1- yy V:, y-y , v v..-; - .m; : .d;h .vv-i m--i :yyyy, THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY .. MORNING, MAY , 2, 191. 10 ! - WHERE ARE HABITUAL DRUG USERS GETTING THEIR-SUPPLY NOW? Local Fiends Are Still Getting "Dope," Illegally, Accord ing to! One Authority. FEW SEEK TREATMENT On Tlcttm Taken . In Custody Bays That Ka Was Accommodated by Druggist. ' 4 Kv Kulingr Announced. The treasury department has Just made a ruling Under the Harrison narcotic art which -j will bejof Interest to" dentists. physicians and others affected by the ptct. It hajs now been determined jr that novocain and other similar preparations cajae under the operation of theact. and that all .persions handling.or dispells- i lng.suci preparations must reg- p ister aitd comply" with all pro-. 4 visions) of the act respecting the handling of narcotic drugs. These dfrugs are classed as sub- 4 stltutes for cocaine. The law affects oplum or coca leaves or jjt any . compound, manufacture, & it salt, derivative, or preparation thereof. . r 4 Where a-e the 1000 or more drug fiends and addictu known to be in Portland getting their morphine, co caine and similar drugs? Are they getting it from- cjrug stores and unscrupulous physicians, or are they smuggling it Into the city from outside points? These are questions asked follow- AUCTIONS Reducing Right! THE 191 Second St. Owing to! quiet business, we find ourselves overstocked. We bought heavily, " anticipating increased sales. In consequence, we need room. In stead of stoning our surplus, we prefer to move it put, and if prices will sell furniture, we expect to move this istock quickly. We have reduced the price on cjrery. article, in stock, in some cases are selling" at" less than cost to closfc out some lines. No Forced Sale , But a" voluntary move, on our part J:o turn - stqck into cash. Beginning Monday,' th biggest sale of qur his tory 1 will lie on. Nothing reserved,' every artlcljt marked in plain figures. A large consignment of new and slightly usJ furniture just received. Come early anj get your choice, as thel stock in some lines is limited. Note a fewj prices. Rugs; arid Linoleums New Bigel ow Axminster, 9x12, former pri lc $35, now $22.50. .Axmin- ster Rugs 9x12. $25 Quality, $15.90. New 6 Jruf sels rugs. 9x12, worth $15, now $10.90. Brussels, 9x12, worth 4.45. Slightly used rugs. $18. now $1 9x.l 2, all griad os." $3 to $12.50. New Jjirfen Warp Matting,,; ood nafttern. worth 40c, now 20c. Ifetr Linoleum, Teg. 6ttc tol sue graae, now, 36c the patterns. yard. Gootj Beds and Mattresses New white enamel, 2; in. continu - ous post, brass filler, $7.45. All brass bed, worth $45, now $17. Used Iron Beds, $1 and up. New No. 50 all cot .' ton mattresses, $4.95. No. 40 all wool . mattresses, rolled edge, now $7.45. Silk Floss mattresses, cut to $9.95. Stoves and Ranges Six new ranges, 18- in. to 20 in. oven worth $60, 1 how $30. Slightly used ranges, $13?5, 17.95. Cook . stoves, $5.50, $7.451- Gas ranges, - $4.95 to $9.95. " j , Bedroom tFurniture y. Dressers fax oak, maple and other woods, $3.85 to '$H.45. 50 center tables. 45c and up. Commodes, 45c and 90c. I Specials . -..New library .tables in oak, $6.95 and 9 13.50. New oak buffet, Karly Eng lish, worth j $30. now $15.95. Other?, $8 to $11.50! Oak frame coueh. Span- 1.1. 1 . n 4 1 t ift , a v n . tables, 6 and 8 ft., all styles In round .'and square, ing chairs, $3 and up. . New oak din $1.69, Others, 40c, 70c, Better ones, also, if you 9 So, $1.25 wish. - Your Opportunity Buy now, for present and future needs. Thel opportunity is rare, don't miss .It- Salle starts Monday, 8 a. m. Call and lodk the stock over. Bell Auction Co. 191 Second St. J Mtcmil co. Auction Sale Ford Auction Co. 211 First St. Monday, Wednesday and Fri day at 2 P. M. Each Day -We have 4 nice assortment of fur iKure, etc for our Monday's Sale and f you want to make your money go a onjr way don't miss this Opportunity or you will find such items as Dining Tables. Chaijrs and Buffets, Couches, Dressers, Metal Beds complete. Rock rs. Library j Table, Center Stand, Ma- ogany parlor 'sets, Wood - and Coal itange. Gas Itange. etc., etc. V Drop In at any time and took around tnd you' are sure to find something to tterest you.! ... . . v .: E. O. FORD, Auctioneer. . PRESIDENT i C -"i rPT' f - - ; - " i - : wrr rtvrTX y , (K"iV'' : X'.t 'I1?, HT': v TH rvrvVAv. r"? This picture shows Mrs. WilHam Cumraing Ston president general pages who were, one of tjhe most picturesque i features of the like the delegates, come from every part of the country. Ing inquiry among the physlciansj as to the number of drltg users applying for treatment since the Harrison anti narcotic law "became effective llarch ! Investigation discloses