10 THE OREGON DAILY ' JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1915. 4 3 tOU.NG man wants work on furm or teaming, good steady tia.no.,: A-888, Tfttri al. -- -- - - ' - situations! femalb SITUATIONS 5IALE (Contliind) - .EXPERIENCED stenographer desire V able for bachelor, hot water, elee ' position in. west, hine years with I friclty, phone, bath, $10 mo. 123 N. 23d. Kirst class references' furnished.. Mary . E. Balnter. 609 Lowell st, Pittsburg, Pa, EXFKltlKNCKD cook wants camp cooking. .Take full charge; can briny helper. Address or call 861 E. 10th St. North, PortlanJ, Or. - COMPTOMETER operator with years experience wishes position in office. Would except temporary work. B-682, Journal. . '; KKAT, competent woman with boy 6 yrs, would Ilka place for board and some wages. Muut have work, A-989, EXPERIENCED laundress, take -work home, can give beat references; teV- ephone. wtil call. TaborS. , KESsPONiUBLE woman wants day work, $2 per .day. Wain 3355, A-&624. Mrs. Shayior. , : -I LADY war.ta housework of any kind by day or hour. ; 1 Htrr 53yv. v ANTED Work by hour or day, re- liable, references Tabor 632. LADY wishes day work. washing, ironing.' cleaning 'Main 6-106. BIXL'ATIOXS WANTED 3IALR AX D FEMALE 23 MOTHER and son want work, city or country. Boy IS. nfother pood cook. 384 Morrison. Room 18. Main 2387. DRESSMAKING 40 DRESSMAKING Qr plain sewing at homo and out, reasonable. Marshall S43, Apt. 11. - LRESS-M AK IN CJ - wan ted at lioirr, or oy day, $1.C0. Call Sell wood 1570. NUIiSES PRIVATE home, sleeping porch. trained nurse, city, ref. Tabor 2213. idiOWlFE (graduate), reasonable fees. . 468 Taylor. (LJKNISHED, JUK3MS WEST PARK AND YAMHILL t5TS. ' Attractive outside rooms, private phone $3 per week; private bath $1 week. " tOUAii men may consult witnout charct register of furnished rooms at "X. M. C A.. Ustinc Tcral hundred in al parts of the city, also those In the Association building. - ETHELTON HOTEL. 105"A 12th st, near Wash., clean, quiet, modern conveniences, summer rates; 13 week up; trans, solicited. Mar. 2780. THE ALBION tiUtti.Lt, 212 44 3d and Salmon. Rooms $1.75 week up; stfam heat. hot and cold water, free bath, phonw. , ANSONIA HOTEL 124 14th st., cor. Wash, desirable lo cation, strictly modern, private bath, phone. $8 up. Ratps to tourists. M. 144. Madras Hotel,?, uite J5. . Outside rooms S3 up. court rooms, $2.60 up. By diy &0c, 75c. SI; cor l?tb rtA Washington sts. A UUleiT PLACE J.t WLilKi' 1'EUPLE HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrisou St., near Grand ave. fl-aTliTn-f w and comlort. 83 per wk. up. MAAihU Ltooin mate to reduce n.-iimins expei.se. Fireproof build Inr. Bhowr baths, individual bods. Call or addrfi-n Y. M. C. A. butiine.-s office. CLEAN, homelike, comfortable, rea sonable; investigate. Larabee. East 849. ' Cl.KA.N, lifiht Vooms; tree phones and bath, steam heat. 82 up. 44& Colum hia. Main 7410. A-3973. MAXWELL HALL, charming family hotel, transient; permanent; strictly modern. Rates 5uc up; i up. 207 14th. td WEEK eCp, clean, warm, modern fur. rooms, central. The King. 30 Jef. Nicely f urnisnt-d A D DfiTT day up. 228V4 Wash. st. MDDU I I $1,50 wk. up ROOMS and apartments In modern ho- tel.- 12. 50 week and tip. -455 Abjer. FUKNIS11ED KOOMS 70 PRIVATE rAMUT WELL furnished. strictly modern steam heated room, every conven ience, 10 minutes' walk from postof fiee. Call 125 N. 17th St. 10 days' free rent to permanent roomer, beautiful furnished room with three windows; hot water, bath, phone, elec tricity, $10 month. 123 N. 23d. LARGE, airy room for two men or married couple employed. 213 W. Park. $ AND $9, large well furnished rooms, modern conveniences. 12 E. 11th, rtar Ash. East 1652. FINE view front room, ground floor, fronting the park, reasonable rent. ?23 W. Park st. UNFURNISHED ROOMS' 10 TWO. 4, or 5 unfurnished rooms In private family on irst floor. Walk ing distance. 465 E. Ash, cor. 8th. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 PARKVIKW HOTEL, 386 Montgomerv rL at West Park. Family hotel; all modern conveniences; rates for regular Ttl- tranlnr ernest. '1HK HAiiEL, cor. 3d and Montgomery. Fine furnished rooms and board, $5 bt' tam h3t-. hot hgthM: fre phone. THE DORMER-r283 13th St.. room and board, a month and up. Home cooking. Room and board, young women 34 wk.' ut.."Anna lewis" Hall. 510 Flanders. 1 1KST class board ana room. best cooking. $5 up; 346 College st. ROOMS AND BOARD 72 PBrVATE FAMILY UNUSUAL room and board, private family. Tabor 3897. BEST board, clean rooms, walking dis tanoe. 8a up. 656 Washington. vaa;tedroom vxd board so WANTED Home for infant; will pay. Ans. immediately. A-S94, Journal. . HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 THREE Bleeping rooms 11.50 to 82 per .week; 2 H. 1C rooms, $2 and $2.60 per week; also 1 nice front room, $3.50 fier week; 1 sleeping and 1 H. K. room n basement. $1.25 and $1.50 per week. 638 Morrison st.. Portland. UNE room with kitchenette, complete ly furnished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone In every rodiu; T blocks from 6thand Morrison ts,; J12 and up. 291 Columbia su. corner 5th st. NICE, furnished Z and 4 room nouse keeping suites at 244 Killings worth ave. ; low rent. Phone Wood lawn 68. C-1387. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, nicely fur nished, or sleeping rooms at 381 'Yamhill st. - - 1 . to - 2.fnt week, lurnlshed tL K. rooms; ga, free heat, laundry, bath. Phone East 6039; 208 Stanton, u. cir. SUITES and single H. K. rooms. $l.uW . wee, up. Also modern rooms. Mer cedes. 20tti and Morrison. OILMAN hotel. 1st ana Alder. Fur. ntshfd H. K. rirn,. cheap. 81.60 wk. up. Cambridge bldg., f urniabed 1L K. rooms, central, cheap. 166 H 3d. cor Mr n. OEM aFI'S, 1. 2. 3 room suites, free bath, phone; $1 wk. tip. 401 1st st. TWO and 3 room H. K. suites. 427 E. Ash. East 6298. 'X WO large rooms, -lisrht. heat, water. 427 Montgomery. Main 1634. : 783 WILLIAMS AYE., COR. BEECH. MOST DESIRABLE. : REASONABLE. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 BEAUTIFULLY furnished housekeep ing- suite, iigni, piiouft oau . anu laundry,, reasonable. Mala 439. 700 j ianaers st. y - ALL, modern conveniences, fine view of everything during Rose Carnlvai. 2914 Morrison, cor. 6th. - - -THREE light, clean and tunny H. K. rooms, walking distance, $9 month. Block from car.. Call 749 Mississippi. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 rSITATE JFAJCLTiT - ' ' TWO room f urnished apts, clean and ; neat, fine lawn, lots of roses, prac tically private bath, sink, gas stove. Jtent 110 month. 