The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 02, 1915, Page 23, Image 23

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. Barrey Oldfield at Cprona
r: and Venice Ran Over 300
.Miles Without Single Stop,
Wonderful rerformances Have Startled
Manufacturers, Baclng Man and
,. Designers.
The motor racflng season of 1915 has.
i already developed a distinct .novelty
1 the non-stop spe'd performance of 300
miles, or more. I v-.
At (Corona and at Venice". Barney
Qldfield ran the entire distance. 301
and 305 miles respectively, without
pausing for a i second in- his road
career. The Cqrona course Oldfield
- Covered "at the Aerrific average of
nearly-6 miles an- hour.
. ... The ,'Venice race was over a slower
course, . but the' non-stop feature en-
.abled Oldfield t win from Billy Carl
son who (ipent a few seconds at his
, tit, replacing a tire.
Carlson also established a non-stop,
running the 306 miles of the Point
:, Lotna Road racej near San Diego with
out .hesitating at any stare, losing
... first place by i matter - of seconds
only. . ' .
These performances have been
startling -to racing;' men and designers
. alike. They have tacitly served notice
that the time iaj not far distant when
tto driver can hope for victory unless
'his car Is able to go through the whole
'distance of its race without a tire
' change, a replenishment of supplies or
a stop for any mechanical trouble
5 whatever. ...-'.
Great Evolution Seen. .
, .'.Such a feat (would have been im
possible to the sjpeed demons of a year
"ago. Even now It is almost revolu
tionary. Tlit speed cars should be
built to any other' requisites than
mere speed -would have licen esteemed
heresy in. form r years. It must soon
become a creeds For the light, effi
cient, well balanced, non-stop cars-ask
. no odds, of any of their rivals in pure
speed, adding to their ability' to roll
. fast, a 'faculty to keep rolltng, which
la almost fatal to opponents' hopes.
With the' liL'avy racing cars of
earlier years, economy of gasoline and
.oil, was a mjnor consideration, due to
the fact that' frequent r stops were
necessary on -arcourlt of "tire trouble.
' A pause at the pits for tire changing
was thus made the occasion, for tank
. leplenishment, irithout additional loss
of time. '
Present day racing cars are so much
lighter that tirb wear Is less rapid.
So thoroughly has the. problem of" bal
ance and T lightness been worked out
that in more jhan. 8000 ' miles of
travel at high ipeeds In practiceand
" competition on Bhe coast circuit during
the , winter, buti one tire change was
" necessary at the! race track.
, Much, Time tost.
Economy in supplies which had been
incorporated Intp the racing cars have
become a tremiendous asset. A 30-
- gallon gafcollne tank would, it " was
xliacovered. , carrk- amrjle fuel for 300
mlles of 'racing.," The cars, in fact,
'.demonstrated art ability to average
'ifrom 12 to 16 miles to the gallon,
teven qt a sustained speed of nearly: 90
miles -,an hoiir.'J Lubricating oil, was
loused 1n; similarly, parsimonious wbj.
.Reserve' water Was linneepxxnrw And
,fion-stop runs began to be recorded.
h Racing meni.'roughly estimated that
-a car' loses a' mile by a full stop of
"-merely momentary duration. Each
; minute spent atj the pits ldses the ear
,vera mile more.. The race cars of
Sthe present are. virtually of equal
:'seed. For the first time,, efficiency
and economy .ate playing' a big part
,.ln determining tjhe winner. -. -
f French rGenerals Retired. -
" Parts, May 1. Twenty-nine more
'French v'generalB have been placed
ieither on the reserve or re.tjred lists
to make way f o - younger or more ac
tive men. The official journal con
tains the names of 11 generals of divi
sion and 18 generals of brigade who
liave been relieved from active service.
Italy Seized Ocean Liners.
