The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 14, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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    iWncitortetyLT Doing Pil
07 paramount Interest this com
ing week will b ,: the wedding
of Miss Jeanett Thomas and
juetgrn " Hackiey Braiui Wednes
day at St. Marie's Episcopal church.
of New York, baa arrived from - the
east to be the house gruest of Miss
jnomai. ene'Wiii do znaia ox uouor at
- the weddtnr. i '.
- T V 1 atranin. Xfft Mftwp1t Tin nh-
Joeseiyn .will entertain with &a fnfor-
ma. i ant-nan g paxcy ai ser nonw al
. Hillsdale fori the pleasure of Mis
Thonafl and Mies-Smith. About Zt
guests of the younger set will be
present. ;
Dinner Dance at Waverty Clob
Tomorrow Evening,
Tomorrow evening: the dinner 3ance
at the Warerly Country club will call
, forth the usujal informal groups of
dancers. A number of the prominent
r visitors in the city will be entertained
at dinner. i
. I
Tots to Do Fancy Dancing.
Society is looking forward this eve-
ning to the closing reception and re
: cltai from 8 to 19 p. m. given by the
children's classes of Ccristensen's danc
ing 'school. Many little tots will be
en in fancy iand social dancing. Pat-
. roneases are I Mrs. Charles Wesley
Jones, Mrs. G. W. Thatcher, Mrs. Blaine
R. .Smith, Mrs. Walter B. Honey-man,
, Mrs, M. K. Sherman, Mrs. William A.
Lest and Mrs. J. F. Carroll.
; - f
If. CJ. O. F. Dance.
' St Mary's Cathedral, court of the
Women's Catholic Order of Foresters
has completed arrangements for its
,- informal May iparty to be given in the
new cathedral hall this evening. The
f following officers ere arranging- the
f-affajr. Miss Mary Frances i McCarthy,
Mia- Marjoriej MacKinnon, Miss Kath
arine Quinn and Miss ' Winifred Ral-
ston. assisted by John W. MacKinnon,
Joan J, Kenny, Frank Eivfers and Em
ms Douglas, j The patronesses win be
Mrs. W. A. Kivers. Mrs. M. J. Dris
eoU, Mrs. JE. H. Deery, Mrs. p. Douglas
mad Mrs. a Fnlker.
I - i
Follies Boating Party.
Sainrdav evening th im i-t
lOe-e- Wl 1 i mttaiixt dnm rir w4tx .
, party of merry young people. Dancing
wu m aujujrni, niu neoiri orcaesxra
The committee includes Margaret
-Versteeg. Virginia Brown. Margaret
wwen, uiaoys axreu and Irving
. Ouiss, Aaron jWhitmer, Lowell Kern.
Leeland Seofert. Jack Wrisrfat Witr
Frtswald, Blrdette Emery, KrroU WU-
. J. no patronesses are sirs. J. m.
weicn ana Mrs. U. x. Atkinson.
- r
Group Sailing on Northern Pacific.
Among those who will sail -on the
steamship - Northern Pacific next
Wednesday wfltl be Mr. and Mrs. W.
C Haseltine, Mrs. and Mrs. J.' G. Seed,
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
6 er smith of New York.
They wlH bo Joined in San Francisco
by Mr. and Mrs. Boy Hall of Fresno
and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Row, j.
While in Saa Francisco they will at
tend the' Malionai Haw KBni,r.
convention May 25-28, later motoring
larmiga souwern uamonua.
Misd Hazel Coots and Miss Ethel
W; Kendall, whd were recent
hostesses. "
Dance to Benefit Board of Belief.
The .Friendship Social club, made up
of member's of the Kastern Star, is
preparing for a dancing party for next
Monday evening. May 17, at Vincent
nail. Forty-third and Sandy boulevard.
The committee is: Mrs. Emma Nich
ols, Mrs. Mildred Groves, Mrs. V. A.
Crum. Mrs. Leonora Kunkel, Mrs. Flor
ence Ingalls, Pi. A. CowgiU, J. S. Aitken,
K. H. Atchison. Ralph Kichols, Dr.
Mstchette. O. W. Hosford.
