All Principal Events of Week Briefly Sketched for In formation of Busy Readers European War 4T HEARTIIiT agree with General I Sherman when he said that 'War Was Hell, declared Aug ust Winqkler, late German governor ,of the. Caroline islands, who arrived In San Francisco on the Pacific Mail liner China from Manila, Stories lof the terrible effect of the Asphyxiating Bases used by the. Ger frnana in the attacks in the vicinity of .Ypres weiie brought to Paris by wound ed arriving from the front. Extreme cruelty la also charged to the Ger mans, who are alleged to havs driven their bayonets into French soldiers rendered helpless by the deadly gases. Miss Mary Nissen of Berlin, arrived in San Francisco en route to -Ger-knany from Australia, where fine f was detained for three months because of ner nationality. ' " J. S. Dunne,, sophomore In the col lege of mimes at the University of Cali fornia, left for Canada to rejoin the fourth company of the eighteenth bat talion of Canadian troops, where -fee became a member while on a leave of absence from the university the first of this year. t Practically the entire starboard side Of the French Leon Gambetta was blown Otttj by .the torpedo launched by ftn Austrian' submarine, which sent the vessel to. tlie bottom oft Otranto. The attack cam a a complete surprise tPiuC0Ve,l'y et a f buoy marked - - ra, , ovuuiern end OI i Lerwick Island, i Scotland, gives c"on f lrmatiort i to the report that the Ger- ...... 1 . 1 .. . , . v uesuoyea m a reeetit battle in the North sea. The claim that-Rev, . Mr. Booth, an 1 American negro, who is connected with the Seventh Day Adventlsts, had taken a part in the recent uprisings ataong the natives in British Central Africa. Is recognized by the British govern! tnent. - . ; ' I , :The army of the Caucausus in the - "', fersia, won an important victory over' the Turks, ac cording to a report from Russian army headquarters. t The total number of subscribers to the war Joan floated in Germany in March was 2.U3.220 and of these 458 -000 subscribers put their names down for $48 or less. : . t . General von Gluck, who was wound Ad while commanding the German army in recent engagements, is re ported to now be' on the. road to re covery, The national relief fund ' of the Prince of Wales now amounts t6 $25 -000,000, King Uorg having started off the list. -with-?..' donation ir t9crm for the relief of the Belgians. - Top- the ret-ent destruction of the Greek steamer El'Hspontus, the Ger man government will pay Greece a full indemnity, t being explained that he attack watf made by mistake. Following the flight of the Rus tUna Srottk Jho JJaok pass, Germans re " .0 ported that they captured a large num ber f trenches and big quantities of war materials. In desperate fighting in which most of the Canadian officers were killed, the Canadians went from 48 t$ T2 hours, their forces numbering 2600 defeating about 7500 Germans, it Is re ported from the British war office British aeroplanes routed a German seaplane, which made Unsuccessful at tempts to hurl bombs on a British trawler off the coast of Dover, j Report was circulated that the en tire German fleet was. seen cruising in the North sea in search for the British squadron, but according to the Germans, they could not 'get sight of the enemy. . . j ' London reports that a movement is Urged there looking to the formation of a corps t.of corn doctors, i ' j For the third time within as many weeks German airships tried to ;hurl bombs onto English cities, but as in former attempts, iut little damage is said to have been inflicted. j London reports that there was a neck-and-neck race between a-: railroad train and a German Zeppelin in which the latter made Ineffectual attempts to drop bombs on .the train. ? j the American steamer Cushing re ported on her arrival at Rotterdam that a German aeroplane bad hurled two bombs at her, neither of the ex plosives hitting their mark. I German submarines sank the British collier Mobile and trawler 1 Lillydale In the North sea. I Four Dutch lifeboats and two (Red Cross boats made preparations to Start for the Nofih sea from Amsterdam, and it la reported that a big naval battle is near. " j . I' ; British war office denies f the offi cial French report that German war