,v Genoa, Italy? May 1. Many Ameri
, cans have beet seriously Inconven
ienced because steamers, including the
Jltallaft liner America, on board whrch
'they had engaged passage, suddenly
suspended . their : sailings for .New
York becausethey had been taken over
by the Italian government.
L LaVgest Stock in City '
Spark Plugs TOOLS U r Brake-Lining
Preeiq Tool and Supply Co.
T Sixth anA 311 Oak. Bta. -
On aim pd TIRES
VBlrjni7inrf t Cptrparfin D F Rl ODCFTF -3 Worth nth, n.r coaca
. --"'" "- -
mm j,"""""sU'""l"SH A) 'WWitWSSlsWWssSSMsWtMaasjt , ' 75 ' , " ' " " 4 z - y - vm l
s ''r2jjxxz?tyfz? zy''rz. t-hy?', -VF-' 'i-
: V
Immense Orders and Lowr-
ing or uost tnaoie rro
duction of New Car.
"Four, million dollars' worth of truck,
orders 'received in -three weeks' Uiriei
ovv men aauea 10 ine iscwry wurmm
force, a great organization of mechan-.
ics and workmen laboring 24 hours a
day in three eight hour shifts to pro
duce the Jeffery product. Is the mes
sage of prosperity brought to Portland
by H. B. Dove, district representative
of the Jeffery people, who has been a
visitor with FralvS C. Kiggs for the
past week. ' ,
"Two years ago we introduced inte
America the Jeffery, Four the first
high grade motorcar with the high
speed, four cylinder motor to sell at a
moderate price. During the past year
the company developed the Jeffery
quad the four wheel ' drive truck
which has been indorsed by the lead
ing governments of the world--and
brought out the Chesterfield Six the
first car. In America selling at $1659
to be equipped with features found
previously only in the highest priced
cars," continued Mr. love. ' i
"As a r.esulfr of the sale of large
quantities of Jeffery cars tg all part
of the world, with a consequent reduc
tlon In manufacturing costs, the com
pany has decided to place within the
reach of the people of the United
States a high grade four cylinder car
at a price never heard of before in the
industry. The four is announced at.
$1150. The pUrpose'pf this announce
ment is to give to purchasers, dealers
and friends their share of the benefit
of this prosperity that has come to-the
company. S : '
"Some manufacturers have offered
small bonuses to their owners on con
'dition that they sell a certain number
of cars. The Jeffery company, instead
of offering a bonos,' has -given a price
to the public whichrplaces an automo
bile ot . the ' ine?t (quality ; within the
reach of every man who previously, has
had to be satisfied wttrT a cheaper can
' "Our production plans for the com
ing year l.ave not yet been announced,
but during the past two years they
have rapldlyj advanced to a position in
the industry which qualifies them to
be counted among the top notchers." j
A J sea Road Heady July 2.
Forest service officials have an
nounced, that the Al sea river road, be
tween Waldport and Tidewater, will be
completed in time to insure its use by
July 1. This road, two miles in length,
is Inside the Siuslaw national forest,
.nd will complete the highway between
the Lady
When buyinc tires, watch the price.
Tough Diamond Squeegee Tread
1 ires wear longer and cost less
than others quality and service
save money,
Wear Diamonds and
and Wiggins
Oak Street. Corner Sixth
Auto Supplies, Sporting Goods,
Master Carburetors.
Pnones Main 1682, A 1683
- ' iiVkoii ssalik t70oo
mf '' " --4W
v .
Top New road and new ' bridge
fclub. Bottom Earth slide.
Waldport and Willamette valley.
Heretofore it has been necessary for
all traffic to go by boat from Tide
water to Waldport. Now 80-per cent
of the Work Is completed. It hag been
a somewhat difficult and expensive
in a motor truck means dependability, power and
economy. . Buick trucks are dependable for the rea
t. son that they are of special design, y Every part, made
after exhaustive experiment and tests, built in this
.sturdy Buick Truck was designed to stand up with the
famous ' T
Buick Valve-in-Head
which U guaranteed to have more power, more speed
and to be more economical in fuel consumption than
any other: type of motor of equal size ever built.