41 IS. 8tl et W. NEATLY furnished H. K. room, suit- 2 H. K ROOMS, heat, light, phone. . bath; also single, room; summer 6 ROOMS, : one floor modern, near Broadway bridge. $15. 382 E. 1st st. VOR KKiNT HOUStS 12 i MEIER A FRANK'S FREE RENTAL , AND INFORMATION BUREAU Tenth Floor. TemDorarv Annex. Complete and reliable list of all va cant nouses, ; flats, apartments ana ; gH2ZinL JKL "tfl j 1 , k, t".' j storelrloj'wUl find us wiUing j and ready at; all times to nelp you in locating. Newcomers in Portland will find this service especially valuable. Real estate men and owners oz private property are invited , to list their un occupied apartments, flats and houses at Meier Sc .Frank's free rental bureau. SNAP $18, New modern bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, beautiful fixtures, cement basement, cement floor, laundry trays, 50x100. east front lot, on paved street, in restricted resi dence district. W. H. Ross, 212 Mo hawk bldg. $17 PER MO., h room house, partly furnished, with piano, furnace, nice yard and flowers, bearing fruit trees. Fred W. German Co., 914 Cham of Com. TO RENT June 1, 6 rooms and batU city water, electricity, gas. furnace. $10. Phone Marshall 885 or Tabor 6134. ' 4 ROOM bouse and 3 lots for garden. fine condition. $600. John Wiese, Box 249. 82d St.. 4 blocks north Ken dall station. MODERN 5 room cottage with. large garden, 569 Hoy t, near 18th st. Main 8251. S ROOM moaern house for rent, very reasonable; fine location. Phone Main or A-2474. MODERN 5 room house, bo Cleve land ave., near Shaver, rent $13. Williams ave.: car. - - NEW 7 room modern, hardwood floors. fireplace; 1 block to W-R car; corner lot. 820. No. 541 E. 39th. 5 ROOM cottage with large porchea, inside just overhauled; garage epace If- desired. Marshall 4431. ' 7 ROOM house, 834 E. Sth st. N.. cheap to good tenant. Key at drug store 48 N. 6th st. Broadway 1997. MODERN, well arranged 5 room swell bungalow, growing garden, only $14. Citizens' Agency, 170 2d st. SIX room modern house, just retinted and painted, $16. E. 6th and E. Har rison sts. Main 3670. GOOD 6 room house and basement, close in; house stands in back of yard, $10. 447 S. Broadway. FOR attractive nouses to rent use Clark Rental Service. 2d floor Title Trust bld. $12 5 room cottage, newly renovated. 95 E. 10th st., cor. Washington; walking dibtance. E. 342. $17 6 room house, clean, light, airy, water paid. 467 E. Grant. El 3400. ROOMS. $4 month; 6 rooms $6. 5338 Foster Road. Tabor 4937. TO RENT 5 room house, 1227 Denver ave., $11. Call Main 8069. 7 ROOM house, east side, close in. Main 1755. MODRRN 6 room house. Wdln. 3526. FURNITURE FOIt SALE 32 HOUSES FOR RENT ADS of furniture fori sate are pub lished in the Household Goods classi fication when house is! not for rent. FURN1SHF.D HOUSES CO ATTRACTIVE 3 room house and sleep ing tent, all completely furnished, lawn, garden, garage. $12.50. Inquire at -grocery, enq or wooastocK line. $10 4 ROOM plastered furnished nouse, plumbing, electric lights, bath room, hall, closet, pantry, good garden. 6055 Foster road. MODERN complete furnished 7 room house to responsible parties, $25. East 2737. I $12.50 4 ROOM furnished cottage. 472 E. Pine. ' East 1192. $14 Furnished 6 room cottage. Cook, near Gantenbein. 220 APARTMENTL 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED The Parkhurst Best 3 and 4 room furnished apts. in the city for the least money. 20th and fortnrup. - - -" . wu . U cb. JULIETTE APTS. 2d ad Montgom ery. Modern 2, -S and 4 room apts.. furnished or unfurnished. $17 month upi No enar for cooking gas. Xkiti couif. oor; E. Jth and Taylor ta.N has been remodeled with private baths, 1 new furniture and carpets. 2 and 3 rooms; , light and phono free; rent very reasonable. Call East 44. THE MOK'l'UiS, Cor. tilng and Waso.. new man' a.; 8 and 4 rooms, fur., and unfur. apts., reasonable rent. Pacific phone in arM. Main 1082. A-6749. 2, ROOM apartments, large outside rooms, water and light and phone furnished, close In, $10-$14 per month during summer. Kast 5279. BROADWAY CENTRAL BLOCK Rooms and apartments, modern, new. up-to-date, f urn.- elaborately, 3 blks e. Bdwy bridge. Summer rates. E. 6663. DOWNTOWN modern apts.. fur. - or unfur., $15 mo. up. Including light, heat. etc. Royal Annex, 360 & Mor rison. - ' - r THE DEZEiSDORF. 208 16TH STi Marshall 2318. Nlce-5 room turn, and unfurn. apts.: also a and 4 room f urn, apa rtm en t s. THE SHEFFIELD iliu Broauway south, 3 and 4 rooms, well arranged! easy walking distance, at very rea sonable rent: best of service. M. 25oS 6 ROOM apartment, all outside rooms, large sleeping i porch, also large baJk,porc1- Maryland Apartments, 666 Flanders. Main 8251. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett stj. furnished 3 room apartments, with 1 or without sleeping AMERICAN -MAkLhu umw.U Highest lasa apts. in the city 4 6 and 6 vooma walking distance, reason able. - Mar. 3360. Main 7516. A -2 7" xvvo room, apts., newly furnished; iiLNT -BARGAINS. 3 and 4 rms.. sleeoinE- nnn-h,i v,a.i wood firs., refs. Portnomah, 2Qfc- e. 13th DR1CKSTON 148 nth st,; modern i room fur. apts.. $20 to $3i; walkini distance; excellent service Mar -t K.J00i11 li- K- aPt . including heati b,th' et: 9 Per month; easy walking distance. 187 17th v.V-u.lf. ALBERMARLE Apts.. modern, neatlv rurnished apta. -Summer rates. East 4193. 383 Williams ave. near Broadwtv WK?thTiN;u.iJ :tn?. 3 rms, private .. . " amilli 1. U lt)T Ci A - , "'""'u special rates S15 and up; 14th and Market. Main 1 739. PENINSULA APTS., concrete bldg i and 3 rooms,, hot and cold water baths, st. heat, phone. $12 up. C-117o! XtiiH OKMONDE one 6 room front 8 25 1 " 6 F1drS- Nob K PAGE APTS. Excellent outside apt! - c i.AJ oDOD. Ardmay Terrace. 895 12th at. Lara 1 .. .vg. in,,, juna v.ran. mic" KEELER APTS, 14th and Clay a aui 4 room nnfurnish!- . MEREDITH 3 & - rm. aota. raasa.." able. 712 WashingtonVoppfd f ? "i THE LUZERNE 2 room fur anta.' mdrn hrlnlr iit Zr P.l" . .... u ijy siar. 4?ttl. .. to xo Alar fji; SvV??!.'" wt APARTMENTS 43 FUTiNISHE I AND UNFUBXISHEU f Continued) .- Wellesley Court FAST 15TH - AND BELMONT STS, Furnished and unfurnished. Mgr. East S4C3. Referent i,-.,-, . 1 . .tONE large young graded Jersey fresh MONTGOMERY APT 3., eor. 3d and j cow 95$ E. 39th aW Woodstock car iuunigumery, ouiiUiitK viim- strictlv modern: all ..outside 2 room apts.; furnished complete; private bath, phone and electric elevator; 8 mlnutea walk to postoffice; rates $20 and up, Including electric lights. Main 9466. BALBOA APARTMENTS. 