The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 02, 1915, Page 28, Image 28

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t ' (Continued)
2 1 60 Acre; Relinquishments
- Two ' d'aridy relinquishments " near
Vale; rich bottom land; can be irrigate
ca at lesH than S3 an acre: 8 miles
k from station;-no Improvement; ad
v joins fine' stock range; fine water.' If
you are looking for'a good place, either
of these will suit yon, Price $250 and
$300. No terms.
Vale. Malheur County. Oregon.
HOMESTEAD relinquishment of 160
acres, excellent soil, 130 acres level
valley 'land, balance rolling; house,
well, cellar, fences: on county road,
1 miles from railway . and Snake
river; cost nearly $1400: ; selling -account
sickness; price J1200. part cash,
l-alance trade: less for all cash. J. S.
Wheeler, Ataea, Or.
8,000.000 FEET, 320 ACRESf S320O.
Alsea river runs through tract, land
all tillable, $500 cash, balance to suit
purchaser, fclggest snap in timber w
ever heard kf. Fred W. German Co.,
914 Chamber of Commerce.
section, red shot soil. 3.000,00")
feet fir, mijist be sold on account of
foreclosure. cheap. Owner, E. Iven,
Gilmer. -Wash.
f-Coatlaued) '
160 ACRES, 1 mile from R. R. station.
Want house . or grocery stock: 30
acres been cultivated. What have, you?
earner Jfe Kay, wuiamma. ur.
WANTED -Two stock ranches. SS0.000
and $30,000. for unincumbered prop
erties; must be good stun. Uiii ac Xju
rtir. 3iz Abington max.
6 ROOM ; modern bouse, $370. or
same house and 2 acres for acreage.
commutation distance. . U-S03, J our
sal. i - ' - '
I HAVE some fine city property free
of incumbrance - to exchange for
farms and acreage close to Portland.
W. J. Davie. 505 Corbett bldg.
WANTED Two or 3 city lots, val
ue, to S1600. . clear of incumbrance.
Will trade i fine five room bungalow.
$izuo mortgage on it. ''laoor aaaa.-
40 ACRES of good stump land, clear
or incumbrance. Trade ror Port
land property. Owner,--818 Board of
Trade. :- - --.- -
POULTRY i YARD Room" for 100
hens.' 4 room bouse, lot 50X100:
will exchange for ranch, .1866 Waslj
burne st. -
40 ACRES' best of land, 6.000,000 ft.
f'ellow fir timber; 35 miles out;
ce $3200,1 no trade. . Tabor 4757.
TRADE -2' jstory new store. 5 room
modern aipartment, lot bux&u. gooa
location. jviln. -J727. .
$1800 "WORTH of fine furniture to
exchange 'for city property or auto.
W. J. Davie, 605 Corbett bldg.
MODERN Sn-oom house, good lot. near
carline; Will sell equity cheap or
trnde for cows. Tabor 3807.
CooS BAyI lots, sroe cash., exchange
Tor substantial eou
Furrln, Maljn 9498.
y. modern home.
TEN acres i at Beaverton, Improved,
good 7 room house, barn, etc., ex
change for Portland home. 402 Roth
child Bldg.
HARDWARE stock, invoice $-1,000; I GnR'Jmchani1i
country town. Trade for acreage J o J"" cVa all.t
COon tin -ted)
WILL trade 160 acres, 40 acres cnlti-
i vatcu, an unaer lence, best wheat
-"- n urm cant rauroaa. ror- im
proved acreage near Portland. - valiMwl
2200. D. M. Hirscn, 310 Willametts
SOUTHERN Michigan for Portland or
near, io tiouu, clear, tine acres,
close, car and manufacturing city,
clear; also bouse, and two lots. -Gladstone,
pr. . - Owners, what have you?
M. A. T.. 1040 E. 23rd St. N.
HAVE an Improved 40 acre farm, close
In;- house. barn, orchard, nmninv
water1, to sell or trade for a bungalow.
Jooo. cash and terms. F-6i2.
ournal. -- . i .
FOR trades of all kinds sej me
Wheat farms, dairy farms, aceag
City DrOPerty. If vnu hav nnvthtn f-n
trade, let's match them up. Neal
Brown. 209 Panama bldg., 3d and Alder.
I HAVE a class A modern home in re-
strlcted district. Actual cash value
9500. Incumbrance $6300. Will tak
$3000 worth of clear nroDertir for mv
equitv Call owner. Sellwood 476. t '
HOUSE and lot in University Park
u'owioi iu iraue ior ; smaii grocery.
5 roomj modern bungalow. Trade fnv
acre with good house, close In. Rooms
j'fi- uuiiiyr ,r..xcnange. za ilia Stark.
near , Portland. J. S, O'Donnell,
Railway Exchange.
TRADE for clear Portland lot, 27
room rooming house. 616 Stock Ex
change bldg. ' .
GOOD equity in half acre for equal
equity In larger place. .
185. Oswego, Oregon.
Lock Box
WOULD exchange good clear city
property 'for dairy farm. . X-187,
Journal.' '
CLEAR acreage, close to station, and
cash. Trade for auto, vacant lot,
grocery or garage. A-520. Journal.
2 ACRES, city of Loon Lake. Wash.,
for Vancouver. B. C. i B-472. Journal.
se store wanted;
or Dart of
acres good land. 8 miles west of Port
land. $125 acre; good : timber on it.
A-955, Journal.'
(Con tinned)
7 ' ACRES, house and orchard, (small
mortgage). John Day, Or., and Beach
lot for close to Portland property or
automobile. Might consider wreck or
oviociuiiig x couia repair; also meaicai
ana vi orator ior gooa Koaaic
L. 7009 60th ave. S. E.-.or Tabor
io:30 to 4 Sunday.
2 lOtS. fruit snil irixa t!!7M- inn trtll
u jouns; will assume.
.House, modern. 3 lots, in Caldwell.
Idaho. . Price S20AO - Will take nartlv
improved land. Write 1210 Macrum
ave.. East St. Johns. Or.
45 ACRES, bottom,' on macadam road.
ri fmn hMiaA Kon aH,-..!
church; sandy ,am; stocked: . near
Villamina. ; $1600 cash and $2000
trade; long time on balance; spring
water. Address Barber & Ray. Wll-
lamma. Or.
20 acres 1U miloa K Tt ' tn-arrt r-
lumbla county, near Pacific highway;
good Jersey cows, team . and other
equipment, A bargain at $3300; trade
equity of $2500 for clear house.
n.-r. f KMMa'l Kti. 3U Abington bldg.
t a r r 1 3 . . - .
$100 CASH, clear Portland lot and
$1000 seller's contract to exchange
for residence. Will assume to $800 or
add additional cash for unincumbered
place. Tabor 4323.
9 ROOM house. 75x100 grounds; close'
10 car; iruit. ana roses; $6000, mort
gage $1600. Equity for improved farm
close in. N-429. Journal. 1
160 ACRE" stock, farm, price $1550.
Take auto or lot to $500. little cash.
Barber & Ray. Willamina, Or. i
20 ACRES of fine soil for clear Laurel
hurst or Irvington lot. B-458. Journal.
