The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 07, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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what S ociety; is Doing
a charming hostes yesterday
at h'n home on Portland
Heights,! when ne entertained
-.with an elaborately appointed tea for
the pleasure of Iter house guests, Mr.
KeatinKs jnotheii and slater, Mrs. I
N. Keating, and JMiss Mabel Keating,
who arrived from their home at Mus
kegon. Mich., recently, to pass the sum
mer in Portland, i About 76 maids and
" matrons of smart society called dur
ing the af ternort and enjoyed a de
lightful time. Tlie house was a bower
of Cecil Brunner roses, combined with
maidenhair fern and tall spiked clus
ters of pink snip dragons. On the
veranda,' which was used as A prom
enade were hug clusters of Scotch
broom. Presiding at the tea table
were? Mm. H-jC. Wort man. Mrs.
Charles K. Curry. Mrs. P. J. Mann and
Mrs. P. 8. Malcolhi. Ices were served
from a prettily (decked table in the
solarium by Mrs. James-B. Kerr and
Mrs. T. P. Morey. Mrs. Louis Ger
' linger was stationied at the punch bowl
and wa assisted by Miss Marjorle
Vorbls.' Others assisting in the rooma
were: Mrs. R. lHeustig, Mrs. H. E.
Matthews, Mrs. George Collins. Mrs.
H. K. Nobltf. Miss Elizabeth Craedlck,
Pimllla Tlniaph ifn IT C Keil-
r dall, Mrs. R. L. Eionald and Mrs. R. J.
t Marsh,
Mey Dancing Party Planned
St. Mary's Cathedral court of the
Women's Catholid Order of Foresters
Is issuing invitations for an informal
May party, to be given in the new
: cathedral hall, Seventeenth and Couch
streets, Friday evening. May 14. This
being their first jaancing party, it is
. being looked forward to with much
"pleasure. The affair is . in. the hands
' of the officers:. Miss Katherine Quinn,
Miss Mary Frances McCarthy. Miss
MarioiJe MacKinnon and Mis Wini
freds Ralston, assisted by John Mac
Kinnon, Frank Efcvers, John J. Kenny
and Emmett Douglas. The patronesses
will be: Mrs. E. . Elvers, Mrs. E. H.
. leery, Mrs. M. Ji Drlsooll. Mra. T. S.
llogan, Mrs. V. I'ouglas and I.Irs. C.
Falker. i
' j v
Shirtwaist Party.
Tuesday evening next. Marguerite
campNo. 1440. R, N. A., will entertain
.'with a shirtwaist, dancing party at V.
O. W. Temple, 128 Eleventh street.
This party concludes their enjoyable
dancing parties for the season. The
committee anticipates a good time for
all who attend.
New Arrivals.
Mr. and Mr. G. Walter Holcomb
. (Ala-rjorle Kurlburt) are being con.
. gratulated on.the arrlval-Tuesd ay. May
4, of a baby daughter, who has been
named Marjorie May.
Mr. and Mrs. William Louis . Klied
ner are beingshowered with congratu
lations upon the arrival yesterday.
May 6, of a son, William Louis Jr.
Society Notes, f
Alfred E. Lunti formerly city attor
ney of Beverly, Mass., and his mother,
Mrs. Itarvey Lurat, who have been at
tending the expositions, visited in
Portland the past week. Mrs. Lunt is
an aunt of Attorney A. W. Parshley
of this city. ; 4
Mrs. G. M. Altnjjan, who is the guest
f Mrs. Oscar RIttenberg, will leave
Saturday evening! for the east.
j . Among the Portiaoders who motored
vo . tieuens on last Monday to hear
the Music Festival under the leader
. ship of Dr. Emit Enna of Portland,
were Mr; and Mrs. John Clemson. Dr.
and Mrs. Enna entertained his Port
land friends at a: dinner party at St.
Helens hotel. i .
.Mrtj. William L. Morgan, Miss Lil
lian Morgan and Mrs. Uarry Summers
are at the Morgan cottage at Gearhart
for a couple of weeks.
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uL Ji
i Pbotoerapb by Bushriell.
Miss Laura Shay, talented young society girl whose charming singing
was a eature of Mrs. RoTiert Berger's series of bridge parties
this weak.
L r
Iloltz, Moves to Cleveland.
