THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, - PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING; MAY 2, 1315. i: UTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 (Cotttlggefl) .j-."..; : Buy a 'Federal', V Not only ftr.wideh your field S of trade, reduce your haulage ; ' cost, but for the same reason i the transportation i experts of -i many other large fiirms in your .-, -; own business purchased them. i - V - - J TbA FEDERAL is siimtIe to operate l-not only in running and steering, but fays in woritine conoitwn ana it. c;ur TANTLT Off THE JOB. And that 1 h secret of truck efficiency. , Tou must have a truck that Js .al ays' ready for work, and the Federal 1 vert a dav-tn-and-dayout service that i unecjualed. The eolcndid service aiven by Fed- ral trucks is backed uin by the service heilittes of the Oerlinger Motor Car Use of accident or any difficulty that HKht arlne. Tfle reaeral trantsporia lon eneineerinsr department has solved hany knotty traffic problems and will eip you in your own particular cond itions, -v -; i; I Federal Factory Features" shows r distribution in every state? in the nlon. and illustrates the kind of serv- re we place at the command of Fed- t'al users. - -. WJUTK FOE IT. Gerlinger Motor Car Co. , 690-894 Washington st, yy Portland, Or. Tiaj IEOT-TM) TOAT mmi DBSEP"iAJR 'OEPAffiTMEiaT- i v Overland ! Light- touring cat in gOod condition. nay ror -someone f ZoO. 5 Passenger ! Electriclights and Starter, new ex ra tire, motor recently overhauled. rice low. Covey. Motor Car Co. ' 2"! ST AND WASHINGTON STS. X I AUTOMOBILIO PARTS. PARTS. PARTS. . We carrv Daftx for 20 - different nakes of cars, slightly used, but as ;ood as new; , bring in your broken arts and- let - us match them un at educed prices: we have the largest Assortment of parts on the coast. f AUl rlC TIRE & SUPPLY CO., - . S25-327 Burnside Street. O. N. Smith, Mgr. Marshall 3238. ' FIVE passenger' CADILIAC In good condition jor- naje. vv ui sea on easy orms if so desired. Apply rA. J. Winters. Co, 67 6 Til STREET. .VINTON SIXES, thoroughly over hauled and rebuilt in 4 and 7 naas. fnodels; cars - are fully eouipped and rry guarantee of Winton Motor Car t:o. for one year. Be sure and see us r efore you buy -a used . car. LiheraJ .WINTON MOTOR CAR CO., -$3 D A ND WA S HIXGTOK STS. K. CYLINDER Plerce-Arrow. 7 pass.. in fine mechanical condition ennd feires, seat -covers, some cash or small har as tiart 'oavment; llhoral tnrma nn balance. WINTON MOTOR CAR CO.. . 23D AND WASHINGTON STS. PASS. STUDEBAKER-GARFORD in ' fine condition: nracticallv new tlresj demountable rims and otherwise jruuy equipped; at a bargain. Main t368. -- r: - : - - a auto, in rirst class condition in every way. Paint good new. . This Is a very serviceable fcar. Am leaving city aad must sell at, (once. X-372. Journal. ' 1913 PEEBLES 3; S cylinder. 7 nasi: equipped - with, plectrio self Rtarteit- na ugnts; every modern convenience; Wgh class car at. a very low price. Wain 6368. , . - - CADILLAC. 1914 model. 7 ps., as good as new, WINTON MOTOR CAR CO.. 23d and Washington Main 4244; . 1914 CHALMERS MASTER SIX S pass equipped with electric . self starter and lights' almost new: sne .cm. price. jMain 5 ONE 1500 lb. truck, good tires. 9175. Oregon Auto Exchange, 127 Lowna dale. Main 1161. . j PASS. REGAL in good condition for Main 636S. t-i ! ' AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 MUST have light car for close-in lot; clear: worth llOOOt-vours for car if suited. A-5215. A1985. COMPLETE furnishings 6 rooms, sale or traae xor smau car. ii-4&i, jour nal.; - '" - I WANT a 5 pass.. 1915 Ford, cheap for -cash. J-8 6 1 . Journal. USED Ford touring -car wanted on easy terms. D-628, Journal. - W'ANTEDRunabout; will,, pay cash; must pa gooq ouy. -25a. 'journal. 9125 CASH, 2 lots BremertonJ Wash, valite 9160, for roadster. Main 8213. WANTED Auto for- 5 - room house, : Hawthorne district Phone D-1490. ; Ml ' LARGE: S M 1NVES I 0111 I ft U I i AUT03IOBIXES WANTED 78 1 (Continued) . TO trade for t standard automobile, Buick preferred, a five acre orchard tract planted to fopitzenberg and New town apples, three "y ears old. My equity 110o; balance 9900, payable at la per month,' 7 per cent interest. Land lies five minutes' walk from sta tion at Kex Oregon. . Very sightly. No buildings. Have deed with Interest paid to date. Ask for Von. : paid to date. Must .have $400 cash value. Ask for Voa. . Howard Automobile Co. 14TH AND PA VI 3 STS., Main 4555. i A-25S0. LATE Ford of other small car wanted by chiropractor with extensive house practice; will pay some cash and bal ance monthly or exchange professional services. - -A-968J Journal. WANT automobile; will give very - choice piece of acreage near Tigard for medium priced late model car; must be in good condition. Address N 847." Journal. WANT KD to trade, 00 equity in half acre tract on: east side, baL 9250, on easy terms, without interest, for auto mobile of equal value. Ford preferred. Lock Box 186, Oswego. Or. -y WJ LL exchange a good equity in a Portland residence for a late model auto. Main 7266. ; A. J. BuelL 601 Northwest bldg.; city. I' lvii room house, biff barn, lot 69x160. fruit and garden; rents for 98 per month. Trade .for automobile. 