CLEAR Portland- property wanted for
"following: 160 acres wheat land.
Walla Walla Co., Wash.- 40 acres irrt-
gaiea iana umatiiia Co., or.; 40 acres
wen improvea. Willamette valley.
-y A. K. HILL. 419 Henry-bldg.
' Newport for Portland
8 room lioustj and 4 lots in Newport
to trade for house and not less than
& ,SLcre- ' n carline, near Portland.
N-42S, Journal.
190- ACRES wheat land, all been
farmed, suroundins lands held from
$16 to $25 per acre. Owner must have
ine casn. ana wui sacnzice ror iuvu.
Improved Alberta farm, $12,000. Con
sider any good property.
640 acres unimproved wheat land,
Klickitat Co., .Wah. Sell on one-half
crop- payment. Make the land pay for
Itself. 1620 acre Improved farm 800
in wheat, fine well, fair buildings,
price $45. Consider : Valley or town
property to $35,000.. ' .
: 2640 acre wheat farmr. 9 00 In grain,
Vt goes to owner.' elegant buildings,
fine well, large fine farming outfit
Price $30 per acre. Consider good
valley farm to $50,000; bal. to suit.
Beautifully improved farm, close to
valley town, consider clear ' Portland
property to $10,000: bal. long time,
6 per cent. Price $17,500.
L. K. Moore
' 317 Board of Trade Bldg
(Contlnaad) -
LOS ANGELES, 54 acres, with mod
ern 6 f room house, - outbuildings,
bearing orchard. 5c car fare; cost
$9000; price now $6750: willtake house
in Portland part payment'; terms- on
rest. R-108, Journal.
A GOOD, well-imp-roved-farm in val
ley to exchange for timber lands.
Also 800, acre wheat farm. L. R.
French. 310 Oak st. , . ,
Rooming Houses Business i OpporfcuiraMes
. A Diversified List of Business Opportunities Is Continually Offered in These Columns
Quiclf Trade Desired
Down ton; 30' rooms nicely fur
nished, steam heat rooming house, part
housekeepinjg; want land; worth $1000;
hurry; full f legitimate roomers; mak-
xiibc' ixwu:jr. UUUUaiU-". w-
bldg. I
Et Least
l'OR SALE Lease and furniture -or
new modern 50 room hotel; iurnw,n-
Ing best of jits kind; located in center
01 cils aiciivities; wen esutousucu
transient trade; rine money maner.
Worth $14,000. Price $5000 cash. Will
trade. liy owner. Eastern t..itinesi
matters- matke quick sale imperative.
A-xa?, journal.
High Class Apt, House
81 rooms, ! strictly modern, automatic
elevator, eLgantly furnished, cheap
-rent, easilyi kept full,- furniture cos
$7500. Priie- $2000; little cash, bal
ance terms J or trade. Goddard Bros.,
602 Couch hldg. I -
25 Rooms, White Temple
District Modern. Very well fur
nished. Rent $3. Price $1500; will
trade for you have. Owner can't
look -after it. Goddard, 502 Couch
lidg. .
Here's . Rare Bargain Trade
30 roorris.l modern, well furnished
family boardftigi house hotel; White
Temple district, clear of debt; $1500;
trade for' house or land. Goddard
Bros., 502 Cwuchbldg.- Sure winner.
Bargain Hunters
. 52 room iroomtngl house, heart ,ol
city, rent Jl'OQ; steam heat, hot and
t-old water, silk floss mattresses, clean
as a pin. all for $750. : Peters, 15 N.
5th st. . i .
nmrnk .dept.
145-147 SECOND ST., ,
Monday, Tuesday,
' I am a Bachelor
. . .. i.
ina can t iook acter my 40 room
apartment house and will exchange it
jut equity nouse ana lot, racrm or land
worth $1600. See my agents at 602
pouchy Diag t
l-OR 3sALE4 Lease and furniture fam
ily hotel, modern, closreln, west side
proposition, nicely furnished, a paying
proposition, can show good reasons for
seuing; rooBrts an run; dining room in
iviiirei'iicn. 1 vviu sacruice ior cash, v
850. Journal '
20 ROOMS, t Portland's best and most
exclusive looardlng housed beautiful
ly furnished. magnificent? grounds;
right., in town; absolutely guaranteed
iu tiear iifv per monw; price $2500
iraue ior eity property. Yates. 249
60 ROOM, house, stilctily modern, more
ransient itrtade. clears $150 a monrh
p.uu.j.1 payment nown, balance monthly
Inquire 618 (Yeon bide. -
WHAT have you to trade for 20 room
. itjpa.ri.nienn nouse? Modern, hot wa
lK .heS., 5 bath rooms, close in, aTi
full.. Pricel $2000. B. KeKer. 618
H1M.VM1 1 fil . I i."
14 Rooms, $325, Snap
lent fcS U1.,!!
Goddard, 502
Good furiniture.
ciean. Easy terms,
voucn bldg.
v .iis, mostly Hu K rooms, low
rent, for haf Its value or trade for
.mortgage iOi lot. OwnieV. V-863. Jour-
OT, Jease' on account of ill health!
a 27 furnished room working man's
M s401r iocauo; cheap rent
FINE littlel rooming house on Taylor
st. cornei trent $30; ifumace heat:
wen jrurnishedj always full;
trade for lojt. Yates. 1249 4th st.
SALE -or trade, for land, modern 40
oue' "eart o? eityj great sac
a.'-i gooa reasons If or selling. A-
ROOailNQ house, 24 rooms" furnished
centrally located, Astoria. Or. D. H
,ia rooms t,
crs fme location; little mowy will
handle thlsJ B-689. call 618 Yeon bid".
1 l1 SAI-Kr--Lease and furniture of
uae; "v. suites. Reason
sickness. sacrifice. Main 2664.
Vvii..Kfci-a Pecialty. of rooming
wss- .e rent, sell or trade. 20 1
btock Exchange. - 4VI
Ah7ZYJJ:a . boarding
mx . ' j ry Vs, UItlrlci, part casn
run u jut. rnone A-iOiil
FOR SALE Good rooming . bouse S
. r00"". centrally located, $300-takes
It Phone T:abor 2210.: e3
SiOOMING I house f or sale, modern
paying.snnp. J-737. Journal.
SALE orl trade, furniture of 60 rooms
no jcoTryrHssion. 372 Hawthorne av
WANT Rooming house; have land to
trade. 51 Stock Exert bldr. .
.IN VEST a Ultle: save rent: part down'
; easy term.4. Main 1634. , '
UvelF,vijy Did a busil
jicoo vi iy uw,ovu last year and
made good money, and is the head
quarters for confectionery, ice cream
and candles In the town, it's your
opporturutyj 618 Yeon bldg. .
PARTNER Jj who wants to get in on
. ground floor with an elderly, ex
perienced man. Here Is her or his op-
down. Incltfrse stamp for a repljv 313
'uv iiauau.
CON KECTIONERV, with poolroom in
connectir. everything up . to date
old established business, making $200
to $400-a months owner going to Fris--o.
See thlM at' once. X-184. Journal
CASH GROCERY and confectionery
for one- week. - Invoice about i'lonn -
oen . . . .
sales average $22.60 per day.
