THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, MAY 10, 1915. 11 OREGON GRANGE VILL OPEN ITS 42D ANNUAL CONVENTION TUESDAY Will- Be Tour Day Session a Tillamook; Committees Se lected From Delegates. Tillamook, Or., May 19. Oregon Stat grange will open a, four day cession here tomorrow for the t orty-aecond annual convention: The following standing committees Have been selected from the delegates credentials Mary 8. Howard. Mu lino; R H. Wellman. Free water: Al . fred Nlblin . Portland; Mr rf iv , Beach, CorvaJlis; Mrs. C. 11. Bailey, Division of labor I S. Tenny, Es . tanala I n , , .... 1. If AtjrMl. Wilfred Brown. Camas Valley; Mrs. w . m. it. juuror, Portland... Finance John A. McMorrls. Condon aO. C Brown, Dlxonville; S. Weckert. anerwood; Henrv Freeksen, Shedd. Elections J. El. Whitehead. Turner K. W. Dunbar. Hood River: Mrs. H. CK Howell. Salem; Mrs. Elmer Pearl, Brownsville. Pur food Mrs. Chaneey Blckles, Harrlsburr: George C. Dallas. Clacka. mas; 8. 1 White. Rlcltreall; Mrs. W. II. cnristensen, oretown. Forestry C. B. Stokes. Forest Grove . Mr. Rptlna Lee. Elmira; Mrs. Annie White, ' Barlow; Charles Carlson, Shedd: Victor jx. Blakely. Olid. Legislation Louise F"unk. Oregon City; Charles L. Beach. Corvallis; ChanCev Sickles, Harrisburg; Mrs. Cena Klnyon, Aurora; Mrs. Nellie V ' Assessment and taxation -W. H. IT Dufur. Portland; Andrew J. Crow Merlin; Mrs. Belle Funk. Oregon City Mary A. Link,, Ooble; S. Weckert, , Sherwood. Woman's work Mrs. R. H. Wellman Freewater; Mrs. Wilfred Brown, Camas Valley; Mrs. K. W, Dunbar, ' Hood River;. Mrs. Jennie Lovelace, Rainier. Cooperation C. H. Bailey, Rosehurg, W. II. Christensen. Oretown; I. E. Bhirlev. McMinnville: Mrs. Ella Week ert. Sherwood; Mrs. Joste Carlson, Shedd; Mrs. C. Cavanaug. Gresham Oregon Agricultural college J. T . Apperson, Park Place; Wilfred Brown, Camas Valley; Mrs. uum uavjs, ia - rion: Mrs. I. B. Thirley. McMinnville Charles L. Beach. Corvallis; Mrs T-Tmma nunpan. Nvssa. TransDortation G. W. McFarland Cottage Grove; Rosco C. Demlng. Es tacada; Mrs. George C. Dallas, Clack amas; Mrs. a. w. lurvey, nmiams I.. S Tunnv. Kstlcada. Bylaws W. R, Wing. Irving; Henry Freerksen, Btteaq; w. t-. tvmyon, au rora; Mrs. Charles L. Beach, Corvallis Mrs, Erma Tenny, Estacada. (inn A roads R N. Lovelace. Ral nler: nlem Davis. Marion: Mrs. Katlv erlna Wing. Irving; Mrs. I. B. Shirley McMinnville; Alfred Nlblin, Portland Mm Mattia J. Zeek. Bandon. Mileage and per diem O. C. Brown Dlvnnvllle;" William White. Barlow Mrs. Hattie E. McFarland, Cottage rinrtve- Mm M. Jf. Hcott. Tangent. Education Mrs. O. C. Brown, Dixon- vllle; Wirt Sapplngton, Cloverdale; C. E. Peck, NysKa; Mrs. Nellie V. White, Rickreaii:. Mrs. tjatnerine mcoee, Agriculture Jay Mitchell. Corval- Us: w. hi. MCBee, rpnnKiieia; rar ' Victoria Crow, Merlin; Mrs. C. H -Rat lev. Roscburg: C. B. Zeek, Bandon Dormant granges M. L. Carter, A1lul: t W. Turvev. Williams: Mrs . Anna' Freerksen, Shedd; Mrs. Mary Apperaon. Parkplace. AnrtMln A. W.. Howell. Halem; F. W. Roberts, Ooble: Mrs. Catherine Mc Bee, Springfield; Mrs. Josle Carlson Good of the order Mrs. Nellie Sap nlnsrton. Cloverdale: John H. Scott, T.nrmf -imcr Hearl. Brownsville; Mrs. Jennie Lovelace, Rainier; C. Cav- anaugn. uresnam. Roonlntnna Mm. V.. A Niblin. Port- pnnk T Elmira: F. W. : Tioberts. Ooble: Mrs. E. W. Dunbar, irrw River: Michell Link, Goble; J. . M. Duncan, Nyssa, DE CITY OF BALTIMORE Mayor Preston Is . Reelected and Entire ' Democratic - Ticket Goes in With Him, Baltimore, May 10. The reelection of. Mayor James IT. Preston by the largest majority ever given a mayor alty candidate in this city has. placed Mayor Preston in position as the most powerful individual Democrat in the state. Not only was the mayor elected by an unprecedented majority, but the entire Democratic ticket was returned "a winner by a big vote. The Demo crats have all the city offices and control of the council. The Star, tandpat Republican, says o'f the election: "The victory is not that of a party- unless the - great majority of truly. progressive men. who have the best interests of Baltimore at heart, whose civlo pride, is stronger because of the work . which Mr. Preston's leadership has done for the city, and who have been welded into an-irresistible force for civlo progress by the power and example of that work and that lead- . crahip -constitute a, party. i "It Is Just that sort of party that ia most prominent in American muni cipal affairs today, and la doing most to lift American cities nearer to the standards of the best European mu nicipalities; and the election showed clearly that four years of Mr. Pres ton's brand of progressiva admlnistra . tion has awakened this city as nothing else has ever done, and brought it Into line with the civic spirit of the times." Excitement Kills : Woman at Fire . . , ' Gervais, Or., May 10. Fire Friday night completely destroyed the home of Martin Vachter and wife, an old couple living two miles east of Ger vais. Mrs. 