SALMON CATCH .DISAPPOINTING IN THE SHIPMENTS BERRIES :. MADE TO OUTSIDE: MARKET IS HELPED Western Oregon Distributors Begin . to Ship -Bigger Crop Than For i- "merly Forecast Now Expected bjr the General Trade : : f - - - ' Opinions regarding the extent of the straw berry crop of wwicrn Oregon, have changed materially dttrtog ta last 48 boars. Instead of forecasting j the ahorteat crop for several years, the trade la not Inclined to the opin ion that the rains will double tbe expected frop awl that itne total output would be "at leant goimiL i ' While there :1a still considerable frnlt, ar riving in a very soft conditloii, aUlpmenta are Improving. Otitalde baainess baa started. Tbe W extern Oregon Distributors, according to t' A. " Malboeut, it general manager, together with other shipping agencies, baa began to send fruit to other markets, thereby reliev ing to some extent the' accumulations here. This action baa been a direct aid to tbe total situation.: This morning tbe condition of tbe trad was distinctly Improved. Yester day afternoon ; sacrifice sales of soft stuff wm mart rirrwn to ttOe a crate with little tuff going above (1.25. Today the market is good and steady at 1.&0 for extreme quality. California berries ara arriving via. Ogden. Utah. and. are in poor shape with sales of the beat available around 40c a crate. VEAL MARKET IS BETTER Better tone Is showing . In the wholesale v market for veals, a complete change In con- dltlon from last week. This morning of fer . inn am limited with demand rood up to .,, 11c a pound. ; ' HEAVY MUTTON VERY SLOW - While there remains a rather good demand for light mutton and laraba along Front street, the call for heavy weights la limited and ' liberal ' carryovers Are reported, by leading re j eetvers today., , ' PRODUCE i FROM THE SOUTH A liberal supply of California produce Is . reported as having passed the blockade in the r south and is now en route to this city. At the. present time the market Is in good condl - tins with no real shortage. ; FANCIEST FLORIDA TOMATOES '" The only car' of Florida tomatoes to reach this city the present season Is the one renort-.-! ed In yesterdayj It "was of real fancy quality. I Demand Is good with sales generally reported . at S3 a crste today. - CHICKEN " i TRADE IS MIXED While In some quarters there la talk or a tetter demand for chickens, others reported a - ' dull ton this morning. Tbe demand seems spotted. Small aprlnga continue neglected and the trade advises shippers to keep them at BRIEF NOTES OF THE TRADE . Kgg market Is steady to strong at tormer prices. 4 Country store batter demand increasing with price firmer. Oascara bark offerings are Increasing with ; t tbe demand slow. Oranse and lemon marketa flraier la the : sooth but nnchanged here. Carload of California peas is expected by tna traoe. SimTEM WBL1THEI. NOTICE Weather bureau sends the following-notice shippers: Protect shipments . as far north as Beat us against minimum temperatures w about 4A degrees; northeast to Npofcane, 40 degrees; southeast to Boise. 34 degrees; south t Ashland. 36 degrees. Minimum temperature ax nruaiu iiraicuq tww JOBBING PRICES OF PORTLAND 1 These pi I' s are those at which wholesalers sell to- retailers, except us otnerwin luun. ' They are corrected up to noon each day: mui rnoacm. '" creamery cubes, selling price. 21c: state prints ZZZ4c; ranch Dauer, iomc, city creamery. extra. ; . BUTTERFAT-i-Ko. 1 Portland delivery. 24c. '-' EGGS Nearby freshly gathered, candled. TRANSPORTATION San Francisco Los Angeles fWithout ' Chaiur En Sonta) Th Blgi. ClMB, i C o mf ortabl. Blatantly Appointed. 8a-OolMr StsMunarAlp , BEAR Balls rm JLboarwixrta 2eek 9 A. L. May 17 - 100 Oolflen Mns m - Colamblsi &tvc All BtJ XAfclnd BartB, aad aUalt, Table 4nd Sarvioa Tba San JEranclaco at Portland s. S. Co. Third, and. Waahlngton sta. (witb. O-W. S. ft H. Co.) Tel. ifaxZ Palaces I of the Padfic s. s. vosnrxBV pacxpio S. 8. OSVEAT 1.0BTSXUUV ;x,nx um to SAN FRANCISCO HOKTUXXir PACITTO Salia Kay sl5j 19. S3, 27, 31. Steamer train leaves North , Bank station. 9 A. M., arrives Flavel 12:30; lunch aboard whip; arrives Saa FVan deo 8:S0 P. M. next day. - HOSTS BaNX TICKET OrTTCTC. Phones Mac. 930, A-6671 5th ai Stark Aiserican-HwaHaii Steamship Co. x Freight Service Frequent Portland New ! York i Boston Sailings Low . Rates C D. KENNEDY, Agent 270 Stark; St, Portland, Or. STEAMER GEORGIANA " leaves daily except Monday for ABTOJKA JL3TD WAT XtASSZiroa. Ieavin4T foot j of Washington St, ? - ' - a-m.. retnrnlng jj. m. - STEAMER SERVICE ins - sseaoaer nasv8T QTTEEK .leaves ash Street Dock daily exeept iuuf,a o . . a,-, tor jurona and ay pom, tterarntnar. leaves As iria daUr except Sandaj. 