that there are not more than 25 undergoing treat ment in the entire city yet It is esti mated that there are more than 10$0 habitual "users here and. again jthe question arises:. u . Where are they getting it? j There has not been a single peijson apply at the good Samaritan hospital for treatment since the law becime effective, i Not one has appearedi at the St. Yincenfs hospital. The County hospital does not handle these cases and has had no. applications while no drug 'Users are beings treated at .the city's emergency hospital. Ftw Case Reported. The private sanitariums handling the drug cases have not more than a dozen users under treatment. Phy sicians .say that theyave few cases in their care, yet that they are sure that the drugs are being supplied; to the addicts and fiends. i City Physician, Frederick Zieler who has handled hundreds of cases of drug users says that there are a? great number of persons in Portland who have the d?ug habit and that he is positive they are getting the drugs at the present time. It would be expected that many of thejn would apply to him for treat ment eijher at his office or at! the emergency hospital since the Harrison law is aimed to prevent them from getting it. but Pr. Ziegler says that ne is treating none u had not more than a dozen inquiries since March 1. . "There are hundreds of peopld in Portland, who are addicted to the j use AUCTIONS Wilson's Auction House 166-168 FIRST ST., NEAR MORRISON Regular Sales Days MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY Each Day at 10 A. M. For MONDAY'S SALE, three piece Mahoganv Parlor Suite, Mahogany Center Tables, Rockers of all descrip tions Arm Chairs, several good Li brary Tables, Ladies" Desks, Round and Square Pedestal Kxtension Tables, Dining Chairs, Dinner Set In white land gold, odd Crockery and glasswarjs, BUBKDROOM ' FURNISHINGS, includ ing good Iron Beds, complete with Springs and Mattresses, Pillows, etc.. Dressers of various designs. Chiffon iers, Steel Ranse, Cook Stove, Gas Ranges, and other effects. -.l-. Also MOTORCYCLES and GENTS BICYCLE. ; j Wednesday and Friday Will find our Salesroom full j of good medium grade Furnishings.! Goods Sold at Private Sale We can furnish you with almost anything voir need in FURNITURE, also ROOM SIZE RUGS, MAJESTIC, M ON ARCH, and other S T E E L RANGES. Rellable.V Vulcan and other makes of GAS RANGES. " Come in and see what we have, j Wilson's Bankrupt Stock Store 173 Second, cor. Yamhill St, Just Added Another Big Stock of Groceries r To our line. We are better prepared than ever to SAVE YOU MONEY ( on GROCERIES. HARDWARE, CUT LERY, SHOES and other Merchan dise. ' Don't buy until you get our prices. Also a large assortment of Store Fixtures If In need of anything in this Wne we would be glad. to show you what we have, as it is impossible to item ixe our large stock. - , J. , T. WILSON, Proprietor, SPECIAL AUCTION SALE On Thursday Next at 2 p. m. at Our Salesrooms, 166 168 First Street-j-Ladies' Suits, Coats, Waists,' Dry Goods, Notions,Groceries, Etc.. Etc. I Don't fail to attend this sale, BARGAINS for EVERYBODY, .j J.T. WILSON, Auctioneer, I Cash paid for Furniture, Bedding, Dishes, etc., also Stocks of Merchan AuctionSales , AT . ' dise. j i oiain l-6. : , GENERAL OF THE D. A. R. AND of the drug,' he said yesterday, "some place this number as high as 1Q00, others higher and; a few lower. It Is easy " to tell that a. person is a drug user particularly j after he has been using it for several years. Others are able to conceal it and in several cases keep -it a secret from their families. . - "While my work has brought me in touch with the lower type of dvug user the, typical ; fienti the practice by no means ends there. There are prominent business men In. this city you would never suspect, who "have the habit. There are a few doctors that have used drugs and a few nurses that are using it. Doctors Hake Same Answer. ".Doctors whom I know tell, me that they are not treating ases, they are not treating the slaves at the hos pitals, yet these users are not cured so the only conclusion is that they are still getting the drugs. "Where they are getting it is a question., ' The dope is either being sold to them by the rug stores or unscrupulous . doctors, ior It is being smuggled in here tor them from out side sources." : . How the drug slaves are getting the dope is as much of a mystery to the doctors handling the sanitariums' as it Is to the city physician. Dr. W. T. Williamson' of the Moun tain View sanitarium, says that he is surprised at the few number of cases that have, come under his observa tion since the law "became effective. ."I was surprised," said Dr. William Son," that there are '-not more cases tn th I thought that