The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 02, 1915, Page 18, Image 18

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Manager Frank Dillon of the Los Angeles clab do8 not believe Jn having two many pitchers, and lie doesn't believe In too inuch youth Jn his gunning department.
mvision or ngnyana ieitnan aers. From left to right in the picture wfe have Jack Ryan, Long Tom Hughes, Big Bill Burns, Pol Perritt, Slim
'Harry Wobbfes Toward End
and Throws Fans Into Fit
. but Bracks Again,
liyl II.
'A, Crbnin.
you : think
of .our
Qeavars now? They -won another yes
terday, 5 to 3, making three Jn a row,
Hd Incidentally, McCredie la south
pawlngr the Angela to death. It as
vaas the day before and. Krausa ysr
terday. and while Harry threw the fans
lata nervous prostration, he managed
to aettle down In the pinches and last
cd out the battle. Old Jack Ryan op-
posed him, and about the only satis
faction tnat.O. Ji, got out of it was
three pretty Singles off Krause, but
the latter 1 fanned 1 him In the ninth,
when the bing was needed most.
Los Angeles started off in the lead,
when two runs crossed In the third.
Boles was a foul-out to Carlscfa. when
Ryan bobbed up with his first single,
a biff to left. Magrgert, who spent
most of the afternoon trying to knock
down the Angel coop with his bat.
walked, the only time the temperamen
tal Seraph reaehed base. Buemlller
burst Into print with a corking double
over the heeds of Lober and Speaa, ana
the bases were cleaned. Krause tight
ened and i fanned Wolter, wfco had
doubled on him ih the opening frame,
and -McMullen ardhed to Lober,
Pqrtlandv which I threatened in the
second Inning, when Lober Was out at
the plate on his double, a stolen , base
and another attempted steal, pulled the
feux d'artifice ljv the fifth.
; DTla Qets Eye Agala. ,
Bobby Davis. ho had a perfect av
erage for the day at the, bat, beat ut
a long grounder across the ke stone
to McMullen. Krause cracked one down
to Zebular Terry who lost It in his
baggy shirt, and Hal was safe! Mur
phy pulled the ancient sacrifice, mov
ing the runners along. Then Derrick
Right now he is surrounded by an almost equal mixture of May and December hurlsmithsi
Love and Lefty Scog gins. We squeeze a tear for the departed Charley Chech.
and an exact
routed ' a sizzler through the pitcher's
box. Ryan ventured to: stick put one
paw and deflected It through territory
just .va-catedfcy. "Terry. "With; - Terry
nlssing from the territory (awful, isn't
it?) naturally the hit was good Enough
to clean the bases. Davis and Krause
lost no time denting tho obloid with
their spikes. Speas singled to right
and Derrick made third, the Beaver
captain legging JLt to second on the
throw-in. -y.- :
'The foregoing situation introduces
us to Mr. Stumpf, second baseman par
excellence, who collaborated with Mr.
Terry in a fleeting skit that jwas a
scream. Stumpf laid the fir&t scene
with a : .terrific clash throughL short
that scored both uerrick and Speaa.
Stumpf took second on the ' thvow-in.
Doane sWed to Maggert and th&t gava
our heroes a chance for the second and
concluding scene. Fred Carlsch laid
a long grounder to Terry, who picked
the ball: up, but had no chance to
throw Carlsch out. Stumpf was tear
ing around third. Squinting over hla
left shoulder he saw Terry standing
still with his hands motionless by his
side. Concluding that the drive had
gone through Zebular, Stumpf never
stopped in his race for the plate. Ap
parently obliviouV to what was; going
on in Stumpf s mind, pr. astounded by
,- f I ; j f I I l A
? -i." py ' - J '
- ' tJJ' 1 A
Cbnmght BviS(UtBet&Mai
Paint-Up, Clean-Up May 4-11
. I You'll Feel Better
Have you seen Varsity
I Fifty Five? ,
Do you want the smart
; est suit going?
' ' J "" - i- -. ; - - - :' K . . .. . - S s . . 1 - :
These are rather pointed ques- K
tY tions; we. intend them to. be; we :
1 - don't want these attractive .designs ; '
of Hart Schaf frier & Marx to get i
by you. ' , ;
.: '. v. You'll thank us for being so in- f
1 sistent once you've come here. ' v-i ,
We'll ahow you the noweat checks,
.plaids and ; stripes ; you can pay l
i . $18 and up; special values at $25. .? 'vj
Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co.
The Men's Shop tor - j
Quality and Service . i 1
tNorthwest Comer
T"hird and Morrison
Tou Cai Do Better for Less on Third Street
his audacity, the co-leading man in the
sketch, stood stock still. , Suddenly he
was seen to 'move, and irnmsdiattiy the
balT. shot Into Boles' liands in tlme
tag the flying Dutchman. Onewas as
surprised as the' other at "the filay.
