 'H Wortman ' has been promoted to the rank of -sergeant major with the Third battalion. v' - - - ; - ' " Acooantable f or sapplles. i By specisl "orders of . the ? secretary of. war officers and inen of the Ore gon. National guard will hereafter- be heldtto more strict accountability for suonlies and munitions in their care. AU arms and materials used and held by the National guard are the prop erty of the Federal government. , and any losses will be made up out" of the pay of the officer or man respon sible. : - .,. : ! . -.Will Zave July 8. . -. . v. ..The site for thS summer training camp of the Third J-egiment, "O. -N. a.. Is close ; to the Gearhart hotel, well supplied i with - .water for, camp pur poses, witn raiiroaa faculties, ana good bathing. The troops will start from Portland on the morning of July 5 by train. Lieutenant Kenneth . P. Williams, V. S. A., inspector-instructor of the regiment, is preparing , the pro- LVAYS MRS-WHITE HER ideal of smr Krs. White Bays Ker Clothes O 1 CXtEDIT, Ton Know. at Cherry's. It was splendid of her to tell Doris about it, because she took for granted that Mrs. White patron ized the most expensive tailor shops in , the city. And - Doris . is ' exultant about being able to follow her admired friend's ; lead and, at tba . same time, Sars Money on her Clothes! A fine array, of Suits, Ceats, Dresses, etc., is on hand at CHERRY'S smart, becoming styles, well made and. long-wearing. . - - It is on CHERRY'S WEEKLY PA Y MENT plan that Doris arranged to pay for her smart little Coat when she bought it Saturday. Or she might have arranged Monthly Installments, ' ' . In othef words, "your convenience is their terms No need of going with out w hat you need, : or being ,broke either. Don't forget their- place, S8 391 Washingston St., in the Pittock block, j ' - (Adv.) on me yaoauon - aip olb'. 3 lbs. CD CALLED St v, ' Steel ;Cut " Sold by lionest grocers everywllere BY. WON A BAWLBR gram that will be followed during the 10 days of actual camp life. The work each day. will be finished, for , the en listed men at noon. The afternoons will ba- devoted by them to rest, and recreation. Officers commissioned aa.d hon-com- Vil lastruction each afternoon. In sev eral the same program: will be foi lowed s last year.: .Drills and nrac- (lcal field work, camp sanitation and guard and -picket duty will be given every., morning. Colonel McLaughlin will be in command. It Is Intended to have one nlaht in cams with shelter tents, and to have one night of what I is called - "night exercise," wnlch wlri involve the surprise and formation in the dark. , . . - KstatA- VrliK1 at HfLCUi i As estat ulntil t icaoa mm Trt by Anna M. Juchemlch, who died last man th, according to th petlUon; filed yesterday . for- probate of her aetata Five sons and- three daughters re heirs. ... V , . - - . fV V i 1 The Wilcox and White Co..' - MerTden, Conn.1 ; '. . ' - . Gentlemen: V ; ' - . - y " - " ' There are SO many wonders in the Angelus that one f can onl -peak of the ensemble effect it is perfect The Phrasing Levef is v marvelous, almost beyond belief in Its control of the tempo; the ; Welodant brings out the Melody exquisitely; while the touch 4nd : tone coloring are the height of ariistry - , It is incomparable, ' . - 1 . . : Sincerely yours, - - . - ANKA PAVLOWA : 5 - - ' " . . We invite you to Come in td hear, arid try the -Angelus --r-anybne can play it: Easy terms of purchase rriay be arranged if desired.. . , General Western Player Pianos, Music . . . MORRISON STREET AT BROADWAY ; Other Stores San Francisco', Oakland. Sacramento, Sari Jose, Lcs - v- Angeles, San Dieand Other Coast Cities . - , . PERSONAL MENTION Now at Brown Palace. : G. Klrke Drury, who will be remem bered Ss assistant manager of the Oreeon and iater of the Benson bote!. is now connected with the Brown Pal ace hotel in Denver, In a similar ca pacity. .