The proceeds will go to the board of
, relief. i
Tea for Bliss bfflnger.
Miss Dorothy Efflnger, of Honolulu,
who is visiting her grandmother. Mr
George H. Flanders, and her aunts, the
Misses Carrie land Ioufse Flanders, is
being much entertalted. Wednesday
afternoon Mrs.. Kenneth Beebe gave an
Informal tea in her honor, asking about
S esf the younger maids and matrons
to meet Miss feffinger. Mrs. John IC
KoIIock presided at the tea table, which
was prettily decked with spring flow
ers. 'j
. : ' . : t.-. -
Mr. i and. Mrs. Koberts Portland
Tsitors. j
Mr. and Mrs. Walker W. Kamm and
Mr. and I Irs. Philip S. Kamm ere en
tertaininer Mr 'xnH Mm FHvani nvij
Roberts of Sain Bernardino, CaL, the
parents or ine; Jdeedaraes Kamm. Wed-
sesoay aiternoon from 4 until 6 the
young matrons asked about 50 guests
in for tea to meet their mother, Mrs
Roberts. Much informal entertain!
Will mark the week's stay of the
For Hiss Wiley.
1 Miss Margaret WiLey of Boston, the
daughter of . Senator Wiley of Massa
chusetts, who i im the house guest of
Miss Maria H&ilr. win h, th. v,
Ored guest tomorrow afternoon at " a
tea given by Mrs. Lloyd Bates at her
heme in Xrvington at East Twenty
lxth. near Broadway. About 50
guest nave been bidden to 'call be
tween the hours of 4 and $.
Loncheon Hostess. .
Mrs. Adrian S. Fleming gave a lunch
eon Tuesday at the University clnb
for Mr. and Mrs. William i D. Wheel
wright's guest. Miss Sullivan of Wash
ington. D. C The tables were artist
ically decorated in rose pink with dain
ty shaded candelabra and flowers, dr-i
cling the board were Miss Sullivan,
Mrs. Wheelwrirnt. Mrs.'' mitn T
Boise, Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd, Mrs. 3. D
FarreU. Mrs. Solomon XUrsch. Mrs.
C Shevlin. Miss Ella. TTirtirW .ml th.
hostess. Bridge was slaved sftsr
Benefit Dance at the Benson.
The Jewish Women's Endeavor so
ciety win be hostesses next Thursday
evening at the Benson betel at a danc
ing party given for the benefit of the
European sufferers. Much Interest has
been taken In the event by the youngr
et and a substantial sum will doubt
less be raised for the cause. Mr. Ben
son has donated the ballroom for th
occasion. Mrs. Ben Selling is in eharge
of the arranrmenta and a lanar list at
prominent matrons are lending- their
names as patronesses to the affair.
Guest of Mrs, Morey.
Mrs. Parker F. Morey has as her
house guest Mrs. A. 8. Emeley Of New
York, who is touring the coast. Mrs.
Moreys daughter. Miss Shirley East
bam, is expecting a guest. Miss La
vergno Edmund, also of New York, who
was to have arrived Saiuxrin Tmm c-
Francisco, where she has been viewing
ue exposiuon, out on account of the
washouts will probably be delayed un
til the first of the week.
Society Notes.
8 E. T7nna is unmrflnr him mimi
with his grandparents in San Fran
Mr. and Mrs. Franlc T.BMitnnia af
Dundee, Or, motored into the city from
weir rancn Wednesday and passed sev
eral days here as house guests of the
tev. 4. Aucnard oisoa.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer vt trv,n. f
Oshkosh. Win.. Bmnt tn vv. m.
visiting their brother and his wife, Mr
and Mrs. IX Perry Evana. Thev' left
last sveniag en the return trip freja
the Pan a ma -Pacific exposition.
Mrs. Sinclair are guests at the Port,
land. i
Dr. JUtd- Mrs. V. Kta a-A Vl
ama visitors at the Norton) a.
JUdsre H. H. Belt, of naiisjL i
guest at the Imperial.