Journal, s 1 . . -
MANUFACTURING partner wanted
to tend office, also do some outside
work;pay you $100 month, salary, be-
i,8,?11111"0 tot,th profits. Call Room
S29. Morganj bldg.
ihe enure stock, invoicing-
near is o oe sold to the
nignest Didder for cash as a
whole, sealed bids with 10 per
- cent' check accompanied, at- 12
o"clock (noon), Thursday, May
6 I reserve the right to reject
one or all bids.
Store will be open for inspec
tion of stock Wednesday after
1 " . (Con tinned 1
Is no cafeteria in Oregon City. One
of the best fields for one in the north
west exists there. This can easily
be converted into a 1 money coining
cafeteria. Restaurant and rooming
house, fully equipped, restaurant. In
cluding counters, cash register, safe,
electric fixtures, stock of cigars, awn
ing, will seat and servo 80 people. 24
rooms, furnished with i beds, mattress
es, springs, dressers, washstands and
uowis. an Deaaing; Kitchen complete
Situated in the best location in the
city on Main st.
Diilman & Howland !
Cor. 8th and Main i sts
' j Oregon.
. CContlnnefll
' Bv
M'KENZIE & CO.. 615 Gerllngerbldg.
280 acres. 4 Vi miles from Dorris.
Cal.. suitable for potatoes, alfalfa or
grain. 60 ; acres in cultivation, fair
buildings', i for Willamette valley farm;
price $25 per acre.
160 acres near- Halsev. Or., about 100
in cultivation, crop in. good house and
barns; price $95 per acre including all
personal property; for city property.
' M ntlrn H room hniiHA. lot 71,-rlOA in
Villamettie blvd.; price $6000. clear of
incumbrance, . for close in improved
acreage, i ; ' I , .-
Good i 7 : room house and 2 acres 1
mile from Stanley station on Esta
cada line; price $3500. mortgage $1000:
exchange for vacant lota - or. small
house. - -
5 acres at Clackamas. Or., modern 9
room house, barn and other outbuild
ings; price $6000. mortgage $2000. for
20 to 30 acres in the valley.
v 52 Acres, 8 Miles Out
! Trade for Home
This is decidedly one of the
' Tery finest farms near Port
land, There are 62 acres,
about 48 -acres in high state
cultivation, balance nice tim
ber with fine spring: piped to
house and barn. Buildings are
first class and could not be
duplicated for less than $5000.
Fine 8 room house, barn 60x
100, concrete potato cellar,
. fine granary, machine shed,
hog house, chicken houses, etc
The price with full equipment
. of stock and farm implements
is only $15,000. Will take nice
home as first payment. Time
on : balance Remember, there
is no better farm in Oregon
'than this and that it is just
8 miles from the city limits of
Hargrove & Sons
122 N. -6th t..
Main 4881.
: ' (Continued) '
y,n m inn
Three modern houses In Spokane and
Cheney, worth $14,000. Clear, Want
W. Oregon farm.
160 acres, worth $20,000; store and
residence, worth $5000. Net income
$1700. Want meat market, ice plant
Three fine residences, also fine bus!
ness lot with cottage. Income $112.-
otai mortgage $4ooo. -; Cash value
fii,iuii, want improvea xarm.
- Nicely Improved 10 acres on Colum
bia river. Price $60001' Want alfalfa
Four very fine flats. Income from
?. t,Hl"i.f owner lives in 4th flat.
j-rice ii,vvw. . wants small valley
near - Gllsan.
, A-7259.
Oregon City, 1
THE opportunity for live men to es
tablish themselves in a most profit
able, permanent and high class busi
ness that is offered byi our new pror
cess of supplying gas for individual
use is so' exceptional that any orfe
seeking a business opportunity wilf do
well to investigate it. Universal Util
ities Co. Branch, 100 West Park St.,
Portland. ' T
OPPORTUNITY, Good steady positions
are mighty scarce. We are offering
a chance, if you come now. to secure
just thia advantage. "A small well se
cured investment will soon put vou
right. Do it now. 418 Lumber Ei
change bldg.
AN able man to take charge of the
sale Of securities of an established
local manuiacturing company. Op
portunity for high-class promoter to
clear $30,000 in next six months. Must
oe aDie to nnance selr. state experi-
cutjo aim references ruiiy. XJ-iza, Jour
Cigar Stand
on best transient street in city. Cheap
rent, clears $5 daily: stock and fix
tures win invoice $1100. Price for all
memoes $t,u cash on lease.
PETERS, 15 N. 6th St.
Wanted Ideas
W rl t fOP liRf fif tnvonlAm., wmm.
by manufacturers and prlises offered
for inventions. Our four books sent
xJvr.xVf41?.1118 secured or fee returned.
. J. nvAixtt & CO., 69 Ninth,
wo!l"5lVU, JL. j.
Owners, Notice
Clear citv lot
change for small grocery or confec-
du coucn Didg.
Jtiuiijcrt. eggs, .etc. Will sell this
casn store cheap and before you in
vest $1 We Will Show VOU- that vrui
can clear over $150 month. Call Room
og. in organ DiQg
At a splendid residence district, res-
vcU,a.ML im xura iraae, cneap rent:
cs v 1Ut e,inon?r to handle. Inquire
wap ryjii mug. - Kj lull.
uuiNtiajTiONERY, cigars and ice
cream. If you want something good
i"t"s line can ana get particulars.
I have stores that are paying and for
'ien- io fanama Diag.
PARTNER wanted for a solid grocery,
Will Dav I2S weolr cnlarv
share of profits. Call Room 329, Mor-
SPLENDID little restaurant for $225;
n iua.te gooa uving. Room
sv. Morgan mag.
SMALL cash grocery, good littl hual.
neSS With 4 Hvinir rnnmc
luiiuoireu, , mil invoice ror quick
otuu. uucir ounaava wooa nwn 1773
HAVE clear land and some cash-for
svyerjr or oiner gooa Duslness up
to $5a00. i ICAllei- A- Doo 1 ..,,. via
uniucr mcnange Diag. fortland. Or.
Some cash. See IT W Rtnnt Kint
Investment Co.. 723 Chamber of vCom-
RACKET store for sale. 6144 Foster
road. Wishing to leave town ri?hf
awav. will sell at ' big discount. Call
ouiiaay ir mornings. East 6114
FOR SALE Restaurant in good lo-
v.a.vuu. uwu reasons ror selling.
Cheap if taken at nnea ttit Tn.-
nal., .
GOOD suburban bakery shop for sale
cneap or rent. 20 minutes' ride
Journal , ' a Phing. X-827,
iitiAK. stand, for rent, in large
..reui. uuiu luouy, near entrance,
mmanding outside view; nothing to
buy; low rent.
MAN wanted to handle Rose Carnival
novelty- j$ 75 required. Apply Sun
day. 2 to 5il 142 Hd st.. room
A NUMBER of small stores for sain
i uauc nuunm iVl-2, JjUmDer Ew
change, 2d 'and Stark.
