THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1915. 0 TOWN TOPICS (133rd DAT Of 1915.), ' AMUSEMENTS. HEILIO Broadiray at TirJor. Curtain 8:1. Mutt spring' entertainment. PAMAGK.V broad war at Alder. - VasdeTilts. . :so. T;W ana . . IDEW'S KMHHESS Bmidwif at YamhllL Vauderllla, Continuous 1:30 te 8:80. 7:30 - ana week Oars, conunuoas ium an- : cays. - . LYKItj Fourth af Stark. VaodeTiU. Cob. - urinous l to ll p. m. PEOPLE Went fmrk and Alder t. Motion xiflturea. 11:30 a. m. to 11:30 p. m. STAB Waftalugtoa, at Park, aiotloa pictnres, . 11 a. m. to- 11 p. m. NATIONAL Park and West Park at Stark. . Motion nicturea. 1 12' m. to 11 D. m. MAJESTIC Washington a. Park. Motloa ple- inres, i'J .v a. ui. u u p. ui. ART MLfcfcLM Kirth and Taylor. Hoars to ft week da a. 2 to 3 Sundays. Free after- ' noons of Tuesday. Tburnday, Friday, Satur day and Sunday. I Today's Event. " r National Congress of Mothers. If ay 13-18. Coming Events. ProgTMitTB Business Men's luncheon at Multnnmah hotel Mar 13. KeaJty Board luncbeon at . Commercial club May 14. Transportation club luncheon at Multnomah hotel May 14. ! - Oregon Clrle league luncheon at Multnomah betel May as. Opening of Columbia Highway. Mar 18. Opening of Albina public market. May 18. .Opening- of Alberta public market. May 15. Kant Side .Business Men's luncbeon. May 17. Foresters Grand lodge. May. 16-18. Rotary club luncheon at tns Benson hotel May 19. Oregon state conference of social agencies St Reed College. May 21-23. fcast Washington street market opens Mar 22. - Km pise DaypMay 24. Cltr election -June 7. . Hose Festival. Jon 0-10-11. (Three days). " ' Municipal Band Concert. First . concert of seasob will be on June 20, at Washington Park. Central "library Meetings." nationalist society, every Sunday evening. Oregon Civic league lector ea every Thurs day evening:. Pacific universltr extension lectures, erery Wednesday evening. Port Information Supplied. Information regarding this port mar ob tained from the Portland Chamber of Com merce. 9 llftli street.- Telephone Main 898 or A-120H. i Fire and Police. Fire department Main 7700. A-1323. Police department Main 7181, A-4751. Today's Forecast. Portland and vicinity Showers tonight, and rnilir. southerly winds. Oregon and Washington Pbowers tonight or Friday; southerly winds. Idaho Showers tonight and Friday. special train of the Southern Pacific, which they will- take U 1:11) it the Union station, after a parade head ed by the Elks' band. It 1 expected that 17 members will go from Port land, and the towns en route will fur nish many more. Vancouver, Wash., win furnish a delegation or 40. . xne officers Off Portland i lodge, No. 142 will conduct the installation ceremon ies at Salem. The Elks of the WU lamette valley expect to set together la a large herd that night. GERMANS CONFIDENT Inasloaary rrom India Will Speak. sua E. G. Eaton, missionary re turned from! India, will speak Sunday at 3:80 p. m., at Highland Park Church of the Nasarene, East Fourteenth street, i'" where -. special services began last night to continue through the week. Accompanying Mrs. Eaton is one of the child widows of India. She is 8 years old, and has been a widow three years. Spanlsa-Amerlcsa Society Meets. The Hispano-American Society of Ore gon will meet in Hall H, Central li brary, tonight at S o'clock. Arrange ments have been made for an instruct ive reading in Spanish and English of Spanish tales. Members will take part. : ; Wins $10 Prise. C. B. Green of 424 Railway Exchange building, i 810 richer today. He won this prize In a contest to furnish a title for an un named picture published in "Life." The picture showed a young man and a young woman looking at a collec tion: of war : pictures, the young wo man wearing a. questioning look. Mr. Green's title was, "She: With Civil ised Nations at Each Other's Throats. All Praying