the Harrison law would cut off the supply of many users but apparently It has not I have had only four inquiries concerning treatment since March 1, and only two of these have come back for treatment. Handles One Case. Dr. Tl N. Freer of (Neal Institute, ays there has been only one case han dled by his insitution since the law went into effect, while Dr. J, H. Hunt' of the White Cross sanitarium has had several inquiries but few have applied for treatment. -, Dr. R. L. Gillespie, who formerly treated patients in attempt to cure them of the! drug! habit, but who has now given up this kind of work, says that applications for treatment are few and far between. He tells of a very pathetic case of a Clackamas county couple who " had been drug users for several years. 'This couple sought a treatment for the habit." he said, "both of them had been using drugs, of one kind or an other to treat their illness until final ly they .acquired the habit. Both are in frightful condition. They inquired concerning the treatment . but never showed up since.'; Here is a story which may throw some light on how the drug is being secured. It was brought to light In the investigation of the last few days. A well known "dope" user was seen to meet a man near a certain drug store in the down town section each day or two. He was watched By the federal officers and finally taken into AUCTIONS Residence Auction Monday, 10 A. M. 971 Albina Ave., Corner Skidmore take Mississippi car to Skidmore, one block east. , I have instructions from Mr. Bell to sell the contents of their home, beau tiful bungalow, furnished with good Axminster and Brussels rugs, quarter ed oak library tables, with rockers In genuine Spanish leather to match. ' Hall Six foot mission grandfather's clock, telephone stand with stool to match, hall rack, pretty rugs. , pictures and bric-a-brac. i Dining Room ; Round pedestal, quartered oak table, chairs to match; also magnificent buf fet, electric lamp, books pictures, lace curtains, English breakfast , table, etc! : Kitcherl Refrigerator, range with coils, lino leum, modern kitchen chairs; cooking utensils, etc. ,',. j Two Bedrooms Brass bed with best springs, all Iron and best mattresses, like new. Also 1 Vemis Martin bed. 1 white enamel bungalow bed. with 20 year gau ran teed springs, pillows, bedding, etc.. This is a nice., clean lot and will be sold to highest bidders. i : By jpiece. Call early and : go over these I things carefully j and you will surely find a, nice clean lot at your own price. i . . . S. H. BARGER, Auctioneer We Will Sell Private Sale at 231 I Alder St and 132 2nd AH kinds of dishes, cooking utensils, etc.. etc. We have the lamest 15c sellers in Oregon, to-wit: 12 quart pails, 15c; largest granite sauce pans, 15c; percolator i tops, 5c; Queen fly swatters, 8c; -King fly swatters. 8c; $45 'steel range (new), $30; gas ranges, $3 up; heaters (airtight). SOI.. . Come in and see them. . 1 : . . or tne u. a. k ano auout au oi me wue gownea young womeu congress recently held In Washington, D. C. These young women, I ' " custody. He told them that the drugs used had been purchased" at the drug store. i Morphine Zs Removed. The 'federal officers interviewed the druggist and on investigation found that a large amount of morphine had ben removed from the store which did not Show on the registration blanks druggists are required to keep under the. new law. . ' The druggist immediately dis claimed knowledge of sale of mor phine, saying that some mistake had been made. He instituted search and finally discovered that a nurse who was drug addicted had been in the habit : of waiting in this drug store every day or so. She was known to the proprietor and was allowed to make herself at home in the store. It was found that she had stolen the drugs and used them on herself. 'The federal of fleers were not con vinced, however, and the investigation proceeded. Finally it was learned that a: doctor from a small town near Portland came ;to Portland nearly every day and as "this drug store was near the depot stopped In and left his packages there. He would meet the lrug user, usually,' just around the corner from the store. This doctor was summoned and it was found thai he had purchased the drugs from a local wholesale firm Instead of from this drug store, and brought It to Portland to sell to this drug fiend. It is said -that this drug fiend . in turn "peddled" it to his friends. According to those who have studied the law there is no way to prevent doctors from 'personally giving "dope" to those they chose but the selling of it to users is a new' wrinkle for the federal officers. As result of the investigation it was learned tha.t there are really two classes of drugi users, those