C. H. Haddix ia an AKAn& -..-
the Cornelius. -
Miss Ava Milam, a member of the
Oregon Agricultural college faculty,
is at the Seward. j
C. W. Maynard is registered at the
Oregon from Olvmnia. !
Judge A. S. Bennett, president of the4
state oar association, and R. R. Butler
are xne xnuies guests at the imperial.
vieorge w. Jonnson, banker of Du
fur. is at the Cornelius
Mat Malverson is an lone visitor at
tne r or to ma.
James R. Ferens and wife. Of Union
mu. i. are at the Multnomah.
JUT. and Mrs. F. C Harley, Mrs. A.
E. Moore , and J. E. Harley are regis
tered at the Portland- from the "New
York or the fajritif" (latA.1
R. A. Booth, of Eugene, is a guest
at tne imperial.
E. C and James B earner are Carson
City, Ner, EUCsts at the NortnalL
W. F. Ados is an Eugene visitor at
uiio an uitnoman.
C. P. Balch. of Dnfrrr. In it H Cnr
Professor D. C Sowers, of Eugeae,
head of the bureau of : mnnkdiul
wares or tne state university, is at
the Portland.
C. O. Partvnnl aiwt f,
are guesU at the Imperial
Major George W. II. McManus, XJ.
S. A, of Ban FrancisoM is a guest at
the Multnomah- Min, uMmn.
inspectorgoneral ef this district.
A. J. Wind&ll im en' RnMn,
at the Kortonia,
W. P. Hicks and wife ere nrril
at the Cornelius from Silver ton.
v.. t. w iison. local manager of tbe
Oliver ChTUed Plow Works, leaves this
ft. " - ' ,
' . I ''At
-S3 n
5- mmJm-
PBOtornefe ht r. KTmnre flmn
Miss Rose Kiesendahl, fiancee of
Dr. Lucien Alton f Pickens of
Hood River, not Mount Hood circle, !
m avmu vealaLiuii ui txie oruer m
x-onuuia. . io aiuerent - circles - in
Portland are engaged in a oontest for
membership closing the last day of
May. and at this time no organisers
are at work in the city, the idea be
ing to give every circle an opportunity
to hustle for itself with its own mem
bers. '
e e
- Koot to Kay feaXL
The Loyal Order of Moose will have
a baseball team- at Crystal Lake Park
on Sunday.
.. i i , ' -v j .-
" ext Friday, Wot Tonight.
i Tbe Degree of Honor reception to
the newly elected grand officers will
be given on Friday night, May 28,
and not tonight, as originally intended
and announced,
t :-; :
j Preparing for Mesierlal. -
j Portland . Hive No. 7. Ladies of tS
Maccabees, is carefully preparing to
put on tne memorial worn at the meet-1
int of all the tents and hives "of the!
Maccabees next Sunday afternoon at '
2:30. in K. ot P. hall. Rabbi , Wise
will deliver the memorial address. '
WiU Visit Treats Circle.
Royal Circle, Women Of Woodcraft,
will go to Lent tonight to Visit the '
circle there. The party Will meet at !
7:30 at First and Alder streets.
Have Fine XfOdge Boom.
The Elks Of Medford rlelm tn have
the best lodge home north of San
Francisco and south of Portland. -
Ben CenncH Solas Smoker.
Belle Council on Tuesday night bld
toAAlf. .11 ' - m . i n .
Arcanum at K. of P. halL Eleventh I
uo Aiaer streets. npsrr nts. miigii 1
program and a boxing bout kept upl
interest to tne last item on the
Tooze and Soinmer
Win at Oregon "U"
University of Oregon. Bngefie. Or,
Msy 4 4. In one of the most exdtrag
political battles that the campus has
ever witnessed. Lamar ToOSe of Salem
was Wednesday elected president ef the
student body, and Max Sommer. editor
Of the Emerald. Both had strong com
petition. Sommer won by 3 votes.
The votes east, this year, oyer 60o,
was the; largest : number on record at
the university. ; Anson Cornell, eap-taln-eleet
Of next year's football team,
received th largest number ever cast
for a slngl person, 529.
