; ; t .-' THE ORCGQ?f DAJkY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THUESSAY, MAY 27. ,913- fcRIEF INFORMATION (UTtt: BAY OF Uli.) AMUSEMENTS. H EI Li 0 Broadwar t Taylor. Cuftilg 8:30. Atii eiub concert. , Z. FA.S'iitilS Broadway at Abler. Vaudeville. 2:30. :80 aud :J0. , - KMrHESi! Btoijinr at Yamhill- Vaude- l i . . , . o . rr . . . " . 'Ji ft-lK 'Uli.. lATOUUUUU i-vU 10 , "" " vlr fv I'.ialinnuiia 1 to 11 ttUBUaJT. . LTB.1U i'owtli it tUrk, " VauuifTille. Cea Unuou t to 11 p. m. : OKPUfcLM Broatfwar -at Star. Motloa pic ture, 12 ib. to ll it. so. THtf OA&. Aiuuaiurat Park. 7 NAlIOXAl ti and ft'aat Park at Stark. Mutfou picture, IZ to. to il J. U. ' aU.i.31'10- WaUuton at -Vara, alotioa Pic ture, 10:80 a. la. to 11 B- . , Bt'KSE'r-WaCinKtoo end Iteeaaaray. Atotioa lf ..tii't-.a 11 a nv ta 11 n. m. 8f AH-WaWiUigtou aud fmk. Motioa 'plct- Ija,: COUMlilA jt6, between WasAlnftoa and fcUct. Ujtlou pictura, 11 a. to 11 p. m. ABT MCSKLAi Utb and Taylor. Honrs 9 t 5 week dai. to 9 Bunuya. tree arasr noooa of lueiwlay, TUur4y. Vrldajr, Batur dar aud Sunday. ' r doming Events. ' Beeltr Board luaciieoa at Cuuiicerclal elut May aa. VraBsoortaUen clut luncbeua t JajUltnotna hotel. May US. ' . M Jovian League and Oregon Society of En gineer at beuon hotel May 2. Oregon Civic league luuetisou at Multaomao hot! liar 2i. Eoyai Bos:laas luncheon at Chamber or Ctuicuerc Ajar JH. ' . A , Rotary club luuehsoe at tbe BeuaoU total June 1. . , Id dub luncbeon at tbe Multnomah hie June t City election June T. . lUa festival June 8-10-1 J. (Three day). Municipal band concert. First concert of caaou will b ou June So, at Waauiugteti Park. Central library Meetings Battoaaliut society, every Sunday evening, Oregon Ciyia league leciuiea ever Tbuntiiuy treolug. " tactile university eztenaion lecturea tvery Wed'neaday eveuiug. ; Port Information Supplied, Information rtmardins tkll nort nay be eb taiu-d Yivm the Portland Cbamber of Cnt uerce, M YUik aureet. Telephoua Main 8b or A-12oa. Fire uxul Police. lire .deBartnaeat Mala 770O, A-132X. Police department Main 7131. A-oTSt. Today's Forecast, Portland and vicinity Shower tonight or frldayj aoutberly wind. OreKon Katr aouth and east portions tonight ad fralday; sbutrera northwest port tun tor Big lit or Friday; ll;b t't eaat portion to Blaht; wind mostly aontberly. Wahingtou--Showers west tonlgbt and Fri day. bowere eaat tunigbt er Friday) aouikerly "Wlnda. ... fdabo fair toplgbt and Friday; Hgbf fro tbtiiUt aoutli portion. Weather Conditions. A depreaajon of decided character la central over Oklahoma and a mall disturbance ever Ilea tbe Canadian nortuwent. A large blsb pressure area la central over the Lake region, and a. email lilgh pressure urea la central over Oregon. Light rain baa fallen along the ljn ' n'edlate north Pacific coast and general raAj have fallen In the I'lauia atatea and mldule aliaalaaippi valley. It la cooler in the northern atatea east of tbe Missouri river and also cooler - in Oklahoma. The condition are favorable for nnaettted weutbttr with showers lu northwest Oregon and Washington during the next U4 to M hours, and (or fair weather elsewhere in tbla district. 