J THE. OREGON SUNDAY. JOURNAL. PORTLAND SUNDAY1. MORNING, MAY 2, 1915; PERILS OF TWIUGHT SLEEP'S USE SHOWN BY LOCAL M, DS r j New Method of Producing rainless Birth Not Indorsed by Physicians. DRUGS USED ARE MEPf ACE As Matter, of Pact, Original German. 'Method Hot Employed Here at . , All, Zt X Declared, Although numerous articles have ap peared n the newspapers and man zines :exploi tins what, is .termed .the wonders Tr the so-called. "Twilight Sleep." men highjln the medical profes sion condemn that use of the druas Sco- polajnlne and morphine In producing xwmgnt Bleep" lat childbirth; ,. - -- There are a few physicians of the "take-a-chanct," kind in Portland who have administered hyocin-morphine In obstetrics,-but they are engaged In a dangerous-practice, and fail to realize (of disastrous results. physicians4 making specialty In obstet- the possibilities according to ; the more or leas of rics. . ' -' These doctors I say" that the articles appearing in such magazines as Mc- Clure's. the Ladies' World and Metro politan ar" misleading, and have led in public to believe that "TwillgntJ bleep" la applicable and highly suc cessful, when, as! a matter of fact, .It Is dangerous to both the mother and baby. , They also saj; that the so-called "Twilight Sieep.f as practiced in this country and In. Portland. Is not "Twi light Sleep" at'aljl. although the women believe they are getting it when mor phine, scopolamine, or similar drug Is used. One docter says that, as han- I died here, the cajsen are not even good imitations of ''TW Blight Sleep. . Vaay Vole Objections. Dr. George B. Btorey condemns It In Its present use, as does Dr. Edmond J. lAbbe and Dr. 4. Kf. Creadlck, of this city, and rDr. Vittor C Vaughn, presi dent of the American Medical associa tion; Dr. "J. Whltridge Williams, pro fessor of obstetrics in Johns Hopkins medical schools, land many other noted xperts. ' ..- . ;..-'--;- 'The use' of scopolamine, 'morphine and.--similar drugs in producing what la -now called VTwilight Sleep' . is dan gerous. ? said Dr. Storey yesterday; VThe methods ate not new but j new name has been given the practice. The 5nethods in use Ihere are not the true .technique of thej "Twilight Sleep.' The true thing is an elaborate affair. It 3." done only under the. most favorable 'surroundings.' 1 hospitals especially Xit for It, f with sound proof and light iroot rborhs; wfcere? psychologists are mplo)-(tioi examine women before the operation, begins. 4 . 1 . 5-rne aoctors tasmg scopolamine and jnorphine- and ! railing it 'Twilight 3leep are playing with things which re not at all necessary.; Their ex planations to Women "aref often mis leading. - j i i-UTlt the publicity coneerhme its use f-'Hitlnues, women are going to demand J TELEPHONE MEN TENDER BANQUET TO C. hi MOORE . Z8eaai"c iiimupritiii'ii 1 iiMM8r""T!!.,u...i. ypyo-nin !-,"7V -' "nr " r . J "-.. -6sfi-i? u ; '' cr. " vvx : . 1 1 Standing, left to right W. C.V Hick ok,' P. j JY Houlton, L,. F..' Bishop, E. S. Hfgglns, Fred Spoeri, D. J,; Butcher, W. C. Barbour, rE Jl. Shephard, W. H. Dancy, H. N. Durstan. V, C. PIckford, O. C- Brill, P. , Bacon, F. W.. Sinclair. Seated at table, left to rlght-A-'.' W.. D. Moore, W. J. PhllHpg, J. A. Halllday, C. H. Moore, J. H. Corcoran, J. Davles, F. H. Shea,- G. A. Lime. ' . . GUARDSMAN WINS 4-MEDALS - . , - -' . r ' - i ifrom the pltyslcians who caa.not it properly and to hold their busi Jiiess they - will Ida lt with disastrous results. ' i . a 1 - a ,,The. men high up in the profession twant. 'Twilight i Sleep,' but they want t provedeArst. Tffey are pot trying to ilttle It. but want rne value determined before " taking phances., , Physicians are becoming more conservative evisry day. - n - l '' Morphia Xs Substituted. The doctors here practicing "what they term 'Twtilight Sleep' methods lye morphine nnd the. women believe they are gettingf Twilight i Sleep when as a matter-of jfact they are not get ting even good imitation." vThis ,1s what Dr. Victop Ci Vaughn, president of the) American! Medical as sociation, says jon the subject: ; "The anaesthetic action: of scopola mine was first demonstrated in this teountry.. . So faif our specialists-in this Una are not eatssfled that! this use of scopolamine is free from injur-ious tf f ects. This conclusion Is based not hot only on observations made In this Country some years ago, but upon re ent observations In Freiburg.