'Adam Plenert, a neighbor, ''who went to their assistance, . was , overcome by the heat or excitement. She was. taken to her - home and a physician was called, but she died be fore he arrived. She leaves a husband and family of grown children, some of whom live In Portland. . Pioneers Attend Services in Street v The commemoration services of the Id Taylor Street Methodist church for Mothers' Day yesterday morning were unique and historically appropriate. - The very first; pioneer mothers of PRONOUNCED VICTORY FOR M RATS FAIRYLAND DAYS TQ RETURN ONCE MORE -- Tv III :- . :.xf JjT J-limZ .'v1w III ' - -"'C&L ;jrrr III - '' S j Top Mildred Keats as "Bluebird" In Alice in Wcerland. Bottom, left to right Mayo Met pose. Out of the distant memories of childhood can you bring back the fairy world that surrounded you after read ing "Alice in Wonderland"? Every blade of grass, every queer toadstool, took abnormal proportions. Tou ac tually tried to live the experiences of the little girl in your childish fancy. On looking into a woodsy dell you were sure there was a wizzen little witch and a gauzy little fairy. buch, too, are the delights of the children about you today, who will revel in the performance of "Alice In Wonderland." A few who are takine? Portland who j took their children to church Jon the Sabbath day In the good old way, took them to the meeting house among the trees at the corner of Third and Taylor streets. Testerday many of the children and the grandchildren of these first: moth ers, and many other worshippers. In cluding later devoted mothers of the church, gathered at the corner to hon or God 'arid motherhood on a hallowed spot. V Rev. C. H, Davis stirred all hearts with his sermon on the text, "As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you." Ernest Stansbery sang My Mother's Prayer." Will Fight Extradition. Louis Bromgofsky, aged 30 years. employed as a peddlerat Front and Washington streets, was -arrested by City Detectives Moloney and Swennes early this morning on & charge of wife and child abandonment from New York. Bromgofsky admitted the Iden tity given in the detective records, but said that he would fight extradition. Gervais Schools Closed. Gervais, -Or' May 10. The. Gervais public i schools closed Friday after noon with a good program. Miss Verna Keppinger graduated from the high school, and Susie Chamberlin and Vera Cutsforth were graduates of the eighth grade. Saturday a picnic was held on the banks of the Willamette near Fairfield. THIS BOY IS REAL PRODUCT OF OREGON Harrison T. Caujrhey. aged 5. a prod uct - of Oregon, . who was born in Portland May 8. 1910. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Caughey, wno reside at 232 East Forty-seventh street. His father is a well known musical Instructor and artist, , 11 tClf; 1 "' hot as "Alice" and Marjorle Lewis part in the performance are experi encing ultra-heavenly feasts of the imagination. For Alice, in the person of tittle Mayo Methot, la really to "wonder In Wonderland on the Heillg stage next Saturday afternoon and evening. ; The Association of Collegiate Alum nae' is giving the affair for the ben efit of the scholarship fund. Mem bers of the association are taking bo me of the grown-up parts and their children and other talented tota of the city are also numbered in the caat. Miss Frank Towslie is directing; the rehearsals, and she and Miss Frances HEAD OF U. S. STEEL CORPORATION VILL BE IN CITY TOM James A, Farrell, Accompa nied by Family, and Other Officials to Be Entertained James A. Farrell, president, of the United States Steel corporation, better known as the steel trust, will be in Portland tomorrow. Accompanied by his wife and daugh ter, Mr. 'Farrell is making a tour of the, coast to visit offices of the cor poration itself and of its selling agency, the United States Steel Pro ducts company, as well as to "take in" tne California expositions. Also traveling with Mr. Farrell are a. r. DeForrest. vice Dresldent. and L. H. Kondorff, traffic manager- of tne corporation. ' Mr. Farrell is not only head of this great industrial concern, but ha -, is aiso president or the Foreign Trades commission, an organization with a di rectorate or- so prominent American business men that has as its aim the expansion of American trade in foreign fields. The president of the United States Steel corporation is a self-made man. rising from day laborer in a wire mill to his present eminence. t Before taking the sresldenv of the steel trust, Mr. Farrell waa head of the United States Steel Products Ex port company and previous to that was" general manager of exports for the American steel & Wire company. Ha is an autnortty on the subject of ex port trade. ,Mr. Farrell is 62 year old and a na