1 rust will form tonight in exposed place in eastern Oregwu and southern Idaho. fcpWAHD A. BEAL8, District t'orecaater. Observations. TATI0K8 Baker, Or:...... Hnstou. Mass... Chicago, 111. . . . Ieuver, Colo... tulutb, Minn... Eureka. Cal Galveston. Texas Havre, Mont. . . . Jacksonville, Fla. laanaia ( Hj, Mo. KuoxvlUe, Teun. Leuiston. Idaho. Los Annelea, Cal. Mersiifleld, Or.. MoiiU-eal. One... New Orleans. La. JiHwlVork. N.fi". a. ueaa, wn... K. ykina,. Wu. Flttaburg, Pa... Portland, Or..... Rotebuig, Or.... St. Louts, Mo.:. Salt Lake, L'tah. 8 Krauuisco, Cal. Beettla, Wash... Silk a, Alaska.. Iipokane, Wu.... 1 ecomu, Wn ... . . Tatooab I..Wn. .. V aides - Alaska. . Walla Walla, Wn. Waabtngtou, ti.U Winnipeg, Man. ttuurHM-sture f m3 a .t t i fi il C Z Jfi f Z 3 t i 0 j a -j b 44 - 3 2 11 12 y 44 14 60 38 24 .16 44 4 62 44 lO 0 50 2 m 4S It .10 4 44 34 6 0 m ii so u i .01 78 O 83 78 li 0 5a 7i 60 8 o 7S 8 SH T4 .8 0 68 4 BS 6fl 2.88 US 2 Jft B2 8 .06 64 4- 2 1 T. . . 64 4 .04 8(J 10 76 B4 . 4 O 64 4- 2 ttti 60 0 .01 4 4 5H o4 1 .04 7(1 fi 00 74 0 0 44 12 64 42 24 0 54 4- 2 54 52 IS .04 61 4- 4 70 .4-0 44 20 m 40 14 0 l) 8 S' 6t 5 0 & 4 1H 63 4 0 54 14 74 54 20 1.14 48 0 68 46 8 0 62 8 74 61) 4 0 64 4- 4 62 54 8 .12 43 6 4t 0 54 4- 64 62 6 0 51 4 64 54 4 .43 6i! 4- 2 54 4a 12 .fiQ 62 3 .... 44 68 S 72 5S 4 O 46 18 h 42 12 0 48 6 72 88 8 0 land. CapUin lo J. . A. Fit-on! ; M Cornpapy, talent, Captain Ma I Ghlr aar; A Company; ajcJJlnnviUe, Cap tain UlchelUottk; ;B Company, Port- Captain ! f, Pauherty; B Company, Portland, Captain James H. Portr; F Company, Portland, Captain E. C, J.Jbby. ?fi general affictancy Of the reirlment la ca-nsslh&r&A crrvnri and condition of the stata beadquar- tera ractpry- j . Jona Satebet DcadJonn Oatchet, Wtto uied at bis rKidnc 1184 East Ninth street, ysstarday, wag a native of Miswourl, aged 73 years. Hs was a mb of Gordon Gransar Post. No. 43, of Wood lawn. g.nd servsd as lieu? tanant in tbe Civil war with the Forty fifth Missouri infantry. Company I. He cams to Oresron in JS81 and was a contractor for several years. He was a policeman in the dtif of East Port W.n at the Unas of its consoUdatioa with pprtjand about 5 years go. He wave a widow!, airs. Caroline aatchet. three sons, Charles K., Frederick Q. an4 rranclg I JQatcbetj five daughters. Mrs. It, I Forrest, of Hood River; Mrs. John F- MeMahop. Mrs. WUliam lorth, Mrs. M. Lanson. Mrs. Carl Mc-r KripsicJj;, of this, city. The funeral seryjees wm b st the FJnley chapel 9morrow morning at J0;3f) and Bey. X. . Henderson ( the United breth ren church will deliver- Jne address All comrades pf : the Q. A- fi. are asked to attend. I on Iarcb mountaia trail, the first uaiC fcegins-Hhis week, says fifsary HvyX chalrraao of ttaa traij committes. The proceeds of tbe pencils sold at ltd a grosaC 1 5 a half gross and SI a dozen, will be ud in construction of tbe second trail unit. v f . ' Soys Camp Association pornae4- Tbe Boys' Camp assopatipn has been formed to taae obarge of the camp, which wa formerly run 'by the Ore gon Recreation league. The officers elected are: A. E. Wood f Reed col lege, presjdent; W. U Flnley, vice president; Wels Gilbert, secretary and treasurer. Tnese officers, with the following, form the board of di rectors: . A. c. Js'ewfll, Mies Ida Lovy enburg. Father WiUianj Cronio. Miss Prtba Pa vis, Ricbard Jones, Richard Hart, Ray Small. The camp will probably be located at tb? Cascades on tbe same site as last year, and will open the first of July. . ( j , . , j James fetvf felegJames kugg, who died yggterdsy at bi home. '616 Franklin street,, -wga for many years an active member of Orient lodge N. 17. I. O. O, P in this city, and settled on tb summit of Mount Sceit 36 yarB 9- He was bom in jEogiand. Jaau ary T. 1841. He leaves a widow, Mrs, Sophia Xugg, and' a daughter, Mrs, Ma Smith. Fuqeral services will be eld at the chapel' of F, 6. Dunning, 41 Past Alder street, Friday, May t Blpe Raspberries Red raspbrries, large, luscious