' : ' Stumpf Seta aT TlipW
Later on Stumpf butted ' imd; the
calcium again. Ryan bit Derrick on
the - ulna bone - and Speas sacrificed.
Stumpf caught Messrs. - Maggert and
Ellis -flatfooted and drove a lung fly
to center field. While Maggy; epecta
tored Kills chased the ball and overran
is when it dropped..; It went sfor threo
bases. , Stumpf couldn't score because
Doane and - -Carlsch 'twere flyouts.
Pa Dillon's boys" eeored a ' filf t run
in the eighth,' the Inning that et the
fans and .Monsieur McCredie ' frantic.
Ryan opened with -his -third, bit, -this
time through .short. ; Maggert fouled
to Murphy and Bueminlr drew four
nails. Harry Wolter toolr three
healthie ,and beat it for the bench.
McMullen waited out - Krause i and
walked. Ellis, a left bander, did' the
same thing, and1 Ryan waa -forced
across the plate. ..Bill Abstein, who has
made but - one hit - all week, was ; up
next. Bill, laid Is.-trusty nickory
against the pill and it went hurtling
out : toward the left field fence - put
Tiberius Lober-was the gentleman- In
waiting, and the inning was over. '
: Terry opened the ninth with, a single
to left, and . Boles was hit with a
pitched ball. AH. the While Coveieskte
was warming , rp! and iKrause thought
he saw McCredio crook his index -f ln-
ger out it was a misiaKe. juac wanted
Krause to pitch: to Ryan, a left handed
batter, with .three hits tucked away.
It Was a wise move, for Jack was no
better than- three, swings. - .Maggert
filed to Lober 4and Buemlller found
himself up in the pinch. The situation
was too tense and he also took three
wicked swings, closing the game. ;
Ship Ahoy!
Marirert.'jrf !. .
BurmiUer eb
Wolter, rf . ..
McMullini Zb
Abatein, II) :. .
Terry, m . .
Boles, c
Ryn. P ...1-
Murphy, 8b
derrick, lb
Speas, cf .
iKiane. rf ;
Cariocb, e .
ljober. It .
Daria, as, .
Kxauae, p
.... 4
.... 4
.... 4
' o
j o
' -' 8
' 4
, 1
AB. B.
4 '
4 '
H. PO.
1 1
.8 '
4 '.
. 1
27 6
A league record was probably made
yesterday,, when, Fred Derrick, first
baseman of the Beavers, had-but
three chances at first base. All were
putowts. He did not have a chance
until the sixth inning and then got
the outs on both Wolter and McMul
len. ' His other pu tout was on Boles
in the seventh. Jiggs Donahue for
Chicago Sox in lae Artie Hofman of
the Chieago Cubs in 1910 and first
Baseman McCouley of the Washington
American Association team in 1891,
are initial Sackers of faster company,,
who have gone without a single put
out in games.
Fred Carisch had a busy day behind
the bat. Besides getting the .outs on
eight strikeouts by Krause, he caught
four flies. "He also had two assists.
Fred caught three flies in the fourth
frame. . . ....
The' following .fell before - Krause's
aim: - Maggert, BuemiJler, : , Wolter
twice, 'McMullen, Ellis, Abstein and
Ryan. )
Outfielder Xlillyard arrived yester
day and was in uniform. He looked
good in the workout.' Hillyard is a
big fellow and well put up. H will
go south with the Beavers tonltfit.
: Lober has been picking up in bis
bitting of late and Manager McCredie
will have to think .twice before leav
ing Ty at home when the club de
parts tonight for three weeks' en
gagement in the south. - . .
. . 32 ! 6 J2
Los Alleles .......... O0SOOO01 0 8
- Hits 1121100"! 1 8
Port la Od ...... .... 00004010 6
; aiiia ........ o l i i 6 a i l 13
fir- ... r , n-r
8 track cmt By Byan 8 by Kraose 8. - Base
Oft blL- Off. Kysa 2 oft Kraose 4.' Two-base
hits Wolter, Lober, Bormlller,; Terry. Three-
bass Wt Statopf. Sacrifice blta Murpby,
8teas. - Steles -bases Lober. Doaoe. ; - Hit by
pitched- ball Derrick, Boles. Passed .ball
Bol. - Bans rvsponaible for Byan 4; Krause
Ellis Johnson Reappears but
Fails tp ThaW' Out and
Cack Tlnishes It Up.
8. Time of game 1:60.
WllUaats. .
Umpire Finney and
League Leaders' Hope to Win
Again;' Randall to Make '
His Debut.
i " ; Won. Lost.