I WILL buy a stock, of groceries for
Journal? a, discount. Address TX-815,
1F. YOU are looking for a paying con
fectioneiy and have 12800 cash, in
vestigate this. RX-SSsTjournaJ
' O K . T L A N D ' S. LEADINO ats?
ourruY HOUSK 64-66 MOADWiv
cle. Y-410 Journal"'":;''
VSt12:lti0' JtlsMt. aa business for
sale, less than invoice, reasonable
terms; have other .business. Tabor Q
Store Bargain, $375 i
Confection erv. -Cigars. nfriodir'nl)i
ovuit. xuuiiia.ui, eic., rent i&;: can have
-j ruums overneaa lr desired lor $7.50
month; large stock; well equipped;
snap for $376. Goddard Bros., 60
V-JUtll UlQg.
oui or zo; iso, you
cant, but we can show you the place
and equipment in a dandy valley town;
a snap at the price of $850 cash and a
golden opportunity for a hustler. See
Mr- Jaerl at Associated Investment
u., 9io x eon oiag. -
Hotel in
For sale or Irsrls . tr -n k..-
home tniPortland worth $2500 you can
get in the hotel business at once, and
its a money maker. Neal Brown. 209
omy. v;aii xoaay sell. 2252
A STOCK of groceries, invoice aljout
oSi00w: ,flxti"es and delivery outfit;
wv, uttianuB reniea. . juiving rooms
upstairs: postoffice in store more than
vya icui, wmcn is zs per month. A
""o luiLiiuu. ii roues trom city,
Terms cash. J-736. Journal. i
towell, little grocery, confectionery
urn iut trauii parior, neat iixtures and
u uving rooms. wouia traae for a
good IVi ton auto truek. Th
GROCERY store building, clean, stock
vi. giutenes, gooa zixtures, line lo
cation. Cash buaindsa rtr H,lino.,r
building, stock and fixtures, all for
$1250. No trade. Phone Tabor 647.
'e ml scott car to Clark Bta,
BEST picture show on the east side,
large vaudevillA ta' .nrtsin, cm.
chairs, everything, complete. Will
trade or sell; fine opportunity for the
right man. Owner, 95 . 27th st. S.
Phone B-1883. '
ON account of sickness I want t3
sell my grocery, conf. and cigar
store; building lot and good fixtures!
clean stock. Cash trade, $2000 cash;
bal. time. Phone Tabor 661. Call
after 1 n. m. . f ' f
GOOD salesman or office man want-
ed; must be able to invest some
money: a good nrnnaKltinn tnr tha
right maji. Q-4817 Journal, i - ' ;
the manufacturing business; want
man with: $1000 to take half interest
1? mv printing plant and manage same;
f- "ot uwui uai,
Guarantees to rUin'ii .
just the kind of business you want;
Call at 618 Yeon Mil? fnr r,arHr.i,iar,
c 983. r
SMALL grocery, east side,?cheap rent,
good location. Owner csillort out n-t
city. Will consider some trade. W4
odd. Journal. t
$1500 CASH Stock of groceries and
Iixtures with2 storv buildine- nd s
room modern, apartment. Lot 60x50
Balance $1600, easy. Wdln. 2727. I
WANTED To sell V. interest in
Sales aeescv - wit n nnvfni, rnvoltvi
large returns guaranteed. Phone
Main 2612. i i
FOR SALE; Established electric fix
ture wiring business; will trade foil
house, half u Interest or all. S-634
Journal .'-- i f -T
SAVE $50. Buy of ownerj Dellcates
sen. Good cash business, -i Centrally
located on West -side.- Price $450. Tf
on, J uuruai. f
,wiuuiii XA.A11UXi, .
28 rooms, near mill, $350.
Millinery store, fine business, $450.
Mfg business needs partner; $250,).
Confectionery, grocery, ice cream,
$600, easy terms.-'
Grocery doing fine business, $3000.
P.oolhall. 7 tables, terms, $1200.
Grocery, fine place. $2500. ;
Fuel business, making money. $2600.
. Machine shop, invoice $10,000.
. Small casb business, $350.
Poolhall aoing $15 daily. $1750.
Apartment house to TRADE, $4501.
j Improved dairy ranch to TRADE,
! Pool table, sell or trade, $75.
Mfg. business reeds partner; $2000.
Confectionery, light grocery, fine
place, $500.$150 cash.
Grocery store, about $1500. sell in-
ini;e, .
Rooming house. 26 rooms. TRADE.
Ice cream, fruit stand in waiting
.uuiii, csiiitp. jouu, terms. ,
- Grocery, confectionery. $750.
-Barber stion. 2 chairs, rent S10 tISft
6c, 10c, 15c store and furniture store.
TRADE or SELL about $300,).
Grocenr, confectionery bakery shop,
living rooiris. snap at $850.
xioommg nouse, iz rooms, $850.
Barber shop, furnished rooms. $575.
Grocery, new stock, 5 living rooms.
umy iore in aistrict, Ji&o.
Magnificent halliard parlor, 18 tables,
costing $7700, only used short while,
place makes $300 clear monthly now,
good lease. $4500.
Go into business for yourself; we
win start you ror ?t.
We have several things tor trade
ranches, rooming houses, automobiles.
Let ua match you.
Good suburban house, .$6500, terms.
; Another suburban house. $4500.
- 200 acres land, 14,000.000 ft, 1,000,-
000 stumpage, mill capacity 10,000 ft
daily, planer, edger, 2 donkey engine's,
machinery cost $5500. House, barn,
store, on leased ground, right-of-way
to water. Can sell entire output local
ly, but can also ship by schooner. Rail
way survey "through property. Price for
everything $7500, $4500 cash, bal. on
time. Investigate this.
We have several other ' propositions
too numerous to mention. -
Several good chances for men to do
office work requiring investments of
from $250 to $1000; all money secured.
1 Mr. Business Man, list your, business
With us for quick results.
: 519 Lumber Exchange. "
FOR EXCHANGE 160 acres
of fine alfalfa land 'near state
highway, good town, school,
main line 6. P. R. R., in Sac
ramento valley. Will accept
clear property up to $8500 and
$2500 in cash as first payment,
balance 1 to 2, 3 to 4 years at
6 per cent Price $16,000. (V)
Dorr E. Keasey & Co.
2d floor Chamber of Commerce.
, , - wvvu, wntwuvv CU0
tura and somn tlmhr flart. r'r Un
best of soil; set fair farm buildings.
Mtg. $3000. Want couple small cot
tages for equity, or will take good
! ?0Cacres, near Goble, all tillable, 12
cultivated, set buildings, stock, etc., for
good house and lot
i 16 acres, Cornell road, 8 miles out
partly jeleared, best of soil, good nelgh-
winyou, ior nouse. ana lot.
One of my clients is looking for lust
me una ioi property you own. Oive
lull particulars of same and get free
list of choice properties from $10,0uo
W-AV W 1U1 CAVllUIIKe, -
f OTIS C. KKl'.K"
801-302 Railway Exchange bldg.
170 ACRES near Dallas with 100 acres
rich bottoms, under cultivation. So
acres rich hill land, balance in timber.
Hog tight fences; good buildings; fine
orchard; livestock and implements. All
crops in; macadam road; good value
at $22,000. Want Portland or vicinity.
