The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 02, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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    Stiff raze Association to Meet
-- , mr ANY' Portland women are' la
1K trutd in the. forthcoming
I Y I congress of the Federal Suff-
rar asaoelution - of the
. United States, whicji wU be held at
f Ol.r. . Rthw1lr rnlbv. for IDIDT
yeai e resident- of Portland, la one
. of the moving spirits of this assocla
' tlon and la spending nucb Xlmo In
- the eaat in ita miereew. biw
hoped to spend some time in Port
ia nn h w a the consrress in
San Francisco, but now finds that a
! stoporer at that time win oe impew-
. . ., ...niKr nf Iw-inn
uie vn wuuut v& uiMiivi - -
' B(UDinta en route. .f y-i--i
The Federal Suf frags association
claims that women as , Vdtlzena have
the right to vote under the constttu
; tlon of the United States aa, orlgi
nally adopted and it aim is to bring
: enough, pressure to bear upon congress
to cause It to affirm that right, the
entire country will thus become en
franchised. -
The congress. In San Francisco
will be held in the Court of
the Universe at the Panama-Facinc
exposition, the official day belngJfuly
12. Preceding the Federal Suffrage
roo Kress are the International Con
f erence of Women Workers. J uly 4
to 7, and the National -Council of
Women Voters. July. s to 10. Follow
ing it the International Parity -congress.
July 1 to 24.
. - . "
Woman Club to Bo Hostess.
- Mmbrs of the Portland, Woman's
club will be ..hostess to. the visiting
,'club women tomorrow on a two hours
drive over tbe city, touching the most
prominent beauty spots of Portland
and, its residential, suburbs. The fol
lowing women have donated the ose
of their cars for this occasion, and will
act as hoateescst Mesdamea Carl Aben
jt -m.- w Birr T T" Hrumncld.
I Bayer, G. Black. Harry E Chlpman.
nell. J. Durkhelmer. Frederick Eggert,
J.-B. JSttinger. W. H. Fear, George C
Flanders, M. Flelschner, R. FWeden
erich, A. F. Flegel. William Fiebig, A.
Glebisch, Roecoe Giltaer, B, Goldsmith,
Thomas Q. Greene, B. Gildner, W. B.
Holden, J. W. Haworth. EL R. Holt, H.-
i. -r if r XXI Uovhimf 'W K Htv.
kins, Frank Hilton. Robert Inman,
Lola Johnson, Esther Jobes, G, O. Jef
ferson, R- Jacobs, H. I Keats,. A.
Loewengart, M. Lang, P. J. Mantl.
Julia Marquam, A. J. Meier, John
MCKooeris, ti- wn.eme"'T- v"'-'
dorfer. B, B, Piper, George Proebstei,
Johrt Patterson, George Parrish. K, F.
Prael Grace Watt Boss, Herbert Garr
Reed, Charles Runyon. L O. Ralston.
I j. Rosenblatt, J, Rosenthal, F. Roth-
cblld, M- Sichel, A. b. tsteinDacn, v-v j.
Bmtth, Joseph Supple, Jay Smith, A.
- Tlchner, L. W. Therkelsen, T. Thilof f,
v Marlon Versteer, G. N. Versteeg. -T.
p. Wise, F. P. Waring, Layman Wil
cox, F. H. Whitfield.
' -
Souvenir Suggest Portland. .
A hand painted Rose "Festival souve
nir of Portland has been specially de
signed and executed for the National
Federation Council by Adelaide Archi
hoM ijiwiion a new acaulsition to the
art life of Portland. The souvenir
'.h. a hit nf th WIllnmettA valle
wiik thtt rlmr in the foreground. In
' one eorner is a cluster' of Caroline
' Testout roses- and In another, the up
per corner, the lines: "The whole world
: Irnnarm th Pnrtlanrl rone, and , would
' live if it could in the land of Mount
Hulman Association Election.
tlon met yesterday and opened its
' session with a program by the chllJren.
