THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,. SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 2, 1915. WANTEDREA. ESTATJB 31 -' (Oontisnedl 1 Owners Take Notice ' Want Modern Bungalow I own ,iU'kcrM in Buckley av. all n cultivation, worth $3S0v. Mortgage SIOOO. "Will tradeamy equity of $260tf Lrw mi im ti lift it in srold for a new iriodem bungalow. I Prefer one iwith sleeping porch and tat exposure. Any pne can make s fnoort living on 3 acres. Now if you want to du Dustiness ai- up jyiar.-134 f ar ter o y. tic. profitaiilkTkxchanoks One of my clients is looking for 'Just rht kind of tiroiwrlv vou own. Give full particulars of jsame and get! free list nt choice rronrt its from J 10. 000 Lp Offered for Mciianne. . . - 111 t?f t. ' HfA . - tOl-tOT Railway Exchange bldg. tEAL ESTATE jAGENTS I have plenty of business to divide . with ou. . Submit particulars of a few s act exchange Drotaositiona . valued at S 10.000 and upwards. 1 HECK 301 -2 Ra 11 wiiy Exchange-, bldg. ffROM- owner, 1 to i 5 acres. Borne-cultivated: must have buildings, 'pre ferably near O. E. or Went Side S. P.' I nave 2 nousei, some jots, or acreage 1 lear of Incumbrance. Might assume tr pay difference. H-457, journal. fjOT wanted, ats flirst payment on S room house. ' Hawthorne -district. Phone D-1490.T t WANTED 60 or mor acres. Improved or unltnoroveii: tfi'Ve uhone. - A-9 59. lionrnal. - . MONEY TO IXAN REAL ESTATE 27 LOAN 8 on Improved city property or I for building purposes; advance made building progresses: liberal repay, rnent privileges: noj commission.. J. P. Upscmr. Z42 Stark tft.. Mftin rJUVA'i'K ON IJANl TO LOAN 18000 at .7'. 1 15000 at; 7i 800O at 7' Z30 at - at : 8 ; V. .2200. at M K KNZIE & CO.. IRIS Gerlinper I idsr. Mortgage Leans I. Lt. WHITE. " 701 Benin bldg. .BUILDING LOANS! on city ana suour i ban property: money advanced) as (work jprogresses. Wi. U. Beck. SIS Fail Hntf bids. Main 8407. . -, t ti TO To MTG. Uans. Private Iiiutia on, hand. Proinptj service, iajr treat. U 147X1 A; KAHILI... .4 tp Henry Bids. 1 (WE have morey tol" loan oh your real HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 425 Chamber f commerce, -i- ' CASH paid for mortkages., notes, con tracts; niortgatJ ans; reasonable rate. F- H. Lewis & Co., 3 Lewis bldg. $16v,00v on mortgages, -city and tarru -prppertyf -fir insurance. MeKenaie ft ta.. tiernnger mag... zn ana Ainer. pHONKi to loan, in amounts ot JlOtf . lO 60 on City properijfi a. tx. oeii. JtEAU entatii iluan.. S.)00 real estate loan, S-MITH-WAOONKH CO.. ffitock Rx. 1400 l'tl loan t'roru. private party ; will - loan any amount bf- it on good eecur- ity, MiUsdale. .Or..' if. u. Jox si. JdORTCiAOK loans: at current ratea. Beal estate security. Apply room 202 QtMlr P.nhc nr.. T f u trl Vomhdi 1100.300' 1500. $il000 to loan, euey . terws., 7 and J B. Kvans, i20i Qeflmger bldg. w. mrman yq.i pn cmw. or com. HU.OOU Uli LH.BC!. AKKlNO'l'UN. tb 4th "t. Boarff of Trwdp b dg. MONKV ttf loan to a per-cent. W. ki. PelU & Co . 810 Spalding bldg.J 600 to SttOOO WUiVATE AiOiSiKV. O 831, Journal.. LOANS or contraijts, . i0 up. Write details. Box 36 4 Lenta MOKTUAGK LUANri, unu 7 per cent. Louis Solomon &Co., Stark St. $S50. $500 'up'; no brokerage; no delay, v. VVard 407 spalditjg Mdg. it)M - AO. loitii on good reu.1 estate.: C. - UeounKi 514 Chamber of omnierc: T. 13. KKASTi:y & Cp,f 232 .Cft, ofe Com. wtr ana j.iuuu on inipn) vea properly. .407 Stock Exchange. MONEY TO lX)ASr (17 CH ATTKliJ- SALARIES LOAN S3 IN iStXj JIOUKJS- TIME, r At Legil Hates . !' - We lfei money ojn diamonds, pianos, livestock, "storage receipts, plain notes, on furniture, or anything u value, i i'ou can get It toiiiay. ' --v Si'fcCIAL AtATES. ; i Borrow 30, return $ 6 per nion?. Borrow $ 40, return $ 6 per uioiith. Borrow S 60, return t 5 'per month. Borrow flOO, return jlo- per month. -. Interest a per sent. i t , Our new office are absolutely rrivate. ! Portland Loan Co, Licensed by State. 311 Dek! Third and Washington, Marshall iLtni. A-2897, . IMMEDIATE LOAMS ON . DIAMONDS ! AND . JEWELRY. A. U.AS1EKN RATES. .We have one of the . finest retail Jewelry stores in the city. A loan de partment is conducted in connection with saint, making! business STRICT. LY. CONFIDENTIAL. Absolutely n6 signs-, designating loan business dis played in front of Our store. All mer chandise pledged i held for a period of:-seven months, v Whether or not in terest i b paid when due. We . are li censed and have been established since 1899. No lit. n with any- other loan establishment iin this city. . & M. DELOVAGE, JEWELERS. 82 4 Wasliiington : st SAL A HI' LOAXsa t"UJkt.Ss iNUiia. ABSOLUT iL iNO' SECURITY.. -, ; Business SuictUy Coniideuual, ., .STATE SEC U H I T Y COM PAN Y, ' 1 - XlCENSED. ' - FAILING BLDG. MONEY. Jl.T' llNflK Diamonds, Waa-uai Musical Inst rum' ts beparate dept.-tor ladies. ELS Y CO. I I Licensed. J 350 Lumber Ex. oitdg.. in and Stark. fRIVATE money (o loan, slrort rtme, no commission. Hatfield. - 15 4th st. .. - - :-- MONEY to loan on diamonds, jeweiry. 8.' W. King, 45 Washington bldg. LOASS WAITED 30 WANTED ON 1-V-l SEeURITY. $5000 at fe, value $12,000 city. 3500 at 8, valutj iO.OOO fare. 1300 at 8, valuq 1 3,000 farm. - 1500 at 8, 'value 4.000 city. ' 400 at 10A. value - 2.000. M'KENZIE & CO.. ;51q C?erlingcr bMg. HAVE $100,000 worth of Coos Bay i crooerw. . Want loan of $10,000. Will aece'pt same in several loans of $500 vr. arrin. 4a4 iJntock oior-K. $1000 AND other sums to .loan on city proDe.rty: , mortuaees - and sellers contracts : boucht.1 Cowlishaw. 607 commercial biook. 1 WANTED-$250 on 2 fin lots. Rose . uty rK oustrnrt. 1 oioctc oar, im provements paid.. Owner.-. B-666.1 Jour- $3000 wanted on well improved 17 acre . factn, private . )tno'neyK 530 Pittock block! - J -- $300. WANTED, . 1 I year. 10 per cent, T..1 , n. ...... 1. ...... iA. . t i : jcitoii 1UU1 t a . nuu , . v. JL I L' ite party. C-i 51,,' Journal. . FROM private party, $500 on nejs- bun. . galow (n restricted district O-630, WANT $1150 Ivan i n improwj farm g at ,'Rainiai Or.J no -com. . ;N-424, journal WANTED $1300 at' 8 per cent, 3 . years, on -residence on E. 71st, at.. near sandy. j-85. Journal 'WANT, loan '' tl0. 7 per vent, from -private party, on suburban acreage ISO BONUS for loan of $500, ample rcuniy.. tv 1 gtocK fjxenange. F1NAXCTAL 31 lers interest in contracts, purchased. Oregon and Washington. H-.E. Noble, t-umberxnens bldg. ,. - & QUICK LOAN SERVICE. - , $30,006 CASH READY. : 0i) to 300o ON FIRST MORT GAGE AT S'o. WILL BUY FIRST OR SECOND I MORTQASESJ OR CONTRACTS. J- - WILL LOAN MONEY TO ASSIST IN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES, WILL LOAN! UPON (OR BUY) LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES, EQUITIES INi ESTATES, ETC.. UPON LiBERAl. .TERMS. - IT WILI PAY YOU TO LOOK .us up. r PATTERSON & PURKITT, . 