Capacity Three-Quarter Ton
Price, : chassis . (complete car less body, ti" 07C
seat and cushions) f.o. b. Portland . i . fj) X L I 3
Price, including Express Bcdy with wing d Q7C
boards, f. o. b. Portland . .......... tj) 1 0 $ O
! -""
Howard Automobile Co.
i . .. . MEL. G. JOHNSON, Mgr.
PhQaes Main 4555 A-2550. Fourteenth and Davis Streets
across Sandy, near automobile
piece of construction, because of -the
heavy side hill' cut, mostly through
solid rock.
- Two fraternity houses are to go UP
at Corvallis, costing 25,000.
Wonderful Advances in Past
Hew Years Has Opened.
'..-Eyes ,in All Lands.
- .The ' thought of automobiles in the
far . east Instinctively ; brings " tbs mind I
tue pitture we used to see of a small,
one-lunged affair of pain and Borrow,
surrounded by a curious group of gap
ing natives.". ' : .
But the' tedious evolutlorj of the oth
er side of the - world has been quick
ened 'considerably by tn development
of the motor car Industry and the inva
sion of foreign fields by the wideawake
manufacturers of the TTnited States.
There ore still the 'rickshaws and
plodding bullock carts and the sturdy,
stunted ponies, but he, i background
must not be confused with the action
of the picture. '' , ''-
The little brown brothers of the Phil
ippines were perhaps the first of the
Orientals to adopt in any sense- the
modernized methods of transportation.
This can bV explained by the American
occupation which carried with It an
iqflux of American ideas and Ameri
can modej of living. Just recently an
automobile race meet at Baguio, Phil
ippine islands, preceded by an endur
ance ru to that town from Manila, was
one of the big features of a gala week
in Luzon. Over the rough roads and
soggy trails between the two cities an
Overland roadster led the field, - com
pleting the long trip In rilne hours and
37 minutes with a perfect score.'-
in the events of the following day
an Overland won a zig-zag hill climb
from a large Held of American and
i ; - ,H
foreign earn, making the grade in four
seconds faster time than its nearest
competitor: The same car won the five
mil rac with ease.i V
' A unique event was the slowae,1n
which the drivers vied With eaeli other
Jn an: endeavor to show the big crowd
how slow their cars could go without
coming to a complete stop.
American automobiles have been
able to gain -attention and interest In
the: Philippines by! ingenious- demon
ctrations ; and . long, tedious toura
through the Interior, showing the'ea
paUlities of. the various cars. While a
number of the better class of Filipinos
are car owners, the younger generation
is still being painstakingly educated to
aiitnmnMU. Mint of the natives
are chauffeurs -for Americana anft for
eigners, who find them excellent mech
anicians and carefuj drivers. ,
Number fof i Autos Is.'.
Constantly Gaining
f'l.- j - j - i.-"', f 'W v
Tnoro Ar Hon - Than. Millioa and s
Half of TMiwrar Cars and Trucks
' in the "jtTnlted States. f .
At thepresent time here are about
1.500.000 f automobiles j and trucks in
the--United States, j At tbest the flgnr
is but the result lot. a consensu of
opinion' among automobile men, but It
is as nearly accurate as the cenoua
figures, j -The value of these automo
biles and, trucks; again roughly esti
mated, j Is about 12.100,000.080. In
France, which is credited with havin
the rnost superb system of roads in
the World, built at a cost of $625,000.
000. a great . International road con
gress was sanctioned by the French
government and . held at -Paris in Oc
tober, 1908. So great were the effect
of motor traffic on roads built solely
with a view to withstanding horse and
Wagon-traffic that .the purpose of the
meeting was announced to be "The
Buyers of Sixes
We 'firge you to examine all the Sixes.
