14 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1915. LQWEST PRICES FOR MANY YEARS ARE RULING IN VEAL MARKET HERE OLD POTATO DEMAND ONCE AGAIN LIBERAL WITH MARKET ACTIVE 1 Call ' Is Quite Pronounced Along Street for IJotli Table and Seed . Purposes General Sales of Best Around 1.75 Cental Today. ; Pemnnd for old crop potatoes lias materlal r4 If- increased during the lsst$ few days. At : ' first the jmproTcment was scarcely noticeable, but today the call 1 rerj pronounced and prices are holding very firm-at J 1.75 a een - tal geneTsIly along the sirept for good quality. ' Not only baa Lucre been an improrement In the demand for table use, bat the call for ".' seed la liberal. During Juue there Is usually quite a liberal acreage planted to potatoes in tUe Pacific nortbwest. and tills demand baa Just appeared. - only to find stocks of old po tatoes very scant. ; Practically, only nominal supplies are still .' held in the country-tributary to Portland, and ' few of these are of suitable quality for plant ":.... In.' , Soma late arrivals of eastern potatoes bare i.been sold here to wholesalers at $1.03 a een- - Tat, fotTiano, out ac weiguts Ki-urru mi, auij ping points. There Is quite a shrinkage be- twees points of shipping and arrival; there ; 'fore, the actual cost of potatoes laid down V bere Is above tbe price mentioned. CHICKEX MARKET IS SLOW Very slow market Is showing for chicken 1b the Front street trade, and heus are today , no higher than 12c, with-ordinary lots down to 1 1 H generally. Small springs arw still bard to move, but larger birds are held steady. ,;bkax prices ark lowered Owing, to the extreme price of foreign f freights, the price of beans is lower In Cali fornia, and this market baa followed with a ,.'..' substantial 'reduction, lioth small . and large .whites are today quoted at the same price. EGO MARKET IS FIRMER Increased strength is shown for eggs, espe '" clally best candled slock. Kales are reported ." ;, today more general at 21c for tbe latter. Case ." count continues strong at 1UC! Itecelpta are Only fair here. BRIEF NOTES OF THE TRADE !"" Strawberries were scarce'and higher today. "Hoed Klirer up to with locals at $1.231.73 . generally. . Kresb shad and salmon continue very scarce, : .. with prices firm. I Lemon trade Is slow, -owing to the cool - weather. Market firmer in tbe east. , California -cauliflower Is again offering bere " at $1.: dosen. .. r. Garlic from Mexico la offering at 25c ; pound. Quality good. J - String beans are weaker and lower, with ' local stock coming forward today. Sales at ", i.VS generally ' Carload of Florida tomatoes arrived In green, Kilt frntwl inftirtfn. TtfMt at S.ri rrnto ' Iocal lettuce is la better supply, with' aales , around itOc dozen. DAIRY BUTTER JS FIRMER Firmer tone, and In some quarters higher prices are being quoted for dairy butter along TKAA SFORTATION San Francisco Los Angeles ; CWltiumt Changs En Boat) Tne Bit. ! Clean, Co ml ortable. Elegantly Appointed. Bea-Oolng Steamship BEAR Salla Prom Alnswortn Oook 9 A. M. JUNE 1 lOO Golden Miles on Columbian Slyer. AU RatoaInilufla Berth asd Maala. Tables and Service Unexcelled. The San Pranclaco & Portland S. S. Co.. Third and Washing-ton stB (wlth O-W. a. & N. Co.) Tel. Mar shall 4500. A-6121. imious SAN FRANCISCO HOUXE TO 86 Hours at Sea , Six-Deck. 24-Knot. Triple-.Screw Palatial , S.SrthernPaciiic' Pride of Cramps' and Queen of the Tacific, Bails May 31, June 4, 8, 12. 16, 20, 24, 2S. Steamer train le.tres North Buiik Station 9 A. M. S3, arrives S. K. H:;S0 P. M. next day. On way fares, $8. $15. $20. Kicurslon rate" Expositions. Express -service freight TICKET OFFICE. 5TH 'AND STAKK " Ban Francisco 665 Market Bt. American-Hawaiian Steamship Go. Freight Service : Frequent Sailings VLow ' Rates Portland -New York Boston C. D. KENNEDY, Agent ,7 ; 270 Stark St, Portland, Or. C00S BAY . - ARB EOTUSKA S. S. Santa Clara SAXX.S BUKBAT, MAT 30, 6 F. M. FORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO.. . Ticket Office. J22A 8d St. MA1.N 1314 A- floe. Bt-r Freight Office Foot Northrup St. Main 620$ j A-6423 STEAMER GEORGIANA k : l Lave daily except Monday for ASTOXXA AND WAT KASTBtxrOS; -Leavlns foot -of Washington St. 7 . ? a.m.. returning; p. m.-' " mm STEAMER : SERVICE xne steamer JH.ASVEST QUEEN leave Ash Hrreet Dock dally except (Sunday, 8 P. M for Astoria and ' way points. Retarning,- leaves As toria dally except Sunday.. 1a. IS, . Tickets and reservations at O-W. R. A n." City Ticket Office, Thicd and Washington streets or at Ash Btreet tock. Phones; .Jlar--,sball 300. A -6121. i STEAMSHIP : Salla Direct tor San Francisco. Xios ...,. Ang-elea and San Tiesro. Sunday, 1:30 P. M., May 30 . - saw Francisco. 70BTX.AKS tt X.OS AlTOZiUBS STEAMSHIP CO. ' FBAKX BOIJiAM, Afent. 124 Third St. A.4J598. Main 36. r Special One Way and Round Trip Fares to OLD "ONIONS ARE CLEANING UP ON ! LOCAL MARKETS j Old onions are nearly cleaned np in the local territory, and' the trend" of the trade is firmer. The .last car under; control of j the Confederated j Onion. Growers association has just been shipped to a northern market. i, Since it became known in the trade bere that stocks of old onions' were so limited, there has been a very noticeable increase in the de mand.' Good old crop onions are exceedingly scarce : and holders gro at present standing firm at f 1.25 a cental here. Country holders are asking 7'c a cental f. n. b. shipping points, and are getting it for quality offerings. I'oor stock In yelling at such a wide range that it is impossible to quote them. New croj? California onions , continue very slow bere. "The trade is again switching to the old crop Oregons because of the better keeping quality than the new crop southern offerings. General i sales of new iTop Calif omias are around $1 .25 lit 1.30 a rental. Front streets CaHfiTBia demand for dairy stnff continues liberal, with sales bere at 17 171,4c generally. Creamery firm at tbe receut advance. ) - - - TURPENTINE HIGHER AGAIN, HtlH another advance of 4c a gallon is re ported in the price of turpentine, according to announcement made todisy by W. P. Fuller & Co. . Tbe new- list is 61c a gallon in tanks and 68c in cases. i - SHIPPERS' WEATHER NOTICE Weather bureau sends the following notice to shippers: Trotect shipments as far north as Seattle against minimum temperatures of about 46 degrees: northeast to Spokane. 