209 BELLING BLDG. ' OUR METHOD OF , ASSISTING YOU FINANCIALLY . IS UNSURPASSED. WE WILT - LOAN YOU MONEY TO BE REPAID ON MONTHLY - BASIS. IF YOUs NEEIX 'AND WILL TAKE A LIFE? INSURANCE POI ICY THROUGH US IN A FIR8T J CLASS OLD LINE COMPANY, AND THE FIRST YEAR'S PREMIUM IS PAID Dr Ua WE CHARGE ONLY 7. PER CENT PER ANNUM. ' B. & P. SECURITIES CO., 209 'SELLING BLDG. I1ELF WANTEDMALE EVER Jf home in Portland is a pros pect for work. ;IThe man who wants work can find it by looking for it in connection with, the state-wide move ment to "Clean Up, Paint -Up," weeit of May 4th to May 11th. If you want a Job go ,througli your neighborhood, see the yard that i needs cleaning the fence or the barn or the shed that needs painting tell the people that live there about the "Clean Up," "Paint Up" week and tell them how much you will help them "Clean Up," "Paint Up" for. you will get all th work you can do. Portland needs help. Will you help yourself by looking for work? WANTED House to house salesman; must be neat appearing and of good address; none tut men who know they can mke good on an article of merit for a large Portland house. This is a commission proposition., but a big money maker: Sell by sample only, ir you are the man and a gentleman, ad- press i-iiua, journal WHITE- SALMON strawberry picking season opens up about May 10th. a large number of pickers and packers wanted, must have your own camping outfit. Wages tore picking (SVic to 74c per carrier; packing to 16c per crate. - Apply to 'Fruit Growers' Union, White Salmon,- Wash. ' Y. M. C A. EMPLOYMJNX DEP'i". Record for year; 1114: Calls for men 171 Positions filled 1S14 All young men seeking employment are cordially invited to consult with the secretary of the employment de partment FEW good salesmen wanted. Inventor will boat 702 Spalding building. Mon day, 10 to 3 o'clock, to show new in vention, needed in every home and place of business.; ' . . . WANTED -First class district or ganizers to organise lodges in Wash ington and Oregon; good contracts. 203 Fra'nklin hotel. MACHINIST wanted. one siklled at lathe and -bench on first class light machine constructor Bullington En- gineering Works. 872 is. AnKeny St. WANTED At once, man to learn auto repairing and driving. Call at Haw thorne garage, 445 Hawthorne ave., corner 7th. 1 ' - WANTED Canvassers to sell our line; outfit free; cash weekly. Ad dress. Capital City Nursery Co.. Sa lem. Or. ' s WILL give boy- not over 15 years home and wages for light work. 143 82d st. Montavilla can . SALESMEN wanted, outfit free, cash weekly. Address Capital City Nurs- t V Qalm Of" ' EXPERIENCED pjioto coupon agents now nrnnnsition. Da vies Studio. 3rl and Morrison. ! WANTED Immediately, - experienced shingle sawyers and packers. Apply 714 Board or Traae. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors. . commission, monoay, iyo Agen cy, zvi aiocn jaiMuuiiie WANTED GoodT painter to paint house and take good . organ as part pay. rj-Z4a, jQurnai WANTED 4 rooms lathed and i plas tered ; carpenters please bid. Wood- lawn, 193& WANTED Live wire to secure loans on real property, rarnn. main aao MAN to paint house for rent; close in west side. A-949, Journal. BIG commission, help sell,. close in, ira- proved acre, half- price. Tabor 4286. WANTED Live salesman; No other need reply. R. 12, 245H Morrison. HELP WANTED -MISC. 49 LADIES earn $35 to $75 monthly copy ing letters at- home; pen or' type writer. . Permanent work. instruc tions and copy material. 20c silver. Puget Sound Copy Co.. Bo 1878, Seat tle., Wash. K . USE your spare time to ouild up a mail order business of your own. We help you start for a share ! In profits; 27 opportunities; particulars free. Opportunities Exchange, But--falo, N. Y. ' Do you want another $2 daily? -No experience, constant spare time work, knittinpr hosiery; machines furnished on contract; we take product. Gleason Wheeler Co Ic.. 837 Madison, Chi cago. LEARN AUTOMOBILE repairing and driving at the utaar awuifi'ii.u, most UP TO DATE and only PRAC TICAL' AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL in Portland. L. & M. Auto Repair Co 86 9 Hawthorne ave. $250 FOR reliable man or woman; dis tribute 2000 free pkgs. Borax Soap Powder with soaps, etc., your town. No moneysfequired. B. N. Ward Co 16 lnstitnte, cmcago. LADIES flmmediatelyi Home-work evenings. Stamping coupons, etc. $5 per 1000, Steady. No, experience. No canvassing, j Excellent opportunity. YOUNG MAN K30 INTO BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF. BECOME A MOVING PICTURE TRAVELING SHOWMAN. WE WILL TEACH YOU. 64 BROADWAY. ' INTELLIGENT, PERSON MAY EARN $S to $20 weekly during spare time at home, writing for newspapers. S6rid for particulars.! ," PRESS SYNDICATE. S ( 6 ' vv a s h 1 ngton. u. c FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. $25 to $5 per week. jR. It. fare paid. Good rich Drusr Co., Dept. 510, Omjaha, Neb. GOVERNMENT positions ari vt-my to geU My free booklet Y-368 talis how. Write today NOW. iuarl Hopkins, Washington. ' JX C. . WANT YOUNG MEN TO OPERATE MOVING PICTURE MACHINES; OPERATORS EARN $18 TO $35 A WEEK. DO X OUT H HMUAiJVVAI, GOVERNMENT positions are easy to get; my- free - booklet Y-368 tells how:, write today NOVV'i : Earl Hop- PARTNER to tmarket up-to-date ar ticle of Pacific coast, a sure money maker.; Main 2612.- Calk 615 Worces ter bldg. THOUSANDS government jobs upq to men and women, $66 to $160 moctb. Write for list. Franklin Institute. Dept. 349-D, Rochester. N. Y. PACIFIC AU'CO AND GAS ENGlNiS - SCHOOL, - Booklet Free. 266-208-llth St. 'Free Trial 'Before Enrollment, ' SADDLE horses, 50e first hour, 25c - additional hours; English or stock saddles. 16th and Madison. M. 587S. WANTED Salaried men and - women to start a permanent income: parti culars or Interview. W-886, Journal. WANTED Names of men,1 18 or over. wishing government Jobs. $65 mo. GX-160. Journal. ' i ' WANTED Man with $&0 to invest in : small business; must have expert ence as locksmith. A-189, Journal. COOK - headquarters California Wine Depot 291 Yamhill, Near tth. UNCALLED for tailor made suits $6 69 up. Taylor, Ch Tanor.