(Also can add 20 acres adjoining Dal
las, all in cultivation And naif in fine
orchard, $6600. i '' '
80 acres unimproved, 4 milts from
Dallas. $3500.
167 acres near Florence, partly Im
proved, $4600. .
1 180 acres, about half in cultlvaHon,
fine location in German settlement.
Mere is $50,000 or excellent property
53 acres, 12 acres improvedV-set old j which I will trade for i good income
80 "ACRES, close in. truck land, also
city home, total $46,000. mortgage
$4300, for. stock and dairy farm.
8 acres.' with new 7 room house. 50
bearing apple, 200 young prune and
peach trees. 6 acres in cultivation, bal
ance beaverdam pasture, for middle
west farm. i
$115,000 5 story brick hotel, net In
come last month $1400; also' 7 brick
storerooms $30,000. for Portland! in
come or valley. Hunt 822 Northwest
ern Hank bldg. i
buildings; near Molalla. Will exchange
for house and lot.
Two : story flat building', near Union
ave., very small incumbrance. Will
exchange for good acreage.
80 acres, Clackamas county, fir and
cedar timber, clear, for house and lot
or clear lots.
: Chittenden. & Neill
' . 310 Oak Street.
$700.00 FOR $175.00;
i Bakery outfit snap for sale; no junk
Including a! Hubbert brick tile, double
decker oven, which holds 210 loaves of
bread, and everything else tuat is need
ed for a bakery. . All nearly new. Only
$175.00 cash, or $200.00 terms. Ad
dress A. Meyer. P. O. Box 21. r'nmna
Washington. - .
CALL owner. East 4529, for a first
class modern 40 room hotel, lobby
and restaurant on ground floor. Part
iraae. Also s lots at lireno tiplzhtk
for $250. Harf cash, half trade, for 30
acres or townsite property near Ta-
coma, wasn.
FOR SALE or trade. 160. 200 or 220
acres, watered "by stream and well,
good soil, slightly roiling, part level,
acre young family orchard, cleared
land in oats and garden, fair bouse,
some outbuildings, on mall route. 20
minutes' walk to station. 35 miles
Portland; terms and price right Phone
or call G. F. Blocker, Imperial hotel on
3rd. 4th or 6th of May or address
Goble. Or. ,
BLACKSMITHS, take notice 2i acres
in small town in Marlon county, in
rich farming community; 10 room plas
tered house, also 2 room house, black
smith shap, full set of tools, plenty
of work,30 bearing fruit trees, ilots
small fruit $3000 for all. small pay
ment down; , might take soma trade.
Neal Brown. 209 Panama; bldg. j -
I $16,000.
Located 5 miles from railroad town
and mile from store, school, ehurch,
etc. on good crravel road : li acres
'cleared: and in crop, balance land in
umoerea pasture, million feet or more
merchantable timber, good 7 room farm
house, 2 other fair houses on place,
large barn with hay fork and Carrier,
fine spring with ram furnishing hy
drant water to all buildings, z fine
fetreams furnishing 1 mile of trout
fishing and sufficient water - to run
logs. Price, including 35 head cattle,
including registered Durham bull, 6
bead ! horses, 3 or 4 pigs, chickens,
ducks, 1 geese, guineas, turkeys, etc.,
cream separator, wagons, harness, all
iarmt macninery and tools. Terms,
casn, . balance 6, or will consider
good, clear income property for part
404 Washington st., Vancouver, Wash,
property anywhere, -but: prefer Port
land. .Would like at least one good 6
muni roriiana nouse.
- N-432, Journal. -
For Exchange
ev acres, o acres upland, 10 acres
creek bottom land, 10 acres rough pas
ture, good soil, 16 acres in cultivation,
20 acres more very easy to clear, build
ings poor, orchard, well and spring,
large trout creek, could develop pow
er; about 1.000,000 feet of r fine fir and
cedar timber; mower, rake, plow, cul
tivator, harrow, wagon, , hay , rack,
everything to .go to work with except
team; only 6Vs miles from a good town.
Price $4000, and will take $2000 in
trade, $500 cash, balance long time.
' E. F. Gilbert
101 Washington St., Vancouver. Wash.
70 Acres! lor Home
Price, $5000
Here -is the best farm trade
you will have, as chance to ttt.
There are 70 1 acres , adjoining
pood little townion a. P. R. H.
in Douglas county 165 acre
south of Portland. About 24
acres In cultivation, 10 acres lu
bearing prune orchard, 10 acres
In 4 year old apples, acres in
clover, balance : timber contain
ing 2000 cords of wood. Fair
7 room house, i barn i and out
buildings. --Price $5000, Will
trade clear house in Portland to
value $4000. time on balance. The
soil is good and: the location is
splendid, being right in a good
little town Just a few -blocks
from high school. r
Hargrove I & Scfns
,,122 N 6th at, near Glisun.
Main 4381. .. j j A-725
'".' ' ; ' '
Sunnyside Snap
Nice Home
We are offerfmg a nice homo
In Sunnyside thin week at Junt
what the building alone is
worth and Willi throw in tho
nice corner lot. 60100. Thin
i'n Property is jloc-a ted at 1122
E. Yamhill, corner 3th. Look
over the outside and if inter
ested see us 'before; disturb
ing the renter. Kenuinlwr
there is full corner bit, 60x100,
and splendid 6 room houwe
rented for $20 pier month. The
prtce is only j $28uo. Heat
home bargain you have seen.
122 N filh 11) Vinor nil en n
Mafn 4381, , i A-7259.
&, Sons
SPLENDID CHANCE -Trade your citv
property. 325 acres 5 miles graveled
road Brownsville; 70 acres cultivated
and in! crop, 50 more ready to plow,
bal. fine second growth timber, fenced,
cross fenced, springs and creek. 6 room
house, 3 barns, other buildings, good
orchard, R. F. D. and telephone; thresh
ing machine, Horse powers, wosd saw,
mower.i rake, wagon, 2 ridtng plows, 2
harrows, and small tools, j $18,000,
$14,000; trade, balance terms.
! 20 acres near Walla Walla, irrigated
alfalfa! land, 6 acres bearhig peacheo.
l acre grapes. Price $6000; want city
home, i -
I Want-a house for my. 8 acres on
FOR SALE or trade. 10 acres in Hood ! galem Electric; all in crop, acre logan-
Kiver, improved land, 1A acres in "erriesj acre sirawoernes ana orcnara
bearing orchard, 2 in alfalfs; prefer
aixana or nog rancn or Canada land.
R. E. Creson, Hood River, Or.. R. f
D. 2. - j
I HAVE 10 acres improved to trade
for small automobile or poultry.
Address John Young. R. F. D. 2. Van
couver. Wash. j
WHAT kind of land have you to trade
for 2 lots with 4 room bouse, good
barn and family orchard; 1M blocks
from high school in Hood River? Pre
fer small or no improvements. P. S.
Wilkinson. Hood River. Or.
Good set buildings, tools and chickens.
$3000. j Charles W. Carr. 219 Board of
Trade, i
! 11 ACRES.
1 20 minutes' walk from Salem Elec-
1 Farms for Trade
40 acres, well improved, closn to
Salem; Want $2800 equity in house
ana 101.; win assume up to $1700.