tive of New Haven. Conn. He lives in Brooklyn, but has his office in the low er part or Manhattan Island. ; Mr. Farrell will be extensively en tertained while la Portland and will be shown all of the city's show places. Including the Columbia highway. Youths Confess to Taking Automobile Three Tons Fallows Arrested, Yourtn S scapes XTOX JUs rata VU1 on Way to Xeadtnartors. Joy riding in , a stolen machine brought about the arrest yesterday by City Detectives Hellyer and Tackabery of Sam Rleman, aged 17 years; Frank Brown, aged 1 years. and. LeRoy Forbes, aged 19 years, on charges of grand larceny in the theft of an auto mobile belonging- to Dr. H. A; Harr, dentist, of 764 East Madison street. Tha machine waa t stolen from Dr. Harr's home about a week ago, and was found a few hours later at Eaat Sixty-third street and Pow-eU Valley, ORROW 'Dnchees"; Mayo in another Gill have both composed musical se lections for the occasion. Other music to be heard is by Liza Lehman. The ' staging will be fairylike and alto- fcemer aeiigmiui lor ine oia ioiks. the young folks and those that are just folks. . Elaborate pains have been gone to for the success of the play, and that the cause, which Is an unusually good one, may receive the proper support. The fact that all the arrangements have been made by the association, and that ' the money realized will- all go to the cause la particularly good to contemplate. road, considerably the worse for wear. The three youths confessed to the robbery, the detectives Bay. David Millwood was a member of the crowd, j the others say, and his father prom ised to bring him, to detective head quarters this morning. - Qn the way to the station, however, Millwood broke and ran from his father, and. the police believe he has gone to Hood River. Millwood, who is 19 years old, is on parole from the state penitentiary for burglary. Rieman and Forbes have both been before the juvenile court on several occasions. NEW TODAY NOTICE TO ALL FROM LEWISTON TO ASTORIA For $95 In payments of $5 cash down and $2.50, or more if you choose. rer month, you can buy a full lot, 50x 00 feet, inside the city of Astoria, with school, churchee. city water, streetcars and electric light close by, with an unobstructed view from some of these lots of the Columbia river and Pacific ocean. We are obliged ! to sell these lots at this big sacrifice In order to close them out quickly. : Some of the-adjoln-Intr lots have been sold recently for $500 and more, but we must sell and the price Is only $95, on easy terms if you wish. Title to these lots is first class and a warranty deed given. With, everything coming Astoria's way here is a chance to buy property for comparatively nothing. A great many of these lots are assessed at $70 each, so you can ludsce the value on this basis. "While there are any of them left you can have them for $95 each. Call or write, for plats of th property. M. J. Clohessy, 416 AMngtoa Build ing. Portland, Oregon. WANT AD RATES 4 la effect October t, U14. - -. ALL PKEVIO08 RaTES-CANcrtXID ' CHAKQED DVEKTISaU.MTS . Daily- Sunday 5 Itt cents per word per lusertfcaa,' This caarse is Cor aU clai float Ions, ex eeptlog "For Seat ia Private Family,' 'Boeai ad Board la Private Family" "Sltaatioa Wanted" and "Wanted to Heat" a da. which are Ihk cents oer worj per Inoertloa. Me ad enara-ed for .ess teaa 15 rants. Ca&U ADTXTISKMKNTB - 1H cants per word for ail elasslfleatJoos. excepting "fNw Bent la Private ramllyT "Boon aad Board ia Private Family," "Sitoa tlon Wasted." aad "War 1 to Beat" ads. which a r 14 cants p. Td. CeosecsUr Insertion of cash v,ant ads: I Inaertloas fc the price of S. ! Inaertloas jt the prteof". MEETING NOTICES 41 MOUNT HOOD LODGE, No. 157, A. F. & A. ' M. Stated communication to morrow (Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Visitors wel come. Order of W. M. . ED C. DICK, Secretary. Wtat Statistics marrtagcs.Birtbs. Lteatbs. BUSINESS CARDS , W. G. Smith & Co. Third floor. Morgan bide DRKisii suits tor rent, all aiseav Unique Tailoring Co.. SOSTBtark at. as DEATHS AND FUNERALS 75 FACCOMANMO In tbU city at the rtsidence. eot tft t-, My 8, 1815, t;rmela Faece truiiDK). aged 03 rear. 1 mooth and 29 day. Deceased la survived by two son. Ralph, and l-hillipa, one daughter. Mr. S. Moraca, all ( tbta city. rWvicea will be held tomorrow. ineaaay. at p. m. rrora tu ramnr ren bnra. 001 4th at., thenc to t. Miebael'i rhorcb, 4th aod Mill, where services will tie held at 2 p. m. Kriends sad acinalBtaneea are Invited to attend. IoteracDt lamuy t. Jloiint :aairy cemetery. NIEDERMAKK In tin city. Mar , May Medermark, aged xears and zi o.v beked wife of jorge N. Ntedennark, daagb ter of Mra. Sophia J. Murphy, atatcr of Al bert I. Ainrnhr and Mrs. it. W. Beynolda, The remains are at tb rouaerTatory , rbapel of K. 8. IHinnlnK, Inc.. Kat Side If-nneral Directors. 