-289 iJBurnslda, TTSASCIAL '- HliLl H'ANTEl 311SC : 49 M1LLMEN wanted to - send for ; the i - iiiiru vuiuoa or Jne rdtucBi lun: ' berman, ust published. tHjoA of 206 (pages,: oil merits and uses of Pacific coast lumber: also short methoas of figuring .squared am4 tapering lumber, . logs, octagon spars, metrical orders, i lmnDer carrying capacity of vesaels, and other information or ' great valuxj 1 to those wishing to qualify tor the I lwst paid pOHitions in maputaeture and ; shipping of lumber. Mailed on receipt 'of price, S1.6, by B. BKEKETON,: iioic 115$, Xacoma, . Wash. Index and par ' tieulars fre - " ' i I 11 .1 I 1 1 .1 ! . II ' f I II ! ) ' I.' ' ; Y. M. C. A. ; . ; Automobile School l; Day' and nigM Instruction: in repair ing, driving, selli &nd machine work, including forge, lathe, shaper. drill press, etc Moderate charges. Fair dealing and expert training. Tim va limited. .t. ih i (i. Before enrolling else wfcere call rat educational office. Y. M. C. A. oldg.. nd secure pas entitling you : to la. spect our shop and methods SALESMEN wanted , to sell our fine line of advertising calendars, leath er goods, novelties and all styles of outdoor signs, - over 1000 diflerent pieces: of leather goods, memorandum books and diaries, as well as the best line of advertising specialties; our fi nancial rating a half million dollars. The El wood Myers , Co.. Springfield, Ohio. : f. t - i- MECHANICS get . busy. This ; is the i time, the place, and the opportunity. Good.- steady positions are mighty scarce.' We are offering a chance, if vou come now, to secure Just this ad vantage. A small, well secure invest ment j will soon put pou right. Do it now, i 411 Lumber Exchange bldg. SALESMAN wanted, experience un necessary: : easv - work: . bis- , 17. Write now for large list of openings offering opportunities to earn from $100 in 4!i( a. mnnlh whlla nil Uorn Address nearest office. Dept.- SI 2. Na-1 pa,VJrder-s-l Clear, iIdf open. Prof tional Salesmen's Training association. Its..$2'io $5 a week. Write today. for Chicago, New York, San Francisco. COOPERATE with me; easy home ' business; spare, time; no canvass ing, capital or , experience necessary. I will furnish everything I, have aver aged $100 weekly for 4 years in ame line. i'You should do as welL i Par ticulars free. , V'oorhees, Desk,1 151, Omaha. Nebr. . ; - . SALESMAN -For general mercantile trade in Oregon, to sell a new, pro position of merit; vacancy now; at tractive commission contract. ' $35 weekly tor expenses. Miles F. Bixler Co., wholesale jewelers, 227-18 (Jarlin Bldg' Cleveland,- Ohio. j SALESMA.N experienced in any line to sell general trade in Pacttie ttr-. ritory. Unexcelled specialty , proposi tion. 1 Commission' contract. 1 $35 weekly for - expenses. Continental Jewelry Co., 75-18 Continental bldg-, Cleveland, Ohio. ., : - 15,000 GOVERNMENT ;ob open to men-women, - $65 to $160 month. Comihon eduatlon sufficient. Portland examinations soon'. Write immediately for free sample questions and full de scription.: Franklin Institute, De$t 8b0-D, Rochester. N. Y. j : ' FREE to any woman, beautiful 42 piece gold dec, dinner get' for dis tributing 3 doz. cakes Complexion Soap: free with other products, among friends; no money needed. Tyrrell Ward, 218 Institute, Chicago. LADIES, $25 weekly, easy, simple work, -no canvassing. Evenings at home; fascinating; everything ; fur nished; no experience. Don't worry about capital. Boyd C. Brown,: Omaha, Nebrj. 'V : ' ' STEADY employment, good wages, day and night classes; few months learning; profitable work; positions guaranteed. Watchmaking, Engrav ing school, 218 Commonwealth Bldg., 6th and AnKeny, rertiana. WATCHES cleaned, 75c; main springs, 75c. Work guaranteed. 218 Com monwealth Bldg., 6th and Ankeny. ULEIiP WANTED FEMALE: 2 WANTED. 2 girla-between 21 and 30 pfj good character, with excellent opportunity to learn highly paid pro fession -without cost. Swedish llnsti tutej 12th St., cor. Alder. . '. WANTED Woman for general house work on well located farm 20 miles east' of Portland. Six th family.- Mod ern .home. Position permanent tlZ per montn. call lanor a. WANTED A good, steady woman to assist me in general light-housework n a farm, a family of two,. Ad dress Mrs. S. T. Hulen. Waterloo, Oregon. R. F. D. No, 1. '";;j. WANTED Unincumbered hoiisekeep erj by man and son in the city, who can j furnish best of reference, state age. and phone number and address. D-431, Journal. ' WANTED A middleaged German Christian woman for general house work. Call Tabor 1696. Take: MV oar.j 232 E. 65th N. LAuY to make salad -dressing in fac-tory,- must be experienced, i , Y-312. Journal. ' , WOULD like middle aged vtomarvthat would like good home, little, tnoffey. light work, inquire 6a couch nia?. WOMAN or girl to care for baby for board and room. 60 Grand ave. N., apartment 63. ! 1 LADY amateurs for home entertain ments. Mrs. Blowers, 1180 E, Uarri- -sonj . Tabor 313. LADY for dialogues, etc; home enter tainments. Mrs. Blowers, 1180 E. Harrison. Tabor 312. WANTED Ladies to demonstrate, res idential work, city or coustry. Room B05,! coiumma otdg. WANTED Lady hairdresser and man icurist. Room 605 Columbia bldg. WANTED Partner j for , vaudeville, trained" mezzo voice. B-445, Journal. STENOGRAPER; give reference. - Z- 9, Journal. BIG commission; Jielp sell close in im proved acre, price Call Tabor 4286. GIRL to do general, housework. Phone Monday. C-1014 or East 68utf LADY to assist in tailoring-experience necessary. Apply 171 Rugsell st. GIRL, to assist with "housework and I care of babiea. A-2660, HELP WANTED MALE FEMALE AND 29 MEN and woman to learn the barber trade, wages paid while learning; tuition reduced, positions secured. The only .chain of schools In the world. Send for free catalogue. Moler Barber College. H. 48 N. 2d st. Oregon Barber College will teach you the trade in 8 weeks: scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; poaittons guaranteed; pay -while learning; tut tion reduced this term. 233 Madison. BIG commission; help sell close in im proved acre. price; Call Tabor428S. WANTED AGEKTS RESPONSIBLE 5 manufacturer desires - placing valuable : agency, sure re peater; permanent income, business builder, easy, no competition. - protect ed terUory guaranteed. Perfection company. 13 West 31st St., N. y AGENTS make 500 per cent profit selling "Novelty Sign Cards." Mer chants buy 10 to 100 : on' sight. 800 varieties. - Catalogue free. Sullivan Co.; 1234 Van Buren St.. Chicago. 