7123 43d ave. S. E. ' . FORD wanted; must be in good me - chanlcal condition and a bargain for cash; body not important. Woodlawn 1608. between 9 and 6. except Sunday. WANT 6 pass; auto for 6 acres of land 'worth 9750. Machine suitable for farmer. Coehrun, 606 Spalding bldg. .Maui 3897. - . UAVK dear lot In (tood location, will trade for automobile and' will pay difference If any; room Z. Cambridge bldg. Main 945 EXCHANGE Lot in part payment for automobile, . not jitney proposition; machine must be first class condition. X-186, Journal. ' WANTED Light second hand auto mobile in good "condition; will give clear lot 67x100. cash value 9700. U- 906, Journal. ' - WANT a modern 6 pass, auto or gro cery stock, for 160 acres White Sal mon: land; value, 920 per acre. S-622, Journal. EQUITY" in 6 room cottage, close in; straight moitgage, 10 acres in East ern Oregon, clear, for 1 or 114 ton tr uck. j- 756, Journal. WANTED Used auto; must be in good order. Cheap for cash. "Alfred Larson; Tillamook, Ore. A ao FT. launch and boathouse and . Home ash to trade for Ford auto. Main 884. - ' - WANTED Light passenger car in - good condition, in exchange for nice lot. KX-614, Journal. I WILL pay you spot cash for your auto. Francis : Motor Car Ex.. E- 13th and Hawthorne ave. WANT light 6" passenger car or road ster, under 9400. No Fords. U-911, Journal. i , ' WlLLctrade clear west side lota for-5 pass, auto in good condition; might buy on terms. G-826, Journal. ; SMALL auto, condition no object, for cash. A-964, Journal. - ! MOTORCSfCIiES BICYCL.ES 65 Extra Bargains- Extra We are offering some special BAR GAINS Jn used machines this-week. 3 913 INDTAN, Twin, A-l condition . 9160 1914 DAYTON, 9 H. P.. two speed. 9225 1S13 DAYTON. 9 H. P 9150 Two 1913 EXCELSIORS, 9135 and 9150 191C READING STANDARD Twin.9150 Also many others to choose from. Prices from 925 upw We now have a carload of new 1915 i.'nytons and will take your old ma chine- in trade on a new one. Call fr 1emoTistration. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. All of these machines are in first class condition and some are equipped. Prices are right, AYTON CYCLE CO. 210 Broadway. Marshall 6538. Cfosing Out Sale OK SECOND HAND "Motorcycles We have about 50 vised motorcycles from 925 up. All these machines have been overhauled, and put in first-class condition before they are put on the floor for sale, and each one is guar anteed for six months. Come In and look them over. We have what you want. : We will take: in your old machine fn a new HA RLE Y DAVISON. Motorcycle & Supply Co. 209 4th st- Main 7889. BARGAINS IN USED MOTORCYCLES I have for sale the following in good usabla condition that I have taken in trade for new Indians. " M I 1912 Twin INDIAN. -1 1912 Twin MERKEL. 1 1915 electric equipped DAYTON. 1:1910 Twjn Indian. , H. LYSTUL, "The Motorcycle Man," Phone East 6977. .607 Union ave. N; blsed Motorcycle Bargains Two, 1912 MERKELS. twin-J, 965 each if taken at once. Also several other good buys. AGENTS FOR READING STANDARD MOTORCYCLES. Rydman Bros. . 309 OAK ST. 4 H P. FLANDERS, 935. 4 H. P. RACYCLE, 930. TWIN EXCELSIOR, 975. Try our repairing; it's better and r?.si,,'ou le8s- Agents for the NEW YALE. Jefferson1 Cycle -Co, Repairing. - 287 3d st. Main 6199. WE have used machines of all makes from 925 upi . ON EASY1 TERMS. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., 44 rSriin avo Agency for the Flying Me'rkel. 1 1914 ELECTRIC equipped Twin In dian, 9175. i 1 7 h. p. fully equipped MerkeL 9100 cash. i . With take single as part payment on either. 1109 Hawthorne ave. Pope motorcycles and bi cycles cash or terms. New, ana ucea. supplies, etc F. P. Keen an Co.. 190 4th MOTORCYCLE i-epairlng, . magneto work a. specialty; all work guar anteed, ' reasonable charges. H. Fiach, 265 Salmon. I FOR SALE Complete Smale Cyclecar without engine, 916. Call Joe'a Bi- cycle Repair Shop, 266 Taylor st GOOD coaster brake bicycle. 98. 1251 K. Salmon st. TWO brand new non-skid motorcycle ' tireft, 97 each. 350 Alder at. WE make out your auto and motor cycle license applications - complete with all notary work for 40 cents. Hy att Talking Machine c aso Alder SALE cheap. 9 H. P Dayton, fully equipped, just overhauled. Tabor 630. U-884 .Journal. j j ' 1 STEWART motorcycle -speedometer, - complete,' good as new, 95, Tabor 4158. ' 3 ( -- AMERICAN motorcycle, 4 Vi h. p.. with tandem, good as new. cheap. At 505 Leo ave.. Sellwood. NEW Cornell 24 in. frame bicycles, mud, guards and steel rims,, 919.75 eacn. u. j-t. BiocKer, 'ZZHVt 1st st. BOY'S 16 In, bicycle; good tires, coast er. R. H. Blocker. 228 1st St. 1914 Indian. 2 speed, electric equipped, cheap. 630 E. 8th et. S.. cor. Beacon. Rv S. MOTORCYCLE In , good condl ' tlon. cheap. Phone Woodlawn 72. v FOR SALE 7 h. ' P. Twin motorcycle cheap, cash or terms. Tabor 1404. ONE 7 h. p. Thor- motorcycle for sale, 955 cash, 421 Hawthorne ave. MOTOHCYCLEU BICYCLES 53 !':"-,-'' rnomttnned) h"''8G0VILLvS" OTLEHV: If CAVA AND SEK THIS , NEW MOTOR BIKK. BICYCLES SOIJ5 AND REPAITtED. IH'8 1 8T63-ST., 0ii.HASB3. 1914 MERKEL, fully equipped. 9175. INDIAN. 4 H. P., single; 950. r THOR, 4 H. P.. 850. V 9 II. P. MICHELSON and sidecar, fuUy equipped. Also several other " good machines from" 935 tip. Terms given. . Gasoline filling station, oils and ac cessories. - MOTORCYCLE .AND BICYCLE ' - REPAIRING. I , I " Motorcycle Repair Shop 89 North Broadway. ; Main ' 446f. FINK 1913 Twin Hailey-Davidson, ' presto tank: large headlight. ; tan dem! mice SlaO 850 down 816 month ly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder st. IAUNCHES AND BOATS 4J4 KVlNitUDh! Detachable Row boat Motors for row boats, canoes, motorboats and, fish boats are in use by over 15 governments. The Evinrude is world famous for remark able power, speed and won derful waterproof magneto ouilt within flywheel. In use hv IT. S War Deoartment. handling 30-ft. pontoon. Oyer 4000 in use In Columbia river. Alaska - and fishinir fleets. A motor you can carry by hand will give as much speea as average ''"iei'"" matnrhnaf. and the Drice of 968 to 983 Is so low anyone can own a motorboat. New special model 6-pasenger boats a a. inm a tso. Free cataloeue; address Evinrude Motor Co.. Front and Morrison MOTORBOAT I have a first class small motorboat, will hold 7 people; Is complete and in first class order, and will run 10 miles per hour, and has cushions, robes, flags- and all the tools; wiU sell very cheap: take horse or buggy or wagon In trade or sen on terms, can Main zi. iz n. -mn. I FOR CASH ONLY 8900. ! One hand V-bOttom raised deck cruiser, 36 feet by 9 feet 3 inches; 40 H.- Pi 4-cycle. 