of the middle and .higher class who use the drug secretly arid those bf the lower class who are well known! to one an other and practice the use of the dru almost openly. Those of the bet ter class are known as addicts and those of the lower class "fiends." It is said that those of the better class who have money are experienc ing no difficulty in getting "dope" while it is understood that , many of the typical fiends, knowing: that the law, would go into effect laid in a large supply. " How to get a iine on those using the drugs and unknown to the polico and the federal officers is a mystery and. may only be solved by some of the doctors who are said to be disposing of it without making a record as the law requires. $20 FOR TRACE OF SON The sum of $20 is awaiting eome tne. The money will be paid to the person who will send to the broken hearted mother of Raymond: Martin Dohman information as to his where abouts. Dohmaix. was last heard from by letter from Alequa, Wash. He is about. 35 years old and in 1904 joined the navy, which he is thought to have deserted later. Cpunty Clerk John R. Huberty of Jackson, Amador county, Cal., sent a letter to County Clerk Cof fey regarding thematter. and all com munications regarding Dohman should be addressed to Huberty. AUCTIONS ,' ESTABLISHED 1832. On Tuesday Next WE SELL THE TURKISH RUGS. OIL PAINTINGS AND COSTLT FURNI TURE, j ETC., FROM PRIVATE IIOMES.I comprising four Turkish Eugs, several Oil Paintings Daven ports, -Leather Upholstered. Rockers, Oak Library Tables, Parlor Desks, Genuine Wilton and Axminster Rugs, Parlor Furniture, Mirrors, Cabinet Do mestic Sewing Machine,' Library. Rock fcrs and Chairs. Brass and Vernis Mar tin Beds. Best Steel Springs, Silk Floss" sand ' De Luxe Felt Mattresses. Pillows. Bedding, rMahogany and Oak Dressers, Fumed i'Oak Dining Room Suite, viz. -54 Inch top Pedestal Table. Large Buffet and set of Leather Set Chairs, Small i Rugs, Portieres, Gas Ranges, Kitchen Cabinets, Utensils and many other useful lots- ;i. i Auctioneers' Note t I Kindly Call tomorrow and inspect, the above goods. You will find, them well worthy of your most careful ' atten tion. -. ; AUCTION ON TUESDAY NEXT AT i.i;, !.'; o a. xi. :. 1 On Thursday Next We sell the - furniture, , etd, of It rooms to satisfy mortgage on same. SALE ON THURSDAY NEXT AT iO j- , v .-'- A. M. - fr . - 1 5 On Friday Next !' STORAGE SALE" At the C. M. Olson Warehouse 24S Pine St.. hear Sd St. We shall . sell Fvrniture. Trunks, etc., for storage and other liens. "M "A-r ' ' 'f ' ON - SALE FRIDA Y . NEXT AT 10 . j ,. i A. M. . -: iW. C. BAKER and W. H.' DEUN. I-urniture" Dealers anl A ctioneers, I . 166-168 Tark Street. Both Phones, i i ' HER PAGES Photograph by Harris aud Ewing. SAYS INTERNATIONAL LAW BACKS BRITAIN'S KIND OF A BLOCKADE Prof, Charles Sarolea, Bel gian Consul at Edinburgh, Discusses European -.War.; Chicago, May 1. England's naval t blockade of Germany's coast and sea ports is sufficient to meet all the de mands of international law; this 'is evi- denced by the cry sent up by the Teu - tonic empire that neutral nations may' trade with Great Britain's allies, but nothing can get through to Germany, according to Professor Charles Sarolea, Belgian consul at Edinburgh, Scotland. International law based on naval conditions existing at the end of the Napoleonic wars wooden frigates and cannon that wouldn't shoot as far as an ordinary rifle of today must be rewritten after the present European conflict, he asserted. consular duties, is e'ditor of Evervman. head of the French department of the University of Edinburgh, and is now touring the United- States and Canada' as tne ofncial representative of King Albert and the Belgian nation to bring before the world ".'the tragedy of Belgium." . . j Holland in Spot of Peril. "Holland occupies la dangerous posi tion," said Prof essor Sarolea. "The Dutch are neutral and'the government wants to maintain impartial neutral- j lty. but Germany has profited by thif and shiploads of foodstuffs and other J materials that were consigned to I Dutch merchants have filtered through! to tne uermans. j j "Submarines have revolutionized naval warfare and will also revolution ize international law. What is known as international law i today was agreed to by the nations in 'times when there were no dreadnaughts, when there were no tremendous ; rifled cannon fir ing a shot weighing a. ton or more for 10 or 15 miles, when there was no! wireless telegraphy, when there were no submarines, Zeppelins or aero-1 planes. These have created newcondi- j tions not contemplated in international I law, and the nations at war now must change their tactics to meet existing conditions, and not stand fast to old regulations. German rieet Bottled Up. "The British 'fleet has the German fleet bottled; practically no commer cial vessels get through the blockade except those permitted by the British to paBS. But this blockade is not such as was originally contemplated in in- j ternational law. It is not a row of! battleships in a line standing off thei. German coast. 