40 degrees: southeast to Boise, 35 degveefi; sooth to Ashland, 42 decrees. Minimum temperature at irortbind tonight about 48 degrees. JOBBING PRICES OF PORTLAND Edited by II y man II. Cohen. GLUT OF VEAL IS NOW STAGNAI T ST. T CAUSING ION FRON RADE Arrivals Are Continuing Heavj and Practically All . Leading Buyers AreOverstocked Even Extreme Low Prices Won't Help. , These prices are those at which wholesalers sell to retailers, except as otherwise stated. They are corrected np to noon each day: Dairy Frodnce. BUTTER Nominal. Willamette vallev creamery cubes, selling price. 23 c; state prints, S5fet27c; ranch butter, 16ViiC; city creamery, case lots, 27 c. BUTTERKAT No. 1 Portland delivery, 28e. . EOGS -Nearby freshly gathered, candied. 2eri21e: case count, lSc. . LIVE POULTRY Hens. Plymouth Rovk. 12c; ordinary chickens, llc; broilers, JH to 2t, lbs., 1822c; turkeys, J820c; dressed, 22tt25c; pigeons; $1.0(iral. 25: squaDS ( ) dozen; geese, live, S(jjt)c; i'ckln ducks, old, loctl Ic; young 25c. CHEESE Fresh Oregon fancy full cream twins and triplets, 14-iijl5c: Young America, 157i16c'; storage flats. lic. Fruit and Vegetables. FRESH FRUIT Oranges, navel. $2.oO3.25; tangerines, $1.25: banauaa. 4 Vic lb.: lemons, $J.X5(ti5.00: limes, $l.uo per 100: grape fruit, 2.50f4.!O per case; plneapplbs. 7c Ih : pei.-a. $2.50; strawberries, local. $1.25(1.75; Hood Kiver, $2.0U per crate; gooseberries, 2Vi4iI,-jC lb. APPLES Local, $1.502. 00 box, according to quality. ONIONS Local No. 1, 7585c: associa tion selliug pi'ice. No. I. 73c f. o. b. country pofhts: new California, f l.iodf 1.75 crate; gar Uc, 17c. i POTAIOES Selling price: Extra choice ta ble stock, $L75il.ao per cental; new Cali fornia, 4Ti!4c per lb.; sweets, $3-.25. VE(JETABUiS ruruips, $1.75; feels. $1.73 sack; carrots," new, $2.00 per ;ack; parsnips, $1.U01.25 sack; cabbuge, local 2c per lb.; green . onions, l-Vit- dozen bunches; peppers, bells, 2u(s430c; head k'ttuce, lucai. S5c; cel ery, per crate, $4.5o(s5.ou; rhubarb. HJ ii.2c; cauliflower, local. $1.25 per dosen; Trench artichokes, 85c per dozen; string beans, 75y.7fcic; crnnberrles, eastern, $9.0o per barrel; peas. (7M!C per lb.; asparagus, local, 00c c4$1.10 per doseu; radishes, 20c per dosen buuebes. ' Heats, Fish and Provisions. DRESSED MEAXSJ Selling urice Country-i kUled: nancy nogs, iuuiujc; rougn and heavy b'aCjiQc; faucy veals. Uluc; ordinary, 74iSc; poor, 5iic; goats, fti-c; tprlug lambs, 15 ftfl5V4f; heavy muttou, 5c. HAMd, liACON, EXC Hams. ITiJiJSc; beak.fait bacon, lW-c: boiled hams, 27c; picnics. 12c; cottage, roll, 15c. OYSTERS Olympla, per gallon, $3.50; canned eastern, 05c cau.; $0.50 dozen; eastern In shell, $1.85 per 100; razor clams. $2.50 box: eastern oysters, per galiou, solid pack. $3.00. FISH Dressed flounders, 7c: steelhead sel-. nion ( ); Royal Chinook, 12c; Puget sound," salmon, 11c lb.; perch, BvSc; lobsters, 25c lb.; silTer smelt, Sc; salmon trout, 1m- lb.; hull. but, 5&$c; euuu, urnsuea, ayj'⁣ suau roe, 15c; roe shad, sc lb. LARD 'Xiercea. kettle rendered. 13Hc: stamiard, 12c. CRABS Large7 $1.75: medium $1.25 dozen. Hops, Wool and Hides. ' HOPS Buying price, choice, 10c; prime, 10c; medium to prime, Hc; medium, 10c; lali contracts, 10 Vac; WOOL Nominal. 1915 clip: Willamette yal ley, coaise Cocswold. 25c: medium Shropshire. 2c; choice, fancy lota. 2(ic; eastern Oregon, 14ri!23c. illlES. Salted bides, 25 lbs. and up, 14y.e; tailed stags, 60 lbs. and up, 10c; salted kip, 15 lbs. to 25 lbs., 15c; salted calf, up to 15 lbs., 18c; greeu hides, 25 lbs. and up, 13c; green stags, bo lbs. and up, B'jc; green kip, 15 lbs. to 25 lbs, 15c; green calf, up to 15 lbs., 18c; dry flint bides, 24c; dry rilut calf, up to 7 lba., 2ttc; .dry salt hide.-, 20c; dry uorsehides. each, 5oc to $1.00; salt horsehldes each, $2.00 to $3.0O; horsehair, 25c; dry lung wool pelts, 14c; dry Bhort wool pelts, locj dry sheep shearlings, each, 10c 10 15c; salted sutep shearings, .each, 15c to ,25c. XALLOW No. 1, Ste54c; 0. 2. 4Vi5c; grease, 3Va&t"c. MUUAIK 1U15 SIC. CH1TX1M OR CASCARA BARK Buying price, car. kit,: 4Csi4J4c; less than car lots, 4c. Groceries. SUGAR Cube, $7.3o: powdered, $7.10: fruit or berry, $o.bO; beet. $0.00: drr granulated. $0 80; L) yellow. $b.7U. (Above quota uous are 30 days net cash.) IUClS--Japan style No. 2. 45iS5c: New Or leans, bead, tifeiutf-fcc; blue rut. e&C; Creole 5c. SALT Coarse, half grounds, 100s. $9.75 per ton; 50S. $10.50; table dairy, 60s. $lti; los. 17..V; hales. $2.25-. lump rock, $j!0.00 oer tou. HONEV: New. $3.25a3.5o per. case. BEANS Small white. $0.00; large white, $0.00; pink, 5.25; limas, buyou, $0.00; ted, UVsc. , n., Paints and Oils. LINSEED OIL Raw bbls.. 77c gallon; ket tle boiled, bbls., 7c; raw, cases, sac; boiled, cases, 84c gal.; lots of 250 gallous. lc less; oil cake meal. $44 per ton. OIL MH.AL Carlo-id lots. $34. WHl'l'li LKAU Ton lots, , ie lb.: 600 lb. lots. I'fcic lb.: less lots, sc per 10. COAL OlL-rWater white m Oiums and iron barrels. 10c. ' TUBPENTINK Tanks 61c; cases 6S0 gallon, DAIRY PRODUCE ON COAST Seattle Market. Seattle, Wash.,- May 28. Butter Native Washington creamery brick, 27c; ditto, solid pack, 20c. Cheese Oregon triplets, 10 Vic; Wisconsin twins, 17c; uitto triplets, 17c; Washington twins. 