THE OREGON SUNDAY. JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY- MORNING, MAY 2, 1915. 11 FOR 9AXE HOUSES 61 1 " iCoatlaneA) i ' Hawthorne : Avenue :.; .'S V Bungalow; ' 6-rpom modern apd complete bungalow 4t East 47th, large ' tiTlnar room, --ifircplaee, built A In bookcases. Jargre den, dining j room, ; bjiiit-tnr buffet 2 large .bedrooms, Dutch kitchen; can Jtnafc 4 rooms upstairs: new. . range fen&.'gas: heater. Inlaid , 'linoleum . kitchen and bath - 4 room floors,! - fixtures and shades; full cement basement; wassb trays; on hard surface : it Lawn 411 In: for onlM I .'8 00. Terms. Number of . house 332 Eas 47th street. s G, H. Klejnsorge Co; "'Main 5782. 310 Board of Trade. -A.-IIAl MeW b room OUnealow. never nnpii. rled; lias -ail buait- in conveniences. -oroDination .. sale, tt replace, large jorcbes, large attic, full basement; ce nented, - enameled plumbing: fixtures; nslde and outside .entrance to- base nent ; Within 4 block of Alberta car. Bast fIont. :; In fact makes an ideal iome. Priced regardless to surround- ng, values. Cash or easy terms; If ou are in the market it will pay! you a investigate this. Alberta car to 0th north to 1063. Seeowaer. J No kgents. " I - ' ; ' ' ARB YOUj ALL DONE? i - ' - GOING AT ' $2500 Your last opportunity to. grab the Greatest. .biggest bargain in Alberta rirstrict. Take Alberta car; get off at fcth St.. . 1104 E. 129th st. north. You Will find there thje classiest bungalow n the elty for the price. Phone Woo- awn ioi. r, Hawthorne Bungalow i ' . 1044 ARNOLD ST. Bet. East 34th land Margaret ave. f $2000--$2000 $2000 $2000 $2000 , t MOST ANY! TERMS. 5 " large-rooms. 12 halls, plenty clos- rts. Dutch kitchen, panel dininar room. ntand&rd plumbing, ! complete electric fixtures, hall seatj. wood lift, medicine i'.hest, elegantly tinted, enameled .and painted cement walks, steps and wash Nray; attractive front and rear porch; (fruit 'and shade ttreew. berries, paved htreets, sewer. 2 tar (lines, brand new. . . GO se. tnen phone owner. " SELLWOOD 75. Completely Furnished S2400- ALBERTA! BUNGALOW $2400 : 1019 East 29th North. ' 6 large rooms, if ireDlace. hardwood tfloo'rs. cement basement, all built-in i ifeAturesf -east fnbm i lot. V bile ;from juar. . lust and will sell; terms, j Owner Sell wood 751 ' -Portland Heights Home One ''acre. 50 blearing fruit trees. 7 room house. - modern, ear ace. barn. thicken house; worth $10,000, sell for ,$6750 nlv $750 leash, balance terms. fr will rent to good parties. Nothing ;lie like this on I the Heights. Might take half trade acreage or small bouse. DORR E. KEASET, :ZS floor. Chamber of Commerce. MODEL BUNGALOW Six room beaut v that will sell ftaalf to Von on sierht. locatnd nn Alrhtlv Upt in Laurelhuretf. 2 short blocks from 'f.. "Only very best of materials and Tixtvres used and every built-in con venience installed jssuu on easy terms from owner (no commission) who will be at house Sunday, 1125 Wasco st, between Ef S7th land 38th sts. Home aooress, i ssuu tjrant st DTI V. '97 TIltDt)inn.. i.t.lnt all Improvements in and paid; price $2000; $650 cash; term on balance.' 411 Henrv bldg. t - . And 16thi Gas, hot and cold water, basement. This is close-in on West Side, - Only $20001. Easy terms. ' DONALD WOODWARD, 104 Second St. - Main 1436 A-1436. "'-! $1300 Snap $1300 buvs I5Siin $4200 himcalnw. I It vn or. .n lonkin fir far uimatlilnv ."V. . ! nary don't fail to see this today. 1795 Division. - . m , 6 ROOM 'BUNGALOW ''i full AntAnt Ko . ' jflne lawn. $2500.; $100 down, $15 pr Voa i 0 some traae. it- -DANDY new & room bungalow, oak floors, fireplace: all kinds fwork; t Dutch kitchen with breakfast otoh; smaii - payment down, bal. like renn xiawmorn car to 60tb and Di vision, west to 58lh, south to 2616 68tb $3 5 00- 5 room house, close in. west term . Give mefcash and will throw in fine-furniture 5 rooms, complete housekeeping outfit, piano, oil paint- $125 buys 4 rooiu bungalow; partly .furnished, garden, shade trees, wood muu uuum, eiecino iigniea, water, ewer, on river bank, 2 carlinea. ground rent $3.Q0 month. Mighton, Marshall 31 a 01 Take Rlverview car to crossroads. HAVE seven room house,. corner Grand blocks Hawthorne avenue. Vacant lots iu uiucm or .ua yive satisfac- torv trma anil nrl k... , , t THIS HOME AT A REAL BARGAiNl tto win sen a (Strictly modeifi home; 7 rooms. Very Attractive inside and put , with choice lot and shrubberv. Value eannnthA inniialloH tn,.i,. a Ax S!AP A modern 5 room bungalow tt ,114 E. 65th north in NnHh mi TiW onood car; linej Fine lawn, flowers wnlrSVrTot?nn8r n "hape. $2660, worwl-J3.20- Small payment down ana j.' per month. Tabor 3812. "OR SALE -Nice 4 room house and lot lni)A lnl I... rmu t i m .J1 ,5laoc'cLa. P1" month. Price $00. George Salter, General Delivery. .T 1 t h.irt, KiiVlt ?i mr, m . V. , . 1 hardwood, floors,: fireplace, - cement basement, double constructed. large attic, fine large rooms, $2100; $300 cash; $15 per month. Tabor 6111. . Owner, 46 th and' Thompson at. Open wunj5aiHi eoe. iiAWTHORNE jitney' to 41st, 123i El Madison, eqity .cheap, new bunga low' built for home, largo lot, :rTahor I .1 . ii i'OR " SALE i room house, nice - grounds. Clone in. small payment down, balance like rent or will , trade. HAWTHORNE lilne. $1450 new 5 room kiin . A A I out; cement walBa; terms. East 6823. auvwa it iuii K2L la i w . inrifai inr y. n m l n FOR - BALE Modern 6 room hillside ..J1 ,hom- i, PorUand Heights. $6000. Terms. .Tmim.i , modern, 7 1 room bungalow. Rose City Park corner; price $3650; terns Owner, 66$ E. 6th et North. . i BADiCAllBS FOR ! 8 AXE HOUSES ' ' . 61 ( Continued) HOME "PICK UP" SMALL, (OR " NO) PAYMENT DOWN. "YOUR OWN TERMS.. " ($1000 LESS THAN COST.) WOVE RIGHT IN. i SIX'ROOMS AND BATH. MODERN (NEARLY NEW). TWO BIO LOTS,; FDyWKRS, FRUIT i TREES, ETC., NEAR MT. SCOTT CAR. WOODMERE STATION. r 67TH AVE.. "SCHOOL, STORES, -CH URCH, ETC. . ACTUAL CASH VALUE 13500; FOR "QUICK DEAL" 'WILL SELL FOR --j 2600; SMALL RENT PAYMENTS. I OR CONSIDER HOME TRADE ON " FAIR BASIS. ADDRESS (OWNER) W. J. PATTERSON. 209 SELLING BLDG. PHONE MAIN 1800. OR SEE' ME SUNDAY ABOVE ADDRESS) 12:30 TO 3 P. M. WILL ."SHOW YOU" A HOME WORTH WHILE. GROVELAND PARK BUNGALOW. Just finished,, a new modern bunga low of the latest plans, with All large light rooms, living room 14x24. . Buy it now nd select your colors. This bun galow Is built so it can be absolutely guaranteed "and i Is offered fdr less than the bungalow would cost 2 years, ago to build. G. E. Weller, 1405 Haw thorne jpve.. Owner and builder. Tabor 104 8 or 2642. i I :.