Aaron Holtz, "formerly of Holt
brothers in Portland, removed recently
from Pittsburg to Cleveland, accord
ing to word just received here. Mr.
Holtx will have, .charge of tlia mer
chandising, selling and buying for the
Cleveland store of Hoggs & Buhl, dry
goods dealers. He has been connected
with their Pittsburg house.
To Attend Grocers' Convention.
- The National Retail Grocers' asHOcla
tion convention in San Krancisco will
be attended by Robert G. Duncan, W.
C. Gunther, E. E. Gunther and wife
and L. F. Baum, wife and sister. The
party left yesterday morning for San
Francisco. The convention in being
held there from May 6 to May 11. The
visitors returning from that convention
east will be stopped off in Portland
for as long a time as the eloquence of
Duncan and Gunther can prevail upon
them to ask for. Several hundred are
expected in Portland May 16 and 17.
Visitor Here From London.
Dr. ' Stanton Colt of London is a
guest at the Portland. Dr. Colt, al
though an American by birth, makes
his home in London as a preacher at
the Ethical church in that city. He is
president of the West London Ethical
society and founder of the Moral Edu
cation league.. He is the author of a
number of books on ethical subjects.
Caests Here Prom Walla Wala.
Mr. and Mis. L. F. Anderson of
Walla Walla are guests ' at the Port
land. Professor Anderson-is dean of
Whitman college.
Son Goes ta Minnesota.
Tohn Palm, youngest son of Mr. aiid
Mrs. John F. Palm, 44& Larrabee
street, left: last evening for Minnesota,
where he will be engaged in, ranch
work until September, when he enters
Gustavus Adolphus college, St. Peter,
Minn. Mr. Pulm was graduated from
Lincoln high school last February.
H. H. Trowbridge is registered at
the Imperial from John Day.
A. D. Fox and family of Washing-
ton, D. C, ere guests at the Cornelius.
Fred H. Oilman, Pacific coast man
ager of the American Lumberman, is
a guest ut the Multnomah.
B. KastabrooK and Frank F. Frye,
Seattle business men, are at the Ore
gon. Mrs. 10. F. McQuesten and daughter
of Nashua, K. H-, are g-uests at the
Dean H. Walker is an Independence
visitor at the Oregon.
McKee Sherrard, a San Francisco
insurance adjuster, is at the Mult
nomah. B. T. Montgomery of Boise is a guest
at the Oregon. Mr. Montgomery is
connected with the Idaho State Life
Insurance company.
A. C. Dixon of Eugene, general man
ager of the Booth-Kelly Lumber com
pany. Is at the Imperial.
Jame F. Robertson of St. Johns', N.
B., is a guest at , the Portland.
Maris Tempest, the English actress,
and members of her company are at
the Multnomr.h.
H. E. Rosenow and wife of Ocono
nomowoc. Wis., are at the Cornelius.
G. Clifford Barlow, president of the
Warrentpn Commercial club, was with
the lower Columbia contingent at the
Imperial yesterday.
C. L. Houston, an Astoria lumber
man, is at the, Portland.
Count Rene " de Montjou of France
Is registered ' at the Multnomah.
W. W. Purcelrand family are guests
at the Oregon, -stopping in Portland
on their way to San Francisco.
Lewis T. Erwin of Fairbanks, Alaska.
United States marshal for the fourth
division of 1 Alaska, is at the Mult
nomah. Progress.
From Cleveland Plain Dealer.
"And you actually went to ask old
Billlnger for his daughter's hand?"
"Yes. I did."
, "How'd you get along?"
"Fine. Not the least bit of trou
ble. He talked war talk all the tfine
I was there and never gave tee" a
chance to say a word."
I, i
Comedienne, Who Can Sing,
Has SpiendM Vehicle in
"Marriage of Kitty."
Whether or no the last tariff bill
took the duty off art put there by Joe
Cannon, the kind of art that came to
the Heillg last night from England
passes all custom houses free, praise
be! The only duty that is involved is
to one's self, as the Drama leaguers
might say, to see the best there is on
the stage, whether dashing new stars
or settled old planets.
Marie Tempest breezed right into
the hearts, of the audience last night,
and set them fluttering with delight.
She transcends her name. She's also
sunshine, and music the idea of a
comedienne who really fcan sing!