111. AGENTS, either sex, to sell articles i of -great -merit; build up a pleasant, permanent and profitable business of your - own., -Ideal Supply Co., 1208 Stewart st.. Seattle, wasn. USE your spare " time -to " build 'ip a mail oraer. oustness or! your own; we help you start for a share in- profits; 2 7" opportunities; particulars free, Op portunities Exchange. Buffalo. N. Y. AGENTS wanted for liousehold article i which no woman can resist; sells at etfery.nome; send for particulars. The Clearwater Novelty- Co., : . Lew is ton. Idaho. AGENTS Call on best peopfe; fast seller netting you $ on every sale. Address Manager.' P. O box 303, Seattle. Wash. AGENTS wanted, male or-female; big . profits. Write B. H. Mullens Mfg. Co.; P. O. Box 867. Tacoma, Wash.: AGENT for staple article, good money i for man with light team. Call eve nings or Sunday forenoon. 374 Park. . 6 tcoiannwi) OWN i a- business, be yoir own boss, f : Let' ws start you? in gold, sliver, , nickel, etCL, plating. Prof. Gray's new tlow price plating outfits. No experi ence required. W'e teach you and fur I nish recipes, formulas, and trade se crets (free. Every home, store, a pos sible, customed. Don't delay. .Send to day for particulars. Gray & Co., Plating i Works. 77S Gray Bids., Cin ; einnatf, Ohio, i AGENTS, delicious soft drinks in con- cent rated form; always ready. Just , add water: economical, absolutely sure. Every housewife wants them, 14 dif ferent) kinds;: enormous demand;, big summer- sellers; money comes easy. 250 other popular priced.- fast selling household necessities. We furnish free outfits. Write today, now. Ameri can Products Co., 3311 American bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. . i AGENTS- If I had your name I could show j you now to earn z to weekly i Greatest seller in years. Over 700,000 sold in last six months. Every housewife will buy , on sight.; Postal brings liberal proposition and free sam ple. Address, Manufacturer, 1 Unioq Sq.. N. Y. " - ----- -, A BEAUTIFUL: home at Its half value; be convinced; parties going east. J Phone Tabor 2784. AGENTS Salary or commislort Greatest seller yet. Every user pen and Ink, buys on sight; 200 to 600 per cent Drdfit. Onei.aeent'3 sales $620 in t six days: another $32 in two hours, Monroe j Mfgy Co., X-244. La Crosse, ; Wisconsin i USE I your spare time to build up a mail -order business of your own, 'We help you start for a share in profits: c 27 opportunities. Particulars i free. I Mutual Opportunities Exchange, T.TV'M.iAflF.NTS In evurv town " Heat i . ; aewmg nousenoia articte. Big re 1 f ull pa'rtttmiars. The Allison-Oliver i Co.. Dept: D, Box 131 18. Seattle, Wash. , IK you can sell attilent insurance an j swer this ; for information. D-623. Journal; BAItBElts ASU SUPPLIES j Barbers'. Supplies LOWEST - PRICES 'FOR STANDARD GOODS. ! Witch Hasel. $J. 10 gal. Bay Rum i Compound. $2. 60 gal- "Micro" Tonic. i 9i gal.; $1.3o 7-in, Henkle Scissors, $1. , etc. Dept. 5, Clarke-Woodward Drug Co., ; Woodiark Bldi:.. Aider at West Park, 'Portland. Or. levator to 5th floor. ; LEWIS-STENGER Barbers' Supply Co. ' Morrison and loth. Oldest and most ' TellftBle house on the coast That's sil. I SAVE money on baroer suppiiea port. Baro. sup uo.. tn. . t tUTUATlOXS 3 YOUNG man, bookkeeper, cashier stenographer. 7 years, experience, references; 3 years in newspaper of f ice. chief clerk and accountant in railroad office; never '"let out" of any position. Adclresa FX-650. Journal. EXPERIENCED violin and piano r teacher;' best 01 references; win j teach family of children for room 'and board in city, 4 days of the week. IAX-957, Journal 1 PAINTING and tinting wanted, ex- perienced man; must have work. Ta j bor 3317 between i a. m. and 6 p. m. j Monday. . i--,.HAliBPEK and accountant wishes position in or out of town ; refer ences as to character and ability. E. F Koblita. Skamokawa. ' Wash. A GOOD hotel, restaurant or camp cook; prefer out of town. George A. I Thomas, 392 Columbia st., Portland. 1 ' ELDERLY American, single, good hab - its; neat appearance, handy and. Intelligent,-wishes any-kind of light em rployment. T-848. Journal. iidl pimu y 1 jt. j PAFEKHANGER, painter and tinter I must have work. . Phone Marshall . 726. ; :' THE; window cleaner and houseman ' waTits work by the hour or day. i ytionemorningB only, aiain zsvz. jYOUN'G man wants place in office; I some stenographic experience; rea f sonable. B-660. Journal. ' ? WAR RATES ! On painting and tinting. Call Main 15432.- t PIANIST, experienced sight readee 1, wishes - work with dance orchestra; sober and reliable. - B-522. Journals WELL educated young man wants j work iri office or store. R-253, JourT nal. : ! BOOKKEEPER, age 27, 5 years' expe rience; good local references. S-489, Journal. PAINTING, kalsomlning. paprhang ing; rooms $1.50 up. Will Trodedork, Main 2529. ;' v Skilled Carpenters Furnished on short notice. Mar. 7C5. Bu'l'ChEK seeks situation, good meat cutfer, 'good references; cityorcoun trv. S-483. Journal. ! PAINTER, all-around hand, married. wants - work; good references. 1- 466. Journal. - EXPERIENCED grocery clerk wants position. T465, Journal1. WANTED Excavating and team work. fhone lijast 4SQ4. u-i jy WHEN you answer these Want Ada. menttfln rnw journal MAN with small family wants work oa . farm or dairy, can B-a?a, LYOUNG man will give $5 for a steady f - inside position. D-4 30. Journal. . IF YOU want a good ail arount painter phone Main 5999. 1 - 1 SITUATIONS-FEIAIS BY middle aged woman, position as nurse or companion for elderly per son. Woodiawn 2615. J. NE A Ti willing girl wants to assist; small wages per month. G-169, Journal. WOMAN with best references wants odd Jobs, tending' children, etc. Ta bor 356. EMPLOYMENT for half day sewing.: delicatessen, or any light work. V- 7, journal. EXPERIENCED cook and wife - want position in logging or mining camp; -Zij journal. - . MIDDLEAGED woman would like position : as t housekeeper. X-207 journal. -.- - REFINED, cultured woman wishes -Dosition of caretaker in home. 'Light work.; B-531. Journal. - .' LADY wishes housekeeping; has daugh-f icr: i'o ysti :v,m, iji . 111 near- vi-vy, . . : . . : it? . . - .1 .. r. ... : . . ii rw. Jiiiiig I'cwai iiyr, : - pi iijiii GOOD reliable girl -wants general nouseworK, wages a uioniii. 872, Journal. - 1 1 1.' I - 1 . I -Daln. . 1 . . U.4r.n 1 .... , class painting and kalsomlning. Sell, . 1 nvif. ... - ; RELIABLE experienced young woman . . . l . rr. . ,nu. wains aay wm aam ogoi. WOMAN wants day work. Call aftei - 7 p. m. Monday. Main 8S35. LACE curtains,' cleanup week. ?0 up Mrs. Scott. Tabor 5933. . WOMAN wants house cleaning by dajf or hour; good reference.; Mar. 698. vvoftiAN wants work, hour or day ..... , . . . w qou myn i - t. :s - . - . WAN TED Work by hour or day; re-i: liaDie; references Enst Z06&. A good' cook, first class housekeeper v wants poaitlon. V-S59, Journal. H- YOUNG lady wishes, position in office . or ' store work. Wdodfawn 4185. -j GIRL, 17. desires position as nurse girl.