-r Genuine Bargain Must sell hew modern 5" room and' sttic bungalow, ; East 45th st. Rose City Park. Extra fine finish. Com plete; special built in conveniences. Full, cement basement; shades, fix-1 tures, auto drive", east front. Mountain! view. Will take $700 under value and give terms. Call Tabor 2334, mornings or evenings. ! ' YOU are looking for a house. LlstnJ 5 room bungalow; hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, fixtures; east fac ing lot: E. 46th N less than a block rrom bandy liouievard; only 12750: $500 cash;! seeing is believing. i-iei us snow you. -. . SCOTT & BEESLEY. aia'ADington tidg. ARTISTIC new Rose City Park home. x.arge, airy rooms and sleeping porch; cozy i fireplace and breakfast nooks. Decorated throughout; furnace, fixtures, shades, best of olumbiner: beautiful neighborhood: "lovely shade trees, iot avxiuu. nce $3600. 833 E. 58th et.. N., 1 bik. north of Sandy Blvd. ' Builder on - premises from 9 to 6. : ' . -, YOU WANT A HOME. . We are expert home builders,- have had many years" experience; our ex penses are low; i we can build a home now very cheap; .we guarantee threes things a satisfactory house,' at a def-i inlte cost toi j'ou. NO EXTRAS. "Enuf sed." I Butterworth-Stephensbn Hawthorne District I COR. E. 39TH, NEAR LINCOLN. New 6 room bungalow, hardwood floors, shades, fixtures, all built-in conveniences. 1 PRICE $2250. $150 cash, bal; $25 per mo., including interest, itfai-n 9457 or Mar. 2574. j SNAP 7 room house.i sleeping porch, cement basement, furnace, laundrjn trays, fireplace,, 2 toilets, cement! streets, walks, all paid; lot 50x100. nice lawn, fruit trees. This place is worth; $6000. Will I take $3760. mortgage $3000; the mortgage runs 3 years from the 16th of Jan. A, J. FARMER, 407 Stock Exchange. LAURELHURST bungalow, strictly mode. Five rooms, unfinished: up stairs space for i two large rooms. One and one half, blocks from Rose City car. Fifteen hundred dollars cash, balance long time. Or will trade for unimproved lot p or acreage -to value fifteen hundred ; dollars. Y-314, Jour nal. s I CHEAP BCY. ' " 40x100 lot. east front, street graded, concrete sidewalk and curbs'; one block to good car; with 8 room cheap house witbt i gas range and fur niture. $80ri takes it. Call at 1121 East ,29th street. North, for partic ulars, i Modern Residence, Right Price New modern 8 room house, corner, fine restricted district, 1 block Sandy Blvd. Terms; Main 4936. owner, uu uabm puys our 4 room com pletely flurnished tent house, ail newly papered and painted, hot and cpld water, gas lights and a late rnod el gas range; come and see the inside. Take M-V car to 63d, go S - blocks north, east, to 1677 Pacific BIG; VALUE $1500. Non-resident owner . has 5 room house on 50x65 lot with alley. Skid more St. ' It is free and clear. Price $1500. $250-;cash,- bal. monthly pay ments. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. BANK BLDG, APPLE FINDS BARGAINS. Listen. 7 room, modern house, hard wood floors, beamed ceilings, all built ins, fireplace, sleeping perch, full ce ment basement, block from car, full size lot. restricted district; all for $1800; easy terras. 323 Henry bldg. - SACRIFICE ray $3000, modern 6 room , bungalow for . $2000; pay $800 cash, balance like rent. 60 by 140 . lot, nice lawn, ross, shrubs, berries; garden and fruit trees. See It at 1776 Morris. Rose City car to 68th. go -2 blocks south. 1 east. Might take trade. SNAP Large 6 room house, lot 6 Ox . 142, 11 bearing fruit trees; streets paid for; -worth $4000; if Bold soon will take $2500; $500" down and baL $20 per month; near 39th and E. Tay lor. A. J. Farmer, 407 Stock Exchange. OSWEGO LAKE BUNGALOW Modern 6 room bungalow, 100 feet lake frontage, fireplace, sleeping perch, lights,! full plumbing. A dandy buy. The Atchison Allen Co.. 600 Con cord bldg.. 2d and Stark. FOR SALE, modern, up-to-date 5 room with fireplace, ""buffet. Dutch kitchen, concrete basement. street im provements in; less than a half block from Hawthorne car. Phone Colum bia t. SACRIFICE big new 6 room bunga low. 100x100. . fruit trees, garden, chicken house, near car, 20 .minutes car ride; $2200; terms to partv with proper reference. 705 Northwestern Bank bldg. ' ' YOU CAN BUY THIS Nice little home on payments of $10 a .months In ! Lents, near Mt. Scott car. Nice lawn, roses, fruit, garden. Price only $8Q0. Cochrun. 506 Spald ing bldg. Main 3897. 1 ROOM residence. 50x100 lot. 61G6 63rd ave., S. E.. $2000. $250 cash, balance $15 per month, or will accent first payment in good lumber. Gill 8 LOTts and 6 room bungalow one block from car.- East . 80th street. Will take cash $1000. $1500 equity in house, balance ; on ibortgage. W-413. Journal. ' -... - NEVVi well built 7 room double con struction bouse, full concrete wall and floor; basement: east front; cor ner lot. block to good car service. For appointment call -Woodlawn 8896. v .ck x line iiome, urana view cost $17,059 to bcild. will sell $12,000; street all paid. t.W. H.Herdman. East " prisi', mtV 'toAtsti1- 1 ' 1 " ' Husband is ill, must sell my coxy modern bungalow; terms, 1 blk. to car. . . .. . , 'I ' ,1V .14, tillii Tf i;v tin . . a peat little 3 room bungalow: best home value in efty. M. E. Lee, 505 Cor- "g wL H'itt g; , FIVE room modern, 1 block Anabel v station, lot 60x100, $1800, easy terms. 3 RM.- furnished house, 1 blk.; to car, $650, terms, t . Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock Exchange. ; - ' FOR- SALE, j cheap. 5 room cottage, ,i"0,ls S.eacii X5fih' Addreae 1126 E. t1A-S77 TTTVTrttJ Cn 5 rooms, modern, Woodlawn. Smlth Wa aoner Co..! Stock V.-. S ROOM, bouse and lot. 40x100, barn nun, ciwse; lo scnooi, 3U, 1Z60 down.' A: A, Huseby, 3721 71st st. S. E. LAURELHURST. new home; bargain. See it today.- 1151 East Flanders. FOR BALEGood 5 room bungalow, cheap; trma. . D424, Journal. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 L ' (Qon tinned T ' Hawthorne Aveniief , Bunaglow J 5 room modern complete bungalow, ' on East 48th st. "facing east, on hard surface st. Halt with full length, mirror- door, living room with fireplace. ; dining room with built-in buff et, ' 2 bedrooms, large Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays, fine furnace, electric fixtures, inlaid linoleum on" kitchen and bath room floors, lawn all in; this Is a- complete home for only 2850. Terms. j ' ' G; H,s Kleinsorge Co. 310 Board of Trade. Main 6782. ! New and Modern I Piedmont district. 5 large rooms. very large attic, full cement basement, artistic fireplace, " hardwood - floors, cove and beam ceilings, large' ; Dutch kitchen.