She can, and does, in the title role
of "The Marriage of Kitty." which
gives her an opportunity to show
whence the reputation which was
wafted ahead of her from England to
these sundown shores, as Judge Colvlg
calls the strip of high priced real es
tate known as the Pacif ic coast.
For Miss Tempest is English, the
supporting company is . English, and
they all come from The Playhouse,
London, where they had 300 nights of
the present play. - The play itself was
French in the first place, but it has
been denatured and Anglicized, with
out dimming it8 sparkle, by Cosmo
Gordon-Lennox, English husband of its
leading woman. ,
The reading throughout is delight
ful, and affords an appreciated com
parison between English and American
pronunciation. There is little differ
ence. "Temporarily" Is shortened to
"temp'rily" and "idea" becomes almost
"idear." The vowels are softened, but
this Anglo-English more resembles the
talk of the American business man
than it does the dialect that comes
from some of our down-east colleges.
There are three acts in Kitty's mari
tal adventure.
The plot gallops along merrily to the
denouement, which is tnat Kitty elopes
with her own husband. y
That's the outline. Fill it in with
effervescent clererness, acting buoyant
and yet restrained, and plenty of fun
not written in the lines, and you have
"The Marriage of Kitty." '
The entire cast is worthy to play
with Miss Tempest. Minor parts are
taken as they should be taken by peo
ple entitled to share the applause given
the star, and who earn it themselves.
The play will be repeated tonight,
with another comedy, "Nearly Mar
ried," tomorrow afternoon and evening.
Sunset Features of
Mediocre Quality
The Sunset has not been especially
fortunate in the selection of its big
features, consequently honors on the
program go to the two comedies. The
newest one is a Komlc, "Axel and
Flooey," featuring "Vic," the well
known New York cartoonist.
The children of an artist's brain
come to life in a dream and help him
out of his difficulties, tout when he
attempts the same tactics by day
light they do not work.
A Keystone, "Love. Loot and Crash,"
runs to trained automobiles and high
diving for most of its fun. The man,
who does the female impersonation is
worthy of special mention.
"The Victim," the Majestic feature,
with Mae Marsh and Robert Herron,
has a very poorly worked out story.
It Is another theme of a man wrongly
sent to prison, who escapes and makes
good. . 1
"The Power of the Street" is a little,
but not much better. It is a tale of
Wall street.
- '
Dr. Heber Claflin, 77, of Chicago, is
a brother of Lady Tennessee Claflin
Cook of London.
is $6 siumtt: ohh y ooir
for oimly oo
Full Norfolk Styles
Two Pair Knickers
Friday and Saturday
Sale of Boys'
Sturdy, New Suits
The regular price of these suits is $6. They're
well made, stylish in appearance, and they in
clude new patterns in cheviot, tweed, cassi
mere and novelty weaves, Both pairs of
knickers are full lined. Absolutely the best
suits you can find for the moneys Buy them
? luuay anu tomorrow at oniy $4.35.
-Second Floor
Morrison at Fourth
Tradina Stamps Given on All Charge Accounts If Paid In
Manicuring and Hair Dressing Parlors on Second Floor
Tea Room on
4th floor
A. quiet; restful place
to enjoy your luncheon
while down town shop
ping. Service ; from
11:30 to 2:30 i after
noon, tea from 2:30 to
4:30. All food prepared
under rigid sanitary .inspection.
Full by 10th ol Each Month
Rest Rooms on 2nd Floor
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Pacific Phone Marshall 4800
Homo Phono A-6231
Home Journal
for JUNE now ready
for -distribution at the
Pattern Counter. First
Floor. New Style book
also in - pfice 25c.
FREE, tSc Pattern
with each copy. Ask
for your Free Cqpy of
Uood JLJressing.