7 A. xx. Tickets and reservatlona at O-W. R. v V. CTty- Ticket OtXice. Tnlrd a ad Washington street or at Ash Street xlocx. Pbooesi ilar slU 4500, i-UU . . I a r .J ALAEM IS FELT IN EEGAED TO I POTATO SUPPLY Further shipments of badly disease pota toes from outside points are reported here. An other carload ! of badly Infected Wisconsin stock la reported on the track and It Is quits probable that tbe entire shipment will be condemned. Tbe latest shipment from tbe east Is said to be. If anything, ever worse than former ones. i Considerable agitation is shown among the trade to entirely stop shipments of California new potatoes unless shippers of that state can guarantee that tbe cars contain no tuber moth, the mock dreaded potato Insect, feared by the trade of the entire country, i Some ciB xrnck is coming from California. The tober moth soems to be more prevalent in some districts than in others. Some of the trade is Inclined to the opinW that certain counties known) to be badly Infected should be quarantined while the counties shipping good stuff should be allowed to continue selling here. ! Market for old potatoes Is showing a stead ier tone with practically no. change la quota Mum. ' ! ALFALFA CUTTING STARTS Kennewlck. Wash., slay 14. A record rain. fall for this season of the year has fallen here tbe past two weeks, according to A. L Smith, government weather man. Not withla the recollection of some of the oldest set tlers has rain fallen so incessantly In April and May as it haa this year. Two Inches of rainfall has been registered the past twe weiks. , ' All crops are showing tbe effects. Wheat Is growing rapidly and luxuriantly. Wheat growers fear that when the rains cease and the hot weather sets In that the wheat be ing tender and full of moixture will not be able to stand the dry weather. 1 Alfalfa has grown rspidly. The first crop Is being harveated here, fully three weeks in advance of the first cutting last year. Tbe yield is heavy. In spite of the wet weather strawberries are ripening rapidly, three cars being shipped from here yesterday, besides manr in less than car lots. The berries being forced by excessive mois ture do not held up well for shipment. . How4 ever a good price Is being secured for the Kennewlck berry. Crops planted esrly have received the full benefit trom the rains and are making rapid' progress, while all fruits such ss cherrle, sprieots. peaches, pears, sp-t pies and berries are being greatly benefited. A record crop of weeds is also growing. j WALLA WALLA FRUIT CROP Walls Walls; Wash.," May 14. Home-grown strawberries are beginning to come- on the local market in earnest. They are a bit pale in color owing to tbe rains and dark weather of the past few days, bot tbe flavor Is good and a few days of bright weather will bring out tbe color and put an abundance of the fruit on the market. Despite the seemingly heavy rainfall of the past week the records at the local .weath. e.- bureau show a deftclem-y of .7 Inch for the first 13 days of the month. Fruit grow, era and farmer are much pleased over the weather, except in that section of the valley where some of the first cutting of ' alfalfa Is on the ground. Cherries are bexlnninr to turn pink and within a week, it is said, the early varieties will begin coming on the local market. The cherry crop will be an unusually good one this season, no i frost damage of any conse- quence having been done. POTATOES ALONG THE COAST Baa Francisco Karket. Rclinss $1.55&2-t; river, $L001.5O; sweet. xi44l.Ub. : RmM Ma.rkitt. Seattle, Wash., May 14. (U. P. Onlons Oregon, $1.25iSI.50; Yaklma,75cffil. -Y Potatoes: j Xsklraa Gems, ,3840; Idahoi and Montana, sjoteT. lV420e. cse count. 1819c. LIVE TOULTKV Httna. Pirmontb Bock 13c; ordinary chickens. 1212c; broilers. 1 to 2Vi lb.. i 25c; turkeya, l20c; dressed, 2T25c; pigeons, 1.UIX'1.S3; squabs ) dos.; reeae; live, &&9ci Pekla docks, old, 10 lie; ronne:, 25c. : i v CHEESE Fresh Oregon fancy ull cream twins and triplets, 1515fee: Yoana America. 18iJVac; stnrscs nata. ie. Fruit and Vegetables. FRESH FRUIT Oran, navel, $2.5003.25; taneerlnes. i.25: binanaa. 4ViC lb.: lemons 3.754.75; Unies. $1.00 per 100; grape fruit. $2.5t4.6o per case; pineapples, 7c lb.; pears. $2.50; strawberries, local, $1.01X81 .60 crate; California, 25(jis0c per crate. Al'fLKS irfHsO. 1icttL.ZO box. according to quauiy. ONIONS Local. No. 1. $1.1001.25: sasocut tion selling price. No. 1, 75c f. o. b. oosntry points; new California, $1.752.00 crate; gar lic, 17,c. POa'ATOES Selling price: Extra choice ta ble stock. $1.75ia.oo per cental; new Califor nia, 68c per lb.;, sweets, $3.25. VEUKTABLES Turn! us. l.a(ai.50: beets. 75e do sen bnnches; carrots, new, 75c dosen bunches; parsnips, sacc; cabbaga, Ixis Angeles, $3fol3.25 per crate; greea onions, 5c dosen boncbes; peppers, besll. 264j30c; hi1 lettnee. $2.00 crate: wterr. rrate. $1.50(5; rhubarb, 1V4 ''X 2c; cauliflower, local 40c4l.25 dozen; FrencD artlcbukea. 05c70e dozen; string beans, 124c; cranberries, east ern. $9.0O per Darrei; peaiL Vt(8:sc per lb.; asparagus, local, 9o$1.25 per dosen; rad iates, 20c dosen buncoed. Meats, Iiu ul Z'TOTtalona. DRESSED MEATS Selling price Country killed: Fsncy hogs. lOQIOVic; rough and heavy, KUtiUr: f niicy reals, ltKallc: ordinarv. Sr: pocr. BfeSc; goau. SJ4c; spring lambs, 13 ax lac. HAMS, BACON. ETC. Bams, 17Q18c; breakfast bacon. 