The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 09, 1915, Page 27, Image 27

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' 2227.1 Knights and La
dls.of Security, grand
opening picnic, Crystal
Lake iwk, ,jhuwuwi
Sunday. May 8, today.
Big program: Contests,
raves, ! baseball,- Kirk-
.. ( n vr aa Mafra
hees. Royal Purple i (ladles) vs. Port
land. Dancing afternoon and evening.
Uion, ground 10c; children under 10
I'rsm irfifli ........
every T Monday evening,
fellingi-Hirscri hall. 386V
lorrisim ' st: visitors
cordially welcome. De
cree work evry treeting.
.- . . j. it - CotieuL
T i Clerk.
212 Ablnarton bldg.
tAfAn T-,-, , r. t will rlv n1
Iait -dance of the umBon-at their hall.
409 Alder street, on Thursday evening.
nated. All KniRhts and Ladies and
their friends are Invited to this dance.
ICorae and enjoy a food old fashioned
V,Zr1 .homestead
v B. A. ' Y. meet
- Thursday evenln.
t Woodmen Hall,
V .i-'f if street, i Visitor
pts every
ng In the
128 11th
street, i Visitors welcome.
Ph one Wood awn 9j. I . Correspondent.
BURKPATRICK Council 2227, Knighu
ana Laaies or security, in Dig open
meeting next Friday, Mny 14, 8:S0
p. tn. sharp. Moose i hall Morrison
and Broadway. Card. "500." Enter
tainment, dancing, tliest union music.
tjoodi prizes. Admission 15 cents. Com
met bring v6ur friends for a good 1fimv
attend-the shirtwaist dancing: party
(riven bv MartincrUe camn. Tuesday
v.-vening. May 11, W.iO. ,W. Temple. 128
jKleventh street. AdtmisHlon 25c. Bur
jchard's orchestra. Dancing $:30.
Ln JNiiiHOTA society, vv euiiesoay, co
tillion hall.. 600 &ii 8:45: dancing and
Ice-cream. 25c. . liTlends -welcome,
rize to member gliving largest list.
ames and addreHsf?i, former ''Go
ners.". UK TICKIWER. chairman.
iCOO 'party, - Multnomah circle. Wornei
I or wopdcrait, Frm&y evening, Aiay
D 4. Four prizes. Daiscinjf-Good music.
JV. O. W Tern ole. 1128 11th st. Come
W n (I bflng your friends.
DRPBU Temple IS, Pythian Sisters,
meets on Thursday evemnirs or each
tweek. in K. of P. hall, 11th and Alder.
Helen m. ijamar, mj oi k, s u. ,
I ., win give a icara party at meir
Tall. ,129 4ih st., Wednesday evening.
way la. ji;.veryoayi! welcome.
Wtil Statistics
marriages. Births. Dzatbs
Ma Fleralnir. . 41K iEnst Twenty-aeventh
troet. North, ltizal. and! Thpo. Peer. 4'M. East
rwcnty-aevrntb street, :Nrtli, If gal.
Jobu-Odano., Sell woodj iti, and Aioerl Maria
lllna, fiellwood, iiO. I .
Hoy Ml. Hall, S1 Kasti Seventy-fourth atreet,
Korth. 21. and Elizabeth J. Laird. Otil East
fceventy-fonrth utreet. North, IS.
K.iltvln K. jotiuson, otiar ui.ipi, zu, ana
Minnie M. Woods. Fostaf hotel. 32.
Ilonnle Uatewood, Carltlon hotfl, 20.
1 Kaloh Hlnrtrka. KoodilUver.' Or.. lsal. and
plad Markley, lieana Vista Apartments,
wit . r
M C2 Ctt-,i4h X. Pin
VVeddi n g and
jf w vji Oil ii in vx, wi visiUng
h'hird floor, MorR-aw bid?.
DRESS suits for rent, all eizea Unique
-l avionnsr t:o.. r.HHiKiaric ex.
rMMLL To Mr. and! Mrs. W. 3. Gemmell,
1383 Borthwick at- Aortl 2H. a son.
PAHKEa-To Mr. and Mrs. Lee M. Parker.
23 E. 78th at. N., April 11, a son.
ROBEETS To Mr. and Mr. Harold J. Rob-
1.467 B. Ui at. SL April 2(3, a daugn-
LLEONAGltEK-i-To ifr. and' Mrsf A. Clen-'
SKhfu. 487 E. 84tH at J April 17, a flaiigfiter.
EVABtMT Mr. an Mrt. Wtn. A. Ward, Spo
ku. Wnatu. May 6. a dUCugbter.
LEITKB To Mr. and Mr. V. E. loiter. Baa
i Morro apta., Apru xs a aaagnter.
lUX To Mr. and Mra.pA. O. Klx, 72S Lex-
I lnpton it.i April 11, ti son. -5
r,INCK To Mr. an Mrs. Win.- Stock. 1237
Mllwaukle St., May -8.1 a daughter.
tOUJTlV-To Mr. and Mrs. James Xount, 431
IVALDORF To Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Waldorf,
I 649 PmatUJa ave.. Miy t. a son.
I'OUNG To Mr. and Mir. C. B. Yorine. 1186
E. 15th rt. jv., Aprujaa. a daughter.
,ESTOB May S at thej Aome of her parents.
Mr. ana- Mrs. ifl. Mi, ergen, -i aoor
ourt, 'Verne Bergen, lf "of F. I Istoe
t thia city, and sister of Harold B. Bergen
f Des Moines, Iowa. 4 The funeral services
i 111 be held at tha oinservatory chapel of
8. Iunnlnst Inc. 444 East. Alder, corner
th at., at 2:30 d. sa Monday, May. 10.
rlends Invited.
RiTSSl The funeral of tha lata Rostna Bnaao
-who oassed away in tuia city May 6. 191a.
rill be held today (Snniay), at 2 p. m,. from
he chapel of the Skewea undertaklag company,
hird and Clay, tbece ,to St. Michaels
bnrch. Fourth and MiiS. where services will
ie held at 2:30 p. m. jiYieiuls and acqualnt-
ncea mvitea to atrenn. iaierment lamuy
lot. Row lty CTmetegy.
1AHOVICH May fmt- the residence, 41
Kast Thirjty'-eecona street. Peter Marovlch,
aed B years. beloveS Bon of Mr. and Mrs.
Luton Marovlch. Funeral will take place from
Lie above residence, Monday. May 10, at i:o
. m Services at St. il'liiUph'a Nert church,
lorner fcast sixteenth and Hickory street. 2
clock. menus invltad. Interment Mount
alvary cemetery. Aolo aervioe.
DAILY May 7. 1915, iat 112 Knott street.
uiixaueui uauy. aKecu w years, a months.
7 days. Funeral services Sunday, May 9,
tap. m irom rt. xj nyrnes' xunerai par
rs. Wfllianm-avenue amd Knott Ktreet. In-
frment Rivervlew cemetery., Frienda ln-
ueo. i i
OHR1SOX In this city. May 7, at the fam
ily residence. 664 East Flftr-seventh street.
forth. Williiim J. Morrison, aped 32 years.
isbana ot lsiinn s. Morrison, ana brother or.
ir. A;" D. Morrison of Carolton. Or. The rje
iialns are-' at the renldt-nce establishment of
. P. Fluley Son, Montgomery at rlftb.
BECKER- The funeral services of Lucille Lil
lian liecker, beloved daughter of Mr. and
irs. Peter r Becker will be conducted today
Sunday 1. May 9. at 2 i. m. at . the family
fesidence, 275 FlaHeck street. Friends invited.
Remains in care of the jPearaon's Undertaking,
;orqpan'.y. Kiwweu arfeei at, union avenue,
LRNOT May 8, at bis late residence. 1145
Kaat Klneteenta street, jHortn. Fred Arnflt,
eed-6S years. Remain in care of the Pear-
on s Undertaking company, ; Itussell street, at
fcUAL'P&ES Ooncludhigi services over the re
mains of the late uiaries Beaapres wui be
eld Sunday morning. May fr, In tha chapel of
ha Mt Scott Park ceraotery cramatorlum, at
O a. m. Ini'lngFatlBo private. - -
TniMk"I arBl.w. ulll ha little Snr,.
