14. MONEY TO LOAN BJ . CHATTELS. S.VLAIUE3' ' iCoiitinnedr' . SALARY LOANS SALARY LOANS. Being salary loan brokers exclusive ly, we are enabled to assure satisfac tion and ; give the quickest possible service. ; ; r- . - - Business strictly confidential. - " REMEMBER, m We are licensed, and therefore ; . RELIABLE. STATE SECURITY CO., ' "' 309 llttig bldg. ' ; Loans at Legal Rates We Joan money on diamonds, pianos, .livestock, storage receipts, plain notes, on furniture, or any thins of value, . You can get it today. Portland Loan Co,, - Licensed Licensed toy State. i , - 311 Dekum Bid.. iThlrd and Washington. . LOANS WANTED 30 Ws-Wsi" s " h asses -i -. WANTED ON A-l i SECURITY. , 110,000 at 8, Value $60,000. S 2,200 at 8, value $6000. ' $ 1,600. at 8, value $4800, city. ' $ 00 at fiVoi value $2500, city. . $ . SO.) at S, value $1200, city. - $ 200 tit 8, value $2200. city. M'KENZIE & CO., 515 Oerllnger bldg. PRIVATE party wants '$1000 on room house close In, 8 per -cent, no commission. Phone Sell wood 1360., FIXAN'CIAI 01 FIRST and second mortgages, also sel lers' Interest in contracts, purchased. Oregon and Washington. H. K. Nobis. Lumbermen bldg. ; , STOCKS AND .BONUS C8 FOISaXeS shares" of Almeda Consolidated mines,, cheaper .than Will ever be offered again it taken at onw. For particulars write J. Duvai, Grand Junction, Colo. . help -y1!- Y. M." C." A?" EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Record for year 1914: , Call for men ..... 1792 Positions ftUed .1314 All young men seeking employment are cordially Invited to consult with the secretary of the employment de partment. AN EXPERIENCED rental and leas ing man. Al opportunity for a bus--tler. State experience. K-416, Journal. -CHANCE for man to learn moving pic ture operating in theatre. Call Z12 ISt St. -r V" ANTED - Dishwasher and general handy man around hotel; $10 per l . momn to start. tio jn. zis.t st, , SALESMEN wanted, outfit free, cash 4 weekly. Address Capital City Nurs ery Co.. Salem. Or. T .' WANTED Tea and coffee solicitors, Call before 9. '209 Salmon. !- HELP WANTED MISC. 49 Y, M, C. A, - Automobile School : Day and night instruction in repalr . Ing. driving selling and machine work. Including forge, lathe, shapc-r,' drill Sress, etc. Moderate charges. Fair ealin and expert training. Time un - limited. . -i Before ' enrolling elsewhere ' call at educational office, V. M. C A. bldg., and secure pass entitling you to in- mpeet our frhops and methods. iWK have several openings for estab lishment of independent mall order business. Energy, good habits and sound judgment more important than capital. Spare time at first. Particu lars free. Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo. N. Y. - LEARN AUTOMOBILE repairing and driving at, the BEST EQUIPPED, most UP TO DATE and only PRAC TICAL AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL in Portland. L. & M. Auto Repair Co.. o nawmome ave. - USE your spare time to ouiid up a tnall order business of your own. we lvslp you start for a share in proflie; 27 opportunities: particulars f ree. ,Ojjportunitie Exchange. Buf- , GOVERNMENT positions are ej-sy to get My free booklet Y-368 tells how. Writa today NOW. Earl Hopkins. Washit ton. D. C. THOCJiaANDS government jobs opa to men and women, $65 to $160 month. Write ; fpr Iftit. Franklin Institute t-u, mw;,if mer. xv. y. , WANTED Names of men. II or over, wishing government jobs. $65 mo. ? GX-lIM, Journal. COOK headquarters California Wine noot. 29 1 Yamhill. Near ftth. WANTED Partner, som cash, reli- ablB business. 170 10th. UNCALLED for tailor made suits $t.6j up. Taylor.' th Tailor. 289 u, Burnslde. IIELP' WAIVED FEMALE 2 LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. require , . the services of two thorough ly experienced saleswomen for 1 lace? and embroidery department, must give best references. Ap- -ply superintendent's office, 7th ; tloor. Thursday morning be tween 9 and 10. LAiJl8. to. assist in small apartment x,hT& tot apt' Pal1 350 Haw- EXPERIENCED mens hat trimmer . wanted, i Marsh Hat works. 382 Morrison st. ' ' EXPERIENCED girl for general housework; references; three in fam lly. Apply forenoons. 495 E. 27th N. WOMAN cook; small wages ani hus . band a room and board. B10 N. 21st. HKL1 WANTED MALK AND FEMALE 29 MEN and women to learn the barber trade, wages paid while learning . tuition reduced, positions secured The only-chain of schools in the world CoH'Nst- MOUr Brb Oregon Barber College will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage pecialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay , while learning; tul , turn reduced this term. 233 Madison UARBERS AND SUPPLIES 69 Barbers1 Supplies iowff fCES FOR STANDARD GOODS. . - - Witch Hazel. $1.10 gal. Bay ' Rum Compound, $2.69 gal. "MJcro, Tonic $4 gal.; $1.35 7 Henkle Scissors, $1. etc. Dept. 6, Clarke-Woodward Drug Co Woodlark Wdg.. Alder at West Park.' SAVE money on barber supplies, port Cut. A Barb. Sop Co.. 86 6th. WAKTED AGENTS 6 FCmi specialties. J. o. Dahl. Fargo, SITUATION S MALE 8 CHAUFFEUR Competent driver and mechanic, sober. . single, wants posi tion. A. Lundstrom. 189 W. Park st. "TOT 7T, rnun wlohoi in lm , - i , - --- , vm uar ber trai in. some good shop; wllline topayforficatwo or three m on that BY YOUNG man, 32 years if age; 15 , 'years practical business, and road experience. Phone Tabor 1406, or d dress, T-913, Journal. . Skilled Carpenters Famished oii short notice. UarWtr YOUNG man wants work. Have light delivery wagon and horse, or single-B-eod CTOfftrrman. , Wontla wi t . . TH B window cieauer and -houseman twanta work; 25c hour. Main 2303. WANTED Excavating and team work. Phone East 4 S0 1, C-1477. VACANT lots .mowed- East 708. SITUATION'S MALE 3 BAKER, experienced and reliable, good aij rouna man. Marsey si. SITUATIONS FEMALE YOUNO ladr would like to take care - ui cnnuren aiiernoons or cicuint" KELIABLB womn wants work In caieieria or cook in aeiicatessca; re frences. Woodiawh 41 30. WANTED Child to care for as own at reasonable rate. - H-312. journal, MIDDLE aged woman wants light noasewori, jHarsnait - tV4. - REFINED lady wishes position as noBseiteeper. is-sbs, journal. : LIGHT housework, experienced middle aged lady. Main 7439. - ? SITUATION'S WAJfTED aiAUR r AND FEMALE ' S3 MAN, and wife (Scotch), with son 10 years old, want to s take care . of ranch. Y-335. Journal. - : DRESSMAKING RESPONSIBLE dressmaking at home by day; work guaranteed. Main 3R39. - DRESSMAKING or plain sewing at home or out. Apt. '11. Mar. 8463. NU3SES GO MIDWIFE (Graduate) Receives ma , ternity cases from $10 weekly,-Marshall -4538, FURNISHED ROOMS 9 ... ; Hotel Franklin New Management; Central- location. WASHINGTON AND 13TH. PHONE. HOT AND COLD WATER, SHOWER AND TUB BATHS rHEli, 60c DAY UP, $10 MONTH UP. LARGE. LIGHT ROOMS. PHONES MAIN 3859. A-602L BUSHMARK. hotel, 2 vacant rooms. $1.75 week, each; also 1 room $2 a week. 665 Washington. t ETHELTON HOTEL. 