PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING,' MAY 2, 1915. COLLIER JASON WAS Great Special Distribution of Women's Suits Tbmorrow, Brand New Garments Which, Taking HURRIED 'FROM PORT. TO PORT WITH ART Christmas Ship Picks Up Ex position. 'Exhibits .Under Great Difficulties. SAlLlNGlS ARE KEPT QUIFT Etm ComialttM la Cbtrr Wil TJa- war of BMP' Zprtnr From New York. May 1. Joseph Pennell, the ctcherr renowned for his' studies of New York skyscrapers and Pittsburg blast furnaces aind Panama locks, is Just back from Europe, hugging him elf with glee, not on account of some new etching; but because he feels that If anything goes wrong with him as an artist. - he has another string to his bow, says the New York Times,; r "I think I'd be all right running a privateering expedition." declared Mr, Pennell. ', Whereupon he looked posi tively buccaneeriah with pleasure. It all came about because of the "United States collier j JaBon. As read ers will remember, she went to Europe ehortly before Chriatmas, carrying a cargo of , Christmas presents for the belligerent nations. ! Then nothing more was heard or her. What became of her?! Let Joseph Pen-' nn have the floor. ' i - I was made chairman a little while ago of a, committee : to . get European worka of art for the Panama-Pacific exposition explained Mr. Pennell, a few hours after-his arrival here from Europe. On the committee with me were John Signer Sargent, the famous painter, and two other American art ists, McEwen and John McLure Hamil ton. We were to secure works of art from the fSuropean governments, . and from societies and individuals in. Eu rope, ana snip inem.vo jauTorni. r or this purpose the Jason,' which had dis charged her cargo of Christmas pres ents at Bremen, was placed at our dis posal.. " i vf -. m: "!.- -; ! :-.:- . ; : .- i An . Eaibarrassing Bltuauoa. But her ah embarrassing situation arose, liow couia tne same snip carry priceless, art' treasures from Germany and then go 4nto French and EnglUn ports for more cargo or similar sort? Surely, there would i be protests or wouldn't some' ultra-zealous comman der of an Ensrllsa cruiser or a German submarine take the law : into his own hands.; capture the Jason, and dump overboard all' her enemy art treasures? :'So. 'what did we o? We arranged matters so that the Jason i simpiy Be came non-existent. Her arrival at a port was never chronicled.- wooofly. not even a news paper man,, anew 01 u. n aepanure was also Jinaitemiea wun puDucny. i .any una. .? tr people inquirea aoqui her at Lloyd a. tney couldn't find out a word about her. ; The Jason just van ished,-. that's all. -;- 'y ,-' i a'.- "In the meantime sne kept busy load ing asf variegated a Cargo of priceless art treasures' as ever went into a snip. After finishing her work at 'Bremen, she sailed around to Greece and took on board almost valuable -lot of Greek things, f From Greece she went to Genoa- i- : . .. . ; " - I'There she loaded not only Italian paintings and other works of art. but- quite unknown tffi anybody, except my self and a few others in London, and a very ; small numoer 01 people in Ger many, Austria ana xtaiy an even more valuable conslngment of German and Austrian treasures loaned to the Pan- ama-iacitic exposition. , v- "fin far na mnd. Nothinar had, an vet occurred .that could realiy-entail inter national complications. But the next Stop made ; oy the Jason was at Mar seilles, . the .Mediterranean . port of France, where she received a great as sortment or worns or art lent ny the French government, French museums and individuals. - fn addition to a Bel gian collection and a lot of woras oy American artists living in France. From Marseilles the Jason made for Plymouth, England. She arrived out side that port Very soon after the bat tle cruiser Lion had put in there shot full of holies after her battle against the; German fleet in the North sea. The Jason i was. refused permission to enter Plymouth, as were all other out siders.' as the Lion was to be, repaired at firmoiua. ana tne jungnsn govern ment aiarrt want anytning Known about the damage done to her. ----- "The Jason lay outside Plymouth for awhile, and was then directed to go to. Bristol. She did.