14 THE ; OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 2,. 191i. if? 12 22.50 STRICTLY MODERN , 7 EOOM BUNGALOW. . , 954 EAST 21SX ST. NORTH. ' j French mirror doors, -veneered panel .? dining rooxrtj Dutch kitchen, buffet, 4 bookcase, den, : sewing - room, sleeping Ji, . gu&ivv, n till jaicu biicciq, roses, lawn, i now occupied: never va- i cant: about 2 years old.' present tenant -. will move to own home shortly. This la a genuine soap. . 1 aspect it, then phone. - ' I -l Owner Sell wood 75 " 4 BOOM H(jUSE, FAIR CONDITION. 138 MONTANA AVE.. CORNER LIBERTY ST FOUR BLOCKS WEST PENINSULAR PARK. PORTLAND BOULEVARD. $10 PER MONTH. OR TP PAY $12.50 rJ'j tl MUNTH WILL HKLL FOR S7J. (THIS PROrtiRTY WORTH 12(H. K. BURKlTTy OWNER, ,209 SELLING B ROOM hoube, 109 42. Grant St. $14.00 ,6 room callage 89 E. 46th st... 10.0( 6 room cottage. 467 E. Ccnrch st. 12.50 6 room cottage, 463 E. Couch at. 12.50 8 roomouae. 375 14th St.. ...... 25.00 8 room house, 61 lE. Grant r.t. . . 15.00 room house, 743 E. Yamhill St. 25.00 X: . THEl LAWKE.NtB CO., 171 Fourth St.. - Main 6915.1 A-2815 FOR RENT Houses and and Flats it 1J, Oeder . Real Estafte and Rentals. Car. Grand nve. and E. Ankeny. FOR RENT-t Large 8 room house, in first class condition, at 1527 E. Glisan. -rent; $15 per month; has bath, 2 toilets, electric lights, gas, wash trays, etc.; rent away too- cheap, but want a tenalrrt. Phone Sunday, Tabor 852. Weekdays. Main 4381. THREE modern, homes tor renty one on west aide, close in, 1 in Laurel hurst, -1 furnished place -in Waver leigh Heights. See Jordan, 201-2 Xum liermens bldg. ' - ' MODERN, 81 room house. East 9th and . Broadway, f$ 25 to good tenant. Also 6 worn house, J 200 Kerby st., 415. Call or address Mrs..M. L. Sundt, 485 West Park st. i i ' LARGE okkn, 4 room house, newly ; tinted, electricity, gas, bath, lino leum In kitchen, attic, basement, sar den; 1184 Gladstone ave.. near 29th. Take W-W car. , JUST finished.' 4 room bungalow near S. P. car shops, cheap, built-in buf let, bookcases, chiffonier, triple, imr ror dresser, furnace, yard. 873 E. 26th. HOUSKS FOR RENT., ' 7 room, sightly, modern home( on ground 100 feet square, lots of roses. No. 639 E. 10th st.3. Phone B-380. NEW ti roorjn house, modern conven iences, gas, electricity. "$12.50 per fn4tth ; also 6 room famished house. Woodlawn 1044. FOR RENT. & room modern cottage ats j?55 East 26th st., newliy. painted and tinted, for 112 per month. Phone Main, 1347. JViVE room modern - bungalow, 100X 100 lot 5,412 Pow.eM Valley road, Mt Scott bait, $12.50 per month. Main 6368. - i MODERN 6 j room house. 100x100 ft. ground, 2 flocks from L car. Cheap. Kee, 802 Kerby st. FUUMfTTTRE FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT 32 -. FURNITURE of 9 room house for sale, $300, house for rent. Suitably furnished for; renting cither housekeep ing or single rooms; house well rented; centrally located. Call after Kunday. 72N. isth st. ADS of turaiture for sale ar puo liahed in the Household Goods class! iifation, wnety noose is not tor rent. ELEGANT furnishings of attractive Laurelhuret bungalow will sell all or part. Photne TaboH 1357. FURNITURE of six rooms cheap, good locality; cheap rent. Inquire at 742 jKeamey st. I . ; ' FriiNlTURE for sale. -8 room house - f of rent. Rooms rented, pays ex pgnses. , 412"Maln st. v FURNISHED HOUSES SC WANTED A tenant for the summer months fort a charming old home on the west side, large sleeping- rooms, pleasant grounds, to the right rami 1 v. Will make very low rental. Marshall 4552. - 'J ).. . FURNISHELt modern 5 room bunga low. restriutid district, only. il8 per month. Owner-be there Sunday after noon. 802 jPat ton ave . Overlook addi- tion. 1 FOR RENT tTo reliable adult family 6 room furnished house, om.- block to Jefferson Jligh school; bath, electric lights, gas, Tpjano,. garden, etc. Main ! 14 85. ij - FIVE room furnlsned, strjctly modern bungalow, half an hour from post office, paved! street, half block from K-ar, $20. Phione Woodlawn :2S 7 -IMoDERN 5 irooui bungalow, nice and clean, roses, fruit, garden space; will , rent 3 room st, 942 H. Caruthers at. W. ,R. . can--- - FOR lease one year commencing 'June 1,-7. room Uiurni.shed house, -Willamette. Heights, Thurman st. Inquire ;1009 Wilcox bldg.. Main or A-1345 FOR RENT, 5 room modern furnished bungalow; i flowers and fruit, be tween 2 car lines, phone. 994E. 17th St.- north. . . -: FURNl-SHEli, house. 4 -or 6 rooms, pi- ano, gas, electric lights, bath, gar ' den in, on oarline. 16Q0 E. lath st, Bel I wood. Reasonable. $14 -FOUR room cottage, sleeping porch, bath! and wash room; rowinif vegetable garden and water. Phone J ATTRACTIVE bunsalow flat. 5 rooms. . sleeping porch, deh, attic; can sub let and .almost make rent; partly fur nished. 867 iEl Wash., cor. 28th ROOM moiSern f urnished bungalow, garden included, in exchange for young man's iroom and board. 103S E. Eleventh Norrth.. . X U KjNIaHKlJi 6 room house, gas, bath, piano, -magnificent view, roses, clo&e ln. west sidej. Marshall -369. jiiuunnn o r"om, . gooa xurmture, on E. 25th and Gladstone, $18. Call E - 8525, morning or evening. $9 MONTH, furnished 4 roombunga low, Montatyilla; yard and 'garden. ' . L-704, Journal. . $25 MONTH,! completely furnished 6' ; foom incdern bungalow, including piano-- A-952J Journal. ' FOR RENT i-Five room home, weU . furnished, garden, 3 carlines; water yaid. Call Sunday. Sellwood 487. , FURNISHED HOUSES TO RENT b room furnished house, No. 214 E. 28th st. N. Phone B-1360. FURNISHEDl 7 room modern bunca- low, 4 lots Jin garden and fruit. 411 Cook ave., ,1 block east Union ave. 5 ROOM hoibse, furnished, gas and -w0rora58rSLilg'ht8.VnIce lawn- C. car. 658 E. 75d st. N. BEAUTIFUL (furnished 7 room Vomer" steam, garage. Main 6112, Marshall i 646. - - FI V B room bumgalow, neatly furnished with nice garden, near Laurelhursr , .Park, $20. Marshall" 2241. 4 ROOM '-' furnished houtwj. couver ave. i ' . 