4-cylinder, 5x6 inch, fully equipped, high' tension magneto, toilet, etc.; capacity- 40 passengers; new last June. P. O. Box A, Rainier, Oregon. . FOR SALE 16-0 H. P. 4 cylinder engine, complete, 9225; 6 cylinder 60 H. P.. 9300; also motorboat "iiat tie" and house, 9600 cash. Call and see Atkinson & Iaterson, Portland Kowlng Ciub. CRUISER launoh, ' 40 It. 6 ft. 6 in. - beam; 6 cylinder Van Blerck motor with self starter; thoroughly equipped lor cruising; outfit is practically new and will tako less than half original cost. Main 636 S. ' ONE Z?t H. P. Evinrude motor, prac tically new, for sale cheap. Uail to day, houseboat" No. 46, Motor Boat club. Sellwood 1468. . ; OR SALE CHEAP. 20 foot motor boat. 5 H. P., fine con dition, fully equipped. Phone Tabor 2993. LAUNCH, 25x5 ft., 2 cyl., 4 cycle, electric lights, complete equipment. Foot of Madison. Ask for Tanner. J- 860. Journal. ; 1 30 H.i P. 4 cylinder two cycle mar. rine engine, a snap 950. 129 Lowns- dale. Main 1161-. 1 8 H. P. 2 cylinder VICTOR marine engine 'to swap for motorcycle or what have you? Main 3479. FINE motorboat at a sacrifice. Al- most new. Must be sold at. once. Easy terms. Phone East 4530, 35 FOOT, 30 H. P. cabin gasoline launch; will: trade for automobile and some cash. " Z-409. Journal, FOR SALE Launch, 25x4 feet, elec tric lighted. 20 H.- P.. almost new, 9350; terms. 8400. Phone Main 6S08. ;- CANOE -Old town with outfit, see caretaker at Portland ' Rowing club. R. 'A. Myers, owner, 1645 Olin St., city. FOR SALE 960, motorboat. 18 ft., 6 H? P. : 1111 Glenn ave. Alberta can PIANOS, ORGANS AND TnTUSICAI.' INSTRUMENTS 31 95 CASll, with .double credit of 910 sends a 9350 piano to your home for 8237, bat. $6.50 monthly, without in terest; saving about 9173, this week at Sen wan Pia no CO., Ill 4th at. LAKljE mocK.ot uantl Instruments in our exchange dept. at remarkable reductions. Also special C. G. Conn cornet sale. New horns for old., GRAVES MUSIC CO., Fourth Sfreet. 9750 rEILERS" electric piano for sale or trade, "a snap.". Rooms 301 and 302 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. . i AM in urgent need of money; -will sac rifice my baby grand pianoi paid 9850 two years ago; will sell for 9425, some terms. A-608 Journal. i 9650 PLAYER piano, 300 rolls musio. Will take grafanola, motorcycle or what have you? BaL 910 per mo. Phone Tabor 5882. FOR SALE Cheap for cash, a nice Kingsbury piano, in good condition: Call 75 Grand ave. N. HIGH grade piano, for sale, cheap for cash, or would trade for Ford auto. Phone E. 4438 or call 635 E. Morrison. FINE UPRIGHT PIANO AT REMARK ABLY LOW PRICE. 820 LUMBER. EX. BLDG.. 2D AND STARK STS. 9380 SECURES a 9600 new 1915 model player piano, 925 cash, 910 monthly, at Security -Storag e Co., 109 4th at. r FINE 6-oct. parlor organ, guaranteed, 925. Terms if desired. F. R., Ore gonian. f 9575 PHONOGRAPH and 27 records. Now 816, 111 4th st. f 955 .BUYS 9375 Kurtz man piano at Security Storage Co., 109 4th st. 9675 BUYS 91400 Steinway Grand at Security Storage Co., 109 4th st. TO RENT Sweet toned upright piano. 655 Yamhill. Main 4415. FOR RENT Upright - Grafonola. 431 Washington st, . , 945 VICTOR talking machine fdr 912. W-818, ournal. 840: EDI SON Home phonograph. 97.60. Splendid condition, F-1S7, Journal. TYPEWRITERS T7 FACTORY REBUILT TYPEWRITERS Reduced Prices on All Makes. t ' ' UNDERWOODS Model 3 ........ .125.00. t. .. .950.03 Model 4 ...... i. . 925.00 ..945.00 ...925. ..;937. Model 5 50. .955.00 Models and 7.. .915.0Q. . , . . Model 10 ... 935.00 .... . Model. 11. Decimal tabulator ,i OTHER MAKES ' ;.920.0i 1.345.00 , ,950.00 ' Ml MAKES Model $ Oliver.. . . .830.00 Model 2 L. C. - Smith ......... 830.00 Model 6 L. C. Smith ...... ......950.00 Model 3 Monarch ... .,- ..835.00 Model 10 Smith. Premier ....... 835.00 Model 2 Smith Premier 8 15.00 Model 1- Royals . . .. . ......... .827.59 Model 5 Royals ... v. ......... .945.00 All . thoroughly factory rebuilt and fully guaranteed. Terms 95 cash and 95 per month: machines sent for examination to any point on Pacific coast and if not satisfactory may be returned, at our expense. RENTALS 4 months for 95s and up. Rent -applies- on purchase. 321 Washington St.. Portland. Or. j .. ' . - 1 . : : TVFEmUTEIZS . : (Cob tinned) GILL'S KEBUlJ-iT TYPEWRITERS. Underwoods, : Remingtons, I. C Smith, Oliver, 1 Smith-Premier Royal, etc . 91S and tip: terms. Agents for tin. "Corona' folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables and chairs. The J. K. Gill o.. 8d and Alder ets. ; WE save you from 60 .to V a per cent on ail makes of typewriters. Send for our Illustrated folder; retail depart ment. t WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Washington et. - TYPEWRITERS for rent, 3 montls for 95 and up; 6 months' rental ap plied on purchase price.: Remington Typewriter Co 86 Broadways , YOU can rent visible typewriters i months for: 94. 244 Stark at. .Main 6873. i- t UNDERWOOD typewriter. No. 6; good "a new; will sacrifice for 935 Main 9472. i - '- WILL, exchange first class talking ma - chine for typewriter. Hyatt Talk Ing Machine Co.. 350 Alder. , BLICKENSDERFER Visible ' No. Z . typewriter, perfect order, with leath er case, 96. 245 Hassalo st. NEW, i rebuilt, rid nand, rentals, cut rates. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stak. M. 14. IUSKHOIiBOOpS for SALE 65 ONEgx3 ibyl Sx6 Axmt nster rug ; sel Is new! 937.50; Will sacrtfice for 911.60. Hundreds of other snaps in slightly used household goods of every descrip tion. An- opportunity to furnish your home icomplete at one-third of what you pays for new furniture.; Covell Furniture Co., 204 1st. We buy, sell and exchange. Main 8022. SOLID oak. Early English settee, 614 feet j long, with loose cushion of gen uine leather, together with arm chair and rocker to match; these three pieces cost new 972.50; they are in first class condition. Well sell i for 928.50 cash. 208 1st St.. after Sunday. FULL r . quartered oak Cutler rolltop desk; 4 ft.; almost new; swivel chair to matclk This ts a very fine piece of goods I and a big snap; .complete for 930. Covell Furniture Co., 204 1st. We buy, sell and exchange. Main 3022. FINE I Charter Oak range; six hole, slightly used, perfect condition. A bargain for 922.50. Ten other reliable makesi that we guarantee as low as xiz.buj covell tmrniture Co., zo 1st. Main 3012. FURNITURE of entire apartment for sale, deluding piano, Davenport, chairs, -tables dishes, gas range, beds, etc. Call Sundav and Monday. 