-everything built-in and con veniently; arranged. -This place is doubly constructed of. all No. 1 . ma terials, was uuiii. iur; a. duiii. , j cannot possibly duplicate this ! for Z9aO, wmcn is au-we ask ana we win make terms to suit. Onlv 1 block from Union avenue In very nice neigh borhood. Several ' nice fruit trees onj lue iol ueioune. owner, on tnam. ber of Commerce, or call Wdln 112 for appointment Sunday. ' ' ' My Walnut. Park Home, v Must Go I i in next 10 days. Cost me to build 36000. For $1000 cash down, will sell for $4200. balance $30 per month, is all; 7 rooms, east front, 2 toilets, fire place; furnace, living-room 14x19. din- 1 , , r m , . i , .1... ,M i uumi imi. jhubi leam1 ui. iu two weeks. Price cuts no figure If I aa.a gel iuuu uusiu Dec uijr ageub - J 1 DORR E. KEASET & CO., . J 2d floor Chamber of Commerce. ' I ' Rose City Park Home 1 5 room bungalow, full basement. large attic, large porches, lot "50X100, all built in conveniences, furnace, fix tures ana snaoes. -r s Price $3100, Terms Come out to 554 E.eist st.i-N.-V,- N. 0, Eklund, Builder ' 611 E. 61 ST. ST. N.hl And the Roof Is Painted Black. i FIVE ROOM HTTNfl A T.OW between Hawthorne and Richmond dis trict: new. modern, hardwood ( floors. full cement basement, latest built-in conveniences, electric light fixtures, shades, everything complete and up to date; 60x100 lot. sidewalk assensment3 paid in full: house taken over from builder at less than .cost and can be sold now at a -bargain price: terms are cash.' Look this up; it is a rare! oppor tunity. K.'4ib &na uunton sti. ir-none TDor 423. SIX . ROOM COLONIAL BUNGALOW At a. great bargain. - Location very best.- Has all . kinds- -of modern -conr venlehces. extra large living i room; front porch is'pver-10 feet wi3e,' and last but not least, is a dandy big .' I GARAGE.' i Come out Sunday from 2 to 5 and satisfy yourself. To responsible party will sell for small payment and $35 a month, which includes interest, or call Tabor 3983. i Hawthorne District 1v.a tAA Moh v,aw imArlAwv. 5 room bungalow, with nice f ireDlace. hardwood (floors, buffet, bookcases, modern cabinet kitchen, cement base ment, laundry trays, hard - surfaced streets, close to good school, lot 50x100. This house cannot be" duplicated in this district for the . price. Tabor 2017. Tabor 65. Owner, 1084 Hawthorne ave.r We win ouild in ny part of city HOMES ostng from $2000 to $20,000. Also I apart ments arid flats. We have moeev to loan. CalPand see plane. I F. E. BOWMAN CO., Commerciel Club bide. HALSEV, Ore., 9 room house, electric llights. acre of ground; fine well of water; all kinds of fruit trees and small trees. Will, sell or trade for Pprtland property.! Price $2600. !Gopd 6 room house, full basement, laundry tubs gas. small lot. Taylor st., west of 20th. $1500. $100 down, bal. like rent. - Tabor 1811. B-3641. W. H. Sawtell. NEW 5 ROOM HOUSE. MODRHM FOUR BLOCKS WEST PU!VTTJSTT LAR PARK. POBTTNn TtnTTTW. YARD AND MONTANA AVE.J GOOD LOCATION, FRUIT TREES. , 1. 1 f 1600, $100 DOWN. BALANCE LIKE RENT, $15 PER MONTH. E; BUR KITT. OWNER, 209 SELLING BLDG., PHONE MAIN 1800. , I- i REAL SACRIFICE, i 5 room bungalow. Piedmont district, cement basement, full lot, fruit, shrub bery, etc.; everything desirable; going away; must sell. Price $1800; i Wood lawn 3178. FOR SALE LOTS ! 16 FOR SALE, It or 3 lots in E. Mt. Ta- bor on 72d t., close to car4 Price $150. Terms. j i i One acre. 4 room house, 60 rods from Base Line, all plowed.! Price $550; $200 cash; bal. terms. ; O. P. POTTS & CO., ! i! 1980 B. Stark. Phone Tabor 300. $3a0, $10 DOWN, $5 per month buys la quarter acre, weat eide,l S-cent fare. This is an ideal place for a Home, where you can raise all your vegeta bles, berries, chickens, etc., whieh- is the greatest portion of vour livinfe. M. WEST SIDE 100x100 $550. ' I Have 100x100 Joining Capitol Hill. West side, located high, and just off fine autojroad. to the city; build a summer place in the trees. $50 cash, $15 monthly. A. H BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank bldg. . 100X100 BEAUTIFUL view, ground I plowed,, ready for - water, sidewalk, 20 minutesT car Tide; ' buy now while property and lumber la way down; $400: easy terms to right partv; see . it. 705 Northwestern Bank bldg. $10 CASH, $5 per month buys a verv J fine homesite. on west side; 5-cent fare; on a large, tract like j this you can raise all your vegetables, t berries, etc... which is the greatest part1 of your living. M. B. Lee. 05 Corbett bldg. BAY; OCEAN LOT SACRIFICE. 1 Fine view . of ocean and bay : near hotel; overlooks plunge; hard .surface wtreets in and paid: worth $1000 but $500 cash will take It thia week. J. B. RULEY CO., 928 Cham of Com. j LOTS FOR SALE, i I Must have money and will! sell lot at corner 19th and East Taylor for $1350. (F). - - DORR E, KEASEY CO. I ' 232 Chamber of Commerce. i ROSE CITY PARK LINE $240. ! Lot60xl00. on - 65th, Ownei - paid $500 for this lot in 110. Price quoted includes eement sidewalks, j Fred W. German Co., 914 Chamber of Commerce KldHTlT Rii rM a D.,t lT w a wB. ...... u 1 n V.V 1 ll-i I 60x100, with all improvements; this lot cost, me $750 5 yesirs ago.' besides improvements; will give deed for SM). ii. v j x.nw,,,, jjua joi. i-ipta-i. 1.1, w a II BY OWNER, choice lot, 50x100, on t Alberta su, near -Mississippi car. $900; $35D cash, .bal. terms. j 148 Ai- T INE view lot. Heights. $2200. Will take $350 gasoline launch or horiRA boat and some cash, terms, i N-fiS journal. o? R SALE-i-4 tots. $25 each, at Went Portland Heiehts. - See owner.., P. lson, Lind hotel, room 2, 44 3d nt. OR. 100x100, fe'haver and Mallory ave. 1 ", ,lin,ili : Vi ,f U. an weeK oays, rast ,33. A SNAP, 5 sightly lots. Rose City line, j $250 takes them. Mack, 414 Yeon piqg., or Aiain e8. VERY desirable lots for sale: bargain. I O wner. Sell wood : 818 Sunday or evenings. ; CHOICE view lot. Heigh ta Close in. j Bargain.: Address O-420, Journal. . raw ! 1 FOR SALE IAXri 16 . T METZGER ACRE TRACTS This is the cheapest property in the market, if you consider the accessibil ity, it being only 25 minutes" ride from Jefferson St. station on the Oregon Electric kjt. tsaiem line). x sen sev eral acres for the same money that you pay for one city lot that takes just as long to reach; commutation fare c. Come out. and - look at' my property and buy from 1 .HERMAN MET55GER,' Owner, i Portland-Of flceT 310 Oak St. h i. ; Metzger station. " - - ' Alameda Boulevard Snap i Beautiful view, lot facing the boule vard, near East 32d. for f 1100. or Vx valuation. ' ' ,. . COLUMBIA REALTY INV. CO.. ' r 617! Board of Trade. SACRIFICE 8' lots, Nehalem, Manhat tan i and Rocka way beaches; 2 are corners;-cost $190 about 5 years -ago; worthi more. now:, will sell cheap; first cash offers 'takes them. E. W. Q. W alsh, . Anacortes hotel, Ahaeortes, Wash. -. ' --: - - - - BEACH: PROPERTY FOR SALE CANNON BEACH lot, grand vUw of beach, lighthouse, rocks, surf. $400. on dead easy terms. Furnished cot tage for rent. Phone Sell wood 1025. ACREAGE 57 CHEAP ACREAGE EASY .TERMS - Wei-have! 5 acres on the Oregon' Jilectric, right along the track, nice and leveL. Will xpU for 'HOOD. ilUO doww long time, on balance. .