664 Van- FOR RENT Furnished bona. nice jam, marsnnn dtol. $17- 6 rooms, furnished, xceft dishes and bedding! 188 E. 45th st. FOR RENT, .8 room furnished bunea- ,J " vo'i too oiaiuciite sve. MODERN furnished bungalow. 660 E. Holman and 18th ttt nn ttt ININE room house partly furnished west side. T18 Corbett. Main 93 4 8. .1PARTMENT& 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ,CMY furnished 2 room apt at Lucretia , Court for 6 t months or longer at a very reasonable rate; desirable view room. Marshaill 1613.' -BEAUTIFUL 4 -room apartment, mod ern, all conveniences, large porches, flowers. Partly furnished. Rent $15. . It or St. Johns i car. Woodlawn 2544. FORiRENT HOUSES 1 t Continued APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Wellesley Court EAST 16TH AND BELMONT. STS. Furnished and unfurnished. Mgr. East 3480. References.. . MONTGOMERY APTS., corner 3d and Montgomery. Building brick and strictly modern; all outside two-room apts.; furnished complete, private bath, phone and .electric elevator; 10, min utes' walk to p. O.; no children: $20 to $26. including electric .ight, pnone. Mam 46. . - r 4'llK ALTAMONV r 5tb and College Clean, cozy, 3 and 4 room furnished apartments, very cneap. Also bachelor's SDartmenta. ! : ? Heat; water, phone and Janitor ser vice inciuoea. . 3 ROOM suite,-"newly fitted, f electric nentSi water, ras. Datn ana: use oi phone; modern kitchen, scrupulously clean: J4 weekly. Phone E. 1146. &ou Flint st, bet. Page and Russell, on V car. 4 . . l Melcliffe Court ; East 11th and " Morrison, opposite Last side public libray; walking dis tance; 2 and 3 rooms; modern in every way; rates reasonable. . - VILLA ST. CLARA. , 12tu and Taylor. t I Modern, completely furnished apt. Walking distance. , References. THE DKN'VER -2 and 3 room apart " ments, outside rooms, comfortably furnished; also unfurnished; private oam. pnone. steam neat: reasonable: references.! 274 21st st. North. Take W" car. Marshall 380. IHVlNOlON. 405 ' E. 16th St. N.. cor. Hancock ; st., 5 rooms and sleeping porch, lawn and flowers, convenient and comfortable, janitor service, one vacancy alter May 2. R. J. O'Naii. Main 759i. Residence, C-1735. THE NEW WKSTM INS1KR Has a vacancv in 4 room furnished or unfurnished corner apt., best of serv ice, good location, rent reasonable, -only 3 blocks P. O., corner 6th and Madison. THE IKiS ATt. 3d and Mill St- JULIETTE APTS. 2d and Montgom ery. Modern 2. 8 and 4 room anta.. furnished or unfurnished, $17 month up. iso cnarp tor cooking gas. THE -COD If. cor., E. Hh and Taylor ats.. haa been remodeled with nrivn.t baths, new furmture and carueta. 2 and 3 rooms; light and phono free; rent very reasonable. Call East 44. ALCO APARTMENTS, 387 E. COUCH. jwoaem & room apartments; summer rates; free light and phone. This ad good for $1 when applied on first two weeks' rent. THE LEO.CE. 186 N. 22d st. Airy. clean apts., 2 or 3 rooms, nicely fur nished, private pnone and bath, all out side rooms, -very reasonable. Mar shall 2253. CO&Yf 4 room apt., completely fur nished; silverware and Jinen; steam heat, hot water and phone; private bath; new building, all outside rooms, $L'0. Wdln. 1625. i'HE MViil'UiN. cor. King and Wastu, new inan'g.; and 4 rooms, fur., and unfur. apts., reasonable rent. Pacific phone in apts. Main 1082. A-5749. 3 ROOM MODERN APTMT., $20. . jarge rooms, completely furnished. Table and bed linen, bath, phone. East side. Phone Tabor 6065, B-1035. .K...iN T it.tcAljNjj iVloving expenses paid. 3 and 4 rooms, hardwood floors, sleeping porches. Fortnoman. 200 E. 13th. - , -. - . TAYLOR GRAND APTS. 2 or 3 room apts., nicely furnished, phone, lights free. $8' to $12. Single rooms, $1 to $1.50. 192 Grand ave. HERE is your chance! The Glenn. 984 Hawthorne ave. We have one 3 room apt. vacant, furnished or un- rurnished. 'Tabor 6111. SIX room apt., all .outside rooms, large sleeping porch, also large -back porch. Aiaryland Apts., 666 Flanders. FURNISHED housekeeping apartments oil lirua liffl,, . . , . . . t . , . V. i lift l yuuuCi $7 to $12 per month. 370 Wiedler, cOr. union ave. ljkj vy ix x j w in moaern apts., tur. or unfur., $15 mo. up, including light. neat, etc xtoyai Annex, 3i0 Mor rison. PENINSULA APTS.. 'concrete bids.. and 3 rooms, :hot and cold Water, baths, steam heat, phone. $12 up. C- Xl i o. , BUCK HARTFORD APTS., 107 N. 21st. tsest arrangea apts. in city. 3 and rooms,, with and without -sleeping porencs,- waiKing distance, elevator. WESTFALL APTS.. 410 6th, is the place to locate; be comfortable and save money these hard times;, fur- msneq or unrurnished. from $17.50 up. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16TH ST. Marshall 2S1IS . Nico 5 room furn. and unfurn. apts.: 1HE SHEFFIELD a7o Broadway. buuiii, o auu ivums, wen arranged. oj . ainiufj u,B(.utjo, u l very Tea sonable rent; best of service. M. 25oi cO ji Ft,E'iELY furnished 2 and 3 room ariartments. pasv waikinir wvonr.- $16 to $20, including lights, phone and ja-unor service. i.s lftn, near Yamhill ! LOWEST RATES. ! T S and 4 room, strlctlv mnHnrn artu best service, private phone. RosenfeldT athi auu ri. oiitra. CALL and see our 2 and 2 room fur. nished apts, with all modern con veniences, fib up. Harrison Court, 6th ci.i iv, nai i tauu sic1. , ' AMERICAN -MARLBORO U QH. iiigncat class apta in the city. 4, 6 iT . wiuis oiaiance, reason- able. Mar. 3360. Main 7516. A-26 7-J. MODERN and clean 2 room housekeep his apartments. J12 and un. sn. tnento Apartments, 492 Union ave. N, TWO room aot- seoa, ontm,,.. 1iLshu'ter and Phne. $10. Call 128 Hawthorne,, ave. , 1 WELL furnished two room apt., elect j. I i?ALl1 ana pnone; walking mi i ia T-, . f' . . . , . muiiitii v at.. inc rjiuAtjii apartments, East 37th and Market, 4 rooms furnished and WIELAND APTS. 1. 2. "a " rnnrn fit nlsrtapts-: bi lawn; modern, $5 JEFERlSOXIAN APAPtmpmo" 514 Jefferson, two and three rooms. J ""-' li "Ut. f l uia UD. DK1CKSTON 44S 11th st; modern 3 room fur. apts., $20 to $3; walking - v'vvm.iii. OCI ll fT IMNP I t I ALBERMARDE Apts., modern, neati v io? 4co .