211 Taylor, or phone Main 3855, or A-3855. SOLID bak, 8 foot extension dining table, 4S-inch top, massive pedestal construction, ' with hea,vy ; claw ret; when !nw cost 847.50;: can be bought now for918i50. 208 Ist'st.. after today. SMALL! size 6 hole Peninsular range, 14-inch oven; this range is in good prder;t will take 817.50 for it. Call 208 lik st.. after Sunday. - 935 Dresser with 4 toot mirror, 1 Helen i Gould cot, 940; 1 phonograph, fruit jars, kitchen table; bargain. Mar shall 4983. FURNITURE 5 room flat, all oak. good rugs, piano, something worth looking ; up; will sacrifice. Phone C- lbib, owner, until 5 o clock Sunday, WILL eUfurnlture of my modern hotel, 'finest of furniture. Come and see fop yourself; cheap rent; no agents. C-654,! Journal. ' FURNITURE Exchange, 226 Yamhill. New for used. Full line plu.nblng. Main 627. - BARGAIN in oak furniture of 6 room house. 260 Ross st., corner Wasco. Take ' U' car. FURNITURE of 20 room apt., very cheap.; apts. full. Main 5080. 272 Montgomery. FURNITURE of an 11 room house cheap, leaving city on account of health, snap. Phone WTdln. 2104. GAS range, 915; a snap; perfect con dition'; 4 burners, 2 ovens. Apply 283 Knott st. FOR rSALE At less than half price, complete furnishings of attractive home.' No dealers apply. Main 3267. FURNITURE of 6 rooms- for sale or CALL Bell Auction Co. and get good price : for your furniture. Mar. 4783. 915 Nearly new gas range and water heater. Woodlawn 2382. . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 EAST side .Singer store, new sewing machines. 93.00 to 975: easy terms. Repairs and supplies. East 2938. 288 Russell st. AUTuMOtilLES, motorcycles, launches or. boats are separate classifications A large listing can be found . under these different headings. : FIRST growth fir wood, 95 per cord, delivered to Sunnyside, Hawthorne, Mouiit Tabor or Laurelhurst. D-1124, Tabor 439. QoA!nV Mavhinooola. 'Rented, red. Easy terms. 383 Morrison. A-5110, Mar. 721. house paints, strictly pure, made in Oregon, 91.65 gallon. ' Port- land faint co.. zau ront.-, Alar. .100. DON'T buy diamonds, motorcycles or pianos until you see our . bargains. See Adams, 811 Dekum bldg- PRINTING press. 10x15 Cal. jobber fori sale; beat quotation gets it. 612 Buchanan bldg. 1VOROID house paint. 91.25 gal.; clos ing out line; was 91.76 gal. Tirnins Cress Co., 184 2d St. MIMEOGRAPHS, supplies, circular let ters, Elliott addressing machines and supplies. W. E. Fitizer & Co... 2 68 Stark. FINE oak display counters, plate glass . showcases and knock-down- shelving, new; snap. Owner, 373 4th. PORTLAND'S LEADING AND LARGEST MOVING PICTURE SUPPLY HOUSE. 64-i6 BROADWAY MAKE your own beer and whisky at home.: Stamp for paiticulars. Ad dress box 635, Portland, Or. FIVE new ostrich feathers; . exchange lop household goods. Woodlawn 2362. ONE ? H. P. gasoline engine, complete. Hopper cool; will sell cheap. Phone Main1 5631.- - f FOR t SALE Cordwood stumpage, 2 miles to railway. level county road. 0-631. Journal. FILM palte "Premo," post card size, ' with few extras. ,cheap. Hildebrandt, 90 Nebraska st. - ; . M'CASKEY register for sale cheap to ' close out bankrupt stock. Main 606, Monday. t FOR SALE cheap; soda fountain, show case3, scales, peanut and popcorn roaster, pool tables. Phone Eastr1610.' FOR sale Good wood range, water coil J also good gas ranged 1185' Van couver ave., corner Klllingsworth. : 9x12 1 Rugs cleaned on the floor by vacuum, 50c each; large size Duntly machine Phone C-1634.- FOR SALE 200 cords oak wood or by : carloads lots. Address R. R. No. 2. Box 45. Carlton. j WINCHESTER rifle, 25-35. new, glob and peep sights; trade for kodak. tail ou B.., o. Ca. FOR SALE; One large Diebold safe cheap If taken at once; for par tic u lars write U-902. Journal. ' FOR SALE Set of Pacific Reporter at a bargain. Geo. L. W'illey,. 330 Courthouse. - ; - ! , KODAK Perfect condition, splendid lens, 5x4. , Or , trade toward canoe, typewriter. ' Main 2741. Monday : TRACTION wood saw, 975 cash. R. 11. Blocker. 228H 1st st. - THREE diamond ings, very cheap, must sell at once. Marshall 2921. 4 GALLONS of gray house paint. 2 gallons oil, 95. Lents. R. 1, box 394. DRAFTING detail table, new, 42x96, solid legs, cheap. Tabor 6025. OA FETC The Moaler - Safe Cow 264 Stark st. 912.50 . DROPHEAD sewing machine with attachments. 152 Grand ave. GEVURTZ furnUure store. 208 Lowest cash prices In the city. 1st. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale price. Stark-Davis Co.. 213 3d. Main 797. uy and - sell used machinery. Northwest Lead & Machy. Co. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 ' (CondnoiAi SEWING MACHINES. 60 slightly used machines. Singer, dropheads ; 910 and uy Wheeler & Wilson d'pbeads 915 and up New Home.' dropheads.... 915 and up Domestic, dropheads . ,i ...15 and up New Royal, dropheads -, . . . 9 10 and up Willamette, dropheads. ... .910 and up Some j Stencil .machine, dropheads ......". ...... .9 7 asd up Box top ...v.. ...... i 8 8 and jip All makes of - machines for rent, 82 per month, . ..i ; . . . : Two Stores: THJS WHITE SEWING MACHINES. 383 Alder st, 243 Alder st Phone Main 2183, A-4599, -Main 2978. A-3569. - v r S. S. Sigel, Agent. . SEWING MACHINES Singer. . 814; White,. 917; New Royal, 912; G vurts Special, 914; Davis. 918; Queen, 16; Household, 95; Wheeler & Wil son. 915; Webfoot, 910; Singer hem stitch and motor. 975; New Eldredge Rotary; latest style, new,! 960; terms and guaranteed. : Sewing Machine Em porium. -190 3d. " near Taylor. Main 331, A-862B. PI PR BARGAINS. We have some fine black and gal vanized pipe,- all sizes, also bath tubs, and plumbing supplies at rock bottom prices; we can do your plumbing work at cost: it will pay you to see us. ' . PORTLAND PIPE SHOP. 269 Front. Main 6325. i Lawn fvtower Grinding We make a specialty of lawn, mow ers. . Call for and deliver: guarantee satisfaction. East 6578. 