429 Harrison, near 12th st.. ' Extra large 2 room furnished apta., 1 unfurnished. modern, ; reasonable rent; phone; good service. Marshall 2900. References. ' . VILLA ST, CLARA. , 12th and Tayloc. Modern, completely furnished apts. Walking distance. References. BANNER APTS. 2 room suites., fur nished; free lights; steam heat; out. sidj rooms; summer - rates, $3 'to $4 P" week. 489 Clay pt. y- ' - FOU Err F liATS 13 t , SUNNYSIDB FLAT. Attractive 5 rooms, porch, yard. In 2 family bldg., heat and janitor ser vice. 126 E. 34th, Sunnyside ' car. Phone Tabor 6188. SIX room, very modern flat in 2 fam ily buildings, very reasonable. 433 E. 13th st. N., near Tillamook. Owner, 42 N. 6th St. - - - - DESIRABLE 4 room . upper flat, fur nace, steeping porcn, narawoou floors. 361 Larrabee, near Broadway bridge. Main 4868. ;.. 4 ROOM modern corner flat. 394 Ben ton, 2 blocks Broadway bridge. C 2021. v NEW, large, modern, 3 room flat, dis appearing beds. Wood lawn 167. FIVE room modern upper flat, rent 2066 K. Z4th. near Hawtnorne. FURNISHED FLvlTS 50 ATTRACTIVE 4 room lower Hat, large porcn. yard, gooa neignoornooa. la bor 1523. WELL furnished lower flat In Walnut Park, modern in every respect. Call Woodlawn 3922 evenings. STORES AND OFFICES 11 DRUGS, confectionery; groceries or hardware Choice established corner, fine storeroom, cement basement, ele gant plate glass windows, center thick ly populated district. :S. L. Jones. 672 Alberta st. Phone Woodlawn 3558. ' FIRST-rCLASS location for grocery store: rent only $25: In new brick building. Call 41st and Division sts. or at office. 723 Chamber of Commerce. Also one large room for hardware, fur niture, etc. WANTED Party to take part of fur nished office, $10 per month, in cluding phone. 821 N. W. Bank bldg. Phone Main 3282. , BKiCiv warehouse in bout h Porjand for rent, trac'iaee. liaht and airv. On paved street, reasonable. Journal pnrnmng Co.. Hroadwav and Yamhill. OFFICES and studios, also gooa loca tion ior tailors and dressruakers. Royal Annex, 350 Morrison FOR RENT The Alameda cleaning and pressing shop. Apply. 846 , Sandy boulevard. tiH Of, 271 Hawthorne ave, east end of bridge. H. N. Burpee. M-3330. WHEN you answer th Wafer aos. mention The Journal. WAXIED--TO RENT 7 WANTED 3 or 4 well furnished, modern, clean and pleasant rooms, for one person. Must be reasonable; good neighborhood and not too far out. T-902. Journal. WANTED By young couple, 6 . or 6 room unfurnished bungalow. Strictly modern. 2d street carlines not consid ered. State particulars. R-291,,Jour-nal. - : -. 1 - . WANTED 5 room modern suburban bungalow. Lease or on year; will pay $15 per month. Two in family. Give 'full particulars in answer. - Y-605, Journal. BY couple with child, small well fur nished flat, in good neighborhood, not over $20; will take good care of furniture. Marshall 4960. WANTED Nicely furnished house boat for the summer, with, the priv ilege of buying. Phone Woodlawn 1060. - - - WANTED 3 nice, clean, fur. H. K. rooms. i,ot over $16 a month. A 987, Journal. HORSES. j-VE'-tlCL.Eh.. ETC. 18 MARES, team weighs 2650 lbs., are the best of workers and sure brood mares, gentleand kind for any one to handle; set good harness, like new, at low price of $225; Mares, seal brown, both have had colts and will make a fine all around t team; will weigh about 2400 lbs., are ; true to pull; set good heavy harness, all at one price of $160. , , Team, borse and mare, 2S00' lbs, are in good working . order and true to pull; set good heavy harness, all at low price of $185. Cheap team. $85, horse and mare. 2650 lbs, not lame or sore, ready to work. i , . Three teams of work mules, fat and handsome, well matched, young, at low prices. Also 2 teams or mules, 1 pair yearlings and 1 pair of 2-year-old, big, heavy boned mules that will grow into a lot or money; price for both teams only $245. Union Transfer-Co., at 11th and Hoyt sts. BROWN mare, heavy with foal to im ported horse, 8 years old. weighing 1500 lbs., $140. Roan mare 8 years old, sound and true to work single or double and good to ride, weighing 1100 lbs, with young Belgian colt by side, both $85. Also large iron gray mare weighing 1600 lbs., a little street sore. $100. at 295 Davis st. , WANTED War horses, heavy bone and blocky built, weighing from 1100 lbs. to 1500 lbs. We buy thero aod pay the high dcllar any time at Model Stable, 6th and Davis.- General inspec- tion Tuesday, June 1. J. D, Huston. TWO horses. 8 and 9 year? old, 2800 pounds, cood walkers, trood workera: 1 cost $325; double set harness, almost new. $8o: top spring wagon, $126.; WR L ii ,"fJ V- i . i " if - v I sell outfit $52. Must leave city, 229 Main. Bhomker'g store. Commission Auction h Of horses, vehicles, harness, wag ons, every Monday and Thursday, at 2 p. m. Columbia Stables. 302 - Front at. 1200 LB. chestnut sorrel horse, free and very stylish, a beauty, works single or double; good saddler, t For sale or will trade on good family cow. 891 E. Washington, cor. 30th. DEAD , horses and an una is . hauled away free. Call Woodlawn- 20. Portland Rendering Co. : -' - $40 TAKES good work horse ; have - light rig and harness. . Call shoe store, 11th and Hawthorne. - FARM outfit complete, $130, span bay mares and horse. 2400 lbs. Call East Market, bet. 9th and 10th sts. $65 takes single outfit, good horse, 1150 lbs., harness and light sprlns waeon. .468 E. Market. GOOD ranch team, double harness and farm wagon; must sell. 1&67 E. stark st. Trial allowed. $75 TAKES 1000 lb. horse, fast trav eler and good worker, spring wagon and harness. 1967 E. Stark st. 1000 LB. mare, 9 yrs. old, sell or trade for larger .horse or cow or chickens, or anything. 619 E. John at., St. Johns. LIGHT team, harness, wagon, pasture to let. Phone Tabor 4789. DEAD horses and cattle taken free. Tabor 4203. " ' ' ' " ' WILL trade practically new buggy for '- delivery, wagon. 720 E. 33d. FOR SALE 3200 lb. team, sound and true, cheap for cash. Ml N. 21st st. CHEAP Horse. 950 lbs. Call vacant lot E. llth and Madison. : HORSES, VEIIIClES, ETC. 18 n' 'v fContlnaed) ; FOR. SALE Cheap Jood draft horse. Phone East 3308. LIVESTOCK 35 FRESH Jersey Durham cow; rich and heavy milker: tuberculosis , tested young and gentle. 619 E. John St., St. Johns, or. ; to tun ave.. Z PIOCKS west.- HAVE S Kood milch cows I will sell on monthly payments to responsioie parties. H. At water, B-6161. TWO good cowa for sale cheap. Call yzu t;. 33d. corner roweii. - I WANTED Young cow. Must, be cheap j ui casn. It. crciniuor, t su. 0111 x. PASTURE for stock. Ladds Canyon Farm. Close in. Phone Main 4819. FOUIrR AND PIGEONS 37 CHICK3. S. C. White Leghorns. -10c From my famous laying - strain. - D. M. Holbrook. 415 Jessup, Portland, or Fhone c-3133. -- - OREGON Poultry and Pet StockCo.. 