Of fleers for next year were elected as
follows: President, Mrs. Percy S to well;
" vice president. Mrs, N. AJBoody; sec
i retary, Miss Ella Ehmson; treasurer,
i Miss Grace Beeves. This was the last
- meeting of the " association until Sep
, tember. ,
Council - Meets Thursday.
The council of the Parent-Teacher
5 . association will meet on Thursday,
June 3. room A, Central library, at 2
P. m. ' . ;. ...
Jewish Women "At Home."
' The Council of Jewish Women will
, be "at home" to their friends and all
interested in the work of their organ
. I ration at the Neighborhood House
: Saturday afternoon, between the hours
of S and 5:30. Take North and South
Portland car. This is one of the larg-
Get to know
Hang-up Matches
ftwst in Arrrr
Chemically treated
No AJter-glow
Ho Poison
No Janer
Iik e Cenveaiaat
Watch-Sate Box
5C . Everywhere
9l mere Hetchea
M tor ft-
RXJS3EIO. 1 11 1
Dttibtw. AND HOME.,
'Lest Ye Fof-get5
Haack Bros.
351 ALDER ST. -
! : It I
est and most Interesting community
centers in the city' and it is expected
that many of the visiting club women
as well as Portland .women will take
advantage of thia opportunity to learn
what it is doing in its many depart
ments of Eocial uplift.
The reception' committee includes
Mrs. 8. M. Blumauer, Mrs. A. J. Meier,
Mrs. Max Flelschner,. Mrs. Julius Llp
pitt, Mrs. Gustav Simon, Mlas Ella
Hlrsch, Mrs. Isaac Swett, Miss F. Soi-
lensoid, Mra. Isoa White. Mrs. Solo
mon Hirseh, Mrs. Louis Altaian, Mrs.
Alex Bernstein, Mrs. Ben Selling, Mrs.
Max Hirseh and Mrs. Simon Selling.
Mrs. Meier, Mrs. Llppitt, Mrs. Flelsch
ner and Miss Hirseh will preside at
tne tea taDies.
Exhibition for Clubwomen.
Alt exhibition Of tha work - nf ha
domestic scianna n Anmomtln rt
classes of 'the high schools of the city
" " laumuy aiternoan.
June 3. A special invitation is ex
tended to the meinhna nf th. TrA-a-
tion of Women clubs, parents and pub-
iu iu visit mesa scnooia and inspect
the work. ' The exhibition of sewing
at Lincoln will be under the direction
of ' Miss Eleanore Harris, Miss Anna
Rogers and ' Miss Louise Eccles. At
Washington., Mlas Phebe White. Mrs.
Larkln and Miss Grace Fields will
have (turn anil at T -i, i.
Mra Hendershott and Miss Emma
Straube will be in charge.
Will Meet Friday.
The Albinn. Knm.1
Teacher association will meet Friday
afternoon wKh the new president, Mrs.
L. B. Kollock. th a ft APniAn M Va a TVAn
.v nyvu.
i. ewins" on n costumes which the
"un are to wear in the Rose Fes
tival - Darade. All vnmn fnrataaA4
are urged to come and bring their thim-
Officers Are Elected.
The Parfitit-Teafhoi- as
- - - sea. vVU VI-
the Roosevelt school at Medford, has
cieciea ine. iouowing ofricers for the
ensuing year: President, Mrs. E. E.
Kell v : vice crenid(nt Mm v.n .
' - - . ' WJ vri. ,
secretary, Mrs. Canode; treasurer, Mrs.
Uncle Sam Is Interested in Sol
diery V Feet, as Well as Head.
Men Are Cautioned.
Uncle Sam takes as much interest
in the feet ot the national guard aa in
the heads. ; In order property to pre
pare the. men for the training carape.
not only axe the men told what kind
of shoes and socks to wear, bat they
are furnished them at cost by the com
missary of every redmtnt. Tr man
buys a shoe of outside dealers that
are in aeeoroance with the regulations,
he is allowed $1 on the purchase price.