1 day morning' at 11 aj in.. In the chapel of
Jhe Mt. Scott Park cemetery crematorium
Iver. the remains of Gaorgs Moenskl, lata of
lmberg, Ahstrla. h -
uILBKRT The remains of the late Clarence
H. Gilbert will be Interred in Mt. Scott
ark cemetery Monday.! Mav 10. at 2 n. m.
krrancments for services by funeral directors.
(reeao c cnooa. I
LARK The funeral (service of ta late
Sanford Clark, will be held today f Sunday).
t a-m' m..-at Dunnlnj & McEntee's Chanel.
kemaina will be taken to Eugene, Or,, for in-
OHASON- Tha funeral !of the late llolrafrigur
lonnson win re neia i esunaay,- May v, at B
m.. from (he lata residence: interment .to
e made in Mt.N Scott Park cemetery. -
lltkUGEN-r-Ihe faueral setyic of Lillian Klin
Hansen will be held at P. L. ' Lerch nnder-
akiug parlora. East 11th and Clay sta,,, Sun-
ay,' at a p. tn. rnenoa -mvirea.
OHNSQJT -At -ber lata- residence. 273 East
35th at., Holntfridnr Jbhtison, ajred 76 years,
n neral -aerrlce will- ba held at the above resi
ence, Panda. v. at 3 p. m. Friends invited..
AN HOOM1SSEN Frauk Van Hoomiien,
liood - Samaritan. Man 4. 28 years, chronic
ephritis. . ..-!- i
OUEUS Clara RogiH-s,! 5610 02d St. B.
May 4, 78 years, cerebral hemorrbaje. '
AYLOR Llxcie Naylori 147 Idaho St.. Uay
5. flft- Tears, cerebral Isramorrhare. -
VE1DK ft Margaret A. Welder. 191 lit at-.
May 6, 48 yeara; cerebral hemorrhaa-a. '
BYOB Dora D. Pryor, 5724 64th at." 8.
K.. Mav. 4 84 vaara rmpiimnrtla. -
BURDICK Marllfa Burdick. 1925 Orefon at..
aiay j, oo ypars. cerewai apoplexy.
CLARKE.- BROS., florists, fine f lower
ana tiorai designs. z7 .Morrison st.
pLARK'S' Flower Shop Funeral d-
isns. ciowera. av was a. Main. t iu
. v ; - sr. - v
ffilUS 1 this citjr. My 7, 1913, txmlaa
Witlliti, xd 4& year. 6 month. 1 day. late
of 675 M1nnota avenae. Sb i survived by
ber iiuahandv Jacob Wallin, and the follow
in cbflcireii:, Jaeob, Jjeonard, Hilda. Kditlj,
tlna and Ellen Wallin, alt of tbla city. : Ko
perai verricea will be conducted Monday. May
lo, at 2 p. tn.. from-tb Aaarnatana Liutheran
chitrrh, (M-nr Hodny avenue and Stanton
ntrt.' Friends Invited. Interment Rose City
I'ark cemetery. Remains at 1'caraon's under
taking parWir.- Rufsell atreet at Union avenue.
MARTIN & FORBES CO.r florista. 47
Wash. Main 269, A-l 2 69. Flowers tor
nil occastona artistically arranged.
A splendid resluence undertatcins;
tabllthment. with private driveway.
Montgomery at Fifth.
MR. EDWARD HOLm. V, the leadln
funeral director. 220 Id at., corner
Salmon. Lady asaista&U Phones A
1611. Main 647.
! Dunning & McEnteaVi'in
everv detaiL' RrnajwM and Pine Bts.
Main 4 30. A-4558. Lstdy assistant.
F. S. Dunning, Inc.
East Side Funeral Directors. 414
Eaiit Alder t. ast Si, B 225.
Chambers C0r anderbyTWood
lawn 3i06. C-1133. fc Dady embalmer. r
i -
A. R. Zelier Co,
Iady attendant. Day ana n'gm t..
Walter C. Kenwdrthy
1632-1534 E. 18th. ' BeMwood 71. B-1122.
A. D. KEN WORTHY & CO. Calls
promptly answered In all parts of
city. I. O. 6. F. bldg.. Lents. Tabor 527.
I II . OA4U C 5.H as A tS
Uomilnn 80th and G1180
nallillLUII neral services. Tabor 4313.)
,R. T. Byrne
Williams and Knott ;
East 1115. C-1943.
nr a DPAM Undertakers. East 1080.
369-371 Russell st.
QICAC"Q Undertaking Co. Main 4162.
OlC. VVC.O A-2321. Cor. 3d and Clay
Residence und. pds.
6133. A-2236. 446 Mor.
BREEZE & Snook, B-1262. T. 1258. 1028
Bplmont. at 34th. Lady attendant.
P. L. LERCH, leading east side under
taker. E. 11th & Clay. B-1888.E. 78L
Schanen-BIair Co.
Largest stock of fine marble and
arranite in Portland. .Beautiful granite
.'.'om our Oregon quarry. 287 Haw
thorne ave. feast 5566.
U 267-5B0 3TCOPi.MADl30rn
POR T L.A iS ks itAKiJL.E WKS., 264-266
4th st..iopp. city halL M. 8564. A-151S.
I HAVE a 2 story frame store build
ing, 24x0 ft., good Warehouse and
dwelling, on about 1 acre of ground 3
miles from Ry sta,, to sell. Good lo
cation for general store In farming
community. Part cash with terms for
bal. Address FX-65I. Journal.
A brand : new nobby bung&ow, of
original design and every modern fea-
Til ra H n r Vi 1 a SA -Pit Vti r a a hnnlr .
- a,w s AAa3waws iuiunvc, ywn,"
cases, buffet, hardwood floors, break-
xasi room, j) rencn aoors, l private
porch, etc. Beautifully decorated
with tapestry naper. The best value
in Portland foV $3300 and on easy
terms. Owner, Tabor 2852.
6 ROOM house,, gas, full basement,
laundry trays, small lot, improved
St., on Taylor west of 20th; good buy
$150.0; $100 down. bal. like rent,
5 .room cottage In good condition,
electricity , and gas, basement, corner
lot 60x100, 7 fruit trees, improved st.
Price $2500. See this. Tabor 1811,
B-3541. W. H. Sawtell.'
A DANDY 6 room house and 100x100
of ground 3 blocks from car; fine
j fruit trees, berries: and garden.: also
vaiiciveii uuuse aziu i runs,- -Dnce szzau.
want $100 payment and balance 915 per
month,, or will trade for horses.. J..H.
Mariflfi. 384 Oak st,. Portland.'
BUNGALOW sacrifice, Hawthorne dis
trict, . $2700, completely furnished;
6 rooms, full basement, fireplace,
Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, book
cases, fine attic, etc;.: Investigate. Cost
me $3200, unfurnished. Easy terms.
j-none Main t pa, mornings.
Tiram pitt badv r -tii tj '
I will sacrifice my home for some
thing on which -I can borrow $1000 or
lLta .llOB-lS811! " cost me
rose City, sacrifick
My m6dern 45th' st, bungalow' that
cost me- $4060 goes for $3000 'If- you
have only $1000 in cash. J-863. Jour
nal.' ' --
WHY pay rent when you. can buy a
house and lot on the-west side for
$550. $75 down. 910 per month? This
is the best home value in Portland. M.
i.. buo corbett Didg.
SIX room., bungalow, all on ground
floor, -strictly latent in every con
venience. 504 E. 48th N., Rose City
Park. Phone B-2667, before 12 and
after 6.