6t 6th St., .fort i ami, ur. AUTOMOBILES-ACC15SSORIES 44 Used -Car Bargains Cadillac Used very little ' and abused; only $400. - never been Buick 1913: electric lights anl generator; perfect condition; Cadillac 1814; like a new car; the low price will surprise you, CADILLAC. 1913.. recently rebuilt. OVERLAND; a serviceable car; $225. Cole 1913; electric lights and starter; roomy car. ELECTRICS that are priced low. Also others not listed. INSPECTION INVITED. Covey Motor Car Co, 21st and Washington. Main 6244. cuaDsAkiteed mm mm ON EASY PAYMENTS $775 for 1915 OVERLAND 30 h. p. 5 passenger; run only 2400 miles. S975 1915 OVERLAND, model 80. 35 h. p. 5 passenger. Used only short time. y $575 OVERLAND. 1914 modeL 35 h, p., electric lights, with Tenorator. $450 REO. 1913, 5 passenger; in pink of condition. $825 COLE, 1913 model. 5 passen ger, Delco electric starter. $550 OVERLAND, 1913 model, 6 passenger, cowl-dash body. $550 Torpedo style, 4 passenger, 40 h. p. OVERLAND $550 OLDSMOBILE. 7 passenger. Best 7 passenger buy In town. $400 MARION, large, roomy 6 pas senger. In nice shape. - $200 STirDEBAKKR, 1911 SO. 5 passenger. Runs fine. Good tires. $375 Light delivery MAXWELL; light.- economical and classy. $600 OVERLAND, oanel top deliv ery. New tires. Just overhauled and refinlshed. Would be at credit to any business. . USED CAR DEPARTMENT. S27 WA SHTNOTOX STRKT. NEW LOCATION AFTER JULY 1ST. COR. BROADWAY AND DAVIS. Used Auto Snap i LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. VELIE, 5 pass., in fine condition, only $750. COLE, 5 pass., fully equipped, $650. MAXWELL, delivery. $425. REO. 5 pass., electric starter and light. $750. CHALMERS. 5 pass., fully equipped, for $450. SEVERAL OTHERS TO SELECT -FROM. .Northwest Auto Co, Broadway and Couch Sts. Broadway 731. , A-4959. PORTABLE . GARAGE3 AND ; HOUSES Built of best materials, nr. tistic designs. Erected complete. lock Sfd key- $32 up. Portable houses, $126 up. Immediate delivery. TAKE nnwN MR-n fin Foot of Harrison St. Phone Main 1167. 19r4, OVERLAND, 35, roadster; elec tric light and starter; $695. ? Buick, 25, roadster; electric lights and starter; $695. 1914 Overland, 35. 6-pass, electric lights and starter, $750. These ears are practicallv. rimn! new; you must see them to appreciate uai unusually gooa- Duys tnev are. FRAJSTCIS MOTOR CAR EX. E. 1199. E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. Truck Snap TERMS GIVEN. REO TRUCK. 2 ton. with body. Northwest Auto Co, BROADWAY AND COUCH STS ' Broadway 731. A-499 WINTON SIXES, thoroughly over hauled, rebuilt, repainted, new tires, carry guarantee; ranging in price from $600 up. WINTON MOTOR CAR CO, 23d and Washington st. OREGON VULCANUZING CO. "The Tire Shop." 550 Washington st.. at 18th. Marshall 379. BEST TIRE REPAIRING. TI P FS ' v-' Traae new tires for old ones. I CADILLAC 32', braxd new roomy body", ,iiea fine condition. one tra tirea fine condition, one extra, - pedometer, cood top. side curtafnt machine in good shape throughout Easily worth $600. Cash price $265. 1110 E. Grant st. IMPROVED PORTABLE GARAGE. See my 10x16 portable garage at $32. Erected on your lot complete. Get my price on other garages or bouses. B. T. Allyn, Garage Specialist, 1181 East Salmon. Tabor 194. . BARGAINS IN USED CARS. . Large stock, prices $300 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Studebaker bldg. -Comer Chapman and Alder. GENERAL auto and truck repairing. Reo Xruck sprockets a specialty. Forging. Good work, square , prices. Try us. E. L. Taylor & Co, 71 1st st 1913 Stoddard Dayton roadster-30,. ful - ly equipped, self starter, electric lights, fine new tires. Cost $270J. Will sell tor $650. Y-333. Journal. RECOVERING auto tops. $18.50 up. i Auto painting, $20 up; til work guar anteed. United Painting & Auto Top Co, 15th and Washington. Mars 945. Written guar antee with every spring. 26 N. 15th st. SLIGHTLY used tires, largest stock In Portland. $3 to $15.' Fine repair lng. The Supply Co., 207 Madison. LIGHT roadster inv good condition, new tires and fully equipped. A snap at $275.' Call Main 3867 TON delivery, perfect condition - cheap for quick sale;: some terms. A 991, Journal. --: -: ; -- .; --. - HIGHEST prices paid for old rubber. metals. J. Leve, 186 Columbia. M. 6198 EXPERT auto repairing, reasonable charges. J. J. Zimmer. 123 N. 6th st. AUTOMOBILES WANTED' 7 WILL pay cash for late model Fords. . Buicks. Overlands and Studebaker ears, FRANCIS MOTOR CAB EX, E. lstn ana Hawthorne ave. East V ANTED Ford auto in good condi 'tion, trade -good -team mules. Main 6398. Olsen & Kelly. . . $400 WORTH dry goods and Cloth ing for auto. 328 Front st. "ZLli $100 VALUE. Brighton Beach lots at $50 each for automobile. Main 8392. MOTORCYCLES BICYCLiES 53 Pope motorcycles and bi cycles cash or terms. New and used. Supplies, etc -F. P. Keenan Co, 180 4th FOR SALE Bicycle, cushion frame, coaster, new tire, $10. 743 E. Yam hill. -- . 7 H, P. 1912 twin Indian, equipped en glne overhauled, $80 cash. East 413. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 4 EVINRUDE Motor Co., now located Front and Morrison; 100 EvJnrude rowboat and canoe motors in stock; $58 to $83. Gasoline engines, motor- hnat - ftnitlnm.nt - y-i iwl ii 1 o j .itihirn sporting goods, rowboata and canoes. FOR SALE 18 foot gasoline launch ana poatnouse, everytning in ueai condition. " Apply at ,232 Front- st. Phone Main 3554. - FOR SALE cheap, furnished, 2 room houseboat. Call at Suppie's ship yard. Mrs. Crawford. '", CRUISER launch. 43x12 Ferro auxili ary engine cneap. owner, su .Mroao. sty bldg. - 7' WILL sacrifice my lovely motor boat and boathouse at less than half its cost. 602 Medical bldg. PIANOS, ORGANS AND 3 MUSICAJL INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE A piano. 326 Benton St. TYPEWRITERS 77 GILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. ' underwoods. Remingtons. L. C. Smith, Oliver, Smith-Premier, Royal, etc, $15 and up; terms. Agents for the "Corona" folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables and chairs. ,-. The J. Jv. tiiil Co., 3a and A.iaer sts WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for cur illustrated folder; retail - depart ment. W JrlO.LUliS.aLi.tt X X tCHi W til i, Jlitt Co, 321 Washington st. TYPEWRITERS for rent, 3 months for $5 and up; 6 months' rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington Typewriter Co, 86 Broadway. KEV, rebuilt. 2d- hand, rentals, cut -.