for Victory, What Must Be God's Frame of Mind 7" . Address on National Prohibition. J. Sanger Fox, secretary of the Oregon Prohibition state committee, gave an address on national prohibition at the Kern Park Christian church last night. It was a union meeting in which six Churches were represented. Mr. Fox Is holding: a series of meetings at dif ferent places, urging "the need for Oregon to keep awake" in the interest of national prohibition and for the pro tection of ! the strte prohibitory laws. Weather Conditions The barometer is relatively low over the Rocky mountain and Pacific states, and a large high pressure srea is central north- of .the Lake region. . Light rain baa fallen on the Pacific slope as far aouth as Kan Diego snd showers have fallen in Minnesota, North Dakota. Montana and the Atlantic states. Tbey were heaviest in Florida. It is cooler In the lake region, while elsewhere the changes In temperature have been unimportant. The conditions are favorable for showers in this district during the next 24 to 88 hours. EDWARD A. BEAL8. District Forecaster. Observations. STATIONS Bufcer, Or. ...... Boston, Mass.. . Chicago, lit Denver, Colo.,.. DiUuth. Mluu... tn..i.. - ' i Ou Ives ton, Texas Havre, Mont.... Jacksonville, Fla. Kansas City, Mo. Kncxvllle, Tentt. Los Angeles, Cal. Marshfleld, Or.. Montreal, ne.... New Orleans. La. New York, N. Y. in. i neuu, wn. N. Yakima. Wn Portland, Or.... Roseburg, Or... fet. Louis. Mo... fcalt Lake. Utah 8 Francinco.Cul. Seattle. Wash... Sitka, Alnrka.. Spokane, Wash.. Tacoma, ' Wash.. Tatoosh l'd.,Wn. Vsldea. Alaska. Walla Walla. Wn 'Washington, o.o Winnipeg, Man. Temperature Ji ;5S -- 6 8 10 4 -24 O r 2 8 o 10 i 12 2 o , o e 4 1- 4 VI 2 12 4 2 2 u 6 8 a 62 78 66 86 7d 80 72 72 78 90 74 74 64 76 78 68 68 60 66 70 84 76 64 6 68' 62 68 62 66 58 3 preceding 46 58 46 62 36 60 tz 68 68 68 64 48 46 66 56 62 48 63 48 68 62 62 SO 46 46 60 60 40 62 66 46 day, -I to3 - fl oeu 2i Is 12 24 10 S 4 4 8 10 4 4 4 4 8 4 6 4 .64 O 0 0 0 0 .02 0 .01 0 .18 "Id" lilO ,.01 . .02 .01 .20 0 0 o 0 o o 0 .08 0 .08 .58 0 Chinese Couple SlToroed. Una; Chan Ah Nul is now Chen Ah NUi, for .Cir cuit Judge Gatens yesterday granted her a divorce from Ung Tans Chung and restored to her her maiden name. Mrs. Ung, a petite Chinese' woman, testified through an interpreter, yes terday, that she married Ung April 1, 1918, and : that be deserted her August 1, 1913, leaving her f 300 for Her main tenance, i I Burglars Steal Thermometers. The Hicen Drug company, at 819 First street, and the saloon at 294 First street, wete broken into Tuesday night by a thief. At the drug store 10 rasors and six ) fever thermometers were taken, and at the saloon four pints of whiskey and the toll box of a pay tel ephone ate missing. I Brother Xiong for Brother. Alone and lonely on his farm neat Oregon City John Bartensteln longs for the company and companionship of his brother, Ernest Bartenstein, whom he has not seen in six years, ins t John Bartenstein heard of his brother and his family they were living in Seattle where Ernest Bartenstein ran a rooming house. The Oregon brother was living in Portland at that time but has since moved to Clackamas county. Information aa to-his brother's where abouts may be addressed to him care of Box 7 A,, route No. 3, Oregon City. Xampman Will Speak, "War and Single -Tax" is the subject before the Single Tax league Saturday night. Hay 15, in the Central library. Rex Lamp man will be the principal speaker. ' inks 3eady to - Go to . Salem. The Elks have made all preparations to go to Salem on . Saturday night, on a Practice True Economy by having us make your clothes, j They will hold their shape and always look new till worn -out.; Our prices are reasonable and you can pay us 810 downs and the uuiauce a a montn. can at once and get your suit early. Unique Tailoring cpmpany, 309 Stark,! between Fifth end Sixth. j (Adv.) : t j JJr. Wilson Is Home. Dr. Clarence True Wilson' was brought home from the Good Samaritan hospital yester day and will remain at his residence, 8 East Seventeenth street, for about two weeks, when it is expected that he will go to the country for a long stay. ) . . . Buffet Truncheon , Tomorrow- T h e Jovian league, with the Oregon Soci ety of Engineers, will hold a buffet luncheon at the Benson at 11:30 a. m. tomorrow, adjourning to the (National theatre at noon for the special benefit show of the Jovian league. 