1200 EQUITY for $600 cash, or trade
equity for acreage: property con
sists of 6 room bungalow on corner
lot 100x100; concrete sidewalks; value
$4000. Call Sellwood 1829
FOR SALE Swell 8 room new modern
; hdme. Must sell quick. Fine, loca
tion, $2700., Take Alameda car. Sunday.
Cor Glettn and Prescott. -
MUST sell our beautiful home, all
modern throughout, . -W. block from
ear line, at a big sacrifice; owner has
left city; snap: call at once. Main 4713.
B room "bungalow near Jefferson
high, nice lawn, rosea, etc. - Make offer.
1024 Borthwick. . . .
SNAP $2650;, 7.' room modern house.
corner lot, ' 2 blocks soutn Sandy,
Rose City car. Terms, ... Leaving city.
NICE little modern home, full plumb
ing, uutcn jcitcaen, tmtea, good lot,
not too far out. $1250. 1. Easy
terms. Sellwood 1505.
NOTICE this: - My - 6 room cottage.
1 yxw, vaaj .... ... o. . I.. , AaWI XOXO
UP-TO-DATE' 6 room house: will take
.truck, piano or lot aa first payment,
l aoor 43 to.
FOR SALE New 6 .. room modern
house, easy terms. Phone - Owner,
Woodlawn 4196. -
FOR SALE 8 room houseboat in first
class condition,! Sellwood ferry, west
Fide. A. Ouatafson. .
WILL secrifice for cash, a new 6 room
bungalow, oak floors, all kinds built
tn worn, nawinorne car. u-at4, journal.
FOR SALE Modern 5 room house,
only 2 blocks from car. Call owner
for price and terms. Tabor 697.
CHEAP Modern 5 room house, lawn,
garden, fruit trees. Near rarUne.
Easy terms. Tabor 3807.
925 CASH, $15 PER MONTH.
New modern 6 room buna alow, close
to car. owner, oeuwooa zxv.
KiU "-ea. rm j a , y m. tt vrwu iV V "
FOR SALE Modern 5 room bungalow.
19th N.
DESIRABLE house and lot for sale;
Hawthorne carline; fruit trees, ber
rier; price $2500, Tabor 1281.
FIVE room house and 7 lots, cheap foi
.cash. Phone owner. Tabor -69L .
" ; $2000 -'.
. New Hawthorne Bungalow
' ' 1044 ARNOLD ST. . -Bet.
34th St. and Mareuerita At.
Brand new home, with modern, built
in - conveniences. A snap. . JVorth
?2600. Close in. Most any terms. 6
arg- rooms, bath. Dutch kitchen. 'A
halls, 7 ft. concrete foundation, paved
streets, sewer, fruit and .shade trees,
berries. Very attractive home and
price. Go and see at 1044 Arnold at-,
then phone Sellwood 75. p
Artistic New Rose City
Park Home
Come out and see. It today. Finest
and best in district. Large airy rooms
and aleepinj? porch: cozy fireplace and
breakfast nooks. Decorated , through
out; furnace, lighting fixtures, shades,
best of plumbing; beautiful neighbor
hood; lovely shade trees. Lot 60x100.
Price 23600; terms. 630 E. 68th st. JJ.,
1 block north of; Sandy blvd. F. B.
Turner, builder. 1 ''
between Hawthorne and Richmond dis
trict; new, modern, hardwood floors,
full cement basement, latest built-in
conveniences, electric light .fixture,
nhades, everything complete aa,d up to
date; 50x100 lot, sidewalk assessments
paid In full, house taken over from
builder at less than eost and can be
noMs now at a- bargain, price; easy
term Look this up; It Is a rare op
portunity. E. 4th and Clinton sts.
Phone Tabor 423. ' : '
On my new 5 room modern bunga
low; baa fire place, full basement, 6
fixtures plumbing, i built - In con
veniences, hardwoods, floors, , i large
porches, attic, etc.. Is an east front.
To realize will take, $2250, easy
terrnsl Is priced far below surrounding
Property. House open Sunday. AI
erta car to 10th St., north to 1063. No
agents. Owner R, C. White. Bring
this ad. -
- New, modern 5 room bungalow. In
Hawthorne district, fail cement base
ment with wash trays, hardwood
floors, built-in bookcases, beautiful
buffet, fireplace, panel dining room,
Dutch kitchen, double constructed
throughout, verv best material and
workmanship, big sacrifice. Tour own
terms. Consider lot as first payment.
Call owner. Tabor 3179, or eee house
today, Z61 'ifl. cza st. a. fluen,
Rose City Park Home
8 room bungalow, full basement,
large attic, large porches, lot 50x100,
all built in conveniences, furnace, fix
atures and shades.
Price $3100, Terms;
Come out to 554 E. 61st. st N.
N. 0. Eklund, Builder
611 E. 6.1ST. ST. N.
with 5 nice light large rms. and attle;
living room 14x24. dining rm. 15x14;
large built-in buffet with bevel plate
mirror, fireplace 'and bookcase.' Near
Hawthorne car. Full lot. Everything up
to date. Must be seen to be appreciated
Price 32750; easy terms. Look it over.
Located 448 E. 52d.
G E. WELLER, 1405 Hasrthorne Ave.
Owner and Builder. Tabor 1048.
Located on 72hd blvd., lot 100x100 a
regular summer bower, nestled In a
mass of shrubs and wild flowers, just
the place for; your summer home, or
for children. 6 rooms, 1 story,, modern
Slumbing, furnace and fireplace. Must
e seen to be appreciated. Price $3000
2750 cash. " Mt Scott car to Firland
sta. D. M, Rohrbough, 269 Stark stt, at
We will build In any
pari ox ciiy .
costing from 92000 to
120,000. Alo apart
ments and flats. We
have money to loan.
Call and see plana
St uu,
Commercial Club Mag.
& CO
FOR S4-LE bv owner, new, modern
bouse,' rooms and sleeping porch,
full basement, built-in buffet and beam
celling, gas in house,- electric wired,
sanitary plumbing, lot 80x100, 12 fruit
trees, some bearing berrv bushes and
rose bUshes, located on Mt. Scott car
line, near Tremont station. Price 81800.
A bargain- Inquire at Tremont house
inmianing store. Tremont station.
YOU are Looking for, a house. Listen.
5 room bungalow; hardwood floors,
furnace, fireplace, fixtures; east fac
ing lot; 'E.' 48th N, less than a block
from Sandy boulevards-only - $2760;
$500 cash; eeelng la believing. Let us
show. you. ,
... 212 AMngton bldg.
HOME for sale by owner; up to date;
! 6 rooms.. 2 story and-large sleeping
porch; furnished or unfurnished; -quantities
of roses and shrubs, with "veget
able ' garden; half block from : Haw
thorne ave. carline. No commission,
see 0-761, Journal.
.-:.-'- .82800.
100x100. 3 houses, rent $27 month,
big- sacrifice, half actual value. Act
quick.. ""'" " ':i - -
CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 916 Ry. Ex.
Beautiful house. 10 rooms, fine In
terior, strictly modern. fine garage,
full lofc In best part, of Irvington. on
carline. for .88o00j part cash. Y-324,
Journal. ' s i - -
Tells how we can build '"guaranteed'
home on your lot or ours. - Save you
big money. You pay like rent
is mormwesiem tsanit ria
FOR SALE 427 equity in 4 room mod
ern plastered cottage, 50x100 lot 6
fruit trees, garden, lots of berries,
roses and chicken house, for 9200. A
bargain. 5087 65th ave. and 60th st,
W-W car.
MUST be sold at once; a real bargain
for cash; see the place and make an
offer; a good- S room house on two
large lots; all improved. Owner. Tabor
I WILL . take 91000 for my 92500
equity, $2500, to assume, on modern
8 room house with garage in Haw
thorne district on the crest of the hill
overlooking . the city. Call East 6700.
Mississippi ave., near RusseU Prop
erty worth 96509 must be sold at once.