ships had! bombarded Dunkirk. The Westinghouse Blectrid comRatty of New York, is said to have received an order for $30,000,000 worth of big guns fox lone of the warring nations, and as result of the new business the concern's stocks Jumped to 104. - f French j reports say that 12,000 to 16,000 dead boides lie unburied; be twee ri Tprea - and the coast and i that the health of the soldiers In that sec tion Is menaced. , i : German aviators rare ' reported to have bombarded houses in Oatend. The German fire is ' said to have broken a charge of Zouaves and Tur cos, which had been attempted on the German wing north of Yprefl.. I . " ' i. . .. n r, , , , " . ... General News GOVERNOR G. TV. P. HUNT of Phoenix, Ariz., stated that he will ' not be a candidate for governor or for the United States senate next year. . I 1 The Hunt administration was 1 the object of ! a bitter attack In the ! Ari cona state senate by Senator Stapley, who scored the present "unprecedented era of spending" and demanded: im mediate financial retrenchment, i With his wife standing staunch In him defense, and the San Jose Pastors union urging that he be stripped . of his ministerial' robes because of al leged moral turpitude, the Rev. Clauds Kelly, resigned jastor, of the First Baptist church at San Jose, Is caught in a whirlpool of scandal. 1 i J. Anderson, a decorator, was cat apulted from his automobile and his skull probably fractured when the steering knuckle broke. The accident occurred In the Wilshlre district, Los Angeles. Relief work for non-resident fori signers in Vancouver, B. C;, has ceased, $10,000 given by the govern ment for city relief work having been exhausted. In consequence ; there are today 1100 workless men unprovided lor in the city. , , Arriving at San Franelsco from Tepolobampo, Mexico, on the steamer Grace Dollar, Mrs. Gertrude Hunter and her sister, Miss Claire White of Chicago, brought a thrilling story of being locked In a steamer cabin for 48 hours while waves ran high over the vessel and a storm raged outside, the victim of a severe attack of Influenza, Captain A H. Payson, as sistant to the president of the Santa Fs railroad,, and a director in the Spring Valley Water and Pacific Teler phone & Telegraph companies, is seH oujsly ill in the Red Cross hospital at San Mateo, Cat. 5 A conference called In ' the office of Mayor Rolph of San Francisco, In an effort t bring about an amicable set tlement between the United Railroads and their -' employes - was delayed through the refusal of Jesse Lillen thai, president of the corporation, to sit witb representatives of the car men's union. . i Resolutions were adopted at the Call fornia Congress of Mothers calling on school authorities to abolish the pres ent texioooK i system 1 ana suostitute pamphlet textbooks so the danger of children catching diseases from books which, had been taken to Infected homes would be minimized. Three governors of states are ex pected in San Diego in quick succession this week. 1 The first or. these will be. Governor W. C. McDonald of New Mexico, May 8, who IS coming here to participate in the dedication of the New Mexico building at the exposition. Teachers and mothers must work to gether for the good "of- the children if the little ones are to be given a fair start in life, Is the opinion of Mrs. William T. Blackburn of Oak land, president of the second district, California Congress of Mothers. Miss Clara Smith of Berkeley, ac quired the' right to prefix a "Rev.'' be fore her name. The only woman grad uating .from the Pacific Theological Seminary In Berkeley. . Miss Smith plans going to Chicago" to secure the degree of "Ph. D." before : entering active service. Los Angeles county turned all its Jail rules upside down to help a 17 year -old prisoner bold his Job. Wood son Hoist, who is serving a two weeks sentence for violating bis probation, was released to work jn a downtown Office for four hours this afternoon. Arthur Montgomery was given 90 days in the county jail at San Fran cisco .'for 'soliciting alms. After a successful day, Montgomery would ap pear at nightfall in evening clothes and dins In San Francisco s most ex perieivs restaurants. Mrs, pay. perdoo shot and killed T -" ' " -: ,1 'J i S "- " I - - . herself In her