-f,LB- OUI"mer rates. East 193. 383 Williams ave. near Broadway 91 , Apartments, 267 N, - y rwm lumisned : rront apt., summer rates. Marshall 1323 JAi BW furnished. 422 . c nesi Blue, i alalia Q4 am st. i . ; 5 vHi heaiin choice location," ard and flowersjfc Corner E. 49th and Broadway. , i WINSTON APTS. ! ' t-or. 14th and Market. 2 and 3 room opts Modern. Summer rates." M? i7fl? A V-1 room apartments, large outsidn rooms, close in, $10 and $12 for tnS sumrper. j E. 6279. 89 E, 12th f S,1 maAHlsheA J-3 rmr partmenta, reasonab le. 665 Everett;. ixar. t-age Apts. 3 rm.. lare f. apt., all modern conveniences, v z00"1011 anlS roomaT 65t Elanders. Nob Hill. Main liii room fur. apts. Mrs. John r-T apts. Mrs. John Cran m KEELKK APIS 14th and room unfurnished:. refer..nir ' ...0,i,8luUiUip At.7134 ifSUAMS AVE.. COR. Rpfph MOSTJDESIRABLE. REASONART. irim ....... "f..i-AlJTE 3 room f,irn1hi apts.; private bath. ih71 Vi'a"1?," ,It., . 1 ' may HIIL WHJlN, you answer these Want A j -. mention The Journal - Want Ad" F$VlR sjged, gas; ."' .3 T5V furnished apartments- nri" vate baths. Reasonabfe: 109 Nil APARTMENTS " 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED - CCoatlHqsdt v EAST SIDE. " " : DEL "RAY APTS.. 308 Stanton st ' between Union and Williams aves.; ' flip, - Adn . & I apir,, Willi uaill. , every apt. an outside one; furnished and ' unfurnished; rates ' reasonable. Apply apt. B. Tel. East 3611; j NEW HART, s 11x1 ynuues. nguis, linen, gas, nut water, rooms, always, bath. $2.5 to S6. 1 1. 2, bath. $2.5 to $6. 170 2d, between Morrison and Yamhill 4th floor. FOR RENT S-LATS 13 8UNNY8ll)K FLAT. i j I Team of .heavy drafters' 2950 Ibsu 6 rooms, porch, yard. 5 closets, beam are free walkers and true pullers, will ceiling. . fine condition, all outside do any kind of work and are easy rooms, 2 family flat building,, heat and keepers, set heavy sewed trace har janltor service, rates to .the rigat fess and a heavy gravel wagon corn party. Phone Tabor 518, or call at 12S j plete with ' box seat.- and chain; all E. 34th st. j , ; j goes at low price of $2800. You. can FLATS. j make a living with this outfit on the $15 -4 and 6 rooms, "modern, at'cor-l-'i nls"hway. . '( per E. 28th and Stark sts. " . - . i , . . aaB rooms, at 16s iota St.. near Wvli 1 9UJJ. 11.- P. , PALMER-JONES' CO.. 1 Wilcox bldg. .Matnrtt699, A-2653 404 u?sk Close in: sleeDinir - norch. i 1 85 t"'"' 7 . " t mont. Mississippi, car.' Marshal. 34J8i ifre- 16.00 MODERN o room flat! in fine condition; combination wood and gas range conneciea. xu minutes walk from union depot, 209 Hajsey. EXCEPTIONALLY attractive flat, like new, near Broadway bridge. Adults. 405 Benton st. i TWO lighti 5 room flats, 469. 469 V 6th. Keyl 541 6th.. B-2032, Sellwood 1551. f - : li EXCEPTIONALLY attractive 5 rooni lower flat: high class neighborhood. rnone n;ast i3ia. TWO upper flats, unfurnished, 333 tJOOK ave. 6 rooms ana oath, jiz.oo mo. Apply J. F. Hill, 696 Williams. ! THREE 4 room flats, sood locatioui See them today, between 11 and '& o'clock. 434 College st. 4 ROOM, flats. $9.50; i i room housej $12.50: clean, water. Earbage. Keys' at 467 Failing st. .Call Tabor 2896. j MODERN 5 room lower flat, fireplace,! furnace, clean and attractive. West side, walking distance, $20. East 262IJ MODERN 4 room lower flat. 628 Wil liams aveJ Phone East 1977. ' Aiuujl.k.v 4 and - looins, near City rnrk-, rea-onalle. 8988 or A-2676. ;'OR RENT Large 6Jroom flat at 1J walking distance. 3304 2d st. 1 !'OR RENT 5 room flat in Rood or- ,der, $10 pr' month. 205 E. 34th st. WfcsT siae. 6 room uoper flat, .finest view; also 5'room. Sellwood 1370: MODERN 6 room upper flat, large lawn, $20. 694 Lovejoy. Main 38o FLATS furnished and unfurnished, . $8 to li per month. 621 nth st. ) FIVE room lower, modern, near Broad-i way ana steel priage. ztiM iaisey.t MODERN 5 room flat, sleeping porch, io; waiKing qistance. koss gtj FURNISHED FLATS 50 FIVE , elegant furnished rooms, com4 plete for H. K.; gas, electricity and' furnace; on 5 carlines. or walking dis tance. Lower flat, 318 i Tillamook st.! Phone East 804. f i NEW 3 room furnished flat, also 3 room unfurnished flat, clpse to: Ford Auto Co. and S.- P. shops. 504 East Twenty-second street, south. j FOR RENT At 671 E. Ash, a 4 room tlat. all furnished. TeL Enst B114. Sunday or mornings. ELDERLY lady will rent furnished flat for her room and board: walk ing distance. 406 Ross st. ROOM, clean, modern, nieely fur nished flat. S15. including- water. 729 Williams ave. NICE S room flat, piano, phone. 10 E.i 24th St., bet. Ankeny and Burnslde.1 3 ROOM modern furnished flat fori rent cheap. Woodlawn 167. f STORES AND OFFICES 11 FOR RENT Small store with 4 llvinei rooms attached, in fine location,! near two apartment houses; suitable lor delicatessen, light groceries. Can! clear $ir)o a mo. Rent $20. Owner will take rent out in trade: iApply 571 E.i Morrison. Phone East 4559. W. L. West. - i - 'I MODERN store, with living room, good,! for any small business, rent Slu steam heat, hot. and cold water free.! Sunnyside Apts. Bldg., 3th and Bel mont. BRICK warehouse in South PorJand for rent, trackage, light and airy. ua. pavea street, reasonable. J-ournal . Publishing Co.. Broadway and Yamhill, including large barn, sheds and equip FOR KENT, store room in fine loca- ' P1611-. Worth $1000; all for $500. Call tion. E. 39th and Lincoln, for meat j 501 North 21st, - market; rent $15; including ice chest. $30 GOOD, genUe saddle pony 6 J. A. Jackson, 91 4th st. Main 220. j years old, with good saddle and LARGE outside room, completelv fur- I bridle 35 1050 lb. horse, buggy nished with trood typewriter, janitori and-harness, i $95 for 2300 lb team service, modern office building, $15; ' investigate. Main 4163. mornings. ii NICE lara-e front nf f iri wmm 5 tui - month. 