specimens were picked la the garden ef Mrs. A. B. Tinker, at 932 East Eleventh street north, yester day, and are believed to be the first ef the season hereabouts. Mrs. Tlaker picked a boa yesterday and another to day and expects frrm new on to have sufficient far dessert at least once a day for the balance of the bearing season. Sigh Voltage Subject. "High Volt age," Is announced as the feature of tomorrow's weekly Jovian league luncheon at the' Hotel Benson. The affair is under' the control of toe Pa cific power Wght Co., with W. w. Cotton as orator. A guessing- 3ine is scheduled a One Of the stunt features and the atfnoujicementg urge jovians to "come early and avdid your friends.'' The Woolen Mills Stores Oosaolldata. rThfrd' and Stork street loses, Third and Morrison street , gatps! ? After serving thousands of people for 12 years at this corner, we have 4ecided to consolidate our twq stores, and are now handing oijt remrkabla bargains in the way pf remqval prices. 12.p0 men's suits, now JS.60; $15 men's suits, now $10; $20 men's suits, now $13.35; $25 men's suits. now flS.SO, All under wear, shirts, i hosiery, t?es, sweaters, bats and furnishings af all kinds are greatly reiuced in price. Buy now and save ne-th(rd to One-half the regular price. Brownsville Woolen Mill Store, Third and ptarte street. ' CAdv.) , Bo saltans at Zpnohfos-A general meetirjs of the Boyal Rosarians wiH be held at luncheon Saturday neon in the ladies' dining room of the Cbamber of Commerce tbe purpose ing to plan gntertainrnent of visitors during tbe Rosa FesiYi. Among tb delega tions expected are tbe TiJtUBs of Se attle, the Radiators of Eugene and tbe Cberrlans of Salens. $50 He wa A. Ford roadster, 1914 model, stolen Sunday, 2 p. ra., front Orpheum theatre, ' Portland, lileease 5896, motor 388,691, nickel plated, 3 36 fey 3; 1'gi by 4 Firestene tires; Presto tank; eeloid broken in rear eur tain; Holiday shock absorbers. A. W. Regner, Ford Motor Co.. Portland. Ad. Eibaniuu Vill : Entertain The Ancient Order Of Hibernians will hold an open house in their new hall, 840 Russell street, tomorrow night, A fine musical program has been arranged Dancing will be enyd from 19 till 12 p, rri. D. W. Lane will preside. No admission will be charged. Oregon. City Biver Excursion. Sun day trip's, leaye Taylor street dock's a. m., 12:30 p. im.; : p.m. Boat stops. at Oak Grove, Cedar Island, Ma- Sones Park, picnic grounds, feeave regon Cjity. 10:30 a. rn,, p. m., 5:30 p. m. Bound trip, 40 cents. Phone Main 40. (Adv.) JTew EngTanders to Meet The New England society of eregon meets to night at Cotillion balL' A splendid program has heen arranged and a good time assured. All former residents of the New England states and t&elr families are cprdislly invited. Ambrose's Dismiss, Confirmed Tbe civil service board meeting has confirmed the discbarge of J. I Am brose, lineman of thefire bureau, who was dismissed for being outside of the city frimit without permission. The ' Ai(i'l'noou report of precadlug day, " " What Can Be Seen Around Portland Council Crest (1100 feet) View unequalled, Columbia and Willamette rivers. Tualatin aU ley, Willamette valley. Cascade aud Coast raugea, five anew-capped mountain (north to east on clear days), Mt. Rainier. 14.4U8; Mu fit. Uelns. 