He is cautioned to allow at least one
siae larger than for ordinaxy citizen's
service, because When a man is bearing
a load and steadily marching, ul8 feet
spread out and require a larger shoe.
lectures on. Saaltatios.
After the drill of company B f the
Thh-d regiment, O. N. G., last night.
Captain Wlllard F. Daugherty gave a
lecture upon personal sanitation, treat
ment of wounds, cleanliness and foot
wear. Captain Daugherty is a veteran
of the Philippine campaign anj he
added to the regular course with in
teresting incidents and experiences.
ProvUlonaT Battalion to mtotlee,
Each Sunday m June the provisional
battalion of the Oregon naval militia,
the coast artillery -corps, Eighth com
pany, and troop A, cavalry, will prac
tice at rifle range shooting at Clacka
mas. Believed Snrlag-Jtine.
Regimental Commissary Sergeant J
W. Schur la relieveit
mess sergeant at Clackamas range this
utunin. ne was on nana every Sunday
last month and appreclatea the relief.
Oregon Consistory Highest Lodge
in Scottish Rite in State.
Confers Dint. nii.
;The highest iodg m ScotUsh Rite
Masonry In Oregon l. known as Ore!
fh? aiTs1- aad " " n"
the slst and 2d degrees, v ita offi
cers are; Louis G. Clarke, venerable
?ZZtl ! Jh9 kadosh; Joh Ww!
por or ine kadosh- A.
M. Wright, brother Preceptw of the
k4wh: Robert Lutke. ,chancillori
M Anderson. minister of statej Bry
doa .H. NlcolL-ic registrar; w Arthur-O
Jones, treasurer; Norris Ri t Cox.- Dri
rnatetf? William a Francis, master of
.v-. . . -" assistant ex
pert. Arnold Lindsay, captain of the
guards; Ralph W.. Hoy t. organist; Ben
& v Backmao. sentinel. The degrees
. WINrMiljH.
- II
. N' 'A
i ' : -k
. : . A - W '
' ' ' ' J 'XT'- 4 3
Pi , , '
Top -Mrs. James N. Davis regent
Multnomah chapter, Daughters
of the ; American ' Revolution,
which is serving tea at Hotel
Multnomah each, afternoon dur
ing ; the General Federation
Bottom Mrs. Clara B. Colby, whp
is lecturing : in the east on the
new Federal Suffrage association.
will be conferred in sessions to be
held Friday and Saturday nights. The
32d degree is known as "Master of the
Royal Secret."
Had Good Time Anyway.
The picnic of the Modern Woodmen
of America and the Royal Neighbors
held at Crystal; Lake 'park last Mon
day was greatly enjoyed. Owing to
the weather man not keeping a secret
agreement with F. J. Darlington, chair
man of the picnic committee, the
crowd was not as great as it." would
have been otherwise, but it was easier
to get acquainted, and the music and
dancing were excellent.
Interesting Heetlag Expected, .
The Loyal Order of Moose of Port
land will dispense weinerwursts and
Coney Island buns tonight at their
regular meeting. Special efforts will
be made to make it interesting to
every member.
Take Second Kike.
The Security Hiking club, composed
of members of. Security council.
Knights and Ladles of Security, took
their second hike last Sunday, leavins
First i and Alder- at :30 a. m. . The
ee these for . sale on
AU ready made, smartly designed,
exquisitely finished and Moderately
priced 1 3 CHERRY'S Is : the ' place to
find them CHERRY'S, ' the popular
Clothing Store that sells such beautl
ful things always k ON INSTALL
There are" very charming Summer
Wool Suits at CHERRY'S, and dainty
little Coats to slip over light dresses.