1 That would mearu.de-! struction for the entire fleet, for an' efficient little fleet of submarines can' d6 a lot of damage. i 'n'he big 'British leviathans of the' sea keep on the move, giving the sub- j marines all the trouble they can, but with wireless, long range guns, - sea aeroplanes,, highly developed search lights, etc., the blockade is as ef fee-. tire, as' if the ships were anchored in a' solid line. ! , Calls Zeppelins a Failure. j "Zeppeftn airships have, from a mill-1 tary view point, been a complete fail- j ure, but for their moral effect they; are useful. I was present at two Zep-i pelin attacks upon Antwerp; the first was probably the worst of any such ' attack yet delivered 'by these big air-! ships, but the actual effect .was negll-: Bible. But as a part of the policy 9t terrorism by the Germans they irei most efficacious. i "Germany's war policy has been one : of terrorism. The reign of terror In, Belgium i for , fhree months after the ', war "started until the advance into. France was definitely repulsed was' frightful. jThe sudden and unexpected resistance of the Belgians to the Ger-' man army, while the leaders were! goaded with urgent i commands from! the war lords at grand headquarters,' tfme table of operations In crowing Belgium, roused the German soldiers aou auowwia-uit.... w .. rThe Belgian people were terror stricken, and then it ai that the let- r-iliLe, fxcpsspn were foram tted." haH bwn t ... f 7 ,r,fur -flWoS t six weeks, and lias fa-irk' Tts-lI- Iltirva r1 Professor Sarolea United States abou ...l in KTa, Vnrlr Valo ManroFfl and through Canada". He gladly an-1 swers any ratr questions inai pro Germans in , his audience may 'ask. BANK CASHIEU ; " SENTENCED Hacon Rostad Pleads Guilty tor Three Forgery . Charge. Hacon Rostad, former cashier of the Multnomah State bank, of Lents, was sentenced to an indeterminate term of 2 to 20 years in the penitentiary af ter . he had pleaded guilty to three charges of forgery yesterday.: lie will be taken to Halem Monday to begin serving hla sentence. Rostad Is alleged to have Becured approximately $32,000 from the bank by forging notes, turning them In to the bank and taking cash from the i tHUIA ' . A u " - - I-- - 'admitted were of notes totaling $5000. , Jle was : sentenced by Circuit Judge Gatens "to. the same imprisonment on each charge, but as the sentences run concurrently he will in reality have but one term to serve. . . , ( V. i Divorce Not Only Trouble. Kdwar J A. Ivey has many ' troubles. Yesterday his; wife sued him for di vorce, alleging- cruelty, and the same attorney that filed the ; proceedings filed a suit brought by Mollis C. Sten ne. i The secorid suit is for $450 on the 'allegation that Ivey disposed of a mortgage belonging ', to her . and pocketed the proceeds. Samla: F. Rieve -sued John P. Rieve fpr divorce alleging desertion. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE i & , . Saturday in the Circuit Court ; ' I ' i Vew Suits. . VMirtor Land Co. va. . A.. Arata et al; to quiet title. . ietrr i.and Co. vs. Ira J." Keffer et al; to Margaret Itpjt t. Edward A. Irey: dirorce. Mjlr C. Stenmt vs. .Edward A. Irey; to reniTr money. Haniia Fram.8 lilpre t. Jobn lerry Rieve; divToe. ' i iar.v O'Uirji it. Norman D. Boot et al; foreclosure. ( tjrde Koootz et at vs. Frank Van Atta; to : collect note. '- ' i l.i Wi Smith- ts. Henry Albera et.al; to I cxllect money.. Vudrments. EJ W. Rtuir T. H. Brown pt al: fore- eloHd, Farmers; State bank T. J. P. Magi an Is; dlamiaaed. Joho A. Rohwer . A. A. Loeb et al; Ju1gmPBt for plaintiff. . Blanehe Sheet t.. ("red Nelson et al; order confirming- sale. J-'tonem A. Corma"k v. A. J, . Cortnaij? t a; Judgment for plaintiff. Ej Carls T. i. E. Karr et al; forecked. NEW TODAY Cosy Dainty Homelike WITH ETXBT COMPOST AHS CONVENIENCE S2200 ; S2200 8220O f Just little down. 823 pr month. Including; interest a xindiome New 5 Boom Bungalows 3a and 330 E. 49th 8t near E. Mill J,u artis'.ic bungalow " construction. Oak f loot v fireDlace. built-in buffet and bookcases, beautiful wall decoratiopsc Bwell lighting fixtures and window shades, fancy beaming and paneling. Dutch kitchen has cooler. Ironing board, woodlift, canopy for gas stove. Attic, basement, laundry trays, ton- . rrt -norch. Houses ooen 1:30, to 5 D. : m. j today. Hawthhorne car or Jitney to 50th st., walk south. Portland Realty & Trust Co. ! 