172Se: boiied hams. 27e; picnics. llVc; cottage, roll, Ifc. OYSTERS Olympls, per gallon, $3.50j canned eastern. 5r can.; (6.60 dosen; eastern in shell. $1.8 per 10O; raaor clams. $2.50 bos; eastern oysters, per gailoc, solid prca, $ FISH Dressed flounders, ?e; steelhead sal mon ( ); Royal Chinook, lie; perch, 69 oc; lobsters, i&e lb.; silvtr smelt,. c; salmua trout, 18c lb. halibut, &c; shad, dressed. 3c; shsd roe. 1 Mi 20c, roe shad. 10c ft. LARD Tierce, kettle tendered. 13c; standard, 12c .... ,, CHAliS Ijirge $1.75; t-edium $15 dosen. Hops, Wool and Hides. HOPS Buying price, choice, lie; prime 10c: medium to prime. Ufec; . medium, lur' 1915 conuacts, 10llc . lOc. WOOLr 6nilnai. itflb dip: Willamette val ley, coarse Cotswold. 25c; medlom 8hrophlr. Hoc; choice, fancy, lota, 2?4s28c; eastera Orel Salted bides, 23 lbs. and op, 14c; salted stags, 50 lbs. and op. 10c; salted kinT 15 lbs. to 20 lbs.. 14c; sailed calf, us to 16 lbs". ms hides, ihs. and no. i;t- Z-12 stags, SO lbs, and up. ttc; green kip, la ik to lbs.. 14c; green caiX. up to 14 lbs, lac; dry flint bides. vc; dry flint calf, Up to f lbs., -Me: dry salt hides, lc; dry bora hides, each, 60c to 1; horsehair. 25c; salt hone nidei, each $2a; dry long wool pelts, 14 dry short wool pelts. 12c; dry sheep shear Units, each 10c: salted aheep ahearllnga. sac16e tal1oW No. 1. 414Q4ie: No. X 4A4u.. grease, 8Vs4c. f " ' Ti a T I til IC 9SB CUl'lTlai oat CASCARA BARK Bnrlnc price, ear UU. 4c; teas than car lota, 4c ' Grooarics. cnniK Cube. (7.30; Dowdered. tr in. . u.w: r j awuona axe days net 1 BlCBaaa aiyje No J5. 4&Zc; ricw Or leaaa, head, !. Wte nw, ac; Creole c. ' , fi Sioo; table d-tir. r- ifa. $17.50; bales, $X25; lump rocavgaoCo per ton! lioNKYI New, $X25b3.&0 perTcM7 BEANn Smalt white. $tL25; Urg, 'white. $So; pink, blyS. UNSEED Oil Raw bbts., T5e ,nIktB. tie boiled, :ija.wa.'ate bojIT cases, twe v -"oaa, i 1...: oU cake eai. -m ion. , -. Willi imjj c lb. UM IK lots. Tine lb teas ta, 8c pr Oil. 14BALr Carload lots,' $34. CP vL Wates white in drams t b.rrela. lOe. . ; Tt'RPENTi. aa cam wc, task m, gallon. -.i ,..-ti- :-;: We Sell I Fresh Dressed Poultry.WhoIesaleOnly Get our prices before buying. . Call Marshall 587. SAVINAR CO. . 207-20- Stark St. - - Edited by Hrman IX. Cohen. SCARCITY OF FISH IS CAUSE OF SHARP E OF SAL Wholesale Price Advanced to lie Pound This Morning Ron at Oregon City and in ; Lower Co lumbia Very Disappointing. , Salmon ran Is now so limited at Colombia and Willamette river points that the wants of the iora! fresh fish trade are not being sup plied. Price of fresh sals:! advanced le to 11c ' a pound in tbe wholesale district this morning. Even at this price the requirements of the trade were more liberal than offerings. The run at Oregon City Is most disappoint ing and purchase by tbe trade there are al most toe limited to mention. The lower river Is scarcely getting sufficient fish to operate the canneries there. Fair supplies are being caught In the middle Columbia and. a some what better showing la indicated in reports irvm me upper coiumDia. - Canning interests say they have never ex perienced such a alack demand for snot fish. While most of them assert that their orders are either aa liberal as former years or with in a traction or tnem, an 01 tnem are lor fnture shipment, indicating that the eastern trade is by no means bare of fish. Shad canning has been started at Portland but not enough fieh have thus far been caurht to enable lower river interests to operate sue ceBsiuuy. uemana continues 1 goea tor the cauueu prouuet. 1 Standard Issues Are Lower Today; Market Is Nervous New Tork, May 14-(I. N. S. The stock msiket waa extremely nervous at tbe opening today. The majority of the standard securi ties were lower at tbe outset with the ex ception of several copper and industrial stocks which opened with a slight decline. Declines in the leading stocks ranged from a fraction to three roints. Tbe attitude of Germany toward tbe Amer ican note was awaited with great interest. Railroad 1. stocks' were' weak. Reading dropped to $1.41 early In the trading. It opened at $t.42-, closing last night at $1.43U. ATcnison sagged to 9sc In the first hour, .half under the ooenlncr nrice. Union Pacific ooened at $1 .23, j quarter under yesterday's close. Tbe issue sold down a point before noon. Southern Pacific sold off lc early. Copper shares appeared strong. Amalgam mated copper opened at 63 c, dropped slightly in the first hour and then came back to the opening figure. Utah Copper opened at 83c, a half point above last night's finish. Other coppers started with a slight advance. ! ; In the Industrial issues. Bethlehem - steel dropped 5 points before noon. The stock opened a point higher at $1.30, reacting later to $1.31. Weetinghouse fell to 86 c early after opening 2 points higher. American Can sold down to 32c United States Steel was weak, selling at 51c before noon, a decline of lKc under last night's closing figure. Liquidations assumed greater proportions in the afternoon trading. It