105 12th st., near Wash., clean, quiet, modern , conveniences, summer rates; $3 week up; transient solicited. Marshall 2790. - YOUNG men may , consult without charge register of furnished rooms at Y. M. C. A., Jtstlng several hnndred In all parts of the city, also those In the Association building. WANTED Room mate to reduce rooming expense. Fireproof build ing, shower baths, individual beds Call or address Y. M. C. A. business office. THE ALBION HOTEL, 212 3d and Salmon. . Rooms $1.75 week up; steam heat, hot and cold water, free" bath, phone. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th t cor. Waslu, desirable lo cation, strictlv modern, prlvat6 bath, phone, $3 up.'Rates to tourists. M. 1 443. Madras Hotel S llld rooms, $2.50 up. By day 50c, 75c, $1; i-m. i.in aiiu wasningion sis. A QUIET PLACE FOR QUIET PEOPLE HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison st., near Grand ave. Olptanllness and comfort, $3 per wk.'up. cor, lain atio Washington sts. HOTEL OAK Nicely furnished rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water; $1.50 week up. 847 Oak. CLEAN, light rooms; tree phones and bath, steam heat. $2 up. 445 Colum bia Main 7410. A-3973. Nicely furnished A D DflTT 25c; day up. 228 Wash. st. MDDUI I $1.50 wk. up ROOMS and apartments in modern ho. .tel.. $2.50 week and up. 455 Alder. J2JVEEK up, clean, warm, modern fur. rooms, central. The King, 309 Jef. FURNISHED ROOMS 70 PRIVATE FAKZZ.Y WANTED Two respectable lady roomers, private home. Call at 5&0 E. Oak st. CLOSE in Portland Heights room with porch, city view, modern, fine for 2. fnone aiarsnail 36, LARGE front room Jn private family. right downtown. $10 month. 189 13th st. 1 ring door bell. ' $7 AND $9 month, modern conven lences. East 1652. LARGE front outside rooms. 21.? Broadway, cor. Salmon. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 PARKVIEW HOTEL, 388 Montgomery st. at West Park. Family hotel; all modern conveniences; rates, for regular and transient guests. THE HAZEL, cor. 3d and Montgomery. Fine furnished rooms and board, $5 up; steam heat. hoft baths; fee -phone. Room and board, young women $4 wk up; "Anna Lewis" Hall. 510 Flanders. FIRST class board and roon, best cooking. $5 up. 346 College st. ROOMS AND BOARD PKrVATE PAMILT 72 YOUNG couple will board and room 2 young men, $20 per. month. Wood- inwn '3izs WANTED Small child to board in prt vate family: no other children; $10 month: 466 Vancouver. CATHOLIC woman would board little girl; best care and training; no other cniiqrentt in rnontn. w-917. Journal. AIRYWrobms. good board. 254 E. 3d is. Afiast tui6. ' ROOM ;and board in -private home. 187 12th st. BEST board, clean rooms, walking dis tance, $5 up. 655 Washington. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS S ONE room with kitchenette, complete ly furnished, steam heat, running hot and cold - water, phone in every room; 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison sts.; $12 and up. 291 Columbia St., corner 5th st. . 1 $1 to $2.50 week, furnished H. K. rooms; gas, iree neat, launury, Datn. Phone East 6039; 203 Stanton, IT car. SUITES and single H. K. rooms, $1.50 week up. Also modern rooms. Mer cedes, 20th and Morrison. OILMAN hotel, 1st and Alder. Fur nished H. K. rm cheap. $1.50 wk. up. Cambridge bldg., furnished H. K. rooms. central, cheap. 165 3d. cor. Mor n. GEM APTS., 1, 2, S mom suites. 1 bath, phone; $1 wk. Mip. 401 1st si free st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 prrAra tavxu'zJ THREE housekeeping TOoms, lights, water, heat, phone and bath. 294 Eugene St., near Broadway and W'il nama ave. inone iast Z51& CLEAN, well furnished rooms, 1 un furnished, private entrance, 1 fur nished, private entrance. Electricity, phone, bath. 335 6th. cor. Market. $12 TWO clean, completely furnished rooms, bath, laundry, phone, large yard. East side. Walking distance. 312 Cherry. - - THREE light, clean and sunny H. K. rooms, walking distance, $9 month. Block from car. Call 749 Mississippi. NEATLY furnished H. K. suite, hot water, light, phone and bath, reason able. Main 4839. i 700 Flanders. -K T WO . extraordinary - nice . front rooms, 4 with all modern conveniences. 291 Morrison, cor, pin 361 TAYLOR Suites and single house keeping rooms, free light, phone, 5 ROOM flat, all modern, cheap rent. iiuuuk aiautncs,; union oepoc , ' ssz TWO housekeeping rooms on ground floor, close to steel bridge. Phone LARGE, well furnished housekeeping room, moaern conveniences, reason- nuic. mi uuiumoia St. THREE furnished rooms; no children; $7 month. Tabor 8882. HOUSEKEEPING : rooms, modern. 17i N. 17th et. w? FURNISHED - housekeeping, rooms $5 per month. - 555 6th st. KITRNISHED H. K. rooms. 405 12th. FOR RENTV HOUSi-S 12 SIX room , house, with sleeping porch, - on Alberta St., -$12. -Main -3924. -. 12 $ ROOM modern house for rent. very reasonable; fine - location. Phone OR RENT By owner. . 2 houses, barn, hen house and 7 lots; fruit. nernes. ranor 32. fc OK attTctiv houses to ' rent us Clark Rental Service, 2d floor Title me -j rust niiM. MODERN 4 room bungalow, blocks iram. jiyniguw tar, rnoDt ROOM house. $20 per, month. Cen- - trany : located, Marshall 42ZS. , bai 5 ROOM . cottago with large porches. inwuu j lib 1. vvernaui(i: garitKU space if desired. Marshall 4431. Main 7178. $18 & ROOT 1 cottage J 474 U.:.pine. $20 9 room house. E. 33d and Bal. won; nearly new, Phone Tabor 119, 7 ROOM house, east .side, clone a. FORiRENT- or, lease, 6 room ?0ung. low wnn nnrg. r'none B-!437. 6 ROOM modern house. W'dln. 3526, FURNITURE FOH I SALE 32 HOUSES FOR RENT ADS of furniture for sale are pub lished in the Household Goods classi- rication wnen nouse is not ror-Tent. FURNISHED HOUSES 3C FOR RENT Furnished hou3e- nice vara. marsnaii 3st. FIVE room, furnished, house, only 115. voa wiiiiams ave. - wooqiawn 410. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS i 43 , t. BELLE COURT. L Trinity Place, Near Wash. THE HANOVER, King st., near Wash, and 22d. : THE BERYL, 695 Loveiov Near 21st 2, 3 and 4 room apartments, all mod ern conveniences. It will tin v von to see these beautifully appointed apart ments, priced tor-suit Jyour pocKetbooK. Apply at buildings, or call THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. Managers. 5 269 Wash. St. Main 6869. A-1777. Wellesley Court EAST 15TH AND BELMONT STS, furnished and unfurnished. Mgr. East 3469. References. 4 ROOM modern unfurnished aoart . ment in new brick hide.: nrivate oain, not ana cold water, Outch Kitch en, gas range, in fact every modern convenience. Rent $16. 46th and Haw thorne ave. - VILLA ST. CLARA. ? 12th and Taylor. Modern.' completely furnished apts. Walking distance. References. THE CODY, cor. E. 7 th and Taylor sts.. has been remodeled with nrivatA baths, new furniture and carpets, 2 ana i rooms; light and phone, rree; rent very reasonaple. Call East H 4. JULIETTE APTS. 2d and Montgom ery, modern 2, 3 and 4 room apts., furnished or unfurnished. 817 month up. iNo cnarge tor cooking gas 4 ROOM furnished. $12.50. Ground flnnrinnArtmont varH 1 Hlnlr T r,ni car line. Fred W. German Co., 914 Chamber of Commerce. THE MORTON, cor. King and Wash., new man'x; 3 and 4 rooms, fur. and unfur. apts., reasonable rent. Pacific pnone in apt. Main 1082; A-5 749. anuAUWAV CENTRA! BLOCK up-to-date turn, elaborately. 3 blks. e. bilwv hri A o-a dim mv -n tio XiT ilCti THE DE2ENDORF. 208 16TH ST. Marshall 2316. Nice 5 room furn. and unfurn. ants.: also 3 and 4 room f urn, apartments. THE SHEFFIELD 270 Broadway, south. 3 and 4 rooms, well arranged. easy walking distance, at very rea sonable rent; best of service. M. 256. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett St., fuwilshed 3 room apartments, with or without sleeping porcn; rererences. Marnnail AMERICAN-M ARLBOROUGH. , Highest class apts. in the city, 4, 5 and 6 rooms, walking distance, reason able. Mar. 3360. Main 7516. A-2676. 2 ROOM apartments, large outside rooms, water, and light and phone furnished, close In, $10-$14 per month during summer. East 5279. , ROSEN FELD. 14th and E. Stark, Modern brick, 3 and r., furnished or unfur. Private phones. Reasonable. TWO room apts., newly furnished; modern. Sawyer AptsW 82 N. 10th st. f none a-zzss. 3 ROOM apartments all outside rooms. private bath, Pacific phone, $17 -up. Tbor 6065. B-1035. ' RENT BARGAINS. 3 and 4 rms., sleeping porches, hard wood firs., rets. Portnomah,'20Q E. 13th PENINSULA APTS.. concrete bldg.. 2 and 3 rooms, hot and cold water, baths, st. heat, phone. $12 up. C-ll 7 0. WINSTON, 2 and 3 rooms, private bath, modern brick; special rates $15 ana up; itn ana Market. Main 1739. '1 HE' OKMONDE one a rootr Iront api. bob r lanaers. xsod till! 4 Alain 8251. DRICKSTON 148 11th St.: modern 2, 3 room fur. apts., $20 to $30; walking distance; excellent service. Mar.. 57. ALBERMARLE Apts., modern, neatly furnished apts. Summer rates; East 4193. 383 William ave.. near Broadway. Ardmay Terrace, 395 12th st Large 2, room fur, apts. MraJohn Cran, mgri MEREDITH 3 & 4 rm. apts., reason able. 712 Washington. opp.22d. M.7134 PAGE APTS. -Excellent outside apts. Rates very reasonable. " East 3566. KEELER APTS.. 14th and Clay 3 anl 4 room un furnish &a-: references. THE LUZERNE 2 room fur. apts., indm brick. $20 m. up. Mar. CAMAR Al'iS, 704 Lovejcy. muaeio 2. 3 room apts.. $18 to CC. Mar. 291.'. THE LAURETTE 8 room furnished 'apts.; private bath, phone. 229 llth. THE IRIS APTS. 3d and Mill St.""" FOR REKT FLATS 13 Was $1 6, Will Accept :$8 and Care of t Lawn For ' 4 room flat,T close in, west side, modern. 391 16th st. Phone E. 378. $12 per mo., flat for - rent, ' rooms. bath, electric light, etc. 387. Is". 21st, bet. Tfiurrnan and Upshur,- (weet 6 ROOM, very modern flat in Z family buildings, very; reasonable. ' 432 E. 13th st. N., sear Tillamook. -Phone Broadway 2332. - ; FIVE room modern upper fl;t.. rent $20. V 266 E. 24th. near Hawthorne. v FURNISHED FLATS 50 5 - ROOM? well furnished flat. : clean. healthy, light all around ; gas. bath ; desirable. Walking distance or 2 car lines and best jitney service. ;"772 jEi Taylor. sEast 5260. f . -i ft ROOM furnished flat; will sell fur niture, cash or easy payments. 288 $24 NEW. modern 4 room furnished - flat, porch, walking distaffce. 569 Market st. - .- : , , $12.504 ROOM, furnished flaLi-in- eluding water, on good carline and Jitney. 80th -st.. M. V. Tabor 483.- FOR RENT or 6 room furnished flat. 689 Powell at. Brooklyn ear. STORES A3TD OFFICES y,S 11 BRICK warehouse in. South Portland for rent,? trackage, light and airy. On paved street, reasonable. - Journal Publishing Co.. Broadway and Tamhtll FOR RENT HOUSES (Continued) - : STORES AND OFFICES 11 ml ' ;- : OoBtlBt;ed) - f i - CORNER - store and store adjalnlng. either or both, choice location, apart ment district, tor fjrocery. delicatessen, market, etc. '104 Sherlock bldg. SHOP. 271 Hawthorne aveV1 east end of bridge. HL N. Burpee. M. 3330. KOOfEB RESORTS SO SPEND YOUR VACATION AT COLr UMBtA BEACH. - ----Under New Management. , Completely furnished- housekeeping tents for rent;, clam digging, fishing, boating, tennis; new '.plank auto road to ocean front; autos meet ail trains. Information 1100 Northwestern- Bank bldg Portland, Or., or Landon & Bry son. Columbia Beach. R. F.D War re n ton. Or. ' - " IT. HOOD auto stage calls any part of city. Main 331. A-2331. WAjimsp -TO RENT WANTED Furnished 3 or A .- room cottage on North Beach; prefer be tween Long Beach and Breakers. KX 419, Journal. - - - - - - . - HORSES. VE-ilCLE. i ETC. 1 8 UNION TRANSFER CO., , 11TH AND HOYT STS. We have for sale at a sacrifice nrica the following described stock: j. earn of bays, nair Drotners. weignt 2640 lbs., - with nearly new breeching harness. $185 takes this team: mares. dapple gray and bay, with new har ness, weight 2400 ibs.. kind and true, price $175. , Mares, ;, pair -or nice dappled browns, gentle for anv woman or child to han dle in or out of stable. weight 2400, price, with harness, $140. - Mares, nair of chunk v. heavy boned 'Shires, kind and true to work single or. double .any place. nearly' new breeching harness, price $225.: Mares, pair blacks, young. wim heavy-manes and tails, weight near 2850, with harness and light farm wagon. $225. One large brood mare, weighs near 1750 lbs., heavy with foal. . we nave iu neaa oi muies tnai wr will f1vp vrtu a bareaifl in if you come and take at once, as they are out of work and must stop feeding expenses. Wagons, saddles, harness, fine stock saddle $15, heavy single express har ness $12, express harness nearly new, $16. five sets of good double, farm harness at your own- price. Come and see these bargains. UNION TRANSFER HTABliftB, 11TH AND HOYT HIS, 1 HAVE about 8 head left from, my last shipment whicn t win sen ai a low price, consisting of some 1500 lb. draft horses, blocky build; farm chunks and some delivery or wagon horses! G. M. Howitt, Model Stables. Fifth and Davis streets. Commission Auction ons, every Monday and Thursday, at 2 . m. Columbia staoiow. aua irom at. DEAD horses- and animals hioljd awsv rr. fa.11 wooaiawn' i Portland Rendering Co. FOR SALE Cheap. 