10c; Young America, 18c. ' - Eggs Select raucb, 22c. Loa Angeles Market. Los Angeles,- Cal., May 28. (P. N. S. Eggs, case count; 22c. Batter, fresh extras, 22c, Jobbers' prices. New York Sugar and Coffee. New York, May 28. Sugar Centrifugal, $4.8. . " Coffee Spot, New Tork, No. 7 Rio, 714c; No. 4 Santos. &c. Razor Clams. Out Of Mart; Canners Fight for. Stocks He Because of the fact that the season ifor razor clams in "Washington closes June 1, and ijt the bulk of the local supplies 4Jr come from there, it is not likely 4)t "raEora" "will be available in Hit . the local market for some time, e- Supplies haVe been nominal for several -weeks. . s r There Is not likely to .be any material shipments from Clat- sop beach of this state because -ifr of the fight between canners for supplies. Canners are pay- ing more money for clams than r 4fc : the local, trade has been willing . to offer. If hffs tw;en many a year -since the entire market for country killed calves has been so extremely weak ' and depressed along Front street as at this time. , -While limited business in selected calves is still reported as high as loc a pound? business is ruling down as low as 5c a pound.. Some very good' veal sold along the street durlpg the last 24 hours at 6c a pound, an unheard of figure for similar quality during recent years. The market may safely be considered stag-, nant. Even the lew prices are not sufficient to force cleann:s along tbe street at thi time. Quite lloei-Kl stocks are being moved into stor age houses on that account. Retailers generally report their stocks of veal heavy, with no desire to take hold, even at extreme, low prices now in effect. The fact that Monday ia practically a holiday bus In Itself been a detriment to tbe buying of calves along the. street. s Market lor uresiwd hogs Is steady at 10 10sc a pound for best. FANCY HOGS IN YAEDS BRING A HIGHER PRICE PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RCN Hoss. , Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Friday 170 " 14 2 - 1216 Thursday 88 351 '" it . ;I27 T'ednesdajr ..... 245 : .. 1337 Tuesday 120 332 .. 1421 Monday 2: OK ' 2S5 Samrday ...... , f 3:J9 ... 3 U53 Week ago....... 312 227 ' , Sf7 Year afto. ...... . S42 " - , .. Iki5 Two years ago.. 22 170 -' .. 130 Three yeare ago. 21S f Jftso 9 1103 SHEEP ON CONTRACT. Practically all the sheep and lambs that came forward today- were contracted to local killers prior to shipment. May Wheat Loses 4 Cents Today in The Chicago Trade Chicago. 111.. May 2S. (I. N. S.) Wheat closed Q4c lower. General selling in the pit today caufed a further decline In grain values. Opening i prices were strong and higher. Wheat was up lc at the start, while corn started with an advance of e. ' Early in the trading the pit crowd hammered the market. Crop damage reports ijrere re ceived, but failed to halt the decline. Trad ers sold on prospects of better weather. It w as evident that the liquidation in May w-as not over. July wheat is now IS) cent? under May, against 29 cents n few days airo. Jt 'a expected there will lie a closer adjustment oc tne casn article to the July level. Corn was firm In the early trading on com mission house -buying. Oats were weak. It was notieeable, how ever, that the demand was Improving. Provisions were dull, with prices practically unchanged. All grains closed with a decline. Mav -wheat declined 5V:c during the dav, July was car ried down le a bushel and September fell off 1VC Corn declined ?Jc to . At the close there was a slight lift ' In values. Oats closed generally lower, and provisions were down. Range of Chicago prices furnished lv Over, beck & Cooke Co., 216-217 Board of Trade bnilding. WHEAT." Open. High. Low. ..14!4, 14l' 141 . .128'A 12SJ 1'Jtl U . .121 Ti lSl'.a 120V4 CORN. .. 77 it 77 Vl .. 78 78 OATS. B2M -B2?I May July September May . . . July September 7t( W 77 Close. 141 B 12tiA 120A 75t4A 7tA 77A May July , . . . September 49'Z 44-I . ... 45 45U ; ; PORK. May $t7.7 $18.00 July 18.22 18.22 Septembc- " . . . , 18.C2 ; 1 8.55 -LARD. ' : May ' 9.7s i v 70 July 9.83 S.87 U-.82 September . . .". .10.07 10.10 10.05 RIBS. " May 10.42 10.45 10.42 July .......... 14J.62 10.H5 J 10.B2 September .... 10.PO 10.92 lo.SK 51 50 B 44 B $17.92 $17.32 IS. 15 18.15A 18.50 1S.50A 9.72 H.85A 10.1OA i 10.45B 10.62 , 10.90B EARLY CHERRIES CRACK Eugene. Or., May 28. That early cherries are crackinc from the excessive moisture, and that the apples and pears are sufferine from scab, because it has been - too wet for the growers to spray them during; the uast three weeks or more, was the statement oT C E. Stewart, Laue eonnty fruit inspector, who was in the city yesterday, after a trip through the fruit districts: . ' . "The Governor Wood and Kentish cherries are already cracking," said' the ispector, "and if the rain, continues, the other varieties will also crack. The late strawberries seem to be coining on with no damage, but tbe early crop has been somewhat injured. Tbe farmers can not spray their apples and pears, and, a a result, scb is forming," - Other fnuirmea state that brown rot is apt to form in the cherry and prune orchards if tbe moisture continues much longer. Frultiaen of this section are besinninK to worry over the outlook. There has been a total of about five inches ot rain in , Eugene so far this mouth. Berries Are Soft. Milton, Or., May 28. The strawberrv season Is. at its hei-gbt. Several liuudred crates are being shipped ' out dally. - The wet weather has made tbe fruit crop a difficult problem, the berries being soft, causing. tb to mould and making it difficult to ship long distances. Cherries. which are on the market now. will be a good crop. Royal Anne have been con tracted to the Karl Frujt company, of Califor nia, at 2 cents a pound, and. will be bleached here and shipped as Maraschinos. Fear Crop Loss. Centralla, May 28. -Berry growers "of this vicinity fear they may lose their entire crops, so far as shipping berries arc concerned! as the result of the recent heavy rains. fln addi tion to spoiling the berries, the rain has caused tbe cherries to crack and mould, and it is feared the entire crop will be lost. FOREIGN CROP ADVICES ..