seemed to be gen erally feared that the German reply may not be entirely In keeplnc with conservative hopes. Stocks broke sharply in the late boors of trading. The entire list scored a further de cline. Some short covering was in evidence. An attempt was made to bring about a rally near the close, but support was lacking. The market closed weak. Tbe General Electric company today de clares the regular Quarterly dividend of 2 per cent. DESCRIPTION iOpeii I Illgbl Low Clo Anial. Cupper Co ..... . Amer. C. & F. Co., com Am. Can., p Am. Can., pf Amer. Cotton OIL com. Amer. loce., common.. Amer. Sugar, common Amer. Kmelt, common Amer. Smelt, pref.... Amer. Tel. & Tel Anaconda Mining Co.. Amer. Woolen, common A tchinon, common . . ... A tcbison. preferred .... Halt. & Ohio, common. Beet Sugar Bethlehem Steel, com.. Brooklyn Rap. Transit Can. Pacific, common.. Central Leather, com.. Central Leather, pref.. Chi. & Great West, e. Cbl. & Great Weft-, p. Chi.. Mil. fc St. P. 119 30 88 W 71 69 39 42 125 87 84i-83 157 154 V, 33 34 25 87 124 30 Chi. & North w., com. . 1 nino copper ......... Chesapeake & Ohio.... ( olo. Fuel & Iron, com Colo. Southern, common Consolidated Gas. Vcrn Products, common Corn Products, Pref... IenTer & R. Grande, e. Denver & R. Grande, p. Krie, common ........ Krie, 2d preferred ..... Krie, 1st preferred....! General Electric. Great North, ore lands Hreat North., preferred 41 24 121 12 24 24 23 39 149 304 116 30 107 ice seamritiea Illinois Central . . International Harvester Interurb. Metrop., com t 20 tnterurb. Metrop., p. . Lehigh Valley .... Kansas City Southern.. Goodrich Alaska ............... L. & N , M., K. & T., e.. ...... M., K. & T., pf....... Missouri Pacific '.... National Lead Nevada Consolidated... New Haven............ New York Central. . . . N. Y., O. & W. Norfolk & Western, c. North American....... Northern Pacific, c Pccific Mall S. S. Co Pennsylvania Railway. . P G., L. & C. Co.... P. Steel Car, c: P. Steel Car. pf 138 zo 40 81 i 117 12 29 56 St 102 104 19 106 115 42 Kay Cons. Copper.,... 22 22 142 21 Heading, c. .......... Reading, 2d pf... Reading, 1st pf...;. .... Republic I.. at S.. C..4... 14Z 139 25 ta 25 82 Republic I. 4k S., pf-. .. kock island, e......... Itock Island, pf St. U A S. F., 2d pf.. 6L I, s8. P.. 1st at. . 4 85 16 29" Southern Pacific, c 87 16 Southern Railway.; c. .. Southern Railway pf . . xcbd, uopper .......u 29 Jbxas ft faciric... Uuiou Pacific, c.i... Union Pacific pf . ... U. & Rubber, c... U. S. Rubber, pf.... U. S. Steel Co.. e. . . U. S. Steel Co:, pf.. Ctah Copper .; Virginia Chemical .... Wabash, e. ....... .. Wabauih. pf. ........ W. U. Teleaxanh. . . . , Westinghooae Electric Btuaeoaker Call money 22. Total sales 746,500 shares. . Foreign Exchange Rates. Mercbanta National bank qootea forelga ex change: - j luundon Sterling. 4 JO. Berlin Marka 21.17. Paris Franca 19.40. 5 ' Vienna 16.00. Atliens 19.48. ' Hongkong Currency - 44.70. , - ; ; New York. Cotton Market, Open. High. Low. Close. January ........ 1001 1006 , 938 987 Mttrda a a-mr m . . . . ;. . r JO10 May ..i,...- i 917 917 ; 9O0 f ; 899 July ............ i 942- 945 J 925 . ? 925 October win : sa . : km . 963 December ...... 999 1O04 983' 1 984 I New : York : Metal : Market. ' i I New York. Msy 14. Metals: Copper slake. 2122e; electrolytie. 19& 1 Castings isia4e. ! Lead $4.17 a 4.22. " , RISE PRI mON WILLAMETTE AND COLUMBIA PORTLAND AS A : WHEAT POET IS WHOLLYIGNOEED WHRAT CARGOES LOWEBi London. May 14. Wheat cargoes on passaga 3d lower. ' NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS GARS - " Wheat. Barley, ilr. Oats. Hay. Portland today.. 4 .. 4 2 3 Year asm - 11 4 2 6 ' 1 Season to date.. 15.844 1875 1S14 1942 1ftft2 ItrST ago., 15,400 .593 2639 H5ttt ZMJO Tticcma 1 Beaton to date.. 18.873 58 .. 0 SrW? Year ago ,. 8,700 802 .. 458 2376 Seattle, Wed.. 4 1 " 1 lfl Year ago.. - 1 ..'11 Peeson to date. 7.502 10T3 21S5 111 R4S0 Year ago 0.503 1068 1979 1238 4S30 Clear discrimination against Portland and Oregon Is shown in the latest annual year book Issued by the Northwestern Miller, --an eastern publication with an office at Seattle. The publication practically ignores Portland aa a wheat exporting center but gives plenty of space to Seattle, Taooina and other coast cities which ship far less wheat foreign than the Port of Portland. The discrimination Is taken seriously try va rious members of tbe Portland Merchants Ex change and it is probable that steps will , be taken at once to call tbe attention of the pub lication to these facts. - "It may be," said a well known Interest, "that Paget sound Interests have kept the Portland statistics from the Minneapolis pub lication in order to show .their own small ship ments to greater advantage, The market - for cereals continnes to show necjlect. Country interests are much more in clined to sell and quite a few purchases were forced on the local trade at Interior points daring tbe last 48 hours. FLOUR Selling price: Patent, $6.fJO; Wil lamette valley. $6.60; local straight, $5.90; bakers'. $8.a0?.00; export, $5. DO. HAY New crop, buying price: Willamette valley timothy, fancy, $12.50l3.00; eastern Oregon -Ida bo fancy timothy, $15.00; alfalfa, $13.00(3130; vetch and oats, $11.00; clover, $8.009.OO per ton. GRAIN 8ACKS 1915, nominal: No. 1 Cal entta, 77e.