40 acres 1 mile of MoBier same im
provements want house equity of $2000.
Will assume $1000. s
10 acres, highly Improved, t miles
of Hermtston, for house equity of
$1500.1 Will assume up to $1000.
Several pieces unimproved land near
Portland for -trade. Goddard, 603 Couch
bldg.. j . 1 '
!j Here Is Your Chance
to get! 20 acre farm with 10 acres of
genuine beaverdam land,! only 8 miles
north iof Vancouver, Wh1i, for $4000.
Do you realize that the bridge will
increase the value of this land and
that this kind of land Is very scarce
and high in price; this place 'should
bring $7000 cash or trade; $4000, will
accept: small acreage on 10c carllne
that will make a good-chicken ranch.
Keller & -Deal, 31 f Lumber Exchange
bldg. 8 .'-. -
2700 Sere In nmtrrn Wtinlnirlni
000 in fall whi'Mt nit irn ,,,,,, 1
buildings; $15,000 fworth. stock an?
equipment, Prir 17r, ooo. ui'i
irade up to $40,000, jbalume cal ftan.i
1240 acres eastern Ort-gon, 1100 I.
ultlvation. 700 in grain, good l.uilu
"us, iiwk ana run rarmlng equipment
Price $40,000. AV'IU - connlder vallel
farm or city property as part ;:iyiin in
and carry balance am long as di ' lred. I
I 800 acres in Kherntian Co., lar-'e par!
In grain, good buildisg". l'rleo $24,00"
Take trade to $17,000, Imlance mori:
tage. . 1 . I
913 CliHnilier of l'omtnerc.
trie station, at tellers. 30 miles fromM clear city property.
Portland: 6-acres cultivated, balance
partly cleared; fine garden land, good
4; room house and outbuildings, barn,
fenced ! with wire; on county road;
young orchard: 2 acres loganberries:
A-l soil. Will trade for house and lot
f Ra
TRADE or sell, small house, 6 lots, all
kinds of fruit and berries, ohicken
houses and park; located on the Penin
sula. Would like to lease a farm and
trade for the stock and tools. B-654.
Vancouver income property for a
good improved farm in value not over
$12,000. , .
th st. Vancouver, Wash.
104 acres, fine ground half pImtciI
3 miles from, center of Vancouver- will
v.-w iui icbiuciiv. - alliance, lt
second st
ph Ackley Land Co.
204 Falling bldg.
$1000 EQUITY In lot 60x100. Price
$1500. 6 room house to exchange for
ciear 101 or acres. Address Sli l.vnn
ave.", St. Johns, Or. 'Phone .Columbia
Buyers Take Notice
We have stores of all Rfze nf
prices, every part of the city. We can
please the most critical. Goddard
cros., ou2 uoucn Diag.
PARTNER with $500 to $800 to loin
me in & clean cash business. Von
Will draw a salary; have a valuable
training at same time. Give phone
uuiuuer. journal.
you looking
? 1200 -will
for mechanical
make you inde
pendent, A.-1 proposition, write today.
X-216, Journal. '
1000 80c
Rose City Printery. 3d at Taylor,
jjuiiy eauippea: business 11500 a
month: $lt00 will handle at 618 Yeon
mag. kj Via
CIGAR and confectionery store (good
location) for sale. Owner leaving
IU W II. tfj IVilSlllJlKlUn St.
SACRIFICE blacksmith shop, going to
-w..v. 4- V&tX. JIUIUIXC
dm jenereoii.
SALE or rent moving picture theatre,
s Astoria. Or, Teems. . D. H. Welch,
1000 Business Cards $.85
Ryder -Ptw. Co.. S. W. cor. 3d Morrison
IK you want to j move tor start grocery
store in best (location on wsr siHo
FOR SALE or part trade good hptel
in Oregon City. A good bargain
If sold soon. - Th Tnva iin iih
Oregon City. I
LIVE business proposition for sale,
nOW DaVinsr S2fill r..r- mnnth n 111
bear closest investigation: requires in
vwuneni or jouv. K-416 Journal. 1
FINE confeptionery. cigar and news
stand, good transfer- point clean
StOCk. gOOd fixtliroa? rtwnor luvlnff
city: must sell. P. O. box 273; ,
FULLY equipped vulcanizing shoD.
good location. established ; trade:
owner will sacrifice ; to raise cash,
Main 7.948. '-' -
SALE Grocery store, living
rpolms; fine place for man sand wife
location, doing nice business. Call
60 'Grand ave. N.
WANTED Party -with some cash to
take interest in cord wood cuttinsr
contract. V-860. Journal. f - J
WELL equipped tin shop for sale
c h can or trada fo tt&tA (Z i k
Journal. , '
HARDWARE and grocery, invoices
$1600. Part cashj Good rent Phone
Woodlawn 3913.
$900; SNAP, cash grocery, with living
-. rooms, doing good business; .cheap
rent-, owner, a iz&st sin.
J."t1J?f STGRB FOR ARM. '" - U " "
Grocery and, feed business; did
$24,000 cash business last year; with 2
acres land, store buildingr warehouse
and residence; fine looation. Will ex
change for valley farm to $8000 or
$10.000. if x-lear. B-664. Journal.
HAVE party with small piece of acie
. age valued at $700 and $300 cash to
put into a small-paying business. See
Jordan, f Monday. . 301-2 Lumbermen
bldg.. ' t' ' i .- - ; " . , . -
I WANT - to-: buy a good grocery store,
also a nice bungalow; wilt pay some
cash and good residence lots at Ksta
cada. Or. A-96 3, Journal. - : . .
1 HAVE client with few hundred,
wants-business that will make liv
ing. JRoom81376 Yamhill. -
WANTED Soda fountain in good or
der for; cash. JX-738, Journal.
BUNGALOW Court lot Los Angeles.
mtg. i4uu; want stock western Ore
gon, $6500. cash $2000. Put in Can
ada land for larger deal. B. Monroe.
xji-ymei ton, wasn. . i
IF YOU have agood auto and want to
exchange for Portland property
write and let me know and I will tell
you what I got Walter Roswurni,
Forest Grove, Or. - i
TO EXCHANGE 6 room house l and
lot, i unincumbered, for Improved
acreage,. Phone Sellwood 1360. ! 764
East 8th st;
WE buy, sell and exchange real estate
anywhere, 10 acre tracts, easy terms;
dairy .farms to exchange. Barkhurst
& ijrown. Biiverton. or,
80 ACRES but 2600 ft from American
TT- 1 1 r J l . . T , . . .
nans, iuaiiu, xr. kjj assisiani, valua
tion $1800; want Portland property
Owner X-371, Journal.
I HAVE several farms for trade for
citys property at right prices. Soe
McDonald with J. O. Elrod, 615 Cor
bett bldg., Portland.. Or.
FOR i EXCHANGE 24 acres untm
proved land In Courtney district;
also! 2 Gregory Heights lots. Owner,
Box 364, Lents.
700 ACRES, fine Willamette valley
farm, house modern, all good im
provements; pried right; exchange for
clear income property-. Q-813. Journal.
DO YOU want this best farm in Yam
hill i county? If so see owner at
67 Union ave. If you want a farm I
will trade.