80U7; alt. Adams, 12,b07 Mt, Hood. li,2&; Mt. Jeiferson, 10,522. . Washington Park, at bead of Washington street. Flowers, shrubs and trees. Children's auodel olay grounds. Kotewortby plecea of aeulp. ture: ''Coming of the White Man," by Her man Atkins McNeill, presented by heir of li, i Xbompson; "Saeajawea"' (Indian girl, guide - , , 1 (lurl, .ynwhlnn l.v i ll. 1 .. . preented by Sacajawea Statue association gad cienry a.tcmsn. ip miuuics waia. laiunkea rose gardens in east part ef city. Containing more than 700 varieties of rosea. Macleay, left untouched In wild natural beau - ty. Big trees, Just the woods "where rolls the Ongon." ruresuy bnildlpg Lewis Clark exposition E rounds," west. Hon re 6 a. ra. to 6 p. m. uilt of specimen mammoth Oregon fir logs. Contains l.uuo.OOO feet lumber. Attractive vlewa from Kiug'a and WHlam ett Hsights and Westover Terraces. terwllllger boulevard, sooth of city, above Willamette, on wett aide. tkyliue. west from Council Crest. Boad around spur between Council Crest and WiUam. tt river offers fine vlewa. Columbia and Willamette Encircle Penin sula district aud 6t. Johns, affording excellent riewa ef city, Industries and harbor. Typical home sections Portland Heights, Vob ttlil, lrvington. Mi. Tabor. Harbor features- West side public dock, foot ?evateeutb street. Hast Side pqbric dock, out Of &at Stark, Publia meter 'boat land ing, foot of Stark street (launches call here for fiver tour, tioat house near Morrison aud Hgwtliprue bridges.) l.iiupiug. Modern bridge r-Broadway. Hailroad, Hawthorne. Publia institution City ball and Historical exhibit. 'Pitta and MadUoa. County building, fuurtb aud Salmon. Art museum. Fifth near Yamhill. Central library. Tenth and YainhiU, Custom bouse, b roadway gad Davis," Worthy of notice Skldmore fountain. First aud Aukeny. by Olln L. Warren, presented by Steven Kkidmore; Thompson fountain, P)a. st block. Fourth aud . Raluion. Modern bigb and grade schools, school gardens and rose badges- Chinatown ou North aourtb ui fec ui atreeta. . j ' ' " Columbia "river highway ADJeriea' anost wonderful scenic road for vehicles. Ausbo- it a see many wsterfa.la, tbe gorge' of tbe Columbia. Oneonta gorge. ishepberd'a dell. Bjouataiiis, Including li-od. Grade doe not eavead 5 per ceutuut. ' - Information ae to "wbat to .see In Port Ism' environment from Hotels Portland, Im perial, Oregon. Mnitnoman aua rrom The Jour nal'e Tourist Travel bureau. Phones A-0U51. Main T173; or from Tourist Agency and Travel Uliie4U. aiarsnau (., J TOWN TOPICS Will Sake Special Course. Lieuten ant William a. Williams of the Coast Artiifery corpa. has successfully passed six federal examinations, and has been selected to attend a month's special officers' course at the TJ. Sr C. A. C, school at For$ Monroe, Va. i He wilj' leave Pregon early in ugiist, arid report at Fort Monroe August 6. All expenses and pay allowances are furnished by Uncle Sam. JnXLA 5 Xs IParLCil BTn rile. money for the second Hnit of tb Larch mountain trail the Progressive Business Men's club announces "Blue Pencil day" Saturday, Jung 5. Wi.rk Threading recti y rpade and particular case costs you pptbihg. easily is not so much dependent upon steady nerves As upon perfect eyesight. Properly fitted glasses will en able you to thread a needle, read fine print, or see perfectly at a distance. Our' glasses are' gUAxaataed to give you a full degree of comfort because they- are cor fitted for your A consultation WHEELERflPTICALfO. 6Tj ri.oop. OBEaOJfZAir BX.O(, eases f R. R- Bailey, discharged, pa trolman; E. J. Harbick, laborer, and R. F. Hurlbut, "Aborer, wert postponed until June 3. WiU Apeak at XVlxt&ton. Miss Mary i irrancas, isoro, toranan oi iu -i ur--land public library, will speak to tbe citizens of Linnton on ? library eiuaa Hons at tbs Wtrnton churpb thif Even ing at o'clock. Mrs. Virginia Hutch inson, contralto, of Portland; will sing. Ljinfltoa now has a public reading room which if under -the supervision of tbe Portland' Library association, -' 1 ' -'J-:;.