Price $3350. Terms.- j ; Owner. B-468,
JoumaL -
FOR SALE 1760. Dwight St.. lot 60x
10.-14-ft. alley. .4 room cottage In
resvr. with concrete basement for nnw
dwelling. 24x36; - 8500- cash for . quick
SACRIFICE my $1800 equity In a
modern 5 room -bungalow, 50 by 100
lot for $700; 'balance like rent. See it
at 1776 Morris st. Rose City Park car
to 68th, go 2 blocks couth. on east.
FOR SALE Nice S room house, all
Improvements, fruit trees, chicken
house, barn, x 2 blocks from carline.
Easy terms. Address owner, &&.( El
48th st. Phone Tabor 726.
WILL sacrifice new - 5 room rMdern
bungalow. everything complete;
terms: see it today at U0 E 13th N..
near Ainewortn.' '
SACRIFICE 6 room modern bungalow,
I built-in effects, full basement, fruit,
' garden, $2500. 6006 62d at, S. E. Mt.
. Scott.
FOR SALEBeautif ui new modern . 5
room bungalow dirt aheap; cash or
terms; will take auto pn first payment,
Tabo- 1404. f ' -
NEW modern bungalows. -Terms like
rent. Altamead office or H Dorr
e, Keasey es co., iaa noor, uaamDer
or commerce.
3 ROOM house and t lots. 2 chicken
houses. 25 fruit trees, all kinds of
berries. Mt, Scott district. Bargain.
$900. terms. 773 Union ave. N.
FOR SALE Dandy 6 room bungalow,
$zsuul, ciear lot as part payment, bal
ance easy terms; 91200, mortgage on it.
Tabor 5525. :
$20O0 equity modern bungalow, acreage
or uvestocK. ceuwooa as, -
i' 'tContlnned m t
.CIassyNew Bungalow"
Everything :i built-in and
modern and up-to-date, well
constructed, 5 very large UeTht
rooms, large attic and a lull
cement basement. There are,
four bearing.fruit trees on the"
lot. t Is situated In Piedmont
district only one block from"
Union avenue and two - car
lines and only-three blocks to
school. Price for Immediate
sale only 9 2 50. Terms to suit.
Phone Main 6068 between : 1
and 2:30 ' P.; M. Sunday. . C.
De Young, owner, 514 .Chamber
of Commerce bldg. ' - .
East 45th street bungalow. Fine
view of mountains. 60x100 lot. 6
rooms, ' large floored attic . Full
cement basement with built in fruit
room. Hardwood floors. All the built
ins. Including large buffet with bevel
ed mirror. Fireplace, bookcases," etc.,,
large screened In back porch. Shades,
fixtures and lawn. All street improve
ments in,' Never" has been" lived in,
Bargain price, terms to suit. Coma
out and see it' and make an offer. Call
Tabor 2334 mornings and evenings.
I WILL sell iyou a home from 4 to
10 rooms , each; all ready to move
into except'Stain and varnish and will
finish to suit; , 6 Just completed, f Ire
place, furnaces hardwood floors, alt
double constructed; ready to plant the
lawn; at 40th t and Division st., for
33000 each and as low as 2550 for
small ones out farther. .X will take
your vacant . lot as f iret payment or
your note or will rent you and .let the
rent apply on purchase price If you
want to buy after 6 months. See
owner, J. IT. 1NASH, 723 Chamber of
Commerce bldgT or 41et and Division
Small house, extra large corner lot,
55x100 feet; street Improvements, con
sisting of grading, roncrete sidewalks
and curbs - in, partly paid for and
bonded; small cash payment down, bal
ance 310 per month; Rose City Park
car to 72d street.
Sea Austin.
NEW modern 6 room bungalow In
LaurelhursWup to date in every
way; $4200; take auto or vacant lot
with; small amount of cash as flrtrt
payment; terms on balance. - I also
have: a modern 5 room bungalow In
Rose City, close to Sandy road, for
$2800. This is a fine home and cheap.
Neal: Brown, 209 Panama bldg. If you
wish to see these today call Sellwood
2252.! ' - -
SNAP T room house, sleeping porch,
cement basement, furnace, laundry
trays, fireplace, 2 toilets, cement
streets, walks, all paid; lot 50x100.
nice i lawn, fruit trees; This place is
worth $6000. Will take 93760, mort
gage $3000; the mortgage runs S years
irom the 15th of Jan.
A. J. FARMER. 407 Stock Exchange.
Big living room, fireplace, garden
in, some roses -and berries, water piped
In house and only 1 blk. to car. Terms,
$100! down. Close to school. A. H.
Hickman, at
4th and Stark. -
We are expert home builders, have
had many years' experience; our: ex
penses are low; we can build a home
now very cheap; we guarantee three
things a satisfactory house, at a def
inite cost to you, NO EXTRAS..
"Enuf sed.M Butterworth-Stephenson
Co.. 705 Couch bldg.
K' voom buneralow. 6 blocks north ef
Reed college, 8 blocks to car. modern,
gas, electric, ruu cement oasemeni,
cement sidewalks, fine lawn: price cut
to $2300. Small payment down, bal
ance $15 per month, 6. F. E. Sea
chrest, 109 3rd st, ' :
- S2200.
See it at 10Z1 East . zt St.,
Phone Woodlawn 1397; 5 large rooms;
rintoh bifKhan Viiii it-in fatures. ce
ment basement, east front, fruit trees,!
etc; i Garden in; reocea in Daoit; es
than block from car. Terms. -
$4000 PIEDMONT HOME for. $3000. 5
rooms, bath, eas, furnace, electric
lights, close to Killingsworth ave. Will
tofcn isod -rtown. vacant lot or auto as
part payment.; Owner leaving city (B).
uorr is. iveasey cs uu - xiwr,
Chamber ol commerce.-
Mbdern 7 room house, restricted dis
trict. Car -half block, must be sold at
once at sacrifice price; $1800, some
cash, balance long time. - Do not: fail
to see this.' Apple, 323 Henry bldg.
If you ' want yoUr money's worth In
a 6 i room tungaiow, moaern-in every
detail, come out today to 468 E. -42a
st. N.,.and see ,ona. Price Is $8250.
Terms to suit. "
Small 3 Room House. -
Fine lot, all In garden, 11 blocks from
the Piedmont car barns. Prica $800;
$300 cash, baL easy. See owner, 411
Henry bldg. - ' --:; . ' --;-'-
SNAP Large. room house, lot 50x
- 142 11 bearing fruit trees; streets
paid for; worth 94000; if sold soon
will take $2500; 9500 down and. baL
$20'Per month; near 89th and EL Tay
lor. A. J. Farmer, 407 Stock Exchange.
FOR SALE Good comfortable 4 room
cottage with fireplace, east front,
nice lot 40x100 feet lots of fruit, on E.
19th st. ii $900 cash or terms. See owner,
519 Worcester bldg. ' -
Beautiful 5 room bungalow In Rose
Citv Park; modern; lawn and level lot;
must sacrifice. Only $2650; easy
terms. U-869. Journal.
For hew, strictly modern 7 room
home, come to 826 Regents Drive.
Broadway car Owner, phone Tabor
6029. ' . ' - V
PLANS $5 " PLANS. $5
NEW.-well built, 7 room double "con
struction house, full concrete wall
and floor; basement; east front; cor
ner lot, block, to good car service.' For
appointment call Woodlawn 3396. '
Leaving city, sacrifice new. thor
oughly modern, lot 66x100. 1231 East
Madison.. Tabor 6025. .
$350 equity for $75. New 4 room
- home. 91150 like rent Good fur
niture cheap. ; Leaving. C-7C3. Jour
nal, i .
FOR SALE 5 room house, corner lot
,42X4?tlrkUit n-.rr'h lfnn i
ftark U corner 46th, Phone
LJ'1 ;
HAVE dandy bouse on wheels. The
U"K:W uui y aiijc i-io-vi. uvo
In till
?ou build
a house; will sell
Mar. 2180i
6 room modern, : full lot; block to
car; splendid deal; 91250; easy terms.