414 East Alder at. Funeral notice ii a later iesoe. - .' KBEKDMAN In this city. May , at bin late ridenee, iiotel Carlton, fcamuel" reedman. aeed 72 years, t friends InTited to : attend funeral services. '.-which 1 will be held it Hoi- man's Funeral i'srlors at 4 p. m. today.' Mou day. May 1fl. Intefment at Chit-ago. Illinois. CLARKK BROS., florists, fine flowers and floral desisrns. z7 Morrison sr. CLARK'S i Flower Shoo Funeral ti siRns. flowers. 480 Wash. Main 877 L MARTIN Mi KORBES CO.. florists. S47 Wash. Main 269. A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranyed. I-UXKKATj DIKKCTOR8 A splendid restuence undertaking ea taoiicnment. witn private, onveway. J. P. FINLEY & SON. Montaromerv at Fifth. MR. EDWARD HOLw. .V. the leading funeral director. 220 Sd St.. corner salmon. Laay assistant, fhonaa I 1611. Main 607. nlinn;n-r S. MnCnAnljttdertakiira ; UUiliiiiig U6 ivtui-llLCrOMo dern in every detail. Broadway and Piny ate- Main 48U. A-4S&S. JLiaoy assistanw F. S. Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder at. Kant 52. B-262S. Chambers Co. "WS lawn SiJ06. C-1133. Lady embalmer. A. R. Zeller Co..i5a Iady attendant. Par and night service. Walter C. Kenworthy Uft Ut. IT l5tH RATIwAAfl Tl. B-lltX. Tl IfUMWARTHY &. CO. Call promptly answered In all partaof city, X. O. J. if . Piag., Lignia. laaor nam Uomil-fAn EL 80th and Glisan. Fu i laiuiiLuii neral services. Tabor 4218 D T Dwrna Williams and Knott 111 I I DJM llti East 111B. C-1943. DC A DOHM Undertakers. East lOKtt. 269-371 Russell it. CI CVACQ Undertaking Co. Main 4162. orC VV C.O a-2321. Cor. 3d and Clay C D I OCA M RESIDENCE OND. PLS. I III KJJ 1 1 M. 6133. A-2235. 445 Mot BREEZE & Snook. B-lidt, T. lo. ioo Belmont, at 34tn. JUady attendant. P. T. LERCH. leadlns east side under taker. E. 11th & Clay. B-1888. E. 781. MOXOIEXTS Schanen-BIair Co, MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS, Largest stock of fine marble and granite in Portland. Beautiful granite ..ora our Oregon quarrv. 287 iiaw thorne ave. East 6566. BLAESING GRANlTrl'CO U 26r-3ffO STCOR. MADISON, PORTLAND iTAKBLE WKti., 264-264 4th sc. opp. city halL M. 8664. A-161C BUSINESS PROPERTY 66 I HAVE a 2 story frame store build ing, 24x60 ft., good warehouse and . miio ttm t .n n. i cation for eeneral store In farming community. Part cash with terms for ba.1.' Address FX-651, Journal. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 Small 3 Room House Fine lot, all In garden, j blocks from the Piedmont car barns. Pries $800: $300 cash, baL easy. See owner, 411 rienry oiog. GET OUR FREE "HOME" BOOKLET, Tells how we can build "guaranteed" home on your lot or ours. Save you Dig money, xou pay iiKe rent. THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS, 1330 Northwestern Bank bldg. $100 cash and $20 per month buys a moaern room cotiage with 2 large iota, y mode iroin union ave., ueau tiful shade trees, garage, (rood dis trict: price $2750. Wm. L. Graham. 2xz pening piqg. Main xsut), FOR SALE $427 equity in 4 room mod ern plastered cottage, 50x100 lot 5 fruit trees, garden, lots of berries. roses and chicken house, for $200. A bargain. 6037 65 ta ave. and 50th at. w -vv car. I WILL take $1000 for my $2500 equity, $2500 to assume, on modern 8 Toom bouse with garage in Haw thorne district On the crest of the hill overlooking tne city, can reast 6700. FOR SALE Nice 6 room house, all improvements, fruit trees, chicken house, barn, 2 blocks from carline. Easy terms. Address owner, 861 E, 48th st. Phone Tabor 729. . 1200 EQUITY for $600 cash, or trade equity for acreage; property con slats of, 5 room bungalow on corner lot 100x100; concrete sidewalks; value souo. can seuwoon rsz9. WH Y pay rent when you can buy a house and lot on the west side for $550, $75 down, $10 per month? This is the beat home value in Portland, al. k. Lee. ho -orpett oidg. PLANS $5 . PLANS $5 LET US PLAN TOUR BUNGALOW. LET US BUILD YOU A BUNGALOW, EASY TERMS, PAY LIKE RENT. H. A. WILLIAMS. 609 McKAY BLDG. FOR SALE 5 room house, corner lot OMXiuu. t rruit trees. , x rice szooo: 132S E. Starki St.. corner 46th. Phone 1-1V41. MODERN 6 i room bungalow, roses, fruit, chickens, furnished or unfur nished; worth $3000; will take $2500; easy terms; part trade. Phone Ta. 6S6 DON'T PASS UP OPPORTUNITY. . 5 room modern, full lot; Block to car; splendid deal; $1250; easy terms Tabor 2546. ; - OWNER will sell fine modern home and 5 lots cheap; fruits and berries. Between Mt Scott and Hawthorne line. Tabor 1014. SNAP $2650; 7 room modern house, corner lot. 2 blocks south Sandy, Rose City car. Terms. Leaving city. uwner, ptz rj. ostn at. FOR SALE Beautiful new modern 6 room bungalow dirt cheap; cash or terms; will take auto ort first payment. Tabor 1404. ' UP-TO-DATE 6 room house; will take truck, piano or lot as first payment. Tabor-431 6. FOR SALE 3 room houseboat in first class condition., Sellwood ferry, west fide. A. Qustafson. WILL-sacrifice for cash, a new 5 room buncralow. oak floors, all kinds built in work. Hawthorne car. U-904. Journal. $25 CASH, $15 PER MONTH. Newmodern 6 room bungalow, close to car. Owner. Sellwood 2204. - . FOR SALE Modern $ room bungalow, reasonable. W. L. Daniels. 