$7.557.60 7.50 7.25 .. 6.00o.75 6.50 6258.40 ,. 7.50B7.25 .' 5.23&5.50 ..: 4.oosf5.eo .$8.008.23 . 7.00a;7.25 . 6.006.25 8.00 S 8.25 5.00(3.5.23 While there was not real strength In the swine trade' at North ' Portland today and sales were forced even for the limited sup plies, $7.85- was being ' offered for "selected tops, which Is practically the same as yester day, when the best available staff brought $7.75. The quality of today's offerings was n,ueb better, therefore the higher price pre vailed. Hog market showed strength generally in the eastern trade for tbe day. . ' . General bog market rauge: Best light .... $7.75(37.80 Medium light ., 7.70 Good to heavy , 7.60ft7.65 Rough and heavy ...,.. .50(a7.50 Montana Cattle on. Contract. It was reported today that notwithstanding all the talk yesterday of thu Montana cattle going , to Puget sound the supplies weae really brought forth to- this market on contract at $7.90, where the sales were - reported t a very late hour yesterday afternoon.'' There was only a handful of cattle reported on the market at North Portland today with conditions still low. Cattle market conditions In the eastern trade were -steady to weak. General cattle market tange: Select steers Best bay fed steers ........... Good , to choice .... i ......... . Ordinary to fair ..... .:; , ...... ... Best cows ...................... Good to prime .................. Select calves- Fancy bulls ...... Ordinary bulls ... ............ Sheep Trade Steady. Quite liberal stocks of mutton came for ward to the yards at North Portland from Willamette valley points and general condi tions were steady around former prices. At s(me points In the east severe depres sion was thown for mutton and lambs for the Cay. ; General mutton :ange: Spring laenbs Grain fed shorn yearlings Best shorn yearjings . Best shorn wethers . ... Best shorn ewes Wool stock is generally . quoted at 1.00 higher than shorn. ' -v Today's Livestock Shippers. Hogs Broyles & Phillips, Baker, 1 load. .Sheep J. S. Flint, Eugene, 2 loads; W. O. Bridges & Son, Oakland, 2 .loads; Peterson Bros.; Yamhill, 1 load; H. H. Vaade. -worth, McCoy, 4 loads. Mixed Stuff George Zimmerman, Xaml 111, 1 load calves, bogs and sheep; J. A. Laner & Co., Payette, Idaho,-! load cattle and bogs. Thursday Afternoon Sales, Section. Montana . . Montana - . Montana . , Montana . . Montana . . Montana Montana .. Montana . . Montana . Montana . . Montana .. Montana . Montana . . Montana t- Oregon .... Oregon .... 4 - Oregon . . . . Oregon . . . Oregon . ... , Washington Oregon .... Oregon .... Oregon Oregon .... Oregon Oregon .... Oregon .... Oreaon .... Friday Horning Sales. ; COWS Section. -e No. Oregon 4 Oregon ............... 1 Oregon , 4 Oregon - 1 Oregon 1 HQGS. Oregon 10 LAMBS. Oregon 46 GOVERNMENT TAKES. PORTLAND OATS FOR HAWAIIAN LA CHAMPAGNE GOES S ASHOR 900 TROOPS E; ON BOARD HER SAVED GENERAL BUSINESS NEWS Contract Is Formally Awarded Northern Grain & Warehouse ; Company Better Quality. Than Puget Sound Was Offering. ORDERS; ench Liner Carrying Al gerians btrikes on Coast of France;. Badly Damaged WHEAT CARGOES HIGHER . London, May Its. Wheat cargoes on passage 4d higher. . ' - . NORTHWEST GRAIN RECBiPTS. -Cars- Portland, today. 10 2 Year ago -' ' 13 Season to da te . . 1 5,691 ' 1S91 Year ago. . . . . . .15,531 2B72 Trcoma, Thurs.. 2 3 Year ago 10 4 Season to date.. 8.0:3 : 61G iear ago.; . 8,891 Seattle, Thurs.. 4 Year ago 9 Season to date. . 7.501 Year ago....... e,710 Wheat.Earley. Fir. Oats. Hay. 1 8 1850 17 196 4 11 2015 -Nantes, May 28. (U. P.) The French liner La Champagne is ashore near Saint Nazaire, 40 miles west of Nantes( today. The steamer- is reported o be badly dam aged. She had 900 passengers aboard, all . of ' whom have been rescued. 819 4 8 2 3 4 3 " 6 1002 22(53 1205 6C21 11-15 2042 1273 495J No. Ave. lbs. Price. 21 li:i0 $7.10 19 1154 7.90 , 2 1085 7.90 21 1152 7.90, .23 11 SO 7.99 1 1010 7.90. 33 1157 7.90 '..24 11SO 7.90 23 1125 -. 7.0O 19 : 1131 7.90 ........ 47 : 1140 7.90 .... 47 1140 7.90 49 1143 7.BO . . 69 1150 7.90 CALVES. 2 v 155 $7.50 LAMBS N a . . .V '10 59 $8.K1C YEARLINGS ........ 58 87 $6.80 EWES , ... 102 $3.50 ........ SiO 128 4.80 HOGS ,.f...v 10 1SS $7.75 3 200 7.75 15 190 - 750 .-v. 1 24t 7.25 11 i ti80 7.00 1 j 840'' 85 ........ 20 125 6.50 33 170 7.50 8 : 205 6.00 Are. lbs. 923 ' 860 . 450 ; 500 740 180 . 87 Price. - $5.83 ,5.00 5.00 5.00 3.50 7.60 85 BOSTON COPPER QUOTATIONS The government bas formally awarded the contract on oats for shipment to. the Hawaiian islands to tbe Northern Grain & Warehouse company, of this city, in competition with Puget sound. - Not only did the government recognize he lower price of . the Portland firm., but it took action, too, on the better quality of the product "of this section. Tbe contract calls fur the delivery of 1250 tone of oats. - -i ' With ship owners novrasking 80" shillings for charters of sailing vessels for the coming season's crop, the local trade is feeling rather blue regarding the'future. The last high rec ord waa 77s Od, which was recently paid for a sailer by a local exporter. - The huge price asked for freights Is causing general stagnation in the local grain trade. FLOUR Selling price: Patent. $8.40; Wil lamette valley, 0.4O; local