Tabor 2546. .
OWNER will sell ,fine modern borne
and 5 lots cheap: fruits and berries.
Between Mt. Scott and Hawthorne
line. Tabor 1014.
NEW modern 5 room bungalow, 91800;
worth $2500: : Lots below par with
terms, v ! 6128 52d st. S. E. W-W car.
FOR SALE, new 6 room modern house,
227 Sumner,; west; will be finished
in a short time. C B. Anstrom.i
150 CASH. 810 month, beautiful 6 rm
home, i 35 minutes out. Mt. - Scott i
car. 5c. East B8Z3.
FOR SALE or rent; 6 room house;
fruit and rOses. Phone East 2020.
East 273.
home. Irvington, cheap.
W. H. Herdman.
917006 room house, 50x100 lot. Must
selL 1304 E. 13th N.
" f Continued! -'
TWfl HAWn&ttMV! KKWi HUNG A- -
LOWS. ' r"
Take advantage of tho brilliant bar
gaims we of fer and bo your own land
lord." - - - . ,
S220d V 22200.- 22200
- - J ut a Httl down -! and
225 per month,- including interest,
, Nos. -328 and 330 E. 49th st,
near E. Mill.
- Both have 5 rooms with attic and
basement; nobby and complete' in
every detail;:. comfort and convenience
in every - room; oak floors, fireplace,
built-in bookcases and buffet with .fine
Dlato.and art Kia.8s:swell liebtirur fix
tures, best window , shades; beams and..
panels; latest wail aecorations; porce
lain plumbing; concrete porch; laun
dry trays; Dutch kitchen, has. copier;
ironing board; woodlift, canopy for
gas stove, etc.; street hard surfaced,
eee them today. Houses, open 1:30 to
5 p. rcw ; Hawthorne car or jitney to E.
60th. walk south. '
214 Ry, Ex. Bldg. (Owner.) Main 2129.
Will take you out during week.
Corner, 80x100,. N. E Corner.
E. 30th and E. Davis. Both streets
hardsurfaced. Price.- includes every
thing paid. It's a verv good buy.'
- J. J.. OEDER
Grand ave. at East Ankeny Sty .
HEIGHTS view lots, near 12th and
; 13 th and College streets, at bedrock
prices: Choose your lot. ' We will
build house to suit on small payment
and easy terms. (P) Dorr E. Keasey
& Co., 2nd floor, Cham, of Com.
THREE-FOURTHS acre. 42nd and
Powell Valley, Portland: fine view
?roperty; 91700; 9400 cash, balance
100 every three months, at 6.. .
611 Main et., Vancouver. Wash.
One of the most beautiful lots la
Laurelhurst, $725 belowcostt will sac
rifice , this amount but must be done
at once. Do not wait.. Owners, X-220,
Journal - -. -
BLOCK 60x100. lots.: with Bull Run
, water, graded streets, cement walks
and curbs, between auto road and car-
line. fsvQ eacn, easy terms, (H) Dorr
E. Keasey & Co., -2nd floor,- Chasaber
of Commerce'. : .
I have eome beautiful view lots in
Mt, Tabor district for sale on easy
terms. Or will-build to suit. This is
fine- property, and very cheap. Own
er, Tabor 3474. ' -
HEIGHTS view lots, near 12th and
College, at bedrock prices. Terms.
There never was a better time to buy
than now. (P) Dorr E. Keasey & Co.,
2nd floor. Chamber of Commerce.
$395. Rose City Park district, 60x100,
improvements paid. block car.
until uvcmcuia pain, y qioca car, .
.lue S700: mortsraa-e S
town; take $125 for my equity; owner.
vv - r n, j ournai.
HAVE 10 Astoria lots for. sale at 960
each, half cash: this is a snap; am
forced to sell and am willing to take
a great loss In order to make quick
sale. P. O. box 75. Milwaukle. Or.
60x100 RESIDENCE lot, Belle' Crest
add. Bargain if taken at onee. Own
er, -W. R. Kane, 367 State et , Salem,
Oregon. -
91200 Fine view lot west slope Mt
Tabor 62x160, frontage north on
Base Line and south On Scott-ave. A
j. Farmer, 407 Stock Exchange.
liilii v.. -r- a, . -r-r
will build to suit customer, very easy
terms addIv owner Main 8S80
Le""s:, Appiy owner. Mam aso. m. ,
TWO fine corner lots, fine fruit; cost
jiouu; win sacririce tor 8750 cash:
must sell.' Tabor 4090.
Park. $225; worth $325. W-873, Jour
nal. OH SALE By owner, beautiful cor-
ner lot On E. 28th and Tillamook sta.
Phone E. 2003.
BEST buy in Wheeler, very fine corner
lot; price $360: part cash. Owner
going east. X-882, Journal. ' - -
2 CHOICE lots close to Woodmere
station; fruit and shade trees; cheap.
Tabor 968. !
$700 1 LOT, clear, for Overland auto,
13 or 14 car,' 6 passenger. Z-22,
Journal. - i
QUARTER acre tracts. 3350. $10 down.
$5 month; the best value in Port-
land. M. E. Lee. 505 Corbctt bldg.
- '
ACREAGE - 67 1
Can sell you half acre or more on
carline and Water front, i beautiful
view, 20 minutes from city. I It's time
to buy, bargains. Wallace invest
ment Co.. Oregonian bldg.
. 2 acres cleared, garden, extra fine
land, no rock, spring, small house; good
neighborhoods Vt mile to R. R, Price,
including implements and stove, $600;
balance 8 per cent, '
913 Chamber of Commerce.
6 ACRES in-! the famous prune district
of Clarke county, all in cultivation,
2 room house, barn,, good water, straw
berries and other small fruits: price
$1600; only $250 cash, balance $300 per
year at -7. v ;
611 .Main st., Vancouver, Wash.
350. AND 310 MONTHLY
buys- 2 V acres facing cross road, be
tween Powell Valley and Section Line
roads; 3 miles from city; ideal land for
country - home or poultry farm. Price,
$960. I
913-917 Chamber of Commerce,
t 80 miles of Portland; rich soil; fine
spring; 1 mile to station; timber will
pay for land and more. Only $100
down, baL $15 per mo. ) J. B. Ruley
jo., 9Z8 c nam ter or Jommerce.
1 acre cleared, balance -easy clear
ing; good soil, no rocksJ Terms. $60,
912.60 monthly. ?
913 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
10 ACRES at Tigardville, unimproved;
not bard clearing; faces Kenton road;
about 300' yards fromi Evangelical
church; lies high and level; spring on
tract; will sell in. five acre tract on
terms. Address owner, X-232, Journal.
IQAA 1 U. i nrao o 4 TiffnH nn main-
road, hard surface, all level and un
der cultivation. $200 down, baL 915
per month. Big bargain,! (B) Dorr E.
Keasey & Co., 2nd floor. Chamber f
Gibson Half Acres
Good sou, city water, close to car
line, easy terms; will build to suit
purchaser.'' Phone Marshall 1685 or
Pellwood 476. John H. Gibson, owner.
TIGARD Owner sacrificing 10 acres
level, 9 cultivated. $2600. Only $600
cash, balance 6 years. 1. This is a
real buy if vou will only let u show
I -vou mv Dorr E. Keasey & Co.. 2nd
floor, Chamber of Commerce. .
FOR SALE 400 acres. 200 acres mer-
chantable timber, 25 cultivated, fair
ibuildlngs; sheep and hogs; outside
I range; $16 per acre; no trade. J-hn R.
, Hill, Gold- Beach,' Or.
IF you are looking for hi Kb, class lm
- proved or . unimproved suburban
property along Oregon City Electric,
don't fail to call on or write Milwaukle
& iSuburban Realty Co.. Milwaukle. Or,
'fl-ACRK for sale. new. modern. 6
room house with ground ready to
plant; near 2 car lines. 60 fare. 81700;
terms, i Phone Marshall 8506.