stylish new ureases, cool watsts-
MER. -
r- Whatever you pick out, say "Charge
It, please," and CHERRY'S - CREDIT
SYSTEM will be at your command,: to
arrange 'payments by . the week or
month, to suit your pleasure and con
venience. -r 'k -i li;,,-
1 Hunareos : or . - women ao ; it. - year
after i year. and they're the women
you'll find dressed up to the top-notch
of Style all the time. More and more
women are eioming to realize that cor
rect costumes cannot be accomplished
at small expense any other way than
by trading AT - - CHERRY'S ; ; ON
'You must have heard 'this address
many 'times 389-391 - - Washington
street, ia the Pittock bleat CAdv.
ww " . w HO S UU SSV W JhU VSV MM av
extended to Bysamore station. A lnnch
was spread, after which ? tbe entire
partr climbed- one of the adjoining
hills. ' The return- trip was mads to
Lents in the early evening. "
,-' - - v : ' . .,
- 'wTU Olve Hearty Weleome.
: Arleta camp, W. O. W., will glvs all
visitors - and members a hearty - wel
come tomorrow night. - Special efforts
are being made to furnish a program
and members from other : camps are
cordially invited.
'M Albany College Commencement. -Albany.
Or.,-, June 2. Plans have
been . completed "for the forty-third
commencement ' of Albany . college,
June 12 to 16. : T
United States Senator George B.
Chamberlain' will deliver- the com
mencement address on the morning ot
June 18. "a; The' baccalaureate sermon
before the graduating class of tbe col
lege of liberal arts, will ' be preached
by President 1L M. Crooks- Sunday af
ternoon, -June 13. L The evening of the
same day Rev. Calvin H. French,, D. D..
of Chicago, secretary t the Presby
terian. college board, will deliver tbe
annual address - before the : Christian
associations. June IS, one of the big
gest events of commencement week in
the form of a get-together luncheon is
scheduled. - AU metnbers of the Albany
college alumni and all. former stu
dents of the college have been invited
to be present at this time and Join in
a - big , booster meeting for a greater
Albany college. , . .v- vV '
Cpld Baths at Albany.
' Albany. Or., June 2. Following
their annual custom some 25 Albany
youths plunged into the icy waters of
the Willamette here Monday and made
a pretense at taking a short - swim.
For many years - past the swimming
season has officially . opened on De
coration day as far as Albany boys
were concerned and their first plunge
has usually been beneath a blistering
sun, but this spring the, circumstances
were eonatderaJMr. different. The wa
ter was four feet above its usual
stage at this time of year, muddy and
cold. ... -
-Thr p'rnwtrt nf our
- - O - ' 7 ;
Liw UUtlUlll n.y mw
litlVC UiC lcliCOt ailU
: r 4 ctnMrArf fn iK
V T W UiV W VVV4WU fcf Vfc w -f - '
-Tri! ic f'h rhwrp evrv woman has been waitinsr
dccii in lino cujr
4.00 Leghorn Shapes .... . . .$1.95
$3.50 Trimmed. Hats . . . .$1.45
$3.00 Black and White Shapes. .... 95c
3.00Patent Leghorn Hats .v. . . .95c
$3.50 Banded Panamas . . ... .$1.95
$3.00 Banded Java Sailors; . . . . .95c
.00 White Felt Crushers. . . ... .65c
Paradise Reduced
Plumes Reduced
flont Fail
A Hat
irrrtni .
Uiej ourna
buy foodstuffs, at least that is what
on the market this morning and she
ought to know, for she presides over
the destiny of a poultry: booth. "In
their eagerness to tores down the $1
birds " to- 50 - cents. these - women, not
wise in the details of markeUng. often
take home lemons' .-instead of fowls.
The lemons' are fowls of course, but
not the -peachy kind that the poorer
woman - who goes marketing with a
basket over Jer arm, will buy.