straight, $5.70; baker?, $6.00(80.80; expWt, $4.50. HA Y Buying price, Willamette valley tim othy, fancy, $13.00; eastern Oregon-Idaho fan cy timothy, $16.00; alfalfa, $13.0013.50; vetch and oata, $11.00; clover, $S.OO9.00 per ton. r , GRAIN SACKS 1915. nominal; No. 1 Cal cutta, 7Wg7c. MILLSTUFFS Selling price i Bran, $27.00 27.50; shorts, $2S.OO29.00. ROLLED BARLEY Selling price: $29.00(3 30.00. ' CORN White, $34.O035;Pe; craeffed, $33 3C.50 per ton. - No trades were reported on the Portland Merchants' Exchange during today's session. apot wneat mas were nncnanged to 3c lower. Paris, May 28. I. N. S.) Reports 2728 1642 2U57 i that the French Transatlantic liner La Champagne had met disaster by a 85 '3132 fOertnan submarine threw all Paris 472 2443 ! . I .1 ' a- lever ut eicnenieui lUUiiy H.J1U for a time It was believed another Lusltania catastrophe .. If ad occurred. Later, however, reports arrived from St. Nazaire, -whic'n stated that 'the big ship had gone ashore near that port and that her passengers, about 900 in all, had been safely landed. Officials of the French Transat lantic line, owners of La Champagne, asserted here today " that that vessel Was not torpedoed. 'It was said the vessel was aground near St. Nazaire and that no alarm, need be felt for the passeng-ers. It was learned here that the pas sengers of the Champagne were negro troops from French Guinea bound for the western battle front. This evening it was thought the, liner was badly damaged and It might be impossible to get her off the shore.. . Will String- Second Wire. Orders have been received by 3. W, Huis, general foreman of the Western Union Telegraph company, stationed at Kugene, to besrin the work of strlnci , !ng the second wire on the line 'from Kugene to Mapleton over the Willam- -ne t-acirie right or way. The poles and crossarmg are already up. r This second wire is intended ulti mately for the exclusive use of Marsh field, as the business out of that city ia enough to keeo one wir busv ail i day long. Ky the time the second wire Is com pleted to Mapleton it -is probable that the rails win have been laid on Wil lamette Pacific as rar as the Acme bridge and construction of the pole line below Mapleton will then start. The grading throush, the rock quarry and through the Point Terrace Mill company's property is nearly com pleted and the rails wllL be laid on the grade within the next three or four weeks, it is predicted by railroad men. Selling- Stela Extended. Extending its selling field, the, Coin Machine Manufacturing company of Portland yesterday procured a permit to do business in the state of Illinois. The company has opened offices at 1524 Lytton building in Chicago with A. H. Bernard as. district Jmanager. sa Very Dull Trade In Stock Market; Undertone Is Good New Tork, May 28. tl. N. 8.) Tbe stock market was dull today. Prices were slightly Snot otite were unchanged, with barb-v down cine ooemnit. ine reeling eontin- ooe a ton. Bran tost 25c a ton. and shorta Eea unuecmed. in the early trading the en- 50c a ton. Merchau ts Exchange spot prices: WJIEAT. Friday Bid. Ask. Bluestem- $l.ia Sl.l-S tortyiold I.IO 1.14 Club ; 1-IH l.lli. Red fife l.os l.OS'.i Red Russian Thurs. Wed. Tues. -Bid , Mon. $1.13 $1.15 $1;17 l.ll'i 1.12 1.13 1.00 1.10 1.06 1.08 1.02 1.07 20.00 26.50 1.12 1.08V, 1.08' 1.02 1.05 OATS. 26.00 26.00 27.50 BARLEY. 22.50 23.00 23. OO MILLSTCFFS. 28.25 26.50 26.50 26.50 26.50 26.50 22.00 23.00 Bran 26.00 26.50' Shorts 26.00 27.50 Futures were quoted: " WHEAT. - . Bid. June bluestem i .$1 X-i ' July bluesteui ............. 1.134 June fortyf old 1 .10 July fortyfold v 1.08 June club 1.08 July club 1.03 June red fife .....1.04 July red fife..... l.oo June red Russian.......... l.i July red Russian... 1.00 June July June July Jnne July June July OATS. .26.00 : .2U.OO BARLEY. 7. .22.00 2O.O0 BRAN. . 26.00 20.75 SHORTS. 26.00 .....26.50 $1.18 1.13 1 11 1.06 1.02 28,00 23.00 20.50 , 26.50 Ask. l.li a. 1.13 ; 1.11 1.10 1.08 l.OO " 1.07 LOT i tire list was under considerable pressure, but I .uv 0cauli waff uri BUViCBBiYt; aliu I ue iratlliri; Lrcame quiet wun tne values holding lalrly steady. , . Canadian. Pacific was the weak feature. Sell ing in the stock was quite heavy and . it dropped' several points. Tbe destruction-of the Princess Irene was utilized as a bear factor In the company's stock. It sold down to 155 before noon., .r ? Traction issues were -strong and In fair de mand. Industrial shares were in poor demand. Westingbouce was inclined to seek lower lev els. while Bethlehem Steel dropped 2- points eatly in the trading. American Can was soft. Crucible Steel, after opening higher,' sagged below last night's prices In the first hour. -Copper stocks held steady. Dividends were declared today in the leading copper securities. Rails were quiet. There was little or no de mand for the standard railroad stocks. The undertone of the market was strong. Good" resistance was shown to any bearish op erations. It was apparent that stocks are in clined to advance, but whenever values showed ft disposition to move upwurd, offerings became scarce. . ' Amal. Copper Co. . . . . . Amer. Cr-& ., com. . American -Can, c.,...; American Can, pf , American Cotton Oil, c. American Loco., c... American Rugar, c. .. . American 8melt, c... Am. Tel. & Tel Anaconda Mining Co... Atchison, c. . ...... Baltimore & Ohio, c. Beet Sugar ........... Bethlehem Steel, c... B. R. T. Canadian Pacific, c... j tntral Leather, c... t di. ec u. w c Chl.,& G. W., pf il.i' a- ?- U4- L Kansas City Cattle Steady. IfirA w V"' Kansas City, May 28. (I. N. S.) j Cl.lno Copper... Hog receipts 3500, higher; bulk. $7.70; j 410.!'.". "..", V aeacy, i.iuu .oo; iaciveis aim uuivn- IX). r . & 1., c. 26.50 27.00 23.00 23.00 27 K) 27.50 27.50 28.50 Zak Factory at Salem. Salem now- bousts an ink factory, the only .