RIVER FRONT 1 acre improved, 5
room modern house; phono or write
W A. 1 Coplen. Oak Grove. 8-R.
40! ACRES, 4 cleared 10 slashed, nice
trout stream, $800: $200 down, bal
ance time. Tabor 4090. ;
8 ACRES choicest soil, mile 8. E, Mil
waukle, Foster-Milwaukle road; bar
gain. F-653, JournaL
OSWEGO LAKE front lot at bargain
price If vou have little cash. . X
880, Journal. ' " : ! - -'- -- - -
EVERGREEN station, one fine acre,
Cheap for cash. Sellwood 2358.
2 -acres, 11 miles east. C. H.; Base
line road. Price. $600.. Tabor 4286,
16 acres, north, of Wlllamlna, Tam
hlll County, about 4 acres in cultlva-
. I -ii 1 Am 1 mVi., all
. good land, no rocks or stumps, 950 per
acre, - 950 down, 950 every montna.
t ; 5 acres, north of Wlllamlna, Yam
hill . County, all In cultivation, all la
fruit -trees 5 years old. Only 9800;
terms to suit. , -
20 acres, close to. Cathlamet; In
Washington, . all good rich eoU, : some
jrunning water, few scattering stumps.
tVt mMe to macadam road, 9400. " 2y0
down, $50 every 6 months, 65W , F, 1.
Sea-chrest, 109 3rd st. v . . .
This Is the cheapest property In the
market, if you consider the accessibil
ity, it being only 25 minutes- na irom
Jefferson St. station on the Oregon
Electric Ry..Salem line.) 1 eell sev
eral acres for the same money that
you pay for: one city lot that takes
Just as long to reach; commutation
fare 9c. - Come out and look; at my
property and buy from -
Portland Office, 310 Oak st,
Metzger station.
Are You Artistic?; k
You can make . most beautiful
home on this 2.92 acres which has one
of the prettiest groves on the West
Side.. No underbrush, looks like a
park. About half cleared, south and
east exposure, -view of the valley and
Mt. Hood. , 7o fare, 20 minutes Fourth
and Washington, near Portland. Golf
club. Price $1740. A big snap; terms.
J. G. RAINEY. .: . ,
904 Yeon Bldg Marshall 817T.
. Easy Terms
20 acres, on electric line, only 18
minutes' -walk, good small houae, barn,
chicken house and other outbuildin&s,
cow, goats, sheep, poultry, also crops,
$500 cash, Trice $3300, long time on
balance at 6. -
Fred A.. Jacobs :
269 Washington st., Portland. Ore.
.. - A SNAP.- -
10 acres at Tonquin station, Oregon
Electric, good house, furnished, farm
ing tools, chickens, good garden, ready
toVaV aohoal within 200 ft- 5 blocks
r..iir ii w. J Tt" w vut. ik
ferson St. station, 4 to 4 acres in cui-
. . . - . .... I
tlvation, good fence, fine well -water,
all for $2500. Will knock off a little
for all , cashv : Agents need not .call.
Call on H. H. Anderson owner,-142 H
4th st., city.
Richest soil, best community, finest
service 20 trains daily through it:
nriv ft mlmiifi nut. Rtoras. i traded
fi)hnlia finrnmarplal r-1 11 Vl H .'crorwl WCllS
easily dug; also mountain water; PiPjd , weu worth the money. The owner
through property. Rapid community ; wants .to go to Arizona, so do not de
development. Free ' transportation to i lay if you are contemplating on buy-
i.,.,.: nrnnortlea Let US Sh-
Let us show you.
102 Fourth street.
A Modern House
arrcn. naif in cultivation, straw
berries,, etc water mpeo: m -nouse,
modern plumbing, all the latest
veniences. Two; blocks - main -road,
which will be paved soon. Convenient
to station and Jitney service.' ine par-
gain of the season for $2500; 9500
cash. ' - -- ! . t
904 Yeon Bldg. Marshall 8177.
Sickness Compels Sacrifice
fot 6 acres, half In cumvation, baiance
I light brush, all best of soil; Junction
I P t mads'. 4 room house.
Price 91800; 9250 cash will handle, bal
ance easy payments. ' ...
Chittenden & Neiil
810 Oak Street, 1
10 acres or more of fine level ground.
00J? -fhTAhi. rrodnd will
-SSi' SVrSwrTin'
this climate: eood markets and
shipping facilities. Price $30 per acre;
15 ner acre down: will give terms on
balance that any Industrious man can
meet; no interest. ....'.-.
This beautiful acreage near Base
Line road, less than 14 miles from
' postof f ice, is of f ered for first time.
v Will sell all or divide 44 acres. All
j choice land with young , orchard, In-
I inlri y,m oVintcBf varlAtlns of Cher-
ries, pears and apples. Would
eider unincumbered Portland prop
For particulars, call at 405 N
ries. pears and apples. Would con-
western Bank bldg.
Sandy Elvd, Will Be Paved
6 acres east of Park Rose, near
Sandy boulevard; beautiful building
spot, view of Columbia, and mountains,
in center of large platted tract, with
water, piped to each lot. Jitney and car
service; bargain at 92000. . S. P.
Osburn, 602 McKay bldg,, 3d and Stark.
FOR SALE One acre, 7 room modern
bouse. Jrnvate water system, au
built " in conveniences, electric lights,
near Oak Grove, Oregon City line.
Bearing family orchard, all kinds of
berries and roses. Might consider
house and lot to 92000. Balance cash
or terms. No agent wanted. N-866,
Journal. -
Acre tract, fine grove of trees, boat
ing, fishing, bathing, electrio Jights,
water, telephone. 9c commuters' fare.
Look this up Sunday. Get off at Lake
Grove station.' The Atchison-Allen Co..
600 Concord bldg., -2d and Stark. '
One acre east of Par krone and near
Sandy boulevard. Jitney and car ser
vice, v beautiful .- spring stream, also 4
Inch water main, beautiful grove
cedar, maple and dogwood; bargain,
2760. Terms, S. P.. Osburn, 602 Mo-
Kay oidg,
20 Acre Farm
'! 10 acres of genuine beaverdam land,
10 acres of upland on main road 16
miles from Portland; price, $4000. The
beaverdam land "alone Is worth the
price; part cash and balance long time.
Keller & Deal, 314 Lumber Exchange.
CHICKEN and fruit ranches oear Port
land; Gresham district, electric sta
tion yk mile. New subdivision. Sun
shine Valley orchard tracts; best soil,
free wood; elegant location. . Prices
only $76 to 9160 per acre In small
tracts; easy terms. Frank Mc Far land
Realty Co.. 309 Yeon bldg.. Portland. Or.
4 ACRES, near Tigard, Oregon, fine
clear land, easy terms; no trade
considered. Main 2287. .
7 acres, 6 acres in cultivation,
acre in grapes, H acre in strawberries,
now ripe, acre in potatoes In -bloom,
1 hi acres - in clover - ready to cut, 3
arra in orchard, arood 4 room, house.
barn, chicken bouse, M. mile to good
echool, stores and postof flee. ; Price
! 91700, 9600 cash,, balance 6 yrs. at .
Dillman & Howland
Cor. 8th and Main, Oregon City. Or.
160 ACRE dairy farm, complete with
cows, hogs and young stock; ma
chinery of all kinds; good buildings;
handy -to Eugene; located in a pros-
feroua German settlement on Wll
amette river; - 9100 per acre: easy
terms. Address 211 W. Killingsworth
ave. Phone Woodlawn 1714.
FOR SALE 240 acres, celery farm in
Michigan. 970 per acre; 120 acres
choice farm land.' Clarke Co.. Wash..
$25 -per acre, a.- ivriger, iz6
Salmon. Portland.
IF YOU are looking: for good buys or
exchanges of eastern Ore. wheat
land do not fail to see Keller it Deal.
Suite 314. Lumber Ex. bldg.. Port
land, or.