891 E. Mor rison. H. J. Repp, Repair Co. tsecinc Motors ; Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electrlo Works, 413 Burnslde. cor. 10th. Main or A-5674. DAVIS & CLARK. ENGINEERS, We do winding and repairing of motors and generators. Call on us for any work in this line. Motors on hand. Ask us .for what you need,, East 146, at East end of Morrison, bridge. SELF measuring oil tank, cheese cut ter, eieetric coffee mill, safe, watch, S. & W. revolver, bicycle, encyclopedia, medical books, masonic history, phono graph, for sale or trade.- A. Merchant, 614 West 23d st., Vancouver. Wash. NEW SEWING MACHINE STORE. 50 slightly used machines of all leading makes at very low prices. We give Scrip on all cash sales 25o and up. White Sewing Machine Store, 243 Alaer, fnone jviain zs. FOUR snaps in new Elgin and Wal tham movements. 19 jewel B. W. Ray mond, 918.90; 21 jewel Veritas, 925.45; 21 jewel Vanguard, 925.45; 83 jewel Vanguard, 927. Felix Bloch. 283 Mor- rison st. jausiwAti uoinunan id, writers" and "Household Goods" ax separate classifications. All 1 adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective classification look them over. BlLuiAKDS New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables, bowling alleys and accessories, easy payments. Tables for residences." The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.. 46 - 4.8 5th st. Phone Main 4970. FOR horses and venicle, dogs and household pets or poultry, read the ads, under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other medium in these classifications. ' BEAUTIFUL 95( full dress suit, me dium size; also man's fur lined coat with otter collar and facing, lare size, .lau - when new, will sell both very reasonable. Tabor 307. TO make room we will dispose of a lot of used sewing machines, 95 each; Singers, White, Wheeler & Wilson and a good many more of different makes. 349 Morrison st. ' FOR SALE Mark Twain's works, Hillcrest edition, 30 vols., De Luxe Shakespeare, 8 vols.; Poe 8 vols., other attractive sets; all in perfect condi tion. Phone Woodlawn '1657. ' 925 CASH Fine 5x7 Premo camera, 6 plateholders, film pack adapter, tri pod, carrying case and developing out fit. See today. Tabor 4158. NEARLY new 4x5 Seneca camera, plateholders and carrying . case; dandy 'little outfit; 815 cash. Mar shall 1426 100 NEW TENTS On sale for- 6 days only at below fae torv prices. Call at once at Feldstein Furniture Co.. 94 Grand ave. E. 1051. NATIONAL cash registers surprising ly cheap; big. saving. Call tnd Bee. All registers guaranteed. Cash Reg ister Exchange, 351 Washington sc 6 CYLINDER Ford engine. 50 II. P., magneto, water pump, timer and oil ing system, 9200. 564 Gideon. Sell wood car. . - , TWO motorcycles; sold to high est bidder Monday. Call basement Majestic Theatre building. 351 Wash. St., Monday. . , NATIONAL cash register, keyboard as high as 950. Price 935. Cost origi nally 9175. Inquire Treves hotel. Mr. Dobbins.! " . GOOD Hall safe for sale at 20c on the dollar i in order to close up bankrupt stock; also large refrigerator. Main 606. i FOR SALE cheap, 21 stone diamond pin; cost 91f0. Marshall 1654. SWAP COLUMN 23 HALF thousand art photographs of Mt- Hood., worth 9100. for motor boat, or what have you? V-998. Journal, nal. - " 00 'thoroughbred White Leghorn hens 75 cents each for Cypher inciubatoror garden cultivator. Main 6244; ask for 'lorn .Morgan COOS Bay property to exchange for piano, luriuiiii e, utuuia. ruiiiu. Main 9498, ' WILL swap furniture for house paint ing; amateurs barred. Call 430 E. Burneide. IlAVE SIX UNINCUMBERED LOTS To trade for diamond. L-710, Jour nal. - WHAT for best voice culture or den tistry? Want tailorings furniture. V-668, Journal. . RjOOSEVELT'S History and ' fiction books to swap for chickens or what have you? woodlawn i6. DROP head Singer sewing machine for 150 chicks or incubator. Box 8, TO SWAP One 10 H. P. direct current dynamo in fine condRion for 10 H. P. gasoline engine, w 000 lawn z4t HAVE a :new protectograph to trade for good bicycle or good office desk. Phone wain zZ4; ozsmb. WILL trade a 10 H. P. gasoline engine ror small ooai or engine. . Journal. ' 5 ,LOTS. eastern Ore., for furniture. equity in 40 a. unimproved, for auto or lots, journal. 10 PEANUT slot machines! make good money; exchange. What have you? TaDOr 4U1M). POOL table complete, for computing scale and meat slicer or motorcycle. What have you? 373 4th, LAUNCH for sale "or trade for lot as K . .AA. T I part payment. d uurnm. SUBURBAN lot for motor- boat. East 4441. ' ' RELINQUISHMENTS to trade. What have you? '1625 Virginia st. DENTAL work for painting. FX-643. Journal. 2 AND 4-horse tresnoes to trade for dump wagon, or sell cheap. Sell. 1198. WILL trade motorboatfbr Ford, value 8350. C-650. ; GOOD clear lot and some cash for 3-A Graflex Camera, jn-s&i-.-journal. CHICKENS to trkde i for carpenters' tools. -1226 Concord' st. SMALL typewriter in ' good shape. Wbatihave you? Woodlawn 4092. CENTRAL Oreg. lots for office desk. H-56. Journal. ROOM or house rent In exchange for electric' wiring. 39S Yamhill at. ' WANTED Ta exchange cement work for interior y mushing. raoor Z75S. NEW 125- refrigerator for good bed spring and mattress. Tel.- Main 4164. SWAP music lessons for good sewing machine. -U-431, Journal. GOOD motorcycle to trade for what have you? Main 906 Monday. 23 i- - M '. ' TO trade : for standard automobile. Buick preferred, a five acre orchard tract planted to Spitzenoerg andvNew town apples, three years old. . My equity: 91100; balance 9900, payable at 915 per month. -7 per cent interest. Land lies five minutes' walk from sta tion at Rex. Oregon, : Very sightly. No buildings. Have deed with interest paid to date Ask for Von. i i Howard Auto Co. . i 14TH i AND DAVIS RTS 1 Main 4555. A-2550. NEWJ9xl2 RUG. FIRST-CLASS CON ' DITION. i BEAUTIFUL .-DESIGN. COST 965. WILL SEUL 925. -r ; :,!.;- .-, - - ,.: t,-...... SWISS WATCH. (IMPORTED). STRIKES i HOUR. HALF - AND QUARTER; COST 9250. MAKE OP- Per. j v-- ; :y:;:; .-r. .: ---:V DIAMOND SUN BURST BROOCH, PLATINUM SETTING, COST 975, NEARLY NEW: WILL SELL 9375. POSITIVE BARGAINS. VMAKE OF FER. PART OR ALL CASH OR TRADE. ADDRESS OWNER. CARE P. O. BOX 122. PORTLAND., TRADE for 1 real estate or auto, nice young team, weight S200, wagon and harness, light horse. 