21 HX- Ex9- bldK- (Qwnerl. Main 2129 Will take you out during week. SNAl?S EAST SIDE BUSINESS Double Comer Will iams A v. and Russell St. I $37,500 L14TH AND MILL STS. 40x100 $5000 CORBETT ST., CLOSE IN Six Rooms, Modern 1v ; $2250 1ST AND BANCROFT STS; Six Rooms, Large Lot $3250 MONTAVILLA 80x125, East 76th St. $1000 MONTAVILLA 40x125, Corner, East 76th St. $650 1ASY TERMS GEO. G. M AIR 325 Railway- Exchange i Marshall 2574 INVESTORS! as FUOE HAS HO EQTXAI. XX FOKTXAITO. It is a creait 10 anyuuay who owns itv Circumstances compel its sale; Never any vacancies; Ions waning list. Splendid returns-on your-in-vesfment. ; No incumbrance of -any kind. J-' '...-- I Do You Want It? SEE ME QUICK, WM. G. SECKENDORF 315-16 Stock Exchange Bid j. a LIFE-TIME GUARANTEED INCOME Since this Is the time to buy. It will w " " "T Modern i fireproof building on a close i-i. waiat aide c r. The net Income - iTot 2'A" nor . nor 8'e. but.lt is Portland investment and as sure. . . IfJ you want "Safety PIrt".bring In I B "L , .... ome 'cash, assilme a mortgage at 4 for a iongf tlme a d get a deed. Cost over r $305j0o; will, take less. H . 1 DORR E. KEASEY & CO. Sad Floor Chamber of Commerce. West Side Bungalow 7' i-oorrts, sleeping porch, full cement basement," furnace, double constructed, plate glass windows, hardwood floors, buffet. Dutch ' kitchen, shades, fix tures, extra large lot. All? improve ments paid; cost me $4700; will sacri eo t a Hair. 3'JJ 'Railway Exchange, Marshall 257. fice 37ho; 3 ca rs, i ) minutes out. 1 c I - f . I , : t I NEW TODAY MORTGAGE LOANS; on ' improved " city and farm i prop erty at current rate. Attractive re payment privileges. I-oans quickly closed. Mortgages bought. Callj today. nOL . Z.ABOB MANS o i D BU8ZVE8S Momins v'f A. H. BIRRELL CO. 817-319 Hortnwestem Bank Building. MarahaU 4114. A-4118. MORTGAGE I LOANS Made on City and Kearty Pim Prop erty Xstarsst 7 and 8 Far Cant. No Overcharges. No red tape. Straight loans on StraignT propositions. . OBXOOIT IHT, UOKTO. CO Stock Exchange Building, Third and: Ttmoiu Btreets. WANT AD RATES ! r In effect October i, mi. I ALL FKEVIOUS KATES CANCELLED , CUAUUBU Al VL HTISKMik j T , Dally -jc Sunday j eeptlog "Kur Oent la Private Kamll 'Koota and Board to frivata ramlly." ''Situation Wanted" and -"Wanted, to-Uvnt" a da, which are 1)4 ecuta oer worj xr tuertloo.i I No ad cbarged for .eaa tban 19 -ceoti. CASH ADVUBTXSEIIENT - I JH'Ccoia per word for aM ctaaltieat!nna. ezecpting "For Uent in frivata Kamllr." Boom and Board in Private t'ainlly." "Situa tkm Wanted," and 'Va4-'l to Rent" ad. wblcb are lVi centa p- Vvi'd. Cauaecotlva lusertlur: of ca-b jrt aila: I S insertions f r tna prley.of 3L - ' . t lurt kim 1jt thm prio nt 5. . I MEETING 'NOTICES 41 M W. A. Kom City Camp, M; W. A.J meets every Monday evening, Selltng-Hlrscti hall. 3S6Vi Morrison .- st. Visitors cordially welcome. De gree work every uieetlnt. HOI, KK.IIAMlALll. .".- Consul. F. J. DARLINGTON. ' ,', . Clerk. 213 Abington bldg. EUREKA COUNCIL, 2M. K. and L. of Security, will, give their regular home meeting Monday evening. May 3. t the East Side Woodmen of the World hall, E. 6th and K Alder. All mem- lir r, rpnupRtftd to bo present. Refreshments and dancing. nc t. niHVKON. Me?retarv. KIRKPATRICK Council 2227. Knights and Ladles of Security Grand open ing, picnic. Crystal Lake park, MilwaU kl Sunday. May 9. Big progrsm coh tests. races, baseball, Kirkpatrlck fc'tajs vs. Maccabees. Royal Purple (ladle) vs Portland. Dancing afternoon and evening. Best Union nitisic (6 -pieces).-Admission grounds 109 Children un der 10 years free. Come for goad time, THE annual meetluK of the Columbian Cemetery association will be held t Greene's hall. Woodlawn. Monday aft ernoon. May 3. 1916, at 2 p. ni. '.Ib question of supplying city water will be acted upon. One director will be elected and other business will be at tended to that may come up. I j , H J. FliKUKKWB l WW, l.iem, FOR 'x- LA N D 'STAR HUMiSSTiCALl fiU. 4Z, B. A. Y. meets .every Thursday 'evening' in the Woodmen Hall, 12 11th street. Visitors' welcome. FRANC E8 FtlY, H 40A SIMPSON! ST. Phone Woodlawn 94. Correspondent. jftor yu PORTLAND Council No. 2. jModern foresters, will give ooo party Tues day '.evening. May 4,-in hall 400 Alis ky bldg. 24 hands. Uood prises.. Ad mission 15c. , -. J ROYAL CIRCLB will have two games of 500, Wednesday, May 6. at W. O. W. Temple, 128 11th st. , First game, 8:20; 6 beautiful prizes. Admission 2Sc ORPHIA Temple IS. iJythian ifc'lsters, meets on Thursday evenings fof each week in K. of P. hall, 11th and Alder. Helen M. Lamar. M. or K. ' w. ZJitar Statistics marriagcs.Birtbs. DtatbsL MARRIAGE LICENSES TlHxmaa S. Willi?". lliUatKiro, Or., legal, and LouUa M. Ulnlr, 1251 East Main at.,MoKal. fharloa 1a- Hoy Biutbee, Ht. Juhiic legtl, and Marie M. Kreeger, St. Johna, leaali J Ferdinand John Mankowaky, Tacomff waiih.. lpjrl. and Anna Cbriaccnaeu, C'eulnil llolt-l, laal - " i f lan G. Millar1. Amity, Or., legal, aud Ellc-n Hamnilte, 701 2Ut at., legal. .1 I Aiei canton, i iois z.;a ai, u,Ml. Ualcvr Almlra nuia.'2'.l. .Is. A. t jowera, tvi "i- aim ;Onfe U. Intnam. l'Jr1 victor R. lie :i' 3rrri, Or., leBultand Mai ;M. Low-lafe, Ureliu'. -.