1 Will Administer Sacrament. The sacrament of confirmation will be ad ministered by? Right Rev. Walter T. Sumner, bishop of Oregon, at All Saints church, Twenty-fifth and Sa vler streets, Sunday at 8 p. m. Club Will Ueet at feoncneon, The Portland Delta Upallon club will jneet for luncheon at the Chamber of Com merce Saturday at 12:30. I Kstel neon, Seaside, Or, has opened for the spring and summer sea son. For reservations address Dan J. Moore, prop. Adv.) ENEMIES NEVER WILL GET THROUGH LINES Believe Their Offensive Near Ypres Be Successful; Have Good Word for U. S. ! By Carl W. Arkerman. A 1 United Press Staff Correspondent.) ' With the German Army, Brussels, May 10, via The Hague and London, May 11. After spending a week with officers of the German army in Bel gium and France, I find absolute con fidence in the ' ranks that the allies will never b able to t penetrate the German lines. i There is equally firm belief in the success of the German offensive around Tpres. Officers told me that the fighting there is the bloodiest of the war. The British have borne the brunt of the attack and have suffered unparalleled losses. I spent a day In the first line trenches in northern France. ' Our party bad breakfasted in a wood dur ing a hot artillery ; bombardment. Throughout the time spent with the army there was a decidedly favorable cnange noticeable in the attitude of German officers toward America. Six generals and a Bavarian prince dined on one occasion with the party of neu tral correspondents. The ranklna offi cer referred repeatedly to Germany's cordial relations with the United States. During one trip a colonel with our party picked up an exploded shell stamped "V. B." The German officers comment with regret of the loss of lifn a hnM Lusltanla, adding that it was Imper ative that Americans avoid belligerent ships. Steamer Jesse Sarklns tor Camaa Washougai and way landings, daily ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at 2 p. m. (Adv.) Crawfish, to the Queen's Taste, Sny der's 1st and Madison; special Thurs. and Friday. 3Bc dor. Main 6783. (Adv.) i ( Balding, the Jeweler, moved to 383 East Morrison. East 3801. (Adv.) - - I COTjTJalBXA SIOSWAT Tabor 457, ence. Dr. H. B. Torrey will give the seventy-sixth lecture, entitled. "Are All Characters Inherited," tomorrow afternoon at i o'clock, in the biological lecture room of the college. We Write Plre Insroranos. Th, (i,.. gon Home Builders. 1339 Northwestern nana Duuaing. . (Adv.) X. i. "ox, optician. Journal bldg. Ad. -r. . . Gold Assay Buns High. Grass Valley, Cal... May 18. (P. N. S.) Gold ore assaying 1107 to the ton was reported from the 800 foot level f the Union Hill mine today. Work has been temporarily suspend ed, owing to the breaking of a reser voir on an intermediate level. Canyonville Safes Blown. Canyonvllle, Or., May 13. The safe in the genera) merchandise store of J. M. Cross & Son was blown open last night, but nothing was secured. The culprits escaped. Card of Thanks. We Wish to express our deep appre ciation of the kindness and sympathy extended , to us 'during the illness and death of our darling daughter and sis ter, ; Margaret ta. Also for the beauti ful floral offerings. MR. AND MBS. W. S. M'CUTCHEON, MILDRED L. M'CUTCHEON. (Adv.) Heet.Will Remain In American Water