- MILL8TUFF8 Setting price: Bran, $25.50; shorts, $27.50. ROLLED BARLKY Selling price: $29,003 30.O0. CORN White, $34. 00g 33.00; cracker, $35 36.50 per ton. Red Fife and club wheat quotations were 12g higher for bids on tbe Portland Mer chants Exchange today; ' Bluestem was down lc with other varieties unchanged. No salea. Spot i oats bids were unchanged with no sales today. Spot' barley showed an advance of 50c In (-bids today, but no sales were made, as buy ers ana sellers were $2 a ton apart in tneir ideas. Merchants Eschange spot prices: WHEAT Friday. Thurs. Wed. Tups. Mon. Bid. Ask. Bid $1.18 $ijo $i:u $1.20 $1.18 Fortyfold . 1.16 1.17 1.15 1.17 112 Club-T- . - v. 1.13 l.ld 1.12 1.14 1.12 Red Fife 1.08 1.15 1-06 1.00 1.11 $1.19 1.09 1-09 1.00 1.0a 2S.00 Red- Russian 1.05 1.09 1.05 1.07 1,06 OATS 28. 00 28.50 - 28.00 BARLEY 22.50 22.50 22.50 MILLSTUFFS - 23.00 25.00 24.75 28Jt. 30 23.00 24.00 Bran 22.00 25.00 27.00 24.50 25.0O Siwrts 2O.50 27JSO 25.50 26J50 uOO Futures were quoted: WHEAT Bid. Ask. $1.20 1.18 1.17 1.15 l.lO 30.50 June bmestem. ..$1.18 June forty told ............. rts . 1.1 1 June chjb 1.14 June Red Fife M. 1-08 June Red Ruttsisn.. 1.06 OATS June ,.28.50 BARLEY June ..23.25 23.75 BRAN , 27 .50 2S.0O SHORTS , June :.26.0O Sharp Loss Today For Wheat Forced In Chicago Trade Chicago, Msy 14. Wheat closed 12 lower. There was considerable selling at tbe pit ar tbe opening today due to favorable crop reports and the unsettled International situa tion. - I At the opening of tbe market wheat prices were irregular. May started with a drop or 1 i cent, while September ana jaiy wneai were slightly higher. Corn values were Ir regular at tbe start. Oats was firm and pro visions were steady. i The market closed with grain? prices close to ; the low point for the day. Corn finished with a net decline of to e. Oats was ff half to c. . . I Provisions closed witii a oeeuna. Raagw of Chicago prices furnlsmM by Over of Trade beck Cooke Co., 216-217 Board banding: WHEAT. HlKh. Low. Closed - $1.55 $1.52 $1.52i A 11 1.27 1.27; A 1.24 1.23 11A CORN. .74 .73 .73 B .77 .75 .76 A .78 .77 .77 OATS. .52 .51 .51 A .52 - . .51 -51rA .47 .46 .46 B PORK. 17.80 17.50 17JO 18.15 f 17.77 17.85 18.50 18.17 18.17 A LARD. 9.70 9.50 9J50 9.77 9.55 9:57 B 1.000 9.80 8.82 RIBS. 10.37 10.25 10.25 A 10.57 10.43 10.45 A 10.85 10.70 " 10.72 Open. ..$L54 .. 1.30 1.24 Hit Jniy . Sept. May . Jnlr . .4 '76 Sept. . .78 May .. .02 .53 July . Sept. . .. .46 . .17.80 ..18.12 ..19.50 .. 9.T0 . . 9.70 ..1.000 .10.37 .10.57 ..10.S2 Mir July Sept. Mm Julv Sept. MaV July Sept- ; San Francisco Grain Market. San Francisco. Mav 14. Barter calls: May 14 May 13. Onen. Close, Closfl. December $1.17B $1.18 B L19 SPOT QUOTATIONS-"" I Wheat Walla Walla $2J02.12 ; Bed Bris. Ian $2-05i2J.O: Turkey Red, $2.10a2-15; bluestem. $2.152.20. Feed barley si.iacajj.i f White oats $1.75ai.77V Bran $28.5027.0O; middlings. $32. 0033: snorts, $ZH.50&. DAIRY PRODUCTS ON COAST , Baa Francisco Market.' ,"K San rraneisco. May 14. Eggsi Extras 23c; tints, 21c; seconds, 20c; pullets, )21e. -Batter Extras 23 c; prime firsts, 23c; firats 22c. Cheese California fancy, 11c; firsts, 10c; seconds, : 8c SeattU Market. ; Seattle. Wash., May 14. (TJ. P.) Butter Native Washington creamery brick, 25c; ditto olid pack, 23c Cheese Oregon triplets. 16c; Wisconsin twins, 17e; ditto triplets, 17e; Washington twins, 16c; Young America. 18c - r .f Eggs Select ranch, 22c v T IWlfS . ? - - i - fill The Oldest Bank In the Pacific Northwest cordially invites your account subject to Check or A in its Savings Department, with the assurance of courteous treatment. mm 1 1 ,LOsT77rnvsir tSTSHE0t85d CORNER WASHINGTON AND THIRD CATTLE MARKET IS HITTING $8.1 5 TODAY IN NORTH PORTLAND ,A : ; ,; . ". ,- A'UK Pulp Fed Stuff Reaches Record for ' Season to . Date With General Price Up 15c Hogs and Mutton Holding Firm. , " I PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RON i Hogn.- Csttle. Calves. Sheep, Friday ..... Thursday Wednesua y ...... Tuesday ........ Munday . . . . . . Saturday ....... Week ago. ...... Year ago Two years seo. . 415 119 1013 418. 26 119 J3S7. 129 sa 656 415 337 56 1502 455 1689 6O0 98 B41 289 365 121 SIS 130 112 32 387 5 13 3 3 29 21 6 Three years ago Scarcity of cattle is again noticeable in the North Portland market. Pulp fed stuff shipped in by ; interests closely allied to the -buyers brought $8.15 this rooming In the local yards. This is an advance of 15c above the pre vious high point' and : reflects general senti ment In the trade, ; 2 - - .;-; Aside from a nominal showing from Golden dale, Wash., the only arrivals of cattle.' in tne local yards today were the pulp fed of ferings - from Utah.; Four loads of these cam forward. General sentiment in the cattle trade is rather firm and indications point to a con tinuance of the excellent tone daring the trading of the immediate future. At Chicago there was a steady tone In the cattle trade today This morning's cattle trade at Kansas City was steady to higher. General cattle market rano-ec Select steers j $8.X3S.15 Best hsy fed steers 7.75 Good to choice 7.257.35 Ordinary to fair 6.00I&6.75 Best cows ..4... tt.NH'6.?S UooU to prime 6.25&0.40 Select calves 7.50&'8.00 Fancy bulls 6.50? 