-companion or maid. 34 5 M. I7tn-, LADY wanting employment. : Call at :.- 294 Clay.-: ' ---i- - -v-, , WOMAN wants Work by day or hour, Phone Marshall 6187. ; WANTED A situation as rook or gen eral housework. Phone Main 6483. WILL clean house or Jlo washing, $1.56 per day. Carfare. Phone Tabor 6307. PLAIN housework, kitchen or chamber work ; middle aged lady. Main 7439. LADY cook, .first class, pastry or 411 branches or cooking. Call Main 8213, WHEN: you answer these Want Ads, , jnentiooJTha Journal. , j va:tej--agests SITUATIOAS -FEiLlLE 4 OonUiaed - LADY of refinement, unincumbered, housekeeper, would assist -with chil dren and plain sewing: good - cook; country preferred; reference. X-877,' Journal. - -?'. -' YOUNG lady with good English and German education wants a position to take charge of children. Calr on or after Monday. Woodiawn 1840. : A-977, Journal. -.- : -----.' J ' WOULD like to gain ftJcperience in of fice work; have a fair; knowledge of bookkeeping. . Woodiawn 1640, or write T-851, Journal. - - ' -. YOUNG lady qualified for office work desires city position. Experienced with typewriter. Excellent ref ,-iences. Tabor 27. ; - - . - WOMAN with young baby wants a good home to work for room and board for herself and baby. Phone Tabor 3165. '. ' WANTED Position, capable, educated, young - woman, - executive ability, housekeeping and catering; would like summer, notet. Jti-eua; journal. NEAT, ' companionable! woman desires position as housekeeper; light work for elderly : couple out of Portland only, i References. F-485, Journal. REFINED lady will care for children day or night. Reasonable. Refer ences. Mrs. Drake, 633 Yamhill. Main 4934. - EXPERIENCED laundress wants ladies' and children's laundry, rea sonable and responsible. D-42L Jour nal. WIDOW with two children wants day work of any kind; 26c per hour; city .. oAii... it a a EXPERIENCED teacher will call at your home, give lessons in elocution and dramatic art. C-754, Journal. - EXPERIENCED woman wants work from 9 to 4; handy at serving for parties ana mncneons. Kast aa:'a T 11.' I.. . . .1 1, 11,.., .mnlill-ftl.A OCTAn cy; all kinds of female help fur nished. Main 720. - ' SITUATIONS WANTED MALE i .. AND FEMALE 23 MAN and wife want work on . ranch; man experienced stockmkn and farm er, wife good cook and neat house keeper.! B-44Z, 'journal, TO CARE for' apartment houfce for apartment and small salary, refer ences. Call Tabor 4487. . DRESSMAKING 40 EXPERIENCED dressmaker desire more engagements by day or at home. 0-425. Journal., PlxAIN and fancy dressmaking; waists $1; skirts $2; suits $5 up. 291 Clay. Mam 720 Ortt.lsei.iViAiviNG at home or by day; .. ... I. .'CIl ...1 1 . v. . ... 0.4.1 . ' v , . DRESSMAKER from east ready for : . . , n t 11 A .r (i PLAIN sewing and fur garments re lined. Call A-3477. ' NURSES 60 WANTJZfD fiy a graduate nurse, in her own home, a patient- (man pre ferred); am prepared to give skilled treatment and a pleasant home life. Phone Tabor 2621. PRIVATE home, trained nurse, treat inents. sleeping porch. Tabor 2213. PRACTICAL nurse wants position. Main 8964. ' ' FUIIN1SHED ROOMS 9 A-2974. MAIN 1883. THE PALMER HOUSE. SPECIAL RATES TO THE THEAT RICAL PROFESSION. Billy Broad, proprietor, opposite Pantages. Com plete H. K. rooms. me .mm. imi . At 11th and Stark sts., in clean, modern, centrally located, with hot and cold water, steam heat, elevator, phone in each ' room, private bath, i public baths on each floor, large ground floor leoby, all outside . rooms. Per week, $3 up; per month. $12 up. Quiet and homelike , . Hotel 126 13th St., S. E. Cor- Washington. ; Large, clean, front rooms, with all modern conveniences, hot and cold wa ter and private phone in every room; vacuum cleaner- service. Rates $4,00 week up. Transjent trade solicited. 11TH AND YAMHILL. - ' ' Under New- Management. -Nicely furnished, clean rooms, single or en suite; elevator service, hot and cold water, phone in fefvery room; $10 up Excellent cuisine. 1 Transients soli cited. Phone Main 6953. - COR. THIRD AND MAIN ri'fS. Thoroughly modern and clean, and conducted as a first-class hotel, under the personal supervision of the own ers; special rates by the week or mon th to desirable parties.- - HOTEL OAK, 347 Oak St., between Broadway and Park. Steam heat, running water,- clean as a pin; well furnished; all for $1.50 and $2 a week. Only 6 rooms left. THE ALBION HOTEL j ,1 1 l . . ... CZ .. . An ' ,1,73 u Cliuvii Rooms $1.7 G week up; steam heat, bet and cold, water, free bato. phon e. YOUNG ! men may consult without charge register of furnished rooms at Y. M. C. A., listing teral hundred in all parts or the city, also those in ttie saociati"" building. . w ;t a. ilj liooui mate to reduce rooming expel.. ireproof build in :. shower baths, individual beds. Call or address Y- M. C. A business office. ETHELTON flO-ru.1. . 105 12th St.. near Wash., clean, quiet, n4mHn Avn trivnlanriao c i m m ar ru toe ft week up; trans, solicited.. Mar. 2790. ! A NO. 1 ROOMS. , v The Garland Rooms, modern brick, all outside. $2.50. $S week. Cor. Wash. lngton and Trinity (bet 19th and 20th) SPLENDID, clean, light furnished front rooms. $8 and $7 month. Near depot, 2 blocks from steel bridge. 286 Honaaay ave. 124 14th st,, cor. 'Wash., desirable lo cation, strictly modern, private bath, phone, $3 up. Rates to tourists. M. 1448. tiAnAmc Uftarsuites 6. Outside mauicio iiuivi rooms $3 up, court room is, $2.50 up. By oay 60c. 5c. $1; 12th and Washington , sts . cor OUTSIDE CORNER ROOM. $2.76; i other outside rooms, - $2.6J; inside room, $1.75 week; brick, steam heat; free pnone ana Darn. z3 mn st. A 44U1ET PLACE FO-t QUIET I'EOPJUE i East Morrisou st-, near Grand ave. Cleanliness and comfort. $3 per wk. up. lgamiiiewp tl 11 v --f,n,w t, . . Lty. TOURIST hotel. 1st . and Morrison Modern frnt rocuis. 83. SO up; others fin n ri- trsn E06 ud: trait, trad sol. MAXWELL UALl, a' cnarming-lamily hotel in business district; home priv ilegea; mouern; week up, 207 14th. st. CLEAN, light rooms, stasia awl douol. free batb. both p nones, steam : beat. 44 Coluuiuia. Mam 7410. A-a978. HOTEL Arii'UUK, llth near Morrtsoh. Transieai ar.o permanent, rooms with !) modern conveniences. $17 50 two, up. NEAT', reasonable rooms at Kenslworth hotel, i Z28-fe ao. yiam RUOMS and apartments in modern ho --tei, weea aim up. iau aiuw, Nicely turnished A D DfTT 26c UD 228 H Wash. st. , nDDU I I $1.60 wk up tel, week ana up. 4ua Alaer. $2 WEEK up, clean, warm, modern fur. rooms, central, i ne ivrng, aoa jtr. STEAM heat, hot, cold water, $3 to $5 per week. avs a. WHEN you answer these Wait Ada I - mention The Journal. i mWi LEWI FURNISHED ROOMS ; . 