167 1st st. Call at photoH studio. i ii OFFICES and studios, also good loca tion for tailors and j dressmakers. Royal Annex, 350 Morrison it. SHOP, 271 Hawthorne ave., of bridge. H. N. Burpee. ease end M-3330. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention Th. Journal. DESK room and desk, $10., 207 Stock Mixcnange. Mar. 2179. SUMMER RESORTS 50 FURNISHED 7 room cottage at Gear bart, south of hotel, on first ridge, for sale or rent for season. Phono Main 6193. FOR RENTMISCELLANEOUS 33 ALL or half j modern, brick barn for rent; reasonable. East 1200. A-7261. WANTED TO RENT SUITE-I rooms, completely f m i ished, TStrictly private family, within Nob Hill district- some grounds, immediate possession; references exchanged, par-' pompi i-rp Vot. 7 re ticulars at.d price in first letter Afioii-' M-JMFLETE ranch outfit, team geld k462, JougnaL X letter. Applj ! ings, bayand black, heavy brlech i. -.L.. . ilig harness. 3 farm vratrnn h WANTED Modern witn garage, on paved street; refer-; FURNISHED 4 room tottaee: yard, clos in. X-212. Journal. HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. 18 2500 POUND work team, -farm wagon, breeching harness, $125. Will sell separate. 1561 E. Ash, near 60th st: FOR SALE New two , seated hack with top, leather .trimmed, cheap for cash. 174 Union ave. WANTED A light spring wagon or covered top delivery wagon. R. W. Fprbes, Gresham. Or. . FOR SALE 2400 -team, : young and 194 sound ; 2 ton express waaon East 22d st. N. DEAD horses and animala - , hauled i awav f ree : fall IViuvtiw. 20. "iaiia itenaenng jo, MUST sell or trade mare and fine 3-year-old colt, also hai-nuu .k.t N-S52, Journal. ; 17 - FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE - Fori mucn cow. good span mules and har ness. , E. 8th arid Main. ta A N f ED r A good second hand a seat ed all around Wairon. harness an.l a saddle. Cash. Y-413. Jonrnal 5 BLACK pacing horse, buggy . and -har-J . "ciiie i,or iaay to nanttle. 4837 9 2d st. S. E. i - SINGLE outfit, lonar bodied husre v. 1000 lb. .horse, -ood harness, lor $60. 228 N. 14th. . i ..... ' 1300 ODD horse, true, not sore or lame, $75. 228 N. 14th st. -$165 IN note, mature in July and some iaan tor norses, woodlawn 3493. TEAM, 2400 lbs., harness, farm wagon, $135; W-W car to 54th st.. 54th ave. GOOD light team, true workers, $66. li9 r. S18TK at. f j t DEAD horses and cattle taken free. l abor 4203. . ; NO. 1 Shetland pony, cart and harness. cneap. io v Ji;. tsiark st. . . WANTED, 1300 lb, liorse. Columbia Transfer. Main 176L HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. 18 yLz& Mrtr&, J nanasome. will weieb. 2800 ' lbs and or out of stable, will Dull true single or double and ride, set eood. heavy har- , ness, all complete, at low price of f$250. :. ' ' ' . luimo, m ; mare. 2450 lbs., have the. best of feet wii ia.pi. a. ' ! 5t.WikSrS and.1.w-tU ',xfak? Jflttl , irubind- .ra.7.. s tea ana snoa. and you can - try mem 1 anv snot r n!ai-a von wlah' st heavV Ih, airat low prlcTof $245. i '! ' - , . ! t Team of big cheap ones, a horse j and mare, will weigh 2700 lbs. and are j In' good working order; will pull true and make a good ranch team; set good neavy sewed trace harness, ail com plete, at low price of $110. Also good farm wagon at $25. Make a good farm outfit. ! Team of low, blocky chunks; 'now here is a team that will speak for themselves: They, will weigh 2400 lbs.b are kind and true and will out pull many big teams. Are easy keep ers and will ride or drive single or double; will hitch, try and test them in every way; set good, heavy harness; all at low price of $165. Team of small ones, 1000 lbs each, will make a good all around team, are in - good order; horse and 'tnare, set harness, all goes at low price of $100, Good light farm wagon at $25. Single family horse, is a rich red bay. with white hind legs, and has a most beautiful long, flowing tail; will ride or work single or double, and is fat and handsome, always attracting attention on the street; will plow or pan a large load, so will be two horses in one, as he can be .used any place. S?.1 single harness, halter and horse ail at one P"ce of $115. Call and try ' Big mare, -1300 lbs., true to work, $60; one bay horee, good worker, true to pull, make good ranch horse,- $45; one small mare, $50; one black, 6 yrs. old, rides or drives. $40. CaJi and look. We have four sets of double har ness ,and are all. in fine shape,' will sell cheap; two sets of single express harness and one set light driving har ness at low prices; two stock saddles, like new, $16 each. i : i ' " f ' Wagons Two new farm wagons at one-third less than retail cost; one good, heavy farm wagon, $35. One light farm wagon at $25. i We are closing out our horses and wagons and Will give you ood bar gains, deliver free to any boat or rail road yards and help load free of charge. We do all our hauling with , auto trucks. Let us figure with you. I T at Bt- FOR SALE: a young fresh cow. Dutch j Wo will have for sale on Thursday, L,,13, 94ersey: Hch milker the 6th dav r? Mav af r .tn.L rhone Main 1253. 11th at Hoyt, 24 head of mules, from 4 to 8 years old; all well matched and out or worK: will sell vrv ihn i r in the market for mules call and see this lot before buying. Union Trans fer Co.. at 11th and Hoyt sts. ' HANDSOME 1000 sorref mare, 7 yrs. ; Sound, broke t drive double. If in ?,ee.d ?Lifg?,?d,!iverv norse see her. Gn'y JA5. A00 ,1b. bay horse, 9 yrs. old, ir. good flesh drives single or dou ble. Ihe bestibuy in town, $110; also set heavy harsess. 170 Klllingswerth, Woodlawn. 