6.00 Ordinary bulls 4.O0&5.00 Hog Market Holds Strength, Market lor hoes holds strength at North Portland. Tops are moving around $s. 1 5 with ease. Thin is the biebeat of any of the recognized hog markets of the country so far as Oiien sales are concerned. A northwest pt-int claims recent sales at $8.25. but It la noticeable that no actual transactions were given in proof. Arrivals of hogs in the local yards limited today with sales quickly made at the extreme point for quality offerings. At Chicago there was a stronger tone In the bog trade with values generally a nickel Utter. Kansas City bog market was 510c better this morning. General hoe market rana-e: Best llKbt ..$8.1008.15 Medium light 8.003&.10 wood to heavy . Rough and heavy 7.7517.90 . 1.10-y Mutton Market la Strong North Portland continues to absorb mutton and lamb offerings and la still offering ex treme value of iHJaO for top- lambs, mere was a fair supply available for tha general trade at the opening of the day's market and salea were quickly made at established prices. j Local livestock interests Intend to go after mutton supplies this season. They hava es tablished here one of the - leading hog and csttle markets of the country, bat have neg lected mutton. This latter condition is now being remedied and better supplies are there fore expected during '.he period of flash ship ments. At Chicago there wsa a weaker tone in the mutton market at the day's opening, valnes being lOtaliic off. Kansas City market waa steady this morn ing. General mutton radge: Serins: lambs ..........$ 8.85 Grain fed ahorn yearlings. i. 7.25 Beet shorn wethers . . . . . 6.25 Rest shorn (W j......... 5.0005.25 Wool stock Is generally quoted at $1.00 higher than shorn. . Today's Livestock Shippers. -Hogs Alvin Jensen. Goldendale, Wash.. 1 load: Cottonwood Milling Co., Cottonwood. Ida no, 2 loads; W. H. Wood. WaahougaL Wash, 1 load. Cattle Frank W. Burke, Cornish, Utah, 2 loads; Simon Lino, 2 loads. Sheep Pel ton Uanon. Rosebuxg, 2 loads; C. H. Farmer, McCoy, jt loads. Mixed stuff Peters ok Bros., Forest Grove, 1 load cattle and sheep; J. C More-head, Gold endale, Wash-, 1 load cattle and hogs; W. W. Smith, CorvaLUa, 1 load hogs and sheep, Thursday Afternoon Salea, STEERS. Section . At. Lbs. 1030 ! ' 856 K!2 920 908 900 800 m ' 870 938 8S0 715 192 400 61 Trice. Oregon 1 . Oregon ............... 3 Oregon 4 Oregon 13 Oregon 10 COWS. Oregon 1 Oregon .- 1 Oregon 10 Oregon - 1 Oregon 5 Oregon 1 Oregon 4 . CALVES. Oregon ............... 3 Oregon . 1 LAMBS. Oregon 10 v YEARLINGS Oregon ............ ...137 Oregon .-..,.-..,. 27 Oregon 33 Oregon . ............ ..2 47 Oregon . . . 22 HOGS. , $7.50 7.00 8.50 6.10 6.50 $6.75 6.00 5.85 6.50 6.33 4.75 4.O0 $7.75 4 DO $8.50 $7.25 7.25 7.25 7.25 7.25 52 81 IS 117 Oregon . Oregon . Oregon . Oregon . Oregon . Oregon . Oregon . .......... 49 r.::r.:::fl 67 -- 3 .......... 2' 200 162 182 180 200 2SO 3O0 130 123 134 93 493 413, 110' 154 283 $8.10 8.10 t 8.10 8.10 8.10 : 7.60 7 MO 1.15 7M 7.15 ' 7.15 7.10 7.10 7.15 8.15 ' 8.10 Oregon ....... Oregon ....... Oregon ...... Oregon Oregon ....... Orecon ....... Washington. ... Oregon ....... Oregon ...... 8 26 3 3 5 9 $3.00 Whlta "Enyhoua".1. . S1.98 Tor XAdies, Knbber Bolea. Zadiea' Brown . Call Oxfords, rubbar solan .1.98 Ta dies' fine JJrasa Sboea, Fumpi and Oxfords, nil kinds. .,. . ..S1.9S WRIGHT'S Corner Fourth and Alder - Stocks. Bonds. Cotton, Grata, Bte. 816-217 Board of Trad Bnlldrns;. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES , Mambera Chicago Board of Trndn. .Correspondents of Logan & Bryan. Chicago. Now Tork. - Overbeck & Cooke to i T.19 8.10 r 8.CS ; 8.15 I T.6S Section - No. At. Lba. Utah 27 1063 Washington .......... - 1 ; 1290 - - - , - . COWS. PHc. $8.15 T.25 $6.33 .; 6.00 6.00 s 6.75 i 6.00 " 4.00 $7.78 $5.78 ' .'-I-$8.60 8.50 : 6.75 8.60 8.25 Washingtoa .......... 2 1175 , 9t 9H0 -935 1023 v 77 170 543 59 i 53 39 : as . 62 3 85 92 04 . 96 143 114 182 14a is ; waanington .......... 1 Oregon Oregon Oregon I 2 2 , ...... , Oregon Oregon . CALVES . :..... 1 HEIFERS ... 2 x LAMBS. Oregon- ,., Oregon ir.... . i 33 ' Oregon ............... 51 - - Oregon .............. 10 Oregon ............... 61 Oregon ........... 9 ' ; 5 . ; IEARLIXGS. Oregon .......... 76 , Oregon ............... 4 . '-i - : : WETHERS. Oregon 56 ., - - . EWES. ; Oregon'...... ......... 50 i Oregon ,;.....,...., 51 Oregon ,,,.4... ...4.,. 3 t Oregon ...... 84 Oregon ............... 7 - Oregon ........ ....... 28 " OregA 82 I . HOGS. Idaho ................ 86 Washington r . 