1 good farm horse weighing 1300 lbs.. 2 delivery horses weighing nou lbs, zzo useu t. GOOD, big, young team, well broke; must selL Inquire 787 28th st. Wood stock car 1000 LB. bay mare, good 'traveler, for rnone raoor arrer d:ju p.' in. FOR SALE Ranch horse, good work- fcr. $2& takes him. i6f t-.. targ. DEAD horses and cattle taken free. Tabor 4203. GOOD work team, harness, farm and tinrliM. wsvnn 1 T. 1 -R Aflh HORSES for sale or trade. Call Wood- lawn 20. ' - ONE mare pony, saddle and bridle. $30. one li ou lb. norse; woo. -raoor cuss. b OR 8A1K Horse, harness and top uuggy, i gt Ej. qui xi. LIVESTOCK 35 TWO fresh cows, 1 thoroughbred Jer sey. 1 larea Jersey-Durham. 4 and 5 gal. per day extra rich milk; will trade for beer cows. -14 so Macaa&m at f ui- ton,, car to Idaho st. HAVE 2 young milk cows, also new u, B. separator. win sen cneap on monthly payments. II. Atwater. B 6161. - . - FRESH cow and calf for sale: heavy milker. A. jr. Alder ton. 96 iast 7tn st PASTURE for, stock. Ladd's Canyon Farm. Close in. Phone Main 4819. FOUR-fresh Jersey cows cheap. 794 uacoma ave. BICYCLE for sale. Inquire elevator operator. jvicK.ay Diqg. POULTOlANTJ i PIGEONS 7 COCKERELS for sale; W. Leg., March hatch, thoroughbred Wyckof f hens and special pen Tancred cockerel." 675 E. 13th N. C-1464. March hatch cock ere is. THIRTY thoroughbred year old White Leghorn laying hens; going away. Tabor 3757. - HOMER pigeons for sale. . E. Multno- man St., 14Z8. Tel. Tabor 832, AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 OREGON VULCANIZING CO. "The Tire Shop." 550 Washington st.. at 18th. Marshall 379. BEST TIRE REPAIRING. Trade new tires for old ones. TIRES CHEAP FOR CASH Light auto,, elec tric tali ana siae ngnts; presto ia headlights; extra delivery body; extra Just overhauled, and, Painted. Call B- Z437. : IMPROVED PORTABLE GARAGE. See my 10x16 portable garage at S3 2. Erected on your lot complete. Gel my price on -mother, garages or houses, a. t. Aiiyn, uarage specialise. 1191 East Salmon. Tabor 194. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. Large stock, prices $300 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO, Studebaker bldg. Corner Chapman and Alder. GENERAL auto and truck reaalrlng. Reo truck sprockets . a specialty. Forging. Good work, square prices. Try us. E. L. Taylor & Co.. 71 1st st. t-AMERSPRW&CO, tiWritten ruar "antee with every spring. 26 N. 15th st. SEVEN pass Stoddard Dayton, fine Utney or stage car. WINTON MOTOR CAR CO., - 23d and Washington. $495 FORE door 40 H. P. torpedo front Overland: will take -diamond. Irving ton Garage. E. 14 th and Broad. way. . . - : ' RECOVERING auto r tops. tl&.bO up . Auto painting, up; cji work guar anteed. United Painting & Auto Top Co.. 15th and wasnington; Mars. 946. FIVE pass. Overland, in good condi- ' cnarv - -r r:. - ; WINTON" MOTOR-CAR COw FIVE passenger Mitchell aiitoUo sell or trade; make good Jitney. " 1295 Hood st. 'i Phone Marshall 1588 eve- nlngs. . ; - : " -" - -- SPEEDER., for sale, also 1914 Ford roadster, A-l condition; bargain. 188 18th Ht bet. Yamhill and Taylor. FOR SALE Thomas Flyer. 5 pass., a . cylinder. $1500; will take Dart trade. Call 1031 Chamber of Commerce FORD, delivery body and wind shield. '- coeap. , ; jo : c. Aiaer,. jonn . xeere garage. HIGHEST prices paid for old rubber, metals. J. Leve. 186 Columbia. M. 6198 EXPERT, auto repairing, reasonable charges. J. J. Zimmer. 123 N. 6th st. TOURING car body and top for sale. Uail KSSt 0434. GOOD 6 passenger, exchange for cheap nuBieivBfmornson WILL ; sell dandy Brush auto; good tires. - journal. FIVE pass. Regal. $260. P. E. Esben shade. 214-Front. - LET me - overhaul , your car In your fiftvAt. cm m fw V.J1 J ;-T...t : . . $420 FORE door Mitchell: terms. Irv lngton Garage. E. 14th and Broadway. 1915 FORD After 6 p m. Reasonable and reliable.. East 2388. AUT03IOBILES-ACCESSOR1E3 44 - : r j ioontinra) -- r ;- -GUABiMTEEiD- ysEi mm ; i 'W. IAie IPMHETO 1915 OVERLAND, 35 H. P, 5 as - senger. run oniv -1 jsoa miluT as ."demonstrator ..S.i..........,$$7 ia UV &tlUANU, 3 H. ., 6 pafl . .seDKer. run 2600 miles ........ $775 iv i i;ui,E, delco electric equip . ment. looas and runs like a neW x . uviiiaA.ND, 6 passenger; electric lights with generator ..$600 1913 OVERiAND. 30.-,cowl dash body, 6 passenger i ...... . . . .... $550 uignt o passenger ? OVERLAND. JUBt thorouehlv overhauled: alii ; ' now tint. - 1f;ft passenger" I $40 w i . in. . targe roomy b pas-, senger: tnorouehlv. overhauled:" i repainted; mew tires all around. .$450 DELIVERY CARS OVERLAND, panel . top delivery; late model; Just thoroughly overhauled and renalnml: new -tires all around ... , ......1600 ixxAji.wiiL.L. , light delivery. Just overhauled -and re finished: in .finest condition throughout ...$375 " J v t.KUAISU, panel top dellv i ery; electric starter- and lights;! run few hundred -miles as demonstrator .$900 HONEST REPRESENTATION LOWEST PRICES LIBERAL TERMS -J. W. LWfTim .COMIPAIiBY USED CAR DEPT. 627 WASHINGTON ST pnnTi.Avn t NEW LOCATION AFTER JULY 1ST, WK. BKUAUVVAY AND DAVIS STS, Fords Buicks Overlands 1914 Ford roadster. $350. 1913 Ford roadster. $295. 1913 Ford 5 pass.. $350. 1914 Bulck 25 roadster, electric lights .nd starter, practically brand new, eD. 1912 Buiek 25 roadster. $395 1914 Overland 35 roadster, electros lights and .starter, practically new, $675. . . 1914 Overland 35. 5 pass, electric lights and starter, new. 8750. i Francis Motor Car Exchange E. 1199. E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. Used Auto Snaps T ' LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. J Chalmers 6 passenger, $450. i Michigan 6 passenger $500.' I Cole 5 passenger, $425. Owen 7 passenger, $650. Apperson 6 passenger. $650. Reo truck, 1 ton or 2. ton, with Doay, iz5u. SEVERAL OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. . i Northwest Auto Co. ! BROADWAY AND COUCH STS. PORTABLE GARAGES AND HOUSES Built of best material - ar tistic designs. Erected complete. lock 5?5e key ,S2 UP- Portable houses, $15 up.