-one in Oregon, which U munaged by F. I., iirew. Kecent ly Krew put his ink on the market Under the name of "Lawrence Inks." Htew is a ; new arrival in Oregon having come originally from England, where he was In the ink business. His) labels bear . the "Made In Oregon" mark and he says he makes it a prac tice to buy everything, possible for use in his business in Oregon. Sw Location Announced.. . F. S. Cook, Pacific comb sales repre sentative for the. "Eay Set" store front system, lias moved, into 'the 11 1 -tock, block from his former quarter In the Northwestern Bank building. His new location is on the ground floor and in addition to. the etorernom he now has a basement for a store room, making it 'possible to carry :t complete stock. The ftore is at 103 West Park. -Portland Company Lands Contract. The Coast Bridge company of Port land lisVjust been awnrdeii the con tract "for the erectljn of three .bridge at Jiontesano, Wash., by the count commiHsioners. The bid was $16, -100, Just $146 .less than one submitted by the Portland Bridge comtiany. VALUATION OF BROOKE ESTATE IS 1729,453.48 APPRAISERS' REPORT llL Most Valuable Part Is Inter V est in Property at Wash ington, Broadway, Park, i Range of New York prices -furnished by Overbeck Cooke Co., 218-217 Board of Trade bnilding: , DESCRII'TION (Open Hlfb A3IEKICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES Steady. (I. N. B.) ters, $7.707.80; lights,' 17.70(817.80; 'Corn Products, e...,, niei fi7Kri70 I Delaware & Hudson.,, P battle rfceipts 500, steady. Prime 65 62 S?!4 40 109 5 11 31 m T2 136 157 30 10 2S "44 i 40 t 30 I 13 Boston, May 28. Copper bids: Adventure ihnieek ........ Allouez ........ Amalgamated ., Arcadian ....... Alaska- Biiltlc Behnont ....... Boston Ely Uutte Bal ... Butte Coalition. , Cai. & Ariz Cal. &. Hecla..., Centennial Chief Cons...... China Copper Range.. Daly West. Davis-Daly East Butte t ranklin 254jNvada Cons. .3S2 Nipissing North Buttei sorth Lake. t" 8!Ohio Copper... . 35 lUld Colony . 3 Old Dominion .. . 4 Osceola ........ . 28 Quincy . 34 Vtay Cons..., , . 71t4'Sjnta Fe. . 01 Vi?hannon .5S0 tahatturfc '..... . IS (Stewart i . M) Superior . 446'Sup. & Boston. . 51Swlft Packinx. . 2 Si; fa ma rack .... . 98 Tritiity ....... . 11 Tuolumne .... . : ,. United Fruit.. Goldfleld Cons. .1 7-1'Jil uitcd Shoe M'y.. 2i Creeue-Cananea. . 82 jD, .Shoe M'y.,pf. 2 Graubv- 79 iL'aited Zinc...... 48 Hancock . D. S. Smelters... Co Helvetia 4 10 a. iueuers, pr mt 15 5 20 4 53 7S .. 87 .. 23 - 2 .. 8 -.26 .1 15-13 , . 27 .. 39 ...108 .. 34 ... 4 .. 40 133 France An official report places the decrease In the acrt-age to wheat at 2,000,000 acres, and oats 1,5jo,000 acres. Hungary It is officially stated that - the crop outlook is good. Ibis is believed to be misleading, as the acreage is largely reduced. COAST Clearings Monday ... , Tuesday , , . Wednesday Thursday . Friday . J Clean) tics Balances Clearincs 'Balances Clearings . Clearings Balances BANK STATEMENT Portland Banks. This week. . .. .$1,480, 73. HO ..... 1,531,621.113 1. 420,521. 5J ... .. l,5!2.Stl(l.r 1.201, 873.30 Seattle Banks. Tacoma Banks. San Francisco. Los Angeles. Tear ago.' $3.7oo.i;r,.r2 . l,P2.6l.i5 l,S:'.5.o75.(J3 1,S2S,745.88 .$I.S27,S23.00 170,174.00 .$ 224.3H7.O0 . -85,376.00 .$Q.SD4.26S.O0 . ,$2.Wr.64S.OO 141.35.S.OO Various Grain Markets. Livriwol Cash wheat unchanged to lVjd lower. Corn 5.44i!ld lower. Oats unchanged. ' Paris Wheat and flour unchanged. Buenos Aires Whea t unchanged. ' Corn iiffi t-ic lower. Wheat closed firm. s a St. Louis Wheat c1oed: Mar $1-4014 Jn1 $1.21: Sseptembee. $I.1J. Kansas t ny wueat cioeeu: May $1.40V4: July. $1.20in,. Minneapolis Wheat closed: ; May.' SI S2V : July $1.45ta; September 1.18. Winnipeg wneat ciosea: Jiay, si.52: July $1.514. Dulnth Wheat closed: May $1.49 July. $1.474; September $1.21 ' San lYancisco Grain Market. San Francisco, May 28. Barley calls:'' ' . , May 2 May 27 : Open. Close. 'Close. May :.o,.$l.!4A ;S1.14A " $1.14A De-ember 1.1s 1.1a l.isn SiKit tjuotailons Wheat: Walla Walla $2,00 a.02iA: red Russlnn. $l.i2'4'ifl.tl5: Turkey red. $2.05i2.10: b!iieteiii. $2.07Hia2,lO. Feed barley si. nif 1 .12 , -- White oats 1.7oil.75. Bran $2rt.50'f 27.00; middlings, $32. 00 33; shorts, $2ij.5O4j2i.00. Houghton ....... 4il tun Apes Indiana 8V4 Ctah qpus New Inspiration. . a,iv ictoria La Salic Lake Copper . Majestic JIason Valley Mass. Mining. Mayflower . . . Mexico Cons. Miami. Michigan ...... Uohawk t! "A Winona .... . I2V2 Wolverine . . 56 Wyandot .. . S'.&trukon GoZd. . 13 panada .... .. 5 t'rown . . ... . . 15 (McKinley ., .. 35 V4 Verde Extn. . IVjjjAigonah ... . 73 iKerr Lake.. 34 1-i-h 3Vi 56 75 SH 2 : U. S. Government Bonds. New Vork, May 28. Government bonds: ; Bid. Ask. Twos, registered 7 08 do, coujion 97 .... Threes, reulstered .! 1004 B .... Fours, registered lWft 110 do, coupon 110 .... Twos, Panama t7 Twos, .103b 0( .... Foreign Exchange Mates. Merchants Rational bank quotes foreign ex change -. , Iindon Sterling. $4. SOVa. Berlin Marks, 21.38. i Paris France 19.05. Vienna 10.10. Athens Iu.45. T ; IIongkong-MJurrency, 44.35. Don't Ship Stuff To Arrive Monday On Eront Street Country shippers should not forget that Monday is) a hOlir ' day In the Front street trade and that shipments on that day will find neglect and probable' - : losses. - Front street has been warning Its shippers to this ef- feet because it . is the general. rule for the , country to ship more heavily on holidays than on other days. ' AU the grain ' markets of the country as well 4(e ' as financial exchanges -.will ' likewise be closed. Int. Harvester.. Int. Metropolitan, c Ltrhigh Valley ....... Kansas City Southern. Goodrich Alaska Gold ......... Louisville & Nashville hi., K. & T., c fed steers, $8.759.25; dressed beer iVA'n FlVctrlc" """"" steers. $8'8.75; western steers, .17.50 ; n. tinrthern nre'iknds 8.!0; stockers -and feeders, $b.75(fl) u Northern, pf 8.60; bulls. $6 7.25t calves, $6.50(&10. ice securities.;.. Bheep receipts 4000, lower, lamus, ; Illinois Central.. . $911.50; yearlings. $7.50 fast.2b ; wethers, $6.25Si7; ewes, $5.50(?6.75. St. "bonis Bogs Higher. ' St. Louia, Mo., May 28. U. N. S.) Hogs receipts, 8500; higher. Pigs and lights, $6.25 i 8.00; mixed and butchers, S7.S5:c&8.00: trcod heavy. $7.8587.9o. Catlie receipis, luvu; . siu w. inauva 1 mifsouri t Bi-inc ... beef steers $7.5O9-0O; yearling steers National Iead. and heifers, $S.O09.30; cows, $6.00(f' Nevada Cous ...... cows and heiiers, $4.00 (& S.oj; nativj calves, $(i.009.25.y Sheep receipts, 1700; slow. Clipped muttons, $6. 