-.--. ; Oregon Mineral Exhibit- K. N.' Lawriel chairman of the" Ore gon .bureau of mines and geology com mission, baa .gone . to Ban , Francisco to attend the opening of the Oregon mineral and mining exhibit st the Pan-ama-Paclf io exposition.; - The ; exhibit waircollected from all , parts of j the state through 110,000 appropriated by the last legislature. According to wora received from Ban Francisco. Oregon may be well proud of ber mineral dis play. Mr. LAvria win oe gone i" weeas. - i " , . v Goes to Short - .lane. 7 : A. E. Hutchinson, formerly purchas ing agent of the Southern Pacific. lines in Oregon, who left .the service when the company abolished the purchasing headquarters here last fall,' has been appointed .chief . purchasing , agent of the Oregon Short Line, witn neaaquar ters at Salt Lake City. Mf. Hutchin son began his new duties yesterday. , ' , . e - .- , Masonic. Meetings . Tonight Martha Washington Social club. East t?.irhtb and Burneide l all members of the : Eastern" Star and friends in vited. Colum"bia Lodge 114. Masonic Templar-stated .communication. Ore gon Commandery, , . Knignts xempiar. Masonic Temple; social and cards. Scottish,;: Rite - Masons, ; Cathedral, Lownsdale and Morrison streets, fif teenth degree..;. - ; ' Telethon Of flcials ; Herei . -d. E, McFarland and H. D. Plllstniry, officials of the Pacific: Telephone , St Telegraph company at San Francisco, and H. A. 6hearer, division claim en gineer at Spokane,- are guesis as m Benson. "- e e " Motored to. Portland. : '. ' T. t f-h rr i n a-ton an d BL. Chapman of -Dallas arrived at the Imperial this morning to 'attend the consistory of Scottish Rite Masons. They motored to Portland from Dallas In three hours. Arrival in Fiunilyv' -Mr. and .Mrs. Otto Kuykendall 191 teoTftfffll ONLY thfe 2 m tn e) fi, e sales atid a ec6nom ical methods of dis . tributioa ! make . such , . a Coffee as German-American ' possible at , 30c Steel-tut and packed air tight. , Try a can tomor row and -.see; WHY-C A outsells jevery other Coif fee in the Northwest ' - t-LB. 'TIN, 30c . r 3-LB. TIN, 5c , Whit . I . the World's Greatest t of the , ' - . ' ' Xmperiai t Opera. v . St. Petersbura and the ' . Metropolitan Opef i - -: House ". ' who will be at thi , - Baker Theatre Jane 7 and ioi TWo Performances -Only . . l&ays ol the ANGELUS Player Piaiid -4 ' X , , . Representative Rolls. Victrolas and Music . us Anna Pavlova Blandena street, are the parents of a new baby girL. Mr. Kuykendall is em ployed ,by- the Southern Pacific com pany at East nrsa and Oak streets. .; - j, 4 . - : ,BUlle. Bnrke at Portland. Miss JBlilie 3ufke. the actress, is s guest at. the Portland- Miss Burke Is starring In ferry.", . . . , i . . - ' m - 1 , - i . -3. .JV. v Robinson, mayor of Boise, Idaho,. 1 a guest at the Imperial. The Oregon ,: Agriculttxral - college baseball, team Is registered at the Ore-on- - . - A. 3reer is a Marshfleld guest at the Cornelius. 