- Emll f-laou, , I fcllcn Krl-ten. 72 X. Hull at:, , ft. and Clxt at.. icKt. A; n QnhUUJhOn Wedding and 11 I VJl Ol til III VX. WUI Visiting . cards. Third flooTf Morga 4 bldg.- j .f PKESS uutt tor rent, .all slseav uitiMS Tailortn Co.. S09 Htark St. lilRTTIS I.ABEKTA To Mr. and ; Wr. Am Laberta, Nil Kirat t.. April 24, a aou. ! i CRABB To " Mr. anil Mrs. : Kurle B. Crabb, Kairrlew, Ot., April '. a aon. ; - i SKINNER To Mr. and Mr. Kolloi Is. hkln- ner, 0UO Kait 47th at. N., April 17i a dauKh ter -(.' FIBKBACGH To Mr. and Mro. I.e D. llte- bHn?h. 'M E. 52d at.. Ai.rll 17, a Jun ZKDN'ICK T Mr. and Stra. John Zfdnlok, 2 K. 70h r., April 24. a uatuchtiT. i KElTUIt-To ilr, and Mra. UxlpU P. Rector, M4 K. 4X1 h ).. Apr)! 21 . a daiiahter. DEATHS AN FUNERALS 7." JKAXXKT May 1, at ! the ramlly -irtjuidcnii, 42 KUnt tret, H-nry 1-rank J-aniel, (t-d 50 yearn. : beloved bmibuud of lhlllraK Jenn net, father ot Mra. Ida .Campbell, Kuil, fc;a I, aud l-'ri'd . Jeanl. funeral cervlre will be conillM'ted loda. Hndajr). May 2. at a p n., from the Pott land- Cretnatorlnm, under ibe auspifea of tho Modern ; Wtwduia or Catnp No. 54Cl. Hfceaaedwaa alao I a member of '. O. K. Aerie No. 24!i Krieuda litrltad. Keiuaina at 1'earaon a I B(lrUklu pnrlora nntU t:.(0 y. m iivvrii HMKN In IhU) city. May 1. i Mra. I,. C. Henrlcbii, ed 7 year. reatdeiKe 779 N'orfbrop tr-Vt. Kin"fal notice later. ! OTiTTiEKTOX l.liiys Clattwton, W K. 37th ...prll -2. "21 yeara. tnlrealoli. I i CATHCAKT aih 1J. Cathca'rt, GmoiI Samar itan, April 20: 3 year, inanition. t M'L'IRK William ;i-iulre, ' Natluuat hotel, April 20. 40 xearn, ulceration-rmlix-MriHtla. j OtiUKN--Kran-e M. 0den, 2:1 W.j Hnnilx.ldt "at.. April . 20,. . W jcara. aepliq lofccti'tu S"hJNjlI Nettie, I). McDonald. 4119 E. 44 . ave. April 20, Ki. yeam, tuntor o( brain, MAN Maurice Maun. 1201 Mllwaukie atV, "April 27, 77 yean-, senile debility. UALLIJfAS John Ilrtllliiaii, Ha 2Ud at.; , April MA til IN & FORBlta CO., florists, 347 Wash. Main 26V. A-1269. Flowers for . .i ., it . , SIl occasions aroaucauy anaagao CLARKE BROS7 florists, .fine flower ana riorai oeeisua. mrriwn av. -T iUtf't lTtAofAr . flhTVHSirkrJ As m. flowrAi(l Wash. Main 377 1. FUNERAL. DIRECTORS A. .R. Zeller Co blast 1088, C-1088. Lady attendant Dsy and night servics;" ; Walter C. Kenworthy 1632-1634 E. Hth. SeTlwood TI-. B-1122, A. D. KENWORTHY 4t CO. Call; . wtfmn.1w a rt ssw sir aH In all Tits ft M Af City, i. M. yJ- f . oiag ijtnn, unnr i , Uomilinn K-"" otn mai Gllsan, Fu nalillllUII nersl services. Tabor 43 U R. T. Byrne Williams and - Knott Kant 1118. C-14. DC" A RQHM Undertakers. Eati 1U8, i 869-371 Russell st. CI CVACQ Undertaking Co. Mait. 4162, OrxpVf CO A-2821. Cor. td and Clsy FRIPQnMKKllDENCB UND. PL3. CIllUOUIM. 133. A-2236 446 Mori P. Is. LURCH, leading east aids uiwti taker. E. llCh A Clay. B-1888.L, 78L FUNEIlAIi mitECTons (Oontlnn(T) ' tablltUinc-nt, wlth private) driveway. J. P. FIN LEV & SON. . ' Montgomery at Fifth. MR. EDWARD HOLai. Vj the. leading i funeral director. 220 Id st., corner Ealraon. Lady aasistaat. Phones A- lftii. Mam out. . Dunning & McEnteeode'rn0 every detalL Broadway and Pins sta. Main 430. A-4668. L')y awBlatant. F. S. Dunning, : Inc. East Sids Funeral Directors, Aliler t. f'-ost P2. Fl -2M5. F.a CtlSmbGrS COi adl,Keoy'UWood' lawn -JUOft. C-1133. Lady mbalmer.-' MONUMENTS Schanen-Blair Co, MARBLE AND GRANITE - WORKS. Larsest stock of t lna ' marbls and ranite Lu" Portland, lieuuttful granits ..orn. our Oregon 'quarrii 287 liaw thorne ave. East 666, "- - IE BlAeSINiG ganiTE Col Zfcr-JWO ST COP. MADISON PcH l'L.Ai U AtAitiJLj VVKa., 2b4-itBt 4th st,. opp. city hall. M. 864, A-16U. I FOR SALE -HOUSIOS til aaMSSjaSaaaiia- SSSaaWSjaaS-wsii I BUNGALOW SACRIFICE, f HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. . $3700, 6 room, completely furnished, lafge attic, full basement, flreplat-e, Dotch kitchen, bulld-lrt buffet, book cases, etc.; unusual snap; mist $3oo, uiM"urnlshed; 'asy terms. Phone morn ingV Main 4163. j OE-HALl" ACRIC 4- Fruit, berries. Igarden, chicken riins. burn. Jersey cow, big 4' room bungalow, close in. $1600; must have part cash, balance terms; , get 'terms. ?U5 Northwestern Bank bl1g. ' ."'