9:. ROOM modern house in Irvington;
hardwood floor in every room, mod
ern in ! every way. Price only $6500;
mortgage $3000; will take tract of tim
ber suitable for cordwood in payment;
must be. close to transportation.
House in Rose City Park to exchange
for Irvington home or for unincum
bered ilots; value $5000; mortgage
$2200; jwill assume mortgage on the
right house. If traded for floti will
rent the house for $40 per month. L
446. Journal. i
Close to Portland, on good auto road,
without Improvements. Must be priced
right and good soil. Will exchange for
same a 6 room house on E. Belmont on
lot 60x100 a? $5500, clear of :ncum-
1 160 ACRES
25 miles south of Portland: 100
acres in cultivation, balance open pas
ture; good gravel road, milk route,
mail route;, close to one of the best
towns i in the valley: trout stream on
the place: no better soil in Orion.
Will sacrifice for cash or trade for
Price $12,600.
204 Failing bldg. Cor. 3d and Wash.
- $1000 CASH ONLY,
Geta TYTV fine modarn T room R C. Tlr'
bungalow home. All in fine shape, bal. town, railroad and river; 65 miles froi
TWO clear Iiouhm it Spokane, Wasli
( Trade for valley .farm or Portlun !
.property, - ' - J . ; . i
I 320 acres Frunklln, Neb. Trade fo
farm In valley, j - . - -. .
f-102' seres close to ftcotta n)-
Trade f or . W ashlngtqn or Oregon when
280 MlnneBOta land. Trade for Port
land or valley property. : Call or writ
- - 723 Chamber of Commtae,
Portland, Or.
FOR EXCHAT.'CE--35 acres
fine level alfalfa and rice land
-In trB San Joan tl In valleynear
Pixley. price ifoOO.i Will ex
change for clear home worlh..
same value in Portland. See
owner. " (V) j .
Dorr E. Keasey & Co,
. 2d floor Chamber of Commerce.
0i ACRES, 16 acres In cultlvatiui
-about 15 acres imostlv cleared I
pasture, 9 acres green timber, m acre !
family orchard, falri buildings: count i
roan, telephone, 3fc: milea to eooi
mortgage and would consider good
auto for $500 more. This is a big bar
gain ana ii you want one ox tne rinest
in the district write me at once. B-
oaa, journal.
40 ACRES li miles from Tillamook
City valued at $1500; one full lot on
46th st, closet to Hawthorne ave.; Im
provements all in, valued at $1500: one
3 room house on cor. lot, 60x105 on
69th and Flanders, clear, valued $1200,
Will trade all for home in Portland
and assume some. R-105. Journal.
AN 80 ACRE . farm in Washington
county for exchange, 35 a. in cul
tivation, '.bal. pasture, fully eauinned
i with stock and implements, price for
an uuu: wm lane nouse snd lot or
iuiprovedf city property to $5000, bal.
long tlm at S per cent Particulars.
301-2- Lumbermens bldg.
Even trade or near.
269 Washington st.
See Mr.
20 Acres
14 miles of Hawthorne bridge. New
paving! bonds bring- paving wifcfein 3
miles. ) 17 acres under cultivation.
Want, small acreage or Portland resi
dence, j
I 617 Board of Trade.
Income property to trade for vacant
Portland property. If you have some
cash I will give you the best trad a
In town or. might take all in trade
if your property is -right This pays
better ! than 12 net. . V-845, Journal.
$6500 stock of shoes and furnishing,
in good valley town, to exchange for
small : farm, near town, about same
value.: B. S. Cook & Co., $06 Corbett
bldg. ' - '.-. - -. - -
On Loyejoy st, west -side, close In:
elegant 8 room house, bungalow stvle:
price $14,000. Will trade even for sub-t
urban acreage or improved acreage
close to Portland.
ph Ackley Land Co.
204 Failing bldg.
$8500. Trade for general mer
chandise stock or improved ranch in
Oregon or Washington. F-638, Jour
nal. 1
BY OWNER equity $2300 in 60 acr?
Portland:- row. Iinmpn. hnci. chirk i
ens, all necessary machinery and luola!
value $360): want good house and lot i
nave large list of good onts to tmd.
also something good. In- store, win
buildings, for improved farm. , N. 1
Qrihhle, 1746 E. 19thl "t. i
116 ACRES, $XO0O.
I On Sluslaw rlver.i Iane Co., Or.; 4
acres cultivated. Va lnll to school. -3'
miles to R. R. Htatlan: 1 arm oVchard--4
-room house, barn wik'I hav ehed; farn
Implements. Price) $SoO0. Will ext
change equity for anything; rnortgag
$4400. - . . .,
Ralph Ackley Land Co.
. 204 FaliijigMfly.
5 ACRES near 'ai7by. all in cultlv.-i
tlon. good building.- on trialn count
road: ii mile to sirhool: I team.
Cows. '3 heifers. 6 bnood sow's, 2 pig!j
complete set of practically new ma)
Chinery; price $12,000: trade for cit-
property to $7000; balance 6 per tenti
., zi iin sr. ;
irt i iirr v. I'vi, icini
l largest ana uest selected lint j.
eastern Washington and Oregon to se
lect from: values from $25,000 Vs
$176,000. Want income city and valle
Ranches. : t i
j - U. 8. MORTGAGE A INV, CO.,
j. ' 607 Yeor Bid.. I
MODERN 6 room bungalow and half
acre in city, valuation $3500; mort
gage -oo. ior clear oungaiow. city.
B-627.1 Journal.
Vi ROOMS, all housekeeping, close in,
, rent only $30; will take city lot: may
pav some cash: B-659. Journal.
WHAT have you to trade for modern
7 room house, 2 lots. Vancouver.
Wash. Main 7010. -
WILL trade Laurelhurst lot. value
$1800, for acreage close to Portland.
L-648. Journal.
SAi.K or exchange, farm in Lake Co.,
160 acres, for acreage near Portland.
bv owner. Jack Walsh. Marshall 4490.
IF YOU have any property for sale or
exchange it will oav vou to sea Mc-
CgPgie & Co.. 515 Gerllnger bldg.
WANTED Laurelhurst lot clear, in
exchange 21 acrm. unlnenmlwriiri.
yjan owner; evenings. Tabor 5S25.
TEN acres. all cleared , and
fenced, 35 minutes out on Ore
gon Electric, nice bungalow,
finely furnished, barn, fruit
trees, horse, cow, chickens, im
plements; equity $5600; - will
exchange same for city prop
ierty free of incumbrance. W.
J. Davie, 505 Corbett bldg,
Nice little house with half -acre.
Lawn. flowers. garden. chicken
house, cistern. Price $1800. Sell on
easy terms or exchange for house and
lot in city. Cochran. 506 Spalding
bldg. Main 8897. 1
of land. Linn county.
town; about 60 acres in crops. What
have you? Will consider a rooming
nouse. i-i-t3, journal.
near good
WILL exchange Minneapolis residence
for Portland: property. Send descrip
tion or telephone evenings. Glenn
Townsend. 4 85 East 45th north.