FOR SALE 40 acres of land, 12
acres in clover ana vetcn so inches
high, and rest in good pasture; at a
bargain. C. Kirby, Looking Glass. Or.
20. ACRES, 1 miles from - county
v seat, 985 an acre. Mrs. J. S, Steinke,
Hlllsboro, Or., R. F. P. 5.
0 ACRES, 26 Improved, new buildings,
running water, close in; 976 . acre.
Wolfstein, 206 Allsky bldg.
Land! 20 Years to Payl
Get Your Farm Home from the Ca-
- -nadian Pacific
Most productive soil good climate
ready markets fine transportation
all the comforts and ways of making
money farming that you find In the
best farming sections everywhere. ,
This riAh i.n niii tn tn 330 oer
acre irrigated land from 935. Twenty lies level, 2 good wells, 1 horse a
years to pay think of It, Long be- cows, 80 chickens and farm lin pie
fore your final payment is due your ments and other small tool a." Price
farm will have paid for Itself. We , $8400. $2400 cash, terms on balance,
lend you up to $2090 for farm Improve-j io ACRES,
ments, on certain ! conditions, with not 8 miles out, overlooking the Colilm
security but the land itself. Twenty tla river; 6 acres in prunes 4 years old.
years to repay 1C Interest 6 per cent. 1 1 acre in assorted fruits, fair improve-
iz you want a rarm some ati rtuj v ,
step into, get one of our Ready Made,
Farms. .
Dairying, bogs and livestock make
big Incomes here. Lands ideal, for
these purposes. Present conditions In
Europe assure highest prices known
tor everything raised. : ,
These offers based on good land
finest on earth for mixed farming and
grain growing. The best land will be
taken first,, so time's precious to you.
Write today for handbook and full par
ticulars to '
I. E. THORNTON, Colonisation Arent,
. Canadian Pacific Railway- , .
112 W. Adams St.. Chicago, TIL
Here is a bargain you cannot
equal anywhere; 10 acres deep
red shot soil, under 40 miles
from Portland; -close to rail and
boat: cleared, ready to plow,
for $700.
Terms are 9300 cash, balance
to be paid in light labor at 92.60
a day. You need cot do the
work yourself we will find a
man to do It for you on shares.
Adjoining land sells at 9160
an acre. Our offer Is open to 8
settlers only. Worth investi
gation. . - J'
01 Chamber of Commerce
Portland, -,
- W wmww " " J
.--VC"" iS.,,"" tYl-"i.".."""'"."1"
ho modiPn farminar machinerv. rood
HLUUKRU 11 U Willi DaiUB. UU1BBB H.11U
buildings, with water piped within.
Hot and cold water, bath and toilet
in the house. Dairy utensils, chickens,
etc; Facts, right up to the - minute,
with all crop tn and in first class con
dition, for the small price of $10,600.
Willtake 92600 to 93000 in olty -property.
This Dlaoe has got about 91600
or $2000 personal property on the
place, so you can readily see without
nnw .Ir. nira.aHnn 4Vic- h1a hl.AA 4a
ing a farm. We will guarantee this
as represented. Come In and see us.
O. 8. SMITH & CO., 1
482- Chamber of Commeroe.
i Fair buildings and orchard. 20 acrs
con-N,jr0p 15 slashed. Stock and machinery,
AIl can be tilled when timber is
ott county road risrht at echooL
4w mneii from -.Ood town on Columbia
rlvsn en J Tw Q Ci w1 1 An Trv la rA
93600.00. HALF CASH.
10 acres, all In cultivation, right at
station on electric. Fine running
stream. Orchard-, 8 room dwelling. 2
fireplaces. . Improvements cost more
than price, and there is no better 10
acre tract within 16 miles Portland.
803 Stock Exchange Bldg.,
clear, fine location, land lies nice,
springs, running - water, paved road.
miles from Oregon City mile elec
trio road, stores, churches, on mail,
cream and phone route; fair improve
menU- old iwhwa,' w com-.
mencing to bear, !l klnds.small fruit.
team. "iS cows. SOO thorouarhbred chick
ens, - wagon, hack, new harness, . all
farm, aimall tools. ' srrain. wood, po
tatoes, all go with place. C. O. Pryce,
route 9, Oregon City; take Willamette
Valley Southern
outnern 10 weaver v-ree auau
see place.
80 ACRE valley farm, all .in cultlva-
tion, all in crop, best or sou; lays
fine, on good road. 2 miles to good
town; v; mile to railroad station; good
orchard, all new buildings and mod
ern; this is one of the most modern
farm homes in the valley; garage, good
water j system, lighting plant, full ce
ment j basement, furnace, fireplace,
wash trays; 8176 per acre including all
crop, stock and implements; might con
sider ! some trade. Neal Brown, 209
Panama bldg.
116 acres, McMinnville, 90 acres in
cultivation, T room bouse, hot and cold
water, barn 60x100 . ft. with - shed.
Water piped to barn. 9 head of horses,
15 head of cattle, 40 hogs, chickens,
farm 1 machinery of all kinds; plenty
to run the place. Price $9000, $500
cash. ( H. G.
Epton, 432 Chamber of
two blocks of about 10 acres
each, fronting Pacific High
way, 20 miles from Portland,
half a mile from B. P. sta
tion; both command glorious
S views of the Willamette
river. Price 980 per acre. One
J third' cash. G. WTTNN WiL-
HON, 003 Chamber of Com.
410 ACRES in the great Palouse
wheat belt', soil that produces 40 to
$0 bushels -of wheat per acre; will pro
duce 40 to 60 bu. corn to the acre; 10
acres in alfalfa; 125 acres now In
wheat; fair set of buildings; orchard,
springs fenced; five miles town;
price $70 per acre; worth $90. Will
sell on very easy terms. Chas. W.
Carr, 219 Board of Trade, Portland, Or
20 acres cultivated, 10 acres more
?artly cleared, balance timber and pas
ure; all ' rich soli, free outrange for
stock; barn, bouse and orchard; stock,
crop and implements Included -close to
railroad town, 88 miles from. Portland,
price only $2500, terms. The best cheap
buy in Oregon. -
A. K. HILL, 419 Henry bldg.
920 acre. 14 under cultivation, 4
acres bearing pear orchard, 4 acres
assorted, apple, cherries, plum, peach
es, 2 acres potatoes, 4 acres clover,
4 acre strawberries, pond for ducks
and geese, 4 room -house, shack build
ing 44x44, 2 mllas from town, 9950
cash, balance 2 to 4 years. Fred W.
German Co., 914 ; Chamber of Com.
20 Acre FarnilNeariGresham
Mostly in cultivation.- good 9 room
house, 1 barn, about 100 bearing fruit
trees, all good - land, beautiful sur
roundings, crop 'in. spuds; grain and
clover: cash . Price. 96500: consider
93000 house or $2400 vacant lots. S. P.
Osburn. 603 McKay btdg.. 3d and Stark.
FOR SALE, 18 acres 1 6 .miles from
Newberg, caBt F; D- sand milk
route. 12 a. In cultivation, t, fine
Italian prunes; bal, pasturage and
imberf running water. New 6, room
house, 'small barn, chicken house, etc.
Price $4800; terms. - Box No. Ill, R,
F. P., No. 2, Newberg. Oregon.
' 200 acres, 8 miles west of Wllla
mina, on county . road, ? mall route. 1
mile from church and school. 160 acres
crop, 160- pasture and timber, new
bungalow on place, 860 per acre, terms.
C. V. FLOYD, Wlllamlna, Or.
10 acre block cleared land
Just over two miles from the
station, $700. cannot be du
plicated under $1250. Investi
una unsmoer or. commerce,
A 40 ACRE farm, 25 acres- cleared,
best of solL running stream to
house, all crop, stock and implements:
must - be sold at once on account of
sickness.' Call evenings, Wdln. 3888.