.' WILLAMETTB HEIGHTS HOME. "1083 Vaughn, 7 rooms, beautifully fin. Ish. Hardwood floors and old ivory. Must go; take a look and make offer. Owner, East 8220, mornings or even ings, i get oim Free "homb" booklet. Tells how we can build ."guaruntid" homo on your lot or ours. Have you big money. You ray; like rent. i'HK OREGON. HOME BU1LDERB, 1 1830 Northwestern Bank bldg. SACRIFICE 6 room modern hun'ga low, bath, elec. fix;, window seats, white enemeled Dutch kitchen, woodlift, cooler, basement, large corner lot, fruit and shade trees, runei. 61176, term. Mt. f?cott disti lct. Owner, Tabor 60:'. MODERN 6 room bungalow. ftrtrPlace. phone, electric lights, laundry tutiM, modern plumbing, nice rowei, mwn, corner lot,' east frontj 11800, including all lmDrovements. win sen unjoining lot, also. 1327 Delaware. Terniij LEAVING city; will sucrilico my 4 room plastered house, cellar, clilc-k'-n yards and Bnea, vegetaoins, garuen in, somev berries and flowers; furnished; for $750, 350 will handle. X-21D, Journal. 1 i ? I MAKE OFJ'KR, 5 roOm bungalow, Ar., near Jeffer soi, high, nice lawn, t roses, etc.- Going away; will sell furnished if desired. 1024 Horthwlek. ' j I PAID $1250 cash wn modern bunga low. 8 rooms. Hawthorne; I have $600 worth of furniture. Give mo yur check ror isoo audi take: an. Main fcOHS; owner. ; i j- SUNN VtSlDE. B room house, weti of 34th on Main St. bathroom and uriia ,- $'"j0O. J down, $ 2a per monthi Geo. T. Moore t'oj, 618 Abington hHg. . A' NEW, modern bungalow, on 07lli M. "and 33d ave. 6 rooms, all conven iences of an up-to-date- home. 1-J00J; terms'. Owner, 6720) S3d ave.; Haw thorne ave. car. 3 LOTH and 3 room "liouss In li viiiu -ton Park, 2 .blocks) from cur; good garden. C. W, Cooper, R. &, MherwooU, Ori, or H. W.' Grimshaw. . 1249 E. 31t north. - - ' . $700 EQUITY for $4&j0 b room modem liouHe in W ootlaloick. lb minute' walk from Reed c-oIIoko. 1 Mock from W-W car; 'good terms . on balance of $1100. Kev at 6J2 2 4tli nt. MODERN 7 room bungalow, Jut fin ished, iiont! better;! prlco will ur. prise you; lot fiOxlUO, neur Htewuit stailion, Mt. Scott arillne; easy term. Phone C. W. Wells, ft'iibor .QUO. RARGA1N, . for home or invenlineiit, 'small bungalow, nicely locuted; wilt pay 12 per cent rental value us. in vest ment. Y-31H, JournHil.- TT JiAWTHORNlO AVE. , "" 31 room moilern buncaJow. Just com pleted, 340 E. 41st -int. Tabor 40&4. No agents 125; PIOR MONTH buys my new. inou- ern bungalow, wltli bath, fireplace, alii built In features. Choice dlatrlct near car, Call Marwiisll 3filfl. r 60x168 AND 4 roornj plastered new bouse; lights and. water In, ntar car. $1000, $25 cash, $10 month. Phone Bellwood 1352. j " FOR SA LE-r-Heaiitifiiil new inodern U r,room bungalow dlrl c1i-hp; li or terms; will take auto on first payment, Ta ho r 1404. ! I aACRIFICED. $i.'io0, terms, most $.1&0o; Imngulow, lot 80x100; liearlnir fruit trees, near E. 21"t audi Hall, j 704 Lcwt bide. ,Min "S07l. ' V ! $2950 14UYH a well 'j built Roe City Pfrk home.. Might stake one or two cheap lots or acres as part payment. Owner, (KKMinij. $3u0 -alj or fine furniture tHk- $0i equity In full fqutpimd modern, up-to-date. loe In 6 room cottage.. Mar shall 4194, or J-S53. Jotiirnal.; 5 ROOM house for sale,1 lot 7017, $1300, $SfQ ;ah. Tiuke 'Kstauda or Gresham carl Get "off at Hell station. Inquire at tne stor;. .HUNG A LOW IN PIEDMONT. ' New, up-to-late"i . latest design, iy owner. 1197 Haight aye. Phone WooU lawn 702. ") , " AUM I: D A I ' A iTFCJ $ A RG A I N. - For hifh class, sirictly modem, 7 room home, mountainl view. t'i .f gents drive;; I'Mml'bor 802. MODERN 9 room house, billiard nl ' mjislc room, large ntieei'lng porches: none finer iu Rosnmere; $1000 will handle. Krhange. Owner, Tatior 60H2."" WILL help 5oU plan, Holly flnuncc and' build a hbme-on yoiir lot on tfanon ablei terms. E. A. Curtis, 2ft7' Oalt st. $2400 EwUITY tn west sid im-omc pcoperty, finer view, 1 for fl 2')0; la.kv parti trane. tiwntr, t-423, Jo'IidhI. $25. CAHI4, $5 month, house, lot 60x100, 3jI mm. out, it. ncott, - car, $,3o. 4 ROOMS, large lot. llnty of fruit; fine location; forced to sell, $o0; terms." Tsbor 2546. T 6 ROOM, house, corner lot, 00x100, 1328 K. Stark St.. corner 4th, Price $2000,- Phone; L-174t. j , NEW modern house, never o-cupled. 31st and Yamhill. Block B.nf)-11 car. i Tabor 8i. i FORI HALE 18x30 tent house, with fly, floor, pastboarrl wall, sink arid pantry, $a0. 1973 E. Halmon, cor. 7Stb, TVvO room tiounn and lot. 2 bhcksw:st of i Lents .Junction. $150. iith ave. mil lootlv st. J EoniTir In 8 room for sale or trade; bargain seckeir, look this up. At 4Q7 Vs. Sftth st. N.I 8 c ROOM house fbr sale cheau, Ron City Wrecking Co,. Phono East 6 ;:!. FO R fs A LE H o u h e and 2 lots. 63? f3rd svenuo. K. E. (Continnad on Kxt - Pare) ,, f S. S. 5 ! t :'!. y:': i: i i - - - . - - - ;,.-.--- t