BEAUTIFUL modarn home on Broad
way for sale or exchange. Smaller
house Or small acreage. 966 KL Broad
way. ' ! - ' . - '
40 ACRE well located diversified farm,
fine spring, bldgs. team, harness,
implements, tools. Ex. for Portland
V- n VI, . A r, .
rfw. wwiii f awvv. nu i in;, n-.vii 'jour.
WILL trade 160 acre farm and put
in some casn ior grocery stoca or
otner pusiness. .euer utu, si
ljumoer ticnange Diag.
Trades, More Trades j
j avf ss v Tau t-j nntt w imi j .r 3 nn r
Trade it for something yon want ii;
can use. Ve can match any leguij
tnate trad. ! j I
tOxlOO, 1 HLOTJK from tar. Roan Cilv
j Park district ; building reHtrlctloriJ-,
Improvements paid; value $700; morti
gage $250; exchariK for cheaper loll
Clear. Owner, lJ-91fit Journal. 1
lear. owner, u-auit j ,JliI.i?
-lODERN rooming -j house for . aut!
truck and caah or! what have you J
lacrifice. ' Closing oiit aJfulfa b'nd ni
going ranch. Submit! off'r. 12Im
$400 equity in fine almost new playm
I piano; will take JZOO in trado !
fnotorcycle, graphophone. or clear foti
snything. Tsbor 600,
i j $4000.
Have! 40 acres first class land near
good live town, not far from Portland:
fine buildings, 20 acres bottom land
tinder plow, running water, all tool i
and machinery; will take property up
to $2500. 306 Couch bldg. 1
Invoice $9500; did $43,000 business in
1914; will take clear real estate up to
$7500, balance cash., This is a fine
business in splendid location.
913 Chamber of Commerce,
12 acres - cultivated, some pasture,
set buildings, on good road. IS mil
west" of Molalla, no Incumbrance, price
$4uuu. iexenange ror tree and clear
house equal value. . Jacob Haas, Ger
llnger bldg. . 1
WILL take airtomobile or good teain
a first payment on a highly im
proved e acres near Keeavuiej good
buildings: 306; Conch bldg. j
10 ACRES, j partly improve. 1M
miles from city - limits of Vancou
ver; exchange! for house in, city.
Chance, 142 ! Second st
LONG list farms, stock rape hes, city
properties for sale and exchange,
free. ISend two -stamps. -McCoy. tZi
Chamber of Commerce, Portland.;
IF you have any good property to trade.
we will match you. Ay res & Smith.
501 Northwest bldg. Main 7266.
10 ACRES. Oregon Electric, for city
property: give Phone. B-452. Jour
$800 EQUITY, 20 1 acres fine soil, for
ior, mortgage or what U-434. Jour
nal.- ' ! - -- --.
BERKELEY. Cal.. $1800 lot 100x100.
ior iota nere or what Kast 11 61.
160 ACHES wheat land for citv prop'
emr; giva pnone. M-4&3. journal.
CLEAR lots, acreage, for small, room
ing house. Marshall 5820.
WHEN you answer these . Want Ads,
mention l ne Journal. -
-ACRES Spokane.1 worth $1500, for
, equity in bungalow. 0-627. Journal,
WANT ! to hear from owners of Port
land. I Willamette valley cities and
country Improved: willing to trade for
Idaho farm and. ranch properties. De
scribe; fully and address Box) 234. Boise.
Idaho, i 1
140 acres in the vicinity of Eugene,
partly Improved, value $5000, to ex
change for an attractive home in Port
land. !
cut icon Bldg.
80 ACRES unimproved land near Caa
tlerock, Wash., will trade for . city
property or good equity; give f oil par
tlculars in answer. T-849.' Journal'
TRADE 100x100, 6 room house and 2
room house; assorted i fruit trees, 1
blk, to car, .for farm acreage or lots.
B-629. Journal. -
i HOUSES clear of Incumbrance to
. trade for farm near Beaverton, same
value. Price $6000. Owner. 61$ Ablng-
t on bldg.
BUSINESS property wltb stock. on
paved street and , modern bungalow,
clear, in country town; price $6500.
Wants -farm. Barber & Ray. Willa
mina. Or.
MERCANTILE store for acreage on
4 Base i Lin road, not over 12 mites
out.- Phone Woodlawn 2509. Sunday
only, i , ......
SELLER'S contract of $1300, trade for
. bouse and lot. Chance, 142 V 2nd.
6 ROOM house with bath, Sunnyside
district I price $3000, to trade for
Wlllarsette! valley farm near Portland
same Value. Owner, 518 Abington bldg
go ACRES on Oregon Electric, prico
$9000, to trade for Portland property,
same value Owner, 618 Abington bld
12- ACRES, improved, ifi nUa from
good town, value $2600; trade for
house and lot Chance, 142 Second.
40 ACRE improved farm, stock and lm-
plements fc
or citv nrniMrlv , in
Allsky bldg. ) ?
ROOMING house. 20 rooms, for lots
..r, acreage; -good reason for trade.
249 Front. '
SIX room modern house, equity $12f,0.
i to exchange for grocery, auto or lot.
What have you? B-633, Journal,
DAIRY farm, 160 acres. Call at l
si., ' aionuay or i uesaay. ioi
SUMMER home st Waldport. 14 ncrm.
i house, barn, -price $1600, half trade
Mrs. M. O.lKellow. t t
WANT to ttrade corner lot 6uxl00 ii
I Sunnysld efor 7 passenger car in A-i
Condition. Phone A-3921.
$3000 WORTH of property, clear o:
i incumbrance; wllli give l.igh clasf
modern home, restrlr-ted district; ac
tual cash 5 value $f600; incurnbranc
$6300. Call owner, Sellwood 47s. j
THREE or more acres, clone in,
i electric, improvements unneceary ;
lot as first payment: "give prlco am.
location. C-767, Journal. '
AM in the market Jfor u good 7 t
)9 room house on Portland Height
must be modern arl a bargain. 8
467, Journal. ; ... 1
WANTED About 10 acre farm aroun.
1 $4000, near Eugens; have fine Hum
City Park home to trade, valued $3000
wiin 4108. morning.)
WANT residence.; have cah; sellert
1, contract -and clear lot. Will assum
to $800, Tabor 4323.1
WANTED, l"t on East Hide. vU.nm In
; no retrlctlons; ehegp. D-422, Jourrial
WANTED-'Two lotsi closer to carllne
give pnone. : jonrnal.:
WANTED Two good beach lots; gl.
nnone. j-n't, oumai. . 1
LAURELHUST, beautif u41400 lot
equity $700. wants cheaper lot or
acreage. Main 4163. mornings.
160 ACRES in irrigation district in
California for acreage near Portland.
6235 46th. st, a 22. f . . .
VVANTEI Close in acreage, near cur
I line: give pnone. 'A-wm. journal. '
WAN'TED--6 or 6 room liousn froir
t owner: give phone; A-962. Jourrs!
WANTED Your equity in s
! lot for a clear lot.
U-8S5, Journal
WANTED chp logged off land.
! Zo9. journal.- 1 '
WANTED, for .cash.) the cheapet lo
In Portland. H-51, Journal.
(Coatiausd on Hxt 7ag