962 E. lth N. r .. SPLENDID home. Irvington : East 273. : W. H. Herdman. cheap. 01 OoBlJand i $50 cash, $15 per month including in terest wilt buy a beautiful modern $ room cottage on the west side, only 17 minutes out; the ground is 100 by 100 feet, beautiful shade trees, chick en park,, city water, electric lights, etc.; for quick sale, $1600. Ask for Mr. Graham. 212 Selling Bldg. Phones Main lQO. A-6261. ' CHEAP Modern 5 room hbus, lawn,! - garden, fruit , trees. Near carline. Easy terms. Tabor 3807. FOR SALE Ltirrs 16 QUARTER acre tracts, $350, $10 down, $5 month; the best value In Port- lana. i. iee, &uo troroett Didg. ACREAGE S7 20 Acre Farm 10 acres of genuine beaverdam land. 10 acres' of upland on main road 1$ miles from Portland; pries $4000-. The beaverdam land alone Is worth the 6 rice; part cash and balance long time, teller A Deal. 314 Lumber Exchange. CHICKEN ana fruit ranches near Port land; Gresham district, electric sta tion mile, jvew subdivision, sun shine Valley orchard tracts : best soil. free- wood; elegant location. Prices only $76 to $160 fper acre In small tracts; easy terms.; frank Mcirariana Realty Co.. 809 Yeon bldg.j Portland. Or. Gibson! Half Acres. Good soil, city water, close to car line, eae terms; iwill build to auit purchaser. Phone I Marshall IMS of Sellwood 476. John H, Gibson, owner. WILL sell 5 acres rich bottom land. Improved with new 4 room cottage and other outbuildings, on your own terms. . win also consider traoe unin cumbered property. Call Main 1242. 4ti jMCiiay piug. IF you are looklne for hiah class im proved or . unimproved suburban property alonsr Oreaon City Electric, don't fail to call on or write Milwaukie A Suburban Realty t o.. Milwaukie. Or, H-ACKK for nale. new. modern. room house ' with around ready to plant, near 2 car lines. 6c fare, $1700; terms, ftione Marshall 3506, EVERGREEN, station one fine acre. cneap ror casn. Beitwooa zass. FOR SALE FARMS 17 . LOOK AT THES& BARGAINS. For sale. 80 acres: 40 acres In cul tivation. good soil, lies rolling, good Improvements, with $1500 worth of personal property. Price $6510. Part in trade, some cash, bal. terms, 20 ACRES. I 6 miles out. 17 acres in cultivation. all fenced and cross fenced. 2 acres in young orchard, 2 acres in berries, all lies level, z gooa weiuj, i norse, cows. 30 chickens and farm imnl merits and other small tools. Price $3400. $2400 cash, terms on balance. 10 ACRES. S miles out, overlooking the Colum bia river: S acres in prunes 4 years old. 1 acre in assorted fruits, fair improve ments, fries isooo. can. aisoo ana terms. This price is Just one-half of the adjoining rarirm. 80.60 ACRES. 14 miles out. 60 acres in cultivation. 15 acres more easily cleared, 12 acres of eood saw timber.: Rood improve' ments. R. F. D. and cream route, by the farm. Dlentv water, family or chard. 'Price $3000, half cash, balance IU BUI I. 4 ACRES. Close to carline almost cleared, no buildings, all fenced. Price. $700; Caah, $300; terms on balance. PACIFIC REALTY CO., 115 W. th st.. Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE Fine home. 18 acres, all olear. fine " location, land lies nice springs, running' water, paved road, 6 ml loo rrom ureeon uitv. mils elec tric road, stores, churches, on mail. cream and bttone route: lair improve mencing to bear, all kinds small fruit, team, 2 cows, 200 thoroughbred chick ens . wasron. hack, new harness, all farm, smalt tools, grain, wood, po tatoes, all go with place. C. G. Pryce. muia 3 Orcean Citr: take Willamette Valley Southern to Beaver Creek and see place. 1 - BACK of Vancouver. $15 per acre. 80 acres. 5 room house. Darn, cnicaen houKA. bearlne fruit trees, about 2 acres cultivated, land nearly all tilla ble, about one million feet timber: this Is 6 miles irom xacoir, wain. . neii snap. $600 cash, balance to suit. Fred W. Oerman jo.. an i:nam. or uom. GOOD FARM FOR SALE. , a fin acres. '8 miles weat of Willa- mint, etn count v road, mail route. 1 mile from church and school. 150 acres ornn. 150 nasture and timber, new bungalow on place, $60 per acre, terms. C. V. f LUiv, wiiutmina, ur. on acres, about 8 miles east of Van -nnvir about 3 acres cleared and some slashed; good 7 room house and well; price $2500; will sell or rent to responsible parties; reasonable terms. Ttaggart. 