- Immediate delivenr. TAKE DOWN MFG. CO.. '"i Foot of Harrison Bt. Phone Main 1167. WINTON SIXES, thoroughly over hauled, rebuilt, repainted, new tires, ?Zfly guarantee; ranging in price from t$b00 up. Liberal terms. WINTON MOTOR CAR CO., cou ana wasnington. SLIGHTLY used tires, largest stock in Portland. $3 to $15. Fine repair Ing. The Supply Co., 207 Madison. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 WANTED, for cash. & passenger .car. Ford preferred, not later than 1914 model; must be in first class condi- iv-iiii, journal. Wl I.I. D8V rnfl f ,r- lat, n-inHl Buicks. Overlands and Studebaker cars. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX. E. lath and Hawthorne-ave. East 1199. MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES 55 MWfllL GYGLEIRY A STRICTLY BICYCLE SALESROOM AND I" T" . T I . d- I r i . 108 13TH ST.. COR. WASHING TON Pope . motorcycles and bj- "j- or cerins.i xsew and used. Supplies, etc. F. P. Keenan Co., 190 4th A FEW 1914 New Merkel motorcycles at less than cost. Easy terms , MO TOR CAR SUPPLY CO., 31-33 ' N. Broadway. Phone-Broadway 485.; LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 EVINRUDE Motor Co.. now located Front and Morrison; 100 Evinrude rowboat and canoe motors 'la stock; $58 to $83. Gasoline engines, motor boat equipment, paddles, cushions, sporting' goods.- rowboats and anoes. CRUISER launch. 43x12 Ferro auxili ary engine, cheap. Owner. 507 .Broad. way bldg. i FOR SALE Launch, 20 ft.. 6 H. P., 12 miles hour. $110 cash. Tabor 3405. 20 FT. motorbpat,! 10 H. P., 2 cylinder engine. $80. S-$53. Journal, SAIL BOAT for sale. Sellwood 1738. TYPEWRITERS GILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Underwoods, Remingtons. L. . C. Smith, Oliver Smith-Premier, Royal, etc., $16 and ip: terms. Agents for the "Corona" folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables and chairs, j The j. is., oiu oo., 3a ana Aiaer sts. WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for cur illustrated folder; retail depart ment. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER Co.. 321 Washington st. TYPEWRITERS for rent, 3 months for $5 and up; 6 months rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington Typewriter Co.. 86 Broadway. i NEV, rebuilt. 2d hand, rentals, cut rates. P. D. C. Co.. 231-Stark. M.-1407. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 65 I NEED all kinds, of 2d hand good used furniture. -Will pay highest cash price. Call Marshall 687. i ' FOR HALE Gas range, chiffonier and dresser. 830 K. 32nd N. . Wood I awn 8982. i , CALL Bell Auction Co. and get good price for your furniture. Mar. 4783. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 FOR horses and vehicles, .dogs and household pets or poultry, read the ads, under- these respective headings. The Journal leads all- other mediums fn these ' classifications. FOR. SALE CHEAP Scales, cheese cutter.l hall safe, typewriter, i small upright piano, organ, graphonola.'sand incubator.-- 212 1st. - AUTOMOBILES, 'motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications A large: listing can be found i under these different headings. - MIMEOGRAPHS, supplies, circular let ters, Elliott addressing machines and supplies.; W. E. Firmer & Co.. 268 Stark. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made in Oregon, $1.65 gallou. i-ort- lana yaini uo.. zau xpnt. Mar.' 100. $12.50 DROPHEAD sewing machine witn attaenments. lbs wand ave. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co., 212.3d. Main 797. WK buy and sell used- machinery. - Northwest Lead & Machy.- Col BUTCHER fixtures , tor- sale, i J-877, journal. ONE 8 11. P. motor for sale cheap. .-. . . . . , ,. ...... .i. trrioiiey piargiiau tin. ONE foot show case, in oak. Main --,2663. 1 - CHERRIES icon-tree, 149- E. 3 2d. Tabor 3540. FOR SALE Good counters. 846 Sandy. FOR SALE MISCELIVNi:OUS 19 f Continued! SEWING machine. Em- poriura sells for less: no agents employed, all makes of new ana second hand machines. Sold on terms. Machine guar anteed and rented. $2 per month. 190 Id. near Taylor. Main 9431. A-3626. Electric Motors Bought, , sold, rented and repaired.- Walker Electrio Works. 418 Burnslde, cor, 10th. Main or A-5 6 74. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," 'Type writers and "Household-Goods" are separate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published under ' their & respective -classifications. jOok mem over. BILLIARDS New and second haiI3 carom s and pocket billiard - tables, bowling alleys - and r accessories, easy payments. -Tables for residences.; The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co, 46-48 5th st. if Phone Main 4970. SWAP COLCMX ' 25 CLOSING out express business; 1 ton Buick truck, in good condition, for S passenger; 2 t ton - express wagon for a good horse. Tabor 614. WHAT have you to swap for com plete course in moving picture oper axmgr ziz ist, WANTED Ford auto for choice beach lot. Value $300. -Tabor 2560. . LONG BEACH lot to trade for Vic ' trola or graphanola. ; 312 First ct. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 "WE WANT THE GOODS.. WANTED; ranges, stoves, rug, rockers, dressers, tables, couches, chairs Davenport. We pay the price Try us. Northwest FUrn. Exchange. East 36. WANTED The-people of Portland to -know - I' pay; highest cash price for household goods. Prompt attention. East 6707. N. M. Seater. 143 Russell sr. WANTED Store and office fixtures and all kinds of merchandise for spot cash, or will trade. 213 1st. J. MEYER, the tailor, .pays chigneM Prices for 2d hand clothing, shoe i. We call promptly.- M. 7573. 229 Madison. OWL FURN. CO. pays best prices tor furniture. - 231 1st. - Main 4637. biXONU hand clothing and everything. Highest prices. Main 2080. 286 1st. PHONOGRAPH and records, bought, old, rented and exchanged' 212 1st. LOST AND FOUND 21 FOLLOWING articles found on the cars of the Portland Railway. Dlgnt & Power company, and owners may. claim' same at the First and Alder st. station : Mav 29 Broadway 5130. A-6131: 3 umbrellas, 1. rubber cover. 1 straw grip, 1 pair gloves, 2 purses, 1 knife, 1 string of beads, 4 packages, 1 pic ture stand. I hand saw, 1 pair roT ler skates, 5 baskets. 