-. r. T T , "I Ott-I C!,ovl IkJt 1 iA1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 65 Removal Notice S. H. BARGER. ' Auctioneer. Has moved to 348-350 Hawthorne ave.. near . Third, in the Slinger store, and will continue to serve customers from this point. STOVE DOCTOR. We make sick stoves well. We con nect and adjust all kinds of ranges, water heaters, make coils that heat water quick. We buy. sell or exchange stoves, furniture - and tools. Phone East 2520. I NEED all ' kinds- of 2d hand good used furniture. Will pay highest cash price. Call Marshall 587. CALL Bell Auction Co. and get good price for your rurniture. Mar. 4 7S3. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 SEWING MACHINES. 60 slieiitlv used machines. Singer, dropheads .$10 and uu Wheeler & Wilson d'pheads $15 and up New Home, drophe&ds. ... .$16 and up Domestic, dropheads ......$15 and up New Royal, dropheads J10 and up Willamette, dropheads. .. . .$10 and up some stencil machines, dropheads $ 7 and up Box top ..................$ 3 and up All makes of machines for rent, $2 per month. Two Stores: THE WrHITE SEWING MACHINES. 383 Alder st 243 Alder st. Phone Main 2183. A-4599, Main 2978, A-3559. S. S. Sigel. Agent. SEWING machine. Em porium sells for less: ho agents .employed, all makes of new and second hand machines. Sold on , . r- a . lonhln.B iti - anteed and rented. $2 per month. 190' jo, near layior, iviain mai, A-aojtt. 'Electric Motors . Bought, sold, rented and repair ecL Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnside, cor. lotn. Mam or-A-6674. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," "Type writers and "Household Goods" are separate - classifications. . - All advert isements of these goods are published under their 'respective, classifications. look ttiem over. - BILLIARDS -New and second hand carom and pocket billiard tables, bowling alleys sand accessories, easy payments.. Tables for residences." The Brunswick-Balke-Collender' Co., 46-4 6th st. Phone Main 4970. - FOR horses and vehicles, dogs and household pets or poultry, read the ads., under these respective headings. xne journal leaus an otner mediums in these classifications. WINCHESTER .22 caliber automatic ri fle. model 1903. peeo and open siarhts. finish slightly "worn; perfect condition. $8. J. Kelter. St. Benedict. Or. AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications A large listing can be found under these different headings. MIMEOGRAPHS, supplies, circular let ters, Elliott addressing machines and supplies. W. E. Finzer & Co, 268 Stark. $20 BUYS FINE DIAMOND RING, BARGAIN. 320 LUMBER EX. Change. 2d and stark. - VACUUM-cleaner for sale. Cost $125, good as new. $65 takes it if sold this week. 387 Yamhill DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; raaae i" Oregon, i.oo gallon, fori. la-im rami v.. cor x-imii.. war. I uu RELIABLE gas water heater practi cally new, only $7. 748 Water st. Main 224 7. EMPTY boxes for sale cheap. 431 wasnington si. Main 17&0. A NEW Singer sewing machine to trade for anything. 288 Russell st. QAPFQ The - Mosler Safe Co., 264 Ortl UO ogtark st. $12.50 DROPHEAD sewing machine witn attaenments. 152 Grand ave. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. Stark-uavrs Co, 212 3d. Main 797. BAKERY fixtures for sale dirt cheap. LUMBER at $4. Main 6541. 20th and irvmg. . WE buy and sell used machinery. nonnweei ieaa et Macny. to. SWAP COLUMV FOR SALE Cyphers incubator. 400 egg; 1 Ideal. 240 egas; 1 brooder. 200 chick3, and laying hens, or will trade for horse and -wagen or fresh cow. 374? 71st ave. S. WANTED Jersey cows and good . norse zor .Tarming purposes; . wiv rive one lot clear of Incumbrance c... 500 equity in another. I' mean busi ness. S-644. Journal. 20TH CENTURY, 6x7 camera, Wollen seck lens, In fine condition, complete, for good typewriter. H-809, Journal. LONG BEACH lot to- trade for , Vic- troia or graphanoia. Z12 First st. WANTED SirSCELLANEOUS 5 OWL FURN. CO. pays best prices for lumirare. -zsi 1st. Main 43,. J. TANZER pays highest prices for 2nd im.J9 - 1 . V. 1 . . 1 , . r : . "aim cwuicb. euoca. jwarsnau za.z WANTED Second hand light oak counter. ' call Main 4297.- Si-CONIJ hand clothine and everything. Mirnest pnceK. anntn 2ot0. 7Jf, 1st. WANTED L. C. Smith visible typo- writer ror spot casn 191 4th su v WANTEDMISCEIXANjEOUS 5 Y . CotiJdea l r LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO, 221 Front st... buys 2d hand fur niture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hard ware or tools of any Tkind. Call A-7174 or Main 9072. Our buyer calls promptly. -WE WANT THE GOODS." ". WANTED: ranges. stoves, rugs, rockers', drecera, tables, couches, chairs Davenport. We nay the price Try us. Northwest Film, ."rchanee. East 616. WANTED The people of Portland to know I pay highest cash pric for household goods. Prompt attention. East 6707. N. M. Seater, 143 Rmell st. J. MEYER, the tailor, pays highet-t prices for 2d hand clothing, shoe. We calt aromptlT. M. 7673. 229 Madison. WANTED Good 2d hand steel range with hot water connections; must be cheap. Address 63 E. 6th N. WANTED A second hand portable garage. Call Mar, 1659. Must be reasonable.-- WANTED Second Main 7443. hand . furniture. PHONOGRAPH and records, bought, sold, rented and -exchanged. 212 1st. ixxTiND rocxn 21 FOLLOWING articles found On the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co; 'and owners thereof may claim same at the Firsthand Alder street station; Broadway 5100, A 6131: -- . May 25 One package moss, 6 um brellas. 1 child's sulkey. 1 pair gloves, 1' bucket paint, 1 suit box. 2 pieces pipe, 1 package cream bottles, 1 pack age overalls, 1 package hatpins. 1 purse, 3 packages, 1 book, 1 lunch box, 1 pattern. LOST Between Perkins hotel and Morrison and Broadway, 4-leaf clo ver pin set in 12 pearl and 1 diamond. Reward. Call Main 4377. LOST Female black and white cat near 3 1st and Wygant, Reward. Woodlawn 2322. LOST Big brown eyed Shepherd dog named Rex. : License 354. 152 E. 85th. Reward LOST Pair spectacles. Staples case. Suitable reward. Phone Sell. 473. PERSONAL A FIGHT on high prices. Why pay $6 to . 310 for classes. when I can fit your eyes-with first quality lenses In a gold-filled frame as law as $1.50? C. W. Goodman. 209 Morrison st. Main 2124. Mail orders promptly filled. Write for particulars. LOUISE NETZEL, trained nuree aiul masseuse, gives treatment for rheu matism, lumbago, neuralgia, etc, tub baths, massage and electric blankets; invalid work a specialty. 256 llth st. Marshall 6033. Open Sundays. SPIRITUALISM Medium, .Rev. Vir ginia Rowe. Readings, healing daily; circles Tuesday and Friday evenings, 8 o'clock. 231 6th st. Phoiie A-7116. MRS. STEVENS. 