1 C- H.' Watsek. a Wauna lumberman, la at the Portland. ; William s. Angus of Gardiner, Or4 is at the NortenU-j , Ladlco Horned JJon't Forget to AsU Every :' White Article Reduced- Except a Very Few fs. Restricted Lines. Supply -Your Sum-:tner:NeedVNOWr -' IFISnin)AY-:E(G(D)Rl(0)MY EMUm SMeE! IM'etfs: CfluMMi Seianeei 2' 1 r i styles are cluded in n..- "S, Cf roft Union Day Now lor mr ittnn Mils Floor Save ing, hunting beach of mountain Mi H - Men ruit-necK styies, cui in uw, gwwum suuo7.uwu uauu". Colors cadinal and oxford. Yes, we give S. & H Trading Stamps. Meh's $4 Coat,$wieat- CO lift Men's $7 Coat Sweat- flQ Cf ers Friced SpeSaJ at 2ZeUU ers Priced SpeciaJ.at POeUU Men's $4.50 Ct Sweat- CO OE ers Priced Spedil Men's $ Coat Sweat- gfO Kfl ers Priced Special at PAeeJU Wotaifavesf s and Union Salts .-. . . ,-' - ' '- ' 1 . . '- , .-''.' Center Circle, Main FloorWomen's Summer. Underwear in the June White Sale at substantial savings. Better come tomorrow and. buy fof the entire Summer season.' t S. St : H. Stamps given with Purchases. Women's Cotton and .Lisle Vests in regular and outsize, 00- V or round, neck, at only ,dsd ' Women's i JPlaiii or Mercerized Lisle- Vests extra Jong Of, r .. styles. All sizes. : Special O Jli All Silk and Lisle Knickerbockers and Vests Reduced ' - Etnbi-oldery LfefaQtHd at Price C5c Fancy Neckwear, 48c v MaiQ, Floor 27 to 45-inch : Em '.broidery flouncing in scores of dainty patterns. .Lengths from lli. '.yards Up to 3 yards. .Very , desirable for children's Summer frocks. Swisses, Organdies And Voile with daintiest of pattern. Don't ' miss this opportunity to buy fine - embroideries 1 fltf at just 3 yII lmD)(2S All Styles! -. Shoe Dept, Main: Floor Better take advantage of this opportunity and buy the Rose Festival footwear - now it a savings .Hundreds of pairs - Women's Shoes, Pmps and Oxfords in this of fering.' - Gunmetal, ;vid kid, dull : calf, velour calf, suede, etc - High Shoes jn button -orfelace. styies, with 'Cuban.' Louis Cuban of .tnedium heels; and all1 styles toes. Pumps with tailored bow of strip effects; Oxfofdj in lace and trutton styies irf , short,. a. representa tive showing of the wanted Summer footwear. Regular $4.50 to CO Q K $5 grad es nfc sale a t, vpair : V e O W. A. Beck Is-a Molalla, Or visitor at the Seward. -. , . . - ' Dr. Lilian C -Irwin, a Seattle phy sician, is a guest at the Multnomah,- - James Kyle, mayor of Stanfieid. Or., is at the imperial. ... E. II. Croner is - registered at the Nortonla' from Paisley, Or,. ' A. Churchill of Salem, state su perintendent of publia Instruction, is a guest at the Cornelius. . ..' L. T. - White ; and family' of San Rafael, . CaL, are at the Portland. ' . H.' J. Slusher is an Astoria-visitor at the -Oregon. ;:.:;- "r,':" - C. H. -Taylor and wife of Ostrander, Wash., are at the Seward. -r A party of .a dosen or mors tour ists .principally from Pawling and Marion, N- are at the Multnomah under the care of Oeorge K. Masters lours.- . , . ; i Cotinlci f or Free Cofty ol Godd Dressing" Illustrated Fashion Manain Rclizbte Merchandise Peolte Piicna Mszshall 4C00 tbiaorroiV tVllh Ail Casli Purchases on All Salts Sclllnn Men's C25 Sulfa, tlen's Stbri. Main Floor DRESS UF FOR TtfE ROS FESTIVAL! I, We are goin g to make it esy ior every mail to look his best at. smaljt Co$tl Beginning tomorrow our entire stock of Men's Suits "and Raincoatj enter the June. Sale at noteworthy reductions. Several of the best known makes of Men's Clothing are teftresented, and the strictly up-to-date.