1 case tools, 1 dozen eggs, 1 spectacle cane, 1 sickle, 1 roll canvas, 1 tie weight, 1 suit case, 1 sack and contents, 1 grip.- 1 valise, 1 oil ulnvp. 1 nackaeei tools. 2 hand bags, 1 raincoat, 2 books. 1 package blue prints, 1 bunch of keys. ; May 30 3 lunch baskets, 2 purses. 1 child's sulkey, 4 umbrellas, 1 Bible, 1 nair gloves. "1 boy's hat. 1 package cards, 1 spade, 1 purse (27c, 1 cam era. 3 baskets. 1 hat. 1 glove. 1 cuff link, 1 suit case, I key. 1 hand axe, 1 j pin. 1 clothes rack. Mav 31 6 baskets. 9 umbrellas. 3 packages, 1 glove, 2 bundles, 1 golf club. 1 grip, 1 pack sack, -I package clothing. 1 purse. LOST A No. 1 Kaitman kodak on east side car Sunday evening, lie ward. H. W. Hoberg, East 433. LOST Gold pendant and chain, be tween Morrison and Alder, on 2d st. Reward. Tabor 5747. LOST Crescent shaped brooch set in - pcaris, west Blue. newaru. x-iione Main 49ZZ LOST One brindle covy with white arts,. . -irtt hmlfAn' nft V i n (i p I" please can l aoor iiyz LOST Black leather purse at Lip- man's. Kewartl. Tabor 37&v. . PERSONA!. A FIGHT on high prices. Why pay $5 to $10 for glasses, when I can fit your eyes with first Quality lenses in a gold-filled frame as law as $1,507 C. W. Goodman. 209 Morrison st. Main Z1Z4. Mall oraers promptly filled. Write for -particulars. LOUISE NETZEL, trained nurse and . masseuae. gives treatment for rheu matism, lumbago, neuralgia, etc., tub Datns, massage ana electric mankets; invalid work a specialty. 256 llth st. Marshall 6033. Open Sundays. , SPIRirUALltoM Medium. Rev, Vir ginia Howe. i Readings, healing daily li circles i uesaay and a riaay evenings. h o'clock. 331 bth st. Jfnone A-7116 MRS. STEVENS, 21 years Portland's renowned palmist od clairvoyant, .ma ..-',, a m..ua,bi v , u A.aof i on sale. Removed to 275 Taylor st. ATTnRWPVQ fe reasonable. Cases f I I Wl in C I O settled without noto riety. All cases treated with courtesy. 313 Buchanan bldg. Marshall 438. DR. G. V. KETCHUM Women's mala dies and acute diseases of men. Wash. bid.. 4th & Wash. Rm. 41. Ml. 488 SPIRITUALISM Rev. M. A. Price, cir cles, l ues. 2 D. m. : Wed.. Sun. 8 o. in. Readings daily. 603 5th st. Mar. 3960. MADAME MUNZELLA teaches palm istry and card reading. 422 Vs Morri- son. oirice z. HAVE your hair permanently waved. uoaranieea to last, sanitary Heauty Parlors. 400 Dekum. Marshall J702. BALM of 'Figs, remedy - tor diseases or women. &04 Davis st. Main 2393. I QUvPr Consultation free. Main La"Jcl 4993. 708 Sellin g bldg. , CHIROPRACTIC doctor. Painless ad- jnstments; 31 treatments $15. 121 4th. j USE Bassett's Native Herbs for rheu matism; SO tablets 25c, All druggists. HARTNESS. leading feather workers. wholesale, retail, cor, park. Yamhill. MRS HA MOT. medium and healer. jaai mmniu, Apts. , o. aiatn eawi. NOTICES 26 NOTICE TO ALI. CONTRACTORS Warren Brothers comoany. owners of the patents need is the construction of Bltulllblc pavements, nave filed with Mnltnomab county properly executed binding agreements to fnr nlsh any contractor desiring to bid on Bllu lithlc for eountr road work, bids for wh Ich will be opened June t. Hll the necessary Bit- uiiiujc surisce Bjatenni cAiixeu, - reeay - tor use. and bituminous flesh eostloar cement and stone chips for coating the wearing surface, de- nverea on wagons fit me contractor at mix ing plants which are described in said Ilrenxe asrreementa end which nlant will Iw. 1.-. f,l along different points of the work;-si so the use of flush cost bitumen and stone spreading mu chines. Such pric for Bltnllthic Pavement mixture and flush cost composition, stone chips ami use of machines will include a license t nse all patents required In tbe construe! km of tne Birnltthlc pavement as herein specified SEALED proposals marked "Proposals for Res idence. Clackamas. Or.." and Inplosmt In an etrvelope eddressed to the "t VnnmUeloDer of rifueTir., vi-invi f arn. fi t,iraoh?rre. w asnitssr ton. 1.- C,' will be received until 2 o'clock p. m., June 2S, 1815, and then opened, for the eonetrtietioB of a superintendent's resldeace at the Clackamas, Or., fleberles station. t'For blank DroiKMala. SDeciiications. olena and nse. ticn iars address the superintendent, fisheries I SEALED proposals in triplicate will be re ' ceived by the quartermaster- general of the army, Washington, D. ., until 2 o'clock p. m.. eastern time. Jane 20, 1915; for furnish ing leather and harness hardware for delivery during the fiscal year 1016, at depots of the qusrteroaaster corps listed In schedule. Sched uies rurnlsbt-d apon application to quartermas ter generaLWeshlngton, U. C, or. tbe qusr termaater, . Portland,-Or. . , r EEALED - proposals in triplicate - will be re ceived by : the quartermaster general of the army,' Washington. l.- C.. until 2 o'clock p. nc, eastern time, Jnue . ilR. . for f nr niching '.canvas duck, ete., foe delivery dur ing the fiscal year ' WIS. at depots of tbe quartermaster corps- listed in schedule. - Kched. tiles fnrnbibed apon v sppllcetion to onarter tnaster general V. 8, irnirv Washington. V. C or by qnertermaster.- Portland.. Or. . - SEALED proposals wUI be received at tbe of-.- flee of tbe lighthouse bwpector. Tompkins-" vllle,; K. Y nntll 2 e'clwk p. m.. June J2. 1015. end: then opened, tor furnishing and de livering f. - o.- b, ears place of loading sp. proximately f-00 Wooden ISpar Booys.., Blank proposals and particulars way be obtained by addreesing tbe lighthouse Inspector, Tomn kursville, it. X- - . I . ' 50 NOTICE TO.-COKTRACTORS . Sealed proposal, sddreased to' the Board of v-wimy voiauuasioaera or uultitouuife Uouatr, Oregon, for improrlng the following roads in aiuimuuoaa Comity. Uregen, to-wit; ' ;': Columbia River Highway Sretion ""A." - " Colombia Uiver Hisbway Seetioa B. 't -. Columbia Klver JilKhwujr Kfctlou Ci ? Columbia Hiver Hiaawey MeeUoa "1, ; : Columbia Klrer Hlyaway tctiua "iC'' r. Uasdy Koad 8evtia "A." B.tody Hoad-bettUua , .-" ; Una 4tod-ek-ctlou "A."f"ff-;'ti '. Bate Line Koadet.-Uua "B." ' . I'ewett -Valley Kead. v ! v , f ; ; . i'oatcr lload. - v. , Is ' -' . ;v, Capitol Ulgbwar. -- - : Cauyoa lUtad 6eettnn 'A." -' , ! f ' lauyon Kood tivctiou "H."- ' ; ;, --rt Ht'M MoadMcetioe "A.'"; ' v,- bl. Uelei Koad Beclluo "B." ' , Bt. lleleus Koad 6cUou "V." " Mr. Helena Koad -ifection !).' i " i ' St, Heleo: Koad Section "E.,, k . .