-.WIt.l.irB TVlTaTMl-HIT vi . Dealers in low prices. - . Oregonian Bldg. . . ACQUIRE -10-TO 25 ACRES. within 30 miles of Portland, on rail - road near store and school; ' rich soil free from iock. not hard clearing; will sell on 1 Oil per cent down and easy monthly payments, giving opportuni-.j ty toi get a- small farm and pay for it with money otherwise spent for un necessary pleasure. Free jinformation gladly given. J. B. K U JL,Jf; X CO., 928. Cham of Com. j 4 2 Acre Bargain " rin 1?AeiAi saA mrVi inU ull A wOvaH this summer. 4 blocks of station, over 20 trains daily. 12c fare. Spring creek which never goes dry. ' Over half cleared; no rock. hard to find a prettier place. .Bargain price or 90o; 1250 easn. !" 1 J. G. RAINEY. 904 Yeon hide Marshall 3177 ' , . . i 1 artr.a nr. Kiiu-inp ohA,,i a hinrto j. 'v,.. chard, small fruit,' fine water, ' out hniiriin knu. n.aiir n Co .h. ...v....m', u . ' u v j mm., wax. .31 n ii i. iy. 1 consider some traae. -easy terms... Tel. Owner. Main 945 or get off at Greenburg station and aBk at store. i i Summer Home Site loAt rtwJ w..ho..? riv n2 Ltnti hiJhi- nn ft- l?fr LSlltZ r?Il& SifiuJfitWi? hunting wice KMOMbll TX.4 Journal reasonable. rjt-4, , 20 Acre Farm 10 acres of genuine beaverdam land. 10 acres of upland on main road 14 ! miles from Portland; price $4000. The J beaverdam land alone is worth the price; part cash and balancetJong time. ; metier ueai, in iumoer exchange, FOR SALE. 2 acres, 8 miles from Port- i land. 1 5c s fare: fenced on three sides: Vi acre clear. 1 acre slashed. M, acre small timber, good soil, no rock, new 3 room house. This is a snap and rea sonableterms will be made. Tate In vestment Co..- 301-2 Couch bide. Mar shall 284. f . CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port land; uresnam district, electric sta tion V, mile. New subdivision, fiur.. shine Valley orchard tracts: best soil, free wood; elegant ' location. Prices only $75 to $160 per acre in email tracts; easy terms, rranic Mcariand Realty Co.. 309 Yeon bldg.. Portland. Or. CHOICE ACRE HOME SITE One acre 290 feet on Powell Vallev road just -inside of 40th. A splendid site for home or suitable for subdivi sion. : Price and terms will be made attractive. Inquire 405 Northwestern Bank bldg. 3 ACRES ON ROAD TO BE PAVED. 7 miles east of Willamette river with frontage on Powell valley road. Pretty f irrgrove, level land, choice district. Price $1330. Very easv terms. i LUEDDJSMANN CO., ' 913 Chamber of Commerce. J II LE GIVE YOU A SNAP. all in cultivation, onlv 5 1 acre. minutes walk to 2 electric stations, board walk. $10 down, $10 per month. Good location, west side. Prices less than uncleared land around it. Y-271. Journal. 60 ACRE fai-m in the valley, 48, acres under cultivation, splendid improve ments, all . stocked and crop In, im plements, evervthinsr ihe best. Price only $75 per acre. This must be part cash,: balance terms. Jordan. 301-2 Lumbermens bldg. '' Gibson Half Acres i Good soil, city water, close in par line. ! easy terms; will build to suit gurchaser. Phone Marshall IMS -or ellwood 476. 'John H. Gibson, owner. GARDEN HOME BARGAIN. 14 mere. 2 blocks from station, all cultivated, 5 room 'house, fruit and berries. This must be sold. Priced at $1350 for aulck sale. Jacob Haas. Ger-. nnger mag. ; - ACRE Exceptional offer. 10 fruit trees. S yrs. Sid, .East. 60th and 29 th ave. Onlv 100 ft. from tthw- ! .thorne car. $1450 cash or $1660, time. I H i down, balance to suit purchaser. Awn., ITcl 119Q ' BEAUTIFUL acre, nice grove of dog wood and fir. only 30 minutes from center of city; just the place to spend the summer and reduce expenses; city conveniences. Will, sell on very easy terms. U-842; Journal. FOR SALE acre, new modern 6 room house; two carlines, 6c fare toi city. Everything- new; ground ready to plant: price S1700. Terms. Marshall 3606. ' STOP THAT RENT and buy . half acre tract in city limits, level, cleared. Bull Run water, gas, 8 cent carfare, i $10 down. $5 per month. Whitmer-Keily Co.. 711 Plttock blk. 6 ACRES, near Reedvllle. all cleared. Bice, i level land near 2 railways; want cheap lot for equity; easy terms on! deferred payments: nrtee 110 no Buchtet & Kerns. 163H Grand aVe. 10 ACRES. 3 miles from city limits, on Section Line road: nuntlv cleared; all best of soil, lies level; will give good terms. Watson. Chittenden & Nelll. 310 Oak st. . i ; -ir" 'SEE TODAY. : V acre, all in cultivation. 2 blocks eta., 10 fare, O- C. car, $400; must be sold at once. iaoor 4Ztj. 3 ACRES, ' ? room house, barn, all out- 1 ouiiuiiiiis. v iruit trees, iv, miiea courthouse.! Phone Marshall 2181 after p. m. - -- ' - . FOR SALE by owner, nice 2 14 acre borne, new 7 room house, hard finish, good well, west of Ore. Elec, - depot. Wlleonville. Mrs. Bartlett. T CHOICEST and best acreage now, is on Capital highway; buy now.-. Owner, H.! Grebe. Tigardvl He. Or.. J ryn rB-s a.r- aear oun,. iaano. Call MainV035 Rndlyl anQ pr0perty- at 16.25 per acrel Close to rive? and wt,,Tr V '. ; j, : .'railroad, alternate sections, patented SUMMER home site,-one acre, SO min-,1 land, title perfect.- individual owner, r. out, electric light water, shade. Write for information and terms. B $400, easy terms. L-8 41, Journal. 668, Journal. I I1Aif,'! all planted; 4 room li"iise. ! GOOD second hand standard make West side. 6c fare. Owner, .Stain 3741. -- 8 ACRES, Atkinson Addition, Milwau- ... kie, f Foster-Mllwaukie road, i best Puy in neighborhood. K-909, Journal. 40 ACRES, 4 cleared, 10 slashed, nice trout stream, $800, $209 down, bal. time: Tabor 4090, - ACRES n Macadam road. Just off Base Line, 11 miles east of C. H. N. M. Apple. 323 Henry bldg - - ' 6 lA ACRES on Oregon Electric, . $250 - per acre; phone Woodlawn 3583, ? 57 METZGER .ACRE TRACTS This is the cheapest property In the maraet, ii you consider the access, du ity, it being only 25 minutes' ride from Jefferson St. station on the Oregon Electric Ry. (Salem line), I sell sev eral acres for the same money that you pay for one city lot that takes Just' as long to reach; commutation fare 9c. Come out and look at my property- and buy rrom : HERMAN METZGER, Owner, -Portland Office, 310 Oak St, , - Metzger station. - . ACRES', i 60.- " $10 down and 35 a month buvs acres logged off land, between Port- j jana anuuueniraua, on main line or a -..i railroads. 