25(fr6. 50; clipped lambs, $i 10; spring lambs, $10,004 12.50. Omalia Sheep Steady. South Omaha, Neb.. May 28. (I. N. g ) Hog receipts, 6100, higher. Heavy, $7.40(07.45; " light, $7.45(7.55; pXgs, $6.7 5!$ 7.50; bulk; $7.427.50. Cattle receipts 1200, steady. Na tive steerSj $7.60 9.00; cows and heif ers, so.uosif .au, weaicni eiccia, 0.00 5 02 a7 46 106H 65 Ml 11U 314 U9i 73 464 1S74 i57'" 30 10 2S bu '4514 ; 40 30 13 254 Low Clce 116i.4!1164 0(0(1- 'rvxa steers. $ 6.00 w 7.40: cows and heifers, $5. 60&7.35; calves, $8.25 10.75. . Sheep receipts 6000, steady. Tear lings, $8.00 9.00; westerns, $7.60 8.25; lambs. $9.00010.16. Chicago Hogs $7.85. Chicago, 111., May 2S. (I. N. S.) Hogi Receipts 22,H0, slow; shade under yesterday's average. Bulk, S7.J537.75: light, $7.50(7.85; mixed, $7.5061 7-TO: heavy, $7.2oftj7.75; rough, r Jfici 7 .35: niirs. $6.00ffli7.4O. - ; ,'MttiP Keceiots 2000. weak'. Native beef steers $7.ior.iii.25; western steers, $6.75'(8.15; cows and heifers, $3.mi(&8.75; calves, $'.O0 9 75 ' Sheep Receipts 6000. weak. , Sheep $6.75 7.73; lambs $7.50&l0.3i0. Denver Hogs Higher. Drtiver, Colo".. May 2H. Cattle Receipts 800, strong: Beef steers, $7.00i48.2.,5: cows and heif-' era $3.507.O0; calves. $8.0010.00. liogs 2so0, higher. Top, $7.75; bulk $7.70. Sheep 100, steady. , K . . POTATOES AIA3NG THE COAST ,,. v "". ' ' " r"'J'--" ..-v' ?t t"W Seattle Market. . " Seattle. XVaeh.t May 28. (In Ions Oregon, $1.50Cal.75; Vakima, 75c(U$l-0". l'otatoes Vaklm gems, $40; Idaho and Montana, $35(37. " New York Cotton Market., - Month January . March ... July .... October December Open. . .$ u.m . . 10.25 . . B.4) 9.71 . , 0.93 High. $10.04 10.25 - 9.4.1 0.78 9.00 Low.. 10.2.1 ..", 0.67 9.W2 Close. $to.oo ' 10.24 8.38 .7 9.00 New York Central i . . . N. Y., O. & W.. .. . ... Norfolk Western, c North American , Northern Pacific, c. ... Pacific Mail &. Co.. I'enn.' Hallway P. G., L. & C. Co.... Pressed Steel Car, c.. Ray Cons. Copper Reading, c. .......... Republic I. & S., c... Rotrk lslaod, c. ....... Kock Island, pf., new. St. L. & S. V.. 2d lit. St. L. S. V.. 1st pf Southern Pacinc Southern Ravayr e... Tenn. Copper. Texas A Pacific...... Union Pacific, .e. ...... Union- Pacific, pf..... U. 8. Rubber, e r. h S. Steel Co., c. .1 . V. H. Steel Co., pf.... Utah Copper, Virxiula Chemical .... Wabash, c. . - W. U. Telegraph WetlnglKuse Electric. Studebaker . - - 8014 22 "254 354 110 'iivi 14 624 84 1044 107 44 V, 23 'A 142 , 17, ", 87 104 834 120 4 54 lOtfi a 664 94j, 64 30 234 "25 44 SV4 110 ""H 15'4 t2, S54 1044 23 107 45" 2.'iT4 1424 27 19 :'4 36 234 1204 63 54 106'Vt 4 94 67 65 i 5141 864 46 106 64 11H 314 99 V4 .72-S 45.J 1364 i55 30 10 . 44 14 294 13 "i"' 24 Ufi4 30 224 25U 43 V4 34 116 ' 14 61 4i 1044 107 '44 VS 23 Vi 1421,4 16 " 7 14 S3. 125 '62 544 1 65 64 03 66 rtT, 4 51 H SOT, 87 46 46 10(1 14 64- 110 31 i 99 72 46 1374 87 156 30 10 27 127 -44V4 29 39 1.4 29 i 13 144 7 151 81 1164 105 05 22 141 231,4 44 8,1 115 ll'j 5: 154 61 K5V 274 1014 V4 2a loT 113 li 23 4 142 "4 27 ' 87"4 lO's 128 804 2, 64 65 30 J 93 66 The estate of the late Thomas Scott Brooke, who ended his life several weeks ago by. jumping from the sec ond story of his residence, is appraised at $729,453.48 in a report filed today by Henry W. Fries. George R." Funk and George P,. Dekum, the appraisers. Seven p pieces of Portland property which are appraised at an aggregate of $556-,833, are assessed a total of $180,607. The most.. valuable piece of prop erty listed "in the estate is a seven twentieths interest in lots 3, 4, 6 and 6,. block 214, which is the property on Washington street between Broadway and Park. His interest is appraised at $245,000; assessed valuation of his in terest, $.227,500.. ; The Yamhill street market, at the corner of Fourth and Yamhill, title to which rests in the Security Sav ings & Trust company, is appraised at $160,000, while the property Is as sessed at $129,000. Other property listed In the estate Is as follows: Seven-twentieths interest in lot 8, block 29, Portland, which is at Second and Pine streets, $11,000; assessed 112.075. One-half Interest In lots 7 and 8, blo:k 38, Portland, jwi which is the Luirrber Exchange building, $70,000; assessed $60,000. Seven-twentieths of lots 1. 