- tThe jvomen ,of thls country can be sure that the medical profession here Is fully vallve to (every thingf which may ia f ely eliminate- human suffering- and fbate even to at small extent the pain of ttie physiological function of child birth. .Up to thie present time-the pro fession is not convinced that this tirug. , either alpne. or.! combined with morphine, is free from danger either .to mother ,or child, or both." ; I Admit Drag X Sang-aroua. ' I Dr. Edmond J. Labbe of this city ays that all doctors agree, even those at Freiburg, that they are dealing with a dangerous drug. My - expedeace with the so-called Twilight Sleep' has been very HmltV ed," he said .yesterday.. "It hag been limited '- because of 4 the numerous re ports of the dangers and because I have seen, in the practice of others, babies born in whom the spark of life burned very dimly, and indeed,1 In one case wenjl out i altogether after birth. All agree, even . the doctors : at Frei berg, that they are dealing with a dan gerous , drug ) which to be effective must bo given very close .to the; pois onous Mine, j so that every moment a patient is under its influence is an anxious moment for the physician, 'who for this reason must be In constant attendance' prepared to act promptly should the poisonous effects appear,; as they, frequently do. "The article in McClures and other similar magazines have been mislead ing, as they have not warned the pub lic of the dangeri? and have led the public to believe that 'Twilight Sleep' is applicable. and. successful... Amnesia was obtained in nearly if not al' cases, where as a matter of fact complete successful sleep "la 'obtained In less -than 60 per cent of them. Many cases become violently delirious - Artioles ? Arouse Interest. "I am glad the articles have beer, written. They have stimulated thought among' the laity as well as the profes sion! for Improvement in obstetrics. Anything which : can make, for more comfort for the mother at such a time should have our most' interested atten t Ion, but let us in so doing 'not add to the dangers of. an already anxious moment." ,;':"; - . .; Here are the views of Dr.. Williams of Johns Hopkins M ed leal ischool : f.W have used- th4 scQpolamlne treatment of childbirth in two separate aeries of caees at the Johns Hopkins hospital. But In neither series were the results satisfactory, nor did they in any way' approach the claims mad for v the treatment: We expect to do more with it 'next year. In the mean time my" own experience and conversa tion with Professor Kronlg do not make me feel ; that the method really constitutes a great advance over those which are. In use by American physi cians." i . - i , . Dr. A; N, Creadlck "of this city says that a far more urgept need in Port land in handling obstetric cases - Is a maternity- home instead of the use of the so-called "twilight sleep." Preparatloft Tomid TTnrellable. "A few daring practitioners In Port- land,'. V he . said, "have administered hyocln-morphihe In obstetrics, btit they find in doing ! much of this that the American- preparation Is unreliable. . .. "A far mora urgent need in this city Is a well 'equipped fireproof maternity home. ! where rich--and poor alike may be rendered aJl the assured benefits known to science. : . ' ... --x "Unquestionably the' travail ' that women bear speaks volumes against the present methods. ia the practice of obstetrics. ' I have watotoed wiiii keen regTet the publicity campaign of Mc- Clure's, the - : Metropolitan and . other magazines r advocating - scoDalamlne- morphine treatment. Certain advances are made in medicine and 6urgery, but are made slowly and after due analysis and.care before they, are-attemsteri on the better class of patients In nrivat. practice. . - .. . r-. , Advocates ! of the new (?) method it - ' . . rv- . ' ' " ' ' .' Wjl?9 JLA - . - ' ; " wo - v - Aldamii, cook; -one other name known. . ...... .. The following passengers were by the American's lifeboa Mr. and Mrs. G. De Stryckroth and son, Steve Ghio, Jose O. jCastillo. Major Jose Flores, San Die.?, Chons, Dee Hong Suey, Chin QuongXhin, Mrs. E. Moffett, . Al j Tonescani,-A purser and Castor Gutierrez, seaman.