-- ! "l.m.f - ,: j"" gpaniab-siTaericaa Weettog, The Hispano-American Society of Oregon will meet in haU A of the Central library this evening at t o'clock. In addition' to the regular program a discussion in Spanish of current events will ,b held. AH Interested la the Spanish language are invited t at eion said relief fund has . allowed a pension to Mrs. P. B. Klose, widow of F. B. Klos?, tn fljeman who shot him self. .q addition $ 190 has been al lowed for funeral expenses. ' The pen sion amounts to $40 a. me'nth. Sr. p. IS. fjhapman Speaks Toniglit, A protest meeting will be held to night In Library hall. Tenth and Yam hill streets, against the eonvictioa of John Lswson. by the Colorado courts. Dr. C. H- Chapman, Eugene 8mitb, C. B. Ellis and W, J, Smith' will address the meeting. unday School Union, hfaettag, T h a last regular meeting of the Portland Graded Sunday School union, will be held Friday afternoon at the Central library building, room A, at S o'clock. A large attendance is desired. All workers having library books are re quested to return then on that day. Tannalll to Be at Press Club.-. Madame Jeanne Jomelli, prima donna who is pinging "Home Sweet Home" at tbe Empress this week, will be guest of honor at luncheon at the Press cluti tomorrow noon. ' " or Bent, by the Woman' Exchange, two large, light, upper room, suitable for dressmaker or milliner. Apply at the Exchange, lit Fifth street, bee Steamer Jesse SarklB for Camas, Wasbougal and way landings, daily ex cept Sunday. Leaves W'ashiaato4 street dock at 1 .'m: AW. XUnlno; Room for Rent-T-rWeH fur nished, at Seaside, Or. Add res Co Ionia hotel, Seaside. Or. (Adv.) Cobxmbla BUghway "Trips -7 miles of'auto ride- 12.50 each. Tabor HIT- :':V-'' " tAdY.) Garage Por Rent Fine Induce ment for gooi mechanic- East li$7. (Adv.) f. Bhlpherd's Hot Springs A good timej to o. E. . SHIPHERD. Mg d. Ad' . J. n. Snbaek, eyesight special? it; sixth floor Selling building.- Adv. X, jt. Tex, optician, journal blJav AV No Sale" at Jimmy's. ' 1 No "Fire Sale," " 'Removal Sale,- "Bankrupt Sale" or any other so-called "Sale" at Jimmy Dunn's upstairs cloth lng store. I sell closer to wholesale than any ground floor clothing store because my rent is about onetwentieth in comparison. I sell men's suits at $14-75 that cost $29 n the street. Jimmy Dunn, 'Oregonian Bids;., $d flor. Adv. Sen. Cbamheralin ' Will Be Speaker Saalty Board Will Hold Weekly XiuaehfOB Tomorrew rawitstiea . Xj XJxtended to Bnsiness Van, The Portland Healty Board will be addressed by Senator George S3. Cham berlain at it regular weekly luncheon in tle Commercial c!b bulldlnf , to morrow and tbt board extend an in vitation to all business . Of tb city te attend on thi occasion. Hi nr,in Vin nut haest anno u treed. The luncheon will be held is the il r.n.mm.i,i plnbi' near dinlnST room (I on the fifth floor and there will be covers laid to accommodatf , 8, per- j sous, . . COUNTY COURT NEWS The county commissioner ordered that $1000 ba paid Nicola Lamoae, Alexandre Palumo and Toay Palumo a damages to their land because rock and debri from tbe Columbia River' Highway washed upon it, Paro ages of T00 were asked at first, Dr, ' S." I Brown, veterinarian, ap plied for tbe position of county vet? erinarian, vacated by the resignation of Dr. Sam B. Foster, The board sent a letter to SUte Veterinarian W, H. Lytle asking what cooperation can be