2 medium -sized, 3 set work, harnesses, 3- light har nesses, 8 hacks, 2 buggies, household furniture. Inquire Walter Stables, Ore- pon City, ur.i CABIN CRUISER launch, V12 h. p., Twin Roberts motor, equipped with storage battery, generator and elec tric lights. Cost new 91000; will trade for small auto or what have you? N- 800, Journal. ; ' 1912 CADILLAC roadster. Delco starter. Srtectric liirhts. Just: over- hauTrl . New tiren all around. ' To trade for i unincumbered PortIand4 property. N604, Journal. CYPHER'S incubator. Arnold vibrator, 2 tennis racquets, new sanitary couch and mattrsss, new dress, brown velvet satin, size 36 never worn. Tabor 5126. Address S83 E. 38th St. North. LEGAL form case, solid oak, 6 feet long. 24 in.' high. 20 in. deep, 40 drawers and 16 pigeonholes, with door to lock, for sale or trade. J859. Jour nal. - t- ' I . 93750 2d mortgage, well secured on large tract of Willamette Valley land. Will 1 exchange for work stock, horses or mules. 0-812, Journal. TO SWAP 3 face rw boat for chick ens or what have you? Wdin. 2741. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 ;J WANTED CAMERA . Will accept good high grade camera or kodak as part payment on automo bile. Terms givenwhat have you? Ask for Mr. Smith. Northvyest Auto Co, BROADWA1T AND COUCH STS. Main 8887. i . ' ' A-4959. WE WANT THE GOODS. . WANTED Ranges, stoves, rugs, rockers, dressers, tablen, couches, chairs. Davenports, etc We pay the price.j Try in. Northwest .Furniture -Exchange. Easf 636. LEVIN HARM WARE V FURNITURE CO.j 221 Front St., buys d hand fur niture, carpets.: stoves, ring a, hard ware or tools of any kind. Call "A-7174 or jviain ym t. injr Duyir cans prompuy. FURNITURE WANTED WE PAY FOR HIGHEST CASH PRICES HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF ALL DE SCRIPTION. KLINES, E. 7161. S7 GRAND AVE.- WANT to buy gasoline woodsaw be tween 5 and 7 11. P.; must be in A-l condition and cheap for cash. What nave you.7 k-zbb, journal. WANTED The 1 people of Portland to . know I pay highest'' cash price for household goods, Prompt attention. E. 67U. 1 xsi. m. seater. 143 Russell st. W. A. COVELL wants second hand furniture; going into business again temporarily at 211 2d St., near Taylor. Will pay the best price. Marshall 6t7. WANTED, at once, a second hand, lard kettle. The Savinar Co., Marshall 687. 207-9 Stark street. WANTED -Grocery., restaurant or rooming house, other light business. W-849. Journal. WANT to, buy a power washer for dry cleaning plant.: 309 Stark, Main 614, WANTED Newspaper plant suitable for country paper for 31000. O-1000, Journal. 1 CROWN FUKN. CO.. pays top prices for furniture. . 209 First. Mar. 2693. OWL! FURNV CO, pays best prices for rurnirure. 231 ist. jviain tav. A PIANO to store or will pay small WANTED Hand printing press 6x9. I . .. . .1 .. . TAV -I.. -ma .. 1 ... i r t y;uuu vrucr. x . , its, wiaiti SsiOONO hand clothing- anti everything. Highest prines. Main 2080. 285 Int. CLOTHES, shoes bought; 96 up for suits. Main 7573. 247 Madison st. WANT furniture for first claws gold watch, like new; cost 925. Mar. 792. WANTED Seond hand- Oriole,- reclin-' lng-back. Phone Columbia 197. SEVERAL National cash registers. Phone Main 606. , WANTED, blue flame 3 burner oil .stove; good condition. Wdln 1575. IAX1T ANI FOUND 21 LOST From auto on west side Satur - day evening about 6 o'clock, .black walrus satchel containing dress and other articles. 'Reward. Mrs. R. P. Effinyer, 891 Melinda ave. Main 559. LOST Thursday: afternoon, April 2i7 -' on ' Wa'shington St., somewhere be tween West Park and 19th, package containing 1 leed. abstract and con tract. ''Notlfv N. Carlson. Main 1896. LOST, on 23d st. iitney. leather hand- bag. with strap handle, containing handkerchief, small purse and 91-60. rteiurn to Journal orrice. LOST large yellow topaz setting; prized aa heirloom. Reward, Phone C-2274. ! - - LOST Saturday p. m.. platinum pen dant set with diamonds; liberal re ward. Main 9601. ' y LOST, Saturday, on Alder, bet. 4th and Broadway, ribbon watch fob. Finder return to Journal office. LOST Silver mesh purse on 23d st. Jitney. Finder please call Marshall 5925. Reward. j : - " LOST Cameo pin. east side; liberal reward. Phone East 2441. PJSRSONAXi 23 GERMAN trained nurse gives massage and baths for rheumatism, neuralgia, etc. Lady assistant. 256 11th st. Mar shall 50 3 3. Open Sundays. , SPIRITUALISM. Rev. M. A. Price, cir cles, Tues. 2 p. m.J Wed-. 8un.8p. ni, Readings daily. 603 6th st- Mar.. 3960. AT your home, experienced scalp, facfak treatments, shampooing, etc Best references. Woodlawn 2005. -- - HAVE your nalr permanently waveu, Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 400 Dekum. Marshall 1702. DR. G. V. KETCH UM Women's mala dies and acute diseases of men. Wash. bldg.. 4th & Wash. Rm. 41. Ml. 448 HAKTNESS, leading feather workers. wnoiesaie. retail, uor. raw, iimn 'i I Aiuiar Consultations free. Main LdWycf 4998. 708 Selling bldg. B-1578 ARTIST East 3418. - . Lessons given in oil and water colors. BALM of Figs, remedy for diseases of women. 664 Davis st. Main 2893. WHY be baldheaded? See Kauffman. 417 Rothchlld bldg. - - - USE Bassett's Native Herbs for rheu matism ; 60 tablets zsc. Ait amggists. LESSOPCS in phrenology and card readings. 236 6th st. Phone M. 7648. HAIR dressing, manicuring, gentlemen manicure zac.. 4iy notncniig oiog. CHIROPRACTIC doctor. . Painless ad justments; 81 treatments 815. 