3493- j SMALL ranch! outfit, 1050 lb. horse, i tat and, slick. . years old, light wag on, srood harness, for Q5- thia i.., Is stife for any old person or boy in "i "in. ui otttoie anu t gooa rree driver stands -.without being tied. 228 N 14th st near MarshalL tUMFLijiE transfer outfit, nearly ' new 2 ton Gooseneck, 3200 lb. team, sound and true; 3 wagon with wood rack, extra harness, miscellaneous. Sxd harness. One pack saddle X'ita Pockets cheap. S. car south to -; vo.i& cttet iu 19. TEAM mare and horse, weight 2500, ' sound, in good, flesh, true pullers. I extra gooa walkers, good heavy, har iness; price $20. I Oregon City car to Arlington station,! come up to wagon bridge, cross, turn to left,' first house, WILL trade 2 cows for team of horses. ! Must be good. Both cows fresh now and giving near to 5 erals. per day eacli. Phone Sellwood 747, before 10 a. m., or after 5 p.m., Sunday or Mon day, . For sale by owner a bargain. ' One pair dapple gray 4nares, six years old, weighing 1600 each, also pair , of horses, weighing 1300, six years old. Yoa can not get better horses anywhere. WoodlaWn 251,' JUST received, a shipment of about 30 t head of horses, consisting of 4-year-old farm chunks, mares with foal; aome well mated wagon teams and heavy draft teams. G. K. Howitt, tfiuuei otaujs, qui anq uavis SIS, TWO double express wagons, makeib'dg- good cahlDins: waeons: sell l-hpan nriwuiTU l -U- cockerels, chicks and trade ror horse; one dump wagon, $25. eggs; Flsehel strain Wyandotte cock 151 Grand ave. north Phone East erels, chicks, eggs, Oliphant strain. 7tl 3850. C-1725. Tenino ave Sellwood 295. - I Jng harness, 3 farm wagon, with double box, all for $195. 228 N. 14th .., near marsnaii. ! PATH irnnii wnrlrk,. ,V.a, 4 .-. r. j true, single or double, quiet in sta ble, any boy can feed or drive price $150; big double harness, $15. 228--N. 14th. near Marshall. PACER; best combination driver and t saddler: gentle, and .sDeed to burn. Sell cheap or trade for cheap team. u.Tv M. aWU0 A-d.O 3850; C-1725. r Commission Auction Of horses, vehicles, harness, wagons, every Monday and Thursdav at 2 p. m. Columbia Stables. 302 Frtont st FOR sale cheap. 2 sets double harness, I spring wagons, l laundry wa?nn. I farm wagon. 1 ''stoek saddle. 1967 E Stark st ! l NEW Mitchell Lewis delivery wagon. bci4 i iraue- tor cow. ' 1 nearly new btitehei- rart 1K Phone Tabor 26. 6l34 Foster Road! I FRiSTTY pair small Shetland ponies, i witli carriage, ' double harness, etc Will sell very reasonable. "Smith- wagoner .;o stock exchange. GOOD - farm team, wagorf and double I harness ; also good family horse, buggy and harness; cheap. 1967 Ii. Stark st. ' TEAM mares, $50; 1 black horse. 9 i years ; old. $40. . E. . A, Patterson, .Mniinoman station; ortiand. 1 -1 - j S50 POUND horse, sound; wagon, har i iitass, Qif ttiiuusi uew grocery wag on jtv. ta?, noaney gye. HORSB 7 years' old, with delivery wagon and harness. First reasonable offer gets its. 500 Grand ave So.- . : HORSE, spring- wagon and liarness. Cheap. - Sellwood 24 411 A-l WORK horse for sale at 531 Uma--' tilla ave. Sellwood Transfer Co. lilVESTOCK- 33 FRESH cow for sale. $75; 4 gaL per ; day, 6 years old. 1688 E. 11th at. S. FOR SALE Fresh couver ave cow. 1.1448 Van- LIVESTOCK (Coatlnned) 35. AUCTION SALE. - - RAISE EVERY CHICK YOU HATCH. Entire herd of cows of Maywood 1 - Many.- bavedone ' u,by dairy at Jennings Lodge, on Portland- PRATT'S-, BABY CHICK. FOOp. In Oregoo City carline. May 15; 15 extra . sures rapid growth and freedonIroin fine cows; 5 4 and 2 year old heifers; disease. Develop Vyouri chicks Into K heifer calves: snmll team: lot of ma- healthy, .husky pullets and, cockerels. ehinery. etc. See Vancouver section of Jo'urnal Monday for further particu lars. ' r ' ' ED. CURTIN, Owner. :' W. S. WOOD. Vancouver. Wash., Auctioneer. ' - FOR SALE 6 good cows and will buy all the milk from anyone that takes the cow a and wilt give cheap rent on 11 acres. 6 acres in oats and vetch, and house and barn oo" place. - W. ML. Bell. 6716 84th st. S. E, Sit. Scott tar to Grays Crossing. - - - - -- - - ' 10 FRESH. cows with calves giving SO to 40 lbs. per day; cream test, 4a ta fi.7 ner cent; all unori vounir cows: tuberculin tested. $65 per head. W-W car to Woodstock ave. and 41st. walk 4 blks: west, 1 north. FINE Jersey-Holstein cow, Just fresh ! milk- r,u .o.i7 miliar o'hfn in a fine cow and- will sell riarht. .1316 E. 20, South. Take Sellwood ear to Blby ave.,- go east to 20th St.. 1 blk. north. WILL trade 2 vows for team of horses Must be good. Both cows fresh now and eivinsr near to 6 era Is. per day each. Phene Sellwood 747. before 10 a ra., or after & p. Sundayi or Mon 'day. - - TWO extra large fresh cows, with calves, milking 6 gals. per day good rich milk. Will trade for beef cows. 480 Macadam st., Fulton -car to ictano st. WILL sell for anything reasonable, all my fancy breeding stock ox sev eral kinds, or exchange for others ! to butcher. 3905 49th st. S. E.. Anabel sta. Mt. Scott car. 75 DAIRY cows. Jersey. Guernsey, Dur ham and Ho'.stein. fresh and spring ers, $45 up; 35 calves, and yearling heifers. 8 blocks north. 1 wesJCen- ton bank. I Woodlawn 4026. COME and milk and convince yrself ; 6 fresh cows; rich mincers; lrrsjpecieu J; Schmauder, phone 899-R. 39th MdiV sts., near car barns. Vancouver. Wash. JERSEY-HOLSTEIN heifer for sale,r 3 weeks old. Call on Sunday, l. Cherry, E, 76th and Siskiyou sts. Rose City Park ear. l FOR SALE OR TRADE Fine Chester White boar, a fine animal. R. W. Forbes, P. O. Gresham, or Llnneman station. . ' ' NICE fresh Guernsey cow with calf 2 weeks old. Will be sold at public auction Monday. May 3, at Columbia Stables. 302 1st st. ' ONE extra good young Hoi stein-Jersey fresh cow, cheap. 956 E. 39 th. Wood stock car to 47th ave.. 2 blks. west. , FOR SALE OR TRADE For livestock, & sows and boar, with pigs. B-455, Journal. . FOR SALE One fine Jersey cow, best blood. Vancouver car to Stafford st, corner house. SOME full blood Poland China sows and common sows, coming in soon. A M. Allhouse, Gresham, Or. TWO Jersey and Guernsey family cows, fresh in June; must sell. 1561 E Ash St., near 60th. - A FEW choice milch cows for sale. some fresh and some to be fresh soon. PhoneX Tabor 74. n FIRST CLASS half Durham and Jer sey 6 gailon cow, fresh. 