apartments at Sail Fran cisco. She left no note of explanation. One San. Pedro fisherman was drowned and two other fishermen were swept out to sea when a huge. wave carried them off a rock from WhiSb they were; fishing near Point Firmiil, California, With politics tabooed and a day of pleasure in. Sari Francisco their only object, 140 United States senators and representatives and several persons prominent in private , life arrived at San Francisco preparatdry to their trip to the Hawaiian islands, i The monument erected by the. na tional government In old Midway cemetery in Liberty county, to the memories of General Daniel Stewart and General James- Screven, revolu tionary heroes, Was unveiled with elab orate ceremonies at Savannah, Ga., Southern Memorial day. Troops from Fort Screven took part. Leaving no explanatory notes or messages of any1 kind. Mrs., Emily Schussler, mother of two small girls, attempted her life by gas asphyxiation at her home in San Francisco. Her condition is critical. Dressed' in white as though bent on a gala occasion, Angela Rangel was crushed to death under a, Santa Fe train in the outskirts of Los Angeles. Nine cars passed over ths young wo man's body, but death was practically instantaneous from the impact of the first car. i . Puget sound is exporting at the rate of 8100,000,000 a year, uouDung ana tripling previous records. During 1914, the banner year, $47,000,000 was the value of the merchandise shipped from the Puget sound ports, Taeoma and Se attle being "the principal shipping points, with Everett, Bellingham and other ports doing a booming export business. 1 f.",- a Rraublican love feast, called in honor of the birthday anniversary of General Grant, nasi brought to Pitts burg many Republican leaders who ad dressed "the bid: canques 01 iu.aiuh- cus Republican club. ' a resolution before tne isainnesoxa legislature is designed to put the ki bosh on joking in tne Minnesoia buu: forever. It was introduced by Senator N S. Segues, aftr he had been the subject of ssveral I alleged Jokes, be cause his Silk hat blew off While he was driving along the Mississippi river and went down the) river. j waddy u.'aie.i, iisuwmwi 11. in ordinary of Dallas, Texas, known as th. "Admiral of White Rock," has started a campaign in , behalf of the i.naan fisherman. With the ad vent Of a new city administration he announced that he was going to do something to allevlaU the lot of the local Iwsak Waltons, inasmuch as they have been prohibited from boat fish ing in tbe city s principal, usmug aw. A big delegation of congressmen and and families sailed for Hawaii on the steamer Sierra. While at the islands they 1 will the guests of the territorial government. The re turn trip will b made late in May. On of the oiggesi uuieiiLw education and industry ever gathered in the south opened at Chattanooga, Tenn. Representatives of colleges, 11 braries. churches aaA scAevUi aU svar the south were present, 'and for the conference ori Industrial matters arti sans, grain growers, livestock men, fruit growers and poultrymen from far and wide arrived. Rev, Thomas F. Ddran was conse crated bishop of Halicarnassus and auxiliary to the See of Providence. Leading ehurch dignitaries came ' for the services. Monsignor Doran is wide ly known in New England. Known to nearly all of the world's greatest civboys, "Buck," the famous bucking bull. Is dead, a victim of too much civilization, says a Pendleton, Or, report. j An elaborate demonstration of prac tical military work was given by New York's militia at the Forty-seventh Regiment armory. New York. The whole state guard was invited. The annual banquet of the Boston City blub of the Boston Young Men's Christian Union, was held at Boston. Governor ! Walsh, Mayor Curley and other notables attended. Dighifyihg overalls. This is the edifying task td ;which Principal L. G. Wade of the Pullman Free school for manual training has dedicated himself and the school made possible by the will of the late George M. Pull man. Erected at a cost of over $400,'- 000. With Europe eating up America's cotton . in the form of guncotton by the thousands upon thousands of pounds, farmers . through the south west are planning this year to plant as much, or mors, ootton than hereto fore, . . Mrs. Thomas