- - Sescne of Others Thrilling. ; Passengers . rescued from the Victo ria by the -steamer American and brought here i told thrilling stories of the fight m ad a b"y the crew manning the lifeboat which ' saved them. CJIx men manned this boat, which put out against combers running 60 feet high. A line was 'thrown from the Victoria, picked up byt the lifeboat, which was bobbing about : like a cork,, and 1 made fast. ; When the Victoria went down in a wave and the lifeboat came up on another. the tails of the two were almost ' f lush. The passengers then Mumped into the smaller boat, one at a time. Tnere were two women pas sengers. They were thrown from the Victoria Into the arms. of men in the lifeboat. The American also took' off officers from the Immigration ocean launch Capo de Anno, which was in distress near the Victoria; The launch steer ing gear had broken.: . . ' 1 Happenings of the Day Along Pacific : Coast Told in Brief San . Francisco, CaL Jesse W; Ul lenthal, president of the United Ball roads, has refused today to hold fur ther meetings with committees from discharged employes or union - repre sentatives. , , - , Juneau, . Alaska. Saloon - men : and leaders of the wet forces of Juneau and Douglas, see ..disaster for their cause in the ruling of Judge Jennings who today jordered that a census be taken of every resident within two miles of the saloon district of these two cities and announced that unless a ' majority, of hose enumerated In this census vote for saloons ; at the election to be held May 24, he will re fuse to issue licenses. San . Francisco. CaL In circum stance pointing to a suicide pact, the bodies of Mrs. Arltne Biotte, SO years old, a lady's : maid employed by Mrs. Charles G. i Huge. - wife ;of a wealthy Mendocino rancher, f3sldlng :- at the Fairmont, and vi HansTnoudsen, were found In a gas filled room her Satur day., The woman was dead and the man was taken, to the central emer gency hospital, where he is believed to be beyond recovery.' Knudsen rented the. room last night and shortly after waa Joined by the woman. , - ' ,r-XM x.-; r.v:,-4.o.i'': ? '' Los Angeles, CaL A pedigree book for - human thoroughbreds, with the first registration of eugenic Ameri cans ever made, will be started at the San Francisco exposition under the auspice of the Race Betterment foundation.) This was the announce ment made' In Los Aneeles Saturdav by Dr. J. H. Kellogg, of Battle Creek, 1 alien., founder of the race betterment movement, 1 surgeon of note and vege tarian, ,. who is en route to the exposi tion city.' , .,,, . '- - 1100 a month alimony,, promised by Stevenson's widow before, her death, on behalf of her aon, Oebom. The es tate, hi to be distributed next week at Santa -Barbara . and Mrs. Osborn de sires to Insure payment. . . . . . Increase In JjlTeatock. ' According to the latest reports of the department of agriculture, ther has been a, marked increase, during the past year in the numbers and value of every class of livestock on farms and ranges In the United States.! The' value of this livestock is now estimated at $5,969,253,000. an increase of $78,024, 000, over the valuation .of a year ago. - San Francisco, Cal. Mrs. Kate D. Osborn, divorced wife of Dloyd Os- bomV. the . 1 author, today filed suit against the estate of the late Mrs. Fannie. Stevenson, widow of Robert Louis Stevenson, for a guarantee of 'h i If Your Hair Is Scanty or Prematurely Gray A Wavy Hciir Transformation such as we offer tomorrow at $1.45, you'll find a wise nvest i ment. It can tfither be mingled with your own hair or worn outside, and will give a pleasing ( effect that is sure to be admiredj The hair is soft and glossy and all shades, includ- ing gray, are to be had. $1.45 is all you need pay v - Seooad Tloor. Mail and Telephone Orders Filled by Expert Shoppers cMcrcliond.ao of J Merit Or&y Pacific Phone Marshall 5000 Home Phone A-6691 Victor S.' Howard, and medals awarded him for -.long-service In the . Oregon National Guard and for expen shooting with the