14 miles from town of 800 population; sawmills, shingle mills and other industries. Some of. these tracts are partly cleared,, and have a spring or ruuuius Biretiiu iu m-e iioiii s to $75' per acre. Many tracts of differ ent - size to choose from. - Good soil, lies .well, fine location, perfect title. , titljlj KKAL JSSl'A'l'B W, i 318 Railway Exchange. Genuine Sacrifice -10 acres of rich land ! on wen side for $2600; j50a cash, balance lonj; time. 4 miles (Courthouse.; 14 mllee Mult nomah station, .o far; jnst . oiocas of Pacific highway, which will be paVed this year. .Bver rohning reek,-J no waste land. '! Look this up: each a bar gain doesn't last long even in ouii times. J. G. RAINEY, " ' 904 Yeon bldg. ; Marbhall 3177. . DANDY LITTLE FARM I .' Two and a half acres Just out of xne cjty; house, barn, fruit and garden; a fine place , to live. Electric line to City. Price only 1600. No trading. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO. -Oregonian Bldg. . - BEAVERTON-REEDVILLE . . , " ACREAGE. - j Richest soil, best community, finest I service 20 trains daily through it: only 30 minutes out. Stores, graded . schools, commercial clubs, good wells easily dug; also mountain water piped through property. Rapid . community oeveiopment. Free transportation to inspect properties. Let us show you. THE SHAW-FEAR CO 102 Fourth street. YAMHILL COUNTY 10.92 acres. 2 miles to Amity, all good land, some cleared, some timber. ' no. waste land, no rocks or stumps ony. . 6Q down then $10 per "MilT-"i . - A . u u a. v. . . , 11. 1 11,0 iu Ailing R. R. oart in cultivation, part clear. some timber, fine running water. $110-1, fiuu aown, balance o years, vb. 229, Journal. i 1" DOWN THE COLUMBIA. 10 acres or more of -fine level ground. Rood soiL no rock or gravel ' on county road, close to school; this eround will trow anything that can r- .,,,.. . . . u im ,vvu. 1 and shipping facilities. Price rfu 1 Per acre; $5 per acre down: win give i torma rn v,alani.. rriat anv InilllBfriATia man can meet; no interest. F. L. GORDON, CLATSKANIE, OR. 1 ACRES at Garden Home station on Oregon Electric, -near station. New room modern bungalow, fireplace, M1 basement. 60 fruit trees, plenty sniaU fruit. Lots flowers and shrub- bery. If you want a nice suburban home look this up. 2nd house east ) from station on main road. Price $4500, Owner. . ' - 10 ACRES Tieard $2600. Owner savs cut price from $4000 to $2600. Will take $600 cash and give 5 years time on the balance. All . level; 9 acres in crop now. It -aure . Is a beautiful 10 ff- Owner needs a few hundred dollars in next 10 davs. (B) DORR E. KEASEY & CO. 2d Floor Chamber of Commerc. 12 ACRES, all cleared and well cultl- vated,-level, valley land, choice black soil. 1 mile from electric line, 25 miles from Portland: $125 per acre; sell for near cost of clearing. X-879, Journal. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 76 6 acres near carline, 4 M acres in cultivation, 1H acres 'in orchard 4 years old, 4 room hbuse, barn 20x30, shed 14x20, chicken house and yard. Price $1300. ' Dillman & Howland Eighth and Main sts., Oregon City, Or. SUBURBAN ACREAGE AT A SACRIFICE. IVt acres, right at station on Oregon City electric, 30 minutes out, fine soil. 60 select fruit trees, 8 fine building sites. 6 room furnished cottage, fine water, east front, facing carline: a sacrifice price to raise about $500, bal ance 3 years. J. A. SOESBE, Owner. Jennings Lodge. $700, $20 down, $10 per month buys a half acre fine soil. ; ideal for a home where you can ' raise all vegetables, berries, fruit, chickens, etc., which is the greatest part of your living. City water piped in' front of your place. If you are looking for a location with a big future, it will pay you to see this. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. . - FOR SALE-FARMS 17 A DELIGHTFUL LAKESIDE HOME. 30 acres on. the shore of Silver lake, Washington, on fine road, with a beau tiful view of Mt. St. Helens, mostly under plow; artistic house, other build ings good; all stocked and equipped; also household . goods ; extra large or- chard and small fruits; 1 mile to town school wagon at door; phone, dally mail: every sportsman Knows the Sil- ver iaKe nsning ana nunung is un surpassed; lies right to subdivide and ,,n. l.,hr; v,LdJ! farm and gentleman's country home T?"te f," S?"??0 LV tlerock. Wash. , '- MEN A cooperative colony to farm 320 acres of richest land 40 miles from Portland is being formed. Adjoining land sells at 3150 an acre, coopera tive price is $70 an acre to first 20 men only. List fast filling up. $300 cash needed, balance of purchase price may be paid in4abor at $2.60 a day. Later colonies 'will pay higher price for land. Come n and talk it over. G. Wynn Wilson, 908 Chamber of Commerce. 320 Acres, General Farming 150 in cultivation, orchard, 80 acres timber, balance, pasture, running wa ter, good buildings and fences; 80 head cattle, 60 hogs, horses, machinery and all for only $21,000; $5000 cash, $5000 In trade. This is a moneymak Ing farm, but I ' must sell at once. W-844.' Journal. 65 ACRES. 30 in crops, family, orchard. SDrinor and soring branch. 4 miles from Yamhill, on good rock road. 'five Toorn house, barn and outbuildings, good -3 team- mules, harness, wagon, back, mower, rake, cultivator,- plow. harrow ana otner rarm implements. i goats. 2 hogs. 4 cows, 60 chickens. 8 geese.-: 6 turkeys, some furniture; $4500; $2000 cash, balance 6 years at 7-. Mae-oon Realty Co., Yamhjjl. Or. " YOU FARM HUNTERS. LOOK! 240 acre stock farm, southwest, of Salem, Polk Co.; 40 in cultivation, house,-barn, other' outbuildings: abun dance of-living water; 3 miles to R.- R. town, and only $27.50 per acre;-termn. HOSTETLER A ANDERSON. 725 Chamber of Commerce. 1 - vrtn S A 1,E Restbuv. 16.485 er niano in. a dark Jnahoeany ease: will sell Monday for $65 cash. Also new electric carpet cleaner $22.50. Call 430 E, Burnside st -! 20 ACRES' clear land. 17 - miles from Portland, i running stream, 15 ' minutes- to car.-. German - settlement, at a bargain, terms. E; 3987. - SEE TODAY 10c FARE. Improved small ; ranch, your- price; must be eold; make offen Tabor 4286. FINE improved ' farm, y cash. . trade. Swank, 601 Northwest bldg. ACREAGE (Continued) mi IE nil IE 17 .Ooanned. Land! 20. Years'to Payl Get ; Yoir Farm Home from the Ca i nadian Pacific Most productive soil good climate ready markets fin tra.njirmrta.tlon all the comforts end. ways of making FOR SALE FAR31S, nlJ.Jing ?, you tbjHne.-30 cent ar f Portland; 35 e?SDr?5c4Knl rtSVj ! acree in hUh state of cultivation and LOW PRICES AND $2000 LOAN t an in oron. balano.e pasture: can easilv ar.rJiiS1?-. t' J&sJSS acre-irrigated land from $35. Twenty '"ivj -v"" r"r'-1 T0 0, fifnal paTment lf,du ySHrr farm will have paid for itself. lend you tip "to $2000 for farm improve meats, on certain conditions, with no security but the land itself. .Twenty years to repay IU Interest 6 per cent. If you want a farm home all ready to step into; get one of our Ready Made Farma. . -r,.