Th other officers eieeted were:
Harry L. Kuck i of The Dalles, vie
president; Fva Brock of Hood River.
WalUc, Eakin of Astoria,
and Fred Dunbar of Klamath Falls,
executive committee; Floyd Wester-
field of Grass" Valley, manager Of the
Emerald; Anson Cornell of Portland,
Sam Cook of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, and
Lyle Bigbee of Eugene, atbletie eoua
cU; BothweU Avison of EUensbvrg,
Wash, Don Orput of Plattville, Wla,
Cleveland Simpkin of Salem, Gene
vieve Shaver of Portland, ArvUtaBeck
with ef Portland, j Fred Kiddle Of La
Grande. Karl Beck of Salem, and Echo
June Zahl ef Portland, members of the
student council. j r .
Epworth Leaguers
WiU Eally Tonight
f . eeeeeeeil- .
As Epworth league; rally win be
held in the First Methodist Episcopal
cboreh at .730 tonight as the first
sessio of . the twenty-fifth convention
of .Portland District Epworth league.
Tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock a
junior rally win be beld and at - 4
o'clock win: come a buameas sessioa
and aiectloni ef officers, The installa
tion ef officers will take place at 7;4J
o'clock Sunday night. i
Two Jobs Open.' ; f!."r
Twer ' married men for geSeral farm
work may rind positions in Jackson
county, according to a buUetin lust is
sued by thej United States department
of immigration, .jr. H. Barbour, in
charge of the-: local immigration bu
reau, has details. The location Is a
dairy and stock farm and Swiss, Ger
mans, Bulgarians or Bohemians are
preferred for the positions, which pay
$40 per month, including house, gar
den, fuel and milk. The farmers pre
fer young couples and no objection
will be mad to children,
Win Show Peony Garden.
Publie sebool prised pels, supervisors
and officials generally will be the
guests ef H. E. Weed, school garden
snpervtsor. at hfs country home to
morrow, Mr, Wed has an extensiv.
nursery of ornamental plants, lnolu-'
lng 10,000 peonies, which be wants to
show to the school people. His bed of
peonies is said to be tbe largest col
lection west of Omaha, Many of the
visitor will go In automobiles. Others
win take the Oregon Electric, leaving
the North Bank station at 10:25, Or tha
Southern Pacific at Fourth and Yam
bill at 11.08. for Beaverton,
Ashland Wants Resort.
Ashland. Or., May 14. Some corre
spondence bas been passing between
Ashland citizens and Thomas Taggart
of French Lick and Indianapolis, lnd..
regarding a proposed tourist and resort
hotel at Ashland. Mr. Taggart is the
owner of the famous French Lick
springs and the big hotel there.
When writing oi oaning on adver
tisers, you will confer a favor r-v men
tioning The Journal. (Adv.)
Films at Sunset
Are Entertaining
Anyone with an idea of the easy
joy of being a movie actor should see
Syd Chaplin in "Gussie Tied tt Trou
ble" at the Sunset. The Keystone com
pany has quite outdone itself in com
edy thrills. , "Monsieur Kiokola Du
pree" is another of the dramas tn
Which evil seems to bo oerxonlf lt Tn
this case, however, it only seem so to I
tne mxsxaaen sense ox a young artist, j
Who la reallv beine- nnnnui K aa !
In tbe form Of an uncle he rirvM nfit
know. The story is interestins- !
The Man From Nowhere" is anefh- '
' of the Domino's sMturn ,tn.. f
that features W. K Hart In one a hi a I
favorite parts. The plot Is woven I
around a raise proffer of friendship
"i is accepted as genuine. The des
ert Dlavs an imnortant nert la tv vt
veiopment ox tne story.
"A Scientific Mother" proves to be
a very funny comedy with a new idea,
even though tt takes run a
evening- for a business
Bend, lnd.
L. E. Force, a Seattle
man, is at the Imperial.
trip to 8outh
Eureka Council Will Visit Ore
; gon City in Body. ;
Enreka Council, Knights and Ladles
Diet, Drugs or Exercise!
Came and investigate. Bring yewr physidar ff 70a wish.'