;Im convinced that these women
discourage the attendance of their hus
bands at dinner just , because many of
them believe they are supreme to the
matter ot buying food - for the table
and refuse to take the chicken squab
or turkey ; recommended by the poultry
woman, preferring: to" choose a bird
that tbey imagine is tenderest -or moat
palatable." Often when J suggest to
them that a certain chicken or turkey
would be a fine investment for their
dinner table, they reply;
-"""Young lady, when you "have had
my experience in- buying poultry you
can discriminate between an old and
young bird. -. " 1 ' h- .-.
- ?But. madam. I protest; r .
. ' 'Not another word,, miss. X. ought
to know a, chicken when I see it. How
much did you say this one wr
"One dollar, madam.' ; - - t
-You don't mean to say that you
want tl Tor a chicken. I'll give you,
to cents, that's all I can spend for meat
for the table today-.
.The next buyer may be Mr. Kewly
Wed. .) ;;-.-)'.;';
f want a chicken, he murmurs. 'I
wsnt to get a real plump one. 4 I'm Just
business coniDels us to
. , ' . r r . - -
mmvr rf Qivth onH A Mt
wv va - nuwt
1111&CL L-AV-lUCHYt iTliiiltiVlJ wl wvtww
ictn rarrv nnthino with 115; in nur new store- at Sixth and Alder
Hrvnrc. with all that's newest
White Midsummer
Trim'd Hats $2.45
to Attend
i ; At Morrison and Fourth
1 vv
oman s
. I 2
Jane 2,
S 9
II 12
M IA 17 IX Id
20 21 22 23 23 20
27 25 29 SO
- TKK WXATTTTS -Tf tautiif wUl ImI. tae
Xeraeaatav will wut eat ia ais "fair sad waxm-
mr- wuiv yeuey,
married and if I don't take home good
poultry my wife will be ..angry,
"Jl always pick him out a good fowl
and of course he is pleased and comes
back. But it takes an older woman to
sell to the middle-aged .or old man or
woman; they don't think I know
enough. - You can't smile at a man 60
years old and expect to sell him poul
try. on that smile. : No, sir; he wants
a woman advanced In years to wait
on him." .
bread crumbs iu water or milk for half
an hour, scald 4 cups of milk, caramel
ize half a cup of sugar (which means
to dissolve it letting it brown), add to
not mHK. Then add bread crumbs.
half cup of sugar, 2 eggs slightly beat
en, pinch of-salt, a little vanilla. ; Put
in a battered dish and bake in a .mod
erate oven. Whipped cream is' nice
with it, or it may be served with hard
sauce. '.. , -
THE SHOPPER, June with Us
attenaant wnne
sales, is upon us and she is the wise
woman -.who looks . carefully into her
supply of lingerie, table and bed linen
in fact, everything which the depart
ment store manager includes In his
great annual white sale. With the
crisp and rainy' spring, which we hope
is , nearly 'over, .there must be many
days of warm weather ahead of us. so
one may take advantage of the reduc
tion on gowns and blouses as well aa
on lingerie.- - ' '
TUB SILK BLOUSES, individual and
distinctive in - every detail, quite . the
correct thing for tailored suits, are In
cluded , in the white sale clearance at
seek larcrer Quarters and
- W
srtci riH whpti nltrvra
w v. w --- - -
in Millinerv- No iob lots or
r . f
for our windows will tell
Read These Prices !
j one of the big shops where one always
(finds the really" smart things.