21 years Portland's renowned palmist and clairvoyant, lias her book. "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale. 291 Morrison St. ATTflRMFYQ fee reasonable. Cases ni I UI HI l I O settled without noto riety. All cases treated with courtesy. 313 Buchanan bldg. Marshall 4368. SUPERFLUOUS hair, mqles, warts, etc, destroyed forever; cUre guaran teed. Mile. De Long. 604 Swetland bid. SPIRITUALISM Rev. M. A. Price, cir cles, Tues. 2 p. m.; Wed., Sun. 8 p. m. Readings daily. 603 6th st. Mar. 3960. DR. G. V. KETCH UM Women's mala dies and acute diseases of men. Wash, bid, 4th & Wash. Rm. 41. Ml. 488 HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum. Marshall 1702. DRUGLESS cure for flesh reducing. Write or calt 235 6th st. Main 7548. LESSONS in phrenogoly and card readings. 235 6th st. Phone M. 754-8. BALM of Figs, remedy for diseases of women. 504 Davis st. Main 2393. I duor Consultation free. Mala IA l JT Vl 1993. 708 Selling bldg. CHIROPRACTIC doctor. Painless ad justments; 31 treatments $15. 121 4th. HARTNESS, leading feather workers, wholesale, retail. Cor. Park. Yamhill. MRS HAMOT, medium and healer. 170H 2d. 4th floor, apt. 4. Mar. 3673. NOTICES SO IN the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon. in and tor the Comity of Multnomah. Abe Meier, Plaintiff, vs. Margaret V. Jennings and P. J. Jennings, . her Uuabaud, and Mrs. A, U. Stalford, Defendants- Summons. To Margaret V. Jennings and P. J. Jennings, her hufband, uIht named defendants: , In the mme of the State of Oregon yon, and each of you, are berebv required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit, on or before the expiration of six weeks from the 27th day of May, 1815, being the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit, the btb day of July, 1915, and if you fall so to appear or answer said rompla int. for want thereof, plaintiff will take judgment and de cree against you, and each of you. as follows: (1) Vor the sum' of $7,000 together with Interest thereon at the rate of seven per cent pen annum from and after January 1, 1813; and the further snm of $1588.03 for taxes paid by plaintiff upon the premises described in the mortgage mentioned and described in plain tiff's first cause of suit, in his complaint herein, together with interest thereon.1 at the rate of seven per cent per annum from and after March 31, 1011k and the further-sum. of $488.71 -for street assessments paid by this plaintiff and which were a lien against the property described fn the mortgage mentioned and described in plaintiff's first cause of suit in his complaint herein; and such further sum as the court may allow as attorney's fees here in for foreclosing the mortgage set out in plaintiff's first cane of suit in stuld complaint. (2) For the further sum of $3562.40, together with Interest thereon at the rate of seven per cent per annum from and after Janaary 1, 1913, and such further sum as the court uu; allow as attorney's- fees fur foreclosing the mortgage described in plaintiff's second cause of suit in said complaint, and for bis costs aad disbursements 'incurred herein. - (3) And will take decree against yon and each of you, foreclosing each of plaintiff's said mortgages described in said complaint, and directing the aale -f the mortgaged prem ises described ; Lot 1, Block JS0. in the City of Portland, Or, according to the duly recorded plat of said City of Portland on file in the office of the "county elerk of Multno mah county, Oregon, in the manner provided by law; and for the application of the pro ceeds of such sale to' the payment of the costs and dlsbarsementa of this suit, to the gayment of ruch sums as may be decreed to due to plaintiff herein as principal, inter eat, money advanced, and attorney' fees, and barring and foreclosing you and each of you, and all' persons claiming under you or either of you, from all right, title, interest and claim in and to said mortgaged premises.- This summons is served upon yon by pub lication thereof for six consecutive weeks, in The Oregon Jourr.nl, pursuant to an order of Honorable Henry E.. McOlnn, a judge of the above entitled court, made and entered herein,' on the 26th day of May, 1915. JOSKPH A HANEY, Attorneys for Plaintiff, 6C0-12 Corbett bldg, Portland. Or. - - Date of first publication May 27 j 1915. Date of lairt publication July 8 1915. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Scaled proposals addressed to ' the County Commissioners of Multnomah County, Oregon, endorsed, "Proposals for maintaining the bard surface roads of Multnomah county, Oregon, that may be contracted to tie constructed tuide'r proposals for improving same, of date the 20th day of .May, 1815" will be received by the Board or County Commissioners until 11 o'clock a. m, June Vth, 1915, and -not thereafter; and at that time at Room 201, Court House, Port land, Oregon, will be publicly opened and read. ' - - ' . r. - Said bids for maintenance may be for any or-all roads or sections of roads so construct ed, ,-or may be confined to such as may be constructed by the bidder hereunder, and shall be for a period of IO years. Such maintenance shall not be considered as ircludlng repairs which-the saccessffui bidder for such construction is bound to make under bis construction contract nor on account of act of God or accident or casualties over which said contractor baa no control. - Said bid shall be for a caah consideration for said maintenance, and in such amount of pen alty and such a satisfactory surety bond for the first period of five years and such security for the second five years, as the bidder may offer, for the faithful performance of said maintenance contract. The right is reserved to reject any and all proposala for such main tenance or to accept the proposala deemed beat for Multnomah county. - -- - -- Dated May 26tb, 1915. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS', Olf MULTNOMAH COUNTY. OREGON. . By W. L, LIGUTNER. : ' - - - 1 . - - - Cb. -tli-man. ' By. RUFU8 C. HOLM AN, , " ji - County Commissioner. - By VUlkM liOUiUOUK, Connty Conimlartoner. 3. B. YEON. Koadmaster. i - JNO. B. COFFEY, .- v.:- . -County Clerk. " 26 - NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposala. addressed to the Board of County. Comu-isaiHiera of Multnoiuab County, Oregon, for improving the following roads in Multnomah County, Oregon, to-wit: Columbia River Highway Section "A." r Columbia River Highway -Section "H." Columbia River Highway Section "C." Columbia River Highway Section "D. Columbia River Highway Sectiou "K." Sandy ltoatl Section "'A." Sandy tUiad Section "B." ' Bane Line Road Section "A." Bate Line Road ISectiou 'B." I'owell Valley Road. . -' Foster Koad. Capitol Highway. Cauyon Road Section "A. Canyon Road Section B." St. Helena Koad Section "A." . 