5 Washington i.s. 46 Washington ...... 4.-, 1.: Idaho ........ 1 $7.25 . 7.00 $-7B $5.50 5.50 . 6.00 6.25 4.80 4.80 $8.16 8.05 8.06 7.15 7.15 200 174 1(12 100 450 AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES Denver Hogs Higher. Denver, Colo.,- May 14. Cattle 600, Stesdy. Beet steers, $7.008. 10; cows and heifers, $6.757.00; ealves. $8UQ11XX. Hogs 600. Strong, 5c higher. Ton $7.50: bolk, $7.35Q7.45. ( Sheep None; steady. k , . Chioaga Hogs Higher. Chicago, 111., May 14. (I, N. S.) Flogs ReceipU 12,000. Strong. 610 reuts above yesterday's average.) Balk. $7.607.75; light, $7JMe76; mixed, ! $7.45jj7.85; heavy. $7.15 427.75; rough; $7.15&7.35; pigs, $5.737.35. Cattle ReceipU 1000. Steady. Native beet steers, $6.809.25; western steers. $6.007.85; cows, and heiXera, $3.308.73; calves, $0.50j) 9,23, -..!. j Sheep Receipts 7000. Weak. Sheep, ' $7.90 8-00; lambs, $7.759.90. Kansas City Cattla Steady. Kansas City, Mo L May 14. (I. N. S. Hogs ReceipU 3500; higher. Bulk, $7X00 7.55; heavy.r $7.50 7.55; packers and butch ers. $7.60& 7.60; light, $7J507.60; pigs, $8.73 l1.40. ----- t 1 . Cattle ReceipU 200. Market steadv. Prime fed steers, $6.508.40; bulk, $3.5O7.0O; calves, $6.00:10.60.1 "I - Sheep ReceipU 18O0. Steady. Lambs $3.00 911.20; yearUngs. $WOO9.76: wethers, $7.00 J8.75; ewes, S6JSOQ8;60. j . St. Louis Sheep Higher. - St. Loois. Mo,, May 14. (I. N. S.) Hog-i ReceipU 6500. Higher. Pigs and lights, $6.25 7.80; mixed and butchers, $7.657.80; good and heavy, $7.65(7.70. Cattle Receipts 400. Steady. Native beer steers, $7.SO9.00; yearling steers and heifers $8,0069.30; cows. $6.00(t7.50: stockers and feeders. $6.00top7.25; southern steers, $5.25( 8.20; cows nnd heifers, $4.OO6.O0; native calves. $6.O09.5O. j I Sheep Receipts 600. Higher. , Clipped tnntl. tons, $6.507.50; clipped lsmbs. $S.509.8S; clipped yearlings, $S.50s9.10; spring lambs, $10.0012.00. r j . Omaha Sheep Higher. . ' Booth Omaha. Mav 14. (I. N. S.) Hoirs . Receipt 5600; higher. Heavy $7-3Tt7.40: lljrht $7.4Og7.60; pigs, $6X0J7.35; bulk, $'.3dy 740. -.'--.-' - i ' v . i Cattle ReceipU 1,000, steady. NaUve steers $7.50(018.65; .cows and heifers, $5.757.30; western steers, $8.508.0O; Texas steers, $6.00 497.35; cows and heifers. $3.507.O0; ealves, $7.256410.25. . - . . Sheep Receipts 8O0; higher. Tearlinga, $6.60 CiU SO; wethers, $8.009.p0; lambs, $10.20U 11M. -. . . , COAST BANK STATEMENTS Portlaud Banks. iThts week. .....$11,018,391.36 ..... 1.451.889.66 ..... 1,893,03L24 1,755,395.38 ..... 1,640,416.81 Clearings Monday . . . Tneaday .. Wednesday TTinrsday Friday .... Tear ago. $2, 001, 497.45 1,881,034.42 2,215.315.18 L 768. 324 .93 Holiday Taooma Banks, Clearings today ..$227,450.00 .. 96.348.00 Balances today ' Los Angeles Banks, -CI ea rings todsy ................ 3,136.23n.lA Balances today 238.038X6 Seattls Banks. Clearings today Balances today .$1.73. 788.00 216.541.00 Saa Fmnciaoo Banks, Clearings today .$7.606,278J5 St. IiOnJa Metal Market. St. Lonis, May 14. MeUl: Lead Tirm. $4.12H4.15. : Spelter Weak, $12a 13.25. i Oregon ............... 1 420 Oregon ....,...,.. 8 ; 256 Washington ........... 57 ' , 132 Washingtoa .......... 33 1K0 V Washington -,....,.... 8 : 226 . mday, Knraing Salea. :? PULP FED oTKB&a. - TMffty Alexander r iVo' 1 rif SrJ4t j '-With rhyme and picture we will tell ! How Alexander's fortune' grew; j j We know that you can do as well, ! So read with care his story through." The story of Thrifty Alexander is similar to that of many successful pepple whom you jknow. Thrifty Alexander did not win his fortune fry. doing impossible things ; he worked and played and "used his head." Of course, you are, going to get the .Poster Stamps at National Bank. get your savings way to fortune, I GET Northwestern National Bank SIXTH AND MORRISON STREETS GENERAL BUSINESS NEWS rortsr MUX to Start. It is believed that the. Porter mill, operated by the Simpson Lumber com pany of Warshfield, will soon rnsuma operations, probably next -week. It is understood the Simpson Interests will soon cut 1,000,003 feet of dimension lumber for tbe Southern Padfic rail road for bridge work. Tbe North Bend Mill & Lumber com pany is - turnin a; down orders they are unable to fill, since it has a six months' sawing contract to filL t - Portland nrms to aTarnlsa Tanks. Six steel tanks that wU&be installed in the $60,000 Libby.i McNeil Llbhy fruit canning; plant ! now under con struction at The Ualles, will be fur nished by the Columbia- .Engineering Works of Portland, i v Iron Works Znoorporatsa, The Wood-Ewirig iron iWorks has just been incorporated by R. B. Wood and .It H. Ewlng.J who until recently were identified, with the management of the John Wood Iron Works. The new concern la established at 1371 Macadam street- It has bought tbe machinery and Interests of the North Star Iron Works. Snspsct Cernant Combination. ' County Commissioners of Pierce and King counties have, completed an,, In vestigation which has convinced them that cement manufacturers of western Washington have entered into an agree ment to maintain prices and as a result a call for 200,000 barrels of cement has been issued and all cement firms of the west have been : asked to bid. Tbe amount of cement asked for will be sufficient to coyer the needs of Se attle, Tacoma and the improvements contemplated for the two counties. - Commissioner Reed of Pierce county. i Murder and Suicide : At Wallace, Idaho ! Spokane. Washi. May 14. After murdering Mrs. v Edward Hunter at Wallace, Idaho, yesterday afternoon, John H. Folsom killed himself with the same' gun. jThe cause of the tragedy -Is unknown. The killing oc curred in the presence of the wom an's little girl, but she is Unable to explain. 