121 4th. SURE ure fbr asthma. This Is no fake; investigate. Woodlawn 1953. DRUGLESS cure for flesh I reducing. Write or call 25 6th st. Main - 7548. SWAP COLUMN - i (Continued) PERSONAL) i (Oontlnaed) STOP! DON'T- KEDUCB ME ANY MORE; can't afford too many new suits." stated Mr. II., who - lost 25 pounds and 10 Inches in measure in 10 days; is now 14 inches less, stronger and able to do more work than ever before. "My crutches-1 left behind after the first treatment," statedvMr. Andrew Peterson, 131 12th st. who was suffering severely -with SCIATI CA and RHEUMATISM. Many other names on request.' ASTHMA OF- 9 r EARS' STANDING : relieved' by the first treatment, now cured, was the experience of a well known Portland business man. Several cases of IN FANTILE PARALYSIS show great improvement after a few treatments. MR. A. B. LUNDSTROM wait made to hear with -his right ear after the first treatment; had been told by his mother when a boy, years ago, thjat he was born that way; he bad never be fore in his lifetime been able to hear with that ear. He Is now 32 years ef age. - RHEUMATISM, PARALYSIS. ASTHAMA. HEART TROUBLE and DISORDERS PECULIAR TO-WOMEN, treated with equal success. Con sulfation free. BWEDISH .INSTI TUTE. 12TH ST.. COR, ALDER. Come let us talk it over. OUR MOTTO: RESULTS. ' FAT LADIES! 1 -:- Reduce your fat, ankles or feet,, your waist line, or all your fat, easy way, Lorena Casey. 2087 E., Madison. Phone Tabor S61. - DEAR PAPA Please come home quick: we need you o; mamma is all broken down and your little Mugsy Is sick and cries after her daddy; come now, or you may be too late. SPIRITUALISM Medium, Hev. Vlr- ?Inia Howe. Readings, - healing ly; circles Tuesday and Friday evenings, 8 o'clock. 231 6th st. Phone A-7116. . ATTfYRrIFVQ le reasonable Cases A I 1 UniiL I O settled without noto riety. All cases treated with courtesy. 313 Buchanan bldg. Marshall 4868. MRS. GREER, spiritual medium, con sultation daily, circle Wednesday a p. m. 211 Montgomery; readings daily except Sunday. - ' ' ' . MADAME MUNZELLA teache palm istry and card reading. "422 Morri. son M.. office 2. MRS. -SCHOTTB teaches spiritual card reading. 688 Sd st. ' ACOOBDIOiy PLEATIMQ AOCOKDION, KMB'B AN1 BOX . PLEATING. PICOT1NG, HEMSTITCUIiNG, BUAIDINO, EMUUOIDKKINO. K 1 S T K E N NOVELTX MVU. CO., 85 5th BT.. NKAB OAK. K. STKI'llAN Hemstitching, uceordion, aide . .. ...... v, a.uut..i. a.n4tna MtMM atntuim aponged. Wealloplng. 33 Alder. M-3T3. atiinr vnnv wairirvM DAVIS it HULMAN, Inc.. lOu 2d at. Blank proved liaise I-af Iedgera. Bee. th ew Ku rcka Iaf, Jj-HIHH. TAatn 1M3. ' BRASS AND JCACHIITZ "WOKKS HAIU'KK S hraaa Worka. liraaa caatlnga and machine wor. ios J. Dto at. aiaio CAHPET CXEANTNO JUVtlv BROS. Klectrlu Cleaning Worka, tiarpet 9 vi, H-iatii. a., lgrn. at. 1 tih.K nir Ohio Klt:trif Bnctlon Sweeper. m n a un lint and thread. Atacbuiea ins aaie ana rent. Main nv. CAKl'E l'8 eleaned on ffcxr without eemotnf WHO t. I". IIIO T.cunm eiraner. rimi mm. CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST It. U. CO., -ruga from old rar j.eta, rag ruga, carpet cleaning. 188 E. blh. Work eailcd tor. Kaat bow, b-ijot, i'KMNSLIAU Rug Worka Hag rug and ear. pet weaving: 1613 Pattoa ar Woodlawn SW6 CHIH0PH ACTIO PHTBICIAH Ift. Mi HAliON, 121 4tU at. Cbronlc dlaeaaea requlrtus; extended time.1 31 treatmenta $15. DH. 1'OLL.SON, apeclullat is paralyala.tnarTous, chronic dlaeaaea. 350 Plttoyk blk. M. W4M. coax. 4jn wood Big Mud heay and light mixed wreckage wood. $2.5Q Marahall 4i'M. MtrtTD J?. CADD A-l.- dry fir. oak. a.l: I1LL.II W I niHl aud inatde. block wood. 4 foot or aawed to order. Telephone P0AI" Main 4506,' A-l US. VVrU NICK drjr box wood and cordwood, 4 feet l aawed. Hummer prima.. (Standard Wood Co,, Eat 2315, tt-MWi. ' - ruri v. J. yvBUTs. main s7t. onaiLuai foot or cvhb IKX BTBKET. HEAVX plank wood. weil i iln.s leugtua. ga.W.).- A Inn wreokage, fcaai uu. t.I.TO WOOD CO., 11!W Macadiun. Uealera slabwxndl Hoc Wood fi.'4 load. M. 70. W IIBN yon anawe tUeae Wanta Ada. meqtloD The Joniual. y - COLLECTION AGENCIES 1 Hli account, bills, oolea , and Judgmeuta of every aaise aud nature anywhere. Fur quirk rewiha anwwer M-58H.- Journal. . , ' DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING WOUK called for tutd Ueliveirad; reaaouabla rales. Main I,: , :.. ELEQTHO PHYSICIANS DR. CORRINK JOHNSTONK.'apeelall of fe male and nervoua dlneaaesj magnetic and oil rna awage. Women eaelualvely. 715 Dekum. ELECTRIC MOTORS AND DYNAMOS UOTOKS, gHiieratora bought, aold, rented repaired. We do all klnda of -repairing and rewinding. All work guaranteed. II, W, 11. WE buy, Nell, rent and exchange new and Stl hand tnotorm; repair wora a aiciany. wini KKN ELKCTKIO WKS., 2.8 Wlh at. Mar. WS. - IVERYTHINO ELECTRICAL ! RTIJBBS Kle.-trlc'al tk., th and Fine ata. EYE. EAR. NOSE, THROAT, LUNOg Kiieclalbtt. Modi-rate nrlc-ea. tilaanea fitted. Ir T. K. Caneday. 617 Deknm tildg-.mi Ac Waab EDUCATIONAL DANCING fftOK. W AL WIL80N, waitsM bealutino, -ena-. ' 'tep. fox trot, tuasixe; morning, arternoon and evening; 4 private ieaaona $i. Guarantee to team anyone who walk i how to danue. Claaaea Tburaday end Saturday evenlnga, 7 to 8:ao, 2fx. HltVi ttn, Dei. Biara . int, M. MB. AND MUM. HKATU'8 ScIko1, fanry atage, aocial and all tbe Jateat dancea tanitbt. Walta and two-atep guaranteed in 4 private leeaona. Claaa Tuea. and Fii.i area., 8 to lo. t 1H9 lid bet. Waahlngton ana Mark, ueaanma aic. E1NULKR Dancing Academy. I'ortland'e lead ing echooL Everything that ia correct In dancing. Our patrona have the advantage of practice' at the beautiful new Cotillion hall, ltn off Waahlngton. Main ,3380. - MUSIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS I'lANO ieaaona at apecUl terma to ummer atu denta. Room BIS, Eilera bldg. Houra 10 to IS .m. m. - - . -- ! - . ELDERLY gentleman, experienced teacher, will give piano ieaaona a. your some at eue. Phone Main am. Matiiifactttrcrg.--', DRY GOODS WHOLESALE Fleischner, M ay er & Co. I FARM TMPLEMENTN It VEHICLES H. M. WADE 4V CO., aa2-320 Hawtliorne ave. -I LEAD PIPE, WOOL, MACHINERY NORTHWEST iy-31I-Front. ' LEAD A MACHINERY CO. Main B4i!3 ' ".- LEATHERS AND rTirPINOS C1IA8. L. MASTICK- C"oT774 Front- Leather of every deacrlptlon; fladlnga. - Professional and Business Directory INFQRMATION COUPON If you want the name' of a -reliable business house desllng; in snv tins of merchandise, or information regarding- renorts. hotel. rallroad, snip lines, etc., aaaress uregon journal lntormauon uureau. " Information desired: 1 . " -,r :1- 0 a . a B Nam j. ...,.,.....,. Address. PERSONAL f Coatiansd) A lOHT on ( 7lvv J Pricea Why r Vs-' w'to (10 10. 