418 tTiamper or commerce. I. WANT to sell or trade 160 acres. Grant county, iruprweu, umuvuiu bared wheat and stock farm ior unur cumbered, improved suburban acreage up to 33500. TJl-eoa, -journal FOR SALE 240 acres, celery farm In Michigan. $70 per acre;izo acres choice farm land. Clarke Co.. Wash.. $25 per acre. , A. u. i.riger, itvtt m. Salmon. Portland IF YOU are looking for Rood buys or exchanges or eastern ure. wneat land do not fall to see Keller St Deal. Suite 314. Lumber Ex. bid.. Port- land. Or. FOR SALE 46" acres of land, 12 acres in clover and vetch 30 inches high, and rest in good pasture; at a pargain. x.iTuy, uvvk-iiis uiaa, tr. THE two finest acres at Metzger, one acre In fruit. $1500 cash or " 3.04 acres with Improvements. $2750 cash. TX-861, Journal. - i FOR SALE 76 acres 34 miles from Lents, alt or part. Rood land, run ning water; improvements; $200 per acre. Phone hi. Z3f. owner. CHOICE acreage, planted to corn, 1 to 100 acres; ironis on capital runa way; easy terms. Owner, H. Grebe, Tl- gardviiie. or, CHEHALIS valley farm, 60 acres. everyrhina: to operate: taKe pari Portland property; call Main 89i0. 80 ACRES for sale cheap, central Ore sron on isena roaa, vi mne irom town. 25 N. jst st., Fortiand. 20 ACRES, lh miles from county seat. 885 an acre. Mra. J. S. Steinke. Hlllsboro. Or., R. F. D. 5. - FOR RENT FARMS 14 PASTURE for a few cows. 10 acres fenced, 76th, near Division. Dr. T. W. Sharpe, owner. Pacific phones. HOMESTEADS 47 HOMESTEAD relinquishments. 160 acres. 45 miles from .Portland. 17 from railroad station. -7 acres in or chard. House and barn, running water. For sale cheap. T-869, Journal. EXCHANGE HEAL. ESTATE 2 10 ACRES In commercial apples, best sellers, comma; into bearinai near Newberg,' Or.; best condition for resi dence property: or clear lota. 631 C h amber of Commerce. Phone B-l 081. A $1600 equity in house and let in Mon- ta villa, worth i30U; will take auto mobile and some cash; give full de scription when answering. : N-435, Journal. IF you have good city property you wigo to exenange ror farms or acret age, please call and see me. W. J. Iavle, 605 corbett bldg. - FINE improved farm: Joining town - site in aiinnesota; consiaer acreaae Or residence as nart payment, bal. long time, rt-ioy, journal. TO EXCHANGE Six room modem house and lot, unincumbered, ror Im proved acreage. 764 E. 8th , at. S. Knone we II wood 1350. A. FARM and . excellent bulldinas in Michiaan to trade for timber. A. ci Krirr. izt r;. wimon, yortiana. WHEN you anawer these Want Ada. mention Tne journal. FOR TRADES OF ALL KINDS SEE GARLAND A LIND, 161 4th at. 40 ACRK3 unimproved, lies well, for city noma, at Aiisay mag. - FOIt S.LE HOUSES EXCHANGE REAL. ESTATE 24 rooBtlaaed) "52 Acres, : 8 Miles Out This is one of the very beet Improved farms near the city of Portland. There are 63, acres, 4 8 acres high state cultivation; all the very beat of land. No richer soil in the state . of Oregon. The improvements are worth $5000 and are the very best. There is a full equipment of machinery' and all kinds of stock. Price $15,000 Take good home lh Portland. Time on balance. Remember, 3 located lust 8 miles from the city limits of Portland. Hargrove & Sons ' 122 N.i 6th st. near Glisan. Main-43 81, A-7259. 69 ACRES, 26 miles from Portland; $135 pen acre; will trade for clear Portland property up to $7000. STEPHENS SOCIETY LAND DEPT. ' - 1031 Chamber of Commerce. x -WILL exchange my equity In & room house and 2 lots near Jerrerson nign school for auto that will stand me chanic's inspection. $1200 mortgage to assume. NX-433, Journal. , -FOR EXCHANGE Lota Nk 3, 103. 104, 167, W. V. Hamel addition to Springfield, Mo. Value $650. Write what you have to trade. ' Box 281, PrinevlHe. Or. " -- TRADE 10 acre tract one mile from Oregon Electric, all in cultivation, black loam soil, will trade for stock groceries, clear Jots or good automo blle. See owner, 1642 Peninsula ave. Rooming House 60 rooms In heart oflclty. 8 blks. of Wash., at.; rent less than $2 a room: iron beds. silk, floss mattresses; good carpeta; strictly modem; well worth $5000. Price today for all $900; easy terms. Peters, 16 N. 6th St. . HOTEL roomlnar house. 2 blocks from court house: brick building, fine fur niture; place just retlnted. painted and renovated throughout: a snap for o u ink deal; sickness: cash or part ! trade: no agents. Call Main 1182 or write post office box W. FOR SALE OR TRADE. - Rooming and apartment house. 27 MAma wi Wv 1 aw V ah, srrVrvl 1 Ana ! AH a "iriii ssf a. VI liiBuru. fswva iwvsviuim Call or phone, 129 Grand ava.. Keystone rooming nouse. i . FOR SALE Rooming house of 18 roms; a bargain, part cash, rest in payments; west side. Address box 606, Portland. DANDY 14 room house, all IL K. Will give Immediate possession for '$200, balance on terms. W-876, Journal. CORNER house. 16 rooms, well fur nished, sacrifice; will trade. 294 Jefferson. ' 20-ROOM rooming house in good loca tion, rent cheap; no agents; Aiar shall 6448. - - ' I HAVE' several - clients that , want rooming houses. Mlllership, 07 Stock Exchange. ' ' 42 room rooming; house near Waahing ton st. Borne cash. baL good trade. 