Secretary of Wary Satnlels Denies Sea port Atlantis Warships WSJ Cruise East Coast Bouts America. . Washington, May 13. (L N. S-) Reports that the Atlantic fleet wuld make a cruise along the east coast of South America as a substitute for the abandoned trip through the Panama canal to the , Pacific coast were dis credited at the - navy department to day. . - - It is stated that the fleet will re main la American waters and hold the customary maneuvers in Narragansett bay, -: , . , Meantime Secretary Daniels con tinues to deny chat the passage through the canal has been definitely given-Tip. : Sneak Thieves Find Coin Though Hidden In the 15 or 20 minutes that Mrs. J. J. Hittlnger, of 1518 East Pine street, was away from her home yes terday morning on an errand at a store, the . house was entered by a sneak thief who thoroughly ransacked every room. A purse containing $52.45 was. found concealed under a mattress in a bedroom and the money was taken. Detectives Vaughn and Hyd In vestigated. No one in the neighbor hood saw the thief. This Man Should v. Worry About the Wolf at the Door . Attorney William Bristol, ?or - six y6rs United States attor- it ney for Oregon, provoked many - 4r . sighs of envy in ' the federal 4t court when he testified yester- ' day that his annual- Income - from practice of the law was 1 1 8 9.00 0. He made the state- . it meot in a matter of fact way 41 while testifying as. to the rea- aonabieness cf a ,15000 fee 4 charged the International Mort- 41 4t gage bank of Apeldoorn, Hoi- land, by Denton J. Burdlck of 4V this city, who is now suing the bank Cor th amount he alleges Is due. ; :. m r Bristol declared that in . his 4r opinion1 $16,030 was not too m ijr much for the work Burdlck al- 4f leges he performed for the com- jt f pany in attempting to straight- 4r en oat matters In connection with the $100,000 mortgage 4r scandal which resulted in the m convicUon of J. W, Matthee, 4r former Dutch consul here; R. 41 4 G. Snow and W. J, Summers 4t for frauds practiced against the bank. m 4t -According to evidence Intro- 41 4r dueed, Burdiek worked for two 4t 4r weeks for the bank and for his 4 V services .was paid $535. - - . - TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE FOLLOWING OFFERS i We do not offer SPECIAL SALES GOODS, we advertise only regular stocked Groceries, each week, at a slightly reduced figure, but this week, these few specials are specially attractive, and we ad vise you to buy, In face of the scarce foreign market. JL, . "Portland's Exclusive Handlers of Everything Good to Eat" 148 THIRD STREET A-4432, MAIN 9432 SPECIAL NO. 1 , ' Crosse & Blackwell Olive Oil, quarts,' reg. 9Sc bottle, St . . . .85c SPECIAL NO. 2 Crosse & Blackwell Mushroom or Walnut Catsup, reg. 40c bot,25c SPECIAL NO. 3 Keiller's or Crosse & Blackwell's Marmalade, large bottles, regular 30c, at .......25c SPECIAL NO. 4 Rokeby Virginia Hams, regular 4Sc lb 40c SPECIAL NO. 5 Direct shipment of French Olive Oil, W. NI ESSEN & CO., Bordeaux. k There is no better grade of Oil in the world. -Gallon tins, with faucet, tegular $4.00. at ................ .$3.75 Half-gallon tins with faucet, regular $2.15, at ............ .$2.00 Quart tins, regular $1.25, at ....-$1.13 SPECIAL NOTE:-- We do not limit your buying on this sale, order all you want, our stock is a large one. We Deliver Free of Charge PERSONAL ATTEIfTION PROMPT SERVICE "You Can Do Better for Lets on Third Street." Size, of Bouquets . Topio of Disoussion Commencement bouquets ' were V the subject of a lively discussion by the girls of j the February '16 class of Washington high school at a meeting yesterday afternoon. The question was whether the class should have ' large arm bouquets or the more simple cor sage bouquet. The momentuous ques tion was not settled, and another meet ing will have to be held to give it further consideration. Marie