FRENCH LINGERIE in all Its daln
' tineas and . charm is also to be -found
at this shop; there are chemise, skirts,
drawers and corset covers, alt of soft
gilky nainsook and batiste, beautifully
embroidered and trimmed with lace
'threaded with pastel colored ribbons,
jlf you aren't. rich enough to lay in a
I liberal supply for yourself, maybe yon
jean afford a garment -: or. two and if
iyou .have, a present to: make In the
near futureprovided it s to a woman
-you can't make a happier choice than
a piece of French. lingerie. ; 1 know of
one woman who is replenishing her
Christmas chest from this sale. - r
to be had at prices so small that there
! really seems little need for having torn
l orworn out" bed linen. Then there
'is table linen, towels, . etc all priced
for "less" during the June white sale,
v 8ILK n PETTICOATS. If . you loVe
tnem as most women do,, you will be
glad to know that one of the big down
town shops is advertising a special lot
in standard makes which- formerly sold
at from St to 15 at less than i. The
! Jot includes many colors and styles
and, you ' know petticoats , have -come
'into fashion again. :-
! KrTTW RA TTTrTV Before putting
-.-away you furs for
'the . summer if you Intend putting
jthem away you should send them to
the furrier and have them thoroughly
cleansed. The small charge for doing
this is nothing compared with the pos
sibility of having even a single piece
eaten by those eiy pests, moths. Yog
cannot tell whether or not there are
moth eggs lurking- in the f urrydepths.
It takes an expert to make 'way wltfc
them. I have-know them to hatch even
in" a' cedar; chest, r- .
. Tor farther Information regarding
say of the artioles mentioned ta this
department, address "The hopper,"
ear of Tbe Journal. r-, J,
- . - ? y
:3tt a. m. Mld-biennlal COUNCIL OF
; MEN 3 ,-CLUBS, at White Temple.
a more Drominent locatibn. We have leased
... .... I
tiring uuc rrmrHr1 in i ctrA
- "C
old stock Evervthin? new4-The most ud to date.
e " V
the. story of the most amazine
To $6.00 Tailored Hats
To $400 Hemp Shapes. . .
To $2.25 Floweri f. . .
To $1.50 Flowen
To $ 1 .00 Flowen
J 65d
$3.00 Banded Hemp Sailors 95c
To $3.00 Plumes .95c
$3 Penit Hats 95c
Veiling Stock Sac
rificed at Cost -
Sale Starts Tomor
row 8:30 a. m.
In 20 years of successful merchandising in
.Portland our advertisi
been to "give what we
will be conducted . on , the same principles.
Whatever we advertue, you may be sure to
find here at : the price quoted..
- .Streets
: Np C O. D. s
Subjects, Conservation, Home KfeJ
nomics. Endowment' and the' Idfl
Biennial. 1:30 Minimum Wage. Eu
genics Marriages, Publlo Health,
Prison 1 Reform, Reorganization. $ p.
m. Musicale. ADDRESS. DR. DA
Association. In Li
brary hall, Mrs. Alva Lee Stephens
Association. Reading of
V prise essays, sclentlfio temperance
and awarding of prises. Election of
officers ; '
8CHOOLHOUSE on Sex Hygiene, by
Dr. Mary V. Madlgan. j -
TEACHER Association. Speaker,
Samuel P. Lockwood. candidate tur
school director.
PLAY, by Charles N. Wanacott, at
Central library hall, UNDER AUSPI
CLUB. .:;:(
When we create needs that God
land Nature never made, we have
created to ourselves an- infinite
stock , of trouble that can have no
period. Jeremy Taylor.
Courtney Mill ;
Started at Last
Marshfleld, Or., June 8. The Court-
mey lumber mill near Marshfleld
(started operation Tuesday. George A.
piouck'and E. C. Bamuels .are the own
Mrs and the mill will cut about 75, .00(1
Sfeet of lumber a day. The mill wan
(built seven years ago by A. A. Court
ney of Portland, but the day; It wae
finished it became Involved in lltlga.
hlon and never was operated until to-'
day.. New owners bought thei mill a
year ago and put It in repair, and will
operate under the firm name of the
Coos Bay Mill company. j
a' 9.
, m
rnmne.tpAi wft will
I 7 -' -----
I I 1 .
Millinery sacrifices ever
. . . . 65c
. . . 95c
. . . . 55c
........ 19c
- 95c
Panamas ... . 95c
Wings and Fancies
-All Reduced
For Best Choice
pg method has always
No Exchanges
-- M ... mmm m imii 1 I