Maroons 4 . 1
West Side ........ ..... 2 3
Kast Side . 2 3
Sellwood 2 3 .
A pitcher's battle Is expected In to
day's City league clash on - the Sell
wood Park grounds between the Pied
mont .Maroons -and the Sellwoodites.
"Sunny" Moeller will do the heaving
for the' league leaders and Jesse Scott
will be on the mound for Sellwood.
Manager Grayson of the Maroons
may change his team's line-up today,
by playing Henderson at second base
and either Sigsbee or Bogart at third
base. Henderson is a valuable player
and Grayson does like to .keep him
on the bench.' ' ."" .
The SellwOod team . has strength
ened lt infield ; by securing Henry
Aiken to play the initial sack. There
may be some v more changes in the
line-up of the . Sellwood team in . the
near future. -
Jack Randall will make his debut
tn the City league today as manager
of . the East Side Red men In a , game
against the West Side Monarch e on
the grounds at Kast Twelfth and
Davis ; streets. Either Moreland "or
Dillard win pitch for the Redmen and
Shea will catch.
Manager Rupert df the West Siders
will start Murphy against the Red-
men and will hold Osborne in reserve.
Bleeg will do ' the receiving. ' ; . . -
Los Angeles. Cal., Mat " N- s-
Ellis Johnson, bound around by .400
fans and a lot of weather that would
make an Eskimo shiver until bis teeth
fell out, made his first appearance here
today slnse: the last time he appeared
here. : I '- :;y - .
Ellis battled the Oaks and the' ele
ments for seven Innings, and then re
tired in favor of a pinch-hitter. Cack
Henley donned snowshoes and finished
the game, taking a 1 to 2 licking after
10 innings of baseball and weather.
Being shy: of steam heat and a fur
coat, Johnson was force to start the
game without the proper amount of
warmth in his right arm, elbow and
shoulder. : His first effort was a walk
for Marcan. Mark stole laecond. while
Mundorf f j was ' getting ready to foul
out to "Tub" Spencer, ii Ellis thawed
out long enough to fan Johnston.
Ness pickled a single Into center, while
Marean cantered homeward. At this
point it was discovered that the ball
had passed between the legs of our
famous centerflelder, Mr.i Bayless, and
was still going towards the fence with
Ness tearing- around the bases much as
Eliza must -have crossed the ice.
Before the ball could - be properly cor
railed, Ness had scored i on a single
that developed Into a borne run be
tween Bayless underpinning.
This remarkable feat by Ness gave
the Oaks a two run lead, nd this lead i
grew to tremendous t pronortl""" li
ning after toning 'in tba face ; of
Prough's remarkaole : delivery t..
snowbalL j
After sloshing around for six in
nings without any runs that could be
noticed, the Tigers gathered en masse
around prough's fast ball with consid
erable results. Hetllng ; started the
whole ithihg; wifb. a single to left.
Glelschrnann forced -him at t second.
Spencer flipped a single over first and
Glelschrnann assumed third. Then
Johnson; who was pitching strong ball
at the- time, was pulled out of the game
to allow Kane a chance to bit some
thing.' j- - ' '
Johnny swung into a weak grounder
half way between Kohn and Prough,
Both went after it, and Kuhn got Lane
at first while Glelschrnann scored and
Spencer! took second. Carlisle fol
lowed w)tb a clout to left. Spencer
steamed Howard third, and every one.
Including the eminent Oak outfielder.
Johnston; expected him to stop there.
Tub fooled the whole outfit by gallop
ing arouad third and toward home With
the velocity t a steam roiierr and
about " the '; same - speed. ; Johnston,
taken by surprise, threw badlyto the i
plate -and Tub slid home safe. .
Cacic Henley continued the air air '
with much 4uccess until the weird
tenth. " -
:,' I " v ' i . OAKLAND
Y AB. It. H. PO. A. Si
Mar ran, 2b 8 115 .10
Musdorf f , rf , 4 O 1 2 O O
Johoston, If 4 O 1 0 0 1
Ness, lb 4 1 1 12 3 0
Undsay. Sb 4 0 2 1 4 0
Kuhn, c a o i- . 2 O
MlddletOB, cf ......... 4 1 0 2 0 O
Lilscbl, as .40 1 O rt O
Pronxb. p 3 0 s0 3 0 o
Gardner 1 O O O , O O
Fruiatt, p O 0 : 0 O 0 0
Totals .83 - 8 l"s 80 14 "l
i AB. It. H. PO. A. E.