25 ACRE farm, 11 miles from Port
land, fine land, mostly cleared; only
95000; terms. .8. M. Couey, Oregon
city, h. i
FORCED sale by owner, valley farm.
30 acres, near Portland and cars.
' crop, siocit, implements, aouuv, lerms.
X ( .V, S :rti-ddn mill. 9- rVvrmBiftn.1 fli.
THE two finest acres at Mettger, one
acre in fruit, $1600 cash -or 2.04
acres with' improvements. 92760 cash,
TX-861 JournaL..
. LOOK. AT -THEtoil BAiiGAlN.
For-sale, 80 acres; 40 acres In cul
tivation, good soli, lies rolling, good
Improvements, - with - $1600 worth of
personal property. Price 965J0. Part
in trade, some cash, but., terms.- -.
, 6 miles out. 17 acres in cultivation,
all fenced and cross fenced. 2 acres in
vounc -orchard, t acres in-berries, all
meets, frice jjuu. tasn, nuu ani
terms. This price la Just one-half of
uie adjoining larms.
80.60 ACRES.
14 miles out. 60 acres in cultivation,
16 acres more easily cleared, 13 acres
of good saw timber, good Improve-"
ments, R. F. D. and cream route by
the farm, plenty .water, family or
chard. I'rlco $9000, half cash, balance
to SUlt. -
Close to carline. almost cleared, no
buildings, all fenced. Price. $70J; Ca4h,
$300; terms on balance.
118 W, 6th St., Vancouver. Wawh.
12 acres In the heart of a splendid
town of a thousand population, within
25 miles of Portland, 6 trains dally into
Portland, also river transportation;
In high state of cultivation; large 10
room , house, 2 smaller houses, rented .,
for $8 each; 2 acres of orchard In full
bearing, good barn, paved streets, ce-
ment sidewalks, assessments paid for,
on the Pacific highway; $7000 is the
price, for quick sale; might consider
taking In a modern bungalow clear of
Incumbrance, tip to $2500, as part pay- .
2 67 M Oak Street.
160 acres, all good, land, part in
cuiuvaiivn. iv sltm lis kwjix hauliis..
'family orchard, house qost 91600. good
AKLUtAlf VUB, U, 1V u W V-'B, y.wv,
V; ! . " . .1
spring,- plenty or water, y nine i'
RJ F. D. and cream route at
door, 4 miles from electric line depot,
team, 6 good milch cows, hogs and -chickens,
complete . stock of farm
tools. 93600 cash, balance 3 yrs. at 6';'o. .
Dillman & Howland
Cor. 8th and Main, Oregon City. Or.
i AH level, fine soil, close to a good
town of 1600, with high school, bank,
creamery, electrio lights, etc.; 14 miles
to railroad, store, - poatofflce and 8
grade school. Will guarantee', steady
work at .fair wages. Prlce, $900; $5800
cash. 6 years to pay balance. " ' 5
725 Chamber of Commerce.
AN IDEAL dairy ranch. on Columbia
river bottoms, 3 miles from Van
couver, 274 acres, all cleared .ex
cept 10 acres; - good set of buildings;
80 head of good stock; besides 4 good .
horses, wagons, buggy, all kinds of
implements, etc. All goes for 810
per acre. This Is clear-of debt and.
will take part in income property,
some cash; balance terms. F
DORR E. KEASEY & CO.. 2d floor
Chamber of Commerce.
40 acres, 6 acres in cultivation, 20 V
acres in gsod Umber, good new houae
and outouiidings, 6 mues iron ore-
t Kn city. Price $66t0, 91100 cash, bal
Stance u. years at '.
Dillman k Howland
Cor. Bth and Main, Oregon City, Or.
Must Sell at Once
Hv 820 1 acre farm, 70 m. south of,
Portland, best of soil, black in bottom,
red snot on upiana. isu in crop, orcii-
, ard, bai,tpature: gooa ouuaings. run-
1 Sw vi
hogs, horses, machinery, etc- 920,000
for all,
Must have 85000 cash, Anawer
at once
If you want a money making
farm very cheap. A-975, Journal.
Tuscon, Arizona, Farms
Delightful climate, crops grow all
the year, 12,000 acres Irrigated land,
all in cultivation, divided Into 40 acre
tracts or less and sold with crop. Easy
payment plan, 10 per cent cash, bal,
over 8 years; Interest 6 per cent. For
free literature call or write 724 Cham-
ber of Commerce bldg., Portland, Or.
from Portland on eleotrlc line, near -boat;
some extra fine beaverdam; all.
the.yery best of black soil; fine little',
trout stream, headed by springs; good
spring for house; 1 house, barn, tools,
etc., at a reasonable price. Email pay
ment, balance any old time to suit .,
Might take new Ford auto. 890 Van- .
couver ave. C-2478
BEST dairy farm near Portland, 80
acres, 26 miles from Portland, 4 M
miles electrio station. 40 acres under"
cultivation, good house, barn, orchard,
plenty of water, 8000 acres of free
pasture: read that again; price only
$6000, half cawh. .
' V ' Bll-12 Ablngton Bldg.
92 acres, 15 acres -fine onion land,'
family orchard, good spring, on rail-
road and wagon road. R. F. D, at door,
one mile from electrio station, will be -station-
Ion place, 4 mile to school,
house, barn and outbuildings; will tak .
some trade and give good terms; what '.
have yoii to offer? Magoon Reaitr Co.,
Yamhlin Oregon. y;
- 19 acres, close to Woodburn, 10 in
cultivation, 'buildings, $500 worth f
wood on place; price 92100, terms.
. 16 acres on Oregon Electric, all In
crop, a mall houae, barn, well, chicken
houses, la dandy place, for only 93000, ';
terms, i -
812 Ablngton bldg. Marshall 27B8.
$12,000120 acre farm, 70 acres In cul
tivation, house, barn, two arranaries, -chicken
houses, family orchard, fenced
and good water; located 7 miles south'
of Oregon City; mortgage $8000. runs.;
1 years at 8 per cent; will exchange
equity Of $4000 for home of that valuv
This is a good buy, W. J. Davie. 6051,
corbett pinr,
120 acres 14 miles from Castle Rock,
8 miles to R. It. Good range. . 2.1 i
seres cleared, 29 acres easily cleared.
1,000,003 ft. saw timber, - house and f
bam, family orchard. Price 92$"0. ,
East 8595. : - i
y - 667 Williams ave.
BACK of Vancouver. $15 per acre, 8 6 .
acres. S ' room house, barn, chicken
house, bearing fruit trees; about 2.
acres cultivated, land nearly all tilla-
ble, about one million feet timber; this--la
6 miles from Yacolt. Wash. Real;
snap, 2600 cash, balance to suit Fred.
W. German Co.. 914 Cham,, nf Com.
Small ranch, all buildings, especially j
fitted for chickens, 2 blocks of station
OC. car; 10c fare, single trip, any';
part of city; price $1500. See today.
Tabor, 4286, directions, or 823 Henry
20 ACRES, "about 8 miles east of Van- 1
couver, about S acres cleared and -some
slashed; good 7 room house and
well; price 82600: will sell or rent to
responsible parties; reasonable terms,,,
Taggart. 41 t.tiamoer or uoinnien-t.
X WANT to sell or trade 160-acres,.
Grant county. Improved, unlncum- .
bered wheat and stock farm for unln-,
cumbered, improved suburban acreage
UP to 1891)1), rA-BUi,
FOR SALE 76 acres miles irom.
Lents, all or Part, good land, ran- '
nlng water; improvements; $200 per ,
acre. Phone W. 4237. owner. .
IF, you are in the market for farms or
acreage. It will pay you to see me. :
wrj.Davle. 505 Corbett bldg.
CHEiLALIS valley farm. 60 s-cren.
everything to operates ,tak part-
Portland prorertv: call .Main 3in
0 ACRES fop sale cheap, central Ore-
son on nenu rv mus ium
town. 25 Ni 1st wt
(Oontinuad on Heat 7agl
roontlnued) - 4