8t.-Heleiia Road Section 'B." : SU Helens Road Section "C." ? ' .! St. HeleusRoad Sect 10a 'D." St. Helens Road Section 'E." . ' St. Helens Road Section "F." ' - 1 St. Helens Road Section O." I St. Helena ltoad Section "II." 1 lit. Helens Road Sectiou-!." - St. Helens Road Section "J." " in St, Helena Road Section "K." 11 St. Helens Road Section "L." St. Helens Road Section "M." or auch of the above roads or sections as the contractor may elect to bid upon, will be re ceived by the Board of County Commissioners of Multnomah County until li o'clock a. ni, June 8th, 1815, and not thereafter, and at mac time, at room aoi, court House, - Port land, Oregon, will be publicly opened and read. All proposala muat ; be made upon blank form to be obtained' from the Roadmaater at his office, 604 Court House, Portlaud, Oregon; muat give the prices proposed, both In writing and figures; and muat be signed by the bidder, with his address. Plans, specif lcatlona and estimate are on file with the County Clerk of Multnomah county, and may be there seen, and copies may be obtained at the office of the Boadtnaster at the above address. A de posit of $20.00 shall be required on each set or plans and sneclficationa, and shall be re turnable upon the return of aaid plans and specifications. In good condition, on or before the date of opening bids. Each bid ia to be presented under sealed cover, - endorsed, "Proposal for Improving Multnomah County Roads," and filed with the County Clerk of Multnomah county, Oregon; and shall be accompanied by a cerrified check made payable to the Board of County Com missioners of Multnomah county, for an amouut equal to at least ten per cent of the amount of said bid, and no bid shall be considered unless such check is enclosed therewith. Such certified check shall oe delivered upon the condition that if said bid be accepted the Jiarty bidding will properly and promptly enter cto and execute a contract and bond in ac cordance with the award. Should the succesa--ful bidder to whom the contract la awarded tail to execute the same within tea days (not including Sunday) from the-date of notifica tion of such award, auch check shall be for. felted to Multnomah county as liquidated dam ages, and the aame shall be the property of the county. All other certified checks will be returned to the unsuccessful bidder who sub mitted the same. A good and sufficient bond with a satisfac tory surety will be required for the faithful performance of the contract in a sum equal to the amount of the contract price. . All bids are to be compared on the baals of the Roadmaater'a estimate of the quantities of work to be done, and materials to - be f or lilKhed. The estimate are approximate only, being given as a basis for the comparison of bids, and the Board of County Commissioners of Multnomah County does not expressly or by Implication agree that the actual amount of work will correspond therewith, but reserves the right to increase or decrease the amount Professional and ACCORDION FLEATraO ACCORDION. KNIFE ANi BOX - PLKAT1NU. PICOTING. HEMSTITCHING, BRAIDINjG, EMBROIDERING. E A 3 V E R N NOVELTY Miff, CO.. 85 6th ST., NEAR OAK. K. STEPHAN Hematltchlug. accordion, aid and sunburst pleating; button covered, good sponged. Scalloping. Alder. M-P373. BLANK BOOK MAXEI1J DAVIS HULMAN. iue, 108 ad at. Blank book manufacture ; agent for Jone Im proved Loose Leaf Ledgers. See the uw Eu reka Leaf. A-81M. Main 183. BRASS. AND MACHIKE WORKS BAtti'lta'S Braa Works. Braa castings aoo machine work. 106 N. BUi t. Msln 87Q2. CARPET PLEADING OiCE BUUS: Electric Cleauing Works, carpeia cieaueo ana latu, rroLuu, w .y.. 440. B-1H6.1. 04 IS 18tb St. N. CARPET -yTZAYiyO NoKTUWEST it. G. CO, rugs from old cr peu. rag rug, carpet cleaning. US K. Ota. Work cajieq tor, aaii oqpv. net ...Tin,; 151H Patton ave Woodlawn 205 CHIROPRACTIO VHYSICTAN UK. McMAHON, 121 4th st. Chronlo disease requiring extended time, at 'treatment 813. I)K pouJbO-N, specialist lu paralysis, nervous, chronic dlsesses. 3.W Plttock blk. M. 0414. COAX. aJTP WOOD ISTEER St FARB and laaide block wood, 4 foot or sawed to order. Telephone COAL NICE dry box wood and cjrdwood, 4 feet o aawed. summer price. Btauuara rrooo ve., Eat 2315. B-KW5. rUnmn V. J. EVERTS. MAIN S7oI. UnarCOal FOOT OP CURRY STREET. teiigth. S3.aO. A lao wirra.nr. FULTo WOOD CO, 1200 Macadam. Dealer .1-hwoVd Box wood 2.25 load. M. 70, WHEN you answer the Wauta Ad, meatloa The Journal. COLLECTION AOENCTEfl I BUY accounts, bills. Lute and judgment ef every name aud nature anywhere. Fog qn ick result anawer M-S8. Journal. DRAWTNO AND PAnrTTNO DRAWING and paUitiug taught by CbrisUaa Pool, 8SS" llth st. Phone Marshall 4183. ELECTRIO MOTORS AND DYNAMOS Mo'icilts. geueraturs bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all aluda of repairing and rewinding. AH work guaranteed. H. M. li. Flertrle Co, 1 N. 1st st. Phone Mala 8210. WE buy. sell, rent aud exchange new and 2d band motors; repair work a specialty. WEST ERN ELECTRIC WKS, 2-8 Btb at. Mar, ewe. ELECTRO PHYSICIAN DR. COUINNE JOHNSTONE Nervou and rheumatic diseases; elactro-maguetle mu- aage. 713 Dekum. EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL ' gTtTBBS Electrical Co, 6th and Pine ta. EYE, EAR. NOSE. THROaT, LUNGS Specialist. Moderate prices. OUhm fitted. Dr. F. F. Caaeday. 517 Dekum bldg, ,3d A Wash. EDUCATIONAL, DAM CI JX U KiiATU'S School, lesson daily. Class Frl. eve. 8 to IO. Iu8 2d St., bet. Wsahtugtoa aad Stark. Lessons 25c. MUSIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS L.CU1S A. CKllZ Teac-ner of violin, jill Sherman, corner Flrat. ' Marshall 229a. VIOLONCELLO Curfftiau Pool, 38 llth at, Qen for pupils. Phone Marshall 4183. eTtHIELHoRN. violin teacher, popil Sevclk, 207 Field ner bldg. A -11 CO. Marshall 12. NOTICES (Continued) Manufacturcrr- Johss-----"h.olesaers DRY GOODS WHOtCTALE Fleischner," Mayer & Co. FARM rMPLEMENT!. Sr TEHTCLES ,i M. WADE tc CO.. .U.