Carlisle, If 5 O 2 4 0 0
Berger, ss ............. 5 0 2 6 1
Wilhoit, rf A 0 1 0 0 0;
Bayless, cf 4 0 2 1 1 O
KlHberlt, 2b ............ 4 0 0 8 I . 0
Hetllnir, 3b 4 O 11 Ti . -01
rilelscbmann, lb 4 1 , 0 lO O O
tpencer, c 3 1 6 O
JobDSoo, p a O. O v -1 O I
tKaue i o , o o . o o
Haoley, p 0 0 0 0- 0 0
Totals ..............88 3 U 1
'Batted for Pronffb in tenth.
tBatted for Johnson tn eorcntb.
Oakland ............. S 0000O00O1 8
Hits .............. 1130101011 8
Venice , O0OO0020OO 3
UiU loaiiiBiw o iv
- STXMMAKX - ' -
Three-base hit Wliiolt. Two-base bit
Berger. - Carlisle. Hacrlflce - hit Kohn.
gtolon base Marcan. Struck ct By Joiuwoa
8; by Proufb s by Fruiett i.a ae on baits
Off Johnson 2; off P rough L Tims 1:43.
Tl I il.tli.l. mw.A U.M " .
Corvallis Team Pounds i Out
20 Singles; "U" Players;
Make Fumbles.
Molly Meloan Retrieves Con
test Thought
lop Over Fence,
Lost by Wal-
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor
vallis, Or May V (S. J. V -The Ore
gon Aggie bail tosaers hung a second
defeat on Hugo Bexdek Oregon
crew this afternoon, 20 to , The
Beaver stick artists took so generous
ly to the offerings of Oregon star
twirler, Johnny Welch, that he had
to be removed . in the fifth and
Beckett placed in the breach. -
O. A- X started out to win in the
first frame and gathered a total - of
seven runs before the erstwhile Welch
could retire a single batter. , A total
of IS runs and 11 Dingles were gar
nered off Oregon's eld dependable.
Beckett was touched up for seven
healthy swats, - including two three
baggers,' which counted' for four -runs.
Williams started In the box again
today for the locals but showed signs
of weakness in! the fifth Inning due
to his hard work yesterday, arid was
relieved by Seiberts who held the vis
itors to four blngles and one run.
Weller, Leaf and Seeley 'started for
OYA. C and M. Blgbee and Lyle Big
bee for Oregon. . Score: R. H. E.
Oregon is
O. A. a . . . . . . . . . . i . . . .20 IS t
Batteries Welch Beckett and CL
Blgbee: Williams. Seiberts and Weller.
' ' Soccer League Organlad. -
"Baltimore has organised a soccer
football : league. It .will include six
or eight, dubs. - i
- San Francisco, Cai, May I. (I. N.
S.) The Seals won from the Bees once
gain today by a rally in the seventh
inning, when they were trailing for
lornly without a solitary score In the
run column. I
The score was 4 to 3 and the Seal
side of the -count Is attributable chief
ly to Molly Meloan, with the slight as
sistance of other persons directly un
der the commanding: eye of Foreman
Wolverton. ' I
An error by Jeremiah Downs cave
Orr his base in the! first inning, and
a double by Buddy Ryan sent William
all the way around. That one run
looked a big as the tower of jewels
all the rest of the way until the sev
enth frame. . r , - -
-Fitzgerald and Leard had gone their
way In the seventh, when Biff Schaller
cracked a two-bagger to the center
field fence.! Meloan was next, and Mol
ly did his customary stunt. lie
slammed the ball above the right field
boards and came home at the heels of
Schaller, putting the count at 2 to 1 in
the Seals' favor. -
Hellmann followed this with another
two bagger, and Jerry Downs, who J.
slamming the ball often and hard these
days, poked a stinging single to left
field, sending Harry borne. The throw-,
in let Jerry go to second. Halla. strolled
out, snd Jn his stead came a youth
named Morgan. Billy Orr rushed up
on a sizzling grounder from Corhan
and let it skip between his feet. It
rolled to the outfield ;and Downs ram
bled home with the fourth run.
The Bees came back with determina
tion. Marie llanna led the eighth with
a single to center, and Eddie Kaye went
in to run for him. Eddie Hallinan, bat
ting for Morgan, singled to right field.
Shlnn followed with a drive to right
that scored Faye. The throw-In was
bad. Sepulveda being unable to get
(Continued on.fane Five )
Whitman's Co-Eds to
Stage Track Meet
Walla Walla, Wash,, May I. Whit
man co-eds will hold; their first tract
meet Wednesday, May 12, an inter
class event. The various classes have
organized teams, and the girls are bard
at work in preparation for the eVenti.
which will Include high Jump, 60 yard
hurdles, pound shot, 25 yard dash,
basketball throw, baseball throw, 100
yard dash, 60 yard dash, and quarter
mile relay. ,
Captains Of The teams are: seniors.
Myrtle Falk; Juniors. Artlmesa Corn
well; sophomores, Marion Drumhclleri
freshmen, Maysle Penrose.