70 rBTVATB r AMXZ.T SLEEPING porch, connecting room; also nicely t furnished room, heat, phone. $13 month; 15 minutes P. O. 574 H Salmon. t - . - 'y--'- ; ELEGANT furnished room for 2, pri vate bath. In one of finest homes of West Side. References required. S74 Park. - . i ' $8 MONTH Large, airy, nicely fur v nished room; modem - home, short walk, men preferred. East 15&2. TWO well furnished front rooms, pri vate family, ; walking distance. 166 E. l4th st. S. i Y 1 NICELY furnished room in private "family; every convenience. 826 Har rison, r MODERN furnished room. 2 block from Broadway bridge, very, cheap. Fhone East 3Q10. - i WILL rent room in Mt. Tabor home, large ground, porches, roses ralors: breakfast If desired. Tabor 1336. NEWLY furnished front : room $7.60; aouoie j ladies prererrea. ex E. Couch, between 7th and 8th.' 1 DE3IRABIJB: room, good location, walking distance, all conveniences. 188 K. 12th St.' East 1732, 1EWLY furnished room with private lamiiy.- Aiooern conveniences, walk ing distance. Phone Marshall 1231. LOVELY'- room in lady's home, close in; 1 or gentlemen: breakfasts if desired; reasonable. 194 E. 12th. MODERN, nicely furnished rooms in heart Of city, 1844 13th St., corner lajior. mora jviarsnait 48S, xav x quay iuiii. room, i-v uiv. Meals optional; both phones. 411 E. inn i. iiurin4 TWO or 3 furnished or unfurnished. very reasonable. 170 N. 18th st. $3 - NICE front room, large closet. bath, phone.; 594 Everett. M. 8306. NEAT modern room, 1 block from library. 213 j W. Park. Main 7361. ONE attic room close to buVinesg cen- ter. 44 iimnut FURNISHED 1 rooms, close i in, 264 12th st. Phone Main 2181. . NICELY furnished rooms for rent.. 387 JVIHl st I I in 1 I ' , CLEAN, clieerful rooms in a quiet, modern hom, $1.50 up. 388 Salmon, UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 2 OR 4 unfurnished. rooms, $7 or $12; - walking distance." 465 E. Ash., cor. 8th j - . . '-' $9 FOUR unfurnished housekeeping rooms, ciose m; aauits. ii.ast gca - . ROOMS AN1 1SQARI 15 PARKVIEW HOTEL,' 386 Montgomery f t at West! Park. Family hotel; all modern conveniences: rates for regular tnii transient guests. " . THE MANITOU. 261 13th New i man agement; good room and board rea sonable, walking distance. BOARD and, rooms. 21st and Loveiov sts. Pleasant and homelike. ,- Rea sonable. Marshall 4017. THE HAZEL, cor. 8d and Montgomery. Fine furnished rooms and board. $5 or: steam heat hot- hatha: free phone. FIRST class i board and room, best cooking, at up; 846 college st. NICE large airy rooms, home cooking. -asa Rosa. ;3t , Jefferson. ROOMS AND BOARD netrvATE rAioiT BEST room and board in the city, walk. ing distance: 2 meals, $5; modern, 654 E. Madison and 13th sts. Bring this ad and get credit for $1 on first two weeks. Walking distance, 1 block from Hawthorne ave. MARRIED couple preferred; will take -others; modern private home, 3 adults. Hawthorne district. Tabor 5014. wr. jeo. K-miDer, llo e. Harrison. NICELY furnished room with board wr t or a in modern private house. Every convenience, use of piano, etc. Main 4504. 344 Salmon Bt. WANTED Infants and children to board; good home; mother's care; references; $10 to $12 per month. Sellwood 699; - IF you are; thinking of- making a cnange. try z Jenerson. Nice, clean rooms,' home cooking, reasonable. ROOM and board for one fr two gentle, ment, with all home comforts. 54 iv.-tern sr.. tor, tjavis. FURNISHED room and sleeoinir narch for rent at 803 E. Yamhill; board if aesireo. n,asx did, ROOM and board for two in private xamiiy at reaucea rates; Klchmond oietnct. uz lvon st. Tabor 24 93 ROOM and board. 11 U N. 10th. On or two gentlemen. Scandinavians preferred. jp NICE bis- front room in 'private family, with or without board. 780 E. Main, cor. 24th. East 3895. DESIRABLE, pleasant, south room; breakfast ! ff wanted. Reasonable. Marshall 476.6. $10 WORTH of home cooking and room for $5 week. 665 Washington. ROOM and poard, $18, $20. . Mars no. u 2506. 166 1 N. 18th. ROOM and board, 2 gentlemen," sleep liig porch, i 676 Ladd ave. East 2333. WANT to board and care for old people. JiatSX DtllH. WHEN you answer these Want Ads.' these Want Ads. witl good horn, hoajl. Mar. 4225. MhTHt:ni.v Q.'n.nn r, , wants cniiuren to noa WILL give good home to 8 or $ chil- WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 39 BEAUTY doctor and masseur wants to exchange work for room or aboard. R 104. Journal; -- - ' IIOU8EKEEPI NO ROOMS 8 LARGE front room, $3. , Kour room' suite, $4.50. Three room suite, $3.60. Cheerfully furnished with gas for cooking. Electric light and bath free, 306 4th st. Four minutes' walk to business centre. UNK room - with kitchenette, complete ly furnished, steam heat, running hot and 'cold water, phone In - every room; 7 blocks from. 5th and Morrison sts.; $12 and up. 291 Columbia st.. Mm.. I,,K . . .. T $2.50 WEEKLY, suite of 2 rooms com-1 pletelv furnished for H. K. suitable for couple or oculist. East 1145. 60f Flint St., bet. Page and RusselVon U, car. ! ' THE DEL! MCiTE APARTMENTS Nicely furnished H. K. rooms; prices very reasonable. -20th and Morrison. Marshall 4464. WANT, H. f K. suite. ., $6.50 month; sleeping rooms, $8.60 with free light, bath and phone. 382 E. Clay, cor. Union. ' ' NICE, furnished S and 4 room house keeping suites .at $44 H Killings worth ave.: low rent. - Phone Wood- lawn su. j-ie7. BUSHMARK HOTEL, 665 Mt' Washing ton; Modern 2 room furnished apts. Free gas, private bath. Walking dis tance, .rteasonaoie rate. $1 to $3.6J week, furnished L kT fiAtTiA Bra - f ia fxskB- ' 1lxii rtsfa-ar Ksft a iivxiq aOPt.: v rw J , &ro fcj t-s.8A tOHf tl 1 AND 2 room H. K. 'suites, $8 to $18 . month; steam heat. 245 . N. 17th corner Aiarsnau. Marshall 4948. Housekeeping rooms, $a.&o week. - Good place for children, also base ment rooms. 272 Montgomery. OLIVE; 494 MORRISON ST. - Housekeeping rooms and single rooms, $2 per week and up. ; SINGLE, doable housekeeping rooms: light,- phone, bath, laundry. 71 East 11th st. north. , .-!- IN 1RVINGTON 3 or 4 H. X rooms furnished or unfurnished, gas and electricity. East -4808. " ----- NICELY furnished room $8 per month, Hawthorne district. Tabor 8210. UKi'liKN, 2-3 room H. K.. Suites, pp. city harll. 