Lewis of New Lexing ton, Ohio, who Cited as one cause she should be granted a divorce that her husband made her curry his horses; was granted the horses as alimony, - -AH records for Sunday school con ventions - in Oregon were broken when the thirtieth annual convention opened. B. Lee Paget, president of the association, was in the chair and in troduced the speakers. Governor WithycoMbe was the first speaker, and he Was- followed by 'Sunday school workers from other parts of the country. x The dyestuff situation was the prin cipal topic at the annual meeting of the National Association of Cotton Manufacturers,' which opened. "Wt the Copleyi plasa, Boston. Albert G. Dun can (of Boston, was in ths chair. Over 4 OA delegates from ail sections of the country, attended. . ? . Legal and Criminal, THE permit granted to ths Asso ciated Pharmacists, a San Fran .: Cisco corporation recently organ ited, was suspended temporarily by Corporation Commissioner Carnahan. Carhahan having evidence that the corporation violated the terms of the permit by railing to show a copy to prospective purchasers of Stock. - . Mrs. Henry; Duebelbeiss, 73 years of age, wife of a wealthy business man of Golden, Cold., committed sui cide by drowning herself In a bath tub ikfter sending her husband to the drug store to purchase medicine. Chauffeur Cecil Lewis faced a storm on the witness stand at Los Angeles in the Uial of Chief of Police Be- , 1 Group of American women delegates to The Hague peace conference, photographed on their- derar, j ture from New York aboard the Holland-American liner Noordam. Miss Jane Adflama of Chlcas' i -Is standing next to the woman holding the end of the banner at the left. 2 The German sea raider. Kronpri njg, Wilhelm, "which Is Interned at Newport; Newa after a 255 days . cruise at sea, during which tlm she, sunk 14 ships. f , 3 Dr. Maria Montesorrl, expert child teacher, now in San Francisco, and who may; be a Portlan. visitor before her departure, from the coast. ' I Y 4 Colonel Roosevelt and counsel leaving the courthouse at Syracuse, N. Y. for lunch during one 0: ' the days of the trial of the libel suit instituted by William Barnes of Albany, 1 6 Mrs. A. Ti Cahfield mayor of Warren,, III., the first woman mayor Illinois. . Mrs. (3anfleld 1; 74 years old and conducts a millinery shop. WarreA has a population of 1500. ' f bastian, accused of contributing to 'the dependency of "Edith Serkin. His story ori direct examination was attacked from every angle by the cross exam iner for the, and several dis crepancies were uncovered. Asserting the dissimilarity in the law of California and that of Ontario, Canada, were being used to evade the terms of a contract, , J. O. Caugher, attorney, filed suit at San Francisco tor $15,000 against Mrs. Stella Me Mahon, widow of. Alexander McMabon, son of the late Hugh McMahon, former chief justice of the supreme eourt of Ontario. . - , Three different stories have now been presented to the Jury at Trinidad, Colo., in the trial of John R. Lawson, labor leader, as to how Mlneguard Nimmo met his death in the fighting between miners and deputies at Lud low, during the recent coal strike. Law son is charged with the , murder of Nimmo. . . ; Colotrel Emit Block, lieutenant in the citizens' police,.- and : close friend of Chief of Police Sebastian, was identi fied at Los Angeles by Edith Serkin, star witness for the prosecution in the Sebastian trial, as the "mysterious colonel" whom she . alleges accom panied her and the Chief on an alleged JoyridjB to Downey. 1 Arrested in company of . Mrs. Mar garet Westall, who the police say is 'the wife of a wealthy Eureka, Cat., lumberman, J. C Wager, 24, was jailed at Los Angeles to face a charge of stealing a diamond ring valued at $360 in Phoenix, Arizona. i That Thomas Boggs and William Young, tinder arrest in the Alameda county jail on charge of having counterfeiting moulds in their posses sion, are not members of the famous Allen gang of Virginia feud fame be came known to. the satisfaction of the authorities. While the real name of Boggs is Claude Allen and that of Young Is Ed Wilson, ths former claims Georgia , as the state of bis nativity. F. M. Shepard, candidate ' for the legislature at tbe last election, and A. C. Brown, a rancher, were sentenced to a year and a day each in San Quen tin penitentiary for complicity In a plot to smuggle opium into the United States from Mexico, i Forty-two workingmen of Riverside, Cel., served notice upon City Treas urer P. A, qunsolua that it la in vlo- lation of the law and warning him not to pay! ouf, any more of the city's money after May 1, 1J15, to city em ployes who are not citizens of the United States. 