- Smart mixtures, this sale.. Complete range o sizes lor regulars,, stouts . and slims. e..t.. lf,Af 1 VTn' Cnil 1 liner jhiitrtL. ' -4 J.O Men'i tofore Young Men's t Suits selling nereto forev tinder, $2aOQ, in the Qi CA June Clothing Sale, cnlV J-aSeOV Men's tofore ,8iii:Vt7ntte Shirts, 73c Main' l" -Sale of Men's White Shirts for. Festr rJ t 'ns.-; Plain' and plaited, bosom styK , ith . Vn-back cuffs; and negligee Shi. Jfith soit collars and cuffs. Scores of patteaSiAli 2s. . Shirts worth r7Q to $1.25, on sale tomorrow at only V OliSQ Shlrio Noiv 01al5 MairJ FiobrtThese' are the iamous 'Fifth Avebtrei" make. Every Shirt . guaranteed fast toloT.;, MaJc ...f rqva , soiserte. .repes fnd madras. Cut lull. . Regular "IK $10 .Shifts, priced special 5 at ? vXeXtf S1.25 UDloii SMts at 70c Main -Floor Men's Union Suits of the cele brated"Corwith',make. Short sleeves or tr. . . - sieevcicss ana.. T4 . or -.icuee- icugin rwe grade white elastic fabric. Shown in sizes 34 - up to 50. Standard. $15 .iJQgi Suits, on sale . tomorrow - at iw Vacation ilnys half oh thit new Sweater for fish wear. These are all in the popular . Men's $70 Ct Sweat- CO 7C ers Priced Special at . V ds f O Metft$8.S0Ct Sweat era Priced Special at S4.25 Women's Fine Lisle Union Suits in sizes .34. 36 and 3& At Sale Price for tomorrow xi7 U Women' Fine Lisle Union Suits' in sizes 40, 42 and 44, tZQgi Sale Price for tomorrow. Ja7y, Main Floorr-Women's ; Vestees in many attractive -styles of lace, ttet and., organdies. ' These ate shown in white and eream. Many trimmed . with plaitings. New OHCntal collars also included ; in this lot Grades whkh you ire asked 65c -fon at other 4Qi stores. ' Your choice now vV 82.98 kf fs.--..'. vei "V- all i aS a v 1- 1 1 v i Jfudffe A. S. Bennett and fareiJy, ot The . alies, are at - the Imperial. . , Mra George W. Evans, Mra I". W, Fenton and Mrs. O. Baker comprise a McMinnvIUe party at the Cornelius. , F A. Moore and O. 5. Gray are Tur ner guests at the Nortonla. . .- J. S. ...A Beokwlth-? and family of Rochester, N. T., are at the Portland. D. . Whl tney of San Francisco. . a member of the staff of iOrchardind Farm, IS a' guest at th Imperial; H. R. Balleyof Toronto, Canada, is at the Kortonia. ;4 - -.-.-f i ' Rev. -,"L.' F. Redua of Southinrton, Conn., is a guest at the Multnomah. , A. H. Cox of Pendleton Is registered at the -Oregon..;-w-tof;--:,-:,-:; a-vV-v"'-1 ..... .." v. ' 1 'j i I Berlin firemen "use, asbestos soreenS to protect therrt from heat When fight ing fires at close range.-. ..." .y , ReliabB Methods ' 1. ; ;.. Home -Phone. A-C231 Up to $2000e Special Gl50" S18e7g $03 Saito fdir G26e2S iincy : worted,cheviots etc BkUtS Suits selling here- !H A QK at $20. Sale Pric tpXfteOU Uen'i tofore Suits selling herd- CI Q rjfr Men's at $25. Sal Price VAW - ' tofore : Straw Graded SclllnQ at S1.50 Boys', Store, Min Floor Odd lines and small lots Boys' Stnw Hats to be closed out at once. Great mlny attractive styles, mostly for smaller boys. Hat ielling;, formerly at $1.50 on special QOn table and priced for tomorrow's, .selling at ..