- , ;-- . at. Helena Koad Section "K." ' v i - bt, Helena Koad Section G.' 5 8 1. Helens Koad beetloa "U." ' - bt. Hileiia Hoad Bectiou "I,-' Bt. lieltns Koad Section 'J. ' . Helena Koad-Sectlon 'K. M. Helena Koad Section "l .' ". '''' J5U Belens Koad rbectioa "M." . ' , y or such' of the aboTe'roada or sections aa the contractor tuay elect to bid upon, will be r celved by the Board of County Com&ilMtonen ot Multnomah County until 11 o'clock a. ni. Juno Sth, and nut thereafter. sd : at that time, at f room 201, Court Houe, fort land UrvgoD, wUl be publicly opened and reaa. All . ptopoMla muat - be tnade upon blank form to be obtained from the Koadoiaater at hl office, 504 Court House, Portland,. Urecon; muat give the prlwa protioaed. both lu writing and figures s and muat be algned-by the bidder, with hi - address. flaua,., specif lea tlona and estimate are on file wlib'.the Uoauty Clerk of Mult noma h county, mad may be there see a. and coplt-a may be -obtained at tbe offh-e of the Uoadiaaater at tbe above addreaaa- A de posit of aball be reialred on each set ec plana aud apecifiratloua. and shall be ra- turnabla upon ihe return of aald plana and apeciiicatiuns, in good coudltlon, oft oc beiore the date of opeulntf abila. , t,, - , ; , .. Each bid is to be presented under eealed eover, endorsed, "Propoaal for" lmprovlug Multuomali Conoiy, Roads " and filed with tbe County Clerk of Multnomah county, Oregen, and shall be aceumpauied by. a certified check made payable to the Hoard of County Coin, tttisalonera of Multnomah county, for aa amount equal to at' least, tuix per if ut of the amount of aaid bid, add no blu shall be considered unlet a aucb check Is eucloaed therewith. Buck certified . check -shall he delivered niion tbe coudltlon that If aaid bid - be accepted the parly bidding will properly anu promptly enter into and -execute a contract atul bund In ac cordance with the award. Bhomd tbe success ful bidder -to whom the contract la awarded fall to execute tbe same within tea daa (not including Sunday) from the date of notifica tion of such award,' sucl. check shall be for feited to Multnomah county ea Uquldated dam ages, and the same shall be tbe property of the county. AU other certified checks will be returned-to tbe unsuccessful blddar who sub mitted the same. , t A good and sufficient bond with a satisfac tory surety will be required for the faithful performance of tbe contract in a sum equal to tbo amount of tbe contract price. All blda are to be compared on the baais of the Roediuaater'a estimate of the quantities of work to be done, end materials to be fat binned. "The eafhnates , are approximate only, being given aa s baais for the comparison of blda, and tbe Board of County Commissioners at Multnomah. County doea not expressly er by implication agree that the actual amount of work will correspond therewith, but reaervea the right to Increase or decrease tbe amount of any class or portion of tbe work that may j be deemed necessary or expedient by ine. ttoaa- Professional and ACCORDION PLEATIKO ACCOKUION, KNIKK ANw BOX PLKAJING, PICOTING. HKMaTllCHlNO. BRAIDING, EMBROIDERING. E A ii V R N NOVBLTX MKQ. CO.. MS 6lh ST.. NBA R OAK. ' K. STKfHAN Heuislltcifltig. accordion, aide and sunburst plea ling; bcttona covered, goods sponged. Bcalloping. 3S3 Alder. M-9378. BLANK BOOK MAKERS DAVIB UOLMAN, Inc.. 100 2d mU Blank book manufacturers: agents i-for Josae Im proved Loose Leaf Ledgers. See the new Lu re k a Leaf, A-818.1. Main 183. BRASS ANP MACHINE WORKg ' ; UAUl-KlX t Krasa Works. Brass eastings and machine works. 10ft N. 6Ui at. Mats 87Q8. s -- nissmi irrviimfil 4licK BHOS. Electric Cleaning Works, carpets . cicaueu iuu uuu. . ... ---- m - -440, B-1963. 204 it. 19th at. N. CARPET WEAVINO) MlKlUWm' It. si. CO., rugs trom i old ear peta. f rugs, carpet jctea uing. laS K. Sth. .wiirt catieq lor, saw owv, n-ov, rLMABbLAU Kug Works iUg rug and csr. a pet weaving: 1513 Patton ave Woodlawn gSbe CHrROPRACTIO rHTBICIAJf L)H. McMAHON, 121 4 in at. Chrbnle dlaeaaes requi rsig extenoeq unw. oa y ha. POULbON. specialist in paralysis, nervous, chronic dlseaaea. 8Do Pitteck blk. B'way aili Metaphysical i trenlatlng. Broadway and Main COAX, AND WOOD NEER & FARR and Inside block wood. 4 foot or sawed te order. Telephone COAL Main 4606. A-4547. V " NICE dry, box wood and .jdwood, 4 fset at aawed. Summer prices. Standard Wood Cos, Eae 4W15. B-IHD6. - - unrn,0 K. J. KVKbTS, MAIN S77, UnSrCOai FOOT or CUm BTRKET. U'L'iUu WOOD t:o., 12W Macadaa. Bealara aUbwood. Box wood $2.25 los.L M. 780O. COIXECTIOlf AOENCTEH ' ' k BOY ecvouaU, bills, totes and Judgments of every name and nsrure anywhere, -for oolck results snswer M-tWol,- Joornal. DRAWING AND PArNTTNO bHAWINO and painting taught by.ChrlsUaa Pool. 3-H8 lltb at. Fiione Marshall 41S3. . EXECTRIO MOTORS AND PTKAMOg MOIOKB. generators bought, sold, rented sad . repaired.. We do all kinds of repairing and rewinding. All work guaranteed. H. M. H. Klectrie Co.. al r. i st. t-oone sism WE buy, aeu, rent and exchange new and zd - band motors; repair work a specialty. WEST ERN ELECTRIC WKg 2-8 6th st. Mar. Stea. ELECTRO PHYSICIAN DR. COKINNB JOHNSTON B Nervous sad -rheumatic dlseaaea; electro-magna tie mas save. 715 Deknm. - EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL fcTCBBS Electrical Co.. ntb and fine sts. EYE. EAR. KOBE, THROaT, LTJNQg blM-cialist. Moderate prieee. Glasses fitted, itt. W. V. Casedsy. 617 Dcfchrn lldlc..3d A Wash. EDUCATIONAL 'DANCING LEATU S School, lessons daily. Class Krl. eve. 8 to lu. 100 2d St.. bet. - Washington and IStark. lessons 26e; ' ' ' ' ' r MUSIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS LCUlS A. CBSITZ leac-ner of vbrHn. XI I Bberman. corner first. Msrshall 2293. It. THIELHOUN, violin teacher, pupil Sevcik. 207 leldner bldg. A-4UO, MarshsU 1629. -KOTICE3 fOoBtlneedt Manufacturers Jopbera , , V holeaalerJ DRY GOODS WHOLESALE Fleischner, Mayer & Co. FARM ZXPLEXENTt St VEHICLES l-M. M. WADE CO.. eM-HUH AiswtiAurne ave. LEAD PIPE. WOOL: MACHINERY NOHTHWESr bAl A , MACH1SHHX' CO. WH-ail Front. - 1 , Main 42 LEATHERS AND TINDINGS CHAB. L. MASTICK A CO.. 74 FronC Laatber ef every dearrlpiMn: findings. . .' ' ; INFORMATION COUPON ? - If you want! the name of a rellawle business house dealing In any line of merchandise, or information regarding resorts, hotels, railroads, sleain- ship lines, etc.. anarM utveon aOUEBai imgrutuua uurwu. Information desired: f; .,: I At. . . ...... ... : . Address . . .i, . ,"; . E:i aster of Multnomah County, Ori a-oo. Blda will ba A-eccivswl on tu ffoiiuwlnA tvnra f pavements: Cement Concrete tone course I, No. 1, Caroebt Concrete (oue.i ounei. 