1041 E. 10th st. N. COWS for sale, Durhams and Jersey. Just arrived, Burdick & Smith, Union Stockyards. ' i FOR SALE Four cows. Two fresh. Joe Smith. Nashville s'ta. ML Scott car. EXTRA good cow, $75; $40 cash. bal. farm labor. R. F. Walters, 133 1st t. - GUiORNSKY cow. 3 gallons of milk a day, $60; mile east on Gilbert road, Lents, R. 1, box 394. j A GOOD milk cow for sale. Between 73d and 74th on Powell Valley road S. E. North side of road. i FIFTY pigs for sale, $2.50 to $3 each. H. Grebe. Tigardville. Or. - ' PASTURE for stock adjoining city on Columbia slough. Phone Wi am, 1998. FOR SALE A-l fresh, 5 gallon cow. 896 Powell Valley road. Sell. 1154. FOR SALE, fine Woodlawn 424. Jersey cow. $40. v POULTRY AND PIGEONS 37 WHITE Leghorn baby cnix. best utili ty stock, $S per 100; for April and May delivery. We guarantee safe ar rival. No dead or weak chlx to pay for. The Pioneer Hatchery Petaluma. Cal. 1 OAKHURST Poultry Yards Now is your time to get thoroughbred Barred Rocks; baby chicks. 15c each if taken at once. Setting eggs at reduced prices. J164 E. 18th St. JN. t:-Z48S OREGON Poultry and Pet Stock Ex change, 65 6th st. Eggs, baby chicks, cocks, cockerels, hens, pullets, best lavine strains: lots up to $5000. Tur- keys. pigeons, ducks, Belgian hares. CARNEAU youngsters, $2 pair, $10 doss. Last year showed 49 birds, 47 won. Oregon Carneau Co. H. J. Ham let, Mgr. Phone Tabor 4883, Box. 279, Portland. -' . 200 THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn hens 75c each; 400 baby chicks 10c ach: chicks delivered down town. Tom kMorgan, City. Main 624.4. Farm Beav- erton. Or. CRYSTAL White Orpingtons, stock di i rect from Kellerstrass, $1.50 and $2.5P per settinsr (15). Crystal Poul try Yar,M219 48th ave. S. E. OLIPHANT'S thoroUKhbred White Wy- andottes, farm raised, snow white, $1.50 per 15 eggs. Oliphanfs Poultry Ranch. Fairview. Or.. Box 23. I WANT flock of 30 chickens; will trad $40 Edison Standard phonograph. f"a 1 1 "M fr lav 10 to 12. 317 Broadway yandotte cock-i FOR SALE, pure bred Bar Red Rock j rooster and. 3 hens, also pure ored Rhode Island .Red rooster. 5324 46th . ave. S. E SILVER CAMPINES from my -prize winning pen. eggs $1 setting. 743 E.' 10th st. Sellwood car. 1 THOROUGHBRED Light Brahma and eggs lor naicuuiii, wi Wood 1032. : t WHITE LEGHORN settings. 7T c. : R.' I. Reds, $1, tnorougnDreas, 6721 U, n;tti Woodstock PEDIGREED Rufus Reds and other' Belgian hares for sale. 714 Water st. Marshal 4491. Ti A I? W Cnrnlsh. 15 ezsrs. SI. 50: fine I ' breeding stock for sale cheap. H- Weieenborn. 1184 E. 7th st. N. I $1-LAYING pullets. R. L Reds. Ply .mouth i - Rocks.! Buff Orpingtons, Phone Main 8392. I aABY chicks S. C. White Leghorns. May 6 and 11th hatch. Home nhoneg. T M Holbrook. 415 E. Jessup ct. THOROUGHBRED Buff and White Orpington eggs for hatching; also cockereU Tabor 1051. . j BIjFF Orpington baby chicks, 15c each, 912 Division St., bet. 29th and 30th; take W-R car. I HENS with R. I. chicks; setting eggs 75c. 544 Kerby st.,- between Russell and Knott. ! ) MALLARD ducklings, 15c each. Iri . -dian Runner eggs for setting. .Wood- lawn 1416. ' , 1 - SETTING eggs from our trap nested! Buff and White Leghorns, 'ooper 15. ' 327 Fremont St. Woodlawn 251a. ' j FOR SALE. Cornish Indian game,Jt rooster, reasonable,-or will trade; for Belgtah hares. Phone Sellwood 2315. LIGHT; Brahma eggs for setting, from prize; winning stock. 87 E. 11th, city. r YOUNG Ancona rooster for sale, $1.50. 2018 E. Morrison st. FINE Belgian does; also Blue Anda- lusian hens. $1 each. 7030 43d ave. ;, -D oat gr-w-o n,,-' i FOR , MALE Cheap, Homer pigeons. 5Q Kearney st. CHINA pheasant eggs for 'hatching, $2 dozen. 1406 East Stark. BARRED Rock; eggs cheap. Wdln. 239? POULTRY- AND PIGEONS 37 Continue Usej PRAa"i"ti POULTRY REGULA- TOR. Kill lice, mites and insects of all kinds with PRATT'S P6W DKREU EICE KILLER and PRATT'S DISIN FECTANT. ALL. PRATT'S PREPAR ATIONS . guaranteed lo satisfy or money-refunded by Spohn & Russell, Portland distributors. 6943. ' . , QUALITY fcdunta, a few . hieh - class Rufus Reds; -bred, does and young stock; six months old -bucks. .- Excellent younar New Zealands - cheap. Ear tags, punch es and pedigree blanks, Belgian Hare Guide, best book on- hares, 25c Ore gon . Carneau Co Box 279, Portland, Phone Tabor 4883. -- I - WOOD'S WONDER LAYERS i -Greatest laying strain of exhibition White Wyandottes; $5- eggs cut to $2.50 per setting, after May 1. Tabor 5093. 30 E. 61st St. ' DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 40 DR; DIXON. Dog Specialist, buys 'and sells all breeds of ido&ra. Det stock. Sacrifice sale Japanese poodles. Scotch ccllie puppies, Airedales, bulldogs, etc 154 N. 16th. Marshall 3611. WANTED Bul)dog; will pay good price, if suited; am leaving town. Call Monday, 1 to 4:30. 512 Alder st. Main 9234. . BLOODED dogs; beautiful specimens, for sale or trade. English bull, pointer. ) Collie, bull terrier. 965 E. Broadway. . - ' YOUNG singers for sale? reasonable. Call 171 W. Park, Thompson's Bird Store. i FEMALE cocker spaniel 4 months old, worth $5, , will sell for $3. Phce M. 4938. ' v . BEAUTIFUL red cocker Spaniel pups. Best bird dog and companion. 11. AiaKeiim, Moiorook, or. WILL party who bought female Pit Bull terrier at 306 4th st, 3 weeks ago, j please phone Marsh. 242. room 4. WHVr3 Angora kittens for sale cheap. Call(420 2d st. Marshall 317. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 fl I Used Car Bargains j LIBERAL TERMS. ' -i- Flanders roadster. $226 Michigan -ref inlshed, good condi tion, large, five passenger. .. .-.$435 Mitchell, bodyy , passenger,' .......... .jf torpedo .$485 Rambler. 5 pass., overhauled and refinished .$4S5 Mitchell 4 cylinder, electric start- ' er! and lights, ............... .$700 Mitchell, Baby Six .