gttaMp-EMy" fior iMeim amidl Boy
Double Z-VC Green Trading Stamps Will Be Given With AH Cash Purchases Made
ZZ- ! I . i ' ' i -
Tomorrow in Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishing Depfs., on the Main Floor
Women's $28.50 Suits
SECOND FLOOR 111 Suits are involved in
this 'Saturday Sale. All are from bur regular
lines of high-grade garments. Belted effects
and new box-back styles in excellent assort
ment also smart "Tipperary" military models
.and fancy cuts of various kinds. Materials used
include v Gabardine Cloth, Serges, Poplins
Homespuns, Tweeds, etc. Plain colors, checks
and stripes in the assortment. Suits priced
heretofore up-to $28.50, placed on I"J D AO
sale for tomorrow's selling, choice J5.LO0
Smart New Coats
At S16.50
SECOND FLOOR One of the many styles
'shown in this group is of covert cloth in smart
Yn model, with loose, full flare skirt and set-in
sleeves. Trimmed with military collar j of
black velvet, to.' be. -worn high or low, slash
pockets and fancy buttons. Others in belted
and box-back styles. Shown in all colors land
black also in checks. Excep- Ct Cf
tional Coats, priced now at only tPJ-Utlvr
Women's New Silk Petticoats at S3.59
The Great Sale Continnes Saturday
Tremendous Clean-Up!
Most Astonishing Values
Cost and Profit Are Both
Lost to Sight All Hats Must Go
Friday to Make Room for
the New Summer Hats
This Sale Includes
Every black hat that sold as high as $5.00
Every sand hat that sold as high as $5.00
Every navy hat that sold as high as $12.00
Every brown hat that sold as high as $12.00
Every green hat that sold as high as $12.00
. Every red hat that sold as- high as $12.00
Every purple hat that sold as high as $12.00
Every grey hat that sold as high as $12.00
Every new blue hat that sold as high as $12.00
Every old rose hat that sold as high as $12,00 -;
Every colored arid black While
hat in stock as stated I They
? it
Only .
above up to the prices
named must go Friday
First Selections Are Best--HCome Early
Grocery Specials
Grocery Dept 4th Floor Martin
New York Cheese finefor Welsh
rarebits. Regular 30c grade OK
on special sale tomorrow, lb. 0s
'Apex brand Sardines in Ol- "
ive Oil. on sale at, the can ltC
25c Blue Label Catsup, bottle 19c
'30c Peas in glass jars, now at 20c
OXedar Mops
and Polish
. . j .;- i;
Third Floor Should be 5ii every
home. O'Cedar , Polish Mop
gather all the dirt and -hold it.
Made in round and triangular
style. Prices have been ireduced
on this Mop to 75c and $1.25
O'Cedar Oil at 25c, 50c jto $2J0
Girls1 White Lawn Dresses
Selling form- A n 0.
$2.25 m lftV
SECOND FLOOR-j-Dainty White Lawn Dresses for girls j2 to
14 years of age. , Sjcveral odd lines grouped for quick dispbsal.
Many attractive styles are shown, with" waist and sleeves
irimmea witn laces
You may take ; yju
Dresses here worth ud to $2.25.
choice of these tomorrow at only OUl
Girls' $7.00 Spring Coats for $4.98
$1.75 Middy Blouses at 69c
Second FloorCl
oi uaris wew spring
a decided reduct
Smart, new models
checks and stnpe
plain) colors. Age
Coats worth up to
?7.50. Special at
-Up Sale
Coats at
in price.
in popular
s also in
s 6 to 14.;
Second Floor Clean-Up, iSale
of a small lot of Girls' Middy
Blouses. Be prompt if j you
care to share in this bargain.
Made of good quality materials
and nicely trimmed. Ages j6 to
14. Worth up 'to $1.75. CQn
Choice tomorrow .at 0U
Men's $15 to 825 Sofifls
Saturday $12.50
MEN'S STORE. MAIN FLOOR Well-kNiown niak in Afn.
and Ycmng Men's Sitits decisively reduced to Clean-Up several
special lots. 'Mostly! in the smart Norfolk styles, although there
are many in regulation styles. Made from splendid woolen fabrics
homespuns, cheviots, blue serges, etc. Not 'all sizes in each
style, but nearly! alKJsizes in the lot.. Regular $15.00, J" O p?(Y
$20.00. and $25.00 Suits, on sale tomorrow at, special pl-dDJ
Men's SI. 25 to S2 Shirts, 83c
Men's Sweaters at Half Price
Another great sale
1st Floor
of Men's
Fine Shirts for Saturday I Well
known makes from our regular
stock grouped, for qtiick selling,
Madras, v Percales and Oxford
Cloths in splendid patterns and
colorings'; $1.25 to $2.00 Oq
(Trades, on sale at onlv OOv.