Vial. Helen Holden and Har riett Abercromble are the members of the class flower 1 committee. .They were divided On the question. Some of the girls of the class argued that an elaborate bouquet would not be appro priate with th 110 eotton gowns that are" to be worn. 1 The class has al ready fixed the' limit for the gradua tion gown at $10. : I Sell for Less. Men's ready-to-wear suits, $20 val ues for $14.76; $25 values, $i8.76. Al terations free. Jimmy Dunn, $15-1 6 17, Oregonian bldg. Elevator to 3d floor. i (Adv.) Men's Walk-Over Oxfords r Men's 95.00 Bress Shoes C2.! ; Men's 833.80 Bress Shoes; Men's $3.60 Oxfords Sl. t J Men's Tennis Oxfords. ,.........C'J0 WRIGHT'S Comer Fourth and Alder r My optical ii department is ways prepared and. ready to help I X anyone suffering from eye strain. V 1 Come in and learn why and how J Jr we nav helped ' thousands of others. j- , B1X1KI11 ,w prescribe glasses only .when really needed, and make no charge for consulta tion. -' I - - - ervicef my- . L l MT PKZOBS Lenses Bphero in your own frame $1.00 Lenses Sphere in Aluminum frame ,$1.50 Lenses Sphere ' in Gold-Filled ! frame .,...................$8.10 Lenses Sphero (curved) In G. IE. Glass Mtg.... $1.00 Xryptek ienses.......00 to glS-OO STAPLES,The Jeweler Optician i.6.?:Ii:Si .ower Burns9 Friday and Saturday Specials BAJUVt'POWBSsV-'Royal Baking Powder, II es.: Special, per ' OAMPBBBlj'S SOXTPS Beef, Tomato Okra, Consomme, Pea, Mulligatawny. Chicken Gumbo Okra, Vegetable, Bouillon. Special, per dosen, Q a s ' SSe - Special, each ... ....".i. ..., ....,.., .. 4Jw H dos. Campbell's Soups sold at dosen price j MUX Holly Milk. Special, per dosen, 80e. Special, each, i. 7e PJBACHXS Sliced Lemong Cling, gallons. Special, per dos...... .S3.50 Kach. . ,. ........ .30t FEACHX8 Sliced Lemon Cling, gallons. Special, par dos... ,....83.50 Special, each ...304 APBXOOTS Gallons. Special, per dos., S3.SO. Special, each....... 30 Half dozen of the above sold at dosen price. j norrrr limn Good, of true value. The Coffee that has got 'em all UUrrt,l. JUIIU talking. A blend of selected Old Crop Coffees, perfect cup quality. Regular priee per lb., 40c. Speolal Price, ! - per lb., 35c S lbs. for. ........... ..i. . Sl.OO PXCXI.ES PUT M6HBT Mrs. Kldd'e 1 ox. bottles; Melon Man goes. Tap pers. Burr Gherkins, Martynia. Mixed and Chow Chow. Regular price ' KnJ. SrjeCial orlce ...4K4 ZOtTB Superior Flour. Special price per BbI.S6.S5 TXiOTJB Superior Flour. Special price! per sack.Sl.TO raOTTB White Rose Flour. Spl. price per Bbl..S6.30 TIiOTJBv White Rose Flour. Spl. price per sack.. 81.60 W - , JaassaVBsSBam. CREDIT IF DESIRED ly furnish Portland references. -We will be glad to extend credit to all good people who will kind- D.C. Burns Company 208.-210 Third SFreet, Bet. T&ylor and Salmon Streets One and one half blocks south of Public Market. Wholesalers to pri vate families, restaurants and hotels. . SPSC7AZ. MAXb OSSXm SSBYXCB WB-ITB 70B OATAZiOOTfS TSOiyaA TsaSV sA MfA VWk iCV fJtL rJTS, Mm ' es.t i at as i see en, tasi.taianeisii isanasiuasiisgiisai isa ts i a mm if snsei m siiisi siMai-l ai pji !5"! i 122?, 12 " fffr PC we vw ?jt vrtx wta- vW vv y zrr ' 'zt I A D)H1 ill u A lAdv.) ShJpherd's Hot Springs A arood time to go. E- lx SHIPHSBD. Mgd. Ad Osleatal 3ngavwash-cleaned and re-! pairea. tjartoslan Bros. M. (433. (Adv.) Extension Course. In the Reed col lege extension course It, natural scl- Business Men and Women will find well-cooked and savory meals served to their satisfaction in the Imperial Hotel Grill Quick or leisurely servicers preferred. All the choice edibles of the season on our menu. Make your meal a pleasure by dining here. ; Lunch 11:30 to 2 Dinner 5:30 to 9 40c and S0c ; SOc mA TSf ew uirect Entrance from Broadway, wmmk m sbi sa By the Federal Creditors Co. at 272 Washington St 9 kVgU U IW smsst Rhr O W Us- U