----.. Dairying, hogs and livestock ; make big" incomes here. Lands ideal for these purposes. Present conditions in EuroDe assure hierhesfc : nrlces known lor 'everything- raised. ..r '-- - . ..These pffers based on good land-1 finest on earth for. mixed farming and grain-growing. The 'best land will be taken first," bo time's precious to you. Write today for handbook and full par ticulars to Y. E. THORNTON. Colonization Agent, c anaaian iaciiic itauway 112 W, Adams St., Chicago, Til. ;1'r;:;:-::V-:';v-:-'-;-.- ir-iS- i- ,''.?. , 224 ACRES, 3 mllee from Stel la. Wash., 80 acres in culti- . vation; fair house and barn: .logglnjr road runs through ftlacej Logging company will, buy everything that is pro duced on place and will pay market "prices. This fs an ex--cellent opportunity for a farm er. Price - $6750. . Will 'make i terms. ' (BL . - . . - - Dorr E. Keasey & Co. 2d floor Chamber of Commerce. IF1 TART Poultry farm near Portland. 10 min utes to carline. established 8 years. 7 acres with spring and creek, bearing orchard. 7 poultry houses wired. 500 chickens, complete equipment; private trade output :i 7 room unpaintea house, some furniture ; $3600: terms $2600 cash, balance time. X-867. Jour nal. ' ' ; A MIGHTY FiNE LITTLE-HOME. 45 acres. 1 mile from Yamhill, on good rock) road,' all in crops, 18 acres good prune orchard, with a good crop now oh trees, good'' family orchard, grapes, berries and small fruits. 20 acres in vetch and oats, and oats, good 6 room house.-good large barn. 4 cows, team, harness, wagon, 75 chickens, z hogs, mower, rake and farm imple ments, fine shade trees, public road on two sides of place; a fine home. $7000; will take $1500 cash; the balance $10ou per year at 1. Magoon Realty CO Yamhill, Or. 120 ACRES, $10,060. 110 acres cultivated: 40--acres in clo ver; 15 acres bottom land, balance val- ley all lies level; 4 room bouse, barn and outbuildings. Good orchard. Would make a fine dairy ranch: located Would make a fine dairy ranch; located near Willamette river,' a miles trom town and; R. R.. on main Co. road. i tJo. road, iTice So per acre. Kalph Ackley Land Co 204 Failing bldg. For Sale 160 acres-for $3200. 1V4 miles from Sodaville and 7 miles from Lebanon, Or., 18 clear, the balance in pasture, brush and timber; running water; $froo down, the balance on easy, terms. For particulars write owner. i c P. NEIBEHX, ! Stay ton, Or. IMPROVED TEN ACRES, $2150. 12 miles from courthouse, all cleared and "the ivery best of soil; small house, good . barn 24x40, granary, bricked up well. Two hard surfaced roads to Portland. - Highly developed district, school, store and church in vicinity. I Price includes small tools and house furnishings; $650 cash, bal, a years, per. cent. . LUEDiHiJlAJJN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. $3000 17S acres, 1 mile from railroad station. I on level road near Weat Corvallis. !in Benton county, about 20 acres under cultivation, all but a few acres open land: river, creek, aoeral springs, well, 6 room house, barn, outbuildings, chicken yard, good out range, lamiiy orcnara. a. iot or small fruit, roses, flowers of .all kinds, nice lawn: a good home: this is a cah proposition; no trade considered. 1jX.-71S. Journal. . - FOR SALE or trade, 160, 200 . or 220 acres, watered by stream and well, good soil,' slightly rolling, part level, acre s-young family orchard, cleared land in oats and garden, fair house, some outbuildings, on ; mall i route. 20 minutes' walk to station. $5 miles Portland: ! terms and price right. Phone or -all ,G. F. Blocker, Imperial hotel on 3rd. 4th or 5th of May or address Goble. Or. - A FINE DAIRY AND HOG RANCH. 310 acres, all good land. 250 in cul tivation. 70 acres of fine black bottom land, 6 good springs. ' water piped to nouse irom line spring, with good cement reservoir at snrlntr. new 6 room bungalow, large new barn 48x$0, on good rock road. 2 miles from Yam hill depot: onlv $70 ' Der acre. 1&700 cash, the baL lOyears at 6 per cent. MAGOON REALTY CO.. Yamhill, Or. : BANKRUPT SALE. The owner of the finest-alfalfa and stock ranch in eastern. Oregon is forced to: sell; -243 acres all bottom land, fine improvements, 9 miles from' county seat on main road, perfect wa ter rigut Kiia pmcticaiiy i aajoins Tree range; forced to taite first offer of $66 an acre; half down, balance easy terms. Write Percy M. Johnson. Vale, Oregon, i t FOR SALE 40 acres adjoining the citv limits of Oakland. Or.. 8 of fine orchard, consisting of prunes and cher ries, an . bearing; -fenced with good wire fence:- house, barn and all out. buildings;! water at bouse; all In cul tivation: price $3000, on rood terms. AltMSJlKOWG K.1JNAHT, ' ."ill i 1 1" i jiTa a iii ri 1 ' 40 ACRES., 6 miles of . railway, $750, oaKiana, orj 6 acres. . well Imnroved. 1 mil- nt Hlllsboroj . on good rock road, $1950; $600 cash, balance terms. - . - , 290 acres at $20 per acre; will con sider some trade or sell, on easy terms. Walter Roewurm, Forest Grove, Or. FOR SALE or trade. 48 acres. 30 In Italian prunes. 6 innanoles and neara. balance In .pasture, -trees 2 years old, small house, good spring, on R. F. D. and telephone, close to school. 6 miles from Sheridan; trade for hardware or furniture: store or hotel. Jack Syron, Sheridan.! or. 20 ACRES. 3 miles from Beaver ton, in cultivation, rencea ano, cross iencea. 7 room-plastered house, also log bun galow, large barn, milk house, brooder and .poultry bouses, family orchard, fine well. $6500. iTerma see owner. Bunnell, -ve nenry oiog, 300 ACRES. 100 in crop. 2 houses. 4 barns, implements, stocked, on ma cadam road, school, church. Yamhill river. 4 t liles from Wil lamina. Or.: $6000 bandies this. Address Barber & Ray. Willamina, Or. 73 ACRES fine land near good valley town,' ail cultivated, well fenced, -45 acres in; crop, , no buildings, $2900; $1000 cash, terms to suit. Neat Brown, ; ranama P'Qg. IF YOU are looking for g6od buys or exchanges of eastern Ore. wheat land do not' fall to see Keller A: Deal. Suite 314. Lumber Ex. bide.. Port- A DANDY 15 acre tract,-. improved and all: in crop, on Oregon Electric for only 13000, half down. Gill 1c Un- tur. 6iz Aometon biqg. $6000 CASH will handle 180 acre farm In Yamhill county; a bargain. Room 361-2 Lumber Exchange, Second find Ftark. - '- '- $1200 CASH, bal. In trade, will take my 40 a. at $75: 1 ml. new electric line. KX-628, Journal. FINE farm for sale: would consider part trade. EX-606, Journal. 17 v '--44'ACfll . .. For Sale, by. Owner- -114 milea from' Portland. 6 miles from cleared and eultiVated. This place ! u. nm. i - .. . roaa - irom jyortiana, Jc. 1 teie- Phone and 3 cream iroutea past pj ace. acres of :ood orchard of assorted acres of good orchard of assorted iruit ana small rruit; all fenced and cross fenced with good, woven wire fencing; U good buildings and out buildings painted and in good condi tion; drilled well with gasoline engine and all farm implements, 6 cows, 7 head of heifers, 2 sound, young horses. 