-, There was not one line in the English papers or any oth ers aoout ner arrival, in xtrisioi. Jason' Departure Xept 9Ut. As: soon as she got there," we of the committee in' London sot busy with, a shipment of more art treasures, which we- nao 'Deen - sjetttng toaetner.. . w e worked with the greatest possible se crecy, uniy a nmiuea numoer oi peo ple, among whom 1 was Ambassador Walter H-v-Fasrej knew .what we were doing.. We had not only a lot or Eng lish works of art l to ship over t.e ocean, out also i additional treasures from -France and BIglum; which had come over to us irom tnose countries. "The whole thine was kert bo dark that wven we dadn f know when the Jason left Bristol. In fact. I left Eng land a few days iago without any word from her got across the ocean, and did ot hear Until my arrival In New York that the Jason was safely through the Panama canal, and that she had ar rived in San Francisco. That s why I've felt free to tell, about her.". Mr. Pennell waa enthusiastic about tha urea brosfht. over bv the Jason. which, h declares, will aaa immensely to the worth or tne exposition. ASSESSOR1 GIVES LECTURE 'County Assessor Henry E. Reed yes terday morning lectured to stuaents or Reed college onf thie subject or taxa tion. -.- After giving a brier nistory or Oregon's experiences In raising lunas to cay its expenses i and ' debts ana those of its counties. Mr. iteed dis cussed present flav methods of assess ing property and preparing, the assess men rolls in Multnomah county. . . He said the cost of making assess ments in this eosintv is but -13t4 cents per 11000 of valuation. He called at tention to the fact tht lanA and Im provements on land are assessed nena- Tately in Oregon and that wsvcral hi eastern Cities. -norr.tv Thili1lnha. nt. - i ing Into Consideration Newness, Variety,, Eve ryth Goodness, Moderate Prices Mark a Record Suits at $19.45 That Sold Formerly $27.50 Of gabardine, serges and shepherd checks. " These are .sports coat suits, Norfolk suits, mannish braid-bound suits. Prince Chap suits ' and novelty tailored : suits. ' trimmed with braid and fancy silk ornaments. , i ! , - Every jacket is lined with peau ide cygne. silk and finished in strictly tailored fashion. The skirts show a variety of styles adapted to correspond" with the jackets. . ..:'', - . 1 : Ca.l be. had in black, navy blue, green and black and white checks. v : ' ' I Suits for $24.85 i That Sell Regularly at $35.00 I Of fine silk poplins and serges. Novelty styles.' which are presented t in black, navy blue, Copenhagen, gray and sand. The jackets' show a variety of plaited and flare effects, some, with deep shawl reyers, trimmings of bengaline ' silk and - harid-made ornaments, others trimmed with braid and fancy silks. j j Every suit' a copy of the latest foreign models, made and finished by expert tailors. The skirts are plaited or flaring, according to the style of the jacket. ; New Taffeta Suits At $40.00, $41.50 and $48150 The last word in fashion suits of chiffon taf feta silk in back and navy .blue: i : - '...! Pellard Suits for $42.50 That Sold Formerly at $50.00 ' Suits that reflect the latest advance midsummer styles of fine mannish serges, gabardines, checks and stripes. Suits with jackets that measure 27 inches long, cut on . straight lines" or flaring effects, and some fitted models with flaring: 'skirts. The" new Prince Chap model, a' fashion copied from a man's coat, bound with flat braid, is very much in evidence here. In fact, almost every new style brought out within the past month is repre sented in this assortment.' ' Pellard Suits for $36.75 That Sold Regularly at $45.00 7 Plain-tailored and fancy-cut suits of poplins, gabar dines, serges and black and navy hairline stripes, as well as shepherd checks. Here one can find all the popular and most up-to-date styles, such as the belted Hunt Club suits, as well as fancy tailored suits, trimmed with braid and fancy ornaments. . r i - S buits for $28.75 That Sell Regularly at $38 J50 Novelty tailored' suits of fine wool poplin in black, navy 'blue and putty,, as well r as serges and shepherd checks.. In belted-jacket styles, also' sports coat and flaring coat effects, and . the popular Norfolk suits. Every suit is strictly man-tailored and lined with fine peau de cygne silk. 