2, 7 and 8, block 49, East Portland, $10,500; as sessed $7,700. This parcel is a half block on East' Salmon between Uast First and East Second. . Two-thirds interest in lots 1 and 2, block 77, East Portland. $17,333.33; assessed at $14,332. Legal title to this property, which is at Fast Third and Burnlde streets, rests In the1 es tate of S. 13, Linthicum. A tract of 3.52 acres in the wholesale district on the easf side, near tlie Northern Pacific right of way, $40,000; assessed at $30,000. Timber land amounting to 2924 acres in Tillamook county, $170,000. Cash in bank, $2070.15, end house hold furniture and effects, $150., BIG CROWD ATTENDS REALTY LUNCHEON TO HEAR SENIOR SENATOR Board Complimented on Ef forts to Purge Field of Bad I Men; Yeon Indorsed, ESTATE OF Dlt. SMITH Valuation Is Placed at About $147,ft97. The late Dr. Victor 1L Smith left an estate of $147,697.61, according to the report of an inventory and appraisal filed in probate court this afternoon. Of this amount. $127,408 ts represented by 16 shares of capital stock in the Ukase Investment company. A. J. Ray, C. B. "Wood worth and L. E. Sauvlewere the appraisers. Mary Milturn Eschel bacher is named as executrix. Mrs. Eschelbacher, tho chief benefi ciary under Dr. Smith estate, will receive as her share of the estate $125,193.61, less debts and cost of'ad ministratlon charges against the es tate. Her son will receive $10,000, and $12,000 will go In other bequests, ur. Smith's mother, sister and two broth ers will receive $1 each. The largest turnout of the year -about 250 were present at the weekly luncheon pf: the Reiilty board in the Commercial club this noon to hear Senator Chamberlain. John D. Wil cox was chairman of the day. Senator ChamberlBin congratulated the board on Its collective effort In purging the real estate field , -of un scrupulous and bad men anil-urged the board to take some Bctlorf in putting a stop to the advertising being carried on In the east offering for sain prtvr leged claims in the Oregon &' Cali fornia' land grants. These announce ments offer Cor sale prior- claims' tn these grants now in litigation in the supreme court; no matter which side wins, he stated. The senator scored such offers as a gigantic fraud. The board again indorsed John It. Yeon as county roadmaster, adopting a resolution of confidence. J. Frank Hennessy uang patriotic sotigs. Sought President; Now in Asylum an diving Nama of Hugh Otis-, Claliu- - lng tean Francisco as Home, Taken Prom White Kouh. Warhinglon, May S. (I. P.) A man giving trie name of Hugh Otis and saying he came front San Francis'' was detained for observation at the' Washington asylum - hospitul today, following en attempt to see Prealdent Wilson at the White House. Otis said he was distantly related lr General Harrlwon Gray Otis of Io Angeles and had a first couHin nnmi-d Patrick Kiebly, living at 7f.& Tenth avenue, .Kan Francisro. Some time ago Otis write several letters to President Wilson declaring himself th king "C America, j Mexico and Holland. Whn a1sted fiie was found to be carrying a loaded revolver, lie had $225 on nis person. . The Washington pojlce notified Gen eral Otis on the arrest of the man bere. UNION MEN FAVOR METERS WINCH AI'PUAISAIj MADK Total sales 170.300 shares. Ex. dlv.. 1H. Ex. dlv. 2. Lead Is Higher. New York, May 28. (I. N.- S.) Amoi-mnn smelting and-refining com. pany today advanced the price of lead 10 points to $4.40. WELL KNOWN 'BARBER ILL Silas W. Lown of 345 First street, a well-known barber. Is at the Good Samaritan hospital as a result of a stroke of paralysis sustained Monday night. . He. is resting well today, ac cording to the report of the hospital, f Mrs. Aldrich Very HI, New York,. May 28. (I. N. S.) Mrs. Abbie P Aldrich, widow of the late Senator Nelson W. Aldrich of Rhode Island, is seriously 111 at her home here. Mrs. Aldrich's age makes her re covery' improbable. - Divorce Suits FiluJ. Divorce suits Were filed yesterday by Leonard M. "Verhagen against Cor nelia 'W. Verhagen, cruelty; Florrie E Lewis against Oifford M. Lewis, cruelty, and Edna M Bowman against ' Harvey Ow Bowman, cruelty. - When writing or calling on adver tisers, you will confer a favor by men- Hnnnr Thft Journal i i Arltr 'Portland Man Has Iieen Adjudged i Incompetent. j Martin Winch's property Is ap- ! praised at $345, 76&. in a report men today by Nellie A. Winch, , guardian of Mr Winch, who has been declared an Incompetent. The appraisal was made by A,"H. McGowan, B. K. Lip nincott and ChesteA. Dolph.: Real estate owned try Mr, Winch Is appraised at its 1914 assessment val uestotaling $238,610. Other appraise ments are: Notes, biockb, $73,000; cash, $1450; farm stock, $45001 farm furniture, $250; resi dence furniture, etc., $1000; automo bile, $700; miscellaneous, $855, Estate Valued a $10,000. An estate valued at $16,000 was left by Henry D. Lenseh, of Lnsch Bros., who died May 11, according to the petitlOfi filed yesterday by his widow, Dora T. Lensch, for appointment as executrix of bis estate. The widow, three daughters and a son ar heirs. Mrs. Weber (iets IW voire. Mary A. Weber was granted a di vorce today from Henry Weber. The decree was made by Judge McGinn. Desertion was the cause. , By a unanimous vote the legislative committee' of the Central Labor omn cil last 'night Indorsed -the proposed ordinance for the Installation of water meters which is to be voted upon at the forthcoming municipal election. This indorsement will be submitted to the council as a whole at a meeting to lie held in the Labor Temple to night. On the leglKlatlve" committee are James Irvingj J. I. Tucker, K. E. Kmith, W. C. Wilson. C. K, Ockwig, Ous Jenkins and C. M. Rynerson. ALEX SWEEK IS INJURED Alex Swtek was the victim. of sn ele vator accident in tho Royal . ,Arrn apartments Wednesday night. As he stepped out -of the elevator it started, catching tvnd crushing his foot, s that he is confined to his apartment. Bitulithic is the clean sightly noiseless Pavement Overbeck & Cooke Co. J Stocks. Bonds, Cotton, Orals, Sto. ' 818-217 Board of Trade Building. . ' DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES ' Members Chlcaeo Board of Trad. Correspondents of Logan & Brraa. . . Chicago. New York. . Am 1 HjH II VllM..:-!l The Oldest Bank in the Pacific Northwest cordially . invites your account subject to Check or ,in its Savings Department, with the ' assurance of courteous treatment. ErrABUSritDi859 CORNER WASHINGTON AND THIRD 1L- " 1 -T0 Z.