BroaaSvay and Morrison Streets. ! ;
of Security, bas decided to ao in
body to Oregon City next Monday
night and will ba received by Willam
ette Council. The officers of Eureka
Council have chartered a special car
to take- the members of the council
free. Captain H. C. Baker win take
th Eureka team and the Willamette
Council promises to hav a big class
for initiation by it
May Hold Joint Concourse.
Representatives of the Artisans of
nuiinoman county and Clarke county
Washington, are to hold a conference
tomorrow afternoon at the Artisan's
with a view to making arrangements
for a joint concourse on the night of
June IS at Vancouver.
So Organiser Mere.
'Miss Jennie Green, general organ
izer for the Women of Woodcraft, has
been building up the local circle of
To Plan Campaign
T1 n -a 1
hot 1 estivai yueen
Plans for oreanizina- for the entifi 1
of Miss Elisabeth Fragmeier, their i
nomine for Rnx Vfti 411 j
be discussed at a Joint meeting of the
North Portland Commercial ci. ffe
Women's auxiliary and the Ocidev
Green Parent-Teacher assoctaHon tn.
Portland Branch library, Killings worth j
avenue ana commercial street. Vot-
ins' boxes heve tteen 1 a e A tt k
stores and public schools of the penin-
The auxiliary , is planning to enter
a decorated automobile in the Rose !
Festival naradxS Plan tni.i. 1
ins a downtown rose exhibition booth
for the North 'PmrtleTxf mt-ri.t
oiscuasca ac tne meeung.
This Is Jovian Dav
At National Theatre
This Is Jovian benefit day at the
National, where the entire proceeds
win go to swell the Rose Festival
electrical parade fund. The Jovian 9 1
are electrical men, and in addition to j
the regular urogram thev have eon-n
plied a novel feature in an electrical j
garden centered by an electrical foun
tain, complete In every detail. The
evening's performance will be com-1
pleted with th introduction rf Rose
Festival candidates for queen. I
u . t . E
T.ttsHMi r IM T 1 J . T 1
recent electrlp&f utorm In ftiie vfAtnlt. i
lightning struck a tree under which a j
frfTA of eoata vu huddlet ini) lrilljul I
29 of the animals. j
The goats belonged to Jacob Miller,
who lives in tbe foothills near this citv. '
Tomorrow, until all are sold, we offer this
Remarkable Special:
(BrownWhite lined Enameled)
t Regular Price $2L25
Superior to the Best French and English Ware,
i A Cook Book Free with Each Set
None to Dealers No Telephone Orders -None
! Sent C O. D. '
Baserrient Salesroom
1 ! Fifth and Washington Streets
Look through our new stock of Guernsey Ware
Satarday Special Sale of Dcllclons Frfesh Candles at the Bargain Circle on Llaln Floor
Manlcttring and Hair Dressing Parlors, 2nd Ft. Rest Roota, Pnbllc Phones, Etc.e 2nd Fl.
TrnnksJ Bags
4th Floor
Let v this store supply
youf go ng-away needs
tt the lowest prices.
Trunks, Suitj Cases and
Bags in best makes
splendid assortment on
the 4th I Floor. GET
Reliable Merchandiss ReUabla McZhxxh
Pacific Phone Marshall 4800
Hosss Phcao A-6231
Soda Fo on tain
Socla Fountain and Ice
Cream Parlors in the
Basement. - Try our
special ZSt Jnnch served
in the Basement from
11 JO to 2:30 daily. A
good place to meet
your friends.