'Skirts in the latest flaring and plaited models. . v , Suits for $33.75 , that Sell Regularly at $42.50 Highest-class," strictly . man-tailored suits in plain tailored and fancy-cut stylesJ Of serges, poplins, ga bardines and shepherd checks.! In black, navy blue', Bel 'gian blue, putty and l&ack and - white checks. Fancy braid-trimmed suits in various styles, straight box-shape models, others are flaring, belted and button trimmed, some slightly sha'ped and trimmed with silk faille. : Golfine Coats, Special $ 1 8.50 New SPiral 9resses $22.50 A coat suitable for dress as well as for sports wear. In white, Belgian blue and castor. Made full 36 inches long in a loose flaring style, with f.et in kimono sleeves and hand corded trimmings and loops.- Lined throughout with peau de cygne silk. ' -f Of fine chiffon taffeta silk in black and navy blue.: The waist has a yoke in front and back, and is slightly bloused at the waist line, finished with plaited belt: and tailored bow in the back; White organdy collar and cuffs.) The skirt in the six section spiral style finished with cording. TWO NEW MODELS IN Crepe de Chine Blouses Of Regular $6.50 Quality Special $4.85 Blouses of an extra heavy weight of all-silk crepe de chine, ri white, flesh, maize black and-jaew Palm Beach shade. Featuring thi two- m-one collars. pleated and hem stitched effects, trimmings of pearl buttons, long' sleeves r with fancy turnover cuffs. . - Third rioor. White Chinchilla Coats Very Special $12.50 Another shipment of these . always 1 popular and most fashionable white chinchilla coats has just reached us. 38 inches long, in a new flaring, loose-back style with flare collar, which can be worn either low or buttoned up high. Third Floor N, An, Unexpected Package arrived the; other day; It was marked with a foreign label. It was immediately opened, and, behold,- r Rhine Prints from Germany, which we had ordered months ago arid never hoped to receive. A limited number, of course, but all ex quisitely : beautiful, as only Rhine prints can be. And prices so very conservative, from $1.50 to $4.00. Sixth Floor t : a. n i lew L-aces a oaie 36-inch Silk Shadow Allover Laces Selling to $2.50 Yard iSale $1.50 Yard These ; Jaces . come increanv flesh; gray, Belgian blue, prune and sand color, . These laces are now ouite the mode for making waists and for trimming dresses. v Shadow Allover Laces r Sale $1.25 Yard, 36-inch shadow allover laces in white and cream, showing the filet mesh, the craquelle and other nov elty meshes, 'i. ! . - ' ! 25c . French . and German Valenciennes Laces Now 5c Yard : rirst rioor. The Fashion Book for Summer - f Illustrating the Famous Pictorial Review Patterns is now ready for your; approval. These- Summer fashions reflect all that is newest and best in the world of style.-and will easily help to solve your Summer dress needs. '' r--j - -Ask for one of the Free Fashion Sheets. -. -Second Tloor. Mail and Telephone Orders Filled by Expert Shoppers c'McrcKandiso cT cJ Merit On - Pacific Phone Marshall 5000 . . Home Phone A-6691 The Finest Underipuslins That Sell at $1.50 to $1.75 Monday 95c I s GOWNS ; T Of longcloth and crepe, in slip-over and open-front styles, ' L tailored and fancy lace and embroidered-trimmed i models, in a variety of different styles. All made full and long, i SKIRTS v i - ; 1 ; Made of good quality longcloth, with ruffles of embroidery m and lace, wide embroidery bandings, ribbons. Some with dust. ' ruffle. . r .. v - -i- 1 i ENVELOPE CHEMISE Several pretty styles, of good quality longcloth. trimmed with yokes, shadow lace, embroidery, edgings, headings. ! rib ! bon. Some with ribbon straps. ( Fourth Floor Sale of Baby, Things . The daintiest little garments for baby.' some hand embroidered and hand made, others trimmed with feath er stitching and tiny tucks, with veinings and Valen-' ciennes lace. Swiss embroidery, headings and dainty rib bons. Dresses and slips of the finest nainsook and longcloth, for babies 6 months to 2 years. - ; 85c infants' lawn pillow slips . . ... . . .69c $1.00 infants' lawn pillow slips J . . . . . . . 