pistol. Victor , S. Howard, quartermaster sergeant of Company C, Third Infan try, Oregon National Guard, was pre sented last Tuesday night, by Captain D. E. Bowman, with four medals. The first Is a gold and silver- medal.' for 10 years' faithful service In the O. N. G., The- second Is a silver medal for second place In a match held under the auspices of i the National Guard Rifle -:i association last . year, at ! the Clackamas range, in which f were con testants from the - National Guards of the different Pacific coast states and the' Hawaiian islands, and ; also from the- regular army.;; Sergeant Howard tied with three army. sergeants- the first time, and in shooting out this tie again tied With one of his contestants. The ; third - trial waa necessary. Ser geant Howard was the only National Guard contestant to come up with the army crack shots. The third is a sll ver medal for pistol shooting against all comers, he again crowding up- close to the regulars. The fourth, is a gold meaai as expert pistol snot. , Sergeant Howard is a rifle practice enthusiast' and takes great pains In training and instructing members 'of his f company . and regiment in !.."the seience of shooting . straight! He has twice been a member of the Oregon teams that contested - in the national contests and his work has had .much to do with Oregon passing every state In the union last' year. 1 In private life he Is an optometrist and i has practiced' in . this ; city for IS years. , - .. . - admit that it requires special facilities In the way of sound proof delivery rooms' and semi-darkness, yet they say that practitioners- are criminal in al- VOy may put it down -u- r in TTTM1T4 j wauva UJ.IU VVXLilC , To get clothes that give dress distinction, clothes that radiate smartness and cor rectness, buy I : Stein-Bloch Smart Clotlies i - i - Men I who wear them understand whv style leadership and tailoring: supremacy are conceded to these great clothes-makers. Be, sure your Spring Suit is a Stein-Bloch Suit. ' : - ' -. ! !- - $20 to $35 BEN SELBING MORRISON AT FOURTri ' - . ; A ' -. " . ' ' t " . ; ...v .: - . ? .- j, . y-r 1 . . lowing ordinary patients to suffer. "Scopolamlne-morphlne la doing some good work in Germany. . It is a step there In the right direction. The treat ment Is available ' in America in some half dozen institutions, where selected cases are experimented upon occasion, ally. Even two of our largest lylng-In hospitals ' have already abandoned It because of the high Infant mortality." RGHT FOR LIFE . t.! ENDS IN RESCUE OF 11 SAILORS 4 Continued From Page One.) American launched a lifeboat which rowed to the' side of the foundering Victoria. - They stood by unUM3 had been taken , off. The women were thrown bodily Into the lifeboat. But when Captain Urrachua was asked to go, he shook his head. - I "I will stay wlth-my ship," he said. Thereupon ' 10 others announced that they-would remain also. At that time the f Victoria ' haa 10 feet of water in the hold. j- . . Qalt Kaki&ff TesseL Two hours later, at 10:30. when the Victoria's engines wera : flooded - ana hope of getting Iter beached' abandoned. Captain - Urrachua and his companions launcned tftelr lifeboats. A few min utes afterwards the Victoria plunged and disappeared. The survivors headed I for land .by dead reckoning and took JAitnB hauling on the oars in' the gale . " " -' . om.A. CAIHIUBIWI. nope had - been abandoned when ' th Flyer appeared at 4 p. tp. xne victoria piyad between ,Kn seneda and San Diego and recently came under American registry ' The American is of the American-Hawaiian (Steamship line. Those rescued by the Flyer 'were: . Jose Urrachua, captain; Jesus Wil son, mate; Arturo Hernandez, quarter master; Luciano Rubalcaba, quarter master; Frank Otto, steward; Manuel Ozuna, chief engineer; Manuel VIga, assistant engineer; Jose Sanches, stok er;; Manuel Ramirez, seaman and Juan Class Play Scores f : Hit at Lincoln At the school auditorium, the June 15 class of the Lincoln High school last night presented for the third time one of, the best and most successful plays ever attempted at ; that school. The play was The Congressman." It is a gripping drama of political life, in which a dishonest