--"....V. . ... iV -.yP.V MO A - ' "l ' i '''" Vl ,1 S15.00 Sotta $9.98 r . vs.:, Main.' Floor Radical), price reductions on Boys' Norfolk Suits bring, matchless savings. Splendid wool materials cassimefes, chev iots and tweeds in smart brown and gray mixtures. ! Sizes for. boys 6 to 18 years of age. Boys' $ 5.00 Norfolk Boys' $ 6.50 Norfolk Suits now Suits now : Boys' $ 7.50 Norfolk Boys',; $ 8.50 Norfolk ' Boys' $10.00 Norfolk Suits now at Suits now at Suits how at Boys' $12.50 to $15 Nirfolki rfow at S10 Middy Sults34.05 Main Floor Smart little Suits f or 4 boys in the popular Oliver Twist and . Middy styles. This .lot is! composed of manufactur ers' sample lines of only one or two ol a. kind. Made: from fine grade -cream- Serge- and- Palm Beach, Cloth. ; Good colors and . beautifully finished, U' Regular $10.00 to $1S.00 Suits OA Qti priced special now at VteiJ 45c. Scrims at : :: . :21Lc Bargain Circle. 1st Floor K special , factory purchase; of. 3duu yards just received in .time for tomorrows sale, enal opportunity ' housewives . to buy A pbfcnom for 5-thrifty the needed Draperies for biingatow or Sum mer cottage at less' . than, half regular price, Daintiest of pat terns in Etamines, Marquisettes and Voiles, in cream, "white and ecru." Our regular 45c Cur tain materials Offered for Oi m this v sale . tomorrow, at . l: L J , Girls' Coats Blot GirlS12e50 Cciafg Ttiyw CDeS7 GiHsVS2i,GQ Gbats Now 01G;13 " " '"' . 1 -. 1 . '1 " ' s. Dept 2d Flodf Wbrth-whlle-' savings, on Children's Coats' during jthe June White Sale. Very newest models in white and all the wanted colors. Ages 6 to 14 years. U . . . Girls' iliSO Coats now $ 07 j Girls' $18.50 Coats now Sl.n Girls' $15.00 Coats now 311.25 j Girls' $20.00 Coats now'Sli X.J Girls1 $16.50 Coats now $12.37 1 Girls $21.50 Coals now 510.13 i GMhh felladies at Second Floor Girls' Middies in ttain white with side and-front 1 ic ing, and.flannel collars and cuffs of scarlet or navy. Also uif'i Copen and scarlet galatea collars, cuffs. Ages 6 to 14. . 51 to vl.'- . i fioivte Ui3 Tlrac td Women's $1.25 Gowns In hQft several styles, now" atV Women's White Skirts QQn $1.50 ferades at special 031 Wanainaker Adi.I:; To Be Local 6u Joseph IL Apbet," advertilnar nu? ger for John Wanamsker, will t; t next . Monday in Portland on his home from San Francisco. He vili met "at the station by A -.Chamber Commerce committee and will aJr. the membership council at luncheon neon.'. Mr. Appet is credited vrtx 1 Ing built tip the Wansmaker advert ing system which has bsen w!J copied by other large advertisers. : Appel Is being given formal receipt at every large city he visits n l called upon to address the busis; men on the value ot advertising:. ' " 4 1 I -4 -:m Every White Ariicls , Reduced Except a Very Few Restricted Lines. Supply Your Sum mer Need3 NOW I , and J3i-AUK.b are aiso in Suits selling here- QOO ft ft at $30. Sale Price Suits selling here- QOJ , O C at $35. Sale Price v-V-' I V III . ' , M I, I ", ,1 Ml at $3.98 at $4.48 5.62- 6 .25 t7.48 59. Glcnivood Oilier ,2-Hlbs, MZz Orocery Dept. 4th Floor Glen wood. Butter always uniform in quality. Made by one of Oregon's largest and beat creameries es pecially for Olds, Wortman & King and delivered to us freh daily. No deliveries at the above price except with - other pur chases in G-rocery Dept. tQA The 2-pound square for JO BIRTHDAY and WEDDING CAKES made to Order at Low est, Prices. CompUte line Delicatessen- Goods, Fruits, Vege tables, etc.,v Phoneyour; orders. af Sale -Price! 0i; 01.39 ana Of. C Hupply Your UzzC : Women's. $i. SO to $1.69 Drawers, JDpen styles, at Princess Slips, worth up fj'"' td $1.69. Special now at 98Y tZZZX V " if iia s a . a