411 Henry bldg. . I i i Zm HOUSE, Lents district., for rooming house. 811 Allskybldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 20 $215 $216 $216 Buvs a cigar store, depot location. cheap rent; clears $6 daily; stock and fixtures will-invoice $1150. This in cludes $60 upon lease. See Peters. 15 North 5th st. - FINE . conf., cigar, tobacco, magazine and fruit store; clean stock and good fixtures; fine transfer point; paying place; must sell, leaving; state. 0-430, Journal. BIO CARBONS BIO CARBONS NOT OLD WARPED SHORT POINT. OUR NEW STOCK DIRECT FROM GERMANY, $7.60. A-100. 64 BROAD- WAY. HALF interest in paying cleaning and - pressing business, auto delivery; In business district, west side; $400 takes It. 801-2 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark. ' ' - - -' - Store Owner I have a lady with caah and proper- ty to trade for one. Call Main 6977. SACRIFICE, if taken Monday,, cash grocery, apartment district, cnean rent; might give terms. Owner, 341' East '8th rt. ! -j--- - ' 500 BUSINESS CARDS 55c 1000 80o Rose City Prlntery, 8d at Taylor. HAVE; fine buys on grocery, confec tionery ana cigar stores. MUiersnip. 207 Stock Exchange.! MAN wanted, willing worker, hours day: can make 315 week; sso re quired. 333 Chamber of Commerce. 6 ACRES in cultivation, all in 6 year old fruit trees: xamnui county. 3io takes this. 333 Chamber of Commerce. PARTNER in fine business, the mad more essential than money. Miller- hip. 207 Stock Excnange, FOR SALE or trade, caah meat mar ket: beat transient location. Y-313. Journal. - NEW hardware and grocery stock; in voice $1400. , Part cash. Phone Wnnil awn 3913. tabliahed sheet and metal businesa,. Can't do work alone. B-476. Journal. SAFETY razor sharpening business cheap, complete ouuu; leaving city. $14 E. Morrison. 1000 Business Cards $.85 Ryder Ptt- Co., B. W. cor. 8d V Morrison RESTAURANT for rent to responsible party; well xurnisnea ana has good trade. ,0-760, Journal. NEW 6 chair bootblack stand worth $300. Will sell for $160. Good lo- cation. 246 1st st. IF you want to move or start grocery tore In best location on west side. call A-1548. Marshall 3945. I MAKE a specialty of rooming houses and out of town buainess chancer. Mlllership, 207 Stock Bxr-hango. FOR SALE or part trade, a first class hotel, or terms on part if sold soon. The lowa. no 'tn St., uregon ;ny. AGENT proposition, $20 takes the whole thing. 333 Chamber of Com. RESTAURANT for sale cheap if taken this week. 411 Henry Did. $100 TAKES half - interest buainess cnance orrrce. m cnamwr jom. WANTED 7TKAL ESTATE 31 WANT farm from owner? have Port land real estate. Send Price and de scription. IF. 1m. Durf ey. 1137 East Flandersst. Phone Tabor 4975. WANTED From owner, 1 or 2 lots. reasonaniy priced, short distance from school and carline. H-299. Jour nal . "-Il ' MONET TO LOAN 27 REAL ESTATE $100,000 on mortgages, city and farm m.ot i au m..v ' .11,1. ft Co.. oerimger bldg.. ,Zd ana Alder. MONK x to loan ui mounts of $100 to 36000 on city, property, jl. a. telL 201 Oerllnrer bldg. MORTGAGE loans at current rates. Real estate security. Aooiy room oa Stock Exchange. 3d and YembilL - $340, $860. 6600. $9, 61ZUV. $1600. Fred w. German' Co.. 14 Cham, of Com. $40,000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON. 80 4th st. Board of Trade bidg. MONEY to loan to 8 per cent. W. H. welta ft Co.. 3io Spalding bldg. 600 to $6000 PR. VaTE mOnE. O- journal. - i $6600 to loan, whole or part. Private money. - u-488. journal. i $500 to $3000 to loan at reasonable rates, raoor 840Z. i LOANS or contracts. $50 up; write d- taiis. pot aaa. xents. i MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 per cent. Louis Solomon Co., 729 Ptark st. .50, $600, up; i"m pr 6; no broker age. Ward. 407 SpaldJnar bldg.. t MONEY; TO LOAN REAL ESTATE - ' - tOontinuod) . ' LOANS on improved city property rf for building purposes; advance mad as building progresses: liberal rerav. ment pri vile res: no commission. J. i. Lipscomb. 243 Stark st. Main 443.). Mortgage Loans I. I WHITE. " T01 Selllna bldg. MORTGAGE louns on city and farm properties, lowest rates; mortgages and sellers' contracts bouaht. Cow II ehaw 607 Commercial blo'-k. BUILDING LOANS on city and subur ban property; money advanced as work progresses. W. Q. Beck. 616 Fall In a- bldg. Main 3407. WE have money to loan oa your (eati estate; first mortgages only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY CASH paid ior mortgagee, notea. con. tracts; mortgage oann; reasonable rates. F- H. Lewis & Co.. 8 Lewis bid. MONEY" TO LOAN CHATTKIjS, SALARIES 07 ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT EASTERN KATES. We have one of the finest retail Jewelry stores in the city. A loan de partment Is conducted in connection with same, making business STRICT LY CONFIDENTIAL. Absolutely no signs designating loan business dis played in front of our store. All msr. chandiae pledged ia held for a period of seven months, whether or not in terest 1 paid when due. We are li censed and have been established since 1399, No connection with any other loan establishment In thla city. A. t M. DELOVAGE, JEWELERS. 