U UCsQ Uamt U U I UK U 1 UK Q LUsUjVMO THIS AMAZING SALE will startle the MOST ECONOMICAL and skeptical BUYER. It is the GREATEST BARGAIN EVENT OF A CENTURY! COME IN AND YOU WILL CONVINCE YOURSELF THE PRICES BELOW ARE ONLY A FEW. An array of more bargains tp be found here than, space permits us to print SALE BEGINS TOMORROW 10 AM S Up to $2.00 Waists A big assortment to choose from nn 1 at only. .... OuC - v Chicken and Table ; d'Hote Musle. Your grocer will sell you German-American Coffee) on this jfuarantee : If you do not find it superior to any other 30c steel cut" coffee, return the can no matter how much! is uaed nd get the money back. 1-lb. tin, 30c 3-lb. tin, 85c Cisil IjSt; i.rn -jar' m w-. i Si tfn mk mi mm- ii i a ssrsk. Ill lfc cilt I Irssisg rsaa i afl I Nisi DENTISTRY THAT LASTS XS WHAT TO XT WAST Z3f Y0U3 j MOtTTK i .1, I. m. T. a. ATTSPXTXHD, Mgr. I stand fcack of my work with a 16-jear wrtttan gusrantea. Before haring your teetb fliad com la i sod get ni prices. . Try sty Painless Methods, My Scientif lo Work. Mr Vary Ksaaoaabl Fsss. Dentists coma and go. but tha Old Xa liable ELECTS 10 PAINLESS is si , ways with you. Don't forget that, riesh-OoIored Plates ...f 10.00 aoed Platss S5.0O Porcelain' Crowns $3.60 to f 6.00 Oold rillings 81.00 83-K. Oold Crowns . . .$3.50 to fS.OO ga-X. Oold Bridge ....$3.50 to 45. 00 Xxtracting . , , ...6O0 ' 0PEJC ZTEBIKQ8. We are always busr. bersuse nor suc cess Is doe to tbe fart thst we do tha rary best work at rery lowest prices. Electro -Painless Dentists In the Two-Story Building, Cor, Sixth and Washington Strssts, . ' j Portland, Or. Uwr. 1? T l V 3T ILiOW' at the ILi CASCM) MARKET .j. : V Third and Yamhill Friday Special :a" Choice Shoulder Steak Sh'der Pork Steak . 4 $15-$20 Ladies' and Misses' a SUITS Good assortments dif ferent styles and col ors. During; this tre mendous sale go at $3.89 $25.00 to $30.00 SUITS All hand-made - gar ments, in black and blue serges, mixtures, cheviots plaids etc During this tremen dous sale go at $6.69 $4.00 to $7.03 SKIRTS These i come in blue and black serges, mix tures, plaids, cheviots, etc During this tre mendous sale go at $1.49 . $35.00 and $40.00 'Suits:: Ladies' Misses. Very fine assortment of Styles and patterns, made by America's most, foremost tailors. Highest grade Skin nVf's Satin-lined, go at v $9.98 $1.25 and $2.00 House Dresses A very great big as- sortment in different patterns and styles to choose from. SANI TARY BRAND, at 59c $16.00 and $15.00 LINEN SUITS Just the thing for the Summer. They . come in white, tan, : blue, pink, etc This is the greatest bargain ever heard of, go at only $1.89 $15.00 and $20.00 Ladies' COATS A very desirable' as sortment. Go at only $3.49 Up to $10.00 Ladies' COATS A great big lot to pick from, j Your choice to go at only ' $1.95 $15.00 and $20.00 DRESSES A big assortment of silk and wool, in dif ferent styles and pat terns, go at only - $3.89 HARP j 01 $2.50 Jersey Top rssi PEniCOATS 15-inch Silk Flounc ing, all colors and sizes, to jo (1 1A at only . . . .D JL 15 KM V ER THE PLACE ALSO OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS 272 WASH! SS AS SSI ST- S ! a s sgss h. SSI V BB1 B. B , 'y pis 1 l ! YAt aT I 1 I 1 t 1 - ' IV' "VJ II a m m m m i I - "VI m a ST., Mm fourth Zwi nmmi immu $mmt tmmi mmt im m ummt tmmummt imm tmmt ummi tmm im mt tmmt imm immt tmmt tmmt tmmBttm. yrr v-, y, yyt vzF' sr' vltj w vlt' w vv w v i si .ssv ,i, - a w utsi inui i u cat iucsi .wTj Boneless Pot Roast Choice Hamb'rger 11 G Extra Quality Rib V Steals t4 M s 4 r-1 Y4 Spare Ribs lie Quality- Low Prices Service Look for the U. S. Purple Stamp 7 Oregon HumaneSocicty 674 Belmont St. raomes Zast 1433, B-S815. opxar sax Airs stxcikt. R sport atl cases of cruelty to this office. Iethal chamber for small ani mals. Horse ambulance for eick or disabled animals at a moment's notl'-e.