PdDiintolle Sflaiinmps Meim iiimdl BSeys
Beginning Tomorrow We Will Give Donble Stamps With Alt Cash Purchases ot LSen's
and Boys', Clothing and Furnishings Also With Cash Purchases In Shoe Dept.-Main FL
Women's 028.50 Suits
fas rlJ3-
THE SEASON'S best styles, make
op this splendid lot of Suits we
offer at above poce. Besides,
they are all ffom otir refttlar stock
of strictly I high-class garments from
the leading makers lines which have
been depleted tmtil there are but 2 Of
3 of a style left. Great many attrac
tive models in popolaf belted effects
and short coat styles with flare and
tailored skirts. Also loose-back coats
and plaited skirts. Good range of ma
terials serges, poplins, gabar
dines, tweeds, and some in silk
poplins. Plaid Shades of tan,
navy, sand, gray, brown, Belgian
bine also black - and - white
checks and novelty stripes. All
sizes for women and misses
. shown in this lo. Suits selling
heretofore ftp to
$28.50. Special it
Girls' SI Dresses at 39c
I Bloomer dresses at 69c
Ages 9 to 18 Pants Fall Uncd
BoyV Store. Main Floor Qnabty, serviceability and low price combined
in these splendid Blue Serge Suits. Hand-tailored throughout, pants
lull lined, with taped seams coats in Norfolk models with plaits,
titehed belts and patch pockets. Excellent weight blue serge very
dressy for all occasions. Sizes for boys from 9 to 14 years. GA (IP
We have priced these suits special for tomorrow at only rxUO
Special showing of Boys' Straw HatsPrices range from $1.50 to $5
Chfldren'g New 1913 Wash Suits all stylespriced at 98c unto $7.50
Men's Store
Main Floor
Second Floor Odd lines girls'
Dresses Jn sizes 2 to 6 years..
French -and straight effects in
blue, tan and pink chambrays.
Also a few in ginghams. Dresses
tofore ap to SI. Priced
in this lot selling here- QO
GIRLS' DRESSES Odd lines of One or two of a kind. Ol
Ages 6 to 14 grades sellrns- un to $1.25. Pricel-kreriit Ot7L
Three other special lots, for quick selling at 98c, $1.29, $1.98
Women's S6 Low Shoes
Second Floor Only a limited
number of Dresses in this lot,
so be nere as early in the day
ss you can Neat stripes and
checks m tans, blues and pinks
Sizes for girls , 2 to 6
years. Tomorrow, each V''
Toilet Article
Quality Shirts
Specfifflll at! $3.69 Underwear
DOUBLE Stamps with Cash Purchases
in th Shoe Department Tomorrow
New "Fntzi" model" of gunmetal or
patent leather, with light welted
soles, Louis Cuban heels and in
laid cloth top. New "Strand
model with hand-turned soles.
rather pointed toe. covered Cu
ban heels and patent buckles
"Ostend" last of patent leather
with turned sole, narrow toe, circular-cut vamp and neat ornament
new "Petite" model, similar to "Ostend" only has new French
square toe patent "Colonials" with slender toes, silver buckles
gun metal and patent leather Pumps with bar straps or tailored
bows "La Valliere" Bronze Pomps with brocaded quarter, and
many other styles. All sizes and widths. Standard ?Q ftCk
$5.00 and $6.00 Footwear, on special sale at low" price of tpOsO
WOMEN'S HIGH SHOES of suede, satin, patent)1 eolf, dQ 5Q
dull calf, tan Russia calf. Regular S5 and $6 grades, at JHsU7
54.95 Hatt Shapes at 69c
Second Floor
Small and large shapes of Milan,
Hemp, Silk and Satin. Great
assortment of latest effects to
select from, and all are of good
quality. In the lot are many of
all-fclack ' and all-white also
navy, brown, pink, rose, Ifght
and brae. Don't fail to attend
this sale, for it's a most remark
able offering. Untrimmed Hats
from our regular; lines, selling
heretofore np to? $4.95, JQ
priced for Saturday at OaC
Sale of
$2.98 to $4,98 Models at
The Basement. Millinery will bold
another remarkable sale of Trim'd
Hats tomorrow. Be on hand early,
for first cnoosing is always best.