This is the easiest way to sell you an Overland. '
Price considered, the Overland Six is superior at
every point. It has
better looks more graceful lines -
; I " '.'".'" ' t -.' - ' " '" - 1
the longest wheel base
the most up-to-date
gives the most flexible performance
. , ; i , . - .-..: . . ; . " '.,:.'."-,',,.
; . , - i - . ' -- - V- ' ' . ' ' ''.
rides the smoothest
-it more comfortably seats seven adults
it has high tension magneto ignition ' '
it has the finest bright French finish, long grain-
For 'these practical advantages alone you should
get an Overland Six in preference to any other. i
Order yours now .
J. W. LEAVITT & CO., Distributors
529 Washington St.
Willys-Overland Company, Toledo, Ohio
Other models $795 to
Adaptation of Roads to tne Modern
Methods of , Locomotion." -
In the United States th problem Is
yet a vital on,e only near the great
centers, of population, fori the reason
that but a small percentage of the
total mileage; of roads la Improved and
the" motor traffic is mainly confined
to small areas of country, But the
problem 1 becoming mora Important
with the constantly increasing use of
the automobile, and the government Is
viewing the subject progressively.
There is n doubt that motor traffic
rapidly is replacing horse traffic, and
the roads of the present and the fu
ture must be constructed with a view
to withstanding this particular kind
of traffic, - The governments has signi
fied Its ' approval , of ' the' ; modern
method of transportation not only by
pointing out the need for j improving
roads' so that they will i withstand
motor traffic, but by buylhg motor
trucks to carry mail and toj transport
the huge - loads . of money from the
bureau of engraving and printing to
the treasury. "Motor trucks are 'being
installed by the government aa fast as
practicable. - 5
Ford Buyers Keep
Agents on the Run
' t
The 24 assembly plants of the Ford
Motor' company, located in -24 of the
principal cities of tho country, are
pretty well- crowded these llayo ,by
prosperous . looking business men.
They tare Ford distributors and deal
era from . the surrounding territories
waiting in person, and more' or "less
patiently, for cars already sold. Some
body has called it "The .Ford bread
line." j Each, dealer appears 'with a
staff df drivers. When his allotment
of cars comes out of tho-assembly,' he
and his staff grab the car and tear
off across country, the shortest way
home and the shortest way to his im
patient Ford buyers, I -: I
45 horsepower en bloc motor
Telephones Marshall 3535, A-2444
"Made In U. S. A.
$1600. All prices f. o. b. Toledo. J'
Eighty Members Present; Or
ganization Now Comprises
95 Per'Cent of Trade. .
The Portland fUrage land nerair
Men's esKociation .held . ls first ban
quet at the Hotel Edwards last Wed
nesday night. ; Eighty members of th.
association were present;) Among the '
speakers were H. J. Banta, represent-,
ing the Automobile DeWerfc'' asHOCla- :
tion; C. H. Williams, IK' JK. 'Judge. J,
C. Gay., JJr.- Crnokham, J'. M. Rogers
and Fire Marshal Jay W. Stevens.
, 1 In reviewing the history, of the or
ganization, J. M. Rogers, the bu&ims'
manager, said that since ts Inaugura
tion last November irs meaibership had
increased from 20 to 76. t
The .association now embraces about
95 per rent of the city's jgarase own
ers and repair men. Tfce object uf
the association said Mr. ItoRers is to
regulate and mainta4n everything - in
connection with garages and repalra
that a fair living profit may be made.
The by-laws have been amended fo as
to take in all wholesale anid retail deal
ers in automobiles and accessories, and
it Is hoped to make the organization
.one of : the strongest in the state..
Following are, the of ficers: J. C. Hhk,
president; J. ll Adams, f lent vice presi
dent; G. R. Iewthwalt, second vice
president: Lelaud James, secretary;
Fred Dundee, jtreasurer.i and ,J, M.
Rogers,, business manager.
l. !