congressman Is mads to see the folly of his ways and repent. The comedy part of -the play is carried out in a love affair between the congressman's niece and . his pri vate secretary. . The 'whole cast carried out their parts remarkably well. Warren Lewis, as the ' . congressman," scored a big success. Parris Emery showed much talent. in his Clever acting. -" . i Evadna Gove - as the congressman's wife played her part exceptionally well. Gertrude Moore as Marjie -and Carolus Stroebel as -George . were the bright lights of the evening. Portland Academy; Will Be Continued .) .Portland academy will continue as usual next year, according to an an nouncement made by its- board of trus tees following a , meeting .yesterday morning. ! The board itself will be reorganized and there will be a thorough internal reorganization of the school, details of Which will be announced at some fu ture time. H. - L. Corbtt. Isaac D. Hunt and Frederick H. Strong have been ao- polnted a committee to work out plans ior me coming school year. QUESTIONS . ANSWERED By Thompson, Eyesight Specialist SEE THAT : Q., Why lg It that glasses are worn . so jnuch,- more now than years agdr ' A. Years ago the science of op tics of correcting errors of sight was . not understood as it is to day; - only old persons or those near-sighted wore glasses. Now we correct with lenses all errors of sight. r Q- Why is it that cheap glasses do not give, satisfaction? . A- Cheap glasses are So faulty in construction and ' are of such poor quality that they distort the vision nd cause pain In the eyes; The. optical glass ' used by us is brilliant, clear and perfect. In suring; comfort and ease to the wearer. i i . Q. Can my headache be re lieved with glasses? i. A." A personal Tisit will i be necessary. Let. us talk It over. Klgh-Claas Work at the Xwest Possible Prices. TUHMDCnU OPTICAL iiiuitii uvii wsTmrre . 809-10-11 Corbett Bldr ova aaa JHorrtson.' ntrobucms Hie 3Xetoest bza& in hoc i '-Ski. Fashions in hocs arc as important this season as millinery. Styles are as varied as gowns. NowJthat the skirts are short, it is vitally necessary that the boots be correct in every detail, and .,, ijji many cases match thencolor of theJ gown or form the con trasting color note. v . 7 Tomorxow we introduce the, latest novelties in high top 1oots, " beautifully shaped - with long, tapering lines of aristo cratic suggestion and rather high curved heels. But the domi nant style note is the manner of lacing; there are models that lace directly up the back, models that show the side lacing, arid for the more conservative are models that lace in the front. I l ... .- - - . " ' ! -- ....... .-. i - : i . : Of finest imported French kidr in .dovegray and sand, with trimmings of patent leather, and models of ajil patent colt. And a very handsome shoe for dress wear'. is of softest white cal: ( with an eight-inch" lace top. : ' . PrtV: &7.tM. MOO' X9 00 HO OO ": The drawing was made from some of these late models. . ; -. , - . -1 i. ........ Shoe Shop, Basement. of cJf Merit Only Electric Grill Stove Regular Price $5.00 On Sale During ( g Hotpoint Week Only May - 3 to 8, at D O t) O - . . f- EL GRILSTOVO boils, fries, toasts and broils both above and .'below its glowing coils. : Operates from any lamp sacket. EI GRILSTOVO is the handiest all round table cooking : ap-s-" pliance ever offered at this price. j . . 3. S and 6-'lb. IRONS NOW QQ Hli PERMANENTLY REDUCED TO - 3OeUU. STUBBS ELECTRIC CO. SIXTH AT PINE I RUPTURED? You know the discomforts of an ill-fitting tran, the distressiag, discouraging feeling j of, a rup ture not properly held. Th6 Seeley Trura recommended by ns, gives you immediate relief, Our skilled sperator guarantees perfect fit.! Hundreds of satisfied patients testify to the effi ciency of the- Seeler truss properly fitted. Remember the Woodaxd CUrke tc Co. guarantee backed by a reputa tion of 50 years' standiog is be hind this service. Let Us Explain PersonsTy. Vccdsrd, Ckrke h Co. ; WOODLARK BUILDmo r ALDER AT WEST PAKS Kola TaMetc hay many liiends who us them as a, general tonlo and . tor Kidney troubla. Price 25o par box, . I boxes for $1.00. For sale by Laue-Darls Pnir Co, ti and Tam'hill its. i