-i-M HawtlH.rne ave. LEAD PIPE.r WOOL. MACHINERY NORTHWEST LEAD V MACi-HivER CO. sHXt-HX I Front. Main 54M LEATHERS AND EINDINGS ; J CUAS. L. MASTICK Je CO.. 74 Front. Leather of every Ceitcrlptino: findings., INFORMATION COUPON If you want the name of a reliable business house dealing in any line of merchandise, or Information regarding resorts, hotel, railroads, steam ship lines, etc, address Oregon Journal Information Bureau. Information desired: - ,-. ".. , A Name S3 of any class or portion of the work that tn f be deemed necessary or expedient by tba Road maater of Multnomah Comity, Oregon. . Bids will be secelved ou the following type of pavementa: Ct'inent Concrete one course). No. 1. Cement Concrete (one ruur,e!). No. 2, Cement Concrete (tla'axm). No. 3. Aspbaltle Concrete (Bltulithlc), No. 1, on Crushed Stone Base. , Aspbaltle Concrete (Bitullthk), No. 1, on Concrete Base, Aaphaltic Concrete No. 2, on Crushed Stone Buse. Aaphaltie Concrete N,o. 2. rm Concrete Vaae. . Shift Asphalt on Cqnvretc liases Wood II lock a on Concrete Bate. 1 Brick, on Concrete Ilasc. Stone Block, on Cuui rete Base. The Board will als, at said time snd place, receive and conalder 4jiv and all tililn In cou formlty to any plannland spec I flea t Ions fur nished by "any liullvlifV.il, firm or corporation offering to bid on such rued or any part thereof. The bidder will be required lu his contract, upon notice by Multnomah County, to repair and correct all defect which may appear lu said pavement witnlu five year from the completion and acceptance thereof by Multno mah liounty, and which are the result of any defective materials or improper workmuuhip used lu the construction thereof. Thu right is reserved to reject any and all proposals, or to accept the proposal deemed best for Multnomah County, aud to award the contract as la provided by, section KMa and ZH73 as amended in 1915, Ultapter 10H of Laws of Oregon for 1913, and Chapter .IO of the Laws of Oregon for VJ15. Dated May 2tith, l'Jlo. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MULTNOMAH COUNTY. (iKKtlO.N. By W. L. LIUli I N Kit, -VhJtiruien. By RUVUS a HD1.M AN, County CoiuriitMHlouer. ' By PI11LO HOLHUOOK, County Coinuilaaioner. J. 11. VEoN, Roadmaater. JXO. B. COrFKY. County Clerk. SEALED proposal wUl be received at the office of the undersigned, 401 courthouse, until' & p. in, Wednesday, June Id, 1013, foi Auti-panlu Door Faaieners fur various schools. lllds Will be opened at 4 p. ui, Thursday, June 17, lnH"om itOl,. eourtlioune. Stwcificationa may be obtained at the office of F. A. Naraniore, superintendent of prop erties, 3o3'!5Coiirthouse. Depott of $2 Is re quired for specifications. Certified check for 10 )er cent of the amount of the proposal, payable to R. 11. Thomas, school clerk, inii-t. accompany each proposal. Board of director reserves lb right to reject any ami all pro poHala. 11. 11. THOMAS. Dated algiy 2.V IBIS. School Clerk. SEALED propossla In triplicate .will be re ceived by the quartermaster general of the army, Washington. I). C, until 2 o'clock p. m., eastern time, jane 3, 1915, for furnlHhlug paints, varnishes, glass, etc, for delivery during the fiscal year llilfl. at depota of tho qv.artermaiter corpa Hated in schedule. Hched ulea furnlahed uiou application to quarter was ter general, V. H. army, Washington) D. C, or by qiiartermaater, I'ortiann, ur. NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned hail filed with the state banking board of Oregon application - for lli-euae to engage in the bualnesa of making - loans of money, or o personal credit, or in the pawn brokerage business, under the provisions of chapter 10, General Laws of Oregon for lit 15, VINES ft WK1NSTK1N. 84 3d at. TO whom it may concerns My wife, Lola iCoeater, having deaerted my bed aud board, I wlU no longer ba resiionalhle for any bill Incurred by her lu my uu or otherwlae. . GEUIIAllD. E. COESTKB. Business Directory MP8IC SCHOOLS AND TEACHER POPULAR MUSIC U AC TIME uu piauo guuraiilued M-yiucsr lu lo leaaona, t'icl urn flaying. Flea leiuun etratlon. J-'ree iKMiklt-t. .'.ill Kller, blila. FURNITURE' REPAIRING) M. L. ADAMS Furniture bofpltal now ipeu for bualneas nt new location, Jl4 Front at, l'houe Ma in U."m.1 or E. 3tlol. HAT8 CLEANINO AND BLEACHIJIfl PANAMAS blocked aud bleached iuu; iut and felt iVn-. Kauf inau'M. H M at. ur. bUrK INSURANCE PAC1F1U blAThS 1)1 It a. I.ISL iU.NCt U", only Oregon fire inauiance compHny. MACHINERY Uuc't.'RUS CO., OOH Pitlock blk. hieaut alio. els, Mlredges. I- T. Ril iwell. Iteire.eutattve. MATTRESSES UlUiEMO UAriliES CO, old mattra. made new with our Ilglvul3 process, u4 r.usaell, cor. Union. C-Ui;il. E-lih8:i. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS LU. PHILLIPS ParalyalJ, nervous aud ihrou. lc dlaeaaea. 004 -o Oretroiilau bldg. l. ;IHJ. PAINTING, PAPERHANOiNO AND TINTINO PAINTING, kaiaouiuilg. bupuriial.glng, ail work gilaranteod. Phone Woodlawn -HfrH bl'lCL.infc. v BLlktl, beat noia lu iwuiu-t, papering. U. ii72. S:. la lltb at. PAIN'XING, tlutlug. Crane, 170 loth it. papaitiauglng. tin I ii 2;Uti. PAVING COMPANIES Wlii ii, BARBER ASPHALT l'AVl.u cA i.n. lano orrice n. anenm-a mug. RUBBEA bTAMTS AND PEALS steuclis, trade checks, ura.s aigus. tPAClilV COAST STAMP WoiiKS IBil Waahlnglou St. aii-iii 710, A-1'7HI. SAFETY RAZORS SHARPENED UtO AND Uov doieeu; kuivea, hjimui. gruuud Automatic Keen Edge Co, IWifr 4fh at SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. BEHNKE-WALKElt TKLKUHAI'Il SCHOOL 4th 81, NEAR MOUUlSON ' fji'jjtjx AL RATES TO 'illOSK ENROLLING BEFORE JUNE 15TH PHONE: MAIN film Oil A-1M.I "TKLEG HA PI SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS OLOF Kx'LLO, maker ol fly acruuiis, uorllae construction. UuIod at Broadway. Vvdlwo. 1K3 SHEET MEfAL W0HK REPAIRING, On and gravel roof. J atoll Loall 810 First st. Plion Main iSa. -v TRANSFER AND STORAGE C. O. PICK, 'irauater, St e-torage Co. ciffna and eoaimotuus, -a lory buck wareboue with separate iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables, N. W. coiner .id and Pine sts. Plane and furniture moved aod packed for Llppiug. Special rstea mads uu goods la through car to all domestic aud fvrelgu point. Main MMl. A-lWWtt. Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1870 Transfer and forwarding agents. Storage, Free Tvackags. Office and Storage 414 Cli.au BL 13th end Gllsan. . Mala S!l, A-1ir,. OLHE.N-ROE TRANSFER CO. . New fireproof warehuuae with aeparata rooms. ' W move and pack bouaeiiola goods and piano and ship at reduced ralea. Auto vans and team for moving. Forwarding end distributing agents. Free trackage. Offlr aud warehonae. l!th and Hoyt. Main f47. A-2V4. BAOUAOE TRANKFElt totUVlCl"' CO., PINK ST. MAIN 11.0. A-lisoa. WALL PAPER MORGAN WALi. 1'Al'k.J. '.O -I 21 si, ua.r naimon. WINDOW CLEANINO EXPERT WINDOW CLEANERS A-47tW. Alain 0327. 2i Henry bldg. PAINT OIL -2ND C-Li,ga RASMUSMEN CO.. "liiah Standard" nalnl N. E. corner 2d and layior. M. 1771. A-i':o PIPE WOOD PIPE Portland wood .'pe co. i.. ioiy aud office near v-tth and Vorfc iiato hkB. PLUMBING PlPa SUPPLIES M. L. KLINE fv,-ix-a7-w iaONT STREET ROPE AND PIN- E TWINE Portland Cordage Co. l(f III NOTXCE3 'Continued) PsaYyeT4