1 BOSTON COPPER MARKET Boston, Msy 14. Copper bids: A Holies Mohawk 55 Nevada Cons..... l.'lU Nlpltwinjc 5 N. Butts'. 2 N. like 2U Arcsdlan Alaska Baltic . 3014 2. 4 2U. Belmont Bohemia ...... BoHton Ely Butte Bal Butte Coalition. Cal. & Arix. Cal. & liecla... Centennial Chief Cons Ohio Copper 27 Old Colony ...... 4 . 3 Old- Dominion..,. -ro . 584 Usceoia ......... 71H Qulncy 804 . 0O ' .545 . 18 uay Lima Santa , re 2t4 80 4 Shannon 7M. Chino Hhattuck 2S " Cons. Cop. Mines rVinna, RillH 4H .Superior 20 H Snp. 4k Baetm... 3 Daly Writ S iwirt; racktns;,. .1014 Davis-Daly East Butte..... 11 Viml- Nat'l 1L Ta ma rack SO Irintty Tuolumne . , . . .. 5 ,. 35 ..128 KVanklln RS. l-nited rrnit.. Ooldfield Cons..l7-l 0. Rhoe M'y. 57 Greene-Cananea.. 28 Granby ,77 Hancock 18 Helvetia : 70 Umichhiil . 2 V. Shoe MTy.,pf. 2S United Zlne... 354 U. 8. Kmelters.. 31V V 8. Smelters, pf 4.1 f tah Apex 2V4 Indiana . 6M1 New Inspiration. 2i4 Utah Cons 31 Victoria ........ 2U Winona 'A Wolverine ...... 61 . r.M M.lle.. a Lake Copper. . Majestic Mason Valley. Mass. Mining. Mayflower Mexico Cons. Miami Michigan .... 10 41 2 12 -5 17 ' SO 1 Wyandot ........ 1 Yukon Gold...... Vk ( Town 80 Canada ......... 1 Verde Cxtn 34 Kerr Lake 4 ll-lo New York Sugar and Coffee. New Tork. Msy 14. ftofmr, ccntrifnrsl. May I4.M0: June, 4.(535.02. Coffee Spot, New Xork, No. 7, Te; Ko. 4 Santos, lOVie. Kelly la Captured. Salem. Or May 14 Ellsworth Kel ly, "who escaped frorh a oonvlct road gang in Clatsop county Tuesday, has been captured at Auburn, Wash, Prologue: "Keep your eye on account into regular action and win your too. f THE NEW POSTER EVERY SATURDAY PORTLAND, OREGON in a public statement, declared that the commissioners are convinced that California and British Columbia manu facturers have agreed not to invade the Washington market, and this re sulted in a call on all manufacturers In tha west end they may even ask eastern firms to bid. v BElns to Kami Ore. vThe "Queen of Bronze" mine In Jo sephine county, which has been leased by Portland interests, will haul its or to the railroad by anto trucks, accord ing to a recent announcement of the management. It is expected that work will begin very soon in getting Out ths Ore, whict Is mostly copper, for the reason that copper is now 20 cents, with a heavy local and foreign demani obtaining. "Want Growth to Bs Natural. George D. Lee, secretary of the in dustries and manufactures bureau of the Chamber of Commerce, said today the bureau had determined upon a pol icy of "encouraging and aiding present industries in Oregon so their success will logically attract other industries, and rauko this a manufacturing cen ter lie said it was not the intention of the bureau to endeavor to induce new industries to come here before there Is a field for them. O. W. Kennedy Satires. Poor health for several years, and orders from his physicians to retire from active business, is given as the teason for retirement of a. W. Ken nedy, and the Kennedy Plaho company. Mr. Kennedy la one of Portland's old est piano men, having been identified with the business here over 16 years, Mr. Kennedy's decision Is to wind up his business affairs at once, and take an extended trip this summer. MISS SYBIL BAKER ' INCREASES LEAD FOR QUEEN OF FESTIVAL Candidate Distances Her Nearest Contender 35,000 Votes Up to Noon Today, i Standing of Candidate at Soon. Hybil Baker 156.310 Marian Rose Spoeri .... .121.&90 Beatrtce Lash 120,020 Alice Nolan ............ 82,800 nuth Angel ........ 87,900 Pusle Rcholes ...... .1:.... C4.12J Alice Hester . J r,3,360 Myrtle Van Sickle 52,220 Tura Jaries ........ i... B0.5fi0 Mary Lazier . , . . , 50,350 Kllzabeth Fragrncler .... 40,950 Ella Lltxer UUIan Ward Keplna Mitchell Hyatt Vivien Ek .. 24,390 .. 2S,90 .. 23,570 Martha Schults 18,900 Louise Dougherty ...... lo,S2i') Ethelyn Miller 13,280 Jtossa Hoff miller ...... 9,620 Miss Sybil Baker, . candidate or Rose Festival queen of the Woodmen of the World, and Indorsed by tb e Wo men of Woodcraft, passed the leaders In the queen contest'Jast nlirht and Increased her lead to almost 35,000 votes this noon. Miss Beatrice Lash-, candidate of the Progressive Business Men's club, is still behind Miss Marian Rose flpoerU Rotary - and Ad club - candidate, bat has crept to within 1000 votes of her competitor. ' ' i .. , J-- J J J i the Northwestern the main chance, STAMP m ' -it