About 200 Hats are included in this lot. Dainty flower-trimmed
styles others trimmed with velvet ribbons, quills, ! fruit, wreaths.
etc. - Hemps, Leonora and other fancy braids in black M CO
and popular colors. Your choke tomorrow at only tMvQt J
S1.50 to $5
Main Floor Manhattan,'' the
Shirts of quality, are here in a
wide range of patterns and color
ings. Materials include crepe cloth,
madras and percale. Every shirt
tailored and made in fall, generous
sizes, $1. &u to $3.75. "Manhat
tan Silk Shirts with soft cuffs $5
lor Men
Main Floor We are exclusive
Portland agents for Carter's Union
Suits for men. Complete showing
in short and long sleeves and H
or ankle length. Lisle, cotton, silk-and-lisle,
jsilk-and-wool, all wool
and wool 'mixtures. Prices range
from $1 to$5 the Suit. All sizes.
Men's Straw Hats
31.00 to $7.60
Special showing of
tiats all styles.
Men's Straw
At $1 to $7.50
Men's 35c Hose
Main Floor Men's fine grade Silk
Hose with i lisle sole and too.
Shown in vtrioas colors and good
range of sues. Regular 3Sc Ork i
kind pair. 1jO&-oair AUC I
P - : -
and Praps
5 4?ars Ivory Soap and "tO f
one bar of Lurline SoaplXOC
Limit, 6 cakes to a customer.
No deliveries of soap except
with other nurchases mart tn
the Drug Department Saturd.iv.
juc raimouve boap, special 6c
25c Packer's Tar Soap for 14c
Regular 10c Hand or Kitchen
oapouo, special at, a cake 6c
15c Pears' Unscented Soap 9c
15c 4711 White Ro Soar, 1?r-
50c Pebeco Tooth Paste at 35c
dbc Irraves' Tooth Powder 15c
Dora Face Powder, now at 39c
25c Imperial Talcum now 1 2.
rtegular iUc Hinds' Honey and
Almond Cream, special at
$1 Listerine. f lare irel at PiQ
50c Lavoris Mouth Wash tliis
is the large size bottle for 40c
50c Pinaud's Eau de Quinine,
priced special for Saturday, 33c
35c Bottle Witch Hazel regu
lar 16-o. size. Special at 21c
50c Bay Rum 16-oz. size. 35c
25c Lino Salve, on sale at 19c
sue bempre Giovine, special 28c
tieaaens Uc Uold Cream 28c
Hedden's $1.40 Toilet Water $1
Odd Lines Toilet Goods
At. 10c
Odds and ends of various makes
in Cold Cream, Face Powder,
Hess Rouge, Nail Bleach, Razor
Guards, Safety Razors, Tooth
Powder. Liquid Soap. Hair Ton
ic, Balsam Fir, Sponges, Whisk
Brooms, Traveling Cases, etc.
Articles in this lot worth " fn
up to 50c, your choice at XUC
Toilet Articles
15e Tooth Brushes, special 10c
$1 Hair Brushes, soecial at RZr
50c Hair Brushes, special 39c
$1 Rubber Cushion Hair Brush,
with double bristles, special 50c
French Bevel Glass Mi rrors in
assorted woods, grades worth
$1-50 and no Choice at $1.00
10c Hand Scrubs, soecial at fw
Scissors in 4, 5 and 6-inch
best quality 75c grades, at 50c
25c Nail Files, on sale at irw
25c Pro - pby - lac - tic Torth
Brushes, all textures, now 19c
Bathing Cap
Main itiAwin rt
latest 1915 styles By compari
son you will find our prices the
lowest in the city. All colors.
Special Sale Gardeim Moss
34-inch S-ply Rubber Garden "Hose QJL
witn nozzie. Jfnced soeciaL the foot VX,
4-incb. 7-Ir Red RnWr
Hose, with nozzle, on sale sl ner foot IZC
$4-2nch Molded Garden Hose, non- f
kinkable, wub nozzle, on sale, at, foot XOC
H-mcu, S-ply BUck Rubber Garden " -Hose,
with nozzle, on sale at per foot XIC
H-inch, 7-ply Red Hose, with .nozzle, ft. 13c
S-inch Molded Hose, with nozzle, foot 18c
Yf'i SloaJio nozr,e ,oot 10c nardware DepsrN
ySt-mth Extra Ouahrv Hos at. nr tnr.t it-
fi-inch Extra Quality Hos it, per foot 13c PenlODThlra flCSr