89c $2.50 to ' $2.75 hand-emb. pillow slips $1.98 $1.50 hand-made long baby " slips . .... $1J29 $2.00 hand-made long baby slips . . . . $1.69 $2.50 hand-made nainsook short dresses $1.95 $2.00 hand-made nainsook short dresses $1.48 $1.50 infants' short dresses ......... . $1.19 75c infants' short dresses, sale. . . . . . .59c Quilted mattress pads : . ,25c, 45c, 75c, $1.00 . HEMMED B1RDSEYE DIAPERS, SLIGHTLY . SOILED Regular $1.00, 24-inch . . ..... ...... 79c Regular $1.35, 27-inch $1.09 Regular $1.65, 44x22-inch . . ... . . . . . $1.29 Regular $1.75, 48x24-inch . . ... . .... .$1.3S Regular $2.00, 54x27 -inch ..... .. . . . .$1.59 Introducing' the Palm Beach Popular Walking Skirt Sold Regularly ati $8.00 A Special $4,95 Skirts fashioned of Palm Beach cloth, one of the most popular ma terials lox-the. .season's wear. Shown in two new models, strictly tailor made, in flaring styles, with pleat ed fronts and fancy belts, trimmed with white pearl buttons.l i v -Third Floor r Full line just received of the L Vanta Vests and Bands for Infants. FREE to every mother, a pattern of the peerless buttonless Vanta Diaper. . porta Xloot. (ir4L V mm The Newest trimmed Hats To see these hats is to realize that they are unusual at $6.50 to $10.00 emarkable at $3.95 No old styles, but the .latest mod els iii close-fitting, medium and wide sailors, many with crepe brims ; trim mings of flowers of every kind and description smart I wings, I ribbons and bows in a host of clever adapta tions of thelatest styles. Black hats, black and white effects and all the season's most popular colors. In fact, the very hats that we sell regularly , up to $10.00. , " - Second Floor. This Is Our Annual Hot-Point Week . Each year the, latest, hot-point electric household appli ances are offered for -this, week only at a reduction from regular prices. 1 j $5 El Grilstovo, as Illustrated is the new development this year. . f. Hot-Point Week $3.35 c $5 Triangle Electric Iron $2.65 5 and 6 pound hot-point irons, guaranteed for ten years, to be sold at the one price, $2.65. An electric iron .is a household necessity. ' Triangle Electric Curling Iron Heaters $1.50 A brand new electric device will heat any kind or size of curl ing irom r Size; length 7 and width 2 inches. , I ' $4.00 Triangle Stove, Special This Week $2.48 Prepares breakfast food can boil and toast at the same time-. Made with a five inch top. All Electric Goods Guaranteed Sixth 11 oor. The FREE $l Brings It to You Tomor Sewiner Machine row $1 a Week Pays for It The" only jguaranteed-for-life sewing-machine. Second Floor i r- I ; Household Linens You Need At Prices You Wish to Pay FAMOUS CASTLETON SHEETS and PILLOW CASES at New Revised Prices ten Lower Than Any of Our Previous Lowest Sale Prices " 100 dozen sheets just received. One of the best-wearing sheets on the market today. Made of round thread cotton, linen finished. jTorn before hemming, insuring perfect shape after laundering. Made with 3-inch head and 1-inch foot hem. .Size 90x81 inches;. .. ... ...69c Size 99x81 inches . 