1 brood sow. 10 e boats and 100 chick ens. This. Is an ideal farm and is $1500 below actual cost; adjoining land is selling at $250 per acre and Is cer tain to increase when the Interstate bridge Is built but I must sell now: 2 blocks' to school; price $8800 Includes stock and implements; will take 1 or 2 good lots at cash value, some cash, balance In 5 years; worth investigating. Frank A. Reed. R. ; F. D. 1, box 147, Vancouver. Wash. ' THREE OF OUR MANY PLACES. 6 acres, all good rich lctnd and under high state of cultivation! a 6 room house, small barn and necessary out buildings; good orchard: a fine little trout stream, miles out on paved road most of the way. Will -consider good little home In Portland or Van couver up to $2600.! Price $3500. sub ject to $1000 mortgage. ( 10 acres, all under high state of cul tivation, r a fine 7 room plastered house with full basement; good barn, chicken houses, fine orchard In full bearing; all manner of small fruits. Will trade for good house and lot. clear, of. encumbrance.- - - I 120 acres, mostly under cultivation: a good house and a large .barn, silo and all necessary outbuildings; good or chard; place fenced and cross fenced; 29 head i of ' cows. 1 Holsteln bull. 4 yearlings, 6 horses. 50 hogs, chickens, turkeys and all necessary farm imple ments to run the place. 160 rods of deep water on the Columbia river; boat landing on place. Price only $17,- 500. $6000 cash. Mtgeu of $6000 now on place and the balance ca,n be paid in good property at cash values. THOMPSON & SWAN. 6th and Main Sta. ; Vancouver, Wash. California 640 acres in Glenn county, Cal., part of the Glepn estate: -; 8l acres alfalfa. 5 cuttings last season -without irrigation. Plenty free water should you , want It. Price .$100 per acre. This land will; retail for $200 per acre in small tracts. $30,- - 000 cash, balance long time 6 per cent. -.- - (.-. ' Dorr E, Keasey & Co, 2d floor Chmber of Commerce. .164 ACRES,! STOCKED. I All good soil, free from rock or gravel;, in fine district: house, barn. fanlv oVchlrd n entv Water t ! kAQ.ttly7rtk x a"ous..f wa?te J"0 barn ' " J2S ir.:, " -i -t UL- iX',,iV,.. c ' T i ; t ." ""! y umoer, Dai. pasture; 9 cows, 3 nellers, team, 4-year-old colt. All Implements, etc. Price $100 an acre, or with stock, f 6000. Might take house at cash price to $2000; some cash, and bal. mortgage. This is something j worth while. H. B. APPERSONV Rldgefield,. Wash. Tucson, Arizona, Farms Delightful climate, crops grow all the year, 12.000 acres Irrigated land; all in cultivation, divided Into 40 ecre tracts or less and sold withJcrop. Easy payment plan, 10 cash, - bal. over 8 years; interest . For free litera ture call or write 724 Chamber of Commerce bldg., Portland. Or.- PARADISE HILL RANCH. $2450. $20 acre, 14 under cultivation, 4 acres bearing pear orchard, 4 acres assorted, apple, cherries, plum, peach es, 2 acres potatoesl acres clover, acre strawberries, pond for ducks and geese, 4 rooon house, shack build ing 44x44, 2" miles " from town,- $950 cash, balance 2 to 4 years. Fred W, German Co., 94 Chamber Of Com, - 10 ACRES CLEARED LAND, $700. Under 40 miles from Portland, 2 miles to boat and train; 10 acres rich land worth $1600 '.for $700. r Terms. $300 cash, . ,: balance ln light labor. No need , .to do the 'work yourself. In vestigate, i O. Wynn Wilson, 903 Chamber of Commerce. CHEHAL1S vallev farm. -0 cr all in cultivation and crop, good house ana oarn. team, wagon ana implements, 6 fine cows milking, young stock, pigs, chickens, eta.: owner makinar e-rvoH- price $10,000; take part Portland prop erty.' See OwenJ 61 N, $d st. Or call Mam 3910, A BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME. ! Nothing finer in the Willamette val ley, fine large modern house, 1 minute to west electric flag stop; land. all in cultivation; 10 acres in bearing fruit and English- walnuts. Will give ex ceptional price and terras. Owner, 40S xNortnwestern panic piag, SOME FINE SMALL. Pl.ACE . 6, 10, 15 and 20 acres. Improved and unimproved, close to Yamhill, one of the finest sections of the Willamette valley; good schools and churches; 10 electric passenger trains daily; we can sell you a home on very easy terms. MAOOON REALTY CO.. Yamhill, Or. 160 ACRE irrigated farm, best of soil, water right for all. fenced ho.1 tisht on good rock road.' 6 miles from countjr seat, 100 acres oats, 40 wheat, baL aiiaixa, gooa ouiiaings, ait crop ana implements with place, for $76 per acre. Take home In Portland to $3500. Neal Brown. 209 Panama bldgy - i LITTLE FARM CHEAP. Fine little place, Santiam valley, $2 acres all clear, rich bottom land. Good house, barn, orchard; on- good road; close to school. We can make terms. Price $2500. No trades, A. 1L. BIRRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A-4118. 160 ACRE dairy farm, complete with cows, hogs and young stock; ma chinery of all kinds; good buildings; handy to Eugene; located In a pros perous German settlement on Wil lamette ' river; $ 120 per acre; ' easy terms. Address 211 W. Killlngsworth ave. Phone, Woodlawn- 1714. FOR SALE, 10 to 80 acres. 3 acres In cultivation, berries, 20 young frujt trees, 9 room bouse and outbuildings, some pasture, spring: water, 2 hit miles to station, mile to Columbia High way, stock, or terms : for part. R, C. Swander, Knappa. Or. i CANBY ..If. ACRE STOCKED. All cultivated, good set buildings, S acre bearing orchard, all la crop now, potatoes, wheat and - clover; no better soil. ..Team, cows, hogs, implements, all go at $3600, $1000 cash.! JACOB HAAS, Oerlinger bldg. 2600 HAVE 10 acres. V cultivated, house, barn, chicken house and runs; 2 acres bearing orchard; oil telephone, mail and milk route: 3 miles electric station, 14 miles Portland; terms. Ad dress 1084 Belmont. Phone Tabor 2567. B-282B. FOR SALE 10 acres, one half highly Improved, good buildings. Full par ticulars if you are Interested; will take city property to the value of $1000, $200 as first payment, balance . long time. Address BX-443. Jour 1280 acres choice wheat land in the beet part of Gilliam county,. 4 from, station, no rock and all practical ly level: Owner. needs some money; jrnce iB'pcr acre. - u-eie. journal, 460 ACRE dairy ranch with stock and implements for Portland property, $38 per acre. Give full details; might lease place to good party. AX-6 19 Journal. - - - . . 120 ACRES 10 in cuL, 7 miles from North Plains, new cabin,' family or chard, on county , road, spring, lies fine.,, Price $3000. $300 cash, ba. to siilt. 411 Henry bldg. . -. , , 4Q ACRE SNAP. Improved. Stock and crop Included. Railroad town close. -37 miles of Port land. $2500, terms. ' A K. HILU 419 Henry bldg. CURRY County, two farms at a bar ' gain; 120 acres, 169 acres, lann Joins. 