824 Washington st. LOANS IN SIX HOURS' TIME. ,1 At Legal Rates s "We loan money on diamonds) pianos, livestock, storage reeeiptx, plain note, on furniture, or anything of value. ITou can get it today. Portland Loan Co, .'-Licensed by (State. .. 811 Dekum Bid.. Third and Washington. Marshall 8286. A-C37. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOiti ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. , Business Strictly Confidsntial. i STATE SECURITY CUM? AN f. LICENSED. 809 FAIL1NO BLDG. MONEY AT ONdE Diamonds. Watches. Musical Jnstrum tS i Separate dept. for ladles. ELUy CO. (Licensed.) 320 Lumber Ex. bldg.. ad and Ptnrk. LOANS WANTED .10 WANTED $260 on 2 fine lots. Rose City Park dletrlct, 4 block car, street improvements paid. Owner X 223, Journal. ' $60 bonus lor $000 for 30 days. Money secured. MillerxMp, "'07 (Stork Y.. $2600 wanted at once at "',', on Null Hill ' residence. A-978.- Jo.irnal. FINANCIAL 51 FIRST and second mortgages, also set lers' interest in contracts, purchased. Oregon and Wsshington. ii. E. Noble. Lumbermens bldg. HELP - WANTED MALE Y. M. C A. EMPIOTMENT DEPT. Record for year 1914: Calls for men ......1791 Positions filled 1814 All young men seeking employment ar cordially Invited to consult with the secretary of the mploym.nt de partment. WAN i ED Carpenter work m ex change for dental work, sleeping porch, etc. to be made. Give phone number. - AdtlresH K-4ii, Journal. II ELI WANTED -MISC. 40 Y. M. C. A. Automobile School Day and night instruction In repair Ing. driving, selli. and machine work, including forge, lathe, aliaper, drill press, etc. i Moderate charges. Fair dealing and expert training. Time us limited. ..i Before throning elsewhere call at educational office, Y. M. C. A. old., and secure pass entitling you to ia spect our whop and methods - USE your spare time to ouild up a mail order business of your own. We help you start for a share in profits; 27 wpportunities; particulars free. Opportunities Exchange, Uu falo, N. Y LKAKN AUTOilObibW repairing and driving at the BEST EUUiFPED. most UP TO DATE and only PRAC TICAL AUTOMOBILE SCIIOOL la Portland. L. & M. Auto Repair Co., 8t! Hawthorne ave. THOUSANDS government jobs opn to men and women, $95 to $160 month. Write for iit. Franklin Institute, Dept. 343-D, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED, at once, man to learn auto repairing and driving. Call at Hawthorne garage. 445 Hawthorne ave., corner 7th. SEE us before spending your money. Will teach you to drive auto. Wood lawn 4183, 586 Vancouver ava., near Russell. ' k-Ail lC AUt'O AU OA tujUJltihi j SCHOOL. Booklet Free. 266-.08 11th St. - Free Trial BeforeEnrollment. SADDLE horses, 60o first liour725J - additional hours; English or stock saddles- 16th and Madlnon. M, 676. WANTED Names of men. 18 or over, . wishing government jobs. $66 mo. GX-160, Journal. COOK headquarters California Wine Depot. 291 Ysmhlll, Nesr 6th. UNCALLED for tailor made suits $6.64 up. Taylor, the Tailor. 2 8 in,. Burns I d . USE Bapsett's Native Herbs for rhatH ma Hum: 60 talftets .Tic. All drurgtsta. . . HELP W A NTEI FEM A LE 2 WANTED A German woman with references ' for general housework. Phone Tabor 1686, or take M-V car to 232 IK. -55th st. nortn. WANTED Ladles to demonstrate, resi dnntial Work, $2 and,up. Room 605 L 1 V 1 t ' KLDERLY lady to heln about the hO"fe: 4 K. 7th St. N. I1EL1 WANTED MALE AND - i . FE3IALE 23 MEN and women to learn the barber tradev wages paid while teaming; tuition reduced, positions secured. The only chain of schools In the world. Send for free catalogue. Moier Barber College, H. 4 6 H. 3d st. Oregon Barber College will teach vou the trade In 6 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tui tion reduced this term. 233 Madison. BAKBERS AND SUPPLIES fTJ Barbers' Supplies LOWEST- PRICES ' FOR STANDARD GOODS. Witch Hazel. $1.10 gal. Umy Rum Compound, $2.60 gal. "Micro" Tonic, $4 gal.; $1.25 7V4 ilenkle Heissors. $1, etc. Dept. E, Clarke-Wood ward DrugC., Woodlark Mdg, AMer at Went i'ark. Portland. Or. Elevator to 6th floor. LEW1S-TENGER Barbers' (supply Co. i Morrison and luth. Oldest and most reliable bouse on the coast. That' ail. CAVE money on barber suppaies, i'oru Cut. & Barb. Sup Co.. 86 6th! WAN TED A G ENTH O ONE solicitor for 'accident insurance; best contract on the market to agent. Y-602. Journal. WANTED "Ji salesmen (ladies an-i gentlemen.) Call Z to 4 p. m.WeJL, 4 K. t'Sth it. north. SITUATIONS MALE :i jaiaaB. ii . - i i 1 WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. IF you want a good all around paiui- er, pnorie Main l . (CosUan oa Sfext Sage)