expected from his department. tween X and 5. Adv.) Hotel Moore, Seaside, Or, has opened for the, spring; and summer pea son. For reservations address Dan J. Moore, prop. (Adv.! Crawfish to the Queen's Taata, Sny der's,' 1st and Madison; special Thurs. and Friday, 35c doz. Main ,6783. (Adv.J Pireman'a- Widow Feaslened. T h a beard of trustees of the firemen's pen- The Peerless D WEED estroyer Now is tbe time to kill Dande lions, Thistle? and other lawn weeds. Tbe cheapest, pjcasan'test, quickest and most satisfactory 'pastime of all lawn work with the Peerless Weed Destre-yer. Ask your detjer for it or rnaij $2.25 to Portland Specialty Co., o7. Knott treet,iortland. Or, Delivered by parcel pot in the U. S. Postage paid. Agents'wanted in all cities and towns. a n." in ii iit '' mmn "is i m.., i CHILD 1R E"N Voii can win the Second Prize r Coroposi t i p n, a $65 credit certifi cate, as adver tised in the Con test for Ideas by reading correctly this fwmm ir im iJ tj isi-f-wviJ in siifjj mi ly iii . f--' V '-t'",-'J rf" " r'r fgaSSSSKSSSafasSassasl m. tezsr CO. JUST RECEIVEP PBQM A CONTESTANT FOR IDEAS ALL ANSWERS TO BE ADDRESSED TO THE CONTEST - MANAGER, 111 FOURTH 81 NOW OR BEFORE JUNE J I .savv''''',B' 1 G2S6? -J&X - 1 I I assssavaa. - at -aWT "..''J - ' aBBa. afMU 11 X ,aT-. - AT 1 I i i i i . -asr--ism aw a.;K.y. .easw a r m m m w 1 s .Now M l j Save r2 Engagement. Wedding, Graduation 'i ; . GIFTS j r 1 (I JajaSOAZX IV BAND INSTRUMENTS lUSHTnT TJSXD A ITS BaTOPWpjaUf, SBirX) POS ZA9SS7 WT- Graves Music Cp, 151 Porurth Street. Xeport om O. XT. Q. Received The . war department has . forwarded to tbe adjutant general of the Oregon Na tional Guard a copy of the report of Captain J. H. Page. Twenty-first it United States Infantry, who inspected the Oregon National Guard this year. . The offielal rating aiveii the Third - rtfrarimfm infiinlrv.l&lffh ' tfia h!pkat AtCl SBaa. - ' evaaSBaw a. rices How many times have you longe4 for the sweet tones of a piano after a gruelling day's work at the office? Possibly there's - "silent" piano in your home- pr none at aU. Why not have a Piano, that YQw can play yourself a player which will give you. every kind of music, for eyery mood. Will you deprive yourself and family longer, - when many of the finest Player Pianos are being sold in this Great Closing Out Sale, for less than actual cost! . J ? , ''- Very newest 88-note Players of such famous makes a$ Vose, Schoninger, Fischer, Hobart M. Cable Andrew Kohler and Others All the ' handsomest styles and finishes, in fumed or natural oak, burl walnut or mahogany j i; :. Doctors have absolutely ordered Mr. Kennedy to drop the active responsibilities of business. The object of this sale is to close out every jPiano and Player at ope?, regardless of the sacrifices. j Here's an illustration of the way Players are slaughtered in this sale-- $8QQ Standard 88-Note Player, lightly wetf In demonstration, clo$'g out price $395 Pianola Piano Player, walnut case, with $75 tvorth of music rolls. Outfit, with music, regularly $325f ( Closing out, complete outfit . , . . , $75 $700 Latest style Player, used in demonstration . . . , , $368 $5 Worth of Player Music, latest titles, in bundles, for , r $1 Convenient Credit Terrns May Be Arranged Kennedy Piano Company i Positively Going Out of Business 226 Third Street, Near Salmon QUAUW AND ECONOMY GO HAND IN HAND It Pays to Buy the Best Our Quality Stock Stand for tha Best. Our Prices Are Riht L. Mayer &c Co. "Portland's Exclusive Handlers of Everything Good to Eat" 148 Third Street A 4432 Main 9432 For Thursday, Friday and Saturday we offer regular stocked Groceries at m slight reduction. Olive Oil, Crease 8c Blaekwell, regular 95c, bottle ....... . .85c Bclrnent Macaroni, regular 25c per pke 3 pkg. for 50c Qol4 Medal Flour, 49 regular $2.50 per gackr-sack ,..