72c j ' bheets, size 108x81 inches, at 81c t Cases of the Same Quality to Match Size 42x38 inches..... ...15c Size 45x38 inches.... .. ..16c j Royal Sheets at the Lowest Prices Ever Offered Another large shipment of these splendid sheets just in. Made ; of fine, evenly woven cotton, long fiber and free from dressing. No rough places. Seamless. An opportunity to buy these sheets at less than we have ever , sold them. Size 90x72 inches. . .59c Size 90x81 inches. . .65c . Sheets, size 99x81 inches, at 72c. $1.75 IMPORTED LINEN LUNCH CLOTHS, $1.19 All pure linen, silver bleached, hemmed ready for use. Size 60x57 . inches. This price is less than wholesale cost today. r 1 50c EXTRA LARGE BATH TOWELS, 39c i Made of extra heavy two-ply cotton yarn, in pure white, with hemmed endsV size 54x26 inches. , : 35c PURE WHITE BATH TOWELS, 25c j Splendid quality towels, in plain white, with corded borders. . Heavy and soft finish. j $1.25 BLEACHED LINEN TABLE DAMASK, $1.00 i Sturdy1 Scotch damask, 70 inches wide, full grass bleached, all l pure linen. . In floral and set patterns. Splendid quality that will : j stand frequent laundering.- ' v ! $125 CROCHET BEDSPREADS, 98c h Heavyi quality of crochet spreads in pure white, with hemmed ; ends. Extra quality at this price. Full size. I 12 l-2c BLEACHED MUSLIN, Sc I Full 36,Inches wide, pure white bleach. A material suiuble for ' , ! wpmen's underwear, "men's shirts, underwear, pajamas and chil- dren's wear. Extra fine thread. BOLT FINE LONGCLOTH, $1.S8 112 yards in each bolt, comes all in one piece. Very fine, evenly, fwoven cotton, absolutely free from dressing. Full 35 inches wide. (Excellent for all kinds of underwear. ." -,-. " : . ; $2.00 BOLT FINE LONGCLOTH,-$1.48 : An extra grade, made from fine thread Cotton, free from dressing. , t36 inches wide. .Will launder perfectly. I Linen Section. Basement A - - ' " , -.-. r' - ' -4' 1 " A Silk Occasion i The Most Wanted Silks The Most Fashionable i Silks at Prices That Cannot Be Duplicated Elsewhere $1 .25 TWILLED-BA CK MESS ALINE i -A very soft texture silk, showing a rich finish, which is very effec i tive for dresses as well as suits. 35 inches wide,'' I- '!..:., ' Very Special, .79c NOVELTY TAFFETAS AND SATINS : ; These novelty silks have just arrived by express, and show the ! latest efects in Pekin stripes and colored stripes, j Shown in black. " , , white and the new colors. 24 to 26, inches wide. - - ' , Priced $1.00 to $2.00 yard : i " (Moond noor, Silk Grenadine Scarfs represent the latest idea of smartness in scarfs, and for Summer wear nothing; quite re places' them ' for all occasions. You who are- up on fashion modes will appreciate this. Sale1 of $1.00 Scarfs made of a. fine silk grenadine, which are light in weight and very soft and pliable I and will not muss when tied. Many new and novel effects are shown, both in bias stripes as well as figured designs. I ' At 65e AreTou Completely Satisfied- with the corset you are wearing? Have you convinced yourself that it gives you the utmost style, comfort and wear possible to any corset? I Are you free from all the pains and aches for which corsets are frequently responsible? r ' i ! Is the, corset you are wearing ac complishing some good effect either of style or health? I If the answer to any, 'or all, of these questions is - "NO," come to our Corset Department this week 1 it IMemo . Week " and leus show vou the NEMO and opeciaj KOPSERVICE Corsets. ( Ve have them in a great jyariety of styles1 and sizes $3.50 up. ; , "Nemo Week Special" igsS 3 S9 Black and White Checked - Dress. Goods The - scarcest dress material of the, season, and likewise one of the most fashionable, j Fortunately . for us and fortu nately for you, we have all the newest patterns in black and white check dress materials, showing the large, the small and the medium size checks. 36 to 56 inches wide. Priced at 47c to $2.50 yard Second Flooi $14X0 IX MANUFACTURER'S i, SAMPLE LINE OF Children's Collapsible - Sulkies Just 21 of ' His Best 1 and $18.50 Sulkies $8.89 The Lowest' Price We Have j " Ever Quoted Full collapsible, the j finest and best-constructed sulkies manufac tured. Full size and thorouehly comfortable, complete in every de tail, with- 36xl4-inch body, extra large hood, 10x-inch rubber tire wheels.' These sulkies show all the latest- features, being collapsible with one motion. By actual count there are just 21 of these high-grade sulkies to enter this sale, no more to be had at anywhere near this price. filth lioor . HI