'o. X : Cement Concrete Uasam. No. 3. Aspnaitic concrete t tuitulltblc), iSo. 1. on usnru niunt ease. Aaphaltle Concrete (Uitulitblc). No. 1, oa Dvrete ataae. . Aspbaltie Concrete No. 2. on Concrete Base. "Bheet Asphalt on Concrete Base. - Wood Blocka -on Concreta Base. ; Brirk, m Concrete Base. ' 'Stone Blocks, on Concrete Base. The Board will also, at aaid time and place, ecelve and consider any and all blda In enu- oruitry. tot any plana and specifications fur hiabed by any Individual, firm or corporation, bfferlng to bid on aucb roads or auy pact thereof. - -' -- - The bidder will be required In Ms contract, boon notice by Multnomah County, to repair and correct all defects which may appear in laid pavement ' within five yeare frutu tbe Completion aud acceptance thereof by Multno. hiah County, and which are the result of any defective, materia la or lninmner workmanshlu ii&ed in the construction thereof. 1 The rleht la reserveil to re ten-1 anv and all proposals, or to accept tbe proposal dsamed best for Multnomah County, and to award tbe foutract aa la provided by sections 2S12 aud K873 aa amended In llilX Chapter IV.l of Lawa bf Orecoo for 1913. and chapter 210 of tba Lawa of Oregon for 1915. , iMitee aiay iutn, iuij. BOA UIl Of COCNTT COMMISSIONERS ' tfc' MULTNOMAH COUNTY. OKF.tiON. .... By W. . L. LlUHTNKlt, ' : - " cbalroian. , i ., By BUr-USr C. HOI. MAN, County Commissioner, . ' By ' I'HII-O HOl.BKUOK, .County Commissioner. , 3. B. VKtN. Koadniaater. 1 iSO. B. COrFKY. - v. Conuty Clerk. ' . . NOTTCB TO CONTRACTORS ' Cn.l.A Mt..la mAAnmm.A ' 4 1.A, r.nnf. .Commissioners f Multnomah Cotnity. Oreifon. iecdorsed, "Proposals for malulalnlus the bard -Kurlace rosds of Multnomah county. Oregon. teat may ue contracted to lie conatruciea under proposals for improving ssru, of dale the limb day of May. 1915" will be received by the FjBoerd of County Commlsalnoere uutll II o clock l a. ni., June vth, IIHA, and not thereafter; and gat that time at Kooui VOl. court House. Port land, Oreaou, will ba publicly opened aud read. v-,. ... , Bald bids for malulenonee may be for any or all roads of sections of roads so construct ed, or may be confined to suvb as may be constructed by tbe bidder hereunder, aud shaU '.be for a period of 10 years. ; Such maintenance shall not be consldersd aa prciuaing repairs wuico tna succtsm tin Dinner for such construction is bound to maka uuder - ml construction contract nor on account or a-i kf Uod or accidents of casualties over, wblub vald contractor baa no cojitrol. saia oia snail oe tor a caan consineration ror aid maintenance, and in. such amount of pen alty and such s satisfactory surety bond for ne rirsi per 100 oc live years ana sues security or tbe second five years, aa lha bidder may ffer, for tbe faithful -performance of aaid bialntenauce contract. The right la reserved to elect any and all nrOLOsals for ascu main. eaance or to accept the proposals deemed bast or Multneaiab county. Dated May ztitu. IV 10. BOAKI lIT COUNTY COMMISStONy RK, OF MOLTNOMAH COUNTY, OUEUON. By W. L. LKilltNKU. . Chairman. By BUrCS C. HOLMAN. County Coinmlsstnner. By PHILO HOLMKOOK. tiunty Comuilsslooer. J. B. YEO.V. Koadmaater. JNO. B. COl'FEY. County ' Clerk. ' Business Directory MUSIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS VlOLoNChlLLO Chrlslluu i'ooi, Hkh iltn St.'. Opes for pupils, phone Marshall 4la. rOFXTLAR MUSIC UaVUIIUE on plauw guarsuiesd bes-iuaara ih iu icaeona. ricture buying, rres iisuwin- Istratloti, Kree booklet. OOI Mil llers bldg. HATS CLEANING AND BLEACH JHO ifANAMAB blocked and bleached uv; ttraw anu ran ewe, aaurman'w. bh ai st. nr. biar- INSURANCE f-AClriO biAilL. HSBUHAJNC.V oniy wegon lire insuiance company. MATTRESSES IlkUtkMiU MAriiSUi3 CO.. old uiatues.. made new with our HiiclHtil nruuass. Us4 flnssell, cor. Union. C-3211, K-883. f NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS L'K. fUlLLifB faralysU, nsrvous and chrou. ic otsesses, ooi-a uregonian blilg. l. VAINTINO. PAPED.H ANQiNO AND TINTING AlN'l'lNU, kslsomiulLg, tisperust,glug, sii work gusrsnteed. fboue Woodlawn ;00. b'lCi.ia'si A BLlElJ; best ttuil lu peiiittue. papering, sa. mia, A-xa. izo inn st. AliS'liMO, llutlug, papei-usiigutg. sw '1, Crane. 170 10th st. Main swat. PAVING COMPANIES a. an; uahux ashali' fAViu co ton- isnd office Z.l rilierloek bldg. RUBBER STAMPS AND PEALS f bbu aieucils, trade i-hecks, bra as sigi ratiriu luaot fiiAtir wuuks 231 Washington St. stUn 710, A-V7IO. SAFETY RAZORS SHARPENED SAe A.&U KKt doaen) knives, acisswrs grouud sswBuiH iveen uge CO.. l4j sib St. i SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES BLUNKE-WALKEU TELEGHAI'H SCliOOL 4tO- BX.. MJiu MOUUIHON Kl'EClAL RATES iO 'llloaH KNROLLIISU BEKOKU JUNE 10TU PHONE: MAIN 500 OU A-1&00 SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS pLOK KxLLO, maker ot fly screens, mot tlae eonstrnction. untou st Broadwsy. Wdlwn. lHoo ' SHEET METAL WORKS pk.i'AlUlMi, tla and gravel roofa. Jscvo Lost! Bio first st. I'bone Msln 1424. TRANSFER AND STORAGE L. O. fica irauatar Storage Co. office I ana eommodioua story brick wsrehouss with separate iron rooms and fireproof vault or vaiuauies, a, w, corner u aud t'lue sts. isaoa anu xurni.tura moved and packed foe tipping. Special ratea made oo goods la irougn ears to an uoiueatw sua roreigu points, a In olW. A-lOOe. Oregon Transfer Co. EsUbliabtd 1870 - Transfer and forwarding agtnta. Storage, Free ?.vackage. Office and Storage 474 Ulisan St. 3th and Uliaaa. Main 09, A-IIAt). OLSEN-ROE TUAM.St'Ell CO. -New flreuroof wsrebouse with sensrsts tooms. We move aud pack boost-hold goods land pianos and ship at reduced rstes. Auto Jrana and teams for moving. Forwarding!; aud distributing agents. Kree trarkage. Offb-e'and Bwarebonse lfin and Hoyt. Main 647, A-2'14. jBAlrOAtilC IKANbKi.il SEKV1CJ1 CO., j PINK ST. MAIN ll; k-VJUA. ;W1IEN you answer these W aula Ade. uivulluu 'in jmirnat. j -" J' - WALL PAPER :MoKUAN WALi. tAVhiil CO. 21i at., neat salmon. WINDOW CLEANING EXPERT WINDOW CLKANKItS A-471U. Mala 6327. 212 Henry bldg. PAINT. OIL JND CLASS BASMUSMEN A CO.. "High Standard" paint, - N. E. corner 2d and Taylor. M. 1771. A-..-tl PIPE -WOOL PIPE i'UKI'LAKU WOOD .'.fE CO. ia.u.ry auJ fflre near .(4tb and Vnrk sts, kialn PLUMBING PIPS SUPPLIES M. L KLINE sVt-SO-87-bO I OONT STREET ROPE AND BIN; ER TW1MK 4; Portland Cordage Co. a .4 . a. ........ .a. ,. a. a.i i --,-S- as. e.s....... ....,. i NOTICES jOoa tinned)