$2.35 Ivory Soap, largt bar, per bif 7Hc Snider' Catsup, per bottle -20c fayerf O. P. S. Rye er Bourbon, .7 years old, regular $l,T3 Cliquot SarspariUa or Root Beer, per dozen ......1,$1.S0 AU Local J3er t Brewery Price IV? have just received t "Pin Money1 Pepper Mangoes, pint 45o quart .... 75e Fresh Pipe Figs, opgen ,.., 00 Hothouse Tomatoes. Freak Mushrooms French Camembert m Wood, box .......... 50c Personal Attention Prompt Service 'You cat do better fpr less on Third Street.' Groceries Reduced Friday and Saturday Specials Antonini Italian Olive Oil Buy Your Olive Oil Now at These Special Price the i Pnee of QHe OiJ WiH Soon Raise on Account, of the Jtalian War. . ANTONINI OLIVE OIL Reg, price, quart tins $1.25 Special price, quart tin : $1.10 ANTONINI OLIVE OIL Reg. price, large glass, 90c - Special price, large glass ...80c ANTONINI OLTVE OIL Reg.t price, medium glass 50c Special pricfe, medium glass ..................... .40c BEANS Bayo Beans; imported, special, 5 lbs. for... ,25c RICE Choice Head Rice, long grain, special, 4-lbs.. .25c SALT Royal Crystal, regular price 10c Special, pkg. 5c WALNUTSCalifornia Soft Shell, regular price 20c lb. Soeeial price oer lb .......... .10c i CAMPBELL'S SOUPS Beef, Tomato Okra, Consomme, It W I r a a -a rea. xviuiiigatawny, v-nicKen oumoo UKra, vegetable, t mi o : -1 j o c o i L a a jjouinun. opcciai per uun Qgg- -opcuai, cacu..pc VhmSaftit nUMSlUBR jBrf Ufii ?v If? tone One-Half Doren Campbell' Soups Sold at Dozen Price Goods of True Value the Coffee that has got 'em a. e a a f 4 a eaij tailing, (k cjena pi aeiccteq Uta Vrop VD?ees Perfect Cfup Quality. P.milo, n.r IK n.r!-.l n.f IK "JC . r . a a o ids. ior ai,uv Superior Flours Make yH raised leaves of creamy color and even texture, with firm golden brown crusts that simply invites you to sink year teeth in the slices. Assure yourself of baking- satisfaction by ordering SUPERIOR FLOUR next time. Superior Flour-- SPECIAL PRICE PER BBL. ....$6.40 SPECIAL PRICE PER SACK ........ ,$1.65 Store Closed All Day Monday, Pecoration Day D. C BURNS COMPANY 208-210 THIRD STREET. BETWENN TAYLOR AND SALMON One and One-Half Blocks South Public Market Wholesalers to Private Families. Restaurants and Hotels Diamonds. Silverware and High-grade Jewelry of all kinds at the very lowest Prices in Histpry. Every Customer Tells His Friends of This Phenomenal jSale ; Jaeger's Removal Sale is taking Portland and the entire Northwest by storm. People are anticipating their needs, and are buying jewelry of aU classes and kinds now. They know that this is a geruune sacrifice sale. It is backed by a store of character, with 15 years of honest growth, and the people know that the same principles that have built the store arc being adhered to .new, during this great sale. . That s Why Jt Is Such a Grand Success 266 Morrison SL, Bet. Third and Fourth. Ah! that delicate aromatic flavor of Van Dyck tobac co leaf how ic a poorer cigar seems beside it! pathet Havana -all HavanaSpanish made fxoo for a quarter' end up It A. Gunst & Co., Inc., Dutributors -a'auaita.. ,-amre a.'m-i'gin.-ryt 3 DAYS AT M BEACH Round Trip DECORATION DAY HOLIDAY WEEK-END SPECIAL 2 P. M. SATURDAY ' Returns Monday Evening, 3 1st GEARHART SEASIDE NORTH BANK STATION 10th and Hoyt TICKETS end Parlor Cars Reservations Sth and Star! j