$700 Colet 4 cylinder, electric system, ej(csllent conditrbn. Has extra seats for passengers: $873 Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. i ' E. Morrison and E First St. East 2177.5 B-1216. HAVE 6 clear, well located lots, 60x 100 each; in Dallas, Or., and $100 cash; to trade for 1913 or 1914 model auto.; 1914 Ford preferred; auto must be in first class condition; lots adjoin ing have' sold for $100 to $125 each; abstract of title furnished. P. O. box 668. Dallas. Or. ONE E. M. F. ROADSTER $300 lStidebaker "20," painted. Just Over hauled, good tires $215 FORD. DELIVERY, BODY. $15. 1 Case "30," complete, less engine, parts;, $L10. Can be put fn condition very reasonable. LISTKR & WATSON. John Deere Garage. E. 2d and Alder. IMPROVED PORTABLE GARAGE. 10x16, best materials, erected on yourj lot complete, $32 up. Any other style) you want at prices that can't be beat. KB. T. ALLYN, Garage Specialist, PallUOU St, X a DQr " 30DY BUILDING. PAINTING. ! , fttiAl V ltit, TOfS. Largest, best equipped shop in Port land; expert work, low charges. Wil lamette Carriage & Auto Works, E. approach Hawthorne bridge. East 616. OREGON VULCANIZING CO. "The Tire Shop." 550 Washington st.. at 18th Marshall 37. BEST TIRE REPAIRING. Trade new tires for old ones. TIRES WHY Day rent when you can rent ground and erect your own garage? Property situated at E. 30th and Clin tlort, f or $1.50 a month up. Apoly 403 22J Washington st. A-728 7, Main I ZD I. 1 5-PASS., fore door Peary: 17 pass. Peerless, fore door, newly rain ted, A-l condition, 'x t 1 30 h. p. White delivery, overhauled and painted. i , : - j 368 E. Washington ST? (AUTOMOBILE LAUNDRY. Cas washed, polished; engines cleaned. Oils, igasoline and -storage; reasonable rates, work guaranteed. 175 21st, near Washington. Marshall 3982. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS Large stock, prices $300 to $750. OREGON ; MOTOR CAR CO.. ! Studebaker Bldg. - Corner Chapman and Alder. AUTO for sale or trade; a snap; "3h" 1914 model, ;Studebaker, electric starter, fully equipped, good as new. $750;! terms. Rooms 301 and 302 Lum ber Exchange, 2d and Stark. 15 PASSENGER TOURING f-i FORjSALE OR TRADE FOR SMALL- Ei CAR. OUARANTRR nnvntTinu A-l. B-523. Jaumal. , GENERAL auto and truck repairing. In TGood work, square pricei" TrV Bg fe. L. Taylor ft Co., 71 1st st. iicu ii iii epiucrieis a specialty. 2 org- SCHACHT 40 II. P 7 passenger car" in fin condition, economical to run extra! tires, etc $650, terms. 0-429! Journal. RECOVERING auto tops. $18.60 ud.' Auto painting, $20 up; all work guar anteed. United Painting & Auto Ten Co., 16th and Washington. 'Mars 946 Written guar an tee with every spring. :s n. 16th st. WILL take a light roadster and some cash lor my loredcor "33" Michigan J, n :t ff strate. Very roomy in nice conaiuon. wm aemon- car. Main 8095. tlKT vour :i 1 1 f o trimminv -ria t.H on- your auto painted.; Portland Plating & Auto Painting Co., 22d and Thurman. A-5282. Main 43. j j 1 TON AUTO TRUCK. To i let. my services and, truck, rea sonable, or will sell $800. 4 James, 32d and Going sts. , I - . 7 PASSENGER. 50 H. - P. Stxidard Daytori, $750; cash, bat. terms. Car in good-condition. U-910, Tournal. 20 ACRES near Estacada to trade for Ford auto; R. W. Forbes, Gresham,1 or, ' SLIGHTLY used tires, largest stock in Portland. $3 to J15. Fine repa.lr ing. The Supply Co. 307 Madi scm. BEST automobile buy ever offered in -Portland, 30 h. p. roadster, $185 cash. 911 Williams ave. WANT tn sell mv forwlrmi- llvht tii,.A- t baker car: the best cash: offer tnUi'.m phone evenings, Woodlawn 3592. 6-PA8S. Clialmers. excellent terms to right party. Room 213 Panama Mdg. Phone Malrf 1137. j j HIGHKST prices paid for .old rubber, Tnotals. J. Ieve. 186 Columbia. M. 6198 EXPERT auto repairing, i reasonable -.i'Ttiiji'.n, " 1 ' I 32t? n4 H.b. condition. , cnareea. j. j. jmnwr, l!J Bth at $5. i Mirnhall 1426. 1914 ROADSTER Will accept reason able offer; need money. 430 Ifovt st. GOOD 6 horse marine euglne, $25. i JO AUTOM.OBIJLtES-ACCESSORIES 44 - (Coatlnned) Prices and Bargains An expensive ELECTRIC, looks Just like a new car. tires new and it don't show being worn.. $175 Buy a new battery for It and if like- finding a new electric. j FORD, almost new. .... . . ., v. .. .$400 $3000 OLDSMOBILE, 5 pass..' for. $300 REO the FIFTH in good shape. $4 00 - ...V... - - - : - , :-, .... .-- j . i -j 4 pass. MAXWELL, in good shape, $3 50 OVERLAND roadster, looks like I new, , with electno starter. .... .$700 We have been advertising 1914 big Hudson automobiles and have sold three used cars for our customers that bought new 1915 Hudson models. We now have a snap in one, if you want a nsui up to uate car see it. TRUCKS Great snap in a REO 2 ton truck. The man ., that bought it had lung trouble, had to go east of i the mountains. Truck used less - than . two 'tnontlfs; in A-l con- ' dltion and guaranteed the bal ance of the year, only. ....... .$H00 REO 2 torn used only 5 months, v in first class- condition and. guaranteed . ................ . $1200 REO motor bus in A-l cdndltion. used a month .$500 Discount. C. L Boss & Co. 615-617 Wash., st., Portland. Fords! Fords! Fords! Fordsl 1914FORD. 6 pass., fully equipped. Presto tank .and shock absorbers. Price $395. 1913 FORD, 5 pass.. $350. 1914 FORD roadster, fully equipped, V radiator and Stromberg carbureter. Price $375. . ' 1914 FOD, 6 pass., $395. 1914 BUICK I 25. ' roadster, fully equipped, electric lights and start- i practically new. -Kflce $695. 1912 CADILLAC. 5 . equipped, electric lights and startl er. Kellogg air pump and speedoi. meter. This car, is in finest cont dition.4 Price $785. Terms If de :8ired. - , . j . , . ..) : .5 ... ,. 1912 STUDEBAKER 30, torpedo road ster, equipped with self starter. bumpor. Klaxon horn, demountable i iiu ana speedometer. Price $39u, 1913 CHALMERS 3$. 6 pass., $876. 1912 Hudson 33, 6 tass.. $475, 1912 Overland 30, 5 pass.. $385. 1911 Moline 30, S pass., $1T ;1911 Flanders delivery,. $195. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX, E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. Phone East 1139. ELECTRIC LIGHTED AND STARTED .1 CAK8, ( . MAXWELL, special- 1912,; 6-pass, fine condition. , Originally cost $1650, fully equipped., i..... , j$37? BUICK, mi, 6pass.. 30 h.i p. tour ing car, excellent condition. Two extra tires j .................. $400 BUICK. 1914, I 6-pass., i" electrio ' lights and starter. Come and see It overhauled.. .......,$750 CADILLAC, 1912, 6-pass.. elecfrlc lights and starter. Repainted. $750 WE SELL THE BEST CARS FOR JLXllli JUUXSlliX. 1L1 Ull IStiW. TERMS. Howard Auto Co, 14TH AND DAVIS STS, Main 4555, A-2550, Bargains, ! NAPIER 90 h. p., 7-pass.. English touring car. .In good running order, $1000. This car -has wire wheels, wind shield and - top. - . PIERCE ARROW 7-pass.. $700. Car Is in good condition, including tires, top and wind shield. . . ' : - 1 3 TON 1VH1TE truck for sale cheap. WILL DEMONSTRATE. j Fred Dundee I 675 JEFFERSON. . : y Light Delivery Cars : LIPPARD ' '." . (RANT . BUICK, ' . FORD i - STODDARD A few hundred dollars and small monthly payments. . Let us solve your delivery problem ana save you money. Gerlinger Motor Car Co. I'. $90 Washington st. -I Phone Marshall 1915. .' , PORTABLE GABAGE3 .-' AND HOUSES - Bullt of best materials, ax- tlstie dealgna. Erected complete. lorH and key. $32 up. Portable bouses, $125 i up. Immediate dellverr. TAKE DOWN M KG. CO. r Foot of Harrison St. Phone Main 1167 HUPMOBILE, roadster, I4 model. $800 MOLINE, 4 pass. J 300 HUPMOBILE; 32 H. P.. 4 pass.., 700 RELIANCE, one ton , truck., .,. . ;24jOO Dufmage-MahleyAuto Co. j " . - - 46-48 . N. 20th st. ;r' ;.-.;.:. WE HAVE for -nale a. Ford, nickel plated electric lights, storage bat tery; just- overhauled, $375: Stude baker "20" Just like new, $400; Stude-baker-Garford. all new tires, good run ning order, $400. Anabel Garage, 62d st and Foster road. Tabor 210. , 1911 CHALMERS "30. 5 passenlielrTTn A-l mechanical condition. This is a dandy buy for $325, if taken immedi ately. Call Marshall 1699. Ask for Olaen. v - THOMAS Flyer. 6 paus., 6 cylinders; good condition; sell on terms or trade tor oou mortgage. Auto Laun T-tary' 175 21st st. ONE garage. $4 month, Mala 7095. ; : -.' - . ,i .-. ; AUTOMOBIUJSAdCKSS01UES (Contlnuad) T?Z. Mt?hjgan Forty. i large roomy cat demountaule rims, tires all fine, nou tioru OU reur; m 8" running conui 7.fH, olo"smolL)ile, vi pasHenger. 191 i .'"-.the'liuest kind of condition lispUon.n .r-.; fie-' you, Tili tUy .a Studoi.aker 30 in good run ning condition; tires jail good. economical and (.iaBBil.Bt uttlo delivery car in town; Just repainted. yvenanu, 4 ttaast- ngr; torpedo styb fiS'i.11- and an extr teVrri." '"ecnanicui; conUUion; Jus Pv.;.r,and. electrio stairted and lighted tini-h,11.odJ!l:, non-skid tli'ca; Jut ro tlnjshed; looks new. T SEE THESE AND MANY OTHERS Al .11 . w .: n m Usi:n oar i)).:i'T. 627 Washinstpn Street. m LOCAL. DISTRIDUTOR3 VVE GIVK LtBkRAL TERMS, I UPEN SUNDAY. . STUDEBAKER "30" touiing. 1912 inodiel, . new -overslSse- tires, re- -. painted f. $iui STUDKBAKKR touriiK car. 1914 model.- flectrii; ii ktu.i-t.-r ' un.l lights '! '$77 STUDEBAKKH ' ''H'f touring VaV, "l 1913 nujdcl, ovcrhululed and re- I painted . . . , . i ........... .$50" THOMAS FLYim. -,48, fine con- I ditiun througliout. i :. .$701 FORD touring car, fr14 modd. shock absorters. utesto llariitu. I iireiomf ier, edorneter, etc. i.. $4u JEUAKKU "30M 6 passenger I rlnK int. ...... A $27t Wt,LL, touring par, fi pass., I S3 TUUK tourlr MAXWtLl overhauled and rtpuintecU $400 BTUDEBAKER "VQ" t "VQ'M tourlitg on, .L . car, in fine conditio $42: STUDl! DEBAKKR IBUILDING, COR. CHAPMAN AND ALDER STS PHONE MAIN II 4 0 2 . A-7(;S6. i i Used Auto- Snap LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN We have the followiuc flat of ui cars for-your approval. We give fr service on all used cars. Jt will pro car. - j j COIJE C pass. 30 H. T., $476. COLE G pass-, 40 If. I' elentrl. starter and lghts. Jjate model, $JKu COLE 7 pass.. 50 Ir. P.. 6 cyllndfr. electric starter and lights. Late iiud ei. . iiiii. i COLE 7 paaa., 6 cylinder, 60 If. P., eiectric starter ana lights; nearly new T ..... I i-rr.i, i -, , CI rALMERS-rli 6a.dn. -Zd II. P." ful. ly equrppou." HUPP 6 pass.', 82 ... .j r H, P. only $573 MICIIIGAN 5 pasi 33 11. P., cleo 40 IT." P. Snap, with van body. trie lights, to 4 s. t OARFORD 4 pass $760. i -; : REO truck 1 tori Snap. $1250. , i j Northwest 1 Auto Co. '! " BROADWAY ANDH COUCH STS. A-459. Main 87, GADinlAG One 1913 In very trbod condition 1914 Cadillac that has had Koori care. These two cars will te sold at a low figUre. .... l ' ' r WOODS ELECTRIC, $G4W. -1 RANCH and LAN 0 10 ELECTritn. Late inuuei, , CADILLAC motor 14 cyl.. 20 IL Suitable for xnotorboat. Covey Motor Car Co. 21ST AND WASHINGTON. . I - '-! - ' . 1 ; A SNAP. , ' . Buick Roadster Gerlinger Motor Car Co,; King and Washington sts. 1 , '!--'' SNA I", 2-PAHH Mitchell. In trnnA nrA.,r 1Sf A-784II-71 1t t' none Main' 6308 FOR HALE Good 2 cylinder Lambert, In.coml runiilnc r1r l'-rr-l ir, r,,r- Tight delivery. Cheap for cash. JZi loin st. owner. 1 Will sell or trade rny equity In an al i most new 1915 model StudehHkt-r 6-7 pass. car. This Ian bargain. What have you got? V-867. Journal. W E make out your auto, motorcycle - and ciiauffeur licesse RonlleRtiori complete for 40c. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co., 350 Alder. ? 3 TON auto truck. In g.l coiifiition, - for sale or trade. Will conMliier light atitoniobil". Home Garage, Phono Col. 603. St. Johns, Or; 7 WE rent you fine 5-pusn. car $2.50 per hour, $17.60 per day of 12 hours. Rex Auto Co., 360 Alder. Both phone.. FOR S A L E M ud e I L? LocomoblJ.. 4- pafs cheap. A nan. Call Mf,ndv Cotillion Garage. Main 6922. FORD . baramn ; fully iqulpr,ed; Ijnnu - maE.: electrio linhta n.n1 Imm- t'i.-. .. E-7034. I MUST sell my 6 paamenger, 30 li, p.. iix touring car, ui A-l condition. 460. Funk. Auto Co., 16Ui an.i Couiii, mm mm rAJD.-RJJ 1UUU1 Sfigg I 8076 tContinued on Xitxt r2) V ' '. - -: .- - r .