805H Jefferson. Red, rent. OILMAN hotel. 1st ana Alder. Fur nished H. K rm cheep. $1.60 wk. up. Cambridge bldg furnished H. K. rooma, central, cheap. 165 3d. cor Morn. GEM APTS.. 1, 2, 3 room suites, free bath, phone: $t wk. up. 401 1st st, 11. K. ROOMS, bath, light, best in city, $J.6Q to $3.00. 230 Russell st. . 73 FRIVATB rAMIiT sssssSsss 4 BRIGHT cheerful furnished or un furnished H- K. rooms. 2d floor, porches, nice lawn, corner: also 6 large well furnished ? rooms, first floor, 8 ii replaces, line location, orttr see Nice lawn, flowers. 234 E. 20th, I ing Dear 7.00 MONTH and up, well furnished light airy, front, H. K. rooms with heat, bath, linen, gas for cooking, elec tricity, choice t location, easy walking, llsit ' -XX crnr Park, Mala PRIVATE entrance, S connecting rooms, furnished housekeeping, $11 month; cooking gas, lights, water, phone, bath, sewing machine parlor, wardrooe in cluded. 731 Rodney near ; Fremont, wuuajms or union ave cars. HO USEKEEPING rooms, nice place for . girls, nice yard, flowers, porches, everything olean and up-to-date. 839 , Everett st. Phone East 4766. - - - lAitUE front room, exceedingly pleas. ant, nouseaeeping or not. mo. ornoLiO. Apso attio room. 4, me location, tev Main, 2 ROOM furnished apts., practically private bath, large lawn, lots roses; walking distance; rent ,$12 per ma".. 4t jciAat' sxrt hi, iMortirt. 6 FURNISHED H. K. rooms with 2 beds, water and wood shed, no chil dren, block from Hawthorne car, ai E. 49th st city. ) . ' r . .: r . 1 ' TWO furnished housekeepinir rlooms with duo-divan bed, ! Z clothes 'clos ets, sink, bath, lights, furnace heat. id n. zvn is. rnone m,- i tv N. 285 10TH, 2 pice front H. K. rooms; also single sleeping rooms, heat, bath and, phone Included, very reason- KUlf VERY nicely furnished, modern, large front housekeeping room, with kitch enette and everything furnished, rea- Bonamq, aioiugoiiiery nt, LIGHT, airy basement, furnished housekeeping room, sleeping tent op tional, elctricity, hath, phone. $1.60 week. 123 N. zsd St. LARGE, clean and newly papered two room suites, furnished complete for housekeeping, $8 and $10 per - month. 9Si Ttiurman st., near sotn.- ; . ONE nicely furnislied housekeeping - room. Free gas, phone; suitable fnr a. nent very reasonauie, - i jci BEAUTIFULLY furnished houaek eep- lug suite, heat. - light, phone bath. Reasonable. Main 4839. Flanders Bt. - . . - : ana 700 3 OR 4 furnished housekeeping ... 1 U .t,n 1. . V. ,. n ll.hl ooms water and bath free. Close to La park, 81 E. 35th. cor. Sta r k umhurst ATTRACTIVE 3 room suite, nicely furnished, light, heat, close 1h any one seeking a cozy home would be sat isfied here. Kast 6046. TWO furnished housekeeping and sleeping porch. 914 East hill. Tabor 8193. rndnn Yam. FRONT H. K. rooms, clean audi corn very . fortable, lixht, heat end phone reasonable. 607 Clay at. . LARtlE. nicelv furnished, clean II. K rooms reasonable. 939 Bfimont. la bor 632 DESIRABLE housekeeping mortis, to couple, close in. 655 Yamnm. Main 4415. NICELY furnished, bay window. H. K. room,' reasonable, -close-in. S21 west rark. 1 LARGE front housekeeDlna room with kitchenette. Rent reasonable. Bath and phone free. 344 4th st, ROOM in large apartment house, easy walking distance, $9 including lights and cooking gas. i7 I7tn, near Tamniu $8 MONTH. 4 furnished, housekeeping rooms, steel range, gas plate, ozo Broadway drive, Fhone Main 45Z9 RO YCREST, 175 12th Large, airy. first floor suites, complete, I'ouse keeping. - $350: 11 ROOMS, H. K., all full; clears . $30; 2 rooms for yourself. Main 3220. THREE light, clean H. K. rooms, 89 month. Block from -car. Call 749 Mississippi. 861 TAYLOR Suites and single- H. K. rooms, free light, phone, bath, laundry; - :,"- -'-. ; NICELY furnished IL K. room. - 614 4th st., west side, .$2 a week and up. Phone Main 4964. - : - - :; THREE neatly furnislied houaekeepins ' rooms, modern - convenience!.. - 407 Columbia st. IL K. ROOMS, nicely furnished, beau tiful grounds, $2. $2.50, $3 per week. 8H n. itn. iwarsnan ions. 2 H. K. rmn.. with alcdve. large sleep ing and private porc.h, sleeping rins. g Mks. waan. 714 mverett, cor, zza. PLEASANT, clean ! batching room, $2- wk. Nice place, quiet, closs in. 293 10th st. - - : - HOtJSEKEEPING rooms 2 or 2 room suites, large t outside rooms, 614 uusan st. . Aiarsnan i tv NICELY furnished' housekeeping rooms, $z per week. 241 btn st cor. -vi a in. FINELY and ' icoinplete'.y fusnlslied modern IL K, rooms, $10 per month. 332 Harrison, $1.60 PER WEEK Nicely furnished room, clean, quiet and pleasant, walk in jr d ! a ta icv 44 E. 7th st. BASEMENT tU K. rooms, $1.60 per week. 189 Park mt. BASEMENT II. I K. rooms for laboring men, 85 montn. 382 Marrtwon. 2 LARGE light H. K. rooms, $10 month. ftf PnlltmlilA :t r ' NICELY furnished sleeping anJ house . . . n . . r r . i. r. n . : keeping ;roomif, v aa ND 2 very! large modern H. Tc oms. $10 and $15." 49 Main ., FRONT ' housekeeping rooms, light. gas, bath, i mot az4 jacKson. i, tos LIGHT, front housekeeping suite. 1208 13th st, HOUSEKEEPING rooms. $6 per month. '656 6th st. ! H. K. ROOMS. 412 Vancouver. Two $9, I three $11, four $12.sD East 2593. CLEAN, front, first floor, heat, gas, light, bath, phone free. 429 Market, FOR RfiNT H018KS 12 DANDY 8 ROOM HOUSE. Modern, newly tinted and painted, nice lawn, furnace and fireplace. Main 4881, after Sunday. j $16 Seven room bungalow, 863. Glens ave, J. J. Qeder, Grand ave. at E. flA rTiU: mri.. n.Mft.M.T garage, gar a en. Tabor 8776. 1408 FOR RENT 7 room house, $8. 4 - rooms and lot, $10 month. .- Phone Beuwooa s. iWEST SIDE, 6 ROOM. MODERN; COTTAOB. III. Yard. 84yaught st., 23d st. car. MODERN 6 ' room bungalow, neatly ' furnished, 120. : 1286 E. Washing ton St- s . MODERN, CLOSE-IN, 8 ROOM .. CORNER COTTAGE, $1$. Tard. - 81 Fremont. Ml ssissippf car. NO 68 E.-ATH ST.. N. rooms, modern, easy walking dis tance. Kmitn-wagonqr jo titock tex $12.60 6 . ROOM cottage, corner 16th and Hawthorne ave. Inquire house in Dae. 6 ROOM modern house, just r tin ted and painted, $18. E. 6th and E. Har rlson stsi Main 370. , FOR RENT Nice 4 room bouse, 100a 135 of cultivated land, . on Oregon i:ty line, tviarsnaii B17. NEW $ room house, close to carline, $17. Call Woodiawn 204. ' $28.60 Cottage 89, Key 91. urake, ii veiling.- Main an;, FOR RENT 6 room house at 1227 T ,n . . , . . .. . 