Think of it! Men's Wool Sweat
ers at half prite! An opportunity
that is seldom met with. Come
early5 in the day, for lines are
somewhat limited. Colurg, car
dinal gray. Oxford.
Regular $7.00 Sweaters $3.50
Regular $7.5 Sweaters $3.75
Ef Yoni Wear SMirGg
Size 14-17-17j-18-18j or 19
Yon Can Bny a n
$2,00 Shirt for Only 39c
MAIN FLOOR An extra special offering for Saturday. Exactly
211 Shirts in this lot. These are lines which have sold down to
real small and real large sizes, hence this astonishingly low price
we quote. Come, in following -grades in white only. Some are
laundered, others unlaundered. Don't miss this snap.
SHIRTS Sizes 14, 17,, 17'A, 18,
184 and l9'f.
15 CLUETT WHITE SHIRTS Sizes 14, 17, 17 and 18. Stand
ard qualities? selling formerly up to $2.00, underpriced fr'QQ
tomorrow's selling at, your choice . JVK
SHIRTS Sizes 14, 17, 17 and
18. . , ' .
Drugs & Toiletl Articlci
Standard Lines Under-priced
Five bars of Ivory Soap, lOp
one bar Lurline Soap, at -LOU
Limit six cakes to a customer.
No deliveries of Soap except
with lher purchases made in
the Drug Department tomorrow,
25c Hospital Cotton, spec'l 18c
50c Sanitary Napkins now 35c
25c Tooth Brushes, special 15c
25c Vel-Chamel for clean'g 15c
50c Sempre Giovine now at 28c
50c Hind's H. & Ai Cream- 28c
50c D. & R. Cold Creamat 35c
35c Fletcher's Castoria now 23c
25c Packer's Tar Soap now 14c
15c.Toilet Paper, full 1500 sheets
to the roll, sale tomorrow 10c
50c Hair Brushes, special at 39c
$1.50 Hedden's Toilet Water $1
10c Fairskin Oatmeal Soap 7c
50c Sterne's Rouge, special 28c
75c Pompeian Mass. Cream 49c
25c Lustrite Salve, Enamel, 18c
25c Graves' Tooth Powder at 9c
$1 McNally's Olive Oil at 79c
$1 I'inkham's Bood Purif'r 79c
50c Hamlin's Wizard Oil at 39c
25c Cascara Bromide now 15c
50c Cuticura Ointment now 43c
Pint bottle Witch Hazel at 21c
50c Liquid Tar So.ap, spec'l 38c
10c Toilet and Bath Soap at 7c
$1 Listerine on sale at...... 65c
15c Pears Unscented Soap 12c
25c Nail Files tomorrow at' 1 Oc
15c 4711 White Rose Soap 12c
$1.00 Imported Bocabella Cas-
tile Soap, priced special, bar 65c
10c Monkey Scouring Soap, 5c
10c Hand or Kitchen Sapolip 7c
25c Massatla Talcum Powder 9c
J5c Imperial Talcum Pwdr. 12c
50c Dora Bourjois Powder 39c
25c Petro, 1-pound jar, now 10c
25c .Denver Mud on sale at 15c
50c size, 30c $1 size now 60c
50c Cold Cream in jars now 28c
25c Ricksecker's Cold Cream 9c
50c Swamp-Root on sale at 39c
10c Fluff's Moquet for hair at 5c
Maurine Toilet l'reparations in
the Rest Rooms on 2d Floor.
Neiv Bathing Cops
25c to 75c
Main Floor Special showing of
new Bathing Caps for women,
misses and children. All the
new 1915 styles and colors.
Priced 25c, 35c. 50c to 75c
A Demonstration ol
Borden's Milk
Reduced Prices
on Borden's Milk
Ask the demon
strator at the
booth to let you
try a glass of this
invigorating and
healthful be v e r
age and pure
food drink.
50c size now 40c
$3.98 size $2.98
, ii ii -
Women's Leather Handbags at 89c
CENTER AISLE7 MAIN FLOOR Such bags as many stores
price at $15! Made from real leather, with nickel-plated and
gunmetaP frames. Shown in latest shapes with double-strap
handles. Moire lined and fitted with - inside vanity and coin
purse. An exceptional offering for Saturday. Priced QQs
very special for this sale. Take your choice at only OUK