11360, f2600. r-tii. Journal. , FOR SALE FARMS I FOR SALE F.'JUIS 17 tContlaqed) - ' .'; WASHINGTON CO. LAND I $20.00 PER ACRE. i 5 miles Ry. town. Part inkuiltlvatlon, some valuable timber, running water. Terms. Opportunity for right party ti get practical farm land a the right price. : . . i : J , 1 " 80 ACRES i 1 $4 500.00. 1 1 Fair buildings and orchard 20 acre crop. 15 slashed. Stock and. machinery.' All land can be tilled whein timber Ii off. On county road right at echool. 4 miles from good town on Columbia river and, Ry. 80 miles Portland.- , i 23 V4 ACHES, j All cleared and- in cropi 3H mile ood road-from good town. 20, mile Portland. $125 per acre. Terms. . Most productive farm land In Oregon. T PORTLAND COUNTRY HOME 1 $3500.00. HALF CASH. 10 acres, all In cultivation, rlprht st station on electric. Flee runnina stream. Orchard. 8 room j dwelling, i fireplaces.! Improvements cost limn than price, and there is no better Id acre tract within 15 ' milem Portland. NEI LAN PARKIIf LT,.' 303 Stock Exchange iBldg,, y BET- - A 400 acres. Morrow roufttv. 100 al falfa, plenty water. 160 aires growln grain, all ( land can be Canned, new house, good barns. 100 fruit trees. h1 rarm implements with the. Place at i acre. WALLACE INVESTMENT SO.. . i Oregonian bldg. SACRIFICE ON ACCOUNT OF.-.? " I SICKNESS. . One of the best 180 acre in Yamhill County for sale, 1 ft rotlas-s from . the town of Amity on a good road. Phono rural and! milk route. Would rnMtn two 86 a, dairy farms; would divhi it. I One of the largest milk conden sece in the valley here tat Amity. ' 40 a. clover, 40 a. wheat!, ,40 a. oatM, 15 la. oats and vetch, 4 a; family or chard, bal. .pasture and timber, lias running -water. Bunding good. A reasonable offer accepted. Will put In 8 fine horses and harness,, cat tle, hogaJ chickens, all farming too In which are' nearly new. Conie to Amity and look the place over or: write R. 11. No.i 3. J.-P. Alllaon, Arwlty Ore 174 ACRES of fine j bottom! land, all cleared except .10 . acres; good buildings, stock and all kinds of implements. This place Is close to Columbia river, 8 miles from Vancouver, An ideal dairy ranch. Will sell at the low figure of $1000 per acres'-) Reasonable payments j down and terms. Might accept some good trade if income, (r ) Dorr E. Keasey & Co. 232 Chamber of Commerce. 1 . (SMALL FARMS NlSAhj AURORA We have a, limited number of tnuril farms for sale, 10, 15, 20, 30 ' acres at Very iftw 'figures. AIho DO to 00, acre farniH, nbtnlrig bet tec In the val ley; at $50-to $150 per acre accord ing' to location. Improvements, etc. These will surely advance ln prl:e. Ttie time' to buy is now. r For general Informs tlori jcall at rorm 6l! Chamber, of Coirimtiil'e or poni Marshall i4288, .or come to) Aurora, mil for Henry L, Bents, nee for your selves, t ' - - ' . r P. S. Aurora i located In Marlon county about midway between Haleiri and Portland on the S. l'J R. R.; alu'J on Paclflo highway. 20 ACRES STUMP LAND, $100. AH levpl, fine soil, clone to a, good town of 1600. with high school, bank, creamery; electric lights, etc.; 1 Vi miles to!R. R., store, P. X)., and s grade school. Will guarantee you steady work at fair wages; Price $900; $200 ceslL 5 y,ars to pay balance' at S per cent.' J HOSTETLER & ANDERSON,. 725 CJiamber of Commerce. FOR REXT FARMS 14 Dairies for. Sale The following personal 'nropertv tor sale: 7 cows, 1 heifer coming fresh, S heirer calves from 8 to 10 months, x bull, 3 horses, harness aid wagon, 1 grain drill, 2 plows, harrow, cultivator, milk house, 16 acres oats.--6 acres oats and vetch, 4 acres wheat, f acres seed, ed to clover. 6 acres spuds; ood road and almost In town. Prices for personal property! $1800, $1000 cash, balance time; rent $250; some small tools and chickens.; . i 1 . i - M 166 ACRES, j Close to Vancouver, rent $50 per month and the use of 10 cows; you alno get the Increase. The fallowing per" sonal property for sale: ! 17 cows, flol stein, bull, team, Wagon, 1 -lightwagon, buggy, harnesses, mower, aim;, 2 plows, cultivators, milk cooler, 2 pigs, viilck ena, bay' fork. rope. Bahcock tester, all; small tools; good, location; Income $300 per month. Price I2C00, $1500 cash, balance $500 per year. IT'S SOME DIAitY, ; About 11300 acre, lliie; vrovn, boat landing Ion place vitinn 10 rods of bouse, close to carline unfl a fine rood into Portland. The orsmal property consists of the following; i 56 cows. 2 2-year-old heifers, 80 Ivto 2-year-old steers, 40 calves of various ages, 16 horses, 6 brood sows; alii farm imple ments and milk outfit: siitall tools and crops; tile place will take care of 250 bead of stock. Price $12,00. and good terms. Kent reasonable,: i Investigate, i , r r- : 1 J01 Washington st, Vanpouver; Wash, LEASE 3 years, 40 acres, all fenced .and buildings, $6 . per' month l rent 1 year in advance; no Tifcones or let ters answered. F. O. Wey lan, Colum bia hotel. - i i FOR LEASE Good little ranch, ad Joining town, and .will sell ' crop,, team snd some hogs; owner. LX-716. goumal. " : I THREE farms, two chicken ranches, near Portland, cash or sliares; home steads located. McCoy, j $32 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, i ' . 8 ACRES, house, garden.! fruit, 7, acreti planted to potatoes. $300; will sell 1. 3 or 6 acres for half caWh: half farm labor. R. V. Walters, 13SV4 Firt. FARMS WASTED RENT OR BUY WANTED to hear from owner of good farm for sale, Sertd cash price and description. V, F, Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. ' - ! ' ' ' ' WANTED To hear from owner of. farm or frolt ranch for saie. o. o. Matt son, win neapoiis, m inn. WANTED General farm ranch. X-878. Journal. or i stock FRUIT LADS FOR HALE 45 M FOR SALE BY" OWNER. Fine paying orchard In 'Hood River; close In. Owner must sell from dlan blllty. XY-233, Journal, i i HOMESTEADS 47 120 ACRE hometail rellnqulsiiment. for sale, or trade, in .Tlllamooic eo. good dairy or stock land; well war ered with spring ereeksi Home Im provements; good fishing and hunting. Meet owner. Royal hotel, room 6, 10 4th St.. Monday. HOMESTEAD - relinquishment, ltto acres, good spring. 70 or 80 acres good plow land, .7 miles from railrosd band station, mile from main auto stage and R. F, D. mall.! j X-878. Jour nal. i . TWO homesteads, Tillaroook county. 5 miles from the ocean. 3H mii from mail, supplies and sawmill, old road to pla-e. spring, creieit fine soil,1 not rocks. $300 and $3601 411 Henry bldg.- - - i - Homestead located, i bunohrHi and sagebrush land, near railroad. MoCoy, $32 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. FOR SALF Improverntsta on rsI Box 25. road claim Address ' "L," Rotitie 1. Eairl Creek, Oh READT-MADE !-I5aiS,M I u imuuuuu Continued on tfaxt Paxc) j iV'l ' I