1 high slaa. when I ran fit four eyes with first - quality lensea In a cold-fihed frsmj a low ss 31.60? C. W. Goodman, 209 Morrison St., near bridge. Mull orders promotlv fillid. Write tr r particulars. . WOMEN'S SLITS. COATS. WAlSXb. Sale price today and all week. J5 crepe de chine waists. 2.n. 7.60 Klosrit petticoats, silki 94.95 822.60 i white Chinchilla coats, 914.8a : iw ' miasummer styie uih,;..i W. A, CRANK. 363 Aide st. wiLL the "people who were is Mis sissippi jitney about two months ago when it was run into by a truck at GUsan and Broadway sts.. communi cate with the Auto Transit , Welfare soelety at 607 journal biug.T PYORRHEA sufferers write. tor par ticulars of our Kulfox home treat ment; safe, effective, drugiess and a tonic also. The Eman Mfg. Co., 1426 Curtis. Itenver, Colo. MRS. STEVENS, iii years Portland s renowned palmist and clairvoyant. on sale. Morrison st. NOTICES HO HAUfci Ol' UON1W h ' Notice uT bvreliy ylvrnt ttiat .iklt'a MU will b rcell t uiy offlc un1 lU o'clm-s p. m., Mnly; My 31. Jwi.1, ' t the ii--cbaca of tour thou.mI (iK) Ji-llrW, 10 yru Ituprovonwnt bumU. and tl.ree (;KMMk dollars, 10 yrt wtr bomls of 10 cltj or lTton, YaoihlH county, UrvKoii. . The denointnaifon of the bnnJa to) he (t tlf hundred dollar ea'h, rain of lalerm O'.a per anuuiu, plyabl oml-aiiHunlly. at ho fix cal mfrucy of tb atate of Orcvoo in tbe City of New York. ' ' 4 The council of -the city of Dayttm rcer . the right to rejectjiny and all MjKRIt ' Rcrol-dr of tl.a.'l'y ofUmylon. . tHH Town of Llulitou, Oregou, uf f-r " fli bis heat bidder on Wedneaday, XlW 6". 1U1&. 8 p. iu., 950.000 funding -bond.. 9 6' per'eeut iatvreat, aeuii-auDUHlh', ,x, )' abla May 1 of lf2. 1021, ll22 lli2:l, l!s;t. and 8;K0, payable May 1 of 1'25, lu2tl, WUA, IHViO, and 9aXM, payable May 1 of 1HWK lkWl, JUU2, 1U;, llB4. Klght. la neaeryod t reject any or all bid, and all. bids miiBt en: eloae certified i hrk for ft per eet !of bid. OKVIM.H KRl'SK, seend-r. NOTUIki Slandard Loan Office ta tlrln from boalneea. All" poraona holding pledge. are reiiueared. to redeem aaina aa aoou a pua- alblb at Sil Morriaoo an. - MPglO SCHOOLS AND TEACH ERB E, THiKLHORN, violin teacher, pupil "Kevclk, 207 fleUliier bldg. A-illX. Mwrahall "1t'J. POPULAR MUBIQ j piano guaranteed brfifliiiicra RAGT1MM on In - 10, Ieaaona. atratkm. Free I'lctura tilayltiK. area deuioa- boiklt. 601--Kllera bldg LCUIS 'A. CRKITJS Teacher of I.. I In. ai Hlicrman, corner Klral. MaraltulirtiU. 'HAND-MADE .ROSES - FOR gowna. " millinery. Davla, Milinil Vn4. INDIVIDUAL OAS -PLANTS OUR Individual gaa plant aolvra Uib problem of cheap light and fuel fur the home. K-e It in operation at 100 Wiat I'ark atrm-l. I:M VKH.SAI -L'TIUTIKS CO, NRANy'l. rra'"l. INSURANCE 'j PACIFIC 'HTATKH elUE iNSl itAM U CO., only tiregou fire fnaiuance coiiuany. . . '- ' LAWN MOWERS j ' ' STOP I toOKi t.I lK.T" W'ANTEl .Vaak UWN MOWKItd TO .HKAHPKi. MATJM. FACTORY WORK 1UA HANTKK)). CAl.l. T A HOU 49 OR SHOP, 67 K. 74TH ' MACHINERY B1CVRUS CO.. SXH Plttock blk. Steam ahirv ela, dredyea. I T. Kiiaaell, Itei-t'enlattvi-. MATTRESSES UVU1KMO MA'riUKtiS CO., oldf niatlrea made new wKli our lljglenle proce. ;i4 Kiiaaell, tr. IHilon. t:-Mail. K-HH."a NATUROPATHIC)-PHYSIOI A NS LR. IMIILI.U'M paraiysia, ner'oiiaaiid clirmi-' -le dlaeaaea, WM-n Oi-effoiilan lililf. M. H14J. PAVING COMPANIES i lllkl BAIlllKR ASl'H ALT PA V I Nli CO.. l'o.t 1 land office Za.'t Hherlnelf bldg. j - - PAINTING, PAPERHANOINO ANJ TINTING fAtNTINU, kalsotulniiig, naiie'rhajugllig. all , work guaranleed. I'lioue Woodlawu '""y StTfcXIFFU tTWAKlt, beat work" In paiiitlug, papering. M. 1x7. A Wit. 11. tlth i'AlNTlNf, tliuliig, iiaperliaiialii. K. T. Crane, 1TO 10th at. Mnin CLEAN-CP week. Rooiue ka'loiiid. linTedT $ltH up. Phone Kaat 4Wt. MODEL AND. LIE MAKING et'ECiALTY mai-biim work, dlalng, model making, repairing; itrrepo'!etici allt'lted. Armatrong M fg. Co., 4 2d at. MwUi HT.l. RUBBER STAMPS AND StALS aTSo alem-lla, trade .eliecka, bra'a u. PAC1KIC CTOAHT STAMP WOUK . . 2Ht Waahlngton St. Main 710, -1!7H. , SAFETY RAZORS SHARPENED be AND 6o doeeiiTTiiiivea, ,cl-H0ia Kr.iuu.l. Anloinatle Keen Kdge C-o,. InUM 4lh el. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Ltfell.NkU-WAl.kUU I'.Ll 1 N KSS I COLLi.Uri - 4TH rJT.. NKAH MO.lRIStlN - -; IA ANI.M'JMT S 'IIOOl.H -OVER 80i BKHNKK V'AI.Kf It- IHTCDENTS IN jOir PtHITIONH.)f 1,IK M UL'BlNKMS CUl.LKoK, M f.r lil ford bldg., Portland. Or. Phone Mnlu V.:t. BCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS t'OR window at-reeua'call C. J-.lcgli-r,', y Maaoii. Woodlawn ai'CJi ' j ' OLAK ktf.Il. muker of ai-reeuj dira ami windows, ,31d Cnloii ave. 'WooiHaww IHQTi. SHEET METAL WORKS BKi'ATRINU, -tin und gravel roofa. Ijnalt SIO Plrat at Pliotie Main Ui, . TRANSFER AND STORAGE lil O. .' PICK 'rraimer U Kioraae )C. Office, and commodloiie 4 atory brlcki wamliiaiae wits aeparata Iron rooina aud fliapnatf vault for valuable, N. W, corner 2i asd Pine am. I'lanoa and furniture moved and i packed fit ablpplng. 8eclal rate made' o.i good In through car a to all dome tie and foaelgu polata. Main Km, A-IMtS. .Oregon Transfer Co. . . - "V"' Kxlabllahut J70 1 .'Tranafer and forwarding ageuta. Storage. Krw ','ckagei ' Office ami Mlorng 474 '.llaJ" St. 13th and OKaan. Main UW, A IW, ilJKKS-Kjji TRANs'fiCRTcO. : New fireproof - warehouse wlqli aeparaie rorma. Wc move aud pack lioual'hold and nlanoa and all lo at reduced rtatea Aiito vana and tea ma for moving, forwarding and dlatributlng amenta. Kree trackage.! Offi- and wareliouae, Uith and lioyt. M a In ;4T, A-'J'Ji. BAGIiAliK llltNXftll KK.HVH& CO., ii-i PINK T. MAIN 1 20. A-tWKi. - WALL TAPER ' MOnO AN WALL PAPER CO. 2X3.24 at., near Halmoe. I WINDOW CLEANING EXPERT WINDOW ( I.KAN K A-47'i,;, Main, 6327. 2X2 Henry bldg ArVholesalera PAINT, OIL .1 NDJ&LA88 kASMt'fWKN A CO.. "High ttrandard" 'paint. N. E. corner 2d and Taylor. M. 4 771. A ' PIPE WOOL. PIPE PORTLAND WOOD .',PE CO.- iKacbury and office near 24th and York t. Main ;w'. FLXTMBrNO PIPE SVPPLIES ' M. L KLINE K4Jil.h7-H! FRONT STREET HOPE AND BIN! ER TWINE Portland Cordage Co.