1 Frustrated in what the arresting of fleers believed 'were two attempts to take her life, Jennie Flores, 18," at Los Angles; savagely fought Policewomen Bowen and S hat to, but was overpow ered when a police chauffeur precipi tated himself into the fray. The police women had gone to Miss Flores' room to arrest her on a delinquency com plaint. Twenty-six of the Tijuana, Lower California bunco - artists turned over to the San Diego police by the Mexican authorities, were sent from San Dlegcr td Los Angeles bf the San Diego police. Sudden death by a pistol bullet came to Edward Hugey at San Francisco be cause he was tod fond of the wife of E. C. Reed, i agent for 1 the Burlington sailroad at Ranchester, Wyo., who is in jail for the deed. Reed returned hom unexpectedly! and found -Hugey with his Wife. j - . . j Attorneys for Harry Chandler in his fight to prevent Mrs. Virginia Clopton and 18 other stockholders of the Los Angeles Investment company from ousting him from the directorship of that concern! waived all arguments be fore the district court of appeals and the two sides agreed to. submit briefs. . Charles Ai Elder, former , president, and eight former directors of the Los Angeles Investment company, were in-1 dieted by the county grand jury at Los Angeles on charges growing out of the alleged mismanagement of the com pany and bail was fixed at $20,000 for each person iindicted. t Pinned beneath an overturned auto mobile which be was driving,. Robert F. Conner was killed, two miles south of Martinez Cel., at 1 3 o'clock this morning and, James F. McFee Jr., was probably fatally hurt, while three other members of; ths party escaped with slight injuries.' At the preliminary hearing of Mrs, Irene Murphy, charged with murder ing her husband, William Murphy, at La Canada, the Rev, Leander Lane testified that Murphy made a dying statement toi him accusing bis wife to shooting him; Later, the minister said. Murphy said the shooting- was acci dental. ' y in a desperate daylight atrugcU with a posse of mounted police end secret service agent, waited benea the towering trees of a dense forest the Sunset district' at San Francis Louis Markin aiUeged Counterfeit: was clubbed into ubmleaion, and placed under arrest Flourishing a revolver, and screar lng imprecations wthile a score of I Hce officers wrestled with, her, 1. year-old; Lorls Murphy, an escape frc the detention homei -put up a terrl battle in a lodging' house where had fled for refuge before she could ( returned to the home this afternoon.! Severely condemning him becau as a lawyer, he went Into the erii knowing every phase of the law agair. drug traffic. Federal Judge Bledsoe I Los Angeles, sentenced. Attorney F. 7 Shepard to serve a j year and a day San Quentln. Mexican Situation AFFICIALfl Of the Vllllsta agency U Washington declared that the a ftihilatlon of General Obregon army was imminent and that Generi Juan Banderd with 10,000 ZapaUst was advancing toward Obregon's po tlon at Queretaro, 1 while Villa's p sonal command was advancing irv the opposite direction. ' i Shocking conditions in Mexico, i eluding ths confiscation of proper i and the violation of (women, ar grs pl rally portrayed in a letter from Mr Germain. Carle Towle, in Mexico Cii: to San Francisco, which states tl. Carranslstas shut the entire city Mexico off from food supplies, ii Posed enormous duplicate taxes business houses, and insulted t. American flag.-, " :; ! Ten thousand Zapatistas wr i lng on Wuerstaro with the intent i of closing ori the rear of Genrl obr gon's force there. Twelve of Obrtn troop trains are derailed at iSa,r according to report! received hr Oof MiM Book, cm Ftmt, TfWe-M.rki, etc,, ( MBlffM. PMntfriKiKdlhrraib Maan&Ca. tcecira ft tmicm in tbe Sciaalili Aric. I sTUJItr A CO $3J1f-lwtn1iELV.,K.Y. i If ASffiTKIOS OinCE: ?! r St, Wl. D. C. i