11 4 , r.U , 1 I H 1, A 1 1 T..y , van ,.n,m QVTl . $7 MONTH room cottage, west side. NEW California bungalow, modern,' tine view, jva jza st. Aitamead car; TWO houses, 6 rooms each. $8 and $10 per mo. Apply 484 waBnington, MODERN 6 room house, 236 E. 1st sL N, Inquire 883 E. 1st st. N. 2 GOOD houses, baseme-t. $10 end $15. 447 S. Broadway. MODERN 7 room house, 935 Woodr wara ave. rnone weiiwoon 1&&1 SEVEN room house, east side, lose in. rnon aiain- xs, ' f - ' . , -i s HOLSEKEETTXQ ROOMS 13 HOUSES FOR RENT. s rooms.. 411 llth at.! i .. .:o.oo S Muim. ! . n , I " . 8 rooms. 771 J, Tr 15.00 rooms.; 771 Pavlor ct. ...;i... la.r.o rooms.: St ill. . .. js- v rooms! 17$ N, 17th st! ! ! !! !) 1 ss oo k X"! ii; """e st. . ja.ou 8 rniimi ISO im.. ' 20.00 J - - . . . " w , . . , . 8 rooms,; 804 N. 4J4tn st. . . . , 7 rooms. 404 K. 12th st. H.A . . J 4.1"! 80.00 . 20.0(1 , 20.00 25.00 8 rOOmiL: CRI VV inlr.. 6 rooms,; 885 E. sth st... ... luuum,: nnaver st. .... 8 rooms.j 47 Holladay sve... - (FLATS FOR RENT . . .- 1 5.00 ... 80.00 iwiii-gj jvearney gt. .,1 ...$25.6,1 rooms.? 841 Grant Vi. . I V. .16 00 6 rooms,! 292 l2th s" ......I. .! ialoo 5 rooms,; 869 Pacific t. " . r.o.i 6 rooms. 564 F. Salmon st. C.,. 20 ' 5 rooms, 468 Hancock st, ,.., iron 6 rooms, 648 E. 7th t k ik X.I PARRSIi; WATKlNaX CO., lira ZQ St. .1 HOUSEST j ' tvr w-H-0VM ,490V ave. S. E.. Fi!kst5 sT Kte. yUrt M- 17 ,ii?i7J Joom"- modern, at 897 Com "J ar Blanden. J !B0.",7!r,K,n', 789 E. Ash st'. 17th 1 rooms, 665 Overton, st., cornrr. $35 10 rooms, 144 N. J8th st.. cor near Hayt; suitable for housekeeping rooms. I i . : a- . qJ!6 rooms, 11 N. 9th 1st., corner $35-r-a rooms, modern. a 771 lloyt Bti between 23d and 24th sts. F tiTZ f00,1"" raole". gsrage. at 4 61 $15 7 rooms, modern, ad 7007 66t(l car. ' . Ir.lP. PALMER-. -JONK3 CO., 404 Wlifox hldg. Main K9. A-2St. MEIKR A FRANK'" mK RRNTAL Tenth Floor, Temporary Annex S?"iPmim d rei:b1e list of ill va cant houses, flats, apartments and tw7ieTvicin J Clty uus service when you deslrs:- this ?oThl2trW1iU " m.nns? Ini i."it5rl .ou.w"1 willing ft5.d.idjr-Jrk times to help you in i?5U?i?i- wfuor in Portland w il R?l ltvicm PaUy vsluabia. Xrerrya.",eni?r?v?tned VtSX aTM PFrrakr'Sti ' J'ou"" at Meier ranks freo i.ui bureau. ',.'.. t ; ' :. V " ' 1 , ' (-' J "VowsUJt1,yi'lei 4 S4"u ""'a" . lows, with built In beda buffets a?fi7'ihnt?ow "j -ooitli: hlft.?. i;ilf,", rartges, water heaters, linioleum In kitchen and bath full basement with wash Uray Li and electricity, fine lawn, windows s?i yi BkT e?ed- ,e.btep " Humr? F 'uthWOC,nOTith ot b"-a oar, -near innJ!'Kii1Ia,'t;hird Cleaiaon, 7oa-3 fng""- Sunday or' even- "all f arid! Harrison sts.Hiust thor oughly! cleaned, papered kkd paintiMi inH0V?Ut;Lmdern' centrally : located f.2d i.K0tB on ","t "idi, for $20 per month; key at 409 llth st . PARRIS1L WATKIN'S 5fe CO. -106 2d st. 1 AiaIiow "tW11 7,odern ' roo tun1: ,f ,ow Paneled dining noorn, beam ceiling, built In buffet, gas "and elec. aty89f8Uoe2.t."E wk'iU11?0' tttth "-"t walks, : fruit trees, c)ilcen rac 2 lots, good garden, new, mo3 ?n 7 room houson -carline. $io. New! modern 4 rbom flat.vparUy furnished $8? Tabor OH itENT Fine up-to-dste 7 room m-n, 5 tlPm Iwn -roses, -garden, all Pln4' trWberry bed and garalet sfi1 t?"r R,ld Tuesday, 10 to 12 8a5 Halght ave. Owner J 5 co.t.tKe. to yI't- 1 . il y t urZ . nished with piano; all modern con venlencea Nice lawn and rosea. Adults and references, ato u.irr.-r.. Tabor 370. - - T """" nTr,,i?,o.w'.lJut; kuci.e.;: lt v .!? '. w". oasenieni, rent 1. fj. SHtll Anil Kfttln - rr- ..n : i x amir 9 ROOM modern house, 100x100 loL -tthd tre.and roses; block to school and carline; fine horiie for large jgMJyV Woodiawn 3.732. '9H. RENT Modern 10 room houso; 2 , bathrooms, sleeping pori:h, 2 lire 5'"'. 66 Pr month. Itiuuire 2X4 N. -4- - - 12 ROOMS, $i2j Canibe divided Into 4 apts., nesr S. Pi shops; ground 100x100. Fred W. - - J v.c i.ian K,v.f n i,nm, or t orn, tt.iotlv.- houses to rent use A Trust bldg. Be,v,c- "j"" T.tie rtV.lHNiIr7 ' r1"m '0srn liouse. 273 cheap' ."iw Wdln: NlSW'le rooui modern liouao wTth at tiTTs very close to car; low rent. 68. Oantenbeln. Inquire 666 Gantenheln. ON Portland Heights, 7 room modem t house, fireplace, furnace,! good view. P? to car' Phone K. 3781 or M. 28 RENT acre -and 4 room toui;. 6 ti l TI 106D2d st St t','1h 'J VV atkliis. 8 iiO(JC house for r..t , f. a .... . nionth. including watel, J minus' Waiters' Grocery Htorei. Myrtle Park NICE 7 room house, shrubbery, chickT n park, garden; 1 blocks from. Snil wood car; $16 per month, Sollwood :;, FIVE room, cottage with lirgo porcli es inside) Just overhauled; gar-ace space if dealred. Marsh. 4431. 6 ROOM up-to-date bungalow in firs: elass shape. $18. 884 Clinton. Sell. 6 ROOM cottage, close Ins bath, gas, electric Hahta. 471 William sve. Pnnn u" u a 4- f ti ti & ROOM iiuna.ow and rrom houHfi cheftD rent: 1 blrxilc frnio 1 -s rar. Call Kaiit 3125. 1 $16 -Nice 6 room cuiiui-u 3 uiti lit I k-'i...L'" v" ... 1 I. . :; 1 11 , .and gas stoves in, near east end of Proadwy bridge. Photic East 6116. FOR .RENT 7 room Iiouk IrirKVirTfi lrvington.! with large yard, $10 a month. Phone C-2885. i 8 ROOM modern house for rent. Call . ai si marenaii or pnone i A or Main 2474. !--'-!! a FINE 8 room house, good '.yard.- easy yr!H!&.. distance. Rent -820. liat 856, C-Z036,; -1 SUBURBAN 7 room house, all modern conveniences, garden, sortie fruit, In liny iiiiiuii. . rnune neiiwooi; 1047, TWO; 6 .and 6 room houses, walking distance, j 46S East Everett. Cheap rent, ; j - 4 N-"'. modern 6 room house, shade and fixtures, mod loca.tlon. rtieitn Mur. shall 646. . MODERN 6 room cottage, with large garden. 669 lloyt, neae 18th. st. Main 8251. .1 ATTRACTIVE 10 room house, cor. E. 6th and Pine; repapered and rcpalnt ed;lawn; rent reasonable. -I t!2. SIX room ' house, electricity, tas, bath, water paid. East 1 305. $10; FIVE rooms In a houie, electric- Ity; gas, bath. . 488 E. AriKony, iauc , o rooms, gas, Lxtin, eiec- tricity; walking diatanow. 1 K. Z245. 8 " ROOMS, bath, gas, $2. i 410 van- c-ouver ave. - 7 ROOM ho u be and garage. Union ave. and nan Karaei. rcftnt ffi. i room house. East t'.ilmon st.. ciose in, see tnisj rnone r,ai $16 Clean rooai liouse. 734 Keaiuey st.i Phone Main 4884. '1 $7, GOOD room residence 419 Web , pier at pin. Aiwni car.; SEVEN room house, $16 per inoutiu 9A1 Tfthn m at - ster at Btn. Ainerta car. 6 ROOM' house. $9, 4 room a, $8; good ini-aHA, Tnitlfr. ttAn V.t-hv ' $20. WALNUT PARK home; 7 rooms. roses- and fruit treew. Wdln. I0t8. FOR RENT -Modern room house. Woodiawn 4161. 1 xOoaUauw oa agej FOR IlL'NT IIOL S3 ' . T (Cnstlssedl 1